#HITsm Transcript

Healthcare social media transcript of the #HITsm hashtag.
See #HITsm Influencers/Analytics.

Healthcare Scene @HealthcareScene
Let's take 5 min to introduce ourselves. Who are you? What do you do? Where are you from? What's the best conference you've ever been to and why? #HITsm cc: @shimcode
Healthcare Scene @HealthcareScene
Welcome to this week's #HITsm chat hosted by @shimcode on the topic of “How to Evolve Healthcare Conferences in the 21st Century”. Details: https://t.co/3cQVNUgWSL https://t.co/kuEzOsGqqD
Chuck Webster MD, MS AI, MS Systems Engineering @wareFLO
Chuck! Workflow! 3D printing! Virtual reality! @HealthITdog! @MrRIMP! Here 4 #HITSM chat re health conferences! My new post: Augmenting 21st Century Health Conferences w/Social Virtual Reality https://t.co/JfZHqo4YPF Wouldn't this pic be cool is we could actually do it! #SocialVR https://t.co/TIDdMyiFuO
RT @HealthcareScene: Let's take 5 min to introduce ourselves. Who are you? What do you do? Where are you from? What's the best conferen…
John Lynn @techguy
RT @HealthcareScene: Welcome to this week's #HITsm chat hosted by @shimcode on the topic of “How to Evolve Healthcare Conferences in the 21…
Chuck Webster MD, MS AI, MS Systems Engineering @wareFLO
It's a tie: #HIMSS18 & #HITMC! #HITSM https://t.co/D9JTvAxuQP
Jared Jeffery @Jk_Jeffery
Jared, the KLAS Content Manager, staying frosty in Orem UT today (Because who DOESN'T want 4" of snowfall in mid-April?) Best conference in recent memory was certainly #HITmc (It's almost as if they planned this!!) #HITsm https://t.co/Kc0dakx7bL
KNB Communications @KNBComm
Hi! Beth from KNB, based in Stamford, CT. I do marketing, and my first love is social media marketing. Best conference was last #HITMC. #HITsm https://t.co/9ZGafyvtbm
Michelle Currie @mshlcurrie
#hitsm Michelle here. Value-Based Care, Quality IMprovment and HIT strategist from San Francisco. Looking forward to another inspiring chat here today with everyone. Happy Friday!
Hi all, burt in Marketing from @HealthSparq in the great #PNW here. best conference? #HITmc of course #shamelessplugforjohnandcolin #HITsm
The Usability People @UsabilityPeople
Great day to see the Cherry Blossoms here in DC #hitsm
RT @HealthcareScene: Welcome to this week's #HITsm chat hosted by @shimcode on the topic of “How to Evolve Healthcare Conferences in the 21…
BryteBox @BryteBox
Hi everyone! @BryteBox here! We offer tailored marketing, communications and business development strategies for companies in #tech and #healthcare. Also we organize all aspects of conferences for the @HCExecGroup #HITsm https://t.co/tpYIRrYiGw
BryteBox @BryteBox
RT @HealthcareScene: Welcome to this week's #HITsm chat hosted by @shimcode on the topic of “How to Evolve Healthcare Conferences in the 21…
Chuck Webster MD, MS AI, MS Systems Engineering @wareFLO
I might not be like how I seem on Twitter! Mu-ha-ha-ha! #HITSM https://t.co/MaHZhshYxA
KNB Communications @KNBComm
@burtrosen @HealthSparq Of course! :) #HITsm
MasterControl @MCMasterControl
RT @HealthcareScene: Welcome to this week's #HITsm chat hosted by @shimcode on the topic of “How to Evolve Healthcare Conferences in the 21…
KNB Communications @KNBComm
@UsabilityPeople Sounds amazing! #HITsm
Bob Brown @ReasObBob
@wareFLO @burtrosen @MI_turnaround @stacygoebel @GraceCordovano @BFMack @judithconsult @anthonynotleon @CoherenceMed @ShereesePubHlth @GetSocialHealth Interacting with a person via SM like Twitter causes you to focus solely on the construct and content of their communications. That gives one a selective -- but deep -- view into another person. If you like what's on the inside, the outside shouldn't matter.
HealthSparq @HealthSparq
Really looking forward to today's discussion! Join in if you can #WTFix'ers [REDACTED USER] @bbhomebody @power4patients @EMRAnswers @teaminspire @GraceCordovano @wareFLO - I think y'all might have some great insights! #HITsm https://t.co/BcI62OKDW5
Hi #HITsm community! Monica here. I'm the Marketing Director at MedicaSoft. I live in Michigan, but spent a lot of time in DC. Best conference every year is #HITMC! Great community, tons of learning, amazing resources, and some pretty great conf organizers, IMO.
MasterControl @MCMasterControl
Hi everyone! Happy to be back and talking about one of our favorite parts of networking in the health care community, the conferences! #hitsm
Barby Ingle Official @BarbyIngle
Im @BarbyIngle#CheerleaderofHOPE I am an author on pain topics & motivation, reality personality & an amazing wife. I am from participating from AZ today. Best conference I've ever been to was @healthevoices 2017... and head there again in 2 weeks as an advisory member #HITsm https://t.co/fAKYomTTYL
Shereese Maynard, MS; MBA @ShereeseMayMba
Hi all. I'm Shereese here in Maryland. I'm not a provider; I make providers better. #HITsm https://t.co/QIfryclaHQ
Healthcare Scene @HealthcareScene
T1: What can conference organizers do to provide tangible value to conference registrants – and those considering registering for the conference – BEFORE the event starts? @shimcode #HITsm
Matt Fisher @Matt_R_Fisher
Hello #HITsm. Will chime in while I work. Matt, healthcare lawyer from MA. Best conference is @abahealthlaw Emerging Issues conference. Good sized, friendly crowd where have made many friendships.
Barby Ingle Official @BarbyIngle
Im @BarbyIngle #CheerleaderofHOPE I am an author on pain topics & motivation, reality personality & an amazing wife. I am from participating from AZ today. Best conference I've ever been to was @healthevoices 2017... and head there again in 2 weeks as an advisory member #HITsm https://t.co/fAKYomTTYL
Brian Mack @BFMack
Hey there #HITSM peeps! I'm Brian, known occasionally as "Hal" (especially to @ShimCode) I create care connected communities with #MarCom for @GLHC_HIE in seasonally undecided Grand Rapids, MI! https://t.co/vIII1B0LkE
@Jk_Jeffery Jared has KLAS! It was nice meeting you last week IRL, BTW. Happy Friday to you! #HITsm
Bob Brown @ReasObBob
Bob Brown, Mosaica Partners. Hello all. #HITsm
HealthSparq @HealthSparq
@annerskg behind the handle for HealthSparq today from #PDX, obsessed w/ making #healthcare easier for people & sharing #patientstories to drive change. I'll always be biased towards #WTFix (I know, #shamelessplug) #hitsm
Shereese Maynard, MS; MBA @ShereeseMayMba
My favorite conference w/o a doubt is #hitmc because of the people and the learning #HITSM https://t.co/rMC0xmJn31
BryteBox @BryteBox
A1: Most tangible value is relevant information. Consistent and clear information that communicates the value of the conference and provides attendees a sense of what to expect #HITsm https://t.co/21MMhYPPcS
KNB Communications @KNBComm
A1 - Conference organizers can provide a list of who is attending. Emails certainly help as well! #HITsm https://t.co/NnRNt85O7w
Ken Taylor @KenRayTaylor
T1: Educational literature and info graphics along with mapping of the facility and surrounding. #HITsm https://t.co/JrUASKmXsC
@ShimCode We're not biased in any way. Nope. #HITsm #HITMC https://t.co/r5X5qUADwP
RT @HealthcareScene: T1: What can conference organizers do to provide tangible value to conference registrants – and those considering regi…
Brian Mack @BFMack
@ShereesePubHlth HEY! It's the REAL thing! Nice to see your smiling face Shereese! #HITSM
The Usability People @UsabilityPeople
T1 Conferences are best for Social Networking - not online. Anything that they can do to help "birds of a feather" to meet in person #hitsm
Matt Fisher @Matt_R_Fisher
@ShimCode Agree that conference should be continuation of constant content and value. IMO, don't like one and done approaches. #HITsm
David Harlow @healthblawg
Hi #HITsm folks. David Harlow here, digital (and analog!) health care lawyer and consultant twittering in from Boston, MA, home of the bean and the cod. I'm partial to unconferences.
Joe Babaian 🇺🇦 @JoeBabaian
@HealthcareScene @ShimCode T1 Have meaningful and authentic pathways for patient participation and travel. That's how you provide value. #HITsm
Justin Campbell @tjustincampbell
Justin Campbell, VP of Strategy, @GalenHealthcare, Editor & author of #HealthIT #CIO Interview Series, @HealthITmHealth, Boston-based, toss-up between #HAS17, @ChilmarkHIT Convergence, and #HITMC community-driven, thought-leadership events without noise and vaporware #HITsm
BryteBox @BryteBox
A2: Also, we create comprehensive digital agendas that are easy to read and digest, and allow attendees to plan their conference strategy meticulously #HITsm https://t.co/21MMhYPPcS
Justin Campbell @tjustincampbell
T1: Be transparent with regard to attendee list, presenters and content. Make sure there is a focus or theme to a conference. Make clear what differentiates this conferences from others. What are the top 3 things attendees can expect to gain from the event? #HITsm
Barby Ingle Official @BarbyIngle
T1: I love when conference organizers put agenda & speakers out so I can research topics & develop ?s prior but I also love when I get local details & can study the logistical map & where I will be going throughout day so I can preplan - I only have so many energy pennies #HITsm https://t.co/yM5WL1yTS0
T1: the conference should be a piece of an ongoing conversation, never just a one time event #HITsm
Alan Brewington @abrewi3010
T1 provide scholarships & financial aid to patients. Have a smart hashtag & live stream the conference for FREE! Knowledge is a human right. #HITsm
Bob Brown @ReasObBob
@KNBComm A1. There are reason$ why only the sponsors of conferences get the attendee email lists. That's what they're paying for by sponsoring the conference #HITsm
T1: Establish the conference hashtag in advance! If it's changing from previous years, let people know! Other than that, having regular tweetchats leading up the event is great and can unveil topics of interest. Sharing speaker Twitter/LinkedIn profiles also helpful. #HITsm
Joe Babaian 🇺🇦 @JoeBabaian
T1 Have meaningful and authentic pathways for patient participation and travel. That's how you provide value. #HITsm
Justin Campbell @tjustincampbell
@BarbyIngle Agree wholeheartedly. Part of the responsibility of making a conference a great experience lies with the attendee to do their research and preparation. #HITsm
BryteBox @BryteBox
T1: Our digital agendas provide for direct connection between attendees, speakers and influencers (speaker/attendee bios hyperlinked to social media accounts) #HITsm
Matt Fisher @Matt_R_Fisher
T1: Have a good understanding of the target audience. Not every conference is for everyone. That being said, if make content known, can get let unexpected attendees assess potential value. #HITsm
@burtrosen Yes! One reason I love tweetchats. We keep the community of learning alive! #HITsm
The Usability People @UsabilityPeople
T1 Provide Basic, Intermediate, Advanced program listings, so you don't go into something over your head - or under your feet #hitsm
Michelle Currie @mshlcurrie
#HITsm T1: Perhaps presenters/vendors/etc. could share opportunities to get involved with outside of the conference? To keep the momentum going?
Chuck Webster MD, MS AI, MS Systems Engineering @wareFLO
Generic stuff, sure will be covered. My own ideas: custom search engine (all/only exhibitor websites), submit mini-user requirements so can see customized (workflow!) demos, if makerspace 4 prototyping w/attendees, submit 3DP files before hand so can deliver at conference #HITSM https://t.co/2bJ1Q4SaUI
Brian Mack @BFMack
T1: I'm a big fan of knowing who is presenting, sponsoring, AND who else is already REGISTERED to attend, in advance. It makes planning a whole lot easier, and even creates a sense of FOMO that can drive attendance growth. #HITSM https://t.co/LfcwM04gOn
KNB Communications @KNBComm
@bbhomebody Perfect timing. :) #HITsm
MasterControl @MCMasterControl
A1- Prizes are always a great incentive! Whether it's door prizes to get them there, swag to shower them with, or even offering a prize to a lucky winner that registers by a certain date. #hitsm
Shereese Maynard, MS; MBA @ShereeseMayMba
T1 Oganizers could provide recent experience of speakers. Not a fan of attending sessions only to find I'm more informed than the speaker. #HITSM https://t.co/psOKtYrwe0
Alan Brewington @abrewi3010
A1 Put real Patients on panels. Have patients lead panels. Put patients in leadership positions on organizing committees. #HITsm
BryteBox @BryteBox
RT @BarbyIngle: T1: I love when conference organizers put agenda & speakers out so I can research topics & develop ?s prior but I also love…
KNB Communications @KNBComm
@MI_turnaround Great tips. #HITsm
Matt Fisher @Matt_R_Fisher
T1: Saw point of showing how conference is distinct from others, also show how this year's conference is distinct from prior years. #HITsm
David Harlow @healthblawg
T1 I agree with the gestalt here - any conference is best positioned as part of a broader conversation, and the organizer should create pathways to & fora for the conversation before, during & after the IRL event (without worrying too much about monetizing everything) #HITsm
Gus Bekdash @Gus_Bekdash
A layperson's guide to some of the key #tech like #AI, #Analytics. It should include rough categories for each so people know how compare and assess. There is widespread fundamental misunderstanding about what these technologies are, & what they can & cannot do. #HITSM https://t.co/fJ0PNjVAEd
HealthSparq @HealthSparq
T1. Respond to feedback & incorporate it on an ongoing basis. Deliver an amazing experience, but always strive to be better & seek for where you're missing the mark. Be candid, be honest, be open to creating something with your attendees, not just what you think they want. #hitsm
Matt Fisher @Matt_R_Fisher
For example, I stopped attending a conference b/c after a few years, I could almost recite half of the sessions. Same topics and speakers year after year. #HITsm
Justin Campbell @tjustincampbell
@mshlcurrie A large value of the conference from a vendors perspective are pre-arranged meetings outside of conference program schedule. Provides a time to re-engage with clients and deep-dive into problem-solving and brainstorming. Also to understand challenges #HCOs face #HITsm
Chuck Webster MD, MS AI, MS Systems Engineering @wareFLO
Thank you Lisa! Hope we get to do it again at #HIMSS19! You performed a valuable service! Looking forward to hearing more about your #HIMSSVR adventures (hope you submit a proposal to #HIMSS19!) #HITsm https://t.co/CBWig9RhCH
Stacy Goebel @stacygoebel
Nuts! I'm late! Stacy here from Chicago area. Social Marketing Director at @StudioNorthUSA #hitsm https://t.co/vPo0F2Z8oz
T1: Offer early bird registration, and ensure everyone knows what’s included with it. Make sure the agenda is posted early, and offer networking opportunities. @HealthcareScene @ShimCode #HITsm
Ashley Dauwer @amariedauwer
Hi everyone! Jumping in late and likely just going to be lurking today #HITsm https://t.co/uOCyUBd8Cz
Arianna Blue @ariannacblue
Many marketers seem uncomfortable with analytics. Do u agree? #hcmktg #mcsmn #hitsm #hitmc
Bob Brown @ReasObBob
@healthblawg A1 And the organizers are interested in putting butts in seats and selling access to vendors. We have lots of quantity, but little focused quality. There are reason$. #HITsm
MasterControl @MCMasterControl
A1- An interactive guide that gets attendees familiar with talks that will be given, keynote speakers, a look at technology that will be featured. Get them excited to attend! #hitsm
Shereese Maynard, MS; MBA @ShereeseMayMba
@Matt_R_Fisher So true #hitsm https://t.co/wYq9zWcNkj
The Usability People @UsabilityPeople
Chuck - we need to chat about makers and Health IT. I’m gonna be interviewed for a tech TV show next week and want to give your work a plug #HITsm https://t.co/5xUQbkaZtU
Alan Brewington @abrewi3010
A1 this is worth repeating. FREE live streaming & smart hashtags. Increase access means fuller conversations. Example - #Medx #HITsm
Stacy Goebel @stacygoebel
@ShimCode You know what's interesting - you submit your prospectus months before the conference. For me, my topic evolves over time. Wish I could edit and give more info closer to the event. #HITsm
Chuck Webster MD, MS AI, MS Systems Engineering @wareFLO
RE custom search engine for all and only exhibitor websites. I've done this every year since #HIMSS12 so I can search for workflow content (#BPM, #orchestration, #LowCode, #LessCode #NoCode, etc) I now do for most conferences I'm interested in (also searching VR, 3DP...) #HITSM https://t.co/eHGkxIYkqi
@ShimCode @JoeBabaian @burtrosen @HealthcareScene Is this like the #HITsm version of Mambo #5? https://t.co/8JSd1ZcWwx
T1: its also important to pay attention to feedback and to address the feedback in future iterations. quick example, we served crappy pastries at #WTFix last year and got called out, this year, all healthy #HITsm
MasterControl @MCMasterControl
@ShimCode I like that idea! Or a customer panel that can share their feedback on a new product or service #hitsm
Justin Campbell @tjustincampbell
@Matt_R_Fisher This. Stale content is not well-received and wastes time. Before launching an event, it's imperative for conference organizer to ensure that it is not redundant and truly differentiated in its approach. Creativity with bringing tech to bear for collaboration is critical #HITsm
The Usability People @UsabilityPeople
Make sure that speakers get free registration - and maybe more. #hitsm
Healthcare Scene @HealthcareScene
T2: What are some of the most interesting and useful ways you’ve seen conference speakers and panelists share information to, or interact with, conference attendees? @shimcode #HITsm https://t.co/k6cS0yGzhl
Matt Fisher @Matt_R_Fisher
@tjustincampbell To that point, one thing that gets me is having to submit proposals so far in advance. If conference does "hot" topics, hard to predict 7-9 months in advance. #hitsm
Brian Mack @BFMack
T1: Giving credit where it's due, gotta give @HIMSS some props. They've got some serious pre-conference promotion game! GREAT tangible content that builds the anticipation ahead of the main event. Plus, those #SoMe Ambassadors are pretty cool too! #HITSM https://t.co/x5jJCxSbyq
@stacygoebel @StudioNorthUSA Run, Stacy, run! Happy Friday, lady. I love you because we're like peas and carrots. #HITsm https://t.co/dvzS0GBhUU
Justin Campbell @tjustincampbell
T2: Self-described data geek, I always appreciate when presenters share insights grounded in data and research. A "teach-me-how-to-fish" session is always appreciated. Take for instance @AlgorexHealth approach to being a resource: https://t.co/rLaTG5TP1T #HITsm
Chuck Webster MD, MS AI, MS Systems Engineering @wareFLO
Super! Have a link to the tech TV show website? BTW, re today's #HITSM topic, I loved #HIMSSTV. It was live T/W/Th mornings during #HIMSS18 (Watched the whole thing after I got home, relevant to #HITSM topic T5) https://t.co/wKb02TUc4E
BryteBox @BryteBox
T2: Any way that you can push out information, without requiring much effort on attendees is key #HITsm. Let's make it easier! https://t.co/yUNPkUgYtn
David Harlow @healthblawg
@ReasObBob Well, yes, there you have it. I know it's a business. But taking long view, delivering value over long term, can make a conf stand out on the year's calendar. I could go fr HC conference to conference like I was following the Grateful Dead, but I'd never get any work done. #HITsm
Stacy Goebel @stacygoebel
@MI_turnaround @StudioNorthUSA Bless your heart!
Bob Brown @ReasObBob
@wareFLO Especially the big guys like HIMSS. It would be an added value to their sponsors. For obvious business reasons, the knowledge base would only be up for 6-8 months. #HITsm
Matthew Loxton is also on Mastodon @mloxton
Lurking on #hitsm bc data data everywhere
Matt Fisher @Matt_R_Fisher
T2: This is a hard question. Really depends on type of presentation. Ultimately, a common theme I like is make it practical. How can I apply topic to what I'm doing. #HITsm
Brian Mack @BFMack
THIS! #HITSM https://t.co/4MyK9nyrns
Justin Campbell @tjustincampbell
RT @wareFLO: Super! Have a link to the tech TV show website? BTW, re today's #HITSM topic, I loved #HIMSSTV. It was live T/W/Th mornings du…
Jared Jeffery @Jk_Jeffery
T2: Not for nothing, but twitter is a great one. For example I love when @RasuShrestha speaks, and also follows up his address with some of the slides and collateral shared online! #HITsm https://t.co/Pfn8KBvqQI
@Matt_R_Fisher @tjustincampbell This is so true. I understand why it's necessary to have deadlines, but it is really hard to predict that far in advance. #HITsm
Ashley Dauwer @amariedauwer
@BFMack This is very true - spoken from a #HITMC #FOMO professional #HITsm
The Usability People @UsabilityPeople
@wareFLO https://t.co/TUTOB4auh5 #hitsm
Michelle Currie @mshlcurrie
#HITsm thanks @BFMack I've been on #HIMSS Annual Education Selection committee for 6 years now and have to say, everyone involved is dedicated! If anyone is interesetd in learning more, let me know! https://t.co/ufQd1pUuWs
RT @HealthcareScene: T2: What are some of the most interesting and useful ways you’ve seen conference speakers and panelists share informat…
Barby Ingle Official @BarbyIngle
T2: I love when there are bingo cards or other contests to help pay attention through the sessions & w exhibitors. I also love when the panelist is interactive & when there is a take-a-way that is helpful. #HITsm https://t.co/5itHSXscwh
T1: last year at #WTFix we had an author read a story from her book. it was pretty impactful #HITsm
Barby Ingle Official @BarbyIngle
T2. cont... I have noticed a few years ago I hadn't learned much new materials, so I started looking for other conference to attend, dont want same same same each year on topics or presenters. #HITsm
Matt Fisher @Matt_R_Fisher
@MI_turnaround @tjustincampbell This is an extreme example, but I submitted for MGMA Annual, which is happening in the October last November. #HITsm
Ken Taylor @KenRayTaylor
T2: We once had a TMJ specialist speak for us and afterwards took patients to a breakout room to test if individuals had any issues with the TMJD. People really felt like they got a free appointment and was worth there time to attend. #HITsm https://t.co/nbm2lXCXdc
BryteBox @BryteBox
For the @HCEGExecGroup’s Annual Forum, we preloaded tablets for each participant with our digital program, and attendee and speaker roster #HITsm https://t.co/ZXDjUjBQ1l
Alan Brewington @abrewi3010
T2 Epatient ignite talks will bring tears, ideation, laughter, and power to any conference. Epatients are we’re healthcare bc a reality vs an academic idea #HITsm
David Harlow @healthblawg
T2 Don't make me download an app or sign up for a conf-specific site to get access. #HITsm
Stacy Goebel @stacygoebel
I'm a big fan of (the speaker) live tweeting during the session. I saw @drnic1 do that once and loved it, so I did it the next year. Of course, you need a partner to send the tweets out for you. Or schedule them ahead of time. With graphics! #HITsm https://t.co/PJAb7ryPW0
Jared Jeffery @Jk_Jeffery
@MI_turnaround Hahaha! I really need to talk to the rest of our team about getting that Pun on some swag. And you as well!! Awesome to put real faces to the awesome tweets! #HITsm
T2: Hook 'em with humor. @stacygoebel and @burtrosen are experts at this. #HITsm
T2: also, present what you are speaking about. for example i presented about #SoMe in #healthcare with @mkatewarnock and we ran a live tweet chat during the preso to illustrate #HITsm
International Pain Foundation® @iPainOfficial
RT @BarbyIngle: T1: I love when conference organizers put agenda & speakers out so I can research topics & develop ?s prior but I also love…
International Pain Foundation® @iPainOfficial
RT @BarbyIngle: T2: I love when there are bingo cards or other contests to help pay attention through the sessions & w exhibitors. I also l…
International Pain Foundation® @iPainOfficial
RT @KenRayTaylor: T1: Educational literature and info graphics along with mapping of the facility and surrounding. #HITsm https://t.co/JrUA…
International Pain Foundation® @iPainOfficial
RT @KenRayTaylor: T2: We once had a TMJ specialist speak for us and afterwards took patients to a breakout room to test if individuals had…
BryteBox @BryteBox
T2 We also used the tablets to poll attendees, share conference updates, and push out messages as needed. Communication is the key! #HITsm
Ken Taylor @KenRayTaylor
RT @BarbyIngle: T1: I love when conference organizers put agenda & speakers out so I can research topics & develop ?s prior but I also love…
Ken Taylor @KenRayTaylor
RT @BarbyIngle: T2. cont... I have noticed a few years ago I hadn't learned much new materials, so I started looking for other conference t…
@stacygoebel @ShimCode but do you really finish your presentation months in advance? I "evolve" my topic as i get closer to presenting. we are in marketing! i can spin any topic into any session!
Matt Fisher @Matt_R_Fisher
@ShimCode That is made much easier when you're comfortable with the content. As @burtrosen suggested, speak to what you know. #HITsm
Brian Mack @BFMack
T2: Not rocket science, IMO. The best efforts I have experienced are those who make an effort to INTENTIONALLY share information, interact, and engage directly and personally. Lead with sincerity and a desire to build a connection. #HITSM https://t.co/2z1JfQCdEY
Chuck Webster MD, MS AI, MS Systems Engineering @wareFLO
Oh, BTW, @Lygeia just wrote an excellent blog post about the #BEAM4healthContest during #HIMSS18: Social Media Ambassadors’ Patient Power Tech Challenge Winners & Next Steps https://t.co/uuqV2itqTI IMO relevant to today's #HITsm topic! Attendees w/smartbuttons & smarebadges! https://t.co/sVryaaghla
iPain Foundation Research Projects @iPain_Research
RT @BarbyIngle: T1: I love when conference organizers put agenda & speakers out so I can research topics & develop ?s prior but I also love…
Chuck Webster MD, MS AI, MS Systems Engineering @wareFLO
RT @UsabilityPeople: @wareFLO https://t.co/TUTOB4auh5 #hitsm
iPain Foundation Research Projects @iPain_Research
RT @BarbyIngle: T2: I love when there are bingo cards or other contests to help pay attention through the sessions & w exhibitors. I also l…
iPain Foundation Research Projects @iPain_Research
RT @BarbyIngle: T2. cont... I have noticed a few years ago I hadn't learned much new materials, so I started looking for other conference t…
iPain Foundation Research Projects @iPain_Research
RT @KenRayTaylor: T1: Educational literature and info graphics along with mapping of the facility and surrounding. #HITsm https://t.co/JrUA…
iPain Foundation Research Projects @iPain_Research
RT @KenRayTaylor: T2: We once had a TMJ specialist speak for us and afterwards took patients to a breakout room to test if individuals had…
Stacy Goebel @stacygoebel
T2: I also like to live stream from sessions so those who are far can be a part of things. #hitsm https://t.co/ycVzkS8fxu
Alan Brewington @abrewi3010
T2 Conferences need to be a place where failure can be discussed & celebrated. Especially true as patients are now designers. #HITsm
Jared Jeffery @Jk_Jeffery
@BFMack Right? @MarnieHayutin was a great example of this following her #HITmc presentation! #HITsm
T2: Host breakout sessions during the session so that people have an opportunity to “group think” and then share findings with the group. @HealthcareScene @ShimCode #HITsm
T2: Share social info so that attendees can live tweet or run @facebook live sessions. @HealthcareScene @ShimCode #HITsm
T2: Provide attendees with contact information so they can follow up with any additional questions. @HealthcareScene @ShimCode #HITsm
T2: When @MandiBPro talked about #UnicornJess at the HIMSS MWFTC. A practical example with true heart speak. Really stuck with me months after the conference. #HITsm
Michelle Currie @mshlcurrie
#hitsm T2: I wish big conferences like #HIMSS would video tape all sessions so I can go back later to watch ones I miseed. I only see an average of 5-6 the whole week if I'm lucky
Brian Mack @BFMack
@burtrosen @mkatewarnock LOVE this idea! TOTALLY stealing! #HITSM https://t.co/LsWwfzZ0c6
The Usability People @UsabilityPeople
#hitSM So true - People are hesitant to talk about failures, but if they don’t other may make the same mistakes! https://t.co/BT3GuF7cpL
Ashley Dauwer @amariedauwer
@stacygoebel @drnic1 I really like this idea. [REDACTED USER] and @techguy did this at HIMSS, as well. I agree graphics (or images) are key! SO much more engaging than just a tweet.
MasterControl @MCMasterControl
@stacygoebel Live streaming is a beautiful thing! We have offices in Europe and it certainly comes in handy during company-wide meetings 👌#hitsm
@stacygoebel live video rules, right Stacy?😉
Stacy Goebel @stacygoebel
Alan Brewington @abrewi3010
T2 interactive design sessions led by the likes of @nickdawson @RemRunner @dennisjboyle #HITsm
BryteBox @BryteBox
Boom! #HITsm https://t.co/0MqBsR4Jhv
Ashley Dauwer @amariedauwer
@stacygoebel @drnic1 I really like this idea. [REDACTED USER] and @techguy did this at HIMSS, as well. I agree graphics (or images) are key! SO much more engaging than just a tweet. #HITsm
@KNBComm Thanks! #HITsm
Healthcare Scene @HealthcareScene
T3: What technology-based approaches can conference organizers and exhibitors use to create new or enhance existing opportunities for content identification, acquisition, and dissemination? @shimcode #HITsm https://t.co/lFWALiIesK
Stacy Goebel @stacygoebel
Silly little thing for speakers - put your #hashtag in the footer of your slides, along with your handle so people can tweet at you during the session. AND - follow up individually on the mentions. #hitsm
David Harlow @healthblawg
T2 Sometimes I will say at the beginning of a talk that I will share a link to a text-heavy version of my slides at the end of the talk (my slides are always pictures and few words) so people can listen and livetweet or whatever. Never share text in advance. #HITsm
MasterControl @MCMasterControl
"Every failure is a lesson. If you are not willing to fail, you are not ready to succeed." #hitsm https://t.co/C82IwmPwax
Alan Brewington @abrewi3010
RT @UsabilityPeople: #hitSM So true - People are hesitant to talk about failures, but if they don’t other may make the same mistakes! http…
Brian Mack @BFMack
@MI_turnaround @MandiBPro YUP! Mandi delivered that presentation for the @GLHC_HIE Summit meeting in Detroit a couple of years ago. The BEST response we have ever had to a keynote! #HITSM
RT @HealthcareScene: T3: What technology-based approaches can conference organizers and exhibitors use to create new or enhance existing op…
Chuck Webster MD, MS AI, MS Systems Engineering @wareFLO
Also, my new post about the #BEAM4healthContest: Smartbutton Social Media Sightings Before, During, and After #HIMSS18 #BEAM4healthContest! https://t.co/LM0rN3AjYa #HITsm Think we hit around a 100 tweets! Here was @sugarook's entry (hope 2 ramp up w/@Lygeia again before #HIMSS19) https://t.co/HVEOP2tkcs
Stacy Goebel @stacygoebel
@burtrosen Yes Sir! #hitsm
Matt Fisher @Matt_R_Fisher
@healthblawg Text-lite slides should be mandatory. The more words on a slide, the more the presenter seems to just read it. If that's the case, could do it alone. #HITsm
John Lynn @techguy
Sorry to join #HITsm late. Had a little car issue I had to help my wife with. Looking forward to participating the back half.
Barby Ingle Official @BarbyIngle
T3. I love the idea of #VR conference attendance for those not able to attend in person. What @wareFLO did during the recent #VR conference was amazingly brilliant and cant want until I can participate in more like that and maybe host one someday myself #HITsm https://t.co/nK4LfUetnq
Jared Jeffery @Jk_Jeffery
"Success isn't the absence of failure, but going from failure to failure without any loss of enthusiasm." - Churchill (or Lincoln - the internet is being vague with it's attributions.) #HITsm https://t.co/5d3WUf1qSv
Stacy Goebel @stacygoebel
@burtrosen @ShimCode Dude. I'm refining up to the day before... lol #hitsm
T3: Use lead retrievals to capture the information of people who visit your booth; ensure you develop a consistent way for classifying their information, and upload content to a CRM system – ensure you follow up with any potential leads! @HealthcareScene @ShimCode #HITsm
Justin Campbell @tjustincampbell
T3: A consolidated library of resources to include presentations, forums, captured Q&A from conference, and, dare I say, a library of IP that can be shared among #HCO. For instance, sharing Medical Logic Module code, RFP templates, #CDI approach documentation. #HITsm
Ken Taylor @KenRayTaylor
T3: Virtual Reality is breaking new grounds and is an experience people walk away talking about. VR has many opportunities for all these things. #HITsm https://t.co/6gkbtqKd56
Anthony Leon @anthonynotleon
YES!! Love this idea! I was stoked that the good folks at #HITMC were able to get us almost all the slides from the event from each presenter. Can't be everywhere at once but so much great information provided in each session. #HITSM https://t.co/drP2deFKce
BryteBox @BryteBox
T3 Any way that you can push out information, without requiring much effort on attendees is key. Why make it complicated? #HITsm https://t.co/dp5LlDE3ZA
Rasu Shrestha MD MBA @RasuShrestha
RT @Jk_Jeffery: T2: Not for nothing, but twitter is a great one. For example I love when @RasuShrestha speaks, and also follows up his addr…
Brian Mack @BFMack
@healthblawg SPOT. ON! #HITSM https://t.co/ZXPuRLpKHz
@stacygoebel Great advice to help people connect the dots and engage! #HITsm https://t.co/tWlN36zOFD
@stacygoebel @ShimCode DUH! Thats what plane rides are for! "Sure, ill talk on AI and Blockchain (6 months in advance) and then develop a presentation about Social Media!
Stacy Goebel @stacygoebel
@ShimCode AGREED!! Baby mommas and daddys can attend with a little support for their kiddos. Baby sitters and places to nurse and change diapers. #inclusion #hitsm
Shereese Maynard, MS; MBA @ShereeseMayMba
RT @HealthcareScene: T3: What technology-based approaches can conference organizers and exhibitors use to create new or enhance existing op…
@BFMack @MandiBPro @GLHC_HIE So good. And real. #HITsm
Jared Jeffery @Jk_Jeffery
Recently at @KLASresearch hosted events, we've been loading all of our conference collateral into an app. Because of the nature of our events (tight-knit, specific attendee lists) we put in bios on each attendee to facilitate networking time. #HITsm https://t.co/ASEHudU862
John Lynn @techguy
It takes some coordination, but can be really valuable to everyone involved. #HITsm https://t.co/TVJRUDt7pK
Matt Fisher @Matt_R_Fisher
T3: I'm a little torn on a lot of these ideas. Growing interaction for all is great. However, also need to consider resources available to conference. Size/scope will greatly influence what can be done. #HITsm
Abdo @Abdo82499216
RT @HealthcareScene: T2: What are some of the most interesting and useful ways you’ve seen conference speakers and panelists share informat…
International Pain Foundation® @iPainOfficial
RT @BarbyIngle: T3. I love the idea of #VR conference attendance for those not able to attend in person. What @wareFLO did during the recen…
Alan Brewington @abrewi3010
T3 @larrychu has a great saying “if it’s not broke, break it”. As a patient storyteller I don’t think we have reached the full potential of SoMe yet. We can break PowerPoints w/o reinventing the world #HITsm
Chuck Webster MD, MS AI, MS Systems Engineering @wareFLO
@stacygoebel @Lygeia [REDACTED USER] Smartbutton craz continues to spread! Let's see: @Lygeia, me, [REDACTED USER], @techguy, you, any1 else get a @BeamAuthentic customizable, interactive, cloud-connected #SmartButton! Great for conferences! Create funny slideshows that pivot 2 your brand! #HITSM https://t.co/wj1uEzyKud
Ken Taylor @KenRayTaylor
RT @BarbyIngle: T3. I love the idea of #VR conference attendance for those not able to attend in person. What @wareFLO did during the recen…
iPain Foundation Research Projects @iPain_Research
RT @BarbyIngle: T3. I love the idea of #VR conference attendance for those not able to attend in person. What @wareFLO did during the recen…
David Harlow @healthblawg
T3 I'm a fan of the much-maligned QR code. Post a code in the room where a session takes place that folks can scan for a link to a page about the session - slides, video/audio, maybe posted later, maybe contact info of speakers, etc. #HITsm
The Usability People @UsabilityPeople
RT @healthblawg: T3 I'm a fan of the much-maligned QR code. Post a code in the room where a session takes place that folks can scan for a l…
T3: Distributing slides to attendees online. Sharing speaker info or profiles. Putting things like Twitter handles directly on badges to enhance name/face/human-to-human recognition. #HITsm
International Pain Foundation® @iPainOfficial
RT @KenRayTaylor: T3: Virtual Reality is breaking new grounds and is an experience people walk away talking about. VR has many opportunitie…
HealthSparq @HealthSparq
@amariedauwer @stacygoebel @drnic1 [REDACTED USER] @techguy Did the speaker seem distracted at all to be tweeting while they were speaking? #HITsm
Stacy Goebel @stacygoebel
T3: We've talked about a lot of them. Clear conference hashtags. Subhashtags for specific topics or sessions. (Notice how this is very twitter heavy?) What about those who are only on LinkedIn and beyond? Central place on a conference website, too. Or LI group. #hitsm https://t.co/qpyBfMjIlr
EXPO.health @EXPOdotHealth
This is such a great thing to do. Many conferences don't have a great hashtag which is a shame since it can build community. #HITsm https://t.co/4AvXSrLpXl
KLAS Research @KLASresearch
RT @Jk_Jeffery: Recently at @KLASresearch hosted events, we've been loading all of our conference collateral into an app. Because of the na…
Shereese Maynard, MS; MBA @ShereeseMayMba
@stacygoebel #HITsm https://t.co/haybyBK0mW
Michelle Currie @mshlcurrie
#HITsm Where do I find out more about this Smartbutton craz? https://t.co/l6ABIAUUfr
Barby Ingle Official @BarbyIngle
RT @KenRayTaylor: T1: Educational literature and info graphics along with mapping of the facility and surrounding. #HITsm https://t.co/JrUA…
John Lynn @techguy
The baby sitting is a hard one. Especially since different people approach it differently. However, having a nursing room and diaper room is easy and so valuable to those who need it. #HITsm https://t.co/0SkPJzGUkQ
The Usability People @UsabilityPeople
@healthblawg Make sure that said QR code leads to mobile optimized site! #Usability #UCD https://t.co/oZZmwboRzu #hitsm
Barby Ingle Official @BarbyIngle
RT @KenRayTaylor: T2: We once had a TMJ specialist speak for us and afterwards took patients to a breakout room to test if individuals had…
Jared Jeffery @Jk_Jeffery
@healthblawg Right? If only we could convince iOS and Android to just integrate QR code functionality into the onboard camera app - that way I wouldn't have to go through the hassle of a 3rd party reader. #HITsm
Brian Mack @BFMack
T3: @Wareflo has raised tech-based approaches to conference engagement to a whole new level! #HITSM https://t.co/8RXidnqhbs
Barby Ingle Official @BarbyIngle
RT @KenRayTaylor: T3: Virtual Reality is breaking new grounds and is an experience people walk away talking about. VR has many opportunitie…
Chuck Webster MD, MS AI, MS Systems Engineering @wareFLO
You are too kind! You made me feel like a hit a #SocialVR homerun! I stuck my #360video camera on tripod in first row. When I heard that you saw the award to yourself in 360 video, gave me chills! Folks, read more here: https://t.co/JfZHqo4YPF #HITSM https://t.co/YqYrIhZS69
BryteBox @BryteBox
T3 Using the preloaded tables at the @HCExecGroup’s Annual Forum was VERY well received with attendees and participants #hitsm
Stacy Goebel @stacygoebel
@HealthSparq @amariedauwer @drnic1 [REDACTED USER] @techguy Speakers can craft their tweets ahead of time and then have a partner in crime to send them out for you. #hitsm
MasterControl @MCMasterControl
A3: An app created specifically for the conference, with all the events and info laid out and even a communication tool within the app could be one way to get attendees more involved and informed #hitsm
Brian Mack @BFMack
RT @mshlcurrie: #hitsm T2: I wish big conferences like #HIMSS would video tape all sessions so I can go back later to watch ones I misee…
BryteBox @BryteBox
RT @stacygoebel: T3: We've talked about a lot of them. Clear conference hashtags. Subhashtags for specific topics or sessions. (Notice how…
The Usability People @UsabilityPeople
@Jk_Jeffery @healthblawg Google Android QR code parsing is built in. #hitsm
MasterControl @MCMasterControl
A3- I would also like to see more VR incorporated into conferences! Has anyone used it at a conference, and what was it used for? #hitsm
The Usability People @UsabilityPeople
@MCMasterControl Many of these apps have SERIOUS #Usability issues #hitsm
EXPO.health @EXPOdotHealth
We've found that it's best to use the technology they're already using. Twitter is the best example, but LinkedIn, Facebook, Snapchat are other options. #HITsm https://t.co/fyGUEuUulH
Stacy Goebel @stacygoebel
I like the idea of hosting a webinar for newbies to the event (especially large ones). Get them acclimated beforehand and give them a place to ask questions. It's like appointment TV - tune in together! #hitsm
Jared Jeffery @Jk_Jeffery
@UsabilityPeople @healthblawg Wait really? Then why on earth won't my Pixel 2 XL read codes for me? ... I'm going to go read some forums after this. #HITsm
Enlightening Results 💡 @GraceCordovano
@HealthSparq [REDACTED USER] @bbhomebody @power4patients @EMRAnswers @teaminspire @wareFLO A topic dear to my heart! Yes I have some ideas. Have a draft of my thoughts in review for @CitizenHealthio. Will share soon. #HITsm #CHA2018
@wareFLO That's so cool. #HITsm
Healthcare Scene @HealthcareScene
T4: How can those physically attending a conference and those ‘following along remotely’ originate, share and/or discuss conference-related content? @shimcode #HITsm https://t.co/X722na2WX6
Chuck Webster MD, MS AI, MS Systems Engineering @wareFLO
Here is 360 video of the #HITMC awards in #NewOrleans. (It starts w/big applause for @techguy!) At the time, it was live. If you watched w/ one of the 4 dozen #HIMSSVR glasses I sent, you felt "immersed", as if you were actually, physically present! #HITSM https://t.co/pjZwfx0vhW
John Lynn @techguy
@HealthSparq @amariedauwer @stacygoebel @drnic1 [REDACTED USER] Scheduled tweets :-) #HITsm
David Harlow @healthblawg
@stacygoebel @HealthSparq @amariedauwer @drnic1 [REDACTED USER] @techguy You can also just schedule them ... But don't do what I once did and forget that you;re speaking in a different time zone! 🤦‍♂️#HITsm
Shereese Maynard, MS; MBA @ShereeseMayMba
@Jk_Jeffery @UsabilityPeople @healthblawg #HITsm https://t.co/I80HNqAkPo
RT @HealthcareScene: T4: How can those physically attending a conference and those ‘following along remotely’ originate, share and/or discu…
Amanda G @LAlupusLady
joining late... A3 The @virtualmedconf was engaging every speaker had incredible visuals that helped tell the story... @Osso_VR demonstrated a Virtual knee replacement. #HITsm https://t.co/Wi30Ew9I3Y
John Lynn @techguy
RT @HealthITExpo: We've found that it's best to use the technology they're already using. Twitter is the best example, but LinkedIn, Faceb…
Barby Ingle Official @BarbyIngle
T4: using hashtags, simultaneous twitter chats or live (fb or periscope or youtube) chats, Also having time for q/a with presenters after their session on stage, so chat with the online participants, posting interviews from attendees and exhibitors is helpful too #HITsm https://t.co/mu7lamKK76
Justin Campbell @tjustincampbell
T4: #HAS18 by @HealthCatalyst does a tremendous job of providing real-time engagement, surveying and analytics through use of the conference app. @Slidoapp is a great app to facilitate this. #HITsm
Barby Ingle Official @BarbyIngle
RT @wareFLO: Here is 360 video of the #HITMC awards in #NewOrleans. (It starts w/big applause for @techguy!) At the time, it was live. If y…
HealthSparq @HealthSparq
@healthblawg @stacygoebel @amariedauwer @drnic1 [REDACTED USER] @techguy 😂
David Harlow @healthblawg
@UsabilityPeople @Jk_Jeffery iOS too #HITsm
BryteBox @BryteBox
@ShimCode We preloaded tablets for each participant with our digital program, and attendee and speaker roster. We were even able to poll attendees, share conference updates, and push out messages, etc. Great tool for the conference! #HITsm https://t.co/4Nx0EAiC5k
Ken Taylor @KenRayTaylor
T4: Websites, #s, twitter chats, youtube, facebook and all the other social medias. Its mobile easy to share and people can carry the info with them on a mobile device where ever they go. #HITsm https://t.co/chzbhizcYL
The Usability People @UsabilityPeople
@Jk_Jeffery @healthblawg See https://t.co/OU1xzv6D3A #hitsm
HealthSparq @HealthSparq
@techguy @amariedauwer @stacygoebel @drnic1 [REDACTED USER] Better hope you're not running late ;) but a great way to engage folks online! #HITsm
iPain Foundation Research Projects @iPain_Research
RT @KenRayTaylor: T3: Virtual Reality is breaking new grounds and is an experience people walk away talking about. VR has many opportunitie…
Amanda G @LAlupusLady
RT @BarbyIngle: T4: using hashtags, simultaneous twitter chats or live (fb or periscope or youtube) chats, Also having time for q/a with pr…
T4: Record or host the session live via webinar. Provide remote folks with an opportunity to ask questions and leave time at the end of the presentation to address questions. @HealthcareScene @ShimCode #HITsm
iPain Foundation Research Projects @iPain_Research
RT @BarbyIngle: T4: using hashtags, simultaneous twitter chats or live (fb or periscope or youtube) chats, Also having time for q/a with pr…
T4: In the Twittersphere, of course! Or connect on LinkedIn and keep the conversations going in a group. #HITsm https://t.co/zSYrgupl0q
Matt Fisher @Matt_R_Fisher
T4: IMO this is really a matter of just being engaged. If in person, share what seeing/learning. If remote, see what people there saw and take advantage of more time/freedom to add outside content. #hitsm
Ken Taylor @KenRayTaylor
RT @BarbyIngle: T4: using hashtags, simultaneous twitter chats or live (fb or periscope or youtube) chats, Also having time for q/a with pr…
RT @HealthITExpo: We've found that it's best to use the technology they're already using. Twitter is the best example, but LinkedIn, Faceb…
Justin Campbell @tjustincampbell
@bbhomebody As opposed to simply sharing slide-decks, what other artifacts or resources can be shared that the attendee can takeaway and use to implement at their organization. #HITsm
Jared Jeffery @Jk_Jeffery
Great question - We've actually been considering setting up a "twitter table" at KLAS events, and invite the twittersphere to join in on the problem-solving breakout sessions we typically have at each event. Love to hear opinions: good idea? bad idea? why? #HITsm https://t.co/X0fLMHn9Ky
Stacy Goebel @stacygoebel
T4: What if there was a shared google doc that people could all take notes in who are watching? Croudsourced notes! #hitsm https://t.co/gsad6g9a71
iPain Foundation Research Projects @iPain_Research
RT @KenRayTaylor: T4: Websites, #s, twitter chats, youtube, facebook and all the other social medias. Its mobile easy to share and people c…
BryteBox @BryteBox
T4 #SocialMedia, particularly Twitter of course, is a great way to follow along with the conferences. It requires planning from the organizers in selecting hashtags and continuously prompting attendees #HITsm https://t.co/fS1XoVgdLk
Jared Jeffery @Jk_Jeffery
@UsabilityPeople @healthblawg Honestly these tweetchats give me so much value beyond just #HIT know-how. It's great. #HITsm
HealthSparq @HealthSparq
We're tinkering with some new ways to do this for #WTFix this year - a lot of it based on Twitter (of course!) we'll update w/ what people tell us works the best! #HITsm https://t.co/ZSkLaeJz5X
Shereese Maynard, MS; MBA @ShereeseMayMba
@HealthcareScene @ShimCode T4 Utilize @TwitterVideo #twitterlists and hashtags. #HITsm https://t.co/E57PNaYQKd
Stacy Goebel @stacygoebel
@healthblawg @HealthSparq @amariedauwer @drnic1 [REDACTED USER] @techguy Hahahahaa. Feel the pain!
International Pain Foundation® @iPainOfficial
RT @KenRayTaylor: T4: Websites, #s, twitter chats, youtube, facebook and all the other social medias. Its mobile easy to share and people c…
International Pain Foundation® @iPainOfficial
RT @BarbyIngle: T4: using hashtags, simultaneous twitter chats or live (fb or periscope or youtube) chats, Also having time for q/a with pr…
Brian Mack @BFMack
@UsabilityPeople @healthblawg It BOGGLES my mind how many organizations STILL use QR codes without a mobile optimized web presence! The DEFINITION of "We don't get it" #HITSM https://t.co/dbF9Dm4FCE
Barby Ingle Official @BarbyIngle
RT @KenRayTaylor: T4: Websites, #s, twitter chats, youtube, facebook and all the other social medias. Its mobile easy to share and people c…
Chuck Webster MD, MS AI, MS Systems Engineering @wareFLO
And here is my #360video #Livestreaming rig: Livestreamed over 4G for an hour and a half from the #HIMSSspot at #HIMSS18 < on batteries alone! Lots of it is just people walking by, but some would stop & I'd "introduce" them to the camera (all of 3 feet of ground...) #HITSM https://t.co/aLnAVuhAxC
Matt Fisher @Matt_R_Fisher
@MI_turnaround It is so easy to make it seem like you are in attendance even if not. Have even used this to ping people I know are there and get ?s answered. #hitsm
@stacygoebel we do that for @S4PM meetings and its great
EXPO.health @EXPOdotHealth
A well promoted and used hashtag on Twitter has been the best I've seen. The problem many conferences have is not promoting their hashtag well. #HITExpo #HITsm https://t.co/f7PkLgwg5H
Stacy Goebel @stacygoebel
@Jk_Jeffery What a great idea!!! Take a risk and try it out! Maybe have a central thread in a google doc or something for the problem solving. I wonder if that would be easier to brainstorm in vs. tweets. #hitsm
Jared Jeffery @Jk_Jeffery
THIS has some possibilities! #HITsm https://t.co/jk8JsArLMr
T4: integrating the online and digital audiences is a huge focus for us this year at #WTFix and will go beyond just free live streaming #HITsm
Stacy Goebel @stacygoebel
@ShimCode [REDACTED USER] Thanks for sharing, Steve! I still even refer back to this guide! #hitsm
The Usability People @UsabilityPeople
T4 After conference FEEDBACK to speakers on their prezo #hitsm
@HealthITExpo Or even communicating it period! I've seen that a couple times. #HITsm
John Lynn @techguy
Don't underestimate the power of a quick email at the conference to engage people as well. #HITsm https://t.co/2iHp5xvuuq
Chuck Webster MD, MS AI, MS Systems Engineering @wareFLO
The reason I mention that the camera is 3 feet of ground, is that when you watch the video via a VR headset, you suddenly feel like you a small child looking up at the adults (who occasionally pat you on the head), the illusion is quite compelling! #HITsm Cure for #FOMO IMO! https://t.co/7ttsaZhBZk
Jared Jeffery @Jk_Jeffery
@stacygoebel I wonder, would we be able to drive people to engage in the google doc? People at the conference, perhaps, but those who are just listening in and not in attendance? #HITsm
BryteBox @BryteBox
RT @KenRayTaylor: T4: Websites, #s, twitter chats, youtube, facebook and all the other social medias. Its mobile easy to share and people c…
Stacy Goebel @stacygoebel
@ShimCode @StudioNorthUSA Yep! That was a great way to draw people to the booth! Acted like a virtual crowd gatherer! #hitsm
John Lynn @techguy
For @HealthITExpo we're going to create an e-Book with an actionable takeaway slide from every presentation at the conference. Something every attendee can use and share with their organization. #HITsm #HITExpo https://t.co/RUp2mKgoYF
Brian Mack @BFMack
T4: I love the idea of engaging a live presentation audience with a virtual one via Twitter, Skype, FB Live, etc.. The challenge in my experience, has been getting a NON-MarCom audience engaged enough to make it work effectively. #HITSM https://t.co/AodmGd6Xgv
BryteBox @BryteBox
RT @HealthITExpo: A well promoted and used hashtag on Twitter has been the best I've seen. The problem many conferences have is not promot…
HealthSparq @HealthSparq
T4. We've even got a couple blog posts highlighting two big components: Our digital advisory board (https://t.co/RMNJQo5Bk6) & our digital host (https://t.co/vMf2pMv5Qd). #WTFix #HITsm https://t.co/BPjyIrIQna
Matt Fisher @Matt_R_Fisher
@techguy I like social media recap emails. Pull some of the best tweets from the day and email for each day. Effective and easy. #HITsm
Lygeia Ricciardi @Lygeia
@wareFLO @stacygoebel [REDACTED USER] [REDACTED USER] @techguy @BeamAuthentic Just followed you on BEAM, Stacy -- my BEAM name is "Lygeia" & you can see other #HealthIT #digitalhealth folks I am following like @RasuShrestha @CoherenceMed @MMaxwellStroud [REDACTED USER] #hitsm
@stacygoebel I loved the one you started at #HITMC last year. It was a brilliant idea to capture the unconference dialogue in that session! #HITsm
Stacy Goebel @stacygoebel
@techguy That's a really good point. Your emails have been great around #hitmc. #hitsm
David Harlow @healthblawg
T4 Livetweeting conversations including onsite & offsite folks; FB live; post-conf tweetchats; sometimes a project arises from a session that involves people at the session as well as people who were offsite ... but anything like that is driven by lots of communication #hitsm
Shereese Maynard, MS; MBA @ShereeseMayMba
RT @techguy: For @HealthITExpo we're going to create an e-Book with an actionable takeaway slide from every presentation at the conference.…
John Lynn @techguy
@HealthSparq @amariedauwer @stacygoebel @drnic1 [REDACTED USER] Sometimes if you're running late, the mistimed tweet gets even more exposure than when it's properly timed. #HITsm
Chuck Webster MD, MS AI, MS Systems Engineering @wareFLO
#Pinksocks is in the air everywhere I look around #Pinksocks is in the air every sight and every sound And I don't know if I'm being foolish Don't know if I'm being wise But it's something that I must believe in And it's there when I look in your eyes #HITSM 🤣 https://t.co/EPG1qepi61
Stacy Goebel @stacygoebel
YEP!!! We love our @TagPrints partners! They do GREAT event photo activations!!!!! #hitsm https://t.co/CWT64uRnfo
EMR, EHR and HIT @ehrandhit
RT @HealthITExpo: A well promoted and used hashtag on Twitter has been the best I've seen. The problem many conferences have is not promot…
Justin Campbell @tjustincampbell
@techguy @HealthITExpo Brilliant. We are really looking forward to #HITExpo. Curated content is where its at. Distill the most salient insights to summarize, but also highlight novel approaches that deserve additional awareness. #HITsm
Janae Sharp @CoherenceMed
@techguy @HealthSparq @amariedauwer @stacygoebel @drnic1 [REDACTED USER] In that case hi I'm Janae glad to catch up #HITSM
Healthcare Scene @HealthcareScene
T5: What can conference organizers and exhibitors do to provide additional value to conference attendees and others AFTER the conference is over? @shimcode #HITsm https://t.co/2CRPZN8eub
HealthSparq @HealthSparq
@CoherenceMed @techguy @amariedauwer @stacygoebel @drnic1 [REDACTED USER] Ha! Hi Janae!!! #HITsm
Shereese Maynard, MS; MBA @ShereeseMayMba
RT @HealthcareScene: T5: What can conference organizers and exhibitors do to provide additional value to conference attendees and others AF…
Swaay.Health @SwaayHealth
One key we've found to any conference strategy is the importance of getting the right people in the room that understand the culture you want to create. Everything else just accelerates that key effort. #HITsm
RT @healthblawg: T4 Livetweeting conversations including onsite & offsite folks; FB live; post-conf tweetchats; sometimes a project arises…
Barby Ingle Official @BarbyIngle
T5. Follow up with any slides and links that were referenced in the presentations, post video of the presentations, engage with actionable items in other projects throughout the year that draw learners back to the great resources presented, and keep the convo growing/going #HITsm https://t.co/fQ5bk9njgI
Stacy Goebel @stacygoebel
@Jk_Jeffery Off the top of my head - if you were livestreaming, people offsite could participate real time. I think the taking of notes should be done by whomever is watching. Then, share the recap with all. - Kind of like a tweetchat recap! #hitsm
Janae Sharp @CoherenceMed
@ShimCode 1. Selfie 2. If you get list 3. Food Sorry just more food after that :) #HITSM
Janae Sharp @CoherenceMed
RT @techguy: Don't underestimate the power of a quick email at the conference to engage people as well. #HITsm https://t.co/2iHp5xvuuq
HealthSparq @HealthSparq
T5. Don't stop the conversation, build a community. #hitsm #WTFix
Brian Mack @BFMack
@ShimCode LOVE this idea! #HITSM
BryteBox @BryteBox
@ShimCode yes of course they kept them :) a little token of appreciation! #hitsm https://t.co/WoLnNcNfDk
Stacy Goebel @stacygoebel
@CoherenceMed @techguy @HealthSparq @amariedauwer @drnic1 [REDACTED USER] hahahhahahahahaaaaa
Justin Campbell @tjustincampbell
T5: Provide a link to published slides, recorded sessions, and related artifacts (playbook, ebook, guide, documentation, source code). Organize a tweet-chat post-event to re-cap key insights and identify actionable next steps of collaboration. #HITsm
RT @HealthcareScene: T5: What can conference organizers and exhibitors do to provide additional value to conference attendees and others AF…
Healthcare Scene @HealthcareScene
RT @tjustincampbell: @techguy @HealthITExpo Brilliant. We are really looking forward to #HITExpo. Curated content is where its at. Distill…
Janae Sharp @CoherenceMed
@HealthSparq @techguy @amariedauwer @stacygoebel @drnic1 [REDACTED USER] Here I am last week with @Liz_Carroll24 in new Orleans at #HITMC #HITsm Also great thoughts @ShimCode https://t.co/ZdQ3hCTuTQ
Ashley Dauwer @amariedauwer
@burtrosen #WTfix #HITsm https://t.co/EoVC58Qe5J
Matt Fisher @Matt_R_Fisher
T5: Goes back to ideas stated during T1. Keep content coming and engagement going all year long. While conference can be showpiece, shouldn't be sole mission. #HITsm
BryteBox @BryteBox
T5 They could provide digital version of the sessions (videos and presentations) to attendees #HITsm https://t.co/sPSjRcwyo0
Stacy Goebel @stacygoebel
BLESS YOUR HEART! So true. Tribe leaders. #hitsm https://t.co/XAoaLTSSlM
T5: Use post conference survey data to drive content throughout the yr. Was there a conf session or panel everyone loved or that generated a ton of discussion? Maybe that speaker/those speakers should broaden the audience & continue the discussion with a Part 2 tweetchat! #HITsm
Shereese Maynard, MS; MBA @ShereeseMayMba
T5 Follow up post conference witj actionable information; no fluff, all stuff #HITsm https://t.co/uBeTcnf0AI
Jared Jeffery @Jk_Jeffery
T5: It's a little thing, but the gift bag can be powerful when done correctly. Ex: We give #BestinKLAS lapel pins to vendors that attend our award ceremony. More than anything else, they LOVE the pins. They take them on sales calls. Swag that adds value is good swag. #HITsm https://t.co/ZeSloQDJg2
Justin Campbell @tjustincampbell
RT @Matt_R_Fisher: T5: Goes back to ideas stated during T1. Keep content coming and engagement going all year long. While conference can be…
Michelle Currie @mshlcurrie
#HITsm #HIMSS18 had a Women in HIT Roundtable event Thursday. Upon arrival, there were 30+ small tables on different topics that you could join. The #Entrepreneurs table is continuing to meet offline to continue what we started there. @ShereesePubHlth @shelblake https://t.co/EY2TjcSCgq
Jared Jeffery @Jk_Jeffery
RT @stacygoebel: @Jk_Jeffery Off the top of my head - if you were livestreaming, people offsite could participate real time. I think the ta…
Janae Sharp @CoherenceMed
@2healthguru I think this gives me a blog idea.... ;) #hitsm
T5: Encourage attendees and those who couldn't attend to host mini meet-ups in their geographic areas or when they're attending other conferences to reinforce your conference community. #HITsm
The Usability People @UsabilityPeople
@ShereesePubHlth No fluff, all stuff Like! #hitsm
Michelle Currie @mshlcurrie
@ShereesePubHlth #hitsm Yes, all stuff, no fluff!! https://t.co/4KBIrpZqfT
Stacy Goebel @stacygoebel
To me, it's all about community and keeping in contact with people you connected with. Have a next step already planned out that you can announce at the end of the conference. Like - a recapapolooza tweet chat! #hitsm https://t.co/Myf7spFLzc
T5: Survey attendees to get additional feedback and work in recommendations to next year’s planning; share recorded events with attendees so they have an opportunity to listen to any sessions they may have missed. @HealthcareScene @ShimCode #HITsm
Chuck Webster MD, MS AI, MS Systems Engineering @wareFLO
@Lygeia @stacygoebel [REDACTED USER] [REDACTED USER] @techguy @BeamAuthentic @RasuShrestha @CoherenceMed @MMaxwellStroud [REDACTED USER] And there you are Stacy! Yeah! Here is who I’ve found so far #BEAM4healthContest #HITSM PS smart buttons are way to wear your passion or brand at conferences... will there be any at #wtfix I wonder! Cc @burtrosen https://t.co/4tfaztSkCL
Chuck Webster MD, MS AI, MS Systems Engineering @wareFLO
RT @Lygeia: @wareFLO @stacygoebel [REDACTED USER] [REDACTED USER] @techguy @BeamAuthentic Just followed you on BEAM, Stacy -- my BEAM name is "…
Heidi Grabenstatter @PatientIntv
Open-access input and bidirectional communication between speaker and audience. . . I like it. #hitsm https://t.co/rGIzzqSpmz
Justin Campbell @tjustincampbell
T5: One of the most valuable items from #HITMC this year was the "State of HITMC" survey. Benchmarking data driven by surveying is critical to understand how your organization compares and what adjustments you may consider #HITsm
Ken Taylor @KenRayTaylor
T5: Attendees love to be fed. Also freebies from exhibitors and contact lists of the exhibitors and speakers. So tangible items and contact info to help build valuable lists of different professions. #HITsm https://t.co/NagKsOPO2x
Matt Fisher @Matt_R_Fisher
T5: If conference hosted by an organization, identify ways people can volunteer or become involved with the org. How I've got in with a couple of places. #HITsm
Ashley Dauwer @amariedauwer
@CoherenceMed @techguy @HealthSparq @stacygoebel @drnic1 [REDACTED USER] JANNAAEEEE! #HITsm https://t.co/GjWwOd3uvs
Herman Hesse @hermankhesse
Above all, although some weakness and axioms of two. #HITsm
Brian Mack @BFMack
T5: I like to see "After Action" type content from attendees to get other's impressions of their experience. So much the better when that content is aggregated and curated by the conference organizer! #HITSM https://t.co/XoouTyBS8I
BryteBox @BryteBox
T5 Also, as @JulianaRuizCobo mentioned, they could also create a post-conference writeup covering main takeaways from the event and provide digital assets to compliment writeup #HITsm
Janae Sharp @CoherenceMed
@stacygoebel Recap needed. #HITsm https://t.co/B140HEItz1
iPain Foundation Research Projects @iPain_Research
RT @KenRayTaylor: T5: Attendees love to be fed. Also freebies from exhibitors and contact lists of the exhibitors and speakers. So tangible…
iPain Foundation Research Projects @iPain_Research
RT @BarbyIngle: T5. Follow up with any slides and links that were referenced in the presentations, post video of the presentations, engage…
Janae Sharp @CoherenceMed
RT @amariedauwer: @CoherenceMed @techguy @HealthSparq @stacygoebel @drnic1 [REDACTED USER] JANNAAEEEE! #HITsm https://t.co/GjWwOd3uvs
Brian Mack @BFMack
TOTALLY! #HITSM https://t.co/Mg5PTIEuM8
Stacy Goebel @stacygoebel
Agreed! Did you see this, too? https://t.co/7Hq1uT7SxP @StudioNorthUSA's take on the survey data. #HITMC #hitsm https://t.co/oB1hzEq7jo
@CoherenceMed @stacygoebel ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️💗💗💗💗💗💗💗
MasterControl @MCMasterControl
@UsabilityPeople Have you seen the app that Disney World uses for their parks? Something similar to that would be wonderful. #hitsm
Janae Sharp @CoherenceMed
@amariedauwer @techguy @HealthSparq @stacygoebel @drnic1 [REDACTED USER] Awe ❤️❤️❤️ I love this. https://t.co/CYQMO1oOqS
Chuck Webster MD, MS AI, MS Systems Engineering @wareFLO
BTW, mentioning this one more time, Lygeia just wrote a great post about the #BEAM4healthContest (including link back to its announcement on the @HIMSS website b4 #HIMSS18): Social Media Ambassadors’ Patient Power Tech Challenge Winners & Next Steps https://t.co/uuqV2itqTI #HITSM https://t.co/hKzVeBTo1N
Janae Sharp @CoherenceMed
@HealthSparq @techguy @amariedauwer @stacygoebel @drnic1 [REDACTED USER] @Liz_Carroll24 @ShimCode There’s room for @amariedauwer
Justin Campbell @tjustincampbell
@stacygoebel @StudioNorthUSA Another example of how sponsors and exhibitors can provide additional value-add on top of what conference organizers deliver. #HITsm
IrmaRaste ✨ InfluenceThroughStorytelling™ @IrmaRaste
RT @healthblawg: T4 Livetweeting conversations including onsite & offsite folks; FB live; post-conf tweetchats; sometimes a project arises…
MasterControl @MCMasterControl
A5- A flow-up Twitter chat could be interesting. People can share new things they learned, ask questions about anything they've been pondering since the conference, share new ideas influenced by the conference. #hitsm
BryteBox @BryteBox
T5 Additionally, they can encourage networking, creating a list of emails of the attendees, but ONLY of those who would like their information to be shared among other attendees for business connecting purposes. No one likes too many emails either! #hitsm https://t.co/RqWnyfhnjv
Janae Sharp @CoherenceMed
@MI_turnaround @stacygoebel There’s decent coffee across the street guys. Also- I am so grateful to @techguy I got to go to #HITMC #HITSM https://t.co/LovT0sMfYG
The Usability People @UsabilityPeople
G2G to 1pm mtg Have a gr8 weekend No @McMasterControI avoid the evil Disney (most movies start w/ violent death of parent) #hitsm
RT @tjustincampbell: T5: One of the most valuable items from #HITMC this year was the "State of HITMC" survey. Benchmarking data driven by…
Healthcare Scene @HealthcareScene
Bonus: What are some of worst examples of a conference organizer ‘dropping the ball’ that you’ve ever experienced or heard about? @shimcode #HITsm https://t.co/FcgTefYUbK
Janae Sharp @CoherenceMed
@2healthguru Need to get @techguy to let me post an onion style article. - about blockchain probably ;) I’ll throw in Apple for fun. #HITSM
Barby Ingle Official @BarbyIngle
Bonus: When a presenter is not able to attend and they just cancel the session instead of have a discussion or a backup presenter. Also I have seen a conference organizer go off on an exhibitor because they wanted to close down early due to low attendance at their event. #HITsm https://t.co/D7bX6VLzjm
Chuck Webster MD, MS AI, MS Systems Engineering @wareFLO
Also, BEAM potentially is offering two more smartbuttons (~$100 value each) for online initiatives/contests. @Lygeia & I want to hear from you! What else is something cool we could do with these buttons! Obviously, not enuf to go around: another contest then, perhaps? #HITsm https://t.co/tBzGDk6nZz
Jared Jeffery @Jk_Jeffery
@MCMasterControl I feel a little like we might be experiencing the #HITmc version of that right now! #HITsm 😂 https://t.co/eoDFFO0UnK
@CoherenceMed @stacygoebel @techguy I totally forgot about this photo! Miss you ladies! That coffee was ON POINT. #HITMC #HITsm
Heidi Grabenstatter @PatientIntv
@stacygoebel If topic takes off, live impromptu workshops/round tables can occur post talk incorporating ideas from virtual guests. #hitsm
EXPO.health @EXPOdotHealth
It's amazing how many conference organizers don't appreciate that their sponsors can add value to conference attendees. #HITsm https://t.co/UxXRVc3YdT
Stacy Goebel @stacygoebel
I know I may be a nerd, but it would be fun to have a big group pic from an event. Love photo meetups! #hitsm
@CoherenceMed @MI_turnaround @stacygoebel @techguy French's owes you a commission.
Stacy Goebel @stacygoebel
This may be my new favorite GIF! #hitsm https://t.co/gHmLtl5T16
IrmaRaste ✨ InfluenceThroughStorytelling™ @IrmaRaste
RT @healthblawg: T1 I agree with the gestalt here - any conference is best positioned as part of a broader conversation, and the organizer…
Ken Taylor @KenRayTaylor
Bonus: Once I overheard a conference leader scold one of there own sponsors for something that didnt even matter. I walked away as fast as i could once i discovered what it was about. #HITsm https://t.co/MOPrh6CNse
Liz Carroll @Liz_Carroll24
@CoherenceMed @HealthSparq @techguy @amariedauwer @stacygoebel @drnic1 [REDACTED USER] @ShimCode Miss you Janae! @CoherenceMed
IrmaRaste ✨ InfluenceThroughStorytelling™ @IrmaRaste
RT @stacygoebel: Silly little thing for speakers - put your #hashtag in the footer of your slides, along with your handle so people can twe…
Brian Mack @BFMack
BONUS: Confession Time - I once published & distributed a conference agenda to attendees at the event; only to discover that I had gotten EVERY room # wrong! The devil is in the details! Check your work people! #HITSM https://t.co/LAAMrfC8KJ
Barby Ingle Official @BarbyIngle
RT @KenRayTaylor: Bonus: Once I overheard a conference leader scold one of there own sponsors for something that didnt even matter. I walke…
@HealthcareScene @ShimCode Bonus: talking about consumers/patients/people without having anyone normal (outside the industry) in the room #HITsm
Janae Sharp @CoherenceMed
@stacygoebel It’s really good
@ShimCode LOL, isn't that the truth! I think the hope is always for the first option. The other type is just unfortunate. #HITsm
Bob Brown @ReasObBob
@CoherenceMed @2healthguru @techguy Don't forget TEFCA! #HITsm
Shereese Maynard, MS; MBA @ShereeseMayMba
Have a great weekend everyone #hitsm https://t.co/C5n4KSvRDK
Janae Sharp @CoherenceMed
@HealthcareScene @ShimCode Just that no one has yoga every afternoon and @BlenderBottle #hitsm
Chuck Webster MD, MS AI, MS Systems Engineering @wareFLO
In case you are interested, here is my 2 minute video demo of how @BeamAuthentic works (obviously it's about WORKFLOW! but that's just me, YOUR slideshow can be about YOUR passion!) #HITSM https://t.co/itYPTyZCWc
Rasu Shrestha MD MBA @RasuShrestha
About to go live with #CXOtalk! The how, what and why's of #innovation done right, in healthcare. https://t.co/tRw1HsRjUS #UPMCinnovates #hcldr #HDPalooza #hitsm https://t.co/XaiiizCCRm
Bonus: When organizers don't use SoME. The worst is when they're no official hashtag & attendees are tweeting so many variations of the "official" hashtage that it's impossible to follow conversations. You miss great commentary w/ too many rogue hashtags. #HITsm
EXPO.health @EXPOdotHealth
A key feature of a good conference. And yet one that many miss. #HITsm https://t.co/QpOnQ9EY8q
Michael Krigsman #CXOTALK @mkrigsman
RT @RasuShrestha: About to go live with #CXOtalk! The how, what and why's of #innovation done right, in healthcare. https://t.co/tRw1HsR…
Matt Fisher @Matt_R_Fisher
Thanks for the fun hour #HITsm and @ShimCode. Hope everyone has a good weekend. Holiday one if you're with me in MA.
Alan Brewington @abrewi3010
@ShimCode That doesn’t make sense. Their conversations could be so much more interesting if it was free. #hitsm
BryteBox @BryteBox
@HealthcareScene @ShimCode Never underestimate conference meals! They really set the tone of the conference. We’ve participated in conferences where meals have been poor in quality, or not sufficient for everyone attending. No one can pay attention with an empty stomach #hitsm https://t.co/qkeL088KQ0
IrmaRaste ✨ InfluenceThroughStorytelling™ @IrmaRaste
RT @HealthcareScene: Welcome to this week's #HITsm chat hosted by @shimcode on the topic of “How to Evolve Healthcare Conferences in the 21…
@BFMack Yikes! #HITsm https://t.co/mZjiVyDYb2
Great chat today! Thanks everyone for the inspiration and ideas. With #WTFix just a month away its helpful to heal all of these ideas that can help us get even better #HITsm
#HITsm content from Twitter.