Game Dynamics & Geo Location – Will HIPAA Kill It?

As a result of bringing location-based social networking to the masses, Facebook Places will also bring us game dynamics. This will have huge implications for local businesses, including hospitals, medical practices and other healthcare providers. Let’s look at the implications and opportunities that the adoption of this technology will have for medical providers.

What are game dynamics?

If you’ve got 10 minutes, you may want to watch the highly distributed TED video “The Game Layer on Top of the World” (scroll to the bottom of this article for the video). In short, it’s just a fancy name for a range of incentives that reward desired behavior. We’ve had game dynamics in the “real world” for a long time, but it has recently been taken to an impressively powerful level in social gaming platforms, making social game developers very credible when talking about changing social behavior.


You can find game dynamics in almost every industry and location. Here are a few examples:

  • Appointment dynamic: you are rewarded for visiting at a specific time. Happy Hours.
  • Status dynamic: shaping of behavior through social pressure/status. Colored Credit Cards reflecting status.
  • Progression dynamic: success is earned gradually by completing a set of tasks. LinkedIn profile progress bar.

These are just a few of the many game dynamics out there.  Many more can be found in real life or social gaming platforms. We’ll come back with more in the next blog.


Changing healthcare behavior

None of these basic concepts are new. Game dynamics or incentive dynamics have been with us since the beginning of man. Call it cause and effect, action and reaction.

What’s new is the application of these dynamics. Geo location+social networks+game dynamics would certainly have multitudes of applications within the healthcare industry. Expect to see them in action at hospitals, medical groups, physician offices, etc. We will see these new applications of game dynamics change behavior in patients, their family members, and providers themselves. Why? Because in time it will be clear, scientifically, that these methods and tools can bring about better outcomes.


The badges displayed above are from the UK program Walk once a Week, encouraging school pupils to walk to school at least once a week to earn a badge.


“40,000 foot level” applications that game dynamics can have in healthcare

Here are just three areas where we will see game dynamics+geo location+social media play a role:

1. Improving Outcomes

Game dynamics created by medical practices, hospitals, and healthcare organizations to improve outcomes (after treatment, after injury, for program participants, patients with chronic diseases etc.)

2. Preventive Medicine

Game dynamics created by employers, schools, and insurance companies that shape behavior in order to reduce healthcare risks and costs, thus improving productivity and lowering costs.

3. Broaden Service Awareness

Game dynamics employed by healthcare providers and communities to spread health information, awareness of healthcare offerings and possible threats.


At HealthCamp San Diego last month, I shared some ideas that relate to a diabetes clinic we work with that makes use of this new frontier. In next week’s blog we’ll go down to the ground level and share similar ideas and give examples of using Game Dynamics+Geo Location+Social Media with different healthcare providers and medical specialties.


Will HIPAA Kill It?

One challenge that all industries are going to face is the need to keep innovating. Certain game layer rewards will quickly become “old” and thus not create behavior change. Healthcare providers will always need to innovate, create new ideas and reward systems, and find new applications.

Challenges specific to the healthcare industry are obviously related to Personal Health Information regulations, HIPAA and other applicable laws. They will no doubt shape much of what will be possible.  However, that being said, don’t reject the idea of game dynamics because of these laws. Human creativity will always find ways to make things happen no matter how much red tape is present. I am sure people and organizations will find ways to construct geo location and game dynamics that can work in harmony with these laws.

More importantly, those who will be “rewarded” in the healthcare industry are not those who dwell on the areas where game dynamics will not work, but rather those who can envision where it will flourish.


Where to go from here?

What Facebook Places, Foursquare, SCVNGR and other public geo location services do for us is to bring these game dynamics to the masses–making people comfortable with these new ideas and pushing the boundaries. Even private or closed medical usage of geo location and game dynamics will benefit greatly by being able to piggy back on this shift. Perhaps we will see that in some areas within healthcare, Facebook Places will do the initial seeding of the fields, while private mobile medical apps will reap the harvest.

Many flinch at the whole geo location idea because it’s another invasion of people’s privacy; add game dynamics and it quickly can sound outright creepy.

You can count me as one of those with privacy objection to these technologies. However, I have absolutely no doubt that masses will adopt them. When I remind myself of the major change (obliteration) Facebook alone has made to people’s privacy boundaries in just a couple of years, I am convinced that this will happen.


At HealthCamp San Diego, Dr. Jeff Benabio, aka @dermdoc, started off one of the un-conference sessions about geo location with the question; “Is Privacy Dead?”

Are we there already? Has Mark Zuckerberg won the battle against privacy and HIPAA?


TED video “The Game Layer on Top of the World”

Symplur - @symplur

Symplur creates products purpose-built for healthcare to make the move from insight to action as simple as possible.

57 Responses to “Game Dynamics & Geo Location – Will HIPAA Kill It?”

  1. Thomas M. Lee

    Privacy is already dead, or #HIPAA's going to kill #Facebook Places … which is it? #hcsm #hcsmeu #hcmkg

  2. Thomas M. Lee

    Privacy is already dead, or #HIPAA's going to kill #Facebook Places … which is it? #hcsm #hcsmeu #hcmkg

  3. Ginger Pug

    RT @tmlfox: Privacy is already dead, or #HIPAA's going to kill #Facebook Places … which is it?

  4. Ginger Pug

    RT @tmlfox: Privacy is already dead, or #HIPAA's going to kill #Facebook Places … which is it?

  5. Audun Utengen

    Game Dynamics & Geo Location – Will HIPAA Kill It? #mhealth #hcsm #epatient #hcsmeu

  6. Audun Utengen

    Game Dynamics & Geo Location – Will HIPAA Kill It? #mhealth #hcsm #epatient #hcsmeu

  7. Robin Donnelly

    RT @Gingerpug9405: RT @tmlfox: Privacy is already dead, or #HIPAA's going to kill #Facebook Places … which is it?

  8. Robin Donnelly

    RT @Gingerpug9405: RT @tmlfox: Privacy is already dead, or #HIPAA's going to kill #Facebook Places … which is it?

  9. Angie

    Privacy is already dead, or #HIPAA's going to kill #Facebook Places … which is it? /via @Gingerpug9405 @tmlfox

  10. Angie

    Privacy is already dead, or #HIPAA's going to kill #Facebook Places … which is it? /via @Gingerpug9405 @tmlfox

  11. Craig Fukushima

    RT @tmlfox: Privacy is already dead, or #HIPAA's going to kill #Facebook Places … which is it? #hcsm #hcsmeu #hcmkg

  12. Craig Fukushima

    RT @tmlfox: Privacy is already dead, or #HIPAA's going to kill #Facebook Places … which is it? #hcsm #hcsmeu #hcmkg

  13. Ritesh Patel

    RT @tmlfox: Privacy is already dead, or #HIPAA's going to kill #Facebook Places … which is it? #hcsm #hcsmeu #hcmkg

  14. Game Mechanics

    Will #HIPAA Kill It? (facebook) Game Dynamics & Geo Location – #hc #hcsm #hcsmSC RT@foxggf

  15. Gunter Dymkova-Fuchs

    Will #HIPAA Kill It? (facebook) Game Dynamics & Geo Location – #hc #hcsm #hcsmSC

  16. Kes Sampanthar

    RT @gamemechanic: Will #HIPAA Kill It? (facebook) Game Dynamics & Geo Location – #hc #hcsm #hcsmSC RT@foxggf

  17. Kes Sampanthar

    RT @gamemechanic: Will #HIPAA Kill It? (facebook) Game Dynamics & Geo Location – #hc #hcsm #hcsmSC RT@foxggf

  18. Audun Utengen

    Game layer + Geo Location + Social Media = WIN for Healthcare #hcsm #hcmktg #mhealth #hcsmca

  19. Audun Utengen

    Game layer + Geo Location + Social Media = WIN for Healthcare #hcsm #hcmktg #mhealth #hcsmca

  20. Thomas M. Lee

    Privacy is already dead, or #HIPAA's going to kill #Facebook Places … which is it? #hcsm #hcsmeu #hcmkg

  21. Gunter Dymkova-Fuchs

    RT @tmlfox: Privacy is already dead, or #HIPAA's going to kill #Facebook Places … which is it? #hcsm #hcsmeu #hcmkg

  22. Compliance WatchDog

    RT @tmlfox: Privacy is already dead, or #HIPAA's going to kill #Facebook Places … which is it? #hcsm #hcsmeu #hcmkg

  23. Meghan Searl

    Game Dynamics & Geo Location – Will HIPAA Kill It? #chs10

  24. Chris Boyer

    Forusquare and Healthcare – will HIPAA kill it? #hcsm #mayoragan #mccsm

  25. Chris Boyer

    Forusquare and Healthcare – will HIPAA kill it? #hcsm #mayoragan #mccsm

  26. David Harlow

    The HIPAA issue is not red tape to be gotten around in this context. Patients can consent to the sharing ogf their health information, and by checking in at a health care provider location, they are consenting to the sharing of that information. Some may not be thinking clearly about what it is that they are sharing, and with whom, so I believe that HCPs using Foursquare and the like should offer appropriate disclosures to patients. The possibilities are endless, and there are no deal-breaker regulatory restraints — folks just need to be cognizant of the guardrails. I’ve written about this at greater length at:

  27. David Harlow

    RT @chrisboyer: Foursquare and Healthcare – will #HIPAA kill it? #hcsm #mayoragan #mccsm | See my comment

  28. Jessica Carlson

    Interesting – using game dynamics for healthcare. RT @chrisboyer: Forusquare and Healthcare – will HIPAA kill it? #hcsm

  29. Jessica Carlson

    Interesting – using game dynamics for healthcare. RT @chrisboyer: Forusquare and Healthcare – will HIPAA kill it? #hcsm

  30. Min Worley

    RT @healthblawg: RT @chrisboyer: Foursquare and Healthcare – will #HIPAA kill it? #hcsm #mayoragan #mccsm | See my …

  31. Min Worley

    RT @chrisboyer: Forusquare and Healthcare – will HIPAA kill it? #hcsm #mayoragan #mccsm

  32. Hoi Moon

    Game Dynamics & Geo Location – what are game dynamics?

  33. April Foreman

    RT @chrisboyer: Forusquare and Healthcare – will HIPAA kill it? #hcsm #mayoragan #mccsm

  34. April Foreman

    RT @chrisboyer: Forusquare and Healthcare – will HIPAA kill it? #hcsm #mayoragan #mccsm

  35. Regina Motarjeme

    RT @medikly: How can #healthcare leverage the game dynamics of Foursquare to improve health? #Foursquare #hcsm #fdasm

  36. April Foreman

    RT @chrisboyer: Forusquare and Healthcare – will HIPAA kill it? #hcsm #mayoragan #mccsm

  37. April Foreman

    RT @chrisboyer: Forusquare and Healthcare – will HIPAA kill it? #hcsm #mayoragan #mccsm

  38. Medikly

    How can #healthcare leverage the game dynamics of Foursquare to improve health? #Foursquare #hcsm #fdasm #socialmedia

  39. Audun Utengen

    Game Dynamics & Geo Location – Will HIPAA Kill It? #hcsd11

  40. Jess Thompson

    RT @medikly: How can #healthcare leverage the game dynamics of Foursquare to improve health? #Foursquare #hcsm #fdasm

  41. Jess Thompson

    RT @medikly: How can #healthcare leverage the game dynamics of Foursquare to improve health? #Foursquare #hcsm #fdasm

  42. H2Online

    How can #healthcare leverage the game dynamics of Foursquare to improve health? via @medikly #hcsm #hcsmeu

  43. Game Mechanics

    Game Dynamics & Geo Location – Will HIPAA Kill It? #hcsd11 RT@foxepractice

  44. Lose My Number

    RT @gamemechanic: Game Dynamics & Geo Location – Will HIPAA Kill It? #hcsd11 RT@foxepractice

  45. Gabor Gyarmati

    How can #healthcare leverage the game dynamics of Foursquare to improve health? #hcsm #hcsmeu RT @H2OnlineHungary

  46. Audun Utengen

    Game Dynamics & Geo Location – Will HIPAA Kill It? #hcsm #hcmktg

  47. jenningshealth

    #Foursquare in #hospitals: Love it or hate it? With new #socialmedia apps popping up – will HIPAA kill it? #hcsm #hcmktg

  48. jenningshealth

    #Foursquare in #hospitals: Love it or hate it? With new #socialmedia apps popping up – will HIPAA kill it? #hcsm #hcmktg

  49. Thomas M. Lee

    @hrana Gr8 points. See blog by my collegue, "Game Dynamics & Geo Location – Will HIPAA Kill It?" @LindaP_MD

  50. Thomas M. Lee

    Game Dynamics & Geo Location – Will #HIPAA Kill It? #hcsm

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