Monthly Archives: April 2014


World Congress of Cardiology Scientific Sessions 2014 A global platform for cardiovascular disease specialists and public health professionals to share knowledge and network with their peers


Shingles, also known as zoster or herpes zoster, is a painful skin rash. It is caused by varicella zoster virus, the same virus that causes chickenpox.


Over 20,000 people including attendees, lecturers, coordinators, exhibitors, visitors, suppliers and organization staff attend the São Paulo Radiological Meeting (JPR) every year. The Radiological and Diagnostic Imaging Society of São … Continued


To emphasize areas of rapid advancements in exercise physiology, The IPE program includes the following: •Exercise and cardiorespiratory physiology •Integrated physiology of exercise •Exercise and skeletal muscle •Exercise metabolism


Improvement event to improve the care of older people in Scotland


This conference continues to explore evolving global trends in e-records, systems and e-context in the Clinical and Regulatory space. The rapid evolution of global electronic initiatives necessitates industry to continually … Continued


On Friday May 9, 2014 ELLICSR is hosting its first forum for people touched by cancer (patients, survivors, family and friends) to learn, share and build together. Share what has … Continued