#IHCFORUMwest Conference Hashtag
The Institute for HealthCare Consumerism FORUM West
Returning again for the second year to the beautiful Red Rock Resort & Casino in Las Vegas, the 3rd annual IHC FORUM West will come at a crucial time for the health and benefits industry. Following key implementation dates for health care exchanges, FORUM West is another not-to-be-missed event brought to you by the collective voice of innovative health and benefits management. This spring's FORUM East was the Institute's biggest event yet, and the industry networking, collaboration and energy at the event was unparalleled. Covering consumerism, CDHC, health insurance exchanges, health reform, wellness and other strategies for reducing health costs, the IHC FORUM has solidified itself as the place to be for innovative health & benefits management.
#IHCFORUMwest is a conference hashtag submitted by @the_IHC