Monthly Archives: October 2012


Annual symposium of Thames Valley Faculty RCGP (Royal College if General Practitioners). For new members (First5), established GPs, Associates in Training (AiTs), Practice Managers, Practice Nurses, healthcare assistants (RCGP General … Continued


The 25th Occupational Therapy Australia conference and exhibition in Adelaide will provide you with new ideas to explore in your occupational therapy research, practice, and education, creating a unified foundation … Continued


Annual Primary Care Conference in the UK, organised by the Royal College of General Practitioners, held in 2012 in Glasgow


Discussing how to make medical education in the UK better. Participation welcomed from students, doctors, health professionals, educators, patients and public. Lead by @nlafferty and @amcunningham and many others:)


The HCAC Quality Health Care Conference & Exhibition is one of the most prestigious quality health care events in the Middle East and North Africa region that is set to … Continued


Myositis is the inflammation of the skeletal muscles.


Hunter Syndrome, or Mucopolysaccharidosis II, is a rare genetic disorder that occurs when an enzyme your body needs is either missing or malfunctioning. It appears in children as young as … Continued


Fibromuscular Dysplasia is the abnormal development or growth of cells in the walls of arteries that can cause the vessels to narrow or bulge.