#HITsm Transcript

Healthcare social media transcript of the #HITsm hashtag.
See #HITsm Influencers/Analytics.

Charles Atkinson @thewholesystem
#HITsm ready for first Irma and Evan Twitter Chat
Evan Kirstel #B2B #TechFluencer @EvanKirstel
RAY WANG @rwang0 IS IN THE HOUSE #hitsm https://t.co/51dpH2VmUx
IrmaRaste ✨ InfluenceThroughStorytelling™ @IrmaRaste
RT @rwang0: @hcittoday @IrmaRaste @evankirstel MyPOV: ready for #telemedicine #telehealth? catch this tweet chat? #HITsm
Evan Kirstel #B2B #TechFluencer @EvanKirstel
RT @thewholesystem: #HITsm ready for first Irma and Evan Twitter Chat
Healthcare IT Today @hcittoday
Let's take 5 min to introduce ourselves. Who are you? What do you do? Where are you from? If you had to give up technology, what would be the hardest tech for you to give up? #HITsm @IrmaRaste @evankirstel
Healthcare IT Today @hcittoday
Welcome to this week's #HITsm chat hosted by Irma Rastegayeva (@IrmaRaste) and Evan Kirstel (@evankirstel) on the topic of “Enabling Tech for Telemedicine“. Details: https://t.co/YN8F53CsTQ https://t.co/EkgNcpeqRa
IrmaRaste ✨ InfluenceThroughStorytelling™ @IrmaRaste
@rwang0 @hcittoday @evankirstel Hi Ray, welcome to #HITsm chat!
Tripp Braden @TrippBraden
RT @hcittoday: Welcome to this week's #HITsm chat hosted by Irma Rastegayeva (@IrmaRaste) and Evan Kirstel (@evankirstel) on the topic of “…
R “Ray” Wang 王瑞光 #Cupertino #AI #Energy R.NFT @rwang0
RT @IrmaRaste: @rwang0 @hcittoday @evankirstel Hi Ray, welcome to #HITsm chat!
R “Ray” Wang 王瑞光 #Cupertino #AI #Energy R.NFT @rwang0
RT @thewholesystem: #HITsm ready for first Irma and Evan Twitter Chat
Tripp Braden @TrippBraden
RT @IrmaRaste: @rwang0 @hcittoday @evankirstel Hi Ray, welcome to #HITsm chat!
IrmaRaste ✨ InfluenceThroughStorytelling™ @IrmaRaste
RT @HealthcareScene: Great topic for this week's #HITsm chat hosted by Irma Rastegayeva (@IrmaRaste) and Evan Kirstel (@evankirstel) on the…
R “Ray” Wang 王瑞光 #Cupertino #AI #Energy R.NFT @rwang0
RT @hcittoday: Welcome to this week's #HITsm chat hosted by Irma Rastegayeva (@IrmaRaste) and Evan Kirstel (@evankirstel) on the topic of “…
Evan Kirstel #B2B #TechFluencer @EvanKirstel
Charlie is @Harvard CLASS OF 1958! #hitsm
R “Ray” Wang 王瑞光 #Cupertino #AI #Energy R.NFT @rwang0
MyPOV: it's a friday!!!! #HITSM
IrmaRaste ✨ InfluenceThroughStorytelling™ @IrmaRaste
RT @hcittoday: Welcome to this week's #HITsm chat hosted by Irma Rastegayeva (@IrmaRaste) and Evan Kirstel (@evankirstel) on the topic of “…
R “Ray” Wang 王瑞光 #Cupertino #AI #Energy R.NFT @rwang0
RT @Trice_Imaging: Interested in #telemedicine, the technologies that make it possible, and the future of #telehealth in the new normal? J…
Sean K. Mehra @seanmehra
Hey guys! Sean here from @HealthTap! One of the founders. Dedicated to simple, affordable access to virtual care — esp for the uninsured and underinsured during these difficult times! #HITsm
Tripp Braden @TrippBraden
RT @rwang0: MyPOV: it's a friday!!!! #HITSM https://t.co/pKedqjmSBL
Evan Kirstel #B2B #TechFluencer @EvanKirstel
RT @rwang0: MyPOV: it's a friday!!!! #HITSM
Evan Kirstel #B2B #TechFluencer @EvanKirstel
RT @seanmehra: Hey guys! Sean here from @HealthTap! One of the founders. Dedicated to simple, affordable access to virtual care — esp for t…
B2B HealthTech Experts @eViRaHealth
RT @seanmehra: Hey guys! Sean here from @HealthTap! One of the founders. Dedicated to simple, affordable access to virtual care — esp for t…
Evan Kirstel #B2B #TechFluencer @EvanKirstel
RT @hcittoday: Let's take 5 min to introduce ourselves. Who are you? What do you do? Where are you from? If you had to give up technolo…
Sahba Ferdowsi DO (conciergedoc) @DrFerdowsi
RT @seanmehra: Hey guys! Sean here from @HealthTap! One of the founders. Dedicated to simple, affordable access to virtual care — esp for t…
Jim St.Clair @jstclair1
Hi ya'll! Jim here, Happy Friday! #HITsm
IrmaRaste ✨ InfluenceThroughStorytelling™ @IrmaRaste
RT @seanmehra: Hey guys! Sean here from @HealthTap! One of the founders. Dedicated to simple, affordable access to virtual care — esp for t…
Victor @ManuManuel514
RT @evankirstel: RAY WANG @rwang0 IS IN THE HOUSE #hitsm https://t.co/51dpH2VmUx
Evan Kirstel #B2B #TechFluencer @EvanKirstel
RT @jstclair1: Hi ya'll! Jim here, Happy Friday! #HITsm
IrmaRaste ✨ InfluenceThroughStorytelling™ @IrmaRaste
@seanmehra @HealthTap Welcome to the #HITsm chat, Sean!
IrmaRaste ✨ InfluenceThroughStorytelling™ @IrmaRaste
RT @evankirstel: Charlie is @Harvard CLASS OF 1958! #hitsm https://t.co/mRDyGCSWai
Sahba Ferdowsi DO (conciergedoc) @DrFerdowsi
RT @IrmaRaste: @seanmehra @HealthTap Welcome to the #HITsm chat, Sean!
IrmaRaste ✨ InfluenceThroughStorytelling™ @IrmaRaste
RT @hcittoday: Let's take 5 min to introduce ourselves. Who are you? What do you do? Where are you from? If you had to give up technolo…
John Lynn @techguy
RT @hcittoday: Welcome to this week's #HITsm chat hosted by Irma Rastegayeva (@IrmaRaste) and Evan Kirstel (@evankirstel) on the topic of “…
Jennifer M. Joe, MD @JenniferJoeMD
RT @IrmaRaste: Join us for an engaging conversation around #technology that makes #telemedicine possible, explore better #healthcare for #p
Erin Head @ErinHead_HIM
Haven't done a Twitterchat in ages! Hi everyone! Erin from Florida- HIM superstar #HITsm
Evan Kirstel #B2B #TechFluencer @EvanKirstel
JUMP RIGHT IN 😂 #hitsm
Tripp Braden @TrippBraden
Getting ready for a great twitter-chat on the future and current state of telemedicine Join us now live! #HITsm
Enlightening Results 💡 @GraceCordovano
Hi #HITsm! Grace, board-certified patient advocate & data unblocker, joining from (apparently its going to snow later) NJ. Considering the circumstances, can't live without my laptop & the internet.
Tripp Braden @TrippBraden
RT @evankirstel: JUMP RIGHT IN 😂 #hitsm https://t.co/vkesaeX2N1
Evan Kirstel #B2B #TechFluencer @EvanKirstel
RT @GraceCordovano: Hi #HITsm! Grace, board-certified patient advocate & data unblocker, joining from (apparently its going to snow later)…
Jim St.Clair @jstclair1
@ErinHead_HIM Welcome Erin! #hitsm
Mohamad Arif Ali @mhealth1
RT @GraceCordovano: Hi #HITsm! Grace, board-certified patient advocate & data unblocker, joining from (apparently its going to snow later)…
Tripp Braden @TrippBraden
RT @GraceCordovano: Hi #HITsm! Grace, board-certified patient advocate & data unblocker, joining from (apparently its going to snow later)…
Bright.md @BrightMD_Health
RT @hcittoday: Welcome to this week's #HITsm chat hosted by Irma Rastegayeva (@IrmaRaste) and Evan Kirstel (@evankirstel) on the topic of “…
IrmaRaste ✨ InfluenceThroughStorytelling™ @IrmaRaste
RT @GraceCordovano: Hi #HITsm! Grace, board-certified patient advocate & data unblocker, joining from (apparently its going to snow later)…
Tripp Braden @TrippBraden
RT @ErinHead_HIM: Haven't done a Twitterchat in ages! Hi everyone! Erin from Florida- HIM superstar #HITsm
Mohamad Arif Ali @mhealth1
RT @hcittoday: Welcome to this week's #HITsm chat hosted by Irma Rastegayeva (@IrmaRaste) and Evan Kirstel (@evankirstel) on the topic of “…
Enlightening Results 💡 @GraceCordovano
[REDACTED USER] @IrmaRaste Hi Joy! Great to see you! #HITsm
Evan Kirstel #B2B #TechFluencer @EvanKirstel
RT @ErinHead_HIM: Haven't done a Twitterchat in ages! Hi everyone! Erin from Florida- HIM superstar #HITsm
Tripp Braden @TrippBraden
RT @seanmehra: Hey guys! Sean here from @HealthTap! One of the founders. Dedicated to simple, affordable access to virtual care — esp for t…
John Lynn @techguy
Hey everyone! Happy Friday to you. I write for @hcittoday and am out of Vegas. Hardest technology to give up is hard, but I'd probably say my desktop with dual monitors. #HITsm
Gail Zahtz 🇮🇱 @GailZahtz
Finally making it back to #HITsm and not a day too soon as it’s the amazing @evankirstel @IrmaRaste on #telehealth
Healthcare IT Today @hcittoday
T1: What are the most important technologies to enable Telemedicine? @IrmaRaste @evankirstel #HITsm https://t.co/HPOdGnR6CL
Evan Kirstel #B2B #TechFluencer @EvanKirstel
RT @techguy: Hey everyone! Happy Friday to you. I write for @hcittoday and am out of Vegas. Hardest technology to give up is hard, but I…
IrmaRaste ✨ InfluenceThroughStorytelling™ @IrmaRaste
@GraceCordovano Hey Grace, so awesome you could join! #HITsm
Evan Kirstel #B2B #TechFluencer @EvanKirstel
RT @GailZahtz: Finally making it back to #HITsm and not a day too soon as it’s the amazing @evankirstel @IrmaRaste on #telehealth
Briljent @BriljentLLC
#HITsm Briljent works with State Medicaids and Social services, as well as HIEs to facilitate funding and strategic planning to enable starting up #telemedicine programs. Currently posting from 'somewhere in Indiana'..... Happy Friday!
Shereese Maynard, MS; MBA @ShereeseMayMba
Hi all. I'm Shereese from Maryland #HITsm https://t.co/2A3deZSQTL
Brian Mack @BFMack
Hey #HITsm peeps! I'm Brian, Senior MarComm Strategist w/ @MiHIN in Michigan. I think the hardest tech for me to give up would be my phone. It's practically surgically attached to my hand! https://t.co/qLlGUsM058
Charles Atkinson @thewholesystem
Irma and Evan have been key teccnology and innovation supporters in my journey of recovery from WNV 2012
Caregility @caregility
T1: Security is incredibly important in telemedicine. Security layers such as HIPAA, Single Sign On, Multi Factor Authentication are important to the protection and privacy of the providers and patients. #HITsm
Stephanie Guadian @StephGuadian
RT @rwang0: @hcittoday @IrmaRaste @evankirstel MyPOV: ready for #telemedicine #telehealth? catch this tweet chat? #HITsm
Enlightening Results 💡 @GraceCordovano
@techguy @hcittoday Hey John! Great to see you #HITsm
IrmaRaste ✨ InfluenceThroughStorytelling™ @IrmaRaste
T1: Seemingly overnight, #healthcare consumption patterns have changed. Utilization of #telemedicine through @CVSHealth MinuteClinic ⬆️ 600%. Retail #Rx home delivery ⬆️ 1,000%. #HITsm https://t.co/717EosRbLX
Jim St.Clair @jstclair1
Definitely mobile. Been remote for 10 years and the volume of things I can do from my phone has only increased. #hitsm
IrmaRaste ✨ InfluenceThroughStorytelling™ @IrmaRaste
@hcittoday @evankirstel T1: Seemingly overnight, #healthcare consumption patterns have changed. Utilization of #telemedicine through @CVSHealth MinuteClinic ⬆️ 600%. Retail #Rx home delivery ⬆️ 1,000%. #HITsm https://t.co/717EosRbLX
Ethos Laboratories @EthosLabs
@hcittoday @IrmaRaste @evankirstel Hi everyone! We are Ethos Labs, a premier provider of laboratory services (including #telehealth) offering remote-lab testing based in the U.S. We are excited to join the conversation. #hitsm
Thomas_Capone @Thomas_Capone
#HITsm Very cool.
John Lynn @techguy
@GraceCordovano @hcittoday Great to see you...even if I'd much rather really "see" you and go and grab a bite in NYC. I hope you're doing well. #HITsm
Gail Zahtz 🇮🇱 @GailZahtz
Most imprtant tech for enabling #telehealth - ensuring patients and caregivers have the smart phone/computer and WiFi to connect! (Old school maybe but not to be forgotten) #HITsm
IrmaRaste ✨ InfluenceThroughStorytelling™ @IrmaRaste
@hcittoday @evankirstel @CVSHealth T1: Counterintuitively, #chronic conditions are increasing / going untreated. @CVSHealth: #patients are filling fewer Rx, putting off new treatments, and seeing doctors less - huge opportunity for #telemedicine. #HITsm
Ethos Laboratories @EthosLabs
@hcittoday @IrmaRaste @evankirstel We're excited to join everyone! #hitsm
Evan Kirstel #B2B #TechFluencer @EvanKirstel
@hcittoday @IrmaRaste T1: According to @Anthem, 86% of doctors say #wearables, which are a common type of remote monitoring, increase #patient engagement with their own #health. Additionally, wearables are predicted to decrease #hospital costs by 16% in the next five years! #HITsm #telemedicine https://t.co/dtGcZBeMLI
Michelle Currie @mshlcurrie
#HITsm Happy Friday everyone! I'm Michelle from Northern California and I'm all about usability! I'd miss the internet the most.
Evan Kirstel #B2B #TechFluencer @EvanKirstel
T1: According to @Anthem, 86% of doctors say #wearables, which are a common type of remote monitoring, increase #patient engagement with their own #health. Additionally, wearables are predicted to decrease #hospital costs by 16% in the next five years! #HITsm #telemedicine
IrmaRaste ✨ InfluenceThroughStorytelling™ @IrmaRaste
@hcittoday @evankirstel @CVSHealth T1: Non-#COVID19 care is taking a hit. @Aetna: inpatient care 30%, outpatient ⬇️ 25%, #physician visits ⬇️ 35%. Lab, #radiology, #homehealth services ⬇️ 50%.
Edward Bukstel @ebukstel
Yo. Ed from #Philly. Still recuperating from open heart, but feeling strong. When @evankirstel speaks it's just like EF Hutton. #HITsm 😎 https://t.co/35yAt22ReQ
Electronic Caregiver @ElectronicCare
@hcittoday @IrmaRaste @evankirstel T1: What are the most important technologies to enable Telemedicine? #HITsm 1-Smart devices w/relatively easy to use interfaces for the healthier, more tech-savvy 2- Simple plug & play or voice interactive solutions for chronic health management
Jim St.Clair @jstclair1
@BriljentLLC I've met some of the team at MESC. Welcome! #hitsm
Evan Kirstel #B2B #TechFluencer @EvanKirstel
RT @IrmaRaste: @hcittoday @evankirstel @CVSHealth T1: Counterintuitively, #chronic conditions are increasing / going untreated. @CVSHealth:…
IrmaRaste ✨ InfluenceThroughStorytelling™ @IrmaRaste
RT @jstclair1: Definitely mobile. Been remote for 10 years and the volume of things I can do from my phone has only increased. #hitsm https…
Evan Kirstel #B2B #TechFluencer @EvanKirstel
RT @GailZahtz: Most imprtant tech for enabling #telehealth - ensuring patients and caregivers have the smart phone/computer and WiFi to con…
Thomas_Capone @Thomas_Capone
#HITsm I feel my IQ going up just by being here....
Amanda Dingus @avdingus
Ted Chan @upwardmobility
Hi #hitsm, Ted Chan from @caredash dropping by. We're a digital front door to healthcare with nearly 2M patients a month searching for care. We're based in Boston!
Evan Kirstel #B2B #TechFluencer @EvanKirstel
RT @ElectronicCare: @hcittoday @IrmaRaste @evankirstel T1: What are the most important technologies to enable Telemedicine? #HITsm 1-Smart…
Susan Houck Clark @SusanHouckClark
I'm with them! 👇
Evan Kirstel #B2B #TechFluencer @EvanKirstel
RT @Thomas_Capone: #HITsm I feel my IQ going up just by being here....
Edward Bukstel @ebukstel
RT @IrmaRaste: @hcittoday @evankirstel T1: Seemingly overnight, #healthcare consumption patterns have changed. Utilization of #telemedicine
Tripp Braden @TrippBraden
A1 I would say the remote technologies that enable medical devices to be used remotely that can allow the Doctor to take a number of vitals from the patient. #HITsm
Evan Kirstel #B2B #TechFluencer @EvanKirstel
RT @upwardmobility: Hi #hitsm, Ted Chan from @caredash dropping by. We're a digital front door to healthcare with nearly 2M patients a mo…
IrmaRaste ✨ InfluenceThroughStorytelling™ @IrmaRaste
#Security is definitely important! #HITsm
Tripp Braden @TrippBraden
RT @ElectronicCare: @hcittoday @IrmaRaste @evankirstel T1: What are the most important technologies to enable Telemedicine? #HITsm 1-Smart…
B2B HealthTech Experts @eViRaHealth
RT @TrippBraden: A1 I would say the remote technologies that enable medical devices to be used remotely that can allow the Doctor to take…
Gail Zahtz 🇮🇱 @GailZahtz
@IrmaRaste @hcittoday @evankirstel @CVSHealth Factors impacting chronic conditions includes: cancellations of “elective “ surgeries, big hits in staffing home care, barriers to getting into clinic (welcome telehealth) and system layoffs that have cut community health. #hitsm
Jim St.Clair @jstclair1
@IrmaRaste @hcittoday @evankirstel @CVSHealth @Aetna Great evidence the current care delivery system is done busted! #hitsm
Susan Houck Clark @SusanHouckClark
Dang! Out of practice on chat basics. Forgot to add #hitsm
Ted Chan @upwardmobility
The hardest tech for me to give up with be access to sports statistics and analytics, ha ha! What would I do with all the free time. #hitsm
Evan Kirstel #B2B #TechFluencer @EvanKirstel
T1 Innovations in #connectedhealth help people live better lives, improve the operational side of #healthcare, and are beginning to impact #clinical applications & #telehealth at a higher rate! #HITsm
Brittany Partridge, MBA, FAMIA @bspartridgeCIS
Hi am Brittany from San Diego, I am the Clinical Communication Coordinator for UCSD covering our iPads, iPhones (inpatient/nursing) and our Virtual Care across the system. If I had to give up my cell phone it would be rough, I use it for EVERYTHING. #HITsm
Evan Kirstel #B2B #TechFluencer @EvanKirstel
@hcittoday @IrmaRaste T1 Innovations in #connectedhealth help people live better lives, improve the operational side of #healthcare, and are beginning to impact #clinical applications & #telehealth at a higher rate! #HITsm
John Lynn @techguy
I'm torn on this one. Video streaming has been amazing with how far it's come, but I might say text. It's great for notifying of the appointment and asynchronous text is more powerful than most realize. I guess I could have chosen 4G or broadband. #HITsm https://t.co/Hfh294KTXp
IrmaRaste ✨ InfluenceThroughStorytelling™ @IrmaRaste
RT @upwardmobility: Hi #hitsm, Ted Chan from @caredash dropping by. We're a digital front door to healthcare with nearly 2M patients a mo…
Evan Kirstel #B2B #TechFluencer @EvanKirstel
RT @mshlcurrie: #HITsm Happy Friday everyone! I'm Michelle from Northern California and I'm all about usability! I'd miss the internet the…
Jim St.Clair @jstclair1
we wouldn't be "here" w/o it! #hitsm
Evan Kirstel #B2B #TechFluencer @EvanKirstel
RT @ethos_labs: @hcittoday @IrmaRaste @evankirstel Hi everyone! We are Ethos Labs, a premier provider of laboratory services (including #te
IrmaRaste ✨ InfluenceThroughStorytelling™ @IrmaRaste
@upwardmobility @caredash Hi Ted, hello fellow #Bostonian. Glad you could join #HITsm!
Evan Kirstel #B2B #TechFluencer @EvanKirstel
RT @caregility: T1: Security is incredibly important in telemedicine. Security layers such as HIPAA, Single Sign On, Multi Factor Authentic…
Brian Mack @BFMack
T1: The most important technology for the success of #telehealth, IMO, facilitates the seamless addition of the records from a virtual visit to into their longitudinal record - I wonder what type of orgs are best positioned to do that?!? 😉 #HITsm
Evan Kirstel #B2B #TechFluencer @EvanKirstel
RT @BFMack: T1: The most important technology for the success of #telehealth, IMO, facilitates the seamless addition of the records from a…
Evan Kirstel #B2B #TechFluencer @EvanKirstel
RT @techguy: I'm torn on this one. Video streaming has been amazing with how far it's come, but I might say text. It's great for notifying…
Mike Brandofino @MikeBrandofino
T1: Having a strong network is key. Connectivity is at the heart to increasing access and facilitating the #telehealth experience, which requires a robust network for an always on and available state #HITsm
Jamey Edwards @jameyedwards
@hcittoday @IrmaRaste @evankirstel T1: All of them :) Great #Telemedicine isnt just about one #technology, it's about pulling together the right #tech for the specific use case to create an accessible continuum of care. That can include #chat, #email, phone, video, wearables and more. #HITsm #TelemedNow
Evan Kirstel #B2B #TechFluencer @EvanKirstel
RT @bspartridgeCIS: Hi am Brittany from San Diego, I am the Clinical Communication Coordinator for UCSD covering our iPads, iPhones (inpati…
Ted Chan @upwardmobility
T1: The biggest need right now is to make the onboarding process for #telemedicine simple and transactional, as it is in e-commerce. The digital health players who can do this will rapidly take marketshare. #hitsm
Trice Imaging Inc @Trice_Imaging
@hcittoday @IrmaRaste @evankirstel T1: People tend to think of telemedicine as just virtual visits. It’s also important for providers to be educated about the other modalities and supporting technologies, eg store-and-forward (which is heavily used in PCP/specialist eConsults that involve imaging) and RPM. #HITsm
Gail Zahtz 🇮🇱 @GailZahtz
T1- tech that’s so crucial to telehealth is that which makes it as easy and seamless to use for patients and providers This isn’t about being impressive, it’s about efficacy #HITsm
R “Ray” Wang 王瑞光 #Cupertino #AI #Energy R.NFT @rwang0
RT @BFMack: T1: The most important technology for the success of #telehealth, IMO, facilitates the seamless addition of the records from a…
IrmaRaste ✨ InfluenceThroughStorytelling™ @IrmaRaste
@Thomas_Capone Hey Tom, good to see you. We love to surround outselves with smart people!! #HITsm
R “Ray” Wang 王瑞光 #Cupertino #AI #Energy R.NFT @rwang0
RT @IrmaRaste: @upwardmobility @caredash Hi Ted, hello fellow #Bostonian. Glad you could join #HITsm!
Kate Corbett, CPHIMS, PMP, CSM @CorbettKr
Running late today! Kate in NJ. I lead a health IT consulting practice with @CornerstoneAdvs. I could never give up my iPhone. #HITsm @IrmaRaste @evankirstel
R “Ray” Wang 王瑞光 #Cupertino #AI #Energy R.NFT @rwang0
RT @techguy: I'm torn on this one. Video streaming has been amazing with how far it's come, but I might say text. It's great for notifying…
IrmaRaste ✨ InfluenceThroughStorytelling™ @IrmaRaste
RT @ElectronicCare: @hcittoday @IrmaRaste @evankirstel T1: What are the most important technologies to enable Telemedicine? #HITsm 1-Smart…
R “Ray” Wang 王瑞光 #Cupertino #AI #Energy R.NFT @rwang0
RT @bspartridgeCIS: Hi am Brittany from San Diego, I am the Clinical Communication Coordinator for UCSD covering our iPads, iPhones (inpati…
Charles Atkinson @thewholesystem
Chronic conditions increase personal responsibility for wellness time of COVID-19
R “Ray” Wang 王瑞光 #Cupertino #AI #Energy R.NFT @rwang0
RT @SusanHouckClark: Dang! Out of practice on chat basics. Forgot to add #hitsm https://t.co/9R0pwQiCjV
R “Ray” Wang 王瑞光 #Cupertino #AI #Energy R.NFT @rwang0
RT @upwardmobility: The hardest tech for me to give up with be access to sports statistics and analytics, ha ha! What would I do with all…
R “Ray” Wang 王瑞光 #Cupertino #AI #Energy R.NFT @rwang0
RT @jstclair1: @IrmaRaste @hcittoday @evankirstel @CVSHealth @Aetna Great evidence the current care delivery system is done busted! #hitsm
Enlightening Results 💡 @GraceCordovano
T1) Device that permits human connection, meeting people where they are: 👉at minimum, landline or smart device 👉reliable wifi 👉accessibility tools, as needed 👉real-time support for language barriers 👉access to medical records #HITsm #UnblockHealth #EHR #Telemedicine #PtExp
R “Ray” Wang 王瑞光 #Cupertino #AI #Energy R.NFT @rwang0
RT @GailZahtz: @IrmaRaste @hcittoday @evankirstel @CVSHealth Factors impacting chronic conditions includes: cancellations of “elective “ su…
Apsis Inc @ApsisInc
RT @evankirstel: T1 Innovations in #connectedhealth help people live better lives, improve the operational side of #healthcare, and are beg…
R “Ray” Wang 王瑞光 #Cupertino #AI #Energy R.NFT @rwang0
RT @TrippBraden: A1 I would say the remote technologies that enable medical devices to be used remotely that can allow the Doctor to take…
John Lynn @techguy
Glad you could join us Sean. #HITsm https://t.co/ArzZI2YmZb
R “Ray” Wang 王瑞光 #Cupertino #AI #Energy R.NFT @rwang0
RT @upwardmobility: Hi #hitsm, Ted Chan from @caredash dropping by. We're a digital front door to healthcare with nearly 2M patients a mo…
Ethos Laboratories @EthosLabs
@IrmaRaste @hcittoday @evankirstel @CVSHealth Great observations & points! We've seen the increase of patients going untreated right now & it pushed us to offer remote lab testing - we want patients to get the care they need and at-home testing allows them to remain safe while continuing their plan of care. #HITsm
Michelle Currie @mshlcurrie
@IrmaRaste @CVSHealth Recently spoke with a friend at Kaiser Permanente National. Their telemedicine use increased 8000%! #HITsm
Evan Kirstel #B2B #TechFluencer @EvanKirstel
T1: With #cloud enablement & the right digital orchestration platform, hospital #CIOs can use #data in a smarter way and address budget constraints.#HITsm https://t.co/8pNlytNWCp
Tripp Braden @TrippBraden
A1 Potential onsite capabilities in shared facilities including pharmacies and other predefined remote locations #HITsm
R “Ray” Wang 王瑞光 #Cupertino #AI #Energy R.NFT @rwang0
RT @ElectronicCare: @hcittoday @IrmaRaste @evankirstel T1: What are the most important technologies to enable Telemedicine? #HITsm 1-Smart…
EMR, EHR and HIT @ehrandhit
RT @ErinHead_HIM: Haven't done a Twitterchat in ages! Hi everyone! Erin from Florida- HIM superstar #HITsm
Jim St.Clair @jstclair1
RT @Thomas_Capone: #HITsm I feel my IQ going up just by being here....
IrmaRaste ✨ InfluenceThroughStorytelling™ @IrmaRaste
@ElectronicCare @hcittoday @evankirstel Hi @ElectronicCare, welcome to the #HITsm chat. Tell us more about these technologies!
Tripp Braden @TrippBraden
RT @techguy: I'm torn on this one. Video streaming has been amazing with how far it's come, but I might say text. It's great for notifying…
Evan Kirstel #B2B #TechFluencer @EvanKirstel
@hcittoday @IrmaRaste T1: With #cloud enablement & the right digital orchestration platform, hospital #CIOs can use #data in a smarter way and address budget constraints.#HITsm https://t.co/mqKeISyTUs
Customer Success, Inc. @RavingFansCX
RT @evankirstel: T1: With #cloud enablement & the right digital orchestration platform, hospital #CIOs can use #data in a smarter way and a…
Erin Head @ErinHead_HIM
@BFMack Yes. Both directions- continuity of care records from other providers and info from telemed provider #HITsm
IrmaRaste ✨ InfluenceThroughStorytelling™ @IrmaRaste
RT @ebukstel: Yo. Ed from #Philly. Still recuperating from open heart, but feeling strong. When @evankirstel speaks it's just like EF Hutt…
Evan Kirstel #B2B #TechFluencer @EvanKirstel
RT @mshlcurrie: @IrmaRaste @CVSHealth Recently spoke with a friend at Kaiser Permanente National. Their telemedicine use increased 8000%! #…
Evan Kirstel #B2B #TechFluencer @EvanKirstel
RT @techguy: Glad you could join us Sean. #HITsm https://t.co/ArzZI2YmZb
Elena Ivanova @lenisocial
Hi all! Elena here. Sorry I'm late! Excited to tune in today and see some familiar faces. #hitsm
Jim St.Clair @jstclair1
RT @caregility: T1: Security is incredibly important in telemedicine. Security layers such as HIPAA, Single Sign On, Multi Factor Authentic…
Gail Zahtz 🇮🇱 @GailZahtz
T1- One of my favorite ideas that we used to discuss is tracking labs like Amazon alerts does. That’s now being done here in NY to support telehealth #HITsm
Evan Kirstel #B2B #TechFluencer @EvanKirstel
RT @GraceCordovano: T1) Device that permits human connection, meeting people where they are: 👉at minimum, landline or smart device 👉reliabl…
Dr. Place 🕶🍊🧮 @nplace1
RT @evankirstel: T1: With #cloud enablement & the right digital orchestration platform, hospital #CIOs can use #data in a smarter way and a…
Ethos Laboratories @EthosLabs
@evankirstel @hcittoday @IrmaRaste This is a great point, Evan. Thanks for sharing! Really excited to see how wearables continue to develop. #HITsm
Evan Kirstel #B2B #TechFluencer @EvanKirstel
RT @GailZahtz: T1- tech that’s so crucial to telehealth is that which makes it as easy and seamless to use for patients and providers This…
Evan Kirstel #B2B #TechFluencer @EvanKirstel
RT @upwardmobility: T1: The biggest need right now is to make the onboarding process for #telemedicine simple and transactional, as it is i…
Evan Kirstel #B2B #TechFluencer @EvanKirstel
RT @jameyedwards: @hcittoday @IrmaRaste @evankirstel T1: All of them :) Great #Telemedicine isnt just about one #technology, it's about p…
R “Ray” Wang 王瑞光 #Cupertino #AI #Energy R.NFT @rwang0
@ElectronicCare @hcittoday @IrmaRaste @evankirstel MyPOV: A1. 5G for multiplexing, wearables for opt-in monitoring, video chat for improving access, and blockchain for credentialing and patient records #HITsm
IrmaRaste ✨ InfluenceThroughStorytelling™ @IrmaRaste
@ebukstel @evankirstel Hi Edward, good to see you here on the #HITsm chat. Wishing you complete and speedy recovery!
Bright.md @BrightMD_Health
@hcittoday @IrmaRaste @evankirstel Store-and-forward, asynch technology is crucial for #telehealth and #telemedicine to meet patients where and *when* they are available. #hitsm
John Lynn @techguy
Great thought. If it wasn't secure or at least trusted, then we wouldn't be able to use it. #HITsm https://t.co/9oBG91FlYb
IrmaRaste ✨ InfluenceThroughStorytelling™ @IrmaRaste
RT @evankirstel: T1: According to @Anthem, 86% of doctors say #wearables, which are a common type of remote monitoring, increase #patient e…
R “Ray” Wang 王瑞光 #Cupertino #AI #Energy R.NFT @rwang0
MyPOV: A1. 5G for multiplexing, wearables for opt-in monitoring, video chat for improving access, and blockchain for credentialing and patient records #HITsm
IrmaRaste ✨ InfluenceThroughStorytelling™ @IrmaRaste
RT @mshlcurrie: #HITsm Happy Friday everyone! I'm Michelle from Northern California and I'm all about usability! I'd miss the internet the…
Erin Head @ErinHead_HIM
@GailZahtz We couldn't have weathered this well 10 years ago, I'm convinced. #HITsm
IrmaRaste ✨ InfluenceThroughStorytelling™ @IrmaRaste
@mshlcurrie Hi Michelle, great to see you here on the #HITsm chat!
Evan Kirstel #B2B #TechFluencer @EvanKirstel
RT @lenisocial: Hi all! Elena here. Sorry I'm late! Excited to tune in today and see some familiar faces. #hitsm
Tripp Braden @TrippBraden
A1 I wonder if its really about the technologies and not the mindset of those participating in them. Doctors and patient will need to change how the see the medical experience #HITsm
Kate Corbett, CPHIMS, PMP, CSM @CorbettKr
- Video application of some kind - Online questionnaires and forms - the EHR - Remote patient monitoring devices I think these are a minimum to deliver a broad range of healthcare services via #telehealth #HITsm @IrmaRaste @evankirstel
Tripp Braden @TrippBraden
RT @Trice_Imaging: @hcittoday @IrmaRaste @evankirstel T1: People tend to think of telemedicine as just virtual visits. It’s also important…
Enlightening Results 💡 @GraceCordovano
@jameyedwards @hcittoday @IrmaRaste @evankirstel Agreed Jamey! Amazing how many drs assume patients have blood pressure cuffs, pulse oximeters, thermometers, wearables. We need to proactively educate the general public about the benefits of the new digital medicine cabinet. #HITsm
Tripp Braden @TrippBraden
RT @upwardmobility: T1: The biggest need right now is to make the onboarding process for #telemedicine simple and transactional, as it is i…
B2B HealthTech Experts @eViRaHealth
RT @TrippBraden: A1 I wonder if its really about the technologies and not the mindset of those participating in them. Doctors and patient w…
John Lynn @techguy
I enjoy mobile and have realized I can do anything on it, but it's surprising to me how little I want to do on it. #HITsm https://t.co/BGyiuY4HFW
R “Ray” Wang 王瑞光 #Cupertino #AI #Energy R.NFT @rwang0
RT @evankirstel: RAY WANG @rwang0 IS IN THE HOUSE #hitsm https://t.co/Zy91ngY1Xf https://t.co/51dpH2VmUx
Jim St.Clair @jstclair1
@caregility Excited to watch the @trustoverip kick off last night discussing an international, multi-model framework for decentralized identity and credentialing!#hitsm
Brian Mack @BFMack
@MikeBrandofino Well said! The implications are HUGE! It's shocking to realize how limited high-speed internet access still is for far too many - especially in rural communities #HITSM
B2B HealthTech Experts @eViRaHealth
RT @CorbettKr: - Video application of some kind - Online questionnaires and forms - the EHR - Remote patient monitoring devices I think th…
Evan Kirstel #B2B #TechFluencer @EvanKirstel
RT @techguy: I enjoy mobile and have realized I can do anything on it, but it's surprising to me how little I want to do on it. #HITsm htt…
Tripp Braden @TrippBraden
RT @evankirstel: T1: With #cloud enablement & the right digital orchestration platform, hospital #CIOs can use #data in a smarter way and a…
Evan Kirstel #B2B #TechFluencer @EvanKirstel
RT @CorbettKr: - Video application of some kind - Online questionnaires and forms - the EHR - Remote patient monitoring devices I think th…
Ethos Laboratories @EthosLabs
@ElectronicCare @hcittoday @IrmaRaste @evankirstel #HITsm Great points. An increased access to technology across the board, especially ones that integrate into our smart devices, will enable and encourage patients to use telemedicine.
B2B HealthTech Experts @eViRaHealth
RT @rwang0: MyPOV: A1. 5G for multiplexing, wearables for opt-in monitoring, video chat for improving access, and blockchain for credential…
John Lynn @techguy
Glad you could join! #HITsm https://t.co/CwZvxVGfWb
Tripp Braden @TrippBraden
RT @rwang0: @ElectronicCare @hcittoday @IrmaRaste @evankirstel MyPOV: A1. 5G for multiplexing, wearables for opt-in monitoring, video chat…
Evan Kirstel #B2B #TechFluencer @EvanKirstel
RT @rwang0: MyPOV: A1. 5G for multiplexing, wearables for opt-in monitoring, video chat for improving access, and blockchain for credential…
B2B HealthTech Experts @eViRaHealth
RT @techguy: Great thought. If it wasn't secure or at least trusted, then we wouldn't be able to use it. #HITsm https://t.co/9oBG91FlYb
B2B HealthTech Experts @eViRaHealth
RT @BrightMD_Health: @hcittoday @IrmaRaste @evankirstel Store-and-forward, asynch technology is crucial for #telehealth and #telemedicine t…
R “Ray” Wang 王瑞光 #Cupertino #AI #Energy R.NFT @rwang0
RT @techguy: Glad you could join! #HITsm https://t.co/CwZvxVGfWb
Jim St.Clair @jstclair1
@upwardmobility @caredash It's a great distraction from the annoying work LOL #hitsm
B2B HealthTech Experts @eViRaHealth
RT @IrmaRaste: @ebukstel @evankirstel Hi Edward, good to see you here on the #HITsm chat. Wishing you complete and speedy recovery!
Evan Kirstel #B2B #TechFluencer @EvanKirstel
RT @BrightMD_Health: @hcittoday @IrmaRaste @evankirstel Store-and-forward, asynch technology is crucial for #telehealth and #telemedicine t…
Enlightening Results 💡 @GraceCordovano
@ShereesePubHlth Hi Shereese! Great to see you! #HITsm
B2B HealthTech Experts @eViRaHealth
RT @rwang0: @ElectronicCare @hcittoday @IrmaRaste @evankirstel MyPOV: A1. 5G for multiplexing, wearables for opt-in monitoring, video chat…
R “Ray” Wang 王瑞光 #Cupertino #AI #Energy R.NFT @rwang0
RT @BFMack: @MikeBrandofino Well said! The implications are HUGE! It's shocking to realize how limited high-speed internet access still is…
Evan Kirstel #B2B #TechFluencer @EvanKirstel
RT @rwang0: @ElectronicCare @hcittoday @IrmaRaste @evankirstel MyPOV: A1. 5G for multiplexing, wearables for opt-in monitoring, video chat…
R “Ray” Wang 王瑞光 #Cupertino #AI #Energy R.NFT @rwang0
RT @jstclair1: @caregility Excited to watch the @trustoverip kick off last night discussing an international, multi-model framework for dec…
Jess Clifton @jslentzclifton
Jess here joining late; PR mgr & writer w/ @AgencyTen22; based in Oviedo FL (but my heart's still in Traverse City MI). I am debilitatingly tethered to my iphone. #HITsm
Evan Kirstel #B2B #TechFluencer @EvanKirstel
RT @jstclair1: @caregility Excited to watch the @trustoverip kick off last night discussing an international, multi-model framework for dec…
R “Ray” Wang 王瑞光 #Cupertino #AI #Energy R.NFT @rwang0
RT @GraceCordovano: @jameyedwards @hcittoday @IrmaRaste @evankirstel Agreed Jamey! Amazing how many drs assume patients have blood pressure…
Enlightening Results 💡 @GraceCordovano
RT @IrmaRaste: T1: Seemingly overnight, #healthcare consumption patterns have changed. Utilization of #telemedicine through @CVSHealth Minu…
Apsis Inc @ApsisInc
RT @rwang0: MyPOV: A1. 5G for multiplexing, wearables for opt-in monitoring, video chat for improving access, and blockchain for credential…
Mohamad Arif Ali @mhealth1
RT @GraceCordovano: @jameyedwards @hcittoday @IrmaRaste @evankirstel Agreed Jamey! Amazing how many drs assume patients have blood pressure…
R “Ray” Wang 王瑞光 #Cupertino #AI #Energy R.NFT @rwang0
RT @CorbettKr: - Video application of some kind - Online questionnaires and forms - the EHR - Remote patient monitoring devices I think th…
B2B HealthTech Experts @eViRaHealth
RT @ethos_labs: @evankirstel @hcittoday @IrmaRaste This is a great point, Evan. Thanks for sharing! Really excited to see how wearables con…
B2B HealthTech Experts @eViRaHealth
RT @GailZahtz: T1- One of my favorite ideas that we used to discuss is tracking labs like Amazon alerts does. That’s now being done here in…
R “Ray” Wang 王瑞光 #Cupertino #AI #Energy R.NFT @rwang0
RT @IrmaRaste: @mshlcurrie Hi Michelle, great to see you here on the #HITsm chat!
B2B HealthTech Experts @eViRaHealth
RT @lenisocial: Hi all! Elena here. Sorry I'm late! Excited to tune in today and see some familiar faces. #hitsm
R “Ray” Wang 王瑞光 #Cupertino #AI #Energy R.NFT @rwang0
RT @ErinHead_HIM: @GailZahtz We couldn't have weathered this well 10 years ago, I'm convinced. #HITsm
John Lynn @techguy
@IrmaRaste @hcittoday @evankirstel @CVSHealth Probably depends on the reason that they're putting off treatments and filling RXs, no? #HITsm Do we know why the delays?
Ethos Laboratories @EthosLabs
@techguy Thank you, John! It's great to be joining a #HITsm chat for the very first time! Wooo!!
Edward Bukstel @ebukstel
Its very hard to administer chemotherapy via #telehealth . Merck starts to feel #COVID19's effects. #Cancer patients are not getting the care they need. #HITsm https://t.co/Oiviqai1z4 via @BioPharmaDive
Michelle Currie @mshlcurrie
@IrmaRaste @hcittoday @evankirstel @CVSHealth #HITsm That actually doesn't surprise me. Many patients with chronic conditions also carry heavy hSDoH burdens. With the pandemic, juggling care, meds, etc, has probably become unmanageable for many. Telehealth would be a great solution for this group if they have internet
Brian Mack @BFMack
@jslentzclifton @AgencyTen22 Hi Jess! #HITSM
Jim St.Clair @jstclair1
@jameyedwards speaks truth! #hitsm
Healthcare IT Today @hcittoday
T2: What is the role/responsibility of the public and private sectors in enabling Telehealth and increasing its adoption? @IrmaRaste @evankirstel #HITsm https://t.co/Wh5etlDslt
Kate Corbett, CPHIMS, PMP, CSM @CorbettKr
@GraceCordovano @jameyedwards @hcittoday @IrmaRaste @evankirstel And we need to have the digital medicine cabinet covered by my insurer please! #hitsm
Tripp Braden @TrippBraden
A1 Need to educate Doctors and healthcare professionals on how to work with new technologies and capabilities #HITsm
Mohamad Arif Ali @mhealth1
RT @jameyedwards: @hcittoday @IrmaRaste @evankirstel T1: All of them :) Great #Telemedicine isnt just about one #technology, it's about p…
Gail Zahtz 🇮🇱 @GailZahtz
@BFMack @MikeBrandofino What's interesting is that earlier @CMSGov initiatives in #telehealth were for rural broadband. How applicable now that it's being needed in sweeping amounts. #HITsm
Tripp Braden @TrippBraden
RT @techguy: Great thought. If it wasn't secure or at least trusted, then we wouldn't be able to use it. #HITsm https://t.co/9oBG91FlYb
R “Ray” Wang 王瑞光 #Cupertino #AI #Energy R.NFT @rwang0
RT @TrippBraden: A1 Need to educate Doctors and healthcare professionals on how to work with new technologies and capabilities #HITsm
Tripp Braden @TrippBraden
RT @BrightMD_Health: @hcittoday @IrmaRaste @evankirstel Store-and-forward, asynch technology is crucial for #telehealth and #telemedicine t…
R “Ray” Wang 王瑞光 #Cupertino #AI #Energy R.NFT @rwang0
RT @CorbettKr: @GraceCordovano @jameyedwards @hcittoday @IrmaRaste @evankirstel And we need to have the digital medicine cabinet covered by…
R “Ray” Wang 王瑞光 #Cupertino #AI #Energy R.NFT @rwang0
RT @jstclair1: @jameyedwards speaks truth! #hitsm https://t.co/PERmTacPba
Enlightening Results 💡 @GraceCordovano
@jstclair1 ...and now you can even home school your children via mobile, while doing everything else. #HITsm https://t.co/OVkLSyFGKL
R “Ray” Wang 王瑞光 #Cupertino #AI #Energy R.NFT @rwang0
RT @mshlcurrie: @IrmaRaste @hcittoday @evankirstel @CVSHealth #HITsm That actually doesn't surprise me. Many patients with chronic condit…
Jim St.Clair @jstclair1
@CorbettKr @CornerstoneAdvs @IrmaRaste @evankirstel until we move you to Android LOL #hitsm
Evan Kirstel #B2B #TechFluencer @EvanKirstel
RT @GraceCordovano: @jameyedwards @hcittoday @IrmaRaste @evankirstel Agreed Jamey! Amazing how many drs assume patients have blood pressure…
Brian Mack @BFMack
@lenisocial Hey Elena! #HITSM
IrmaRaste ✨ InfluenceThroughStorytelling™ @IrmaRaste
@lenisocial Hey Elena, so good to see you here! #HITsm https://t.co/P3tsiYBq3H
Jamey Edwards @jameyedwards
@GraceCordovano @hcittoday @IrmaRaste @evankirstel Absolutely Grace! Need to turn those items into #lifestyle tech. It's cool to be healthy! #HITsm
B2B HealthTech Experts @eViRaHealth
RT @evankirstel: @hcittoday @IrmaRaste T1: With #cloud enablement & the right digital orchestration platform, hospital #CIOs can use #data
Gail Zahtz 🇮🇱 @GailZahtz
@mshlcurrie @IrmaRaste @hcittoday @evankirstel @CVSHealth It's a bit discouraging seeing how much progress we made for years in #SDoH has been tabled due to the health emergency, when I think it's even more important than ever. #HITsm
B2B HealthTech Experts @eViRaHealth
RT @IrmaRaste: @ElectronicCare @hcittoday @evankirstel Hi @ElectronicCare, welcome to the #HITsm chat. Tell us more about these technologie…
Evan Kirstel #B2B #TechFluencer @EvanKirstel
RT @IrmaRaste: @lenisocial Hey Elena, so good to see you here! #HITsm https://t.co/P3tsiYBq3H
B2B HealthTech Experts @eViRaHealth
RT @TrippBraden: A1 Potential onsite capabilities in shared facilities including pharmacies and other predefined remote locations #HITsm
Sunjya Schweig, MD @drschweig
Most important tech in our telemedicine practice: good internet connection, 2 monitors, good camera, noise canceling headset, #zoom has been great (screenshare labs with patients), @cerbobymdhq EMR, wearables like [REDACTED USER] for data. #telemedicine #HITsm @IrmaRaste @evankirstel
John Lynn @techguy
Thanks for joining in. If you add the #HITsm hashtag the community can see your response too. I agree. Although, I've been mulling the idea of being on my computer for work vs being on it for play. My wife doesn't understand why I might like the later after the former.
R “Ray” Wang 王瑞光 #Cupertino #AI #Energy R.NFT @rwang0
RT @techguy: Thanks for joining in. If you add the #HITsm hashtag the community can see your response too. I agree. Although, I've been…
Enlightening Results 💡 @GraceCordovano
@techguy @hcittoday Hanging in there. Looking forward to everything IRL #HITsm
R “Ray” Wang 王瑞光 #Cupertino #AI #Energy R.NFT @rwang0
RT @drschweig: Most important tech in our telemedicine practice: good internet connection, 2 monitors, good camera, noise canceling headse…
Jess Clifton @jslentzclifton
T1 Phone and internet access, cloud solutions help avoid hurdles, security, and -- increasingly -- IoT, esp as healthcare tech continues to bleed beyond the walls of traditional care delivery #HITsm
Tripp Braden @TrippBraden
A1 Creating cost effective technologies that can be distributed through secure low cost channels for less mobile patient communities #HITsm
R “Ray” Wang 王瑞光 #Cupertino #AI #Energy R.NFT @rwang0
RT @GailZahtz: @BFMack @MikeBrandofino What's interesting is that earlier @CMSGov initiatives in #telehealth were for rural broadband. How…
Tripp Braden @TrippBraden
RT @mshlcurrie: @IrmaRaste @hcittoday @evankirstel @CVSHealth #HITsm That actually doesn't surprise me. Many patients with chronic condit…
Michelle Currie @mshlcurrie
@evankirstel #HITsm That's interesting. Did Anthem say which type of wearable? Fitbit etc for many are hyped for a month or so then go to die a lonely death in the tech graveyard in a drawer.
Jim St.Clair @jstclair1
Data use is no longer a tech issue, it's a bureaucratic issue! #hitsm
John Lynn @techguy
@ethos_labs Get ready for the wave of #HITsm tweets :-) We're here every Friday at Noon ET. Details posted: https://t.co/f3SEQwOaxq
Tripp Braden @TrippBraden
RT @techguy: Thanks for joining in. If you add the #HITsm hashtag the community can see your response too. I agree. Although, I've been…
Kate Corbett, CPHIMS, PMP, CSM @CorbettKr
@jstclair1 @CornerstoneAdvs @IrmaRaste @evankirstel You'll have to pry my apple device from my cold dead hands! #hitsm https://t.co/zjYeYj0Oaa
Brittany Partridge, MBA, FAMIA @bspartridgeCIS
T1: I wouldn't say that its a particular technology, but more ease of use. If there is more friction and frustration using the #Telemedicine solution then just going to the office, it won't be successful. Also connection w/ the patient through whatever modality is chosen #HITsm
Elena Ivanova @lenisocial
@IrmaRaste Awwww! Miss you guys! Can't wait to see you IRL and catch up. #hitsm
Trice Imaging Inc @Trice_Imaging
@BFMack Agreed. There are too many disparate technologies out there. The onus shouldn't be on the providers to make them communicate seamlessly - but on the vendors. The ability to route into core systems (e.g. EMR, PACS, etc.) is key. #HITsm
IrmaRaste ✨ InfluenceThroughStorytelling™ @IrmaRaste
T2: #Telehealth has staying power, should benefit from lasting #regulatory changes. @AmericanTelemed is asking Congress for more funding & flexibility to help build on its promise. #HITsm @CCHPCA @jkvedar https://t.co/IPGI82uuNf
Jess Clifton @jslentzclifton
@BFMack @AgencyTen22 Hi Brian! :) Great to "see" ya! #HITsm
IrmaRaste ✨ InfluenceThroughStorytelling™ @IrmaRaste
@hcittoday @evankirstel T2: #Telehealth has staying power, should benefit from lasting #regulatory changes. @AmericanTelemed is asking Congress for more funding & flexibility to help build on its promise. #HITsm @CCHPCA @jkvedar https://t.co/IPGI82uuNf
Nick Adkins @nickisnpdx
@jameyedwards @hcittoday @IrmaRaste @evankirstel it was 2013 wasn’t it @JulieReisetter? https://t.co/u2IpJMx66z #hitsm #telemednow 😉
Ethos Laboratories @EthosLabs
@jameyedwards @hcittoday @IrmaRaste @evankirstel This is a great point, Jamey! A greater variation of technologies opens the door for unique, customized ways to care for patients #HITsm.
Gail Zahtz 🇮🇱 @GailZahtz
T2- The public sector through @CMSGov has made incredible and rapid expansions through removing barriers to reimbursement for telehealth. In my opinion, what we really need now are public-private partnerships to ensure that telehealth works within hc system's workflow. #HITsm
John Lynn @techguy
@GraceCordovano @hcittoday I realized last night as I was scrolling, that I was scrolling with the hope to see some sign of return to normal life. I just kept scrolling and scrolling in search of a sign. Still searching :-) #HITsm
IrmaRaste ✨ InfluenceThroughStorytelling™ @IrmaRaste
RT @techguy: @ethos_labs Get ready for the wave of #HITsm tweets :-) We're here every Friday at Noon ET. Details posted: https://t.co/f3S…
Evan Kirstel #B2B #TechFluencer @EvanKirstel
T2 Healthcare organizations are using more medical devices that transmit patient data, posing risks for both providers and patients. #Privacy and #security are barriers to adoption #HITSM https://t.co/GlnZLyVvRi
Ethos Laboratories @EthosLabs
@CorbettKr @GraceCordovano @jameyedwards @hcittoday @IrmaRaste @evankirstel Great points Grace and Kate! #HITsm
IrmaRaste ✨ InfluenceThroughStorytelling™ @IrmaRaste
@hcittoday @evankirstel @AmericanTelemed @CCHPCA @jkvedar @CCHPCA #HITsm https://t.co/8V3SBAGiOb
Enlightening Results 💡 @GraceCordovano
@GailZahtz Hi Gail! Yes, in NJ which is a hotspot, everyone shifted to #telemedicine in mid/late March....and it was mostly telephone calls. Calls directly to landlines. No fancy platforms. #HITsm
Evan Kirstel #B2B #TechFluencer @EvanKirstel
@hcittoday @IrmaRaste T2 Healthcare organizations are using more medical devices that transmit patient data, posing risks for both providers and patients. #Privacy and #security are barriers to adoption #HITSM https://t.co/ivZc6Dev8Y
Tripp Braden @TrippBraden
A1 Having a new group of medical professional in practices that provide Docs and treatment teams with the different options that telemedicine can support. #HITsm
Tripp Braden @TrippBraden
RT @jslentzclifton: T1 Phone and internet access, cloud solutions help avoid hurdles, security, and -- increasingly -- IoT, esp as healthca…
Edward Bukstel @ebukstel
#Telehealth is not just about doctors. @CMSGov Expands #COVID19 Telehealth Reimbursement to Therapists, Phone Services. #HITsm https://t.co/KY1TzgWqXK
Evan Kirstel #B2B #TechFluencer @EvanKirstel
RT @GailZahtz: T2- The public sector through @CMSGov has made incredible and rapid expansions through removing barriers to reimbursement fo…
IrmaRaste ✨ InfluenceThroughStorytelling™ @IrmaRaste
RT @evankirstel: T2 Healthcare organizations are using more medical devices that transmit patient data, posing risks for both providers and…
Tripp Braden @TrippBraden
RT @GailZahtz: @mshlcurrie @IrmaRaste @hcittoday @evankirstel @CVSHealth It's a bit discouraging seeing how much progress we made for years…
Evan Kirstel #B2B #TechFluencer @EvanKirstel
RT @IrmaRaste: @hcittoday @evankirstel T2: #Telehealth has staying power, should benefit from lasting #regulatory changes. @AmericanTelemed
Tripp Braden @TrippBraden
RT @IrmaRaste: @lenisocial Hey Elena, so good to see you here! #HITsm https://t.co/P3tsiYBq3H
IrmaRaste ✨ InfluenceThroughStorytelling™ @IrmaRaste
RT @TrippBraden: A1 I would say the remote technologies that enable medical devices to be used remotely that can allow the Doctor to take…
Gail Zahtz 🇮🇱 @GailZahtz
T2- While those of use who are following closely the dramatically relaxed regulations, I'm not convinced that it's being adequately communicated and integrated by front line systems. I think that would help a lot. #HITsm
Evan Kirstel #B2B #TechFluencer @EvanKirstel
RT @IrmaRaste: T2: #Telehealth has staying power, should benefit from lasting #regulatory changes. @AmericanTelemed is asking Congress for…
John Lynn @techguy
From an info perspective, text is so powerful. However, the question is more complicated when we're talking caring for a patient. Then, text is sometimes sufficient, but sometimes video is needed, and sometimes an in person visit. Deciding when to do each is the future. #HITsm
Tripp Braden @TrippBraden
RT @IrmaRaste: T2: #Telehealth has staying power, should benefit from lasting #regulatory changes. @AmericanTelemed is asking Congress for…
Jess Clifton @jslentzclifton
T2 Regulatory efforts continue to be vital (curious how many of the recent waivers will roll back post-#COVID19). Patient education/awareness of #telehalth solutions also important. #HITsm
Jim St.Clair @jstclair1
@ErinHead_HIM @GailZahtz Great point - I think so many of us see how we *could* be weathering it but not, not thinking of how better we are now than 2009. #hitsm
IrmaRaste ✨ InfluenceThroughStorytelling™ @IrmaRaste
RT @rwang0: @ElectronicCare @hcittoday @IrmaRaste @evankirstel MyPOV: A1. 5G for multiplexing, wearables for opt-in monitoring, video chat…
Brian Mack @BFMack
T1: I would also say an "achievable" technological standard to allow providers to engage directly with their own patients (as opposed to a 3rd party telehealth specialist) There are a lot of logistical details packed into making #telehealth a ubiquitous option... #HITsm
IrmaRaste ✨ InfluenceThroughStorytelling™ @IrmaRaste
RT @ethos_labs: @ElectronicCare @hcittoday @IrmaRaste @evankirstel #HITsm Great points. An increased access to technology across the board,…
Elena Ivanova @lenisocial
@BFMack Hey Brian!! #hitsm https://t.co/lXqyrkXxb9
Jamey Edwards @jameyedwards
A2: Public Sector needs to provide great infrastructure & regulatory support. Think better #broadband, #NetNeutrality. Anything that can enhance access in addition to catalyzing payment as well. Would be great if practicing across state lines remained! #HITsm #telemedicine
Mike Brandofino @MikeBrandofino
T2: Both the public and private sectors should have a vested interest in increasing telehealth access to patients in a safe way. #HITsm
Egils Milbergs @egilsm
#hitsm Joining the first time. I am looking for innovations to help people in underserved low-income communities. Tele-health, telework, tele-learning, tele-etc. Big need for affordable broadband access.💡
Bright.md @BrightMD_Health
@hcittoday @IrmaRaste @evankirstel T2: Expanding the definitions of #telehealth and #telemedicine and providing parity reimbursement will drive adoption and increase access. #hitsm
B2B HealthTech Experts @eViRaHealth
RT @egilsm: #hitsm Joining the first time. I am looking for innovations to help people in underserved low-income communities. Tele-health,…
Michelle Currie @mshlcurrie
#HITsm The strongest use case for #telemedicine is that which can identify when a patient is starting to go off the rails. Reaching out early in deterioration can help avoid increased morbidity. #CHF daily home weights are a great example.
John Lynn @techguy
[REDACTED USER] I get it. I write all day. So, to do a personal blog at night is rough. However, I can blog all day and then read ESPN or play video games all night. Same screen, but very different experience. #HITsm
Ethos Laboratories @EthosLabs
@GailZahtz @CMSGov This is a great point, Gail. The rapid expansions for reimbursement and access to telehealth will really enable patients and doctors to feel confident when utilizing telehealth services. #HITsm
Evan Kirstel #B2B #TechFluencer @EvanKirstel
T2 Healthcare organisations can now leverage the simplicity and flexibility of cloud services to make IT management less complex #hitsm https://t.co/OXaElqCiXi
IrmaRaste ✨ InfluenceThroughStorytelling™ @IrmaRaste
@egilsm Hi Egils, welcome! #hitsm
Enlightening Results 💡 @GraceCordovano
@techguy @IrmaRaste @hcittoday @evankirstel @CVSHealth Many people have lost their jobs & their health insurance. Dual income to single to no income. Can't afford essentials let alone any #healthcare OOP costs. #hitsm
B2B HealthTech Experts @eViRaHealth
RT @MikeBrandofino: T2: Both the public and private sectors should have a vested interest in increasing telehealth access to patients in a…
Evan Kirstel #B2B #TechFluencer @EvanKirstel
@hcittoday @IrmaRaste T2 Healthcare organisations can now leverage the simplicity and flexibility of cloud services to make IT management less complex #hitsm https://t.co/imz87UnJLZ
Evan Kirstel #B2B #TechFluencer @EvanKirstel
RT @BFMack: T1: I would also say an "achievable" technological standard to allow providers to engage directly with their own patients (as o…
Jim St.Clair @jstclair1
@GailZahtz @BFMack @MikeBrandofino @CMSGov Sadly, they handed off to @FCC who have not made it the biz priority that #telehealth is #hitsm
B2B HealthTech Experts @eViRaHealth
RT @jameyedwards: A2: Public Sector needs to provide great infrastructure & regulatory support. Think better #broadband, #NetNeutrality. A…
Evan Kirstel #B2B #TechFluencer @EvanKirstel
RT @jslentzclifton: T2 Regulatory efforts continue to be vital (curious how many of the recent waivers will roll back post-#COVID19). Patie…
Evan Kirstel #B2B #TechFluencer @EvanKirstel
RT @techguy: From an info perspective, text is so powerful. However, the question is more complicated when we're talking caring for a pati…
B2B HealthTech Experts @eViRaHealth
RT @BFMack: T1: I would also say an "achievable" technological standard to allow providers to engage directly with their own patients (as o…
B2B HealthTech Experts @eViRaHealth
RT @jstclair1: @ErinHead_HIM @GailZahtz Great point - I think so many of us see how we *could* be weathering it but not, not thinking of ho…
Gail Zahtz 🇮🇱 @GailZahtz
@GraceCordovano Yes, I'm in downstate NY- a hotbed of hotspot! Interestingly, the expansions by @CMSGov that went into effect Jan 1 limited telehealth to video. Now phone is widely accepted for parts of treatment. It's a great example of regulatory changes helping it move forward. #HITsm
B2B HealthTech Experts @eViRaHealth
RT @jslentzclifton: T2 Regulatory efforts continue to be vital (curious how many of the recent waivers will roll back post-#COVID19). Patie…
John Lynn @techguy
Great insight! P.S. Don't forget the #HITsm hashtag so everyone in the community can see what you share.
B2B HealthTech Experts @eViRaHealth
RT @techguy: From an info perspective, text is so powerful. However, the question is more complicated when we're talking caring for a pati…
B2B HealthTech Experts @eViRaHealth
RT @GailZahtz: T2- While those of use who are following closely the dramatically relaxed regulations, I'm not convinced that it's being ade…
B2B HealthTech Experts @eViRaHealth
RT @ebukstel: #Telehealth is not just about doctors. @CMSGov Expands #COVID19 Telehealth Reimbursement to Therapists, Phone Services. #HITs
Brian Mack @BFMack
THIS! #telehealth #hitsm
Electronic Caregiver @ElectronicCare
@hcittoday @IrmaRaste @evankirstel T2: What is the role/responsibility of the public and private sectors in enabling Telehealth and increasing its adoption? #HITsm Public: to support implementation of technology Private: a model maximizing value for dollars spent Both: a preventative & health optimization model
John Lynn @techguy
[REDACTED USER] @GraceCordovano @hcittoday Sorry. It's part of my therapy to share :-) I thought it was an important discovery for why I can't put it down. #HITsm
Brian Mack @BFMack
RT @evankirstel: @hcittoday @IrmaRaste T2 Healthcare organizations are using more medical devices that transmit patient data, posing risks…
Enlightening Results 💡 @GraceCordovano
RT @evankirstel: @hcittoday @IrmaRaste T1: According to @Anthem, 86% of doctors say #wearables, which are a common type of remote monitorin…
Kate Corbett, CPHIMS, PMP, CSM @CorbettKr
@techguy I am not aware of any meaningful research that would guide my decision-making there. Someone send me citations! #hitsm #nerdout
IrmaRaste ✨ InfluenceThroughStorytelling™ @IrmaRaste
RT @evankirstel: @hcittoday @IrmaRaste T2 Healthcare organizations are using more medical devices that transmit patient data, posing risks…
Brian Mack @BFMack
RT @IrmaRaste: @hcittoday @evankirstel @AmericanTelemed @CCHPCA @jkvedar @CCHPCA #HITsm https://t.co/8V3SBAGiOb
IrmaRaste ✨ InfluenceThroughStorytelling™ @IrmaRaste
RT @IrmaRaste: @hcittoday @evankirstel @AmericanTelemed @CCHPCA @jkvedar @CCHPCA #HITsm https://t.co/8V3SBAGiOb
Jim St.Clair @jstclair1
key part of #telehealth = sync vs async communications #hitsm
Elena Ivanova @lenisocial
@KineticCIO @techguy Hear, hear! #interoperability and #workflow FTW! #hitsm
Gail Zahtz 🇮🇱 @GailZahtz
@BFMack I'm so excited about the expansions that telehealth regulations has made in mental health! Social workers as of last week were finally included. Not a day too soon as I'm sure we'll see systemic PTSD from COVID-19. #HITsm
Jamey Edwards @jameyedwards
A2: For the private sector, we need to take those building blocks & #innovate. Put great new services and use cases together that take #healthcare to where the #patients are while improving the digital practice environment for our #clinicians. #HITsm #Telemedicine #FightBurnout
IrmaRaste ✨ InfluenceThroughStorytelling™ @IrmaRaste
RT @GailZahtz: T2- The public sector through @CMSGov has made incredible and rapid expansions through removing barriers to reimbursement fo…
Evan Kirstel #B2B #TechFluencer @EvanKirstel
T2 It’s important to break down the barriers that exist between the public and private sector #Data in the #PublicSector and #Business gets spread across silos.silos create risk, impedes compliance and leaves you chasing knowledge. That impedes #productivity.#HITSM
IrmaRaste ✨ InfluenceThroughStorytelling™ @IrmaRaste
RT @ethos_labs: @jameyedwards @hcittoday @IrmaRaste @evankirstel This is a great point, Jamey! A greater variation of technologies opens th…
Tripp Braden @TrippBraden
A2 Telemedicine adoption success will come down to sharing early successes across ecosystem. These cases should include a wider range of stakeholders to encourage adoption #HITsm
Ted Chan @upwardmobility
T2: I'm concerned about the digital health companies that are truly trying to disintermediate the physician. There are some that pretty clearly don't care about anything other than dropshipping a prescription. They will need to be held accountable. #hitsm @hcittoday
Evan Kirstel #B2B #TechFluencer @EvanKirstel
@hcittoday @IrmaRaste T2 It’s important to break down the barriers that exist between the public and private sector #Data in the #PublicSector and #Business gets spread across silos.silos create risk, impedes compliance and leaves you chasing knowledge. That impedes #productivity.#HITSM
Sunjya Schweig, MD @drschweig
T2: Excited that there has been such an explosive forward movement in #Telehealth during #COVID. We are never going back to where we were in the past. Our practice made seamless transtion to 100% #telemedicine. Infrastructre was already in place. #HITsm @CCFMED @IrmaRaste
Ethos Laboratories @EthosLabs
@IrmaRaste @hcittoday @evankirstel @AmericanTelemed @CCHPCA @jkvedar The more #regulatory changes we see, the more patients and doctors will be eager to adopt and utilize #telehealth options. Great point! #HITsm
Evan Kirstel #B2B #TechFluencer @EvanKirstel
RT @drschweig: T2: Excited that there has been such an explosive forward movement in #Telehealth during #COVID. We are never going back to…
Michelle Currie @mshlcurrie
#HITsm I hate to say it, but the coronavirus has done more to increase adoption of #telemedicine than anything any of us could accomplish.
IrmaRaste ✨ InfluenceThroughStorytelling™ @IrmaRaste
RT @nickisnpdx: @jameyedwards @hcittoday @IrmaRaste @evankirstel it was 2013 wasn’t it @JulieReisetter? https://t.co/u2IpJMx66z #hitsm #tel
Evan Kirstel #B2B #TechFluencer @EvanKirstel
RT @upwardmobility: T2: I'm concerned about the digital health companies that are truly trying to disintermediate the physician. There are…
IrmaRaste ✨ InfluenceThroughStorytelling™ @IrmaRaste
RT @IrmaRaste: @hcittoday @evankirstel T2: #Telehealth has staying power, should benefit from lasting #regulatory changes. @AmericanTelemed
Susan Houck Clark @SusanHouckClark
@MikeBrandofino #hitsm @FSSAIndiana is partnering with the primary care association/FQHCs to provide Virtual Care at Home. It's a very exciting and important project I want to make sure we can expand into the future. @confectionsmd
Jim St.Clair @jstclair1
@IrmaRaste @egilsm Great thought, Egils! Welcome! #hitsm
Gail Zahtz 🇮🇱 @GailZahtz
@CorbettKr @techguy What are you looking for Kate? Happy to dig through my links :-) #HITsm
Evan Kirstel #B2B #TechFluencer @EvanKirstel
RT @jameyedwards: A2: For the private sector, we need to take those building blocks & #innovate. Put great new services and use cases toge…
Evan Kirstel #B2B #TechFluencer @EvanKirstel
RT @lenisocial: @KineticCIO @techguy Hear, hear! #interoperability and #workflow FTW! #hitsm
Evan Kirstel #B2B #TechFluencer @EvanKirstel
RT @jstclair1: key part of #telehealth = sync vs async communications #hitsm
IrmaRaste ✨ InfluenceThroughStorytelling™ @IrmaRaste
RT @ethos_labs: @IrmaRaste @hcittoday @evankirstel @AmericanTelemed @CCHPCA @jkvedar The more #regulatory changes we see, the more patients…
Evan Kirstel #B2B #TechFluencer @EvanKirstel
RT @ElectronicCare: @hcittoday @IrmaRaste @evankirstel T2: What is the role/responsibility of the public and private sectors in enabling Te…
Evan Kirstel #B2B #TechFluencer @EvanKirstel
RT @techguy: Great insight! P.S. Don't forget the #HITsm hashtag so everyone in the community can see what you share.
IrmaRaste ✨ InfluenceThroughStorytelling™ @IrmaRaste
RT @IrmaRaste: T2: #Telehealth has staying power, should benefit from lasting #regulatory changes. @AmericanTelemed is asking Congress for…
Enlightening Results 💡 @GraceCordovano
@GailZahtz @CMSGov So much red tape cut to implement #telemedicine, hope a good chunk of it stays bc we can't go back to the status quo. #hitsm
IrmaRaste ✨ InfluenceThroughStorytelling™ @IrmaRaste
RT @Trice_Imaging: @BFMack Agreed. There are too many disparate technologies out there. The onus shouldn't be on the providers to make them…
John Lynn @techguy
@jslentzclifton @AgencyTen22 This tweet could have been "Hi, I'm Jess. I'm addicted to my iPhone." :-) Glad you could join. #HITsm
Evan Kirstel #B2B #TechFluencer @EvanKirstel
RT @mshlcurrie: #HITsm I hate to say it, but the coronavirus has done more to increase adoption of #telemedicine than anything any of us…
Jess Clifton @jslentzclifton
Hear! Hear! #HITsm
Shereese Maynard, MS; MBA @ShereeseMayMba
@GraceCordovano Hi Grace. #HITsm https://t.co/VuBTuFbrxe
Kate Corbett, CPHIMS, PMP, CSM @CorbettKr
@jstclair1 Agreed! Comprehensive #telehealth would include the option for synchronous and asynchronous service delivery. #hitsm
Michelle Currie @mshlcurrie
#HITsm I should also add that the government's move to reimburse #Telemedicine rate equal to an office visit didn't hurt either ;)
Edward Bukstel @ebukstel
@GailZahtz Yo Gail. 💯 percent true. Doctors getting paid for making an old school phone call and getting medical records via fax . 😝😝 #HITsm #pinksocks https://t.co/WV7u29fYcg
Jim St.Clair @jstclair1
@GailZahtz @CorbettKr @techguy Me too! We discussed sync/async modes in one of our #TelemedNow chats #hitsm
Evan Kirstel #B2B #TechFluencer @EvanKirstel
RT @ShereesePubHlth: Hi all. I'm Shereese from Maryland #HITsm https://t.co/2A3deZSQTL
John Lynn @techguy
Will those things become standard in a home kind of how many have a temperature monitor? #HITsm https://t.co/pZPz45rcXp
IrmaRaste ✨ InfluenceThroughStorytelling™ @IrmaRaste
RT @lenisocial: @IrmaRaste Awwww! Miss you guys! Can't wait to see you IRL and catch up. #hitsm
Gail Zahtz 🇮🇱 @GailZahtz
@GraceCordovano @CMSGov An important conversation to be had is how we can help @CMSGov make informed decisions on which parts of telemedicine regulatory emergency changes becomes ongoing! #HITsm
Tammy Williams @Tam_E_Williams
@ebukstel @CMSGov Absolutely. My belief is that it will be even bigger in those areas. #EnvisionWell #Telewellness
Edward Bukstel @ebukstel
RT @evankirstel: T2 Healthcare organizations are using more medical devices that transmit patient data, posing risks for both providers and…
Elena Ivanova @lenisocial
@ShereesePubHlth @GraceCordovano Hi @ShereesePubHlth! Hi @GraceCordovano!
Caregility @caregility
T3: Facilities can remote resources to scale further than they could without them. For example, Early Warning Decision Support Tools “see” cohorts of patients and report back on measured scales and predictive analytics where the remote care team can prioritize attention. #HITsm
R “Ray” Wang 王瑞光 #Cupertino #AI #Energy R.NFT @rwang0
RT @GailZahtz: @GraceCordovano @CMSGov An important conversation to be had is how we can help @CMSGov make informed decisions on which part…
R “Ray” Wang 王瑞光 #Cupertino #AI #Energy R.NFT @rwang0
RT @techguy: Will those things become standard in a home kind of how many have a temperature monitor? #HITsm https://t.co/pZPz45rcXp
Kate Corbett, CPHIMS, PMP, CSM @CorbettKr
@GailZahtz @techguy Studies suggesting when to use #telemedicine v. in person setting for care delivery would be helpful.#hitsm and thank you!
Healthcare IT Today @hcittoday
T3: How do IoT, AI and cloud technologies enable a complete remote health care experience? @IrmaRaste @evankirstel #HITsm https://t.co/Qyfe61fUdK
Brian Mack @BFMack
T2: I've said this before, but I think it's full court press from Patients, Providers, Payers, and Policy makers. Embrace the "AND". As @techguy often reminds us, follow the money... #HITsm
IrmaRaste ✨ InfluenceThroughStorytelling™ @IrmaRaste
T2: New report by @BrookingsInst highlights the need to remove #regulatory barriers to #telehealth before & after #COVID-19. #HITsm https://t.co/vt7chsNpM5
Michelle Currie @mshlcurrie
RT @IrmaRaste: @hcittoday @evankirstel @AmericanTelemed @CCHPCA @jkvedar @CCHPCA #HITsm https://t.co/8V3SBAGiOb
John Lynn @techguy
@CorbettKr Mostly what I've seen is anecdotal and experiential. @jayparkinson would probably know as well. He's the one that first got me into this line of thinking. #HITsm
Gail Zahtz 🇮🇱 @GailZahtz
@ebukstel We may not love the mechanisms- but anything that honors the physician-patient relationship and enables providers to get compensated for their work, I'm all for it! #HITsm
Evan Kirstel #B2B #TechFluencer @EvanKirstel
T2 The #PublicSector & #Business must be able to share & access #data when and where they need it. This means they must support #mobile & #RemoteWorking to unlock value. #hitsm
Jim St.Clair @jstclair1
@evankirstel @hcittoday @IrmaRaste remember that so much of that data - public vs. private - belongs to the pt in the first place #hitsm
IrmaRaste ✨ InfluenceThroughStorytelling™ @IrmaRaste
@hcittoday @evankirstel T2: New report by @BrookingsInst highlights the need to remove #regulatory barriers to #telehealth before & after #COVID-19. #HITsm https://t.co/vt7chsNpM5
Tripp Braden @TrippBraden
A2 This is as much about getting people to change their behavior about what they experience as patients. Ongoing education campaigns to support a wide range of users including children and aging populations to the potential and possibilities #HITsm
Evan Kirstel #B2B #TechFluencer @EvanKirstel
@hcittoday @IrmaRaste T2 The #PublicSector & #Business must be able to share & access #data when and where they need it. This means they must support #mobile & #RemoteWorking to unlock value. #hitsm
Michelle Currie @mshlcurrie
RT @ebukstel: #Telehealth is not just about doctors. @CMSGov Expands #COVID19 Telehealth Reimbursement to Therapists, Phone Services. #HITs
R “Ray” Wang 王瑞光 #Cupertino #AI #Energy R.NFT @rwang0
RT @jslentzclifton: Hear! Hear! #HITsm https://t.co/pAsmmRZQ6E
Tripp Braden @TrippBraden
RT @IrmaRaste: @hcittoday @evankirstel T2: #Telehealth has staying power, should benefit from lasting #regulatory changes. @AmericanTelemed
Trice Imaging Inc @Trice_Imaging
@jameyedwards @hcittoday @IrmaRaste @evankirstel Couldn't agree more. Within every #telemedicine service type there are dozens of use cases in each specialty/care setting and in each of those a dozen combinations of amazing #healthtech to make those experiences seamless and improve patient outcomes. #HITsm
Tammy Williams @Tam_E_Williams
RT @ebukstel: The @gatesfoundation supports contact tracing, but we don't even have a unique patient identity in the US for patient matchin…
Tripp Braden @TrippBraden
RT @GailZahtz: T2- The public sector through @CMSGov has made incredible and rapid expansions through removing barriers to reimbursement fo…
Jess Clifton @jslentzclifton
@techguy I definitely see that trend accelerating. @kinsa is a great example of how valuable things like that can be not only during the encounter but for research #HITsm
R “Ray” Wang 王瑞光 #Cupertino #AI #Energy R.NFT @rwang0
RT @mshlcurrie: #HITsm I hate to say it, but the coronavirus has done more to increase adoption of #telemedicine than anything any of us…
Ethos Laboratories @EthosLabs
@GailZahtz @BFMack This is so important! We were so excited when we saw this, as well. #HITsm
Evan Kirstel #B2B #TechFluencer @EvanKirstel
RT @IrmaRaste: T2: New report by @BrookingsInst highlights the need to remove #regulatory barriers to #telehealth before & after #COVID-19.…
Enlightening Results 💡 @GraceCordovano
@BFMack Hi Brian. Totally here for the comments #HITsm https://t.co/H6LR2lSce6
Brian Mack @BFMack
RT @jstclair1: key part of #telehealth = sync vs async communications #hitsm https://t.co/OHmcHvIsrW
Evan Kirstel #B2B #TechFluencer @EvanKirstel
RT @caregility: T3: Facilities can remote resources to scale further than they could without them. For example, Early Warning Decision Supp…
John Lynn @techguy
And this is what makes it hard. It really can be all of those things depending on the situation. #HITsm
R “Ray” Wang 王瑞光 #Cupertino #AI #Energy R.NFT @rwang0
RT @evankirstel: T2 Healthcare organisations can now leverage the simplicity and flexibility of cloud services to make IT management less c…
Egils Milbergs @egilsm
@jstclair1 @IrmaRaste #hitsm Anybody in tweetdom working on "free" high-speed WIFI neighborhood networks?
Jim St.Clair @jstclair1
Time to also discuss incentivization for patients and providers to adopt end-to-end #hitsm
Jess Clifton @jslentzclifton
1000X this as next step for #telehealth #virtualcare and #meddevice markets >> #HITsm
Michelle Currie @mshlcurrie
@egilsm Welcome! #HITsm
Jim St.Clair @jstclair1
@mshlcurrie NHS (I think) said "10 years of growth in 1 month" #hitsm
Shereese Maynard, MS; MBA @ShereeseMayMba
@GailZahtz @BFMack I'm wondering how many of these will be called back post-COVID19 season and how many will evolve with more stringent regs. These rules don't seem permanent to me, but some version of the will emerge IMHO #HITsm
Gail Zahtz 🇮🇱 @GailZahtz
@ethos_labs @BFMack A related note- I was educating social workers and therapists that they could actually do this. I'd love to see the professional organization communicate the updates a bit more so front line mental health providers know asap what they can do now. #HITsm
Evan Kirstel #B2B #TechFluencer @EvanKirstel
T3: #CLOUD! It’s a myth that #healthcare #data stored in the #cloud is "less secure" than onsite data. Modern cloud environments have all the necessary technology & #security protocols in place to protect sensitive #medical information. #HITsm https://t.co/GqzNTUAG8G
Evan Kirstel #B2B #TechFluencer @EvanKirstel
@hcittoday @IrmaRaste T3: #CLOUD! It’s a myth that #healthcare #data stored in the #cloud is "less secure" than onsite data. Modern cloud environments have all the necessary technology & #security protocols in place to protect sensitive #medical information. #HITsm https://t.co/OPaOPJtoyb
Sunjya Schweig, MD @drschweig
T1: Big pain point that I need solved is to develop a dashboard to have all #data visualized. Want to see and cross tabulate #sleep, #HRV, RHR, diet, labs, steps, vitals etc, so that we can make care decisions with the patient in real time. @IrmaRaste @evankirstel @CCFMED #HITsm
IrmaRaste ✨ InfluenceThroughStorytelling™ @IrmaRaste
T2: #Telemedicine is becoming 🔑tech in managing #COVID19 pandemic. #SocialDistancing is a key strategy 2 minimize #Coronavirus spread. Companies are increasing their capability to handle thousands of daily virtual visits to meet the demand, propelling the market growth. #HITsm https://t.co/m8TtWd9pGj
Evan Kirstel #B2B #TechFluencer @EvanKirstel
RT @drschweig: T1: Big pain point that I need solved is to develop a dashboard to have all #data visualized. Want to see and cross tabulate…
John Lynn @techguy
It's true. Watch telehealth reimbursement as I describe here: https://t.co/1wW9qBhWtY Although, this is going to be interesting to watch too: https://t.co/3CAWmVezgH #HITsm #telehealth #telemedicine
Tripp Braden @TrippBraden
A2 Military has been using similar telemedicine programs for many years. Provides a wider range of treatment options and expertise than more traditional medical options. #HITsm
Elena Ivanova @lenisocial
@GraceCordovano @BFMack Same! Some really amazing insights and perspectives on today's #hitsm chat. I'm having trouble keeping up with reading through all of them, let alone contributing my thoughts! 😎
Brian Mack @BFMack
RT @GailZahtz: @BFMack I'm so excited about the expansions that telehealth regulations has made in mental health! Social workers as of last…
R “Ray” Wang 王瑞光 #Cupertino #AI #Energy R.NFT @rwang0
@hcittoday @IrmaRaste @evankirstel MyPOV: A2 1 we need to break down credentialing across state lines or make it easier 2 reimbursement rates need to come up 3 standards for reporting should be improved 4 EMR's should not be proprietary 5 Companies like EPIC should be broken up for monopolistic behavior #HITsm
Tripp Braden @TrippBraden
RT @SusanHouckClark: @MikeBrandofino #hitsm @FSSAIndiana is partnering with the primary care association/FQHCs to provide Virtual Care at H…
Ethos Laboratories @EthosLabs
@jstclair1 Great point, Jim! Thanks for adding to this #HITsm
Evan Kirstel #B2B #TechFluencer @EvanKirstel
RT @jstclair1: Time to also discuss incentivization for patients and providers to adopt end-to-end #hitsm
Tripp Braden @TrippBraden
RT @mshlcurrie: #HITsm I hate to say it, but the coronavirus has done more to increase adoption of #telemedicine than anything any of us…
Tripp Braden @TrippBraden
RT @drschweig: T2: Excited that there has been such an explosive forward movement in #Telehealth during #COVID. We are never going back to…
B2B HealthTech Experts @eViRaHealth
RT @ethos_labs: @GailZahtz @BFMack This is so important! We were so excited when we saw this, as well. #HITsm
B2B HealthTech Experts @eViRaHealth
RT @techguy: And this is what makes it hard. It really can be all of those things depending on the situation. #HITsm
B2B HealthTech Experts @eViRaHealth
RT @egilsm: @jstclair1 @IrmaRaste #hitsm Anybody in tweetdom working on "free" high-speed WIFI neighborhood networks?
Evan Kirstel #B2B #TechFluencer @EvanKirstel
RT @IrmaRaste: T2: #Telemedicine is becoming 🔑tech in managing #COVID19 pandemic. #SocialDistancing is a key strategy 2 minimize #Coronavir
B2B HealthTech Experts @eViRaHealth
RT @jstclair1: Time to also discuss incentivization for patients and providers to adopt end-to-end #hitsm
Tripp Braden @TrippBraden
RT @jslentzclifton: Hear! Hear! #HITsm https://t.co/pAsmmRZQ6E
B2B HealthTech Experts @eViRaHealth
RT @jslentzclifton: 1000X this as next step for #telehealth #virtualcare and #meddevice markets >> #HITsm
Jim St.Clair @jstclair1
@IrmaRaste @BrookingsInst Good mention, Irma! #hitsm
Evan Kirstel #B2B #TechFluencer @EvanKirstel
RT @techguy: It's true. Watch telehealth reimbursement as I describe here: https://t.co/1wW9qBhWtY Although, this is going to be interest…
Tripp Braden @TrippBraden
RT @CorbettKr: @jstclair1 Agreed! Comprehensive #telehealth would include the option for synchronous and asynchronous service delivery. #hi
B2B HealthTech Experts @eViRaHealth
RT @jstclair1: @mshlcurrie NHS (I think) said "10 years of growth in 1 month" #hitsm
Evan Kirstel #B2B #TechFluencer @EvanKirstel
RT @rwang0: @hcittoday @IrmaRaste @evankirstel MyPOV: A2 1 we need to break down credentialing across state lines or make it easier 2 rei…
Tripp Braden @TrippBraden
RT @mshlcurrie: #HITsm I should also add that the government's move to reimburse #Telemedicine rate equal to an office visit didn't hurt…
B2B HealthTech Experts @eViRaHealth
RT @ShereesePubHlth: @GailZahtz @BFMack I'm wondering how many of these will be called back post-COVID19 season and how many will evolve wi…
Brian Mack @BFMack
@ShereesePubHlth @GailZahtz WORD! #HITSM https://t.co/wPLxUY19I5
B2B HealthTech Experts @eViRaHealth
RT @GailZahtz: @ethos_labs @BFMack A related note- I was educating social workers and therapists that they could actually do this. I'd love…
Tripp Braden @TrippBraden
RT @ebukstel: @GailZahtz Yo Gail. 💯 percent true. Doctors getting paid for making an old school phone call and getting medical records via…
IrmaRaste ✨ InfluenceThroughStorytelling™ @IrmaRaste
RT @evankirstel: @hcittoday @IrmaRaste T3: #CLOUD! It’s a myth that #healthcare #data stored in the #cloud is "less secure" than onsite dat…
Tripp Braden @TrippBraden
RT @techguy: Will those things become standard in a home kind of how many have a temperature monitor? #HITsm https://t.co/pZPz45rcXp
Ethos Laboratories @EthosLabs
@techguy These are great shares, John. #HITsm
R “Ray” Wang 王瑞光 #Cupertino #AI #Energy R.NFT @rwang0
@hcittoday @IrmaRaste @evankirstel MyPOV: A3 the goal is to deliver an ambient experience. where a lot of the manual data collection happens in the background and AI guides the physician patient experience to improve personalized medicine https://t.co/edvmUgMu4C #HITsm
Tripp Braden @TrippBraden
RT @caregility: T3: Facilities can remote resources to scale further than they could without them. For example, Early Warning Decision Supp…
Tripp Braden @TrippBraden
RT @CorbettKr: @GailZahtz @techguy Studies suggesting when to use #telemedicine v. in person setting for care delivery would be helpful.#hi
Brian Mack @BFMack
RT @IrmaRaste: T2: New report by @BrookingsInst highlights the need to remove #regulatory barriers to #telehealth before & after #COVID-19.…
Gail Zahtz 🇮🇱 @GailZahtz
@GraceCordovano @jameyedwards @hcittoday @IrmaRaste @evankirstel And work with partners to enable patients to have what they need. We've been doing an exciting partnership with @American_Heart which works with community workers and patients in the home to get them the BP monitors they need. #HITsm
Donna K. Lencki @DonnaKLencki
RT @IrmaRaste: T2: #Telemedicine is becoming 🔑tech in managing #COVID19 pandemic. #SocialDistancing is a key strategy 2 minimize #Coronavir
R “Ray” Wang 王瑞光 #Cupertino #AI #Energy R.NFT @rwang0
MyPOV: A3 the goal is to deliver an ambient experience. where a lot of the manual data collection happens in the background and AI guides the physician patient experience to improve personalized medicine https://t.co/edvmUgMu4C #HITsm @hcittoday
Erin Head @ErinHead_HIM
Absolutely! I have been hearing that for years- the tone is changing! #HITsm
Tripp Braden @TrippBraden
RT @hcittoday: T3: How do IoT, AI and cloud technologies enable a complete remote health care experience? @IrmaRaste @evankirstel #HITsm ht…
Ankush Singal @andysingal
RT @evankirstel: T3: #CLOUD! It’s a myth that #healthcare #data stored in the #cloud is "less secure" than onsite data. Modern cloud enviro…
Unblock Health @UnblockHealth
@jstclair1 @evankirstel @hcittoday @IrmaRaste Louder for the people in the back (AKA the data blockers). The implementation & success of #telemedicine needs to be rooted in patient data access so people can prepare for their encounters & so carepartners can help to best support coordinate care. #HITsm #UnblockHealth https://t.co/IzT6eJxgBq
IrmaRaste ✨ InfluenceThroughStorytelling™ @IrmaRaste
T3: #AI has allowed #RemoteMonitoring systems to scale care for both #COVID19 & non-COVID #patients. @AmericanTelemed called this a “huge breakthrough during” the #CoronavirusPandemic. #HITsm @jkvedar @IntelHealth #HealthTech ATA’s #webinar on this: https://t.co/4JoxBXvX4j
IrmaRaste ✨ InfluenceThroughStorytelling™ @IrmaRaste
@hcittoday @evankirstel T3: #AI has allowed #RemoteMonitoring systems to scale care for both #COVID19 & non-COVID #patients. @AmericanTelemed called this a “huge breakthrough during” the #CoronavirusPandemic. #HITsm @jkvedar @IntelHealth #HealthTech ATA’s #webinar on this: https://t.co/4JoxBXvX4j
Healthcare Scene @HealthcareScene
RT @ErinHead_HIM: @GailZahtz We couldn't have weathered this well 10 years ago, I'm convinced. #HITsm
Bright.md @BrightMD_Health
@mshlcurrie Indeed, #covid19 may have accelerated #telemedicine/#telehealth by even a decade according to @DeloitteUS #HITsm https://t.co/FEOwQz3FRg
IrmaRaste ✨ InfluenceThroughStorytelling™ @IrmaRaste
RT @caregility: T3: Facilities can remote resources to scale further than they could without them. For example, Early Warning Decision Supp…
Gail Zahtz 🇮🇱 @GailZahtz
@ShereesePubHlth @BFMack I am hoping more will be permanent. I think working to make this so is a big, important job for us right now! #HITsm
IrmaRaste ✨ InfluenceThroughStorytelling™ @IrmaRaste
RT @Matt_DiV: T3: I believe it's important to not get stuck in #COVID19 specific details when marketing telehealth. You don't want to see a…
R “Ray” Wang 王瑞光 #Cupertino #AI #Energy R.NFT @rwang0
RT @GailZahtz: @ShereesePubHlth @BFMack I am hoping more will be permanent. I think working to make this so is a big, important job for us…
John Lynn @techguy
@ethos_labs Thanks! #HITsm
R “Ray” Wang 王瑞光 #Cupertino #AI #Energy R.NFT @rwang0
RT @BrightMD_Health: @mshlcurrie Indeed, #covid19 may have accelerated #telemedicine/#telehealth by even a decade according to @DeloitteUS
Jim St.Clair @jstclair1
[REDACTED USER] @GraceCordovano @jameyedwards @hcittoday @IrmaRaste @evankirstel Great paper about that https://t.co/QJTXQcq9va #hitsm
R “Ray” Wang 王瑞光 #Cupertino #AI #Energy R.NFT @rwang0
RT @IrmaRaste: @hcittoday @evankirstel T3: #AI has allowed #RemoteMonitoring systems to scale care for both #COVID19 & non-COVID #patients.…
Enlightening Results 💡 @GraceCordovano
RT @IrmaRaste: T3: #AI has allowed #RemoteMonitoring systems to scale care for both #COVID19 & non-COVID #patients. @AmericanTelemed called…
R “Ray” Wang 王瑞光 #Cupertino #AI #Energy R.NFT @rwang0
RT @IrmaRaste: T3: #AI has allowed #RemoteMonitoring systems to scale care for both #COVID19 & non-COVID #patients. @AmericanTelemed called…
Greg Meyer @Greg_Meyer93
Happy Friday, tweeps. 30 minutes lates (errands), but here to catch the bottom half of #HITsm.
R “Ray” Wang 王瑞光 #Cupertino #AI #Energy R.NFT @rwang0
RT @ErinHead_HIM: Absolutely! I have been hearing that for years- the tone is changing! #HITsm https://t.co/puD9AZUq4W
IrmaRaste ✨ InfluenceThroughStorytelling™ @IrmaRaste
RT @upwardmobility: T3: In a telehealth world a system from Cleveland or Minnesota can take your patient. A slick performance marketing-dr…
Evan Kirstel #B2B #TechFluencer @EvanKirstel
T3: #ClinicalTrials can benefit from #cloud #tech's #data #security, ease of access. #HITsm https://t.co/QdVd1dLaTd
Jess Clifton @jslentzclifton
T3 They check all the right boxes for where healthcare should be headed: convenient 'last mile to the patient' models; a good way to emphasize proactive/preventive care. Silver lining of #COVID19 is the crisis is accelerating what would have taken yrs to reach otherwise #HITsm
Evan Kirstel #B2B #TechFluencer @EvanKirstel
@hcittoday @IrmaRaste T3: #ClinicalTrials can benefit from #cloud #tech's #data #security, ease of access. #HITsm https://t.co/yOU6K2WjqN
IrmaRaste ✨ InfluenceThroughStorytelling™ @IrmaRaste
RT @jslentzclifton: T3 They check all the right boxes for where healthcare should be headed: convenient 'last mile to the patient' models;…
Jim St.Clair @jstclair1
RT @GraceCordovano: @jameyedwards @hcittoday @IrmaRaste @evankirstel Agreed Jamey! Amazing how many drs assume patients have blood pressure…
John Lynn @techguy
Should...I wonder what we're going to lose while we wait for them. #HITsm Still chewing on if insurance is fundamentally flawed. https://t.co/3TEbb7sxui
Evan Kirstel #B2B #TechFluencer @EvanKirstel
RT @jslentzclifton: T3 They check all the right boxes for where healthcare should be headed: convenient 'last mile to the patient' models;…
IrmaRaste ✨ InfluenceThroughStorytelling™ @IrmaRaste
@Greg_Meyer93 Hi Greg, welcome! #HITsm
Ethos Laboratories @EthosLabs
@IrmaRaste @evankirstel @eViRaHealth @techguy @jameyedwards @jimmie_vanagon @SPulim @TrippBraden @Thomas_Capone [REDACTED USER] @ElectronicCare Agreed! Let's keep patients home and safe by providing them with access to remote care - keeping #COVID19 numbers down while keeping patients on track. #StayHomeStaySafe #HITsm
Evan Kirstel #B2B #TechFluencer @EvanKirstel
RT @BrightMD_Health: @mshlcurrie Indeed, #covid19 may have accelerated #telemedicine/#telehealth by even a decade according to @DeloitteUS
Evan Kirstel #B2B #TechFluencer @EvanKirstel
RT @IrmaRaste: @hcittoday @evankirstel T3: #AI has allowed #RemoteMonitoring systems to scale care for both #COVID19 & non-COVID #patients.…
Evan Kirstel #B2B #TechFluencer @EvanKirstel
RT @IrmaRaste: T3: #AI has allowed #RemoteMonitoring systems to scale care for both #COVID19 & non-COVID #patients. @AmericanTelemed called…
Electronic Caregiver @ElectronicCare
@hcittoday @IrmaRaste @evankirstel T3: How do IoT, AI and cloud technologies enable a complete remote health care experience? #HITsm Simplistically? Lower cost, better interfaces, increased access, greater engagement, increased #data, new eval tools, timely, customized individual care improving community #health
Brian Mack @BFMack
@GraceCordovano Hey Grace! 😆 #HITSM
Evan Kirstel #B2B #TechFluencer @EvanKirstel
RT @ErinHead_HIM: Absolutely! I have been hearing that for years- the tone is changing! #HITsm
Evan Kirstel #B2B #TechFluencer @EvanKirstel
RT @rwang0: MyPOV: A3 the goal is to deliver an ambient experience. where a lot of the manual data collection happens in the background an…
Jess Clifton @jslentzclifton
RT @techguy: It's true. Watch telehealth reimbursement as I describe here: https://t.co/1wW9qBhWtY Although, this is going to be interest…
Ethos Laboratories @EthosLabs
@BrightMD_Health @hcittoday @IrmaRaste @evankirstel Great point! #HITsm
Evan Kirstel #B2B #TechFluencer @EvanKirstel
RT @rwang0: @hcittoday @IrmaRaste @evankirstel MyPOV: A3 the goal is to deliver an ambient experience. where a lot of the manual data coll…
IrmaRaste ✨ InfluenceThroughStorytelling™ @IrmaRaste
T3: /WATCH/ @sickbayMIC enables flexible #ICU #RemotePatientMonitoring at scale, providing real-time insights across units, facilities, and vendors. @IntelHealth @BryceOlson #COVID19 #CoronavirusPandemic #HITsm https://t.co/XorjrwRtun
Gail Zahtz 🇮🇱 @GailZahtz
T3- So many exciting pieces that we've been seeing this decade can really step up the telehealth game in today's environment: RPM (remote patient monitoring), virtual call centers, ability to interpret and risk stratify from virtual scans and "red alerts" #HITsm
IrmaRaste ✨ InfluenceThroughStorytelling™ @IrmaRaste
@hcittoday @evankirstel T3: /WATCH/ @sickbayMIC enables flexible #ICU #RemotePatientMonitoring at scale, providing real-time insights across units, facilities, and vendors. @IntelHealth @BryceOlson #COVID19 #CoronavirusPandemic #HITsm https://t.co/XorjrwRtun
Jim St.Clair @jstclair1
@rwang0 @hcittoday @IrmaRaste @evankirstel Reimbursement must be re-engineered, IMO. Not just go up, but embody traditional "expertise-for-service" like in vendor world #hitsm
Ethos Laboratories @EthosLabs
@ElectronicCare @hcittoday @IrmaRaste @evankirstel Great points! Thanks for sharing #HITsm
Michelle Currie @mshlcurrie
T3: AI and cloud are obvious answers to me. But with the IoT, if none of the information can be aggregated and integrated with the bigger clinical picture, I'm not sure how helpful it really is? It's great for one off patients, but can't be used for population health yet?
Jess Clifton @jslentzclifton
RT @BrightMD_Health: @mshlcurrie Indeed, #covid19 may have accelerated #telemedicine/#telehealth by even a decade according to @DeloitteUS
Evan Kirstel #B2B #TechFluencer @EvanKirstel
RT @IrmaRaste: @hcittoday @evankirstel T3: /WATCH/ @sickbayMIC enables flexible #ICU #RemotePatientMonitoring at scale, providing real-time…
R “Ray” Wang 王瑞光 #Cupertino #AI #Energy R.NFT @rwang0
RT @jstclair1: @rwang0 @hcittoday @IrmaRaste @evankirstel Reimbursement must be re-engineered, IMO. Not just go up, but embody traditional…
Evan Kirstel #B2B #TechFluencer @EvanKirstel
RT @IrmaRaste: T3: /WATCH/ @sickbayMIC enables flexible #ICU #RemotePatientMonitoring at scale, providing real-time insights across units,…
Evan Kirstel #B2B #TechFluencer @EvanKirstel
RT @ElectronicCare: @hcittoday @IrmaRaste @evankirstel T3: How do IoT, AI and cloud technologies enable a complete remote health care exper…
Tripp Braden @TrippBraden
A3 To make telemedicine work in rural communities it will require upgrading tech infrastructure to support all of these areas. These technologies require significantly faster connection speeds that are available in rural markets. #HITsm
Greg Meyer @Greg_Meyer93
T3: Define “cloud.” Overloaded term and kind of opaque from the consumer’s perspective. Anyway, IoT for remote monitoring is STILL a relativel untapped resource. The consumer as the source stream of info is still yet to be unleashed to its full potential. #HITsm
Tripp Braden @TrippBraden
RT @BFMack: T2: I've said this before, but I think it's full court press from Patients, Providers, Payers, and Policy makers. Embrace the "…
Jess Clifton @jslentzclifton
RT @IrmaRaste: @hcittoday @evankirstel T3: #AI has allowed #RemoteMonitoring systems to scale care for both #COVID19 & non-COVID #patients.…
Tripp Braden @TrippBraden
RT @IrmaRaste: T2: New report by @BrookingsInst highlights the need to remove #regulatory barriers to #telehealth before & after #COVID-19.…
Jim St.Clair @jstclair1
RT @UnblockHealth: @jstclair1 @evankirstel @hcittoday @IrmaRaste Louder for the people in the back (AKA the data blockers). The implementa…
Tripp Braden @TrippBraden
RT @techguy: @CorbettKr Mostly what I've seen is anecdotal and experiential. @jayparkinson would probably know as well. He's the one that…
Enlightening Results 💡 @GraceCordovano
@hcittoday @IrmaRaste @evankirstel T3) The shift to #IoT, #AI, & cloud-based technologies need to prioritize ethics, trust, transparency, & #DoNoHarm. From the patient & carepartner perspective, we can't pat ourselves on the back yet ladies & gentlemen. #HITsm
Evan Kirstel #B2B #TechFluencer @EvanKirstel
RT @Greg_Meyer93: T3: Define “cloud.” Overloaded term and kind of opaque from the consumer’s perspective. Anyway, IoT for remote monitori…
Tripp Braden @TrippBraden
RT @evankirstel: T2 The #PublicSector & #Business must be able to share & access #data when and where they need it. This means they must su…
R “Ray” Wang 王瑞光 #Cupertino #AI #Energy R.NFT @rwang0
RT @evankirstel: @hcittoday @IrmaRaste T3: #ClinicalTrials can benefit from #cloud #tech's #data #security, ease of access. #HITsm https://…
R “Ray” Wang 王瑞光 #Cupertino #AI #Energy R.NFT @rwang0
RT @jslentzclifton: T3 They check all the right boxes for where healthcare should be headed: convenient 'last mile to the patient' models;…
Tripp Braden @TrippBraden
RT @jstclair1: @evankirstel @hcittoday @IrmaRaste remember that so much of that data - public vs. private - belongs to the pt in the first…
Tripp Braden @TrippBraden
RT @IrmaRaste: @hcittoday @evankirstel T2: New report by @BrookingsInst highlights the need to remove #regulatory barriers to #telehealth b…
R “Ray” Wang 王瑞光 #Cupertino #AI #Energy R.NFT @rwang0
RT @jstclair1: [REDACTED USER] @GraceCordovano @jameyedwards @hcittoday @IrmaRaste @evankirstel Great paper about that https://t.co/QJTXQcq9va…
IrmaRaste ✨ InfluenceThroughStorytelling™ @IrmaRaste
@hcittoday @evankirstel @sickbayMIC @IntelHealth @bryceolson Conversation about how @IntelHealth and @sickbayMIC are enabling remote monitoring of ICU patients! @bryceolson #HITsm https://t.co/HA2uSza5NK
Evan Kirstel #B2B #TechFluencer @EvanKirstel
RT @GailZahtz: T3- So many exciting pieces that we've been seeing this decade can really step up the telehealth game in today's environment…
Tripp Braden @TrippBraden
RT @Trice_Imaging: @jameyedwards @hcittoday @IrmaRaste @evankirstel Couldn't agree more. Within every #telemedicine service type there are…
Evan Kirstel #B2B #TechFluencer @EvanKirstel
RT @IrmaRaste: @hcittoday @evankirstel @sickbayMIC @IntelHealth @bryceolson Conversation about how @IntelHealth and @sickbayMIC are enablin…
R “Ray” Wang 王瑞光 #Cupertino #AI #Energy R.NFT @rwang0
RT @rwang0: MyPOV: A3 the goal is to deliver an ambient experience. where a lot of the manual data collection happens in the background an…
Evan Kirstel #B2B #TechFluencer @EvanKirstel
RT @GraceCordovano: @hcittoday @IrmaRaste @evankirstel T3) The shift to #IoT, #AI, & cloud-based technologies need to prioritize ethics, tr…
R “Ray” Wang 王瑞光 #Cupertino #AI #Energy R.NFT @rwang0
RT @GailZahtz: @GraceCordovano @jameyedwards @hcittoday @IrmaRaste @evankirstel And work with partners to enable patients to have what they…
IrmaRaste ✨ InfluenceThroughStorytelling™ @IrmaRaste
RT @GraceCordovano: @hcittoday @IrmaRaste @evankirstel T3) The shift to #IoT, #AI, & cloud-based technologies need to prioritize ethics, tr…
IrmaRaste ✨ InfluenceThroughStorytelling™ @IrmaRaste
RT @Greg_Meyer93: T3: Define “cloud.” Overloaded term and kind of opaque from the consumer’s perspective. Anyway, IoT for remote monitori…
IrmaRaste ✨ InfluenceThroughStorytelling™ @IrmaRaste
RT @TrippBraden: A3 To make telemedicine work in rural communities it will require upgrading tech infrastructure to support all of these a…
R “Ray” Wang 王瑞光 #Cupertino #AI #Energy R.NFT @rwang0
RT @TrippBraden: A3 To make telemedicine work in rural communities it will require upgrading tech infrastructure to support all of these a…
IrmaRaste ✨ InfluenceThroughStorytelling™ @IrmaRaste
RT @ethos_labs: @ElectronicCare @hcittoday @IrmaRaste @evankirstel Great points! Thanks for sharing #HITsm
Gail Zahtz 🇮🇱 @GailZahtz
T3 but tied into T2- In addition to regulatory changes with @CMSGov , a real remover of barriers in telehealth has happened via @US_FDA who is allowing RPM and other devices to get to market (patients) faster. Well done! #HITsm
R “Ray” Wang 王瑞光 #Cupertino #AI #Energy R.NFT @rwang0
RT @IrmaRaste: T3: /WATCH/ @sickbayMIC enables flexible #ICU #RemotePatientMonitoring at scale, providing real-time insights across units,…
IrmaRaste ✨ InfluenceThroughStorytelling™ @IrmaRaste
RT @jstclair1: @rwang0 @hcittoday @IrmaRaste @evankirstel Reimbursement must be re-engineered, IMO. Not just go up, but embody traditional…
Michelle Currie @mshlcurrie
@Greg_Meyer93 Agree, untapped resource #HITsm
R “Ray” Wang 王瑞光 #Cupertino #AI #Energy R.NFT @rwang0
RT @ethos_labs: @IrmaRaste @evankirstel @eViRaHealth @techguy @jameyedwards @jimmie_vanagon @SPulim @TrippBraden @Thomas_Capone [REDACTED USER]…
Jim St.Clair @jstclair1
@AmericanTelemed #telemednow #hitsm
IrmaRaste ✨ InfluenceThroughStorytelling™ @IrmaRaste
Conversation about how @IntelHealth and @sickbayMIC are enabling remote monitoring of ICU patients! @bryceolson #HITsm https://t.co/HA2uSza5NK
IrmaRaste ✨ InfluenceThroughStorytelling™ @IrmaRaste
RT @IrmaRaste: T3: /WATCH/ @sickbayMIC enables flexible #ICU #RemotePatientMonitoring at scale, providing real-time insights across units,…
Evan Kirstel #B2B #TechFluencer @EvanKirstel
RT @jstclair1: @AmericanTelemed #telemednow #hitsm
IrmaRaste ✨ InfluenceThroughStorytelling™ @IrmaRaste
RT @ethos_labs: @BrightMD_Health @hcittoday @IrmaRaste @evankirstel Great point! #HITsm
Rafael Grossmann, MD, MSHS, FACS 🇻🇪🇺🇸 @ZGJR
T3- #TeleHealth is just #Health / #COVID19 or not, is another way to connect & communicate, not a substitute but a complement to the Doctor-Patient visit! It doesn’thave to get complicated @IrmaRaste #HITsm
IrmaRaste ✨ InfluenceThroughStorytelling™ @IrmaRaste
RT @ElectronicCare: @hcittoday @IrmaRaste @evankirstel T3: How do IoT, AI and cloud technologies enable a complete remote health care exper…
IrmaRaste ✨ InfluenceThroughStorytelling™ @IrmaRaste
RT @ethos_labs: @IrmaRaste @evankirstel @eViRaHealth @techguy @jameyedwards @jimmie_vanagon @SPulim @TrippBraden @Thomas_Capone [REDACTED USER]…
IrmaRaste ✨ InfluenceThroughStorytelling™ @IrmaRaste
RT @techguy: Should...I wonder what we're going to lose while we wait for them. #HITsm Still chewing on if insurance is fundamentally fla…
Evan Kirstel #B2B #TechFluencer @EvanKirstel
RT @ZGJR: T3- #TeleHealth is just #Health / #COVID19 or not, is another way to connect & communicate, not a substitute but a complement to…
John Lynn @techguy
Great thought. Only challenge is I think many providers still want it to go back to normal. I hope that's a failed strategy and the winning strategy is to embrace the telehealth option as a permanent option for your patients. #HITsm #HITMC https://t.co/ZOKLjmsimZ
Edward Bukstel @ebukstel
#Telehealth is feeling a #COVID19 boom. @Etsy sold more than 12 million masks at average price if $10 bucks and sales doubled in April thanks to homemade masks. #HITsm https://t.co/VO0QcvCWA6
Jess Clifton @jslentzclifton
@IrmaRaste @hcittoday @evankirstel @AmericanTelemed @jkvedar @IntelHealth Completely agreed! I've been really impressed with what I've seen among @caregility health system clients! Keeping patients and hc workers safe and connected + helping practices stay open in many cases. #HITsm
Sunjya Schweig, MD @drschweig
T5: @CCFMED leads Wellness Programs for #FirstResponders. Focus on #resilience #nutrition #sleep #stress #peersupport #Cancer and #cardiovascular disease prevention. Collaborating with companies like @EllipsisHealth and @modalityAI to deliver screening to #edge user #hitsm
Enlightening Results 💡 @GraceCordovano
[REDACTED USER] @jameyedwards @hcittoday @IrmaRaste @evankirstel Shoutout to all the disease-specific #PeerHealthSupport groups that are truly leading the charge in filling in these gaps in #HealthLiteracy, lifting others up with credible information in times filled with chaos & misinformation. #bcsm #lcsm #btsm #gyncsm @BeLikeLight #HITsm
R “Ray” Wang 王瑞光 #Cupertino #AI #Energy R.NFT @rwang0
RT @drschweig: T5: @CCFMED leads Wellness Programs for #FirstResponders. Focus on #resilience #nutrition #sleep #stress #peersupport #Cance
R “Ray” Wang 王瑞光 #Cupertino #AI #Energy R.NFT @rwang0
RT @jslentzclifton: @IrmaRaste @hcittoday @evankirstel @AmericanTelemed @jkvedar @IntelHealth Completely agreed! I've been really impressed…
Brian Mack @BFMack
@GailZahtz @ethos_labs It's fascinating to see how under/misinformed many in the HC deliver continuum are on changes to law, policy, and regs - especially where behavioral health is concerned. Ongoing enucation is KEY! #HITSM
Gail Zahtz 🇮🇱 @GailZahtz
@jstclair1 @AmericanTelemed Love @AmericanTelemed !! Their work really paved the way to enable the great impact that #telehealth is making during #COVID19 #HITsm
Ethos Laboratories @EthosLabs
@evankirstel @hcittoday @IrmaRaste @DellTechCloud @CiscoCloud Great point, Evan. What do you think are some ways that could make patients and practices feel more secure about utilizing the #cloud? #HITsm
R “Ray” Wang 王瑞光 #Cupertino #AI #Energy R.NFT @rwang0
@ebukstel @Etsy MyPOV: the mental health calls are also up 50 to 60% #HITsm
Tripp Braden @TrippBraden
T3 HIPAA will need to be updated to allow for more accessibility to critical information and the transfer between different medical professionals and organizations #HITsm
R “Ray” Wang 王瑞光 #Cupertino #AI #Energy R.NFT @rwang0
RT @techguy: Great thought. Only challenge is I think many providers still want it to go back to normal. I hope that's a failed strategy…
Greg Meyer @Greg_Meyer93
T3: 90+% of health is remote. #Telemedicine is just a modality, but streaming health to some destination, apply analytics in real time, and creating actionable notificates (when needed) is the holy grain. Autonomous, always on health care is a holy grail. #HITsm
R “Ray” Wang 王瑞光 #Cupertino #AI #Energy R.NFT @rwang0
RT @IrmaRaste: Conversation about how @IntelHealth and @sickbayMIC are enabling remote monitoring of ICU patients! @bryceolson #HITsm htt…
John Lynn @techguy
It's always interesting to me how healthcare really has the 2 different consumers: chronic and not. How they act is so different. #HITsm https://t.co/WfQvwN3C5p
IrmaRaste ✨ InfluenceThroughStorytelling™ @IrmaRaste
RT @egilsm: #hitsm Joining the first time. I am looking for innovations to help people in underserved low-income communities. Tele-health,…
Evan Kirstel #B2B #TechFluencer @EvanKirstel
RT @rwang0: @ebukstel @Etsy MyPOV: the mental health calls are also up 50 to 60% #HITsm
Tripp Braden @TrippBraden
RT @ethos_labs: @GailZahtz @BFMack This is so important! We were so excited when we saw this, as well. #HITsm
Michelle Currie @mshlcurrie
RT @GraceCordovano: [REDACTED USER] @jameyedwards @hcittoday @IrmaRaste @evankirstel Shoutout to all the disease-specific #PeerHealthSupport g…
R “Ray” Wang 王瑞光 #Cupertino #AI #Energy R.NFT @rwang0
RT @mshlcurrie: @Greg_Meyer93 Agree, untapped resource #HITsm
IrmaRaste ✨ InfluenceThroughStorytelling™ @IrmaRaste
RT @GailZahtz: T2- While those of use who are following closely the dramatically relaxed regulations, I'm not convinced that it's being ade…
R “Ray” Wang 王瑞光 #Cupertino #AI #Energy R.NFT @rwang0
RT @GailZahtz: T3 but tied into T2- In addition to regulatory changes with @CMSGov , a real remover of barriers in telehealth has happened…
Jim St.Clair @jstclair1
@TrippBraden Great point - I offer my personal beef that 5G is distracting from practical steps, like leveraging fiber and greater 4G/LTE to these areas... #hitsm
Healthcare IT Today @hcittoday
T4: How is #5G transforming healthcare beyond “just” Telemedicine? @IrmaRaste @evankirstel #HITsm https://t.co/BnnLuGLWtw
IrmaRaste ✨ InfluenceThroughStorytelling™ @IrmaRaste
RT @mshlcurrie: #HITsm I hate to say it, but the coronavirus has done more to increase adoption of #telemedicine than anything any of us…
Tripp Braden @TrippBraden
RT @techguy: And this is what makes it hard. It really can be all of those things depending on the situation. #HITsm https://t.co/llPGG7N…
Kate Corbett, CPHIMS, PMP, CSM @CorbettKr
@techguy Could be a good business model to package up the basic kit and the premium version for #telehealth participation and sell it that way. Then at least it is easier for the patient to know what to buy. #hitsm
Tripp Braden @TrippBraden
RT @egilsm: @jstclair1 @IrmaRaste #hitsm Anybody in tweetdom working on "free" high-speed WIFI neighborhood networks?
IrmaRaste ✨ InfluenceThroughStorytelling™ @IrmaRaste
RT @bspartridgeCIS: Hi am Brittany from San Diego, I am the Clinical Communication Coordinator for UCSD covering our iPads, iPhones (inpati…
Tripp Braden @TrippBraden
RT @jstclair1: Time to also discuss incentivization for patients and providers to adopt end-to-end #hitsm https://t.co/EPVqpOoY4j
IrmaRaste ✨ InfluenceThroughStorytelling™ @IrmaRaste
RT @jslentzclifton: T2 Regulatory efforts continue to be vital (curious how many of the recent waivers will roll back post-#COVID19). Patie…
Evan Kirstel #B2B #TechFluencer @EvanKirstel
RT @ebukstel: #Telehealth is feeling a #COVID19 boom. @Etsy sold more than 12 million masks at average price if $10 bucks and sales double…
IrmaRaste ✨ InfluenceThroughStorytelling™ @IrmaRaste
RT @ebukstel: #Telehealth is not just about doctors. @CMSGov Expands #COVID19 Telehealth Reimbursement to Therapists, Phone Services. #HITs
Evan Kirstel #B2B #TechFluencer @EvanKirstel
RT @techguy: Great thought. Only challenge is I think many providers still want it to go back to normal. I hope that's a failed strategy…
Tripp Braden @TrippBraden
RT @jslentzclifton: 1000X this as next step for #telehealth #virtualcare and #meddevice markets >> #HITsm https://t.co/bGO7MlAENq
Brian Mack @BFMack
RT @evankirstel: T3: #CLOUD! It’s a myth that #healthcare #data stored in the #cloud is "less secure" than onsite data. Modern cloud enviro…
R “Ray” Wang 王瑞光 #Cupertino #AI #Energy R.NFT @rwang0
RT @GailZahtz: @jstclair1 @AmericanTelemed Love @AmericanTelemed !! Their work really paved the way to enable the great impact that #telehe
Tripp Braden @TrippBraden
RT @GailZahtz: @ethos_labs @BFMack A related note- I was educating social workers and therapists that they could actually do this. I'd love…
Evan Kirstel #B2B #TechFluencer @EvanKirstel
RT @IrmaRaste: Conversation about how @IntelHealth and @sickbayMIC are enabling remote monitoring of ICU patients! @bryceolson #HITsm htt…
IrmaRaste ✨ InfluenceThroughStorytelling™ @IrmaRaste
RT @thewholesystem: #HITsm ready for first Irma and Evan Twitter Chat
Tripp Braden @TrippBraden
RT @evankirstel: T3: #CLOUD! It’s a myth that #healthcare #data stored in the #cloud is "less secure" than onsite data. Modern cloud enviro…
R “Ray” Wang 王瑞光 #Cupertino #AI #Energy R.NFT @rwang0
RT @ebukstel: #Telehealth is feeling a #COVID19 boom. @Etsy sold more than 12 million masks at average price if $10 bucks and sales double…
IrmaRaste ✨ InfluenceThroughStorytelling™ @IrmaRaste
RT @jstclair1: key part of #telehealth = sync vs async communications #hitsm https://t.co/OHmcHvIsrW
Tripp Braden @TrippBraden
RT @IrmaRaste: T3: /WATCH/ @sickbayMIC enables flexible #ICU #RemotePatientMonitoring at scale, providing real-time insights across units,…
IrmaRaste ✨ InfluenceThroughStorytelling™ @IrmaRaste
RT @CorbettKr: - Video application of some kind - Online questionnaires and forms - the EHR - Remote patient monitoring devices I think th…
Jamey Edwards @jameyedwards
A3: #IoT should form the basis of #data gathering as well as provide entry points via #TV & #HomeAutomation. #AI will help us sift through all the data to make sense of it. The #Cloud is where it will all sit to make its maintenance & use simpler & easier. #HITsm #Telemedicine
Evan Kirstel #B2B #TechFluencer @EvanKirstel
RT @jstclair1: @TrippBraden Great point - I offer my personal beef that 5G is distracting from practical steps, like leveraging fiber and g…
Tripp Braden @TrippBraden
RT @GailZahtz: T3- So many exciting pieces that we've been seeing this decade can really step up the telehealth game in today's environment…
Jess Clifton @jslentzclifton
RT @techguy: Should...I wonder what we're going to lose while we wait for them. #HITsm Still chewing on if insurance is fundamentally fla…
Evan Kirstel #B2B #TechFluencer @EvanKirstel
RT @Greg_Meyer93: T3: 90+% of health is remote. #Telemedicine is just a modality, but streaming health to some destination, apply analytic…
Gail Zahtz 🇮🇱 @GailZahtz
Yes!!! Ask me anytime, I'm happy to talk as long as anyone will listen on everything we can be doing in communications and strategy to support the rapid changes that are happening across the care continuum. :-) #HITsm
IrmaRaste ✨ InfluenceThroughStorytelling™ @IrmaRaste
RT @techguy: It's always interesting to me how healthcare really has the 2 different consumers: chronic and not. How they act is so differ…
Tripp Braden @TrippBraden
RT @jstclair1: @rwang0 @hcittoday @IrmaRaste @evankirstel Reimbursement must be re-engineered, IMO. Not just go up, but embody traditional…
IrmaRaste ✨ InfluenceThroughStorytelling™ @IrmaRaste
RT @techguy: Great thought. Only challenge is I think many providers still want it to go back to normal. I hope that's a failed strategy…
Tripp Braden @TrippBraden
RT @Greg_Meyer93: T3: Define “cloud.” Overloaded term and kind of opaque from the consumer’s perspective. Anyway, IoT for remote monitori…
Tripp Braden @TrippBraden
RT @GraceCordovano: @hcittoday @IrmaRaste @evankirstel T3) The shift to #IoT, #AI, & cloud-based technologies need to prioritize ethics, tr…
Jess Clifton @jslentzclifton
RT @CorbettKr: @techguy Could be a good business model to package up the basic kit and the premium version for #telehealth participation an…
IrmaRaste ✨ InfluenceThroughStorytelling™ @IrmaRaste
RT @hcittoday: T4: How is #5G transforming healthcare beyond “just” Telemedicine? @IrmaRaste @evankirstel #HITsm https://t.co/BnnLuGLWtw
John Lynn @techguy
This may be a good place to look for what telehealth is reasonable and which visits need the in person since the military had good reasons to do whatever modality was cheapest. I wonder if Kaiser knows as well. #HITsm https://t.co/YD3rmyfitb
Tripp Braden @TrippBraden
RT @IrmaRaste: @hcittoday @evankirstel @sickbayMIC @IntelHealth @bryceolson Conversation about how @IntelHealth and @sickbayMIC are enablin…
Brian Mack @BFMack
RT @IrmaRaste: T2: #Telemedicine is becoming 🔑tech in managing #COVID19 pandemic. #SocialDistancing is a key strategy 2 minimize #Coronavir
Tripp Braden @TrippBraden
RT @GailZahtz: T3 but tied into T2- In addition to regulatory changes with @CMSGov , a real remover of barriers in telehealth has happened…
Tripp Braden @TrippBraden
RT @jstclair1: @AmericanTelemed #telemednow #hitsm https://t.co/YqfbsluCpj
Tripp Braden @TrippBraden
RT @ZGJR: T3- #TeleHealth is just #Health / #COVID19 or not, is another way to connect & communicate, not a substitute but a complement to…
Erin Head @ErinHead_HIM
This! It wasn't necessarily a lack of tech preventing widespread adoption...HIPAA red tape had to be modified. #HITsm
Greg Meyer @Greg_Meyer93
Speaking of care team, has #telehealth figured out how to share/communicate when team members are parts of different orgs? Teathered/enterprise telehealth is becoming mainstream, but only to one care provider at a time. #HITsm
Tripp Braden @TrippBraden
RT @techguy: Great thought. Only challenge is I think many providers still want it to go back to normal. I hope that's a failed strategy…
Tripp Braden @TrippBraden
RT @jslentzclifton: @IrmaRaste @hcittoday @evankirstel @AmericanTelemed @jkvedar @IntelHealth Completely agreed! I've been really impressed…
IrmaRaste ✨ InfluenceThroughStorytelling™ @IrmaRaste
T4: In this blog post, we talk about the #5G basics & the impact of this #technology on #healthcare. #HITsm #telemedicine #telehealth #IoT #IoMT https://t.co/u3GeO6hGTE
Tripp Braden @TrippBraden
RT @drschweig: T5: @CCFMED leads Wellness Programs for #FirstResponders. Focus on #resilience #nutrition #sleep #stress #peersupport #Cance
Jess Clifton @jslentzclifton
RT @TrippBraden: A2 Military has been using similar telemedicine programs for many years. Provides a wider range of treatment options and…
IrmaRaste ✨ InfluenceThroughStorytelling™ @IrmaRaste
@hcittoday @evankirstel T4: In this blog post, we talk about the #5G basics & the impact of this #technology on #healthcare. #HITsm #telemedicine #telehealth #IoT #IoMT https://t.co/u3GeO6hGTE
Brian Mack @BFMack
RT @techguy: It's true. Watch telehealth reimbursement as I describe here: https://t.co/1wW9qBhWtY Although, this is going to be interest…
Tripp Braden @TrippBraden
RT @rwang0: @ebukstel @Etsy MyPOV: the mental health calls are also up 50 to 60% #HITsm
IrmaRaste ✨ InfluenceThroughStorytelling™ @IrmaRaste
RT @TrippBraden: T3 HIPAA will need to be updated to allow for more accessibility to critical information and the transfer between differen…
Gail Zahtz 🇮🇱 @GailZahtz
T4- The rise of @zoom_us ...pretty transformational to day to day life in healthcare and beyond.... #HITsm
Tripp Braden @TrippBraden
RT @Greg_Meyer93: T3: 90+% of health is remote. #Telemedicine is just a modality, but streaming health to some destination, apply analytic…
IrmaRaste ✨ InfluenceThroughStorytelling™ @IrmaRaste
RT @GailZahtz: T3 but tied into T2- In addition to regulatory changes with @CMSGov , a real remover of barriers in telehealth has happened…
Tripp Braden @TrippBraden
RT @jstclair1: @TrippBraden Great point - I offer my personal beef that 5G is distracting from practical steps, like leveraging fiber and g…
IrmaRaste ✨ InfluenceThroughStorytelling™ @IrmaRaste
RT @rwang0: MyPOV: A3 the goal is to deliver an ambient experience. where a lot of the manual data collection happens in the background an…
IrmaRaste ✨ InfluenceThroughStorytelling™ @IrmaRaste
RT @jstclair1: Time to also discuss incentivization for patients and providers to adopt end-to-end #hitsm https://t.co/EPVqpOoY4j
IrmaRaste ✨ InfluenceThroughStorytelling™ @IrmaRaste
RT @ebukstel: #Telehealth is feeling a #COVID19 boom. @Etsy sold more than 12 million masks at average price if $10 bucks and sales double…
Tripp Braden @TrippBraden
RT @hcittoday: T4: How is #5G transforming healthcare beyond “just” Telemedicine? @IrmaRaste @evankirstel #HITsm https://t.co/BnnLuGLWtw
IrmaRaste ✨ InfluenceThroughStorytelling™ @IrmaRaste
RT @BrightMD_Health: @mshlcurrie Indeed, #covid19 may have accelerated #telemedicine/#telehealth by even a decade according to @DeloitteUS
IrmaRaste ✨ InfluenceThroughStorytelling™ @IrmaRaste
RT @ZGJR: T3- #TeleHealth is just #Health / #COVID19 or not, is another way to connect & communicate, not a substitute but a complement to…
Jim St.Clair @jstclair1
Reminds me of cool community group tech that can create virtual pt/provider/support groups #HITSM
Evan Kirstel #B2B #TechFluencer @EvanKirstel
T4 #5G will enable transmission of large medical files like MRI results at high speed. A PET scanner generates extremely large files — up to 1 gigabyte of information per patient per study! Now as soon as the patient leaves the scanner, the study is already on its way #HITSM https://t.co/R4PmElKImP
Ethos Laboratories @EthosLabs
@MikeBrandofino Great point! #HITsm
IrmaRaste ✨ InfluenceThroughStorytelling™ @IrmaRaste
@ZGJR Hi Rafael 👋 So great to see you here, thanks for joining! #hitsm
IrmaRaste ✨ InfluenceThroughStorytelling™ @IrmaRaste
RT @GailZahtz: T3- So many exciting pieces that we've been seeing this decade can really step up the telehealth game in today's environment…
Jess Clifton @jslentzclifton
T4 I'm here to listen and learn! #allears #HITsm
IrmaRaste ✨ InfluenceThroughStorytelling™ @IrmaRaste
RT @jstclair1: @TrippBraden Great point - I offer my personal beef that 5G is distracting from practical steps, like leveraging fiber and g…
Michelle Currie @mshlcurrie
#HITsm thankyou! Oh my, this whole chat I have been responding in the context of #telemedicine being provided by one's medical home/PCP! I haven't even been thinking of those that have a random doc on the other end. I see 2 different use cases here.
Jim St.Clair @jstclair1
@GailZahtz @AmericanTelemed I'm only now getting involved - assoc of the future IMHO #hitsm
John Lynn @techguy
CMS telehealth rules are temporary and that still leaves commercial payers. I think most of us think CMS will make most of them permanent though. P.S. Don't forget the #HITsm hashtag so everyone can see what you share.
IrmaRaste ✨ InfluenceThroughStorytelling™ @IrmaRaste
RT @Greg_Meyer93: Speaking of care team, has #telehealth figured out how to share/communicate when team members are parts of different orgs…
Bright.md @BrightMD_Health
@techguy Ultimately, #telehealth reimbursement post-pandemic will determine the long-term success of #telemedicine. #HITsm (@LarockZoe via @BusinessInsider) https://t.co/bD4rZ3DH1g
IrmaRaste ✨ InfluenceThroughStorytelling™ @IrmaRaste
RT @techguy: This may be a good place to look for what telehealth is reasonable and which visits need the in person since the military had…
IrmaRaste ✨ InfluenceThroughStorytelling™ @IrmaRaste
RT @jameyedwards: A3: #IoT should form the basis of #data gathering as well as provide entry points via #TV & #HomeAutomation. #AI will hel…
Shereese Maynard, MS; MBA @ShereeseMayMba
Gotta run. Thanks, @techguy Have a great weekend everyone, #hitsm https://t.co/zVYv2RfSs0
Evan Kirstel #B2B #TechFluencer @EvanKirstel
@hcittoday @IrmaRaste T4 #5G will enable transmission of large medical files like MRI results at high speed. A PET scanner generates extremely large files — up to 1 gigabyte of information per patient per study! Now as soon as the patient leaves the scanner, the study is already on its way #HITSM https://t.co/liiVC3XRgb
IrmaRaste ✨ InfluenceThroughStorytelling™ @IrmaRaste
RT @GraceCordovano: [REDACTED USER] @jameyedwards @hcittoday @IrmaRaste @evankirstel Shoutout to all the disease-specific #PeerHealthSupport g…
Trice Imaging Inc @Trice_Imaging
@hcittoday @IrmaRaste @evankirstel Whoops! Forgot to introduce myself. Jessa here from Trice. Career-long passion for healthcare IT, serving the underserved, and supporting the industries and people that make a difference. #HITsm
Ethos Laboratories @EthosLabs
@GailZahtz @zoom_us @zoom_us has truly transformed our daily lives across the board. #HITsm
Gail Zahtz 🇮🇱 @GailZahtz
@techguy I am so impressed with what @VeteransHealth has done in the telehealth space! We can all learn a lot from their models. #HITsm
IrmaRaste ✨ InfluenceThroughStorytelling™ @IrmaRaste
RT @BrightMD_Health: @techguy Ultimately, #telehealth reimbursement post-pandemic will determine the long-term success of #telemedicine. #H
IrmaRaste ✨ InfluenceThroughStorytelling™ @IrmaRaste
RT @techguy: CMS telehealth rules are temporary and that still leaves commercial payers. I think most of us think CMS will make most of th…
Rafael Grossmann, MD, MSHS, FACS 🇻🇪🇺🇸 @ZGJR
@IrmaRaste Running!!! Haha
Mohamad Arif Ali @mhealth1
RT @techguy: It's true. Watch telehealth reimbursement as I describe here: https://t.co/1wW9qBhWtY Although, this is going to be interest…
Brian Mack @BFMack
@lenisocial @GraceCordovano Yep! And honestly, I'm a little out of my depth where IoT, AI, Cloud, and 5G are concerned... Thankful for a community of REALLY smart people to learn from! #HITSM
IrmaRaste ✨ InfluenceThroughStorytelling™ @IrmaRaste
RT @jstclair1: @GailZahtz @AmericanTelemed I'm only now getting involved - assoc of the future IMHO #hitsm
Jim St.Clair @jstclair1
"updated" like I updated my 486 intel chip desktop for a quad-core laptop #tossit #hitsm
IrmaRaste ✨ InfluenceThroughStorytelling™ @IrmaRaste
RT @mshlcurrie: #HITsm thankyou! Oh my, this whole chat I have been responding in the context of #telemedicine being provided by one's med…
Sunjya Schweig, MD @drschweig
T3: We need to challenge ourselves, discard old thinking that health care requires a visit to doctor or hospital. Episodic care=broken framework. New model need to be seamless fabric of care: patient/person at the center+ doctors, NPs/PAs, nutritionist, coach, #wearables #hitsm
IrmaRaste ✨ InfluenceThroughStorytelling™ @IrmaRaste
RT @jslentzclifton: T4 I'm here to listen and learn! #allears #HITsm https://t.co/5jimOPkjjw
Greg Meyer @Greg_Meyer93
I keep wondering why it took this long for folks to discover zoom especially with so many other platforms out there that. #HITsm
IrmaRaste ✨ InfluenceThroughStorytelling™ @IrmaRaste
RT @ethos_labs: @MikeBrandofino Great point! #HITsm
IrmaRaste ✨ InfluenceThroughStorytelling™ @IrmaRaste
RT @evankirstel: T4 #5G will enable transmission of large medical files like MRI results at high speed. A PET scanner generates extremely l…
John Lynn @techguy
Yep. Lots of companies working on this including @MedWand and I think big tech companies like @DellEMCHealth and @LenovoHealth have some great partners to distribute this type of solution. #HITsm
Trice Imaging Inc @Trice_Imaging
@hcittoday @IrmaRaste @evankirstel T2: A recent survey by @reactiondata said "63 percent of health systems said improved federal support would speed implementation of virtual care services or increase use. Yet decision-makers are holding out for proof of improved outcomes and reduced waste. #HITsm
IrmaRaste ✨ InfluenceThroughStorytelling™ @IrmaRaste
RT @jstclair1: Reminds me of cool community group tech that can create virtual pt/provider/support groups #HITSM https://t.co/ZLEmZMa9fi
Brian Mack @BFMack
RT @rwang0: @hcittoday @IrmaRaste @evankirstel MyPOV: A3 the goal is to deliver an ambient experience. where a lot of the manual data coll…
Gail Zahtz 🇮🇱 @GailZahtz
@jstclair1 @AmericanTelemed Interesting because they have been on my daily checks for several years now. I think they are going to be a major leader moving forward as telehealth comes out of a niche. #HITsm
IrmaRaste ✨ InfluenceThroughStorytelling™ @IrmaRaste
RT @GailZahtz: T4- The rise of @zoom_us ...pretty transformational to day to day life in healthcare and beyond.... #HITsm
Jamey Edwards @jameyedwards
A4: #5G will be the foundation of how people connect to #healthcare. It could radically change #hospitals need for #WiFi & move the industry to a more decentralized connectivity model with fewer limitations on networked devices and data sharing. #HITsm
Electronic Caregiver @ElectronicCare
@hcittoday @IrmaRaste @evankirstel T4: How is #5G transforming healthcare beyond “just” Telemedicine? #HITsm No huge impact 4 us to date-hopeful for better IoT implementation thereby increasing data availability thereby increasing analysis & insights
IrmaRaste ✨ InfluenceThroughStorytelling™ @IrmaRaste
RT @IrmaRaste: @hcittoday @evankirstel T4: In this blog post, we talk about the #5G basics & the impact of this #technology on #healthcare.…
IrmaRaste ✨ InfluenceThroughStorytelling™ @IrmaRaste
RT @IrmaRaste: T4: In this blog post, we talk about the #5G basics & the impact of this #technology on #healthcare. #HITsm #telemedicine #t
IrmaRaste ✨ InfluenceThroughStorytelling™ @IrmaRaste
RT @ErinHead_HIM: This! It wasn't necessarily a lack of tech preventing widespread adoption...HIPAA red tape had to be modified. #HITsm htt…
Jim St.Clair @jstclair1
@Greg_Meyer93 excellent greg! I got in a mini-debate yesterday on "modality" - tech begets process if process won't beget tech #hitsm
IrmaRaste ✨ InfluenceThroughStorytelling™ @IrmaRaste
RT @GailZahtz: Yes!!! Ask me anytime, I'm happy to talk as long as anyone will listen on everything we can be doing in communications and s…
Elena Ivanova @lenisocial
RT @BFMack: @lenisocial @GraceCordovano Yep! And honestly, I'm a little out of my depth where IoT, AI, Cloud, and 5G are concerned... Thank…
John Lynn @techguy
@BrightMD_Health @LarockZoe @businessinsider Agreed! #HITsm If I had more time I'd create a telehealth reimbursement index to track this.
Evan Kirstel #B2B #TechFluencer @EvanKirstel
T4 With #5G, translators can video conference with the patient and doctor using models at the network edge with low network latency #videoconferencing #HITsm https://t.co/UdXeKY46sI
IrmaRaste ✨ InfluenceThroughStorytelling™ @IrmaRaste
RT @CorbettKr: @techguy Could be a good business model to package up the basic kit and the premium version for #telehealth participation an…
IrmaRaste ✨ InfluenceThroughStorytelling™ @IrmaRaste
RT @rwang0: @ebukstel @Etsy MyPOV: the mental health calls are also up 50 to 60% #HITsm
Evan Kirstel #B2B #TechFluencer @EvanKirstel
@hcittoday @IrmaRaste T4 With #5G, translators can video conference with the patient and doctor using models at the network edge with low network latency