#patientchat Transcript

Healthcare social media transcript of the #patientchat hashtag.
See #patientchat Influencers/Analytics.

Patient Chat @patientchat
Welcome to #patientchat - where patients, care partners, and advocates come to learn from each other and discuss topics of interest to empowered patients.
Memej99-SickleCellLifeOfMemej @Memej99
RT @patientchat: Welcome to #patientchat - where patients, care partners, and advocates come to learn from each other and discuss topics of…
Memej99-SickleCellLifeOfMemej @Memej99
RT @patientchat: You can find the topics we’ll cover on today’s Empowered #patientchat here:https://t.co/uYJCJR2n54
Patient Chat @patientchat
We start out with introductions - Those joining in, please take a moment to introduce yourself. #patientchat
Salem Oaks @SalemOaks
#patientchat Kevin from Salem Oaks and @RareNewEngland here. Been away for awhile, Looking forward to the chat.
Patient Empowerment Network @power4patients
Hi everyone! Kara from PEN here and looking forward to hearing everyone's thoughts today #patientchat
Patient Chat @patientchat
Happy Friday! I’m Nykema from @power4patients and I’m looking forward to today’s #patientchat 😊
Patient Chat @patientchat
Please continue intros and welcomes. I’ll share a couple “ground rules" :) #patientchat
Memej99-SickleCellLifeOfMemej @Memej99
#PatientChat starts now! Join in with me & other participants!👇🏿
Memej99-SickleCellLifeOfMemej @Memej99
RT @patientchat: Join us for a “Vaccine Hesitancy: Let's Talk About It” Empowered #patientchat on Friday, February 19th @ 10 AM PT| 1 PM ET…
Vera Rulon FAHIMA @vrulon
#patientchat Hello All! Vera here from NY. Healthcare strategic consultant, artist. Looking forward to the chat!!
Patient Worthy @PatientWorthy
Hi #patientchat! Jessica from PW here. How is everyone doing today?
Memej99-SickleCellLifeOfMemej @Memej99
RT @patientchat: Happy Friday! I’m Nykema from @power4patients and I’m looking forward to today’s #patientchat 😊
Patient Chat @patientchat
Today's chat is solely informational and not a substitute for speaking with a doctor who's familiar with your medical needs and history #patientchat
Patient Empowerment Network @power4patients
@SalemOaks @RareNewEngland Hi Kevin, great to see you back and I hope you've been well! #patientchat
Patient Empowerment Network @power4patients
[REDACTED USER] Hi Kristy! I'm doing well and happy it's Friday :) How have you been? #patientchat
Salem Oaks @SalemOaks
@power4patients @RareNewEngland Been very well. Tough times for everyone and I so want to go somewhere, anywhere. #patientchat
Patient Chat @patientchat
@vrulon Hi Vera! Nice to have you with us today. #patientchat
Patient Chat @patientchat
@PatientWorthy Doing well! Happy you’re here Jessica #patientchat
Diverse Health Hub @DHealthhub
@patientchat @power4patients Hi, I’m Jemela with @DHealthhub! Happy to participate, learn & engage with others! #patientchat
Patient Chat @patientchat
You can view our Chat Etiquette and Guidelines at https://t.co/XO3X3JyAcV #patientchat
Patient Chat @patientchat
Today's #patientchat topic is Vaccine Hesitancy: Let’s Talk About It https://t.co/uYJCJR2n54
Adam Johnson - DadVocate @RareDiseaseDad
@patientchat Hi all. I'm Adam, a rare disease patient who is a dad first & an advocate second. That's why I like the term #DadVocate for me. Hope everyone is staying as safe & warm as possible. #patientchat
Patient Empowerment Network @power4patients
[REDACTED USER] Oh no! I'm glad to hear you are doing better though #patientchat
Salem Oaks @SalemOaks
Hey there @S4PM - this would be a great one to join. #patientchat #signthemanifesto
Adam Johnson - DadVocate @RareDiseaseDad
@patientchat @power4patients Hi Nykema! Nice to see you here. Hope you're doing well. #patientchat
Patient Worthy @PatientWorthy
@patientchat Happy to be here! #patientchat
Adam Johnson - DadVocate @RareDiseaseDad
@DHealthhub @patientchat @power4patients Hi Jemela! How's it going? Hope all is well! #patientchat
Patient Chat @patientchat
@DHealthhub @power4patients Happy to have you here, Jemela! #patientchat
Patient Worthy @PatientWorthy
@RareDiseaseDad @patientchat Hey Adam, great to see you here! #patientchat
Alan Brewington @abrewi3010
Alan here. Currently working but hoping to be a positive contributor to this conversation #patientchat
Patient Chat @patientchat
I will introduce new Topics with T1, T2... Please include corresponding T# at the front of your answer - hard to remember but helpful #patientchat
Adam Johnson - DadVocate @RareDiseaseDad
[REDACTED USER] @patientchat Hey Kristy! I’m doing alright. How are you? Hope all is well! #patientchat
Alicia C. Staley @stales
Hi everyone - #patientchat
Patient Chat @patientchat
@RareDiseaseDad @power4patients Hope you’re well too Adam and looking forward to the weekend! #patientchat
Patient Chat @patientchat
Time to start our topics. Here comes T1: #patientchat
Salem Oaks @SalemOaks
@myraredisease @patientchat Hey there fellow podcaster! I host @Raising_Rare and @ImDevPodcast We should connect and share notes. #patientchat @RareNewEngland
Diverse Health Hub @DHealthhub
@patientchat T1: A number of things, but specifically for African Americans, a decades long history of medical mistrust. #patientchat
Patient Chat @patientchat
@kerri0413 Wow congrats!! Don’t forget to use #patientchat in your responses :)
Adam Johnson - DadVocate @RareDiseaseDad
@myraredisease @patientchat Hi Katy! Great to "see" you here. Hope the day is treating you well! And for others who haven't had a chance to check it out yet, the @myraredisease podcast is a winner! #patientchat
Patient Empowerment Network @power4patients
T1: Some may mistrust the medical system, be misinformed, or be worried about the side effects #patientchat
Vera Rulon FAHIMA @vrulon
T1: People are hesitant to get the vaccine due to potential side effects, mistrust in vaccines, and/or mistrust in government #patientchat
KerriEngebrecht @kerri0413
@patientchat Ok - I have one boy with pediatric COPD and one with Addison’s and seizures. #patientchat
Adam Johnson - DadVocate @RareDiseaseDad
@PatientWorthy Hey Jessica! Doing ok here. Hope you're doing well! #patientchat
Patient Chat @patientchat
T1: Why do you think people are hesitant to receive the COVID vaccine? #patientchat https://t.co/o4mKapWmix
Adam Johnson - DadVocate @RareDiseaseDad
@abrewi3010 Hey Alan! Happy Friday. Hope you've made it through the week okay. #patientchat
Salem Oaks @SalemOaks
T1 #patientchat Many reasons. Disinformation, lack of information, fears, stoicism, charity (others need it more) #pinksocks https://t.co/cgnpmJgPpg
Adam Johnson - DadVocate @RareDiseaseDad
@stales Hi Alicia!
Patient Empowerment Network @power4patients
RT @patientchat: T1: Why do you think people are hesitant to receive the COVID vaccine? #patientchat https://t.co/o4mKapWmix
Adam Johnson - DadVocate @RareDiseaseDad
@patientchat T1: There are many reasons. Fear of the unknown could be one. It’s so new, the typical process was accelerated out of necessity, & that’s difficult for some to process. There’s also so many opinions floating around that it’s hard to keep straight sometimes. #patientchat
Melissa VanHouten @melissarvh
They think the approval process was rushed & perhaps not as rigorous as it needed to be. They worry about general side effects & those specific to their personal illness. They want longer-term data on its effects. #PatientChat
Abhay Dandekar, MD FAAP @abhaydandekar
T1: historic equity based mistrust and gaps in clinician fostered relationships have eroded a faith in institutions. We need grassroots, individual, family, and community based entrustment in science and delivery systems #patientchat
Diverse Health Hub @DHealthhub
@patientchat T1: A number of things, but specifically for African Americans, a decades long history of medical mistrust. #patientchat
Christina Lizaso @btrfly12
RT @patientchat: T1: Why do you think people are hesitant to receive the COVID vaccine? #patientchat https://t.co/o4mKapWmix
Patient Chat @patientchat
Topic 2 (T2:) coming up..... #patientchat
Patient Empowerment Network @power4patients
RT @abhaydandekar: T1: historic equity based mistrust and gaps in clinician fostered relationships have eroded a faith in institutions. We…
Patient Chat @patientchat
RT @abhaydandekar: T1: historic equity based mistrust and gaps in clinician fostered relationships have eroded a faith in institutions. We…
Alicia C. Staley @stales
RT @patientchat: T1: Why do you think people are hesitant to receive the COVID vaccine? #patientchat https://t.co/o4mKapWmix
Patient Chat @patientchat
T2: What are some myths you'd like to debunk specifically surrounding the COVID vaccine? #patientchat https://t.co/kWrowFYLte
Amanda @MsAmandaGreene
A1 some people don’t trust science and facts... #patientchat
Salem Oaks @SalemOaks
@melissarvh The concern about the impact on personal illness is important to acknowledge. #patientchat
KerriEngebrecht @kerri0413
@patientchat T1: Many feel it was developed too quickly and there was general mistrust in the government. #patientchat
Christina Lizaso @btrfly12
T1: Added layer of concern for those with chronic conditions who know that those are generally been left out of studies. Rare and chronic folks and orgs will have to push for data and weigh risks on individual basis. #patientchat
Patient Empowerment Network @power4patients
RT @patientchat: T2: What are some myths you'd like to debunk specifically surrounding the COVID vaccine? #patientchat https://t.co/kWrowFY…
Patient Worthy @PatientWorthy
A1. Some people believe the vaccine was too quickly developed. Because it is so new, many also do not know how it might affect them, especially if they have other conditions, causing fear and concern. #patientchat
Diverse Health Hub @DHealthhub
@patientchat T2: I have some helpful information that can be useful for debunking some of the myths that BIPOC people have about the vaccine below, 1 common misconception is that the vaccine will give you the virus. https://t.co/vAYNbvz0eQ #patientchat https://t.co/Ix0prTiKaQ
Christina Lizaso @btrfly12
RT @patientchat: T2: What are some myths you'd like to debunk specifically surrounding the COVID vaccine? #patientchat https://t.co/kWrowFY…
Melissa VanHouten @melissarvh
RT @btrfly12: T1: Added layer of concern for those with chronic conditions who know that those are generally been left out of studies. Rare…
Adam Johnson - DadVocate @RareDiseaseDad
@rarelikeher Hi Taylor! Hope all is well in the UK! #patientchat
Patient Worthy @PatientWorthy
@23BLeslie Hey Leslie! It's a little chilly in Virginia right now but I'm doing well. How are you? #patientchat
Abhay Dandekar, MD FAAP @abhaydandekar
T1- as a pediatrician, acknowledging history and garnering permission to engage and develop a relationship is critical #patientchat
Patient Chat @patientchat
RT @btrfly12: T1: Added layer of concern for those with chronic conditions who know that those are generally been left out of studies. Rare…
Patient Worthy @PatientWorthy
@btrfly12 Agreed, which is an understandable fear and concern. #patientchat
Salem Oaks @SalemOaks
T1 #patientchat I see a common theme of lacking trust in things "outside of ourselves."
Patient Empowerment Network @power4patients
RT @DHealthhub: @patientchat T2: I have some helpful information that can be useful for debunking some of the myths that BIPOC people have…
Amanda @MsAmandaGreene
T2 instead of debunking myths, we should share the facts. Vaccines work. As a person who is #HighRiskCovid19 the vaccine is important to immune compromised populations so that we can avoid severe complications. #patientchat
KerriEngebrecht @kerri0413
@patientchat T2: when government went all in and out all resources towards development of the new vaccine, it was not all that quickly developed. #patientchat
@patientchat Hi #patientchat, I am a rare disease patient (CVID, EDS, Myasthenia Gravis) and also advocate for others living with a rare disease. I lived in Texas for the last 15 years, but recently moved to Michigan.
Amanda @MsAmandaGreene
RT @btrfly12: T1: Added layer of concern for those with chronic conditions who know that those are generally been left out of studies. Rare…
MomsThoughts™ @MomsThoughts
RT @btrfly12: T1: Added layer of concern for those with chronic conditions who know that those are generally been left out of studies. Rare…
Alan Brewington @abrewi3010
A1 hard science is a skill set, not everyone has this ability. Add on top of that vaccine development is going through a rapid or expedited process of approval, it’s only natural to be nervous #patientchat
Patient Empowerment Network @power4patients
@23BLeslie @patientchat Hi Leslie, glad you could join in today! #patientchat
Patient Chat @patientchat
Topic 3 (T3:) coming up..... #patientchat
Patient Worthy @PatientWorthy
A2. One myth is that you should not get the vaccine if you have already had COVID-19. Since we don't know how long the vaccine confers protection, or how long the antibodies are protective, even those who had COVID-19 should still be vaccinated. #patientchat
Christina Lizaso @btrfly12
RT @MsAmandaGreene: T2 instead of debunking myths, we should share the facts. Vaccines work. As a person who is #HighRiskCovid19 the vacc…
Adam Johnson - DadVocate @RareDiseaseDad
@patientchat T2: Someone I know hesitated to get it because a person they knew got a fever, aches, etc. That’s not necessarily bad or unexpected. I find it ironic that some who deny the threats/impacts of #COVID are quick to point out the potential side effects of the vaccine. #patientchat
Vera Rulon FAHIMA @vrulon
@MsAmandaGreene Agree. Well put. #patientchat
Patient Chat @patientchat
T3: How can we help people who are feeling hesitant to be vaccinated? How can we counteract medical mistrust? #patientchat https://t.co/c3mqH5B07i
Christina Lizaso @btrfly12
RT @patientchat: T3: How can we help people who are feeling hesitant to be vaccinated? How can we counteract medical mistrust? #patientchat
Patient Empowerment Network @power4patients
RT @patientchat: T3: How can we help people who are feeling hesitant to be vaccinated? How can we counteract medical mistrust? #patientchat
Melissa VanHouten @melissarvh
If I start using terms like "debunk," this will fail with those who are already suspicious. Best I can do is share information & ask people to review the studies/literature & make an informed decision. #PatientChat
Diverse Health Hub @DHealthhub
@patientchat T3: The first critical step is to note the facts and dispel the myths surrounding the COVID-19 vaccine. We must stop the spread of misinformation and we need more BIPOC clinicians. #patientchat
Patient Empowerment Network @power4patients
T3: I came across this article from CNN that shares how you can respond to your loved one’s vaccine hesitancy: https://t.co/ScJMg8uj9v #patientchat
Salem Oaks @SalemOaks
T2 #patientchat @Pfizer and [REDACTED USER] are NOT selfishly withholding manufacturing knowledge. Both have multiple agreements for competitors to produce the vax.
Alan Brewington @abrewi3010
A2 that we fully understand the potential long term side effects of this vaccine. From what I understand we can’t be 100% sure until we hit long term. #patientchat
Adam Johnson - DadVocate @RareDiseaseDad
@btrfly12 Great points, Christina! It's really not just as simple as saying "it's your turn, now go get it" in some instances Looking forward to seeing ideas about how we can help with these valid concerns. #patientchat
Patient Chat @patientchat
RT @power4patients: T3: I came across this article from CNN that shares how you can respond to your loved one’s vaccine hesitancy: https://…
Salem Oaks @SalemOaks
@patientchat T2 #patientchat No scientific shortcuts were taken. The data collected from 100K plus study participants are sound. Speed came from extraordinary red tape shredding.
Vera Rulon FAHIMA @vrulon
T3: Counteracting #medical #mistrust has been a long time barrier. One way to counter is educate, another to ensure diversity in #healthcareproviders so that communication is improved. #patientchat
Jennifer Douglas @mmejendouglas
@patientchat There seems to be many reasons I’m hearing. A lot of them center around how the vaccine works and whether or not it will have long term side effects #patientchat
Alan Brewington @abrewi3010
A3 medical mistrust is always going to be a side effect of a capitalist based healthcare system. #patientchat
Diverse Health Hub @DHealthhub
RT @power4patients: T3: I came across this article from CNN that shares how you can respond to your loved one’s vaccine hesitancy: https://…
Salem Oaks @SalemOaks
T2 #patientchat mRNA vaccines are not new. Actually, BioNTech and Moderna have been studying them for years for other ailments. Vax for SARS-CoV-2 are the first to reach this stage.
Abhay Dandekar, MD FAAP @abhaydandekar
T3 : we must coordinate our efforts with community leaders to work in a synchronized way to bridge gaps, generate dialogue, and provide easy and empathy based access. This will accelerate trust.
Amanda G @LAlupusLady
T3 Trust the science and research. Recognize that why you wear your mask, wash your hands and keep your social distance are all acts of “kindness“ - when it is your turn please get the vaccine. #patientchat
Christina Lizaso @btrfly12
T3: I think we have to make space for those who are hesitant. I don't think everyone will or should get vaccine. We have to address individual concerns and help people make informed choices. #patientchat
Patient Worthy @PatientWorthy
@power4patients Fantastic, thank you for sharing. #patientchat
Amanda G @LAlupusLady
RT @MsAmandaGreene: A1 some people don’t trust science and facts... #patientchat
Alan Brewington @abrewi3010
A3 we need more success stories from fellow patients published. We need more follow up stories published. Patients trust patients #patientchat
Amanda G @LAlupusLady
RT @btrfly12: T1: Added layer of concern for those with chronic conditions who know that those are generally been left out of studies. Rare…
Amanda G @LAlupusLady
RT @MsAmandaGreene: T2 instead of debunking myths, we should share the facts. Vaccines work. As a person who is #HighRiskCovid19 the vacc…
Salem Oaks @SalemOaks
T3 #patientchat Listen to their concerns. Provide factual resources. Tell them why we are confident in getting the Vax.
Abhay Dandekar, MD FAAP @abhaydandekar
T3 : we must coordinate our efforts with community leaders to work in a synchronized way to bridge gaps, generate dialogue, and provide easy and empathy based access. This will surely accelerate trust. #patientchat
Amanda G @LAlupusLady
RT @power4patients: T3: I came across this article from CNN that shares how you can respond to your loved one’s vaccine hesitancy: https://…
Patient Chat @patientchat
Vera Rulon FAHIMA @vrulon
@abrewi3010 Couldn't agree more. We learn from others' experiences. #patientchat
Christina Lizaso @btrfly12
T3: Those who've been attacked for promoting any vaccine have to leave that aside and address those w/ questions and concerns w/ empathy. Can be hard if have experienced online harassment but it is time to promote good facts and conversations. Don't vilify hesitancy. #patientchat
Jennifer Douglas @mmejendouglas
Hi Checking in from SoCal. Breast cancer writer and survivor. DCIS in fall 2019. Now writing about my treatment and recovery #patientchat
Patient Chat @patientchat
Topic 4 (T4:) coming up..... #patientchat
Adam Johnson - DadVocate @RareDiseaseDad
@patientchat T3a: There are many factors, some that I don’t have to deal with personally because of my privilege. Medical mistrust is there in some demographics, nationalities, races because of being severely & adversely impacted by things (past & present), including vaccinations.#patientchat
Patient Worthy @PatientWorthy
@mmejendouglas Welcome, Jennifer! #patientchat
Christina Lizaso @btrfly12
RT @patientchat: #patientchat https://t.co/EiZbCJwp6n
Christina Lizaso @btrfly12
RT @abhaydandekar: T3 : we must coordinate our efforts with community leaders to work in a synchronized way to bridge gaps, generate dialog…
Christina Lizaso @btrfly12
RT @abrewi3010: A3 we need more success stories from fellow patients published. We need more follow up stories published. Patients trust pa…
Salem Oaks @SalemOaks
T3 #patientchat DO NOT argue with clear political or conspiratorial theories about the vaccines. Not worth the exasperation. Disengage and go back to providing facts and voicing confidence.
Patient Chat @patientchat
In light of the pandemic, clinical trials have come center stage. What inequities often present in clinical trials? #patientchat https://t.co/SVxYdJzA11
Adam Johnson - DadVocate @RareDiseaseDad
@patientchat T3b: One big thing in my mind is to listen to & respect the experiences of others (especially when we don’t relate personally), & see what can be done moving forward in a respectful & collaborative manner. Don't judge, don't dismiss immediately. Listen! #patientchat
Christina Lizaso @btrfly12
RT @LAlupusLady: T3 Trust the science and research. Recognize that why you wear your mask, wash your hands and keep your social distance ar…
Patient Chat @patientchat
RT @abrewi3010: A3 we need more success stories from fellow patients published. We need more follow up stories published. Patients trust pa…
Jennifer Douglas @mmejendouglas
@dutchsmitty @patientchat Well put! #patientchat
Patient Worthy @PatientWorthy
Fantastic answer, @abhaydandekar! #patientchat
Christina Lizaso @btrfly12
RT @SalemOaks: @patientchat T2 #patientchat No scientific shortcuts were taken. The data collected from 100K plus study participants are s…
Christina Lizaso @btrfly12
Melissa VanHouten @melissarvh
People need to feel as if their concerns are being heard. Upfront discussions rather than dismissive & condescending attitudes will lead to better outcomes. You have to be open & honest re concerns, fears, facts, limitations. #PatientChat
Patient Chat @patientchat
RT @RareDiseaseDad: @patientchat T3b: One big thing in my mind is to listen to & respect the experiences of others (especially when we don’…
Alan Brewington @abrewi3010
RT @vrulon: @abrewi3010 Couldn't agree more. We learn from others' experiences. #patientchat
Christina Lizaso @btrfly12
RT @power4patients: T3: I came across this article from CNN that shares how you can respond to your loved one’s vaccine hesitancy: https://…
Salem Oaks @SalemOaks
T4 #patientchat We need another full hour to chat about this one. @DrugInfoAssn https://t.co/3GvRbdHkhp
Patient Chat @patientchat
T4: In light of the pandemic, clinical trials have come center stage. What inequities often present in clinical trials? #patientchat https://t.co/IPRdJNAncN
Christina Lizaso @btrfly12
Don't forget to add #patientchat so all can see your participation in the chat :)
Salem Oaks @SalemOaks
T4 #patientchat Most people are unaware of clin trials. The lack of information gets thinner in underserved communities.
Christina Lizaso @btrfly12
RT @melissarvh: People need to feel as if their concerns are being heard. Upfront discussions rather than dismissive & condescending attitu…
Christina Lizaso @btrfly12
RT @RareDiseaseDad: @patientchat T3b: One big thing in my mind is to listen to & respect the experiences of others (especially when we don’…
Salem Oaks @SalemOaks
T4 #patientchat Decades of biopharm R&D not recognizing the built-in bias for recruiting white, middle class participants
Patient Chat @patientchat
RT @melissarvh: People need to feel as if their concerns are being heard. Upfront discussions rather than dismissive & condescending attitu…
Liz Kennerley #LongCOVID #RareDisease @LifeAccrdingLiz
Hi, I have three #rarediseases. My mitochondrial #disease caused many co-morbidity shenanigans and is most relevant to #COVIDVaccine concerns. Coming to you live from the center of the universe of Washington, D.C. #patientchat.
Michael Smith @dutchsmitty
@patientchat Thank you for this discussion #PatientChat
Patient Empowerment Network @power4patients
T4: Some inequities may include racial/ethnic, geographic distribution, language/linguistic differences #patientchat
Patient Worthy @PatientWorthy
A4. Due to access issues, some patients are unaware or unable to participate in clinical trials. There are also racial disparities, and patients with rare or chronic conditions are often left out of the equation. #patientchat
Diverse Health Hub @DHealthhub
@patientchat T4: The lack of diversity seen in clinical trials. The blog & graphic below, both help to explain why diversity in clinical trials benefits everyone. Diverse data from all minority groups is so vital. https://t.co/nVuBXQjvXT #patientchat https://t.co/PGyFZPmOxU
Salem Oaks @SalemOaks
T4 #patientchat Add to that, a serious and well-founded mistrust of healthcare and clin trials by people of color.
Christina Lizaso @btrfly12
RT @patientchat: T4: In light of the pandemic, clinical trials have come center stage. What inequities often present in clinical trials? #p
Amanda G @LAlupusLady
T4 Research and clinical trials need to explain how people and patients can help move science forward by participating in studies and trials. #patientchat https://t.co/yqKudAw3gW
Patient Chat @patientchat
RT @abhaydandekar: T3 : we must coordinate our efforts with community leaders to work in a synchronized way to bridge gaps, generate dialog…
Christina Lizaso @btrfly12
RT @DHealthhub: @patientchat T4: The lack of diversity seen in clinical trials. The blog & graphic below, both help to explain why diversit…
Patient Chat @patientchat
Vera Rulon FAHIMA @vrulon
T4: #ClinicalTrials issues surfaced by #COVID - ability to recruit diverse participants, convenience/distance, and diversity of investigators. More effort is needed to improve #trust especially with underserved communities. #patientchat
Salem Oaks @SalemOaks
T4 #patientchat Follow the SDoH. Food insecurity, income inequality, underfunded schools, and you will find lack of clinical trial opportunities. #inequity
Amanda G @LAlupusLady
@btrfly12 FYI @JohnsHopkins is. #patientchat
Amanda G @LAlupusLady
RT @patientchat: #patientchat
Patient Chat @patientchat
RT @DHealthhub: @patientchat T4: The lack of diversity seen in clinical trials. The blog & graphic below, both help to explain why diversit…
Alan Brewington @abrewi3010
A4 generally speaking, clinical trails are for those that already have access up healthcare or tweet chats. That means white, middle class types. #patientchat
Adam Johnson - DadVocate @RareDiseaseDad
@patientchat T4: #RareDisease has many spaces to enter (clinical trials included). Access is needed & it's an inequity. Unfortunately, approaching isn't on the table in many instances, for a variety of reasons (demographics, race, ethnicity, disease specificity, insurance, etc.). #patientchat
Patient Chat @patientchat
Topic 5 (T5:) coming up..... #patientchat
Diverse Health Hub @DHealthhub
RT @abhaydandekar: T3 : we must coordinate our efforts with community leaders to work in a synchronized way to bridge gaps, generate dialog…
Adam Johnson - DadVocate @RareDiseaseDad
@DHealthhub @patientchat Outstanding graphic! I'll bookmark the blog link for later. Thanks for sharing! #patientchat
Patient Chat @patientchat
T5: Do you have any go-to resources that provide education surrounding the COVID vaccine? #patientchat https://t.co/3QE1TWtl5S
Patient Chat @patientchat
RT @vrulon: T4: #ClinicalTrials issues surfaced by #COVID - ability to recruit diverse participants, convenience/distance, and diversity of…
Abhay Dandekar, MD FAAP @abhaydandekar
T4-: education and ethics should be prioritized at every level and patient centered leaders should be present at every level of the initiation and implementation process. #patientchat
Amanda G @LAlupusLady
RT @vrulon: T4: #ClinicalTrials issues surfaced by #COVID - ability to recruit diverse participants, convenience/distance, and diversity of…
Patient Empowerment Network @power4patients
RT @patientchat: T5: Do you have any go-to resources that provide education surrounding the COVID vaccine? #patientchat https://t.co/3QE1T…
Patient Chat @patientchat
@ObesityAdvocate Don’t forget to add #patientchat to your answers!
Alan Brewington @abrewi3010
A4 despite improvements, medical literacy is still a big issue in our country. Understanding the basic concept of a clinical trial is hard, misunderstanding breeds stress/lower participation #patientchat
Salem Oaks @SalemOaks
T4 #patientchat @RareNewEngland we are trying to understand and characterizer the intersection of rare disease and diversity. It is not easy, but omentum is building.
KerriEngebrecht @kerri0413
@patientchat T5: I listen to daily briefings from state and local media; advocacy groups for my children’s illnesses. I trust the Covid response teams in place. Given all the attention I have gotten this week I have been put in touch with those at the top to help others #patientchat
Christina Lizaso @btrfly12
clinical trial diversity problem has been around a long time and has been slow to make progress. Hoping this pandemic helps push forward again. In cancer, Blacks make up 13% US population but only around 4% of cancer clinical trials. Hispanics 16% US vs 5% in trials #patientchat
Adam Johnson - DadVocate @RareDiseaseDad
@patientchat T5: I’ve been lucky to have information from my specific #RareDisease group that's provided vaccine info. Perhaps some of you #patientchat participants are familiar with the following presentation, which I found helpful: https://t.co/VFOPUAEr2Z
Patient Empowerment Network @power4patients
T5: Recently, the @NCCN released COVID-19 Vaccine Guidance that shares some top recommendations for cancer patients https://t.co/4cwMfbkZb4 #patientchat
Liz Kennerley #LongCOVID #RareDisease @LifeAccrdingLiz
T1. Some fellow #patients have *severe* #disease progression following #vaccines. Which when described are definitely reasonable concerns. They've sort of come around realizing #COVIID presents differently in #children #patientchat
Christina Lizaso @btrfly12
RT @abrewi3010: A4 despite improvements, medical literacy is still a big issue in our country. Understanding the basic concept of a clinica…
Salem Oaks @SalemOaks
T5 #patientchat https://t.co/2OrUCiJWlW Go to the source!
Jennifer Douglas @mmejendouglas
@patientchat A5: I tend to go for the resources produced by cdc, local health agencies, and national medical providers. I also have been known to look for the safety data produced by the manufacturers. #patientchat
Christina Lizaso @btrfly12
RT @patientchat: T5: Do you have any go-to resources that provide education surrounding the COVID vaccine? #patientchat https://t.co/3QE1T…
Diverse Health Hub @DHealthhub
@patientchat T5: My go to resources include the @DHealthhub website, because they focus on health equity for all people & I also frequent the @SCDAAorg website to specifically focus on the vaccine for patients with Sickle Cell, like myself. I know these are reliable sources. #patientchat
Salem Oaks @SalemOaks
T5 #patientchat https://t.co/n3lg9xL3HQ for a down to earth explanation of the clinical trials.
Christina Lizaso @btrfly12
RT @vrulon: T4: #ClinicalTrials issues surfaced by #COVID - ability to recruit diverse participants, convenience/distance, and diversity of…
Christina Lizaso @btrfly12
RT @SalemOaks: T5 #patientchat https://t.co/n3lg9xL3HQ for a down to earth explanation of the clinical trials.
Amanda G @LAlupusLady
Resources and people I trust @rheum_covid @CDCgov @JohnsHopkins @DrSwamyV @BrennanSpiegel @CedarsSinai @UCLAHealth and Dr. Fauci. #patientchat
Salem Oaks @SalemOaks
T5 #patientchat https://t.co/IeIi5ivZMm You can follow the data without some commentators trying to "guide" you.
Melissa VanHouten @melissarvh
Besides the typical resources cited (CDC, major medical universities, NIH, state health depts, etc.), we always encourage our members to consult their own physicians so that they can discuss individual concerns & come up with the approach best suited to their needs. #PatientChat
Amanda G @LAlupusLady
RT @SalemOaks: T5 #patientchat https://t.co/IeIi5ivZMm You can follow the data without some commentators trying to "guide" you.
Patient Chat @patientchat
Time to start sharing closing thoughts (CT) on what you learned, were reminded of, or can implement. Start your tweet w/ CT: #patientchat
Christina Lizaso @btrfly12
RT @melissarvh: Besides the typical resources cited (CDC, major medical universities, NIH, state health depts, etc.), we always encourage o…
Alan Brewington @abrewi3010
A5 my main source comes from Twitter and chats like this. I’m not a hard science guy or brain. I understand patient stories so that’s what I search for. Should also mention that I don’t care about diagnosis silos, I try to read all stories #patientchat
Adam Johnson - DadVocate @RareDiseaseDad
@kerri0413 @patientchat I'm going to have to read up on your week a bit more, Kerri, but I do know that I appreciate how you're using this as an opportunity to help others, Kerri! Thank you! 💚 #patientchat
Salem Oaks @SalemOaks
T5 #patientchat I follow @EricTopol @DrPaulOffit
Adam Johnson - DadVocate @RareDiseaseDad
@abhaydandekar This...this is a winning combination! Yes, please! #patientchat
Christina Lizaso @btrfly12
What finally convinced my mom to get the vaccine was the data coming out about long-term COVID side effects. #patientchat
Jennifer Douglas @mmejendouglas
Ct: Thanks for letting me join in. Good topic today and lots of great information shared! Take care everyone! #patientchat
Diverse Health Hub @DHealthhub
@patientchat CT: I was reminded of how important it is to seek trusted sources of information when it comes to Covid19 vaccine knowledge. Multiple sources, if necessary. I learned of new resources to check for information which I plan on implementing as well #patientchat
Christina Lizaso @btrfly12
Thanks all for sharing their COVID vaccine resources and experiences on #patientchat I think videos can be great in sharing information as well. I know there was a good one on mRNA going around, but don't see it in my bookmarks.
KerriEngebrecht @kerri0413
@patientchat #patientchat - we are looking into some clinical trials so I am going to look through some of those responses and the resources that were shared here! Glad I finally hopped on - I usually do not see it until after!
Amanda G @LAlupusLady
CT Hoping the community conversation continues... as we share our thoughts and facts about the vaccine #patientchat is an important resource for discussion on relevant topics. Thank you. https://t.co/EVR4wyhbfu
Salem Oaks @SalemOaks
@RareNewEngland Pardon the typos. #patientchat
Patient Chat @patientchat
#patientchat is your community. Thanks for helping make it great. Reach out to @power4patients and @patientchat anytime.
Adam Johnson - DadVocate @RareDiseaseDad
@SalemOaks Yes! This presentation answered (or at least provided some more information for) many questions that present, specifically in the #RareDisease communities. And it comes from the source you mentioned! #patientchat ⬇️ https://t.co/VFOPUAEr2Z
Alan Brewington @abrewi3010
CT our country desperately needs a conversation on what public health means. To many think my ability to watch a game live after shopping at a mall is more important than protecting those of us with compromised immune systems. #patientchat
Christina Lizaso @btrfly12
RT @RareDiseaseDad: @SalemOaks Yes! This presentation answered (or at least provided some more information for) many questions that present…
Liz Kennerley #LongCOVID #RareDisease @LifeAccrdingLiz
T2: 1) The #COVIDVaccines can cause #COVID. [Not possible with mRNA #vaccines.] 2) It causes "side effects". [It's an immune system response.] #patientchat
Patient Chat @patientchat
@LAlupusLady Thank you for joining us today!! #patientchat
Patient Chat @patientchat
Do you love #patientchat and want to help PEN (@power4patients) continue offering programs like it? Please nominate PEN for a grant from the Glassybaby Foundation through a quick, 2-step process. Learn more: https://t.co/HNUrgn5XSz
Patient Empowerment Network @power4patients
RT @patientchat: Do you love #patientchat and want to help PEN (@power4patients) continue offering programs like it? Please nominate PEN fo…
Christina Lizaso @btrfly12
I definitely think I benefitted in already having curated a bunch of twitter folks in the healthcare space that I could look to the collective guidance to support the main official sources. So thanks to those HC workers who take time to be active on social #patientchat
Patient Chat @patientchat
Join us for a “Genome-Wide Sequencing: What an Empowered Patient Needs to Know" #patientchat with [REDACTED USER] on Friday, March 5th @ 10 AM PT| 1 PM ET! https://t.co/MroF1mkuvE https://t.co/tYGIHBIL71
Diverse Health Hub @DHealthhub
@patientchat @power4patients Thank YOU! I always enjoy the chats & leave feeling more knowledgeable! Have a great weekend! -Jemela #patientchat
Diverse Health Hub @DHealthhub
RT @patientchat: Join us for a “Genome-Wide Sequencing: What an Empowered Patient Needs to Know" #patientchat with [REDACTED USER] on Friday…
Melissa VanHouten @melissarvh
RT @patientchat: Join us for a “Genome-Wide Sequencing: What an Empowered Patient Needs to Know" #patientchat with [REDACTED USER] on Friday…
KerriEngebrecht @kerri0413
@RareDiseaseDad @patientchat #patientchat I have been in People, Newsweek, Washington Post called. Two local news channels, a few local papers and radio talk shows;apparently in Europe too!! If on FB it is everywhere on my feed - riding momentum for change. I have a contact on white how Covid response team!
Patient Chat @patientchat
Keep the conversation going between chats with hashtag #patientchat
Memej99-SickleCellLifeOfMemej @Memej99
RT @patientchat: Keep the conversation going between chats with hashtag #patientchat
Memej99-SickleCellLifeOfMemej @Memej99
RT @patientchat: Join us for a “Genome-Wide Sequencing: What an Empowered Patient Needs to Know" #patientchat with [REDACTED USER] on Friday…
Adam Johnson - DadVocate @RareDiseaseDad
@patientchat CT: There are many considerations that go into vaccine hesitancy. It's not a simple yes/no answer. Like so many other areas in life, we need to listen, collaborate, be respectful, listen more, plan, & implement according to what we hear from all members of society. #patientchat
Patient Chat @patientchat
RT @RareDiseaseDad: @patientchat CT: There are many considerations that go into vaccine hesitancy. It's not a simple yes/no answer. Like so…
Memej99-SickleCellLifeOfMemej @Memej99
RT @patientchat: #patientchat is your community. Thanks for helping make it great. Reach out to @power4patients and @patientchat anytime.
Christina Lizaso @btrfly12
RT @RareDiseaseDad: @patientchat CT: There are many considerations that go into vaccine hesitancy. It's not a simple yes/no answer. Like so…
Liz Kennerley #LongCOVID #RareDisease @LifeAccrdingLiz
T3) Share articles on Facebook. More specifically, from reputable sources. Like @STAT, and other #science-focused news sources. Be sure to fact-check!! #patientchat
Patient Chat @patientchat
Have a great weekend everyone! Hope to "see" you all at the next #patientchat! - Nykema
Vera Rulon FAHIMA @vrulon
@patientchat You too! Sorry had to drop off early!! #patientchat
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
RT @abrewi3010: A4 despite improvements, medical literacy is still a big issue in our country. Understanding the basic concept of a clinica…
Liz Kennerley #LongCOVID #RareDisease @LifeAccrdingLiz
T4: The #raredisease space is considerably smaller than many other #chronicillness(es). So smaller #patient #population. Which comes with *many* logistical hurdles. #Travel is harder for #wheelchair #patients. #patientchat
Christina Lizaso @btrfly12
T2: I think some of the most compelling information in my decision to get vaccine when I can was info about why this was able to go quickly - like lots of volunteers, lots of funding, and unfortunately lots of disease in cmty - plus that it build on prior research. #patientchat
RT @vrulon: T4: #ClinicalTrials issues surfaced by #COVID - ability to recruit diverse participants, convenience/distance, and diversity of…
Liz Kennerley #LongCOVID #RareDisease @LifeAccrdingLiz
T5: As far as #federal and #state #health #policy goes the @UMDF, as well as @EveryLifeOrg, have sent letters to @NatlGovsAssoc and the @WHCOVIDResponse. Hopefully, these will help prioritize 16-64-year-old #RareDisease #patients. #patientchat
#patientchat content from Twitter.