#AnatQ Transcript

Healthcare social media transcript of the #AnatQ hashtag.
See #AnatQ Influencers/Analytics.

Julie Doll MS @JulieDoll2
Hello Anatomists! Let’s talk about interstitial spaces! #anatq #journalclub
Julie Doll MS @JulieDoll2
RT @JulieDoll2: New York University School of Medicine announced the discovery of a new organ that may surround every tissue in the body #anatq #journalclub
Julie Doll MS @JulieDoll2
RT @JulieDoll2: This organ is hypothesized to be a microscopic, fluid-filled shock absorber supported by collagen fibers #anatq #journalclub
Julie Doll MS @JulieDoll2
RT @JulieDoll2: In their paper researchers discuss the structure and potential clinical correlations of this newfound organ #anatq #journalclub
Julie Doll MS @JulieDoll2
Q1: What is the definition of an organ? #anatq #journalclub
Julie Doll MS @JulieDoll2
Q2: Is interstitial fluid consistent throughout the body? #anatq #journalclub
Julie Doll MS @JulieDoll2
Q3: If the interstitium were an organ, how should we classify it? Is it part of the lymphatic system? #anatq #journalclub
AskAnatomist @AskAnatomist
RT @JulieDoll2: Hello Anatomists! Let’s talk about interstitial spaces! #anatq #journalclub
AskAnatomist @AskAnatomist
How do you define an organ? #anatq https://t.co/gY1KQL0RWc
Satori @shapislimicjr
RT @JulieDoll2: Hello Anatomists! Let’s talk about interstitial spaces! #anatq #journalclub
Satori @shapislimicjr
RT @JulieDoll2: Q3: Q3: If the interstitium were an organ, how should we classify it? Is it part of the lymphatic system? #anatq #journalclub
Satori @shapislimicjr
RT @JulieDoll2: Q2: Q2: Is interstitial fluid consistent throughout the body? #anatq #journalclub
AskAnatomist @AskAnatomist
Are there changes in the interstitial fluid in different regions of the body? #anatq https://t.co/7WCEn548Xn
AskAnatomist @AskAnatomist
What system should we associate the interstitial spaces with? #anatq https://t.co/ZSU5FeWtpp
Julie Doll MS @JulieDoll2
@BrandauerJ What changes do you see? Is the interstitium free flowing or does it stay around one structure? #anatq
AskAnatomist @AskAnatomist
Hello anatomists! Anyone from #anatomy18 out there? #anatq
#AnatQ content from Twitter.