#HITsm Transcript

Healthcare social media transcript of the #HITsm hashtag.
See #HITsm Influencers/Analytics.

Medici.md @Medici_app
Healthcare technologies are on the rise and are ready to bring needed innovation to healthcare. #HITsm
MeganJanas🔗 @megan_janas
RT @wareFLO: Happy #SocialMediaDay! 💞 #HITsm #HCLDR #BPM #HIMSS18 #askavaility #meqapi #kareochat @MichaelGaspar @SumitSharma930 @A_Burkey @carimclean https://t.co/q1JseYitqW
EMR, EHR and HIT @ehrandhit
Welcome to this week's #HITsm chat hosted by @tjustincampbell & @JulieEChampagne Details: https://t.co/UAl423Y1NP https://t.co/AD0sCy1j4N
Healthcare Scene @HealthcareScene
Welcome to this week's #HITsm chat hosted by @tjustincampbell & @JulieEChampagne Details: https://t.co/gyHBkyFfZi https://t.co/rRQsXWtLzt
Healthcare Scene @HealthcareScene
Let's take 5 min to introduce ourselves. Who are you? What do you do? Where are you from? What's your favorite dessert? #HITsm
EMR, EHR and HIT @ehrandhit
Let's take 5 min to introduce ourselves. Who are you? What do you do? Where are you from? What's your favorite dessert? #HITsm
Great discussion on #EHR optimization about to start on #HITSM Twitter Chat! Don't Miss It! https://t.co/xEHdPU4QCw
Brian Mack @BFMack
Great discussion on #EHR optimization about to start on #HITSM Twitter Chat! Don't Miss It! https://t.co/MEpDmNuhDL
Chuck Webster MD, MS AI, MS Systems Engineering @wareFLO
Chuck, #cbus. IMO need workflow tech to optimize WF! BTW Join 7/7 #HITsm host @stefanbuttigieg on #Firetalk 7/6! https://t.co/RJiFkXd3o6
Kevin J. Fowler Principal The Voice of the Patient @gratefull080504
@techguy When does #HITsm start today? 11:00 am CST or 11:30 am CST?
Colin Hung @Colin_Hung
Hello #HITsm Colin here. Enjoying the Canada Day long weekend in Toronto. #hcmktg guy. #hcldr co-host. Looking fw to today's chat.
Justin Campbell @tjustincampbell
Hello @HealthcareScene & Happy #SocialMediaDay Honored to host w/ @techguy & @JulieEChampagne I'm Justin w/ @galenhealthcare Welcome #HITsm
Monica Stout, She/Her/Hers @MI_turnaround
@HealthcareScene Monica. MKT @MedicaSoftLLC. From MI, but lived all over. Favorite dessert, hmmm. Gelato or cherry pie. Tough choice! #HITsm
Visiting Nurse | Hospice Atlanta @VNHS
Hi everybody! Nonprofit in Atlanta helping to bring healthcare to patient's homes. Happy Friday!! #hitsm
John Lynn @techguy
I everyone! I'm John from Vegas. I blog. My favorite dessert is a toss up between cheesecake & ice cream..oh wait rice krispee treats #HITsm https://t.co/6rB5Jwoa63
Julie Champagne @JulieEChampagne
Excited to host my first tweetchat alongside @tjustincampbell and @techguy Hello #hitsm !
John Lynn @techguy
@gratefull080504 11 AM CT! #HITsm
Justin Campbell @tjustincampbell
@Colin_Hung I forgot it's Canada Day! My sis lives in Toronto and loves this weekend. Have fun! #HITsm
Executives for Health Innovation (EHI) @eHealthDC
RT @GLHC_HIE: Great discussion on #EHR optimization about to start on #HITSM Twitter Chat! Don't Miss It! https://t.co/DZaEEZ5yu4
@BFMack for @GLHC_HIE; I do #MarCom; The OTHER Left Coast (Grand Rapids, MI); Strawberry Rhubarb Pie! #HITSM https://t.co/MHmcgdhyj4
Healthcare Scene @HealthcareScene
RT @eHealthDC: RT @GLHC_HIE: RT @GLHC_HIE: Great discussion on #EHR optimization about to start on #HITSM Twitter Chat! Don't Miss It! https://t.co/DZaEEZ5yu4
Healthcare Scene @HealthcareScene
RT @JulieEChampagne: Excited to host my first tweetchat alongside @tjustincampbell and @techguy Hello #hitsm !
Healthcare Scene @HealthcareScene
T1:How did the big-bang implementation approaches contribute to EMR inefficiencies and what can be done to mitigate? @JulieEChampagne #HITsm https://t.co/uIK8OJ510G
Justin Campbell @tjustincampbell
My favorite desert - Key Lime Cheescake. It's lunch hours. Don't make me hungry ;) #HITsm
EMR, EHR and HIT @ehrandhit
T1:How did the big-bang implementation approaches contribute to EMR inefficiencies and what can be done to mitigate? @JulieEChampagne #HITsm https://t.co/ohvPG7rK30
Chuck Webster MD, MS AI, MS Systems Engineering @wareFLO
#KeyLimePie! (guess cuz goin' to #KeyWest for vacation in a couple weeks) #HITsm https://t.co/vqa5xuztGJ
John Lynn @techguy
@JulieEChampagne We're lucky to have you. I think @tjustincampbell and I are just back seat drivers. #HITsm
Monica Stout, She/Her/Hers @MI_turnaround
@GLHC_HIE @BFMack Mmm, rhubarb! But i have to go with cherry rhubarb over strawberry rhubarb! #piedebates #HITsm
Colin Hung @Colin_Hung
@tjustincampbell It's our 150th birthday! #HITsm https://t.co/C08RzWmnbm
Healthcare Scene @HealthcareScene
@MI_turnaround @MedicaSoftLLC I think dessert might have been our hardest question yet. #HITsm How can you choose just one?
Monica Stout, She/Her/Hers @MI_turnaround
@wareFLO Oh man, that might have to be #3 on my dessert list! #HITsm
Kevin J. Fowler Principal The Voice of the Patient @gratefull080504
@gratefull080504 consultant: #patientengagement #patientadvocacy #HITsm
Janae Sharp @CoherenceMed
I'm Janae from Utah. I love yoga and hiking and learning. I work with strategy for @LifelyInsights. Favorite dessert-cookies? #hitsm https://t.co/w9w92dsSyt
Justin Campbell @tjustincampbell
T1: Unintended consequences from prescriptive, templated workflows; means to an end https://t.co/OGP91EaNlf #HITsm https://t.co/ns24stNyHZ
Peter Gilbert @PeterNGilbert
Hi, this is Pete from Detroit joining late. #HITsm
Monica Stout, She/Her/Hers @MI_turnaround
Any swift change to day-to-day operations is going to cause some hiccups. To mitigate, planning & communication are critical. #HITsm
Mandi Bishop @MandiBPro
Happy #HITsm #Friday, all! Few minutes late - Mandi from #Jax, #Florida here, focused on #SDOH w/ #startup @LifelyInsights (hashtag-happy!)
MeganJanas🔗 @megan_janas
Hi! Megan from @TextraHealth in AZ. I am a CI, digital health innovator. Favorite dessert? Cheesecake, chocolate mousse, etc! #HITsm
Chuck Webster MD, MS AI, MS Systems Engineering @wareFLO
Instead of market driving competition btwn EHRs to deliver real value & usability, we got opposite via #MeaningfulUse. Stop digging? #HITsm https://t.co/3dvePXa2kt
John Lynn @techguy
We're still suffering from not redesigning the processes that needed redesigning before implementing the EHR. #ChasingGovtMoney #HITsm https://t.co/BxodR6lIVx
Colin Hung @Colin_Hung
Hmmm...so many favorite desserts, but if I had to pick just one it'd be cheesecake. #HITsm https://t.co/x5UqzZSamG
Julie Champagne @JulieEChampagne
EHRs were implemented as designed vs as desired, Less time spent configuring systems to specific needs, take time to #optimize now #HITsm
TORsAdventures @TORsAdventures
RT @wareFLO: #KeyLimePie! (guess cuz goin' to #KeyWest for vacation in a couple weeks) #HITsm https://t.co/vqa5xuztGJ
Justin Campbell @tjustincampbell
@CoherenceMed @LifelyInsights Welcome! Getting some yoga and hiking in over the long weekend? #HITsm
John Lynn @techguy
The best mitigation is realizing that you need to change. The second mitigation is properly training users. #HITsm https://t.co/BxodR6lIVx
Mandi Bishop @MandiBPro
#Truth. Just started talking about my #mentalhealth experiences, w/ #TheWalkingGallery community courage. #HITsm https://t.co/ySItOfnAuX
John Lynn @techguy
@LeaChatham I mostly think of them as heaven :-) #HITsm
Justin Campbell @tjustincampbell
@TextraHealth Now I am really getting hungry! Sounds delish. Welcome Megan! #HITsm
Colin Hung @Colin_Hung
T1 Too many drank #EHR koolaid that it would fix all. Now we have to go back to basics & fit tech into daily lives of users. #HITsm
Chuck Webster MD, MS AI, MS Systems Engineering @wareFLO
"prescriptive, templates workflows" <- precisely why I advocate user customizable workflow executed by workflow engines, as in #BPM! #HITsm https://t.co/YYzfqK1KKB
Danielle Siarri @innonurse
Danielle here in Las Vegas monitoring during work. #hitsm https://t.co/02fLI7BqPU
John Lynn @techguy
There are some that talk, but not enough. Happy to support more efforts to share their stories. @EMRAnswers was working on some too #HITsm https://t.co/vfzFlweH2I
Justin Campbell @tjustincampbell
@wareFLO Agreed - you feel it's best to let market drive or govnt? Will market solve #interoperability? #HITsm
Shereese Maynard, MS; MBA 😷 She/Her @ShereeseMayMba
Must be time #hitsm . Hello guys https://t.co/XL5QJJNxXW
Kevin J. Fowler Principal The Voice of the Patient @gratefull080504
T1: They were designed with the dollar in mind, not the physician, healthcare team, patient,or caregiver No surprises are there? #HITsm https://t.co/G7NQ2N0uKp
John Lynn @techguy
I agree that focus was the biggest issue....or should I say focusing on the wrong things. #HITsm https://t.co/ijgSit0tiM
Mandi Bishop @MandiBPro
Patients & clinicians victimized by beta-tested technology rolled out in aggressive schedule w/out careful workflow impact analysis. #HITsm https://t.co/yPtIPKgvG9
John Lynn @techguy
RT @JulieEChampagne: EHRs were implemented as designed vs as desired, Less time spent configuring systems to specific needs, take time to #optimize now #HITsm
Mandi Bishop @MandiBPro
RT @gratefull080504: T1: T1: They were designed with the dollar in mind, not the physician, healthcare team, patient,or caregiver No surprises are there? #HITsm https://t.co/G7NQ2N0uKp
Justin Campbell @tjustincampbell
@ShereesePubHlth Yay! Welcome. Long time no talk. Hope all is well! #HITsm
Colin Hung @Colin_Hung
@LeaChatham T1 In the rush to the trough we forgot that this stuff actually has to work - now we are paying the price with reworks & revamps #HITsm
Mandi Bishop @MandiBPro
RT @techguy: I agree that focus was the biggest issue....or should I say focusing on the wrong things. #HITsm https://t.co/ijgSit0tiM
John Lynn @techguy
@TextraHealth Look at all these cheesecake lovers! @Colin_Hung #HITsm
Peter Gilbert @PeterNGilbert
A1: Focus was on meeting the regs as Step 1. No one has thought through to what Step 2 is. Now what? #HITsm
John Lynn @techguy
RT @tjustincampbell: T1: T1: Unintended consequences from prescriptive, templated workflows; means to an end https://t.co/OGP91EaNlf #HITsm https://t.co/ns24stNyHZ
Justin Campbell @tjustincampbell
T1: Largely designed for data entry w/ workflow, #CDS, tacked on; data silo's with complex schema https://t.co/OGP91EaNlf #HITsm https://t.co/NwbTS69dZl
Kevin J. Fowler Principal The Voice of the Patient @gratefull080504
Yes #HITsm https://t.co/tiNGVDTSiy
Mandi Bishop @MandiBPro
Challenge w/ market driving #healthcare #interoperability: patients don't know data blocking key to negatives #HITsm https://t.co/KcmXDuIz0s
Healthcare Scene @HealthcareScene
RT @Colin_Hung: T1 Too many drank #EHR koolaid that it would fix all. Now we have to go back to basics & fit tech into daily lives of users. #HITsm
Justin Campbell @tjustincampbell
@gratefull080504 Agreed. If incentives were wrong, what can we change the to in order to correct? #HITsm
T1: The Law of unintended/unforeseen consequences - A patchwork of proprietary, ultra-competitive, too often inefficient tech... #HITSM https://t.co/CBwUOvckex
Mandi Bishop @MandiBPro
RT @tjustincampbell: T1: T1: Largely designed for data entry w/ workflow, #CDS, tacked on; data silo's with complex schema https://t.co/OGP91EaNlf #HITsm https://t.co/NwbTS69dZl
Healthcare Scene @HealthcareScene
RT @techguy: The best mitigation is realizing that you need to change. The second mitigation is properly training users. #HITsm https://t.co/BxodR6lIVx
Chuck Webster MD, MS AI, MS Systems Engineering @wareFLO
IMO #Interoperability is a manufactured crisis. Please read this insightful piece by @DrMikeKoriwchak 2 C Y https://t.co/WtiDOj4tIn #HITsm https://t.co/l9F5jqDBzN
Colin Hung @Colin_Hung
@techguy @TextraHealth Guess we know what to serve at the next #HITsm #hcldr #HITMC meetup :) https://t.co/Jac28ym5ok
Healthcare Scene @HealthcareScene
RT @MI_turnaround: Any swift change to day-to-day operations is going to cause some hiccups. To mitigate, planning & communication are critical. #HITsm
Mandi Bishop @MandiBPro
RT @GLHC_HIE: T1: T1: The Law of unintended/unforeseen consequences - A patchwork of proprietary, ultra-competitive, too often inefficient tech... #HITSM https://t.co/CBwUOvckex
Justin Campbell @tjustincampbell
@MandiBPro Agreed. Part of the problem seems to be that patients don't have line of site into issues. How do they advocate? #HITsm
Healthcare IT Today @hcittoday
RT @tjustincampbell: T1: T1: Unintended consequences from prescriptive, templated workflows; means to an end https://t.co/OGP91EaNlf #HITsm https://t.co/ns24stNyHZ
Visiting Nurse | Hospice Atlanta @VNHS
T1: Facilities adapted implementation technologies b/c they knew they had to. They didn't ask why and in turn came inefficiencies. #hitsm
Kevin J. Fowler Principal The Voice of the Patient @gratefull080504
T1: The goal then + now is one patient record rather than a series of patient walk ins #HITsm https://t.co/SEktF8mLY6
Colin Hung @Colin_Hung
RT @MandiBPro: Patients & clinicians victimized by beta-tested technology rolled out in aggressive schedule w/out careful workflow impact analysis. #HITsm https://t.co/yPtIPKgvG9
John Lynn @techguy
Indeed! #HITsm https://t.co/bdTt8626Pq
Justin Campbell @tjustincampbell
@GLHC_HIE So much technical debt in healthcare #DataSilos #LegacySystems #HITsm
Mandi Bishop @MandiBPro
JUST when I went back to #paleo, man... #HITsm #manimisssugar https://t.co/UK745ALkJK
Monica Stout, She/Her/Hers @MI_turnaround
I couldn't have said it better! #HITsm https://t.co/5hFnTLRHet
T1: SPOT. ON! Original intent was simply "checking the box" on regulatory requirements. Too little thought given to larger potential #HITSM https://t.co/qUOVZpK6U7
Chuck Webster MD, MS AI, MS Systems Engineering @wareFLO
Most current EHRs are essentially databases in which the user interface roughly mirrors databases models, instead of user workflows! #HITsm https://t.co/30KxG2bcOP
Justin Campbell @tjustincampbell
RT @wareFLO: IMO #Interoperability is a manufactured crisis. Please read this insightful piece by @DrMikeKoriwchak 2 C Y https://t.co/WtiDOj4tIn #HITsm https://t.co/l9F5jqDBzN
Mandi Bishop @MandiBPro
Bookmarking. #HITsm https://t.co/FBzZBg0Sap
Mandi Bishop @MandiBPro
RT @GLHC_HIE: T1: T1: SPOT. ON! Original intent was simply "checking the box" on regulatory requirements. Too little thought given to larger potential #HITSM https://t.co/qUOVZpK6U7
Mandi Bishop @MandiBPro
RT @wareFLO: Most current EHRs are essentially databases in which the user interface roughly mirrors databases models, instead of user workflows! #HITsm https://t.co/30KxG2bcOP
Kevin J. Fowler Principal The Voice of the Patient @gratefull080504
T1: The secret ingredient of humility was missing + doubt if it has been added now The #patientvoice equalizes the discussion #HITSM
John Lynn @techguy
It's a problem, but it's not a crisis for healthcare orgs. #HITsm https://t.co/Wa8grU8k1t
Justin Campbell @tjustincampbell
RT @wareFLO: Most current EHRs are essentially databases in which the user interface roughly mirrors databases models, instead of user workflows! #HITsm https://t.co/30KxG2bcOP
Colin Hung @Colin_Hung
@GLHC_HIE T1 It was a missed opportunity. The incentives did achieve the main goal of digitizing records - albeit poorly in some cases #HITsm
John Lynn @techguy
RT @Colin_Hung: @LeaChatham T1 In the rush to the trough we forgot that this stuff actually has to work - now we are paying the price with reworks & revamps #HITsm
burtrosen 🟦 @burtrosen
@HealthcareScene Burt here from marketing @HealthSparq in beeee-u-tiful Portland OR (not raining today). I'll be lurking today and I love Pecan Pie! #HITsm
Chuck Webster MD, MS AI, MS Systems Engineering @wareFLO
And conceptual debt! Which is even worse than technical debt, b/c it prevents one from recognizing that technical debt even exists! #HITsm https://t.co/IQ7G0aBc8G
Healthcare Scene @HealthcareScene
T2: What is it about current EMR technology that contributes directly to physician inefficiency? @tjustincampbell @JulieEChampagne #HITsm https://t.co/uuUkwO9uTV
EMR, EHR and HIT @ehrandhit
T2: What is it about current EMR technology that contributes directly to physician inefficiency? @tjustincampbell @JulieEChampagne #HITsm https://t.co/DxXPC1evY3
Chuck Webster MD, MS AI, MS Systems Engineering @wareFLO
RT @MandiBPro: Bookmarking. #HITsm https://t.co/FBzZBg0Sap
John Lynn @techguy
So well described. #HITsm https://t.co/alupoMUTpj
RT @wareFLO: IMO #Interoperability is a manufactured crisis. Please read this insightful piece by @DrMikeKoriwchak 2 C Y https://t.co/WtiDOj4tIn #HITsm https://t.co/l9F5jqDBzN
John Lynn @techguy
RT @gratefull080504: T1: T1: They were designed with the dollar in mind, not the physician, healthcare team, patient,or caregiver No surprises are there? #HITsm https://t.co/G7NQ2N0uKp
Mandi Bishop @MandiBPro
#Healthcare mandated to be proprietary, w/ info w/in 4 walls,til HIPAA/HITECH. Tech, process, & culture debt. #HITsm https://t.co/OopKikTs9N
Monica Stout, She/Her/Hers @MI_turnaround
@HealthcareScene @MedicaSoftLLC Agree, an impossible question! #nodessertleftbehind #HITsm
Healthcare Scene @HealthcareScene
RT @gratefull080504: T1: T1: The secret ingredient of humility was missing + doubt if it has been added now The #patientvoice equalizes the discussion #HITSM
Chuck Webster MD, MS AI, MS Systems Engineering @wareFLO
RT @techguy: It's a problem, but it's not a crisis for healthcare orgs. #HITsm https://t.co/Wa8grU8k1t
Justin Campbell @tjustincampbell
RT @techguy: So well described. #HITsm https://t.co/alupoMUTpj
Julie Champagne @JulieEChampagne
T2: Too many clicks, systems aren’t intuitive, more time is spent on the computer to document a single problem than w/ patient #hitsm https://t.co/HqLffr9H2M
EMR, EHR and HIT @ehrandhit
RT @GLHC_HIE: T1: T1: SPOT. ON! Original intent was simply "checking the box" on regulatory requirements. Too little thought given to larger potential #HITSM https://t.co/qUOVZpK6U7
Kevin J. Fowler Principal The Voice of the Patient @gratefull080504
T1: The original intent was to maximize revenue + the outcome was they angered the government of @JoeBiden greatly Not wise #HITsm https://t.co/NphwQvjoYp
Mandi Bishop @MandiBPro
My entire #EyesWideShut #MeaningfulUse series for @ehrandhit condensed into 140 characters. :) #HITsm https://t.co/0bkhTzcH7n
Justin Campbell @tjustincampbell
@jake_mcclure @MandiBPro Now to figure out how we unravel this knot of yarn #HITsm #EMROptimization
Monica Stout, She/Her/Hers @MI_turnaround
@HealthcareScene @tjustincampbell @JulieEChampagne T2: Here I go .... #HITsm https://t.co/BnlHbM5zpD
Healthcare IT Today @hcittoday
Do you see any path to overcoming all the technical debt in healthcare IT? #HITsm https://t.co/2ESdAKTl1o
Peter Gilbert @PeterNGilbert
A2: Current EHRs are simply a poorly implemented electronic representation of the "paper chart." Need to think beyond that. #HITsm
Justin Campbell @tjustincampbell
T2: # of clicks, alert & notification fatigue, insights not available at #PointOfCare #HITsm https://t.co/0bMrxCF4UY
John Lynn @techguy
@TextraHealth @Colin_Hung Cheesecake certainly helps with my emotional health. #hcldr #HITsm
Shereese Maynard, MS; MBA 😷 She/Her @ShereeseMayMba
RT @PeterNGilbert: A2: A2: Current EHRs are simply a poorly implemented electronic representation of the "paper chart." Need to think beyond that. #HITsm
T2: IMHO, EMR systems were designed NOT with Provider/HC Delivery needs & workflows in mind, but w/ DEVELOPER priorities in mind! #HITSM
Janae Sharp @CoherenceMed
RT @MandiBPro: #Healthcare mandated to be proprietary, w/ info w/in 4 walls,til HIPAA/HITECH. Tech, process, & culture debt. #HITsm https://t.co/OopKikTs9N
Monica Stout, She/Her/Hers @MI_turnaround
@HealthcareScene @tjustincampbell @JulieEChampagne T2: Some “current” technology is built on decades-old systems designed 4 billing purposes ... doesn’t work the way doctors work. #HITsm
Healthcare Scene @HealthcareScene
Who's goal was one patient record? #HITsm https://t.co/E00kOOq6jd
Healthcare Scene @HealthcareScene
RT @VNHS: T1: T1: Facilities adapted implementation technologies b/c they knew they had to. They didn't ask why and in turn came inefficiencies. #hitsm
Kevin J. Fowler Principal The Voice of the Patient @gratefull080504
T2: They have diminished the value of strong patient-physician communication Becomes a check the box #HITsm https://t.co/ah7iww9nHs
Monica Stout, She/Her/Hers @MI_turnaround
@HealthcareScene @tjustincampbell @JulieEChampagne T2: Imagine writing a novel in Excel. That’d be annoying and not at all efficient. Can it be done? Yes. Would you want to? No. #HITsm
Mandi Bishop @MandiBPro
Physicians are intended to be diagnosticians practicing artful science of medicine. NOT data-entry clerks. #HITsm https://t.co/iYHQPw2mxs
Justin Campbell @tjustincampbell
@GLHC_HIE Sort of like the eCW approach? #TooSoon? ;) #HITsm
Edward Bukstel @ebukstel
@wareFLO @DrMikeKoriwchak Sorry for Lurking on #HITsm. But I have to agree w/ Chuck here. Most data is not even aggregated on a platform. Ambulatory vs inpatient
Janae Sharp @CoherenceMed
RT @techguy: So well described. #HITsm https://t.co/alupoMUTpj
Chuck Webster MD, MS AI, MS Systems Engineering @wareFLO
What he said. #HITsm (Except I'd substitute "workflow-centered" for "user-centered". Wrote a post about why: https://t.co/XXCMHfk3Wd) https://t.co/Z0UeolClVx
John Lynn @techguy
Will be fun to look back at the #EyesWideShut series: https://t.co/NejzxBCp4K I bet not much has changed. #HITsm https://t.co/KWNoJIqHlG
Monica Stout, She/Her/Hers @MI_turnaround
@HealthcareScene @tjustincampbell @JulieEChampagne T2: HC landscape is kinda like The Matrix. Systems are staying in “blue pill denial” hoping that old tech will work like new tech. #HITsm
Edward Bukstel @ebukstel
RT @MandiBPro: Physicians are intended to be diagnosticians practicing artful science of medicine. NOT data-entry clerks. #HITsm https://t.co/iYHQPw2mxs
Justin Campbell @tjustincampbell
@PeraHealth It don't matter unless it's driven to the #PointOfCare #HITsm
Kevin J. Fowler Principal The Voice of the Patient @gratefull080504
T2: Technology should enable better patient-physician communication I do not think this has occurred #HITsm https://t.co/ah7iww9nHs
John Lynn @techguy
@tjustincampbell @GLHC_HIE ouch! #HITsm #NeverTooSoon
Colin Hung @Colin_Hung
T2 The focus on collecting data without clear reasons for doing so. Why did we force phys to enter so much stuff? #EHRs #HITsm
MeganJanas🔗 @megan_janas
RT @MandiBPro: Physicians are intended to be diagnosticians practicing artful science of medicine. NOT data-entry clerks. #HITsm https://t.co/iYHQPw2mxs
Edward Bukstel @ebukstel
@MI_turnaround @HealthcareScene @tjustincampbell @JulieEChampagne Great analogy Monica. I'm gonna use that later today. I will reference you. #HITsm
Justin Campbell @tjustincampbell
@MI_turnaround @HealthcareScene @JulieEChampagne Most HDOs don't have the financial means to change as well with high $$$ #ClinicalSystems #HITsm
Mandi Bishop @MandiBPro
RT @techguy: Will be fun to look back at the #EyesWideShut series: Will be fun to look back at the #EyesWideShut series: https://t.co/NejzxBCp4K I bet not much has changed. #HITsm https://t.co/KWNoJIqHlG
John Lynn @techguy
I still think the bigger problem are the regs and reimbursement. Sure, EHRs could do better, but they're hamstrung by these 2 things #HITsm https://t.co/9iWODdml7l
Mandi Bishop @MandiBPro
RT @techguy: I still think the bigger problem are the regs and reimbursement. Sure, EHRs could do better, but they're hamstrung by these 2 things #HITsm https://t.co/9iWODdml7l
John Lynn @techguy
Do EHRs cause them to be data entry clerks or something else? #HITsm https://t.co/32LOtpRxJX
Chuck Webster MD, MS AI, MS Systems Engineering @wareFLO
Historically medical informatics & HIT over emphasized data & under emphasized workflow. How many workflow-paloozas have there been? #HITsm https://t.co/HuJiiOEWEk
Dr. Maram Museitif @MaramDrPH
Just wanted to wish you all a happy weekend! Sorry can't join.😔 #HITsm
Justin Campbell @tjustincampbell
RT @techguy: I still think the bigger problem are the regs and reimbursement. Sure, EHRs could do better, but they're hamstrung by these 2 things #HITsm https://t.co/9iWODdml7l
Monica Stout, She/Her/Hers @MI_turnaround
@HealthcareScene @tjustincampbell @JulieEChampagne T2: Continuing w/ Matrix theme, new tech is out there trying to tell the “red pill truth” saying it doesn’t have to be this way. #HITsm
Softek Illuminate @go_illuminate
RT @techguy: The best mitigation is realizing that you need to change. The second mitigation is properly training users. #HITsm https://t.co/BxodR6lIVx
Colin Hung @Colin_Hung
@MI_turnaround @HealthcareScene @tjustincampbell @JulieEChampagne T2 That's a great analogy. Imagine writing a novel 1 field at a time...worse imagine if 1/2 of those fields were drop-downs #HITsm
Justin Campbell @tjustincampbell
RT @MI_turnaround: @HealthcareScene @tjustincampbell @JulieEChampagne T2: @HealthcareScene @tjustincampbell @JulieEChampagne T2: Imagine writing a novel in Excel. That’d be annoying and not at all efficient. Can it be done? Yes. Would you want to? No. #HITsm
BOOM! Drops the Mic! #HITSM https://t.co/4XJOsGGSp7
Mandi Bishop @MandiBPro
150+ quality measures for diabetes patients... #HITsm https://t.co/dZ9unJxe55
John Lynn @techguy
@GLHC_HIE True in some cases, but most developers were creating to regulation and reimbursement specs. #HITsm
Justin Campbell @tjustincampbell
@ebukstel @MI_turnaround @HealthcareScene @JulieEChampagne Spot on indeed. Well stated Monica! #HITsm
Janae Sharp @CoherenceMed
@techguy Ok I'm lurking today to learn....#hitsm
John Lynn @techguy
Have you seen any that are more than this? #HITsm https://t.co/GW6ddSG6g7
Kevin J. Fowler Principal The Voice of the Patient @gratefull080504
T2: How many patients, physicians, etc have been included in these discussions? I would love to hear from our #HITsm audience https://t.co/ah7iww9nHs
Chuck Webster MD, MS AI, MS Systems Engineering @wareFLO
Over emphasized data b/c in a world of limited resources & attention, increasing emphasis on one thing usually reduces it elsewhere #HITsm https://t.co/JDfrCwLN73
Monica Stout, She/Her/Hers @MI_turnaround
@HealthcareScene @tjustincampbell @JulieEChampagne T2: So, what do we accept? The "blue pill" EMR? Falsehood, security, and the blissful ignorance of illusion? #HITsm
Justin Campbell @tjustincampbell
RT @wareFLO: Historically medical informatics & HIT over emphasized data & under emphasized workflow. How many workflow-paloozas have there been? #HITsm https://t.co/HuJiiOEWEk
John Lynn @techguy
That means we chose a good topic. #HITsm https://t.co/0pmtlrD9fC
John Lynn @techguy
RT @JulieEChampagne: T2: T2: Too many clicks, systems aren’t intuitive, more time is spent on the computer to document a single problem than w/ patient #hitsm https://t.co/HqLffr9H2M
Edward Bukstel @ebukstel
Gotta agree 💯 with Kevin here. I think docs are pretty pissed 😡 too. But no one is giving back #HITECH $$$. #HITsm https://t.co/KgrdjlyAXr
Monica Stout, She/Her/Hers @MI_turnaround
@HealthcareScene @tjustincampbell @JulieEChampagne T2: Or the "red pill" EMR? Knowledge, freedom, and the sometimes painful truth of reality? #HITsm
Colin Hung @Colin_Hung
RT @ebukstel: Gotta agree 💯 with Kevin here. I think docs are pretty pissed 😡 too. But no one is giving back #HITECH $$$. #HITsm https://t.co/KgrdjlyAXr
Mandi Bishop @MandiBPro
#EHR is where data entry happens, but gov't mandates & insurer reimbursement programs require the clicks. #DesignThinking could help. #HITsm https://t.co/uB94KOs6ZY
Justin Campbell @tjustincampbell
RT @MandiBPro: 150+ quality measures for diabetes patients... #HITsm https://t.co/dZ9unJxe55
Kevin J. Fowler Principal The Voice of the Patient @gratefull080504
T2: How have vendors sold the value proposition of #emr technology to patient care? #HITsm https://t.co/ah7iww9nHs
Justin Campbell @tjustincampbell
RT @MandiBPro: #EHR is where data entry happens, but gov't mandates & insurer reimbursement programs require the clicks. #DesignThinking could help. #HITsm https://t.co/uB94KOs6ZY
MeganJanas🔗 @megan_janas
Apple should make a version of an EMR. It would be streamlined, efficient, beautifully designed and impeccably user friendly #HITsm https://t.co/A3O4NFCdhG
John Lynn @techguy
@Colin_Hung @MI_turnaround @HealthcareScene @tjustincampbell @JulieEChampagne I've seen novels written one tweet at a time :-) #HITsm
Monica Stout, She/Her/Hers @MI_turnaround
@HealthcareScene @tjustincampbell @JulieEChampagne T2: When will we decide to see "The Matrix" in HC, stop swallowing those blue pills, go for red, see big picture, and solve? #HITsm
Edward Bukstel @ebukstel
@MI_turnaround @HealthcareScene @tjustincampbell @JulieEChampagne Some days I really believe this is the Matrix. #HITsm
Colin Hung @Colin_Hung
@MandiBPro T2 Out-of-the-box thinking too. Why enter data w a keyboard at all? Voice tech wasn't great at the start. Diff story today #HITsm
Mandi Bishop @MandiBPro
RT @ebukstel: @wareFLO @DrMikeKoriwchak Sorry for Lurking on #HITsm. But I have to agree w/ Chuck here. Most data is not even aggregated on a platform. Ambulatory vs inpatient
Colin Hung @Colin_Hung
@techguy @MI_turnaround @HealthcareScene @tjustincampbell @JulieEChampagne No pick lists or drop downs though :) #HITsm
Chuck Webster MD, MS AI, MS Systems Engineering @wareFLO
A few early EHRs modeled workflows rather than paper charts in databases. Unfortunately MU basically put them out of business. #HITsm https://t.co/cHEOAYX8GA
EMR, EHR and HIT @ehrandhit
RT @MandiBPro: Physicians are intended to be diagnosticians practicing artful science of medicine. NOT data-entry clerks. #HITsm https://t.co/iYHQPw2mxs
Healthcare Scene @HealthcareScene
RT @techguy: Will be fun to look back at the #EyesWideShut series: Will be fun to look back at the #EyesWideShut series: https://t.co/NejzxBCp4K I bet not much has changed. #HITsm https://t.co/KWNoJIqHlG
Mandi Bishop @MandiBPro
RT @Colin_Hung: @MandiBPro T2 Out-of-the-box thinking too. Why enter data w a keyboard at all? Voice tech wasn't great at the start. Diff story today #HITsm
Healthcare Scene @HealthcareScene
T3: How do you get providers engaged in an optimization initiative if they are disenchanted w/ the product & suffering from burnout? #HITsm https://t.co/0lKM2CsLMF
EMR, EHR and HIT @ehrandhit
T3: How do you get providers engaged in an optimization initiative if they are disenchanted w/ the product & suffering from burnout? #HITsm https://t.co/ryTW9jOL2z
Mandi Bishop @MandiBPro
RT @wareFLO: A few early EHRs modeled workflows rather than paper charts in databases. Unfortunately MU basically put them out of business. #HITsm https://t.co/cHEOAYX8GA
Justin Campbell @tjustincampbell
@TextraHealth User interface design matters so much. It was seemingly an afterthought for most #EMRs #HITsm
John Lynn @techguy
@Colin_Hung @MI_turnaround @HealthcareScene @tjustincampbell @JulieEChampagne Fine point. #HITsm
Shereese Maynard, MS; MBA 😷 She/Her @ShereeseMayMba
@ebukstel @wareFLO @DrMikeKoriwchak Because so many organizations don't understand or have an executable strategy for data aggregation #hitsm
Mandi Bishop @MandiBPro
In my talk on patient centricity this week, I emphasized #NLProc & use of scribes to overcome data-entry. #HITsm https://t.co/6X75rmHO9g
Visiting Nurse | Hospice Atlanta @VNHS
T3: Showing proven, measurable improvement for them in how they do their jobs - how will they benefit? #hitsm
John Lynn @techguy
@MaramMPH Hopefully you can join us next time. Thanks for saying hi! #HITsm
M_Swanfeldt @M_Swanfeldt
RT @Colin_Hung: T2 The focus on collecting data without clear reasons for doing so. Why did we force phys to enter so much stuff? #EHRs #HITsm
Agree, but probably wouldn't play nice w/ others... Wait. I think that's called EPIC! (Did I just type that out loud?!?) #HITSM https://t.co/VVOfxlPY1q
Colin Hung @Colin_Hung
Whoa. I just had deja-vu. Must be a glitch in the Matrix @ebukstel #HITsm https://t.co/AKiW3J369M
Julie Champagne @JulieEChampagne
T3: Create programs that make the physician voice heard and recognized within your organization, retreats, forums w/ C-Suite, etc #HITsm https://t.co/NYUUBN1Ub2
Justin Campbell @tjustincampbell
T3: Form dyad relationships - @JBHealthIT. Partner physicians with IT. Hold physician retreat: https://t.co/zaHbh3rmBZ #HITsm https://t.co/EgCrh9cfdX
Chuck Webster MD, MS AI, MS Systems Engineering @wareFLO
Laborious, manual, non-automated workflows, plus opaque, inflexible automated workflows. True workflow tech can fix this. (Duh!) #HITsm https://t.co/A8ljk1U9Be
Kevin J. Fowler Principal The Voice of the Patient @gratefull080504
T3: 1st think about why they are disenchanted. Legitimate reasons. Include them + patients in the redesign of the value proposition #HITsm https://t.co/6HUYCNQIFV
Monica Stout, She/Her/Hers @MI_turnaround
@HealthcareScene T3: Great Q! WIIFM! How will your product help them? Will it improve accuracy? Patient safety? Time savings? Open up beds? #HITsm
John Lynn @techguy
I think one key is to find quick wins for the providers. Once they see the quick wins you can have better buy in for optimization #HITsm https://t.co/fWtfBy6Bno
Mandi Bishop @MandiBPro
Yes. If data aggregation/interop struggle for large IDNs, think of financial challenge for independent PCPs. #HITsm https://t.co/efIQ4cKrSA
MeganJanas🔗 @megan_janas
@tjustincampbell And it seems that there is no rush to provide upgraded versions either. Look at Apple iOS software- Users get new free upgrades too! #HITsm
Kevin J. Fowler Principal The Voice of the Patient @gratefull080504
T3: What is the value proposition of #emr technology to physicians, patients, outcomes, etc. #HITsm https://t.co/6HUYCNQIFV
Healthcare Scene @HealthcareScene
RT @MandiBPro: In my talk on patient centricity this week, I emphasized #NLProc & use of scribes to overcome data-entry. #HITsm https://t.co/6X75rmHO9g
Colin Hung @Colin_Hung
@MandiBPro T2 I really hoping scribes are a temp fix. Otherwise all we did was just rebranded dictation as something fancier. Gr8 point Mandi #HITsm
Chuck Webster MD, MS AI, MS Systems Engineering @wareFLO
Don't call it an #EHR. #HITsm https://t.co/6sLuq0KcIW
T3: I know some Docs who would JUMP at the chance if a tangible improvement were assured! (CC:@DocSmitty) #HITSM https://t.co/y6WMUP7eAT
Colin Hung @Colin_Hung
@wareFLO T3 That's an interesting thought Chuck. Just call it #workflow optimization or something else. Just avoid #EHR. Less pushback? #HITsm
Mandi Bishop @MandiBPro
YES! Always have to answer WIIFM question! #HITsm https://t.co/x1tzmedRI1
Monica Stout, She/Her/Hers @MI_turnaround
@Colin_Hung @techguy @HealthcareScene @tjustincampbell @JulieEChampagne Haha! Definitely not. #HITsm
Justin Campbell @tjustincampbell
T3: Governance; Prioitization of changes; #EMR Stability needed - @sgschade https://t.co/4XEB6znWFk #HITsm https://t.co/M8MVkpfLBQ
Joe Babaian 🇺🇦 @JoeBabaian
RT @TextraHealth: Apple should make a version of an EMR. It would be streamlined, efficient, beautifully designed and impeccably user friendly #HITsm https://t.co/A3O4NFCdhG
Monica Stout, She/Her/Hers @MI_turnaround
@ebukstel @HealthcareScene @tjustincampbell @JulieEChampagne We're living it. Truly. #HITsm
John Lynn @techguy
@MandiBPro Are those just bandaids on a major flesh wound? #HITsm
Healthcare Scene @HealthcareScene
RT @tjustincampbell: T3: T3: Governance; Prioitization of changes; #EMR Stability needed - @sgschade https://t.co/4XEB6znWFk #HITsm https://t.co/M8MVkpfLBQ
Sorry... CC: @TheDocSmitty #HITSM https://t.co/VvLrKKz4Fe
Healthcare Scene @HealthcareScene
RT @Colin_Hung: @wareFLO T3 That's an interesting thought Chuck. Just call it #workflow optimization or something else. Just avoid #EHR. Less pushback? #HITsm
Lisa Davis Budzinski @lisadbudzinski
@gratefull080504 Once again, something about the patients made without patient input #HITsm
Colin Hung @Colin_Hung
@LeaChatham T3 Exactly! Positive Deviance! Look for people who have succeeded & figure out why when so many did not. #HITsm
Mandi Bishop @MandiBPro
Should be our next #SMA debate at @HIMSS: scribes empowering new models, or solving old problems? #HITsm @techguy https://t.co/dKCufvkZH9
John Lynn @techguy
Interesting idea. #HITsm https://t.co/v5NJ7Wp5zf
Colin Hung @Colin_Hung
T-shirt time! @LeaChatham #HITsm https://t.co/PIMYJuVHDk
@techguy @MandiBPro #HITSM https://t.co/JFcSmEThW3
Chuck Webster MD, MS AI, MS Systems Engineering @wareFLO
Early on docs enthusiastically adopted & loved their EHRs. Unfortunately "EHR" (& some extant "Health IT") has been "tainted" #HITsm https://t.co/tp9tqFKinh
Justin Campbell @tjustincampbell
RT @Colin_Hung: @wareFLO T3 That's an interesting thought Chuck. Just call it #workflow optimization or something else. Just avoid #EHR. Less pushback? #HITsm
Monica Stout, She/Her/Hers @MI_turnaround
@Colin_Hung @LeaChatham I think there have been a whole lot of new wheels invented in HIT. #HITsm
Mandi Bishop @MandiBPro
WINNING #HITsm with the 1st Monty Python meme of the day! https://t.co/XigI400KbU
John Lynn @techguy
@MandiBPro @HIMSS It's still funny for me to think that you and Colin could have a debate. #TooNice #HITsm
Justin Campbell @tjustincampbell
RT @wareFLO: Early on docs enthusiastically adopted & loved their EHRs. Unfortunately "EHR" (& some extant "Health IT") has been "tainted" #HITsm https://t.co/tp9tqFKinh
Edward Bukstel @ebukstel
@ShereesePubHlth @wareFLO @DrMikeKoriwchak Agree. I don't think 💭 orgs even care about helping organize data outside of their own doors. It's not in their $$$ interest. #HITsm
Lisa Davis Budzinski @lisadbudzinski
@Colin_Hung @MandiBPro That would be wonderful, not having to speak to the Dr's back while he's busy typing on the laptop or iPad #HITsm #patientperspective
Colin Hung @Colin_Hung
@techguy T3 Reminded of this at #HIThinkTank - sm rural hosp with no IT managed to implement #EHR & achieve interop. Size can't be only reason #HITsm
Healthcare Scene @HealthcareScene
@MI_turnaround @Colin_Hung @LeaChatham What are some of the "new wheels" that you've seen invented in HIT? #HITsm
COMPLETELY agree! Accurate and integrated Speech Recognition technology is a MUST #HITSM https://t.co/HqdYGIPC7N
Justin Campbell @tjustincampbell
RT @ebukstel: @ShereesePubHlth @wareFLO @DrMikeKoriwchak Agree. I don't think 💭 orgs even care about helping organize data outside of their own doors. It's not in their $$$ interest. #HITsm
Healthcare Scene @HealthcareScene
It's amazing how the term EHR has evolved and emotions related to it. #HITsm https://t.co/N5QR6MElKy
RT @MandiBPro: WINNING #HITsm with the 1st Monty Python meme of the day! https://t.co/XigI400KbU
Sally Herschorn, MD @SHerschorn
RT @TextraHealth: Apple should make a version of an EMR. It would be streamlined, efficient, beautifully designed and impeccably user friendly #HITsm https://t.co/A3O4NFCdhG
Healthcare Scene @HealthcareScene
T4:How can clinical workflows be adjusted to improve doc-patient interactions by removing tech as an obstacle to F2F interaction? #HITsm https://t.co/J1eWEbuU3j
Mandi Bishop @MandiBPro
Sadly, must bail early again on #HITsm. #EHR vendors: capitalize on changes in (de)regulatory environment to differentiate on #workflow.
EMR, EHR and HIT @ehrandhit
T4:How can clinical workflows be adjusted to improve doc-patient interactions by removing tech as an obstacle to F2F interaction? #HITsm https://t.co/TfmR0jYVu7
Healthcare Scene @HealthcareScene
RT @ebukstel: @ShereesePubHlth @wareFLO @DrMikeKoriwchak Agree. I don't think 💭 orgs even care about helping organize data outside of their own doors. It's not in their $$$ interest. #HITsm
Chuck Webster MD, MS AI, MS Systems Engineering @wareFLO
😀 #HITsm https://t.co/nl0BJH7NYw
Brian Eastwood @Brian_Eastwood
@techguy @MandiBPro @HIMSS Believe it would be called a "Canadian debate," with all parties beginning every remark with "Sorry." @colin_Hung #HITsm
Shereese Maynard, MS; MBA 😷 She/Her @ShereeseMayMba
RT @HealthcareScene: T4:How can clinical workflows be adjusted to improve doc-patient interactions by removing tech as an obstacle to F2F interaction? #HITsm https://t.co/J1eWEbuU3j
John Lynn @techguy
Until your speech recognition technology gets hit with ransomware/virus/malware. #HITsm https://t.co/SKyLpbH5mM
Monica Stout, She/Her/Hers @MI_turnaround
@HealthcareScene @Colin_Hung @LeaChatham I think I said that wrong. Should've said - reinvented a whole lot of the same wheels. #HITsm
Julie Champagne @JulieEChampagne
T4: make #workflow more intuitive to the physician NOT machine: pop-up blocker options, single sign on, speech recognition software #hitsm https://t.co/i7QGsGEaYx
Justin Campbell @tjustincampbell
T4: Multiple prompts and clicks in #EMR could be due to lack of awareness of capabilities/more efficient way https://t.co/0gacs6EE8H #HITsm
MeganJanas🔗 @megan_janas
T3: Ask! The providers that want to contribute will. Burnout with no solution = more burnout. Chance to fix? Motivation to act! #HITsm
Colin Hung @Colin_Hung
@lisadbudzinski @MandiBPro More need to do what @jimmie_vanagon has done - turn the monitors around & show pt what's going into #EHR. Project it even #HITsm
Chuck Webster MD, MS AI, MS Systems Engineering @wareFLO
They can't. Most current EHR workflow is relatively "frozen". Need new layer of "process-aware" workflow tech to improve interaction #HITsm https://t.co/CG0ZZM0WFL
𝓝𝓪𝓽𝓻𝓲𝓬𝓮𝓡 😷🇨🇦❤️ 🥀 @NatriceR
RT @Colin_Hung: @lisadbudzinski @MandiBPro More need to do what @jimmie_vanagon has done - turn the monitors around & show pt what's going into #EHR. Project it even #HITsm
Monica Stout, She/Her/Hers @MI_turnaround
@HealthcareScene T4: When the technology matches the clinical workflow, more F2F time with patients will happen. #HITsm
John Lynn @techguy
@MI_turnaround @GLHC_HIE @MandiBPro @DJK_HC I'm glad that so many people got the reference. #HITsm
Justin Campbell @tjustincampbell
T4: Improve user-interface & navigation, consolidate chart; bubble up important items - @JBHealthIT #UI & #UE Matters #HITsm https://t.co/ms9vWBCPBJ
Lisa Davis Budzinski @lisadbudzinski
@Colin_Hung @MandiBPro @jimmie_vanagon Including the patient will win every time ✨ #HITsm
John L Criswell @johnlcriswell
RT @MandiBPro: Sadly, must bail early again on #HITsm. #EHR vendors: Sadly, must bail early again on #HITsm. #EHR vendors: capitalize on changes in (de)regulatory environment to differentiate on #workflow.
John Lynn @techguy
Many of them are frozen by design. #HITsm https://t.co/81mfDRoPkq
RIGHT ON! CC: @sgschade #HITSM https://t.co/Qjvi62gkez
John Lynn @techguy
RT @tjustincampbell: T4: T4: Multiple prompts and clicks in #EMR could be due to lack of awareness of capabilities/more efficient way https://t.co/0gacs6EE8H #HITsm
Colin Hung @Colin_Hung
@Brian_Eastwood @techguy @MandiBPro @HIMSS LOL. #HIMSS debate with Mandi is becoming a tradition. Getting better at finding points we actually *slightly* disagree on :) #HITsm
John Lynn @techguy
RT @JulieEChampagne: T4: make #workflow more intuitive to the physician NOT machine: T4: make #workflow more intuitive to the physician NOT machine: pop-up blocker options, single sign on, speech recognition software #hitsm https://t.co/i7QGsGEaYx
Nicholas DiNubile MD @drnickUSA
Imagine if Lebron-WHILE PLAYING-had to keep his own stats & document every move? What would he accomplish? -->docs current #EHR mess #HITsm https://t.co/zLJy78h54K
Monica Stout, She/Her/Hers @MI_turnaround
@techguy @GLHC_HIE @MandiBPro @DJK_HC Further reinforcement of "the tribe!" My people! #HITMC #HITsm
Shereese Maynard, MS; MBA 😷 She/Her @ShereeseMayMba
T4 This is a hasty generalization, I just https://t.co/8ieMah6yVj isn't the antithesis of improved F2F interactions. #Hitsm
Chuck Webster MD, MS AI, MS Systems Engineering @wareFLO
Which, BTW, is happening. Have searched every HIMSS conf exhibitor website last 7 years 4 WF related content/tech. Currently surging! #HITsm https://t.co/4iSyw00WN3
John Lynn @techguy
Often it's a simple as the doctor choosing to step away from the computer. #HITsm https://t.co/7xi0ub9bYq
@techguy EXACTLY! #HITSM
Nicholas DiNubile MD @drnickUSA
#HITsm https://t.co/Azz2iu1ij6
John Lynn @techguy
@drnickUSA That's funny you say that. I play a lot of ultimate frisbee and often say "I can't play and keep score." #HITsm
Justin Campbell @tjustincampbell
@wareFLO Some #EHR have extensibility. Able to tease system to achieve - for instance, @MEDITECH rule engine: https://t.co/KU6sYlondc #HITSM https://t.co/V7YQm2mcyl
HIMSS Southern California Chapter @himsssocal
Follow today's event & activities #HITsm #healthIT #SoCalPE17 https://t.co/fUUE79mG14
Chuck Webster MD, MS AI, MS Systems Engineering @wareFLO
Hmm. Think you & I may be using "design" in difference senses. I mean users literally cannot design their own workflows. Period. #HITsm https://t.co/xvaoCEeN4Z
Shereese Maynard, MS; MBA 😷 She/Her @ShereeseMayMba
T4 HealthIt, in truest form is designed 2 enhance & strengthen the Dr/Pt relationship.What's needed is reform, not competing ideals #Hitsm
Nicholas DiNubile MD @drnickUSA
#HITsm https://t.co/h1oI3UeIBk
Nicholas DiNubile MD @drnickUSA
We talk about personalized/precision medicine yet accept #EHR that spit out templated white noise unreadable notes describing no one #HITsm
My security officer just had a STROKE! LOL! #HITSM https://t.co/qoTTBGnILi
Colin Hung @Colin_Hung
T4 Visits like biz meetings? Start with computers off. Use only when you need to look something up. Doesn't solve for time crunch tho #HITsm
Shereese Maynard, MS; MBA 😷 She/Her @ShereeseMayMba
@ebukstel @wareFLO @DrMikeKoriwchak Because they can't make that connection between data aggregation & how not having a strategy affects their practice #HITSM
Colin Hung @Colin_Hung
@GLHC_HIE LOL. It works for @jimmie_vanagon And his patients appreciate it. No talking to his back. #HITsm
John Lynn @techguy
@wareFLO Agreed. And I think a number of EHR vendors designed their software with that idea in mind. #ForceTheWorkflow #HITsm
Healthcare Scene @HealthcareScene
RT @tjustincampbell: @wareFLO Some #EHR have extensibility. Able to tease system to achieve - for instance, @MEDITECH rule engine: https://t.co/KU6sYlondc #HITSM https://t.co/V7YQm2mcyl
Justin Campbell @tjustincampbell
RT @drnickUSA: #HITsm https://t.co/h1oI3UeIBk
Marian Moore @MarianMme16513
RT @TextraHealth: Apple should make a version of an EMR. It would be streamlined, efficient, beautifully designed and impeccably user friendly #HITsm https://t.co/A3O4NFCdhG
Healthcare Scene @HealthcareScene
RT @techguy: Often it's a simple as the doctor choosing to step away from the computer. #HITsm https://t.co/7xi0ub9bYq
Chuck Webster MD, MS AI, MS Systems Engineering @wareFLO
Admittedly, customizing current HIT workflow "affects" workflow. However, customizing workflow on WF platform "effects" workflow. #HITsm https://t.co/8gdOpPB13i
@techguy Spoil Sport! #HITSM https://t.co/BXZoo6OWQv
Popone @sportsdadmatt
A2: Convenient for patient and reduces unnecessary/multiple visits. #HITSm
Shereese Maynard, MS; MBA 😷 She/Her @ShereeseMayMba
Well put, Doc #HITSM https://t.co/ZEawPLQBXc
Justin Campbell @tjustincampbell
@wareFLO Ahhh dreaded unintended consequences from side effects #HITsm
Colin Hung @Colin_Hung
@OlgrenCMIO @MandiBPro Sure there are inaccuracies, but what if you could listen to last encounter like an athlete watches game tape? Need time of course #HITsm
Edward Bukstel @ebukstel
@ShereesePubHlth @wareFLO @DrMikeKoriwchak It should be self evident that all that @labcorp and @Walgreens data would be important. But I guess I'm just not that smart 🤓 #HITsm
John Lynn @techguy
Ouch! This is so true! #HITsm Medical billing is the opposite of high quality personalized medicine. https://t.co/jpfn9fedSk
Monica Stout, She/Her/Hers @MI_turnaround
@Colin_Hung @ebukstel That dang Matrix messing us all up. I want to read this now, it won't work! #HITsm
RT @wareFLO: Admittedly, customizing current HIT workflow "affects" workflow. However, customizing workflow on WF platform "effects" workflow. #HITsm https://t.co/8gdOpPB13i
Nicholas DiNubile MD @drnickUSA
Big #EHR Co's LOVE MU MACRA MIPS. Cements their lousy unnecessarily complex dysfunctional systems in perpetuity-->potential unmet #HITsm https://t.co/24UIqLaEuy
Colin Hung @Colin_Hung
@OlgrenCMIO @MandiBPro True this week isn't a shining moment for people relying on NLP #HITsm
Justin Campbell @tjustincampbell
@techguy @wareFLO It was all about speed to implementation. Means to an end. Capture the data #HITsm
MeganJanas🔗 @megan_janas
@drnickUSA Agreed. The distractions detract from doing your job! Don't want my doc proficient in EHR optimization. Doctors focused on care #HITsm
John Lynn @techguy
@GLHC_HIE #toosoon? #HITsm
Sophie @misssophiebot
RT @gratefull080504: T3: T3: What is the value proposition of #emr technology to physicians, patients, outcomes, etc. #HITsm https://t.co/6HUYCNQIFV
Sophie @misssophiebot
RT @gratefull080504: T2: T2: How have vendors sold the value proposition of #emr technology to patient care? #HITsm https://t.co/ah7iww9nHs
Shereese Maynard, MS; MBA 😷 She/Her @ShereeseMayMba
RT @drnickUSA: Big #EHR Co's LOVE MU MACRA MIPS. Cements their lousy unnecessarily complex dysfunctional systems in perpetuity-->potential unmet #HITsm https://t.co/24UIqLaEuy
Chuck Webster MD, MS AI, MS Systems Engineering @wareFLO
"affect": influence, positively or negatively "effect": bring about something through intentional design HIT WF needs more latter! #HITsm https://t.co/toUk6E2JNE
Healthcare Scene @HealthcareScene
T5: What are the most common barriers to EHR optimization and how are they overcome? @tjustincampbell @JulieEChampagne #HITsm https://t.co/EBUgdF8all
EMR, EHR and HIT @ehrandhit
T5: What are the most common barriers to EHR optimization and how are they overcome? @tjustincampbell @JulieEChampagne #HITsm https://t.co/7fzmBzyVB6
Justin Campbell @tjustincampbell
RT @drnickUSA: Big #EHR Co's LOVE MU MACRA MIPS. Cements their lousy unnecessarily complex dysfunctional systems in perpetuity-->potential unmet #HITsm https://t.co/24UIqLaEuy
Nicholas DiNubile MD @drnickUSA
Simplify & streamline #EHR putting needs of patients & docs FIRST Get Govt rules/regs/mandates OUT #HITsm https://t.co/AHgShUG61J
Shereese Maynard, MS; MBA 😷 She/Her @ShereeseMayMba
@tjustincampbell @wareFLO #hitsm https://t.co/TaTkOKffW1
burtrosen 🟦 @burtrosen
@techguy not sure what you mean, 6 bills for one procedure and a bunch of EOBs that say "THIS IS NOT A BILL" aren't helpful or people focused? #HITsm
Sean Erreger, LCSW @StuckonSW
@GLHC_HIE @techguy @MandiBPro When you just want to meet with people and do good clinical work but EHR documentation be like #HITsm ... https://t.co/e3QW70uRz5
Chuck Webster MD, MS AI, MS Systems Engineering @wareFLO
My mom was a #grammar teacher. 😂 #HITsm https://t.co/oJgGBatbjq
Sean Erreger, LCSW @StuckonSW
RT @GLHC_HIE: @techguy @MandiBPro #HITSM https://t.co/JFcSmEThW3
Nicholas DiNubile MD @drnickUSA
Patients SHOULD have portable accurate up-to-date evolving HealthInfo-Not gonna happen w/ current #EHR design & Gov't mandates #HITsm https://t.co/KPMrQTtjrB
Sean Erreger, LCSW @StuckonSW
RT @techguy: @MandiBPro Are those just bandaids on a major flesh wound? #HITsm
Sean Erreger, LCSW @StuckonSW
RT @MandiBPro: In my talk on patient centricity this week, I emphasized #NLProc & use of scribes to overcome data-entry. #HITsm https://t.co/6X75rmHO9g
Popone @sportsdadmatt
A2: Many doc offices are still paper based & inefficient. EMR is a solution to becoming MORE efficient with their time. #HITsm
Justin Campbell @tjustincampbell
T5: Competing projects; ever changing system (#EMRUpgrades); change of systems; budget; complexity -@sgschade #HITsm https://t.co/zkHZYCPVVa
Julie Champagne @JulieEChampagne
T5: Pinpointing what needs to be optimized - rationalize your application portfolio then prioritize prioritize prioritize #hitsm https://t.co/bMLmNjG5lm
Justin Campbell @tjustincampbell
RT @drnickUSA: Simplify & streamline #EHR putting needs of patients & docs FIRST Get Govt rules/regs/mandates OUT #HITsm https://t.co/AHgShUG61J
Colin Hung @Colin_Hung
T5 Common barrier = #EHR fatigue. Hard to get up off the mat & go another round to try & fix problems...yet we need to #HITsm https://t.co/9fCxlUaQc0
YES! #HITSM https://t.co/OdPfgjHm6u
Monica Stout, She/Her/Hers @MI_turnaround
@HealthcareScene @tjustincampbell @JulieEChampagne T5: $$$, data concerns, lack of clinical buy-in, training, loss in productivity, perhaps previous implementation heartburn. #HITsm
John Lynn @techguy
I can't tell you how many times I've thrown my arms in the air and given up. It was easier to just pay than to be miserable. #HITsm https://t.co/9ydlFIVk0Q
Chuck Webster MD, MS AI, MS Systems Engineering @wareFLO
#MeaningfulUse was an absolute disaster for EHR workflow. Probably delayed adoption of true HC workflow technology by a decade. #HITsm https://t.co/2VS4G9hn9F
Monica Stout, She/Her/Hers @MI_turnaround
@HealthcareScene @tjustincampbell @JulieEChampagne T5: How to overcome? More meeting in the middle. More communication. #HITsm
John Lynn @techguy
Apathy and burnout. Healthcare IT has a big reputation problem. #HITsm https://t.co/K4D69lPof0
Chuck Webster MD, MS AI, MS Systems Engineering @wareFLO
RT @drnickUSA: Big #EHR Co's LOVE MU MACRA MIPS. Cements their lousy unnecessarily complex dysfunctional systems in perpetuity-->potential unmet #HITsm https://t.co/24UIqLaEuy
burtrosen 🟦 @burtrosen
@techguy thats a #healthcare strategy, push until the patient decides its not worth the fight #HITsm #Whiteflag
Justin Campbell @tjustincampbell
@Colin_Hung Great point. Providers have already been 10 rnds and are working well into evenings #Burnout #HITsm
Monica Stout, She/Her/Hers @MI_turnaround
@HealthcareScene @tjustincampbell @JulieEChampagne T5: Work with clinicians before EHR optimization starts. Deliver (or exceed) expectations that are clearly communicated to clients. #HITsm
John Lynn @techguy
@cert_e_support Many of them do. I think it only solves part of the challenge. #HITsm
Sean Erreger, LCSW @StuckonSW
RT @Colin_Hung: T5 Common barrier = #EHR fatigue. Hard to get up off the mat & go another round to try & fix problems...yet we need to #HITsm https://t.co/9fCxlUaQc0
Justin Campbell @tjustincampbell
RT @wareFLO: #MeaningfulUse was an absolute disaster for EHR workflow. Probably delayed adoption of true HC workflow technology by a decade. #HITsm https://t.co/2VS4G9hn9F
Nicholas DiNubile MD @drnickUSA
@PeraHealth Agree, potential HUGE-- but currently bad clearly outweighs the good (in the trenches that is). Just today--> https://t.co/qju8f37l9v #HITsm
David J Harrell @loudg73
RT @drnickUSA: #HITsm https://t.co/Azz2iu1ij6
Justin Campbell @tjustincampbell
RT @MI_turnaround: @HealthcareScene @tjustincampbell @JulieEChampagne T5: @HealthcareScene @tjustincampbell @JulieEChampagne T5: Work with clinicians before EHR optimization starts. Deliver (or exceed) expectations that are clearly communicated to clients. #HITsm
@drnickUSA Agreed! But when I ask doc if they would go back to paper records and faxed referrals? #HITSM https://t.co/EOExFOA57j
Healthcare Scene @HealthcareScene
Understatement of the day. #HITsm https://t.co/y8spwBdjqq
Healthcare Scene @HealthcareScene
RT @drnickUSA: Big #EHR Co's LOVE MU MACRA MIPS. Cements their lousy unnecessarily complex dysfunctional systems in perpetuity-->potential unmet #HITsm https://t.co/24UIqLaEuy
Justin Campbell @tjustincampbell
RT @drnickUSA: @PeraHealth Agree, potential HUGE-- but currently bad clearly outweighs the good (in the trenches that is). Just today--> https://t.co/qju8f37l9v #HITsm
Justin Campbell @tjustincampbell
RT @GLHC_HIE: @drnickUSA Agreed! But when I ask doc if they would go back to paper records and faxed referrals? #HITSM https://t.co/EOExFOA57j
John Lynn @techguy
It's an effective model when you have an audience who doesn't have another choice. #HITsm Will it catch up to them eventually? https://t.co/RxilV7mt0j
T5: Human Nature! #HITSM https://t.co/5os3XdhtFF
John Lynn @techguy
RT @JulieEChampagne: T5: T5: Pinpointing what needs to be optimized - rationalize your application portfolio then prioritize prioritize prioritize #hitsm https://t.co/bMLmNjG5lm
Healthcare Scene @HealthcareScene
RT @MI_turnaround: @HealthcareScene @tjustincampbell @JulieEChampagne T5: @HealthcareScene @tjustincampbell @JulieEChampagne T5: Work with clinicians before EHR optimization starts. Deliver (or exceed) expectations that are clearly communicated to clients. #HITsm
EMR, EHR and HIT @ehrandhit
RT @MI_turnaround: @HealthcareScene @tjustincampbell @JulieEChampagne T5: @HealthcareScene @tjustincampbell @JulieEChampagne T5: How to overcome? More meeting in the middle. More communication. #HITsm
Healthcare Scene @HealthcareScene
That has been an interesting transition. #HITsm https://t.co/LV0Tj0UNjc
Shereese Maynard, MS; MBA 😷 She/Her @ShereeseMayMba
@EMRAnswers I have mad respect 4 you, Linda but I'm going 2 have 2 disagree just a bit. IMHO, customization w/o #PatX consideration got us here #hitsm
Colin Hung @Colin_Hung
@OlgrenCMIO @MandiBPro Agree. Time is the limiting factor. Simply not enough hours w pts AND to document afterwards #HITsm
Healthcare Scene @HealthcareScene
RT @EMRAnswers: T2:
Chuck Webster MD, MS AI, MS Systems Engineering @wareFLO
My #HIMSS11 #HatCam #HITsm https://t.co/3qhpRYABkr
Popone @sportsdadmatt
T5: computer skills feeling they are already doing a good job not easy enough priorities #HITsm
Healthcare Scene @HealthcareScene
RT @techguy: Apathy and burnout. Healthcare IT has a big reputation problem. #HITsm https://t.co/K4D69lPof0
Healthcare IT Today @hcittoday
RT @MI_turnaround: @HealthcareScene @tjustincampbell @JulieEChampagne T5: @HealthcareScene @tjustincampbell @JulieEChampagne T5: $$$, data concerns, lack of clinical buy-in, training, loss in productivity, perhaps previous implementation heartburn. #HITsm
Shereese Maynard, MS; MBA 😷 She/Her @ShereeseMayMba
@burtrosen @techguy Abso-freaking-lutely #hitsm https://t.co/YACtIDZhSM
EMR, EHR and HIT @ehrandhit
RT @JulieEChampagne: T5: T5: Pinpointing what needs to be optimized - rationalize your application portfolio then prioritize prioritize prioritize #hitsm https://t.co/bMLmNjG5lm
Colin Hung @Colin_Hung
@GLHC_HIE @drnickUSA You HAD to say the F word on #HITsm shame on you Brian. Fax. Ugh. Wash that mouth. #HITsm
MeganJanas🔗 @megan_janas
@GLHC_HIE Topic of @wef this week: Fear of change and our response to it. Why? Change isn't necessary bad- esp if it solves problems (key) #HITsm
Healthcare Scene @HealthcareScene
RT @tjustincampbell: T5: T5: Competing projects; ever changing system (#EMRUpgrades); change of systems; budget; complexity -@sgschade #HITsm https://t.co/zkHZYCPVVa
burtrosen 🟦 @burtrosen
@techguy no one likes the #healthcare system (not the Drs and RNs) for that reason there is no "win" for the patient, even if you get better #HITsm
Healthcare Scene @HealthcareScene
I agree if it's implemented well, but many are poorly implemented. #HITsm https://t.co/qTcppsyWbm
Justin Campbell @tjustincampbell
Biggest obstacle: Not demonstrating ROI or showing improved outcomes #HITsm
Chuck Webster MD, MS AI, MS Systems Engineering @wareFLO
Another great #HITsm today! BTW Join next week's 7/7 charming & smart #HITsm host @stefanbuttigieg on #Firetalk 7/6! https://t.co/RJiFkXd3o6
Sean Erreger, LCSW @StuckonSW
RT @JulieEChampagne: T5: T5: Pinpointing what needs to be optimized - rationalize your application portfolio then prioritize prioritize prioritize #hitsm https://t.co/bMLmNjG5lm
Healthcare Scene @HealthcareScene
Bonus: What amount (if any) of ROI should HDOs expect from EHR optimization and is it worth the effort? @JulieEChampagne #HITsm https://t.co/7xF3DnZnZx
EMR, EHR and HIT @ehrandhit
Bonus: What amount (if any) of ROI should HDOs expect from EHR optimization and is it worth the effort? @JulieEChampagne #HITsm https://t.co/ioUkpR8VXV
Health IT Answers @healthitanswers
RT @techguy: Apathy and burnout. Healthcare IT has a big reputation problem. #HITsm https://t.co/K4D69lPof0
Chuck Webster MD, MS AI, MS Systems Engineering @wareFLO
RT @HealthcareScene: Bonus: Bonus: What amount (if any) of ROI should HDOs expect from EHR optimization and is it worth the effort? @JulieEChampagne #HITsm https://t.co/7xF3DnZnZx
@drnickUSA Don't get me wrong... I TOTALLY agree with you! Just pointing out its not ALL bad. Progress is iterative (and expensive) #HITSM
Justin Campbell @tjustincampbell
Bonus: Application Porfolio Rationalization & Legacy System Archive can reduce TCO https://t.co/jnhzWCimdH #HITsm https://t.co/Ydo6NWA7mQ
Shereese Maynard, MS; MBA 😷 She/Her @ShereeseMayMba
RT @tjustincampbell: Bonus: Bonus: Application Porfolio Rationalization & Legacy System Archive can reduce TCO https://t.co/jnhzWCimdH #HITsm https://t.co/Ydo6NWA7mQ
EMR, EHR and HIT @ehrandhit
RT @techguy: Apathy and burnout. Healthcare IT has a big reputation problem. #HITsm https://t.co/K4D69lPof0
Shereese Maynard, MS; MBA 😷 She/Her @ShereeseMayMba
@GLHC_HIE @drnickUSA I still have hope. #HITSM
John Lynn @techguy
RT @tjustincampbell: Bonus: Bonus: Application Porfolio Rationalization & Legacy System Archive can reduce TCO https://t.co/jnhzWCimdH #HITsm https://t.co/Ydo6NWA7mQ
EMR, EHR and HIT @ehrandhit
RT @MandiBPro: My entire #EyesWideShut #MeaningfulUse series for @ehrandhit condensed into 140 characters. :) #HITsm https://t.co/0bkhTzcH7n
Regency West @RegencyWestIns
RT @MandiBPro: Physicians are intended to be diagnosticians practicing artful science of medicine. NOT data-entry clerks. #HITsm https://t.co/iYHQPw2mxs
Healthcare Scene @HealthcareScene
RT @tjustincampbell: Bonus: Bonus: Application Porfolio Rationalization & Legacy System Archive can reduce TCO https://t.co/jnhzWCimdH #HITsm https://t.co/Ydo6NWA7mQ
Justin Campbell @tjustincampbell
Bonus: Inventory Applications; Consolidate; eliminate data silos -@sgschade #HITSM https://t.co/DB1ZX3LQgV
Healthcare IT Today @hcittoday
RT @techguy: Apathy and burnout. Healthcare IT has a big reputation problem. #HITsm https://t.co/K4D69lPof0
Chuck Webster MD, MS AI, MS Systems Engineering @wareFLO
Even though improvements can only be marginal, given current EHR tech, it's still worth the effort to "affect" workflow positively! 😂 #HITsm https://t.co/0zPEgVNPAB
Elin Silveous @ElinSilveous
Everyday has been #SocialMediaDay, for 25 years. #ToYourHealth #ForBetterHealth #HCSM #HCLDR #HITsm
Monica Stout, She/Her/Hers @MI_turnaround
@ShereesePubHlth @burtrosen @techguy So freakin' true! Reminds me of my doc office continually sending claim to wrong insurance co over and over again. *facepalm* #HITsm
HIMSS Southern California Chapter @himsssocal
RT @himsssocal: A Journey Into #PopulationHealth #HITsm https://t.co/WDIVsOmBUJ https://t.co/czVZTpPDAf
burtrosen 🟦 @burtrosen
@techguy and i mean that people like the Drs and the RNs, not the system itself. they are what make it as human as it is #HITsm
Justin Campbell @tjustincampbell
More important than #ROI is perhaps improved usability and better clinician engagement; improved use of system - @JBHealthIT #hitsm https://t.co/A2LJV1A73j
EMR, EHR and HIT @ehrandhit
RT @wareFLO: Even though improvements can only be marginal, given current EHR tech, it's still worth the effort to "affect" workflow positively! 😂 #HITsm https://t.co/0zPEgVNPAB
Julie Champagne @JulieEChampagne
Bonus: greater efficiency & more accurate services #hitsm https://t.co/h9JtKyKpya
Julie Champagne @JulieEChampagne
RT @tjustincampbell: More important than #ROI is perhaps improved usability and better clinician engagement; improved use of system - @JBHealthIT #hitsm https://t.co/A2LJV1A73j
Elin Silveous @ElinSilveous
No #HIT100 or #HIT99 this year?! Happy #SocialMediaDay #HITsm. Have a safe, fun Independence Day everyone.
HIMSS Southern California Chapter @himsssocal
RT @MandiBPro: Physicians are intended to be diagnosticians practicing artful science of medicine. NOT data-entry clerks. #HITsm https://t.co/iYHQPw2mxs
Healthcare Scene @HealthcareScene
Let's give a massive thank you to our hosts @tjustincampbell & @JulieEChampagne from @GalenHealthcare and all who tweeted! #HITsm https://t.co/F5U2NtP5PD
Monica Stout, She/Her/Hers @MI_turnaround
@LeaChatham @ShereesePubHlth @burtrosen @techguy It took at least 10 multi-party phone calls to get it resolved. Just what a mom with a crying baby wants to do - sit on hold! #HITsm
EMR, EHR and HIT @ehrandhit
Join us for next week's #HITsm chat on International EHR Adoption: Challenges and Solutions, hosted by @stefanbuttigieg
Healthcare Scene @HealthcareScene
Join us for next week's #HITsm chat on International EHR Adoption: Challenges and Solutions, hosted by @stefanbuttigieg
EMR, EHR and HIT @ehrandhit
Let's give a massive thank you to our hosts @tjustincampbell & @JulieEChampagne from @GalenHealthcare and all who tweeted! #HITsm https://t.co/pB7GKls2un
Justin Campbell @tjustincampbell
RT @JulieEChampagne: Bonus: Bonus: greater efficiency & more accurate services #hitsm https://t.co/h9JtKyKpya
Colin Hung @Colin_Hung
Have a fantastic weekend everyone! Happy Canada Day! #HITsm
Shereese Maynard, MS; MBA 😷 She/Her @ShereeseMayMba
@MI_turnaround @burtrosen @techguy #hitsm https://t.co/hlKi91Xmx9
Julie Champagne @JulieEChampagne
Bonus: greater efficiency & more accurate services #hitsm https://t.co/m9bQHAzN2W https://t.co/tgj97x5Z4k
Shereese Maynard, MS; MBA 😷 She/Her @ShereeseMayMba
@Colin_Hung #hitsm https://t.co/g9vTsF7Prk
Monica Stout, She/Her/Hers @MI_turnaround
@HealthcareScene @tjustincampbell @JulieEChampagne @GalenHealthcare Thanks, folks! Have a great holiday ... on Tuesday! #HITsm
HealthIT Policy @HITpol
RT @wareFLO: Even though improvements can only be marginal, given current EHR tech, it's still worth the effort to "affect" workflow positively! 😂 #HITsm https://t.co/0zPEgVNPAB
Justin Campbell @tjustincampbell
Thanks for having us @techguy & #hitsm community. Happy #SocialMediaDay & #4thofJuly. Keep improving #HealthIT day by day
Brian Eastwood @Brian_Eastwood
@HealthcareScene @tjustincampbell @JulieEChampagne @GalenHealthcare Bummed that I missed this one! But it's what I get for trying to duck out early for the long weekend ... #hitsm
Chuck Webster MD, MS AI, MS Systems Engineering @wareFLO
RT @HealthcareScene: Join us for next week's #HITsm chat on International EHR Adoption: Join us for next week's #HITsm chat on International EHR Adoption: Challenges and Solutions, hosted by @stefanbuttigieg
Monica Stout, She/Her/Hers @MI_turnaround
@ShereesePubHlth @burtrosen @techguy Truth. It made me feel nuttier than peanut butter. So frustrating. #HITsm
Defeated Media @defeatedmedla
RT @drnickUSA: Patients SHOULD have portable accurate up-to-date evolving HealthInfo-Not gonna happen w/ current #EHR design & Gov't mandates #HITsm https://t.co/KPMrQTtjrB
Sean Erreger, LCSW @StuckonSW
Boom! EHR should facilitate a "live document" that is meaningful to all during the encounter & beyond. #HITsm https://t.co/O4cmIjUCwW
Shereese Maynard, MS; MBA 😷 She/Her @ShereeseMayMba
Enjoy the weekend everyone #HITsm https://t.co/Kuh5WhNvnJ
burtrosen 🟦 @burtrosen
@MI_turnaround @ShereesePubHlth @techguy theres a joke set up in there. #HITsm
Have a Great Weekend and Holiday Everyone! #HITSM https://t.co/lCnsTfR7No
Justin Campbell @tjustincampbell
@Brian_Eastwood @HealthcareScene @JulieEChampagne @GalenHealthcare Have a safe and enjoyable holiday! #HITsm
Sean Erreger, LCSW @StuckonSW
RT @GLHC_HIE: YES! #HITSM https://t.co/OdPfgjHm6u
Julie Champagne @JulieEChampagne
Thanks everyone for making my first time hosting a tweetchat so awesome! & thanks for having us @techguy Have a great 4th #hitsm !
This one's for @Colin_Hung. Happy Canada Day! #HITSM https://t.co/QZq6PbFH2o
John Lynn @techguy
Thanks for hosting this week's #HITsm chat! https://t.co/1SVFdwOdsV
John Lynn @techguy
@JulieEChampagne It was great having you host! We'll be sure to have you back again in the future. #HITsm
Colin Hung @Colin_Hung
@GLHC_HIE Thanks Brian! Have a wonderful weekend...and sorry eh? #HITsm
Brian Eastwood @Brian_Eastwood
@tjustincampbell @HealthcareScene @JulieEChampagne @GalenHealthcare You as well! Thanks to the city of Somerville, I already got my fix of fireworks. #hitsm
Healthcare Scene @HealthcareScene
In case you missed today's #HITsm chat (like @Brian_Eastwood) you can find the full transcript here: https://t.co/aqvfNbiDTa
Healthcare Scene @HealthcareScene
@sportsdadmatt It's amazing how many doors an EHR can open that aren't possible on paper. #HITsm
John Lynn @techguy
RT @HealthcareScene: In case you missed today's #HITsm chat (like @Brian_Eastwood) you can find the full transcript here: In case you missed today's #HITsm chat (like @Brian_Eastwood) you can find the full transcript here: https://t.co/aqvfNbiDTa
Shereese Maynard, MS; MBA 😷 She/Her @ShereeseMayMba
@CoherenceMed @burtrosen @techguy @MI_turnaround @melissaxxmccool @eliztbarrett @Brian_Eastwood omg, those look amazing #Hitsm
Christopher Libby @ChrisLibbyMD
RT @drnickUSA: #HITsm https://t.co/h1oI3UeIBk
Janae Sharp @CoherenceMed
@ShereesePubHlth @burtrosen @techguy @MI_turnaround @melissaxxmccool @eliztbarrett @Brian_Eastwood They are super tasty from @BigODonutCo #hitsm
Thanks @tjustincampbell & @JulieEChampagne for hosting. Great job as always @Techguy! #ROCKSTARS! #HITSM https://t.co/ptqQhqbdT7
Monica Stout, She/Her/Hers @MI_turnaround
@CoherenceMed @ShereesePubHlth @burtrosen @techguy @melissaxxmccool @eliztbarrett @Brian_Eastwood @BigODonutCo I forgot to eat lunch and I want one so badly. Where's the transporter? #HITsm
Manish Sharma @msharmas
RT @HealthcareScene: In case you missed today's #HITsm chat (like @Brian_Eastwood) you can find the full transcript here: In case you missed today's #HITsm chat (like @Brian_Eastwood) you can find the full transcript here: https://t.co/aqvfNbiDTa
Digital Health Today @dhealthtoday
RT @TextraHealth: It's an amazing time to be in #Healthcare! This is so contagious! #Hcldr #pinksocks #HITsm #digital #innovation #mhealth #tech #GSD https://t.co/CDprMMsl1L
Chuck Webster MD, MS AI, MS Systems Engineering @wareFLO
@techguy @GLHC_HIE Agree. b4 MU developers developed what users wanted so as to sell SW. After MU developed what gov wanted to obtain MU subsidies #HITsm
Chuck Webster MD, MS AI, MS Systems Engineering @wareFLO
RT @MI_turnaround: @HealthcareScene T4: @HealthcareScene T4: When the technology matches the clinical workflow, more F2F time with patients will happen. #HITsm
#HITsm content from Twitter.