#BCSM Transcript

Healthcare social media transcript of the #BCSM hashtag.
See #BCSM Influencers/Analytics.

NCI Cancer Stats @NCICancerStats
Black women are more likely to die from #BreastCancer than women of other races and ethnicities: https://t.co/YvNRoeQmwg #BCSM https://t.co/oGszL5Z2Xh
Hillary (Stires) Andrews, PhD @HillStirSci
Missing the #bcsm crew! Hope everyone’s getting ready for a relaxing thanksgiving. Thankful for you. ❤️
Enlightening Results 💡 @GraceCordovano
@BCSMChat Happy Thanksgiving #BCSM!
James Thomas @jthomasREP
RT @VABVOX: Stop saying someone "beat" #cancer. If it was a question of how hard you were fighting, EVERYONE who has cancer would beat it. #LCSM #bcsm
Team Telomere @TeamTelomereInc
RT @CENAProject: CENA News is out! https://t.co/ysrEngQysq Stories via @IBCResearch #triplenegativebc #bcsm
Dennis Keim @denniskeim
I forgot there's no #bscm chat tonight but am glad to see all the holiday wishes. Hope everyone has a Happy Thanksgiving too! :) #bcsm
IBC Research Fdn @IBCResearch
RT @LivingBeyondBC: Here is what you should know about the GOP Tax Bill. Read here: https://t.co/vPE1qDJekA #healthcare #tax #ACA #breastcancer #bcsm https://t.co/oxc4Cv0hOR
IBC Research Fdn @IBCResearch
TY @VABVOX that phrase is right up there with "lost their battle". I will haunt anyone who says that about me! Cancer steals lives no matter how much we resist. #bcsm https://t.co/pwIEI7g5XT
IBC Research Fdn @IBCResearch
RT @EnriqueSoto8: Our #sabcs17 abstract on lapatinib/trastuzumab in older adults with Stage IV #breastcancer is online! Check out the poster 08/12 at 5PM #gerionc #MBC #bcsm https://t.co/jy9Fhn5C5a https://t.co/0mo8fKCiu2
IBC Research Fdn @IBCResearch
#HappyThanksgiving to all our #BCSM peeps....missing you tonight but hope you each find something you are thankful for, no matter what life has thrown at you. #bcsm https://t.co/pX05W9BLJE
Mary L Gorden @marylgorden
RT @OHSUKnight: Oncologist finds exercise DVD significantly improves fatigue symptoms in patients with breast cancer: Oncologist finds exercise DVD significantly improves fatigue symptoms in patients with breast cancer: https://t.co/ixVz8AGmHn #bcsm
Rie Lopez, MPH (she/her) @RieOfLetters
Study suggests that women with higher BMI (25+) could benefit from more frequent mammograms. However, findings did not suggest appropriate frequency. More #research needed. #bcsm #breastcancer https://t.co/P4OWMD3qR2
Mariana LM #vacúnate #ValoraLosRiesgos @lopezmejia_md
RT @EnriqueSoto8: Our #sabcs17 abstract on lapatinib/trastuzumab in older adults with Stage IV #breastcancer is online! Check out the poster 08/12 at 5PM #gerionc #MBC #bcsm https://t.co/jy9Fhn5C5a https://t.co/0mo8fKCiu2
April Hines @owlchick_april
The sunset on the way home from my clinical trial visit was spectacular. I hope this trial works spectacularly. #bcsm #dyingforacure #MetsMonday https://t.co/bxNtQ6jtjl
Latonia P Hines @LatoniaPHines
RT @The_CDA: RT @BreastAdvocate: #Mastectomy vs #Lumpectomy: RT @BreastAdvocate: #Mastectomy vs #Lumpectomy: 3 questions to ask your doctor. #SharedDecisionMaking #BreastCancer #bcsm https://t.co/48TKlpnKoo
#BCSM content from Twitter.