#AXSChat Transcript

Healthcare social media transcript of the #AXSChat hashtag.
See #AXSChat Influencers/Analytics.

Richard Streitz @StreitzAbility
A1: Way-finding tech I think is the next big thing that will benefit all consumers, with not only ease of navigation but great provide great opportunities for merchants to send coupons & blip ads via the tech as navigating the environment. #AXSChat @robinspinks @RNIB
Debra Ruh @debraruh
Hello #AXSChat Community. Joining from a clear, cold day in #RVA #Virginia #USA. Stoked to engage with Robin from @RNIB today.
Debra Ruh @debraruh
RT @dan0mah:
Debra Ruh @debraruh
RT @NeilMilliken:
Debra Ruh @debraruh
RT @mycleartext:
Debra Ruh @debraruh
RT @Davidperezcr91: Hi #axschat happy to be here. Joining from the very hot and dry Costa Rica. How is everyone?
Debra Ruh @debraruh
RT @NeilMilliken:
Debra Ruh @debraruh
RT @dan0mah:
Debra Ruh @debraruh
RT @NeilMilliken:
Debra Ruh @debraruh
RT @NeilMilliken:
Debra Ruh @debraruh
RT @NeilMilliken:
Debra Ruh @debraruh
RT @dan0mah:
David Pérez Rueda @Depcr
A1. There are so many cool things that it is hard to choose. #axschat
Critical Cyber Defense Corp @CyberMindsChat
A1 Disability drives innovation in technology because those who use technology & have unique needs may not use the same product in the same way as every other user, this outside the box thinking can create new ideas never even considered before #AXSChat
Debra Ruh @debraruh
RT @andyjb: Ok twitter do your stuff examples of accessibility/empathy labs in the uk or beyond ? #AXSChat links people to follow . Pls rt
Richard Streitz @StreitzAbility
Hi AXSChat!!! Great to be here with you all again this week!!! #axschat
David Pérez Rueda @Depcr
A1. Hay tantas cosas interesantes que es difícil elegir. #axschat
Debra Ruh @debraruh
We are honored to feature you @robinspinks @RNIB #AXSChat
Debra Ruh @debraruh
A1 Designing for disability has shown us time & again that there is so much adaptive innovation out there that makes so much sense for all users, these niche fixes become standards that we all want to see. I think we will see less touch only tech & see more interactive #AXSChat
Debra Ruh @debraruh
@robinspinks @RNIB #AXSChat Apprecaite @amazon supporting our community #Disabiltiyinclusion #accessibility @G3ict
Ruh Global IMPACT @RuhGlobal
A1 We think that voice to text/language translation in real time will be the next assistive technology to cross over, it can help all users & especially help those with disabilities as well #AXSChat
Richard Streitz @StreitzAbility
That is Awesome, wish I could have heard it!!! #axschat
Debra Ruh @debraruh
RT @NeilMilliken:
Debra Ruh @debraruh
RT @RuhGlobal: A1 We think that voice to text/language translation in real time will be the next assistive technology to cross over, it can help all users & especially help those with disabilities as well #AXSChat
Richard Streitz @StreitzAbility
Hi Dan, yes it was a great interview!!! #AXSChat @robinspinks @RNIB
Debra Ruh @debraruh
Proud of Claire @abrightclearweb #AXSChat
Debra Ruh @debraruh
RT @abrightclearweb: Gosh, is it Tuesday again? Good to have an #AXSChat with @robinspinks who I heard speak last year at @edbookfest:
Richard Streitz @StreitzAbility
RT @robinspinks:
Debra Ruh @debraruh
Always nice to see you on #AXSCHat Sarah.
Debra Ruh @debraruh
RT @StreitzAbility: Hi Dan, yes it was a great interview!!! #AXSChat @robinspinks @RNIB
Debra Ruh @debraruh
RT @abrightclearweb:
Richard Streitz @StreitzAbility
Hi Robin, Yes, agreed...all those will have large market footprints in the not so distant future!!! #AXSChat @robinspinks @RNIB
Richard Streitz @StreitzAbility
RT @dan0mah: A1:
Richard Streitz @StreitzAbility
RT @xgebi:
Debra Ruh @debraruh
Agree @robinspinks - all of these technology and tools will improve our lives. @RNIB #AXSChat #disabilityinclusion #Valuable500
Debra Ruh @debraruh
Bet you are right Dean. @robinspinks @RNIB #AXSChat
Debra Ruh @debraruh
RT @StreitzAbility: That is Awesome, wish I could have heard it!!! #axschat
Debra Ruh @debraruh
RT @dan0mah:
Debra Ruh @debraruh
RT @abrightclearweb: @xgebi Questions here:
Descant Music & Media Group @GroupDescant
RT @abrightclearweb:
Disability:IN North Carolina @DINorthCarolina
RT @NeilMilliken:
Richard Streitz @StreitzAbility
A2:When messaging is appropriate, evangelists can be very powerful in helping tech get the proper attention necessary to push it into more mainstream opportunities. #AXSChat @robinspinks @RNIB
Debra Ruh @debraruh
Thank you for featuring me today @garryturner0 on your #HaveCourage summit. #disabiityinclusion is so important. #AXSCHat #Valuable500 #StrongerTogether #humanityrising
Debra Ruh @debraruh
A2 Evangelists for inclusive technology can offer the ideals of helping one another & mutual respect that christianity is built upon. Treat others as you'd like to be treated can show a lot in the accessibility & design fields #AXSChat
David Pérez Rueda @Depcr
A2. Evangelist can take the message wherever it needs to be. They are an essential tool in growing awareness and driving innovation. #axschat
David Pérez Rueda @Depcr
A2. El evangelista puede llevar el mensaje a donde sea necesario. Son una herramienta esencial para aumentar la conciencia e impulsar la innovación. #axschat
Critical Cyber Defense Corp @CyberMindsChat
A2 Well Christianity is a very prominent religion & having the backing of the masses helps community, if we can focus these individuals on helping people with disabilities then we can make major change hopefully #AXSChat
Richard Streitz @StreitzAbility
Great Question...who knows...maybe even Wookiee #axschat
Ruh Global IMPACT @RuhGlobal
A2 Evangelists for inclusive technology can show others that this is something we need to advocate for any awareness is good #AXSChat
lori sica @lorisica
RT @RuhGlobal: A2 Evangelists for inclusive technology can show others that this is something we need to advocate for any awareness is good #AXSChat
Karyn Fillhart @Filibuster3
@debraruh Absolutely! The more voices that can be heard, the more inclusive the world will be. I love when I read about companies actively seeking those with personal experiences with disability as developers and influencers. #AXSChat
Karyn Fillhart @Filibuster3
@BiancaPrins Ditto for me. May have to be early leaver, too, but grateful I can search #AXSChat later to read all the wonderful input from around the world!
Debra Ruh @debraruh
Most #diseases seem to affect #women differently than #men. Great share Ian @LEAD_Coalition #Alzheimers #dementia #AXSChat
Debra Ruh @debraruh
RT @mark___bullock:
Richard Streitz @StreitzAbility
RT @DestekSolutions:
Richard Streitz @StreitzAbility
RT @dan0mah:
Richard Streitz @StreitzAbility
RT @NeilMilliken:
Richard Streitz @StreitzAbility
RT @robinspinks:
Debra Ruh @debraruh
Excllent point @robinspinks. My #husband has #dementia and daughter #downsyndrome. #Alexa has been a wonderful tool for our family. @RNIB #AXSChat
Debra Ruh @debraruh
RT @dan0mah:
Debra Ruh @debraruh
RT @abrightclearweb:
Debra Ruh @debraruh
We are thrilled to have you join us Mark. @markdeafmcguire @robinspinks @RNIB #AXSChat
NosWhyNot? @NosWhyNot
#axschat Hi all! I present to the 360 team that this week has almost completed its first Virtual Tour. Hard work but now they have new skills ... Great! #VR #Downsyndrome #Aspadisol https://t.co/dySjyyeMRt
Debra Ruh @debraruh
Agree Dean - so agree with this point. @DeanFReynolds @robinspinks @RNIB #AXSChat
Karyn Fillhart @Filibuster3
@abrightclearweb @RuhGlobal I've seen #Klingon in #Cortana and other #Microsoft products in the past. #AXSChat
Richard Streitz @StreitzAbility
Wow, another great interview Garry with your amazing guest @debraruh !!! Love the content!!! Thank you! @garryturner0 @debraruh #HaveCourage #axschat
NosWhyNot? @NosWhyNot
RT @NeilMilliken:
Debra Ruh @debraruh
RT @robinspinks:
Debra Ruh @debraruh
RT @dan0mah:
David Pérez Rueda @Depcr
A3. I think it is important to equip people with as much skills as possible. #axschat
Critical Cyber Defense Corp @CyberMindsChat
A3 why is it so important to equip people with disabilities with technical skills? The same reason we need to tech these skills to all students, we need to pass along this info so we can empower future designers, future Steve Jobs #AXSChat
Ruh Global IMPACT @RuhGlobal
A3 In a world where Everyone can code we can have a truly unique & fully inclusive digital world, allowing everyone the opportunity to change design will yield many new results #AXSChat
Debra Ruh @debraruh
A3 @RNIB collaborated w/ apple to create a way to ensure that “Everyone can code” & this is such an important program to equip people with disabilities with technical skills. Anyone learning technical skills is good, so offering opportunities to everyone is smart for all #AXSChat
Debra Ruh @debraruh
@BiancaPrins Just glad you joined us @BiancaPrins - you add value to the chat. @robinspinks @RNIB #AXSChat
David Pérez Rueda @Depcr
A3. Creo que es importante equipar a las personas con tantas habilidades como sea posible. #axschat
NosWhyNot? @NosWhyNot
RT @StreitzAbility: Wow, another great interview Garry with your amazing guest @debraruh !!! Love the content!!! Thank you! @garryturner0 @debraruh #HaveCourage #axschat
Debra Ruh @debraruh
Hello Karyn, Welcome to #AXSChat. So glad to have you hear.
Debra Ruh @debraruh
RT @abrightclearweb:
Debra Ruh @debraruh
RT @Davidperezcr91: A3. Creo que es importante equipar a las personas con tantas habilidades como sea posible. #axschat
Debra Ruh @debraruh
Thanks for joining us each week on #AXSChat. Looking forward to #CyberMindsChat tomorrow at noon ET featuring @DrJDrooghaag
Debra Ruh @debraruh
RT @Davidperezcr91: A3. I think it is important to equip people with as much skills as possible. #axschat
Debra Ruh @debraruh
You rock as a #partner @StreitzAbility #AXSChat
Richard Streitz @StreitzAbility
RT @debraruh: A2 Evangelists for inclusive technology can offer the ideals of helping one another & mutual respect that christianity is built upon. Treat others as you'd like to be treated can show a lot in the accessibility & design fields #AXSChat
Richard Streitz @StreitzAbility
RT @Davidperezcr91: A2. Evangelist can take the message wherever it needs to be. They are an essential tool in growing awareness and driving innovation. #axschat
Debra Ruh @debraruh
Welcome back to #AXSChat @NosWhyNot Love your #Photographers and #photos.
Debra Ruh @debraruh
RT @xgebi:
NosWhyNot? @NosWhyNot
A3 I think that technology (skills or collaborations) allows people with intellectual disabilities to do new things and have new skills that other people do not control #axschat
Debra Ruh @debraruh
RT @robinspinks:
Debra Ruh @debraruh
RT @NeilMilliken:
Debra Ruh @debraruh
RT @abrightclearweb:
NosWhyNot? @NosWhyNot
RT @debraruh: Welcome back to #AXSChat @NosWhyNot Love your #Photographers and #photos.
Debra Ruh @debraruh
Looking forward to checking them out Gavin. @gavinneate @neatebox @robinspinks @RNIB #AXSChat
Karyn Fillhart @Filibuster3
A4 I think it is important that everyone be at least introduced to code, not only for job opportunities, but just to have a better understanding. I don't code as a school district #techtrainer, but it helps to understand it for website editing and troubleshooting. #axschat
Debra Ruh @debraruh
Agree #Applause @robinspinks @RNIB #AXSChat
Debra Ruh @debraruh
RT @DestekSolutions:
Ability Anyware @AbilityAnyware
RT @debraruh: Agree #Applause @robinspinks @RNIB #AXSChat
Debra Ruh @debraruh
LOVE THIS Share. Thanks for your #leadership @BarclaysAccess #Accessibility #Inclusion #banking #fintech #A11y #Valuable500 @robinspinks @RNIB #AXSChat
Karyn Fillhart @Filibuster3
@abrightclearweb @CyberMindsChat https://t.co/3ag4B2iWys Microsoft realized that, as have many other companies and hopefully more in the future! #AXSChat
NosWhyNot? @NosWhyNot
RT @DestekSolutions:
Debra Ruh @debraruh
YES YES YES @robinspinks @RNIB #AXSChat
Debra Ruh @debraruh
WE love your work Dan. Looking forward to featuring you on #AXSCHat in the future. @robinspinks @RNIB #AXSChat
Richard Streitz @StreitzAbility
Yes, agreed Robin, these techs are already making huge inroads into becoming as popular in the household as the phone was. #AXSChat @robinspinks @RNIB
Debra Ruh @debraruh
RT @dan0mah: A3: Shameless Self-promotion plug here:
Debra Ruh @debraruh
I agree Karyn. I coded for 6 years - I was good at it but hated it. DId not match my personality BUT I learned so much and it made me a better #technologist. Excellent point. @robinspinks @RNIB #AXSChat
Debra Ruh @debraruh
RT @robinspinks:
Debra Ruh @debraruh
RT @abrightclearweb:
Debra Ruh @debraruh
RT @NosWhyNot: A3 I think that technology (skills or collaborations) allows people with intellectual disabilities to do new things and have new skills that other people do not control #axschat
Debra Ruh @debraruh
RT @gavinneate:
Debra Ruh @debraruh
RT @abrightclearweb:
Debra Ruh @debraruh
We are #fans of your work my friend. @markdeafmcguire #AXSChat
Debra Ruh @debraruh
Good point Claire. @abrightclearweb @robinspinks @RNIB #AXSChat
Richard Streitz @StreitzAbility
wow, excellent share! Thank you Jeannine!! #AXSChat @robinspinks @RNIB @kameraad52
Debra Ruh @debraruh
RT @robinspinks:
Debra Ruh @debraruh
RT @DestekSolutions:
David Pérez Rueda @Depcr
A4. They can certainly play a fantastic role as intermediaries. However it is also important for the community to work together with them and tech companies to create real change and inclusion. #axschat
Debra Ruh @debraruh
RT @DeanFReynolds:
Debra Ruh @debraruh
RT @abrightclearweb:
Debra Ruh @debraruh
RT @StreitzAbility: Yes, agreed Robin, these techs are already making huge inroads into becoming as popular in the household as the phone was. #AXSChat @robinspinks @RNIB
Debra Ruh @debraruh
RT @StreitzAbility: wow, excellent share! Thank you Jeannine!! #AXSChat @robinspinks @RNIB @kameraad52
Debra Ruh @debraruh
RT @NeilMilliken:
Critical Cyber Defense Corp @CyberMindsChat
A4 Organizations like @RNIB can play a role as intermediaries between companies making products and disabled consumers when things go wrong and people are excluded if they do so then we can protect the organizations by showing that they are working on staying inclusive #AXSChat
Debra Ruh @debraruh
A4 I do believe that organizations like @RNIB can play a huge role as intermediaries between companies making products & disabled consumers when things go wrong & people are excluded. This method makes sense & could cut down on a lot of the problems we currently face #AXSChat
Debra Ruh @debraruh
We love the #HaveCourage Summit. Have learned so much. Apprecaite your #leadership. #businesscoach #humanityRising #AXSChat
Richard Streitz @StreitzAbility
Good points...there is great work happening with major Corps addressing this issue...but like you said, more to come... and that can only be good for all!!! #AXSChat @robinspinks @RNIB
Debra Ruh @debraruh
RT @StreitzAbility: Wow, another great interview Garry with your amazing guest @debraruh !!! Love the content!!! Thank you! @garryturner0 @debraruh #HaveCourage #axschat
Debra Ruh @debraruh
Thanks for these great resources Dan. We sure appreciate your #wisdom during #AXSChat. @robinspinks @RNIB #AXSChat @dan0mah
Karyn Fillhart @Filibuster3
A5 and then I have to bow out for a training :( I use the zoom feature and #OfficeLens with #immersivereader on my Android and iPad, #SeeingAI on my iPad, larger text on all my devices, and dictation (love that it is now in Word Online!). #AXSChat
Ruh Global IMPACT @RuhGlobal
A4 We think that organizations like @RNIB can play a very big role as intermediaries between companies making products and disabled consumers especially when things go wrong and people are excluded, those who are in question can go to those like @RNIB to fix the issue #AXSChat
Richard Streitz @StreitzAbility
Good to know! Keep us updated, when you have success!!! #AXSChat @robinspinks @RNIB
Richard Streitz @StreitzAbility
RT @gavinneate:
Debra Ruh @debraruh
No apologies my friend. We understand that sometimes Life takes priority over #twitter. Smirk #AXSChat
Richard Streitz @StreitzAbility
RT @debraruh: Welcome back to #AXSChat @NosWhyNot Love your #Photographers and #photos.
Richard Streitz @StreitzAbility
Great to have you pop in Gavin...even if only for a mintue or two!! Cheers!! #axschat
Richard Streitz @StreitzAbility
RT @robinspinks:
Richard Streitz @StreitzAbility
RT @debraruh: You rock as a #partner @StreitzAbility #AXSChat
Richard Streitz @StreitzAbility
Molly! Great see you join! Better late then never! #AXSChat
Richard Streitz @StreitzAbility
RT @debraruh: Thanks for these great resources Dan. We sure appreciate your #wisdom during #AXSChat. @robinspinks @RNIB #AXSChat @dan0mah
Richard Streitz @StreitzAbility
RT @RuhGlobal: A4 We think that organizations like @RNIB can play a very big role as intermediaries between companies making products and disabled consumers especially when things go wrong and people are excluded, those who are in question can go to those like @RNIB to fix the issue #AXSChat
Richard Streitz @StreitzAbility
RT @MollyWattTalks:
Debra Ruh @debraruh
Agree with you Dan. @NeilMilliken has an important #voice for our community. @robinspinks @RNIB #AXSChat
Critical Cyber Defense Corp @CyberMindsChat
A5 Talk to text has to be our favorite feature on a phone, it is so easy & has a ton of accessible applications #AXSChat
Debra Ruh @debraruh
A5 I use Siri & VoiceOver on my @Apple #iPhone pretty much daily, I know others who swear by features for ease of use in so many different ways, considering features that all users will need is so important #AXSChat
Debra Ruh @debraruh
Excellent point Claire. @MollyWattTalks and her foundation @mollywatttrust are changing the world. @robinspinks @RNIB #AXSChat
David Pérez Rueda @Depcr
A5. My favorite is captioning. I use it all the time. #AXSchat
Debra Ruh @debraruh
Enjoy @ZeroProjectorg - they are #gamechangers for our community. @robinspinks @RNIB #AXSChat
David Pérez Rueda @Depcr
A5. Mi favorito es el subtitulado. Lo uso todo el tiempo. #AXSchat
Debra Ruh @debraruh
OHHH that looks like fun @NeilMilliken #AXSChat
Debra Ruh @debraruh
RT @NeilMilliken:
Debra Ruh @debraruh
RT @MollyWattTalks:
Debra Ruh @debraruh
RT @dan0mah: A1:
Debra Ruh @debraruh
RT @soundadvice_pro:
Debra Ruh @debraruh
RT @MollyWattTalks:
Debra Ruh @debraruh
RT @DeanFReynolds:
Debra Ruh @debraruh
RT @Davidperezcr91: A2. Evangelist can take the message wherever it needs to be. They are an essential tool in growing awareness and driving innovation. #axschat
Debra Ruh @debraruh
RT @StreitzAbility: Molly! Great see you join! Better late then never! #AXSChat
Debra Ruh @debraruh
RT @MollyWattTalks:
Debra Ruh @debraruh
RT @RuhGlobal: A2 Evangelists for inclusive technology can show others that this is something we need to advocate for any awareness is good #AXSChat
Debra Ruh @debraruh
RT @RuhGlobal: A4 We think that organizations like @RNIB can play a very big role as intermediaries between companies making products and disabled consumers especially when things go wrong and people are excluded, those who are in question can go to those like @RNIB to fix the issue #AXSChat
Ruh Global IMPACT @RuhGlobal
A5 Our favorite assistive features on our phone are digital assistants like Siri, we also use Alexa with our phones frequently! #AXSChat
NosWhyNot? @NosWhyNot
RT @abrightclearweb:
Richard Streitz @StreitzAbility
That is awesome!!! #axschat
Richard Streitz @StreitzAbility
RT @abrightclearweb:
NosWhyNot? @NosWhyNot
RT @robinspinks:
21st Century Digital Craftsmanship @cldbrand
A5 Link to desktop version. #axschat
Richard Streitz @StreitzAbility
Agreed, Dan, A11y is something that we should not have to think about as being anything different that we would other wise think, feel or do...It should simply just be. #AXSChat @robinspinks @RNIB
Richard Streitz @StreitzAbility
Completely agree with that David!!! Captioning is helpful. #AXSChat
21st Century Digital Craftsmanship @cldbrand
A6 All of the problems they typically have will happen faster and thus be fixed faster. #axschat
Richard Streitz @StreitzAbility
A5: Translation/Captioning is what I use the most…along with the occasional magnifier. #AXSChat @robinspinks @RNIB
Richard Streitz @StreitzAbility
RT @debraruh: Thanks for joining us each week on #AXSChat. Looking forward to #CyberMindsChat tomorrow at noon ET featuring @DrJDrooghaag
NosWhyNot? @NosWhyNot
RT @DestekSolutions:
Ruh Global IMPACT @RuhGlobal
A6 The positive effects of #5G mobile data for people with disabilities will be exciting to see in the coming days! #AXSChat
Critical Cyber Defense Corp @CyberMindsChat
A6 #5G mobile data should have major benefits for all users! #AXSChat
Debra Ruh @debraruh
A6 Higher speeds & better connectivity between other devices? I'll take it! Welcome 5g #AXSChat
Richard Streitz @StreitzAbility
Well said, and so very important that we take the time to carefully educate and increase awareness among our youth on A11Y. This is how we ultimately move the needle of accessibility for future generations! #AXSChat @robinspinks @RNIB @CyberMindsChat
Richard Streitz @StreitzAbility
RT @abrightclearweb:
21st Century Digital Craftsmanship @cldbrand
A1 Disappearance of it's necessity. #axschat
Richard Streitz @StreitzAbility
Happy 10th Neil to the group!!! Looks like great fun!! Cheers!! #AXSChat
Richard Streitz @StreitzAbility
RT @debraruh: OHHH that looks like fun @NeilMilliken #AXSChat
Debra Ruh @debraruh
RT @abrightclearweb:
Debra Ruh @debraruh
RT @abrightclearweb:
21st Century Digital Craftsmanship @cldbrand
A2 We advocate for inclusion that integrates accessibility and that goes above and beyond standards, compliance and best practices. In our case the curb cuts of the internet. #axschat
Debra Ruh @debraruh
Fingers crossed my friend. #AXSChat
Richard Streitz @StreitzAbility
RT @robinspinks:
21st Century Digital Craftsmanship @cldbrand
@markdeafmcguire @robinspinks How much would you say is not accurate and what does this do to your access? #axschat
Debra Ruh @debraruh
Together we are all stronger. #StrongerTogether @ZeroProjectorg thank you @gavinneate @neatebox deserves an #award for sure. #AXSChat
Debra Ruh @debraruh
RT @gavinneate:
Debra Ruh @debraruh
RT @dan0mah:
Richard Streitz @StreitzAbility
RT @xgebi:
Richard Streitz @StreitzAbility
RT @debraruh: Fingers crossed my friend. #AXSChat
Debra Ruh @debraruh
Thanks @robinspinks for being on #AXSChat - your #leadership is changing the world. Thank you @RNIB We are #Grateful
Debra Ruh @debraruh
RT @robinspinks:
Debra Ruh @debraruh
RT @robinspinks:
Debra Ruh @debraruh
RT @robinspinks:
Debra Ruh @debraruh
RT @robinspinks:
Debra Ruh @debraruh
RT @robinspinks: I think we need to be comfortable being an #A11y #advocate in absolutely every walk of life:
Debra Ruh @debraruh
RT @robinspinks:
Debra Ruh @debraruh
RT @robinspinks:
Debra Ruh @debraruh
RT @robinspinks:
Debra Ruh @debraruh
RT @robinspinks:
Debra Ruh @debraruh
RT @robinspinks:
Richard Streitz @StreitzAbility
RT @debraruh: Together we are all stronger. #StrongerTogether @ZeroProjectorg thank you @gavinneate @neatebox deserves an #award for sure. #AXSChat
Jay Chance 5 @JayChance5
RT @dan0mah:
Richard Streitz @StreitzAbility
Thank you Robin for being an amazing #AXSChat guest this week! It was wonderful! #AXSChat @robinspinks @RNIB
Richard Streitz @StreitzAbility
RT @robinspinks:
Richard Streitz @StreitzAbility
RT @abrightclearweb: @markdeafmcguire @debraruh @Apple This might be coming in the future:
Debra Ruh @debraruh
RT @abrightclearweb:
21st Century Digital Craftsmanship @cldbrand
A3 It's important to equip people with skills period. Equipping them with tech skills under the umbrella of standards that keep people marginalized only perpetuates a problem. Teaching them how to innovate with tech skills can make real progress happen. #axschat
Debra Ruh @debraruh
We appreciate your leadership @robinspinks #AXSChat
Debra Ruh @debraruh
Agree Claire. @abrightclearweb #AXSChat
NosWhyNot? @NosWhyNot
RT @NeilMilliken:
21st Century Digital Craftsmanship @cldbrand
A4 Why do they wait until things go wrong? This is how the state of access came to be in the first place: fixing problems rather than creating solutions. #axschat
NosWhyNot? @NosWhyNot
Thank you for this teaching time. #axschat has become a good habit in my life. See you next week!
21st Century Digital Craftsmanship @cldbrand
@markdeafmcguire Yes, the last part of my post did say that. You're right of course! #axschat
Debra Ruh @debraruh
This is going to be great. Congrats @DisabilitySmart #AXSChat
#AXSChat content from Twitter.