#HCLDR Transcript

Healthcare social media transcript of the #HCLDR hashtag.
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See #HCLDR Influencers/Analytics.

HCLDR Moderator @hcldr
Behind this blue box is @JoeBabaian – your #hcldr chat moderator tonight calling in from Houston.
HCLDR Moderator @hcldr
Hello and welcome everyone to the weekly Healthcare Leadership Tweet Chat #hcldr
Joe Babaian πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ @JoeBabaian
@susanwoolner Welcome Susan! #hcldr
Dan Dunlop @dandunlop
I’m looking forward to tonight’s #hcldr Twitter chat! I’ll be here live with @Colin_Hung @Meg_Lugo and others. Attending #hmps18 in Salt Lake City. #pinksocks
Enlightening Results πŸ’‘ @GraceCordovano
Hi @JoeBabaian! Topic is on point tonight. #hcldr never disappoints
Joe Babaian πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ @JoeBabaian
@dandunlop @Colin_Hung @Meg_Lugo Sounds great Dan! Woo! #hcldr
Amanda G @LAlupusLady
RT @hcldr: Hello and welcome everyone to the weekly Healthcare Leadership Tweet Chat #hcldr
Joe Babaian πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ @JoeBabaian
@GraceCordovano Grace, thank you! We're excited and I am happy to see you! :) #hcldr
Susan Woolner, CPXP @susanwoolner
@JoeBabaian Thank you so much Joe! Another great topic tonight #hcldr
HCLDR Moderator @hcldr
Tonight Colin will my amazing wingman @colin_hung #hcldr
HCLDR Moderator @hcldr
For the next hour we’ll be discussing: Authentic Listening in Healthcare. #hcldr blog has more - https://t.co/kq13XcYgiw
Amanda G @LAlupusLady
Healthy and Happy #LupusAwarenessMonth to the #hcldr community. πŸ¦‹
Enlightening Results πŸ’‘ @GraceCordovano
Hello #hcldr friends! Grace, board certified patient advocate & #PtExp enhancer, joining from beautiful NJ.
Jon McBride 🌴 @jamcbride
Hello from the West Coast #hcldr! I am *listening* and may contribute if I can.
Joe Babaian πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ @JoeBabaian
@LAlupusLady Welcome Amanda! #hcldr
Amanda G @LAlupusLady
RT @hcldr: For the next hour we’ll be discussing: For the next hour we’ll be discussing: Authentic Listening in Healthcare. #hcldr blog has more - https://t.co/kq13XcYgiw
Susan Woolner, CPXP @susanwoolner
RT @dandunlop: I’m looking forward to tonight’s #hcldr Twitter chat! I’ll be here live with @Colin_Hung @Meg_Lugo and others. Attending #hmps18 in Salt Lake City. #pinksocks
Laura Appel @lauradianeappel
It is 79f and still sunny here in East Lansing for #hcldr tweetchat.
Joe Babaian πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ @JoeBabaian
@jamcbride Hi there Jon! Doing ok? :) #hcldr
Dan Dunlop @dandunlop
Hi @JoeBabaian and the rest of the #hcldr community. This is Dan Dunlop joining you from #hmps18 in Salt Lake City.
HCLDR Moderator @hcldr
Let’s start off with some introductions! #hcldr
HCLDR Moderator @hcldr
For those new to #hcldr - every week we gather at 8:30pm ET to discuss interesting & relevant healthcare topics
Joe Babaian πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ @JoeBabaian
@2healthguru Welcome Gregg! #hcldr
Larry Gioia πŸ”  @LGin412
Hey all! #LG2 here from trivia night @newampgh πŸ™‹πŸ»β€β™‚οΈ Excited to be back for tonight’s tweet chat! Luca and I have been out of the flow for a few weeks, but we’re back! Flipping between #Pens Game 3 and yinz! Looking forward! #LG2 #hcldr #ABCD #pinksocks https://t.co/n536AwFUlT
Colin Hung @Colin_Hung
Running to join @dandunlop to participate in #hcldr in-person! #HMPS18
Enlightening Results πŸ’‘ @GraceCordovano
@dandunlop @Colin_Hung @Meg_Lugo Hi Dan! Sounds like a wonderful time! #hcldr
Susan Woolner, CPXP @susanwoolner
@K_SalemOaks @JoeBabaian @savvy_coop @gnayyar @Jk_Jeffery @dandunlop @RasuShrestha @RBlount @nickisnpdx @natarpr @andrewintech @2healthguru @GraceCordovano Take care Kevin, your job tonight sounds like a very important one. #hcldr
Joe Babaian πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ @JoeBabaian
@lauradianeappel Sounds good Laura! Michigan peeps! #hcldr
Enlightening Results πŸ’‘ @GraceCordovano
@lauradianeappel Hi Laura! It's so great when it's finally beautiful out. #hcldr
Dan Dunlop @dandunlop
RT @hcldr: Tonight Colin will my amazing wingman @colin_hung #hcldr
Joe Babaian πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ @JoeBabaian
RT @LGin412: Hey all! #LG2 here from trivia night @newampgh πŸ™‹πŸ»β€β™‚οΈ Excited to be back for tonight’s tweet chat! Luca and I have been out of the flow for a few weeks, but we’re back! Flipping between #Pens Game 3 and yinz! Looking forward! #LG2 #hcldr #ABCD #pinksocks https://t.co/n536AwFUlT
HCLDR Moderator @hcldr
We usually have 4 topics/questions that we discuss together as a community. #hcldr
HCLDR Moderator @hcldr
The #hcldr chat lasts 1hr and is designed to educate and promote professional development in healthcare.
Susan Woolner, CPXP @susanwoolner
RT @Science37x: In "Nothing About Me Without Me β€” 20 Years Later," @MightyCasey looks at patient-centered care, shared decision making, and other catchphrases to see if we've made any headway in the past 20 years. #hcldr https://t.co/699AR58nkx
Joe Babaian πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ @JoeBabaian
@LGin412 @newampgh Definitely happy to see you Larry! #hcldr
Jon McBride 🌴 @jamcbride
@JoeBabaian Yes! Staying super busy like everyone, but happy to be able to join tonight! Hope you are well!!! #hcldr
Joe Babaian πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ @JoeBabaian
@Colin_Hung @dandunlop Super! #hcldr
Kate Gillmer @kate_gillmer
Hey everyone! Kate from @JenningsHealth here. Looking forward to tonight's discussion. #hcldr
Enlightening Results πŸ’‘ @GraceCordovano
Hi @Colin_Hung! Hope Salt Lake is treating you well. #hcldr
Joe Babaian πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ @JoeBabaian
@kate_gillmer @jenningshealth Hi Kate! #hcldr
Joe Babaian πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ @JoeBabaian
@2healthguru @WrldHealthcare @fsgoldstein @eFuturist Sounds like you are pretty busy! #hcldr
Enlightening Results πŸ’‘ @GraceCordovano
@jamcbride @JoeBabaian Great to see you John! #hcldr
HCLDR Moderator @hcldr
While intros continue, I’ll go over some #hcldr tweetchat guidelines.
HCLDR Moderator @hcldr
You can read more about each week’s topic on the #hcldr blog https://t.co/ZgftfgtJ6c
Nathan Grunewald MD MBA FACS @NathanGrunewald
Finally able to enjoy a #hcldr tweetchat sitting outside in the nice weather of #Wisconsin.
CJ @calisaac
RT @LGin412: Hey all! #LG2 here from trivia night @newampgh πŸ™‹πŸ»β€β™‚οΈ Excited to be back for tonight’s tweet chat! Luca and I have been out of the flow for a few weeks, but we’re back! Flipping between #Pens Game 3 and yinz! Looking forward! #LG2 #hcldr #ABCD #pinksocks https://t.co/n536AwFUlT
Sally James @jamesian
Hello #hcldr, I'm joining from #seattle where I write about research, mostly.
Joe Babaian πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ @JoeBabaian
@NathanGrunewald Hello Nathan! Great! #hcldr
Monica Stout, She/Her/Hers @MI_turnaround
Hello #HCLDR! It's been awhile! I planned to be 100% present tonight, but my dog decided to jump on a table and eat a box of raisins while we were outside, so I had to rush to the vet with a doggy and toddler in tow. This is probably my dog's 7th or 8th brush with death. Pets! 😩
Jon McBride 🌴 @jamcbride
@2healthguru @WrldHealthcare @fsgoldstein @eFuturist Hello Gregg! You have been busy busy! #hcldr
Meghan Lugo @Meg_Lugo
RT @dandunlop: I’m looking forward to tonight’s #hcldr Twitter chat! I’ll be here live with @Colin_Hung @Meg_Lugo and others. Attending #hmps18 in Salt Lake City. #pinksocks
Susan Woolner, CPXP @susanwoolner
RT @Colin_Hung: Welcome to the #pinksocks tribe @ciaogalchicago Love your energy and drive to improve healthcare. #HITMC #hcldr #HITsm #HMPS18 https://t.co/6roU4o78al
Joe Babaian πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ @JoeBabaian
@jamesian Welcome Sally, happy to see you! #hcldr
Stacey Tinianov (she/her) MPH, BCPA @coffeemommy
Popping in to say "howdy" to the #hcldr crew. Love & light all around. πŸ’– And, pertinent to tonight's topic, listening is critical... for all parties involved.
Enlightening Results πŸ’‘ @GraceCordovano
@LGin412 @newampgh Great to see you Larry! Hope the little guy is doing well. #hcldr
Joe Babaian πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ @JoeBabaian
@MI_turnaround Hey Monica! Sorry to hear that, hope he gets well. #hcldr
HCLDR Moderator @hcldr
We assume all tweets during #hcldr are your own & not those of your employer (unless specifically expressed)
Savvy Puppets @savvypuppets
Hello #hcldr friends! We would love to join the convo, but we are filling our little heads with talks of #blockchain at #MIGlobal. Puppets gotta learn to get ahead! Have a great discussion! https://t.co/D5MtsuG6vi
Nathan Grunewald MD MBA FACS @NathanGrunewald
@quickmuse Agree! #HCLDR
Jon McBride 🌴 @jamcbride
@GraceCordovano @JoeBabaian You as well!! #hcldr
Joe Babaian πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ @JoeBabaian
@coffeemommy Great seeing you Stacey, as always :) #hcldr
Enlightening Results πŸ’‘ @GraceCordovano
@coffeemommy Hi Stacey! Great to see you tonight! #hcldr
Bingle @TheBingle
It's great when "the professionals" listen. Finally Mr G listened and we had Sunny Warm NY Day! Bingle joining in tonight w/PtExp. #hcldr
Sally James @jamesian
@JoeBabaian Glad to be here, in digital space. Using the word "here" loosely. #hcldr
Joe Babaian πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ @JoeBabaian
@quickmuse Ken, wow, we appreciate that so much. Thank you doesn't even cover it. :) #hcldr
Mariah Obiedzinski @MariahWrites
Mariah from @MedTouch here! Living the #healthcare #content dream. #hcldr
Joe Babaian πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ @JoeBabaian
@savvypuppets You'll be missed!! :) #hcldr
HCLDR Moderator @hcldr
We have 4 questions tonight labeled T1, T2, T3, & T4. Watch this blue circle to know which question we are on #hcldr
Enlightening Results πŸ’‘ @GraceCordovano
@MI_turnaround Oh dear lord! Never a dull moment. I hope the pup is going to be ok, #hcldr
Susan Woolner, CPXP @susanwoolner
@nicole_bohr welcome Nicole! Glad you could join us tonight #hcldr
Joe Babaian πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ @JoeBabaian
@TheBingle Hi Bingle! #hcldr
Sandra Woods, CIPP/C; she/her @SandraWoodsMtl
@JoeBabaian @TomVargheseJr @ProfAmyE @TextraHealth @mkatewarnock @LorriThanos @EMRAnswers @pfanderson @choo_ek @jamcbride #hcldr Grrrrreart topic tonight, but I'll miss the chat! Just heading out... https://t.co/zCvgrwbmZU
Joe Babaian πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ @JoeBabaian
@MariahWrites @MedTouch Sounds wonderful Mariah! Happy to see you my friend! #hcldr
Susan Woolner, CPXP @susanwoolner
@lauradianeappel It was a gorgeous day today without a doubt. #hcldr
Inspire @InspireIsHealth
Hello #HCLDR, John Novack from Inspire checking in.
Enlightening Results πŸ’‘ @GraceCordovano
@TheBingle Hey neighbor! Spectacular weather today β˜€οΈ #hcldr
Benjamin Isgur @bisgur
Thanks @LGin412 for the reminder #hcldr. Happy to be here.
John Lynn @techguy
@BeckyGoplin @jenningshealth @healthmktr @dandunlop @Colin_Hung Totally #jelly #HMPS18 #hcldr
Joe Babaian πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ @JoeBabaian
@SandraWoodsMtl @TomVargheseJr @ProfAmyE @TextraHealth @mkatewarnock @LorriThanos @EMRAnswers @pfanderson @choo_ek @jamcbride Ahh, too bad Sandra! Hope to see you back soon! #hcldr
HCLDR Moderator @hcldr
Please label your answers with the appropriate T1, T2, T3, or T4 label. This will make our transcript easier to read #hcldr
HCLDR Moderator @hcldr
We have a lot of remarkable folks on tonight & lots of ideas will be shared – please try to stay on topic. #hcldr
Chuck Webster MD, MS AI, MS Systems Engineering @wareFLO
Chuck, workflow, 3D printing, virtual reality, here for #hcldr! BTW today's 2nd #socialVR series of #HealthSystemsChat was well received (w/participants from our #hcldr #hitsm community!) Now that cheap #VR headsets are available, hope to see more of you! https://t.co/H8eqqFqrNA
Mariah Obiedzinski @MariahWrites
@JoeBabaian @MedTouch Bonjour, Joe! #hcldr
Heather McCullen @H_SalemOaks
Hi #hcldr, joining from Ann Arbor, MI. I represent @SalemOaks, we improve communication between patients and researchers by giving patients the tools they need. I'm very interested in insights from tonights topic.
Bingle @TheBingle
@JoeBabaian Hi JB, Colin & all! #hcldr
Rasu Shrestha MD MBA @RasuShrestha
Hi #HCLDR family. What an awesome topic of our chat tonight. https://t.co/Gxh4T9CwxI #empathy #pinksocks https://t.co/1mXTpXlALA
Joe Babaian πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ @JoeBabaian
@H_SalemOaks @SalemOaks Hi there Heather! #hcldr
Christina Lizaso @btrfly12
RT @hcldr: For the next hour we’ll be discussing: For the next hour we’ll be discussing: Authentic Listening in Healthcare. #hcldr blog has more - https://t.co/kq13XcYgiw
Alexis Todd-Dinac @AlexisToddNY
Excited to jump in tonight's #hcldr chat.
Monica Stout, She/Her/Hers @MI_turnaround
@GraceCordovano We are having a bad week for pets. Really sick elderly cat and now a doggy with a death wish. #HCLDR
Lisa Davis Budzinski @lisadbudzinski
Hi everyone! Lisa here from Florida. Co-founder of @Cpnervecenter , #stroke & #cancer survivor Advocating from #PatientPerspective. Expert by Experience over 30+yrs #hcldr
Sean Erreger, LCSW @StuckonSW
RT @jameyedwards: #Telemedicine 3.0 is here. At ATA18, Telemedicine Moves From a Possibility to a Necessity https://t.co/aL5MTF1cmD @mHealthIntel @eriwick #HumanizeHealthcare #hcldr #pinksocks #Telehealth #mHealth #DigitalHealth #ATA18 #HLTH2018 @amazon @Walmart @Walgreens @CVSHealth https://t.co/y6rHw66C2H
Inspire @InspireIsHealth
RT @hcldr: For the next hour we’ll be discussing: For the next hour we’ll be discussing: Authentic Listening in Healthcare. #hcldr blog has more - https://t.co/kq13XcYgiw
Joe Babaian πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ @JoeBabaian
@bisgur @LGin412 Welcome Benjamin, great having you. #hcldr
Amanda G @LAlupusLady
RT @RasuShrestha: Hi #HCLDR family. What an awesome topic of our chat tonight. https://t.co/Gxh4T9CwxI #empathy #pinksocks https://t.co/1mXTpXlALA
Dan Dunlop @dandunlop
@teaminspire Hi John. Good to see you. #hcldr
Health Equity and Community Engagement Research @mayoclinic_cenr
#HCLDR https://t.co/i7s4deqftd
Sunnie Southern @SunnieSouthern
Hello #HCLDR community! Checking in from #Cleveland after an informative and fun 2 days #Dev4Health w/ @boltyboy & many other #healthIT rockstars!
Patient Critical Co-op @PatientCritical
PJ Mierau here for PatientCritical healthcare advocacy & education co-op. Ready to hashtag & RT with you #hcldr
Joe Babaian πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ @JoeBabaian
@mayoclinic_cenr Why, HELLO back! :) #hcldr
Joe Babaian πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ @JoeBabaian
@SunnieSouthern @boltyboy Sunnie, thanks for joining us! :) #hcldr
Bingle @TheBingle
@GraceCordovano It's about time! Jersey Shore Weather !!!!!! #hcldr
Joe Babaian πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ @JoeBabaian
@lisadbudzinski @Cpnervecenter Hello Lisa! #hcldr
Joe Babaian πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ @JoeBabaian
RT @RasuShrestha: Hi #HCLDR family. What an awesome topic of our chat tonight. https://t.co/Gxh4T9CwxI #empathy #pinksocks https://t.co/1mXTpXlALA
Colin Hung @Colin_Hung
Coming to you live from Salt Lake City. @dandunlop and I found a quiet conference room on the 3rd floor to tweet from! #hcldr https://t.co/dDEfcr86RN
Colin Hung @Colin_Hung
@EMRAnswers @JoeBabaian Hello Linda! #hcldr
Enlightening Results πŸ’‘ @GraceCordovano
@MI_turnaround I'm so so sorry. Good luck with the pup and kitty. Sending love #hcldr
HCLDR Moderator @hcldr
Let’s get ready for T1 in just 1 minute #hcldr
Colin Hung @Colin_Hung
@mayoclinic_cenr Hello! Always great to see you on #hcldr
Erin Moriarty Wade @EMoriartyWade
Hello #hcldr. I'm a freelance writer specializing in healthcare. I have lots of personal experience with this topic because we have a child who became sick with a rare disease a few years ago.
Joe Babaian πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ @JoeBabaian
@RasuShrestha @Colin_Hung @nickisnpdx @LGin412 @andrewintech @AllisonMassari @wareFLO @ahier @daniel_kraft @innonurse Rasu! Is that you?? Mug in hand! :) Thank you for taking some time and making it here! Happy dance! #hcldr
Enlightening Results πŸ’‘ @GraceCordovano
@PatientCritical Hi PJ! Great to see you here #hcldr
Amanda G @LAlupusLady
RT @Colin_Hung: Coming to you live from Salt Lake City. @dandunlop and I found a quiet conference room on the 3rd floor to tweet from! #hcldr https://t.co/dDEfcr86RN
Joe Babaian πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ @JoeBabaian
@EMRAnswers @Colin_Hung Hi Linda! #hcldr
Colin Hung @Colin_Hung
@SunnieSouthern @boltyboy Hello Sunnie! Can't wait to see you in CLE and perhaps #cinderblocks5 #hcldr
Enlightening Results πŸ’‘ @GraceCordovano
@choo_ek Nice to see you Esther! #hcldr
Kate Warnock @mkatewarnock
Jumping in late! Hello everyone from north FL :) #hcldr
HCLDR Moderator @hcldr
Time for T1: How critical is the need for authentic listening in healthcare and why? Is this related to the β€œdoctor shortage?” #hcldr https://t.co/iTZGjQ2Ddz
Lisa Davis Budzinski @lisadbudzinski
@JoeBabaian @Cpnervecenter #hcldr https://t.co/RUXx2OHh9k
Jeremy Coleman @jeremycoleman
#hcldr howdy from sunny, or at least was, south Alabama.
Joe Babaian πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ @JoeBabaian
@Colin_Hung @dandunlop @GraceCordovano @MI_turnaround @kate_gillmer @SunnieSouthern Sounds good Colin! Doesn't look like a bad cave at all! #hcldr #thankful
Joe Babaian πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ @JoeBabaian
RT @Colin_Hung: Coming to you live from Salt Lake City. @dandunlop and I found a quiet conference room on the 3rd floor to tweet from! #hcldr https://t.co/dDEfcr86RN
Larry Gioia πŸ”  @LGin412
@GraceCordovano @newampgh We make #hcldr a family affair! ... from the bar none-the-less, during trivia, and a Pens game. We love you our tweeps! ❀️ #hcldr https://t.co/PwmmCDH31L
Virginia @PracticalHIT
#hcldr @PracticalHIT present
Sally James @jamesian
@choo_ek Just north of you 180 miles. (grew up in PDX. Still sentimental) #hcldr
Enlightening Results πŸ’‘ @GraceCordovano
@EMoriartyWade Nice to see you tonight Erin. Perfect topic #hcldr
.health (dotHealth) @dot_health
We’re ready for you #HMPS18 #HITMC #pinksocks #HCLDR! Join us on the 3rd floor in the Vienna Room starting at 6:45! https://t.co/DnwnEpUvl4
Colin Hung @Colin_Hung
@EMoriartyWade Hello Erin! #hcldr
Monica Stout, She/Her/Hers @MI_turnaround
@GraceCordovano Thanks, friend! It's been a long week already and it's only Tuesday! #HCLDR
Colin Hung @Colin_Hung
RT @hcldr: Time for T1: Time for T1: How critical is the need for authentic listening in healthcare and why? Is this related to the β€œdoctor shortage?” #hcldr https://t.co/iTZGjQ2Ddz
Janae Sharp @CoherenceMed
RT @dot_health: We’re ready for you #HMPS18 #HITMC #pinksocks #HCLDR! Join us on the 3rd floor in the Vienna Room starting at 6:45! https://t.co/DnwnEpUvl4
Joe Babaian πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ @JoeBabaian
@choo_ek Esther! Woo! I don't pretend to know your schedule, so I'm pleased to say the least! Welcome! :) #hcldr
Sunnie Southern @SunnieSouthern
@JoeBabaian @boltyboy Joe, Always a pleasure to be among some of the smartest kindest people in healthcare! #hcldr
Amanda G @LAlupusLady
RT @hcldr: Time for T1: Time for T1: How critical is the need for authentic listening in healthcare and why? Is this related to the β€œdoctor shortage?” #hcldr https://t.co/iTZGjQ2Ddz
Sean Erreger, LCSW @StuckonSW
RT @RasuShrestha: Hi #HCLDR family. What an awesome topic of our chat tonight. https://t.co/Gxh4T9CwxI #empathy #pinksocks https://t.co/1mXTpXlALA
Joe Babaian πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ @JoeBabaian
@EMoriartyWade Hello Erin! Really happy to see you. #hcldr
Dan Dunlop @dandunlop
RT @Colin_Hung: Coming to you live from Salt Lake City. @dandunlop and I found a quiet conference room on the 3rd floor to tweet from! #hcldr https://t.co/dDEfcr86RN
Bonnie C. Sheeren, BCPA @bonniesheeren
Catch up with everyone next week! Fighting a bad allergy day! #HCLDR https://t.co/wAaycZtaOL
Larry Gioia πŸ”  @LGin412
@bisgur So glad you’re here @bisgur - welcome to my Twitter fam #hcldr βœ¨πŸ” 
Joe Babaian πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ @JoeBabaian
@ritze Welcome Elisabeth! :) #hcldr
Mariah Obiedzinski @MariahWrites
RT @hcldr: Time for T1: Time for T1: How critical is the need for authentic listening in healthcare and why? Is this related to the β€œdoctor shortage?” #hcldr https://t.co/iTZGjQ2Ddz
Lisa Davis Budzinski @lisadbudzinski
T1 Very important: Listening can save lives #hcldr
Monica Stout, She/Her/Hers @MI_turnaround
@JoeBabaian @Colin_Hung @dandunlop @GraceCordovano @kate_gillmer @SunnieSouthern Looks like the perfect place to tweet to me! #HCLDR #TweetingWithFriends
Jennings @jenningshealth
RT @Colin_Hung: Coming to you live from Salt Lake City. @dandunlop and I found a quiet conference room on the 3rd floor to tweet from! #hcldr https://t.co/AN4kdLkgwt #hmps18
Enlightening Results πŸ’‘ @GraceCordovano
@LGin412 @newampgh Beautiful family! Bonus points for being together watching the game, at the bar, and a peaceful baby! #winning #hcldr
Joe Babaian πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ @JoeBabaian
@mkatewarnock Hi Kate, means a lot, thanks for coming! #hcldr
Joe Babaian πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ @JoeBabaian
RT @hcldr: Time for T1: Time for T1: How critical is the need for authentic listening in healthcare and why? Is this related to the β€œdoctor shortage?” #hcldr https://t.co/iTZGjQ2Ddz
Larry Gioia πŸ”  @LGin412
T1: We have two ears and one mouth. Therefore, one would suggest, and I would support, that we should be listening twice as much as we talk. #hcldr #pinksocks #ABCD https://t.co/YpDomK97l1
Joe Babaian πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ @JoeBabaian
@jeremycoleman Welcome Jeremy! #hcldr
Citizen Health @CitizenHealthio
Hi! Megan jumping in! #hcldr
Jeremy Coleman @jeremycoleman
T1: how can you build a relationship without listening? How can you hear what's NOT being said without listening? #hcldr https://t.co/FgopIiAHbc
Joe Babaian πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ @JoeBabaian
@LGin412 @GraceCordovano @newampgh Perfect! #hcldr
Loren Academic Services, Inc. (LAS) @LAS_Inc_
So sad to be busy during this #hcldr but we’ll be reading the recap & thinking about all the wisdom that emerges!
Susan Woolner, CPXP @susanwoolner
RT @RasuShrestha: Hi #HCLDR family. What an awesome topic of our chat tonight. https://t.co/Gxh4T9CwxI #empathy #pinksocks https://t.co/1mXTpXlALA
Lisa Davis Budzinski @lisadbudzinski
T1 Doctors whose communication fosters #patientengagement has been linked to a wide range of benefits, from increased patient satisfaction, trust and higher quality of care #hcldr
Jamie Roger @JamieRoger8
Hey, Jamie here from CT, representing @salemoaks, so glad im not too late! #HCLDR
Mariah Obiedzinski @MariahWrites
RT @jenningshealth: RT @Colin_Hung: RT @Colin_Hung: Coming to you live from Salt Lake City. @dandunlop and I found a quiet conference room on the 3rd floor to tweet from! #hcldr https://t.co/AN4kdLkgwt #hmps18
Enlightening Results πŸ’‘ @GraceCordovano
@bonniesheeren Bless you Bonnie! Feel better soon. #hcldr
Mariah Obiedzinski @MariahWrites
RT @lisadbudzinski: T1 Very important: T1 Very important: Listening can save lives #hcldr
Colin Hung @Colin_Hung
T1 Although there *may* be a doctor's shortage, there is *definitely* a time shortage. All clinicians are pressed for time - authentic listening falls by the wayside #hcldr
Alzheimer's Los Angeles @AlzheimersLA
Joining #hcldr chat like... https://t.co/S7RvQ1DK7B
FollowHeidi @FollowHeidi
Observing tonight :) #hcldr
Joe Babaian πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ @JoeBabaian
@quickmuse @hcldr ;) #hcldr
Colin Hung @Colin_Hung
RT @lisadbudzinski: T1 Doctors whose communication fosters #patientengagement has been linked to a wide range of benefits, from increased patient satisfaction, trust and higher quality of care #hcldr
Enlightening Results πŸ’‘ @GraceCordovano
@CitizenHealthio Hi Megan! So great to see you! #hcldr
Lisa Davis Budzinski @lisadbudzinski
T1 Doctor shortage: there are equal articles for both sides while doing research. The @AAMC has a report that states there will be a shortage: https://t.co/5WOSPsAb9f #hcldr
Heather McCullen @H_SalemOaks
Authentic listening is important for any communication to be successful. If patients and healthcare professionals don’t listen authentically they might miss important information. #hcldr
Mariah Obiedzinski @MariahWrites
RT @jeremycoleman: T1: T1: how can you build a relationship without listening? How can you hear what's NOT being said without listening? #hcldr https://t.co/FgopIiAHbc
Susan Woolner, CPXP @susanwoolner
@AlexisToddNY Hi Alexis - welcome! #hcldr
Kate Warnock @mkatewarnock
T1 100% yes - as in any good relationship, it's what's not communicated or observed that is often the most important. Trust is born from mutual understanding which requires authentic listening #hcldr https://t.co/TFEcO6fwqA
Amanda G @LAlupusLady
A1 the need for authentic listening is vital bc patients often doesn’t know the medical terminology to describe a symptom, so yes the HCPs must β€œstop, look and LIsten” #hcldr
Joe Babaian πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ @JoeBabaian
RT @jeremycoleman: T1: T1: how can you build a relationship without listening? How can you hear what's NOT being said without listening? #hcldr https://t.co/FgopIiAHbc
Inspire @InspireIsHealth
RT @hcldr: Time for T1: Time for T1: How critical is the need for authentic listening in healthcare and why? Is this related to the β€œdoctor shortage?” #hcldr https://t.co/iTZGjQ2Ddz
Enlightening Results πŸ’‘ @GraceCordovano
Enough said. Topic 2 please. #hcldr https://t.co/Z4vLNTgyw8
Lisa Davis Budzinski @lisadbudzinski
T1: Doctor Shortage: But others believe it’s more about trends challenging traditional approaches to physician supply and demand and disruptors who bring new approaches unconstrained by convention. https://t.co/OcpEeRJH9t #hcldr
Joe Babaian πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ @JoeBabaian
RT @Colin_Hung: T1 Although there *may* be a doctor's shortage, there is *definitely* a time shortage. All clinicians are pressed for time - authentic listening falls by the wayside #hcldr
Colin Hung @Colin_Hung
@jeremycoleman T1 Excellent questions Jeremy...and that's a sign of active/authentic listening. Asking questions that encourages the story to come out #hcldr
Susan Woolner, CPXP @susanwoolner
@lisadbudzinski @Cpnervecenter Hi Lisa! #hcldr
Nathan Grunewald MD MBA FACS @NathanGrunewald
T1: Listening to #patients cannot be emphasized enough. Immense pressure is placed on quantity of patients seen rather than quality of the visits. #hcldr
Monica Stout, She/Her/Hers @MI_turnaround
RT @hcldr: Time for T1: Time for T1: How critical is the need for authentic listening in healthcare and why? Is this related to the β€œdoctor shortage?” #hcldr https://t.co/iTZGjQ2Ddz
Jeremy Coleman @jeremycoleman
@Colin_Hung Then it falls to the nurses or techs. Somebody has to make the time. #hcldr
Patient Critical Co-op @PatientCritical
A1 While β€œshortage” manifests itself in difficulty getting an appointment I'm not sure not a 'shortage' if the provider can't bridge the communication gap...it's a pitfall and a shortcoming. It's not necessarily #careprovider's fault- they are what they're trained to be. #hcldr
Kate Warnock @mkatewarnock
@JoeBabaian Hope you're doing well, Joe - #HLTH2018 next week? did I already ask you this? #hcldr
Erin Moriarty Wade @EMoriartyWade
@hcldr T1 It’s critical for doctors to listen to their patients because patients can tell when they don’t listen. Even if that patient is a small child like my daughter...she once told her specialist β€œyou don’t listen to me, and you don’t care about my opinion.” #hcldr, #PtExp, #MedEd
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
RT @hcldr: Time for T1: Time for T1: How critical is the need for authentic listening in healthcare and why? Is this related to the β€œdoctor shortage?” #hcldr https://t.co/iTZGjQ2Ddz
Amanda G @LAlupusLady
RT @LGin412: T1: T1: We have two ears and one mouth. Therefore, one would suggest, and I would support, that we should be listening twice as much as we talk. #hcldr #pinksocks #ABCD https://t.co/YpDomK97l1
Stephanie Crabb @stephaniecrabb
Joining in from the northeast tonight where things are finally green and not blanketed in snow! #hcldr
Joe Babaian πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ @JoeBabaian
@Colin_Hung And yet the ROI of authentic listening exceeds the time saved by rushing through things. #hcldr
Amanda G @LAlupusLady
RT @Colin_Hung: T1 Although there *may* be a doctor's shortage, there is *definitely* a time shortage. All clinicians are pressed for time - authentic listening falls by the wayside #hcldr
Alzheimer's Los Angeles @AlzheimersLA
In interpersonal situations, the first step towards healing and reconciliation is authentic listening and acknowledgement. Same goes for healthcare. People want to feel seen & heard. #hcldr https://t.co/0uY2ddp7eo
Joe Babaian πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ @JoeBabaian
@CitizenHealthio Hi Megan! #hcldr
Kate Warnock @mkatewarnock
RT @GraceCordovano: Enough said. Topic 2 please. #hcldr https://t.co/Z4vLNTgyw8
Lisa Davis Budzinski @lisadbudzinski
@susanwoolner @Cpnervecenter Hi Susan! #hcldr https://t.co/g7Thqd0H7j
Larry Gioia πŸ”  @LGin412
T1: Under most of the scenarios projected, the demand for physicians exceeds total supply. Looking at the 25th-75th % projections, demand will continue to grow faster than supply, leading to a projected shortfall of 42k-121k physicians by 2030 via @AAMCtoday #hcldr #pinksocks https://t.co/BlmlcIXw2J
Erin Moriarty Wade @EMoriartyWade
RT @lisadbudzinski: T1 Doctors whose communication fosters #patientengagement has been linked to a wide range of benefits, from increased patient satisfaction, trust and higher quality of care #hcldr
Jon McBride 🌴 @jamcbride
RT @lisadbudzinski: T1 Doctor shortage: T1 Doctor shortage: there are equal articles for both sides while doing research. The @AAMC has a report that states there will be a shortage: https://t.co/5WOSPsAb9f #hcldr
Susan Woolner, CPXP @susanwoolner
Oh no! That sounds very stressful #hcldr https://t.co/VvGd3GItUh
Heather McCullen @H_SalemOaks
@2healthguru I agree. Authentic listening also needs to include going into the conversation without preconceptions. You can be attentive to every word someone says, and still not be an authentic listener. #hcldr
Colin Hung @Colin_Hung
RT @dot_health: We’re ready for you #HMPS18 #HITMC #pinksocks #HCLDR! Join us on the 3rd floor in the Vienna Room starting at 6:45! https://t.co/DnwnEpUvl4
Enlightening Results πŸ’‘ @GraceCordovano
@lisadbudzinski That human connection is important to doctors & nurses too. That's why they got into medicine. Active listening brings joy to medicine. #hcldr
Jamie Roger @JamieRoger8
The need for AUTHENTIC listening is critical in all aspects of life. We are losing sight of the importance of communication and relationships If we aren't listening we can't truly understand what a person is saying to us or the effect that the situation is having on them #hcldr https://t.co/XEpZQrAm1h
Alzheimer's Los Angeles @AlzheimersLA
Being seen and heard - the results of authentic listening - tell patients that they are valued, that they matter. That's important for trust and wellness. #hcldr
Sally James @jamesian
T1 - Believe pts will only share #sdoh and reasons 4 problems if they perceive the atmosphere of listening is right. #hcldr Much wasted $ in chronic disease - repeating msg - but msg isn't getting through. #HCP needs to know why.
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
@hcldr I suspect that the doctor shortage is related to trying to do business as usual, cheaper, faster, without sufficient workflow & process changes to adapt to the rest of the world. Communication breakdown is part of that #hcldr
Alzheimer's Los Angeles @AlzheimersLA
RT @lisadbudzinski: T1 Doctors whose communication fosters #patientengagement has been linked to a wide range of benefits, from increased patient satisfaction, trust and higher quality of care #hcldr
Benjamin Isgur @bisgur
T1: don't see a big connection with doctor "shortage" - that is mainly driven by maldistribution. Good listening is key for all clinicians. Might miss the most important clues otherwise. #hcldr
Sunnie Southern @SunnieSouthern
T1: Authentic listening should be a fundamental part of any real conversation. When time is short, let's make the time count even more. #hcldr
Heather McCullen @H_SalemOaks
RT @JamieRoger8: The need for AUTHENTIC listening is critical in all aspects of life. We are losing sight of the importance of communication and relationships If we aren't listening we can't truly understand what a person is saying to us or the effect that the situation is having on them #hcldr https://t.co/XEpZQrAm1h
Colin Hung @Colin_Hung
@dot_health @CoherenceMed @InfluenceHlth @wynn_atwork @HCStrategists @IBHealth @MarTechHealth @SidoniaRose @HITMarketingPR @LionShareInc We are just in a conference room down the hall participating in #hcldr chat. Will join you guys in a bit! #HMPS18 #pinksocks
Alzheimer's Los Angeles @AlzheimersLA
RT @jeremycoleman: T1: T1: how can you build a relationship without listening? How can you hear what's NOT being said without listening? #hcldr https://t.co/FgopIiAHbc
Rasu Shrestha MD MBA @RasuShrestha
T1: Today, physicians are being compelled to "do more with less". πŸ”₯This is also MORE harmful to patients, πŸ”₯and LESS satisfactory to physicians. Authentic listening is a key tool in our toolbox to counter this. #HCLDR https://t.co/B5c8kvrquP
Mariah Obiedzinski @MariahWrites
RT @H_SalemOaks: @2healthguru I agree. Authentic listening also needs to include going into the conversation without preconceptions. You can be attentive to every word someone says, and still not be an authentic listener. #hcldr
Colin Hung @Colin_Hung
RT @EMRAnswers: T1:
Joe Babaian πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ @JoeBabaian
Outstanding chart on physician demand and supply going forward. HT @LGin412 #hcldr https://t.co/Y5LXYBK90f
Kate Warnock @mkatewarnock
@susanwoolner @AlexisToddNY Susan, hello! hope things are all great with you :) #hcldr
Susan Woolner, CPXP @susanwoolner
RT @Colin_Hung: Coming to you live from Salt Lake City. @dandunlop and I found a quiet conference room on the 3rd floor to tweet from! #hcldr https://t.co/dDEfcr86RN
Colin Hung @Colin_Hung
RT @pfanderson: @hcldr I suspect that the doctor shortage is related to trying to do business as usual, cheaper, faster, without sufficient workflow & process changes to adapt to the rest of the world. Communication breakdown is part of that #hcldr
Monica Stout, She/Her/Hers @MI_turnaround
T1: So critical! Think of how many times you've sat in an appointment & felt like the other person loved the sound of their own voice more than listening to what you had to say. We should all aim to listen and truly hear more than we talk. Make eye contact. Show you care. #HCLDR
Colin Hung @Colin_Hung
RT @jamesian: T1 - Believe pts will only share #sdoh and reasons 4 problems if they perceive the atmosphere of listening is right. #hcldr Much wasted $ in chronic disease - repeating msg - but msg isn't getting through. #HCP needs to know why.
FollowHeidi @FollowHeidi
T1 - it goes beyond just listening to the words; also what is often unsaid when we patients are too afraid. Hesitation in answering or simple, quick answers shouldn’t suffice. Patients need to speak louder. :) #hcldr
Joe Babaian πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ @JoeBabaian
RT @MI_turnaround: T1: T1: So critical! Think of how many times you've sat in an appointment & felt like the other person loved the sound of their own voice more than listening to what you had to say. We should all aim to listen and truly hear more than we talk. Make eye contact. Show you care. #HCLDR
Nirav J. Modi @NiravJModi
Hi everyone.. Nirav @cariumcares from Chicago. #hcldr great topic! #hcldr
Colin Hung @Colin_Hung
RT @MI_turnaround: T1: T1: So critical! Think of how many times you've sat in an appointment & felt like the other person loved the sound of their own voice more than listening to what you had to say. We should all aim to listen and truly hear more than we talk. Make eye contact. Show you care. #HCLDR
Joe Babaian πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ @JoeBabaian
@NiravJModi @cariumcares Welcome Nirav! #hcldr
Kistein Monkhouse, MPA @KisteinM
@hcldr Kistein Monkhouse from @PatientOrator ☺️Hi #hcldr friends
Kate Gillmer @kate_gillmer
T1 In healthcare, we are literally talking about life and death, and the factors that influence where we are on that spectrum. I can’t think of a situation more in need of active listening. #hcldr
Heidi Grabenstatter @PatientIntv
Hi #hcldr friends, Heidi from CO, sorry to be late.
Mariah Obiedzinski @MariahWrites
RT @ALZGLA: Being seen and heard - the results of authentic listening - tell patients that they are valued, that they matter. That's important for trust and wellness. #hcldr
Enlightening Results πŸ’‘ @GraceCordovano
@JoeBabaian @Colin_Hung Poorly prioritized & aligned financial incentives & bottom lines have poisoned the entire #healthcare ecosystem. #hcldr
Nirav J. Modi @NiravJModi
RT @LGin412: T1: T1: We have two ears and one mouth. Therefore, one would suggest, and I would support, that we should be listening twice as much as we talk. #hcldr #pinksocks #ABCD https://t.co/YpDomK97l1
Amanda G @LAlupusLady
RT @FollowHeidi: T1 - it goes beyond just listening to the words; also what is often unsaid when we patients are too afraid. Hesitation in answering or simple, quick answers shouldn’t suffice. Patients need to speak louder. :) #hcldr
Nirav J. Modi @NiravJModi
RT @GraceCordovano: Enough said. Topic 2 please. #hcldr https://t.co/Z4vLNTgyw8
Dan Dunlop @dandunlop
T1: frankly, authentic listening is in short supply in all industries and all aspects of life today. It is just damned important in healthcare. #hcldr
Nathan Grunewald MD MBA FACS @NathanGrunewald
T1: I resist the pressure to increase #patient throughput and instead require 30 or 60 minute appts...as a surgeon. The needs of the patient comes first and those needs require listening, a lot. I mean it. I require it. #hcldr
Jeremy Coleman @jeremycoleman
How can providers expect engagement or even compliance when they won't meet the patient halfway? #hcldr https://t.co/BKn62iIslQ
Amanda G @LAlupusLady
RT @kate_gillmer: T1 In healthcare, we are literally talking about life and death, and the factors that influence where we are on that spectrum. I can’t think of a situation more in need of active listening. #hcldr
Colin Hung @Colin_Hung
@quickmuse T1 Well said Ken. A lot of issues stem from the fact we don't want to or can't bring ourselves to listen to someone else. We just make an assumption and go with it #hcldr More listening needed.
Rasu Shrestha MD MBA @RasuShrestha
@JoeBabaian @Colin_Hung @nickisnpdx @LGin412 @andrewintech @AllisonMassari @wareFLO @ahier @daniel_kraft @innonurse Great to be able to join #HCLDR tonight!!
Patient Critical Co-op @PatientCritical
Benjamin Isgur @bisgur
@LGin412 @AAMCtoday @RasuShrestha @danmunro @JoeBabaian @Colin_Hung @TextraHealth @GraceCordovano @jameyedwards @mikebiselli @andrewintech @EMRAnswers T1: #hcldr the big question on projections is how do they account for technology and care delivery changes over time
Bingle @TheBingle
@hcldr T1 It's extremely critical. This non-listening/not paying attention has been ongoing for years. Not bc of Dr. shortage. It's imperative bc patients are paying STEEP PRICE (not talking money). And it's pathetic 4 professionals to not care to listen #hcldr
Enlightening Results πŸ’‘ @GraceCordovano
RT @RasuShrestha: T1: T1: Today, physicians are being compelled to "do more with less". πŸ”₯This is also MORE harmful to patients, πŸ”₯and LESS satisfactory to physicians. Authentic listening is a key tool in our toolbox to counter this. #HCLDR https://t.co/B5c8kvrquP
Susan Woolner, CPXP @susanwoolner
@EMoriartyWade Hi Erin! #hcldr
Sally James @jamesian
T1 - 2 docs wrote book "Listening for What Matters." https://t.co/VaE1dPMkr1 #hcldr Part of point - effective caring requires effective listening.
Lisa Davis Budzinski @lisadbudzinski
@GraceCordovano Agreed✨ unfortunately over-worked, over-burdened from rules & policies has become a bit much in #healthcare #hcldr
Nirav J. Modi @NiravJModi
@JoeBabaian @cariumcares Thanks Joe. Glad to be here as always! #hcldr
Lisa Davis Budzinski @lisadbudzinski
RT @jamesian: T1 - 2 docs wrote book "Listening for What Matters." https://t.co/VaE1dPMkr1 #hcldr Part of point - effective caring requires effective listening.
Jeremy Coleman @jeremycoleman
Absolutely HIT vendors need to practice authentic listening with their customers. #hcldr https://t.co/F9S5EbUcgU
Dan Dunlop @dandunlop
T1: Healthcare has always had a narcissistic bent where the thoughts and opinions of patients and family members were simply a hassle or inconvenience. #hcldr
Joe Babaian πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ @JoeBabaian
Rasu @RasuShrestha nails it! The return is there for authentic listening, but we keep sabotaging ourselves when we rush & rush those we work with. Impacts to clinicians and patients - both way - are real. #hcldr https://t.co/EWmJCa1cBi
Joe Babaian πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ @JoeBabaian
RT @dandunlop: T1: T1: Healthcare has always had a narcissistic bent where the thoughts and opinions of patients and family members were simply a hassle or inconvenience. #hcldr
Colin Hung @Colin_Hung
RT @dandunlop: T1: T1: Healthcare has always had a narcissistic bent where the thoughts and opinions of patients and family members were simply a hassle or inconvenience. #hcldr
Joe Babaian πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ @JoeBabaian
RT @jeremycoleman: Absolutely HIT vendors need to practice authentic listening with their customers. #hcldr https://t.co/F9S5EbUcgU
Erin Moriarty Wade @EMoriartyWade
@hcldr T1 It’s even more critical to listen when it’s something they might not want to hear (e.g this medicine is having a side effect even though it wasn’t supposed to) instead of argue that statistically it’s unlikely. #hcldr, #PtExp, #MedEd
Kate Warnock @mkatewarnock
T1 +1 #hcldr https://t.co/YzbclcTsNj
Enlightening Results πŸ’‘ @GraceCordovano
T1: Read an article recently about how active listening was the new paradigm changing innovation. Frustrated to think how we've fallen this far? #hcldr
Joe Babaian πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ @JoeBabaian
RT @dandunlop: T1: T1: frankly, authentic listening is in short supply in all industries and all aspects of life today. It is just damned important in healthcare. #hcldr
Monica Stout, She/Her/Hers @MI_turnaround
@Colin_Hung I can't really fault doctors when they just don't have enough time. If I were that pressed in every single encounter I had with another person, I would probably be terrible at listening, too. What can we do to give docs more time? #HCLDR
Kate Gillmer @kate_gillmer
T1 I think active listening is especially important in primary care. What good is it to recommend healthy eating to a patient who lives in a food desert? Or prescribe medications that a patient can’t afford? #hcldr
MeganJanasπŸ”— @megan_janas
RT @LGin412: T1: T1: Under most of the scenarios projected, the demand for physicians exceeds total supply. Looking at the 25th-75th % projections, demand will continue to grow faster than supply, leading to a projected shortfall of 42k-121k physicians by 2030 via @AAMCtoday #hcldr #pinksocks https://t.co/BlmlcIXw2J
Bingle @TheBingle
@jeremycoleman Great point! #hcldr
Heidi Grabenstatter @PatientIntv
Listen sincerely, and when it is within your realm of expertise. . . facilitate and act. That you heard and acted speaks loudly. #hcldr https://t.co/h1oh5cqkJf
Alzheimer's Los Angeles @AlzheimersLA
Its sad how often care partners for people with newly diagnosed cases of dementia tell us a variation of "I'm not sure. The doctor didn't really explain." Checking for understanding is an important part of listening. #hcldr
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
RT @jamesian: T1 - 2 docs wrote book "Listening for What Matters." https://t.co/VaE1dPMkr1 #hcldr Part of point - effective caring requires effective listening.
Jamie Roger @JamieRoger8
@NathanGrunewald Yet the ability to authentically #listen to those #patients may in turn decrease the number of times they need to return or the correct treatment #hcldr
Kate Gillmer @kate_gillmer
RT @jeremycoleman: How can providers expect engagement or even compliance when they won't meet the patient halfway? #hcldr https://t.co/BKn62iIslQ
Stephanie Crabb @stephaniecrabb
T1: It’s at the core of every healthcare relationship...patient/physician, care team peers, care team/caregivers...shouldn’t we be authentically listening all the time? #hcldr https://t.co/n5qUI45jpd
Laura Appel @lauradianeappel
T1 Listening is the crux of #designthinking and we need so much improvement in #healthcare design! #hcldr https://t.co/RkLIJYyhbu
Stacey Tinianov (she/her) MPH, BCPA @coffeemommy
Notable that the value of authentic listening in healthcare is actually the same as in the real world - it is the best bridge to understand a WHOLE person including priorities & values as opposed to a single dimension of an individual. So much nuance in conversation. #hcldr T1
Erin Moriarty Wade @EMoriartyWade
RT @dandunlop: T1: T1: frankly, authentic listening is in short supply in all industries and all aspects of life today. It is just damned important in healthcare. #hcldr
Joe Babaian πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ @JoeBabaian
Grace calls this out - we need to look at basics - active listening is an essential part of your success (or failure). #hcldr https://t.co/8Gfgakr8Tw
Virginia @PracticalHIT
#hcldr T1 good doc experience - doc knows me, remembers me, listens, does not rush me. Bad doc experience Doctor is busy I don't want to bother them distracted by computer telling at staff condescending I don't feel safe sharing and feel rushed forget what I was going to ask.
Lisa Davis Budzinski @lisadbudzinski
@NathanGrunewald Truly exceptional βœ¨πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘#hcldr
Mariah Obiedzinski @MariahWrites
RT @GraceCordovano: T1: T1: Read an article recently about how active listening was the new paradigm changing innovation. Frustrated to think how we've fallen this far? #hcldr
Joe Babaian πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ @JoeBabaian
@GraceCordovano Grace, can you find that source to share? :) #hcldr
Amanda G @LAlupusLady
RT @coffeemommy: Notable that the value of authentic listening in healthcare is actually the same as in the real world - it is the best bridge to understand a WHOLE person including priorities & values as opposed to a single dimension of an individual. So much nuance in conversation. #hcldr T1
Jamie Roger @JamieRoger8
@jeremycoleman @Colin_Hung YES @jeremycoleman so correct! #hcldr
John Cloonan | Audacity Marketing | FIWOP Racing @johncloonan
Bingle @TheBingle
@NathanGrunewald T1 You are one of the good ones. #hcldr
Mariah Obiedzinski @MariahWrites
RT @JoeBabaian: Rasu @RasuShrestha nails it! The return is there for authentic listening, but we keep sabotaging ourselves when we rush & rush those we work with. Impacts to clinicians and patients - both way - are real. #hcldr https://t.co/EWmJCa1cBi
Lisa Davis Budzinski @lisadbudzinski
This as wellβœ¨πŸ‘‡ #hcldr https://t.co/WC0IUdOOQI
Chuck Webster MD, MS AI, MS Systems Engineering @wareFLO
I look forward the virtual #WTFix viewing party! Don a #VR headset (or not!, via free 2D PC/Mac clients), indicate interest here! πŸ‘‰ https://t.co/HnYdKkxsot #socialVR #hcldr https://t.co/J2pYUFHPJf
Enlightening Results πŸ’‘ @GraceCordovano
T1: Physicians aren't the only ones that need to be held accountable for active listening. #Payers, #Pharma, #HIT, #meded, @FDA, are you all listening? #hcldr
Joe Babaian πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ @JoeBabaian
@AllisonMassari @RasuShrestha @Colin_Hung @nickisnpdx @LGin412 @andrewintech @wareFLO @ahier @daniel_kraft @innonurse Great to see you Allison! I knew you'd like our topic tonight :) #hcldr
Rasu Shrestha MD MBA @RasuShrestha
RT @JoeBabaian: Rasu @RasuShrestha nails it! The return is there for authentic listening, but we keep sabotaging ourselves when we rush & rush those we work with. Impacts to clinicians and patients - both way - are real. #hcldr https://t.co/EWmJCa1cBi
John Cloonan | Audacity Marketing | FIWOP Racing @johncloonan
Hey y'all, I'm so far behind! I don't even know what question we're on. #hcldr
Alzheimer's Los Angeles @AlzheimersLA
Its our hierarchical way of thinking. Doctors as "experts" and patients as totally uninformed. With so much access to tech and information, that's simply not true anymore. Plus, patients are experts in their own lives. #hcldr https://t.co/LjBlh1Xakb
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
RT @NathanGrunewald: T1: T1: I resist the pressure to increase #patient throughput and instead require 30 or 60 minute appts...as a surgeon. The needs of the patient comes first and those needs require listening, a lot. I mean it. I require it. #hcldr
Patient Critical Co-op @PatientCritical
A1: Active Listening is a skill not often taught in medical schools. Where the work on patient communication is being done, there's often telegraphing of tolerating it by specialists who don't always truly buy in. #hcldr Should we train Dr's for #Empathy? https://t.co/3VGXWshkDi
Monica Stout, She/Her/Hers @MI_turnaround
@dandunlop Well said! How authentic are we when we're half paying attention, buried in our devices, and not even looking at other people? #HCLDR
Joe Babaian πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ @JoeBabaian
@johncloonan Hi John! Are you jumping in? :) #hcldr
John Cloonan | Audacity Marketing | FIWOP Racing @johncloonan
@JoeBabaian Trying to! #hcldr
Joe Babaian πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ @JoeBabaian
RT @PracticalHIT: #hcldr T1 good doc experience - doc knows me, remembers me, listens, does not rush me. Bad doc experience Doctor is busy I don't want to bother them distracted by computer telling at staff condescending I don't feel safe sharing and feel rushed forget what I was going to ask.
Bingle @TheBingle
@dandunlop Very true. Short attention spans but busy hands on Smartphones. #hcldr
Joe Babaian πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ @JoeBabaian
RT @coffeemommy: Notable that the value of authentic listening in healthcare is actually the same as in the real world - it is the best bridge to understand a WHOLE person including priorities & values as opposed to a single dimension of an individual. So much nuance in conversation. #hcldr T1
Kate Gillmer @kate_gillmer
@johncloonan Still on T1! #hcldr
Erin Moriarty Wade @EMoriartyWade
RT @JoeBabaian: @Colin_Hung And yet the ROI of authentic listening exceeds the time saved by rushing through things. #hcldr
Virginia @PracticalHIT
#hcldr t1 oh and doctor listens like they think I'm somebody savvy
Joe Babaian πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ @JoeBabaian
@johncloonan Outstanding! We have missed you! #hcldr
Kate Warnock @mkatewarnock
RT @ALZGLA: Its our hierarchical way of thinking. Doctors as "experts" and patients as totally uninformed. With so much access to tech and information, that's simply not true anymore. Plus, patients are experts in their own lives. #hcldr https://t.co/LjBlh1Xakb
Erin Moriarty Wade @EMoriartyWade
RT @PatientIntv: Listen sincerely, and when it is within your realm of expertise. . . facilitate and act. That you heard and acted speaks loudly. #hcldr https://t.co/h1oh5cqkJf
Monica Stout, She/Her/Hers @MI_turnaround
RT @RasuShrestha: T1: T1: Today, physicians are being compelled to "do more with less". πŸ”₯This is also MORE harmful to patients, πŸ”₯and LESS satisfactory to physicians. Authentic listening is a key tool in our toolbox to counter this. #HCLDR https://t.co/B5c8kvrquP
Melanie Lybarger @MelanieLybarger
RT @dandunlop: T1: T1: Healthcare has always had a narcissistic bent where the thoughts and opinions of patients and family members were simply a hassle or inconvenience. #hcldr
HCLDR Moderator @hcldr
Just 1 minute until T2! #hcldr
Sally James @jamesian
@JamieRoger8 @NathanGrunewald Exactly. Listening may save $ and time in the system. Hard to prove? #hcldr
Sunnie Southern @SunnieSouthern
RT @LGin412: T1: T1: We have two ears and one mouth. Therefore, one would suggest, and I would support, that we should be listening twice as much as we talk. #hcldr #pinksocks #ABCD https://t.co/YpDomK97l1
Heidi Grabenstatter @PatientIntv
@EMoriartyWade @hcldr Being open to constructive criticism is key to growth regardless of where that input is coming from. The best ideas come from unlikely sources. #hcldr
Heather McCullen @H_SalemOaks
@JamieRoger8 @NathanGrunewald So true. There example everywhere of how "doing more with less" results in "rework". In healthcare that "rework" could mean a significant decrease in the quality of life of patients. #hcldr
Joe Babaian πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ @JoeBabaian
@kate_gillmer @johncloonan Kate, you're awesome! #hcldr
Jon McBride 🌴 @jamcbride
T1 May also be related to T3 experiences, but my family has had to return to the doc because of a lack of listening. A concrete example of an avoidable misuse of time - could have seen another patient instead. #hcldr
Jennings @jenningshealth
RT @dandunlop: T1: T1: Healthcare has always had a narcissistic bent where the thoughts and opinions of patients and family members were simply a hassle or inconvenience. #hcldr
Laura Appel @lauradianeappel
T1 In terms of physician shortage, its hard to be listening if you are racing through required questions during time-constrained appointment. Hard to see how that feels good for any profession. #hcldr https://t.co/RkLIJYyhbu
John Cloonan | Audacity Marketing | FIWOP Racing @johncloonan
@JoeBabaian I've missed y'all, too. #hcldr
Physicians In Focus @PhysicianFocus
RT @dandunlop: T1: T1: Healthcare has always had a narcissistic bent where the thoughts and opinions of patients and family members were simply a hassle or inconvenience. #hcldr
Joe Babaian πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ @JoeBabaian
RT @EMRAnswers: T1:
Enlightening Results πŸ’‘ @GraceCordovano
@EMRAnswers Great point! It's true, the speaker can tell the other party is not interested/attentive & it changes the conversation. #hcldr
Kate Warnock @mkatewarnock
@johncloonan Still just T1 I believe...is there a need for authentic listening, is it possibly related to the physician shortage #hcldr
Patient Critical Co-op @PatientCritical
Nailed it! The golden rule is getting pretty tarnished. #hcldr https://t.co/IAaW93dOqa
Joe Babaian πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ @JoeBabaian
RT @lauradianeappel: T1 Listening is the crux of #designthinking and we need so much improvement in #healthcare design! #hcldr https://t.co/RkLIJYyhbu
Joe Babaian πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ @JoeBabaian
RT @stephaniecrabb: T1: T1: It’s at the core of every healthcare relationship...patient/physician, care team peers, care team/caregivers...shouldn’t we be authentically listening all the time? #hcldr https://t.co/n5qUI45jpd
butterflylinds @butterflylinds
RT @Colin_Hung: T1 Although there *may* be a doctor's shortage, there is *definitely* a time shortage. All clinicians are pressed for time - authentic listening falls by the wayside #hcldr
Colin Hung @Colin_Hung
@MI_turnaround T1 That's the sad part. We don't give people the time and space to do the right thing. They so want to, but just too time pressed to do it. #hcldr
Joe Babaian πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ @JoeBabaian
RT @EMoriartyWade: @hcldr T1 It’s even more critical to listen when it’s something they might not want to hear (e.g this medicine is having a side effect even though it wasn’t supposed to) instead of argue that statistically it’s unlikely. #hcldr, #PtExp, #MedEd
HCLDR Moderator @hcldr
Time for T2: Do you agree with Dr. Verghese’s characterization of the healthcare treating β€œiPatients” vs. β€œreal” patients? #hcldr https://t.co/5n0ZPLlJz0
Lisa Davis Budzinski @lisadbudzinski
RT @jamcbride: T1 May also be related to T3 experiences, but my family has had to return to the doc because of a lack of listening. A concrete example of an avoidable misuse of time - could have seen another patient instead. #hcldr
Colin Hung @Colin_Hung
RT @EMRAnswers: T1:
Chuck Webster MD, MS AI, MS Systems Engineering @wareFLO
#WorkflowSighting! #hcldr https://t.co/94xC3pnSnk
Mariah Obiedzinski @MariahWrites
RT @hcldr: Time for T2: Time for T2: Do you agree with Dr. Verghese’s characterization of the healthcare treating β€œiPatients” vs. β€œreal” patients? #hcldr https://t.co/5n0ZPLlJz0
Danielle Siarri @innonurse
RT @RasuShrestha: Hi #HCLDR family. What an awesome topic of our chat tonight. https://t.co/Gxh4T9CwxI #empathy #pinksocks https://t.co/1mXTpXlALA
John Cloonan | Audacity Marketing | FIWOP Racing @johncloonan
@mkatewarnock Thanks, Kate! #hcldr
Colin Hung @Colin_Hung
RT @hcldr: Time for T2: Time for T2: Do you agree with Dr. Verghese’s characterization of the healthcare treating β€œiPatients” vs. β€œreal” patients? #hcldr https://t.co/5n0ZPLlJz0
Larry Gioia πŸ”  @LGin412
T2: If we’re really going to live up to the β€˜volume to value’ we have to start listening with our hearts πŸ‘‚πŸΌβ€οΈ PS - The patient will see you now. #hcldr #pinksocks #ABCD https://t.co/vb0m2FmwBq
Jon McBride 🌴 @jamcbride
RT @GraceCordovano: T1: T1: Physicians aren't the only ones that need to be held accountable for active listening. #Payers, #Pharma, #HIT, #meded, @FDA, are you all listening? #hcldr
Heather McCullen @H_SalemOaks
@ALZGLA Not that healthcare could ever be detached from education, but I've always felt that being significantly more educated than most of their patients creates an almost insurmountable sense of superiority. #hcldr
Nirav J. Modi @NiravJModi
T1: Listening requires time. Creating time requires realigning incentives. Adding more docs is not the fix. #hcldr
Bingle @TheBingle
@GraceCordovano @JoeBabaian @Colin_Hung Like that term.... #healthcare ecosystem ! Need to get back to the garden! #hcldr
Jamie Roger @JamieRoger8
@jamesian @NathanGrunewald maybe, but it shouldn't be. My doctor is incredible... not only does she listen to me in her office BEFORE the actual exam but she also asks for my input and what additional tests I would like completed. This prevents me from having to return for anything extra #hcldr
Jon McBride 🌴 @jamcbride
RT @dandunlop: T1: T1: frankly, authentic listening is in short supply in all industries and all aspects of life today. It is just damned important in healthcare. #hcldr
Monica Stout, She/Her/Hers @MI_turnaround
@GraceCordovano @FdA πŸ™ŒπŸ™ŒπŸ™Œ This! So much this! Everyone needs to take note and lean in. #HCLDR
Enlightening Results πŸ’‘ @GraceCordovano
@jamesian @JamieRoger8 @NathanGrunewald Hard to prove? No. But with proof many stakeholders will have their bottom-lines impacted significantly. That is the problem. #hcldr
Rasu Shrestha MD MBA @RasuShrestha
I wrote about the "illusion of communication" in healthcare, in this article here: β€œThe single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place.” β€”George Bernard Shaw https://t.co/AcjwKakA1y #HCLDR @Applied_Rad
Monica Stout, She/Her/Hers @MI_turnaround
RT @LGin412: T2: T2: If we’re really going to live up to the β€˜volume to value’ we have to start listening with our hearts πŸ‘‚πŸΌβ€οΈ PS - The patient will see you now. #hcldr #pinksocks #ABCD https://t.co/vb0m2FmwBq
MeganJanasπŸ”— @megan_janas
T1: Listening is key to making sure patients do not β€œdoctor hop”... How many times has this happened to you? A relative? When all you want is someone who will listen and HELP rather than push pills, and get to the bottom of the problem, costs begin to add up in the system #hcldr
Lisa Davis Budzinski @lisadbudzinski
This! truly happens a lot in appts πŸ‘‡βœ¨ #hcldr https://t.co/LykFzOYwPY
Erin Moriarty Wade @EMoriartyWade
RT @EMRAnswers: T1:
Joe Babaian πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ @JoeBabaian
Esther @choo_ek gets it right: "Listening isn’t just for the patient, and not just about quality of care. It’s the most fulfilling part of being a physician. As time for listening erodes, so does interest in & energy for the job" Mike drop. #hcldr / T1 https://t.co/P6jDPEtWAK
Monica Stout, She/Her/Hers @MI_turnaround
RT @hcldr: Time for T2: Time for T2: Do you agree with Dr. Verghese’s characterization of the healthcare treating β€œiPatients” vs. β€œreal” patients? #hcldr https://t.co/5n0ZPLlJz0
John Cloonan | Audacity Marketing | FIWOP Racing @johncloonan
T1: Yes, there is a need for authentic listening. Related to the physician shortage? Possibly. If there's not enough to serve, there's not listening time. #hcldr
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
@2healthguru Exactly the sort of process change I was thinking of. Also, group patient visits, and related innovations. Shifts to accommodate our shifting world, matching need to access. #hcldr
Colin Hung @Colin_Hung
@hcldr T2 I think patients are patients. the difference is that many more are becoming more and more informed. Which can be a problem but it's a problem I'd love to see more of! #hcldr
Kistein Monkhouse, MPA @KisteinM
T1: Listening is crucial in healthcare! not only can providers gain valuable information from patients to deploy better diagnoses and treatment but it is also important in demonstrating empathy to #patients #hcldr https://t.co/4xO0J7oOtB
kathy kastner @KathyKastner
Late to the party T1 question for an answer: Does authentic listening come naturally/require 'training' of some sort #hcldr
Colin Hung @Colin_Hung
RT @JoeBabaian: Esther @choo_ek gets it right: Esther @choo_ek gets it right: "Listening isn’t just for the patient, and not just about quality of care. It’s the most fulfilling part of being a physician. As time for listening erodes, so does interest in & energy for the job" Mike drop. #hcldr / T1 https://t.co/P6jDPEtWAK
Jon McBride 🌴 @jamcbride
RT @lauradianeappel: T1 In terms of physician shortage, its hard to be listening if you are racing through required questions during time-constrained appointment. Hard to see how that feels good for any profession. #hcldr https://t.co/RkLIJYyhbu
Sunnie Southern @SunnieSouthern
@GraceCordovano @FdA Great point Grace! Thank you for bringing the rest of the stakeholders into the conversation. We all need to be accountable for active listening. #hcldr
Sandi Oelhaupl @sandioelhaupl
RT @JoeBabaian: Grace calls this out - we need to look at basics - active listening is an essential part of your success (or failure). #hcldr https://t.co/8Gfgakr8Tw
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
RT @GraceCordovano: T1: T1: Physicians aren't the only ones that need to be held accountable for active listening. #Payers, #Pharma, #HIT, #meded, @FDA, are you all listening? #hcldr
Bingle @TheBingle
@kate_gillmer T1 You just nailed it on The "Why Listen" to patients.... #hcldr
Joe Babaian πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ @JoeBabaian
@pfanderson @2healthguru Hi Patricia! #hcldr
Alzheimer's Los Angeles @AlzheimersLA
@Colin_Hung @MI_turnaround What would happen if doctors didn't give into the time pressure? Could we create a collective shift? #thinkingoutloud #hcldr
Patient Critical Co-op @PatientCritical
A1: Without very clear and careful messaging and culture, 'doing more with less' too often gets boiled down to 'do less'. Quality of patient interaction is often the first to go in a profit and time crunch. #hcldr https://t.co/CYzC9QvFHZ
MeganJanasπŸ”— @megan_janas
RT @JoeBabaian: Esther @choo_ek gets it right: Esther @choo_ek gets it right: "Listening isn’t just for the patient, and not just about quality of care. It’s the most fulfilling part of being a physician. As time for listening erodes, so does interest in & energy for the job" Mike drop. #hcldr / T1 https://t.co/P6jDPEtWAK
Dan Dunlop @dandunlop
RT @kate_gillmer: T1 I think active listening is especially important in primary care. What good is it to recommend healthy eating to a patient who lives in a food desert? Or prescribe medications that a patient can’t afford? #hcldr
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
RT @JamieRoger8: @jamesian @NathanGrunewald maybe, but it shouldn't be. My doctor is incredible... not only does she listen to me in her office BEFORE the actual exam but she also asks for my input and what additional tests I would like completed. This prevents me from having to return for anything extra #hcldr
Colin Hung @Colin_Hung
RT @LGin412: T2: T2: If we’re really going to live up to the β€˜volume to value’ we have to start listening with our hearts πŸ‘‚πŸΌβ€οΈ PS - The patient will see you now. #hcldr #pinksocks #ABCD https://t.co/vb0m2FmwBq
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
RT @EMRAnswers:
Lisa Morrise @LisaMorrise
RT @GraceCordovano: @lisadbudzinski That human connection is important to doctors & nurses too. That's why they got into medicine. Active listening brings joy to medicine. #hcldr
Lisa Davis Budzinski @lisadbudzinski
RT @LGin412: T2: T2: If we’re really going to live up to the β€˜volume to value’ we have to start listening with our hearts πŸ‘‚πŸΌβ€οΈ PS - The patient will see you now. #hcldr #pinksocks #ABCD https://t.co/vb0m2FmwBq
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
RT @LGin412: T2: T2: If we’re really going to live up to the β€˜volume to value’ we have to start listening with our hearts πŸ‘‚πŸΌβ€οΈ PS - The patient will see you now. #hcldr #pinksocks #ABCD https://t.co/vb0m2FmwBq
John Cloonan | Audacity Marketing | FIWOP Racing @johncloonan
@KathyKastner While there are natural listeners, it's a skill that can be taught like any other. #hcldr
Amanda G @LAlupusLady
Some basic communication (Listening 101 and active Listening 2.0) and empathy skills should be taught in Med School. #hcldr https://t.co/bjgEG6Q31a
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
RT @hcldr: Time for T2: Time for T2: Do you agree with Dr. Verghese’s characterization of the healthcare treating β€œiPatients” vs. β€œreal” patients? #hcldr https://t.co/5n0ZPLlJz0
Heather McCullen @H_SalemOaks
@PatientCritical Or, do more but we're only going to count your quantity not look at the quality. #hcldr
Monica Stout, She/Her/Hers @MI_turnaround
@Colin_Hung Exactly. So what can we as non-clinicians do to create an environment where all the payers and players can have higher quality interactions and better care? #HCLDR
Bingle @TheBingle
@KisteinM T1 That's a mouthful of Correct! #hcldr
Nirav J. Modi @NiravJModi
T2: Patients are people qnd individuals. That is the only definition we need. Let's find a waay to get individuals the care they need. #hcldr
Colin Hung @Colin_Hung
@KathyKastner Hello Kathy. A wizard is never late! #hcldr
Colin Hung @Colin_Hung
RT @TextraHealth: T1: T1: Listening is key to making sure patients do not β€œdoctor hop”... How many times has this happened to you? A relative? When all you want is someone who will listen and HELP rather than push pills, and get to the bottom of the problem, costs begin to add up in the system #hcldr
kathy kastner @KathyKastner
TY and well said @johncloonan #hcldr https://t.co/oB1CUNnHpu
Susan Woolner, CPXP @susanwoolner
This is so accurate. We hear from so many people in our dementia caregiver group as well. #hcldr https://t.co/h3ctiMnhA9
Joe Babaian πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ @JoeBabaian
@KathyKastner Kathy! No worries! Just so happy to see you here with us :) #hcldr
Joe Babaian πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ @JoeBabaian
RT @susanwoolner: This is so accurate. We hear from so many people in our dementia caregiver group as well. #hcldr https://t.co/h3ctiMnhA9
Lisa Davis Budzinski @lisadbudzinski
@GraceCordovano @JoeBabaian @Colin_Hung Nicely stated Grace ✨ #hcldr
Erin Moriarty Wade @EMoriartyWade
RT @PatientIntv: @EMoriartyWade @hcldr Being open to constructive criticism is key to growth regardless of where that input is coming from. The best ideas come from unlikely sources. #hcldr
Bingle @TheBingle
@KisteinM T1 Like to add .... Truly Listening by Drs./HCP's = RESPECT! #hcldr
Joe Babaian πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ @JoeBabaian
RT @GraceCordovano: @JoeBabaian @Colin_Hung Poorly prioritized & aligned financial incentives & bottom lines have poisoned the entire #healthcare ecosystem. #hcldr
Nathan Grunewald MD MBA FACS @NathanGrunewald
T2: We continue to engage technology as the answer to all barriers in healthcare. I believe it is part of the solution, but not the holy grail of all things healthcare related. Accurate data still needs to be input to allow #AI #VR, etc. #hcldr
Meghan Lugo @Meg_Lugo
RT @kate_gillmer: T1 In healthcare, we are literally talking about life and death, and the factors that influence where we are on that spectrum. I can’t think of a situation more in need of active listening. #hcldr
Nirav J. Modi @NiravJModi
T2: Patients are people and individuals. That is the only definition we need. Let's find a way to get individuals the care they need. #hcldr
Patient Critical Co-op @PatientCritical
Enlightening Results πŸ’‘ @GraceCordovano
@TextraHealth T1: There is also the faux listening & discrediting what's being told. For example, many patients tell their stories & are told "it's in their head", they are stressed, should exercise/sleep more. Happens to pediatric patients too. Very damaging. #hcldr
kathy kastner @KathyKastner
Hello, Wizardly Wonder @Colin_Hung #hcldr https://t.co/kfAlBEHPvp
Joe Babaian πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ @JoeBabaian
@Justinrt4444 No worries Justin! Welcome! #hcldr
Joe Babaian πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ @JoeBabaian
RT @NathanGrunewald: T2: T2: We continue to engage technology as the answer to all barriers in healthcare. I believe it is part of the solution, but not the holy grail of all things healthcare related. Accurate data still needs to be input to allow #AI #VR, etc. #hcldr
Laura Appel @lauradianeappel
T2 I've had the chance to see Dr. Verghese speak about this more than once. He makes a powerful case for human touch and interaction as part of the physician-patient encounter. IPatient may be necessary, but it is not a sufficient condition for true #healthcare. #hcldr https://t.co/WOxNwXhUCn
Joe Babaian πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ @JoeBabaian
RT @lauradianeappel: T2 I've had the chance to see Dr. Verghese speak about this more than once. He makes a powerful case for human touch and interaction as part of the physician-patient encounter. IPatient may be necessary, but it is not a sufficient condition for true #healthcare. #hcldr https://t.co/WOxNwXhUCn
Enlightening Results πŸ’‘ @GraceCordovano
RT @RasuShrestha: I wrote about the "illusion of communication" in healthcare, in this article here: β€œThe single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place.” β€”George Bernard Shaw https://t.co/AcjwKakA1y #HCLDR @Applied_Rad
Jon McBride 🌴 @jamcbride
T2 Absolutely. Businesses need to make money and the way to do that is: patient volume and capturing the right data on them to get paid. It is a tightly constrained box we've collectively created. #hcldr https://t.co/OLvGm2NiRJ
Joe Babaian πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ @JoeBabaian
@lauradianeappel Laura, I am glad! He's amazing and this is a powerfully important subject. #hcldr
Erin Moriarty Wade @EMoriartyWade
@hcldr T2 I agree with his characterization, but I have been fortunate to not experience this...perhaps pediatric specialists are more focused on their patients or perhaps it’s the nature of my daughter’s condition. #hcldr
Rasu Shrestha MD MBA @RasuShrestha
"The problem with communication as it exists in healthcare today, is that we do not listen to understand." https://t.co/AcjwKakA1y #HCLDR https://t.co/oDAqkyykF5
Stacey Tinianov (she/her) MPH, BCPA @coffeemommy
Time to take kiddo #2 to swim practice... enjoy the engaging #hcldr conversation and authentic virtual listening (yes, I do believe that is a thing). While ridiculous, listening may just be the newest innovation in healthcare. Kind of depressing but let's make the most of it!
Joe Babaian πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ @JoeBabaian
RT @hcldr: Time for T2: Time for T2: Do you agree with Dr. Verghese’s characterization of the healthcare treating β€œiPatients” vs. β€œreal” patients? #hcldr https://t.co/5n0ZPLlJz0
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
@hcldr On the origins of the iPatient concept: Culture Shock β€” Patient as Icon, Icon as Patient https://t.co/CrKcaD2kn3 | https://t.co/4uz8TIMjnB Treat the Patient, Not the CT Scan https://t.co/ldrblu2krJ Don't let 'iPatient' detract from hands-on medicine https://t.co/EyhebWpq5Y #hcldr
Joe Babaian πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ @JoeBabaian
RT @jamcbride: T2 Absolutely. Businesses need to make money and the way to do that is: T2 Absolutely. Businesses need to make money and the way to do that is: patient volume and capturing the right data on them to get paid. It is a tightly constrained box we've collectively created. #hcldr https://t.co/OLvGm2NiRJ
Joe Babaian πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ @JoeBabaian
RT @EMoriartyWade: @hcldr T2 I agree with his characterization, but I have been fortunate to not experience this...perhaps pediatric specialists are more focused on their patients or perhaps it’s the nature of my daughter’s condition. #hcldr
Jon McBride 🌴 @jamcbride
RT @NiravJModi: T1: T1: Listening requires time. Creating time requires realigning incentives. Adding more docs is not the fix. #hcldr
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
@hcldr And Dr. Verghese's TED talk on this https://t.co/4MjfhjaFiV #hcldr
Colin Hung @Colin_Hung
@coffeemommy Have a great night Stacey! #hcldr
Lisa Davis Budzinski @lisadbudzinski
Joe Babaian πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ @JoeBabaian
RT @RasuShrestha: "The problem with communication as it exists in healthcare today, is that we do not listen to understand." https://t.co/AcjwKakA1y #HCLDR https://t.co/oDAqkyykF5
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
RT @RasuShrestha: "The problem with communication as it exists in healthcare today, is that we do not listen to understand." https://t.co/AcjwKakA1y #HCLDR https://t.co/oDAqkyykF5
Patient Critical Co-op @PatientCritical
A1: I'm not sure the term 'iPatient' is a good shorthand for what Verghese is getting at here: I agree with his message, which is 'Doctors, listen to your patients' don't get lost in the tech & boil a patient down to a placeholder, an 'ipatient'. #hcldr
Alzheimer's Los Angeles @AlzheimersLA
RT @H_SalemOaks: @ALZGLA Not that healthcare could ever be detached from education, but I've always felt that being significantly more educated than most of their patients creates an almost insurmountable sense of superiority. #hcldr
MeganJanasπŸ”— @megan_janas
@GraceCordovano No wonder so many patients/caregivers have PTSD- many times you go looking for help and when you receive none, knowing something is wrong- that damage is deep. #hcldr
Patient Critical Co-op @PatientCritical
Enlightening Results πŸ’‘ @GraceCordovano
@RasuShrestha @Applied_Rad This was a great piece. Too many boxes being checked, clicks being made which are mistaken for #PtEng & dr-pt encounter. #hcldr
Benjamin Isgur @bisgur
T2: technology for those that want it as the interface but it is not for everyone. The health system needs to approach and interact with people as individuals #hcldr
Lisa Davis Budzinski @lisadbudzinski
T2 I like his saying β€œ paid to do to people, rather than for people” #hcldr β€œFor people” would include better listening skills by all parties involved; doctor, patient, caregiver, advocates etc. #hcldr
Jon McBride 🌴 @jamcbride
RT @RasuShrestha: I wrote about the "illusion of communication" in healthcare, in this article here: β€œThe single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place.” β€”George Bernard Shaw https://t.co/AcjwKakA1y #HCLDR @Applied_Rad
Meghan Lugo @Meg_Lugo
RT @RasuShrestha: "The problem with communication as it exists in healthcare today, is that we do not listen to understand." https://t.co/AcjwKakA1y #HCLDR https://t.co/oDAqkyykF5
Joe Babaian πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ @JoeBabaian
And this is the core of true #empathy and intelligence that must lead all we do in healthcare. #hcldr https://t.co/VUBwgJLynG
Monica Stout, She/Her/Hers @MI_turnaround
RT @lauradianeappel: T2 I've had the chance to see Dr. Verghese speak about this more than once. He makes a powerful case for human touch and interaction as part of the physician-patient encounter. IPatient may be necessary, but it is not a sufficient condition for true #healthcare. #hcldr https://t.co/WOxNwXhUCn
Colin Hung @Colin_Hung
@jamcbride T2 Think we are changing that a little bit with the value-based incentives? I'm hoping so.Volume was 60s thinking. We need an update #hcldr
Dan Dunlop @dandunlop
RT @clayforsberg:
Kate Warnock @mkatewarnock
T1 I can appreciate how much harder it is to understand when a Dx is particularly traumatic. We need room for follow-ups convos to truly impart all that needs to be known. #hcldr https://t.co/vEMzlto82Q
Jamie Roger @JamieRoger8
@bisgur Agreed, and therefor all treatment should be specific to the individual involved. #hcldr
Colin Hung @Colin_Hung
RT @RasuShrestha: "The problem with communication as it exists in healthcare today, is that we do not listen to understand." https://t.co/AcjwKakA1y #HCLDR https://t.co/oDAqkyykF5
Kistein Monkhouse, MPA @KisteinM
RT @TheBingle: @KisteinM T1 That's a mouthful of Correct! #hcldr
Nirav J. Modi @NiravJModi
RT @GraceCordovano: @RasuShrestha @Applied_Rad This was a great piece. Too many boxes being checked, clicks being made which are mistaken for #PtEng & dr-pt encounter. #hcldr
Nirav J. Modi @NiravJModi
RT @RasuShrestha: I wrote about the "illusion of communication" in healthcare, in this article here: β€œThe single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place.” β€”George Bernard Shaw https://t.co/AcjwKakA1y #HCLDR @Applied_Rad
Bingle @TheBingle
@johncloonan @KathyKastner Not Really IMHO. Some can learn. However, some are beyond learning. Just a couple months ago I tried to bring up legitimate concerns which was ignored by older Dr. #hcldr
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
@RasuShrestha @JoeBabaian @Colin_Hung @AllisonMassari @EMRAnswers @jameyedwards @HealthData4All @2healthguru @LGin412 That reminds me of "they should see with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and should understand with their heart, ... and I should heal them" https://t.co/3rwYQqfpcE #hcldr
MeganJanasπŸ”— @megan_janas
RT @RasuShrestha: "The problem with communication as it exists in healthcare today, is that we do not listen to understand." https://t.co/AcjwKakA1y #HCLDR https://t.co/oDAqkyykF5
Rasu Shrestha MD MBA @RasuShrestha
RT @pfanderson: @hcldr On the origins of the iPatient concept: @hcldr On the origins of the iPatient concept: Culture Shock β€” Patient as Icon, Icon as Patient https://t.co/CrKcaD2kn3 | https://t.co/4uz8TIMjnB Treat the Patient, Not the CT Scan https://t.co/ldrblu2krJ Don't let 'iPatient' detract from hands-on medicine https://t.co/EyhebWpq5Y #hcldr
Joe Babaian πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ @JoeBabaian
@coffeemommy Thanks Stacey! I rushed home from our swim practices to get here, so I feel your pain :) :) #hcldr
Amanda G @LAlupusLady
A2 Patients are people first, every Doctor was a person long before the got the MD / treat me right. How would you like to be treated? #hcldr https://t.co/YIQT1YfC7T
Patient Critical Co-op @PatientCritical
A2: I also think Verghese is right about Dr training moving away from considering the patient as focus. He speaks eloquently about taking in the sight, sound and unspoken pauses which require knowing your patient to translate. #hcldr
Comport Consulting @ComportConsult
RT @Colin_Hung: T1 Although there *may* be a doctor's shortage, there is *definitely* a time shortage. All clinicians are pressed for time - authentic listening falls by the wayside #hcldr
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
RT @PatientCritical: A1: I'm not sure the term 'iPatient' is a good shorthand for what Verghese is getting at here: A1: I'm not sure the term 'iPatient' is a good shorthand for what Verghese is getting at here: I agree with his message, which is 'Doctors, listen to your patients' don't get lost in the tech & boil a patient down to a placeholder, an 'ipatient'. #hcldr
Colin Hung @Colin_Hung
RT @mkatewarnock: T1 I can appreciate how much harder it is to understand when a Dx is particularly traumatic. We need room for follow-ups convos to truly impart all that needs to be known. #hcldr https://t.co/vEMzlto82Q
Joe Babaian πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ @JoeBabaian
RT @PatientCritical: A2: A2: I also think Verghese is right about Dr training moving away from considering the patient as focus. He speaks eloquently about taking in the sight, sound and unspoken pauses which require knowing your patient to translate. #hcldr
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
RT @TextraHealth: @GraceCordovano No wonder so many patients/caregivers have PTSD- many times you go looking for help and when you receive none, knowing something is wrong- that damage is deep. #hcldr
Kate Gillmer @kate_gillmer
Authentic listening requires generosity. Rather than focusing on MY response, I'm going to focus on what YOU need me to hear. It's a skill that requires practice. #hcldr https://t.co/8WnADDBTYx
Joe Babaian πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ @JoeBabaian
RT @mkatewarnock: T1 I can appreciate how much harder it is to understand when a Dx is particularly traumatic. We need room for follow-ups convos to truly impart all that needs to be known. #hcldr https://t.co/vEMzlto82Q
Colin Hung @Colin_Hung
RT @LAlupusLady: A2 Patients are people first, every Doctor was a person long before the got the MD / treat me right. How would you like to be treated? #hcldr https://t.co/YIQT1YfC7T
Nirav J. Modi @NiravJModi
RT @LAlupusLady: A2 Patients are people first, every Doctor was a person long before the got the MD / treat me right. How would you like to be treated? #hcldr https://t.co/YIQT1YfC7T
Sally James @jamesian
T2 - Listening to hear the social values, fears, and emotions behind the patient question? This goes beyond active listening, and is truly and art. #hcldr https://t.co/1gzhU59dbd
Alzheimer's Los Angeles @AlzheimersLA
RT @susanwoolner: This is so accurate. We hear from so many people in our dementia caregiver group as well. #hcldr https://t.co/h3ctiMnhA9
Meghan Lugo @Meg_Lugo
RT @Colin_Hung: @jamcbride T2 Think we are changing that a little bit with the value-based incentives? I'm hoping so.Volume was 60s thinking. We need an update #hcldr
Laura Appel @lauradianeappel
@JoeBabaian Encourage everyone on this chat, if you have the chance to be in the room with Dr. Abraham Verghese do not miss it. Whatever you were doing, cancel it and go see him. #hcldr
Enlightening Results πŸ’‘ @GraceCordovano
@jamcbride SO incredibly true John. Many drs are restricted in the manner in which they practice medicine due to payers jurisdictions & denials. Who went to medical school here? #hcldr
Monica Stout, She/Her/Hers @MI_turnaround
@TextraHealth So many times! When you find a provider who really listens to you and tries to help, you remember. It creates loyalty and trust. #HCLDR
Patient Critical Co-op @PatientCritical
A1: Changing from what is, essentially, a bulk service model to a results-based compensation model would be a fine way to encourage listening to all possible symptoms and patient experience. #hcldr https://t.co/bE1A5u187g
Sunnie Southern @SunnieSouthern
@pfanderson @hcldr Thanks for sharing this. I needed carification of what an "iPatient" is. I agree that we should treat people as individuals whether they are in the midst of a care episode or not. #hcldr
Erin Moriarty Wade @EMoriartyWade
Exactly @GraceCordovano! One of our doctors insisted this medicine should not cause vomiting and accused her of β€œmaking it up.” Ironically they offer you Zofran with it though. #hcldr https://t.co/JiRPVepFc1
Nirav J. Modi @NiravJModi
@LAlupusLady Well stated. No need to label further. Let's strive to keep it human. #hcldr
Joe Babaian πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ @JoeBabaian
RT @lauradianeappel: @JoeBabaian Encourage everyone on this chat, if you have the chance to be in the room with Dr. Abraham Verghese do not miss it. Whatever you were doing, cancel it and go see him. #hcldr
Lorri Thanos @LorriThanos
An inspirational truth about vulnerability being strength and allowing yourself to be real and human. That’s leadership! #hcldr,#TelehealthForward, #Pinksocks,#bossbabe https://t.co/rm52QZsi4i
MeganJanasπŸ”— @megan_janas
@RasuShrestha @JoeBabaian @Colin_Hung @AllisonMassari @EMRAnswers @jameyedwards @HealthData4All @2healthguru @LGin412 I have heard too, doctors get really good at pattern recognition, that’s great for when patients fit the pattern. But it’s the anomalies that Docs really need to double down on their listening skills. #hcldr
Meghan Lugo @Meg_Lugo
RT @kate_gillmer: Authentic listening requires generosity. Rather than focusing on MY response, I'm going to focus on what YOU need me to hear. It's a skill that requires practice. #hcldr https://t.co/8WnADDBTYx
Nirav J. Modi @NiravJModi
RT @SunnieSouthern: @pfanderson @hcldr Thanks for sharing this. I needed carification of what an "iPatient" is. I agree that we should treat people as individuals whether they are in the midst of a care episode or not. #hcldr
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
@TextraHealth @GraceCordovano You go into each visit on the defensive, assuming the care provider won't care, won't listen, will judge you, and you have to prove yourself. From POV of many patients, healthcare is a war, the dr is on other side, and pts are outgunned. #hcldr
Dan Dunlop @dandunlop
@clayforsberg @JoeBabaian I hear you. But even with EHRs, physicians can still listen and engage. We can’t let technology take the humanity out of healthcare. #hcldr #pinksocks
Amanda G @LAlupusLady
RT @NiravJModi: @LAlupusLady Well stated. No need to label further. Let's strive to keep it human. #hcldr
Nirav J. Modi @NiravJModi
RT @lauradianeappel: @JoeBabaian Encourage everyone on this chat, if you have the chance to be in the room with Dr. Abraham Verghese do not miss it. Whatever you were doing, cancel it and go see him. #hcldr
Colin Hung @Colin_Hung
@bisgur T2 Tech is not necessarily the answer for everything. Treating patients as individuals is key #hcldr
Dan Dunlop @dandunlop
RT @Colin_Hung: @hcldr T2 I think patients are patients. the difference is that many more are becoming more and more informed. Which can be a problem but it's a problem I'd love to see more of! #hcldr
kathy kastner @KathyKastner
πŸ‘ Couldn't agree more @kate_gillmer love how you put it; requires generosity and practice #hcldr https://t.co/JejV4Ror0S
Erin Moriarty Wade @EMoriartyWade
RT @coffeemommy: Time to take kiddo #2 to swim practice... enjoy the engaging #hcldr conversation and authentic virtual listening (yes, I do believe that is a thing). While ridiculous, listening may just be the newest innovation in healthcare. Kind of depressing but let's make the most of it!
Joe Babaian πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ @JoeBabaian
@LorriThanos Hi Lorri! You're doing it right! Happy dance and welcome to our newest #Texas guest! :) #hcldr
Joe Babaian πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ @JoeBabaian
RT @LorriThanos: An inspirational truth about vulnerability being strength and allowing yourself to be real and human. That’s leadership! #hcldr,#TelehealthForward, #Pinksocks,#bossbabe https://t.co/rm52QZsi4i
Larry Gioia πŸ”  @LGin412
@RasuShrestha @JoeBabaian @Colin_Hung @AllisonMassari @EMRAnswers @jameyedwards @HealthData4All @2healthguru Hey @RasuShrestha I see you brother ... we are SO in the same wavelength. We tweeted at the same time. βœ¨πŸ”  #hcldr #ABCD #pinksocks https://t.co/0iu9mASQho
Bingle @TheBingle
@RasuShrestha @JoeBabaian @Colin_Hung @AllisonMassari @EMRAnswers @jameyedwards @HealthData4All @2healthguru @LGin412 One reason some do not listen..... They can believe the patient has no knowledge to bring to their arrogant table. #hcldr
Monica Stout, She/Her/Hers @MI_turnaround
@kate_gillmer And hopefully like a muscle it can grow stronger with repeated use. #HCLDR
Dan Dunlop @dandunlop
RT @dandunlop: @clayforsberg @JoeBabaian I hear you. But even with EHRs, physicians can still listen and engage. We can’t let technology take the humanity out of healthcare. #hcldr #pinksocks
Amanda G @LAlupusLady
RT @Colin_Hung: @bisgur T2 Tech is not necessarily the answer for everything. Treating patients as individuals is key #hcldr
kathy kastner @KathyKastner
RT @Colin_Hung: @bisgur T2 Tech is not necessarily the answer for everything. Treating patients as individuals is key #hcldr
Colin Hung @Colin_Hung
RT @TheBingle: @RasuShrestha @JoeBabaian @Colin_Hung @AllisonMassari @EMRAnswers @jameyedwards @HealthData4All @2healthguru @LGin412 One reason some do not listen..... They can believe the patient has no knowledge to bring to their arrogant table. #hcldr
Chuck Webster MD, MS AI, MS Systems Engineering @wareFLO
Irony is that the very best physicians, w/the most loyal patients, are often the same physicians who can (bother to) bend tech 2 their will, making it equally serve their patients & their collective interest. Unfortunately other forces often intercede & make this difficult #hcldr https://t.co/xND1aP9Ptc
Kistein Monkhouse, MPA @KisteinM
πŸ˜ƒJust finished talking to @helpeachout about this exact topic #hcldr https://t.co/5XBQSWFR1m
MeganJanasπŸ”— @megan_janas
RT @pfanderson: @hcldr And Dr. Verghese's TED talk on this https://t.co/4MjfhjaFiV #hcldr
Bingle @TheBingle
RT @Colin_Hung: @bisgur T2 Tech is not necessarily the answer for everything. Treating patients as individuals is key #hcldr
Colin Hung @Colin_Hung
RT @SunnieSouthern: @pfanderson @hcldr Thanks for sharing this. I needed carification of what an "iPatient" is. I agree that we should treat people as individuals whether they are in the midst of a care episode or not. #hcldr
Joe Babaian πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ @JoeBabaian
@LorriThanos We are on Topic 2 just about to begin Topic 3 for the night. #hcldr
Joe Babaian πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ @JoeBabaian
RT @LGin412: @RasuShrestha @JoeBabaian @Colin_Hung @AllisonMassari @EMRAnswers @jameyedwards @HealthData4All @2healthguru Hey @RasuShrestha I see you brother ... we are SO in the same wavelength. We tweeted at the same time. βœ¨πŸ”  #hcldr #ABCD #pinksocks https://t.co/0iu9mASQho
MeganJanasπŸ”— @megan_janas
RT @PatientCritical: A1: I'm not sure the term 'iPatient' is a good shorthand for what Verghese is getting at here: A1: I'm not sure the term 'iPatient' is a good shorthand for what Verghese is getting at here: I agree with his message, which is 'Doctors, listen to your patients' don't get lost in the tech & boil a patient down to a placeholder, an 'ipatient'. #hcldr
Enlightening Results πŸ’‘ @GraceCordovano
@EMoriartyWade So very sorry to hear that. It's very sad. #hcldr
Jandis Price @jandis_price
RT @RasuShrestha: T1: T1: Today, physicians are being compelled to "do more with less". πŸ”₯This is also MORE harmful to patients, πŸ”₯and LESS satisfactory to physicians. Authentic listening is a key tool in our toolbox to counter this. #HCLDR https://t.co/B5c8kvrquP
Joe Babaian πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ @JoeBabaian
RT @LGin412: T2: T2: If we’re really going to live up to the β€˜volume to value’ we have to start listening with our hearts πŸ‘‚πŸΌβ€οΈ PS - The patient will see you now. #hcldr #pinksocks #ABCD https://t.co/vb0m2FmwBq
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
@TextraHealth @GraceCordovano "Trauma experienced as a result of medical procedures, illnesses, and hospital stays can have lasting effects. Those who experience medical trauma can develop clinically significant reactions such as PTSD" https://t.co/YdOUAJAVeW #hcldr
Jandis Price @jandis_price
RT @dandunlop: T1: T1: Healthcare has always had a narcissistic bent where the thoughts and opinions of patients and family members were simply a hassle or inconvenience. #hcldr
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
RT @lisadbudzinski: T2 I like his saying β€œ paid to do to people, rather than for people” #hcldr β€œFor people” would include better listening skills by all parties involved; doctor, patient, caregiver, advocates etc. #hcldr
HCLDR Moderator @hcldr
Just 1 minute until T3! #hcldr
Jandis Price @jandis_price
RT @JoeBabaian: Grace calls this out - we need to look at basics - active listening is an essential part of your success (or failure). #hcldr https://t.co/8Gfgakr8Tw
Joe Babaian πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ @JoeBabaian
RT @hcldr: Just 1 minute until T3! #hcldr
Rasu Shrestha MD MBA @RasuShrestha
T2: Physicians today have been conditioned to practice medicine by virture of ICD9/ ICD10, and CPT codes. The inordinate level of focus on billing & documentation is, well, unhealthy. #HCLDR https://t.co/mxyLfyiYDf
Patient Critical Co-op @PatientCritical
A2: To bang a drum I freguently bring out at #hcldr, this discussion is about two things: improving profit margins and staffing issues (as well as intangibles like PR, prestige and wooing donors)...and it's also about moving from tickbox med to #patientcentric, #codesign #hcldr
Jandis Price @jandis_price
RT @GraceCordovano: T1: T1: Physicians aren't the only ones that need to be held accountable for active listening. #Payers, #Pharma, #HIT, #meded, @FDA, are you all listening? #hcldr
Kistein Monkhouse, MPA @KisteinM
My exact thoughts πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ #hcldr https://t.co/6M3yMBRg7w
Colin Hung @Colin_Hung
RT @RasuShrestha: T2: T2: Physicians today have been conditioned to practice medicine by virture of ICD9/ ICD10, and CPT codes. The inordinate level of focus on billing & documentation is, well, unhealthy. #HCLDR https://t.co/mxyLfyiYDf
Joe Babaian πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ @JoeBabaian
RT @RasuShrestha: T2: T2: Physicians today have been conditioned to practice medicine by virture of ICD9/ ICD10, and CPT codes. The inordinate level of focus on billing & documentation is, well, unhealthy. #HCLDR https://t.co/mxyLfyiYDf
Amanda G @LAlupusLady
Thinking of 80s music with β€œTreat Me Right” and β€œPeople Are People” playing during #hcldr chat on Active Listening
Jandis Price @jandis_price
RT @LGin412: T1: T1: We have two ears and one mouth. Therefore, one would suggest, and I would support, that we should be listening twice as much as we talk. #hcldr #pinksocks #ABCD https://t.co/YpDomK97l1
Kate Gillmer @kate_gillmer
RT @lisadbudzinski: T2 I like his saying β€œ paid to do to people, rather than for people” #hcldr β€œFor people” would include better listening skills by all parties involved; doctor, patient, caregiver, advocates etc. #hcldr
HCLDR Moderator @hcldr
Time for T3: What experiences do you have with poor (or no) communication in healthcare? Did you find a way to overcome? #hcldr https://t.co/00cUT6pc23
Jandis Price @jandis_price
RT @JoeBabaian: Rasu @RasuShrestha nails it! The return is there for authentic listening, but we keep sabotaging ourselves when we rush & rush those we work with. Impacts to clinicians and patients - both way - are real. #hcldr https://t.co/EWmJCa1cBi
Joe Babaian πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ @JoeBabaian
RT @KisteinM: My exact thoughts πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ #hcldr https://t.co/6M3yMBRg7w
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
@2healthguru What we really need is flexibility. #hcldr
Jon McBride 🌴 @jamcbride
@Colin_Hung Yes, though it seems to be moving very slowly because of the Rube Goldberg designed Gordian knot we call the fee-for-service system. AKA get paid for doing stuff, not solving stuff or listening. Change will come, but so many moving parts. #hcldr
Joe Babaian πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ @JoeBabaian
RT @hcldr: Time for T3: Time for T3: What experiences do you have with poor (or no) communication in healthcare? Did you find a way to overcome? #hcldr https://t.co/00cUT6pc23
Michael Joseph, PMP @HealthData4All
RT @LGin412: @RasuShrestha @JoeBabaian @Colin_Hung @AllisonMassari @EMRAnswers @jameyedwards @HealthData4All @2healthguru Hey @RasuShrestha I see you brother ... we are SO in the same wavelength. We tweeted at the same time. βœ¨πŸ”  #hcldr #ABCD #pinksocks https://t.co/0iu9mASQho
Bingle @TheBingle
Many times that is the way it can be. Very true. #hcldr https://t.co/4tLOJCTMT6
Dan Dunlop @dandunlop
Tweeting with @Colin_Hung and @Meg_Lugo from #hmps18. #hcldr https://t.co/nRV5XseOGl
Nathan Grunewald MD MBA FACS @NathanGrunewald
@RasuShrestha So many of us spend our time documenting>>>listening. #hcldr
Colin Hung @Colin_Hung
RT @hcldr: Time for T3: Time for T3: What experiences do you have with poor (or no) communication in healthcare? Did you find a way to overcome? #hcldr https://t.co/00cUT6pc23
Jandis Price @jandis_price
RT @EMRAnswers: T1:
Michael Joseph, PMP @HealthData4All
RT @RasuShrestha: "The problem with communication as it exists in healthcare today, is that we do not listen to understand." https://t.co/AcjwKakA1y #HCLDR https://t.co/oDAqkyykF5
Amanda G @LAlupusLady
RT @hcldr: Time for T3: Time for T3: What experiences do you have with poor (or no) communication in healthcare? Did you find a way to overcome? #hcldr https://t.co/00cUT6pc23
MeganJanasπŸ”— @megan_janas
@MI_turnaround And that’s all you really want! And that trust is almost β€œgrouped”. When one medical professional breaks it, it can extend to others. Building trust after it is broken, is so hard. Can I trust you? Becomes critical. #hcldr
Jon McBride 🌴 @jamcbride
RT @wareFLO: Irony is that the very best physicians, w/the most loyal patients, are often the same physicians who can (bother to) bend tech 2 their will, making it equally serve their patients & their collective interest. Unfortunately other forces often intercede & make this difficult #hcldr https://t.co/xND1aP9Ptc
Jandis Price @jandis_price
RT @RasuShrestha: I wrote about the "illusion of communication" in healthcare, in this article here: β€œThe single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place.” β€”George Bernard Shaw https://t.co/AcjwKakA1y #HCLDR @Applied_Rad
Rasu Shrestha MD MBA @RasuShrestha
@KisteinM Empathy is the key to better care, and the way to get there is through effective communication and efficient collaboration that is woven into the fabric of our care delivery workflows. https://t.co/AcjwKakA1y #HCLDR
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
@2healthguru I'm just the one here. :) #hcldr
kathy kastner @KathyKastner
ooo interesting RT @onegrenouille: @quickmuse @choo_ek Is there negative listening because I think that happened too? #hcldr
Kate Warnock @mkatewarnock
RT @RasuShrestha: T2: T2: Physicians today have been conditioned to practice medicine by virture of ICD9/ ICD10, and CPT codes. The inordinate level of focus on billing & documentation is, well, unhealthy. #HCLDR https://t.co/mxyLfyiYDf
Alzheimer's Los Angeles @AlzheimersLA
Reading all these tweets about arrogant doctors and #thinkingoutloud about what we can do to prevent that? How do we teach self-reflection and ego-checking? #hcldr https://t.co/CnVCgyv9sI
Jon McBride 🌴 @jamcbride
RT @JoeBabaian: Esther @choo_ek gets it right: Esther @choo_ek gets it right: "Listening isn’t just for the patient, and not just about quality of care. It’s the most fulfilling part of being a physician. As time for listening erodes, so does interest in & energy for the job" Mike drop. #hcldr / T1 https://t.co/P6jDPEtWAK
Enlightening Results πŸ’‘ @GraceCordovano
T2: It's incredible that after all of the schooling, studying, residency, & hours, upon hours, upon years of dedication that drs spend, they are not paid to share their wisdom with patients. #hcldr
Joe Babaian πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ @JoeBabaian
RT @RasuShrestha: @KisteinM Empathy is the key to better care, and the way to get there is through effective communication and efficient collaboration that is woven into the fabric of our care delivery workflows. https://t.co/AcjwKakA1y #HCLDR
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
RT @hcldr: Time for T3: Time for T3: What experiences do you have with poor (or no) communication in healthcare? Did you find a way to overcome? #hcldr https://t.co/00cUT6pc23
Jon McBride 🌴 @jamcbride
RT @KisteinM: T1: T1: Listening is crucial in healthcare! not only can providers gain valuable information from patients to deploy better diagnoses and treatment but it is also important in demonstrating empathy to #patients #hcldr https://t.co/4xO0J7oOtB
Patient Critical Co-op @PatientCritical
A2: healthcare providers so often are challenged to listen to concerns of patients because for a multiltude of reasons they simply do not. Studies show Dr burnout is a direct result of feeling like a commodity, and feeling they have to treat patients the same way. #hcldr
Colin Hung @Colin_Hung
T3 When my dad was in hospital there were times when we were not being informed of his treatment. Dealt with it by being nice and simply asking to be informed. Worked! Hope that would work most of the time #hcldr
Heather McCullen @H_SalemOaks
I had a lot of bad communication experiences with my doctor in middle school-high school .... I "overcame" it by not going to a doctor for a decade. #hcldr (don't be like me)
Erin Moriarty Wade @EMoriartyWade
@dandunlop @clayforsberg @JoeBabaian Very true!!! We have an incredibly talented and wonderfully kind specialist @HackensackUMC who does this EVERY single time for my daughter! She always listens and truly cares...and still types away in the #EHR. #hcldr
Joe Babaian πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ @JoeBabaian
@dandunlop @Colin_Hung @Meg_Lugo Dan, stay on top of Colin! :) Hugs all around and even some #pinksocks to make things right :) #hcldr
Joe Babaian πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ @JoeBabaian
RT @dandunlop: Tweeting with @Colin_Hung and @Meg_Lugo from #hmps18. #hcldr https://t.co/nRV5XseOGl
Eve Bloomgarden MD 🟦 πŸŽ—οΈ @evebmd
@choo_ek @hcldr T1 absolutely this. I can’t do my job if i’m not listening but my appointment slots are getting shorter and shorter as decided by someone I’ve never met. I love my job but this is huge stressor for me. #hcldr
Mariah Obiedzinski @MariahWrites
RT @hcldr: Time for T3: Time for T3: What experiences do you have with poor (or no) communication in healthcare? Did you find a way to overcome? #hcldr https://t.co/00cUT6pc23
Dan Dunlop @dandunlop
T3: I’ve had an appointment with my primary care doc where she spent most of the time sitting with her back to me as she entered data in the EMR. She was not present! #hcldr
Stephanie Crabb @stephaniecrabb
T2: I’m still the same patient. The EHR has not made me an iPatient. I have encountered physicians who still interact β€œold school” - they conduct the visit and document after. Others chart throughout the visit. I’m really okay with either as long as I feel heard. #hcldr https://t.co/Rb0hvLU4iz
Amanda G @LAlupusLady
A3 if a doctor doesn’t look πŸ‘€ at me how can they β€œtreat” me and to me active listening includes looking at me. I have changed MDs, treat me right or I will find someone who will/ no an option for many though. #hcldr
Laura Appel @lauradianeappel
T3 Lucky enough to have limited experience with poor communication. Used persistence to resolve issues. #shepersisted #hcldr https://t.co/jGdZsPEoGW
Bingle @TheBingle
And that is exactly why we need This Conversation. How many times Drs. get Dx's wrong. And how many find later (sometimes years later) the right Dx ...perhaps very rare? #hcldr https://t.co/ZWo9RkpDkO
Matthew Katz, MD 🟦 @subatomicdoc
RT @hcldr: Time for T1: Time for T1: How critical is the need for authentic listening in healthcare and why? Is this related to the β€œdoctor shortage?” #hcldr https://t.co/iTZGjQ2Ddz
Monica Stout, She/Her/Hers @MI_turnaround
RT @hcldr: Time for T3: Time for T3: What experiences do you have with poor (or no) communication in healthcare? Did you find a way to overcome? #hcldr https://t.co/00cUT6pc23
Kate Gillmer @kate_gillmer
@Colin_Hung @bisgur Treating patients as people should be a foundation to everything else we do in #healthcare. #hcldr
Bingle @TheBingle
RT @LorriThanos: An inspirational truth about vulnerability being strength and allowing yourself to be real and human. That’s leadership! #hcldr,#TelehealthForward, #Pinksocks,#bossbabe https://t.co/rm52QZsi4i
Dan Dunlop @dandunlop
RT @JoeBabaian: @dandunlop @Colin_Hung @Meg_Lugo Dan, stay on top of Colin! :) Hugs all around and even some #pinksocks to make things right :) #hcldr
Colin Hung @Colin_Hung
@TeamMDrs @RasuShrestha @JoeBabaian @AllisonMassari @EMRAnswers @jameyedwards @HealthData4All @2healthguru @LGin412 So right Rahul! Too often we are listening only for the opportunity to speak! #hcldr Lovely to see you Rahul. How have you been!
Amanda G @LAlupusLady
RT @Colin_Hung: T3 When my dad was in hospital there were times when we were not being informed of his treatment. Dealt with it by being nice and simply asking to be informed. Worked! Hope that would work most of the time #hcldr
Joe Babaian πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ @JoeBabaian
@Colin_Hung And when that doesn't work, which it doesn't always, be persistent, don't give up, stay the course until the information flows! #hcldr
Mariah Obiedzinski @MariahWrites
T3: Patients have to be their own best advocates. Don't be afraid to speak up and speak out. #HCLDR
Kistein Monkhouse, MPA @KisteinM
T3: Witnessed care providers faced with language barriers and not being able to articulate their plan of treatment to patients #hcldr https://t.co/JeOdv3qmsz
Jon McBride 🌴 @jamcbride
@KathyKastner For me? It was training and learning. Some people may be naturals, but it'd be nice to have some pointers at a younger age, IMHO. Great question. #hcldr
Rasu Shrestha MD MBA @RasuShrestha
RT @TextraHealth: @RasuShrestha @JoeBabaian @Colin_Hung @AllisonMassari @EMRAnswers @jameyedwards @HealthData4All @2healthguru @LGin412 I have heard too, doctors get really good at pattern recognition, that’s great for when patients fit the pattern. But it’s the anomalies that Docs really need to double down on their listening skills. #hcldr
Joe Babaian πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ @JoeBabaian
RT @KisteinM: T3: T3: Witnessed care providers faced with language barriers and not being able to articulate their plan of treatment to patients #hcldr https://t.co/JeOdv3qmsz
Joe Babaian πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ @JoeBabaian
RT @EMRAnswers: T3:
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
@hcldr T3/ Worst time was when I was desperately ill w/ what turned out to be CO poisoning. PA referred me to psych. I went to a diff dr. Ask for DiffDx for CFS. He went down the hall to the PA. Said no. Referred me to psych. 1/2 #hcldr
Sunnie Southern @SunnieSouthern
RT @TheBingle: And that is exactly why we need This Conversation. How many times Drs. get Dx's wrong. And how many find later (sometimes years later) the right Dx ...perhaps very rare? #hcldr https://t.co/ZWo9RkpDkO
Bingle @TheBingle
RT @LAlupusLady: A3 if a doctor doesn’t look πŸ‘€ at me how can they β€œtreat” me and to me active listening includes looking at me. I have changed MDs, treat me right or I will find someone who will/ no an option for many though. #hcldr
Amanda G @LAlupusLady
RT @KisteinM: T3: T3: Witnessed care providers faced with language barriers and not being able to articulate their plan of treatment to patients #hcldr https://t.co/JeOdv3qmsz
Rasu Shrestha MD MBA @RasuShrestha
@2healthguru @pfanderson is simply BRILLIANT!!!! #HCLDR
Health Equity and Community Engagement Research @mayoclinic_cenr
T2 #hcldr Making Decisions With, Not for, Patients https://t.co/mOnR0ER4BA via @YouTube
Erin Moriarty Wade @EMoriartyWade
#T3 A (female) pediatric specialist who knew my daughter was scared, in pain and couldn’t move very easily, said β€œHurry, get up on the table, I’m not going to chop you up, I just want to look at you!” Verbatim. WTF?! #hcldr, #PtExp, #MedEd
Nathan Grunewald MD MBA FACS @NathanGrunewald
@ALZGLA I think most doctors really want to listen and heal patients. #empathy for #doctors #providers is also needed to help us improve a system that tries to force us into quantity instead of quality for #patients. #hcldr
Colin Hung @Colin_Hung
RT @pfanderson: @hcldr T3/ Worst time was when I was desperately ill w/ what turned out to be CO poisoning. PA referred me to psych. I went to a diff dr. Ask for DiffDx for CFS. He went down the hall to the PA. Said no. Referred me to psych. 1/2 #hcldr
Dan Dunlop @dandunlop
@JoeBabaian @Colin_Hung @Meg_Lugo Will do! #hcldr
John Cloonan | Audacity Marketing | FIWOP Racing @johncloonan
T3: During cancer diagnosis, I was scheduled for a biopsy surgery, and nobody thought to inform me until I got the pre-op phone call the day before. I canceled, yelled, screamed, hollered, carried on, and then went to a doc I trusted. I also dragged his name across #some #hcldr
Susan Woolner, CPXP @susanwoolner
T3: I do service recovery for our neuroscience center. Many of my jobs are fixing communication issues. Perceptions ect. #hcldr
Michael Joseph, PMP @HealthData4All
RT @hcldr: Time for T1: Time for T1: How critical is the need for authentic listening in healthcare and why? Is this related to the β€œdoctor shortage?” #hcldr https://t.co/iTZGjQ2Ddz
Chuck Webster MD, MS AI, MS Systems Engineering @wareFLO
Canadians! #hcldr πŸ‡¨πŸ‡¦ https://t.co/CaRU61pZlx
Kate Warnock @mkatewarnock
T3 Totally admire that you took the high road, @Colin_Hung - and glad you were rewarded with the info you needed. #hcldr https://t.co/mTXGqr5DwG
Bingle @TheBingle
RT @evebmd: @choo_ek @hcldr T1 absolutely this. I can’t do my job if i’m not listening but my appointment slots are getting shorter and shorter as decided by someone I’ve never met. I love my job but this is huge stressor for me. #hcldr
Michael Joseph, PMP @HealthData4All
RT @hcldr: Time for T3: Time for T3: What experiences do you have with poor (or no) communication in healthcare? Did you find a way to overcome? #hcldr https://t.co/00cUT6pc23
Joe Babaian πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ @JoeBabaian
So Mariah @MariahWrites correctly calls out the power of the patient! Yes! >> "Patients have to be their own best advocates. Don't be afraid to speak up and speak out." #HCLDR https://t.co/XcDFFlUo3c
Meghan Lugo @Meg_Lugo
Great point @kate_gillmer. Such a simple principle but something so frequently put into practice. #hcldr https://t.co/zoIxtuYGjf
Amanda G @LAlupusLady
T3 After struggling for too long - now I have a megaphone. #hcldr https://t.co/2PESBTJRmg
Monica Stout, She/Her/Hers @MI_turnaround
T3: As a patient, I knew something was wrong. I needed an MRI. My PCP wasn't listening. Then it reached critical mass when I was out of state and fell. The ER doc listened to me. I asked her if she's write a note to my PCP saying I needed an MRI. She did. It worked. #HCLDR
Erin Moriarty Wade @EMoriartyWade
RT @KisteinM: T3: T3: Witnessed care providers faced with language barriers and not being able to articulate their plan of treatment to patients #hcldr https://t.co/JeOdv3qmsz
Nathan Grunewald MD MBA FACS @NathanGrunewald
T3 Sadly, too many. So much data exists yet #interoperability limits so much of the needed communication in healthcare. If only I could easily read what the consultant said, or the see the imaging done somewhere else…#hcldr
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
@hcldr T3/ I went looking for a different dr. Took me 6 months to get an appointment. He immediately did the DiffDx for CFS, without my even having to ask. And found that I had life threatening anemia (11/100 serum ferritin). Probably saved my life. 2/2 #hcldr
Mariah Obiedzinski @MariahWrites
RT @LAlupusLady: T3 After struggling for too long - now I have a megaphone. #hcldr https://t.co/2PESBTJRmg
Amanda G @LAlupusLady
RT @wareFLO: Canadians! #hcldr πŸ‡¨πŸ‡¦ https://t.co/CaRU61pZlx
Susan Woolner, CPXP @susanwoolner
RT @ProfessorMac: @hcldr #hcldr T4 We must expand #goodsamaritan laws to apply to #patients access to affordable #DRUGS #MedicalDevices - #patent #laws should NOT be used to put people in harms way. #FairPricing
Jamie Roger @JamieRoger8
I went to my neurologist and was supposed to discontinue my meds after that appointment, my doctor (who is otherwise amazing) never discussed my meds with me before concluding the appointment. He just said to continue life as I was. #hcldr https://t.co/bdvnk2T4gz
Larry Gioia πŸ”  @LGin412
T3: Sorry Tweeps, @keenzai just surprised us and showed up - #heartspeak overload. πŸ’₯ (and our food’s here!) Much ❀️ to all - love this topic! Last comment - listen to your heart, it knows the way. Always. βœ¨πŸ” β€οΈ #hcldr #pinksocks #ABCD https://t.co/6w8SNm14LM
Colin Hung @Colin_Hung
@mkatewarnock T3 Thanks Kate. I just think it should be step 1. If that doesn't work then escalate a little but no need to go DEFCON 3 right at the start #hcldr Everyone deserves respect.
Dan Dunlop @dandunlop
@Meg_Lugo is wearing her new #pinksocks tonight as she participates in her first #hcldr chat. Woohoo! https://t.co/SlUPQl1vrW
Kistein Monkhouse, MPA @KisteinM
T3: When one department is unfamiliar with treatment pertaining to a patient seen within the same healthcare organization = poor communication #hcldr https://t.co/JeOdv3qmsz
Colin Hung @Colin_Hung
@LGin412 @keenzai @JoeBabaian @mikebiselli @andrewintech @RasuShrestha @nickisnpdx @bisgur @jameyedwards @HealthData4All Enjoy guys! Hope to see you soon in PGH and #Cinderblocks5 #hcldr
Enlightening Results πŸ’‘ @GraceCordovano
T3: Communication is a delicate art. Barriers include: βœ”οΈlanguage βœ”οΈhealth literacy βœ”οΈhealth experience literacy βœ”οΈcultural/spiritual βœ”οΈpaternalism βœ”οΈSDoH βœ”οΈableism βœ”οΈmental health #hcldr https://t.co/14b9KidItA
Benjamin Isgur @bisgur
T3: I learned to write my questions down before the visit. I used to walk out regretting the conversation I didn't have. It can spark better communication sometimes. #hcldr
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
@2healthguru You should see us when we all get together. Mad tweeters at #medlibs confs compete to see who can tweet the cite first. ;) Trust me, there are a LOT of librarians who can do this! #hcldr
Colin Hung @Colin_Hung
RT @GraceCordovano: T3: T3: Communication is a delicate art. Barriers include: βœ”οΈlanguage βœ”οΈhealth literacy βœ”οΈhealth experience literacy βœ”οΈcultural/spiritual βœ”οΈpaternalism βœ”οΈSDoH βœ”οΈableism βœ”οΈmental health #hcldr https://t.co/14b9KidItA
Susan Woolner, CPXP @susanwoolner
RT @EMoriartyWade: @hcldr T1 It’s critical for doctors to listen to their patients because patients can tell when they don’t listen. Even if that patient is a small child like my daughter...she once told her specialist β€œyou don’t listen to me, and you don’t care about my opinion.” #hcldr, #PtExp, #MedEd
Sally James @jamesian
T3 - Recommend listening to #doctor story - she got lesson when she was caregiver to child with #raredisease https://t.co/VporMEDHaY #hcldr
FollowHeidi @FollowHeidi
T3 common tale w/many cancer patients. Us:”i know i dont fit the mold, but i really think that there is something seriously wrong” Provider:”oh honey dont worry, you are far too young to have cancer” #hcldr
Jamie Roger @JamieRoger8
RT @RasuShrestha: @KisteinM Empathy is the key to better care, and the way to get there is through effective communication and efficient collaboration that is woven into the fabric of our care delivery workflows. https://t.co/AcjwKakA1y #HCLDR
Amanda G @LAlupusLady
RT @JoeBabaian: And this is the core of true #empathy and intelligence that must lead all we do in healthcare. #hcldr https://t.co/VUBwgJLynG
Heather McCullen @H_SalemOaks
T3: I guess this is communication. My husband was misdiagnosed as a T2 diabetic for years. He continued to be misdiagnosed through a very bad case of "bronchitis". They finally believed he wasn't just being non-compliant with his metformin when he was in the ICU with DKA #hcldr
kathy kastner @KathyKastner
F'n Eh! πŸ˜‰ RT @wareFLO: Canadians! #hcldr πŸ‡¨πŸ‡¦ https://t.co/aG8ICbmR0z
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
@RasuShrestha @2healthguru OK, you two, I'm going to screenshot these and send them to my boss. ;) #hcldr
Dan Dunlop @dandunlop
RT @MI_turnaround: @dandunlop Well said! How authentic are we when we're half paying attention, buried in our devices, and not even looking at other people? #HCLDR
FollowHeidi @FollowHeidi
T3 common tale w/many cancer patients. Us:”please trust me, my veins are very hard to find. Lots of scar tissue from chemo”. Provider:”oh honey dont worry, ive been doing this for years” 40 minutes and 5 blown veins later... #hcldr
Monica Stout, She/Her/Hers @MI_turnaround
My thought process in asking for that was, ok, my doc isn't listening to me. Maybe my doc will listen to another doc. And it turned out I was right, there were a whole lot of things going on in my spine that needed treatment. It wasn't "in my head." #HCLDR
Enlightening Results πŸ’‘ @GraceCordovano
@dandunlop @Meg_Lugo That makes the whole experience so much better! Welcome to the #pinksocks tribe Meg! #hcldr
Dan Dunlop @dandunlop
RT @jenningshealth: RT @Colin_Hung: RT @Colin_Hung: Coming to you live from Salt Lake City. @dandunlop and I found a quiet conference room on the 3rd floor to tweet from! #hcldr https://t.co/AN4kdLkgwt #hmps18
John Cloonan | Audacity Marketing | FIWOP Racing @johncloonan
T3: Also, during radiation treatment, I was essentially told I wouldn't see any significant side effects. Let's just say that was bullshit. I was pissed, but I was stuck. #hcldr
Colin Hung @Colin_Hung
RT @johncloonan: T3: T3: Also, during radiation treatment, I was essentially told I wouldn't see any significant side effects. Let's just say that was bullshit. I was pissed, but I was stuck. #hcldr
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
RT @bisgur: T3: T3: I learned to write my questions down before the visit. I used to walk out regretting the conversation I didn't have. It can spark better communication sometimes. #hcldr
Laura Appel @lauradianeappel
What is #Cinderblocks? #hcldr
Kate Gillmer @kate_gillmer
@dandunlop @Colin_Hung @Meg_Lugo #FOMO! Hope you guys are having fun! #hcldr
Bingle @TheBingle
@hcldr T3 Years ago an infection occurred which should not have happened. After getting mobile 1st thing I read in book at nurses station... Prevent infection w/antibiotics. #hcldr
Nathan Grunewald MD MBA FACS @NathanGrunewald
@Colin_Hung We want to hear you. We need to hear you. But also, thanks for being nice. :) #hcldr
Sunnie Southern @SunnieSouthern
@Colin_Hung .@Colin_Hung I LOVE that answer & it is so completely authentically you! You are nice and you are persistent (also a great listener). I believe good guys do win. We catch more bees w/ honey. Right? Can't forget #doctors are people (not perfect) too. #hcldr
Joe Babaian πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ @JoeBabaian
Must read thoughts on listening from Allison @AllisonMassari - this is real. Thanks Allison! #hcldr https://t.co/2mw0hIYmNe
Monica Stout, She/Her/Hers @MI_turnaround
It does make me angry to think about the year+ I wasted being in tremendous pain, though. That's time I can't get back. If only someone had listened to me. #HCLDR
Colin Hung @Colin_Hung
@2healthguru T3 Human-speak! Yes. We shouldn't need a healthcare translator #hcldr
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
@bisgur EXCELLENT! I jot them on my phone, and always update the list. I also take notes during and after the visit, email them to myself. Keep a diary of what happened when, where, with who, what questions asked, what answers recd. #hcldr
kathy kastner @KathyKastner
To your point @jamcbride wondered if 'listening' is ever part of medical training #hcldr https://t.co/fw7adtWZUZ
Alzheimer's Los Angeles @AlzheimersLA
RT @MI_turnaround: My thought process in asking for that was, ok, my doc isn't listening to me. Maybe my doc will listen to another doc. And it turned out I was right, there were a whole lot of things going on in my spine that needed treatment. It wasn't "in my head." #HCLDR
Colin Hung @Colin_Hung
RT @FollowHeidi: T3 common tale w/many cancer patients. Us:”i know i dont fit the mold, but i really think that there is something seriously wrong” Provider:”oh honey dont worry, you are far too young to have cancer” #hcldr
Jon McBride 🌴 @jamcbride
RT @pfanderson: @hcldr On the origins of the iPatient concept: @hcldr On the origins of the iPatient concept: Culture Shock β€” Patient as Icon, Icon as Patient https://t.co/CrKcaD2kn3 | https://t.co/4uz8TIMjnB Treat the Patient, Not the CT Scan https://t.co/ldrblu2krJ Don't let 'iPatient' detract from hands-on medicine https://t.co/EyhebWpq5Y #hcldr
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
RT @GraceCordovano: T3: T3: Communication is a delicate art. Barriers include: βœ”οΈlanguage βœ”οΈhealth literacy βœ”οΈhealth experience literacy βœ”οΈcultural/spiritual βœ”οΈpaternalism βœ”οΈSDoH βœ”οΈableism βœ”οΈmental health #hcldr https://t.co/14b9KidItA
Joe Babaian πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ @JoeBabaian
@LGin412 @keenzai @mikebiselli @Colin_Hung @andrewintech @RasuShrestha @nickisnpdx @bisgur @jameyedwards @HealthData4All Thanks for staying while you could! #hcldr Enjoy!
Mariah Obiedzinski @MariahWrites
T3: Doctors aren't mind readers. If something is going on, #patients must let the doctor know and have a conversation about it. #hcldr
Kistein Monkhouse, MPA @KisteinM
Preach πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ”Š #hcldr #healthcare https://t.co/VCad2tJpW9
Kate Gillmer @kate_gillmer
Too often healthcare marketers (and other professions) assume we can read patients’ minds. We need to ask for their perspectives. #hcldr
Michael Martineau @eHealthMusings
From my wife, @TheMadnessMaven: "Consider that, very often, as a patient, I am seen if not at my worst, certainly not my best when I walk through your doors. I am vulnerable. I am asking for help.” https://t.co/tjJUQhoKLu #hcldr
Patient Critical Co-op @PatientCritical
A2: The #healthcare system trains mixed messages into providers' heads. Money? Volume? Results? Where once we had the image of kindly doctors, patients now view them with suspicion, anger or fear. Patients want partners, but Dr's aren't being trained to be partners. #hcldr https://t.co/kkXZSpotac
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
RT @MI_turnaround: It does make me angry to think about the year+ I wasted being in tremendous pain, though. That's time I can't get back. If only someone had listened to me. #HCLDR
Michael Joseph, PMP @HealthData4All
RT @LGin412: T3: T3: Sorry Tweeps, @keenzai just surprised us and showed up - #heartspeak overload. πŸ’₯ (and our food’s here!) Much ❀️ to all - love this topic! Last comment - listen to your heart, it knows the way. Always. βœ¨πŸ” β€οΈ #hcldr #pinksocks #ABCD https://t.co/6w8SNm14LM
Susan Woolner, CPXP @susanwoolner
RT @EMoriartyWade: @hcldr T1 It’s even more critical to listen when it’s something they might not want to hear (e.g this medicine is having a side effect even though it wasn’t supposed to) instead of argue that statistically it’s unlikely. #hcldr, #PtExp, #MedEd
Joe Babaian πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ @JoeBabaian
RT @KisteinM: Preach πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ”Š #hcldr #healthcare https://t.co/VCad2tJpW9
Amanda G @LAlupusLady
T3 same here as a lupus patients with β€œrolling veins” after 3 decades my veins still collapse bc no one β€œlistens” #hcldr https://t.co/v5b5yxWYqI
Susan Woolner, CPXP @susanwoolner
RT @Colin_Hung: @hcldr T2 I think patients are patients. the difference is that many more are becoming more and more informed. Which can be a problem but it's a problem I'd love to see more of! #hcldr
Jennings @jenningshealth
RT @dandunlop: @Meg_Lugo is wearing her new #pinksocks tonight as she participates in her first #hcldr chat. Woohoo! https://t.co/SlUPQl1vrW
Physicians In Focus @PhysicianFocus
RT @dandunlop: @Meg_Lugo is wearing her new #pinksocks tonight as she participates in her first #hcldr chat. Woohoo! https://t.co/SlUPQl1vrW
Joe Babaian πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ @JoeBabaian
RT @johncloonan: T3: T3: Also, during radiation treatment, I was essentially told I wouldn't see any significant side effects. Let's just say that was bullshit. I was pissed, but I was stuck. #hcldr
Meghan Lugo @Meg_Lugo
RT @dandunlop: @Meg_Lugo is wearing her new #pinksocks tonight as she participates in her first #hcldr chat. Woohoo! https://t.co/SlUPQl1vrW
Heather McCullen @H_SalemOaks
RT @eHealthMusings: From my wife, @TheMadnessMaven: "Consider that, very often, as a patient, I am seen if not at my worst, certainly not my best when I walk through your doors. I am vulnerable. I am asking for help.” https://t.co/tjJUQhoKLu #hcldr
Joe Babaian πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ @JoeBabaian
RT @H_SalemOaks: T3: T3: I guess this is communication. My husband was misdiagnosed as a T2 diabetic for years. He continued to be misdiagnosed through a very bad case of "bronchitis". They finally believed he wasn't just being non-compliant with his metformin when he was in the ICU with DKA #hcldr
Bingle @TheBingle
@hcldr T3 Poor is being called crazy by several "professionals". Turned out patient was on right track. Drs. crashed BUT Cashed In ! This and other patients have paid. #hcldr
kathy kastner @KathyKastner
->MT @kate_gillmer: Too often hcare marketers (+other professions) assume we can read patients’ minds. Need 2ask their perspectives. #hcldr
Meghan Lugo @Meg_Lugo
RT @Colin_Hung: Coming to you live from Salt Lake City. @dandunlop and I found a quiet conference room on the 3rd floor to tweet from! #hcldr https://t.co/dDEfcr86RN
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
@SweeterCherise Usually, I'm the best advocate for friends/family, and myself; but sometimes, for me, I'm just too tired to fight the battle. Sometimes you just want an easy button. #hcldr
Mariah Obiedzinski @MariahWrites
@SweeterCherise It's a learning curve and has to be a give and take, for sure. But #healthcare isn't new - it's time to fix what's broken. #hcldr
Erin Moriarty Wade @EMoriartyWade
RT @NathanGrunewald: @Colin_Hung We want to hear you. We need to hear you. But also, thanks for being nice. :) #hcldr
Colin Hung @Colin_Hung
@SunnieSouthern T3 Thanks for that Sunnie. Yes. It's all about relationships. You don't start off one by yelling. Maybe they had a horrible day. Maybe they just lost a patient in the other room. If you take the time you'll find they are more helpful later #hcldr
Bingle @TheBingle
RT @LAlupusLady: T3 same here as a lupus patients with β€œrolling veins” after 3 decades my veins still collapse bc no one β€œlistens” #hcldr https://t.co/v5b5yxWYqI
Meghan Lugo @Meg_Lugo
RT @kate_gillmer: Too often healthcare marketers (and other professions) assume we can read patients’ minds. We need to ask for their perspectives. #hcldr
Allison Massari @AllisonMassari
RT @JoeBabaian: Must read thoughts on listening from Allison @AllisonMassari - this is real. Thanks Allison! #hcldr https://t.co/2mw0hIYmNe
Kate Warnock @mkatewarnock
T3 Could this "fixing" be done as a televisit? perhaps deliberately scheduled a couple days after 1st appt so patient has time to form Qs, knowing they'd have chance to ask from their own home? #hcldr https://t.co/LmSPSv3PgP
Jon McBride 🌴 @jamcbride
RT @RasuShrestha: "The problem with communication as it exists in healthcare today, is that we do not listen to understand." https://t.co/AcjwKakA1y #HCLDR https://t.co/oDAqkyykF5
Stephanie Crabb @stephaniecrabb
T3: I’ve been fortunate as the vast majority of my experiences have been positive. But I am educated consumer, an industry insider. I grew up in social work so I’m an advocate to my core. That said, I ask for what I need in those communications. #hcldr https://t.co/HWZCm360uM
Monica Stout, She/Her/Hers @MI_turnaround
@FollowHeidi You've described every time my mother has a blood draw. They usually make her pass out. #HCLDR
Michael Martineau @eHealthMusings
@TheMadnessMaven notes: "As a patient we are stripped of our power, our dignity, our choice, often through no fault of our own other than we require the services of a healthcare professional.” #hcldr
Lisa Davis Budzinski @lisadbudzinski
@kate_gillmer Yes! #PatientPerspective ✨#hcldr
Bingle @TheBingle
@PatientCritical It's all about patients??? #hcldr
Colin Hung @Colin_Hung
@NathanGrunewald T3 That's the sad part. So many MDs, nurses & other clinicians want to do the right thing but can't - they just they have to move on to see the next pt or risk reprimand #hcldr
Jon McBride 🌴 @jamcbride
RT @stephaniecrabb: T3: T3: I’ve been fortunate as the vast majority of my experiences have been positive. But I am educated consumer, an industry insider. I grew up in social work so I’m an advocate to my core. That said, I ask for what I need in those communications. #hcldr https://t.co/HWZCm360uM
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
@lauradianeappel That is @ReginaHolliday 's baby! Fantastic conference that always seems to align with something else I was already booked for, so I never get to go. #Cinderblocks #hcldr
Sunnie Southern @SunnieSouthern
@lauradianeappel #Cinderblocks5 w/ the wonder @ReginaHolliday is nearly unexplainable. It is time and a place to recharge, connect, & let go. It's summer camp meets burning man. :) Here's a link to learn more https://t.co/MgrSrMsUmk #hcldr
MedEdBot @MedEdBot
RT @EMoriartyWade: #T3 A (female) pediatric specialist who knew my daughter was scared, in pain and couldn’t move very easily, said β€œHurry, get up on the table, I’m not going to chop you up, I just want to look at you!” Verbatim. WTF?! #hcldr, #PtExp, #MedEd
Colin Hung @Colin_Hung
RT @stephaniecrabb: T3: T3: I’ve been fortunate as the vast majority of my experiences have been positive. But I am educated consumer, an industry insider. I grew up in social work so I’m an advocate to my core. That said, I ask for what I need in those communications. #hcldr https://t.co/HWZCm360uM
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
RT @johncloonan: T3: T3: Also, during radiation treatment, I was essentially told I wouldn't see any significant side effects. Let's just say that was bullshit. I was pissed, but I was stuck. #hcldr
Joe Babaian πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ @JoeBabaian
RT @SunnieSouthern: @lauradianeappel #Cinderblocks5 w/ the wonder @ReginaHolliday is nearly unexplainable. It is time and a place to recharge, connect, & let go. It's summer camp meets burning man. :) Here's a link to learn more https://t.co/MgrSrMsUmk #hcldr
Dan Dunlop @dandunlop
RT @Colin_Hung: T3 When my dad was in hospital there were times when we were not being informed of his treatment. Dealt with it by being nice and simply asking to be informed. Worked! Hope that would work most of the time #hcldr
Susan Woolner, CPXP @susanwoolner
RT @Colin_Hung: @NathanGrunewald T3 That's the sad part. So many MDs, nurses & other clinicians want to do the right thing but can't - they just they have to move on to see the next pt or risk reprimand #hcldr
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
RT @MI_turnaround: My thought process in asking for that was, ok, my doc isn't listening to me. Maybe my doc will listen to another doc. And it turned out I was right, there were a whole lot of things going on in my spine that needed treatment. It wasn't "in my head." #HCLDR
Colin Hung @Colin_Hung
RT @mkatewarnock: T3 Could this "fixing" be done as a televisit? perhaps deliberately scheduled a couple days after 1st appt so patient has time to form Qs, knowing they'd have chance to ask from their own home? #hcldr https://t.co/LmSPSv3PgP
Alzheimer's Los Angeles @AlzheimersLA
@NathanGrunewald Because of the power dynamics, i would say the burden of responsibility is on doctors to be empathetic and earn the empathy, etc of patients. Patients are already vulnerable, scared, stressed. Its not their job to make a doc feel good. #hcldr
Rasu Shrestha MD MBA @RasuShrestha
T3: We need to move from a culture of "paternalistic care" to one of "participatory care". That's the ONLY way forward. Love the work of #S4PM Check out: https://t.co/TFPx3l3Ayz #HCLDR https://t.co/dbx6gKYtjK
Erin Moriarty Wade @EMoriartyWade
RT @RasuShrestha: @KisteinM Empathy is the key to better care, and the way to get there is through effective communication and efficient collaboration that is woven into the fabric of our care delivery workflows. https://t.co/AcjwKakA1y #HCLDR
Alzheimer's Los Angeles @AlzheimersLA
RT @NathanGrunewald: @ALZGLA I think most doctors really want to listen and heal patients. #empathy for #doctors #providers is also needed to help us improve a system that tries to force us into quantity instead of quality for #patients. #hcldr
Jon McBride 🌴 @jamcbride
RT @Colin_Hung: @NathanGrunewald T3 That's the sad part. So many MDs, nurses & other clinicians want to do the right thing but can't - they just they have to move on to see the next pt or risk reprimand #hcldr
Joe Babaian πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ @JoeBabaian
@SunnieSouthern @lauradianeappel @ReginaHolliday Thanks for sharing with her Sunnie! :) #hcldr
Sunnie Southern @SunnieSouthern
RT @Colin_Hung: @SunnieSouthern T3 Thanks for that Sunnie. Yes. It's all about relationships. You don't start off one by yelling. Maybe they had a horrible day. Maybe they just lost a patient in the other room. If you take the time you'll find they are more helpful later #hcldr
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
RT @eHealthMusings: @TheMadnessMaven notes: "As a patient we are stripped of our power, our dignity, our choice, often through no fault of our own other than we require the services of a healthcare professional.” #hcldr
Amanda G @LAlupusLady
My arm with a vein collapse today after labs last Monday / listen up. #hcldr https://t.co/F7IVOSuBcU
HCLDR Moderator @hcldr
Just 1 minute until T4! #hcldr
Jon McBride 🌴 @jamcbride
RT @RasuShrestha: T3: T3: We need to move from a culture of "paternalistic care" to one of "participatory care". That's the ONLY way forward. Love the work of #S4PM Check out: https://t.co/TFPx3l3Ayz #HCLDR https://t.co/dbx6gKYtjK
Manish Sharma | Karkinos Healthcare @msharmas
RT @wareFLO: @AltspaceVR @Greg_Meyer93 @medright1 @AndyFidel_ @msharmas @stroker @PhilipsHealth @RieOfLetters @AmericanTelemed @innonurse @dflee30 @UNE_HealthIT Years ago read #SnowCrash by @nealstephenson (my post: #SnowCrash, Social #VirtualReality, #Metaverse & #Telehealth https://t.co/bDu6fWKDec) Next week: The Future Of Healthcare in #SocialVR! https://t.co/A33iyNn3X0 Pls indicate interest! #socialVR #hcldr #hitsm #ata18 #HLTH2018 https://t.co/htI5ZIzyNU
kathy kastner @KathyKastner
T3 today, read this comment: 'number of patients w abdominal pains that aren't from health issue, they're from hunger' #hcldr
Colin Hung @Colin_Hung
@kate_gillmer @dandunlop @Meg_Lugo Wish you were here Kate! #hcldr Gotta make sure #HMPS19 is on the calendar.
Patient Critical Co-op @PatientCritical
RT @RasuShrestha: T3: T3: We need to move from a culture of "paternalistic care" to one of "participatory care". That's the ONLY way forward. Love the work of #S4PM Check out: https://t.co/TFPx3l3Ayz #HCLDR https://t.co/dbx6gKYtjK
Lisa Davis Budzinski @lisadbudzinski
RT @RasuShrestha: T3: T3: We need to move from a culture of "paternalistic care" to one of "participatory care". That's the ONLY way forward. Love the work of #S4PM Check out: https://t.co/TFPx3l3Ayz #HCLDR https://t.co/dbx6gKYtjK
Bingle @TheBingle
@eHealthMusings @TheMadnessMaven Everyone coming to see a Dr. is asking for help. Many times that call is lost IMHO. #hcldr
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
@eHealthMusings @TheMadnessMaven I have to find that one! https://t.co/wd2vOXPWxR #hcldr
Colin Hung @Colin_Hung
@LAlupusLady Oh no Amanda. I hope you are recovering #hcldr :(
Lisa Davis Budzinski @lisadbudzinski
@RasuShrestha @pfanderson @2healthguru @wareFLO @Colin_Hung @LGin412 @HealthData4All @pjmachado @techguy @ePatientDave Great graphic #S4PM #hcldr
Eric Bricker, MD @DrEricB
RT @hcldr: Time for T3: Time for T3: What experiences do you have with poor (or no) communication in healthcare? Did you find a way to overcome? #hcldr https://t.co/00cUT6pc23
HCLDR Moderator @hcldr
Time for T4: What can we do to #shift the model and create the real connections that enable highest-quality care once more? #hcldr https://t.co/kh0Km1jkRC
Patient Critical Co-op @PatientCritical
A3 Examples of poor (or no) communication in healthcare? Fax Machines. Appointment gridlock. Bureaucratic blockages to providing care. Cost. Lack of real relationships with primary care. Did you find a way to overcome? Advocating for myself, bringing facts & #empathy. #hcldr
Erin Moriarty Wade @EMoriartyWade
RT @pfanderson: @SweeterCherise Usually, I'm the best advocate for friends/family, and myself; but sometimes, for me, I'm just too tired to fight the battle. Sometimes you just want an easy button. #hcldr
Sunnie Southern @SunnieSouthern
RT @RasuShrestha: T3: T3: We need to move from a culture of "paternalistic care" to one of "participatory care". That's the ONLY way forward. Love the work of #S4PM Check out: https://t.co/TFPx3l3Ayz #HCLDR https://t.co/dbx6gKYtjK
Colin Hung @Colin_Hung
T3 Wow. That really puts things in context Kathy #hcldr https://t.co/6AlvtJJo8j
Meghan Lugo @Meg_Lugo
RT @Colin_Hung: @NathanGrunewald T3 That's the sad part. So many MDs, nurses & other clinicians want to do the right thing but can't - they just they have to move on to see the next pt or risk reprimand #hcldr
Heather McCullen @H_SalemOaks
@onegrenouille @quickmuse @choo_ek This was a huge part of why my husband was misdiagnosed for so long. When he was first diagnosed he was overweight and early 20s. Doctor assumed T2 because of his weight and age. Every doctor after assumed T2 because he had a diagnosis. Nothing would change their minds. #hcldr
Kate Gillmer @kate_gillmer
I think patient advisory committees are a great strategy for healthcare organizations deliver better care. #hcldr
Enlightening Results πŸ’‘ @GraceCordovano
@LAlupusLady I’m so sorry to hear that Amanda. It’s all too common and so traumatic. #hcldr
Amanda G @LAlupusLady
Slowly but it gets worse before the healing #hcldr https://t.co/GftdcIhP25
Sally James @jamesian
Yes, and ... later get blamed for not being "compliant" with therapy plan. #hcldr https://t.co/2oAbm6m57A
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
@LAlupusLady My son's IV last week was a nightmare from the get go. They finally gave up, but he has a hematoma in his hand, and a week later, his hand still hurts. #hcldr
Bingle @TheBingle
@MariahWrites T3 That's when they tell you.... You're just nrvous, nothing is wrong, I'm The Dr.! #hcldr
kathy kastner @KathyKastner
-> MT @TheBingle: @eHealthMusings @TheMadnessMaven Everyone coming to see Dr.=asking for help. Many times that call is lost IMHO. #hcldr
Eric Bricker, MD @DrEricB
RT @hcldr: Time for T4: Time for T4: What can we do to #shift the model and create the real connections that enable highest-quality care once more? #hcldr https://t.co/kh0Km1jkRC
Michael Joseph, PMP @HealthData4All
RT @RasuShrestha: T3: T3: We need to move from a culture of "paternalistic care" to one of "participatory care". That's the ONLY way forward. Love the work of #S4PM Check out: https://t.co/TFPx3l3Ayz #HCLDR https://t.co/dbx6gKYtjK
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
RT @RasuShrestha: T3: T3: We need to move from a culture of "paternalistic care" to one of "participatory care". That's the ONLY way forward. Love the work of #S4PM Check out: https://t.co/TFPx3l3Ayz #HCLDR https://t.co/dbx6gKYtjK
Joe Babaian πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ @JoeBabaian
When a respected innovator and physician like Rasu @RasuShrestha says: "We need to move from a culture of 'paternalistic care' to one of 'participatory care'. That's the ONLY way forward. Love the work of #S4PM Check out: https://t.co/krYOgW0rko " We need to listen! #HCLDR https://t.co/r5lsWBoN5X
Jamie Roger @JamieRoger8
We need to ask the right questions, and if we don't know how to ask them, ask someone to help. As providers, we need to listen with empathy and authentic care for the #patients. Progress only happens when both sides make a change #hcldr https://t.co/rZcwozUdeS
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
RT @H_SalemOaks: @onegrenouille @quickmuse @choo_ek This was a huge part of why my husband was misdiagnosed for so long. When he was first diagnosed he was overweight and early 20s. Doctor assumed T2 because of his weight and age. Every doctor after assumed T2 because he had a diagnosis. Nothing would change their minds. #hcldr
Amanda G @LAlupusLady
@pfanderson Listen to the patient who speaks up... #hcldr
Mariah Obiedzinski @MariahWrites
@TheBingle And that's when you find a new doctor. #hcldr
Bingle @TheBingle
@MI_turnaround Exactly the problem. The patient loses. #hcldr
Kate Warnock @mkatewarnock
Quick, someone get this woman an app developer!! Imagine the world of good you'd do if @pfanderson's system was captured in a simple app... not kidding #hcldr https://t.co/TPoplGNJSA
Monica Stout, She/Her/Hers @MI_turnaround
RT @hcldr: Time for T4: Time for T4: What can we do to #shift the model and create the real connections that enable highest-quality care once more? #hcldr https://t.co/kh0Km1jkRC
Joe Babaian πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ @JoeBabaian
Keep reading Allison's @AllisonMassari thoughts #hcldr folks! Follow her if you aren't already! https://t.co/lHCDbJLOnC
Mariah Obiedzinski @MariahWrites
@SweeterCherise Well said! #hcldr
Benjamin Isgur @bisgur
@PatientCritical cost is a big one and I fear that barrier is growing. #hcldr
Jon McBride 🌴 @jamcbride
RT @JoeBabaian: Keep reading Allison's @AllisonMassari thoughts #hcldr folks! Follow her if you aren't already! https://t.co/lHCDbJLOnC
Joe Babaian πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ @JoeBabaian
RT @Colin_Hung: T3 Wow. That really puts things in context Kathy #hcldr https://t.co/6AlvtJJo8j
Janet Kennedy @GetSocialHealth
T3: I have been fortunate in my care but helping my friend after a hernia surgery was eye-opening. Never got a visit from his actual surgeon. The other member of the practice said "I wasn't there" when asked how the surgery went. #HCLDR
Joe Babaian πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ @JoeBabaian
RT @hcldr: Time for T4: Time for T4: What can we do to #shift the model and create the real connections that enable highest-quality care once more? #hcldr https://t.co/kh0Km1jkRC
Lisa Davis Budzinski @lisadbudzinski
T4 #empathy training for residents: https://t.co/PDISUgjijZ https://t.co/fjEMJ3wxHH #hcldr
Sunnie Southern @SunnieSouthern
@eHealthMusings @TheMadnessMaven There are a few times when unfortunately, that may be true. But, often times we do have a choice and we should exercise that choice more - Be nice, but speak-up or let your feet speak by chosing a new provider. It maybe difficult, but also worth it. #hcldr
kathy kastner @KathyKastner
grrrr RT @jamesian: Yes, and ... later get blamed for not being "compliant" with therapy plan. https://t.co/YaakWL9Tmd #hcldr
Enlightening Results πŸ’‘ @GraceCordovano
@kate_gillmer It’s a great start. But for the work to be truly recognized & valued, we must begin compensating those who dedicate their time to improve care. Ultimately, organizations are profiting from these insights. #hcldr
Ian Bongaardt @IanBongaardt
#hcldr from Philadelphia trying to catch the last few minutes after putting the rugrats to bed
Eric Bricker, MD @DrEricB
T4 My Rule of Thumb was β€œTell #Everyone #Everything #All the Time.” When I felt like I was #Over-Communicating, I was probably doing just enough. #HCLDR
Kate Warnock @mkatewarnock
RT @JoeBabaian: When a respected innovator and physician like Rasu @RasuShrestha says: "We need to move from a culture of 'paternalistic care' to one of 'participatory care'. That's the ONLY way forward. Love the work of #S4PM Check out: https://t.co/krYOgW0rko " We need to listen! #HCLDR https://t.co/r5lsWBoN5X
Jon McBride 🌴 @jamcbride
@JoeBabaian @AllisonMassari done! #hcldr
MeganJanasπŸ”— @megan_janas
T4: Toss billing codes. We are consumed with the wrong things. Open up care to just doctors and patients and throw out the stuff that takes time away from doctors treating and listening to patients! #hcldr
Joe Babaian πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ @JoeBabaian
@LAlupusLady So sorry. #hcldr
Nathan Grunewald MD MBA FACS @NathanGrunewald
T4 Bring #patients and #providers together to demand change to a system limiting our ability to hear one another. #hcldr
Michael Martineau @eHealthMusings
Perhaps what best sums up @TheMadnessMaven feelings about her healthcare interactions: "If I had a choice, you likely wouldn’t see me again.” #hcldr
MeganJanasπŸ”— @megan_janas
RT @JoeBabaian: When a respected innovator and physician like Rasu @RasuShrestha says: "We need to move from a culture of 'paternalistic care' to one of 'participatory care'. That's the ONLY way forward. Love the work of #S4PM Check out: https://t.co/krYOgW0rko " We need to listen! #HCLDR https://t.co/r5lsWBoN5X
Laura Appel @lauradianeappel
T4 Drive down rate of ill health that is preventable to free up time for people with conditions that are not. Help everyone preserve existing health status and improve if possible. #sdoh #cae #hcldr https://t.co/Gdkf17uojE
Bingle @TheBingle
@SweeterCherise @MariahWrites Yeah, sometimes true. #hcldr
Joe Babaian πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ @JoeBabaian
@jamcbride @AllisonMassari John, you won't regret it. She's a pure soul and a kind person. #hcldr c @RasuShrestha
Enlightening Results πŸ’‘ @GraceCordovano
RT @RasuShrestha: T3: T3: We need to move from a culture of "paternalistic care" to one of "participatory care". That's the ONLY way forward. Love the work of #S4PM Check out: https://t.co/TFPx3l3Ayz #HCLDR https://t.co/dbx6gKYtjK
Joe Babaian πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ @JoeBabaian
RT @lauradianeappel: T4 Drive down rate of ill health that is preventable to free up time for people with conditions that are not. Help everyone preserve existing health status and improve if possible. #sdoh #cae #hcldr https://t.co/Gdkf17uojE
Monica Stout, She/Her/Hers @MI_turnaround
T4: Empathy goes both ways. Patients need to be treated with empathy, but we also need to have some empathy for the impossible expectations we put on overburdened/overtaxed healthcare practitioners. Do we ever let them know when they're doing a good job? #HCLDR
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
@H_SalemOaks @onegrenouille @quickmuse @choo_ek This is a HUGE PROBLEM for people who are overweight. Healthcare stigmatizes weight, doesn't even look for other problems. Leads to both misdiagnosis AND rejection of care. Double whammy gone wrong. https://t.co/02xOrjRuvK #hcldr
FollowHeidi @FollowHeidi
T3 when it works, however, communication can change everything. My oncologist (and hero) listened and actually HEARD what i had to say-my fears, concerns, hopes, goals-everything. I wish every doctor could learn from his heart. #hcldr
Kate Gillmer @kate_gillmer
RT @NathanGrunewald: T4 Bring #patients and #providers together to demand change to a system limiting our ability to hear one another. #hcldr
Jon McBride 🌴 @jamcbride
RT @lauradianeappel: T4 Drive down rate of ill health that is preventable to free up time for people with conditions that are not. Help everyone preserve existing health status and improve if possible. #sdoh #cae #hcldr https://t.co/Gdkf17uojE
HCLDR Moderator @hcldr
RT @JoeBabaian: When a respected innovator and physician like Rasu @RasuShrestha says: "We need to move from a culture of 'paternalistic care' to one of 'participatory care'. That's the ONLY way forward. Love the work of #S4PM Check out: https://t.co/krYOgW0rko " We need to listen! #HCLDR https://t.co/r5lsWBoN5X
Rasu Shrestha MD MBA @RasuShrestha
@pfanderson @2healthguru Do it!!! #HCLDR
Lisa Davis Budzinski @lisadbudzinski
T4 Communication skills required in healthcare have evolved over the decades #hcldr https://t.co/fIUtPtG5RF
Patient Critical Co-op @PatientCritical
A3: What does a list of log-jams affecting care have to do w/listening to the patient? It has everything to do w/listening to the patient. Providers are pressured by fiscal, technical and social changes. So, many times, they've checked out before patients walk in the room #hcldr
Kate Warnock @mkatewarnock
@pfanderson @LAlupusLady Breaks my heart to read this, so very sorry you both endured that experience! #hcldr
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
@onegrenouille @hcldr Better get that on a medical bracelet. #hcldr
Bingle @TheBingle
Probably never happen but great idea! #hcldr https://t.co/l87siWiR3w
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
RT @PatientCritical: A3 Examples of poor (or no) communication in healthcare? Fax Machines. Appointment gridlock. Bureaucratic blockages to providing care. Cost. Lack of real relationships with primary care. Did you find a way to overcome? Advocating for myself, bringing facts & #empathy. #hcldr
Chuck Webster MD, MS AI, MS Systems Engineering @wareFLO
I would argue that, as boring and as plebian as it seems, the key is workflow. Conversation, interoperability, lifeflow... all rely on sequences of actions/tasks/utterances/expererience, consuming resources, achieving goals. It is the boring intermediary btwn everything #hcldr https://t.co/08ON95nAou
Sunnie Southern @SunnieSouthern
RT @JamieRoger8: We need to ask the right questions, and if we don't know how to ask them, ask someone to help. As providers, we need to listen with empathy and authentic care for the #patients. Progress only happens when both sides make a change #hcldr https://t.co/rZcwozUdeS
Heather McCullen @H_SalemOaks
T4: This is sort of out of the box from normal answers, but when I go to my doctor we always have a conversation first sitting in normal chairs, not with me on the exam table and her standing. It makes a HUGE difference. It doesn't add any time or cost either #hcldr
Kistein Monkhouse, MPA @KisteinM
T4: Redesign the current healthcare delivery model by looking at eveidence based methods of what works in enabling quality care #hcldr https://t.co/jbyUXSpf0z
Michael Martineau @eHealthMusings
Not how it works in Canada … lucky to get to see a specialist … voting with your feet not always a practical option #hcldr https://t.co/BnqfS0okII
Joe Babaian πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ @JoeBabaian
@pfanderson @onegrenouille @hcldr #MedicAlert for sure! #hcldr cc @RBlount
Jon McBride 🌴 @jamcbride
RT @wareFLO: I would argue that, as boring and as plebian as it seems, the key is workflow. Conversation, interoperability, lifeflow... all rely on sequences of actions/tasks/utterances/expererience, consuming resources, achieving goals. It is the boring intermediary btwn everything #hcldr https://t.co/08ON95nAou
Susan Woolner, CPXP @susanwoolner
I am sure it could. I think many of the miscommunications could be solved with clearer communication in the visit. Sometimes it is helping someone organize their health history and concerns in a way that communicates the primary concern and details clearly. #hcldr https://t.co/OrFfBLaAHo
Erin Moriarty Wade @EMoriartyWade
I interviewed a pediatric cardiologist today who talked about how awful and draining it is to give bad news to a family. She said it takes a toll on her but she considers it one of her biggest responsibilities to help them thru the worst time in their life.#hcldr, #empathy, PtExp https://t.co/X72qtB9aMm
Amanda G @LAlupusLady
Ally thought I said i was busy with #hcldr cat... and got jealous. The feline wasn’t listening. https://t.co/1pM8OJZCmH
Bingle @TheBingle
T4 Put that on your Thumbnail! #hcldr https://t.co/LakcV9pYjQ
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
@SweeterCherise Well said. :) Glad you could make it here tonight. #hcldr
Rosario Strano 🍊 @Rosario_Strano
RT @ALZGLA: Reading all these tweets about arrogant doctors and #thinkingoutloud about what we can do to prevent that? How do we teach self-reflection and ego-checking? #hcldr https://t.co/CnVCgyv9sI
Lisa Davis Budzinski @lisadbudzinski
RT @wareFLO: I would argue that, as boring and as plebian as it seems, the key is workflow. Conversation, interoperability, lifeflow... all rely on sequences of actions/tasks/utterances/expererience, consuming resources, achieving goals. It is the boring intermediary btwn everything #hcldr https://t.co/08ON95nAou
Susan Woolner, CPXP @susanwoolner
RT @SunnieSouthern: @lauradianeappel #Cinderblocks5 w/ the wonder @ReginaHolliday is nearly unexplainable. It is time and a place to recharge, connect, & let go. It's summer camp meets burning man. :) Here's a link to learn more https://t.co/MgrSrMsUmk #hcldr
MeganJanasπŸ”— @megan_janas
T4: EHR’s were not designed to help patients, they were designed for billing. And doctors spend more and more time with the record than with the patient- We gotta get these priorities straight. Time with the patient, not time with a record. #hcldr
Jamie Roger @JamieRoger8
@H_SalemOaks ME TOOO! #hcldr
Joe Babaian πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ @JoeBabaian
Megan @TextraHealth extending and echoing @RasuShrestha's comments tonight on #hcldr - where should the focus be?? https://t.co/YSM5735jlT
Heather McCullen @H_SalemOaks
@pfanderson @onegrenouille @quickmuse @choo_ek He lost 100+lbs after his diagnosis, they all congratulated him. Instead they should have been looking for a cause of rapid, unexplained weightloss. #hcldr
Joe Babaian πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ @JoeBabaian
RT @TextraHealth: T4: T4: EHR’s were not designed to help patients, they were designed for billing. And doctors spend more and more time with the record than with the patient- We gotta get these priorities straight. Time with the patient, not time with a record. #hcldr
Enlightening Results πŸ’‘ @GraceCordovano
@hcldr I was admitted to a burn unit years ago. Had an anaphylactic reaction to morphin. Dr didn’t believe me at first, told me to breathe bc I was hyperventilating. Minute later yelled at me for not telling him about the allergy. I never knew I was allergic to morphin. #hcldr #PtExp
Susan Woolner, CPXP @susanwoolner
RT @mkatewarnock: Quick, someone get this woman an app developer!! Imagine the world of good you'd do if @pfanderson's system was captured in a simple app... not kidding #hcldr https://t.co/TPoplGNJSA
Jeremy Coleman @jeremycoleman
Providers need context to put with what the patient is saying. Meaning, a more complete and longitudinal record. The design needs to be radically changed to "listen", think Alexa, and float up relevant data. #hcldr https://t.co/Ocz4Il3C18
Virginia @PracticalHIT
RT @RasuShrestha: T3: T3: We need to move from a culture of "paternalistic care" to one of "participatory care". That's the ONLY way forward. Love the work of #S4PM Check out: https://t.co/TFPx3l3Ayz #HCLDR https://t.co/dbx6gKYtjK
Bingle @TheBingle
RT @GraceCordovano: @kate_gillmer It’s a great start. But for the work to be truly recognized & valued, we must begin compensating those who dedicate their time to improve care. Ultimately, organizations are profiting from these insights. #hcldr
Patient Critical Co-op @PatientCritical
A1: I'm a patient advocate. I'll tease, provoke, try to reach #providers, and take them to task for failures to #codesign & communicate. But I'm very sad for many doctors. They've been sold conflicting bills of goods by corps, insurers, gov. #hcldr
Nathan Grunewald MD MBA FACS @NathanGrunewald
All I can say is thank you for understanding. VERY much appreciated! πŸ’• Most of us really want to heal patients. We don't always get it right, but we do a lot. #hcldr https://t.co/2XJqlZwtZW
Amanda G @LAlupusLady
RT @jeremycoleman: Providers need context to put with what the patient is saying. Meaning, a more complete and longitudinal record. The design needs to be radically changed to "listen", think Alexa, and float up relevant data. #hcldr https://t.co/Ocz4Il3C18
Lisa Davis Budzinski @lisadbudzinski
@MI_turnaround Yes, it’s very important to give as much as we can as patients. Take time to appreciate everything that is involved during & after appts. Being a Dr is a very hard business to be in #hcldr
Laura Appel @lauradianeappel
@wareFLO I think that is a parable or something similar...for want of nail. Small, boring is still relevant. And sand in the gears is maddening. #hcldr
Amanda G @LAlupusLady
RT @hcldr: Time for T4: Time for T4: What can we do to #shift the model and create the real connections that enable highest-quality care once more? #hcldr https://t.co/kh0Km1jkRC
Benjamin Isgur @bisgur
T4: 1) change the financial incentive - we have to pay clinicians to keep people healthy; 2) expand the definition of care teams; 3) give people and providers more tools, education on how to work with each other #hcldr
Monica Stout, She/Her/Hers @MI_turnaround
@TextraHealth And yet we all want a longitudinal record of our health ... we need tech that actually helps. #HCLDR
Joe Babaian πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ @JoeBabaian
Read this again from Megan @TextraHealth: EHR's were NOT designed to HELP patients. They WERE (are) designed for BILLING. Period. Learn it and act on this. #hcldr https://t.co/xOFbaVZmia
Virginia @PracticalHIT
RT @Colin_Hung: T1 Although there *may* be a doctor's shortage, there is *definitely* a time shortage. All clinicians are pressed for time - authentic listening falls by the wayside #hcldr
Michael Martineau @eHealthMusings
Being nice, speaking up … that takes energy that a patient may not have when they are in pain … pain can neuter the most vocal consumer #hcldr https://t.co/BnqfS0okII
Kate Warnock @mkatewarnock
T4 I lean ever-more to care teams, where each member specializes in a particular aspect of the patient's care. Duty to communicate rests on whole team, but perhaps not all comms have to come from doc. #hcldr https://t.co/EIYOMlk0Kn
Enlightening Results πŸ’‘ @GraceCordovano
T4) Cut out all the middlemen that only pocket rebates, bonuses, profits & never see a dr or patient. #hcldr https://t.co/kBcCLjjErJ
MeganJanasπŸ”— @megan_janas
RT @JoeBabaian: Megan @TextraHealth extending and echoing @RasuShrestha's comments tonight on #hcldr - where should the focus be?? https://t.co/YSM5735jlT
Erin Moriarty Wade @EMoriartyWade
@hcldr T4 Enable doctors to schedule longer visits based on complexity (like many pediatric specialists seem to do). #hcldr, #PtExp
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
@mkatewarnock @LAlupusLady Worse that it sounds. My son has hypersensitivity to pain, enriched innervation, needle phobia. It was traumatizing. And he had begged them not to. #hcldr
Kate Gillmer @kate_gillmer
@GraceCordovano I think that's a great idea. It's important to thank people for taking the time & energy to share their insights. #hcldr
Kistein Monkhouse, MPA @KisteinM
T4: Decrease clinician workload, that in itself will provide tremendous impact on patient safety, and overall care quality #hcldr https://t.co/jbyUXSpf0z
Mike Gonzalez, MD @Zindoctor
@hcldr Such an important #hcldr topic tonight. Sorry I couldn't join in, had to split time with #ETHAN tonight. Looking forward to the transcript in the morning, @JoeBabaian. Have a great night, everyone!
Viren Kaul, MD @virenkaul
RT @JoeBabaian: Read this again from Megan @TextraHealth: EHR's were NOT designed to HELP patients. They WERE (are) designed for BILLING. Period. Learn it and act on this. #hcldr https://t.co/xOFbaVZmia
HCLDR Moderator @hcldr
RT @JoeBabaian: Keep reading Allison's @AllisonMassari thoughts #hcldr folks! Follow her if you aren't already! https://t.co/lHCDbJLOnC
Sunnie Southern @SunnieSouthern
RT @bisgur: T4: T4: 1) change the financial incentive - we have to pay clinicians to keep people healthy; 2) expand the definition of care teams; 3) give people and providers more tools, education on how to work with each other #hcldr
Heather McCullen @H_SalemOaks
@eHealthMusings It's true in the US too, maybe for slightly different reasons. #hcldr
Amanda G @LAlupusLady
@hcldr A4 the answer is simple, the human touch/connection is key to improving healthcare. People first. #hcldr
Mariah Obiedzinski @MariahWrites
RT @KisteinM: T4: T4: Decrease clinician workload, that in itself will provide tremendous impact on patient safety, and overall care quality #hcldr https://t.co/jbyUXSpf0z
Patient Critical Co-op @PatientCritical
T4 If you accept Dr's have holes in their education re: training them to listen to, cooperate and codesign care with patients, there's an easy way to #shift the model & create quality care once more. Doctors need support systems. #alliedhealth. Team based approach. #hcldr
Tebra @TebraOfficial
RT @mkatewarnock: T4 I lean ever-more to care teams, where each member specializes in a particular aspect of the patient's care. Duty to communicate rests on whole team, but perhaps not all comms have to come from doc. #hcldr https://t.co/EIYOMlk0Kn
Joe Babaian πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ @JoeBabaian
@Zindoctor @hcldr Thanks Michael for letting us know! #ETHAN work comes first! #houston thanks you and your team! #hcldr
Jeremy Coleman @jeremycoleman
All of this and enable patients with a healthcare guide to translate and give context to providers AND patients. #hcldr https://t.co/SkJiXKYY1C
Susan Woolner, CPXP @susanwoolner
RT @wareFLO: I would argue that, as boring and as plebian as it seems, the key is workflow. Conversation, interoperability, lifeflow... all rely on sequences of actions/tasks/utterances/expererience, consuming resources, achieving goals. It is the boring intermediary btwn everything #hcldr https://t.co/08ON95nAou
Rasu Shrestha MD MBA @RasuShrestha
T4: Here's what's needed: βœ”οΈAdopting new roles (patient, advisory) βœ”οΈCollaboration βœ”οΈBetter IT βœ”οΈEducation for new models βœ”οΈRight incentives βœ”οΈChange business model Read more: https://t.co/VDBmCiWi0W #HCLDR #S4PM https://t.co/qz4mRc0gNs
Alzheimer's Los Angeles @AlzheimersLA
RT @KisteinM: T4: T4: Decrease clinician workload, that in itself will provide tremendous impact on patient safety, and overall care quality #hcldr https://t.co/jbyUXSpf0z
Jon McBride 🌴 @jamcbride
@wareFLO Agreed! Caveat is maybe we need financial alignment with better workflow - not just faster workflow? #hcldr
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
@mkatewarnock I've been wanting to do that. :) Found an app developer for our plain language glossary, and another to make a video game to teach internet safety concepts. Would definitely do this! #hcldr
Joe Babaian πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ @JoeBabaian
RT @RasuShrestha: T4: T4: Here's what's needed: βœ”οΈAdopting new roles (patient, advisory) βœ”οΈCollaboration βœ”οΈBetter IT βœ”οΈEducation for new models βœ”οΈRight incentives βœ”οΈChange business model Read more: https://t.co/VDBmCiWi0W #HCLDR #S4PM https://t.co/qz4mRc0gNs
Alzheimer's Los Angeles @AlzheimersLA
People > Profits. #hcldr https://t.co/A9EGhYx4Rc
Health Equity and Community Engagement Research @mayoclinic_cenr
T4 #hcldr The Proposal for a Patient Revolution | Dr. Victor Montori | TEDxZumbroR... https://t.co/govggbifU1
Bingle @TheBingle
T4 Call out the non-listeners! Let patients be your guide by what they are really trying to say in non Dr. jargon. Never, ever discount what a patient is telling you;even if tests contradict it! #hcldr
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
RT @MI_turnaround: T4: T4: Empathy goes both ways. Patients need to be treated with empathy, but we also need to have some empathy for the impossible expectations we put on overburdened/overtaxed healthcare practitioners. Do we ever let them know when they're doing a good job? #HCLDR
Nirav J. Modi @NiravJModi
RT @RasuShrestha: T4: T4: Here's what's needed: βœ”οΈAdopting new roles (patient, advisory) βœ”οΈCollaboration βœ”οΈBetter IT βœ”οΈEducation for new models βœ”οΈRight incentives βœ”οΈChange business model Read more: https://t.co/VDBmCiWi0W #HCLDR #S4PM https://t.co/qz4mRc0gNs
Monica Stout, She/Her/Hers @MI_turnaround
@NathanGrunewald Agreed. I think most people in healthcare truly want to heal. Unfortunately, so many things get in the way of healing! We need to get back to basics, when the only things that mattered were the doctors and the patients without all the extra 'noise.' #HCLDR
Nirav J. Modi @NiravJModi
RT @RasuShrestha: T3: T3: We need to move from a culture of "paternalistic care" to one of "participatory care". That's the ONLY way forward. Love the work of #S4PM Check out: https://t.co/TFPx3l3Ayz #HCLDR https://t.co/dbx6gKYtjK
Enlightening Results πŸ’‘ @GraceCordovano
@TextraHealth Cut out insurance companies, move to a decentralized, block chain based health ledger & cryptocurrency system that supports health, leverages direct primary care 🎯 #hcldr #CHA2018
MeganJanasπŸ”— @megan_janas
@GraceCordovano @hcldr I am so sorry, Grace that is horrible. That was a ridiculous response on the doctors part. As if you knew! #hcldr
Jon McBride 🌴 @jamcbride
RT @EMoriartyWade: @hcldr T4 Enable doctors to schedule longer visits based on complexity (like many pediatric specialists seem to do). #hcldr, #PtExp
Kat Duncan, MD @DrKatDuncan
RT @evebmd: @choo_ek @hcldr T1 absolutely this. I can’t do my job if i’m not listening but my appointment slots are getting shorter and shorter as decided by someone I’ve never met. I love my job but this is huge stressor for me. #hcldr
Monica Stout, She/Her/Hers @MI_turnaround
@HealthTechReads Happens to the best of us! #HTreads #HCLDR
Kate Warnock @mkatewarnock
@susanwoolner What a tremendous asset you must be to the patients in your system! Having the skills to org a health history, make clear the Qs they need answered is priceless. And should be scaled!! #hcldr https://t.co/ED88ifXXQj
kathy kastner @KathyKastner
As hour draws to a close: prhaps of interest: online self-assessment from @boiby @SinaiHealthTO @UofTPsych https://t.co/4nCcI4kF1U #hcldr
Erin Moriarty Wade @EMoriartyWade
T4 Create positions for primary care doctors who *only* see patients with complex medical needs. We had this at Children’s Specialized Hospital in NJ for kids with complex medical needs and it was an amazing model! #hcldr, #PtExp, #MedEd
Susan Woolner, CPXP @susanwoolner
RT @JoeBabaian: Megan @TextraHealth extending and echoing @RasuShrestha's comments tonight on #hcldr - where should the focus be?? https://t.co/YSM5735jlT
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
@MI_turnaround +1000. That's the benefit of stories like @TheBadDr https://t.co/Xcs7DBBOQw - empathy for the clinician #hcldr
Joe Babaian πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ @JoeBabaian
RT @EMoriartyWade: T4 Create positions for primary care doctors who *only* see patients with complex medical needs. We had this at Children’s Specialized Hospital in NJ for kids with complex medical needs and it was an amazing model! #hcldr, #PtExp, #MedEd
Joe Babaian πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ @JoeBabaian
RT @mkatewarnock: @susanwoolner What a tremendous asset you must be to the patients in your system! Having the skills to org a health history, make clear the Qs they need answered is priceless. And should be scaled!! #hcldr https://t.co/ED88ifXXQj
Joe Babaian πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ @JoeBabaian
RT @TheBingle: T4 Call out the non-listeners! Let patients be your guide by what they are really trying to say in non Dr. jargon. Never, ever discount what a patient is telling you;even if tests contradict it! #hcldr
Rasu Shrestha MD MBA @RasuShrestha
RT @JoeBabaian: When a respected innovator and physician like Rasu @RasuShrestha says: "We need to move from a culture of 'paternalistic care' to one of 'participatory care'. That's the ONLY way forward. Love the work of #S4PM Check out: https://t.co/krYOgW0rko " We need to listen! #HCLDR https://t.co/r5lsWBoN5X
Kistein Monkhouse, MPA @KisteinM
RT @EMoriartyWade: @hcldr T4 Enable doctors to schedule longer visits based on complexity (like many pediatric specialists seem to do). #hcldr, #PtExp
Joe Babaian πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ @JoeBabaian
RT @mayoclinic_cenr: T4 #hcldr The Proposal for a Patient Revolution | Dr. Victor Montori | TEDxZumbroR... https://t.co/govggbifU1
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
RT @GraceCordovano: @hcldr I was admitted to a burn unit years ago. Had an anaphylactic reaction to morphin. Dr didn’t believe me at first, told me to breathe bc I was hyperventilating. Minute later yelled at me for not telling him about the allergy. I never knew I was allergic to morphin. #hcldr #PtExp
Virginia @PracticalHIT
#hcldr t4 listening is not just about understanding it's about building relationships. That's where the biggest value comes.
Joe Babaian πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ @JoeBabaian
@mayoclinic_cenr Thank you for sharing this! #hcldr
Amanda G @LAlupusLady
RT @RasuShrestha: T4: T4: Here's what's needed: βœ”οΈAdopting new roles (patient, advisory) βœ”οΈCollaboration βœ”οΈBetter IT βœ”οΈEducation for new models βœ”οΈRight incentives βœ”οΈChange business model Read more: https://t.co/VDBmCiWi0W #HCLDR #S4PM https://t.co/qz4mRc0gNs
Patient Critical Co-op @PatientCritical
A4: Doctors are being asked to do more with less, though the USA spends more money on #healthcare than ever, & more than any other country, none of that money results in better care. The system is fundamentally broken. We have to change #healthcare to impove patient care #hcldr
Enlightening Results πŸ’‘ @GraceCordovano
@TextraHealth @hcldr I was like...#hcldr https://t.co/T3F9DKf6Np
MeganJanasπŸ”— @megan_janas
@MI_turnaround That’s right! We need records that are patient focused and provide insight and knowledge for your care team. Makes sense! #hcldr
Susan Woolner, CPXP @susanwoolner
This is awful, Healther! #hcldr https://t.co/fuHaxQkoMG
Jamie Roger @JamieRoger8
RT @PracticalHIT: #hcldr t4 listening is not just about understanding it's about building relationships. That's where the biggest value comes.
Rasu Shrestha MD MBA @RasuShrestha
RT @LAlupusLady: @hcldr A4 the answer is simple, the human touch/connection is key to improving healthcare. People first. #hcldr
Jeremy Coleman @jeremycoleman
@ALZGLA I would put it as profits follow the outcomes instead of outcomes being a side effect. #hcldr
Monica Stout, She/Her/Hers @MI_turnaround
@GraceCordovano @TextraHealth What a concept! Healthcare for the people by the people! #HCLDR #CHA2018 https://t.co/WyI3tLAUvv
Alzheimer's Los Angeles @AlzheimersLA
@eHealthMusings Add to that power imbalances between patient and doctor or cultural norms that position doctors as an expert not to be questioned, and many patients have a hard time speaking up. #hcldr
Chuck Webster MD, MS AI, MS Systems Engineering @wareFLO
Great #hcldr all! PLUG: Check out my Upcoming Health System Chats in Social VR Series Events https://t.co/eRBZ5UOaxK https://t.co/cYwOuLdDiM
Jon McBride 🌴 @jamcbride
RT @GraceCordovano: @TextraHealth Cut out insurance companies, move to a decentralized, block chain based health ledger & cryptocurrency system that supports health, leverages direct primary care 🎯 #hcldr #CHA2018
kathy kastner @KathyKastner
Go @Vmontori MT !@mayoclinic_cenr: The Proposal for a Patient Revolution |Dr. Victor Montori | TEDxZumbroR... https://t.co/FicNhpFoGJ #hcldr
Susan Woolner, CPXP @susanwoolner
RT @lauradianeappel: @wareFLO I think that is a parable or something similar...for want of nail. Small, boring is still relevant. And sand in the gears is maddening. #hcldr
MeganJanasπŸ”— @megan_janas
RT @JoeBabaian: Read this again from Megan @TextraHealth: EHR's were NOT designed to HELP patients. They WERE (are) designed for BILLING. Period. Learn it and act on this. #hcldr https://t.co/xOFbaVZmia
Joe Babaian πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ @JoeBabaian
RT @MI_turnaround: @GraceCordovano @TextraHealth What a concept! Healthcare for the people by the people! #HCLDR #CHA2018 https://t.co/WyI3tLAUvv
Alzheimer's Los Angeles @AlzheimersLA
RT @EMoriartyWade: T4 Create positions for primary care doctors who *only* see patients with complex medical needs. We had this at Children’s Specialized Hospital in NJ for kids with complex medical needs and it was an amazing model! #hcldr, #PtExp, #MedEd
MeganJanasπŸ”— @megan_janas
RT @GraceCordovano: @TextraHealth Cut out insurance companies, move to a decentralized, block chain based health ledger & cryptocurrency system that supports health, leverages direct primary care 🎯 #hcldr #CHA2018
Joe Babaian πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ @JoeBabaian
@MI_turnaround @GraceCordovano @TextraHealth Monica you are doing so well after the dog drama! I am impressed!! :) #hcldr
Sunnie Southern @SunnieSouthern
@NathanGrunewald .@NathanGrunewald & @MI_turnaround so glad that you pointed this out. There are SOOO many wonderful healthcare providers out there and many that participate here. Let's becareful not to overlook the ones that are trying so hard in a system that doesn't always support them. #hcldr
Erin Moriarty Wade @EMoriartyWade
RT @NathanGrunewald: T4 Bring #patients and #providers together to demand change to a system limiting our ability to hear one another. #hcldr
Joe Babaian πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ @JoeBabaian
@susanwoolner Truely. #hcldr
Susan Woolner, CPXP @susanwoolner
RT @eHealthMusings: Being nice, speaking up … that takes energy that a patient may not have when they are in pain … pain can neuter the most vocal consumer #hcldr https://t.co/BnqfS0okII
David Kovacevic, MD, FAAOS @KovacevicMD
T4 #hcldr patient advisory board with collaborative participation amongst all stakeholders: patients, doctors, hospital leaders, support staff https://t.co/pfaig2szEb
Monica Stout, She/Her/Hers @MI_turnaround
@TextraHealth @GraceCordovano @hcldr Oh my goodness. *SMH* #HCLDR
Kistein Monkhouse, MPA @KisteinM
RT @RasuShrestha: T4: T4: Here's what's needed: βœ”οΈAdopting new roles (patient, advisory) βœ”οΈCollaboration βœ”οΈBetter IT βœ”οΈEducation for new models βœ”οΈRight incentives βœ”οΈChange business model Read more: https://t.co/VDBmCiWi0W #HCLDR #S4PM https://t.co/qz4mRc0gNs
HCLDR Moderator @hcldr
That’s a wrap. Thank you to everyone who joined in on tonight’s #hcldr chat! Your time, tweets and comments are greatly appreciated.
Chuck Webster MD, MS AI, MS Systems Engineering @wareFLO
You sound like #henryford! #hcldr https://t.co/d12btfpHPw
Patient Critical Co-op @PatientCritical
A4: Without sounding like a revolutionary, we need to have talks in coffee shops and neighbors, and get #healthliteracy trending in the real world, before we're going to fix #healthcare. Tell somebody about this great discussion you had on #hcldr tomorrow.
Amanda G @LAlupusLady
RT @KovacevicMD: T4 #hcldr patient advisory board with collaborative participation amongst all stakeholders: T4 #hcldr patient advisory board with collaborative participation amongst all stakeholders: patients, doctors, hospital leaders, support staff https://t.co/pfaig2szEb
Lisa Davis Budzinski @lisadbudzinski
T4 High quality care can come from disruptors in healthcare like @CitizenHealthio #hcldr
Tebra @TebraOfficial
RT @KovacevicMD: T4 #hcldr patient advisory board with collaborative participation amongst all stakeholders: T4 #hcldr patient advisory board with collaborative participation amongst all stakeholders: patients, doctors, hospital leaders, support staff https://t.co/pfaig2szEb
Heather McCullen @H_SalemOaks
@susanwoolner Hey, on the upside now I get to win arguments by saying "I SAVED YOUR LIFE!" by finally calling an ambulance. (this is not a very good upside) #hcldr
Kate Warnock @mkatewarnock
@pfanderson @LAlupusLady It must have been unbearable for you, I pray some peace enters your household and eases the memory of it #hcldr
Enlightening Results πŸ’‘ @GraceCordovano
@TheBingle T4) I encourage my children to grab their pediatricians attention if they have a question & aren’t being heard. We must model the behavior for the next generation. Drive your care! πŸš€ #hcldr
Bingle @TheBingle
Logical solution. #hcldr https://t.co/x7WtGlPe6h
Heidi Grabenstatter @PatientIntv
@H_SalemOaks In the pediatric neurology clinic I work with, a comprehensive team of specialists sit on kindergarten-sized chairs to be at eye level of the child. It's one of the most awesome things I have seen. #hcldr
Alzheimer's Los Angeles @AlzheimersLA
Would it be helpful if patients were sent a "prep for your visit" form before an appointment. We just caregivers keep a notebook to track behavior changes, meds, etc and take that to all the patient's appointments. #hcldr https://t.co/0VLLsMxzT7
Nathan Grunewald MD MBA FACS @NathanGrunewald
@hcldr Thank you for another lively and eye opening #hcldr tweetchat!
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
@GraceCordovano @hcldr I had an experience like that once. Had a doc make fun of me because I hadn't told him I had mental illness. Which I didn't, because I DON'T. But he believed that was the only possible cause of Rxn I had. Turns out I can't have steroids https://t.co/Lj5pf63v4S #hcldr
HCLDR Moderator @hcldr
Don’t forget to use the #hcldr hashtag during the rest of the week for interesting healthcare/leadership posts, pics, articles & news
Michael Joseph, PMP @HealthData4All
RT @JoeBabaian: Keep reading Allison's @AllisonMassari thoughts #hcldr folks! Follow her if you aren't already! https://t.co/lHCDbJLOnC
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
RT @mayoclinic_cenr: T4 #hcldr The Proposal for a Patient Revolution | Dr. Victor Montori | TEDxZumbroR... https://t.co/govggbifU1
Monica Stout, She/Her/Hers @MI_turnaround
@SunnieSouthern @NathanGrunewald Yes! It's hard to soar like an eagle when your wings are being weighed down with so many things! Let's be realistic in our expectations and extend our empathy to our providers as well. #HCLDR
kathy kastner @KathyKastner
πŸ‘πŸŽ‰ [another] great and amazing brain buzz of a chat ! #hcldr
Erin Moriarty Wade @EMoriartyWade
@kate_gillmer I have a 2nd grader who would rock this out! #hcldr
Mike Gonzalez, MD @Zindoctor
@TextraHealth So true, Megan. The #EHR has only placed increasing burden on the physician and has become a barrier between the face-to-face encounter. This must change. With each click, we lose value - yet we are often asked for #JustOneMoreClick by our health systems. #hcldr
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
RT @RasuShrestha: T4: T4: Here's what's needed: βœ”οΈAdopting new roles (patient, advisory) βœ”οΈCollaboration βœ”οΈBetter IT βœ”οΈEducation for new models βœ”οΈRight incentives βœ”οΈChange business model Read more: https://t.co/VDBmCiWi0W #HCLDR #S4PM https://t.co/qz4mRc0gNs
Joe Babaian πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ @JoeBabaian
@2healthguru @mkatewarnock @_GuideWell @WrldHealthcare Great having you here tonight Gregg! It was a nice evening! See you soon! #hcldr
MeganJanasπŸ”— @megan_janas
RT @lisadbudzinski: @MI_turnaround Yes, it’s very important to give as much as we can as patients. Take time to appreciate everything that is involved during & after appts. Being a Dr is a very hard business to be in #hcldr
Colin Hung @Colin_Hung
Waving goodnight to #hcldr from Salt Lake City! Now with Brunette @sarahbennight and our friend John. #HMPS18 https://t.co/fvmGbUbu8V
Joe Babaian πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ @JoeBabaian
RT @Zindoctor: @TextraHealth So true, Megan. The #EHR has only placed increasing burden on the physician and has become a barrier between the face-to-face encounter. This must change. With each click, we lose value - yet we are often asked for #JustOneMoreClick by our health systems. #hcldr
Susan Woolner, CPXP @susanwoolner
RT @PatientCritical: A4: A4: Doctors are being asked to do more with less, though the USA spends more money on #healthcare than ever, & more than any other country, none of that money results in better care. The system is fundamentally broken. We have to change #healthcare to impove patient care #hcldr
Enlightening Results πŸ’‘ @GraceCordovano
An hour is never enough! Thank you for all the great insights #hcldr. Until next time. https://t.co/xtEiB0MOXG
Tjorvi E Perry @teperryMD
RT @kate_gillmer: I think patient advisory committees are a great strategy for healthcare organizations deliver better care. #hcldr
MeganJanasπŸ”— @megan_janas
RT @wareFLO: You sound like #henryford! #hcldr https://t.co/d12btfpHPw
Joe Babaian πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ @JoeBabaian
@Colin_Hung @sarahbennight @CoherenceMed enjoy! #hcldr
Rasu Shrestha MD MBA @RasuShrestha
Closing Thought for #HCLDR: Clinicians truly believe they are "patient centric"; it's often the system (IT, incentives, care models) that hold them back. We need to re-build/ re-imagine these systems to be truly built around patients. https://t.co/XyPewYy4vn
MeganJanasπŸ”— @megan_janas
RT @PatientCritical: A4: A4: Without sounding like a revolutionary, we need to have talks in coffee shops and neighbors, and get #healthliteracy trending in the real world, before we're going to fix #healthcare. Tell somebody about this great discussion you had on #hcldr tomorrow.
Joe Babaian πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ @JoeBabaian
RT @RasuShrestha: Closing Thought for #HCLDR: Clinicians truly believe they are "patient centric"; it's often the system (IT, incentives, care models) that hold them back. We need to re-build/ re-imagine these systems to be truly built around patients. https://t.co/XyPewYy4vn
Michael Joseph, PMP @HealthData4All
RT @RasuShrestha: T4: T4: Here's what's needed: βœ”οΈAdopting new roles (patient, advisory) βœ”οΈCollaboration βœ”οΈBetter IT βœ”οΈEducation for new models βœ”οΈRight incentives βœ”οΈChange business model Read more: https://t.co/VDBmCiWi0W #HCLDR #S4PM https://t.co/qz4mRc0gNs
Sunnie Southern @SunnieSouthern
RT @KovacevicMD: T4 #hcldr patient advisory board with collaborative participation amongst all stakeholders: T4 #hcldr patient advisory board with collaborative participation amongst all stakeholders: patients, doctors, hospital leaders, support staff https://t.co/pfaig2szEb
Erin Moriarty Wade @EMoriartyWade
RT @FollowHeidi: T3 when it works, however, communication can change everything. My oncologist (and hero) listened and actually HEARD what i had to say-my fears, concerns, hopes, goals-everything. I wish every doctor could learn from his heart. #hcldr
Laura Appel @lauradianeappel
Nicely done, @hcldr @JoeBabaian. #listening #hcldr
Heidi Grabenstatter @PatientIntv
RT @kate_gillmer: I think patient advisory committees are a great strategy for healthcare organizations deliver better care. #hcldr
Kate Warnock @mkatewarnock
@2healthguru @JoeBabaian @_GuideWell @WrldHealthcare Gotta admit I was thinking the same thing, @2healthguru!! #whcc18 was chock-full of some favorites! Will you be at #HLTH2018 next week?? #hcldr
Susan Woolner, CPXP @susanwoolner
RT @ALZGLA: @eHealthMusings Add to that power imbalances between patient and doctor or cultural norms that position doctors as an expert not to be questioned, and many patients have a hard time speaking up. #hcldr
Monica Stout, She/Her/Hers @MI_turnaround
@JoeBabaian @GraceCordovano @TextraHealth πŸ˜‚ I needed something to distract me from my high drama home life this week. πŸΆπŸ±πŸ’ŠπŸ’‰Β #HCLDR
Kistein Monkhouse, MPA @KisteinM
RT @PatientCritical: A4: A4: Doctors are being asked to do more with less, though the USA spends more money on #healthcare than ever, & more than any other country, none of that money results in better care. The system is fundamentally broken. We have to change #healthcare to impove patient care #hcldr
David Kovacevic, MD, FAAOS @KovacevicMD
RT @GraceCordovano: @TheBingle T4) I encourage my children to grab their pediatricians attention if they have a question & aren’t being heard. We must model the behavior for the next generation. Drive your care! πŸš€ #hcldr
Amanda G @LAlupusLady
@ALZGLA Isn’t that considered β€œconcierge medicine”? #hcldr
Nathan Grunewald MD MBA FACS @NathanGrunewald
@Zindoctor @TextraHealth I'm #clickaverse and I believe it should have it's own ICD-10 code. #hcldr
Colin Hung @Colin_Hung
RT @RasuShrestha: T3: T3: We need to move from a culture of "paternalistic care" to one of "participatory care". That's the ONLY way forward. Love the work of #S4PM Check out: https://t.co/TFPx3l3Ayz #HCLDR https://t.co/dbx6gKYtjK
Monica Stout, She/Her/Hers @MI_turnaround
RT @TextraHealth: @MI_turnaround That’s right! We need records that are patient focused and provide insight and knowledge for your care team. Makes sense! #hcldr
Lisa Davis Budzinski @lisadbudzinski
Everyone have a wonderful week no matter where you are✨ #hcldr
MeganJanasπŸ”— @megan_janas
@PatientCritical We need a healthcare movement- just like teachers with the RedForEd! When people get together and demand change, good things happen. It starts with people like this! #ChangeAgents #hcldr
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
@Getgenerations @RasuShrestha @2healthguru @wareFLO @Colin_Hung @LGin412 @HealthData4All @pjmachado @techguy @ePatientDave Solutions come from the have nots, not the haves. The AIDS crisis solutions were led by the Mob, drag queens, and drug dealers https://t.co/2Ged7zGx4C Who will fix patient communication? Not traditional healthcare #hcldr
Susan Woolner, CPXP @susanwoolner
RT @KathyKastner: Go @Vmontori MT !@mayoclinic_cenr: Go @Vmontori MT !@mayoclinic_cenr: The Proposal for a Patient Revolution |Dr. Victor Montori | TEDxZumbroR... https://t.co/FicNhpFoGJ #hcldr
Tatyana Kanzaveli @glfceo
RT @RasuShrestha: Closing Thought for #HCLDR: Clinicians truly believe they are "patient centric"; it's often the system (IT, incentives, care models) that hold them back. We need to re-build/ re-imagine these systems to be truly built around patients. https://t.co/XyPewYy4vn
MeganJanasπŸ”— @megan_janas
RT @Zindoctor: @TextraHealth So true, Megan. The #EHR has only placed increasing burden on the physician and has become a barrier between the face-to-face encounter. This must change. With each click, we lose value - yet we are often asked for #JustOneMoreClick by our health systems. #hcldr
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
RT @H_SalemOaks: @pfanderson @onegrenouille @quickmuse @choo_ek He lost 100+lbs after his diagnosis, they all congratulated him. Instead they should have been looking for a cause of rapid, unexplained weightloss. #hcldr
Erin Moriarty Wade @EMoriartyWade
RT @PatientIntv: @H_SalemOaks In the pediatric neurology clinic I work with, a comprehensive team of specialists sit on kindergarten-sized chairs to be at eye level of the child. It's one of the most awesome things I have seen. #hcldr
nobism @nobismhealth
RT @PatientCritical: A2: To bang a drum I freguently bring out at #hcldr, this discussion is about two things: A2: To bang a drum I freguently bring out at #hcldr, this discussion is about two things: improving profit margins and staffing issues (as well as intangibles like PR, prestige and wooing donors)...and it's also about moving from tickbox med to #patientcentric, #codesign #hcldr
Joe Babaian πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ @JoeBabaian
@RasuShrestha This is a closing thought for us to really internalize. The people, being decent and dedicated clinicians and staff, aren't the main issue - you said it. #hcldr
Susan Woolner, CPXP @susanwoolner
RT @SunnieSouthern: @NathanGrunewald .@NathanGrunewald & @MI_turnaround so glad that you pointed this out. There are SOOO many wonderful healthcare providers out there and many that participate here. Let's becareful not to overlook the ones that are trying so hard in a system that doesn't always support them. #hcldr
Patient Critical Co-op @PatientCritical
@SolidFooting Just finished an #hcldr tweetchat about active listening in connecting with patients. Gee... confidentiality, bureaucratic roadblocks? It's almost like #healthcare wants to keep patients sick...and disconnected. But I'm sure that's just a side effect of a sick system.
Joe Babaian πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ @JoeBabaian
@lisadbudzinski Thanks for joining! #hcldr
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
@H_SalemOaks @onegrenouille @quickmuse @choo_ek That's terrifying. When I had CO poisoning, I lost 60lbs in 2 months. Everyone told me how great I looked, but I was too weak to walk. #hcldr
Amanda G @LAlupusLady
May is #LupusAwarenessMonth so feel free to follow and share my tweets all month long. Also #MentalHealthAwarenessMonth and #ArthritisAwarenessMonth sharing is caring. #hcldr https://t.co/DlfyTZMe32
Monica Stout, She/Her/Hers @MI_turnaround
@Colin_Hung @sarahbennight @CoherenceMed @JoeBabaian Love the brunette, @sarahbennight! Good to see your faces! Enjoy SLC! #HCLDR
Chuck Webster MD, MS AI, MS Systems Engineering @wareFLO
RT @Zindoctor: @TextraHealth So true, Megan. The #EHR has only placed increasing burden on the physician and has become a barrier between the face-to-face encounter. This must change. With each click, we lose value - yet we are often asked for #JustOneMoreClick by our health systems. #hcldr
Health Equity and Community Engagement Research @mayoclinic_cenr
#hcldr nice chat everybody https://t.co/TCL8zeucQx
Joe Babaian πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ @JoeBabaian
@MI_turnaround @GraceCordovano @TextraHealth Right? :) #hcldr
CleanM8 @CleanM8
RT @RasuShrestha: T3: T3: We need to move from a culture of "paternalistic care" to one of "participatory care". That's the ONLY way forward. Love the work of #S4PM Check out: https://t.co/TFPx3l3Ayz #HCLDR https://t.co/dbx6gKYtjK
MeganJanasπŸ”— @megan_janas
@Zindoctor It’s time for voice enabled technologies and technical communication assistants that can work alongside doctors and nurses to assist. #futurism #hcldr
Susan Woolner, CPXP @susanwoolner
Agree that a PFAC can help both patients, doctors and support staff #hcldr https://t.co/l2gCrhP5Nq
Joe Babaian πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ @JoeBabaian
@mayoclinic_cenr Great gif! Yes it was and thanks to YOU for joining as always. #hcldr is a nice home on the internet to get things done.
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
#hcldr "What does this say...? FIX IT!" https://t.co/KR6YsUANjL
Joe Babaian πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ @JoeBabaian
@MI_turnaround @Colin_Hung @sarahbennight @CoherenceMed Hey, they are having fun! :) #hcldr
Amanda G @LAlupusLady
Thank you @hcldr @JoeBabaian and @Colin_Hung for the incredible #hcldr community conversation.
Kate Warnock @mkatewarnock
Doesn't matter that it was a long day, there's no place I'd rather be than w/ #hcldr favs @JoeBabaian @Colin_Hung. Thanks for the great topic and the fastest hour of my week!
Kate Gillmer @kate_gillmer
Great chat, as always. Good night, #hcldr crew!
Jamie Roger @JamieRoger8
@JoeBabaian @Colin_Hung great chat tonight as always. Have a wonderful week #hcldr
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
@onegrenouille @JoeBabaian @hcldr @RBlount Perhaps we need a MedicAlert charm bracelet! #hcldr
Bingle @TheBingle
Great point. #hcldr https://t.co/hbGDELEUiI
Joe Babaian πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ @JoeBabaian
@kate_gillmer Thanks to you Kate! We love it here with all of you that make #hcldr what it is! @Colin_Hung and I could NEVER make it without the brains and passion of the community :)
Joe Babaian πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ @JoeBabaian
@JamieRoger8 @Colin_Hung You're so welcome! #hcldr
Joe Babaian πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ @JoeBabaian
RT @mkatewarnock: Doesn't matter that it was a long day, there's no place I'd rather be than w/ #hcldr favs @JoeBabaian @Colin_Hung. Thanks for the great topic and the fastest hour of my week!
Alzheimer's Los Angeles @AlzheimersLA
*we suggest caregivers #editbuttontwitter #hcldr
Joe Babaian πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ @JoeBabaian
@mkatewarnock @Colin_Hung Kate, wow, that means so much, thank you. #hcldr
Heidi Grabenstatter @PatientIntv
Signing off #hcldr. Thank you and enjoy the rest of your week!
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
@mkatewarnock @LAlupusLady Thank you. Luckily, he didn't really need the IV, so we were able to get by without a second effort. #hcldr
Joe Babaian πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ @JoeBabaian
@LAlupusLady @hcldr @Colin_Hung You're welcome Amanda - please take care. #hcldr
UPMC Enterprises @UPMCEnterprises
RT @RasuShrestha: Got my "mug" shot. The future of HLTH looks bright. 😜 Looking forward to amazing dialogue and discussions at #HLTH2018. βœ”οΈHere's what we'll be doing: https://t.co/W3aelGuD3v #UPMCinnovates #pinksocks #hcldr https://t.co/xpqCKYe1m9
Alzheimer's Los Angeles @AlzheimersLA
RT @pfanderson: @onegrenouille @JoeBabaian @hcldr @RBlount Perhaps we need a MedicAlert charm bracelet! #hcldr
Nirav J. Modi @NiravJModi
RT @RasuShrestha: Closing Thought for #HCLDR: Clinicians truly believe they are "patient centric"; it's often the system (IT, incentives, care models) that hold them back. We need to re-build/ re-imagine these systems to be truly built around patients. https://t.co/XyPewYy4vn
Joe Babaian πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ @JoeBabaian
@keenzai @LGin412 @mikebiselli @Colin_Hung @andrewintech @RasuShrestha @nickisnpdx @bisgur @jameyedwards @HealthData4All Enjoy your evening! #hcldr
Lisa Davis Budzinski @lisadbudzinski
@RasuShrestha Do you ever find yourself shaking your head wondering at what point the Dr Patient relationship fell by the wayside? #hcldr https://t.co/tU78fhxfPt
Kate Gillmer @kate_gillmer
RT @JoeBabaian: @kate_gillmer Thanks to you Kate! We love it here with all of you that make #hcldr what it is! @Colin_Hung and I could NEVER make it without the brains and passion of the community :)
Colin Hung @Colin_Hung
The prom-shot with @paul_griffiths at #HMPS18 #hcldr https://t.co/D1xBP611U9
Kate Gillmer @kate_gillmer
RT @JoeBabaian: @kate_gillmer Thanks to you Kate! We love it here with all of you that make #hcldr what it is! @Colin_Hung and I could NEVER make it without the brains and passion of the community :)
Bingle @TheBingle
@lisadbudzinski @RasuShrestha Well I'll tell ya Darl..... I mean Lisa... YES! #hcldr
Mike Gonzalez, MD @Zindoctor
@NathanGrunewald @TextraHealth πŸŽ―πŸ‘ V297.33XD - Sucked into coding encounter, subsequent visit #hcldr
Joe Babaian πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ @JoeBabaian
@AllisonMassari Thanks so much for joining us tonight. You've shared some rich thoughts that will stay with me. #hcldr
Kate Warnock @mkatewarnock
@pfanderson @H_SalemOaks @SalemOaks DO THIS!!! Oh my gosh @JoeBabaian @Colin_Hung do you see the potential fruits of tonight's #hcldr chat?? Who else might help @pfanderson @H_SalemOaks in their biz quest?
RT @KisteinM: T1: T1: Listening is crucial in healthcare! not only can providers gain valuable information from patients to deploy better diagnoses and treatment but it is also important in demonstrating empathy to #patients #hcldr https://t.co/4xO0J7oOtB
Joe Babaian πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ @JoeBabaian
RT @mkatewarnock: @pfanderson @H_SalemOaks @SalemOaks DO THIS!!! Oh my gosh @JoeBabaian @Colin_Hung do you see the potential fruits of tonight's #hcldr chat?? Who else might help @pfanderson @H_SalemOaks in their biz quest?
Bingle @TheBingle
Thanks for enlightening The Only Living Boy In NY..... #hcldr https://t.co/2r53ATZeND
Joe Babaian πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ @JoeBabaian
RT @mkatewarnock: Quick, someone get this woman an app developer!! Imagine the world of good you'd do if @pfanderson's system was captured in a simple app... not kidding #hcldr https://t.co/TPoplGNJSA
Joe Babaian πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ @JoeBabaian
@EMoriartyWade Erin, our pleasure! #hcldr
Susan Woolner, CPXP @susanwoolner
RT @Zindoctor: @TextraHealth So true, Megan. The #EHR has only placed increasing burden on the physician and has become a barrier between the face-to-face encounter. This must change. With each click, we lose value - yet we are often asked for #JustOneMoreClick by our health systems. #hcldr
Mike Gonzalez, MD @Zindoctor
@TextraHealth πŸ€©πŸŽ―πŸ‘ Exactly. Working on it. Invisible to the patient. Added value. Seamless. #WeCanDoThis #hcldr https://t.co/p57hJGemqz
Bingle @TheBingle
Thank you JB, Colin & all for very great chat. Have a SUNNY DAY WEEK! #hcldr
Mike Gonzalez, MD @Zindoctor
RT @TextraHealth: @Zindoctor It’s time for voice enabled technologies and technical communication assistants that can work alongside doctors and nurses to assist. #futurism #hcldr
Joe Babaian πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ @JoeBabaian
RT @Zindoctor: @TextraHealth πŸ€©πŸŽ―πŸ‘ Exactly. Working on it. Invisible to the patient. Added value. Seamless. #WeCanDoThis #hcldr https://t.co/p57hJGemqz
Joe Babaian πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ @JoeBabaian
RT @Zindoctor: @hcldr Such an important #hcldr topic tonight. Sorry I couldn't join in, had to split time with #ETHAN tonight. Looking forward to the transcript in the morning, @JoeBabaian. Have a great night, everyone!
Susan Woolner, CPXP @susanwoolner
Love this idea! #hcldr https://t.co/yrsNKyKxM7
Bingle @TheBingle
RT @MariahWrites: @TheBingle And that's when you find a new doctor. #hcldr
#HCLDR content from Twitter.