Healthcare Social Media Research

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Recent #hcsmR journal articles

These are some of the published journal articles that have employed or referenced Symplur data in their research. It's a continually updated list with now a total of 469 journal articles and 88 other publications. Learn more about this project

Title Authors (alpha) Published Altmetric Attention Score Journal Impact Factor
Social Media and Professional Development for Oncology Professionals126JCO Oncology Practice
Social media to enhance engagement and science dissemination during in-person and virtual medical conferences: the SCMR 2020 and 2021 experiences: a report of the SCMR social media task force3Critical Reviews in Diagnostic Imaging
Twitter Journal Club Impact on Engagement Metrics of the Neurocritical Care Journal1Neurocritical Care
CHEST Challenge Turns Twenty4CHEST
Engaging Emergency Medicine Influencers in Sex- and Gender-based Medicine: Lessons Learned from the Sex and Gender Interest Group in Emergency Medicine and the SAEM Jeopardy Game4AEM Education and Training: A Global Journal of Emergency Care
Using patient-reported health data from social media to identify diverse lupus patients and assess their symptom and medication expressions: A feasibility study22Arthritis Care & Research
Five years of #MedRadJClub: An impact evaluation of an established twitter journal club12Journal of Medical Radiation Sciences
Social media analytics and reachability evaluation – #Diabetes0Diabetes & Metabolic Syndrome: Clinical Research & Reviews
Social media: A new tool for outbreak surveillance11Antimicrobial Stewardship and Healthcare Epidemiology
Roles and Impact of Journal’s Social Media Editors31Circulation: Cardiovascular Quality & Outcomes
Twitter Use by Academic Nuclear Medicine Programs: Pilot Content Analysis Study1JMIR Formative Research
An Analysis of the #CovidPain Tweet Chat During the First Wave of the COVID-19 Pandemic in 20202Cureus
What Makes Tweetorials Tick: How Experts Communicate Complex Topics on Twitter14Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction
Live Tweeting the Discovery of a New Coronavirus Disease 2019–Related Syndrome in Children48Pediatric Critical Care Medicine2.659
#radonc: Growth of the global radiation oncology Twitter network21Clinical and Translational Radiation Oncology
Comparing the Digital Footprint of Pulmonary and Critical Care Conferences on Twitter0
The Radiation Oncology Education Collaborative Study Group 2020 Spring Symposium: Is Virtual the New Reality?11Biology
#UTOPia: Urogynecology Tag Ontology Project0
Personal characteristics associated with progression in general surgery training: a longitudinal cohort study18Bulletin of The Royal College of Surgeons of England
Time Management: Improving the timing of post-prostatectomy radiotherapy, clinical trials, and knowledge translation1Clinical and Translational Radiation Oncology
Future of Education or Present Reality: MD Anderson Cancer Center Hematopathology Virtual Educational Platform under Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Pandemic7Archives of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine2.838
Health Professionals’ Perspectives of the Role of Palliative Care During COVID-19: Content Analysis of Articles and Blogs Posted on Twitter11American Journal of Hospice and Palliative Medicine®
Shifting the American College of Surgeons Clinical Congress to 100% Virtual Format During the COVID-19 Pandemic, Is It Better for Knowledge Dissemination?0
#TrendingNow: Instagram versus Twitter Activity Among Radiation Oncology Patients and Providers22Practical Radiation Oncology
The Effect of Virtual Interviews and Social Media on Applicant Decision-Making During The 2020-2021 Resident Match Cycle0
Twitter and Radiology: Everything You Wanted to Know About #RadTwitter But Were Afraid to Ask4Current Problems in Diagnostic Radiology
Digital professionalism on social media: A narrative review of the medical, nursing, and allied health education literature0International Journal of Medical Informatics
Social Media and Research Publication Activity During Early Stages of the COVID-19 Pandemic: Longitudinal Trend Analysis7Journal of Medical Internet Research5.835
Analysis of the American College of Surgeons Clinical Congress Twitter Hashtags and Its Impact on Online Engagement and Attendance Rates: The Era of Health Care Social Media1The American Surgeon
Determining Core Element Achievement in Long-Term Care Facilities Across Tennessee0
ASPChat: Participation and Reach of a Real-Time Twitter Chat on Antimicrobial Stewardship5Infection control and hospital epidemiology (Online)
A history of# BCSM and insights for patient-centered online interaction and engagement11Journal of Patient-Centered Research and Reviews
Computational Pathology from Microscope to Social Media0
Growth of the Digital Footprint of the Society of Critical Care Medicine Annual Congress: 2014–202031Critical Care Explorations
Communication strategies and media discourses in the age of COVID-19: an urgent need for action8Health Promotion International
Live-Tweeting the Discovery of the New Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children (MIS-C)0
What Twitter Can Tell Us About #IDWeek202013Open Forum Infectious Diseases
Social Media as the Rising Voice of ICU Nutrition0Critical Care Medicine7.442
COVID-19 pandemic impact on people with rheumatic and musculoskeletal diseases: Insights from patient-generated health data on social media28Rheumatology
Use of Twitter in Neurology: Boon or Bane?30Journal of Medical Internet Research5.835
Social Media Analytics for Health Care0
#MIGS: Minimally Invasive Gynecologic Surgery Tag Ontology Project0Journal of Minimally Invasive Gynecology
Using Tweetchats to Build Community Awareness and Advocacy around Alzheimer’s Disease for Latinos5Journal of Health Communication
Analysing online Twitter discussions of bedwetting via a condition-specific hashtag (#Bedwetting)1Journal of Paediatrics & Child Health
Evaluating Scholars’ Impact and Influence: Cross-sectional Study of the Correlation Between a Novel Social Media–Based Score and an Author-Level Citation Metric28Journal of Medical Internet Research5.835
Tweets of the month, may0
Impact of #ASCO Twitter impressions on the oncology community7Journal of Clinical Oncology
Building a community of practice through social media using the hashtag #neoEBM23PLoS ONE3.057
Standardized reporting of gastroenterology-related social media scholarship for career advancement54Nature Reviews Gastroenterology & Hepatology
Use of social media data for disease based social network analysis and network modeling: A Systematic Review9Informatics for Health & Social Care
The Implementation and Effectiveness of PathElective.com76Academic Pathology
Developing a global cancer survivorship community: the Journal of Cancer Survivorship Social Media Site @jcansurv12Journal of Cancer Survivorship
The Democratization of Scientific Conferences: Twitter in the Era of COVID-19 and Beyond24Current Hematologic Malignancy Reports2.2
The Network That Never Sleeps112Laboratory Medicine
Harnessing Twitter to empower scientific engagement and communication: The ISTH 2020 virtual congress experience33Research and Practice in Thrombosis and Haemostasis
Use of #SaludTues Tweetchats for the Dissemination of Culturally Relevant Information on Latino Health Equity: Exploratory Case Study8JMIR Public Health and Surveillance5.175
The importance of social media to the academic surgical literature: Relationship between Twitter activity and readership metrics60Surgery
Perspectives Toward Seeking Treatment Among Patients With Psoriasis: Protocol for a Twitter Content Analysis2JMIR Research Protocols
#RadEd: How and Why to Use Twitter for Online Radiology Education4Current Problems in Diagnostic Radiology
#TwitterHomework During Pathology Electives: Transforming Pathology Pedagogy38Archives of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine2.838
Characterization of the #Radiology Twitter Conversation During the Global COVID-19 Pandemic10Current Problems in Diagnostic Radiology
New Media Messaging and Advocacy for Promoting Latino Children’s Health Equity0
Enhancing engagement beyond the conference walls: analysis of Twitter use at #ICPIC2019 infection prevention and control conference22Antimicrobial Resistance & Infection Control
Systematic Review of Interventions for LatinX and American Indian Family Dyads Coping With Chronic Illness5Innovation in Aging
#Dementia: An Evaluation of the Worldwide Dementia Twitter Network1Innovation in Aging
Sharing is caring: an analysis of #FOAMed Twitter posts during the COVID-19 pandemic12Postgraduate Medical Journal1.448
Using a Twitter chat to rapidly identify barriers and policy solutions for metastatic breast cancer care: A qualitative study41JMIR Public Health and Surveillance5.175
Breast Radiology Advocacy: Responding to the Call-to-Action2Radiologic Clinics of North America
Next-Generation Scholarship: Rebranding Hematopathology Using Twitter: The MD Anderson Experience24Modern Pathology5.485
Quality of the discussion of asthma on twitter0
Innovations: Innovating together while social distancing12Cancer Cytopathology
The past, the present and the future of #UroSoMe: a narrative review2AME Medical Journal
A Systematic Review of the Use of Social Media for Dissemination of Clinical Practice Guidelines29European Urology Focus14.976
Recommendations From the Twitter Hashtag #DoctorsAreDickheads: Qualitative Analysis132Journal of Medical Internet Research5.835
Factors Influencing the Dissemination of Tweets at the American College of Surgeons Clinical Congress 20186The American Surgeon
Self-Reported Changes and Perceived Barriers to Healthy Eating and Physical Activity among Global Breast Cancer Survivors: Results from an Exploratory Online Novel Survey37Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics
Harnessing the Power of Medical Twitter for Mentorship92Journal of Graduate Medical Education
Twitter Hashtag and Online Engagement During Surgical Society Meetings Over a 5-Year Period0
Social Media and #MedEd: Moving Beyond Descriptive Research10Medical Education4.005
#ANZACA2019 – 16th Annual Meeting of the Australian and New Zealand Association of Clinical Anatomists “The Modern Anatomist: Where Are We Now and Where are We Headed? 4–6 December 2019 The University of Western Australia, Perth, Australia5Clinical Anatomy1.824
Social Media and Science0Revista Brasileira de Cirurgia Cardiovascular
Global Surgery Journal Club from Grassroots Capacity Building to International Advocacy Impact0
Brain Tumor Discussions on Twitter (#BTSM): Social Network Analysis29Journal of Medical Internet Research5.835
#SocialWorkEducation: A Computational Analysis of Social Work Programs on Twitter17Journal of Social Work Education
#Crohns: historical cohort of Twitter activity4Crohn's & Colitis 360
Two-Year Experience in “Tweeting the Meeting” During the Scientific Sessions ― Rapid Report From the Japanese Circulation Society77Circulation Reports
Do you tweet?: trailing the connection between Altmetric and research impact!5RMD Open
#CardioOncology: Twitter chat as a mechanism for increasing awareness of heart health for cancer patients27Cardio-Oncology
A Cardiothoracic Surgeon’s Playbook for Social Media and Digital Scholarship22Innovations: Technology and Techniques in Cardiothoracis and vascular Surgery
Surgeons and social media: The use of twitter hashtags at the Academic Surgical Congress 2015–2019 a cross sectional study2Annals of Medicine and Surgery
Public Disclosure on Social Media of Identifiable Patient Information by Health Professionals: Content Analysis of Twitter Data154Journal of Medical Internet Research5.835
Insights From Twitter Conversations on Lupus and Reproductive Health: Protocol for a Content Analysis1JMIR Research Protocols
#ThisIsBrachytherapy: Increasing awareness of brachytherapy10Brachytherapy
Innovation in Precision Cardio-Oncology During the Coronavirus Pandemic and Into a Post-pandemic World8Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine
Social Media Perceptions of Surgical Cancer Care in the Era of COVID-19: A Global Cross-Sectional Study8JCO Global Oncology
The Power of Social Media in the Promotion and Tenure of Clinician Educators28MedEdPORTAL
Communication for Awareness and Action on Inequitable Impacts of COVID-19 on Latinos13Health Promotion Practice0.769
Social Media Engagement at Academic Conferences: Report of the Association of Pathology Chairs 2018 and 2019 Annual Meeting Social Media Committee9Academic Pathology
Applying a Solution-Focused Approach to Life With Diabetes: Insights Gleaned via Twitter1The Science of Diabetes Self-Management and Care
Hashtag Global Surgery: The Role of Social Media in Advancing the Field of Global Surgery52Cureus
Social Media Growth at Annual Medical Society Meetings: A Comparative Analysis of Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology to Other Medical Specialties0Current Problems in Diagnostic Radiology
Patient-Driven Diabetes Technologies: Sentiment and Personas of the #WeAreNotWaiting and #OpenAPS Movements1Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology
How Twitter conversations using hashtags #regionalanesthesia and #regionalanaesthesia have changed in the COVID-19 era26Regional Anesthesia & Pain Medicine
Contemporary smartphone and social media resources for patients with anal cancer: an unmet need0
To Tweet or Not to Tweet, That Is the Question121Seminars in Nephrology
Op0196-Pare #Arthritisatwork: Using Twitter To Engage The International Arthritis Community0Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases12.384
Nuclear Medicine and Nuclear Radiology Programs on Social Media0The Journal of Nuclear Medicine
Feasibility of developing a Twitter journal club for hematology/oncology education0Journal of Clinical Oncology
Using Social Media for Rapid Information Dissemination in a Pandemic: #PedsICU and Coronavirus Disease 2019138Pediatric Critical Care Medicine2.659
Considerations for Research on Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs): Reflections of an STI Clinician–Researcher0
The Use of Social Media by Healthcare Quality Personnel in Saudi Arabia4Journal of Environmental & Public Health
A text mining approach to investigate obesity discussion on Twitter0
#SurgEdVidz: Using Social Media to Create a Supplemental Video-Based Surgery Didactic Curriculum2Journal of Surgical Research
The #ASRASpring20 conference was canceled due to COVID-19 but the science survives and thrives20Regional Anesthesia & Pain Medicine
A comprehensive analysis of #Enuresis conversation on Twitter1Canadian Urological Association Journal1.92
Describing the Digital Footprints or “Sociomes” of Asthma for Stakeholder Groups on Twitter3ATS Scholar
#ASEchoJC Twitter Journal Club To CME: A Paradigm Shift in Cardiology Education22Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography (Online)
Dicere Non Nocere: Public Disclosure of Identifiable Patient Information by Health Professionals on Social Media13medRxiv
Coronavirus Goes Viral: Quantifying the COVID-19 Misinformation Epidemic on Twitter151Cureus
Who Is Influencing the ATS International Conference on Twitter?0
Digital Conversations on Gender Issues in Healthcare: The Use of #WomenInMedicine0
Social Media Engagement During Pulmonary Disease National Health Observance Awareness Months0
Doctors and Social Media: Match Made in Heaven or a Waste of Time? Analyzing the Digital Impact of Pulmonary Embolism on Twitter0American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine13.118
Harnessing the Power of Social Media: The Use of #pallipulm to Promote Palliative Care in Chronic Respiratory Disease2
Leveraging Technology for Remote Learning in the Era of COVID-19 and Social Distancing: Tips and Resources for Pathology Educators and Trainees87Archives of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine2.838
Understanding the Analytics of Twitter in Cardiovascular Medicine18JACC: Case Reports
Highlights From the American Heart Association’s 2019 Resuscitation Science Symposium11Journal of the American Heart Association Cardiovascular and Cerebrovascular Disease
To Tweet or Not to Tweet—a Review of the Viral Power of Twitter for Infectious Diseases61Current Infectious Disease Reports
Social media and digital literacies for nonprofit educators and professionals0
Misinformation During the Coronavirus Disease 2019 Outbreak: How Knowledge Emerges From Noise77Critical Care Explorations
#ILookLikeAUrologist: Using Twitter to Discuss Diversity and Inclusion in Urology10European Urology Focus14.976
Twitter-based learning for continuing medical education? A new perspective for a paradigm shift in medical education, accelerated by COVID-19238European Heart Journal
Semantic analysis on social networks: A survey1International Journal of Digital & Analog Communication Systems
Characterizing dynamic communication in online eating disorder communities: a multiplex network approach7Applied Network Science
Science Communication 
in South Africa: Reflections on Current Issues0
Interpretable multimodal deep learning for real-time pan-tissue pan-disease pathology search on social media94bioRxiv
Connecting With Patients—The Missing Links87JAMA: Journal of the American Medical Association
Buprenorphine Initiation in the Emergency Department: a Thematic Content Analysis of a #firesidetox Tweetchat17Journal of Medical Toxicology
How are Counsellors Transformed Through Engaging in Action Research? A Narrative Analysis.0
Changes In The Characteristics Of The Digital Footprint At The Critical Care Congress9Critical Care Medicine7.442
Characterization Of The Top Social Media Influencers Over Time At The Critical Care Congress11Critical Care Medicine7.442
Comparing The Digital Health Footprints Of Conversations On Twitter Surrounding Asthma6Critical Care Medicine7.442
The voyage: Amalgating a social media platform through the annual scientific meeting0Journal of Nuclear Cardiology
A Twitter-Based Network Analysis of Brain Tumor Social Media0Yale Day of Data
Comprehensive analysis of Twitter activity on #Incontinence3Neurourology and Urodynamics
Ehealth On Frailty: Frailsurvey, A Reliable Smartphone Application For Self-Assessment Of Frailty0
#Geriatrics: An Analysis Of The Impact Of The Geriatrics Twitter Network0
Social media for the regional anesthesiologist: can we use it in place of medical journals?16Regional Anesthesia & Pain Medicine
Engaging Emergency Medicine Influencers in Sex and Gender Based Medicine: Lessons learned from the Sex and Gender Interest Group in Emergency Medicine and the SAEM Jeopardy Game4AEM Education and Training: A Global Journal of Emergency Care
Evaluating the Effectiveness of an Online Journal Club: Experience from the International Urology Journal Club11European Urology Focus14.976
The Use of Social Media in Pediatric Urology—Forging New Paths or Crossing Boundaries?4Current Urology Reports1.597
What do health providers and patients tweet about schizophrenia?5Early Intervention in Psychiatry
Thrive: Success Strategies for the Modern-Day Faculty Member0
Social media partnerships with patient organizations for neuro-oncology patient recruitment2Neuro-Oncology Practice
Do not hesitate and start using the hashtag #UroSoMe0
Live videos shared on social media during urological conferences are increasing: Time to reflect on advantages and potential harms. An ESUT-YAU study1Actas Urologicas Espanolas - English Edition
NephMadness: Lessons from Seven Years on the Leading Edge of Social Media Medical Education0
Epistemic Networks on Twitter: A New Way To Learn16Journal of Investigative Surgery
Co-Production, Co-Education And Person-Centered Healthcare Practice0
Qualitative And Quantitative Evaluation Of The Use Of Twitter As A Tool Of Antimicrobial Stewardship38International Journal of Medical Informatics
The Thoracic Surgery Social Media Network: Early experience and lessons learned11Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery
Who Were the Most Influential Twitter Contributers to #HFSA2018 Related Social Media Conversations?0
Longitudinal Associations between Income Changes and Incident Cardiovascular Disease: The Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities Study0
A Pilot Study: Decreased Hospitalization in Elderly Heart Failure Patients While on Sacubitril-Valsartan Combination0
The Intersection of Mobile Health and Nursing Knowledge4Computers
International Handbook of Health Literacy: Research, Practice and Policy across the Life-span0Policy Press Bristol
Trainee Thoracic Surgery Social Media Network: Early Experience with TweetChat-Based Journal Clubs13The Annals of Thoracic Surgery
Twitter As a Noninvasive Bio‐Marker for Trends in Liver Disease13HEPATOLOGY COMMUNICATIONS
Physiotalk: connectedness and constructive change – a qualitative study11The European Journal Of Physiotherapy
Social media participatory CPD for nursing revalidation, professional development and beyond57British Journal of Nursing (BJN)
The social dynamics of lung cancer talk on Twitter, Facebook and Digital Medicine
His-bundle pacing: impact of social media52Europace4.021
Organizing Online Health Content: Developing Hashtag Collections for Healthier Internet-Based People and Communities251JCO Clinical Cancer Informatics
Potential of Using Twitter to Recruit Cancer Survivors and Their Willingness to Participate in Nutrition Research and Web-Based Interventions: A Cross-Sectional Study13JMIR Cancer
Harnessing the power of social media: how can it help in axial spondyloarthritis research?1Current opinion in rheumatology
Connecting the Urological Community : The #UroSoMe Experience0
The Radiology Twitterverse: A Starter’s Guide to Utilization and Success41Journal of the American College of Radiology2.929
The Continued Rise in Professional Use of Social Media at Scientific Meetings: An Analysis of Twitter Use during the ASNR 2018 Annual Meeting11American Journal of Neuroradiology3.124
Social media in critical care: Fad or a new standard in medical education? An analysis of international critical care conferences between 2014 and 201743Journal of the Intensive Care Society
The Latest in Resuscitation Science Research: Highlights from the American Heart Association’s 2017 Resuscitation Science Symposium8Journal of the American Heart Association Cardiovascular and Cerebrovascular Disease
Analyzing Online Twitter Discussion for Male Infertility via the Hashtag #MaleInfertility0
To Tweet or Not to Tweet? A Primer on Social Media for Pharmacists96JACCP: JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN COLLEGE OF CLINICAL PHARMACY
What kills us and what moves us: A comparative discourse analysis of heart disease and breast cancer8Digital Health
Characterizing a Digital Health Footprint for Asthma0
Communication strategies for rare cancers: a systematic review protocol14Systematic Reviews
#Peyronies: An Analysis of Online Twitter Discussion of Peyronie’s Disease0
The role of social media and foam in critical care education0Anaesthesiology Intensive Therapy
Social media in critical care: conference hashtags, a time-limited entity0Anaesthesiology Intensive Therapy
Social media in critical care: variation across professional groups0Anaesthesiology Intensive Therapy
Exploring new landmarks: analysis of Twitter usage during the 41st ESNR Annual Meeting8Neuroradiology
Social Media and Ethos of Medical Practice0Journal of the Pakistan Medical Association
Tweeting the Headache Meetings: Cross‐Sectional Analysis of Twitter Activity Surrounding American Headache Society Conferences7Headache: The Journal of Head & Face Pain
Social media fandom for health promotion? Insights from East Los High, a transmedia edutainment initiative0
Understanding Social Media: Opportunities for Cardiovascular Medicine279JACC
Twitter chats: Utilizing an innovative technology platform to offer education and tools to people with breast cancer0
#EULAR2018: The Annual European Congress of Rheumatology—a Twitter hashtag analysis9Rheumatology International
How conversational ties are formed in an online community: a social network analysis of a tweet chat group6Communication & Society
A welcoming guide to social media for cytopathologists: Tips, tricks, and the best practices of social cytopathology21CytoJournal
I Tweet, Therefore I Learn: An Analysis of Twitter Use Across Anesthesiology Conferences89Anesthesia and analgesia
Healthcare Social Media for Consumer Informatics0
What matters versus what’s the matter – exploring perceptions of person-centred practice in nursing and physiotherapy social media communities: a qualitative study0
Development of the Intercultural Diabetes Online Community Research Council: Codesign and Social Media Processes11Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology
#Diversity: Conversations on Twitter about Women and Black Men in Medicine22Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine (formerly Journal of the American Board of Family Practice)
A comparison of information sharing behaviours across 379 health conditions on Twitter60International Journal of Public Health
The impact of a dedicated multidisciplinary social media team at a national critical care conference1
Digital Medicine in Rheumatology20Rheumatic Disease Clinics of North America
Rapid Growth in the Use of Social Media at Major Cardiovascular Scientific Sessions From 2014 to 201689Circulation: Cardiovascular Quality & Outcomes
Development and Implementation of the Inaugural Anatomy Education Research Institute (AERI 2017)11Anatomical Sciences Education2.303
The Education and Practice Environment for Medical Radiation Science Professionals Caring for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Patients: An Analysis of a #MedRadJClub Tweet Chat13Journal of Medical Imaging & Radiation Sciences
Participating in a TweetChat: Practical Tips from The Thoracic Surgery Social Media Network (#TSSMN)13The Annals of Thoracic Surgery
Patients With Cancer and Social Media: Harness Benefits, Avoid Drawbacks104JCO Oncology Practice
Caregiving Is a Marathon, Not a Road Race: Reenvisioning Caregiver Support Services in Gynecologic Oncology8International Journal of Gynecological Cancer
Blastic Plasmacytoid Dendritic Cell Neoplasm (BPDCN) on Social Media: #BPDCN—Increasing Exposure over Two Years Since Inception of a Disease-Specific Twitter Community19Current Hematologic Malignancy Reports2.2
Social Media and Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation: a Review of Online Resources and Communities9Current Hematologic Malignancy Reports2.2
‘Not your daughter’s Facebook’: Twitter use at the European Society of Cardiology Conference 201884Heart
Social Media Tools for Department and Practice Communication and Branding in the Digital Age47RadioGraphics
Online and Social Media Resources for Patients with MDS1Current Hematologic Malignancy Reports2.2
Monitoring Twitter Conversations for Targeted Recruitment in Cancer Trials in Los Angeles County: Protocol for a Mixed-Methods Pilot Study1JMIR Research Protocols
Digital Social Work: Tools for Practice with Individuals, Organizations, and Communities0
Twitter Analysis of #OpenAPS DIY Artificial Pancreas Technology Use Suggests Improved A1C and Quality of Life162Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology
Online Professionalism—2018 Update of European Association of Urology (@Uroweb) Recommendations on the Appropriate Use of Social Media130European Urology13.938
The Use of Social Media amongst Doctors Undertaking a Post-Graduate Endocrinology Diploma0Scientific Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism
The Adoption of an Online Journal Club to Improve Research Dissemination and Social Media Engagement Among Hospitalists36Journal of Hospital Medicine2.143
Social Media and the Journal: Entering a New Era10Journal of Cardiac Failure3.259
Utilising social media to educate and inform healthcare professionals, policy-makers and the broader community in evidence-based healthcare44BMJ Evidence-Based Medicine
Taxonomy Learning from Health Care Social Communities to Improve EHR Implementation0
#CGS2015: An Evaluation of Twitter Use at the Canadian Geriatrics Society Annual Scientific Meeting1Canadian Journal of Geriatrics
Twitter® Use and Its Implications in Spanish Association of Surgeons Meetings and Congresses3Cirugía Española (English Edition)
Has the robot caught up? National trends in utilization, perioperative outcomes, and cost for open, laparoscopic, and robotic pediatric pyeloplasty in the United States from 2003 to 20150
The Role of Social Media and Internet Search Engines in Information Provision and Dissemination to Patients with Kidney Stone Disease: A Systematic Review from European Association of Urologists Young Academic Urologists2Journal of Endourology1.708
The Virtual Toxicology Journal Club: the Dissemination and Discussion of Noteworthy Manuscripts Using Twitter16Journal of Medical Toxicology
Diabetes Online Community User Perceptions of Successful Aging With Diabetes: Analysis of a #DSMA Tweet Chat18JMIR Aging
Dissemination of evidence in paediatric emergency medicine: a quantitative descriptive evaluation of a 16-week social media promotion48BMJ Open
Integrating Social Media in Modern Oncology Practice and Research34ASCO Educational Book
Deficit discourse and strengths-based approaches: Changing the narrative of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health and wellbeing0
Ultrasound guided ureteroscopy in children: Safety and success0
Implications of fellowship expansion on future pediatric urologist surgical volumes0
Prospective study of enhanced recovery after surgery protocol in children undergoing reconstructive operations0
What advice is given to newly qualified doctors on Twitter? An analysis of #TipsForNewDocs tweets39Medical Education4.005
Letter from the Philippines4Respirology
The Needs of Women Treated for Ovarian Cancer: Results From a #gyncsm Twitter Chat1Journal of Patient-Centered Research and Reviews
Social Media Engagement and the Critical Care Medicine Community93Journal of Intensive Care Medicine
Using Social Media to Generate and Collect Primary Data: The #ShowsWorkplaceCompassion Twitter Research Campaign33JMIR Public Health and Surveillance5.175
Social Media for Dissemination of Pediatric Anesthesia Content – a Hashtag Analysis0
Prostate cancer and social media35Nature Reviews Urology
The academic tweet: Twitter as a tool to advance academic surgery210Journal of Surgical Research
Social Media Use in Cancer Care15Seminars in Oncology Nursing
Social Media for Global Education: Pearls and Pitfalls of Using Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram12Journal of the American College of Radiology2.929
Social media expands the reach of the 2017 ASC Annual Meeting15Journal of the American Society of Cytopathology
The controversy of social media at conferences6British Journal of Urology
Social media engagement amongst 2017 colorectal surgery Tripartite Meeting attendees: updates on contemporary social media use28Colorectal Disease2.452
To Tweet Or Not To Tweet: Rapid Growth In The Use Of Social Media At Major Cardiovascular Meetings23JACC
Substantial utilization of Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and Instagram in the prostate cancer community34World Journal of Urology2.666
Abstract No. 473 An analysis of hashtag usage in interventional radiology (2014-2017)0
#FOAMems: Engaging paramedics with free, online open-access education19Journal of Education and Health Promotion
The Evolution of the Journal Club: From Osler to Twitter264American Journal of Kidney Diseases6.269
The 2017 American Society of Radiation Oncology (ASTRO) annual meeting: Taking a deeper dive into social media14Advances in Radiation Oncology
Social Media and Cardiology104JACC
The Risks of Theft and Copyright Breach from Camera Use During Scientific Presentations: It’s Time for a Debate37European Urology13.938
#InterventionalRadiology6Journal of Vascular and Interventional Radiology
#Radiology: A 7-Year Analysis of Radiology-Associated Hashtags9Current Problems in Diagnostic Radiology
Lifestyle Medicine in Psychiatry0Textbook of Cultural Psychiatry
Impact of Pathologist Involvement in Sarcoma and Rare Tumor Patient Support Groups on Facebook: A Survey of 542 Patients and Family Members40Archives of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine2.838
#dermpathJC: The first online dermatopathology Twitter journal club15Journal of Cutaneous Pathology1.317
Twitter Use in the Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation Community23Current Hematologic Malignancy Reports2.2
#Deathbedlive: the end-of-life trajectory, reflected in a cancer patient’s tweets73BMC Palliative Care2.335
Social Media in the Identification of Living Kidney Donors: Platforms, Tools, and Strategies12Current Transplantation Reports
Patient-Centric Strategies in Digital Health0Digital Health
An Education in Digital Health0Digital Health
What is social media, why should health professionals care and how does one engage effectively?0Swiss Sports & Exercise Medicine
Effective use of Twitter and Facebook in pathology practice150Human Pathology3.125
The Spatial Distribution of Health Narratives in Twitter and the Relationship to Corresponding Cancer Rates Across the United States: A Case Study of Cancer-related Communications0
365: Student-Led Interprofessional Twitter Chat0
Hybrid semantic clustering of hashtags0Online Social Networks and Media
@AACAnatomy twitter account goes live: A sustainable social media model for professional societies8Clinical Anatomy1.824
Communicating your research (part 2): to the wider community0Journal of Clinical Urology
Around the World in 80 Tweets—Social Media and Midwifery0
Social Media in Hematology in 2017: Dystopia, Utopia, or Somewhere In-between?20Current Hematologic Malignancy Reports2.2
Analysis of First-Year Twitter Metrics of a Rare Disease Community for Blastic Plasmacytoid Dendritic Cell Neoplasm (BPDCN) on Social Media: #BPDCN14Current Hematologic Malignancy Reports2.2
#TwittIR: Understanding and Establishing a Twitter Ecosystem for Interventional Radiologists and Their Practices44Journal of the American College of Radiology2.929
Rare Cancers and Social Media: Analysis of Twitter Metrics in the First 2 Years of a Rare-Disease Community for Myeloproliferative Neoplasms on Social Media—#MPNSM23Current Hematologic Malignancy Reports2.2
Study protocol: responding to the needs of patients with IgA nephropathy, a social media approach17Clinical Kidney Journal
Leveraging Twitter to Maximize the Radiology Meeting Experience112Journal of the American College of Radiology2.929
Chapter 21 – Leveraging Social Media for Clinician Training and Practice1Health Professionals' Education in the Age of Clinical Information Systems
Women in Radiology: Creating a Global Mentorship Network Through Social Media59Journal of the American College of Radiology2.929
Trends in Twitter use during the Annual Meeting of the Spanish Society of Allergology and Clinical Immunology (2013-2016)27The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology: In Practice5.317
#Ebola and Twitter. What Insights Can Global Health Draw from Social Media?0
#ILookLikeASurgeon: embracing diversity to improve patient outcomes226British Medical Journal
Trends in Twitter use during the Annual Meeting of the Spanish Society of Allergology and Clinical Immunology (2013-2016)27The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology: In Practice5.317
Ask an anatomist: Identifying global trends, topics and themes of academic anatomists using twitter15Anatomical Sciences Education2.303
Social media and the digital health arena1Future Healthcare Journal
Getting Started: A Social Media Primer3Clinics in Colon and Rectal Surgery.839
How Can Social Media Get Us in Trouble?15Clinics in Colon and Rectal Surgery.839
Changing the Rules of the Game: How Do We Measure Success in Social Media?6Clinics in Colon and Rectal Surgery.839
History of Social Media in Surgery6Clinics in Colon and Rectal Surgery.839
Breaking International Barriers: #ColorectalSurgery Is #GlobalSurgery29Clinics in Colon and Rectal Surgery.839
SGEM Hot Off the Press: Delayed complications of sternal fractures1Canadian Journal of Emergency Medicine1.106
Widespread Use Of Internet, Applications, And Social Media In The Professional Life Of Urology Residents0Canadian Urological Association Journal1.92
Social media and colorectal cancer: A systematic review of available resources24PLoS ONE3.057
#colorectalsurgery211British Journal of Surgery5.899
Patient Participation at Health Care Conferences: Engaged Patients Increase Information Flow, Expand Propagation, and Deepen Engagement in the Conversation of Tweets Compared to Physicians or Researchers659Journal of Medical Internet Research5.835
Surgery goes social: The extent and patterns of social media utilization by major trauma, acute and critical care surgery societies1Journal of Emergencies
Risks and Benefits of Twitter Use by Hematologists / Oncologists in the Era of Digital Medicine100Seminars in Hematology (ScienceDirect)
Comparing alternative and traditional dissemination metrics in medical education38Medical Education4.005
Social Media and Pathology: Where Are We Now and Why Does it Matter?72Advances in Anatomic Pathology4.005
Radiologists must go global with Twitter0
Chapter 9: Cultivating Critical Dialogue on Twitter0
Chapter 4: Social Media and Health Care0
International Mentoring Programs: Leadership Opportunities to Enhance Worldwide Pharmacy Practice1Hospital Pharmacy
Preliminary Evidence for the Emergence of a Health Care Online Community of Practice: Using a Netnographic Framework for Twitter Hashtag Analytics126Journal of Medical Internet Research5.835
Pediatric Critical Care Content Dissemination and Social Media – Revisiting the Hashtag Analysis4Pediatric Critical Care Medicine2.659
Maximizing the Tweet Engagement Rate in Academia: Analysis of the AJNR Twitter Feed15American Journal of Neuroradiology3.124
Necessity of Rational Use of Social Media in Colorectal Surgery0Turkish Journal of Colorectal Disease
The Need for “Health Twitteracy” in a Postfactual World34Health Literacy Research and Practice
The emerging role of professional social media use in oncology47Future Oncology2.477
Measuring Audience Engagement for Public Health Twitter Chats: Insights From #LiveFitNOLA23JMIR Public Health and Surveillance5.175
Robotic versus open pediatric ureteral reimplantation1Journal of Pediatric Urology1.170
Improving the quality and impact of public health social media activity in Scotland during 2016: #ScotPublicHealth20Journal of Public Health2.019
Increased Engagement with Social Media in Colorectal Surgery44Colorectal Disease2.452
Social Media for Radiation oncologists: A Practical Primer95Advances in Radiation Oncology
The Greenberg Spike: How Speaking Out On Implicit Bias And Gender Equity In Surgery Continues To Trend0
Tweet this: how advocacy for breast and prostate cancers stacks up on social media41British Journal of Urology
Guiding Pediatric Critical Care Medicine Toward a Bigger Impression in 2017 and Beyond8Pediatric Critical Care Medicine2.659
The effect of social media (#SoMe) on journal impact factor and parental awareness in paediatric urology15Journal of Pediatric Urology1.170
Application of COL1A1-PDGFB Fusion Gene Detection by Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization in Biopsy Tissue of Dermatofibrosarcoma Protuberans0The Journal of Dermatology1.577
#GeriMedJC: The Twitter Complement to the Traditional-Format Geriatric Medicine Journal Club0Journal of the American Geriatrics Society3.842
Where Are the Pediatricians? ATS International Meeting Pediatric Content Dissemination and Social Media: A Hashtag Analysis0American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine13.118
The professional Twitter account: creation, proper maintenance, and continuous successful operation31Diagnostic Cytopathology0.98
#InSituPathologists: how the #USCAP2015 meeting went viral on Twitter and founded the social media movement for the United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology99Modern Pathology5.485
How Social Media Is Changing the Practice of Regional Anesthesiology0Current Anesthesiology Reports
If You Are Not on Social Media, Here’s What You’re Missing! #DoTheThing201Archives of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine2.838
Fine social aspiration: Twitter as a voice for cytopathology58Diagnostic Cytopathology0.98
Regarding Twitter as a Potential Data Source for Cardiovascular Disease Research—Reply1JAMA Cardiology37.684
Regarding Twitter as a Potential Data Source for Cardiovascular Disease Research17JAMA Cardiology37.684
Building Community Through a #pulmcc Twitter Chat to Advocate for Pulmonary, Critical Care, and Sleep29CHEST
Initial impact of physical therapy advocacy hashtags on Twitter: feasibility and descriptive analysis0
Social media for arthritis-related comparative effectiveness and safety research and the impact of direct-to-consumer advertising4Arthritis Research and Therapy3.979
Virtual attendance at an international physical activity meeting using Twitter: how can data visualisation provide a presence?206British Journal of Sports Medicine6.724
Novel Use of Twitter to Disseminate and Evaluate Adherence with Clinical Guidelines by the European Association of Urology53British Journal of Urology
Strategies for Developing Family Nursing Communities of Practice Through Social Media8Journal of Family Nursing
Breast Cancer Screening and Social Media: a Content Analysis of Evidence Use and Guideline Opinions on Twitter10Journal of Cancer Education1.368
Social Media and Heart Failure: Can We Diurese Off the Noise?2Journal of Cardiac Failure3.259
Ethical applications of Informatics0
Hypothesis-The Journal of the Research Section of the Medical Library Association0
Crowd-Sourced Focus Groups on Twitter: 140 Characters of Research Insight0
JGME-ALiEM Hot Topics in Medical Education: Analysis of a Multimodal Online Discussion About Team-Based Learning20Journal of Graduate Medical Education
Twitter-augmented Anesthesiology Journal Club: Educational Engagement and Experience So Far0
Twitter’s usefulness for medical students: the role of one social media platform in medical education0
Using the Power of Media to Influence Health Policy and Politics0
Using Twitter for professional knowledge0
Why Tweet? Building the Skills to Engage New Audiences and Promote Your Work0
The power of social media to help clinicians and patients0
The Social Network: Using Twitter to Translate and Disseminate Evidence0
The uptake of online Continuous Professional Competency activity by prehospital care providers0
The Use of Social Media in Patient Education0
Twitter for Public Health: An Open-source Data Solution0
The potential analysis the use of social networks in marketing purposes Case study on electronic cigarettes0
Washing Away Ebola: Stress, rumor, and ethnomedical response in a Deadly epidemic0
Social Media Tools for Practice and Education0
Sense-Level Semantic Clustering of Hashtags0
Sense-Level Semantic Clustering of Hashtags in Social Media0
Sharing Illness Experiences on Twitter: Conversations of Parents with Children Diagnosed with Cancer0
¿Debería crear una cuenta de Twitter?0
Social media content and sentiment analysis on consumer security breaches0
Ideas on how the Centre for Ageing Better can start to engage with digital technology0
Informed Patient Is A Patient With Better Health Initiative #FFpaciente0
Integrating Twitter into an undergraduate medical curriculum: Lessons for the future0
Low Back Pain: Physician Paradigm Shifts and the Doctor of Physical Therapy0
New Roles and New Horizons for Health Sciences Librarians and Libraries0
HEAR (Health Evidence Awareness Report) Focus on medical resources.0
Family Physician Guide Assessment of Patients After a Mass Casualty Event0
Effective prescription of opioids to alleviate cancer related pain0
Being Open: timely access to NZCYES publications0
Clinicians weigh the pros and cons of social media0
Computational methods for mining health communications in web 2.00
Concussion and Nutrition Series Part III: The Most Promising Nutrients for Affecting TBI Outcomes and Recommendations for Patients0
Cyberpsychology And Social Media0
A Survey of the use of Social Media in Chronic Disease Management Outcomes0
A Study on the Influence of Semantics on the Analysis of Micro-blog Tags in the Medical Domain0
A Hybrid Approach to Semantic Hashtag Clustering in Social Media0
25th Annual Symposium on ALS/MND Research: Day 10
Use of Social Media in Emergency Ultrasound Fellowship Programs5AEM Education and Training: A Global Journal of Emergency Care
Social Networks, Social Media, and Innovating Surgical Education39JAMA Surgery3.936
Pathologic Abnormalities Behind Ductal Carcinoma In Situ Terminology0JAMA Oncology16.6
Social Media, Evidence‐Based Tweeting, andJCEHP32The Journal of Continuing Education for Health Professionals
Ten Steps for Setting Up an Online Journal Club51The Journal of Continuing Education for Health Professionals
Peer-reviewed publications in the era of social media—JHM 2.011Journal of Hospital Medicine2.143
The Twitter journal club for Medical Radiation Professionals (#medradjclub) – Experiences from the first 12 months6Journal of Medical Radiation Sciences
Strategy of robotic surgeons to exert public influence through Twitter8International Journal of Medical Robotics and Computer Assisted Surgery
Saving the starfish: World Federation of Pediatric Imaging (WFPI) development, work to date, and membership feedback on international outreach2Pediatric Radiology1.525
Benefits and Risks of Twitter usage for urologists3Der Urologe A
Is it Good or Bad? Disclosure of Medical Ailments on Twitter1Lecture notes in computer science
Marketing: Understanding the Modern Patient and Consumer0
The Role of Twitter and Microblogging in Medicine9
The state and potential of social media in bladder cancer6World Journal of Urology2.666
Radiologists’ Usage of Social Media: Results of the RANSOM Survey6Journal of Imaging Informatics in Medicine
Twitter hashtags for health: applying network and content analyses to understand the health knowledge sharing in a Twitter-based community of practice10Quality & Quantity
Social Media and Internet Resources for Patients with Blastic Plasmacytoid Dendritic Cell Neoplasm (BPDCN)25Current Hematologic Malignancy Reports2.2
Social Media and the Adolescent and Young Adult (AYA) Patient with Cancer99Current Hematologic Malignancy Reports2.2
Social Media and Myeloproliferative Neoplasms (MPN)—Focus on Twitter and the Development of a Disease-specific Community: #MPNSM49Current Hematologic Malignancy Reports2.2
Social Media and the Practicing Hematologist: Twitter 101 for the Busy Healthcare Provider101Current Hematologic Malignancy Reports2.2
Twitter expands the reach and engagement of a national scientific meeting: the Irish Society of Urology3Irish Journal of Medical Science0.827
Weight loss support seeking on twitter: the impact of weight on follow back rates and interactions22Translational Behavioral Medicine2.189
Evaluating and selecting mobile health apps: strategies for healthcare providers and healthcare organizations47Translational Behavioral Medicine2.189
Opportunities and ethical challenges for the practice of medicine in the digital era20Current Reviews in Musculoskeletal Medicine0.772
Integrating Social Media into Urologic Health care: What Can We Learn from Other Disciplines?8Current Urology Reports1.597
Social Media and Myeloproliferative Neoplasms (MPN): Analysis of Advanced Metrics From the First Year of a New Twitter Community: #MPNSM22Current Hematologic Malignancy Reports2.2
Enriching the Toxicology Experience through Twitter12Journal of Medical Toxicology
Spanish adaptation of the recommendations for the appropriate use of social networks in urology of the European Association of Urology9Actas Urológicas Españolas
Influence of social networks on congresses of urological societies and associations: Results of the 81th National Congress of the Spanish Urological Association7Actas Urológicas Españolas
A #Pulmcc Twitter Chat to Educate and Advocate for Pulmonary, Critical Care, and Sleep12CHEST
Social Networks for Health: A Personal Snapshot0
Harnessing the Hashtag: A Standard Approach to GI Dialogue on Social Media11American Journal of Gastroenterology
Social media in radiology: early trends in Twitter microblogging at radiology’s largest international meeting55Journal of the American College of Radiology2.929
Call for FITs/ECs to Become Engaged With Social Media20JACC
International Urology Journal Club via Twitter: 12-Month Experience79European Urology13.938
Using Social Media To Increase The Reach Of SCCM’s Critical Care Congress2Critical Care Medicine7.442
Incidental findings and future testing methodologies: potential application of the ACMG 2013 recommendations0Journal of Law and the Biosciences4.294
Review of Twitter for Infectious Diseases Clinicians: Useful or a Waste of Time?208Clinical Infectious Diseases8.886
The Use of Social Media in Endourology: An Analysis of the 2013 World Congress of Endourology Meeting7Journal of Endourology1.708
An Academic Healthcare Twitter Account: The Mayo Clinic Experience64Behavior & Social Networking
Use Of Session-Specific Hashtags To Enhance The Reach Of The Critical Care Congress In Social Media10Critical Care Medicine7.442
AMIA 2012 Informatics: Transforming Health and Healthcare1Computers
#PlasticSurgery332Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery3.087
Twitter in urology and other surgical specialties at global conferences27Australian & New Zealand Journal of Surgery
Journal Club via social media: authors take note of the impact of #BlueJC4British Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology
A report from #BlueJC: How should we manage antepartum haemorrhage of unknown origin?0BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology4.039
A Cloud Based Framework for Identification of Influential Health Experts from Twitter0
Precise tweet classification and sentiment analysis0
A comparison between urology and other surgical specialities in the ultilisation of Twitter at international conferences0BJU International4.387
The social media revolution is changing the conference experience: analytics and trends from eight international meetings70British Journal of Urology
The emerging use of Twitter by urological journals27British Journal of Urology
The power of social media to amplify urology conferencing: analytics from 8 international meetings8British Journal of Urology
Use of social media in urology: data from the American Urological Association (AUA)50British Journal of Urology
‘Tweeting the meeting’: twitter usage increases the online presence of a binational urological conference, the USANZ Annual Scientific Meeting0BJU International4.387
Social media in colorectal surgery160Colorectal Disease2.452
Using social media for continuous professional development229Journal of Advanced Nursing1.741
The Social Media Summit in Health Professions Education7Postgraduate Medical Journal1.448
Are you a SCEPTIC? SoCial mEdia Precision & uTility In Conferences90Emergency Medicine Journal1.836
The impact of social media on a major international emergency medicine conference.114Emergency Medicine Journal1.836
International Palliative Care Journal Club On Twitter: Experience So Far29BMJ Supportive and Palliative Care
Social media use among young rheumatologists and basic scientists: results of an international survey by the Emerging EULAR Network (EMEUNET)47Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases12.384
How can Twitter support your studies?0Student BMJ
Tweeting is Teaching – #RespEd: Free, Open-Access Twitter educational resource for trainees and specialists in Respiratory Medicine13Thorax8.29
A study of tweet chats for breast cancer patients1ACM1.394
Content Analysis of Social Media Related to Left Ventricular Assist Devices20Circulation: Cardiovascular Quality & Outcomes
Advancing Research on the Spread of Stigmatizing Beliefs With Insights From Rumor Transmission1American Behavioral Scientist1.907
Social media in urology – what is all the fuss about?24Journal of Clinical Urology
“Facts, Not Fear” Negotiating Uncertainty on Social Media During the 2014 Ebola Crisis7Science Communication1.82
#IHMayDay: tweeting for empowerment and social and emotional wellbeing7Australasian Psychiatry0.469
Using Social Media to Enhance Career Development Opportunities for Health Promotion Professionals84Health Promotion Practice0.769
Using social media to learn and communicate: it is not about the tweet.22ASCO Educational Book
The consensus? A qualitative analysis of opinions expressed on Twitter18BMC Public Health2.264
Tweeting the Meeting: Twitter Use at The American Society of Breast Surgeons Annual Meeting 2013–2016205Annals of Surgical Oncology3.655
Social Media As a Leadership Tool for Pharmacists8Hospital Pharmacy
The Ebola Crisis and the Corresponding Public Behavior: A System Dynamics Approach13PLoS Currents
Effect Of Social Media In Health Care: Uses, Risks, And Barriers0World Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences (WJPPS)6.041
Opting in to Online Professionalism: Social Media and Pediatrics20Pediatrics5.473
Social Media and Pediatric Hospital Medicine: How Our Discipline Benefits From a Virtual Community and Why It Matters for Our Future4Hospital Pediatrics
Meeting Report: Fungal Genomics Meets Social Media: Highlights of the 28th Fungal Genetics Conference at Asilomar18G3: Genes
Measuring the Influence of Commercial Entities in the Twitter backchannels of medical conferences: The #MICEproject79The Winnower
Use of Twitter at a major national pharmacy conference13American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy1.882
Globalization of Continuing Professional Development by Journal Clubs via Microblogging: A Systematic Review128Journal of Medical Internet Research5.835
Twitter-Based Journal Clubs: Additional Facts and Clarifications31Journal of Medical Internet Research5.835
Assessing the Viability of Social Media for Disseminating Evidence-Based Nutrition Practice Guideline Through Content Analysis of Twitter Messages and Health Professional Interviews: An Observational Study6Journal of Medical Internet Research5.835
Toward a Mixed-Methods Research Approach to Content Analysis in The Digital Age: The Combined Content-Analysis Model and its Applications to Health Care Twitter Feeds25Journal of Medical Internet Research5.835
Response to “Twitter-Based Journal Clubs: Some Additional Facts and Clarifications”12Journal of Medical Internet Research5.835
Trial Promoter: A Web-Based Tool for Boosting the Promotion of Clinical Research Through Social Media9Journal of Medical Internet Research5.835
Twitter Social Media is an Effective Tool for Breast Cancer Patient Education and Support: Patient-Reported Outcomes by Survey320Journal of Medical Internet Research5.835
How Medical Doctors and Students Should Use Social Media: a Review of the Main Guidelines for Proposing Practical Recommendations0
Social Media and Scientific Meetings: An Analysis of Twitter Use at the Annual Meeting of the American Society of Neuroradiology12American Journal of Neuroradiology3.124
Social Media and the Neuroradiologist: A Brief Introduction8American Journal of Neuroradiology3.124
Science Ecosystem 2.0: how will change occur?10
Social media in cancer care: highlights, challenges & opportunities43Future Oncology2.477
Unsupervised semantic clustering of Twitter hashtags0
Canadian Rheumatology Association Meeting, Fairmont Chateau Lake Louise, Lake Louise, Alberta, Canada, February 17-20, 20160The Journal of Rheumatology3.236
Communication Technology and Social Media: Opportunities and Implications for Healthcare Systems2Online Journal of Issues in Nursing
Qualitative Twitter analysis of participants, tweet strategies, and tweet content at a major urologic conference5Canadian Urological Association Journal1.92
Social Media in Urology: opportunities, applications, appropriate use and new horizons27Central European Journal of Urology
Social Media and Free Open Access Medical Education: The Future of Medical and Nursing Education?27American Journal of Critical Care12.996
Social Media and Nurses: Insights for Promoting Health for Individual and Professional Use0The Online Journal of Issues in Nursing
#GeriMedJC: An Analysis of the Growth and Impact of the Twitter-Based Complement to the Traditional Geriatric Medicine Journal Club0Canadian Geriatrics Journal
Technology in rural continuing medical education0The University of Western Ontario Medical Journal (UWOMJ)
The Twitter journal club for Medical Radiation Professionals (#medradjclub): CPD/CE for the 21st century0Journal of Nuclear Medicine5.849
Twitter Use at a Family Medicine Conference: Analyzing #STFM13201Archives of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine2.838
#ClinMed: What have social media got to do with medicine?0Clinical Medicine1.487
Increasing Use of Social Media at Annual ASH Meetings0Blood Journal11.841
Novel survey disseminated through Twitter supports its utility for networking, disseminating research, advocacy, clinical practice and other professional goals8Canadian Urological Association Journal1.92
Disease-Specific Hashtags for Online Communication About Cancer Care549JAMA Oncology16.6
e-Patients in Twitter Hashtag Communities0Journal of Participatory Medicine
#Urology Is Trending in Social Media0Reviews in Urology
Global Emergency Medicine Journal Club: Social Media Responses to the March 2014 Annals of Emergency Medicine Journal Club on Targeted Temperature Management5Annals of Emergency Medicine4.676
Global Emergency Medicine Journal Club: Social Media Responses to the January 2014 Online Emergency Medicine Journal Club on Subarachnoid Hemorrhage23Annals of Emergency Medicine4.676
The climb to break the glass ceiling in surgery: trends in women progressing from medical school to surgical training and academic leadership from 1994 to 201568American Journal of Surgery
Another Time, Another Space: The Evolution of the Virtual Journal Club1Academic Radiology1.966
What Do Patients Tweet About Their Mammography Experience?56Academic Radiology1.966
Social Media Responses to the Annals of Emergency MedicineResidents’ Perspective Article on Multiple Mini-Interviews3Annals of Emergency Medicine4.676
Social Media in the Emergency Medicine Residency Curriculum: Social Media Responses to the Residents’ Perspective Article49Annals of Emergency Medicine4.676
Global Emergency Medicine Journal Club: A Social Media Discussion About the Age-Adjusted D-Dimer Cutoff Levels to Rule Out Pulmonary Embolism Trial78Annals of Emergency Medicine4.676
Global Emergency Medicine Journal Club: A Social Media Discussion About the Lack of Association Between Press Ganey Scores and Emergency Department Analgesia27Annals of Emergency Medicine4.676
Global Emergency Medicine Journal Club: A Social Media Discussion About the Outpatient Management of Patients With Spontaneous Pneumothorax by Using Pigtail Catheters18Annals of Emergency Medicine4.676
Social media: A tool to spread information: A case study analysis of Twitter conversation at the Cardiac Society of Australia & New Zealand 61st Annual Scientific Meeting 201320Australia.
Nurses and Twitter: The good, the bad, and the reluctant109Australia.
The Prescription Opioid Epidemic: Social Media Responses to the Residents’ Perspective Article15Annals of Emergency Medicine4.676
Unsupervised topic discovery in micro-blogging networks1Expert Systems with Applications2.24
Introducing the Twitter Impact Factor: An Objective Measure of Urology’s Academic Impact on Twitter93European Urology Focus14.976
Urology Tag Ontology Project: Standardizing Social Media Communication Descriptors27European Urology13.938
Using Twitter™ to drive research impact: A discussion of strategies, opportunities and challenges326International Journal of Nursing Studies2.901
The Impact of Social Media on Readership of a Peer-Reviewed Medical Journal22Journal of the American College of Radiology2.929
Twitter Journal Club in Medical Radiation Science45Journal of Medical Imaging & Radiation Sciences
Healthcare hashtag index development: Identifying global impact in social media49Journal of Biomedical Informatics2.447
Social Media and the Patient Experience55Journal of the American College of Radiology2.929
The Role of Social Media in Quality Improvement15Journal of the American College of Radiology2.929
Use of Twitter Polls to Determine Public Opinion Regarding Content Presented at a Major National Specialty Society Meeting4Journal of the American College of Radiology2.929
Journal Clubs Via Microblogging Are Globalizing Continuing Medical Education: A Systematic Review0The Journal of Urology4.7
The Dramatic Increase in Social Media in Urology50The Journal of Urology4.7
Balancing Privacy and Professionalism: A Survey of General Surgery Program Directors on Social Media and Surgical Education39Journal of Surgical Education1.95
The Glass Houses of Attending Surgeons: An Assessment of Unprofessional Behavior on Facebook Among Practicing Surgeons31Journal of Surgical Education1.95
International Urology Journal Club On Twitter- A Growing Educational Forum0The Journal of Urology4.7
Twitter at the 2014 and 2015 Annual Meetings of the American Academy of Ophthalmology11Ophthalmology6.135
Now Trending: Twitter Use In The Urology Community At The American Urological Association Annual Scientific Meeting0The Journal of Urology4.7
International urology journal club on Twitter – a growing educational forum0The Journal of Urology4.7
A Comparison Between Urology And Other Specialities In The Utilization Of Twitter At International Conferences0The Journal of Urology4.7
Use of Twitter® in a congress: First experience for French internal medicine5Revue de Medecine Interne
Personalized healthcare cloud services for disease risk assessment and wellness management using social media0Pervasive and Mobile Computing2.079
‘Too Young To Drink’. An international communication campaign to raise public awareness of fetal alcohol spectrum disorders15Public Health (Elsevier)
Exponential use of social media in medicine: Example of the interest of Twitter© in urology14Progrès en Urologie
Use of social media by French urologists: Results from a study of the National French Urological Association9Progrès en Urologie
Quantification of Urology-Related Twitter Traffic Activity through a Standardized List of Social Media Communication Descriptors31Urology Practice0.081
Activity, content, contributors, and influencers of the twitter discussion on urologic oncology9Urologic Oncology
Social media, FOAMed in medical education and knowledge sharing: Local experiences with international perspective23Turkish Journal of Emergency Medicine
MP020: Do real-time Twitter metrics correlate with traditional emergency medicine post-conference speaker evaluations?3Canadian Journal of Emergency Medicine1.106
Fear factor: The unseen perils of the Ebola outbreak32Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists0.69
Breaking the Limits of Time and Space: How Twitter is Helping #medlibs Collaborate and Communicate. A Descriptive Study11Journal of Hospital Librarianship
Cardiac tachyarrhythmias and patient values and preferences for their management: the European Heart Rhythm Association (EHRA) consensus document endorsed by the Heart Rhythm Society (HRS), Asia Pacific Heart Rhythm Society (APHRS), and Sociedad Latinoamericana de Estimulación Cardíaca y Electrofisiología (SOLEACE)51Europace4.021
Twitter for travel medicine providers6Journal of Travel Medicine1.579
Online Discussion on #KidneyStones: A Longitudinal Assessment of Activity, Users and Content10PLoS ONE3.057
Will social media make or break medical conferences?38British Journal of Hospital Medicine (17508460)
Crafting a positive professional digital profile to augment your practice2Neurology Clinical Practice
“Nothing about us without us”—patient partnership in medical conferences642British Medical Journal
“How can I help you hear?” The transforming power of six little words234British Medical Journal
Quantifying the Twitter Influence of Third Party Commercial Entities versus Healthcare Providers in Thirteen Medical Conferences from 2011 – 201327PLoS ONE3.057
Perspectives on social media in and as research: A synthetic review35International Review of Psychiatry2.275
Social media, medicine and the modern journal club26International Review of Psychiatry2.275
Live tweeting in medicine: ‘Tweeting the meeting’30International Review of Psychiatry2.275
Building an eScience Thesaurus for Librarians: A Collaboration Between the National Network of Libraries of Medicine, New England Region and an Associate Fellow at the National Library of Medicine19Journal of eScience Librarianship
JGME-ALiEM Hot Topics in Medical Education Online Journal Club: An Analysis of a Virtual Discussion About Resident Teachers23Journal of Graduate Medical Education
A personal reflection on social media in medicine: I stand, no wiser than before20International Review of Psychiatry2.275
Social media and medical education: Exploring the potential of Twitter as a learning tool70International Review of Psychiatry2.275
Creating a Virtual Journal Club: A Community of Practice Using Multiple Social Media Strategies29Journal of Graduate Medical Education
Using Twitter in Health Professional Education: A Case Study13Journal of Allied Health
Twitter : a tool to improve healthcare professionals’ awareness of antimicrobial resistance and antimicrobial stewardship0South African Medical Journal1.632
Networking opportunities for learning disability nurses0Learning Disability Practice
CATALISE: a multinational and multidisciplinary Delphi consensus study. Identifying language impairments in children26PeerJ Preprints2.1

Stanford Medicine X | Symplur Signals Research Challenge

Stanford Medicine X and Symplur have hosted two initiatives designed to spark scholarly research activity in healthcare social media. The Stanford Medicine X | Symplur Research Challenge seeks to encourage all health care stakeholders to collaborate on health care social media research. Read more about the past and future opportunities in the following posts:

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