#GynCSM Transcript

Healthcare social media transcript of the #GynCSM hashtag.
See #GynCSM Influencers/Analytics.

GYN Cancer | #GYNCSM @gyncsm
Welcome to #gyncsm - a passionate community for gynecologic cancer survivors, caregivers, advocates and health care providers.
GYN Cancer | #GYNCSM @gyncsm
Our co-moderators are @womenofteal @btrfly12 Our health care moderators are @ShannonWestin @temkins @journeycancer and our mental health moderator @DrBeckerSchutte We start out with brief intro’s - Please take a moment to introduce yourself. #gyncsm
Dee Sparacio @womenofteal
RT @gyncsm: Welcome to #gyncsm - a passionate community for gynecologic cancer survivors, caregivers, advocates and health care providers.
Dee Sparacio @womenofteal
RT @gyncsm: Our co-moderators are @womenofteal @btrfly12 Our health care moderators are @ShannonWestin @temkins @journeycancer and our mental health moderator @DrBeckerSchutte We start out with brief intro’s - Please take a moment to introduce yourself. #gyncsm
Christina Lizaso @btrfly12
Christina Lizaso – passionate re: community engagement and cancer care. I’ll be moderating as @gyncsm today. Happy we made it to our 100th #gyncsm
Christina Lizaso @btrfly12
RT @gyncsm: Welcome to #gyncsm - a passionate community for gynecologic cancer survivors, caregivers, advocates and health care providers.
Dee Sparacio @womenofteal
Dee here! Dx with #ovca Stage 3B 2005, recurrence 2008, Ovarian Cancer research advocate, blogger, co-Author of “100 Questions and Answers about Ovarian cancer” & co-moderator of the #gyncsm community.
GYN Cancer | #GYNCSM @gyncsm
If you prefer to “listen only” during the chat, we'd love for you to tweet "#gyncsm" when you join - just to let us know you are here. Please continue intro's and welcomes - we'll start in w/ the "ground rules" :) and tips!
Dee Sparacio @womenofteal
RT @gyncsm: If you prefer to “listen only” during the chat, we'd love for you to tweet "#gyncsm" when you join - just to let us know you are here. Please continue intro's and welcomes - we'll start in w/ the "ground rules" :) and tips!
GYN Cancer | #GYNCSM @gyncsm
The #gyncsm chat promotes community in a public forum. Chats are an open discussion and all are welcome to share from their experiences and perspectives. Learn more about risks/benefits: https://t.co/TipZUv1jQy
Dee Sparacio @womenofteal
#gyncsm tagged resources and referrals are not a substitute for speaking with your doctor who understands your needs and history.
GYN Cancer | #GYNCSM @gyncsm
Are you new to tweet chats? Follow hashtag #gyncsm and include it in every tweet during the next hour to engage with others about this topic. You may need to Refresh your hashgtag feed to see the new tweets as they are added.
Powell-Drescher Ovarian Cancer Research Foundation @PowerOvarian
#gyncsm joining you today!
Dee Sparacio @womenofteal
Remember - Twitter is an open social network and posts are public. Use a Direct Message to exchange email addresses/personal information. #gyncsm
GYN Cancer | #GYNCSM @gyncsm
We also welcome all those “listening in”. Be sure to tweet #gyncsm so we know you are here. You can always tweet, DM or email us with questions/comments after the chat is over. https://t.co/XYaP3OTgsG
Dee Sparacio @womenofteal
@PowerOvarian Hi Sachia ! so glad you are able to join us. #gyncsm
GYN Cancer | #GYNCSM @gyncsm
Tonight on #gyncsm we are hosting an “open mic” chat and celebrating our 100th Chat. It is also International Women's Day celebrating women's achievement, raising awareness about inequity/discrimination, and promoting inclusivity. #EmbraceEquity https://t.co/piXzCBQYZT
Dee Sparacio @womenofteal
Thank you to all who have tweeted valuable information to our community during the past month using the #gyncsm hashtag and those who helped promote tonight's chat.
Christina Lizaso @btrfly12
RT @gyncsm: Tonight on #gyncsm we are hosting an “open mic” chat and celebrating our 100th Chat. It is also International Women's Day celebrating women's achievement, raising awareness about inequity/discrimination, and promoting inclusivity. #EmbraceEquity https://t.co/piXzCBQYZT
Dee Sparacio @womenofteal
Did you all see #gyncsm 's new logo? https://t.co/CKUWP6aR0M
Dee Sparacio @womenofteal
RT @gyncsm: We also welcome all those “listening in”. Be sure to tweet #gyncsm so we know you are here. You can always tweet, DM or email us with questions/comments after the chat is over. https://t.co/XYaP3OTgsG
GYN Cancer | #GYNCSM @gyncsm
RT @womenofteal: Did you all see #gyncsm 's new logo? https://t.co/CKUWP6aR0M
Dee Sparacio @womenofteal
Nita Lee @NitaKarnikLee
@btrfly12 @gyncsm #gyncsm congrats on 100th! This is a great way to connect survivors advocates&providers. I’m a Gyn onc in Chicago @UCCancerCenter @UCMOCECHE @uchicago_obgyn #communityengagement #patientexperience #survivorship #HealthEquity -—>patient& Community Engagement in research&education
GYN Cancer | #GYNCSM @gyncsm
@roberta_codemo @womenofteal @btrfly12 @ShannonWestin @temkins @journeycancer @DrBeckerSchutte Hi Roberta - be sure to include #gyncsm with the # so all can see your participation :)
Morgan Newman @MiSs_SuE22
Hey everyone! Arriving a little late - cooking took longer than I thought… #gyncsm https://t.co/qEW4iz6iXa
Powell-Drescher Ovarian Cancer Research Foundation @PowerOvarian
@womenofteal Congrats on your 100th chat! Great resource for survivors and advocates. #gyncsm
Dee Sparacio @womenofteal
@roberta_codemo @gyncsm @btrfly12 @ShannonWestin @temkins @journeycancer @DrBeckerSchutte Hi Roberta , Welcome to the #gyncsm Community and so glad to see you are advocating for yourself and others.
GYN Cancer | #GYNCSM @gyncsm
Tonight, instead of our usual 5-6 Topic Questions, we offer our participants the "Open Mic". You are free to ask questions, make a comment, and to share your story. We will end our chat with a chance to share TIL: thoughts standing for “Today I Learned”. #gyncsm
Sarah Cassidy @CassidyFish2
Love it! #intersectionality #gyncsm
Dee Sparacio @womenofteal
@MiSs_SuE22 So glad you can join in again . #gyncsm
Gordon Vansant @gvansant1
Folate receptor alpha targeted #ADC therapy for Advanced #OvarianCancer
Christina Lizaso @btrfly12
@CassidyFish2 We know purple is for "all gyn cancers" but just wanted to try to include all the colors that make up the gyn cancers. :) It was time for a nice refresh after almost 10 years and Dee did a great job. #gyncsm
Dee Sparacio @womenofteal
@NitaKarnikLee @btrfly12 @gyncsm @UCCancerCenter @UCMOCECHE @uchicago_obgyn Hi Dr Lee . So glad you are joining us. Hope to see you at the end of the month in Tampa. #gyncsm
Christina Lizaso @btrfly12
Did you know that #gyncsm chat sessions have been used in three different journal articles? And that many journal articles reference cancer hashtag communities? Check out our Publications page on the the #gyncsm blog: https://t.co/ipvPL0gKJc
Dee Sparacio @womenofteal
@btrfly12 and I want to thank all of our supporters and participants - patients,survivors, researchers, gyn oncs, physicians, nurses, social workers especially our health care moderators through the years. #gyncsm
Dee Sparacio @womenofteal
RT @btrfly12: Did you know that #gyncsm chat sessions have been used in three different journal articles? And that many journal articles reference cancer hashtag communities? Check out our Publications page on the the #gyncsm blog: https://t.co/ipvPL0gKJc
Christina Lizaso @btrfly12
Does anyone remember what the topic was for their first #gyncsm chat? Have a topic that stuck with you? Chat Topics: https://t.co/Yjl2PARkex
GYN Cancer | #GYNCSM @gyncsm
RT @womenofteal: @btrfly12 and I want to thank all of our supporters and participants - patients,survivors, researchers, gyn oncs, physicians, nurses, social workers especially our health care moderators through the years. #gyncsm
Dee Sparacio @womenofteal
@btrfly12 @CassidyFish2 Aww thanks. #gyncsm
Dee Sparacio @womenofteal
RT @btrfly12: Does anyone remember what the topic was for their first #gyncsm chat? Have a topic that stuck with you? Chat Topics: https://t.co/Yjl2PARkex
Christina Lizaso @btrfly12
The standout #gyncsm chats for me all have to do with clinical trials and had special guests - which I will share in the next tweets - but I love the small chats too where there is space to chat and things aren't jam packed.
Codemo Writing Services @roberta_codemo
#gyncsm I'm envious of everyone who's going to be in Tampa. I was supposed to be but life has a way of interfering. I missed the meeting last year as well because my mom was dying.
Sarah Cassidy @CassidyFish2
RT @btrfly12: Did you know that #gyncsm chat sessions have been used in three different journal articles? And that many journal articles reference cancer hashtag communities? Check out our Publications page on the the #gyncsm blog: https://t.co/ipvPL0gKJc
Christina Lizaso @btrfly12
@roberta_codemo Life sure can have terrible timing. Sorry to hear about your mother. Loosing a parent is such a heavy thing and the first year is a blur. #gyncsm
Christina Lizaso @btrfly12
A standout #gyncsm chat for me was "Research Advocacy" with @RANAdvocate because they have great resources and it was super practical info for all levels of involvement. https://t.co/e26Qpp4pEp
Christina Lizaso @btrfly12
another standout #gyncsm chat was "Reading Scientific Posters" with @KDRichardson924 and SASEP team. Again, super practical and so well done by the SASEP team. https://t.co/nkpyLADk7Q
Christina Lizaso @btrfly12
RT @womenofteal: @btrfly12 and I want to thank all of our supporters and participants - patients,survivors, researchers, gyn oncs, physicians, nurses, social workers especially our health care moderators through the years. #gyncsm
Dee Sparacio @womenofteal
@roberta_codemo Sorry about your mom. I'll be tweeting live from the meeting using #PatientsPurposeProgress and #SGOMtg #gyncsm
Nita Lee @NitaKarnikLee
RT @btrfly12: Did you know that #gyncsm chat sessions have been used in three different journal articles? And that many journal articles reference cancer hashtag communities? Check out our Publications page on the the #gyncsm blog: https://t.co/ipvPL0gKJc
Christina Lizaso @btrfly12
One other standout #gyncsm chat for me was "Immunotherapy" with @CSHinrichsMD and patients @SurvivorSueWDC @mandmsportsmom who shared directly about being in a trial. https://t.co/uNpaXazwjK
Dee Sparacio @womenofteal
My favorites: Clinical Trials Part 1 - 11/2013 Clinical Trials Part 2 - 2/2014 Clinical Trials - How Have They Changed? - 10/2017 Clinical Trials: When, How and For Whom - 9/2022 Getting Into a Clinical Trial - 2/2019 #gyncsm https://t.co/CFkfmPwvTx
Michele E. Collins 🥥🌴 @Michele_w_1_L
Love the new graphic & congrats on the 100th chat! Thanks for all you do. Michele here from NJ. 8 year #ovariancancersurvivor #gyncsm
Codemo Writing Services @roberta_codemo
@womenofteal I'm going to try to attend virtually but it won't be the same. I miss the energy of attending in person. #gyncsm
Dee Sparacio @womenofteal
@roberta_codemo I agree so different in person. #gyncsm
Christina Lizaso @btrfly12
@NitaKarnikLee Nita/all - How is the recent OCRA consensus statement about opportunistic salpinectomy being received? https://t.co/2o2x1y4P8M #gyncsm
Dee Sparacio @womenofteal
@Michele_w_1_L Thanks Michele! Glad you could drop by. #gyncsm
Dee Sparacio @womenofteal
RT @btrfly12: @NitaKarnikLee Nita/all - How is the recent OCRA consensus statement about opportunistic salpinectomy being received? https://t.co/2o2x1y4P8M #gyncsm
Christina Lizaso @btrfly12
@NitaKarnikLee It is a tough look at the impact that symptom awareness can have but also tries to offer practical steps forward. #gyncsm
Dee Sparacio @womenofteal
RT @btrfly12: One other standout #gyncsm chat for me was "Immunotherapy" with @CSHinrichsMD and patients @SurvivorSueWDC @mandmsportsmom who shared directly about being in a trial. https://t.co/uNpaXazwjK
Dee Sparacio @womenofteal
RT @btrfly12: A standout #gyncsm chat for me was "Research Advocacy" with @RANAdvocate because they have great resources and it was super practical info for all levels of involvement. https://t.co/e26Qpp4pEp
Christina Lizaso @btrfly12
It was nice seeing a lot of #InternationalWomansDay information and posts today. The CEO of the company I do work for even sent out a nice note of recognition. The day has been around for some time but seems to have gained some traction. #gyncsm
Christina Lizaso @btrfly12
@womenofteal We do love a good clinical trials topic - always so much to cover. :) #gyncsm
Dee Sparacio @womenofteal
@btrfly12 @NitaKarnikLee I knew salpingectomy but was unsure what Opportunistic meant. Those at avg risk for ovarian cancer and R undergoing pelvic surgeries for benign conditions (hysterectomy, tubal ligation, cysts, endometriosis) should consider having their tubes removed at the same time . #gyncsm
Christina Lizaso @btrfly12
RT @womenofteal: @btrfly12 @NitaKarnikLee I knew salpingectomy but was unsure what Opportunistic meant. Those at avg risk for ovarian cancer and R undergoing pelvic surgeries for benign conditions (hysterectomy, tubal ligation, cysts, endometriosis) should consider having their tubes removed at the same time . #gyncsm
Christina Lizaso @btrfly12
@womenofteal @NitaKarnikLee I saw one reaction - like - it is a rare cancer so why are we telling everyone to remove body parts - but the recommendation is for a conversation when surgery is occurring anyway about the benefits of removing the fallopian tubes at that same time. #gyncsm
Christina Lizaso @btrfly12
#gyncsm As someone who put a lot of time an effort into symptom awareness, I still think it has its place - and for individuals it can make a difference - but have to be realistic about what can really move the big picture needed.
Nita Lee @NitaKarnikLee
@btrfly12 #gyncsm re use of symptoms; important of course for early care advocating for work up but it is important re nuances also bc many pts coming blaming themselves for not knowing or coming in earlier when sometimes not be possible. I liked this summary, https://t.co/TZ2wSRUlUk
Christina Lizaso @btrfly12
#gyncsm As someone who put a lot of time an effort into symptom awareness, I still think it has its place - and for individuals it can make a difference - but have to be realistic about what can really move the big picture *needle*
Dee Sparacio @womenofteal
RT @btrfly12: #gyncsm As someone who put a lot of time an effort into symptom awareness, I still think it has its place - and for individuals it can make a difference - but have to be realistic about what can really move the big picture needed.
Christina Lizaso @btrfly12
RT @NitaKarnikLee: @btrfly12 #gyncsm re use of symptoms; important of course for early care advocating for work up but it is important re nuances also bc many pts coming blaming themselves for not knowing or coming in earlier when sometimes not be possible. I liked this summary, https://t.co/TZ2wSRUlUk
Nita Lee @NitaKarnikLee
@btrfly12 #gyncsm well said; need both!
Dee Sparacio @womenofteal
RT @NitaKarnikLee: @btrfly12 #gyncsm re use of symptoms; important of course for early care advocating for work up but it is important re nuances also bc many pts coming blaming themselves for not knowing or coming in earlier when sometimes not be possible. I liked this summary, https://t.co/TZ2wSRUlUk
GYN Cancer | #GYNCSM @gyncsm
If anyone on the #gyncsm feed would like to share about a project or campaign they are involved with - feel free.
Powell-Drescher Ovarian Cancer Research Foundation @PowerOvarian
@gyncsm We are a nonprofit raising funds for #ovariancancer research, and promoting scientist/survivor collaboration in research. Sending 2 advocates to AACR next month to participate in SSP. #gyncsm
GYN Cancer | #GYNCSM @gyncsm
Here is the #gyncsm chat schedule for 2023. We hope you can join along. Any topics you'd like to see covered in the fall? https://t.co/J1JDUQ91mx
Dee Sparacio @womenofteal
@NitaKarnikLee @btrfly12 Family history and hereditary genetic risk ( BRCA, Lynch other germline mutations is so important for people to know about. Talk to you relatives. #gyncsm
GYN Cancer | #GYNCSM @gyncsm
RT @PowerOvarian: @gyncsm We are a nonprofit raising funds for #ovariancancer research, and promoting scientist/survivor collaboration in research. Sending 2 advocates to AACR next month to participate in SSP. #gyncsm
Dee Sparacio @womenofteal
RT @gyncsm: If anyone on the #gyncsm feed would like to share about a project or campaign they are involved with - feel free.
Dee Sparacio @womenofteal
RT @PowerOvarian: @gyncsm We are a nonprofit raising funds for #ovariancancer research, and promoting scientist/survivor collaboration in research. Sending 2 advocates to AACR next month to participate in SSP. #gyncsm
Christina Lizaso @btrfly12
RT @womenofteal: @NitaKarnikLee @btrfly12 Family history and hereditary genetic risk ( BRCA, Lynch other germline mutations is so important for people to know about. Talk to you relatives. #gyncsm
Dee Sparacio @womenofteal
@PowerOvarian @gyncsm Supporting advocates is a great idea! #gyncsm
Codemo Writing Services @roberta_codemo
@gyncsm I'm starting a non-clinical gynecologic oncology patent navigator practice. I've been busy applying for grant funding. I will also handle financial matters. #gyncsm
Dee Sparacio @womenofteal
RT @gyncsm: Here is the #gyncsm chat schedule for 2023. We hope you can join along. Any topics you'd like to see covered in the fall? https://t.co/J1JDUQ91mx
Dee Sparacio @womenofteal
RT @roberta_codemo: @gyncsm I'm starting a non-clinical gynecologic oncology patent navigator practice. I've been busy applying for grant funding. I will also handle financial matters. #gyncsm
Christina Lizaso @btrfly12
@PowerOvarian @gyncsm The @AACR SCIENTIST↔SURVIVOR PROGRAM® is really incredible. Learn more and check out their resources at https://t.co/PKiJQ4wMze #gyncsm
Powell-Drescher Ovarian Cancer Research Foundation @PowerOvarian
@womenofteal @gyncsm We’re very excited to encourage more to be involved. Can be hard work, but so incredibly rewarding. And important. #gyncsm
Dee Sparacio @womenofteal
@roberta_codemo @gyncsm You should connect with @GraceCordovano . #gyncsm
Christina Lizaso @btrfly12
@roberta_codemo @gyncsm This is such a huge need. Thanks for doing this important work! #gyncsm
Dee Sparacio @womenofteal
RT @btrfly12: @PowerOvarian @gyncsm The @AACR SCIENTIST↔SURVIVOR PROGRAM® is really incredible. Learn more and check out their resources at https://t.co/PKiJQ4wMze #gyncsm
Christina Lizaso @btrfly12
RT @gyncsm: Here is the #gyncsm chat schedule for 2023. We hope you can join along. Any topics you'd like to see covered in the fall? https://t.co/J1JDUQ91mx
Christina Lizaso @btrfly12
@womenofteal @roberta_codemo @gyncsm @GraceCordovano Maybe we could do a chat about Patient Navigation? #gyncsm
Christina Lizaso @btrfly12
RT @PowerOvarian: @womenofteal @gyncsm We’re very excited to encourage more to be involved. Can be hard work, but so incredibly rewarding. And important. #gyncsm
Christina Lizaso @btrfly12
RT @roberta_codemo: @gyncsm I'm starting a non-clinical gynecologic oncology patent navigator practice. I've been busy applying for grant funding. I will also handle financial matters. #gyncsm
Nita Lee @NitaKarnikLee
@roberta_codemo @gyncsm #gyncsm that is great. Agree a lot of need in this space
GYN Cancer | #GYNCSM @gyncsm
We like to use the last few minutes of the #gyncsm chat to wrap up and share with each other what you learned or were reminded of during the chat. You can start your tweet with TIL: standing for “Today I Learned”.
Nita Lee @NitaKarnikLee
@btrfly12 @womenofteal @roberta_codemo @gyncsm @GraceCordovano #gyncsm yes! Navigation across the continuum ; to get to gyn onc provider; genetic testing; trials; financial etc…
Dee Sparacio @womenofteal
I'm excited to attend the #SGOmtg. Amazing advocate @Stigetta will be presenting our Long Term Survivors Speak abstract on 3/25. I will be on a panel during "Ready for Primetime: Media Readiness" #gyncsm
Codemo Writing Services @roberta_codemo
@womenofteal @gyncsm @GraceCordovano I just followed her. #gyncsm
Dee Sparacio @womenofteal
@NitaKarnikLee @btrfly12 @roberta_codemo @gyncsm @GraceCordovano I love that idea! #gyncsm
Dee Sparacio @womenofteal
RT @gyncsm: We like to use the last few minutes of the #gyncsm chat to wrap up and share with each other what you learned or were reminded of during the chat. You can start your tweet with TIL: standing for “Today I Learned”.
Christina Lizaso @btrfly12
We actually have a running document of the TIL's from each of our 100 #gyncsm chats :)
Dee Sparacio @womenofteal
RT @btrfly12: We actually have a running document of the TIL's from each of our 100 #gyncsm chats :)
Christina Lizaso @btrfly12
From #gyncsm Chat #1: TIL: This community is fantastic. I have high hopes for us - and glad to have found all of you. @drmarkham TIL: A new way to connect and share with a community of people living with, advocating for and caring for GYN cancers! awesome! @eberrygynonc
Christina Lizaso @btrfly12
From #gyncsm Chat #1: TIL: connections in person or online can impact and empower. @joannerash TIL - wonderful community, great minds, amazing perspectives - great start. @andytweetm
Christina Lizaso @btrfly12
From #gyncsm Chat#1: TIL there are amazing folks interested in sharing experiences on GYN Cancers. Thanks you all! @journeycancer TIL that cancer is an umbrella of diseases under which we can all stand TOGETHER and support all! @chemobrainfog
Codemo Writing Services @roberta_codemo
I'm glad I found this group. #gyncsm
Christina Lizaso @btrfly12
There are so many fun/good TIL's from the first chat - probably can't share them all but fun to revisit. #gyncsm
Christina Lizaso @btrfly12
From #gyncsm Chat #1: Proud of the amazing conversation at #gyncsm tonight. We need to spread GOOD info on gyno cancers. #LetsDoThis. @girlmeetsgeek So glad to see this group taking off. Lots of room for education, advocacy, and support! @drbeckerschutte
Christina Lizaso @btrfly12
From #gyncsm Chat #1: Sharing stories creates memory - emotional and scientific -important - hence imperative to share stories. @joannerash I am thrilled so may of you could join us. It feels like community after 1 night. @womenofteal
Kate-Madonna (Hindes) Quast @girlmeetsgeek
RT @btrfly12: From #gyncsm Chat #1: From #gyncsm Chat #1: Proud of the amazing conversation at #gyncsm tonight. We need to spread GOOD info on gyno cancers. #LetsDoThis. @girlmeetsgeek So glad to see this group taking off. Lots of room for education, advocacy, and support! @drbeckerschutte
GYN Cancer | #GYNCSM @gyncsm
Thanks to everyone who joined along and shared. There is no chat in April but Save the date for our next #gyncsm chat on Wed, May 10th, at 8pmET to talk about “Urogynecology and Pelvic Health”.
Dee Sparacio @womenofteal
I am so happy to have been able to collaborate with @btrfly12 (even having never met in person) and bring together patients, survivors, caregivers, organizations, researchers, health care providers, nurses, social workers to discus imp topics in our #gyncsm community.
GYN Cancer | #GYNCSM @gyncsm
As always, remember to tweet things of interest with hashtag #gyncsm to keep the conversation going between chats. :)
Dee Sparacio @womenofteal
Gyn cancer patients/survivors/caregivers join @GYNCancer in Tampa for and Education Forum and Luncheon ( 3/24/2023) to learn from experts and connect with other patients, advocates, and healthcare professionals. #gyncsm Learn more: https://t.co/loWCmqYgzW
Dee Sparacio @womenofteal
RT @gyncsm: Thanks to everyone who joined along and shared. There is no chat in April but Save the date for our next #gyncsm chat on Wed, May 10th, at 8pmET to talk about “Urogynecology and Pelvic Health”.
Dee Sparacio @womenofteal
#gyncsm Grateful for our #gyncsm co-moderators! @btrfly12 @ShannonWestin @temkins @journeycancer @DrBeckerSchutte
Dee Sparacio @womenofteal
My Tweet deck has been a little slow. #gyncsm
Christina Lizaso @btrfly12
TIL: That we should add Patient Navigation as a topic :) and that it still amuses me everytime that I, a chat moderator, forget to include the hashtag #gyncsm
Dee Sparacio @womenofteal
Remember to check https://t.co/Df2f7Okp35 for a transcript of the chat and resources #gyncsm
Dee Sparacio @womenofteal
RT @gyncsm: As always, remember to tweet things of interest with hashtag #gyncsm to keep the conversation going between chats. :)
Dr Megan Smith @ms_miff
Great to see (& sounds prompt!) Happy IWD to you 😊 cc @ClaireNight14
GYN Cancer | #GYNCSM @gyncsm
RT @womenofteal: Remember to check https://t.co/Df2f7Okp35 for a transcript of the chat and resources #gyncsm
Nita Lee @NitaKarnikLee
RT @womenofteal: Gyn cancer patients/survivors/caregivers join @GYNCancer in Tampa for and Education Forum and Luncheon ( 3/24/2023) to learn from experts and connect with other patients, advocates, and healthcare professionals. #gyncsm Learn more: https://t.co/loWCmqYgzW
GYN Cancer | #GYNCSM @gyncsm
We'll post the transcript from tonight's chat and then a blog post with a summary. You can look for that in the #gyncsm feed or pinned to our profile. Thanks @womenofteal for all your work on the blog. We also have our 2023 chat dates posted there on the side bar.
Christina Lizaso @btrfly12
@womenofteal Thank you @womenofteal for this amazing partnership for almost 10 years and now 100 #gyncsm chats. Sorry it didn't work out for us to meet last year. Still hopeful in the future.
Dee Sparacio @womenofteal
@btrfly12 I'll add Patient Navigator to September . Unless you think Nov is better. #gyncsm
Christina Lizaso @btrfly12
@womenofteal hmmm Sept so busy... #gyncsm
Dee Sparacio @womenofteal
@btrfly12 I'm hopeful too. Maybe next time I am in OK. #gyncsm
NCI Cancer Stats @NCICancerStats
About 1 in 33 women will be diagnosed with #UterineCancer at some point in life. The risk of being diagnosed increases with age. Visit SEER*Explorer to view more cancer statistics: https://t.co/ANRZCA8cR3 #GynCSM https://t.co/H2kmf4M9sk
Dee Sparacio @womenofteal
RT @gyncsm: We'll post the transcript from tonight's chat and then a blog post with a summary. You can look for that in the #gyncsm feed or pinned to our profile. Thanks @womenofteal for all your work on the blog. We also have our 2023 chat dates posted there on the side bar.
Sarah Temkin @temkins
RT @womenofteal: #gyncsm Grateful for our #gyncsm co-moderators! @btrfly12 @ShannonWestin @temkins @journeycancer @DrBeckerSchutte
Sarah Temkin @temkins
RT @NCICancerStats: About 1 in 33 women will be diagnosed with #UterineCancer at some point in life. The risk of being diagnosed increases with age. Visit SEER*Explorer to view more cancer statistics: https://t.co/ANRZCA8cR3 #GynCSM https://t.co/H2kmf4M9sk
Sarah Temkin @temkins
RT @btrfly12: @womenofteal Thank you @womenofteal for this amazing partnership for almost 10 years and now 100 #gyncsm chats. Sorry it didn't work out for us to meet last year. Still hopeful in the future.
#GynCSM content from Twitter.