Monthly Archives: December 2013


Evolve is a grant-funded physician & provider program focused on helping prepare providers for leadership in a population health world through collaboration and innovation.


Health In All Policies (HiAP) is an emerging collaborative approach to improving health by including health, equity, and sustainability considerations into decision-making across sectors and policy areas. This year’s event … Continued


ASICON2013 is annual conference that brings together HIV/AIDS related healthcare providers in India. Several international HIV physicians participate as well. Conference website is


Text, Talk, Act to improve mental health is an innovative way to help. Break the silence on mental health. On December 5, 2013, small groups of 4-5 people will gather … Continued


Nathan Pearson, PhD (@GenomeNathan) and John Humphreys, PharmD (@johnpharmd) plus invited ePatients, patient advocates, researchers, clinicians and other professionals discuss topics in genomics. Inspired by Cafe Scientifique.