#patientchat Transcript

Healthcare social media transcript of the #patientchat hashtag.
See #patientchat Influencers/Analytics.

Patient Chat @patientchat
Welcome to #patientchat - where patients, care partners, and advocates come to learn from each other and discuss topics of interest to empowered patients.
Patient Chat @patientchat
We start out with introductions - Those joining in, please take a moment to introduce yourself. #patientchat
Hey there! Kevin from @SalemOaks in CT. I’ll be in and out of the conversation. #patientchat
Jamie Roger @JamieRoger8
Hello #patientchat !! Looking forward to some familiar faces in this discussion today, and thrilled that I remembered what day it was and that it was time to be here. Jamie from CT and @salemoaks Thanks for leading the discussion today @askdrfitz and @HealthSparq
Patient Chat @patientchat
I’m Kara from @power4patients, and I’m looking forward to today’s #patientchat with @askdrfitz and @HealthSparq #WTFix
Participatory Medicine @S4PM
RT @patientchat: Join us for an Empowered #patientchat "Social Determinants of Health (SDOH)” w/@askdrfitz and @HealthSparq on Friday 10/4…
Patient Empowerment Network @power4patients
@K_SalemOaks @SalemOaks Hi Kevin! #patientchat
Participatory Medicine @S4PM
RT @patientchat: You can find the topics we'll cover on today’s Empowered #patientchat with @askdrfitz and @HealthSparq #WTFix here: https:…
Jamie Roger @JamieRoger8
@patientchat @power4patients @askdrfitz @HealthSparq Hello Kara! #PatientChat what a lovely way to end the week.
Inspire @InspireIsHealth
RT @patientchat: Welcome to #patientchat - where patients, care partners, and advocates come to learn from each other and discuss topics of…
Participatory Medicine @S4PM
RT @patientchat: Welcome to #patientchat - where patients, care partners, and advocates come to learn from each other and discuss topics of…
HealthSparq @HealthSparq
Hi everyone, @annerskg here for HealthSparq & #WTFix! So excited to be co-hosting today's #patientchat w/ @askdrfitz - looking forward to a great discussion on #SDOH with all of you. https://t.co/MPU6es9ns5
Inspire @InspireIsHealth
Hello to the #patientchat community, John Novack here from Inspire.
Heather McCullen @H_SalemOaks
Hi #patientchat, Heather joining from outside of Ann Arbor. I'm part of @Salemoaks. I'm trying to participate from Tweetdeck ... it seems like I might have to switch to tchat
Lisa Fitzpatrick,MD @askdrfitz
Hi everyone! Happy to be here. I’m a physician, epidemiologist, community health activist and founder of Grapevine Health #patientchat
ISurvivor Lisa Deck @lbdeck
RT @patientchat: Welcome to #patientchat - where patients, care partners, and advocates come to learn from each other and discuss topics of…
Jamie Roger @JamieRoger8
@HealthSparq @annerskg @askdrfitz Thanks for co-hosting today, i'm looking forward to the discussion #patientchat
Patient Chat @patientchat
Through @HealthSparq’s #WTFix initiative (https://t.co/qkzNIYefC4), HealthSparq highlights patient stories and meaningful conversations, like this #patientchat, that help drive change in health care #patientchat
Alan Brewington @abrewi3010
Alan here. I’m a skiing photographer with a #rheum #chronicpain #atrialfibrillation #mentalhealth story to share. #patientchat
Lisa Fitzpatrick,MD @askdrfitz
My interests are improving community health literacy, understanding patient engagement and ensuring health resources reach people who need them. #patientchat
Carly Flumer (she/her) @carlyflumer
Hello Kara, Andrea, and everyone! My name’s Carly and I’m a cancer survivor. #PatientChat
Vera Rulon FAHIMA @vrulon
Hello everyone! Vera Rulon here from NY. Looking forward to the discussion on #SDOH on #patientchat @patientchat
Patient Chat @patientchat
Patient Empowerment Network @power4patients
@teaminspire Hi John! #patientchat
ISurvivor Lisa Deck @lbdeck
@teaminspire Hi John!
Patient Chat @patientchat
You can find out more about @askdrfitz here https://t.co/8dz4LaLj28 and @HealthSparq here: https://t.co/hqjr92jCB4 #patientchat
HealthSparq @HealthSparq
@teaminspire Hi John! #patientchat
Patient Chat @patientchat
Please continue intros and welcomes. I’ll share a couple “ground rules" :) #patientchat
HealthSparq @HealthSparq
@H_SalemOaks @SalemOaks Hi Heather, thanks for joining today! #patientchat
Jamie Roger @JamieRoger8
@askdrfitz I'm looking forward to the chat today, but also your input on the panel @S4PM coming up! #patientchat
Patient Chat @patientchat
Today's chat is solely informational and not a substitute for speaking with a doctor who's familiar with your medical needs and history #patientchat
Patient Chat @patientchat
You can view our Chat Etiquette and Guidelines, along with past chat transcripts, at https://t.co/5D9FyEMfSH #patientchat
Marcela Musgrove @marcela
Joining into #patientchat from Albuquerque, getting ready for the big balloon fiesta!
Mighty #HeathenSlut Casey🇺🇦🌟 @MightyCasey
Hello all! Casey Q checking in from Rivah City aka Richmond VA. Loudmouthed patient voice in health policy, literacy, science, evidence, and participatory med. #patientchat
Jamie Roger @JamieRoger8
@abrewi3010 Hello Alan! How have you been? Its been awhile. #patientchat
Patient Chat @patientchat
ISurvivor Lisa Deck @lbdeck
Hi #patientchat participants! Lisa from MA here. Im a #strokesurvivor #patientadvocate and #Moyamoya warrior. I’m only available for half of the @HealthSparq #wtfix #patient chat about #SDOH but will catch up afterwards.
Patient Empowerment Network @power4patients
@H_SalemOaks @SalemOaks Hey Heather! Do you live in Ann Arbor? We're headed there in November for a #DigitalSherpa workshop with @CancerSupportHQ #patientchat
Carly Flumer (she/her) @carlyflumer
@askdrfitz Oh my gosh, all of that is my dream! We need to talk! #patientchat
Patient Chat @patientchat
Today's #patientchat topic is Social Determinants of Health (#SDOH) with special guests @askdrfitz and @HealthSparq https://t.co/cu0O3a0R9I https://t.co/0Kqs0JC5op
HealthSparq @HealthSparq
@JamieRoger8 @askdrfitz @S4PM Yes! We're looking forward to the conference discussion as well! #patientchat #s4pm2019 #WTFix
Patient Chat @patientchat
I will introduce new Topics with T1, T2... Please include corresponding T# at front of answer - hard to remember but helpful #patientchat
Lisa Fitzpatrick,MD @askdrfitz
Follow us @HealthGrapevine #patientchat
Patient Chat @patientchat
Time to start our topics. Here comes T1: #patientchat
Liz Kennerley #LongCOVID #RareDisease @LifeAccrdingLiz
I'm Liz Kennerley and not only am I a #raredisease #patient and #advocate, but my BA is in #Society & #Health! #PatientChat
Jamie Roger @JamieRoger8
@lbdeck @HealthSparq Hello Lisa! I hope you have had a wonderful week. We met another #moyamoya warrior at #2019ggsummit this year! #patientchat
Patient Chat @patientchat
T1: What are the social determinants that might affect someone’s health? #patientchat https://t.co/LzjSUDQpZR
HealthSparq @HealthSparq
@askdrfitz @HealthGrapevine Follower #44 right here! #patientchat
Participatory Medicine @S4PM
@patientchat Hi! We are the Society for Participatory Medicine (#SPM), a non-profit that encourages patient-provider partnerships We are hosting the #S4PM2019 conference on 10/15 in Boston MA, to which we are honored to have @askdrfitz as a speaker and @HealthSparq as a sponsor! #PatientChat
Inspire @InspireIsHealth
RT @S4PM: @patientchat Hi! We are the Society for Participatory Medicine (#SPM), a non-profit that encourages patient-provider partnerships…
Patient Empowerment Network @power4patients
@H_SalemOaks @SalemOaks @CancerSupportHQ Nice! It would be great to meet in person, if you're free when when we visit. #patientchat
Inspire @InspireIsHealth
RT @patientchat: T1: What are the social determinants that might affect someone’s health? #patientchat https://t.co/LzjSUDQpZR
Patient Empowerment Network @power4patients
RT @patientchat: T1: What are the social determinants that might affect someone’s health? #patientchat https://t.co/LzjSUDQpZR
Alan Brewington @abrewi3010
@JamieRoger8 Exhausted but ok...I think 😜 How are you? #patientchat
Laurie Reed @LReedptadvocate
@patientchat T1: Money, gender, education, geography, and race. #patientchat
Jamie Roger @JamieRoger8
@lbdeck @HealthSparq I can't think of her name (it's been a busy week) but she said she knew who you were. She was thrilled that we had heard about #moyamoya before #patientchat
Vera Rulon FAHIMA @vrulon
A1: There are many. To prioritize - #socioeconomic status, #environment, #accessibility (both #mobility and to #healthcare), and more. #patientchat
Jamie Roger @JamieRoger8
@abrewi3010 Same! Glad its almost the weekend. #patientchat
Carly Flumer (she/her) @carlyflumer
Social determinants inclide demographics like race/ethnicity, as well as where people live (urban vs rural) which all affect outcomes. We need to change that! #PatientChat
Lisa Fitzpatrick,MD @askdrfitz
There is a surge in conversation and activities about #sdoh some great and some not so great. Looking forward to hearing your perspectives about how we are doing, what’s needed vs not needed and what the future of #sdoh should look like #patientchat
HealthSparq @HealthSparq
RT @askdrfitz: There is a surge in conversation and activities about #sdoh some great and some not so great. Looking forward to hearing you…
Patient Empowerment Network @power4patients
@carlyflumer Hi Carly! Happy Friday :) #patientchat
Lisa Fitzpatrick,MD @askdrfitz
T1: Here is a great overview of #sdoh https://t.co/XW3c2jIJjD. In case you have not seen it, here’s my general take on #sdoh https://t.co/VTSI6TCHhK #patientchat
Inspire @InspireIsHealth
@patientchat T1: Here's a recent JAMA article, "Prevalence of Screening for Food Insecurity, Housing Instability, Utility Needs, Transportation Needs, and Interpersonal Violence by US Physician Practices and Hospitals," that speaks to the topic: https://t.co/hzLMjrpKZj. #patientchat
Participatory Medicine @S4PM
RT @patientchat: Today's #patientchat topic is Social Determinants of Health (#SDOH) with special guests @askdrfitz and @HealthSparq https:…
Mighty #HeathenSlut Casey🇺🇦🌟 @MightyCasey
A1: Beyond counting, really. Everything from economic status to skin color to gender to geographic location to family situation to type of work one does. Add fact that PTSD can be generational via DNA, and 👀 https://t.co/Xyok9QQzFm #patientchat
ISurvivor Lisa Deck @lbdeck
A1: Some #sdoh that affect #health include finances, race, education, gender, occupation. #patientchat
ISurvivor Lisa Deck @lbdeck
RT @teaminspire: @patientchat T1: Here's a recent JAMA article, "Prevalence of Screening for Food Insecurity, Housing Instability, Utility…
Patient Empowerment Network @power4patients
RT @MightyCasey: A1: Beyond counting, really. Everything from economic status to skin color to gender to geographic location to family situ…
Patient Empowerment Network @power4patients
RT @teaminspire: @patientchat T1: Here's a recent JAMA article, "Prevalence of Screening for Food Insecurity, Housing Instability, Utility…
Liz Kennerley #LongCOVID #RareDisease @LifeAccrdingLiz
A2: Multiple! Income, race, education, living situation, sex, gender, age, profession... #patientchat
Patient Empowerment Network @power4patients
RT @askdrfitz: T1: Here is a great overview of #sdoh https://t.co/XW3c2jIJjD. In case you have not seen it, here’s my general take on #sdoh
Lisa Fitzpatrick,MD @askdrfitz
As a community member once said to me, “if I can’t understand you, I don’t trust you.” I’ve written about trust as a factor in health care here https://t.co/VS7uM567gE and here https://t.co/749XBWMXfo #patientchat #patientchat #patientchat
Alan Brewington @abrewi3010
@JamieRoger8 Ha, me too! I think this has been my first full week of work since July. Feeling it this Friday! #patientchat
Jamie Roger @JamieRoger8
Digging a little deeper than race/ ethnicity are the stigma's that are specific to those populations. The lack of belief that there is an illness, or the validity of that illness (especially mental health) can be devastating. #patientchat
HealthSparq @HealthSparq
T1. So much goes into a person's health: finances/economic health, housing/stability, social support networks, nutrition/food, education, neighborhood/location, & many more. #patientchat #wtfix
Lisa Fitzpatrick,MD @askdrfitz
@lbdeck I am so glad you mentioned finances! Poverty is driving most of these #patientchat
ISurvivor Lisa Deck @lbdeck
Great point @GinaMcGalliard Being believed has been a challenge of mine ever since suffering a stroke at age 21 and having a #raredisease. #moyamoya #patientchat
Patient Chat @patientchat
@GinaMcGalliard Hi Gina! Make sure you use #patientchat in all of your responses so everyone can see :)
RT @askdrfitz: Follow us @HealthGrapevine #patientchat
Carly Flumer (she/her) @carlyflumer
@askdrfitz Yes! This also includes #healthliteracy. #patientchat
Jamie Roger @JamieRoger8
RT @askdrfitz: As a community member once said to me, “if I can’t understand you, I don’t trust you.” I’ve written about trust as a factor…
Patient Chat @patientchat
@rhrousu Hi Robin! Don't forget to use #patientchat in all of your replies :)
Heather McCullen @H_SalemOaks
RT @askdrfitz: As a community member once said to me, “if I can’t understand you, I don’t trust you.” I’ve written about trust as a factor…
BreastCancer Chat WW #BCCWW @bccww
RT @patientchat: Today's #patientchat topic is Social Determinants of Health (#SDOH) with special guests @askdrfitz and @HealthSparq https:…
Jamie Roger @JamieRoger8
@abrewi3010 GLad to hear that you are back at work full time again though! THat's a big step. #patientchat
Alan Brewington @abrewi3010
A1 income, education level, zip code, and having a physical address or huge determinates that don’t get enough consideration in #healthcare. #patientchat
Mighty #HeathenSlut Casey🇺🇦🌟 @MightyCasey
@askdrfitz Why I added that PubMed link! #patientchat
HealthSparq @HealthSparq
RT @askdrfitz: As a community member once said to me, “if I can’t understand you, I don’t trust you.” I’ve written about trust as a factor…
Vera Rulon FAHIMA @vrulon
@lbdeck @GinaMcGalliard So sorry for you both. This shouldn't be! #patientchat
Patient Empowerment Network @power4patients
@carlyflumer @askdrfitz AGREE! #healthliteracy #patientchat
Thanks for the data. #patientchat
Alan Brewington @abrewi3010
RT @teaminspire: @patientchat T1: Here's a recent JAMA article, "Prevalence of Screening for Food Insecurity, Housing Instability, Utility…
HealthSparq @HealthSparq
@LifeAccrdingLiz The full picture of a person's life! #patientchat
Kara Ayers @DrKaraAyers
Hello all! Also happy to join you. I'm proud to serve on the @PCORI board of governors as a patient rep. I'm also a researcher interested in decreasing health inequities faced by ppl w disabilities. #patientchat
Vera Rulon FAHIMA @vrulon
RT @teaminspire: @patientchat T1: Here's a recent JAMA article, "Prevalence of Screening for Food Insecurity, Housing Instability, Utility…
Janice Tufte @Hassanah2017
A1 Insecure housing, Lack of affordable accessibile nutritious food, Transportation woes, Digital Divide Gaps. #socialisolation #rural #patientchat
R @rhrousu
@patientchat A1: In addition to socioeconomic factors, a patient’s support network is a huge factor. Do they have family or friends who will take them to appointments, care for them after procedures, pick up Rxs and medical equipment they need, advocate for them? #patientchat
Patient Chat @patientchat
Topic 2 (T2:) coming up… https://t.co/vT5Sb7cuxv #patientchat
Laura Kolaczkowski 😷😷😷😷 @lkay54
@teaminspire Hi john. Not on chat but saw your name pop up. You are among the best and a true trailblazer in health community support
Mighty #HeathenSlut Casey🇺🇦🌟 @MightyCasey
RT @Hassanah2017: A1 Insecure housing, Lack of affordable accessibile nutritious food, Transportation woes, Digital Divide Gaps. #socialiso
Patient Empowerment Network @power4patients
@DrKaraAyers @PCORI Welcome! We're so glad you're here! #patientchat
Participatory Medicine @S4PM
@patientchat A1. Some #SDOH that might affect someone's health include: - lack of understanding and/or inaccessibility of personal health data - non-participative care teams - inability to establish/maintain a relationship with providers r/t economic status, location, etc. #patientchat #SPM
Patient Chat @patientchat
T2: What should healthcare providers (HCPs) do to address patients’ social needs? #patientchat https://t.co/L8k98fDgYv
Vera Rulon FAHIMA @vrulon
@Hassanah2017 Excellent point re: lack of or unstable housing #patientchat
Lisa Fitzpatrick,MD @askdrfitz
@rhrousu @patientchat So key! great point #patientchat
Patient Empowerment Network @power4patients
RT @patientchat: T2: What should healthcare providers (HCPs) do to address patients’ social needs? #patientchat https://t.co/L8k98fDgYv
So what engenders and what discourages trust? patientchat
HealthSparq @HealthSparq
@rhrousu @patientchat Such an important part of the picture! #SDOH #PatientChat
Participatory Medicine @S4PM
RT @askdrfitz: As a community member once said to me, “if I can’t understand you, I don’t trust you.” I’ve written about trust as a factor…
Heather McCullen @H_SalemOaks
T2: Step one, is be aware of them and how they might impact their health/ability to access healthcare. #patientchat
HealthSparq @HealthSparq
@DrKaraAyers @PCORI Hi Kara, thanks for joining! #patientchat
Lisa Fitzpatrick,MD @askdrfitz
@Hassanah2017 You are right! social isolation has been shown to have a direct correlation on health. #patientchat
Kara Ayers @DrKaraAyers
@patientchat There are many social determinants of health. Disability is a #sdoh that is often overlooked. How one feels or identifies about their disability also makes a difference in how it impacts their health. #patientchat https://t.co/vAdM64QEvM
HealthSparq @HealthSparq
RT @patientchat: T2: What should healthcare providers (HCPs) do to address patients’ social needs? #patientchat https://t.co/L8k98fDgYv
Patient Empowerment Network @power4patients
RT @DrKaraAyers: @patientchat There are many social determinants of health. Disability is a #sdoh that is often overlooked. How one feels o…
Valerie Simon @ValerieSimon
It is often said that a zip code can serve as a better predictor of health than a genetic code... much work is needed to create social and physical environments that support good health for all. #SDOH #PatientChat
Vera Rulon FAHIMA @vrulon
A2: GREAT QUESTION: Listen. Learn more about your patients than test results. #patientchat
Jamie Roger @JamieRoger8
They need to start with having an awareness of what their social needs are. Dig in and get to know the patient as a person, rather than as a chart or time slot in your schedule. What outside influences are affecting their lives. #patientchat
Carly Flumer (she/her) @carlyflumer
@patientchat Look beyond the determinants and focus on the patient as a person. Health equity needs to happen!! #patientchat
HealthSparq @HealthSparq
T2. Providers/#HCPs should be aware of the impact of #SDOH. Ask questions. Explore options in partnership with patients. #patientchat #WTFix
Alan Brewington @abrewi3010
A2 #healthcare is a story, not a list of symptoms. I need the opportunity to tell my entire story in order to have a chance at a higher quality of life through healthcare. #patientchat
@Hassanah2017 Hey @Hassanah2017 Good to see you here. #patientchat
Janice Tufte @Hassanah2017
Hope to see you at @s4pm #S4PM2019 Time4Change conference, I will be providing some #SDOH lived experience story on our social probabilities panel 10.15. Boston #patientchat
Mighty #HeathenSlut Casey🇺🇦🌟 @MightyCasey
A2: Figure out ways to ask w/out being judgmental. Great guy to follow for ideas there is @ZackBergerMDPhD He's primary care MD, teaches primary care, and is woke AF on #SDOH #patientchat
Jamie Roger @JamieRoger8
RT @DrKaraAyers: @patientchat There are many social determinants of health. Disability is a #sdoh that is often overlooked. How one feels o…
Vera Rulon FAHIMA @vrulon
@DrKaraAyers @patientchat Excellent point. #mobility #hearingloss #vision etc. #patientchat
ISurvivor Lisa Deck @lbdeck
A2: Medical professionals often work to address the social needs of patients by getting to know them personally. As a patient I encourage HCPs to take an extra minute or two to get to know your patient personally. That can make all the difference. #patientchat #patientperspective
ISurvivor Lisa Deck @lbdeck
RT @ValerieSimon: It is often said that a zip code can serve as a better predictor of health than a genetic code... much work is needed to…
Kara Ayers @DrKaraAyers
@askdrfitz Just discussed this today with genetic counseling students. A parent shared that after a prenatal appt in which she was told her baby would die (and the baby didn't), she lost trust with providers. Communication is so important-and hard! #patientchat
Lisa Fitzpatrick,MD @askdrfitz
Providers are busy with many time demands. It is unrealistic to expect providers to solve this problem. We are part of the solution. #patientchat
Vera Rulon FAHIMA @vrulon
@MightyCasey @ZackBergerMDPhD Here here! And don't jump to conclusions based on past experience with others until you've asked. #patientchat
Lisa Fitzpatrick,MD @askdrfitz
T2. Screening for #sdoh is important and so is ensuring access to support resources like navigators, case management, social workers to help closed the gap. Above all I think providers can ensure they are speaking in #plainlanguage. #patientchat
ISurvivor Lisa Deck @lbdeck
Lisa Fitzpatrick,MD @askdrfitz
Addressing #healthliteracy is a great opportunity to build rapport, trust and make it easier for patients to discuss #sdoh needs and concerns. I’ve written about health literacy too https://t.co/8qwVDT81Ef
HealthSparq @HealthSparq
RT @askdrfitz: T2. Screening for #sdoh is important and so is ensuring access to support resources like navigators, case management, social…
Alan Brewington @abrewi3010
A2 let’s return the care into healthcare. This will create greater active listening and empathy #patientchat
Mighty #HeathenSlut Casey🇺🇦🌟 @MightyCasey
General note: I'm distracted today by managing last week's cancer dx of a family member, along with writing deliverables and an upcoming intl trip to speak at a conference. I AM OFFICIALLY OVER-TASKED! #patientchat
Kara Ayers @DrKaraAyers
@power4patients @PCORI Thanks! It's my first #patientchat. Glad to have found it!
Lisa Fitzpatrick,MD @askdrfitz
@lbdeck great point. The provider has to be intentional about it right? #patientchat
Inspire @InspireIsHealth
RT @askdrfitz: As a community member once said to me, “if I can’t understand you, I don’t trust you.” I’ve written about trust as a factor…
Lisa Fitzpatrick,MD @askdrfitz
@MightyCasey Don't forget to breathe...and a little stretching :) #patientchat
Vera Rulon FAHIMA @vrulon
@MightyCasey So sorry Casey. #patientchat
Laurie Reed @LReedptadvocate
@patientchat T2: Awareness and education are essential before action can happen. But absolutely, social factors must be addressed. Illness and the path to healing do not happen in isolation. #patientchat
Janice Tufte @Hassanah2017
A 2 Listen, Empathize and Refer to accessible community resources though community partnerships that have been developed #Patientchat #S4PM2019
Mighty #HeathenSlut Casey🇺🇦🌟 @MightyCasey
@askdrfitz I spend hours in the pool each week. I'm good. #patientchat
Carly Flumer (she/her) @carlyflumer
@askdrfitz Can’t wait to read! Happy #HealthLiteracyMonth! #patientchat
Inspire @InspireIsHealth
RT @patientchat: T2: What should healthcare providers (HCPs) do to address patients’ social needs? #patientchat https://t.co/L8k98fDgYv
Lisa Fitzpatrick,MD @askdrfitz
@MightyCasey @ZackBergerMDPhD Done #patientchat
Mighty #HeathenSlut Casey🇺🇦🌟 @MightyCasey
@vrulon Thanks - it's NOT me, so there's that. But still, it's a ... lot for the person involved. Tryna help. Baby steps. #patientchat
Lisa Fitzpatrick,MD @askdrfitz
T2. These are all great suggestions. I hope providers are following #patientchat today!
Patient Chat @patientchat
Topic 3 (T3:) coming up… https://t.co/vT5Sb7cuxv #patientchat
So how can patients better prepared and confident in sharing the factors in their life that might be affecting their health? Where can they go to learn? #patientchat
Participatory Medicine @S4PM
#patientchat We hope you will all consider registering to attend our #S4PM2019 conference on 10/15 We have a #SDOH panel titled "Healthcare impressionism: Social determinants influence perceptions" led by @HealthHats featuring @askdrfitz, @KeonaWynne and @pabloandresbui!
Patient Chat @patientchat
T3: How can you encourage a discussion of #SDOH with your healthcare provider (HCP)? #patientchat https://t.co/0CrRodugw0
Lisa Fitzpatrick,MD @askdrfitz
[REDACTED USER] Well...all of the above. We have to figure out how to address root causes #patientchat
Liz Kennerley #LongCOVID #RareDisease @LifeAccrdingLiz
A2: Urgent care centers can help. While not open 24/7, the price is often less than the ER. Free #healthcare clinics for primary care. Maybe pharmacies could do basic screenings. Things that cumulatively take 15 mins. Then specialist suggestion if need be. #PatientChat
Participatory Medicine @S4PM
RT @Hassanah2017: A 2 Listen, Empathize and Refer to accessible community resources though community partnerships that have been developed…
Mighty #HeathenSlut Casey🇺🇦🌟 @MightyCasey
A3: I'd recommend downloading MD/NP/RN with "life stuff" that's impacting you, whatever it is. They may goggle at you at first, but starting the convo will get 'em on board (and you'll be helping other pts in that practice, too!) #patientchat
Lisa Fitzpatrick,MD @askdrfitz
@vrulon Intriguing. How do we test the results? #patientchat
Carly Flumer (she/her) @carlyflumer
@patientchat Talk about barriers to health that you feel are impacting your care and/or quality of life. Breaking down barriers & understanding what motivates patients to get care and/or become healthy is HUGE! #patientchat
Heather McCullen @H_SalemOaks
T3: I'm not sure it makes sense for patients to have the burden of bringing it up. Maybe if it's a specific need, like difficulty with transportation. #patientchat
Kara Ayers @DrKaraAyers
@patientchat T3 As patients, we can do some mental prep for our visit, identify priorities, and hone our questions. We can work to set aside shame/stigma that holds us back. Our health is what matters. #patientchat
and don't forget @Hassanah2017 #patientchat
Lisa Fitzpatrick,MD @askdrfitz
Great chart but makes me feel overwhelmed. How do we prioritize? #patientchat
Vera Rulon FAHIMA @vrulon
A2: This is tough. Perhaps try to set up a relationship with your doctor that is open and #transparent - however this is a 2-way street. Something more specific to come... #patientchat
Patient Empowerment Network @power4patients
RT @askdrfitz: T2. These are all great suggestions. I hope providers are following #patientchat today!
Alan Brewington @abrewi3010
A3 ask your provider to verbally summarize your story before they leave. Let your provider know if they get it or not. Communication is key along with active listening by all. #patientchat
Patient Empowerment Network @power4patients
@abrewi3010 Love this! #patientchat
Laurie Reed @LReedptadvocate
@patientchat T3: Be brave enough to bring up issues of concern. #patientchat
HealthSparq @HealthSparq
RT @patientchat: T3: How can you encourage a discussion of #SDOH with your healthcare provider (HCP)? #patientchat https://t.co/0CrRodugw0
Carly Flumer (she/her) @carlyflumer
@GinaMcGalliard @patientchat Absolutely! My mom was my best advocate during doctors appointments for cancer treatment. #patientchat
Jamie Roger @JamieRoger8
Great way to verify that they have not only been listening to you but they have heard you Alan. #patientchat
Lisa Fitzpatrick,MD @askdrfitz
[REDACTED USER] we are learning together :) #patientchat
Patient Chat @patientchat
@carlyflumer @GinaMcGalliard So was mine! Let's hear it for the moms 🎉 #patientchat
Inspire @InspireIsHealth
RT @patientchat: T3: How can you encourage a discussion of #SDOH with your healthcare provider (HCP)? #patientchat https://t.co/0CrRodugw0
HealthSparq @HealthSparq
@LReedsbooks @patientchat YES! This is huge. We have to be willing to share the aspects of our lives that are often beyond the immediate #healthcare conversation you're having, but that are impacting us. #patientchat #wtfix
Patient Empowerment Network @power4patients
RT @patientchat: T3: How can you encourage a discussion of #SDOH with your healthcare provider (HCP)? #patientchat https://t.co/0CrRodugw0
My concern is that those who have social/societal influences that may affect their health, may not be ready to do this for the very same reasons. Am I off-target on this? #patientchat
Mighty #HeathenSlut Casey🇺🇦🌟 @MightyCasey
A3: Another way to get summary of story is using @AbridgeHQ app. In beta, but solid utility of AI/machine learning to actually do something useful. More to their story here: https://t.co/fnltZjDWsk #patientchat
Lisa Fitzpatrick,MD @askdrfitz
@H_SalemOaks Health communication is a two way street. the challenge is a patient might not connect the dots. We should ask/screen to create opportunity for the conversations! #patientchat
Vera Rulon FAHIMA @vrulon
@askdrfitz Meaning go beyond lab #tests results, #xrays, other data - discuss context #patientchat
Janice Tufte @Hassanah2017
@askdrfitz @vrulon Incorporate #patientstory #narrative into #Cliniciannotes @myopennotes #patientchat that reflect the person not only the condition or health concern
Lisa Fitzpatrick,MD @askdrfitz
T3. Patients often feel uncomfortable discussing sensitive issues with providers. If this is the case, try to find a provider you can connect with. Also finding someone on the provider team to help you -also effective because this info can be relayed to the provider #patientchat
Patient Chat @patientchat
Topic 4 (T4:) coming up… https://t.co/vT5Sb7cuxv #patientchat
Alan Brewington @abrewi3010
Yesss! There is a huge difference between hearing and listening. Need both for a successful visit. #patientchat
Mighty #HeathenSlut Casey🇺🇦🌟 @MightyCasey
@K_SalemOaks Nope. IMO those most at risk for #SDOH impacts are likely to be traumatized by those impacts, fear being judged. Why getting input from community that gets care at [whatever practice/clinic] = cultural competency. #patientchat
HealthSparq @HealthSparq
@DrKaraAyers @patientchat And bring notes to make sure we remember what we want to discuss & the questions we have, & so we can see what our priorities are for the visit to determine if we addressed them. #patientchat #WTFix
Lisa Fitzpatrick,MD @askdrfitz
Do people have examples of instances they've raised these issues with providers? How did it go? #patientchat
Patient Chat @patientchat
T4: How can patients engage with the community and policymakers to improve #SDOH? #patientchat
Inspire @InspireIsHealth
RT @patientchat: T4: How can patients engage with the community and policymakers to improve #SDOH? #patientchat
Alan Brewington @abrewi3010
RT @MightyCasey: A3: Another way to get summary of story is using @AbridgeHQ app. In beta, but solid utility of AI/machine learning to actu…
HealthSparq @HealthSparq
RT @patientchat: T4: How can patients engage with the community and policymakers to improve #SDOH? #patientchat
Lisa Fitzpatrick,MD @askdrfitz
t4: We need help spreading the word about the connection between #sdoh and good health. Education is key. Patients can share stories with the public. Participate in community events and organizations. #patientchat
Carly Flumer (she/her) @carlyflumer
@askdrfitz Not related to #sdoh, but definitely other aspects. It’s crucial as a patient in remission. #patientchat
Lisa Fitzpatrick,MD @askdrfitz
T4: Many cities have city councils or govt bodies that conduct open session to hear from public. State your case. Other ways include writing letters to local newspaper, call the local radio station and suggest show ideas. Talk to people about it #raiseawareness #patientchat
This belongs on some sort of checklist for patients learning to be participatory. @S4PM #S4PM2019 #patientchat
Jamie Roger @JamieRoger8
I think a big piece we are missing out on in this discussion is the fact that the individuals may not even be aware of these barriers. It's about changing the system so that they even have the power to realize SDOH are effecting them. #patientchat
Heather McCullen @H_SalemOaks
@askdrfitz I'm thinking of it this way: when a patient comes in they can tell you symptoms, but they may not even realize all of their symptoms are anything out of the ordinary and they likely don't know the cause. That applies to SDoH as well. #patientchat
Lisa Fitzpatrick,MD @askdrfitz
@HealthSparq @DrKaraAyers @patientchat very important point given limited time. #patientchat
Carly Flumer (she/her) @carlyflumer
@patientchat Share you story! I was afraid to share mine, but I have gotten the greatest feedback and so much support. #patientchat
HealthSparq @HealthSparq
T4. Share your story with others! Stories are the most powerful way to highlight what #SDOH means & what it looks like to those that don't understand the connection between #health and #SDOH. #patientchat #WTFix
Mighty #HeathenSlut Casey🇺🇦🌟 @MightyCasey
A4: All politics (+ policy) = local. Start w/city or county council(s), find out what the policy IS on stuff like access, cost. Find out what social supports exist via CSBs (community svs boards). Work to embed peer support model in mental health. #healthfuturism #patientchat
Vera Rulon FAHIMA @vrulon
A4: Get to know people in your community if you can and help those who need an advocate to go with them to the #doctor office, #healthcare facility, etc. BTW - there's also #socialisolation and #loneliness to be addressed. #patientchat
Lisa Fitzpatrick,MD @askdrfitz
@MightyCasey @K_SalemOaks how can we increase cultural competency and is it contributing? #patientchat
Alan Brewington @abrewi3010
A4 get involved in local legislative campaigns. Local leaders love hearing individual stories. Look for comment/testifying opportunity with legislature/dept of Medicaid’s. #patientchat
Carly Flumer (she/her) @carlyflumer
@JamieRoger8 Yes! People might think it’s the “norm” which is awful. #patientchat
Jamie Roger @JamieRoger8
RT @H_SalemOaks: @askdrfitz I'm thinking of it this way: when a patient comes in they can tell you symptoms, but they may not even realize…
Lisa Fitzpatrick,MD @askdrfitz
@JamieRoger8 That's exactly right Jamie #patientchat
Laurie Reed @LReedptadvocate
@patientchat T4: Raise your voice. Be an advocate. #patientchat
Alan Brewington @abrewi3010
RT @K_SalemOaks: This belongs on some sort of checklist for patients learning to be participatory. @S4PM #S4PM2019 #patientchat https://t.…
Vera Rulon FAHIMA @vrulon
A4: Missed the #policy makers in my previous response - look forward to people's answers - such slow going there #patientchat
Patient Empowerment Network @power4patients
@abrewi3010 Here's a downloadable (and mobile friendly!) resource we created for just this purpose. It's #AML specific but could be used by anyone, #caregivers included https://t.co/rzy9LCwC6a #patientchat
@askdrfitz @MightyCasey If only...so many more parts of life/society would be better. #patientchat
Janice Tufte @Hassanah2017
@patientchat HR 4004 is about creating an Advisory Committee for informing Healthcare Systems on #SDOH importance of all impact health factors outside the clinical walls.
Lisa Fitzpatrick,MD @askdrfitz
@carlyflumer @patientchat and you helped others feel courageous and free to tell theirs. we need more of this and to support the storytellers! #patientchat
Participatory Medicine @S4PM
As #providers, healthcare professionals, and #caregivers, we must encourage #patients to own and understand their personal health data; this can better prepare patients to initiate conversations regarding #SDOH and drive participation across the continuum of care. #patientchat
@patientchat A4 A great start is the full inclusion of patients in anything to do with patients. For instance, patients should be fully included in medical conferences and the design of clinical trials on their conditions. We need to start looking at lived experience as expertise #patientchat
Pablo Buitron @pabloandresbui
@patientchat At the individual level screen all patients for social needs and connect with resources available, also advocate for policy changes to transform our communities by investing more on social services and breaking down systemic barriers #patientchat
Alan Brewington @abrewi3010
National campaigns are funnier but local is where it’s at! A lot easier to gain access & influence locally, cheaper too. #patientchat
Mighty #HeathenSlut Casey🇺🇦🌟 @MightyCasey
@askdrfitz @K_SalemOaks I dunno, I just kinda take Arthur Ashe's dictum and work from there ... Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can. (I live in his home town) #patientchat https://t.co/wEyZrYDdoA
Patient Chat @patientchat
Topic 5 (T5:) coming up… https://t.co/vT5Sb7cuxv #patientchat #patientchat
Alan Brewington @abrewi3010
RT @power4patients: @abrewi3010 Here's a downloadable (and mobile friendly!) resource we created for just this purpose. It's #AML specific…
Janice Tufte @Hassanah2017
@patientchat A 3 Use your voice to share the importance of health stories to make a greater impact #patientchat
Liz Kennerley #LongCOVID #RareDisease @LifeAccrdingLiz
A3: I intentionally made a scene checking into my last dermatology appt. Been her patient for say 15 years. My insurance went from COBRA, ACA, and Medicaid. Only to find out she doesn't take medicaid, and never has. No exception. Discrimination. #patientchat
Inspire @InspireIsHealth
RT @S4PM: As #providers, healthcare professionals, and #caregivers, we must encourage #patients to own and understand their personal health…
Alan Brewington @abrewi3010
@power4patients Thank you for sharing! #patientchat
Participatory Medicine @S4PM
#patientchat We hope you all register for our #S4PM2019 conference on 10/15 We have a #SDOH panel titled "Healthcare impressionism: Social determinants influence perceptions" led by @HealthHats featuring @askdrfitz, @Hassanah2017, @KeonaWynne and @pabloandresbui!
Lisa Fitzpatrick,MD @askdrfitz
T2: #patientchat
Patient Chat @patientchat
T5: How will SDOH influence to future of healthcare? #patientchat https://t.co/tK5692mqXH
@askdrfitz @MightyCasey But seriously, opportunities for people to experience each other's cultures and then talk about it. As a kid, we hosted an inner-city boy at our rural home for a couple weeks each summer. Changed my outlook for life. Thanks mom and dad. #patientchat
HealthSparq @HealthSparq
RT @patientchat: T5: How will SDOH influence to future of healthcare? #patientchat https://t.co/tK5692mqXH
HealthSparq @HealthSparq
RT @power4patients: @abrewi3010 Here's a downloadable (and mobile friendly!) resource we created for just this purpose. It's #AML specific…
Jamie Roger @JamieRoger8
@S4PM In the context of this discussion.What if the patient has no understanding that anyone else even COULD own their health data? SDOH are so much deeper than just having a patient start a conversation. Those patients don't know that a conversation NEEDS to be started. #patientchat
Participatory Medicine @S4PM
RT @askdrfitz: T2: #patientchat https://t.co/p1WoN0MPVc
Vera Rulon FAHIMA @vrulon
@LifeAccrdingLiz WOW #patientchat
Participatory Medicine @S4PM
RT @pabloandresbui: @patientchat At the individual level screen all patients for social needs and connect with resources available, also ad…
Jamie Roger @JamieRoger8
@GinaMcGalliard @patientchat Yes, I agree. But some patients don't even realize that they NEED to show up for appointments, conferences and clinical trials are so far beyond that scope. #patientchat
Carly Flumer (she/her) @carlyflumer
@patientchat If we don’t address these barriers, they will continue to persist. The healthcare system overall must become educated. It’s not just all about the disease. #patientchat
Alan Brewington @abrewi3010
A5 if I remember right the great @nickdawson has worked on getting physical houses to people for better healthcare. #patientchat
Pablo Buitron @pabloandresbui
@patientchat As a patient, communicating the impact of social factors on quality of life and management of my illness to the HCP so that they can connect me with available resources and change management plans based on my current #SDOH #patientchat
Heather McCullen @H_SalemOaks
T5: That depends on what happens next. We have the opportunity to make changes that could give everyone an equal opportunity for health ... if we don't act we'll (continue to) have a healthcare system that doesn't treat every patient equally. #patientchat
Mighty #HeathenSlut Casey🇺🇦🌟 @MightyCasey
Was just thinking this morning of my very 1st job, driving an ice cream truck. Other drivers (old dudes 50+) said "don't go into black neighborhood, they'll rob you". Ignored old dues, made more $$ than they did every day. Best biz econ lesson I ever learned. #patientchat
Lisa Fitzpatrick,MD @askdrfitz
Most everyone seems to be convinced we must address these. Challenge is ensuring what we do matters to patients long enough to get them to a healthy state. Many ‘one off’ solutions. Eg. Lyft rides great but what is the experience like once you get to facility. #patientchat
HealthSparq @HealthSparq
RT @askdrfitz: Most everyone seems to be convinced we must address these. Challenge is ensuring what we do matters to patients long enough…
Lisa Fitzpatrick,MD @askdrfitz
T5. Maybe docs should take Lyft rides and set up clinics in the neighborhoods where patients are. They want #convenience too and this builds #trust. #patienchat
Vera Rulon FAHIMA @vrulon
A5: Future #healthcare must approach the whole person #SDOH included - personal histories, etc. Context. #patientchat
Alan Brewington @abrewi3010
A5 I like we need to start training patient advocates to become legislative candidates. We need patient statesman more than ever! #patientchat
If we can begin to tie social factors to outcomes, and interventions to better outcomes, healthcare should improve for all. #patientchat
Mighty #HeathenSlut Casey🇺🇦🌟 @MightyCasey
Oh, and I was only robbed once. NOT by a black person. So ... many good lessons learned, and stereotypes shattered. I was 16yo. #patientchat
Lisa Fitzpatrick,MD @askdrfitz
@K_SalemOaks Exactly. which seems to be missing a lot right now! #patientchat
Vera Rulon FAHIMA @vrulon
@JamieRoger8 @GinaMcGalliard @patientchat #patient #education raise #awareness #transparency need to focus on this #patientchat
Janice Tufte @Hassanah2017
@patientchat A 5 #SDOH It is now in a Bi Partisan act coming forward #ValueBased healthcare funding, #Patientdemand for humanizing healthcare. #Patientchat #PatientPartners #patientstory #HR4004 https://t.co/NUasVSjRaI
Mighty #HeathenSlut Casey🇺🇦🌟 @MightyCasey
A5: #SDOH has to become bedrock starting point for healthcare, partic primary care. Also, mental health needs to be IN PRIMARY CARE SETTING, not somewhere else. An example: https://t.co/4p40NretOk #patientchat
Inspire @InspireIsHealth
@patientchat T2: Daniel Taylor, D.O., Associate Prof. at Drexel, Chief of Outpatient Clinic at St. Christopher’s Hospital for Children, is an example of a clinician who writes with insight and power about social determinants of health. https://t.co/1Z4WEuMbll HT #patientchat
Pablo Buitron @pabloandresbui
@LReedsbooks @patientchat A4, agreed! advocating for their communities and making sure that adequate resources are allocated for protection of the environment, education, food, safe spaces... #patientchat
Alan Brewington @abrewi3010
A5 we need to get local leaders/policy makers to conferences like @StanfordMedX or @S4PM. Get our stories to leaders will only improve healthcare. #patientchat
Lisa Fitzpatrick,MD @askdrfitz
@K_SalemOaks @MightyCasey This is definitely the way. Say no to #xenophobia. We have to understand each other #patientchat
Participatory Medicine @S4PM
HCPs should educate patients on resources available to them, but then also follow up to see if they were ready/willing/able to access said resources Close the loop by determining if what was given to #patients was truly helpful, or if further action is needed. #patientchat
Alan Brewington @abrewi3010
RT @MightyCasey: A5: #SDOH has to become bedrock starting point for healthcare, partic primary care. Also, mental health needs to be IN PRI…
Mighty #HeathenSlut Casey🇺🇦🌟 @MightyCasey
@askdrfitz @K_SalemOaks Not to mention that trying other cultures'/communities' food is AWESOME and TASTY! #patientchat
Lisa Fitzpatrick,MD @askdrfitz
Excellent point. We are the nodes of inspiration. Spread these ideas and speak about them. Tell people why it matters. #patientchat
Mighty #HeathenSlut Casey🇺🇦🌟 @MightyCasey
RT @H_SalemOaks: T5: That depends on what happens next. We have the opportunity to make changes that could give everyone an equal opportuni…
Marcela Musgrove @marcela
RT @MightyCasey: A5: #SDOH has to become bedrock starting point for healthcare, partic primary care. Also, mental health needs to be IN PRI…
Patient Chat @patientchat
Time to start sharing closing thoughts (CT) on what you learned, were reminded of or can implement. Start your tweet w/ CT: #patientchat
Lisa Fitzpatrick,MD @askdrfitz
T5: We have to ensure people connect the dots and are aware these social influencers affect health. It can also help take away some of the shame and stigma. #patientchat
Mighty #HeathenSlut Casey🇺🇦🌟 @MightyCasey
CT: Guys, it's been terrific, as always! Gotta scoot, TOO MUCH ON MY TO-DO LIST! Next month =) #patientchat
Inspire @InspireIsHealth
RT @patientchat: Time to start sharing closing thoughts (CT) on what you learned, were reminded of or can implement. Start your tweet w/ CT…
HealthSparq @HealthSparq
RT @patientchat: Time to start sharing closing thoughts (CT) on what you learned, were reminded of or can implement. Start your tweet w/ CT…
@MightyCasey @askdrfitz Absolutely. #patientchat https://t.co/FcyoXDhjrv
Alan Brewington @abrewi3010
CT human caused problems by definition have human centered solutions. We need to practice ideation under the methodology of #everyoneincluded. This will bring about change #patientchat
Vera Rulon FAHIMA @vrulon
CT: Change the culture of the healthcare system #transparency #awareness #SDOH #policy #payments all of it... great #patientchat - look forward to the next one
Jamie Roger @JamieRoger8
CT: SDOH is a systemic issue, its a system that is failing or at fault for a portion of the population not receiving the care they need and deserve. This doesn't all fall into the hands of patients to foster change, WE need to be making those changes to help. #patientchat
Heather McCullen @H_SalemOaks
RT @JamieRoger8: CT: SDOH is a systemic issue, its a system that is failing or at fault for a portion of the population not receiving the…
Participatory Medicine @S4PM
@JamieRoger8 You're absolutely right. Many don't know they CAN own their data, which makes it even more important for #providers to be the ones to initiate this conversation Something as simple as education with teach back can help assess for patient understanding. #patientchat
Participatory Medicine @S4PM
RT @power4patients: @abrewi3010 Here's a downloadable (and mobile friendly!) resource we created for just this purpose. It's #AML specific…
Pablo Buitron @pabloandresbui
RT @S4PM: #patientchat We hope you all register for our #S4PM2019 conference on 10/15 We have a #SDOH panel titled "Healthcare impressioni…
Participatory Medicine @S4PM
RT @HealthSparq: T4. Share your story with others! Stories are the most powerful way to highlight what #SDOH means & what it looks like to…
Participatory Medicine @S4PM
RT @carlyflumer: @patientchat Share you story! I was afraid to share mine, but I have gotten the greatest feedback and so much support. #pa
Liz Kennerley #LongCOVID #RareDisease @LifeAccrdingLiz
[REDACTED USER] @vrulon It was quite fulfilling actually... My BA is in Society & Health, so I really knew more about this than the practice. #patientchat #PatientExperience #PatientCare
Participatory Medicine @S4PM
RT @K_SalemOaks: This belongs on some sort of checklist for patients learning to be participatory. @S4PM #S4PM2019 #patientchat https://t.…
Patient Chat @patientchat
Participatory Medicine @S4PM
RT @askdrfitz: t4: We need help spreading the word about the connection between #sdoh and good health. Education is key. Patients can share…
Patient Chat @patientchat
Alan Brewington @abrewi3010
[REDACTED USER] How about becoming a campaign manager? Great way to engage in the process without being the front person. #patientchat
Participatory Medicine @S4PM
RT @Hassanah2017: @askdrfitz @vrulon Incorporate #patientstory #narrative into #Cliniciannotes @myopennotes #patientchat that reflect the p…
Jamie Roger @JamieRoger8
It's been real. Hope you have a wonderful rest of your weeks, and a relaxing and rejuvenating weekend. If you will be at @S4PM conference maybe I will bump into you. Until next time, stay classy #patientchat
Alan Brewington @abrewi3010
RT @JamieRoger8: CT: SDOH is a systemic issue, its a system that is failing or at fault for a portion of the population not receiving the…
Patient Chat @patientchat
#patientchat is your community. Thanks for helping make it great. Reach out to @power4patients and @patientchat anytime.
Carly Flumer (she/her) @carlyflumer
Until we actually address SDOH as advocates for ourselves or others, nothing will change. Speak out even though it can be daunting. The industry needs to hear all of us, from all different backgrounds, not just know us because of our disease. #PatientChat
CT Hopefully we can continue the discussion and taking action at #S4PM2019 #patientchat
Lisa Fitzpatrick,MD @askdrfitz
CT: #patientchat The #sdoh field is moving rapidly. I wish #policymakers, #clinicians, #healthcareadministrators to be mindful when implementing #sdoh interventions. Ask yourself, “is this resource going to change the outcome?” This ensures efforts are impactful! #patientchat
Patient Chat @patientchat
A big thank you to @askdrfitz and @HealthSparq for co-hosting today's #patientchat!
Patient Chat @patientchat
And thanks to all for joining our Empowered #patientchat. We'll tweet out the transcript about 15 minutes past the hour
HealthSparq @HealthSparq
Thank you to everyone who joined #patientchat today and contributed to this amazing conversation! We are so happy to be part of this community and can't thank @askdrfitz enough for hosting with us today. #WTFix #S4PM2019
Laurie Reed @LReedptadvocate
CT: Seems relevant to our conversation today. #patientchat
Patient Chat @patientchat
The next Empowered #patientchat will be Friday, October 18th. Hope to see you there! https://t.co/pCG1FZRbx0
Inspire @InspireIsHealth
RT @patientchat: The next Empowered #patientchat will be Friday, October 18th. Hope to see you there! https://t.co/pCG1FZRbx0
Inspire @InspireIsHealth
RT @LReedsbooks: CT: Seems relevant to our conversation today. #patientchat https://t.co/r4SfPdkpJx
Lisa Fitzpatrick,MD @askdrfitz
My pleasure. Thanks for all the wonderful contributions and conversation. Keep at it! #patientchat
HealthSparq @HealthSparq
@askdrfitz Looking very forward to meeting you in person at #S4PM2019! #PatientChat
Inspire @InspireIsHealth
@K_SalemOaks Kevin--See you there! #S4PM2019 #patientchat
Lisa Fitzpatrick,MD @askdrfitz
@carlyflumer Pollinate Carly! #patientchat
Participatory Medicine @S4PM
Exactly! We all, both #patients and #providers alike, need to encourage active participation in care planning. That's what we all stand for here at #S4PM! Spark the conversation, whether from the patient or provider side, but then also actively listen. Participate! #patientchat
Participatory Medicine @S4PM
RT @abrewi3010: A3 ask your provider to verbally summarize your story before they leave. Let your provider know if they get it or not. Comm…
Participatory Medicine @S4PM
RT @abrewi3010: A2 let’s return the care into healthcare. This will create greater active listening and empathy #patientchat
Janice Tufte @Hassanah2017
@patientchat CT We are all #patients & #people humanizing our #cliniciannotes we all live in #community What is needed in your community? Changing resource allocations to affect positive change! @pabloandresbui @askdrfitz @KeonaWynne @HealthHats @HealthSparq #Patientchat #S4PM2019
Participatory Medicine @S4PM
RT @Hassanah2017: Hope to see you at @s4pm #S4PM2019 Time4Change conference, I will be providing some #SDOH lived experience story on our…
Participatory Medicine @S4PM
RT @JamieRoger8: It's been real. Hope you have a wonderful rest of your weeks, and a relaxing and rejuvenating weekend. If you will be…
Participatory Medicine @S4PM
We couldn't agree more! Hope to see you all at #S4PM2019 on 10/15! Learn more here - https://t.co/gjyCPbgLce
Liz Kennerley #LongCOVID #RareDisease @LifeAccrdingLiz
A5: Dependent on how these challenges evolve. Hospital closures impact access to care. Yet opening more urgent care centers part of major medical centers will help close the gap. #patientchat
Participatory Medicine @S4PM
RT @JamieRoger8: @askdrfitz I'm looking forward to the chat today, but also your input on the panel @S4PM coming up! #patientchat
Participatory Medicine @S4PM
RT @vrulon: A2: This is tough. Perhaps try to set up a relationship with your doctor that is open and #transparent - however this is a 2-wa…
Participatory Medicine @S4PM
RT @DrKaraAyers: @patientchat There are many social determinants of health. Disability is a #sdoh that is often overlooked. How one feels o…
HealthSparq @HealthSparq
Less than two weeks to go until #S4PM2019! We hope you enjoyed today's #PatientChat w/ @askdrfitz and we hope you an join us October 15 in Boston to continue the discussion! https://t.co/1O9YNib2la #patientsincluded #hcldr #WTFix #patients #SDOH #patientadvocate #ptexp
Participatory Medicine @S4PM
RT @HealthSparq: Less than two weeks to go until #S4PM2019! We hope you enjoyed today's #PatientChat w/ @askdrfitz and we hope you an join…
Participatory Medicine @S4PM
RT @Hassanah2017: @patientchat CT We are all #patients & #people humanizing our #cliniciannotes we all live in #community What is needed in…
Participatory Medicine @S4PM
RT @HealthSparq: @askdrfitz Looking very forward to meeting you in person at #S4PM2019! #PatientChat
Participatory Medicine @S4PM
[REDACTED USER] I second that! #tweetchats are amazing yet overwhelming r/t all the great content! #patientchat
Participatory Medicine @S4PM
RT @askdrfitz: My pleasure. Thanks for all the wonderful contributions and conversation. Keep at it! #patientchat https://t.co/UHasTv4oGJ
Participatory Medicine @S4PM
RT @HealthSparq: Thank you to everyone who joined #patientchat today and contributed to this amazing conversation! We are so happy to be pa…
Participatory Medicine @S4PM
RT @K_SalemOaks: CT Hopefully we can continue the discussion and taking action at #S4PM2019 #patientchat
Participatory Medicine @S4PM
RT @vrulon: CT: Change the culture of the healthcare system #transparency #awareness #SDOH #policy #payments all of it... great #patientcha
Sickbutstrong @Sickbutstrong1
@patientchat A2 How would they have time to address social needs when there is not even sufficient time for medical needs. This is where a comprehensive team is necessary. Social worker, MD, etc. Palliative care fills this role #PatientChat
Liz Kennerley #LongCOVID #RareDisease @LifeAccrdingLiz
Important to note that some of these challenges stem from how the body works. Symptoms of heart trouble differ between men and women. Blacks are diagnosed with skin cancers later because spots blend in with surrounding tissue. Kid's vocabulary differs from adults #patientchat
Participatory Medicine @S4PM
And we are absolutely thrilled to have you! #patientchat #S4PM2019 #SDOH
Participatory Medicine @S4PM
RT @HealthSparq: T2. Providers/#HCPs should be aware of the impact of #SDOH. Ask questions. Explore options in partnership with patients. #…
#patientchat content from Twitter.