#autchat Transcript

Healthcare social media transcript of the #autchat hashtag.
See #autchat Influencers/Analytics.

#AutChat mod @autchatmod
Welcome to #AutChat, a weekly chat for autistic & similar people Sundays 1pm Pacific / 4pm Eastern / 8pm UTC/GMT! https://t.co/rRrhi8Ysri #AutChat hosts chats on topics related to our experiences as neurodivergent people. See our past topics here: https://t.co/F56bZKXGAW
#AutChat mod @autchatmod
#AutChat is a tag for autistic people & "autistic cousins" (people with similar experiences due to hydrocephalus, cerebral palsy, ADHD, etc). We welcome autistic/similar people whether formally diagnosed, self-dx'd, or questioning/wondering if they are autistic/similar.
#AutChat mod @autchatmod
We post transcripts of the weekly chats to our website, https://t.co/QrdW2e85Ey. We link to them on the #AutChat tag and on our Facebook page. Transcripts are created with Wakelet, and are visible there and on our site.
#AutChat mod @autchatmod
Other people can post, retweet, or share any of our posts or links. This includes our tweets, our Facebook posts, links to our website, and links to Wakelet. If you want your tweets excluded from future #AutChat transcripts, DM us.
#AutChat mod @autchatmod
For #AutChat announcements and weekly questions, follow this account. DM us to request reminder tweets (we get a lot of notifications during AutChat and sometimes don’t see replies). How to participate in #AutChat and other twitter chats: https://t.co/SkuXgvj1ZM
#AutChat mod @autchatmod
Questions are prefaced Q0, Q1, Q2, etc. When you reply, preface tweets with A0, A1, etc & include "#AutChat" so others see them! Please capitalize it as #AutChat to make it more accessible to screenreaders.
#AutChat mod @autchatmod
Q0: Introduce yourself! Say anything you like about yourself or your interest in #AutChat or in today's topic, process of getting a formal diagnosis. Quick reference for this week's #AutChat questions (please wait till they're tweeted to answer): https://t.co/4VUiYomfp4
Bill Wong, OTD, OTR/L @BillWongOT
Hello folks! #autchat
Solveig ⚧ - Autistic Acceptance Worldwide @autisticb4mmr
Hello, I am Solveig! I can be here for a short while, but then have to attend a Zoom meeting. I am formally diagnosed, but my diagnosis process was quite intense. #AutChat A0
#AutChat mod @autchatmod
Q1: If you have been formally diagnosed, when was it and what age? If not formally diagnosed, are you considering it? #AutChat
Bill Wong, OTD, OTR/L @BillWongOT
@autchatmod A1. This is almost 10 years ago, as I was diagnosed in August 2010. #autchat
Solveig ⚧ - Autistic Acceptance Worldwide @autisticb4mmr
I was formally diagnosed when I was seven years old. #AutChat A1
#AutChat mod @autchatmod
Hi all! Reminder to tag your tweets with #AutChat so folks can see them on the tag.
CarrieHall1001.bsky.social @CarrieHall1001
@autchatmod A1: I was formally diagnosed at age 44 #AutChat
#AutChat mod @autchatmod
Q2: If you actively sought a formal diagnosis, or are seeking one, what was/is the process like? #AutChat
Solveig ⚧ - Autistic Acceptance Worldwide @autisticb4mmr
So by the time I was diagnosed, the superintendent of public schools already said I was not allowed to attend, and he knew this was illegal, but my parents couldn't sue. I went to tons of specialists. We did not have many (or any?) autism specialists nearby. #AutChat A2 <1/?
Bill Wong, OTD, OTR/L @BillWongOT
@autchatmod A2. I was one of the lucky ones. I got screening from university's clinical psychologist. Then, I lucked out into getting someone who can get the assessment + report done within a month while not needing to pay much in the process. I am aware that others are not as lucky #autchat
Solveig ⚧ - Autistic Acceptance Worldwide @autisticb4mmr
Most of the trips I remember were to a speech therapist and a ... I had the correct word, but it's gone. Someone else. We had puzzles like tangrams and stuff that helped them to figure things about me. These were the good ones, and the visits were productive. #AutChat A2 <2/?>
Solveig ⚧ - Autistic Acceptance Worldwide @autisticb4mmr
I learned not to trust any doctor/therapist/professional who did not have toys. If you're working with kids and you don't have toys, please either get toys or stop working with kids. IDK... I'm 37 and still think this is true. #AutChat A2 <3/?>
Solveig ⚧ - Autistic Acceptance Worldwide @autisticb4mmr
[cn:ABA,institutionalization] Anyways, one neurologist with no toys spent less than five minutes with me, and decided I should be institutionalized. So there were people like that. Then there were the bad ABA people. So there were good and bad professionals. #AutChat A2 <4/?>
Bill Wong, OTD, OTR/L @BillWongOT
@autisticb4mmr although now will be interesting times if you were a kid again. What would you have thought if you have to receive professional services via telehealth? #autchat
Solveig ⚧ - Autistic Acceptance Worldwide @autisticb4mmr
So a lot of this was just my parents making stuff up as we go, and deciding which "experts" to believe. In the end, we did get the autism diagnosis, and a better plan for what to do -- "improve quality of life" was the focus, not finding a cure. I am grateful. #AutChat A2 5/5
Bill Wong, OTD, OTR/L @BillWongOT
@subtlykawaii I heard age 3-6 is "golden age" for autistic folks getting diagnosed. It's a good time because therapy services are more available to autistic kids than adults, theoretically speaking. #autchat
Bill Wong, OTD, OTR/L @BillWongOT
@tuttleturtle42 I had evaluation that lasted 10 hours. So, they had to break it up over 2 days. #autchat
Bill Wong, OTD, OTR/L @BillWongOT
@tuttleturtle42 when they went over the results, I was able to tell my neuropsych to cut to the chase. They didn't need to spend unnecessary time to go over assessment results about where I laid in different aspects of their assessments. #autchat
#AutChat mod @autchatmod
Q3: If you actively sought a formal diagnosis, or are seeking one, is there anything you would have done differently? #AutChat
Ryan Collis @RyanBCollis
@autchatmod A1: I was diagnosed with a learning disability in grade 5. My teacher told my parents I was too ******ed to amount to anything. In uni I got an LD diagnosis after 2nd year. Wanted a formal autism diagnosis 2 years ago, but at the same time decided to do another degree #AutChat
Bill Wong, OTD, OTR/L @BillWongOT
@autchatmod A3. My case would have been- I should trusted my gut instead of my mom. I would have found this out at least 8 months earlier... so that I might not have needed additional time to finish my clinical rotations. #autchat
Ryan Collis @RyanBCollis
@autchatmod So that instead became a more general diagnosis for my dyslexia and disgraphia so I could get accommodations. The papers say 'likely' autistic or something, but the testing was already above $2600 and I couldn't do both. #AutChat
Victoria Duncan @SNeurotypicals
Do you folks know about #AutChat? It's a discussion on a specific topic every Sunday afternoon. You can learn more through this account and follow the Q & A with the hashtag #AutChat
#AutChat mod @autchatmod
Q4: For people who are currently considering seeking formal diagnosis – what other questions do you have for people who have one? #AutChat
Bill Wong, OTD, OTR/L @BillWongOT
@subtlykawaii For me, I have fight stigma and ableism sometimes. But, because I put up a pretty good fight, at least these two don't really exist in my profession too much. #autchat
Rosalin2495 @rosalin2495
RT @SNeurotypicals: Do you folks know about #AutChat? It's a discussion on a specific topic every Sunday afternoon. You can learn more through this account and follow the Q & A with the hashtag #AutChat
#AutChat mod @autchatmod
Next Sunday’s #AutChat is on sexuality and asexuality. Sun Mar 29, 1pm Pacific / 4pm Eastern / 8pm UTC/GMT. https://t.co/zAZcYZYWdR If you know anyone who might be interested and is autistic or similarly neurodivergent, we encourage you to invite them.
#AutChat mod @autchatmod
The scheduled #AutChat is wrapping up. It's fine to keep chatting, join in late, or use the tag at other times!
#AutChat mod @autchatmod
Feel free to suggest ideas for #AutChat topics (or offer to help write questions)! For scheduled topics, see https://t.co/QrdW2e85Ey Every topic we've ever run: https://t.co/F56bZKXGAW We're happy to rerun past chats we haven't revisited in a while.
#AutChat mod @autchatmod
Reminder: We create weekly transcripts of #AutChat using Wakelet, and post them to our website. We also link to them from our Facebook and Twitter accounts. To be excluded from transcripts, DM us.
EC 🐾🌴✏🎨🎬🌊🐺🦋 @Siennapup1024
@autchatmod A0: I'm a writer, prior to getting my own diagnosis, I did research on autism for about a year and a half. Since then, it's been an ongoing learning experience. #AutChat
Zack Budryk @BudrykZack
I'm Zack, I'm a reporter in the Washington, D.C. area who covers political and disability news for @thehill and my first novel, "Judith," came out in 2016. I was formally diagnosed my freshman year of high school in 2003. https://t.co/PKOt3aZMS4
EC 🐾🌴✏🎨🎬🌊🐺🦋 @Siennapup1024
@autchatmod It's been 2 years(going on 3), at the beginning of my late 20s. #AutChat
EC 🐾🌴✏🎨🎬🌊🐺🦋 @Siennapup1024
@autchatmod A2:Process was extremely long, took years, one of the main reasons was not being able to get a referral. Got a recommendation only to find out insurance policy didn't cover it. Took a year to find a place that worked out. #AutChat
#autchat content from Twitter.