#LCSM Transcript

Healthcare social media transcript of the #LCSM hashtag.
See #LCSM Influencers/Analytics.

Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
Welcome to Open Mic Night on #LCSM Chat!
Denise Cutlip @dennycee
Good evening all. Michigan in the house. #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @JFreemanDaily: Welcome to Open Mic Night on #LCSM Chat!
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
Denzie! So glad you joined the chat. It was looking like it would be the Deana and Janet Comedy hour for a second there... #lcsm
Faces of Lung Cancer @LungCancerFaces
@dennycee Hey you! #lcsm
Faces of Lung Cancer @LungCancerFaces
Deana Hendrickson in Los Angeles here. #lcsm
Nancy Marquina @Nmarquina80
Hello everyone! #LCSM
These Are My Scars @TheseAreMyScars
Hey everyone, Toronto in the House. So happy to finally be free!! #LCSM
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
I’m your moderator Janet Freeman-Daily: writer (https://t.co/OBCc87ZwkG), science geek, stage IV #lungcancer patient/activist, owned by two cats #LCSM
Faces of Lung Cancer @LungCancerFaces
@Nmarquina80 Hi Nancy! I'm still angry about the Kaiser Tarceva surcharge. #lcsm
Faces of Lung Cancer @LungCancerFaces
@TheseAreMyScars I'm so glad, too! #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @JFreemanDaily: I’m your moderator Janet Freeman-Daily: I’m your moderator Janet Freeman-Daily: writer (https://t.co/OBCc87ZwkG), science geek, stage IV #lungcancer patient/activist, owned by two cats #LCSM
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
Welcome @Nmarquina80 and @TheseAreMyScars! Now we are five. #lcsm
Upstage Lung Cancer @UpstageLungCanc
RT @JFreemanDaily: I’m your moderator Janet Freeman-Daily: I’m your moderator Janet Freeman-Daily: writer (https://t.co/OBCc87ZwkG), science geek, stage IV #lungcancer patient/activist, owned by two cats #LCSM
Upstage Lung Cancer @UpstageLungCanc
Good evening, #LCSM friends!
Denise Cutlip @dennycee
! So glad you joined the chat. It was looking like it would be the Deana and Janet Comedy hour for a second there... #lcsm
Faces of Lung Cancer @LungCancerFaces
@UpstageLungCanc Hello, lady. #lcsm
Deb Smith 🌻🧡🕊️🌊 🗽🌅💙🪷 @debsmithbeach
Hi, Deb from chilly NH here. Today, I went to see @1111linno at her art show opening! She's amazing in so many ways! #LCSM https://t.co/YDe3t6uVOs
john @JohnLPender
Anyone else using TweetChat? It's not showing all the tweets. #lcsm
Lung Cancer Halflung (K Latzka) @LungCancerHalfL
I’m here...for now 😃 #LCSM
Faces of Lung Cancer @LungCancerFaces
@JohnLPender Try https://t.co/3LPtQs2zFu #lcsm
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
Hiya @UpstageLungCanc and @JohnLPender! #lcsm
Faces of Lung Cancer @LungCancerFaces
@LungCancerHawai Hi K! Thanks for the advice earlier. It works! #lcsm
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
Hey K! @LungCancerHawai #lcsm
Danielle Pardue @Actorielle
Helllllllo friends! Just finishing dinner: taco Tuesday means leftover taco Thursday! Lol! #LCSM
Faces of Lung Cancer @LungCancerFaces
@JackWestMD Whoa, it's Jack! #lcsm
john @JohnLPender
@LungCancerFaces Switching now... #lcsm
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
@JackWestMD! Good to see you. Back from your travels? #lcsm
Faces of Lung Cancer @LungCancerFaces
@Actorielle Hi Danielle! How's married life treating you? #lcsm
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
If you are new to Twitter chats and/or #LCSM Chat, you might find our primer on how to participate helpful https://t.co/5g28sSzfTD
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
@mschroeder3 Welcome Mary! We're a friendly bunch. #lcsm
Steve Holderness @dark_hawk_98
The Ozarks of Arkansas are now represented. woot woot. LOL #lcsm
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
Please remember to use #lcsm in all your tweets so others participating in the chat can see them
Faces of Lung Cancer @LungCancerFaces
@debsmithbeach @1111linno Hi Deb! What a fabulous pic! #lcsm
Danielle Pardue @Actorielle
RT @JFreemanDaily: If you are new to Twitter chats and/or #LCSM Chat, you might find our primer on how to participate helpful https://t.co/5g28sSzfTD
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
@dark_hawk_98 Welcome to the Ozarks! #lcsm
Faces of Lung Cancer @LungCancerFaces
@dark_hawk_98 Hey Steve! Represent! #lcsm
Faces of Lung Cancer @LungCancerFaces
@mschroeder3 Welcome, Mary! #lcsm
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
If you prefer just to listen, please tweet “#LCSM” so we know you’re in the audience. BUT feel free to chime in--we don't bite. #lcsm
Timothy Craig Allen, MD, JD, FCAP @TimAllenMDJD
With you in spirit, #lcsm Will try hard to finish up and join! #goteam #PatientsFirst https://t.co/TXF5O5hWi6
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @JFreemanDaily: If you are new to Twitter chats and/or #LCSM Chat, you might find our primer on how to participate helpful https://t.co/5g28sSzfTD
Marcy @Marcy65412751
Hello I am new to this chat! @Actorielle told me about it. My dad has had nscl for 7.5 years (squamous cell). Nice to meet all of you. #lcsm
Danielle Pardue @Actorielle
RT @JFreemanDaily: If you prefer just to listen, please tweet “#LCSM” so we know you’re in the audience. BUT feel free to chime in--we don't bite. #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @JFreemanDaily: Please remember to use #lcsm in all your tweets so others participating in the chat can see them
Lung Cancer Halflung (K Latzka) @LungCancerHalfL
@JackWestMD @JFreemanDaily Can I hide in your luggage? Miss Hawaii bunches #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @JFreemanDaily: If you prefer just to listen, please tweet “#LCSM” so we know you’re in the audience. BUT feel free to chime in--we don't bite. #lcsm
Deb Smith 🌻🧡🕊️🌊 🗽🌅💙🪷 @debsmithbeach
@LungCancerFaces @1111linno Linnea's son Peter was the photographer! #LCSM
Danielle Pardue @Actorielle
@Marcy65412751 So happy you are here, my friend! #lcsm
Faces of Lung Cancer @LungCancerFaces
@TimAllenMDJD A big new job can be demanding. Work it! #lcsm
Faces of Lung Cancer @LungCancerFaces
@Marcy65412751 Hi Marcy! Welcome. #lcsm
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
We don't have a scheduled topic tonight. Feel free to say what's on your mind. For instance: IF you could ask a #lungcancer doc any question (but not about your own case), what would you ask? #LCSM
Faces of Lung Cancer @LungCancerFaces
@debsmithbeach How wonderful! #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @JFreemanDaily: We don't have a scheduled topic tonight. Feel free to say what's on your mind. For instance: We don't have a scheduled topic tonight. Feel free to say what's on your mind. For instance: IF you could ask a #lungcancer doc any question (but not about your own case), what would you ask? #LCSM
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
We don't have a scheduled topic tonight. Feel free to say what's on your mind in the world of #lungcancer. #lcsm
Geri Massa @GeriGerim13
Hello y’all ... #LCSM https://t.co/3aUvNcWk1F
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
Hey @JackWestMD, send me some ocean wave sound effects ... for @LungCancerHawai too! #lcsm
Faces of Lung Cancer @LungCancerFaces
So glad we found each other. Remember to add #LCSM to your tweets so everyone can pick them up during the chat. xo https://t.co/btsymjyxsh
These Are My Scars @TheseAreMyScars
Q what is in the pipeline after the current second and third gen ALK TKIs? #LCSM
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
Hi @GeriGerim13 ! #lcsm
Denise Cutlip @dennycee
Who will be at the FtB Lung Cancer Leadership Conference in Feb? #lcsm
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
For instance: IF you could ask a #lungcancer doc any question (but not about your own case), what would you ask? #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @JFreemanDaily: We don't have a scheduled topic tonight. Feel free to say what's on your mind in the world of #lungcancer. #lcsm
Danielle Pardue @Actorielle
RT @JFreemanDaily: We don't have a scheduled topic tonight. Feel free to say what's on your mind. For instance: We don't have a scheduled topic tonight. Feel free to say what's on your mind. For instance: IF you could ask a #lungcancer doc any question (but not about your own case), what would you ask? #LCSM
Faces of Lung Cancer @LungCancerFaces
@dennycee I didn't know about it. Tell us. #lcsm
Danielle Pardue @Actorielle
RT @JFreemanDaily: We don't have a scheduled topic tonight. Feel free to say what's on your mind in the world of #lungcancer. #lcsm
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
@dennycee Didn't realize Free to Breathe had a Lung Cancer Leadership Conference in February. Links? #lcsm
Danielle Pardue @Actorielle
RT @JFreemanDaily: For instance: For instance: IF you could ask a #lungcancer doc any question (but not about your own case), what would you ask? #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @LungCancerFaces: So glad we found each other. Remember to add #LCSM to your tweets so everyone can pick them up during the chat. xo https://t.co/btsymjyxsh
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @TheseAreMyScars: Q what is in the pipeline after the current second and third gen ALK TKIs? #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @JFreemanDaily: For instance: For instance: IF you could ask a #lungcancer doc any question (but not about your own case), what would you ask? #lcsm
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
@JackWestMD I listen to "ocean waves" via Alexa every night at bedtime. But Hawaii IRL sounds different. #lcsm
Paula @paulalv
@dennycee Hi Denise, I believe Lysa is going #lcsm
john @JohnLPender
@JackWestMD @JFreemanDaily I wonder if she has a white noise skill. Sure would help me at certain times. #lcsm
Denise Cutlip @dennycee
@JFreemanDaily @dennycee https://t.co/ubpCYWC1sS #lcsm
Deb Smith 🌻🧡🕊️🌊 🗽🌅💙🪷 @debsmithbeach
I'd like to know about new research, especially related to EGFR/T7-90. #LCSM
Faces of Lung Cancer @LungCancerFaces
@JohnLPender I like recordings of being on a train. Relaxes me. Go figure. @JackWestMD @JFreemanDaily #lcsm
Team Draft @teamdraft
Collaboration was the word of the day in Houston @DeptVetAffairs #VAPALS #Tacklinglungcancer #EarlyDetection #LungCancerScreening #LCSM https://t.co/cjjcQ17plT
Denise Cutlip @dennycee
RT @paulalv: @dennycee Hi Denise, I believe Lysa is going #lcsm. Yeah, Anita is too. #lcsm
Danielle Pardue @Actorielle
RT @JackWestMD:
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
Re pipeline for ALK TKIs: researchers are looking at sequencing--some patients become resensitized to TKIs after chemo #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @JackWestMD:
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @debsmithbeach: I'd like to know about new research, especially related to EGFR/T7-90. #LCSM
Faces of Lung Cancer @LungCancerFaces
@mschroeder3 Remind me. Did I send you some resource links to get you started? #lcsm
Danielle Pardue @Actorielle
@JackWestMD Thank you for saying this. As much as I try to be "hypothetical," I can't deny that this is where my interests lie as well (mom was on an #Avelumab trial for about 28 mos and stopped voluntarily last May for moderate irAEs). #lcsm
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
@mschroeder3 Sorry to hear your mother has #lungcancer. This is a good place to start: https://t.co/gn7LxTAlm7 #lcsm
Denise Cutlip @dennycee
@mschroeder3 best is to get a 2d opinion at NCI designated hospital. Has she started treatment? #lcsm
Danielle Pardue @Actorielle
RT @debsmithbeach: I'd like to know about new research, especially related to EGFR/T7-90. #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @JFreemanDaily: Re pipeline for ALK TKIs: Re pipeline for ALK TKIs: researchers are looking at sequencing--some patients become resensitized to TKIs after chemo #lcsm
Marcy @Marcy65412751
Does anybody suffer from lymphedema as a result of their #lungcancer treatments ? #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @JFreemanDaily: @mschroeder3 Sorry to hear your mother has #lungcancer. This is a good place to start: @mschroeder3 Sorry to hear your mother has #lungcancer. This is a good place to start: https://t.co/gn7LxTAlm7 #lcsm
Danielle Pardue @Actorielle
RT @JFreemanDaily: Re pipeline for ALK TKIs: Re pipeline for ALK TKIs: researchers are looking at sequencing--some patients become resensitized to TKIs after chemo #lcsm
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
@debsmithbeach re EGFR/T790M: lots of interest in liquid biopsies to predict response and identify best treatments #lcsm
These Are My Scars @TheseAreMyScars
Q- do you happen to know if they are using the chemo in conjunction with the TKIs, or stopping the TKI and doing a few cycles of infusion? Is IO thrown into the mix at all? #lcsm https://t.co/0l0o2ooq9r
Danielle Pardue @Actorielle
RT @JFreemanDaily: @mschroeder3 Sorry to hear your mother has #lungcancer. This is a good place to start: @mschroeder3 Sorry to hear your mother has #lungcancer. This is a good place to start: https://t.co/gn7LxTAlm7 #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @Marcy65412751: Does anybody suffer from lymphedema as a result of their #lungcancer treatments ? #LCSM
Geri Massa @GeriGerim13
Odd ? Any valuable or important info from the different gene tests that are currently available? #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @JFreemanDaily: @debsmithbeach re EGFR/T790M: @debsmithbeach re EGFR/T790M: lots of interest in liquid biopsies to predict response and identify best treatments #lcsm
Danielle Pardue @Actorielle
RT @JFreemanDaily: @debsmithbeach re EGFR/T790M: @debsmithbeach re EGFR/T790M: lots of interest in liquid biopsies to predict response and identify best treatments #lcsm
Danielle Pardue @Actorielle
RT @GeriGerim13: Odd ? Any valuable or important info from the different gene tests that are currently available? #LCSM
Denise Cutlip @dennycee
@Marcy65412751 I’ve a phone buddy who does. #lcsm
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
@Marcy65412751 Not to many #lungcancer patients have arm lymph nodes removed, so lymphedema isn't too common. Confirm @JackWestMD? #lcsm
Danielle Pardue @Actorielle
RT @JackWestMD: Would expect some info coming out on mut'ns after resistance to osi (Tagrisso) MT @debsmithbeach:
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
.@GaleGordon19 asks: I see that some egfr patients on this go many years without resistance developing. Why does no one study them to see if there is something there that might help others? #lcsm
These Are My Scars @TheseAreMyScars
Yes! I cut out salt and high sodium foods, used compression socks. #lcsm Do you know if it’s medication related or surgically related from the removal of lymph nodes? #lcsm https://t.co/SL6gHhLKST
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @TheseAreMyScars: Q- do you happen to know if they are using the chemo in conjunction with the TKIs, or stopping the TKI and doing a few cycles of infusion? Is IO thrown into the mix at all? #lcsm https://t.co/0l0o2ooq9r
Danielle Pardue @Actorielle
Yeah--genetic testing is always in the background of my mind as well. Several cases of LC in my family and my husband's family. #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @GeriGerim13: Odd ? Any valuable or important info from the different gene tests that are currently available? #LCSM
Deb Smith 🌻🧡🕊️🌊 🗽🌅💙🪷 @debsmithbeach
@JackWestMD Happy to know there are options. I've been on Tagrisso since 10/13, first in a trial @DanaFarber. #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @JackWestMD: Would expect some info coming out on mut'ns after resistance to osi (Tagrisso) MT @debsmithbeach:
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @JFreemanDaily: @Marcy65412751 Not to many #lungcancer patients have arm lymph nodes removed, so lymphedema isn't too common. Confirm @JackWestMD? #lcsm
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
@TheseAreMyScars Yes to all the above. Sometimes chemo is added to TKI, sometimes TKI is stopped and patient starts chemo. Immunotherapy is more of a "hail Mary" (last resort) for those on TKIs . #LCSM
Gale Gordon @GaleGordon19
@JFreemanDaily @JackWestMD Hi Why does no one seem interested in studying TKI SUPER RESPONDERS ? Might they not hold a clue that would help others? #LCSM
Danielle Pardue @Actorielle
RT @JackWestMD: Yup. RT @JFreemanDaily:
Deb Smith 🌻🧡🕊️🌊 🗽🌅💙🪷 @debsmithbeach
@JFreemanDaily I've been reading about these and look forward to when they're in regular use. I used to faint when I had a shot, now having blood work, having port accessed, seem benign! #LCSM
These Are My Scars @TheseAreMyScars
Let me rephrase, not lymphedema, but edema yes. While on one of my medications, my legs and hands would swell on a regular basis. #lcsm https://t.co/SL6gHhLKST
Faces of Lung Cancer @LungCancerFaces
Here you go. Some suggestions for newly diagnosed: https://t.co/72ADIdcKMX… and https://t.co/OTTE7hig0b and https://t.co/YecrZSPxKi… and https://t.co/wcBav23gJN… Anything else to suggest #LCSM? https://t.co/QBtHHVUvld
Danielle Pardue @Actorielle
RT @JFreemanDaily: @TheseAreMyScars Yes to all the above. Sometimes chemo is added to TKI, sometimes TKI is stopped and patient starts chemo. Immunotherapy is more of a "hail Mary" (last resort) for those on TKIs . #LCSM
Inspire @InspireIsHealth
RT @ivybelkins: Thanks for sharing my lung cancer story @UChicagoMed @UChicagoMed. I’m alive today because of recent strides in lung cancer research and excellent medical care by @JPatelMD! @EGFRResisters @LUNGevity #LCSM https://t.co/S8e4gXNWUA https://t.co/piKFsftj0j
john @JohnLPender
So who still eats a crappy diet? Because I sure haven't stopped. #lcsm
Denise Cutlip @dennycee
@JackWestMD asking for a friend-can a lung tumor be ablated under a local? #lcsm
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
For the newbies among us, remember to include "#lcsm" in ALL your tweets -- if you don't we won't see your tweets in this chat #lcsm
Danielle Pardue @Actorielle
RT @JackWestMD:
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @GaleGordon19: @JFreemanDaily @JackWestMD Hi Why does no one seem interested in studying TKI SUPER RESPONDERS ? Might they not hold a clue that would help others? #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @TheseAreMyScars: Yes! I cut out salt and high sodium foods, used compression socks. #lcsm Do you know if it’s medication related or surgically related from the removal of lymph nodes? #lcsm https://t.co/SL6gHhLKST
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @JackWestMD: Yup. RT @JFreemanDaily:
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @Actorielle: Yeah--genetic testing is always in the background of my mind as well. Several cases of LC in my family and my husband's family. #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @debsmithbeach: @JackWestMD Happy to know there are options. I've been on Tagrisso since 10/13, first in a trial @DanaFarber. #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @JFreemanDaily: @TheseAreMyScars Yes to all the above. Sometimes chemo is added to TKI, sometimes TKI is stopped and patient starts chemo. Immunotherapy is more of a "hail Mary" (last resort) for those on TKIs . #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @TheseAreMyScars: Let me rephrase, not lymphedema, but edema yes. While on one of my medications, my legs and hands would swell on a regular basis. #lcsm https://t.co/SL6gHhLKST
Danielle Pardue @Actorielle
RT @LungCancerFaces: Here you go. Some suggestions for newly diagnosed: Here you go. Some suggestions for newly diagnosed: https://t.co/72ADIdcKMX… and https://t.co/OTTE7hig0b and https://t.co/YecrZSPxKi… and https://t.co/wcBav23gJN… Anything else to suggest #LCSM? https://t.co/QBtHHVUvld
These Are My Scars @TheseAreMyScars
@JFreemanDaily Thank you :) that’s what I’ve heard as well re: IO #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @JackWestMD:
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @LungCancerFaces: Here you go. Some suggestions for newly diagnosed: Here you go. Some suggestions for newly diagnosed: https://t.co/72ADIdcKMX… and https://t.co/OTTE7hig0b and https://t.co/YecrZSPxKi… and https://t.co/wcBav23gJN… Anything else to suggest #LCSM? https://t.co/QBtHHVUvld
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @dennycee: @JackWestMD asking for a friend-can a lung tumor be ablated under a local? #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @JFreemanDaily: For the newbies among us, remember to include "#lcsm" in ALL your tweets -- if you don't we won't see your tweets in this chat #lcsm
Lung Cancer Halflung (K Latzka) @LungCancerHalfL
I’m newly dx alpha-1 antitrypsin disorder. So I’m a little preoccupied with how this #halflung #hiker will keep up over the next 20 years 😢 #LCSM
Darrell Polk 1 @polksbc1
RT @teamdraft: Collaboration was the word of the day in Houston @DeptVetAffairs #VAPALS #Tacklinglungcancer #EarlyDetection #LungCancerScreening #LCSM https://t.co/cjjcQ17plT
Darrell Polk 1 @polksbc1
RT @teamdraft: It’s go time! @pattypoolqueen1 @Delta heading down to #ProBowl #Orlando @WinshipAtEmory #2018SuperBowlChallenge #tacklinglungcancer #LCSM https://t.co/0Uz3e9mBGM
Denise Cutlip @dennycee
@JackWestMD @dennycee Thx-she’s maxed on radiation. #lcsm
Marcy @Marcy65412751
@JFreemanDaily @JackWestMD Oh okay... well he’s had it for over a year and they’re saying it could have been caused by radiation he received to his neck area (spread to lymph nodes) but the swelling is going down. #lcsm
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
@mschroeder3 It's very difficult to provide info to someone who doesn't want to acknowledge they have #lungcancer. Just try to listen to their concerns and let them know they are not alone. #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @JackWestMD: Rarely done. If just one spot to treat, usually do radiation. MT @dennycee:
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @LungCancerHawai: I’m newly dx alpha-1 antitrypsin disorder. So I’m a little preoccupied with how this #halflung #hiker will keep up over the next 20 years 😢 #LCSM
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
@GaleGordon19 @JackWestMD Help me out --- What do you mean by "TKI Super Responder"? #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @JFreemanDaily: @mschroeder3 It's very difficult to provide info to someone who doesn't want to acknowledge they have #lungcancer. Just try to listen to their concerns and let them know they are not alone. #LCSM
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
@debsmithbeach Ports sure make life easy for scans and blood draws, don't they? #LCSM
Paula @paulalv
@mschroeder3 Not everyone wants to talk about it. I would simply offer to listen if she needs to talk #lcsm
Faces of Lung Cancer @LungCancerFaces
Hey #LCSM, we have Jack West, MD answering questions from patients. This is your chance... #lcsm
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
@Marcy65412751 @JackWestMD Sounds like he had radiation to lymph nodes--that could cause lymphedema. #LCSM
Deb Smith 🌻🧡🕊️🌊 🗽🌅💙🪷 @debsmithbeach
@JFreemanDaily Yes! I do have to look the other way though.... #LCSM
Danielle Pardue @Actorielle
RT @LungCancerFaces: Hey #LCSM, we have Jack West, MD answering questions from patients. This is your chance... #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @JFreemanDaily: @debsmithbeach Ports sure make life easy for scans and blood draws, don't they? #LCSM
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
@GaleGordon19 @JackWestMD Why do you think such long term responders are not being studied? I'm in the crizotinib-for-ROS1 trial, 5 yrs No Evidence of Disease. My stats are being tracked by the trial. #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @paulalv: @mschroeder3 Not everyone wants to talk about it. I would simply offer to listen if she needs to talk #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @LungCancerFaces: Hey #LCSM, we have Jack West, MD answering questions from patients. This is your chance... #lcsm
Jim Bordeaux @JBordeaux9
Better late than never! #lcsm
Danielle Pardue @Actorielle
RT @JFreemanDaily: @GaleGordon19 @JackWestMD Why do you think such long term responders are not being studied? I'm in the crizotinib-for-ROS1 trial, 5 yrs No Evidence of Disease. My stats are being tracked by the trial. #LCSM
Faces of Lung Cancer @LungCancerFaces
@JBordeaux9 Hey Jim! #lcsm
These Are My Scars @TheseAreMyScars
I loooove my port!! I highly recommend getting one if you are going to be on long term treatment. Makes CTs and blood draws so easy! #lcsm https://t.co/256ad3zEI9
Allison Smith @FalconAlley
RT @teamdraft: Collaboration was the word of the day in Houston @DeptVetAffairs #VAPALS #Tacklinglungcancer #EarlyDetection #LungCancerScreening #LCSM https://t.co/cjjcQ17plT
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @JFreemanDaily: @GaleGordon19 @JackWestMD Why do you think such long term responders are not being studied? I'm in the crizotinib-for-ROS1 trial, 5 yrs No Evidence of Disease. My stats are being tracked by the trial. #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @JackWestMD: Pt w/ (long) complete or near complete response. MT @JFreemanDaily:
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @TheseAreMyScars: I loooove my port!! I highly recommend getting one if you are going to be on long term treatment. Makes CTs and blood draws so easy! #lcsm https://t.co/256ad3zEI9
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
@JohnLPender Now that I've been around over 6.5 years, and NED for over 5, I'm having to start eating healthy so I don't develop OTHER health problems on top of cancer! #LCSM
Jim Bordeaux @JBordeaux9
@LungCancerFaces @JBordeaux9 open mic tonight? #lcsm
Deb Smith 🌻🧡🕊️🌊 🗽🌅💙🪷 @debsmithbeach
@mschroeder3 @LungCancerFaces I've also found the American Lung Association and their LungForce program helpful. #LCSM
Faces of Lung Cancer @LungCancerFaces
@JBordeaux9 Yep. Ask away. Or bring up a topic. #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @JFreemanDaily: @JohnLPender Now that I've been around over 6.5 years, and NED for over 5, I'm having to start eating healthy so I don't develop OTHER health problems on top of cancer! #LCSM
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
@Actorielle Re genetic testing--hope we identify more inherited genes linked with #lungcancer risk. Only know of one right now (inherited EGFR T790M), and it's rare. #LCSM
These Are My Scars @TheseAreMyScars
I have also been called a super responder, 5yrs on Crizo and almost 2 on Lorlatinib. Consequently I have also gained a heck of a lot of weight, I have heard it may be connected. Myth? #LCSM
Marcy @Marcy65412751
Do you guys know of anyone who went back on the same treatment after many years ? My dad may go back on something he took about 4 years ago. I know resistance develops but if it’s been many years since he took it is it still worth a shot? #lcsm
Nancy Marquina @Nmarquina80
My dad is about to have his 2yr. Cancerversary in Feb. He’s been on #Terceva all this time. #survivor #lcsm
Dave Bjork @bjork5
So sorry I’m late. Hey everyone from Boston! #lcsm
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
#LCSM https://t.co/JgOiXNlm37
Danielle Pardue @Actorielle
@JFreemanDaily Yeah, for sure. Thank you so much! My maternal gma and my mom both had the same super rare subtype. I feel somewhat "cross-haired," lol. #lcsm
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
@kscoon Be sure to include #LCSM in your tweets so everyone can see what you're saying
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @Nmarquina80: My dad is about to have his 2yr. Cancerversary in Feb. He’s been on #Terceva all this time. #survivor #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @Marcy65412751: Do you guys know of anyone who went back on the same treatment after many years ? My dad may go back on something he took about 4 years ago. I know resistance develops but if it’s been many years since he took it is it still worth a shot? #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @TheseAreMyScars: I have also been called a super responder, 5yrs on Crizo and almost 2 on Lorlatinib. Consequently I have also gained a heck of a lot of weight, I have heard it may be connected. Myth? #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @JFreemanDaily: @Actorielle Re genetic testing--hope we identify more inherited genes linked with #lungcancer risk. Only know of one right now (inherited EGFR T790M), and it's rare. #LCSM
These Are My Scars @TheseAreMyScars
@kscoon it’s so good to see you lovely lady 😘 #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @JFreemanDaily: @kscoon Be sure to include #LCSM in your tweets so everyone can see what you're saying
Dave Bjork @bjork5
RT @JFreemanDaily: @mschroeder3 It's very difficult to provide info to someone who doesn't want to acknowledge they have #lungcancer. Just try to listen to their concerns and let them know they are not alone. #LCSM
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
Some trials do subgroup analysis to find why certain groups respond really well. That's how we learned ALK+ patients responded well to crizotinib. #LCSM https://t.co/eFrIAfYrgu
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @JackWestMD:
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @JFreemanDaily: Some trials do subgroup analysis to find why certain groups respond really well. That's how we learned ALK+ patients responded well to crizotinib. #LCSM https://t.co/eFrIAfYrgu
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
@bjork5 Hey Dave! Nice to see you. #lcsm
Geri Massa @GeriGerim13
My Dr sugg. I go to Genecist. I had in right lung, then 6 months Later L lung. He believes 2 Primary Cancer, if so, not the norm #LCSM
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
OK, things are slowing down. What do you want to know about Immunotherapy? #lcsm
Lung Cancer Halflung (K Latzka) @LungCancerHalfL
@mschroeder3 Docs searched on my behalf. That was 8 yrs ago and low chance of Sq LC trials. Ended up on “traditional“ platinum chemo #lcsm
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
@Kathleen371215 @CathyToohey #LCSM stands for Lung Cancer Social Media. We're having a tweetchat right now. Join us!
Dave Bjork @bjork5
@JFreemanDaily Hi Janet. It’s been a while. But I’ve been following your journey on FB 😊 #LCSM
These Are My Scars @TheseAreMyScars
@Kathleen371215 @CathyToohey Lung Cancer Social Media I believe #lcsm
Danielle Pardue @Actorielle
RT @JFreemanDaily: OK, things are slowing down. What do you want to know about Immunotherapy? #lcsm
Faces of Lung Cancer @LungCancerFaces
@Kathleen371215 @CathyToohey #LCSM is a hashtag that stands for Lung Cancer Social Media. It gives lung cancer people a way to connect.
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
@Nmarquina80 Congrats to your dad! Hope Tarceva keeps working a loooooong time for him. #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @JFreemanDaily: @Kathleen371215 @CathyToohey #LCSM stands for Lung Cancer Social Media. We're having a tweetchat right now. Join us!
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @JFreemanDaily: OK, things are slowing down. What do you want to know about Immunotherapy? #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @LungCancerHawai: @mschroeder3 Docs searched on my behalf. That was 8 yrs ago and low chance of Sq LC trials. Ended up on “traditional“ platinum chemo #lcsm
Danielle Pardue @Actorielle
RT @LungCancerFaces: @Kathleen371215 @CathyToohey #LCSM is a hashtag that stands for Lung Cancer Social Media. It gives lung cancer people a way to connect.
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @LungCancerFaces: @Kathleen371215 @CathyToohey #LCSM is a hashtag that stands for Lung Cancer Social Media. It gives lung cancer people a way to connect.
Deb Smith 🌻🧡🕊️🌊 🗽🌅💙🪷 @debsmithbeach
@JFreemanDaily @GaleGordon19 @JackWestMD I was on a trial (for AZD9291/Tagrisso) for over 2 yrs, ended because of needing SBRT on one new nodule. My info from blood draws and scans continues to be tracked though. #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @GeriGerim13: My Dr sugg. I go to Genecist. I had in right lung, then 6 months Later L lung. He believes 2 Primary Cancer, if so, not the norm #LCSM
Treatment for Cancer @cancer_tm
RT @LCAorg: Did you know that our nation's #veterans have a higher rate of #lungcancer diagnosis compared with the civilian population? The VA is starting to implement quality screening at their facilities+they've asked for our help. Learn more >> #LCSM >>https://t.co/uyF4OK0A20 https://t.co/mndqAVIHMm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @debsmithbeach: @JFreemanDaily @GaleGordon19 @JackWestMD I was on a trial (for AZD9291/Tagrisso) for over 2 yrs, ended because of needing SBRT on one new nodule. My info from blood draws and scans continues to be tracked though. #LCSM
Dave Bjork @bjork5
@JFreemanDaily @Kathleen371215 @CathyToohey Hello from Georgetown, MA Kathleen. #LCSM
These Are My Scars @TheseAreMyScars
@LungCancerFaces @Kathleen371215 @CathyToohey I forgot to mention that part d’oh! Stupid chemo brain #lcsm
Bob Steele @steele_bob
Shhh! Quietly sneaking in the back door. #lcsm
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
So I learned something new at my last clinical trial visit. Apparently that "sore spot" I've had in my back since my first line radiation is actually a broken rib! Go figure. You know you're a cancer patient when a broken bone is ho-hum. #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
Just an FYI, if you have your account set to private, we can't see you. Also, remember to include #LCSM in all your tweets. You'll get used to it. Promise!
Danielle Pardue @Actorielle
RT @JFreemanDaily: So I learned something new at my last clinical trial visit. Apparently that "sore spot" I've had in my back since my first line radiation is actually a broken rib! Go figure. You know you're a cancer patient when a broken bone is ho-hum. #LCSM
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
@steele_bob Not quiet enough! I see you Bob. #lcsm
Danielle Pardue @Actorielle
RT @lcsmchat: Just an FYI, if you have your account set to private, we can't see you. Also, remember to include #LCSM in all your tweets. You'll get used to it. Promise!
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @JFreemanDaily: So I learned something new at my last clinical trial visit. Apparently that "sore spot" I've had in my back since my first line radiation is actually a broken rib! Go figure. You know you're a cancer patient when a broken bone is ho-hum. #LCSM
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
@mschroeder3 You can find a list of commonly-used #lungcancer acronyms here: https://t.co/xH9Lq4Gd6U #lcsm
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
So, @JackWestMD, what conferences have you been attending? Seems like you're never home anymore! #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @JFreemanDaily: @mschroeder3 You can find a list of commonly-used #lungcancer acronyms here: @mschroeder3 You can find a list of commonly-used #lungcancer acronyms here: https://t.co/xH9Lq4Gd6U #lcsm
Ian Pereira @IanJPereira
RT @lcsmchat: On Thursday 1/25 at 8 PM Eastern (5 PM Pacific), #LCSM Chat will hold an Open Mic Night to talk about whatever #LungCancer topics are foremost on our minds. This would be a good chat for those who are just starting with Twitter or tweetchats: https://t.co/6MLl8di4X5 Join us! https://t.co/a6xvxAcEA7
Bob Steele @steele_bob
@JFreemanDaily @steele_bob Just scrolling through tonight's chat. Sorry I'm late. #lcsm
Danielle Pardue @Actorielle
RT @JFreemanDaily: @mschroeder3 You can find a list of commonly-used #lungcancer acronyms here: @mschroeder3 You can find a list of commonly-used #lungcancer acronyms here: https://t.co/xH9Lq4Gd6U #lcsm
Marcy @Marcy65412751
@kscoon Ok thanks. I forgot what drug this was... @JackWestMD do you know of any patients that went back on a drug after years of being off of it ? #lcsm
Ian Pereira @IanJPereira
RT @DrMisialek: I recap the newly updated guidelines on molecular testing in lung cancer https://t.co/sEuMlQ8PHY @Pathologists #LCSM https://t.co/2NvXx94qaY
Faces of Lung Cancer @LungCancerFaces
Anyone coming to my neck of the woods to attend the Targeted Therapies in Lung Cancer meeting in Santa Monica? #lcsm
Ian Pereira @IanJPereira
RT @JFreemanDaily: @mschroeder3 You can find a list of commonly-used #lungcancer acronyms here: @mschroeder3 You can find a list of commonly-used #lungcancer acronyms here: https://t.co/xH9Lq4Gd6U #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @LungCancerFaces: Anyone coming to my neck of the woods to attend the Targeted Therapies in Lung Cancer meeting in Santa Monica? #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @JackWestMD: Many review new data coming out. Heading to @PRIMOmeeting next wk. RT @JFreemanDaily:
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
OK, if you aren’t going to feed me more questions, I’m posting cat pictures #LCSM https://t.co/nb204qU8j2
These Are My Scars @TheseAreMyScars
I have to say goodnightfolks, the doggie have to GO! Have a great week, hope to see you all at the next chat 👋#LCSM
Faces of Lung Cancer @LungCancerFaces
@TheseAreMyScars Bye, sweetie. #lcsm
john @JohnLPender
Signing off. See ya'll next time. #lcsm
Faces of Lung Cancer @LungCancerFaces
@JohnLPender See ya, John. Eat something naughty for me. #lcsm
These Are My Scars @TheseAreMyScars
@LungCancerFaces Bye Bye ps. I wish I was coming to your neck of the woods, it’s so friggen cold here!!! #lcsm
Faces of Lung Cancer @LungCancerFaces
@JackWestMD Hope we have decent weather. I know Janet, Lysa B, and Lisa Goldman will be there, too. I'll be there at night for fun. #lcsm
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
@LungCancerFaces Patient tweeps at Targeted Therapies conference: Lisa Buonanno, Lisa Goldman, Allen Fremont, and me, plus the advocacy groups send reps #LCSM
Ian Pereira @IanJPereira
@dennycee @JFreemanDaily @GaleGordon19 @JackWestMD Curious - how would/could super responders/long-term survivors be better studied to help more? #lcsm #late
Deb Smith 🌻🧡🕊️🌊 🗽🌅💙🪷 @debsmithbeach
@JFreemanDaily I'm happy it's happening and helping some patients. I'm not yet trying to learn much about it though, because EGFR. #LCSM
diseases_an @diseases_an
RT @LungCancerFaces: I call bullshit, too. What say you @KPShare? #tarceva #lungcancer #lcsm https://t.co/cyox4eNmVg
Faces of Lung Cancer @LungCancerFaces
RT @JFreemanDaily: @LungCancerFaces Patient tweeps at Targeted Therapies conference: @LungCancerFaces Patient tweeps at Targeted Therapies conference: Lisa Buonanno, Lisa Goldman, Allen Fremont, and me, plus the advocacy groups send reps #LCSM
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
Only 10 minutes left in #LCSM chat! Get your questions out before we all turn into pumpkins.
Danielle Pardue @Actorielle
RT @JFreemanDaily: @LungCancerFaces Patient tweeps at Targeted Therapies conference: @LungCancerFaces Patient tweeps at Targeted Therapies conference: Lisa Buonanno, Lisa Goldman, Allen Fremont, and me, plus the advocacy groups send reps #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @LungCancerFaces: @JackWestMD Hope we have decent weather. I know Janet, Lysa B, and Lisa Goldman will be there, too. I'll be there at night for fun. #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @JFreemanDaily: @LungCancerFaces Patient tweeps at Targeted Therapies conference: @LungCancerFaces Patient tweeps at Targeted Therapies conference: Lisa Buonanno, Lisa Goldman, Allen Fremont, and me, plus the advocacy groups send reps #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @IanJPereira: @dennycee @JFreemanDaily @GaleGordon19 @JackWestMD Curious - how would/could super responders/long-term survivors be better studied to help more? #lcsm #late
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @JackWestMD:
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @JFreemanDaily: Only 10 minutes left in #LCSM chat! Get your questions out before we all turn into pumpkins.
Danielle Pardue @Actorielle
RT @JackWestMD:
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
Glad to see so many new people dipping their toes into the brave new world of tweetchats. This is a good time to practice! #lcsm
Danielle Pardue @Actorielle
RT @JFreemanDaily: Glad to see so many new people dipping their toes into the brave new world of tweetchats. This is a good time to practice! #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @JFreemanDaily: Glad to see so many new people dipping their toes into the brave new world of tweetchats. This is a good time to practice! #lcsm
Dave Bjork @bjork5
Did I hear that @USRepRickNolan is not running for re-election? If true what will happen to the #LungCancer caucus? @kabensen @LungCancerFaces #lcsm #433aDay
Faces of Lung Cancer @LungCancerFaces
RT @bjork5: Did I hear that @USRepRickNolan is not running for re-election? If true what will happen to the #LungCancer caucus? @kabensen @LungCancerFaces #lcsm #433aDay
Marcy @Marcy65412751
Any nscl squamous cell patients on here ? Follow me so we can chat. #lcsm
Treatment for Cancer @cancer_tm
RT @JFreemanDaily: @Actorielle Re genetic testing--hope we identify more inherited genes linked with #lungcancer risk. Only know of one right now (inherited EGFR T790M), and it's rare. #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @bjork5: Did I hear that @USRepRickNolan is not running for re-election? If true what will happen to the #LungCancer caucus? @kabensen @LungCancerFaces #lcsm #433aDay
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @Marcy65412751: Any nscl squamous cell patients on here ? Follow me so we can chat. #lcsm
Jim Bordeaux @JBordeaux9
Where would be a good accurate place to find a timeline of medications approved since 2014? #lcsm
Nathan A. Pennell MD, PhD, FASCO @n8pennell
RT @JackWestMD:
Danielle Pardue @Actorielle
RT @bjork5: Did I hear that @USRepRickNolan is not running for re-election? If true what will happen to the #LungCancer caucus? @kabensen @LungCancerFaces #lcsm #433aDay
Denise Cutlip @dennycee
Michigan signing out! #lcsm
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
@JBordeaux9 I dug up list of #lungcancer drugs recently approved a year ago, but it's out of date already! #lcsm
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
@dennycee Nite! #lcsm
Danielle Pardue @Actorielle
RT @JBordeaux9: Where would be a good accurate place to find a timeline of medications approved since 2014? #lcsm
Faces of Lung Cancer @LungCancerFaces
I knew that his co-chair, Frank LoBiondo, isn't. I did not know about Rick Nolan. @LCAorg @lgreco_ny #lcsm https://t.co/Piemu6uqRF
Dave Bjork @bjork5
RT @JFreemanDaily: Glad to see so many new people dipping their toes into the brave new world of tweetchats. This is a good time to practice! #lcsm
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
@mschroeder3 Here's an article about what #lungcancer advocates can learn by attending medical conferences. (Yes, that's me at the top) https://t.co/lzi13vvtqh #LCSM
Danielle Pardue @Actorielle
So grateful for this community, my friends. Thank you again! #LCSM
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
We’re in our final minutes - closing thoughts? #lcsm
Danielle Pardue @Actorielle
RT @JFreemanDaily: @mschroeder3 Here's an article about what #lungcancer advocates can learn by attending medical conferences. (Yes, that's me at the top) https://t.co/lzi13vvtqh #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @JBordeaux9: Where would be a good accurate place to find a timeline of medications approved since 2014? #lcsm
Daniel Skipper @DCSkipperDO
RT @AMPath: Updated AMP, @Pathologists & @IASLC #lungcancer guideline presents evidence-based molecular biomarker testing standards to improve #NSCLC patient care. #molpath #LCSM #LCNSC #PulmPath @BrighamWomens https://t.co/IX5BLekzTS https://t.co/yTLI23AUmI
Jim Bordeaux @JBordeaux9
@JFreemanDaily @jbordeaux9 I know, things are moving quickly. #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @LungCancerFaces: I knew that his co-chair, Frank LoBiondo, isn't. I did not know about Rick Nolan. @LCAorg @lgreco_ny #lcsm https://t.co/Piemu6uqRF
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @JFreemanDaily: @mschroeder3 Here's an article about what #lungcancer advocates can learn by attending medical conferences. (Yes, that's me at the top) https://t.co/lzi13vvtqh #LCSM
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
@JackWestMD @LungCancerFaces We're just going to have to tap dance faster! #lcsm
Faces of Lung Cancer @LungCancerFaces
Thanks for herding cats this evening @JFreemanDaily. As always, love this community. See you in two weeks for the next chat. #lcsm
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
Thanks for joining #LCSM Chat and Open Mic Night. Hope you enjoyed the community sharing (and hopefully learned something new). Night all!
Jim Bordeaux @JBordeaux9
@JFreemanDaily @JBordeaux9 I don't mind if it's not a date I'm just trying to get an idea. Can you send it to me #lcsm
Bob Steele @steele_bob
RT @LungCancerFaces: Thanks for herding cats this evening @JFreemanDaily. As always, love this community. See you in two weeks for the next chat. #lcsm
Steve Holderness @dark_hawk_98
Thanks Janet for all of your efforts #lcsm
Bob Steele @steele_bob
RT @Actorielle: So grateful for this community, my friends. Thank you again! #LCSM
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
@JBordeaux9 I'll see if I can find it in my mass of files. Might take me awhile, though. #LCSM
Jim Bordeaux @JBordeaux9
Good night! #lcsm
Jim Bordeaux @JBordeaux9
@JFreemanDaily @JBordeaux9 no hurry just at your convenience. #lcsm
Jim Bordeaux @JBordeaux9
@JBordeaux9 @JFreemanDaily thank you I appreciate it very much #lcsm
Danielle Pardue @Actorielle
RT @JFreemanDaily: Thanks for joining #LCSM Chat and Open Mic Night. Hope you enjoyed the community sharing (and hopefully learned something new). Night all!
diseases_an @diseases_an
RT @JFreemanDaily: I’m your moderator Janet Freeman-Daily: I’m your moderator Janet Freeman-Daily: writer (https://t.co/OBCc87ZwkG), science geek, stage IV #lungcancer patient/activist, owned by two cats #LCSM
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
No transcript for 1/25 #LCSM Chat Open Mic Night. We just relaxed and had a good time!
Liz Cramer @oncELLEogy
RT @JackWestMD:
Deb Smith 🌻🧡🕊️🌊 🗽🌅💙🪷 @debsmithbeach
@JFreemanDaily Thanks, Janet! Take care. #LCSM
Bob Steele @steele_bob
RT @JackWestMD:
Dave Bjork @bjork5
This! Support #lungcancer research #LCSM https://t.co/wlpkqU5867
Angie Derrick @AngieBDerrick
RT @teamdraft: ATL #lungcancer survivor @pattypoolqueen1 is heading to the ProBowl #2018SuperBowlChallenge #LCSM @WinshipAtEmory @fredkalil @samcrenshaw23 https://t.co/MBY9pO6xUY
#LCSM content from Twitter.