Monthly Archives: October 2012


Faced with budget cutbacks, shifting healthcare networks, and an increasing number of hospital-employed physicians, hospitals and health systems are reanalyzing and revamping their physician marketing, referral-driving, and relationship-building strategies. The … Continued


November 3-7, 2012, Los Angeles, CA Convention Centre Scientific Sessions is the American Heart Association’s largest gathering of scientists and healthcare professionals devoted to the science of cardiovascular disease and … Continued


This year’s conference program will highlight the emergence of new models of care and the needs, challenges and innovative strategies aimed at improving health outcomes in paediatrics across the continuum … Continued


The City of Richmond, in partnership with Cigna, is holding an invitation-only Health Care Symposium to discuss: — Strategies to attract health care practitioners to live and work in Richmond. … Continued


TEDx event hosted by the Henry Ford Innovation Institute, Detroit, MI, including speakers Ted Eytan, MD and Regina Holliday


A live weekly tweet chat about Inflammatory Bowel Disease to include patients, carers and medical professionals. It that takes place every fortnight at 9pm GMT (UK time). It was founded … Continued


Put the spotlight on patient safety issues, share information about best practices, and grow your patient safety and quality initiatives during Canadian Patient Safety Week.


Engage 2013 is the second in an annual Brussels-based series of high-level meetings between healthcare stakeholders. The meeting aims to build bridges between patients and other members of the healthcare … Continued