#JACR Transcript

Healthcare social media transcript of the #JACR hashtag.
See #JACR Influencers/Analytics.

Welcome to our #JACR tweet chat on #DataScience moderated by @cekahn and @radhelper Let's start with intros. https://t.co/Aix7WjkIEd
Radhelper PLLC @radhelper
RT @cekahn: T minus 1... and counting... #JACR tweetchat -- comin' at ya https://t.co/Bvem8FsytS
Jenny Jones @Jenny_Writer
Started 1 minute ago! Join the conversation about data science #jacr https://t.co/JY8nWORGGe
All tweets are assumed to be your own #JACR
Radhelper PLLC @radhelper
@JACRJournal @cekahn #JACR hi everyone! thanks for joining this tweetchat. i'm the medical director of radiology informatics at stanford children's health and co-editor of the special #JACR issue focused on big data, AI and machine learning
Charles Kahn, MD @cekahn
Chuck Kahn here. Radiologist (abdominal CT + US) at @PennRadiology. Have worked in #AI and decision support. #JACR https://t.co/8clh0OcLxc
Be sure to include T1, T2, etc in your tweets so we know which questions you're responding to. Don't forget to include #JACR https://t.co/Z71OJMq250
RT @radhelper: @JACRJournal @cekahn #JACR hi everyone! thanks for joining this tweetchat. i'm the medical director of radiology informatics at stanford children's health and co-editor of the special #JACR issue focused on big data, AI and machine learning
RT @cekahn: Chuck Kahn here. Radiologist (abdominal CT + US) at @PennRadiology. Have worked in #AI and decision support. #JACR https://t.co/8clh0OcLxc
Charles Kahn, MD @cekahn
@JACRJournal @radhelper Thanks for joining us! As @radhelper mentioned, he, @ruthcarlosmd and I are guest eds. of an upcoming special issue of #JACR on #AI.
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
RT @JACRJournal: Welcome to our #JACR tweet chat on #DataScience moderated by @cekahn and @radhelper Let's start with intros. https://t.co/Aix7WjkIEd
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
RT @RadiologyBoy1: T minus 10 minutes until this Month's #JACR tweetchat. Topic is #DataScience including #ArtificialIntelligence #MachineLearning #DeepLearning and #radiology https://t.co/Y7o0BEwhAJ
Let's get started! T1: Why is there so much hype about #AI and #datascience in medical imaging? Is the hype warranted? #JACR https://t.co/StmUbF0MUU
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
Oh, this is going to be fun ... maybe. Love #DataScience and #AI #ArtificialIntelligence but lacking confidence in claims that Watson can read scans as well as a radiologist #JACR
Jenny Jones @Jenny_Writer
RT @JACRJournal: Let's get started! T1: Let's get started! T1: Why is there so much hype about #AI and #datascience in medical imaging? Is the hype warranted? #JACR https://t.co/StmUbF0MUU
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
RT @cekahn: @JACRJournal @radhelper Thanks for joining us! As @radhelper mentioned, he, @ruthcarlosmd and I are guest eds. of an upcoming special issue of #JACR on #AI.
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
RT @JACRJournal: Let's get started! T1: Let's get started! T1: Why is there so much hype about #AI and #datascience in medical imaging? Is the hype warranted? #JACR https://t.co/StmUbF0MUU
Jenny Jones @Jenny_Writer
RT @pfanderson: Oh, this is going to be fun ... maybe. Love #DataScience and #AI #ArtificialIntelligence but lacking confidence in claims that Watson can read scans as well as a radiologist #JACR
Radiology Partners @Rad_Partners
T1: The concept of augmenting radiologists with technology that could make radiologists more effective is exciting, particularly for algorithms that identify conditions radiologists don’t typically look for and for things that humans are not optimized to do. #JACR https://t.co/DmUlQuAfTR
Rich Heller @reh3md
T1 I think part of the hype is related to peoples idea of possibility. Something I recently learned about is the Gartner Hype Cycle. #jacr
Radhelper PLLC @radhelper
T1 where do people think we are on the hype cycle? #jacr
Radhelper PLLC @radhelper
T1 https://t.co/nBMOHBj2Ik #jacr
Y, like yellow, E @jackyeclayton
RT @JACRJournal: Let's get started! T1: Let's get started! T1: Why is there so much hype about #AI and #datascience in medical imaging? Is the hype warranted? #JACR https://t.co/StmUbF0MUU
Bernadette Keefe MD @nxtstop1
The #JACR tweet chat on #datascience and #AI in the practice of #imaging #radiology is beginning now ~ do join the conversation. T1 is next
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
Hoping from #HITsm and #hcldr folk pop over into the #JACR chat on #AI hype in medical imaging
Charles Kahn, MD @cekahn
@JACRJournal T1 Are folks familiar with the @Gartner "hype cycle"? It's often the case that new technologies get promoted (to raise venture capital, etc.) before solid results are in. #JACR
Eileen O'Brien @EileenOBrien
RT @nxtstop1: The #JACR tweet chat on #datascience and #AI in the practice of #imaging #radiology is beginning now ~ do join the conversation. T1 is next
Bernadette Keefe MD @nxtstop1
T1 Via @radhelper >> T1 Where do people think we are on the hype cycle? #jacr
Rich Heller @reh3md
T1 - I think we are still on upswing of peak of inflated expectations. Got to be near peak though. Right? #jacr
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
@reh3md @RadHelper I've been tracking the Gartner Hype Cycle(s) closely for over a decade. Please note, they don't actually track the viability of the tech, but media response #JACR
Radhelper PLLC @radhelper
T1 i agree @reh3md that we are near the peak. the reality regarding the "radiologist killer" algorithm is a tall order and elusive #jacr
Penn Radiology @PennRadiology
Happening right now, @PennRadiology's @cekhan is moderating @JACRJournal's tweetchat from 12 noon - 1pm EST. Follow the conversation: #JACR https://t.co/eDN4c8zmGN
Becky Haines @grebeccahaines
RT @cekahn: @JACRJournal T1 Are folks familiar with the @Gartner "hype cycle"? It's often the case that new technologies get promoted (to raise venture capital, etc.) before solid results are in. #JACR
Radiology Partners @Rad_Partners
T1: The concept of augmenting radiologists with technology that could make radiologists more effective is exciting, particularly for algorithms that identify conditions radiologists don’t typically look for and for things that humans are not optimized to do. #JACR
Jenny Jones @Jenny_Writer
RT @cekahn: @JACRJournal T1 Are folks familiar with the @Gartner "hype cycle"? It's often the case that new technologies get promoted (to raise venture capital, etc.) before solid results are in. #JACR
Jenny Jones @Jenny_Writer
RT @PennRadiology: Happening right now, @PennRadiology's @cekhan is moderating @JACRJournal's tweetchat from 12 noon - 1pm EST. Follow the conversation: #JACR https://t.co/eDN4c8zmGN
Bernadette Keefe MD @nxtstop1
T1> 'Hype'= The Gartner Hype Cycle https://t.co/QUFVfLOzSH #JACR https://t.co/tOiYqh8HXR
Radhelper PLLC @radhelper
T1 @pfanderson @reh3md @RadHelper very good point. the media hype is intense. the reality on the ground is a different story. #jacr
Charles Kahn, MD @cekahn
@reh3md T1 Yup! #AI #DeepLearning #DataScience are right up there... #JACR https://t.co/bSffOhtDxL
Lindsey Shea Johnstone, MD MS @lagshea
RT @cekahn: @JACRJournal @radhelper Thanks for joining us! As @radhelper mentioned, he, @ruthcarlosmd and I are guest eds. of an upcoming special issue of #JACR on #AI.
Lindsey Shea Johnstone, MD MS @lagshea
RT @JACRJournal: Welcome to our #JACR tweet chat on #DataScience moderated by @cekahn and @radhelper Let's start with intros. https://t.co/Aix7WjkIEd
Becky Haines @grebeccahaines
T1: I think one of the reasons the hype is so high is that folks are excited by the potential for improved care and greater satisfaction for radiologists who can gain > confidence in their decisions #JACR
Radhelper PLLC @radhelper
T1 rad workflow augmentation is not as "sexy" as a fully automated image diagnosis and interpretation. a lot of the #AI claims fail #jacr
Charles Kahn, MD @cekahn
T1 -- Is the #AI hype justified?? #JACR https://t.co/KPY1xPSxx5
Lindsey Shea Johnstone, MD MS @lagshea
RT @JACRJournal: Let's get started! T1: Let's get started! T1: Why is there so much hype about #AI and #datascience in medical imaging? Is the hype warranted? #JACR https://t.co/StmUbF0MUU
Bernadette Keefe MD @nxtstop1
T1 Granted there is a ton of hype around #artificialintelligence and it's imminent earth-shaking effects, RE: all industries, but..... #jacr
T2: Will computer algorithms replace radiologists? Or, should I switch to a new medical specialty? #JACR https://t.co/BEYr4ef5Xp
Penn Medicine MD @PennMDForum
RT @PennRadiology: Happening right now, @PennRadiology's @cekhan is moderating @JACRJournal's tweetchat from 12 noon - 1pm EST. Follow the conversation: #JACR https://t.co/eDN4c8zmGN
Brett Hansen @RadiologyAlly
T1: Everyone has their own idea of the future, but it never comes true exactly how you think it will. #jacr #AI #ThursdayThoughts https://t.co/Wi6ngMHn9I
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
@reh3md Yep. A group I'm in for librarians working with emerging tech had a member this week make the claim that Watson can read x-rays as well as a radiologist. She's pretty politically powerful, so I cdnt say what I really thought about that. #jacr
Lindsey Shea Johnstone, MD MS @lagshea
RT @JACRJournal: Just one hour until the #JACR tweet chat. on Data Science. The JACR has some great #AI #machinelearning articles in print https://t.co/dAuGwIbaNc https://t.co/K7d0el1W1P
Radhelper PLLC @radhelper
T1 @grebeccahaines very important point. #AI companies seem to be more focused at replacing docs versus improving patient care. #jacr
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
Watson Health: Medical Imaging https://t.co/LAovWcWIKQ #JACR
Bernadette Keefe MD @nxtstop1
T1 Re: application in #imaging #radiology specifically> IF #radiologists want to be in on the ground floor (have a say)>now's the time #jacr
Nicole Racadag @NRacadag
If you're not on this #jacr tweet chat on data science, you're missing out! Great convo going on #AI and #DeepLearning! #radiology @JACRJournal
RT @nxtstop1: T1> 'Hype'= The Gartner Hype Cycle https://t.co/QUFVfLOzSH #JACR https://t.co/tOiYqh8HXR
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
RT @radhelper: T1 i agree @reh3md that we are near the peak. the reality regarding the "radiologist killer" algorithm is a tall order and elusive #jacr
Becky Haines @grebeccahaines
T1 but workflow automation, even small changes, can add up to > time saved < cost & > satisfaction. Not sexy but what a relief! #jacr incremental change is good https://t.co/Lgj13cQDk7
Saurabh Jha @RogueRad
Ahh the existential question! No it won't replace, but could chew a few FTEs. Some workforce planning might be in order #JACR https://t.co/mUbBM4EktD
Penn Radiology @PennRadiology
Happening right now, @PennRadiology's @cekahn is moderating @JACRJournal's tweetchat from 12 noon - 1pm EST. Follow the conversation: #JACR https://t.co/eDN4c8zmGN
Penn Medicine MD @PennMDForum
RT @PennRadiology: Happening right now, @PennRadiology's @cekahn is moderating @JACRJournal's tweetchat from 12 noon - 1pm EST. Follow the conversation: #JACR https://t.co/eDN4c8zmGN
Radhelper PLLC @radhelper
T1 @RogueRad could it also eat into RVU reimbursement? if rads are more efficient, will take less time to perform and interpret exams #jacr
Charles Kahn, MD @cekahn
T1 - Agree! There's a lot of gee-whiz excitement about "superhuman" #AI abilities. It's new, and shows the potential to use the latest parallel-processing (GPU) technologies. #JACR https://t.co/frtxtHnGy6
Rich Heller @reh3md
T1 Totally agree. Analytics & workflow are areas that are impactful but not as obvious. Computers / #AI to help analyze reports. #JACR https://t.co/ffi5kBm2rK
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
T1: my expectation is that #ai in medical imaging will follow same pattern as medical AI diagnosis, where it becomes a tool for decision support rather than supplanting the human expert. Shifts skills & competencies needed to be expert #JACR
Becky Haines @grebeccahaines
T2: https://t.co/FwKZftsAJS #JACR
Radiology Partners @Rad_Partners
T2: No, humans & computer learning algorithms have different strengths that complement each other. AI won't replace radiologists, rather a #radiologist who embraces #AI will replace one who does not; and practices who embrace AI will replace those who do not. #JACR
Charles Kahn, MD @cekahn
@RogueRad T2 - How do we re-align? Which areas might be affected first? #JACR
Jenny Jones @Jenny_Writer
T1 what role can radiologists play in taming the hype cycle/steering the hype cycle to focus on patient care? #JACR https://t.co/y4iuBDG4jf
Bernadette Keefe MD @nxtstop1
RT @radhelper: T1 rad workflow augmentation is not as "sexy" as a fully automated image diagnosis and interpretation. a lot of the #AI claims fail #jacr
Bernadette Keefe MD @nxtstop1
RT @cekahn: @reh3md T1 Yup! #AI #DeepLearning #DataScience are right up there... #JACR https://t.co/bSffOhtDxL
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
The real strength of #AI in supporting medical diagnosis and decision making, is managing implicit bias reduction on the part of the human expert — what was overlooked, what assumptions were made #JACR
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
RT @Rad_Partners: T2: T2: No, humans & computer learning algorithms have different strengths that complement each other. AI won't replace radiologists, rather a #radiologist who embraces #AI will replace one who does not; and practices who embrace AI will replace those who do not. #JACR
Saurabh Jha @RogueRad
Yes. "AI will scale our productivity" is a trap. Don't fall for it #JACR https://t.co/JmcbzDiQBs
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
@Rad_Partners Bingo. You nailed it. #JACR
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
RT @grebeccahaines: T2: T2: https://t.co/FwKZftsAJS #JACR
Charles Kahn, MD @cekahn
T1 Definitely. The most productivity may come from the least sexy applications, at least at first. #JACR https://t.co/JRhEKeZDdP
Charles Kahn, MD @cekahn
T1 - Education. The hype blurs out the real truths about #AI strengths + weaknesses. #JACR https://t.co/4jltxwGepK
Rich Heller @reh3md
@radhelper @RogueRad T1 Which has to be balanced with the practice expense of investing in AI. #jacr
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
I spend a lot of time in #JACR chats, but don't usually trot out what I really do in my day job. I'm an emerging technologies informationist who has been both a medical librarian & engineering librarian (where I was the artificial intelligence & neural networks liaison).
Saurabh Jha @RogueRad
@cekahn Give unto AI what is unto AI. Lung nodules, head CTs to R/O bleed, PE studies. All sub specialists should prepare to downsize #JACR
CancerGeek @CancerGeek
T2: No; They will enable #radiologists to focus on more difficult cases as well as providing more one on one with patients & other Md #jacr
Brett Hansen @RadiologyAlly
Agree Historically technology has raised expectations in increased productivity rather than provided individuals with "more time" #JACR https://t.co/a2KV3xP2NM
Bernadette Keefe MD @nxtstop1
An adjustment in alignment/FTEs has been suggested MT @cekahn: @RogueRad T2 -How do we re-align? Which areas might be affected first? #jacr
Becky Haines @grebeccahaines
Agree 100% Digital anything (publishing in my case) seems to accelerates and transforms workload. Work is not less just different #jacr https://t.co/xIznGVX842
Charles Kahn, MD @cekahn
T2 - Yep. Most of us believe Rad + AI will be better than either alone. #JACR https://t.co/AFvDvnKKV0
CancerGeek @CancerGeek
RT @cekahn: T2 - Yep. Most of us believe Rad + AI will be better than either alone. #JACR https://t.co/AFvDvnKKV0
Rich Heller @reh3md
RT @cekahn: T2 - Yep. Most of us believe Rad + AI will be better than either alone. #JACR https://t.co/AFvDvnKKV0
Bernadette Keefe MD @nxtstop1
@nxtstop1 @cekahn @RogueRad Any plain films used for #binary type questions /diagnosis i.e. Yes or No fracture. #mskrad #jacr
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
@cekahn @RogueRad T2: new competencies to build and require are 1) lifelong learning skills; 2) general tech competencies; 3) plain language & storytelling skills to communicate; 4) being able to customize algorithms & software & DataViz; 5) bias/stigma reduction #jacr
Becky Haines @grebeccahaines
RT @cekahn: T2 - Yep. Most of us believe Rad + AI will be better than either alone. #JACR https://t.co/AFvDvnKKV0
CancerGeek @CancerGeek
T2: Like all #tech its only as good as the #humans using it. #AI has ability to improve the work if leveraged correctly #jacr
Radhelper PLLC @radhelper
@nxtstop1 @cekahn @RogueRad T2 Rads and groups that don't provide value or efficiency will be the first to get hit if #ai tools aren't utilized #JACR
Charles Kahn, MD @cekahn
T2 - As for workload: do we see that going DOWN anytime soon as our popluation ages? #AI will shift the work in #radiology. #jacr
Bernadette Keefe MD @nxtstop1
RT @radhelper: @nxtstop1 @cekahn @RogueRad T2 Rads and groups that don't provide value or efficiency will be the first to get hit if #ai tools aren't utilized #JACR
Vasanth @vasanthdrv
T1 the hype is amplified by oversimplification of radiology as a field of reading images. Until data scientists realize the fine print, the expectations will be simplistic and unrealistic #JACR
Rich Heller @reh3md
@nxtstop1 @cekahn @RogueRad Or based on accepted reference data pools like #boneage #jacr
Bernadette Keefe MD @nxtstop1
MT @cekahn: T1 Definitely. The most productivity may come from the least sexy applications, at least at first https://t.co/CQAt8jewTu #jacr
Charles Kahn, MD @cekahn
Agree! Some combo of "liberal arts" and "techie" skills, then... #jacr https://t.co/CrWtnOChtg
Bernadette Keefe MD @nxtstop1
Yes>> precisely! RT @reh3md: @nxtstop1 @cekahn @RogueRad Or based on accepted reference data pools like #boneage #jacr
CancerGeek @CancerGeek
T2: I think the other thought is will #AI + #Radiologist eliminate need of other #physicians in healthcare? #jacr
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
@cekahn Exactly. As it takes up some burdens, it will create new ones. Work and workflows shift, but the overall burden stays the same or increases #JACR
Seth M Hardy, MD MBA @sethmhardy
Everyone thinks the other person’s job is easy. #jacr https://t.co/JYnyXULdu7
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
RT @vasanthdrv: T1 the hype is amplified by oversimplification of radiology as a field of reading images. Until data scientists realize the fine print, the expectations will be simplistic and unrealistic #JACR
Radhelper PLLC @radhelper
@CancerGeek T2 it depends on whether or not we get reimbursed for value we provide over volume we interpret and bill for. i'm also an optimist but the realist in me says that rads will try to preserve the status quo in reimbursement #JACR
Syam Reddy MD @sreddyimaging
RT @Rad_Partners: T1: T1: The concept of augmenting radiologists with technology that could make radiologists more effective is exciting, particularly for algorithms that identify conditions radiologists don’t typically look for and for things that humans are not optimized to do. #JACR
Becky Haines @grebeccahaines
Great recording of @ACRRFS journal club pointing out challenges w #AI & describing specific issues, how to review critically https://t.co/5yxZITEplj #JACR
Bernadette Keefe MD @nxtstop1
MT @cekahn: T2 As for workload: do we see that going DOWN anytime soon as our pop. ages?{No}#AI will shift the work in #radiology{Yes} #jacr
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
@vasanthdrv Love this. Thank you for saying it so well, that the human in the radiologist contributes value beyond simply looking at pictures & saying what they are. #jacr
CancerGeek @CancerGeek
RT @pfanderson: I spend a lot of time in #JACR chats, but don't usually trot out what I really do in my day job. I'm an emerging technologies informationist who has been both a medical librarian & engineering librarian (where I was the artificial intelligence & neural networks liaison).
Saurabh Jha @RogueRad
Pre-TAVR measurements will drive even AI to despair #JACR https://t.co/GNpeYwYfg5
Charles Kahn, MD @cekahn
T2 Some examples: ECGs are read by machines ("AI"), but cardiologists still bill for them (and overread them). Lab medicine docs don't measure serum creatinine in testtubes, they QC the machines that process the samples #jacr
Radhelper PLLC @radhelper
@grebeccahaines @ACRRFS T2 there will definitely be a whole industry on trying to validate the #AI tools which will take domain expertise #JACR
Rich Heller @reh3md
@pfanderson @cekahn Agree. A point driven home in the movie #HiddenFigures when machine-based computers first move in. #jacr
Becky Haines @grebeccahaines
Volume reimbursement likely a basis for value $$ per @zekesilva3 so important to advocate strategically to ensure patients get care they need. #jacr https://t.co/1iIpAkkyxk
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
@CancerGeek I don't see how. It isn't providing care, it's supporting diagnosis. Even now, radiology reports are integrated w/ other information into a broad picture to support diagnosis for the individual patient. But may make for interesting #PrecisionHealth #PrecisionMedicine stuff #JACR
Bernadette Keefe MD @nxtstop1
RT @grebeccahaines: T2: T2: https://t.co/FwKZftsAJS #JACR
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
RT @cekahn: T2 Some examples: T2 Some examples: ECGs are read by machines ("AI"), but cardiologists still bill for them (and overread them). Lab medicine docs don't measure serum creatinine in testtubes, they QC the machines that process the samples #jacr
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
RT @cekahn: Agree! Some combo of "liberal arts" and "techie" skills, then... #jacr https://t.co/CrWtnOChtg
Becky Haines @grebeccahaines
Indeed @RadiologyACR Data Science Institute https://t.co/A89jS9JeQw teady to do just that #jacr https://t.co/NMKF1eyZzv
T3: Where will data science and #AI impact #medicine and specifically #radiology the most? #JACR https://t.co/jWRVuIIqsg
Jenny Jones @Jenny_Writer
T2 @UVARadiology are using an #AI app to help them detect incidental findings on CT scans. It's even helping them detect low bone density before symptoms are visible to them. It's a tool, not replacement https://t.co/gPhHXF8AOS #JACR #JACR
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
@cekahn Combined with the EXISTING requirements of medical knowledge and infrastructure understanding #JACR
Jenny Jones @Jenny_Writer
RT @grebeccahaines: Indeed @RadiologyACR Data Science Institute https://t.co/A89jS9JeQw teady to do just that #jacr https://t.co/NMKF1eyZzv
Radhelper PLLC @radhelper
T2 out of curiosity, if you could have 1 #AI tool at your practice, what would it be? smart worklist? better hanging protocol? automation of protocoling? detection of lung nodules on CT? #JACR
Bernadette Keefe MD @nxtstop1
RT @grebeccahaines: Great recording of @ACRRFS journal club pointing out challenges w #AI & describing specific issues, how to review critically https://t.co/5yxZITEplj #JACR
CancerGeek @CancerGeek
RT @JACRJournal: T3: T3: Where will data science and #AI impact #medicine and specifically #radiology the most? #JACR https://t.co/jWRVuIIqsg
Charles Kahn, MD @cekahn
T2 Agree. Which means rads will need to maintain clinical + image-interpretation skills, PLUS gain new skills to oversee new tech. #JACR https://t.co/bVBevwl4iF
Bernadette Keefe MD @nxtstop1
RT @pfanderson: @cekahn @RogueRad T2: @cekahn @RogueRad T2: new competencies to build and require are 1) lifelong learning skills; 2) general tech competencies; 3) plain language & storytelling skills to communicate; 4) being able to customize algorithms & software & DataViz; 5) bias/stigma reduction #jacr
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
RT @JACRJournal: T3: T3: Where will data science and #AI impact #medicine and specifically #radiology the most? #JACR https://t.co/jWRVuIIqsg
Ellen Silveira @ellenbsilveira
Good tweet chat happening now led by @JACRJournal on #AI in medical imaging + hype cycle of emerging tech https://t.co/AUTEXB5TCP
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
RT @Jenny_Writer: T2 @UVARadiology are using an #AI app to help them detect incidental findings on CT scans. It's even helping them detect low bone density before symptoms are visible to them. It's a tool, not replacement https://t.co/gPhHXF8AOS #JACR #JACR
Bernadette Keefe MD @nxtstop1
RT @radhelper: @grebeccahaines @ACRRFS T2 there will definitely be a whole industry on trying to validate the #AI tools which will take domain expertise #JACR
Charles Kahn, MD @cekahn
T2. Classify thyroid nodules 😀 #JACR https://t.co/XkY5ngdMgR
Bernadette Keefe MD @nxtstop1
RT @cekahn: T2 Some examples: T2 Some examples: ECGs are read by machines ("AI"), but cardiologists still bill for them (and overread them). Lab medicine docs don't measure serum creatinine in testtubes, they QC the machines that process the samples #jacr
Seth M Hardy, MD MBA @sethmhardy
Which will be interesting given the verbal promise to be “Vanderbilt neutral”. #jacr https://t.co/2VUovIMvIX
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
@Jenny_Writer @UVARadiology Perfect example of how #AI and #DataScience can SUPPORT existing radiology work while improving patient care through early diagnosis. #JACR
Becky Haines @grebeccahaines
Course recommended during @ACRRFS journal club is https://t.co/ulCOkmQCuP #JACR https://t.co/dhPZnKawue
Radhelper PLLC @radhelper
T3 biggest impact will be population health. the normal/abnormal detection on imaging may be accessible to those that are not specialized to interpret imaging. so, they will know when something is wrong but may not know what it is #JACR
Seth M Hardy, MD MBA @sethmhardy
Which will be interesting given the promise to be “vendor neutral” that was made at ACR 2017. #jacr https://t.co/2VUovIMvIX
Jenny Jones @Jenny_Writer
Agree! This is the future. #JACR https://t.co/zbpxLFRzSN
Radiology Partners @Rad_Partners
A3: Data science & AI should be used to make it easier for radiologists to practice better. This goal can be met at any part of our imaging workflow from elevating critical cases on a worklist to providing relevant patient information for image interpretation/consultation. #JACR
Bernadette Keefe MD @nxtstop1
via @JACRJournal T3: Where will data science and #AI impact #medicine and specifically #radiology the most? #jacr
CancerGeek @CancerGeek
T3: 1) Skip to best exam for clinical indication 2) Move from pop based models to #Nof1 for imaging & F/U 3) Find new correlations #jacr
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
RT @grebeccahaines: Course recommended during @ACRRFS journal club is https://t.co/ulCOkmQCuP #JACR https://t.co/dhPZnKawue
Becky Haines @grebeccahaines
Maybe I should clarify...algorithm validation #JACR https://t.co/Z3GeqCowAh
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
@Jenny_Writer @UVARadiology Case Study: AN Extra Set of Eyes: https://t.co/LHXe9JJnX6 #JACR
Bernadette Keefe MD @nxtstop1
RT @cekahn: T2 Agree. Which means rads will need to maintain clinical + image-interpretation skills, PLUS gain new skills to oversee new tech. #JACR https://t.co/bVBevwl4iF
Bernadette Keefe MD @nxtstop1
RT @grebeccahaines: Course recommended during @ACRRFS journal club is https://t.co/ulCOkmQCuP #JACR https://t.co/dhPZnKawue
Charles Kahn, MD @cekahn
@radhelper T3 - So what about limited applications, esp. in dev'ing nations? TB detection as a use case? Would nl/abnl be enough? #JACR
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
@radhelper This makes me think of tools to help general practice docs ID appropriate referral, or supporting Dx in telemedicine. Mixed feelings, though #JACR
CancerGeek @CancerGeek
T3: 4) Reduce "indeterminate results" 5) Create an Alexa Skills Dr. Jha for every reading room in the U.S. to keep everyone honest #jacr
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
RT @radhelper: T3 biggest impact will be population health. the normal/abnormal detection on imaging may be accessible to those that are not specialized to interpret imaging. so, they will know when something is wrong but may not know what it is #JACR
Bernadette Keefe MD @nxtstop1
RT @radhelper: T2 out of curiosity, if you could have 1 #AI tool at your practice, what would it be? smart worklist? better hanging protocol? automation of protocoling? detection of lung nodules on CT? #JACR
Becky Haines @grebeccahaines
RT @pfanderson: @Jenny_Writer @UVARadiology Case Study: AN Extra Set of Eyes: @Jenny_Writer @UVARadiology Case Study: AN Extra Set of Eyes: https://t.co/LHXe9JJnX6 #JACR
Seth M Hardy, MD MBA @sethmhardy
@grebeccahaines It’s a very slippery slope. #jacr
Radiology Partners @Rad_Partners
T3 continued: AI can also help rads accomplish tasks from identifying conditions that are difficult to capture or tedious to measure to assisting the radiologist in creating the report to identifying patients who are due for follow-up. Much opportunity here. #JACR
Radhelper PLLC @radhelper
@pfanderson T3 this may drive more business to radiologists to help provide expert opinion and follow-up recommendations #JACR
Jenny Jones @Jenny_Writer
T3 While #AI won't replace radiologists, the radiologist's role will almost certainly change. #Imaging3 provides a guide for helping radiologists prepare for this future. #JACR
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
@Vilavaite @CancerGeek I would really like for specialists to able to ID when an AI algorithm is making assumptions that don't apply to the patient in front of them, and modify it appropriately #JACR
Becky Haines @grebeccahaines
@sethmhardy Modeling Accreditation process gives me comfort. What do you think? #jacr
Radhelper PLLC @radhelper
@CancerGeek T3 and reduce the variability in our follow-up recommendations or provide some potential outcomes stratification #JACR
CancerGeek @CancerGeek
RT @radhelper: @CancerGeek T3 and reduce the variability in our follow-up recommendations or provide some potential outcomes stratification #JACR
Seth M Hardy, MD MBA @sethmhardy
@cekahn @radhelper Committing someone to TB therapy based on #AI is a big deal. #jacr
CancerGeek @CancerGeek
@radhelper Yes!! #jacr
Jenny Jones @Jenny_Writer
RT @pfanderson: @Vilavaite @CancerGeek I would really like for specialists to able to ID when an AI algorithm is making assumptions that don't apply to the patient in front of them, and modify it appropriately #JACR
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
@radhelper It could, as long as primary care docs don't fall into the habit of trusting the machine when they shouldn't #JACR
AI Today @IndustryAi
RT @sethmhardy: @cekahn @radhelper Committing someone to TB therapy based on #AI is a big deal. #jacr
Bernadette Keefe MD @nxtstop1
Resource > MT @grebeccahaines: Indeed @RadiologyACR Data Science Institute https://t.co/qYw42pVJrE https://t.co/PLXDfHko6Q #jacr
CancerGeek @CancerGeek
T3: Identify when #radiologist fatigue is setting in and remind them to take a break #jacr
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
RT @cekahn: @radhelper T3 - So what about limited applications, esp. in dev'ing nations? TB detection as a use case? Would nl/abnl be enough? #JACR
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
RT @Rad_Partners: T3 continued: T3 continued: AI can also help rads accomplish tasks from identifying conditions that are difficult to capture or tedious to measure to assisting the radiologist in creating the report to identifying patients who are due for follow-up. Much opportunity here. #JACR
Rich Heller @reh3md
RT @CancerGeek: T3: T3: 1) Skip to best exam for clinical indication 2) Move from pop based models to #Nof1 for imaging & F/U 3) Find new correlations #jacr
Charles Kahn, MD @cekahn
@radhelper @pfanderson T3 If the test is how well it lets us care for the patient (in terms of both quality and cost), we will still be in the picture. It might redirect some care from specialists to less-expensive generalists. #JACR
Radhelper PLLC @radhelper
@Rad_Partners T3 totally agree. if #AI tools can incorporate prior exams and EHR data, would be very powerful synthesis for providers and patients #JACR
Seth M Hardy, MD MBA @sethmhardy
@grebeccahaines I already perceive undisclosed COI today. Not optimistic. #jacr
Charles Kahn, MD @cekahn
That's been a goal of some of my group's work #JACR https://t.co/VMQaVRPJa8
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
I'm thinking about how in genetics, the BRCA samples became proprietary of a single company. Algorithms are likely to also be proprietary, not transparent. There are risks in that #JACR
Radhelper PLLC @radhelper
@grebeccahaines @sethmhardy Can we rely on @US_FDA to keep up with the technology advancements? #JACR
Deep Learning City @DeepLearningCty
@reh3md T1 Yup! #AI #DeepLearning #DataScience are right up there... #JACR https://t.co/5hEsKlcva5
Jenny Jones @Jenny_Writer
T3 Triage cases, putting the most critical cases at the top of a radiologist's work list #JACR
CancerGeek @CancerGeek
T3: Automatically query and retrieve all pertinent information & present in easy to see/hear while #radiologist is reading exam #jacr
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
RT @sethmhardy: @grebeccahaines I already perceive undisclosed COI today. Not optimistic. #jacr
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
RT @nxtstop1: Resource > MT @grebeccahaines: Resource > MT @grebeccahaines: Indeed @RadiologyACR Data Science Institute https://t.co/qYw42pVJrE https://t.co/PLXDfHko6Q #jacr
Jenny Jones @Jenny_Writer
RT @radhelper: @Rad_Partners T3 totally agree. if #AI tools can incorporate prior exams and EHR data, would be very powerful synthesis for providers and patients #JACR
Bernadette Keefe MD @nxtstop1
@grebeccahaines @ACRRFS Thanks- NB: The #AI #imaging @ACRRFS @RadiologyACR journal club now has dedicated hashtag : #RadAIJC Cc #JACR
Rich Heller @reh3md
@radhelper Assistance w/ evidence based guidelines. Cant memorize them & time consuming to look up (or I may not even know there is a guideline). #jacr
CancerGeek @CancerGeek
T3: Scrape the findings/summary into a #patient friendly report and given to patient before they leave #jacr
Radhelper PLLC @radhelper
@pfanderson T3 we are already seeing industry and health systems keep a closed lid on their data. everyone thinks their image data and rad reports are some kind of #bitcoin :) #JACR
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
@Vilavaite @CancerGeek Can we NOW make a strong push for a Github / GitLab archive of AI algorithms used for medical imaging diagnosis? Proprietary / non-editable algorithms make me really nervous re. patient safety #jacr
Jenny Jones @Jenny_Writer
T3 Create a patient-friendly report automatically from the radiologist's traditional report #JACR
Seth M Hardy, MD MBA @sethmhardy
And error detection, like why Mr. Jones suddenly has a uterus. #jacr https://t.co/acMuVyDroK
Bernadette Keefe MD @nxtstop1
RT @cekahn: @radhelper @pfanderson T3 If the test is how well it lets us care for the patient (in terms of both quality and cost), we will still be in the picture. It might redirect some care from specialists to less-expensive generalists. #JACR
Bernadette Keefe MD @nxtstop1
RT @radhelper: @Rad_Partners T3 totally agree. if #AI tools can incorporate prior exams and EHR data, would be very powerful synthesis for providers and patients #JACR
CancerGeek @CancerGeek
RT @Jenny_Writer: T3 Create a patient-friendly report automatically from the radiologist's traditional report #JACR
Saurabh Jha @RogueRad
Deep wisdom in this truism #JACR https://t.co/0cFVygGYe6
Charles Kahn, MD @cekahn
@pfanderson Unlike conventional software, the *data* generate the #AI tools. So large groups may be able to build their own systems (using published AI shells) from their own images. (It avoids FDA scrutiny...) #JACR
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
@radhelper @grebeccahaines @sethmhardy @US_FDA No. Their testing and validation process is (of necessity) too slow. Also, new admin requirement for political oversight of projects is problematic #JACR
Jenny Jones @Jenny_Writer
I can see how that would be helpful! :) https://t.co/oSSGVOTz1M
Ellen Silveira @ellenbsilveira
Well said @Rad_Partners #JACR https://t.co/5ty78u7sZf
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
RT @RogueRad: Deep wisdom in this truism #JACR https://t.co/0cFVygGYe6
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
RT @cekahn: @radhelper @pfanderson T3 If the test is how well it lets us care for the patient (in terms of both quality and cost), we will still be in the picture. It might redirect some care from specialists to less-expensive generalists. #JACR
T4: How does someone learn more about #datascience, #AI and informatics? Is there additional training or certification? #JACR https://t.co/Vw3kF4YHgD
Radhelper PLLC @radhelper
RT @ellenbsilveira: Well said @Rad_Partners #JACR https://t.co/5ty78u7sZf
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
RT @cekahn: @pfanderson Unlike conventional software, the *data* generate the #AI tools. So large groups may be able to build their own systems (using published AI shells) from their own images. (It avoids FDA scrutiny...) #JACR
Rich Heller @reh3md
RT @ellenbsilveira: Well said @Rad_Partners #JACR https://t.co/5ty78u7sZf
Seth M Hardy, MD MBA @sethmhardy
@RogueRad “Still waiting after all these years.” #jacr
Charles Kahn, MD @cekahn
@ellenbsilveira @Rad_Partners And that's we we best use the technology! Computers + humans each do what they do best. #JACR
Matthew Loxton is also on Mastodon @mloxton
would love to be on #JACR Chat, but cleaning data and fixing reports instead
Radhelper PLLC @radhelper
RT @RogueRad: Deep wisdom in this truism #JACR https://t.co/0cFVygGYe6
Jenny Jones @Jenny_Writer
T4 Lots of information out there, including on the #ACRDSI blog https://t.co/V8LDK0kxs3 #JACR
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
@cekahn A big recent trend in #AI is machines that (I'm oversimplifying) write their own code & algorithms. Makes development fast, includes humans as guides, but makes it really hard to understand what they're doing & why #JACR
Radhelper PLLC @radhelper
T4 lots of knowledge about #AI and #ML that is available. one example: https://t.co/Y7L9hApidY #JACR
Boiarski @Boiarski
The #Russians are building the Matrix. #tRump's cabinet all own #MatrixStock. https://t.co/nqkDhPRcGG
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
RT @JACRJournal: T4: T4: How does someone learn more about #datascience, #AI and informatics? Is there additional training or certification? #JACR https://t.co/Vw3kF4YHgD
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
RT @radhelper: @pfanderson T3 we are already seeing industry and health systems keep a closed lid on their data. everyone thinks their image data and rad reports are some kind of #bitcoin :) #JACR
Radiology Partners @Rad_Partners
T4: AI is a popular topic these days so there is plenty to read about it. @SIIM_Tweets holds an annual conference dedicated to AI, there are multiple lectures at radiology conferences (e.g., @RSNA), & much can be learned by speaking to the multitude of vendors in the space. #JACR
Jenny Jones @Jenny_Writer
RT @radhelper: T4 lots of knowledge about #AI and #ML that is available. one example: T4 lots of knowledge about #AI and #ML that is available. one example: https://t.co/Y7L9hApidY #JACR
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
@drsxr @radhelper It took a looooooong time to get a government requirement for open data & articles from govt-funded studies. Can we get in at the beginning with some sort of policy requirement related to AI in medical imaging? #JACR
Bernadette Keefe MD @nxtstop1
RT @cekahn: @pfanderson Unlike conventional software, the *data* generate the #AI tools. So large groups may be able to build their own systems (using published AI shells) from their own images. (It avoids FDA scrutiny...) #JACR
Radhelper PLLC @radhelper
T4 we need to embrace these tools starting in medical school to encourage the next generation of radioloigsts to lead these efforts. #JACR
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
RT @Jenny_Writer: T4 Lots of information out there, including on the #ACRDSI blog https://t.co/V8LDK0kxs3 #JACR
Radhelper PLLC @radhelper
RT @Rad_Partners: T4: T4: AI is a popular topic these days so there is plenty to read about it. @SIIM_Tweets holds an annual conference dedicated to AI, there are multiple lectures at radiology conferences (e.g., @RSNA), & much can be learned by speaking to the multitude of vendors in the space. #JACR
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
RT @radhelper: T4 lots of knowledge about #AI and #ML that is available. one example: T4 lots of knowledge about #AI and #ML that is available. one example: https://t.co/Y7L9hApidY #JACR
Jenny Jones @Jenny_Writer
RT @radhelper: T4 we need to embrace these tools starting in medical school to encourage the next generation of radioloigsts to lead these efforts. #JACR
Priscila Falla @prisFallaBC
RT @radhelper: T3 biggest impact will be population health. the normal/abnormal detection on imaging may be accessible to those that are not specialized to interpret imaging. so, they will know when something is wrong but may not know what it is #JACR
Rich Heller @reh3md
RT @radhelper: T4 we need to embrace these tools starting in medical school to encourage the next generation of radioloigsts to lead these efforts. #JACR
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
@radhelper There are entire curricula of AI and data science courses available as MOOCs https://t.co/NoMjwUYfFz #JACR
Radhelper PLLC @radhelper
we are scaring away too many talented students away from radiology and other specialties. it's a bit myopic in my opinion. #JACR
Bernadette Keefe MD @nxtstop1
T4 Via JACR T4: How does someone learn more about #datascience, #AI and informatics? Is there additional training or certification? #JACR
Vasanth @vasanthdrv
T2 - existing deep learning networks are black boxes. nobody knows how they do what they do or what they learn.there is no reasoning that is an essential part of diagnoses made by humans. they will be better at the quantitative tasks that don't apply logical reasoning #JACR
Becky Haines @grebeccahaines
RT @pfanderson: @radhelper There are entire curricula of AI and data science courses available as MOOCs https://t.co/NoMjwUYfFz #JACR
Bernadette Keefe MD @nxtstop1
RT @radhelper: T4 lots of knowledge about #AI and #ML that is available. one example: T4 lots of knowledge about #AI and #ML that is available. one example: https://t.co/Y7L9hApidY #JACR
Bernadette Keefe MD @nxtstop1
RT @Jenny_Writer: T4 Lots of information out there, including on the #ACRDSI blog https://t.co/V8LDK0kxs3 #JACR
Charles Kahn, MD @cekahn
@JACRJournal Nice intro on #AI and #DeepLearning in recent AJR issue by Bernie King. @RSNA soon to publish new journal on Radiology AI, and lest we forget... #JACR special issue on AI in #Radiology! #JACR
Radiology Partners @Rad_Partners
T4 continued: @RadiologyACR has formed a Data Science Institute (DSI) @datascienceins with a mission that includes creating standards and use cases for AI tools, and educating radiologists about the space. #JACR
blah blah blah @FalgunHChokshi
@radhelper @grebeccahaines @sethmhardy @US_FDA They are slow. But will catch up. Usually need either an amazing use case or cases or a big tragedy to speed up action. #JACR
Radhelper PLLC @radhelper
RT @Rad_Partners: T4 continued: T4 continued: @RadiologyACR has formed a Data Science Institute (DSI) @datascienceins with a mission that includes creating standards and use cases for AI tools, and educating radiologists about the space. #JACR
Radhelper PLLC @radhelper
RT @cekahn: @JACRJournal Nice intro on #AI and #DeepLearning in recent AJR issue by Bernie King. @RSNA soon to publish new journal on Radiology AI, and lest we forget... #JACR special issue on AI in #Radiology! #JACR
Charles Kahn, MD @cekahn
@radhelper Very myopic! We've had one well-known (nonrad) faculty member tell our med students that there's no future in radiology or pathology. #JACR
Bernadette Keefe MD @nxtstop1
Thread: The role of #ArtificialIntelligence in the practice of radiology — some thoughts from #jacr tweet chat attendees https://t.co/6cwxi5kdaK
blah blah blah @FalgunHChokshi
@nxtstop1 .@coursera good resources and courses. @AndrewYNg ‘s https://t.co/gf2HF7Iggx #JACR
Radhelper PLLC @radhelper
T4 another nice summary from @JACRJournal https://t.co/iFFGY2QB4H #JACR
Bernadette Keefe MD @nxtstop1
RT @FalgunChokshiMD: @nxtstop1 .@coursera good resources and courses. @AndrewYNg ‘s https://t.co/gf2HF7Iggx #JACR
blah blah blah @FalgunHChokshi
@drsxr @radhelper @grebeccahaines @sethmhardy @US_FDA They NEED to happen. And soon. #JACR
Bernadette Keefe MD @nxtstop1
RT @radhelper: T4 another nice summary from @JACRJournal https://t.co/iFFGY2QB4H #JACR
Jenny Jones @Jenny_Writer
T4 A couple of good podcasts on #AI from the #RLI, including one from a pathologist's perspective https://t.co/xIprVRU3qv #JACR
Only a few minutes left, what are your closing thoughts on data science? #JACR
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
RT @Rad_Partners: T4 continued: T4 continued: @RadiologyACR has formed a Data Science Institute (DSI) @datascienceins with a mission that includes creating standards and use cases for AI tools, and educating radiologists about the space. #JACR
Radhelper PLLC @radhelper
@Vilavaite @pfanderson @cekahn #AI tools will have the ability to interpret from the raw data including sinograms and K-space #JACR
Bernadette Keefe MD @nxtstop1
RT @Jenny_Writer: T4 A couple of good podcasts on #AI from the #RLI, including one from a pathologist's perspective https://t.co/xIprVRU3qv #JACR
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
@Vilavaite @cekahn This is just one example, in a narrow domain. It's happening in lots of fields. Sometimes they shut it down, sometimes the humans guide-on-the-side. #JACR
blah blah blah @FalgunHChokshi
@drsxr @radhelper Doubt residency programs are going to teach anything close to #AI and #Machinelearning. Most people barely understand what this technology is really. 90% Hype right now. Searching for a platinum needle in a mountain of steel needles! #JACR
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
RT @radhelper: T4 another nice summary from @JACRJournal https://t.co/iFFGY2QB4H #JACR
Becky Haines @grebeccahaines
Good model for education w @asset25 https://t.co/qE4vjk2yqn #jacr https://t.co/WyxNCXDf7o
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
RT @FalgunChokshiMD: @nxtstop1 .@coursera good resources and courses. @AndrewYNg ‘s https://t.co/gf2HF7Iggx #JACR
RT @radhelper: T4 another nice summary from @JACRJournal https://t.co/iFFGY2QB4H #JACR
Sergey Minaev @sminaev2015
RT @JACRJournal: Be sure to include T1, T2, etc in your tweets so we know which questions you're responding to. Don't forget to include #JACR https://t.co/Z71OJMq250
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
Final thoughts: what can radiology learn from how AI has been implemented in other domains to avoid the pitfalls, and maximise the benefits for both clinics and patients? #JACR
Radhelper PLLC @radhelper
@JACRJournal radiology must continue to embrace technology as it has historically. the data science and #AI generation is no different. we must evolve as a group and empower our community with tools that make sense and improve care #JACR
Jenny Jones @Jenny_Writer
#AI will be another tool in the box for radiologists to strengthen their role as consultants in care, a la #Imaging3 #JACR
Mark Punyanitya @markpun
RT @FalgunChokshiMD: @drsxr @radhelper Doubt residency programs are going to teach anything close to #AI and #Machinelearning. Most people barely understand what this technology is really. 90% Hype right now. Searching for a platinum needle in a mountain of steel needles! #JACR
Radhelper PLLC @radhelper
RT @grebeccahaines: Good model for education w @asset25 https://t.co/qE4vjk2yqn #jacr https://t.co/WyxNCXDf7o
Sergey Minaev @sminaev2015
RT @FalgunChokshiMD: @drsxr @radhelper Doubt residency programs are going to teach anything close to #AI and #Machinelearning. Most people barely understand what this technology is really. 90% Hype right now. Searching for a platinum needle in a mountain of steel needles! #JACR
Sergey Minaev @sminaev2015
RT @radhelper: T4 another nice summary from @JACRJournal https://t.co/iFFGY2QB4H #JACR
blah blah blah @FalgunHChokshi
@radhelper @Vilavaite @pfanderson @cekahn Would be nice. But, honestly, all this #AI #innovation will be driven mainly by the private sector, with some collaboration by #academics, and government regulation. But these is a commercializeable #technology. Like it or not, if the product made doesn’t sell, no cigar. #JACR.
Bernadette Keefe MD @nxtstop1
@FalgunChokshiMD @drsxr @radhelper Don’t mind the hype if it means that here, on the ground, we are having serious conversations about preparing for the future practice and how implementation / validation should take place ~ #jacr.
UtarSystems @UtarSystems
RT @FalgunChokshiMD: @radhelper @Vilavaite @pfanderson @cekahn Would be nice. But, honestly, all this #AI #innovation will be driven mainly by the private sector, with some collaboration by #academics, and government regulation. But these is a commercializeable #technology. Like it or not, if the product made doesn’t sell, no cigar. #JACR.
RT @nxtstop1: Thread: Thread: The role of #ArtificialIntelligence in the practice of radiology — some thoughts from #jacr tweet chat attendees https://t.co/6cwxi5kdaK
Kingchi Engineering @kingchieng
RT @FalgunChokshiMD: @radhelper @Vilavaite @pfanderson @cekahn Would be nice. But, honestly, all this #AI #innovation will be driven mainly by the private sector, with some collaboration by #academics, and government regulation. But these is a commercializeable #technology. Like it or not, if the product made doesn’t sell, no cigar. #JACR.
Radhelper PLLC @radhelper
Thank you all for an extremely invigorating Tweet Chat! The next decade in medicine and radiology is going to be fascinating to say the least #JACR
Charles Kahn, MD @cekahn
And that's a key lesson. #AI is just that: a tool that can be applied (for good or ill), and (wise) radiologists will use it to improve their ability to deliver care! #JACR https://t.co/rVdRRNon51
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
@FalgunChokshiMD @radhelper Didn't you hear? BitCoin crashed. https://t.co/zRZ6EH7rmj #JACR
blah blah blah @FalgunHChokshi
@radhelper @Vilavaite @pfanderson @cekahn As much as we radiologists talk about owning this, we don’t have the capital to own it. There is A LOT of money floating around both for #investments and #development. It’s THE thing for #venturecapital investments. Most will fail. But need just 1-2 big wins. #JACR
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
RT @radhelper: @Vilavaite @pfanderson @cekahn #AI tools will have the ability to interpret from the raw data including sinograms and K-space #JACR
Jenny Jones @Jenny_Writer
RT @nxtstop1: @FalgunChokshiMD @drsxr @radhelper Don’t mind the hype if it means that here, on the ground, we are having serious conversations about preparing for the future practice and how implementation / validation should take place ~ #jacr.
Radhelper PLLC @radhelper
@Vilavaite Probably won't change much. We still have to teach children mathematics in the era of calculator and computers. Same rules apply #JACR
Jenny Jones @Jenny_Writer
RT @cekahn: And that's a key lesson. #AI is just that: And that's a key lesson. #AI is just that: a tool that can be applied (for good or ill), and (wise) radiologists will use it to improve their ability to deliver care! #JACR https://t.co/rVdRRNon51
Charles Kahn, MD @cekahn
Amazing discussion! Thank you all for joining the tweetchat. It was a ton o' fun! #JACR
Radhelper PLLC @radhelper
RT @FalgunChokshiMD: @radhelper @Vilavaite @pfanderson @cekahn Would be nice. But, honestly, all this #AI #innovation will be driven mainly by the private sector, with some collaboration by #academics, and government regulation. But these is a commercializeable #technology. Like it or not, if the product made doesn’t sell, no cigar. #JACR.
Bernadette Keefe MD @nxtstop1
RT @cekahn: And that's a key lesson. #AI is just that: And that's a key lesson. #AI is just that: a tool that can be applied (for good or ill), and (wise) radiologists will use it to improve their ability to deliver care! #JACR https://t.co/rVdRRNon51
Bernadette Keefe MD @nxtstop1
RT @radhelper: Thank you all for an extremely invigorating Tweet Chat! The next decade in medicine and radiology is going to be fascinating to say the least #JACR
Seth M Hardy, MD MBA @sethmhardy
Truth. https://t.co/uT0OSicVDh #jacr https://t.co/rhS2TNIASS
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
@FalgunChokshiMD @radhelper @Vilavaite @cekahn If we don't insert some guidelines & requirements up front, we'll end up with an Elsevier of medical imaging, who own 95% of both images & analytic tools #JACR
Jenny Jones @Jenny_Writer
Thanks for leading a great discussion @cekahn @radhelper! I learned a lot, as always. #jacr
blah blah blah @FalgunHChokshi
@nxtstop1 @drsxr @radhelper Definitely, but we, who have limited #capital, will be adjunct factors in #AI’s tech dissemination and adoption curve. We can help validate and even implement. But it’s going to be products we buy to do this and that comes from industry. Not what many want to hear. #JACR
Becky Haines @grebeccahaines
@vasanthdrv @ACRRFS DK @judywawira @jeremyphoward can u advise? #jacr
blah blah blah @FalgunHChokshi
@pfanderson @radhelper #Bitcoin crashes many times and then bubbles up. This is not news. #JACR
blah blah blah @FalgunHChokshi
RT @sethmhardy: Truth. https://t.co/uT0OSicVDh #jacr https://t.co/rhS2TNIASS
Charles Kahn, MD @cekahn
There are many kinds of "capital", and knowledge is one. #AI systems are increasingly available free (github), computing grows cheaper daily in the cloud. For systems based on data (images), a large image collection is capital, too! #JACR https://t.co/KiK6HbHnWA
blah blah blah @FalgunHChokshi
@nxtstop1 @drsxr @radhelper Frankly, what I love about all this hype is that we are engaging and educating our #radiology colleagues about this technology to some degree and that people are talking about it and not just living in denial. But we must temper the talk with reality. Hard truths. #JACR
Becky Haines @grebeccahaines
@FalgunChokshiMD @nxtstop1 @drsxr @radhelper Educated radiologists will be key in developing tools as well as implementing in clinical practice. #JACR
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
@FalgunChokshiMD @radhelper @Vilavaite @cekahn Can we at least ensure SOME open genuinely useful tools for analysis (like mothur in microbiome work) and some mandated diversity & competition in corporate controls? I think #JACR shd sponsor a software carpentry training session https://t.co/vhI9rCPJ4T
blah blah blah @FalgunHChokshi
@cekahn Agreed, but the big drivers of #AI adoption will be enterprise level platforms, which, for better or worse, will be what percolate the technology dissemination of this technology. Unfortunately, we saw this with the #EHR, which sucks. #JACR
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
@FalgunChokshiMD @radhelper LOL! Read the title of the article. It was about how that crash was different from the normal Bitcoin crash. Was getting a lot of buzz last week. #JACR
Becky Haines @grebeccahaines
This sounds like a job for @ruthcarlosmd #jacr https://t.co/B9hJKUlHMP
Mark Punyanitya @markpun
RT @grebeccahaines: @FalgunChokshiMD @nxtstop1 @drsxr @radhelper Educated radiologists will be key in developing tools as well as implementing in clinical practice. #JACR
blah blah blah @FalgunHChokshi
@drsxr @radhelper @Vilavaite @pfanderson @cekahn Comelletly agree. But it’s the lowest common demolition that can get monetized and ROI realizes faster. We don’t like it, but I believe that’s how it’ll happen. #JACR
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
RT @cekahn: There are many kinds of "capital", and knowledge is one. #AI systems are increasingly available free (github), computing grows cheaper daily in the cloud. For systems based on data (images), a large image collection is capital, too! #JACR https://t.co/KiK6HbHnWA
Y, like yellow, E @jackyeclayton
RT @cekahn: There are many kinds of "capital", and knowledge is one. #AI systems are increasingly available free (github), computing grows cheaper daily in the cloud. For systems based on data (images), a large image collection is capital, too! #JACR https://t.co/KiK6HbHnWA
blah blah blah @FalgunHChokshi
@grebeccahaines @nxtstop1 @drsxr @radhelper Hope so. #JACR
blah blah blah @FalgunHChokshi
@drsxr @nxtstop1 @radhelper #diversity of though is an untapped asset! Agreed. #JACR
Bernadette Keefe MD @nxtstop1
@FalgunChokshiMD @drsxr @radhelper Engagement & education is key; it IS the future, for us, and for many fields. That the monetary benefits may accrue elsewhere –––common. Media hype can be tempered thru better communication w/#healthcare media (establish ties w/ #journalists, answer Qs, inform)They r open! #JACR
blah blah blah @FalgunHChokshi
@drsxr @nxtstop1 @radhelper **thought. Love autocorrect #JACr
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
@Jenny_Writer @radhelper #Storify story "#JACR Chat on #AI, #DataScience, and #DeepLearning in Medical Imaging " https://t.co/Ak8hAos0CW
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
@pfanderson @drsxr @reh3md #Storify story "#JACR Chat on #AI, #DataScience, and #DeepLearning in Medical Imaging " https://t.co/Ak8hAos0CW
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
@cekahn @JACRJournal #Storify story "#JACR Chat on #AI, #DataScience, and #DeepLearning in Medical Imaging " https://t.co/Ak8hAos0CW
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
@grebeccahaines #Storify story "#JACR Chat on #AI, #DataScience, and #DeepLearning in Medical Imaging " https://t.co/Ak8hAos0CW
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
@nxtstop1 @Rad_Partners #Storify story "#JACR Chat on #AI, #DataScience, and #DeepLearning in Medical Imaging " https://t.co/Ak8hAos0CW
The #JACR Data Science collection is free online now https://t.co/tvHKEMIFNd https://t.co/1wIKn7Jggx
Bernadette Keefe MD @nxtstop1
RT @pfanderson: @nxtstop1 @Rad_Partners #Storify story "#JACR Chat on #AI, #DataScience, and #DeepLearning in Medical Imaging " https://t.co/Ak8hAos0CW
blah blah blah @FalgunHChokshi
@nxtstop1 @drsxr @radhelper For sure, we rads must be engaged, or we will again go the way of hospitals and healthcare organizations in he 1980’s with HMO administrators controlling things. Wait, they still do!! #JACR
Radiology Partners @Rad_Partners
It’s an exciting time in #radiology. #AI is another step in the evolution of our profession – not a threat, but an opportunity. Thanks for hosting this tweet chat, @radhelper @cekahn @JACRJournal. It's always great to hear thoughts of others in the field. #JACR
blah blah blah @FalgunHChokshi
@drsxr @cekahn Yes. Any threat to their market position will@elicit a reaction. #AI is so hyped up that no matter what, they have to react. But reaction is very different than #vision. We can help add #vision and practical #utility. That will sell! #JACr.
blah blah blah @FalgunHChokshi
@drsxr @radhelper @Vilavaite @pfanderson @cekahn I’m already in the ring!! Come on, need more folks. #JACR
#JACR content from Twitter.