#HCLDR Transcript

Healthcare social media transcript of the #HCLDR hashtag.
See #HCLDR Influencers/Analytics.

HCLDR Moderator @hcldr
Hello Everyone! Welcome to the weekly Health Care Leadership Tweet Chat #hcldr
HCLDR Moderator @hcldr
Tonight on #hcldr we’re talking about "Veterans + #PTSD" – our blog has more info https://t.co/wKehxkARwk https://t.co/IENbeml0eI
Joe Babaian 🇺🇦 @JoeBabaian
RT @hcldr: Tonight on #hcldr we’re talking about "Veterans + #PTSD" – our blog has more info https://t.co/wKehxkARwk https://t.co/IENbeml0eI
HCLDR Moderator @hcldr
Behind this blue circle is @Colin_Hung, community builder, marketer, #pinksocks, #TheWalkingGallery, #HITMC #HITsm and #HealthIT true believer from Toronto, Canada #hcldr
HCLDR Moderator @hcldr
Helping to keep the chat flowing is wingman extraordinaire Joe @JoeBabaian #hcldr https://t.co/hl03iYFA7U
Gail Zahtz 🇮🇱 @GailZahtz
Checking in to #hcldr Should be a great chat. I don't know about everyone else, but I'm finding that I'm not seeing all messages in a tweetchat. Feel free to @ me so I know, otherwise I'm hoping twitter co-operates :-))
HCLDR Moderator @hcldr
Let’s start off with introductions! Tell us your name, what you do and where you are based #hcldr
Joe Babaian 🇺🇦 @JoeBabaian
@GailZahtz Welcome Gail! #hcldr
Nathan Grunewald MD MBA FACS @NathanGrunewald
Greetings #hcldr tweeps from a slowly warming #WI! 🧀 Hi @JoeBabaian & @Colin_Hung!! 👋
Sandra Woods, CIPP/C; she/her @SandraWoodsMtl
@hcldr @JoeBabaian Waving a big #hcldr hellllooooo!!! https://t.co/dhpBHp51nt
Sandra Woods, CIPP/C; she/her @SandraWoodsMtl
RT @hcldr: Tonight on #hcldr we’re talking about "Veterans + #PTSD" – our blog has more info https://t.co/wKehxkARwk https://t.co/IENbeml0eI
Joe Babaian 🇺🇦 @JoeBabaian
@GailZahtz At you using TweetDeck? If not, I recommend it! #hcldr
Nathan Grunewald MD MBA FACS @NathanGrunewald
@GailZahtz I 👀 u Gail (and ur tweets). #hcldr
Michael W. Roberts @michaelwroberts
Good evening, #hcldr. Michael from New Orleans joining.
Joe Babaian 🇺🇦 @JoeBabaian
@NathanGrunewald @Colin_Hung Hi Nathan! #hcldr
HCLDR Moderator @hcldr
For those new to #hcldr every week we gather at 8:30pm ET to discuss interesting & timely healthcare topics
HCLDR Moderator @hcldr
Our #hcldr chat lasts 1hr. It's designed to educate & promote professional development, critical thinking & spur action
Mariah Obiedzinski @MariahWrites
Mariah from #StamatsNation here, checking in from rainy Iowa! #hcldr
Bonnie C. Sheeren, BCPA @bonniesheeren
Bonnie Sheeren, independent patient advocate from Houston, TX! #hcldr
Joe Babaian 🇺🇦 @JoeBabaian
@SandraWoodsMtl @hcldr Hello Sandra! #hcldr
Joe Babaian 🇺🇦 @JoeBabaian
@MariahWrites Welcome Mariah! #hcldr
Mariah Obiedzinski @MariahWrites
@NathanGrunewald @JoeBabaian @Colin_Hung Hi there! #hcldr
Shereese Maynard, MS; MBA 😷 She/Her @ShereeseMayMba
Hello friends. I'm Shereese from Maryland. #hcldr https://t.co/vM8vhnyybn
HCLDR Moderator @hcldr
You can read more about each week’s topic on the #hcldr blog https://t.co/ZeXP9qH7pb
HCLDR Moderator @hcldr
While intros continue, let’s go over some #hcldr tweetchat guidelines.
Nathan Grunewald MD MBA FACS @NathanGrunewald
@JoeBabaian @GailZahtz Luv the new TweetDeck interface. #hcldr
Joe Babaian 🇺🇦 @JoeBabaian
@bonniesheeren Glad to see you free on a Tuesday night!! 💖 Welcome! #hcldr
Gail Zahtz 🇮🇱 @GailZahtz
Introductions- I say I speak patient, provider and caregiver with my professional digital health communications hat. I've been on all sides of the patient journey and I hope that makes me better to help others along the way. Oh, MN omw to NYC #hcldr
Joe Babaian 🇺🇦 @JoeBabaian
@michaelwroberts Hello Michael! #hcldr
Mariah Obiedzinski @MariahWrites
@JoeBabaian Glad to be here! #hcldr
Gail Zahtz 🇮🇱 @GailZahtz
@JoeBabaian I’m going to have to download it again. Thanks! I wasn’t sure which app people were using these days. #hcldr
Nathan Grunewald MD MBA FACS @NathanGrunewald
@ShereesePubHlth Hi Shereese! #hcldr https://t.co/g3mwijx7ga
tim flanagan @flanaonlyonce
RT @tedjamesmd: In #healthcare we should never just assume that we are as good as we think we are. Measure against the highest standards and constantly improve. #hcldr #medicalquality https://t.co/k9gropK1EW
Colin Hung @Colin_Hung
@GailZahtz Hello Gail! #hcldr
Joe Babaian 🇺🇦 @JoeBabaian
@NathanGrunewald @GailZahtz Definitely! #hcldr
HCLDR Moderator @hcldr
Watch this blue #hcldr avatar for the 4 questions we’ll be discussing. They are labeled T1, T2, T3 and T4.
HCLDR Moderator @hcldr
We assume all tweets during #hcldr express your own personal opinions & not those of your employer (unless specified)
Colin Hung @Colin_Hung
@MariahWrites @NathanGrunewald @JoeBabaian Hello Mariah! #Hcldr
Greg Meyer @Greg_Meyer93
Good evening folks. Peeking in tonight while doging storms and tonados in KC. #HCLDR
Colin Hung @Colin_Hung
@bonniesheeren Bonnie!!! Always a pleasure to see you on #hcldr
Mariah Obiedzinski @MariahWrites
@Colin_Hung @NathanGrunewald @JoeBabaian Howdy! #hcldr
Barby Ingle Official @BarbyIngle
I am @BarbyIngle 😀 I am coming to the chat from AZ tonight and being yesterday was Memorial Day, I want to send a shout out the all those people who gave their lives for my freedom! I will never forget #hcldr (pictured... some of my moms awards from her service to the USA) https://t.co/L4jyGt0gCX
Joe Babaian 🇺🇦 @JoeBabaian
@Greg_Meyer93 Hello Greg! Welcome! #hcldr
Joe Babaian 🇺🇦 @JoeBabaian
@BarbyIngle Hi Barby! So glad to see you! #hcldr
Colin Hung @Colin_Hung
@SandraWoodsMtl @hcldr @JoeBabaian Hello Sandra. So glad you are here. As ex-military I can't wait to hear your perspectives tonight #hcldr
HCLDR Moderator @hcldr
Please mark your answers with the appropriate T1, T2, T3, T4 or CT label. This will make our transcript easier to read #hcldr
HCLDR Moderator @hcldr
Dissenting comments and opposing views are perfectly acceptable. Personal attacks, vulgar language and negative tweets directed at an individual are not tolerated. #hcldr
Kistein Monkhouse, MPA @KisteinM
@pkeiler @foundergym Thanks Patty for encouraging me to share my story at our first meeting🙌! ❤️#hcldr
Colin Hung @Colin_Hung
@NathanGrunewald @JoeBabaian Greetings Nathan! #hcldr
Bonnie C. Sheeren, BCPA @bonniesheeren
@NathanGrunewald @JoeBabaian @GailZahtz Are you using Tweetdeck on a PC or Mac? I'm on a PC and haven't noticed a difference? (Maybe not observant enough?? ) #hcldr
Nathan Grunewald MD MBA FACS @NathanGrunewald
@BarbyIngle 💯 #hcldr
Bingle @TheBingle
Hi JB, Colin & all in #hcldr. Bingle joining in from NY with patient experience.
Brad Lehman @brad_lehman
Hello all... Brad here in Michigan.. working with Smileyanswers- Happyornot. #hcldr
Lisa Danielpour @LisaDani
@JoeBabaian @GailZahtz I'll have to try TweetDeck, haven't used that in a while. Thanks for the tip! Love #hcldr, and always great to hear what others are using to make sure they see messages fast. I usually multi-task on regular twitter tabs quickly, to monitor discussion and @ mentions
Bonnie C. Sheeren, BCPA @bonniesheeren
@Colin_Hung Slowly sliding into a slower paced summer! #hcldr
Naomi, BSc MHSc @NaomiNerdsOut
Hey! Naomi from Toronto. Just coming off a climb and run so energized and looking forward to this chat!
Joe Babaian 🇺🇦 @JoeBabaian
@KisteinM @pkeiler @foundergym Hello Kistein! #hcldr
Gail Zahtz 🇮🇱 @GailZahtz
For example, on today's #hcldr topic of #PTSD I know this as a caregiver of a (now adult) child with significant mental illness, as an advocate for large mental health campaigns, and as a previous "dying" patient which had impact on me. Multiple hats!
Colin Hung @Colin_Hung
@Greg_Meyer93 Hello Greg. Hope you are safe. Can't wait to see you in a couple of weeks for #DTSummit2019 #hcldr
HCLDR Moderator @hcldr
We have a lot of remarkable folks with us tonight & lots of ideas will be shared – please try to stay on topic. #hcldr
HCLDR Moderator @hcldr
Let’s get ready for T1 in just 1 minute #hcldr
Nathan Grunewald MD MBA FACS @NathanGrunewald
@bonniesheeren @JoeBabaian @GailZahtz PC and I selected the "New Tweet Composer" option. #hcldr
Sandra Woods, CIPP/C; she/her @SandraWoodsMtl
Sandra joining #hcldr from Montréal ↔️ Former Air Force reserve officer, with many family members & friends in the military or veterans... https://t.co/NYTuBfn9dT
Colin Hung @Colin_Hung
@BarbyIngle Hello Barby! #hcldr Fantastic pic/reminder.
Sandra Woods, CIPP/C; she/her @SandraWoodsMtl
@hcldr @JoeBabaian Great #hcldr pic!!
Joe Babaian 🇺🇦 @JoeBabaian
@bonniesheeren @Colin_Hung Would love to have you here each week! 💖💖#hcldr
Heather McCullen @H_SalemOaks
Hi #HCLDR, joining from a sleep lab.
Gail Zahtz 🇮🇱 @GailZahtz
@bonniesheeren @NathanGrunewald @JoeBabaian I’m on Mac and iPad. I am definitely going to try tweetdeck again. I was offline for awhile and lost track of which programs were developing the best. #hcldr
Bonnie C. Sheeren, BCPA @bonniesheeren
@NathanGrunewald @JoeBabaian @GailZahtz Definitely going to have to look into that after tonight's chat! #hcldr
Colin Hung @Colin_Hung
@brad_lehman Hello Brad! Thanks for joining the conversation tonight #hcldr
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
Patricia here for #hcldr . I'm not a veteran, but I do have PTSD, and have lots of friends with PTSD (as well as lots of friends who are veterans). Very committed to this great chat topic!
Colin Hung @Colin_Hung
RT @GailZahtz: For example, on today's #hcldr topic of #PTSD I know this as a caregiver of a (now adult) child with significant mental illness, as an advocate for large mental health campaigns, and as a previous "dying" patient which had impact on me. Multiple hats!
Greg Meyer @Greg_Meyer93
yea, KC getting hit pretty hard tonight... hiding out in the basement and passing the time with you fine folks :) . #HCLDR
Colin Hung @Colin_Hung
RT @pfanderson: Patricia here for #hcldr . I'm not a veteran, but I do have PTSD, and have lots of friends with PTSD (as well as lots of friends who are veterans). Very committed to this great chat topic!
HCLDR Moderator @hcldr
T1 In honor of Memorial Day, share you military/veteran story or one that you have heard or read about. #hcldr https://t.co/k0VPQdZ5Fq
Joe Babaian 🇺🇦 @JoeBabaian
@H_SalemOaks Welcome and hello Heather! #hcldr
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
RT @BarbyIngle: I am @BarbyIngle 😀 I am coming to the chat from AZ tonight and being yesterday was Memorial Day, I want to send a shout out the all those people who gave their lives for my freedom! I will never forget #hcldr (pictured... some of my moms awards from her service to the USA) https://t.co/L4jyGt0gCX
Valerie Hawkins @librariesval
RT @pfanderson: Patricia here for #hcldr . I'm not a veteran, but I do have PTSD, and have lots of friends with PTSD (as well as lots of friends who are veterans). Very committed to this great chat topic!
Bonnie C. Sheeren, BCPA @bonniesheeren
@H_SalemOaks I've done sleep studies before---not fun! :( #hcldr
Colin Hung @Colin_Hung
@pfanderson Appreciate that you are sharing Patricia. We do love your insights and comments! #hcldr
Joe Babaian 🇺🇦 @JoeBabaian
RT @hcldr: T1 In honor of Memorial Day, share you military/veteran story or one that you have heard or read about. #hcldr https://t.co/k0VPQdZ5Fq
Shereese Maynard, MS; MBA 😷 She/Her @ShereeseMayMba
@NathanGrunewald That's a perfect bitmoji of you. How's your Tuesday going? #HCLDR
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
@BarbyIngle That is such a powerful image. Your mom was CLEARLY one amazing person #hcldr
Mariah Obiedzinski @MariahWrites
RT @hcldr: T1 In honor of Memorial Day, share you military/veteran story or one that you have heard or read about. #hcldr https://t.co/k0VPQdZ5Fq
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
RT @hcldr: T1 In honor of Memorial Day, share you military/veteran story or one that you have heard or read about. #hcldr https://t.co/k0VPQdZ5Fq
Joe Babaian 🇺🇦 @JoeBabaian
@Greg_Meyer93 I hope you do stay safe! #hcldr
Nathan Grunewald MD MBA FACS @NathanGrunewald
T1 I have had the privilege to participate in the care for many veterans while at the @milwaukeeva. A very appreciative group of patients. #ptexp #hcldr https://t.co/on5cO9sRZc
Colin Hung @Colin_Hung
@Greg_Meyer93 No push-ups. Save your energy! #hcldr
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
RT @GailZahtz: For example, on today's #hcldr topic of #PTSD I know this as a caregiver of a (now adult) child with significant mental illness, as an advocate for large mental health campaigns, and as a previous "dying" patient which had impact on me. Multiple hats!
Lisa Danielpour @LisaDani
Hi all from Cleveland, hope you had a great holiday weekend! Thanks for the great and important #PTSD topic and blog article, @Colin_Hung. #hcldr
Greg Meyer @Greg_Meyer93
Obvoious all of us at @Cerner have great respect for our veterans. #HCLDR
Colin Hung @Colin_Hung
RT @hcldr: T1 In honor of Memorial Day, share you military/veteran story or one that you have heard or read about. #hcldr https://t.co/k0VPQdZ5Fq
Joe Babaian 🇺🇦 @JoeBabaian
@pfanderson Patricia, so happy to have you with us my friend! #hcldr
Joy Rios @askjoyrios
Hi all. Happy to be joining our tonight from San Diego-lots of veterans live here. #hcldr
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
@brad_lehman Another Michigander! Welcome! #hcldr
Joe Babaian 🇺🇦 @JoeBabaian
RT @pfanderson: Patricia here for #hcldr . I'm not a veteran, but I do have PTSD, and have lots of friends with PTSD (as well as lots of friends who are veterans). Very committed to this great chat topic!
Bonnie C. Sheeren, BCPA @bonniesheeren
@pfanderson @BarbyIngle Wow! #hcldr
Barby Ingle Official @BarbyIngle
@hcldr T1 Both my parents & FIL served n Army My FIL has PTSD, my dad did well adjusting back n2 civilian life working 20+ yrs 4 Army (RIP). Through #iPain I have had the pleasure of working w Vets who served n combat zones. Societal norms make it harder 2 adjust when they return #hcldr
Gail Zahtz 🇮🇱 @GailZahtz
T1. I've been following work with veterans on #PTSD because the VA has actually done groundbreaking work since the 70's that has now helped other trauma survivors. Do you want only a military story? #hcldr
Joe Babaian 🇺🇦 @JoeBabaian
@LisaDani @Colin_Hung Lisa! Happy to see you. #hcldr
Joe Babaian 🇺🇦 @JoeBabaian
RT @NathanGrunewald: T1 I have had the privilege to participate in the care for many veterans while at the @milwaukeeva. A very appreciative group of patients. #ptexp #hcldr https://t.co/on5cO9sRZc
Nathan Grunewald MD MBA FACS @NathanGrunewald
@ShereesePubHlth Going well and should be winding down in about an #hcldr hour. How about u?
Mariah Obiedzinski @MariahWrites
RT @NathanGrunewald: T1 I have had the privilege to participate in the care for many veterans while at the @milwaukeeva. A very appreciative group of patients. #ptexp #hcldr https://t.co/on5cO9sRZc
Colin Hung @Colin_Hung
@LisaDani Hello Lisa. Thank you for your support of #hcldr Love that you are here.
Joe Babaian 🇺🇦 @JoeBabaian
RT @GailZahtz: T1. I've been following work with veterans on #PTSD because the VA has actually done groundbreaking work since the 70's that has now helped other trauma survivors. Do you want only a military story? #hcldr
Joe Babaian 🇺🇦 @JoeBabaian
RT @BarbyIngle: @hcldr T1 Both my parents & FIL served n Army My FIL has PTSD, my dad did well adjusting back n2 civilian life working 20+ yrs 4 Army (RIP). Through #iPain I have had the pleasure of working w Vets who served n combat zones. Societal norms make it harder 2 adjust when they return #hcldr
Joe Babaian 🇺🇦 @JoeBabaian
@brad_lehman Hi Brad! #hcldr
Colin Hung @Colin_Hung
@SandraWoodsMtl @hcldr @JoeBabaian We'll go with not-currently-active. You are right ex- doesn't have the right implication. #hcldr
Colin Hung @Colin_Hung
RT @GailZahtz: T1. I've been following work with veterans on #PTSD because the VA has actually done groundbreaking work since the 70's that has now helped other trauma survivors. Do you want only a military story? #hcldr
Joe Babaian 🇺🇦 @JoeBabaian
@ShereesePubHlth Hello my friend!! #hcldr
Colin Hung @Colin_Hung
RT @BarbyIngle: @hcldr T1 Both my parents & FIL served n Army My FIL has PTSD, my dad did well adjusting back n2 civilian life working 20+ yrs 4 Army (RIP). Through #iPain I have had the pleasure of working w Vets who served n combat zones. Societal norms make it harder 2 adjust when they return #hcldr
Naomi, BSc MHSc @NaomiNerdsOut
T1 #hcldr I know a number of folks from home that went into the army because it was the only way to escape a situation that was dangerous/have any societal/economic mobility. Then they came home demoralized, scarred, and with PTSD. I’m angry for so many reasons.
Angela Hemans is on Threads, LinkedIn, TikTok @AngelaHemans
RT @hcldr: T1 In honor of Memorial Day, share you military/veteran story or one that you have heard or read about. #hcldr https://t.co/k0VPQdZ5Fq
Sandra Woods, CIPP/C; she/her @SandraWoodsMtl
#hcldr T1 I was a reserve Air Force officer a very long time ago, and many of my friends went into the regular forces. Full-time. ⤵️ I've lost more of them *after they got home* than those who died in combat situations https://t.co/ngrbvCDYmK
Joe Babaian 🇺🇦 @JoeBabaian
RT @naomi_re_health: T1 #hcldr I know a number of folks from home that went into the army because it was the only way to escape a situation that was dangerous/have any societal/economic mobility. Then they came home demoralized, scarred, and with PTSD. I’m angry for so many reasons.
Gail Zahtz 🇮🇱 @GailZahtz
Since I don't know if T1 is only veterans- I've been working this week with refugees from civil war in Somalia. Traumatized mothers are selling their kids today into human trafficking. It's alarming what PTSD can do to then caregivers. #hcldr
Joe Babaian 🇺🇦 @JoeBabaian
@naomi_re_health Welcome Naomi! Always special with you here! #hcldr
Amanda G @LAlupusLady
T1 Hi Amanda in LA here. Trisha @fizzbubbles is a veteran with TBI who now makes skincare that is organic and so good. https://t.co/8TLltio68c use code #LALupusLady to save 15% off your order. #hcldr
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
@hcldr My great-granddad was a Korean vet. I only found out 2 yrs ago. It was a well kept family secret, & I don't know why. Hhe was a doc in the service, & came back to be a small town doc, where he was a force to be reckoned with. My house here was made from the same kit as his #hcldr
Joe Babaian 🇺🇦 @JoeBabaian
RT @SandraWoodsMtl: #hcldr T1 I was a reserve Air Force officer a very long time ago, and many of my friends went into the regular forces. Full-time. ⤵️ I've lost more of them *after they got home* than those who died in combat situations https://t.co/ngrbvCDYmK
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
RT @GailZahtz: Since I don't know if T1 is only veterans- I've been working this week with refugees from civil war in Somalia. Traumatized mothers are selling their kids today into human trafficking. It's alarming what PTSD can do to then caregivers. #hcldr
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
RT @SandraWoodsMtl: #hcldr T1 I was a reserve Air Force officer a very long time ago, and many of my friends went into the regular forces. Full-time. ⤵️ I've lost more of them *after they got home* than those who died in combat situations https://t.co/ngrbvCDYmK
Michael W. Roberts @michaelwroberts
My grandfather served in the Army during WWII. My mom didn’t know about all the distress he felt from serving until he was well into his 80’s. He kept it hidden for a long, long time. #hcldr
Colin Hung @Colin_Hung
RT @pfanderson: @hcldr My great-granddad was a Korean vet. I only found out 2 yrs ago. It was a well kept family secret, & I don't know why. Hhe was a doc in the service, & came back to be a small town doc, where he was a force to be reckoned with. My house here was made from the same kit as his #hcldr
Dream&water Apothecary Skincare @Dreamandwater
Together we can make a difference!!!
Joe Babaian 🇺🇦 @JoeBabaian
@LAlupusLady @fizzbubbles Hello Amanda! #hcldr
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
@SandraWoodsMtl That's heartbreaking. #hcldr
Dream&water Apothecary Skincare @Dreamandwater
RT @LAlupusLady: T1 Hi Amanda in LA here. Trisha @fizzbubbles is a veteran with TBI who now makes skincare that is organic and so good. https://t.co/8TLltio68c use code #LALupusLady to save 15% off your order. #hcldr
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
RT @naomi_re_health: T1 #hcldr I know a number of folks from home that went into the army because it was the only way to escape a situation that was dangerous/have any societal/economic mobility. Then they came home demoralized, scarred, and with PTSD. I’m angry for so many reasons.
Joy Rios @askjoyrios
T1: A big point of pride for me is that my grandmother was a mechanic in WWII. I never got to meet her, but I hear she was super smart. #hcldr
Joe Babaian 🇺🇦 @JoeBabaian
RT @michaelwroberts: My grandfather served in the Army during WWII. My mom didn’t know about all the distress he felt from serving until he was well into his 80’s. He kept it hidden for a long, long time. #hcldr
Colin Hung @Colin_Hung
RT @StorkBrian:
Shereese Maynard, MS; MBA 😷 She/Her @ShereeseMayMba
T1 The men in my family have served in every branch of the military, but the Marines are my favorite #hcldr https://t.co/2MBLn7PGH7
Joe Babaian 🇺🇦 @JoeBabaian
RT @pfanderson: @hcldr My great-granddad was a Korean vet. I only found out 2 yrs ago. It was a well kept family secret, & I don't know why. Hhe was a doc in the service, & came back to be a small town doc, where he was a force to be reckoned with. My house here was made from the same kit as his #hcldr
Colin Hung @Colin_Hung
@StorkBrian @hcldr Hello Brian! #hcldr
Gail Zahtz 🇮🇱 @GailZahtz
T1- I also know a lot of the work that's being done in Israel. Since every citizen has to serve, many many young adults have PTSD. There are now schools for children who've been traumatized by the war and their parents' service. #hcldr
Mariah Obiedzinski @MariahWrites
RT @michaelwroberts: My grandfather served in the Army during WWII. My mom didn’t know about all the distress he felt from serving until he was well into his 80’s. He kept it hidden for a long, long time. #hcldr
Lisa Danielpour @LisaDani
A1 Young man went to Vietnam, positive impact on life meeting so many people from across the country and Asia. War is incredibly difficult to live thru, then coming home without appreciation for the war they were drafted to + impact for years to come including health. #hcldr
Amanda G @LAlupusLady
I apologize if i broke rules but Trisha @fizzbubbles is a woman veteran who is absolutely incredibly living with TBI and making "soap" #hcldr
HCLDR Moderator @hcldr
Repeating T1 In honor of Memorial Day, share you military/veteran story or one that you have heard or read about. #hcldr https://t.co/AhPjkf8HIR
Joe Babaian 🇺🇦 @JoeBabaian
RT @askjoyrios: T1: T1: A big point of pride for me is that my grandmother was a mechanic in WWII. I never got to meet her, but I hear she was super smart. #hcldr
Joe Babaian 🇺🇦 @JoeBabaian
@askjoyrios Hi Joy! #hcldr
Colin Hung @Colin_Hung
RT @naomi_re_health: T1 #hcldr I know a number of folks from home that went into the army because it was the only way to escape a situation that was dangerous/have any societal/economic mobility. Then they came home demoralized, scarred, and with PTSD. I’m angry for so many reasons.
Amanda G @LAlupusLady
Did you know the Veterans get #lupus? Some DoD funding supports lupus research. #hcldr
Michael W. Roberts @michaelwroberts
@GailZahtz That’s so hard. #hcldr
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
@Colin_Hung I couldn't talk about it for the longest time. The more you say it, the less of a hold it has on you #hcldr
Colin Hung @Colin_Hung
RT @michaelwroberts: My grandfather served in the Army during WWII. My mom didn’t know about all the distress he felt from serving until he was well into his 80’s. He kept it hidden for a long, long time. #hcldr
Barby Ingle Official @BarbyIngle
I LOVE @fizzbubbles products and love supporting her because she is a vet with a TBI! She also supports many great causes including #iPain Great share @LAlupusLady #hcldr
Colin Hung @Colin_Hung
RT @LisaDani: A1 Young man went to Vietnam, positive impact on life meeting so many people from across the country and Asia. War is incredibly difficult to live thru, then coming home without appreciation for the war they were drafted to + impact for years to come including health. #hcldr
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
RT @michaelwroberts: My grandfather served in the Army during WWII. My mom didn’t know about all the distress he felt from serving until he was well into his 80’s. He kept it hidden for a long, long time. #hcldr
Joe Babaian 🇺🇦 @JoeBabaian
@LAlupusLady @fizzbubbles Amanda, no worries! Anyone who knows you, knows where your heart is! 💖 #hcldr
Joe Babaian 🇺🇦 @JoeBabaian
RT @BarbyIngle: I LOVE @fizzbubbles products and love supporting her because she is a vet with a TBI! She also supports many great causes including #iPain Great share @LAlupusLady #hcldr
Michael W. Roberts @michaelwroberts
@askjoyrios That’s awesome! #hcldr
Dream&water Apothecary Skincare @Dreamandwater
Aww thank you for your support
Gail Zahtz 🇮🇱 @GailZahtz
@michaelwroberts It’s terrible! I had no idea. I’ve been at this all week, working to save (seemingly successfully) 2 children who were being sold by their mother. My point on PTSD is that the mother was traumatized, didn’t get help, then put this on her own kids. #hcldr
Shereese Maynard, MS; MBA 😷 She/Her @ShereeseMayMba
@NathanGrunewald I'm just back from New Mexico and am trying to get my internal clock back to normal. But it's all good. #hcldr
Sandra Woods, CIPP/C; she/her @SandraWoodsMtl
T1 #hcldr My great-aunt Flossie Ross was a WWII Canadian Women's Army Corps (CWAC) piper, here on a surrendered German "E-boat" 04 Oct 1945 & in a pre-war photo E-boat Photo @CanadianForces @LibraryArchives https://t.co/XnvFwEdX55
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
@michaelwroberts One of my neighbors was like that. Kept it hidden until he developed Alzheimers. Then he kept climbing the trees in my yard so he could see the Germans coming. Had to get fire ladders to get him down #hcldr
Amanda G @LAlupusLady
https://t.co/iC0SH0VDvO is the right website 15% off of your order using code #LALupusLady Treat Yourself and buy for Dads, Grads and Showers too. #hcldr #TuesdayThoughts
Bonnie C. Sheeren, BCPA @bonniesheeren
T1: My FIL landed on Utah beach after D-Day, went all the way to Germany. Lost many of his battalion. Had survivors guilt till the day he passed. It was difficult to witness. #hcldr
Joe Babaian 🇺🇦 @JoeBabaian
@AECothron So lucky to have you with us tonight. Humbled by your willingness to share. #hcldr
Amanda G @LAlupusLady
RT @hcldr: T1 In honor of Memorial Day, share you military/veteran story or one that you have heard or read about. #hcldr https://t.co/k0VPQdZ5Fq
Joe Babaian 🇺🇦 @JoeBabaian
RT @SandraWoodsMtl: T1 #hcldr My great-aunt Flossie Ross was a WWII Canadian Women's Army Corps (CWAC) piper, here on a surrendered German "E-boat" 04 Oct 1945 & in a pre-war photo E-boat Photo @CanadianForces @LibraryArchives https://t.co/XnvFwEdX55
Colin Hung @Colin_Hung
T1 When I volunteered at local hospital during high school, I met a WWII veteran. He would tell me stories about his squadron and all the supply runs they made to soldiers on the front lines. He would pause when he got to painful memories, but we laughed a lot together #hcldr
Bonnie C. Sheeren, BCPA @bonniesheeren
@SandraWoodsMtl @CanadianForces @LibraryArchives Absolutely LOVE those photos! What a great family treasure! #hcldr
Sandra Woods, CIPP/C; she/her @SandraWoodsMtl
@pfanderson Yes, it really is... #hcldr https://t.co/xXpgeXveRT
Just a Professor Lecturing Against the Wind @Volsicle
Did not know this about the funding
Joe Babaian 🇺🇦 @JoeBabaian
RT @bonniesheeren: T1: T1: My FIL landed on Utah beach after D-Day, went all the way to Germany. Lost many of his battalion. Had survivors guilt till the day he passed. It was difficult to witness. #hcldr
Fred Goldstein @fsgoldstein
T1 in 1966 my Father was a Lecturer at Harvard Medical School and in the reserves, he volunteered to go to Vietnam as a physician. My mom with 5 young kids (1-6 y/o) moved onto the Army base at Ft. Devens in Massachusetts. He came back changed. Did not talk about it much. #hcldr
Bingle @TheBingle
T1 It was amazing seeing some Veterans on television at different gatherings. The real kicker was these few I saw were from WWII. Oldest was 104. Thinking back couldn't hold back tears. They know of a dark time w/uncertainty. #hcldr
Lisa Danielpour @LisaDani
@Colin_Hung Thanks so much, Colin. I love the #hcldr community and the important issues you discuss, learning so much!
Gail Zahtz 🇮🇱 @GailZahtz
@pfanderson @Colin_Hung It's all about reclaiming ourselves isn't it? For some that's talking privately, for others it's advocacy, other times it's publicly sharing our story. I honor everyone's decision- healing is a slow process with no one answer. Hugs. #hcldr
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
@michaelwroberts His kids were a little disgruntled that he'd sometimes climb down for me but never for them, but we had that PTSD bond, and he could see it in me. That made me safer to him. #hcldr
Colin Hung @Colin_Hung
RT @StorkBrian:
Joe Babaian 🇺🇦 @JoeBabaian
@bonniesheeren Thank you for sharing part of your family with us. Humbled. #hcldr
Colin Hung @Colin_Hung
RT @SandraWoodsMtl: T1 #hcldr My great-aunt Flossie Ross was a WWII Canadian Women's Army Corps (CWAC) piper, here on a surrendered German "E-boat" 04 Oct 1945 & in a pre-war photo E-boat Photo @CanadianForces @LibraryArchives https://t.co/XnvFwEdX55
Joe Babaian 🇺🇦 @JoeBabaian
RT @StorkBrian:
Lisa Danielpour @LisaDani
@JoeBabaian @Colin_Hung Thanks so much! Great to be hear, and to see you. #hcldr
Kistein Monkhouse, MPA @KisteinM
RT @hcldr: On this Memorial Day give a thought to the mental health challenges faced by veterans. That's the topic of this week's #hcldr chat - Veterans + #PTSD https://t.co/wKehxkARwk Join the discussion Tues May 28th at 8:30pm ET https://t.co/0iH6VnYgOm
Michael W. Roberts @michaelwroberts
@GailZahtz I’ve friends in Ethiopia working with street kids, and it tears me up to hear how these kids get in these situations. So many families suffer. Thank you for you work! #hcldr
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
@ShereesePubHlth No Marines in my family (that I know of), but we have Navy and Air Force and Army. #hcldr
Sandra Woods, CIPP/C; she/her @SandraWoodsMtl
@AECothron Fantastic!!! Sone veterans for veterans initiatives have been very successful! #hcldr
Joe Babaian 🇺🇦 @JoeBabaian
RT @TheBingle: T1 It was amazing seeing some Veterans on television at different gatherings. The real kicker was these few I saw were from WWII. Oldest was 104. Thinking back couldn't hold back tears. They know of a dark time w/uncertainty. #hcldr
Mario Amaro 🐶 (The Private Practice Doc) @MarioATX_MD
@hcldr T1: 8 years active duty USN where I served in several campaigns in multiple theaters around the world. TBH enlisting wasn’t my first choice but I’ll never regret and forever be thankful that I had the opportunity to serve my country. #hcldr
Dara Chadwick @DaraChadwick
Hello #hcldr. Checking in from the Ocean State.
Amanda G @LAlupusLady
@BarbyIngle @fizzbubbles I adore @fizzbubbles and so does @BarbyIngle "I LOVE @fizzbubbles products and love supporting her because she is a vet with a TBI! She also supports many great causes including #iPain #hcldr "
Joe Babaian 🇺🇦 @JoeBabaian
@TheBingle Hi Bingle! #hcldr
Barby Ingle Official @BarbyIngle
RT @LAlupusLady: @BarbyIngle @fizzbubbles I adore @fizzbubbles and so does @BarbyIngle "I LOVE @fizzbubbles products and love supporting her because she is a vet with a TBI! She also supports many great causes including #iPain #hcldr "
Joe Babaian 🇺🇦 @JoeBabaian
@fsgoldstein Thanks for joining us tonight Fred. #hcldr
Joe Babaian 🇺🇦 @JoeBabaian
RT @fsgoldstein: T1 in 1966 my Father was a Lecturer at Harvard Medical School and in the reserves, he volunteered to go to Vietnam as a physician. My mom with 5 young kids (1-6 y/o) moved onto the Army base at Ft. Devens in Massachusetts. He came back changed. Did not talk about it much. #hcldr
Colin Hung @Colin_Hung
@MarioATX_MD @hcldr T1 Thank you for your service Mario and for sharing your story. #hcldr
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
@AECothron That's awesome! Good for him, good for them, and gives purpose and meaning to the experience. You must be amazingly proud of him! #hcldr
Gail Zahtz 🇮🇱 @GailZahtz
@michaelwroberts This really came to me. Thank goodness, the Somali women have come to trust me. I have known about #FGM but wasn’t aware that 8th grade graduation led to selling your own kids back to Africa. It’s been heartbreaking and amazing how many people I’ve met who will help. #hcldr
Sandra Woods, CIPP/C; she/her @SandraWoodsMtl
@pfanderson Sending (bunny) hugs!!#hcldr https://t.co/mcvPIVb8yq
Michael W. Roberts @michaelwroberts
@pfanderson Safety is such a critical word there. For that generation, there was so much to fear and so much need for iron resolve to make it through. #hcldr
Joe Babaian 🇺🇦 @JoeBabaian
@DaraChadwick Hello Dara! How's everything going for you this evening? #hcldr
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
RT @Colin_Hung: T1 When I volunteered at local hospital during high school, I met a WWII veteran. He would tell me stories about his squadron and all the supply runs they made to soldiers on the front lines. He would pause when he got to painful memories, but we laughed a lot together #hcldr
Colin Hung @Colin_Hung
@AECothron T1 Wow. Thank you for sharing that Annaliese. #hcldr
Shereese Maynard, MS; MBA 😷 She/Her @ShereeseMayMba
T1 My sister is neighbor to one of the remaining Tuskeegee airmen. #hcldr
Bonnie C. Sheeren, BCPA @bonniesheeren
T1: About 1 year ago, we were in Arlington, putting to rest my dad's cousin who was MIA in Vietnam for almost 50 yrs, then had his remains recovered & ID'd. His children, my cousins had closure, but it was hard watching them go through not knowing for years. #hcldr
Amanda G @LAlupusLady
Thank You to all who serve... including the families at home. #hcldr
HCLDR Moderator @hcldr
An amazing T1 discussion. Let’s get ready for T2 in just 1 minute #hcldr
Joe Babaian 🇺🇦 @JoeBabaian
@MarioATX_MD @hcldr Mario, happy to see you tonight! #hcldr
Joe Babaian 🇺🇦 @JoeBabaian
@bonniesheeren Definitely. #hcldr
Shereese Maynard, MS; MBA 😷 She/Her @ShereeseMayMba
RT @CoherenceMed: Our Twitter Book Club @HealthTechReads is about mental health tonight. Read the article: https://t.co/LkPWf4YuBT I hope you will join us after #HCLDR at 7:30 PM MST Follow #HTReads #MentalHealthMonth @theTomCastles @QlikDork @KisteinM @drjessigold https://t.co/3YsmIcOgSb
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
@RareCandace Write the stories down. Don't let them be lost. #hcldr
Dara Chadwick @DaraChadwick
@JoeBabaian Thanks for the warm welcome, Joe! #hcldr
Michael W. Roberts @michaelwroberts
@GailZahtz At times when I become overwhelmed with how messed up certain situations and people can be, other people’s willingness to help and to love is truly amazing. #hcldr
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
RT @fsgoldstein: T1 in 1966 my Father was a Lecturer at Harvard Medical School and in the reserves, he volunteered to go to Vietnam as a physician. My mom with 5 young kids (1-6 y/o) moved onto the Army base at Ft. Devens in Massachusetts. He came back changed. Did not talk about it much. #hcldr
Ken Taylor @KenRayTaylor
T1 My father served in the Vietnam war and very seldom talks about it and when he does, he breaks down cause of all the horrible things he has seen. He has witnessed many deaths and known many that didn,t make it back from the war. #HCLDR
Joe Babaian 🇺🇦 @JoeBabaian
@AECothron Complexity is the enemy of progress. #hcldr 💖
HCLDR Moderator @hcldr
T2 What advice would you give to someone evaluating the many different #PTSD treatment options? Who could they trust? #hcldr https://t.co/WYZkKEZP3f
Colin Hung @Colin_Hung
@AECothron T2 A fantastic statement Annaliese - simple but often the worthy goals are that way. #hcldr
Joe Babaian 🇺🇦 @JoeBabaian
RT @LAlupusLady: Thank You to all who serve... including the families at home. #hcldr
Colin Hung @Colin_Hung
RT @hcldr: T2 What advice would you give to someone evaluating the many different #PTSD treatment options? Who could they trust? #hcldr https://t.co/WYZkKEZP3f
Gail Zahtz 🇮🇱 @GailZahtz
The point @michaelwroberts is that the impact of war can lead to PTSD in veterans as well as those impacted by war. The WHO talks about this in #SDOH but I'm seeing it 1st hand. #hcldr
Shereese Maynard, MS; MBA 😷 She/Her @ShereeseMayMba
RT @hcldr: T2 What advice would you give to someone evaluating the many different #PTSD treatment options? Who could they trust? #hcldr https://t.co/WYZkKEZP3f
Gail Zahtz 🇮🇱 @GailZahtz
@michaelwroberts I agree! Honestly, I have a lot going on right now- not trauma, moving, just life things. Getting out of myself to help others in a truly life and death situation, I feel like they’re helping me more. And the people I’ve met- awesome #hcldr
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
@GailZahtz @Colin_Hung Agreed. Each person takes it at their own pace. I didn't start talking about it until after 40 years had passed. Evidently, that's not unusual for people. Our culture, our society isn't friendly about these things #hcldr
Beth Steckler (she/her) @purplemamabear
T1 my BIL was a medic. He doesn’t talk a lot about what he saw but his wife shared with us that right after a fight out in which his friend was killed he saved the man who had killed him. #hcldr
Barby Ingle Official @BarbyIngle
@hcldr T2 The PTs I know w PTSD do best when they are presented options and they decide which they want to participate in. When feeling forced they dont do well. It has to be their choice. The ones I have seen work best are ketamine infusions, pet therapy, and CBT exercises. #hcldr
Joe Babaian 🇺🇦 @JoeBabaian
@DaraChadwick Dara! You're welcome! I really appreciate you joining us here for #hcldr tonight!
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
RT @michaelwroberts: @GailZahtz I’ve friends in Ethiopia working with street kids, and it tears me up to hear how these kids get in these situations. So many families suffer. Thank you for you work! #hcldr
Nathan Grunewald MD MBA FACS @NathanGrunewald
T2 Military #PTSD rate is 15 times higher than civilians. Treatment is complex and #patients require a program tailored to their unique needs. @NAMICommunicate can help: 800-950-NAMI. #hcldr https://t.co/ki8ZtMe3tw
Joe Babaian 🇺🇦 @JoeBabaian
RT @BarbyIngle: @hcldr T2 The PTs I know w PTSD do best when they are presented options and they decide which they want to participate in. When feeling forced they dont do well. It has to be their choice. The ones I have seen work best are ketamine infusions, pet therapy, and CBT exercises. #hcldr
Joe Babaian 🇺🇦 @JoeBabaian
RT @hcldr: T2 What advice would you give to someone evaluating the many different #PTSD treatment options? Who could they trust? #hcldr https://t.co/WYZkKEZP3f
Colin Hung @Colin_Hung
T2 Although I have not seen "snake oil" treatments for #PTSD I bet there are those out there taking advantage of desperate families. If it sounds too good...research the heck out of it or consult the many free hotlines available to get a 2nd opinion. #hcldr
Shereese Maynard, MS; MBA 😷 She/Her @ShereeseMayMba
T2 I would remind them that treatment is for the individual. There is no one size fits all approach. Pursue all available options until you find one that fits your needs. #hcldr
Lisa Danielpour @LisaDani
@pfanderson @michaelwroberts I remember as a teen wondering re one of our family friends, a very special, quiet man. My mother gently explained he served in WWII & in the corps that freed Dachau. We are/he was Jewish. He was an attorney at Nuremberg trials. He was gentle, strong, carried much w him. #hcldr
Colin Hung @Colin_Hung
RT @NathanGrunewald: T2 Military #PTSD rate is 15 times higher than civilians. Treatment is complex and #patients require a program tailored to their unique needs. @NAMICommunicate can help: 800-950-NAMI. #hcldr https://t.co/ki8ZtMe3tw
LauraMarsh@zig4life.com @LauraMarshzig41
Great to see women hero's remembered too.
Mariah Obiedzinski @MariahWrites
RT @hcldr: T2 What advice would you give to someone evaluating the many different #PTSD treatment options? Who could they trust? #hcldr https://t.co/WYZkKEZP3f
Helen @heltweet
Not a veteran and not American. I know #ptsd through my adult daughter who has lived with type 1 #diabetes since age 12. As a Social Worker in Child Protection she suffered assault & trauma in pursuit of her duties. Struggles with #PTSD & is unable to work away from home #hcldr
Joe Babaian 🇺🇦 @JoeBabaian
@KenRayTaylor Ken, welcome. And we appreciate you sharing. #hcldr 💖
Gail Zahtz 🇮🇱 @GailZahtz
@pfanderson @Colin_Hung Even with openness from social media, mental health and in particular trauma causes like violence against women, sexual assault, etc and it’s long term impacts like PTSD can be very difficult to talk about. We’ve been working on stigma for decades. #hcldr
MedStar Institute for Quality and Safety @MedStarIQS
RT @tedjamesmd: In #healthcare we should never just assume that we are as good as we think we are. Measure against the highest standards and constantly improve. #hcldr #medicalquality https://t.co/k9gropK1EW
Dara Chadwick @DaraChadwick
T1 My late father in law spent his career in the Navy and was a Vietnam veteran. So much of my husband’s life was shaped by his dad’s experiences. #hcldr
Nathan Grunewald MD MBA FACS @NathanGrunewald
@BarbyIngle @hcldr 💯all about tailoring the treatment to the patient. #hcldr
Joe Babaian 🇺🇦 @JoeBabaian
RT @NathanGrunewald: T2 Military #PTSD rate is 15 times higher than civilians. Treatment is complex and #patients require a program tailored to their unique needs. @NAMICommunicate can help: 800-950-NAMI. #hcldr https://t.co/ki8ZtMe3tw
Candace @RareCandace
RT @Colin_Hung: T2 Although I have not seen "snake oil" treatments for #PTSD I bet there are those out there taking advantage of desperate families. If it sounds too good...research the heck out of it or consult the many free hotlines available to get a 2nd opinion. #hcldr
Bingle @TheBingle
T1 Was her name Rosie? My father & mother served in WWII. My mom was actually in Germany for a time. And was in contact with Eisenhower. I don't believe my grandparents were happy about it. #hcldr
Colin Hung @Colin_Hung
@BarbyIngle @hcldr T2 YES!!! Including them in the decision process helps them buy-in. That feeling of being "forced" into it isn't a good thing #hcldr
David Shifrin @dshifrin
Coming in late here, David in Nashville. Fantastic topic, thanks @Colin_Hung and @JoeBabaian #hcldr
Amanda G @LAlupusLady
A2 The VA has options but not nearly enough and those who served need first-class treatment and deserve the most innovative and best care available. #hcldr
Sandra Woods, CIPP/C; she/her @SandraWoodsMtl
@ShereesePubHlth T1 #hcldr . Air Force = Me, my sis & my brother-in-law, most friends . Navy = My dad . Army (WWII) = My uncle, my great aunt . Cavalry officer = Great grandfather . Grandfathers (WWII) ; Navy shipbuilder, Air Force aircraft engineer ... https://t.co/H1yV46AxDC
Angela Hemans is on Threads, LinkedIn, TikTok @AngelaHemans
RT @ShereesePubHlth: T2 I would remind them that treatment is for the individual. There is no one size fits all approach. Pursue all available options until you find one that fits your needs. #hcldr
Joe Babaian 🇺🇦 @JoeBabaian
@heltweet Helen, no labels here! Absolutely, medical #ptsd knows no borders. #hcldr
Michael W. Roberts @michaelwroberts
@LisaDani @pfanderson That’s beautiful. #hcldr
Colin Hung @Colin_Hung
@esteckler2 Wow. Just wow. That's the epitome of the human spirit. #hcldr
Joe Babaian 🇺🇦 @JoeBabaian
@dshifrin @Colin_Hung Hi David! No worries! Thrilled to have you. #hcldr
Gail Zahtz 🇮🇱 @GailZahtz
T1 For those who don't know- a brain with PTSD looks the same in an MRI as a brain from traumatic brain injury (TBI) It's a serious condition that a person can't wish to just be better. #hcldr
Malissa Miot @malissa_miot
T2 This is great advice. It is complex and having a place to start and leverage the knowledge of others may be helpful.
Joe Babaian 🇺🇦 @JoeBabaian
@RareCandace Well said. #hcldr
Joe Babaian 🇺🇦 @JoeBabaian
RT @DaraChadwick: T1 My late father in law spent his career in the Navy and was a Vietnam veteran. So much of my husband’s life was shaped by his dad’s experiences. #hcldr
Kistein Monkhouse, MPA @KisteinM
@JoeBabaian @pkeiler @foundergym Hey JOE! Thank you for brining such an important topic to the forefront. #MentalHealthAwarenessMonth #Veterans #hcldr
Joe Babaian 🇺🇦 @JoeBabaian
RT @GailZahtz: T1 For those who don't know- a brain with PTSD looks the same in an MRI as a brain from traumatic brain injury (TBI) It's a serious condition that a person can't wish to just be better. #hcldr
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
@SandraWoodsMtl And adorable bunny! I'm snuggling here with pooch :) #hcldr
David Shifrin @dshifrin
T1 grandfather - still living - is WWII vet. Captured by and escaped from the Germans in ‘44. We have the newspaper clippings and many telegraphs. Incredible.
Fred Goldstein @fsgoldstein
T2 the VA has been looking at this and doing a lot of research in the area. Still much to learn. #hcldr
Joe Babaian 🇺🇦 @JoeBabaian
@GailZahtz Great explanation! TY. #hcldr
Reinhart Gauss @ReinhartG
RT @Colin_Hung: T2 Although I have not seen "snake oil" treatments for #PTSD I bet there are those out there taking advantage of desperate families. If it sounds too good...research the heck out of it or consult the many free hotlines available to get a 2nd opinion. #hcldr
Naomi, BSc MHSc @NaomiNerdsOut
T2 #hcldr Mine isn’t a military-related PTSD but I know I was hugely helped by having an advocate in my care circle. My therapist didn’t have the ability to do all the treatment herself, but helped me navigate and find people who could. Meant the world.
Shereese Maynard, MS; MBA 😷 She/Her @ShereeseMayMba
T1 My dad was very proud of his time in the Navy, and ruled our family with military precision #hcldr https://t.co/aFRXYD4Q6c
Joe Babaian 🇺🇦 @JoeBabaian
RT @SandraWoodsMtl: @ShereesePubHlth T1 #hcldr . Air Force = Me, my sis & my brother-in-law, most friends . Navy = My dad . Army (WWII) = My uncle, my great aunt . Cavalry officer = Great grandfather . Grandfathers (WWII) ; Navy shipbuilder, Air Force aircraft engineer ... https://t.co/H1yV46AxDC
Beth Steckler (she/her) @purplemamabear
T2 I would encourage them to talk w another service man/woman that struggles w PTSD. It can often be less stressful to speak 2 someone that shares similar exp. #hcldr
Colin Hung @Colin_Hung
@heltweet Thanks for sharing that Helen. #PTSD isn't restricted to veterans. It happens to social workers, clinicians, teachers, anyone. It's important that we don't just associate it with military #hcldr
Lisa Danielpour @LisaDani
@pfanderson @GailZahtz @Colin_Hung Taking it at your own pace sounds vital, doing what feels right for you. So glad you are able to talk about it and appreciate that you are sharing with all of us. Our culture needs to get more friendly & understanding, it's only fair and so important to support each other. #hcldr
Gail Zahtz 🇮🇱 @GailZahtz
T2- The good part in terms of treatment is that the military has worked with veterans on PTSD since Vietnam and has terrific outcomes. I'm a big fan of EMDR https://t.co/s06oiTrqPg #hcldr
Mariah Obiedzinski @MariahWrites
T2: Always get a second opinion for mental health issues like #ptsd. Never settle for non-action, and lean on people youtrust as advocates. #hcldr #mentalhealth
David Shifrin @dshifrin
@GailZahtz Wow! Did not know, thanks Gail #hcldr
Colin Hung @Colin_Hung
RT @pfanderson: @GailZahtz @Colin_Hung Agreed. Each person takes it at their own pace. I didn't start talking about it until after 40 years had passed. Evidently, that's not unusual for people. Our culture, our society isn't friendly about these things #hcldr
HCLDR Moderator @hcldr
Repeating T2 What advice would you give to someone evaluating the many different #PTSD treatment options? Who could they trust? #hcldr https://t.co/y3iHcZ6uKv
Colin Hung @Colin_Hung
RT @GailZahtz: T2- The good part in terms of treatment is that the military has worked with veterans on PTSD since Vietnam and has terrific outcomes. I'm a big fan of EMDR https://t.co/s06oiTrqPg #hcldr
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
@michaelwroberts Yes, yes, yes. I think there is (at least sometimes) a tenderness of sorts between people who've suffered related traumas. People take care of each other. You don't need to explain everything. #hcldr
Joe Babaian 🇺🇦 @JoeBabaian
@drlfarrell Liam, hello my friend! Haven't gotten to say hi in a while. Welcome! #hcldr
Sandra Woods, CIPP/C; she/her @SandraWoodsMtl
T2 #hcldr Beware of "treatment" claims that seem too good to be true ⤵️ "devices made claims about health conditions, including #PTSD, depression, #chronicpain, and ALS" ↔️ Without "the evidence to back that up" https://t.co/TnBli9nQdX by @meggophone
Gail Zahtz 🇮🇱 @GailZahtz
@dshifrin Yes, I’ll pull a picture when I get a sec- it’s startling. #hcldr
Colin Hung @Colin_Hung
RT @hcldr: Repeating T2 What advice would you give to someone evaluating the many different #PTSD treatment options? Who could they trust? #hcldr https://t.co/y3iHcZ6uKv
Beth Steckler (she/her) @purplemamabear
RT @NathanGrunewald: @BarbyIngle @hcldr 💯all about tailoring the treatment to the patient. #hcldr
Colin Hung @Colin_Hung
RT @SandraWoodsMtl: T2 #hcldr Beware of "treatment" claims that seem too good to be true ⤵️ "devices made claims about health conditions, including #PTSD, depression, #chronicpain, and ALS" ↔️ Without "the evidence to back that up" https://t.co/TnBli9nQdX by @meggophone
Gail Zahtz 🇮🇱 @GailZahtz
@pfanderson @michaelwroberts Agreed. It helps a lot. There is just a lot from trauma that people don't want to share. #hcldr
Bonnie C. Sheeren, BCPA @bonniesheeren
@drlfarrell So, it seems all the news we're hearing here in the U.S. about Brexit? Not even the worst of it? Sad to hear. #hcldr
Joe Babaian 🇺🇦 @JoeBabaian
@KisteinM @pkeiler @foundergym So glad to see you! I'm so happy you like this conversation. Tonight's topic was @Colin_Hung's brainchild for sure! 😁 #hcldr
Joy Rios @askjoyrios
@GailZahtz Curious, does it matter what caused the #PTSD #hcldr
David Shifrin @dshifrin
@GailZahtz How much fmri has been done on those suffering from PTSD? #hcldr
Joe Babaian 🇺🇦 @JoeBabaian
RT @drlfarrell: Good to be back Joe RT @JoeBabaian:
Fred Goldstein @fsgoldstein
One of the cool programs and worth looking at is Warrior Expeditions they have had a number of Vets hike the Florida Trail and i believe they set up support including with mental health counselors along the way https://t.co/rr40VSil7I #hcldr
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
@RareCandace There is also secondary trauma for caregivers and therapists and such. Heard a story from a hospital chaplain of going home and crying. Watched a video earlier today of a doc from AIDS era SF, and how that ravaged him. #hcldr
Joe Babaian 🇺🇦 @JoeBabaian
@drlfarrell Always a chair for you here in this warm, cozy space! 💖 #hcldr
Colin Hung @Colin_Hung
@drlfarrell Hello Liam! Thought of you today. There was an Irish contingent at the #eHealth2019 conference in Toronto. There were 5 #healthIT companies from Ireland showing their solutions. #hcldr
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
RT @SandraWoodsMtl: @ShereesePubHlth T1 #hcldr . Air Force = Me, my sis & my brother-in-law, most friends . Navy = My dad . Army (WWII) = My uncle, my great aunt . Cavalry officer = Great grandfather . Grandfathers (WWII) ; Navy shipbuilder, Air Force aircraft engineer ... https://t.co/H1yV46AxDC
Joe Babaian 🇺🇦 @JoeBabaian
RT @SandraWoodsMtl: T2 #hcldr Beware of "treatment" claims that seem too good to be true ⤵️ "devices made claims about health conditions, including #PTSD, depression, #chronicpain, and ALS" ↔️ Without "the evidence to back that up" https://t.co/TnBli9nQdX by @meggophone
Shereese Maynard, MS; MBA 😷 She/Her @ShereeseMayMba
I always thought of my dad's obsession with making the bed came from some sort of PTSD. It wasn't funny; it was obsessive #hcldr https://t.co/SAuMGwOj2E
Colin Hung @Colin_Hung
RT @fsgoldstein: One of the cool programs and worth looking at is Warrior Expeditions they have had a number of Vets hike the Florida Trail and i believe they set up support including with mental health counselors along the way https://t.co/rr40VSil7I #hcldr
Bingle @TheBingle
T1 Yes, had some classmates served in Vietnam. One guy I knew was really like paranoid/nervous all the time. Some died. Saddest thing is a current member of Congress when running for position claimed to serve in Vietnam;He did not. #hcldr
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
RT @hcldr: T2 What advice would you give to someone evaluating the many different #PTSD treatment options? Who could they trust? #hcldr https://t.co/WYZkKEZP3f
Joe Babaian 🇺🇦 @JoeBabaian
RT @MariahWrites: T2: T2: Always get a second opinion for mental health issues like #ptsd. Never settle for non-action, and lean on people youtrust as advocates. #hcldr #mentalhealth
Ken Taylor @KenRayTaylor
T2 Use multiple options. Behavior therapy, ketamine infusions, mindfulness techniques and many more. Some options are easier to exercise than others. Trust the advice of others but verify if you can. #HCLDR
John Cloonan | Audacity Marketing | FIWOP Racing @johncloonan
So... what are we chatting about this evening? Thought I'd drop in and see what was going on. #hcldr
Gail Zahtz 🇮🇱 @GailZahtz
On treatment options (T2) of PTSD: I believe that the trauma can cause longer term damage than the event- whether emotional or physical. Thus the healing can take a long time. People need to respect the process and learn to be gentle with themselves. #hcldr
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
RT @BarbyIngle: @hcldr T2 The PTs I know w PTSD do best when they are presented options and they decide which they want to participate in. When feeling forced they dont do well. It has to be their choice. The ones I have seen work best are ketamine infusions, pet therapy, and CBT exercises. #hcldr
Joe Babaian 🇺🇦 @JoeBabaian
RT @KenRayTaylor: T2 Use multiple options. Behavior therapy, ketamine infusions, mindfulness techniques and many more. Some options are easier to exercise than others. Trust the advice of others but verify if you can. #HCLDR
Bingle @TheBingle
RT @SandraWoodsMtl: T1 #hcldr My great-aunt Flossie Ross was a WWII Canadian Women's Army Corps (CWAC) piper, here on a surrendered German "E-boat" 04 Oct 1945 & in a pre-war photo E-boat Photo @CanadianForces @LibraryArchives https://t.co/XnvFwEdX55
Joe Babaian 🇺🇦 @JoeBabaian
RT @fsgoldstein: One of the cool programs and worth looking at is Warrior Expeditions they have had a number of Vets hike the Florida Trail and i believe they set up support including with mental health counselors along the way https://t.co/rr40VSil7I #hcldr
Alzheimer's Los Angeles @AlzheimersLA
Old traumas can become present again in people living with a dementia. Caregivers need support in understanding how to navigate that while also protecting their own mental health. #hcldr
Sandra Woods, CIPP/C; she/her @SandraWoodsMtl
T2 #hcldr Many treatment approaches to PTSD can be similar to those for neuropathic #chronicpain, as with my #CRPS ↔️ e.g. Virtual reality, guided imagery, etc. ⤵️ Not one size fits all, so you may need to try different methods to find one that helps you https://t.co/isuuw9L4du
Gail Zahtz 🇮🇱 @GailZahtz
@askjoyrios Not to my understanding. I do know there is a difference in impact and treatments with one time trauma and “long term- repetitive trauma”. But what happens to the brain in TBI or PTSD is it gets stuck in the “fight or flight” mode and can’t get out. #hcldr
Bingle @TheBingle
RT @pfanderson: @hcldr My great-granddad was a Korean vet. I only found out 2 yrs ago. It was a well kept family secret, & I don't know why. Hhe was a doc in the service, & came back to be a small town doc, where he was a force to be reckoned with. My house here was made from the same kit as his #hcldr
Joe Babaian 🇺🇦 @JoeBabaian
RT @StorkBrian:
Colin Hung @Colin_Hung
@johncloonan Hello John!!! So great to see you. We're talking about #PTSD tonight on #hcldr
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
@hcldr They have to find the right person for them, and that may not be the same right person who helped their buddy. Some prefer talk therapy, some prefer doing something active, VR helps a lot, EMDR is getting rave reviews. Lots of options. It's about what works for you #hcldr
Joe Babaian 🇺🇦 @JoeBabaian
@StorkBrian @hcldr Brian, thanks for this share! #hcldr
Joe Babaian 🇺🇦 @JoeBabaian
RT @SandraWoodsMtl: T2 #hcldr Many treatment approaches to PTSD can be similar to those for neuropathic #chronicpain, as with my #CRPS ↔️ e.g. Virtual reality, guided imagery, etc. ⤵️ Not one size fits all, so you may need to try different methods to find one that helps you https://t.co/isuuw9L4du
Joe Babaian 🇺🇦 @JoeBabaian
RT @AlzheimersLA: Old traumas can become present again in people living with a dementia. Caregivers need support in understanding how to navigate that while also protecting their own mental health. #hcldr
Colin Hung @Colin_Hung
RT @SandraWoodsMtl: T2 #hcldr Many treatment approaches to PTSD can be similar to those for neuropathic #chronicpain, as with my #CRPS ↔️ e.g. Virtual reality, guided imagery, etc. ⤵️ Not one size fits all, so you may need to try different methods to find one that helps you https://t.co/isuuw9L4du
Gail Zahtz 🇮🇱 @GailZahtz
@dshifrin Do you mean MRI’s? I believe quite a bit. It’s done any time there is a clinical study on a new or long term treatment, and as this topic mentions, there are many treatments. #hcldr
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
RT @LisaDani: @pfanderson @michaelwroberts I remember as a teen wondering re one of our family friends, a very special, quiet man. My mother gently explained he served in WWII & in the corps that freed Dachau. We are/he was Jewish. He was an attorney at Nuremberg trials. He was gentle, strong, carried much w him. #hcldr
Colin Hung @Colin_Hung
RT @KenRayTaylor: T2 Use multiple options. Behavior therapy, ketamine infusions, mindfulness techniques and many more. Some options are easier to exercise than others. Trust the advice of others but verify if you can. #HCLDR
Joe Babaian 🇺🇦 @JoeBabaian
@AlzheimersLA Thank you, as always, for joining and sharing with all of us! #hcldr 💖
Joy Rios @askjoyrios
@TheBingle 🙂 No. Her name was Margaret. #hcldr
Alzheimer's Los Angeles @AlzheimersLA
Understanding old traumas and PTSD in people living with a dementia can ensure that they're receiving responsive care. Knowing what they're experiencing can inform how caregivers intervene in different behaviors. #hcldr
Alzheimer's Los Angeles @AlzheimersLA
@JoeBabaian Thanks Joe. Glad to be part of such a great community. #hcldr
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
@LisaDani @michaelwroberts "Carried much with him." Yes. Well said. #hcldr
Gail Zahtz 🇮🇱 @GailZahtz
Also on the topic of treatment options- it's my opinion that different options can be good at different times along the healing process. NET has a great long term impact, but one has to be past the daily life of the trauma. #hcldr
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
RT @esteckler2: T1 my BIL was a medic. He doesn’t talk a lot about what he saw but his wife shared with us that right after a fight out in which his friend was killed he saved the man who had killed him. #hcldr
Helen @heltweet
@Colin_Hung Would be really interesting to see statistics about #PTSD comparing those in 'at risk' professions w general public. Police, Emergency Services, Teachers, Nurses, Social Workers etc. #Hcldr
Fred Goldstein @fsgoldstein
Adding @WarriorHike
Michael W. Roberts @michaelwroberts
@naomi_re_health That guidance to get to the right specialists who can help is critical. Glad to hear your therapist was so helpful! #hcldr
Joe Babaian 🇺🇦 @JoeBabaian
RT @pfanderson: @LisaDani @michaelwroberts "Carried much with him." Yes. Well said. #hcldr
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
RT @GailZahtz: T1 For those who don't know- a brain with PTSD looks the same in an MRI as a brain from traumatic brain injury (TBI) It's a serious condition that a person can't wish to just be better. #hcldr
Joe Babaian 🇺🇦 @JoeBabaian
RT @LisaDani: @pfanderson @michaelwroberts I remember as a teen wondering re one of our family friends, a very special, quiet man. My mother gently explained he served in WWII & in the corps that freed Dachau. We are/he was Jewish. He was an attorney at Nuremberg trials. He was gentle, strong, carried much w him. #hcldr
HCLDR Moderator @hcldr
Really interesting tweets on #hcldr right now. Let’s get ready for T3 in just 1 minute!
Colin Hung @Colin_Hung
RT @naomi_re_health: T2 #hcldr Mine isn’t a military-related PTSD but I know I was hugely helped by having an advocate in my care circle. My therapist didn’t have the ability to do all the treatment herself, but helped me navigate and find people who could. Meant the world.
David Shifrin @dshifrin
@GailZahtz Was thinking functional MRI in addition to traditional, looking at different stimuli #hcldr
Bingle @TheBingle
There was a recent story of a soldier (not sure what war) who was a hero. He saved many. Working as a janitor he never mentioned his service. Then someone found out. #hcldr
Gail Zahtz 🇮🇱 @GailZahtz
@esteckler2 @askjoyrios What do you mean by a specific team? In response and with the topic of T2- the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia has been doing long term work on PTSD for children who’ve grown up in hospitals from chronic conditions. Impressive. #hcldr
HCLDR Moderator @hcldr
T3 What more can be done to support families who have a loved one suffering from #PTSD? #hcldr https://t.co/HKxOikDJcL
Naomi, BSc MHSc @NaomiNerdsOut
@michaelwroberts #hcldr I’m lucky enough that I’m in a place where I no longer am a patient of hers, but I feel really lucky to have been. She not only helped me learn about treatment options but listened really carefully to what kinds of treatment I was comfortable with and worked off of that.
Colin Hung @Colin_Hung
RT @hcldr: T3 What more can be done to support families who have a loved one suffering from #PTSD? #hcldr https://t.co/HKxOikDJcL
Shereese Maynard, MS; MBA 😷 She/Her @ShereeseMayMba
RT @hcldr: T3 What more can be done to support families who have a loved one suffering from #PTSD? #hcldr https://t.co/HKxOikDJcL
Sakinah Kaiser (She/Her) @themuslimhippie
RT @KenRayTaylor: T2 Use multiple options. Behavior therapy, ketamine infusions, mindfulness techniques and many more. Some options are easier to exercise than others. Trust the advice of others but verify if you can. #HCLDR
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
@GailZahtz They are making progress with that > Brain Scans to Distinguish Between Brain Injury and PTSD https://t.co/tm39gEqHmL CereScan https://t.co/IRbPwx2DSo #hcldr
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
RT @naomi_re_health: T2 #hcldr Mine isn’t a military-related PTSD but I know I was hugely helped by having an advocate in my care circle. My therapist didn’t have the ability to do all the treatment herself, but helped me navigate and find people who could. Meant the world.
Fred Goldstein @fsgoldstein
Or you find out that the place you take them to have fun and relax is one where they had a traumatic experience and then you finally understand why those trips were not good. #hcldr
Naomi, BSc MHSc @NaomiNerdsOut
T3 #hcldr It’s different for everyone and every experience. But get them care as well; caregiving is hard and the unpredictability that can come with PTSD can be frightening and difficult for families and loved ones as well. Make sure they have resources too.
Barby Ingle Official @BarbyIngle
@hcldr T3 Having healthcare PTSD from failed surgeries & complications myself, I am answering from my experience vs a Vets experience. Give me time 2 work through & research, be patient w me, help keep stress low, let me take lead n final decisions, dont pressure me w ur choice #hcldr
Sandra Woods, CIPP/C; she/her @SandraWoodsMtl
#hcldr T3 We still need much more awareness & education ↔️ Canada's national #BellLetsTalk day is a great example, for all #mentalhealth issues, not only #PTSD ⤵️ Free Conversation Guide available: https://t.co/9XwVx8efIX
Joy Rios @askjoyrios
@GailZahtz Is there any “average time” it takes to recover from #PTSD? #hcldr
John Cloonan | Audacity Marketing | FIWOP Racing @johncloonan
@Colin_Hung @johncloonan Hey Colin! Good to see you! #hcldr
Michael W. Roberts @michaelwroberts
RT @AlzheimersLA: Old traumas can become present again in people living with a dementia. Caregivers need support in understanding how to navigate that while also protecting their own mental health. #hcldr
John Cloonan | Audacity Marketing | FIWOP Racing @johncloonan
I wonder if any of my psych & other expert tweeps are online tonight? @gvergolias @drleskertay @debralindh? #hcldr
Colin Hung @Colin_Hung
RT @pfanderson: @GailZahtz They are making progress with that > Brain Scans to Distinguish Between Brain Injury and PTSD https://t.co/tm39gEqHmL CereScan https://t.co/IRbPwx2DSo #hcldr
Nathan Grunewald MD MBA FACS @NathanGrunewald
T3 Ways to support friends and families of patients suffering from PTSD: 🔚 @EndTheStigma 🙏Believe 👂 Listen 🤗Empathize 📣Advocate #hcldr
Mario Amaro 🐶 (The Private Practice Doc) @MarioATX_MD
@hcldr T2: first look at others who’ve faced and overcame similar adversities. Use them as an advocate to help ease through the treatment phase. From my personal experience flooding the system with outsiders who don’t understand from first hand experiences doesn’t help early on. #hcldr
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
@naomi_re_health I do a lot of my work through prayer and writing poetry. Processing my story, and transforming it. Trying to make something beautiful from something nightmarish. I wish I had an advocate like what you describe #hcldr
Sandra Woods, CIPP/C; she/her @SandraWoodsMtl
@Greg_Meyer93 Good luck!! #hcldr
Colin Hung @Colin_Hung
RT @NathanGrunewald: T3 Ways to support friends and families of patients suffering from PTSD: T3 Ways to support friends and families of patients suffering from PTSD: 🔚 @EndTheStigma 🙏Believe 👂 Listen 🤗Empathize 📣Advocate #hcldr
Joe Babaian 🇺🇦 @JoeBabaian
@RareCandace Candace, that's a powerful barrier. Thank you for highlighting this. #hcldr
Gail Zahtz 🇮🇱 @GailZahtz
@pfanderson My point is not just that they can see the difference, but that they are so similar that we have to look for the differences. PTSD is so severe on the brain, that it mimics the same damage caused from TBI. That’s significant. #hcldr
Joe Babaian 🇺🇦 @JoeBabaian
RT @NathanGrunewald: T3 Ways to support friends and families of patients suffering from PTSD: T3 Ways to support friends and families of patients suffering from PTSD: 🔚 @EndTheStigma 🙏Believe 👂 Listen 🤗Empathize 📣Advocate #hcldr
David Shifrin @dshifrin
T3 listen? Give them a space to come to? I don’t know having no experience or expertise, but seems like we have a tendency to try and talk and “do” in too many situations when sometimes (not always) we should just “be.” #hcldr
Prime Health @PrimeHealthCO
Dear #HCLDR family- please help us find the best Startups in Health IT (sorry to interrupt the chat- great topic and great people) Please tag great companies and use our hashtag #PHChallenge19 and best of luck at the chat. #pinksocks Apply Here: https://t.co/hMKGA6I2Gu
Alzheimer's Los Angeles @AlzheimersLA
@esteckler2 @pfanderson @RareCandace Sometimes it helps to have language around stuff like this. Makes me think of disenfranchised grief, which is is a loss or trauma that society doesn't recognize as such. #hcldr
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
RT @drlfarrell:
Joe Babaian 🇺🇦 @JoeBabaian
RT @SandraWoodsMtl: #hcldr T3 We still need much more awareness & education ↔️ Canada's national #BellLetsTalk day is a great example, for all #mentalhealth issues, not only #PTSD ⤵️ Free Conversation Guide available: https://t.co/9XwVx8efIX
Joe Babaian 🇺🇦 @JoeBabaian
RT @BarbyIngle: @hcldr T3 Having healthcare PTSD from failed surgeries & complications myself, I am answering from my experience vs a Vets experience. Give me time 2 work through & research, be patient w me, help keep stress low, let me take lead n final decisions, dont pressure me w ur choice #hcldr
Joe Babaian 🇺🇦 @JoeBabaian
RT @naomi_re_health: T3 #hcldr It’s different for everyone and every experience. But get them care as well; caregiving is hard and the unpredictability that can come with PTSD can be frightening and difficult for families and loved ones as well. Make sure they have resources too.
Bob @RBlount
T3 caring enough to ask the hard questions and being there to actually help. #hcldr
Joe Babaian 🇺🇦 @JoeBabaian
@fsgoldstein 😔 #hcldr
Bob @RBlount
Slipping in the back door late to #hcldr
LauraMarsh@zig4life.com @LauraMarshzig41
What has caused such complexity and why cant we untangle this mess? You are right, when health literate people cant navigate the system ... how can anyone else? This problem cause people to go without care, and for care to be too expensive.
Bonnie C. Sheeren, BCPA @bonniesheeren
@drlfarrell We are definitely in that mode here too---wish we weren't in the same boat. :( #hcldr
Nathan Grunewald MD MBA FACS @NathanGrunewald
@MarioATX_MD @hcldr There is some security in familiarity. #hcldr
Gail Zahtz 🇮🇱 @GailZahtz
@askjoyrios I don’t think so. I mean, it’s like asking the average time of recovering from a physical wound. I’ve had significant wound care, and it’s like watching grass grow sometimes. In both physical and emotional cause of wounds, each is unique. #hcldr
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
@ShereesePubHlth I know folk with autism who have really benefitted from military precision. They always know what the rules are, the rules are clear, there is no ambiguity or confusion #hcldr
Shereese Maynard, MS; MBA 😷 She/Her @ShereeseMayMba
Organizations within the military need to recognize the far-reaching effects of PTSD. There stills seems to be a reactionary approach to the problem. i.e. "if Johnnie commits an evil act, we'll deal with it quietly." #hcldr https://t.co/4Fn1jokTZg
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
RT @esteckler2: T2 I would encourage them to talk w another service man/woman that struggles w PTSD. It can often be less stressful to speak 2 someone that shares similar exp. #hcldr
Joe Babaian 🇺🇦 @JoeBabaian
RT @dshifrin: T3 listen? Give them a space to come to? I don’t know having no experience or expertise, but seems like we have a tendency to try and talk and “do” in too many situations when sometimes (not always) we should just “be.” #hcldr
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
RT @Colin_Hung: @heltweet Thanks for sharing that Helen. #PTSD isn't restricted to veterans. It happens to social workers, clinicians, teachers, anyone. It's important that we don't just associate it with military #hcldr
Naomi, BSc MHSc @NaomiNerdsOut
@pfanderson I’m so sorry you didn’t, and I hope you have people that support you now. I try to draw and write where I can. Healing looks so different for all of us. We all deserve to have peace however that looks. Sending you lots of care and love in your journey. #hcldr
Bob @RBlount
RT @dshifrin: T3 listen? Give them a space to come to? I don’t know having no experience or expertise, but seems like we have a tendency to try and talk and “do” in too many situations when sometimes (not always) we should just “be.” #hcldr
Gail Zahtz 🇮🇱 @GailZahtz
@esteckler2 @askjoyrios And are you saying that with these limited resources the services would be different if the cause would have been different? It seems in my obviously limited experience that a vast number of treatments can or can not work for different people. #hcldr
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
@Colin_Hung @heltweet There are many types of trauma that trigger PTSD, too. There is healthcare PTSD from poor experiences; workplace PTSD from workplace bullying, and so forth. Trauma of all sorts #hcldr
Helen @heltweet
T3 currently here in #Oz we have a push to support men contemplating suicide. Some terrible statistics being brought to Public attention this week. #ptsd can occur in many settings. #PTSD is non gendered and Men need support & personal resilience strategies #Hcldr
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
RT @LisaDani: @pfanderson @GailZahtz @Colin_Hung Taking it at your own pace sounds vital, doing what feels right for you. So glad you are able to talk about it and appreciate that you are sharing with all of us. Our culture needs to get more friendly & understanding, it's only fair and so important to support each other. #hcldr
Fred Goldstein @fsgoldstein
The trauma may be too tough to dig up. Not sure if therapists would agree, but I’ve heard of some people who just decided to let it lie, even with therapy.. #hcldr
Joe Babaian 🇺🇦 @JoeBabaian
RT @heltweet: T3 currently here in #Oz we have a push to support men contemplating suicide. Some terrible statistics being brought to Public attention this week. #ptsd can occur in many settings. #PTSD is non gendered and Men need support & personal resilience strategies #Hcldr
Alzheimer's Los Angeles @AlzheimersLA
This is so important. And knowing that sometimes it takes a bit of trial and error to find the right therapist or the right approach for you. #hcldr https://t.co/EChVVBwdV5
Colin Hung @Colin_Hung
@ShereesePubHlth T3 I would extend that to say that support not only needs to go to the person suffering from #PTSD but the family of that person also needs support. Often they are left to figure it out on their own between sessions/treatments #hcldr
Beth Steckler (she/her) @purplemamabear
T3 answering from my exp as caregiver 1) realize there is med trauma 2) understand it can and does often impact outcomes of care 3) establish a person who kids feel safe w 4) exp things #hcldr
Sandra Woods, CIPP/C; she/her @SandraWoodsMtl
@TheBingle Was it this story? #hcldr https://t.co/nou5Ayk2Gt
Bingle @TheBingle
@LAlupusLady T2 Trust is one of the most difficult things to find. Many talk a good talk. Definitely a most important decision. #hcldr
Gail Zahtz 🇮🇱 @GailZahtz
What more can be done to support PTSD families? So much! The truth is that even in this advocacy chat, I'm aware of the reality of stigma with trauma and PTSD. We talk about removing stigma, but act differently. #hcldr
Joe Babaian 🇺🇦 @JoeBabaian
@heltweet Appreciate you sharing what is happening in #oz #hcldr 💖
Ken Taylor @KenRayTaylor
T3 I think the more educated you are about PTSD, the more you can hellp someone with PTSD. Do you know of any treatments that can be suggested? Do you know how to treat someone with PTSD? Do you know what triggers a person with PTSD? Get educated! #HCLDR #PTSD
Nathan Grunewald MD MBA FACS @NathanGrunewald
@ShereesePubHlth And training in some cases that is designed to repress emotions so as to complete the mission. Eventually those emotions come back and need to be managed. #hcldr
Joe Babaian 🇺🇦 @JoeBabaian
RT @esteckler2: T3 answering from my exp as caregiver 1) realize there is med trauma 2) understand it can and does often impact outcomes of care 3) establish a person who kids feel safe w 4) exp things #hcldr
HCLDR Moderator @hcldr
Repeating T3 What more can be done to support families who have a loved one suffering from #PTSD? #hcldr https://t.co/iDdTXSWi4h
Joe Babaian 🇺🇦 @JoeBabaian
RT @AlzheimersLA: This is so important. And knowing that sometimes it takes a bit of trial and error to find the right therapist or the right approach for you. #hcldr https://t.co/EChVVBwdV5
Joe Babaian 🇺🇦 @JoeBabaian
RT @ShereesePubHlth: Organizations within the military need to recognize the far-reaching effects of PTSD. There stills seems to be a reactionary approach to the problem. i.e. "if Johnnie commits an evil act, we'll deal with it quietly." #hcldr https://t.co/4Fn1jokTZg
Joe Babaian 🇺🇦 @JoeBabaian
RT @fsgoldstein: The trauma may be too tough to dig up. Not sure if therapists would agree, but I’ve heard of some people who just decided to let it lie, even with therapy.. #hcldr
Colin Hung @Colin_Hung
RT @pfanderson: @hcldr They have to find the right person for them, and that may not be the same right person who helped their buddy. Some prefer talk therapy, some prefer doing something active, VR helps a lot, EMDR is getting rave reviews. Lots of options. It's about what works for you #hcldr
Lisa Danielpour @LisaDani
@pfanderson @michaelwroberts Thank you. I feel honored to have known him, he was quick to help others, give of himself and mentor others. I always felt for what he must have lived through and carried. I'm so glad that today we discuss #ptsd and how to help people with it, that's the 1st step #hcldr
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
@LisaDani @GailZahtz @Colin_Hung That's why I'm grateful to be able to say casually, "I have PTSD." Instead of my crying when I say it, or choking up, I'm now surprised when someone else is disturbed by it, because this is just how my world is. #hcldr
Mario Amaro 🐶 (The Private Practice Doc) @MarioATX_MD
@hcldr T3: Trying to understand every aspect of what one is experiencing, thinking, feeling is the absolutely wrong approach. Sometimes it’s better to stick to routine. Act normal providing an indivisible with assigned tasks. But totally come to the table with no expectations. #hcldr
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
RT @GailZahtz: T2- The good part in terms of treatment is that the military has worked with veterans on PTSD since Vietnam and has terrific outcomes. I'm a big fan of EMDR https://t.co/s06oiTrqPg #hcldr
Joe Babaian 🇺🇦 @JoeBabaian
@KenRayTaylor Very well said. Repeating. #hcldr 💯
Joe Babaian 🇺🇦 @JoeBabaian
RT @KenRayTaylor: T3 I think the more educated you are about PTSD, the more you can hellp someone with PTSD. Do you know of any treatments that can be suggested? Do you know how to treat someone with PTSD? Do you know what triggers a person with PTSD? Get educated! #HCLDR #PTSD
Colin Hung @Colin_Hung
RT @hcldr: Repeating T3 What more can be done to support families who have a loved one suffering from #PTSD? #hcldr https://t.co/iDdTXSWi4h
Gail Zahtz 🇮🇱 @GailZahtz
What more can we do? (T3) First be someone safe that can at least listen or lead someone to help. Also, advocacy that mental illness is equal to physical illness. Finally, in PTSD, remember that untreated trauma could lead to violence so stay safe. #hcldr
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
@GailZahtz I keep hearing amazing things about EMDR. At one point I didn't think I could handle it, because of having to relive the trauma, but I feel differently about it now. #hcldr
Alzheimer's Los Angeles @AlzheimersLA
Know that you need to prioritize your own self-care so that you can better show up for your loved ones. Taking time for yourself is not selfish. #hcldr https://t.co/H9ysSloUjT
Bob @RBlount
Not just the direct family - the care team (close friends).
Gail Zahtz 🇮🇱 @GailZahtz
@pfanderson @LisaDani @Colin_Hung You have so much courage. #hcldr
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
RT @SandraWoodsMtl: T2 #hcldr Beware of "treatment" claims that seem too good to be true ⤵️ "devices made claims about health conditions, including #PTSD, depression, #chronicpain, and ALS" ↔️ Without "the evidence to back that up" https://t.co/TnBli9nQdX by @meggophone
Joe Babaian 🇺🇦 @JoeBabaian
RT @GailZahtz: What more can we do? (T3) First be someone safe that can at least listen or lead someone to help. Also, advocacy that mental illness is equal to physical illness. Finally, in PTSD, remember that untreated trauma could lead to violence so stay safe. #hcldr
Alzheimer's Los Angeles @AlzheimersLA
RT @GailZahtz: What more can be done to support PTSD families? So much! The truth is that even in this advocacy chat, I'm aware of the reality of stigma with trauma and PTSD. We talk about removing stigma, but act differently. #hcldr
Joe Babaian 🇺🇦 @JoeBabaian
RT @AlzheimersLA: Know that you need to prioritize your own self-care so that you can better show up for your loved ones. Taking time for yourself is not selfish. #hcldr https://t.co/H9ysSloUjT
Colin Hung @Colin_Hung
RT @GailZahtz: What more can we do? (T3) First be someone safe that can at least listen or lead someone to help. Also, advocacy that mental illness is equal to physical illness. Finally, in PTSD, remember that untreated trauma could lead to violence so stay safe. #hcldr
Mariah Obiedzinski @MariahWrites
RT @AlzheimersLA: Know that you need to prioritize your own self-care so that you can better show up for your loved ones. Taking time for yourself is not selfish. #hcldr https://t.co/H9ysSloUjT
Kistein Monkhouse, MPA @KisteinM
@hcldr T1: I met a #veteran last year who showed me his amputated leg, share his journey of loosing friends in combat. In addition to suffering from #PTSD ultimately becoming homeless as he returned home after serving his country #sdoh #hcldr
Greg Meyer @Greg_Meyer93
#KansasCity and #Lawrence just a bit earlier tonight. Sounds like might have been an F5. https://t.co/R1h8GoO54A. Yikes!!! #HCLDR
Sandra Woods, CIPP/C; she/her @SandraWoodsMtl
@pfanderson @Colin_Hung @heltweet #hcldr Then there's C-PTSD, for Complex #PTSD; situations in which a child was abused by an adult who should have been trustworthy⤵️ Parent, physician, priest/minister, coach, teacher... https://t.co/NoX3AyE7WL
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
@dshifrin @GailZahtz Not a lot, but it's interesting https://t.co/3ZmTiyzjnH #hcldr #ptsd
Joe Babaian 🇺🇦 @JoeBabaian
@AECothron This makes my heart happy. #hcldr
Gail Zahtz 🇮🇱 @GailZahtz
@pfanderson It was unbelievably terrific for me for what it does best. Some generalists say they do EMDR and I would steer clear. I’ve found it’s best for a specific cause (e.g. a trauma that’s leading to night terrors) and effective with an EMDR specialist. #hcldr
Kistein Monkhouse, MPA @KisteinM
@MarioATX_MD @hcldr Thank you for your service Mario #hcldr
Bob @RBlount
T3: Exactly. Most people don’t know what to look for and wouldn’t know what to do. #hcldr
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
RT @fsgoldstein: One of the cool programs and worth looking at is Warrior Expeditions they have had a number of Vets hike the Florida Trail and i believe they set up support including with mental health counselors along the way https://t.co/rr40VSil7I #hcldr
Bingle @TheBingle
That's It! #hcldr
Colin Hung @Colin_Hung
@AECothron @GeriLynn is a big advocate for family caregivers - they need support too. Everyone can heal when given time, space and the tools to cope/thrive #hcldr
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
RT @GailZahtz: @askjoyrios Not to my understanding. I do know there is a difference in impact and treatments with one time trauma and “long term- repetitive trauma”. But what happens to the brain in TBI or PTSD is it gets stuck in the “fight or flight” mode and can’t get out. #hcldr
Joe Babaian 🇺🇦 @JoeBabaian
RT @pfanderson: @dshifrin @GailZahtz Not a lot, but it's interesting https://t.co/3ZmTiyzjnH #hcldr #ptsd
Colin Hung @Colin_Hung
RT @KenRayTaylor: T3 I think the more educated you are about PTSD, the more you can hellp someone with PTSD. Do you know of any treatments that can be suggested? Do you know how to treat someone with PTSD? Do you know what triggers a person with PTSD? Get educated! #HCLDR #PTSD
Joe Babaian 🇺🇦 @JoeBabaian
@pfanderson @dshifrin @GailZahtz Thanks for the source Patricia! #hcldr
Joe Babaian 🇺🇦 @JoeBabaian
RT @SandraWoodsMtl: @pfanderson @Colin_Hung @heltweet #hcldr Then there's C-PTSD, for Complex #PTSD; situations in which a child was abused by an adult who should have been trustworthy⤵️ Parent, physician, priest/minister, coach, teacher... https://t.co/NoX3AyE7WL
Alzheimer's Los Angeles @AlzheimersLA
If people talk to you about their trauma, or about their stress caring for someone with a trauma, all you have to do is listen. You don't have to fix it, or offer a "silver lining", or anything like that. Just hold space and be a supportive ear. #hcldr
Stephen Dolle @TheTrenches2024
@hcldr T3 #hcldr For sensory SPD challenges with PTSD, I've authored a detailed blog on SPD with useful sound sensory info. I personally carry the MigraineX ear plugs with me everywhere, and put them in to minimize sensory complaints from difficult sound. https://t.co/Yb5SKHK5kN
Bonnie C. Sheeren, BCPA @bonniesheeren
@Greg_Meyer93 BE SO VERY CAREFUL!!! #hcldr
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
@esteckler2 @askjoyrios @GailZahtz It makes a difference in the context of choosing a therapy and a therapist, but not for the brain scan. #hcldr
Joe Babaian 🇺🇦 @JoeBabaian
@Greg_Meyer93 Not. Cool. Scary as all get out. #hcldr
Joe Babaian 🇺🇦 @JoeBabaian
RT @drlfarrell:
Lisa Danielpour @LisaDani
@TheBingle Yes, the Vietnam experience must have been incredibly difficult. I love watching the pleasure connecting with other Vietnam veterans + younger veterans. Sharing experiences as time passes. You see impact in lives so many years later. Shameful to claim served if didn't. #hcldr
Bingle @TheBingle
Yup! #hcldr
Bob @RBlount
@RareCandace Good point and a sad reality. #hcldr
Joe Babaian 🇺🇦 @JoeBabaian
@drlfarrell Wow, well stated my friend. TY. #hcldr
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
RT @KenRayTaylor: T2 Use multiple options. Behavior therapy, ketamine infusions, mindfulness techniques and many more. Some options are easier to exercise than others. Trust the advice of others but verify if you can. #HCLDR
Gail Zahtz 🇮🇱 @GailZahtz
More on what we can do- there's a lot of emphasis put on "surviving"- having courage in battle, or getting through abuse or sickness. We need to honor people's long term healing after the public victory. (T3) #hcldr
Fred Goldstein @fsgoldstein
T3 one also needs to recognize that the trauma experienced by the one with PTSD when shared with other family or friends, can be very tough for them to deal with as well. To know what someone else went through can be heart wrenching #hcldr
Colin Hung @Colin_Hung
@Greg_Meyer93 Seriously Greg. I hope you, your family and all the folks at @Cerner HQ stay safe! #hcldr
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
RT @GailZahtz: On treatment options (T2) of PTSD: On treatment options (T2) of PTSD: I believe that the trauma can cause longer term damage than the event- whether emotional or physical. Thus the healing can take a long time. People need to respect the process and learn to be gentle with themselves. #hcldr
Colin Hung @Colin_Hung
RT @fsgoldstein: T3 one also needs to recognize that the trauma experienced by the one with PTSD when shared with other family or friends, can be very tough for them to deal with as well. To know what someone else went through can be heart wrenching #hcldr
Beth Steckler (she/her) @purplemamabear
RT @SandraWoodsMtl: @pfanderson @Colin_Hung @heltweet #hcldr Then there's C-PTSD, for Complex #PTSD; situations in which a child was abused by an adult who should have been trustworthy⤵️ Parent, physician, priest/minister, coach, teacher... https://t.co/NoX3AyE7WL
Gail Zahtz 🇮🇱 @GailZahtz
@salrasa Actually, dentists are a great example. I don’t see a lot of education in #MedEd being done in dental, though clearly @pfanderson would know better than me; yet it’s a prime place for a flashback! #hcldr
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
@GailZahtz I've heard that a LOT. I think most agree that PTSD is often more damaging than the initial trauma #hcldr
Colin Hung @Colin_Hung
@fsgoldstein T3 You are so right Fred. #PTSD is not the burden of just the person suffering. It's the kids, parents, partners and co-workers too. Giving them support helps everyone involved #hcldr
HCLDR Moderator @hcldr
Almost time for our final question. Let’s get ready for T4 in just 1 minute! #hcldr
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
@StorkBrian @hcldr Yes, but also be gentle with yourself and work through it slowly. For people with a trauma history, reading about trauma can be triggering. #hcldr
Gail Zahtz 🇮🇱 @GailZahtz
@pfanderson I think so. And thus I think when we’re looking at it, we have to look at the long and not so straight road of recovery from the trauma after. #hcldr
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
RT @AlzheimersLA: Old traumas can become present again in people living with a dementia. Caregivers need support in understanding how to navigate that while also protecting their own mental health. #hcldr
Alzheimer's Los Angeles @AlzheimersLA
"The idea of overcoming is always fascinating to me. It's fascinating because few of us realize how much energy we have expended just to be here today. I don't think we give ourselves enough credit for the overcoming." -Maya Angelou #hcldr https://t.co/fMDtzmveQf
Joe Babaian 🇺🇦 @JoeBabaian
RT @fsgoldstein: T3 one also needs to recognize that the trauma experienced by the one with PTSD when shared with other family or friends, can be very tough for them to deal with as well. To know what someone else went through can be heart wrenching #hcldr
Joe Babaian 🇺🇦 @JoeBabaian
RT @pfanderson: @StorkBrian @hcldr Yes, but also be gentle with yourself and work through it slowly. For people with a trauma history, reading about trauma can be triggering. #hcldr
Joe Babaian 🇺🇦 @JoeBabaian
RT @AlzheimersLA: "The idea of overcoming is always fascinating to me. It's fascinating because few of us realize how much energy we have expended just to be here today. I don't think we give ourselves enough credit for the overcoming." -Maya Angelou #hcldr https://t.co/fMDtzmveQf
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
@AlzheimersLA I was just talking about that! One of my neighbors had Alzheimers, and kept reliving battles from WWII #hcldr
HCLDR Moderator @hcldr
T4 How might we end the stigma that admitting you need help = admitting you are weak? #hcldr https://t.co/nek16nPv6o
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
RT @SandraWoodsMtl: T2 #hcldr Many treatment approaches to PTSD can be similar to those for neuropathic #chronicpain, as with my #CRPS ↔️ e.g. Virtual reality, guided imagery, etc. ⤵️ Not one size fits all, so you may need to try different methods to find one that helps you https://t.co/isuuw9L4du
Fred Goldstein @fsgoldstein
I think sometimes we need to say its okay to not “battle” it or “fight” it, there are feelings in there, support them. #hcldr
Joe Babaian 🇺🇦 @JoeBabaian
RT @hcldr: T4 How might we end the stigma that admitting you need help = admitting you are weak? #hcldr https://t.co/nek16nPv6o
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
RT @SandraWoodsMtl: @TheBingle Was it this story? #hcldr https://t.co/nou5Ayk2Gt
Barby Ingle Official @BarbyIngle
@hcldr T4 We can help end mental health stigma w belief w/o first hand experience of what the person w PTSD went through. Accept that we dont have their experience at the same time, honor their right to be the emotional and physical being they are and recognize needed supports #hcldr
Gail Zahtz 🇮🇱 @GailZahtz
@pfanderson @StorkBrian @hcldr This week, when I've been doing this work with the human trafficking family, every single conversation- whether family or service provider, people have to take a break. It's overwhelming just talking about it. #hcldr
Gail Zahtz 🇮🇱 @GailZahtz
RT @AlzheimersLA: "The idea of overcoming is always fascinating to me. It's fascinating because few of us realize how much energy we have expended just to be here today. I don't think we give ourselves enough credit for the overcoming." -Maya Angelou #hcldr https://t.co/fMDtzmveQf
Mariah Obiedzinski @MariahWrites
RT @hcldr: T4 How might we end the stigma that admitting you need help = admitting you are weak? #hcldr https://t.co/nek16nPv6o
Joe Babaian 🇺🇦 @JoeBabaian
RT @fsgoldstein: I think sometimes we need to say its okay to not “battle” it or “fight” it, there are feelings in there, support them. #hcldr
Gail Zahtz 🇮🇱 @GailZahtz
@AlzheimersLA Love!! #hcldr
Mariah Obiedzinski @MariahWrites
RT @GailZahtz: @pfanderson @StorkBrian @hcldr This week, when I've been doing this work with the human trafficking family, every single conversation- whether family or service provider, people have to take a break. It's overwhelming just talking about it. #hcldr
Nathan Grunewald MD MBA FACS @NathanGrunewald
T4 The more we discuss, share and normalize the conversation regarding mental health the faster we will @EndTheStigma. #hcldr (photo: https://t.co/xNApmXikqA) https://t.co/8A5fE882Us
Alzheimer's Los Angeles @AlzheimersLA
@AECothron That's a good one. Also: "I can only imagine how hard that is" and "you must have been really stressed/scared/anxious." #hcldr
Joe Babaian 🇺🇦 @JoeBabaian
@fsgoldstein Fred, many thanks for this thoughtful comment. Yes. #hcldr
couragesings @couragesings
Also, while not specific to trauma, I’d encourage everyone to read this amazing article on research related to resilience and how it’s the environment/resources that matter: https://t.co/64uXpyNMhF #hcldr
couragesings @couragesings
Fund treatment. I’m not a Vet, but a #pt with #ptsd from my experiences. Treatment is inaccessible unless people have $$$$. When I inquired at low cost place, they said they didn’t have someone qualified enough to deal with my level of trauma. #hcldr
Reinhart Gauss @ReinhartG
RT @drlfarrell:
Joe Babaian 🇺🇦 @JoeBabaian
RT @NathanGrunewald: T4 The more we discuss, share and normalize the conversation regarding mental health the faster we will @EndTheStigma. #hcldr (photo: https://t.co/xNApmXikqA) https://t.co/8A5fE882Us
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
@AlzheimersLA Except it is SO HARD to change therapists. It may be easier to stick with a not great therapist for you, just to avoid having to say it all again. It's really really hard to say these things the first few times #hcldr
Ian Pereira @IanJPereira
RT @NathanGrunewald: T4 The more we discuss, share and normalize the conversation regarding mental health the faster we will @EndTheStigma. #hcldr (photo: https://t.co/xNApmXikqA) https://t.co/8A5fE882Us
Gail Zahtz 🇮🇱 @GailZahtz
Yes, that’s what I’m saying. I do in my own case say comfortably that I was a warrior with cancer- that’s my own choice, others make different choices. But the healing from any trauma is much more about a long and gentle process. #hcldr
Joe Babaian 🇺🇦 @JoeBabaian
RT @BarbyIngle: @hcldr T4 We can help end mental health stigma w belief w/o first hand experience of what the person w PTSD went through. Accept that we dont have their experience at the same time, honor their right to be the emotional and physical being they are and recognize needed supports #hcldr
Sandra Woods, CIPP/C; she/her @SandraWoodsMtl
@AECothron Exactly! And don't compare. Just listen to them. No "Have you tried this, or this, or that?"... #hcldr https://t.co/n5nzj82DWV
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
RT @esteckler2: T3 answering from my exp as caregiver 1) realize there is med trauma 2) understand it can and does often impact outcomes of care 3) establish a person who kids feel safe w 4) exp things #hcldr
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
RT @KenRayTaylor: T3 I think the more educated you are about PTSD, the more you can hellp someone with PTSD. Do you know of any treatments that can be suggested? Do you know how to treat someone with PTSD? Do you know what triggers a person with PTSD? Get educated! #HCLDR #PTSD
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
RT @NathanGrunewald: @ShereesePubHlth And training in some cases that is designed to repress emotions so as to complete the mission. Eventually those emotions come back and need to be managed. #hcldr
Alzheimer's Los Angeles @AlzheimersLA
RT @pfanderson: @AlzheimersLA I was just talking about that! One of my neighbors had Alzheimers, and kept reliving battles from WWII #hcldr
Jo Diddley @jot_au
RT @GailZahtz: More on what we can do- there's a lot of emphasis put on "surviving"- having courage in battle, or getting through abuse or sickness. We need to honor people's long term healing after the public victory. (T3) #hcldr
Jo Diddley @jot_au
RT @GailZahtz: Yes, that’s what I’m saying. I do in my own case say comfortably that I was a warrior with cancer- that’s my own choice, others make different choices. But the healing from any trauma is much more about a long and gentle process. #hcldr
Bob @RBlount
T4 @fsgoldstein nailed it - saying it’s ok is a good place to start #hcldr
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
RT @LisaDani: @pfanderson @michaelwroberts Thank you. I feel honored to have known him, he was quick to help others, give of himself and mentor others. I always felt for what he must have lived through and carried. I'm so glad that today we discuss #ptsd and how to help people with it, that's the 1st step #hcldr
Bingle @TheBingle
T3 Group discussions with Families perhaps seeing some same situations they're dealing with can help find solutions. #hcldr
Joy Rios @askjoyrios
@Colin_Hung @fsgoldstein I feel like this is accurate for people going through all kinds of trials & tribulations, not just those with #PTSD #hcldr
Alzheimer's Los Angeles @AlzheimersLA
@GailZahtz h/t @norarahimian who posted it earlier today. #hcldr
Bingle @TheBingle
RT @MariahWrites: T2: T2: Always get a second opinion for mental health issues like #ptsd. Never settle for non-action, and lean on people youtrust as advocates. #hcldr #mentalhealth
Fred Goldstein @fsgoldstein
Thanks @JoeBabaian and this plays right into T4 - If its looked at as a “battle", or “surviving" or “fighting”, then if you can’t overcome.. you are in effect weak, that causes the stigma. Who wants that label? #hcldr
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
@LisaDani @michaelwroberts Chats like this are essential in reducing stigma. Reducing stigma is critical in making it possible for people to seek out and access care. #hcldr
Bob @RBlount
Yes, listen... listen... listen
Joe Babaian 🇺🇦 @JoeBabaian
@GailZahtz Exactly! Words matter and we don't place our words on to others! Everyone has agency and what works for me, might not for you. And that's ok. 💖 #hcldr #cancer #ptsd cc @pfanderson
Joe Babaian 🇺🇦 @JoeBabaian
RT @GailZahtz: Yes, that’s what I’m saying. I do in my own case say comfortably that I was a warrior with cancer- that’s my own choice, others make different choices. But the healing from any trauma is much more about a long and gentle process. #hcldr
Alzheimer's Los Angeles @AlzheimersLA
@pfanderson That's very true. And there are a lot of privileges in being able to try different therapists and approaches. Wish there was a better way. #hcldr
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
RT @fsgoldstein: The trauma may be too tough to dig up. Not sure if therapists would agree, but I’ve heard of some people who just decided to let it lie, even with therapy.. #hcldr
Alzheimer's Los Angeles @AlzheimersLA
RT @pfanderson: @AlzheimersLA Except it is SO HARD to change therapists. It may be easier to stick with a not great therapist for you, just to avoid having to say it all again. It's really really hard to say these things the first few times #hcldr
Gail Zahtz 🇮🇱 @GailZahtz
The T4 is tricky for me to answer- it's about what we can do to end the stigma. Brutal honesty- we were doing huge "end the stigma" campaigns in the start of my career in the 90's. Sometimes I wonder if we've grown at all towards this. #hcldr
Mariah Obiedzinski @MariahWrites
RT @pfanderson: @LisaDani @michaelwroberts Chats like this are essential in reducing stigma. Reducing stigma is critical in making it possible for people to seek out and access care. #hcldr
Stephen Dolle @TheTrenches2024
@hcldr T3 #hcldr Cognitive Accessibility and doing your best to see you don't become overwhelmed by cognitive demands is also very critical. This spans time & task management apps, big focus on being ORGANIZED. Anticipate & prepare. Learn when to say "no" & let ppl and challenges go!
Joe Babaian 🇺🇦 @JoeBabaian
RT @fsgoldstein: Thanks @JoeBabaian and this plays right into T4 - If its looked at as a “battle", or “surviving" or “fighting”, then if you can’t overcome.. you are in effect weak, that causes the stigma. Who wants that label? #hcldr
Lisa Danielpour @LisaDani
@NathanGrunewald @EndTheStigma Yes! I think continuing public education about #PTSD, that it is "normal" for a veteran to have different experiences with it & that impacts each person uniquely. Previous generations ie Vietnam didn't think of it that way. Thank you for service & here's how we could help #hcldr
Bob @RBlount
It sure is! #hcldr
Colin Hung @Colin_Hung
RT @ProfessorMac: @hcldr T3 #hcldr Cognitive Accessibility and doing your best to see you don't become overwhelmed by cognitive demands is also very critical. This spans time & task management apps, big focus on being ORGANIZED. Anticipate & prepare. Learn when to say "no" & let ppl and challenges go!
Mariah Obiedzinski @MariahWrites
RT @TheBingle: T3 Group discussions with Families perhaps seeing some same situations they're dealing with can help find solutions. #hcldr
Sandra Woods, CIPP/C; she/her @SandraWoodsMtl
#hcldr T4 Research has shown that the terminology - our words - matter, particularly in health & medicine ↔️ If you heard a person suffering with a mental health illness being described tomorrow as "crazy", "psycho", "screwy"⤵️ What would YOU do? We can ALL help eradicate this https://t.co/gZRO11aH6E
Greg Meyer @Greg_Meyer93
We're pretty much in the clear in my area now. Twister reformed just 3 miles north, but not near as big. Dodged a bullet. Thanks for your prayers!!! #HCLDR
Joe Babaian 🇺🇦 @JoeBabaian
@fsgoldstein Labels suck. Hallways with no exit suck. We can do better. #hcldr
Colin Hung @Colin_Hung
RT @hcldr: T4 How might we end the stigma that admitting you need help = admitting you are weak? #hcldr https://t.co/nek16nPv6o
Gail Zahtz 🇮🇱 @GailZahtz
@DebraLindh It’s a really tough process, and it’s just not a straight line. Honoring you for working with people regularly on this! It’s hard on the providers too I think. #hcldr
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
@fsgoldstein Give them time. If their mind and body insist it is coming out, it will. You an only suppress it through force of will for so long. Letting it lie can be very healthy, if it isn't time yet #hcldr
Mario Amaro 🐶 (The Private Practice Doc) @MarioATX_MD
@hcldr T4: Those in positions of authority to first lead with this mindset that acknowledging emotions and vulnerability is not a weakness but a strength. Especially during combat where the unknown expectation is death or victory. Where it’s ok to show emotions before tragedy. #hcldr
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
RT @fsgoldstein: Thanks @JoeBabaian and this plays right into T4 - If its looked at as a “battle", or “surviving" or “fighting”, then if you can’t overcome.. you are in effect weak, that causes the stigma. Who wants that label? #hcldr
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
RT @fsgoldstein: I think sometimes we need to say its okay to not “battle” it or “fight” it, there are feelings in there, support them. #hcldr
Joe Babaian 🇺🇦 @JoeBabaian
RT @SandraWoodsMtl: #hcldr T4 Research has shown that the terminology - our words - matter, particularly in health & medicine ↔️ If you heard a person suffering with a mental health illness being described tomorrow as "crazy", "psycho", "screwy"⤵️ What would YOU do? We can ALL help eradicate this https://t.co/gZRO11aH6E
Colin Hung @Colin_Hung
RT @MarioATX_MD: @hcldr T4: @hcldr T4: Those in positions of authority to first lead with this mindset that acknowledging emotions and vulnerability is not a weakness but a strength. Especially during combat where the unknown expectation is death or victory. Where it’s ok to show emotions before tragedy. #hcldr
Gail Zahtz 🇮🇱 @GailZahtz
@JoeBabaian @pfanderson Thank you Joe! Words do matter, but part of giving respect to people and honoring their process, is understanding that just like every individual experiences an event differently, so too they may use different words to empower them. #hcldr
Joe Babaian 🇺🇦 @JoeBabaian
RT @GailZahtz: The T4 is tricky for me to answer- it's about what we can do to end the stigma. Brutal honesty- we were doing huge "end the stigma" campaigns in the start of my career in the 90's. Sometimes I wonder if we've grown at all towards this. #hcldr
Reinhart Gauss @ReinhartG
@drlfarrell Sooo true Liam. Wish I had #HCLDR amazing people around when I was taking care of my parents. Without a doubt it would have helped to cope
Joe Babaian 🇺🇦 @JoeBabaian
RT @GailZahtz: @JoeBabaian @pfanderson Thank you Joe! Words do matter, but part of giving respect to people and honoring their process, is understanding that just like every individual experiences an event differently, so too they may use different words to empower them. #hcldr
Shereese Maynard, MS; MBA 😷 She/Her @ShereeseMayMba
RT @JoeBabaian: @fsgoldstein Labels suck. Hallways with no exit suck. We can do better. #hcldr
Bob @RBlount
@AECothron Sad. This remains an issue everywhere. #hcldr
David Shifrin @dshifrin
@BarbyIngle @hcldr This starts in childhood, represents a larger cultural shift. Teaching kids that the boy with Downs, the girl in the wheelchair are our friends and just do life a little differently than we do. We love even if we don’t understand. Same extends to mental health. #hcldr
Gail Zahtz 🇮🇱 @GailZahtz
So what we have been saying for (cough) 20 years on reducing stigma (T4) is making it as easy as possible for people to get help, and to know that there isn't weakness in getting help. Education as always helps. #hcldr
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
@GailZahtz @LisaDani @Colin_Hung I am sometimes told that, but I am really just doing what I can minute to minute. There are times I can't. There are times I can. Act when I can. Don't blame yourself when you can't. It's not about being brave. It's about being whole. #hcldr
Hannah Jackson @theefallen1Han
RT @JoeBabaian: @fsgoldstein Labels suck. Hallways with no exit suck. We can do better. #hcldr
Sandra Woods, CIPP/C; she/her @SandraWoodsMtl
RT @pfanderson: @LisaDani @michaelwroberts Chats like this are essential in reducing stigma. Reducing stigma is critical in making it possible for people to seek out and access care. #hcldr
Colin Hung @Colin_Hung
T4 I'd start by recognizing that there is Stigma. You can't help end it if you refuse to acknowledge it's there. If you find yourself backing away. Stop. Reflect on your reaction. Adjust #hcldr
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
RT @KisteinM: @hcldr T1: @hcldr T1: I met a #veteran last year who showed me his amputated leg, share his journey of loosing friends in combat. In addition to suffering from #PTSD ultimately becoming homeless as he returned home after serving his country #sdoh #hcldr
Joe Babaian 🇺🇦 @JoeBabaian
@GailZahtz @pfanderson Exactly! One person is a warrior in their fight, while another is a poet exploring their reality. 💖💖 #hcldr
Colin Hung @Colin_Hung
RT @GailZahtz: So what we have been saying for (cough) 20 years on reducing stigma (T4) is making it as easy as possible for people to get help, and to know that there isn't weakness in getting help. Education as always helps. #hcldr
nora, the anticapitalist business coach @norarahimian
Anyone who's ever done the actual work of getting help and working on their healing knows that it takes a lot of courage. There's nothing weak about seeking support. #hcldr
Joe Babaian 🇺🇦 @JoeBabaian
RT @GailZahtz: So what we have been saying for (cough) 20 years on reducing stigma (T4) is making it as easy as possible for people to get help, and to know that there isn't weakness in getting help. Education as always helps. #hcldr
Colin Hung @Colin_Hung
RT @JoeBabaian: @GailZahtz Exactly! Words matter and we don't place our words on to others! Everyone has agency and what works for me, might not for you. And that's ok. 💖 #hcldr #cancer #ptsd cc @pfanderson
Bob @RBlount
Alzheimer's Los Angeles @AlzheimersLA
RT @norarahimian: Anyone who's ever done the actual work of getting help and working on their healing knows that it takes a lot of courage. There's nothing weak about seeking support. #hcldr
HCLDR Moderator @hcldr
Repeating T4 How might we end the stigma that admitting you need help = admitting you are weak? #hcldr https://t.co/XfPsXBNr24
Colin Hung @Colin_Hung
RT @norarahimian: Anyone who's ever done the actual work of getting help and working on their healing knows that it takes a lot of courage. There's nothing weak about seeking support. #hcldr
Alzheimer's Los Angeles @AlzheimersLA
RT @Colin_Hung: T4 I'd start by recognizing that there is Stigma. You can't help end it if you refuse to acknowledge it's there. If you find yourself backing away. Stop. Reflect on your reaction. Adjust #hcldr
Gail Zahtz 🇮🇱 @GailZahtz
@pfanderson @LisaDani @Colin_Hung I am saying that you have courage to talk about it. I’m not saying that getting through it is courageous (though it is) because I’ve been there too, way too many times. For me, I just had to show up, each day- show up and do my best. Recently I think that’s courage too. #hcldr
Colin Hung @Colin_Hung
RT @hcldr: Repeating T4 How might we end the stigma that admitting you need help = admitting you are weak? #hcldr https://t.co/XfPsXBNr24
Joe Babaian 🇺🇦 @JoeBabaian
@DebraLindh @GailZahtz Hi Debra, good to see you with us tonight! #hcldr
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
@KisteinM @hcldr I just read this "sci-fi" graphic novel on PTSD in a homeless vet who was a part time medic https://t.co/0S0FX03FHz A beautiful and thinly veiled story of our times #hcldr
Fred Goldstein @fsgoldstein
Another difficulty is “How do you know the therapist is not good?” or that another is better. These issues are multi-level complicated. So making a change may or may not be right, it’s hard… #hcldr #NoSilverBullet
Joe Babaian 🇺🇦 @JoeBabaian
RT @DebraLindh: @GailZahtz Gail, excellent message: Respect thr process and be gentle with themselves. I used the phrases:
Joe Babaian 🇺🇦 @JoeBabaian
RT @GailZahtz: On treatment options (T2) of PTSD: On treatment options (T2) of PTSD: I believe that the trauma can cause longer term damage than the event- whether emotional or physical. Thus the healing can take a long time. People need to respect the process and learn to be gentle with themselves. #hcldr
Alzheimer's Los Angeles @AlzheimersLA
Virtual communities can be a great place to begin seeking support. As you learn that you're not alone, stigma can weaken. #hcldr
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
RT @SandraWoodsMtl: @pfanderson @Colin_Hung @heltweet #hcldr Then there's C-PTSD, for Complex #PTSD; situations in which a child was abused by an adult who should have been trustworthy⤵️ Parent, physician, priest/minister, coach, teacher... https://t.co/NoX3AyE7WL
Joe Babaian 🇺🇦 @JoeBabaian
RT @fsgoldstein: Another difficulty is “How do you know the therapist is not good?” or that another is better. These issues are multi-level complicated. So making a change may or may not be right, it’s hard… #hcldr #NoSilverBullet
Joe Babaian 🇺🇦 @JoeBabaian
RT @norarahimian: Anyone who's ever done the actual work of getting help and working on their healing knows that it takes a lot of courage. There's nothing weak about seeking support. #hcldr
Alzheimer's Los Angeles @AlzheimersLA
RT @GailZahtz: @AlzheimersLA Love!! #hcldr
Joe Babaian 🇺🇦 @JoeBabaian
@norarahimian Nora, exactly! 💖 #hcldr
Sandra Woods, CIPP/C; she/her @SandraWoodsMtl
#hcldr Gotta go, thanks everyone for a fantastic chat! Hugs to @Colin_Hung for a the blog post/topic, and to @JoeBabaian for being our wingman 🤗 https://t.co/ufoQU1ABM0
Gail Zahtz 🇮🇱 @GailZahtz
On reducing stigma and related conversations that have developed, we can only be as understanding of others as we can be of ourselves. If we are all patients, then we can all be gentle with our pasts. That's easier said than done. #hcldr
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
@SandraWoodsMtl @Colin_Hung @heltweet Thank you. I was avoiding bringing this up tonight, but I am awfully glad you did #hcldr
Nathan Grunewald MD MBA FACS @NathanGrunewald
Kudos to @Colin_Hung & @JoeBabaian for moderating such an important topic, #PTSD, and including our military service men + women as the focus. Thank you. #hcldr 👊🌈😃🚀
Colin Hung @Colin_Hung
RT @pfanderson: @KisteinM @hcldr I just read this "sci-fi" graphic novel on PTSD in a homeless vet who was a part time medic https://t.co/0S0FX03FHz A beautiful and thinly veiled story of our times #hcldr
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
RT @GailZahtz: @pfanderson It was unbelievably terrific for me for what it does best. Some generalists say they do EMDR and I would steer clear. I’ve found it’s best for a specific cause (e.g. a trauma that’s leading to night terrors) and effective with an EMDR specialist. #hcldr
Colin Hung @Colin_Hung
@pfanderson @KisteinM @hcldr Thanks for sharing Patricia. I'll have to check it out. #hcldr
Ken Taylor @KenRayTaylor
T4 Takes courage 2 admit you need help. Most stigma's come from the weak minded that are to lazy to research. Dale Carnegie's quote "Any fool can criticize, condemn and complain - and most fools do. But it takes character and self-control to be understanding and forgiving. #HCLDR
Alzheimer's Los Angeles @AlzheimersLA
RT @pfanderson: @Colin_Hung @heltweet There are many types of trauma that trigger PTSD, too. There is healthcare PTSD from poor experiences; workplace PTSD from workplace bullying, and so forth. Trauma of all sorts #hcldr
Joe Babaian 🇺🇦 @JoeBabaian
@SandraWoodsMtl @Colin_Hung Have a great night my friend! 💖 #hcldr
Alzheimer's Los Angeles @AlzheimersLA
RT @Colin_Hung: @heltweet Thanks for sharing that Helen. #PTSD isn't restricted to veterans. It happens to social workers, clinicians, teachers, anyone. It's important that we don't just associate it with military #hcldr
Joe Babaian 🇺🇦 @JoeBabaian
RT @KenRayTaylor: T4 Takes courage 2 admit you need help. Most stigma's come from the weak minded that are to lazy to research. Dale Carnegie's quote "Any fool can criticize, condemn and complain - and most fools do. But it takes character and self-control to be understanding and forgiving. #HCLDR
Joe Babaian 🇺🇦 @JoeBabaian
RT @NathanGrunewald: Kudos to @Colin_Hung & @JoeBabaian for moderating such an important topic, #PTSD, and including our military service men + women as the focus. Thank you. #hcldr 👊🌈😃🚀
Gail Zahtz 🇮🇱 @GailZahtz
@fsgoldstein I think people should know that they have a right to say that a particular therapist isn't the best fit for them. Just like no 2 people are alike, their experience with trauma isn't the same, and they may need different hcp styles. #hcldr
Colin Hung @Colin_Hung
@NathanGrunewald @JoeBabaian Thanks Nathan. We try to tackle relevant topics...and tough ones. Even though some of us (like myself) don't have direct experience. It's still incumbent upon us to talk about it IMHO. #hcldr
Michael W. Roberts @michaelwroberts
@pfanderson @KisteinM @hcldr Adding this to my list to read #hcldr
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
RT @drlfarrell:
David Shifrin @dshifrin
RT @NathanGrunewald: Kudos to @Colin_Hung & @JoeBabaian for moderating such an important topic, #PTSD, and including our military service men + women as the focus. Thank you. #hcldr 👊🌈😃🚀
Colin Hung @Colin_Hung
RT @DebraLindh:
Gail Zahtz 🇮🇱 @GailZahtz
@pfanderson In what way? #hcldr
Joe Babaian 🇺🇦 @JoeBabaian
@NathanGrunewald @Colin_Hung Nathan, you always humble us! You are so welcome and are truely what makes #hcldr, #hcldr!
Shereese Maynard, MS; MBA 😷 She/Her @ShereeseMayMba
Thanks for this important conversation @Colin_Hung @JoeBabaian. if anyone's interested, we're continuing the discussion on #Htreads next. I'll see you all next week, same time, same channel #hcldr https://t.co/TWBQlDZRIZ
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
RT @GailZahtz: More on what we can do- there's a lot of emphasis put on "surviving"- having courage in battle, or getting through abuse or sickness. We need to honor people's long term healing after the public victory. (T3) #hcldr
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
RT @GailZahtz: Yes, that’s what I’m saying. I do in my own case say comfortably that I was a warrior with cancer- that’s my own choice, others make different choices. But the healing from any trauma is much more about a long and gentle process. #hcldr
Naomi, BSc MHSc @NaomiNerdsOut
T4 #hcldr Better education surrounding it - let people know what it actually is, what it actually does, what it looks like - and change the culture to be a healing one. I don't have the answers for all the things that need to change to take us there.
Bingle @TheBingle
Amazing that stigma gets in the way in this day and age. Many with autism are excellent with computers. #hcldr
Kistein Monkhouse, MPA @KisteinM
@Colin_Hung T4: Great Point Colin and TY for brining this topic to #hcldr! ++ Really appreciate the fact that cultural norms about #mentalhealth is shifting away from #Stigma
Joe Babaian 🇺🇦 @JoeBabaian
RT @pfanderson: @SandraWoodsMtl @Colin_Hung @heltweet Thank you. I was avoiding bringing this up tonight, but I am awfully glad you did #hcldr
Mia Anika @Mia_Anika_
RT @norarahimian: Anyone who's ever done the actual work of getting help and working on their healing knows that it takes a lot of courage. There's nothing weak about seeking support. #hcldr
Gail Zahtz 🇮🇱 @GailZahtz
@pfanderson I’ll give a personal example. I kept reliving a night when my son was almost beaten to death (domestic violence). Nightmares, couldn’t stop thinking that I could have done more. For me, EMDR was fabulous at helping me understand that night differently. #hcldr
Bonnie C. Sheeren, BCPA @bonniesheeren
@AECothron SO TRUE!!! #hcldr
Bob @RBlount
Thank you, @JoeBabaian and @Colin_Hung @hcldr you guys rock as always! #hcldr
5 Reasons to Put Physicians in Charge of Hospitals: https://t.co/bPRJz6MVh4 #healthcare #leadership #hcldr
HCLDR Moderator @hcldr
That’s a wrap. Thank you for joining the #hcldr tweetchat tonight. Your time, tweets and comments are greatly appreciated!
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
@GailZahtz It's about relationships. About finding someone you love who loves you anyway. Maybe a parent or a child, a spouse or a friend. Someone. Nothing heals trauma better than healthy relationships #hcldr
Gail Zahtz 🇮🇱 @GailZahtz
@pfanderson But on a different note, I’ve found that NET, when one is ready, can be super difficult, but really impactful at helping re-write the narrative of a life with traumas- literally re-understanding the narrative of my life. They have different goals and results. #hcldr
Fred Goldstein @fsgoldstein
Absolutely and as you get at meeting needs and feeling comfortable may or may not lead to a therapeutic approach that works for any one person. #hcldr
nora, the anticapitalist business coach @norarahimian
Art & culture can help us better understand and talk about difficult topics and traumas. There's a long list of examples of how soap operas & other tv shows used entertainment-education models to address stigmatized topics & normalize them. #hcldr
Barby Ingle Official @BarbyIngle
@dshifrin @hcldr Totally agree @dshifrin I believe we need 2 teach starting n preschool, age appropriate health info, acceptance of differences & help stop stigma before it starts. #hcldr - 4 instance I thought my sister Marby & I were twins until I was n 2ndGrade a kid pointed out R differences https://t.co/yMV10ZCGvx
Mario Amaro 🐶 (The Private Practice Doc) @MarioATX_MD
@NathanGrunewald @Colin_Hung @JoeBabaian Double kudos. Thanks @Colin_Hung and @JoeBabaian for hosting #hcldr
Solome Tibebu @SolomeTibebu
RT @norarahimian: Anyone who's ever done the actual work of getting help and working on their healing knows that it takes a lot of courage. There's nothing weak about seeking support. #hcldr
Colin Hung @Colin_Hung
RT @fsgoldstein: Absolutely and as you get at meeting needs and feeling comfortable may or may not lead to a therapeutic approach that works for any one person. #hcldr
David Shifrin @dshifrin
Bedtime for the kiddo, see y’all next time. Such an important topic and so well handled by all here. Thanks especially to those sharing their personal experiences and allowing us to learn from you. #hcldr #PTSD
Joe Babaian 🇺🇦 @JoeBabaian
@bonniesheeren @AECothron Good seeing you tonight Bonnie! #hcldr
Colin Hung @Colin_Hung
RT @pfanderson: @GailZahtz It's about relationships. About finding someone you love who loves you anyway. Maybe a parent or a child, a spouse or a friend. Someone. Nothing heals trauma better than healthy relationships #hcldr
Neelam Sharma, RHIT @Nee2Sha
@norarahimian Absolutely!! #hcldr
HCLDR Moderator @hcldr
Don’t forget to use the #hcldr hashtag during week for interesting healthcare/leadership posts, pics, articles & news
Alzheimer's Los Angeles @AlzheimersLA
RT @norarahimian: Art & culture can help us better understand and talk about difficult topics and traumas. There's a long list of examples of how soap operas & other tv shows used entertainment-education models to address stigmatized topics & normalize them. #hcldr
Joe Babaian 🇺🇦 @JoeBabaian
RT @naomi_re_health: T4 #hcldr Better education surrounding it - let people know what it actually is, what it actually does, what it looks like - and change the culture to be a healing one. I don't have the answers for all the things that need to change to take us there.
Colin Hung @Colin_Hung
@RBlount @JoeBabaian @hcldr Thanks for that Bob. We appreciate all your support ! #Hcldr
Naomi, BSc MHSc @NaomiNerdsOut
Thank you to @Colin_Hung @JoeBabaian @hcldr for creating this space to talk about such an important topic, and making it safe enough that I and others felt safe to share our own personal experiences. It means a lot. #hcldr
Bonnie C. Sheeren, BCPA @bonniesheeren
@JoeBabaian @AECothron I should be around the rest of the summer after a hectic May! #hcldr
Gail Zahtz 🇮🇱 @GailZahtz
@pfanderson It is, and sometimes the relationships are those with professionals, and sometimes with people we love for other reasons. I think it can take many relationships to heal from trauma. #hcldr
Colin Hung @Colin_Hung
RT @ShereesePubHlth: Thanks for this important conversation @Colin_Hung @JoeBabaian. if anyone's interested, we're continuing the discussion on #Htreads next. I'll see you all next week, same time, same channel #hcldr https://t.co/TWBQlDZRIZ
Ian Pereira @IanJPereira
@AECothron In some ways similar to Canada's public healthcare system (can't comment on our military health system). In cancer we've instituted navigators for breast, GI, and lung cancers. Not sure if a simpler system could save this. #hcldr #cdnpoli T1
Gail Zahtz 🇮🇱 @GailZahtz
@fsgoldstein I hold what I said earlier, that different therapies can be the right answer at different times for people along their journey. There’s no one answer for everyone nor one answer for a single person all of the time. #hcldr
Alzheimer's Los Angeles @AlzheimersLA
@norarahimian We did this with our Lost Memories mini-series. In English and Spanish. #hcldr
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
@GailZahtz @salrasa My daughter has dental phobia and PTSD. https://t.co/83MejpBQyB It's a horribly damaging thing to have any healthcare PTSD because it stops you from getting needed care #hcldr
Alzheimer's Los Angeles @AlzheimersLA
RT @fsgoldstein: Another difficulty is “How do you know the therapist is not good?” or that another is better. These issues are multi-level complicated. So making a change may or may not be right, it’s hard… #hcldr #NoSilverBullet
Bob @RBlount
Agreed! I posted on this topic today. #mentalhealth needs to be integrated into schools. #hcldr
Joe Babaian 🇺🇦 @JoeBabaian
@bonniesheeren @AECothron Happy Dance! And coffee, soon! #hcldr
Colin Hung @Colin_Hung
@naomi_re_health @JoeBabaian @hcldr Thank YOU for sharing Naomi. Creating a safe space is a question of logistics. To share a personal story takes courage. #hcldr
Alzheimer's Los Angeles @AlzheimersLA
RT @GailZahtz: @fsgoldstein I hold what I said earlier, that different therapies can be the right answer at different times for people along their journey. There’s no one answer for everyone nor one answer for a single person all of the time. #hcldr
Barby Ingle Official @BarbyIngle
RT @RBlount: Agreed! I posted on this topic today. #mentalhealth needs to be integrated into schools. #hcldr
HCLDR Moderator @hcldr
Tune in next week when we have a very extra-special guest host...@JoeBabaian has the big reveal! #hcldr
Fred Goldstein @fsgoldstein
Thanks @Colin_Hung, @JoeBabaian and everyone else. All i can say is wow. That was a tweet chat I actually felt. #hcldr
Joe Babaian 🇺🇦 @JoeBabaian
@naomi_re_health @Colin_Hung @hcldr So appreciate your support! Thank you for the very kind words! #hcldr 💖
Alzheimer's Los Angeles @AlzheimersLA
RT @drlfarrell:
Joe Babaian 🇺🇦 @JoeBabaian
RT @naomi_re_health: Thank you to @Colin_Hung @JoeBabaian @hcldr for creating this space to talk about such an important topic, and making it safe enough that I and others felt safe to share our own personal experiences. It means a lot. #hcldr
Mariah Obiedzinski @MariahWrites
RT @hcldr: Tune in next week when we have a very extra-special guest host...@JoeBabaian has the big reveal! #hcldr
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
@GailZahtz @salrasa Vivid images of dental phobia and dental PTSD #hcldr https://t.co/i9E9KYort9
Bonnie C. Sheeren, BCPA @bonniesheeren
@JoeBabaian @AECothron Or Happy Hour w/ @Zindoctor and other Houston peeps? #hcldr
Gail Zahtz 🇮🇱 @GailZahtz
I had saved this to share for #hcldr I know that canine therapy was to be discussed, this is about equine therapy https://t.co/Pb4gtWDvPF for PTSD for vets.
Bob @RBlount
@RareCandace Wow, so sorry for you loss. 😥 #hcldr
Naomi, BSc MHSc @NaomiNerdsOut
@Colin_Hung @JoeBabaian @hcldr I'm in a place where I can, and I know that it helped me to feel not alone when I heard people talking about their experiences. If I can help break the stigma around it, just a little, then I've done good. #hcldr
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
RT @AlzheimersLA: "The idea of overcoming is always fascinating to me. It's fascinating because few of us realize how much energy we have expended just to be here today. I don't think we give ourselves enough credit for the overcoming." -Maya Angelou #hcldr https://t.co/fMDtzmveQf
Colin Hung @Colin_Hung
@AECothron @hcldr Thank you for being here Annaliese. Conversation is the precusor to action! WE all need to support and learn from each other #hcldr
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
RT @AlzheimersLA: If people talk to you about their trauma, or about their stress caring for someone with a trauma, all you have to do is listen. You don't have to fix it, or offer a "silver lining", or anything like that. Just hold space and be a supportive ear. #hcldr
Naomi, BSc MHSc @NaomiNerdsOut
@JoeBabaian @Colin_Hung @hcldr It's always lovely to be here and surrounded (digitally) by such lovely humans. #hcldr
Joe Babaian 🇺🇦 @JoeBabaian
@RBlount @Colin_Hung @hcldr Thanks Bob! Just reflecting the company we keep, eh? 💖 #hcldr #pinksocks
Alzheimer's Los Angeles @AlzheimersLA
RT @GailZahtz: @fsgoldstein I think people should know that they have a right to say that a particular therapist isn't the best fit for them. Just like no 2 people are alike, their experience with trauma isn't the same, and they may need different hcp styles. #hcldr
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
RT @hcldr: T4 How might we end the stigma that admitting you need help = admitting you are weak? #hcldr https://t.co/nek16nPv6o
Colin Hung @Colin_Hung
@fsgoldstein @JoeBabaian Thanks for saying that Fred. We love your voice and your insights. Appreciate your support my friend! #hcldr
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
RT @BarbyIngle: @hcldr T4 We can help end mental health stigma w belief w/o first hand experience of what the person w PTSD went through. Accept that we dont have their experience at the same time, honor their right to be the emotional and physical being they are and recognize needed supports #hcldr
Alzheimer's Los Angeles @AlzheimersLA
@GailZahtz @fsgoldstein And one thing we can do is support people in making those changes and trying different styles if that's what they choose to do. #hcldr
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
RT @GailZahtz: @pfanderson @StorkBrian @hcldr This week, when I've been doing this work with the human trafficking family, every single conversation- whether family or service provider, people have to take a break. It's overwhelming just talking about it. #hcldr
Joe Babaian 🇺🇦 @JoeBabaian
@AECothron @hcldr You are so welcome. This means so much to hear. #hcldr
Reinhart Gauss @ReinhartG
RT @naomi_re_health: Thank you to @Colin_Hung @JoeBabaian @hcldr for creating this space to talk about such an important topic, and making it safe enough that I and others felt safe to share our own personal experiences. It means a lot. #hcldr
Alzheimer's Los Angeles @AlzheimersLA
RT @DebraLindh:
Joe Babaian 🇺🇦 @JoeBabaian
@fsgoldstein @Colin_Hung Ever grateful for your support and friendship Fred. #hcldr
Ian Pereira @IanJPereira
@naomi_re_health I can only imagine how hard healthcare systems are for vets who entered the military because of poor social determinants and leave with the same in addition to #MentalHealth issues. Our systems are not set up for poor #SDOH that conventional culture seems to promote. #hcldr T1
Gail Zahtz 🇮🇱 @GailZahtz
Fast as always. A bit closer to home than I prepared myself for. Thank you as always for the gentle and consistent leadership of @Colin_Hung @JoeBabaian and everyone at #hcldr who are just terrific people beyond professional and personal experiences!
Joe Babaian 🇺🇦 @JoeBabaian
RT @GailZahtz: I had saved this to share for #hcldr I know that canine therapy was to be discussed, this is about equine therapy https://t.co/Pb4gtWDvPF for PTSD for vets.
Stephen Dolle @TheTrenches2024
@hcldr T2 #hcldr Sound level apps are handy to have on hand as it helps the affected individual with SPD & STSD know their noise level threshold. I've used the Smart Tools app for 7 years. They have a nice Pro Tools package. Here's a blog I wrote on this topic: https://t.co/HhLhnIjuRH
Fred Goldstein @fsgoldstein
RT @AlzheimersLA: @GailZahtz @fsgoldstein And one thing we can do is support people in making those changes and trying different styles if that's what they choose to do. #hcldr
Joe Babaian 🇺🇦 @JoeBabaian
@bonniesheeren @AECothron @Zindoctor Or both! #hcldr 💖
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
@GailZahtz @StorkBrian @hcldr Yes, yes, yes. A year ago we released a video game to try to help prevent young adults with autism from being at risk from online predators. Making that game, doing the research, having the conversations with people who lived through it ... was so stressful, so hard #hcldr
Joe Babaian 🇺🇦 @JoeBabaian
@hcldr Absolutely! Can't wait! #hcldr 💖
Naomi, BSc MHSc @NaomiNerdsOut
@IanJPereira I'm from the US, though I live in Canada. It's awful, because it costs the world, the VA is inefficient, and it's set up to cost you your bank account and your health, physical and mental. It's a supremely broken system. #hcldr
Fred Goldstein @fsgoldstein
.@GailZahtz thanks for your very insightful comments. #hcldr
Akiko @pelucia82
@IanJPereira @AECothron I think that alternative medicine supports traditional medicine #hcldr
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
@GailZahtz @StorkBrian @hcldr And the hardest part was for the person who lived through being trafficked who was helping us and advising us on the game design. I feel guilty sometimes for having accepted their help, because it was so hard on them #hcldr
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
RT @NathanGrunewald: T4 The more we discuss, share and normalize the conversation regarding mental health the faster we will @EndTheStigma. #hcldr (photo: https://t.co/xNApmXikqA) https://t.co/8A5fE882Us
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
RT @AlzheimersLA: @AECothron That's a good one. Also: @AECothron That's a good one. Also: "I can only imagine how hard that is" and "you must have been really stressed/scared/anxious." #hcldr
Michael W. Roberts @michaelwroberts
Thank you to all the #hcldr folks. You continue to broaden my horizons on a weekly basis!
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
RT @couragesings: Fund treatment. I’m not a Vet, but a #pt with #ptsd from my experiences. Treatment is inaccessible unless people have $$$$. When I inquired at low cost place, they said they didn’t have someone qualified enough to deal with my level of trauma. #hcldr
Joe Babaian 🇺🇦 @JoeBabaian
@GailZahtz @Colin_Hung Gail, your comments hit home, I'm so glad that this was helpful and safe for you and all. #hcldr
Gail Zahtz 🇮🇱 @GailZahtz
@fsgoldstein Thank you so much! I really appreciate your thoughtful conversation! #hcldr
Bonnie C. Sheeren, BCPA @bonniesheeren
@JoeBabaian @AECothron @Zindoctor Coffee in the morning and then beer at 5 pm? Sounds like a plan! :) #hcldr
Colin Hung @Colin_Hung
@RareCandace Sorry to hear that Candace. Those anniversaries are sad...but sometimes they can trigger happy memories too. Thank you for sharing #hcldr
Gail Zahtz 🇮🇱 @GailZahtz
@pfanderson @StorkBrian @hcldr The state wide domestic violence organization that I work with, think very highly of- one of the things they do very well is all staff of every position go through at least monthly trainings on the impact of others' trauma on their own selves. #hcldr
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
@couragesings Actually, seconding this. If the insurance pays, you can forget, it can go away. If insurance doesn't pay, and you have to fight for coverage, every single step along that path is traumatic, forcing you to relive those awful pain-fill moments on the edge of death & horror #hcldr
Bingle @TheBingle
T4 The stigma attached to men crying is and has been a big dilemma especially for older persons growing up in an environment where men don't show feelings. #hcldr
couragesings @couragesings
RT @pfanderson: @couragesings Actually, seconding this. If the insurance pays, you can forget, it can go away. If insurance doesn't pay, and you have to fight for coverage, every single step along that path is traumatic, forcing you to relive those awful pain-fill moments on the edge of death & horror #hcldr
David Shifrin @dshifrin
@BarbyIngle @hcldr 🙌🏻 this is the greatest thing. Ever. #hcldr
Travis Hiles, M.D., FASA @t_hiles
RT @EMARIANOMD: 5 Reasons to Put Physicians in Charge of Hospitals: 5 Reasons to Put Physicians in Charge of Hospitals: https://t.co/bPRJz6MVh4 #healthcare #leadership #hcldr
Gail Zahtz 🇮🇱 @GailZahtz
@pfanderson @StorkBrian @hcldr So I'm talking to a social worker who's been assigned to represent the 2 kids (it's a cross state case- involving human trafficking task forces, cps, police in both states) she took it really hard- I told her to call me anytime, the trauma of others can be shocking. #hcldr
RT @GailZahtz: @pfanderson But on a different note, I’ve found that NET, when one is ready, can be super difficult, but really impactful at helping re-write the narrative of a life with traumas- literally re-understanding the narrative of my life. They have different goals and results. #hcldr
Gail Zahtz 🇮🇱 @GailZahtz
@pfanderson @StorkBrian @hcldr So this is another interesting (and painful) part of human trafficking that I’ve learned this week. Many of the people who are helping and related to the situation, were trafficked themselves. So helping these kids re-ignites their own PTSD. #hcldr
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
@JoeBabaian @GailZahtz Or both. :) I do a ton of martial arts, and knowing that I can fight, how, has kept me out of other bad situations. I have stories ... #hcldr
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
RT @norarahimian: Anyone who's ever done the actual work of getting help and working on their healing knows that it takes a lot of courage. There's nothing weak about seeking support. #hcldr
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
RT @GailZahtz: @pfanderson @LisaDani @Colin_Hung I am saying that you have courage to talk about it. I’m not saying that getting through it is courageous (though it is) because I’ve been there too, way too many times. For me, I just had to show up, each day- show up and do my best. Recently I think that’s courage too. #hcldr
Joe Babaian 🇺🇦 @JoeBabaian
@RareCandace Candace, touched by your always real sharing. TY. #hcldr
Gail Zahtz 🇮🇱 @GailZahtz
@JoeBabaian @Colin_Hung Thanks Joe. I really am not so into sharing personal, except when I think it can help others. And this topic, it’s impacted me personally a lot, not just professionally, and if I can help others from personal understanding, then it’s an honor to do so. #hcldr
Bingle @TheBingle
RT @BarbyIngle: @hcldr T4 We can help end mental health stigma w belief w/o first hand experience of what the person w PTSD went through. Accept that we dont have their experience at the same time, honor their right to be the emotional and physical being they are and recognize needed supports #hcldr
Joe Babaian 🇺🇦 @JoeBabaian
@bonniesheeren @AECothron @Zindoctor Ha! #hcldr 💖
Bingle @TheBingle
RT @KenRayTaylor: T4 Takes courage 2 admit you need help. Most stigma's come from the weak minded that are to lazy to research. Dale Carnegie's quote "Any fool can criticize, condemn and complain - and most fools do. But it takes character and self-control to be understanding and forgiving. #HCLDR
Joe Babaian 🇺🇦 @JoeBabaian
RT @GailZahtz: Fast as always. A bit closer to home than I prepared myself for. Thank you as always for the gentle and consistent leadership of @Colin_Hung @JoeBabaian and everyone at #hcldr who are just terrific people beyond professional and personal experiences!
Gail Zahtz 🇮🇱 @GailZahtz
@DebraLindh Are you saying that the projection of stigma is in others or in the “patient” or both? In both cases, how do we stop at the moment and say we’re projecting stigma? I’m interested also how we can stop projecting stigma at a systemic level. #hcldr
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