Monthly Archives: April 2014


The 3rd Annual Unconvention of the Philippine Society of General Internal Medicine will be held as a one day event on May 4, 2014 from 8am to 3pm Manila Philippines … Continued


The steady growth in importance of ECCMID challenges us to even further increase the excellence of this congress. To achieve this goal the Program Committee has prepared for a series … Continued


AMSA connects, informs & represents the 17,000 Medical Students in Australia by means of advocacy campaigns, publications & events. The National Leadership Development Seminar, held in Canberra, is AMSA’s premiere … Continued


AMSA’s first National Health Forum, a chance for medical students around Australia to engage with medical politics at the highest level. The forum will be a foray into medico-legal politics, … Continued


AAA is one of the six sponsoring societies that collectively plan Experimental Biology (EB). EB is an annual meeting comprised of over 14,000 scientists representing six sponsoring societies and multiple … Continued


The European Conference on Rare Diseases & Orphan Products 8 to 10 May 2014 Andel’s Hotel, Berlin, Germany


TEDx event hosted at Boston Children’s Hospital: TEDx Longwood.


Drug and Alcohol Nurses of Australasia (DANA) Conference Sydney 19-20 June 2014. Two pre-conference workshops 18 June (Pain Management & Nurses and the Media) Nurses are in a unique … Continued


“To keep the important conversation going from CDC Grand Rounds, CDC’s NCBDDD Director, Dr. Coleen Boyle (@DrBoyleCDC) hosted a Twitter Chat on the public health approach to autism. The chat … Continued