#LCSM Transcript

Healthcare social media transcript of the #LCSM hashtag.
See #LCSM Influencers/Analytics.

#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
@steele_bob Hi Bob. We're all devastated at Brenda Brewer's passing. What a blow to the community. #lcsm
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
Welcome to #LCSM Chat! Tonight’s topic is "The Ins and Outs of Lung Cancer Biopsies." More info at https://t.co/LMx0lT71Bt
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @JFreemanDaily: Welcome to #LCSM Chat! Tonight’s topic is "The Ins and Outs of Lung Cancer Biopsies." More info at https://t.co/LMx0lT71Bt
American Lung Association @LungAssociation
Hello everyone, Lung Association here! #lcsm
Nicole Russell @nicoler61515
Nicole from Raleigh here! Very sad like everyone else over the passing of Brenda Brewer, such a strong woman #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
@LungAssociation Welcome ALA! #lcsm
Diane 🧚🏻‍♀️ @diianeee
Hello all :) Diane here from Illinois. Dx April 2014 #lcsm
Kristi Bruno @kristibruno
RT @LungAssociation: Hello everyone, Lung Association here! #lcsm
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
co-hosts for tonight’s #LCSM chat: American College of Chest Physicians @accpchest https://t.co/yHqw7eHXHE and #CHESTFoundation. Welcome!
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
@NicoleR61515 Hey, Nicole. Very sad news about Brenda. #lcsm
UW Health | Carbone Cancer Center @UWCarbone
Hi everyone, I'm Dr. James Maloney from @uwhealth & @UWCarbone. #LCSM
Dr. David Tom Cooke @DavidCookeMD
David Cooke, your friendly neighborhood thoracic surgeon. #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
@diianeee Hi Diane! #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @JFreemanDaily: co-hosts for tonight’s #LCSM chat: co-hosts for tonight’s #LCSM chat: American College of Chest Physicians @accpchest https://t.co/yHqw7eHXHE and #CHESTFoundation. Welcome!
CHEST @accpchest
RT @JFreemanDaily: Welcome to #LCSM Chat! Tonight’s topic is "The Ins and Outs of Lung Cancer Biopsies." More info at https://t.co/LMx0lT71Bt
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
We'll get started in a few minutes -- please take a moment to introduce yourselves #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
@UWCarbone @uwhealth Welcome Dr. Maloney #lcsm
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
I’m your moderator Janet Freeman-Daily: writer (https://t.co/OBCc87ZwkG), science geek, stage IV #lungcancer patient/activist #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
@DavidCookeMD Hello Dr Cooke! #lcsm
CHEST @accpchest
RT @JFreemanDaily: co-hosts for tonight’s #LCSM chat: co-hosts for tonight’s #LCSM chat: American College of Chest Physicians @accpchest https://t.co/yHqw7eHXHE and #CHESTFoundation. Welcome!
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
If this is your first #LCSM Chat, you might find our primer on how to participate helpful https://t.co/5g28sSzfTD
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @JFreemanDaily: We'll get started in a few minutes -- please take a moment to introduce yourselves #lcsm
David Schulman @davidschulman
Greetings from Emory University in Atlanta! #LCSm
Dr. David Tom Cooke @DavidCookeMD
Dr. Cooke?! Are you speaking to my dad? #LCSM https://t.co/TvFIPwtTiA
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
Please remember to use #lcsm in all your tweets so others participating in the chat can see them
LUNGevity Foundation @LUNGevity
hello from @LUNGevity #lcsm
H. Charles Malpass @hcm4k
Charles Malpass here from Charlottesville, VA pulmonary physician #LCSM
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
If you prefer just to listen, please tweet “#LCSM” so we know you’re in the audience #lcsm
Faces of Lung Cancer @LungCancerFaces
Deana Hendrickson here. I'll be tweeting from the @lcsmchat account tonight. #lcsm
Danielle Pardue @Actorielle
Danielle Pardue from wilkesboro, NC. Caregiver for my mom, dx 2.5 years ago w S4 NSCLC. Hello, my friends. Sending so much love. #lcsm
Kristi Bruno @kristibruno
Hi, all! Joining tonight from a cabin in the mountains with decently-good internet. #lcsm 🌲
SOTS @sparkyontheseas
@JFreemanDaily Kevin here from Phoenix #LCSM
CHEST @accpchest
New to #LCSM chats? Here are some helpful tips on how to participate! https://t.co/NFHmDvRPNQ
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
@DavidCookeMD Trying to be professional, David. LOL #lcsm
Nathan A. Pennell MD, PhD, FASCO @n8pennell
Hi, Nate Pennell here, oncologist from Cleveland Ohio! #LCSM
Silvio A. Ñamendys-Silva @snamendys
@JFreemanDaily Silvio A.Ñamendys-Silva AKA @snamendys from Mexico City #lcsm
Saroj Prakash Kandel @SarojMD
Hello everyone . Saroj Kandel from New York #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @JFreemanDaily: I’m your moderator Janet Freeman-Daily: I’m your moderator Janet Freeman-Daily: writer (https://t.co/OBCc87ZwkG), science geek, stage IV #lungcancer patient/activist #lcsm
Lauren Humphries @hulabe
Doug @LungDocDoug
Joining from @umichmedicine "Onco-pulmonologist" #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @JFreemanDaily: If this is your first #LCSM Chat, you might find our primer on how to participate helpful https://t.co/5g28sSzfTD
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
@davidschulman Welcome Dr Schulman #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
@MartinRivers Welcome! #lcsm
Deb Smith 🌻🧡🕊️🌊 🗽🌅💙🪷 @debsmithbeach
Deb from NH here, very tired after 10 days of travelling (Montreal and the coast of Maine), visiting friends and lots of fun! #LCSM
CHEST @accpchest
RT @JFreemanDaily: Please remember to use #lcsm in all your tweets so others participating in the chat can see them
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
@LungDocDoug @umichmedicine Hey, Doug! Nice to see you. #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
@debsmithbeach Hi, Deb! #lcsm
Laronica Conway @louisianagirl91
RT @JFreemanDaily: Welcome to #LCSM Chat! Tonight’s topic is "The Ins and Outs of Lung Cancer Biopsies." More info at https://t.co/LMx0lT71Bt
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
@hulabe Hi, Lauren #lcsm
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
I will announce FIVE topics (T1 T2 etc). Pls label your answers with T1, T2, etc to make transcript easier to follow. #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
@SarojMD Hello, Dr Kandel #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @JFreemanDaily: I will announce FIVE topics (T1 T2 etc). Pls label your answers with T1, T2, etc to make transcript easier to follow. #lcsm
Kristi Bruno @kristibruno
I'm Director of Comms, Media and Marketing @accpchest. Lost my MIL in 2008 to lung cancer. Happy to support this amazing community. #lcsm
Nathan A. Pennell MD, PhD, FASCO @n8pennell
RT @accpchest: One more hour! Join us tonight at 7PM CST for our #LCSM Twitter chat on lung cancer biopsies! https://t.co/a4FZwsB0XN https://t.co/F2A4kd9wVf
Denise Cutlip @dennycee
He'll all. Looking forward to this and the #FirstInHuman following. #lcsm
Humberto Choi @hkc1980
Humberto Choi. Pulmonologist from Cleveland Clinic. #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
@snamendys Welcome, Doctor! #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
@hkc1980 Thanks for joining Dr. Choi #lcsm
Paula @paulalv
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
@dennycee Hi Denzie! #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
@paulalv I see you, Paula #lcsm
Nathan A. Pennell MD, PhD, FASCO @n8pennell
RT @hkc1980: Humberto Choi. Pulmonologist from Cleveland Clinic. #LCSM
john @JohnLPender
I'm here. Tough to keep up with. Tweetchat won't load tonight. #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
@kristibruno Hi Stranger #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
@JohnLPender Oh, no! Try tchat,io/rooms/lcsm #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
@FlavorPR Hi Andrea #lcsm
CHEST @accpchest
.@TaylorPeckoReid tweeting on behalf of @accpchest! Thanks for joining the chat! #LCSM
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
Good to see new faces as well as regulars in tonight's #LCSM Chat@
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
@n8pennell Hey Nate! #lcsm
Silvio A. Ñamendys-Silva @snamendys
RT @accpchest: .@TaylorPeckoReid tweeting on behalf of @accpchest! Thanks for joining the chat! #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
@sparkyontheseas Hey Kevin #lcsm
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
Tweetchat hint: If you change someone’s words when you retweet, please label it MT (modified tweet) #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
@EdenLake Glad you're here, too #lcsm
CHEST @accpchest
RT @JFreemanDaily: I will announce FIVE topics (T1 T2 etc). Pls label your answers with T1, T2, etc to make transcript easier to follow. #lcsm
SunshineKK @SunshineKK68
Silvio A. Ñamendys-Silva @snamendys
RT @kristibruno: I'm Director of Comms, Media and Marketing @accpchest. Lost my MIL in 2008 to lung cancer. Happy to support this amazing community. #lcsm
CHEST @accpchest
RT @JFreemanDaily: Tweetchat hint: Tweetchat hint: If you change someone’s words when you retweet, please label it MT (modified tweet) #lcsm
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
We’ll start with Topic T1 in a minute … #lcsm
Bobbi Johnson Filipiak @71Bobbi
#lcsm. I'm a stage 4 nsclc fighter going in 4 years. Started new EGFR Exon 20 targeted therapy trial at MDA last week
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @JFreemanDaily: Tweetchat hint: Tweetchat hint: If you change someone’s words when you retweet, please label it MT (modified tweet) #lcsm
CHEST @accpchest
RT @JFreemanDaily: We’ll start with Topic T1 in a minute … #lcsm
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
T1: What is a biopsy, and how is it used in diagnosing #lungcancer? #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
@SunshineKK68 Hey, there! Great to see you. #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
@71Bobbi Hi Bobbi! #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @JFreemanDaily: T1: T1: What is a biopsy, and how is it used in diagnosing #lungcancer? #lcsm
kakukkelly @kmichelle1969
Kelly from Seattle here. Stg 4 NSCLC, 3 yr survivor #LCSM
Geri Massa @GeriGerim13
Hi 👋 all, Geri , Louisiana leaking it just dawned on me what time it was #LCSM
Joni Fowler, PharmD, BCPP @jfowlerpharmd
Hi, guys! #lcsm
CHEST @accpchest
RT @JFreemanDaily: T1: T1: What is a biopsy, and how is it used in diagnosing #lungcancer? #lcsm
UW Health | Carbone Cancer Center @UWCarbone
T1 A biopsy is a means to obtain tissue to be looked at through a microscope & prove that an abnormality in an xray is or isn't cancer #lcsm
Nathan A. Pennell MD, PhD, FASCO @n8pennell
T1: in simplest terms, a biopsy is a piece of the patient's cancer that can be used for diagnosis and other tests #LCSM
CHEST @accpchest
@kmichelle1969 Hi Kelly! Welcome #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @UWCarbone: T1 A biopsy is a means to obtain tissue to be looked at through a microscope & prove that an abnormality in an xray is or isn't cancer #lcsm
CHEST @accpchest
@JFreemanDaily (1/2) T1: Biopsies are conducted after lung nodules are identified on a chest X-ray or CT scan. #lcsm
kakukkelly @kmichelle1969
@accpchest Hello! #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @n8pennell: T1: T1: in simplest terms, a biopsy is a piece of the patient's cancer that can be used for diagnosis and other tests #LCSM
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
T1: Note that a biopsy might also include collecting fluid from around the lungs (pleural fluid)--it can contain cancer cells too #lcsm
Geri Massa @GeriGerim13
T1: Not familiar with much #LCSM
LUNGevity Foundation @LUNGevity
T1: A1: surgical v. non surgical biopsies #lcsm #ChangeLC
Faces of Lung Cancer @LungCancerFaces
RT @JFreemanDaily: T1: T1: What is a biopsy, and how is it used in diagnosing #lungcancer? #lcsm
CHEST @accpchest
@JFreemanDaily (2/2) T1: Because x-rays and CT scans cannot determine if nodules are lung cancer, further analysis is needed. #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @accpchest: @JFreemanDaily (1/2) T1: @JFreemanDaily (1/2) T1: Biopsies are conducted after lung nodules are identified on a chest X-ray or CT scan. #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @JFreemanDaily: T1: T1: Note that a biopsy might also include collecting fluid from around the lungs (pleural fluid)--it can contain cancer cells too #lcsm
Nathan A. Pennell MD, PhD, FASCO @n8pennell
Or more precisely the process of obtaining that piece of the cancer. https://t.co/nIIpr6kHrV
CHEST @accpchest
RT @JFreemanDaily: T1: T1: Note that a biopsy might also include collecting fluid from around the lungs (pleural fluid)--it can contain cancer cells too #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @accpchest: @JFreemanDaily (2/2) T1: @JFreemanDaily (2/2) T1: Because x-rays and CT scans cannot determine if nodules are lung cancer, further analysis is needed. #lcsm
LUNGevity Foundation @LUNGevity
T1: Lung needle biopsy @NIH https://t.co/BWDYKvFNHc #lcsm #ChangeLC
Kristi Bruno @kristibruno
RT @n8pennell: T1: T1: in simplest terms, a biopsy is a piece of the patient's cancer that can be used for diagnosis and other tests #LCSM
Faces of Lung Cancer @LungCancerFaces
RT @UWCarbone: T1 A biopsy is a means to obtain tissue to be looked at through a microscope & prove that an abnormality in an xray is or isn't cancer #lcsm
Doug @LungDocDoug
Really important to note the MOST nodules should NOT be biopsied. Even in high risk patients, <4% of detected nodules are cancer #lcsm
Faces of Lung Cancer @LungCancerFaces
RT @n8pennell: T1: T1: in simplest terms, a biopsy is a piece of the patient's cancer that can be used for diagnosis and other tests #LCSM
Saroj Prakash Kandel @SarojMD
lung biopsy procedure : sample of lung tissue are removed (with biopsy needle or surgery) to determine if lung ds or cancer is present #lcsm
Faces of Lung Cancer @LungCancerFaces
RT @accpchest: @JFreemanDaily (1/2) T1: @JFreemanDaily (1/2) T1: Biopsies are conducted after lung nodules are identified on a chest X-ray or CT scan. #lcsm
Faces of Lung Cancer @LungCancerFaces
RT @accpchest: @JFreemanDaily (2/2) T1: @JFreemanDaily (2/2) T1: Because x-rays and CT scans cannot determine if nodules are lung cancer, further analysis is needed. #lcsm
Faces of Lung Cancer @LungCancerFaces
RT @JFreemanDaily: T1: T1: Note that a biopsy might also include collecting fluid from around the lungs (pleural fluid)--it can contain cancer cells too #lcsm
Humberto Choi @hkc1980
T1: A biopsy is a small piece of tissue obtained from an organ or lesion like a tumor to check what it is. #LCSM
Dr. David Tom Cooke @DavidCookeMD
There are also liquid biopsies where blood is taken and analyzed for circulating tumor cells, DNA or other measurable things. #LCSM
CHEST @accpchest
T1: A biopsy allows the tissue within the nodule to be examined to determine if it contains cancer. #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @LUNGevity: T1: T1: Lung needle biopsy @NIH https://t.co/BWDYKvFNHc #lcsm #ChangeLC
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @SarojMD: lung biopsy procedure : lung biopsy procedure : sample of lung tissue are removed (with biopsy needle or surgery) to determine if lung ds or cancer is present #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @hkc1980: T1: T1: A biopsy is a small piece of tissue obtained from an organ or lesion like a tumor to check what it is. #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @DavidCookeMD: There are also liquid biopsies where blood is taken and analyzed for circulating tumor cells, DNA or other measurable things. #LCSM
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
In T2 (coming up in a few mintues) we'll talk about the different types of biopsies #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @accpchest: T1: T1: A biopsy allows the tissue within the nodule to be examined to determine if it contains cancer. #lcsm
CHEST @accpchest
RT @SarojMD: lung biopsy procedure : lung biopsy procedure : sample of lung tissue are removed (with biopsy needle or surgery) to determine if lung ds or cancer is present #lcsm
LUNGevity Foundation @LUNGevity
There are many different ways doctors can obtain tissue #lcsm #ChangeLC
Doug @LungDocDoug
The most important skill for pulmonologist to have is not HOW to do a biopsy, but knowing what NOT to biopsy #lcsm
Humberto Choi @hkc1980
T1: many things look alike on X-ray or ct scan. a biopsy helps to see what an abnormal finding really is. #LCSM
Victoria Brownworth @VABVOX
@JFreemanDaily New face. #LCSM
Geri Massa @GeriGerim13
T1 MY Oncologist suggested I see a genetics Dr since he believes I am a rare diagn. LUng cancer 2 xs #LCSM
CHEST @accpchest
RT @LUNGevity: There are many different ways doctors can obtain tissue #lcsm #ChangeLC
LUNGevity Foundation @LUNGevity
The decision about the type of biopsy procedure depends on where the mass is #lcsm #ChangeLC
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
@DavidCookeMD Liquid biopsies are becoming more accepted (some have been proven in clinical trials) #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
@VABVOX Glad to see yours, lady #lcsm
CHEST @accpchest
T1: Learn more about biopsies: https://t.co/t2LC5p5Bkf #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @LungDocDoug: The most important skill for pulmonologist to have is not HOW to do a biopsy, but knowing what NOT to biopsy #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @hkc1980: T1: T1: many things look alike on X-ray or ct scan. a biopsy helps to see what an abnormal finding really is. #LCSM
LUNGevity Foundation @LUNGevity
The FDA approved the first “liquid biopsy” test in June 2016 #lcsm #ChangeLC https://t.co/zbBRn8stsW
CHEST @accpchest
RT @JFreemanDaily: @DavidCookeMD Liquid biopsies are becoming more accepted (some have been proven in clinical trials) #lcsm
Nathan A. Pennell MD, PhD, FASCO @n8pennell
T1: Biopsies are necessary to prove that a suspected cancer is really cancer and not something benign, also what kind of cancer #LCSM
Saroj Prakash Kandel @SarojMD
RT @accpchest: T1: Learn more about biopsies: T1: Learn more about biopsies: https://t.co/t2LC5p5Bkf #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @LUNGevity: The decision about the type of biopsy procedure depends on where the mass is #lcsm #ChangeLC
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
Tweetchat hint: To see what topics we'll be covering tonight, check out the #LCSM Chat blog https://t.co/LMx0lToD03
LUNGevity Foundation @LUNGevity
Before biopsy the patient should speak w/his or her oncologist about having tumor sample profiled #lcsm #ChangeLC
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @JFreemanDaily: @DavidCookeMD Liquid biopsies are becoming more accepted (some have been proven in clinical trials) #lcsm
Silvio A. Ñamendys-Silva @snamendys
@LUNGevity @accpchest T1: The doctor uses the needle to remove a sample of tissue for testing #LCSM
CHEST @accpchest
RT @n8pennell: T1: T1: in simplest terms, a biopsy is a piece of the patient's cancer that can be used for diagnosis and other tests #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @accpchest: T1: Learn more about biopsies: T1: Learn more about biopsies: https://t.co/t2LC5p5Bkf #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @n8pennell: T1: T1: Biopsies are necessary to prove that a suspected cancer is really cancer and not something benign, also what kind of cancer #LCSM
Beth Caldwell @CultPerfectMoms
RT @JFreemanDaily: I’m your moderator Janet Freeman-Daily: I’m your moderator Janet Freeman-Daily: writer (https://t.co/OBCc87ZwkG), science geek, stage IV #lungcancer patient/activist #lcsm
john @JohnLPender
t1 I had a tube shoved down my throat biopsy. Still not sure what a liquid biopsy is. #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @JFreemanDaily: Tweetchat hint: Tweetchat hint: To see what topics we'll be covering tonight, check out the #LCSM Chat blog https://t.co/LMx0lToD03
Silvio A. Ñamendys-Silva @snamendys
RT @accpchest: T1: Learn more about biopsies: T1: Learn more about biopsies: https://t.co/t2LC5p5Bkf #lcsm
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
Topic T2 is coming up in 2 minutes #lcsm
LUNGevity Foundation @LUNGevity
RT @accpchest: T1: Learn more about biopsies: T1: Learn more about biopsies: https://t.co/t2LC5p5Bkf #lcsm
American Lung Association @LungAssociation
T1 The best time to talk to your doctor about tumor testing is before a biopsy is done #lcsm
LUNGevity Foundation @LUNGevity
Only a biopsy can provide a definite diagnosis of lung cancer #lcsm #ChangeLC
Denise Cutlip @dennycee
T2-liquid bx are exciting. They couldn't find easy bx spot for mom in 06, I'll never forget her screams when lung collapsed in FN bx #lcsm
Danielle Pardue @Actorielle
RT @LUNGevity: There are many different ways doctors can obtain tissue #lcsm #ChangeLC
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @LungAssociation: T1 The best time to talk to your doctor about tumor testing is before a biopsy is done #lcsm
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
@JohnLPender Sounds like you had a bronchoscopy (a tube goes thru the airways). Liquid biopsy takes a blood sample. #lcsm
Danielle Pardue @Actorielle
RT @LUNGevity: The decision about the type of biopsy procedure depends on where the mass is #lcsm #ChangeLC
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @dennycee: T2-liquid bx are exciting. They couldn't find easy bx spot for mom in 06, I'll never forget her screams when lung collapsed in FN bx #lcsm
Danielle Pardue @Actorielle
RT @LUNGevity: The FDA approved the first “liquid biopsy” test in June 2016 #lcsm #ChangeLC https://t.co/zbBRn8stsW
Bob Steele @steele_bob
RT @LungDocDoug: The most important skill for pulmonologist to have is not HOW to do a biopsy, but knowing what NOT to biopsy #lcsm
LUNGevity Foundation @LUNGevity
What is a Bronchoscopy? @NIH website https://t.co/c0VL1rCu20 #lcsm #ChangeLC
Danielle Pardue @Actorielle
RT @LUNGevity: Before biopsy the patient should speak w/his or her oncologist about having tumor sample profiled #lcsm #ChangeLC
H. Charles Malpass @hcm4k
T1: ideal bx is intersection confirming or refuting the presence of cancer, determine the stage, and individually treat the patinet #lcsm
Nathan A. Pennell MD, PhD, FASCO @n8pennell
T1: To be clear, liquid "biopsies" aren't biopsies like a needle or surgery, good for some purposes but not diagnosis of cancer. #LCSM
CHEST @accpchest
RT @LUNGevity: Only a biopsy can provide a definite diagnosis of lung cancer #lcsm #ChangeLC
LCSC News @LCSCnews
RT @LUNGevity: The decision about the type of biopsy procedure depends on where the mass is #lcsm #ChangeLC
Katie Brown @brownbeansprout
RT @LUNGevity: The decision about the type of biopsy procedure depends on where the mass is #lcsm #ChangeLC
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @hcm4k: T1: T1: ideal bx is intersection confirming or refuting the presence of cancer, determine the stage, and individually treat the patinet #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @n8pennell: T1: T1: To be clear, liquid "biopsies" aren't biopsies like a needle or surgery, good for some purposes but not diagnosis of cancer. #LCSM
Dr. David Tom Cooke @DavidCookeMD
Biopsy or complete surgical removal. #LCSM https://t.co/LD3fZklPmL
LCSC News @LCSCnews
RT @LUNGevity: Only a biopsy can provide a definite diagnosis of lung cancer #lcsm #ChangeLC
Katie Brown @brownbeansprout
RT @LUNGevity: Before biopsy the patient should speak w/his or her oncologist about having tumor sample profiled #lcsm #ChangeLC
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
T2: What biopsy procedures are used in diagnosing/treating #lungcancer? Where can we learn more about them? #lcsm
CoSurviving Cancer @cosurviving
RT @LUNGevity: Before biopsy the patient should speak w/his or her oncologist about having tumor sample profiled #lcsm #ChangeLC
Katie Brown @brownbeansprout
RT @LUNGevity: The FDA approved the first “liquid biopsy” test in June 2016 #lcsm #ChangeLC https://t.co/zbBRn8stsW
Katie Brown @brownbeansprout
RT @JFreemanDaily: T2: T2: What biopsy procedures are used in diagnosing/treating #lungcancer? Where can we learn more about them? #lcsm
Saroj Prakash Kandel @SarojMD
Information on #lungbiopsy #LungCancer https://t.co/Kakv66hJpC #lcsm
john @JohnLPender
@EdenLake Same here! Woke up with a fat lip. #lcsm
Silvio A. Ñamendys-Silva @snamendys
@n8pennell T1: A biopsy is the removal of a small amount of tissue for examination under a microscope #lcsm
Dr. David Tom Cooke @DavidCookeMD
You are correct. Liquid biopsies are NOT standard of care. Can be useful. But not standard of care. #LCSM https://t.co/nv1UkXvTOw
LUNGevity Foundation @LUNGevity
RT @JFreemanDaily: T2: T2: What biopsy procedures are used in diagnosing/treating #lungcancer? Where can we learn more about them? #lcsm
UW Health | Carbone Cancer Center @UWCarbone
T2: Needle biopsies, bronchoscopic biopsies and surgical biopsies are used to diagnose LC. Learn more: https://t.co/QQUcsDGrbd #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @JFreemanDaily: T2: T2: What biopsy procedures are used in diagnosing/treating #lungcancer? Where can we learn more about them? #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @SarojMD: Information on #lungbiopsy #LungCancer https://t.co/Kakv66hJpC #lcsm
Doug @LungDocDoug
This ---> https://t.co/cni9FkMglW
Neil Freedman, M.D. @neil_freedman
CHEST @accpchest
RT @JFreemanDaily: T2: T2: What biopsy procedures are used in diagnosing/treating #lungcancer? Where can we learn more about them? #lcsm
Silvio A. Ñamendys-Silva @snamendys
@JFreemanDaily T2: https://t.co/phxiOr7Zmz #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @DavidCookeMD: You are correct. Liquid biopsies are NOT standard of care. Can be useful. But not standard of care. #LCSM https://t.co/nv1UkXvTOw
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @UWCarbone: T2: Needle biopsies, bronchoscopic biopsies and surgical biopsies are used to diagnose LC. Learn more: T2: Needle biopsies, bronchoscopic biopsies and surgical biopsies are used to diagnose LC. Learn more: https://t.co/QQUcsDGrbd #lcsm
Saroj Prakash Kandel @SarojMD
RT @UWCarbone: T2: Needle biopsies, bronchoscopic biopsies and surgical biopsies are used to diagnose LC. Learn more: T2: Needle biopsies, bronchoscopic biopsies and surgical biopsies are used to diagnose LC. Learn more: https://t.co/QQUcsDGrbd #lcsm
Nathan A. Pennell MD, PhD, FASCO @n8pennell
T1: Liquid "biopsies" use blood or urine/other fluids to detect either circulating tumor cells or cancer DNA for testing #LCSM
Humberto Choi @hkc1980
T2: lung biopsy can be done by needle through chest, bronchoscopy (camera in the airway), or surgery #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
@neil_freedman Feel free to jump in! #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @n8pennell: T1: T1: Liquid "biopsies" use blood or urine/other fluids to detect either circulating tumor cells or cancer DNA for testing #LCSM
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
@DavidCookeMD Liquid biopsies are not standard of care, but can be helpful for finding mutations if not enough tissue to test #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @hkc1980: T2: T2: lung biopsy can be done by needle through chest, bronchoscopy (camera in the airway), or surgery #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @JFreemanDaily: @DavidCookeMD Liquid biopsies are not standard of care, but can be helpful for finding mutations if not enough tissue to test #lcsm
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
Please remember to use #lcsm in all your tweets so others participating in the chat can see them
CHEST @accpchest
RT @hkc1980: T2: T2: lung biopsy can be done by needle through chest, bronchoscopy (camera in the airway), or surgery #LCSM
Saroj Prakash Kandel @SarojMD
RT @hkc1980: T2: T2: lung biopsy can be done by needle through chest, bronchoscopy (camera in the airway), or surgery #LCSM
Silvio A. Ñamendys-Silva @snamendys
@JFreemanDaily T2: https://t.co/UTt1ENYRaN #LCSM
Humberto Choi @hkc1980
T2: many factors are involved when choosing the appropriate procedure for one person. there is no best method for everyone. #LCSM
Doug @LungDocDoug
T2 Briefly; bronchoscopy, transcutaneous needle or "core", ultrasound guided biopsy (e.g. Liver or lymph node), surgery, thoracentesis #lcsm
Dr. David Tom Cooke @DavidCookeMD
A2 options: Bronchoscopy, mediastinoscopy, imaging guided, VATS, and combinations of the above. Should be discussed in tumor board. #lcsm
Saroj Prakash Kandel @SarojMD
RT @snamendys: @JFreemanDaily T2: @JFreemanDaily T2: https://t.co/phxiOr7Zmz #LCSM
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
If you prefer just to listen, please tweet “#LCSM” so we know you’re in the audience (but do jump in--we're a friendly bunch) #lcsm
CHEST @accpchest
T2: Bronchoscopy. A thin, flexible tube, contains tiny video camera. Small tissue samples can be collected. #lcsm https://t.co/bNNS6m8h9m
Faces of Lung Cancer @LungCancerFaces
RT @JFreemanDaily: T2: T2: What biopsy procedures are used in diagnosing/treating #lungcancer? Where can we learn more about them? #lcsm
LUNGevity Foundation @LUNGevity
T2: Surgical oncologists use surgery to diagnose and treat cancer #lcsm #ChangeLC https://t.co/sm5KHtTU8l
UW Health | Carbone Cancer Center @UWCarbone
T2: Most biopsies are used to diagnose, but surgical biopsies can be treatment as well. – Dr. Maloney #lcsm
LUNGevity Foundation @LUNGevity
Mediastinoscopy w/biopsy. @NIH website https://t.co/sKCXHTSV3S #lcsm #ChangeLC
Gina @EAustin1969
I'm just lurking today #LCSM
Dr. Jan Marie Eberth @jmeberth
RT @LUNGevity: The FDA approved the first “liquid biopsy” test in June 2016 #lcsm #ChangeLC https://t.co/zbBRn8stsW
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @JFreemanDaily: Please remember to use #lcsm in all your tweets so others participating in the chat can see them
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @hkc1980: T2: T2: many factors are involved when choosing the appropriate procedure for one person. there is no best method for everyone. #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @DavidCookeMD: A2 options: A2 options: Bronchoscopy, mediastinoscopy, imaging guided, VATS, and combinations of the above. Should be discussed in tumor board. #lcsm
Frank Ingram, MD @Chucktowndoc
Ingram here, your friendly NC pathologist. Late, but present. #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @LungDocDoug: T2 Briefly; bronchoscopy, transcutaneous needle or "core", ultrasound guided biopsy (e.g. Liver or lymph node), surgery, thoracentesis #lcsm
LUNGevity Foundation @LUNGevity
A thoracoscopy is performed more often during the treatment of lung cancer rather than dx #lcsm #ChangeLC
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @JFreemanDaily: If you prefer just to listen, please tweet “#LCSM” so we know you’re in the audience (but do jump in--we're a friendly bunch) #lcsm
CHEST @accpchest
T2: #EBUS used to collect lung tissue & fluid samples from both the lungs & nearby tissues. #lcsm https://t.co/msB6G86o7m https://t.co/2s32lXPD8N
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @accpchest: T2: T2: Bronchoscopy. A thin, flexible tube, contains tiny video camera. Small tissue samples can be collected. #lcsm https://t.co/bNNS6m8h9m
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @UWCarbone: T2: T2: Most biopsies are used to diagnose, but surgical biopsies can be treatment as well. – Dr. Maloney #lcsm
Nathan A. Pennell MD, PhD, FASCO @n8pennell
Liquid biopsies can be useful companions to tissue biopsy if not enough tissue for all testing but can't replace them. Yet. #LCSM
𝓞𝓯𝓪𝓷🔥𝓙𝓪𝓿𝓲𝓮𝓻 @Baraccuda
RT @accpchest: T1: Learn more about biopsies: T1: Learn more about biopsies: https://t.co/t2LC5p5Bkf #lcsm
𝓞𝓯𝓪𝓷🔥𝓙𝓪𝓿𝓲𝓮𝓻 @Baraccuda
RT @accpchest: T2: T2: #EBUS used to collect lung tissue & fluid samples from both the lungs & nearby tissues. #lcsm https://t.co/msB6G86o7m https://t.co/2s32lXPD8N
Dr. David Tom Cooke @DavidCookeMD
A2 Important is consensus goals of the tissue. Helps determine methods to yield maximum usefulness. #LCSM
Dr. Jan Marie Eberth @jmeberth
#lcsm checking in from SC... happy to join in!
LUNGevity Foundation @LUNGevity
Reminder-before biopsy the patient should speak w/his or her oncologist about having tumor sample profiled #lcsm #ChangeLC
Saroj Prakash Kandel @SarojMD
RT @accpchest: T2: T2: Bronchoscopy. A thin, flexible tube, contains tiny video camera. Small tissue samples can be collected. #lcsm https://t.co/bNNS6m8h9m
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
@EAustin1969 Hey, Gina. Think of you often. Hang in there, kiddo #lcsm
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
T2: Some bronchoscopies are "electromagnetic navigation" (kind of like GPS)--Location of probe shows up on PC overlaid on scan image #lcsm
Saroj Prakash Kandel @SarojMD
RT @accpchest: T2: T2: #EBUS used to collect lung tissue & fluid samples from both the lungs & nearby tissues. #lcsm https://t.co/msB6G86o7m https://t.co/2s32lXPD8N
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @accpchest: T2: T2: #EBUS used to collect lung tissue & fluid samples from both the lungs & nearby tissues. #lcsm https://t.co/msB6G86o7m https://t.co/2s32lXPD8N
Nathan A. Pennell MD, PhD, FASCO @n8pennell
RT @accpchest: T2: T2: #EBUS used to collect lung tissue & fluid samples from both the lungs & nearby tissues. #lcsm https://t.co/msB6G86o7m https://t.co/2s32lXPD8N
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @n8pennell: Liquid biopsies can be useful companions to tissue biopsy if not enough tissue for all testing but can't replace them. Yet. #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @DavidCookeMD: A2 Important is consensus goals of the tissue. Helps determine methods to yield maximum usefulness. #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @JFreemanDaily: T2: T2: Some bronchoscopies are "electromagnetic navigation" (kind of like GPS)--Location of probe shows up on PC overlaid on scan image #lcsm
CHEST @accpchest
RT @JFreemanDaily: T2: T2: Some bronchoscopies are "electromagnetic navigation" (kind of like GPS)--Location of probe shows up on PC overlaid on scan image #lcsm
LUNGevity Foundation @LUNGevity
RT @LUNGevity: T2: T2: Surgical oncologists use surgery to diagnose and treat cancer #lcsm #ChangeLC https://t.co/sm5KHtTU8l
CHEST @accpchest
T2: Fine needle aspiration (FNA). Thin needle takes tissue sample of abnormal area, to test for cancer cells. #lcsm https://t.co/D9rj9qWtuU
Jessie Hutchinson @JessieHutch15
RT @LUNGevity: Mediastinoscopy w/biopsy. @NIH website https://t.co/sKCXHTSV3S #lcsm #ChangeLC
UW Health | Carbone Cancer Center @UWCarbone
T2: Curious what to expect when having a lung cancer biopsy? https://t.co/akp1eTJTsz #lcsm
LCSC News @LCSCnews
RT @LUNGevity: A thoracoscopy is performed more often during the treatment of lung cancer rather than dx #lcsm #ChangeLC
Katie Brown @brownbeansprout
RT @LUNGevity: Reminder-before biopsy the patient should speak w/his or her oncologist about having tumor sample profiled #lcsm #ChangeLC
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @accpchest: T2: T2: Fine needle aspiration (FNA). Thin needle takes tissue sample of abnormal area, to test for cancer cells. #lcsm https://t.co/D9rj9qWtuU
CHEST @accpchest
T2: Core needle biopsy. Similar to FNA, but provide a bigger sample than fine needles. #lcsm https://t.co/D9rj9re4ms https://t.co/WjSr3a67E0
Neil Freedman, M.D. @neil_freedman
@JFreemanDaily Learn more about lung cancer biopsies from Chest and the Chest Foundation @accpchest #LCSM
Dr. Jan Marie Eberth @jmeberth
@DavidCookeMD #lcsm In breast cancer, core biopsies are best. What does the evidence say is best and least invasive for lung cancer?
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @accpchest: T2: T2: Core needle biopsy. Similar to FNA, but provide a bigger sample than fine needles. #lcsm https://t.co/D9rj9re4ms https://t.co/WjSr3a67E0
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @jmeberth: @DavidCookeMD #lcsm In breast cancer, core biopsies are best. What does the evidence say is best and least invasive for lung cancer?
Lauren Humphries @hulabe
RT @Actorielle: BIG night, friends! #lcsm chat at 8pmET, then live-tweeting of #FirstInHuman on @Discovery! Follow @LUNGevity for all the scoop! #ChangeLC
Nathan A. Pennell MD, PhD, FASCO @n8pennell
T2: All biopsies planned with intent to get best chance of getting enough tissue for diagnosis/testing with least risk to patient #LCSM
Doug @LungDocDoug
Repeating what some else said 'cause it matters. Ideal box provides 1) Diagnosis 2) Precise stage, and 3) If needed, molec analysis #lcsm
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
@MartinRivers @DavidCookeMD True--if liquid biopsy is positive for T790M, you can trust the result. If it's negative, wait for the tissue results. #LCSM
CHEST @accpchest
RT @neil_freedman: @JFreemanDaily Learn more about lung cancer biopsies from Chest and the Chest Foundation @accpchest #LCSM
Silvio A. Ñamendys-Silva @snamendys
RT @neil_freedman: @JFreemanDaily Learn more about lung cancer biopsies from Chest and the Chest Foundation @accpchest #LCSM
CHEST @accpchest
T2: Surgical needle biopsy. Surgery may be the best way to get a good tissue sample. #lcsm https://t.co/ypcQ33U34t https://t.co/tNAlzWcdAR
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @n8pennell: T2: T2: All biopsies planned with intent to get best chance of getting enough tissue for diagnosis/testing with least risk to patient #LCSM
UW Health | Carbone Cancer Center @UWCarbone
T2 The type of biopsy will be affected by clinical staging and expected treatment. Multi disciplinary approach is best. #lcsm
Lauren Humphries @hulabe
RT @LUNGevity: Before biopsy the patient should speak w/his or her oncologist about having tumor sample profiled #lcsm #ChangeLC
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @LungDocDoug: Repeating what some else said 'cause it matters. Ideal box provides 1) Diagnosis 2) Precise stage, and 3) If needed, molec analysis #lcsm
Jessie Hutchinson @JessieHutch15
RT @LUNGevity: Reminder-before biopsy the patient should speak w/his or her oncologist about having tumor sample profiled #lcsm #ChangeLC
Silvio A. Ñamendys-Silva @snamendys
@neil_freedman @JFreemanDaily @accpchest T2:https://t.co/UTt1ENYRaN #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @accpchest: T2: T2: Surgical needle biopsy. Surgery may be the best way to get a good tissue sample. #lcsm https://t.co/ypcQ33U34t https://t.co/tNAlzWcdAR
Lung Man @lungman10
RT @LUNGevity: Reminder-before biopsy the patient should speak w/his or her oncologist about having tumor sample profiled #lcsm #ChangeLC
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @UWCarbone: T2 The type of biopsy will be affected by clinical staging and expected treatment. Multi disciplinary approach is best. #lcsm
Humberto Choi @hkc1980
advantages and risks of each of these procedures mentioned are different. The choice of the first procedure is evaluated case by case #LCSM
Dr. David Tom Cooke @DavidCookeMD
Complicated. Core provides tissue for molec testing. However, multiple passes with FNA can potentially provide tissue for same. #LCSM https://t.co/rguEvPRRDz
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
@snamendys Thanks for the resources! When you provide links, it helps to add a little explanatory text. #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @snamendys: @neil_freedman @JFreemanDaily @accpchest T2:https://t.co/UTt1ENYRaN #LCSM
Sarah Elizabeth @saraheliz1
RT @LUNGevity: Only a biopsy can provide a definite diagnosis of lung cancer #lcsm #ChangeLC
CHEST @accpchest
T2: Thoracentesis. A hollow needle is inserted into the chest to remove fluid from the space around lungs. #lcsm https://t.co/YT1lmtb7Gu
Sarah Elizabeth @saraheliz1
RT @DavidCookeMD: There are also liquid biopsies where blood is taken and analyzed for circulating tumor cells, DNA or other measurable things. #LCSM
Neil Freedman, M.D. @neil_freedman
RT @snamendys: @neil_freedman @JFreemanDaily @accpchest T2:https://t.co/UTt1ENYRaN #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @hkc1980: advantages and risks of each of these procedures mentioned are different. The choice of the first procedure is evaluated case by case #LCSM
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
We’ll shift to Topic T3 next … #lcsm
Dr. Jan Marie Eberth @jmeberth
@hkc1980 #lcsm But surely there are studies that show certain methods are better than others in terms of complications and safety?
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @accpchest: T2: T2: Thoracentesis. A hollow needle is inserted into the chest to remove fluid from the space around lungs. #lcsm https://t.co/YT1lmtb7Gu
Nathan A. Pennell MD, PhD, FASCO @n8pennell
T2: If u wonder why some get CT guided biopsy and some bronch/EBUS, institutional experience and expertise matters a lot. #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @n8pennell: T2: T2: If u wonder why some get CT guided biopsy and some bronch/EBUS, institutional experience and expertise matters a lot. #LCSM
LUNGevity Foundation @LUNGevity
RT @n8pennell: T2: T2: If u wonder why some get CT guided biopsy and some bronch/EBUS, institutional experience and expertise matters a lot. #LCSM
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
@jmeberth @hkc1980 We #lcsm
CHEST @accpchest
T2: Info on the different types of biopsies can be found here: https://t.co/LZJanMUp8m #lcsm https://t.co/ioOBK2h5bg
Victoria Brownworth @VABVOX
I don't have the emotional wherewithal to engage in the lung cancer chat tonight. I lasted six minutes. #LCSM
Deep Ramachandran MD @LungSleepDeep
#LCSM t2: generally 3 modalities of biopsy; less invasive (bronchoscopic, ct guided), more invasive (surgical)
LUNGevity Foundation @LUNGevity
yes Pathologists examines and issues a pathology report w/ his or her findings #lcsm #ChangeLC
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
@jmeberth @hkc1980 We'll talk about how to choose best biopsy method a bit later in the chat. Stay tuned! #lcsm
UW Health | Carbone Cancer Center @UWCarbone
T2 eberth @hkc1980 It is and should be very individualized and cancer risk is important #lcsm
Silvio A. Ñamendys-Silva @snamendys
RT @Caduceusblogger: #LCSM t2: #LCSM t2: generally 3 modalities of biopsy; less invasive (bronchoscopic, ct guided), more invasive (surgical)
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
T3: When might biopsies be necessary during or after #lungcancer treatment? #lcsm
OncLive SOSS @OncLiveSOSS
Dr. Neal Debates Whether Alectinib Will Become the Standard Frontline Therapy for ALK+ NSCLC #lcsm https://t.co/agAgse8uqD
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @accpchest: T2: Info on the different types of biopsies can be found here: T2: Info on the different types of biopsies can be found here: https://t.co/LZJanMUp8m #lcsm https://t.co/ioOBK2h5bg
CHEST @accpchest
RT @Caduceusblogger: #LCSM t2: #LCSM t2: generally 3 modalities of biopsy; less invasive (bronchoscopic, ct guided), more invasive (surgical)
Dr. Sacubitrilo @MacRodriguez80
RT @accpchest: T2: Info on the different types of biopsies can be found here: T2: Info on the different types of biopsies can be found here: https://t.co/LZJanMUp8m #lcsm https://t.co/ioOBK2h5bg
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
@VABVOX There'll be a transcript after. Take care. #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @Caduceusblogger: #LCSM t2: #LCSM t2: generally 3 modalities of biopsy; less invasive (bronchoscopic, ct guided), more invasive (surgical)
Dr. David Tom Cooke @DavidCookeMD
That, and also after consensus discussion, one modality might yield the best results in a particular patient a la "Willie Sutton". #LCSM https://t.co/XyzInIIjs6
Kristi Bruno @kristibruno
RT @accpchest: T2: Info on the different types of biopsies can be found here: T2: Info on the different types of biopsies can be found here: https://t.co/LZJanMUp8m #lcsm https://t.co/ioOBK2h5bg
Lung Man @lungman10
RT @LUNGevity: Mediastinoscopy w/biopsy. @NIH website https://t.co/sKCXHTSV3S #lcsm #ChangeLC
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @JFreemanDaily: T3: T3: When might biopsies be necessary during or after #lungcancer treatment? #lcsm
Kristi Bruno @kristibruno
RT @Caduceusblogger: #LCSM t2: #LCSM t2: generally 3 modalities of biopsy; less invasive (bronchoscopic, ct guided), more invasive (surgical)
LUNGevity Foundation @LUNGevity
T3: Liquid biopsies can be useful in detecting specific mutations in blood of pts who have progressed on targeted therapy #lcsm #ChangeLC
Faces of Lung Cancer @LungCancerFaces
RT @JFreemanDaily: T3: T3: When might biopsies be necessary during or after #lungcancer treatment? #lcsm
john @JohnLPender
t3 I believe they should be necessary in the case of resistance. A new mutation could have occurred. #lcsm
CHEST @accpchest
RT @JFreemanDaily: T3: T3: When might biopsies be necessary during or after #lungcancer treatment? #lcsm
Steve Holderness @dark_hawk_98
Neil Freedman, M.D. @neil_freedman
@JFreemanDaily When new findings are seen on a follow scan or treatment stops working #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @JohnLPender: t3 I believe they should be necessary in the case of resistance. A new mutation could have occurred. #lcsm
Deep Ramachandran MD @LungSleepDeep
#LCSM t2: there's not always an absolute right answer on which one to choose.
UW Health | Carbone Cancer Center @UWCarbone
T2 ckie913 @n8pennell PET is useful in evaluation but doesn't have the anatomic accuracy/resolution that CT does #lcsm
CHEST @accpchest
T3: As biopsies are used to determine whether or not lung cancer is present, treatment normally occurs after cancer is identified. #lcsm
Lauren Humphries @hulabe
RT @LUNGevity: T3: T3: Liquid biopsies can be useful in detecting specific mutations in blood of pts who have progressed on targeted therapy #lcsm #ChangeLC
CoSurviving Cancer @cosurviving
RT @LUNGevity: T3: T3: Liquid biopsies can be useful in detecting specific mutations in blood of pts who have progressed on targeted therapy #lcsm #ChangeLC
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @neil_freedman: @JFreemanDaily When new findings are seen on a follow scan or treatment stops working #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @Caduceusblogger: #LCSM t2: #LCSM t2: there's not always an absolute right answer on which one to choose.
Denise Cutlip @dennycee
T3- I've always recommended patients request new bx anytime they experience progression. #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @UWCarbone: T2 ckie913 @n8pennell PET is useful in evaluation but doesn't have the anatomic accuracy/resolution that CT does #lcsm
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
T3: A biopsy may be useful after cancer progresses to determine if a patient has developed a resistance mutation to a targeted therapy #lcsm
CHEST @accpchest
RT @neil_freedman: @JFreemanDaily When new findings are seen on a follow scan or treatment stops working #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @accpchest: T3: T3: As biopsies are used to determine whether or not lung cancer is present, treatment normally occurs after cancer is identified. #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @dennycee: T3- I've always recommended patients request new bx anytime they experience progression. #lcsm
Lauren Humphries @hulabe
RT @accpchest: T3: T3: As biopsies are used to determine whether or not lung cancer is present, treatment normally occurs after cancer is identified. #lcsm
CHEST @accpchest
RT @JohnLPender: t3 I believe they should be necessary in the case of resistance. A new mutation could have occurred. #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @JFreemanDaily: T3: T3: A biopsy may be useful after cancer progresses to determine if a patient has developed a resistance mutation to a targeted therapy #lcsm
LUNGevity Foundation @LUNGevity
T3: Liquid biopsies work best when we know what we are looking for #lcsm #ChangeLC
Neil Freedman, M.D. @neil_freedman
@JFreemanDaily The approach on the follow up biopsy may be different from the initial approach. It depends on the location of the new findings#lcsm
UW Health | Carbone Cancer Center @UWCarbone
T2 @ckie913 @n8pennell PET is useful in evaluation but doesn't have the anatomic accuracy/resolution that CT does during biopsy. #lcsm
Dr. Jan Marie Eberth @jmeberth
@n8pennell Interesting. Tell us more... so the more experienced institutions us which type more frequently? #lcsm
Lauren Humphries @hulabe
RT @JFreemanDaily: T3: T3: A biopsy may be useful after cancer progresses to determine if a patient has developed a resistance mutation to a targeted therapy #lcsm
H. Charles Malpass @hcm4k
T2: FNA w attention = Core in these, many others Nakajima T, et al. J Thorac Oncol 2011; 6:203-206 Lee at al. 2013;24(6):351-355 #lcsm
Humberto Choi @hkc1980
T3: when new findings appear on followup imaging, tumor does not respond to treatment, when we need more tissue for testing. #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @UWCarbone: T2 @ckie913 @n8pennell PET is useful in evaluation but doesn't have the anatomic accuracy/resolution that CT does during biopsy. #lcsm
CHEST @accpchest
T3: If cancer returns, physicians may use biopsy procedures to remove cancerous tissues or cells. #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @hcm4k: T2: T2: FNA w attention = Core in these, many others Nakajima T, et al. J Thorac Oncol 2011; 6:203-206 Lee at al. 2013;24(6):351-355 #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @hkc1980: T3: T3: when new findings appear on followup imaging, tumor does not respond to treatment, when we need more tissue for testing. #LCSM
LUNGevity Foundation @LUNGevity
Type of biopsyprocedure should depend on overall health of patient, where the mass is, experience, etc.. #lcsm #ChangeLC
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @accpchest: T3: T3: If cancer returns, physicians may use biopsy procedures to remove cancerous tissues or cells. #lcsm
LUNGevity Foundation @LUNGevity
RT @hkc1980: T3: T3: when new findings appear on followup imaging, tumor does not respond to treatment, when we need more tissue for testing. #LCSM
Saroj Prakash Kandel @SarojMD
T3: https://t.co/XeGVIgZNnS #lcsm
LUNGevity Foundation @LUNGevity
RT @accpchest: T3: T3: If cancer returns, physicians may use biopsy procedures to remove cancerous tissues or cells. #lcsm
LUNGevity Foundation @LUNGevity
RT @jmeberth: @n8pennell Interesting. Tell us more... so the more experienced institutions us which type more frequently? #lcsm
Lauren Humphries @hulabe
RT @accpchest: T3: T3: If cancer returns, physicians may use biopsy procedures to remove cancerous tissues or cells. #lcsm
Lauren Humphries @hulabe
RT @LUNGevity: Type of biopsyprocedure should depend on overall health of patient, where the mass is, experience, etc.. #lcsm #ChangeLC
LUNGevity Foundation @LUNGevity
RT @JohnLPender: t3 I believe they should be necessary in the case of resistance. A new mutation could have occurred. #lcsm
Neil Freedman, M.D. @neil_freedman
RT @LUNGevity: Type of biopsyprocedure should depend on overall health of patient, where the mass is, experience, etc.. #lcsm #ChangeLC
Katie Brown @brownbeansprout
RT @LUNGevity: T3: T3: Liquid biopsies work best when we know what we are looking for #lcsm #ChangeLC
Neil Freedman, M.D. @neil_freedman
RT @accpchest: T3: T3: If cancer returns, physicians may use biopsy procedures to remove cancerous tissues or cells. #lcsm
Paula Levy @paulaglevy
@JFreemanDaily @lcsmchat #lcsm
Joni Fowler, PharmD, BCPP @jfowlerpharmd
@JFreemanDaily T3: Why the disparities/inconsistency in testing for actionable mutations? Esp on progression? Education, cost, lab capabilities??? #lcsm
SOTS @sparkyontheseas
@JFreemanDaily What are you thoughts about it for resistance to a "garden verity" progression? #lcsm
UW Health | Carbone Cancer Center @UWCarbone
T3: More biopsies necessary if pt is not responding to treatment & post-treatment if concerns for residual or recurrent cancer. #lcsm
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
Hint: #CHESTFoundation will Storify this chat. That task will be easier if you make sure you're responding to the current topic. #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @sparkyontheseas: @JFreemanDaily What are you thoughts about it for resistance to a "garden verity" progression? #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @UWCarbone: T3: T3: More biopsies necessary if pt is not responding to treatment & post-treatment if concerns for residual or recurrent cancer. #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @JFreemanDaily: Hint: Hint: #CHESTFoundation will Storify this chat. That task will be easier if you make sure you're responding to the current topic. #lcsm
LUNGevity Foundation @LUNGevity
RT @Caduceusblogger: #LCSM t2: #LCSM t2: there's not always an absolute right answer on which one to choose.
LUNGevity Foundation @LUNGevity
RT @UWCarbone: T3: T3: More biopsies necessary if pt is not responding to treatment & post-treatment if concerns for residual or recurrent cancer. #lcsm
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
@jfowlerpharmd That's a good topic for an entire separate Chat! Will try to address it after tonight's chat. #LCSM
UW Health | Carbone Cancer Center @UWCarbone
T2 @jmeberth @hkc1980 It is and should be very individualized and cancer risk is important. #lcsm
kakukkelly @kmichelle1969
T3 Can liquid biopsies be used when metastasis are suspected outside of the lungs? #LCSM
Frank Ingram, MD @Chucktowndoc
@fcgiii Yes. Pathologists often receive biopsies with that question...are these radiation changes or cancer progression? #lcsm
Car Fernandez Crisosto @kar10sF
RT @accpchest: T2: T2: Surgical needle biopsy. Surgery may be the best way to get a good tissue sample. #lcsm https://t.co/ypcQ33U34t https://t.co/tNAlzWcdAR
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @kmichelle1969: T3 Can liquid biopsies be used when metastasis are suspected outside of the lungs? #LCSM
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
@sparkyontheseas Be happy to discuss that after tonight's chat--don't have the bandwidth to moderate and research responses at same time! #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @Chucktowndoc: @fcgiii Yes. Pathologists often receive biopsies with that question...are these radiation changes or cancer progression? #lcsm
UW Health | Carbone Cancer Center @UWCarbone
T2 @Yackie913 @n8pennell PET is useful in evaluation but doesn't have the anatomic accuracy/resolution that CT does during biopsy. #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @UWCarbone: T2 @Yackie913 @n8pennell PET is useful in evaluation but doesn't have the anatomic accuracy/resolution that CT does during biopsy. #lcsm
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
Topic T4 is coming up … #lcsm
SOTS @sparkyontheseas
@JFreemanDaily That's fair! #lcsm
CHEST @accpchest
RT @JFreemanDaily: Topic T4 is coming up … #lcsm
LUNGevity Foundation @LUNGevity
RT @kmichelle1969: T3 Can liquid biopsies be used when metastasis are suspected outside of the lungs? #LCSM
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
T4: How do biopsies enable patients to access newer treatments such as targeted therapies and immunotherapies? #lcsm
Silvio A. Ñamendys-Silva @snamendys
@JFreemanDaily T3: Doctor may perform a lung biopsy to investigate an abnormality found on a chest X-ray, CT scan. #LCSM
Dr. R.M. votes blue 🌊🌊🌊🌊 @Raultriathlon
RT @accpchest: T3: T3: If cancer returns, physicians may use biopsy procedures to remove cancerous tissues or cells. #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @JFreemanDaily: T4: T4: How do biopsies enable patients to access newer treatments such as targeted therapies and immunotherapies? #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @snamendys: @JFreemanDaily T3: @JFreemanDaily T3: Doctor may perform a lung biopsy to investigate an abnormality found on a chest X-ray, CT scan. #LCSM
Neil Freedman, M.D. @neil_freedman
RT @JFreemanDaily: #LCSM https://t.co/SofIoZEu4S
Dr. R.M. votes blue 🌊🌊🌊🌊 @Raultriathlon
RT @n8pennell: T1: T1: Biopsies are necessary to prove that a suspected cancer is really cancer and not something benign, also what kind of cancer #LCSM
Faces of Lung Cancer @LungCancerFaces
RT @JFreemanDaily: T4: T4: How do biopsies enable patients to access newer treatments such as targeted therapies and immunotherapies? #lcsm
CHEST @accpchest
RT @JFreemanDaily: T4: T4: How do biopsies enable patients to access newer treatments such as targeted therapies and immunotherapies? #lcsm
Dr. R.M. votes blue 🌊🌊🌊🌊 @Raultriathlon
RT @LUNGevity: Only a biopsy can provide a definite diagnosis of lung cancer #lcsm #ChangeLC
UW Health | Carbone Cancer Center @UWCarbone
T4: Biopsies can help identify targeted therapies that act on specific molecular targets to treat cancer. https://t.co/rGaMXsd4Ig #lcsm
Dr. David Tom Cooke @DavidCookeMD
A4 Based on tumor profile, patients may be eligible for different clinical trials that test targeted agents. Sniper vs shotgun Rx. #LCSM
Dr. R.M. votes blue 🌊🌊🌊🌊 @Raultriathlon
RT @hkc1980: T2: T2: lung biopsy can be done by needle through chest, bronchoscopy (camera in the airway), or surgery #LCSM
Andres Arteta @andres23md
RT @n8pennell: Liquid biopsies can be useful companions to tissue biopsy if not enough tissue for all testing but can't replace them. Yet. #LCSM
Car Fernandez Crisosto @kar10sF
RT @DavidCookeMD: A2 options: A2 options: Bronchoscopy, mediastinoscopy, imaging guided, VATS, and combinations of the above. Should be discussed in tumor board. #lcsm
LUNGevity Foundation @LUNGevity
T4: first must have enough tissue avail for biomarker testing #ChangeLC #lcsm
kakukkelly @kmichelle1969
RT @JFreemanDaily: T4: T4: How do biopsies enable patients to access newer treatments such as targeted therapies and immunotherapies? #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @UWCarbone: T4: T4: Biopsies can help identify targeted therapies that act on specific molecular targets to treat cancer. https://t.co/rGaMXsd4Ig #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @DavidCookeMD: A4 Based on tumor profile, patients may be eligible for different clinical trials that test targeted agents. Sniper vs shotgun Rx. #LCSM
LUNGevity Foundation @LUNGevity
T4: liquid biopsies may in future help identify patients who will benefit fr immunotherapy- not yet #ChangeLC #lcsm
Humberto Choi @hkc1980
T4: biopsies allow sub typing the tumor and check its molecular profile #LCSM
Frank Ingram, MD @Chucktowndoc
Specialized ancillary tests are often (essentially always for Lung CA now) performed on biopsy material e.g. ALK/EGFR/ROS1/PDL1/NGS #lcsm
Dr. R.M. votes blue 🌊🌊🌊🌊 @Raultriathlon
The advent of endoscopic bronchial ultrasound has revolutionized the diagnosis and staging of cancer. Minimally invasive #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @hkc1980: T4: T4: biopsies allow sub typing the tumor and check its molecular profile #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @Chucktowndoc: Specialized ancillary tests are often (essentially always for Lung CA now) performed on biopsy material e.g. ALK/EGFR/ROS1/PDL1/NGS #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @Raultriathlon: The advent of endoscopic bronchial ultrasound has revolutionized the diagnosis and staging of cancer. Minimally invasive #LCSM
Bobbi Johnson Filipiak @71Bobbi
@JFreemanDaily #lcsm T4. My recent biopsy came at a time when my 2 year immuno/chemo stopped working. It revealed a EGFR Exon 20 mut so I'm in a trial MDA
LUNGevity Foundation @LUNGevity
T4: Interestingly enough pts show willingness for multiple biopsies = more options https://t.co/GBgzM3dynv #lcsm #ChangeLC
Silvio A. Ñamendys-Silva @snamendys
@JFreemanDaily T4: Results from molecular testing help decide whether your treatment options include a type of treatment called targeted therapy #LCSM
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
Tweetchat hint: Please label tweets to indicate which topic you're addressing (T1, T2, etc) to make transcript easier to follow. #lcsm
Denise Cutlip @dennycee
T4- New advances almost bimonthly, pt may qualify for new treatment, Ins co would save $$ by giving the pt the best based on new info #lcsm
Dr. R.M. votes blue 🌊🌊🌊🌊 @Raultriathlon
RT @n8pennell: T1: T1: in simplest terms, a biopsy is a piece of the patient's cancer that can be used for diagnosis and other tests #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @71Bobbi: @JFreemanDaily #lcsm T4. My recent biopsy came at a time when my 2 year immuno/chemo stopped working. It revealed a EGFR Exon 20 mut so I'm in a trial MDA
CHEST @accpchest
RT @snamendys: @JFreemanDaily T4: @JFreemanDaily T4: Results from molecular testing help decide whether your treatment options include a type of treatment called targeted therapy #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @JFreemanDaily: Tweetchat hint: Tweetchat hint: Please label tweets to indicate which topic you're addressing (T1, T2, etc) to make transcript easier to follow. #lcsm
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
@71Bobbi If you haven't yet, contact the EGFR Exon 20 insertion patient group. I can connect you after the chat. #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @JFreemanDaily: @71Bobbi If you haven't yet, contact the EGFR Exon 20 insertion patient group. I can connect you after the chat. #LCSM
Neil Freedman, M.D. @neil_freedman
@JFreemanDaily Depending on the various biomarkers the biopsy results may help determine which therapies may be more effective #LCSM#lungcancer
CHEST @accpchest
RT @dennycee: T4- New advances almost bimonthly, pt may qualify for new treatment, Ins co would save $$ by giving the pt the best based on new info #lcsm
Jessie Hutchinson @JessieHutch15
RT @LUNGevity: T4: T4: Interestingly enough pts show willingness for multiple biopsies = more options https://t.co/GBgzM3dynv #lcsm #ChangeLC
Katie Brown @brownbeansprout
RT @LUNGevity: T4: T4: liquid biopsies may in future help identify patients who will benefit fr immunotherapy- not yet #ChangeLC #lcsm
LCSC News @LCSCnews
RT @LUNGevity: T4: T4: first must have enough tissue avail for biomarker testing #ChangeLC #lcsm
Caregivers Resource @4_Caregivers
RT @LUNGevity: T4: T4: Interestingly enough pts show willingness for multiple biopsies = more options https://t.co/GBgzM3dynv #lcsm #ChangeLC
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
Last topic T5 is on the way … #lcsm
LUNGevity Foundation @LUNGevity
RT @Raultriathlon: The advent of endoscopic bronchial ultrasound has revolutionized the diagnosis and staging of cancer. Minimally invasive #LCSM
Neil Freedman, M.D. @neil_freedman
@JFreemanDaily Biopsies may also help determine which therapies won't be effective or may be harmful #LCSM #Lungcancer
LUNGevity Foundation @LUNGevity
RT @neil_freedman: @JFreemanDaily Biopsies may also help determine which therapies won't be effective or may be harmful #LCSM #Lungcancer
LUNGevity Foundation @LUNGevity
T4:Take Aim is multi-yr initiative=break down barriers to biomarker testing #ChangeLC https://t.co/enbK1x4zYu #lcsm
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
T4: New tests of biopsied tissue are being developed that may someday determine whether a treatment is effective w/o waiting for scan #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @neil_freedman: @JFreemanDaily Biopsies may also help determine which therapies won't be effective or may be harmful #LCSM #Lungcancer
Geri Massa @GeriGerim13
@JFreemanDaily @71Bobbi This is so over my head it looks like a differ language, :0 #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @JFreemanDaily: T4: T4: New tests of biopsied tissue are being developed that may someday determine whether a treatment is effective w/o waiting for scan #lcsm
Lauren Humphries @hulabe
RT @LUNGevity: T4:Take Aim is multi-yr initiative=break down barriers to biomarker testing #ChangeLC https://t.co/enbK1x4zYu #lcsm
H. Charles Malpass @hcm4k
T4 Rebiopsy facilitating a molecular path /genetics, converts the tumors attempt to avert therapy a weakness and treatment target #lcsm
CHEST @accpchest
T4 #lcsm https://t.co/T30F1H8lSo
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
T5: What factors should healthcare providers and patients consider when selecting the best type of biopsy for their case? #lcsm
CHEST @accpchest
RT @JFreemanDaily: T4: T4: New tests of biopsied tissue are being developed that may someday determine whether a treatment is effective w/o waiting for scan #lcsm
Dr. David Tom Cooke @DavidCookeMD
Just let us know what needs additional explanation. #LCSM https://t.co/lQ1v5F5spd
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
@GERI1365 This is a fairly technical chat. Lucky for us, it's going to put in Storify form. Easier to understand that way. #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @hcm4k: T4 Rebiopsy facilitating a molecular path /genetics, converts the tumors attempt to avert therapy a weakness and treatment target #lcsm
CHEST @accpchest
RT @DavidCookeMD: Just let us know what needs additional explanation. #LCSM https://t.co/lQ1v5F5spd
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @JFreemanDaily: T5: T5: What factors should healthcare providers and patients consider when selecting the best type of biopsy for their case? #lcsm
Faces of Lung Cancer @LungCancerFaces
RT @JFreemanDaily: T5: T5: What factors should healthcare providers and patients consider when selecting the best type of biopsy for their case? #lcsm
watchmewalkthru @carterwlllie
RT @JFreemanDaily: T4: T4: How do biopsies enable patients to access newer treatments such as targeted therapies and immunotherapies? #lcsm
CHEST @accpchest
@DavidCookeMD This is just what these chats are about--helping others! #lcsm
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
@GERI1365 @71Bobbi It can be quite complicated. Hopefully some of the shared resources will clarify things. Ask more questions on #LCSM if need be.
Dr. David Tom Cooke @DavidCookeMD
A) Will a Biopsy Change Management if yes, then B) What type @ same time will yield the most tissue and be the safest approach #LCSM https://t.co/Y1UbpJ6PZz
john @JohnLPender
I'm calling it a night. See ya'll next time. #lcsm
LUNGevity Foundation @LUNGevity
T5: always risks v benefit and well being of patient #ChangeLC #lcsm
Humberto Choi @hkc1980
T5: overall health, probability of cancer, location of tumor, local resources and experience, patient preferences... #LCSM
Liz Cramer @oncELLEogy
Oh no I wrote down this started at 9PM EST. 😭scrolling through now... #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
@JohnLPender Good night, John #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @LUNGevity: T5: T5: always risks v benefit and well being of patient #ChangeLC #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @hkc1980: T5: T5: overall health, probability of cancer, location of tumor, local resources and experience, patient preferences... #LCSM
Saroj Prakash Kandel @SarojMD
T4: https://t.co/cviP1nuWE0 #lcsm
Humberto Choi @hkc1980
T5: the goal for the procedure or the question that needs to be answered is different from person to person #LCSM
El...Sometimes Mike @Hubriscorpus
@JFreemanDaily are second or follow up biopsies rare? #LCSM
Dr. David Tom Cooke @DavidCookeMD
You have 10 minutes to unleash the knowledge. #LCSM https://t.co/fcgcqZ2nF7
CHEST @accpchest
@elisabethcramer Better late than never! 😉 #lcsm
UW Health | Carbone Cancer Center @UWCarbone
.@GERI1365 @JFreemanDaily @71Bobbi There are lots of great and trustworthy websites, any NCI designated website is a good start. #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @UWCarbone: .@GERI1365 @JFreemanDaily @71Bobbi There are lots of great and trustworthy websites, any NCI designated website is a good start. #lcsm
UW Health | Carbone Cancer Center @UWCarbone
T5: Size & location of tumor, risk factors & health of pt should be taken into consideration. Risk factors: https://t.co/YMU7HXoTBs #lcsm
Humberto Choi @hkc1980
T5: important to note that most patients with a lung nodule DO NOT need a biopsy #LCSM
CHEST @accpchest
RT @JFreemanDaily: T5: T5: What factors should healthcare providers and patients consider when selecting the best type of biopsy for their case? #lcsm
Liz Cramer @oncELLEogy
@DavidCookeMD I'm here to learn from you all! 🙂#LCSM
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
T5: Before having biopsy, cancer patient & doc should discuss how much tissue is needed for molecular testing, and best way to get it. #lcsm
Silvio A. Ñamendys-Silva @snamendys
@JFreemanDaily T5: The type of procedure is typically determined by the size of the tumor and where it is located in the lungs #LCSM
Dr. David Tom Cooke @DavidCookeMD
RT @JFreemanDaily: T5: T5: Before having biopsy, cancer patient & doc should discuss how much tissue is needed for molecular testing, and best way to get it. #lcsm
Liz Cramer @oncELLEogy
RT @JFreemanDaily: T4: T4: How do biopsies enable patients to access newer treatments such as targeted therapies and immunotherapies? #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @UWCarbone: T5: Size & location of tumor, risk factors & health of pt should be taken into consideration. Risk factors: T5: Size & location of tumor, risk factors & health of pt should be taken into consideration. Risk factors: https://t.co/YMU7HXoTBs #lcsm
CHEST @accpchest
T5: Your health team will ask questions about your medical history and perform a physical exam to determine what procedure is best. #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @hkc1980: T5: T5: important to note that most patients with a lung nodule DO NOT need a biopsy #LCSM
LUNGevity Foundation @LUNGevity
RT @accpchest: T5: T5: Your health team will ask questions about your medical history and perform a physical exam to determine what procedure is best. #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @JFreemanDaily: T5: T5: Before having biopsy, cancer patient & doc should discuss how much tissue is needed for molecular testing, and best way to get it. #lcsm
Carlos Giménez L @CarlosGimenezL
RT @n8pennell: Liquid biopsies can be useful companions to tissue biopsy if not enough tissue for all testing but can't replace them. Yet. #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @snamendys: @JFreemanDaily T5: @JFreemanDaily T5: The type of procedure is typically determined by the size of the tumor and where it is located in the lungs #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @accpchest: T5: T5: Your health team will ask questions about your medical history and perform a physical exam to determine what procedure is best. #lcsm
CHEST @accpchest
T5: Physicians may order tests to determine cause of symptoms & tests will determine as much as possible about the potential cancer. #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @accpchest: T5: T5: Physicians may order tests to determine cause of symptoms & tests will determine as much as possible about the potential cancer. #lcsm
Geri Massa @GeriGerim13
@JFreemanDaily #LCSM I had 2 separate tumors remv UL then UR 1 yr apart , how long is info avail for future trmt, don't know how to wrd
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
T5 I know at least one stage IV #lungcancer patient who chose a surgical biopsy and is alive years later thanks to targeted therapies #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @JFreemanDaily: T5 I know at least one stage IV #lungcancer patient who chose a surgical biopsy and is alive years later thanks to targeted therapies #lcsm
UW Health | Carbone Cancer Center @UWCarbone
.@GERI1365 @JFreemanDaily @71Bobbi https://t.co/ZTSR6333GU for example. Always happy to answer any additional questions. - Dr. Maloney #lcsm
Neil Freedman, M.D. @neil_freedman
@JFreemanDaily Location of the tumor, other medical problems, patient preferences, and skill and experience of the medical team #LCSM #lungcancer
CHEST @accpchest
T5: Based on the results of tests, your integrated medical team will help to come up with the best care for your specific situation. #lcsm
Frank Ingram, MD @Chucktowndoc
T5: No easy answers here..new modalities allow #Pathologists to Dx LungCA with sm bx's but ancillary tests req. more tissue. #balance #lcsm
Dr. David Tom Cooke @DavidCookeMD
Safely biopsy where the tissue is. "Mr. Sutton, why do you rob banks?" "Because that's where the money is." #LCSM
Liz Cramer @oncELLEogy
Yes, Negative predictive value is important to consider! #LCSM https://t.co/DY4ai7TluG
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @accpchest: T5: T5: Based on the results of tests, your integrated medical team will help to come up with the best care for your specific situation. #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @Chucktowndoc: T5: T5: No easy answers here..new modalities allow #Pathologists to Dx LungCA with sm bx's but ancillary tests req. more tissue. #balance #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @DavidCookeMD: Safely biopsy where the tissue is. "Mr. Sutton, why do you rob banks?" "Because that's where the money is." #LCSM
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
@GERI1365 I had chemo right after getting biopsy for molecular testing, mutation finding was still useful months later. #lcsm
Lauren Humphries @hulabe
RT @accpchest: T5: T5: Based on the results of tests, your integrated medical team will help to come up with the best care for your specific situation. #lcsm
Liz Cramer @oncELLEogy
RT @Chucktowndoc: T5: T5: No easy answers here..new modalities allow #Pathologists to Dx LungCA with sm bx's but ancillary tests req. more tissue. #balance #lcsm
Saroj Prakash Kandel @SarojMD
T5: factors affecting lung biopsy decision: expertise, availability , patient condition, potential yield #lcsm
Liz Cramer @oncELLEogy
RT @neil_freedman: @JFreemanDaily Location of the tumor, other medical problems, patient preferences, and skill and experience of the medical team #LCSM #lungcancer
CHEST @accpchest
(1/2) T5: If the cancer is located in the outer parts of the lung, CT imaging-guided biopsies #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @SarojMD: T5: factors affecting lung biopsy decision: T5: factors affecting lung biopsy decision: expertise, availability , patient condition, potential yield #lcsm
LCSC News @LCSCnews
RT @LUNGevity: T5: T5: always risks v benefit and well being of patient #ChangeLC #lcsm
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
T5: Preserved biopsies tissue can be used for testing years later, but quality of DNA in tissue sample does degrade over time. #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @accpchest: (1/2) T5: (1/2) T5: If the cancer is located in the outer parts of the lung, CT imaging-guided biopsies #lcsm
Frank Ingram, MD @Chucktowndoc
T5: Very patient-specific with regard to location of target lesion and its relationship to nearby structures...bronchus/vessels/etc. #lcsm
Katie Brown @brownbeansprout
RT @LUNGevity: T5: T5: always risks v benefit and well being of patient #ChangeLC #lcsm
Dr. David Tom Cooke @DavidCookeMD
It is also critical for pathologists to be active members of tumor board, and be part of decision making. #OnSamePage #LCSM https://t.co/ochZsUBDAK
CoSurviving Cancer @cosurviving
RT @LUNGevity: T5: T5: always risks v benefit and well being of patient #ChangeLC #lcsm
CHEST @accpchest
(2/2) T5: (or transthoracic biopsies) such as core tissue biopsy or fine needle aspirations are used to sample abnormal spot. #lcsm
Protect Your Lungs @protectlungs
RT @LUNGevity: T4:Take Aim is multi-yr initiative=break down barriers to biomarker testing #ChangeLC https://t.co/enbK1x4zYu #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @accpchest: (2/2) T5: (2/2) T5: (or transthoracic biopsies) such as core tissue biopsy or fine needle aspirations are used to sample abnormal spot. #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @JFreemanDaily: T5: T5: Preserved biopsies tissue can be used for testing years later, but quality of DNA in tissue sample does degrade over time. #lcsm
Humberto Choi @hkc1980
T5: we always try to choose the procedure with the lowest risk and highest chance to be successful #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @Chucktowndoc: T5: T5: Very patient-specific with regard to location of target lesion and its relationship to nearby structures...bronchus/vessels/etc. #lcsm
alternativemedicines @AltMeds_SFP
LUNGevity Foundation @LUNGevity
RT @Chucktowndoc: T5: T5: Very patient-specific with regard to location of target lesion and its relationship to nearby structures...bronchus/vessels/etc. #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @hkc1980: T5: T5: we always try to choose the procedure with the lowest risk and highest chance to be successful #LCSM
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
Tweetchat hint: in chats with patients, caregivers, and docs, minimize use of medical terms, and take time to explain concepts #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @JFreemanDaily: Tweetchat hint: Tweetchat hint: in chats with patients, caregivers, and docs, minimize use of medical terms, and take time to explain concepts #lcsm
CHEST @accpchest
(1/2) T5: Core biopsies provide more tissue for carrying out diagnostic testing and biomarker testing. #lcsm
Neil Freedman, M.D. @neil_freedman
RT @DavidCookeMD: It is also critical for pathologists to be active members of tumor board, and be part of decision making. #OnSamePage #LCSM https://t.co/ochZsUBDAK
Liz Cramer @oncELLEogy
And should include or give heads up interventional radiologist! Often times they don't know molecular test is being ordered. #lcsm https://t.co/A687lfgq5A
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @accpchest: (1/2) T5: (1/2) T5: Core biopsies provide more tissue for carrying out diagnostic testing and biomarker testing. #lcsm
Neil Freedman, M.D. @neil_freedman
RT @accpchest: (2/2) T5: (2/2) T5: (or transthoracic biopsies) such as core tissue biopsy or fine needle aspirations are used to sample abnormal spot. #lcsm
CHEST @accpchest
(2/2) T5: but the ultimate choice of technique depends on the health of the patient and the location of the cancer. #lcsm
Liz Cramer @oncELLEogy
Fashionably late? #lcsm 😬 https://t.co/PKdPGsUT58
Liz Cramer @oncELLEogy
RT @DavidCookeMD: You have 10 minutes to unleash the knowledge. #LCSM https://t.co/fcgcqZ2nF7
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @accpchest: (2/2) T5: (2/2) T5: but the ultimate choice of technique depends on the health of the patient and the location of the cancer. #lcsm
CHEST @accpchest
RT @elisabethcramer: And should include or give heads up interventional radiologist! Often times they don't know molecular test is being ordered. #lcsm https://t.co/A687lfgq5A
CHEST @accpchest
RT @hkc1980: T5: T5: we always try to choose the procedure with the lowest risk and highest chance to be successful #LCSM
Geri Massa @GeriGerim13
@UWCarbone @JFreemanDaily @71Bobbi I have so so many .. #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
@EdenLake Night, Eden #lcsm
CHEST @accpchest
@EdenLake Thanks for joining! -TPR #lcsm
Dr. David Tom Cooke @DavidCookeMD
Come again in two weeks! B there or B square! #LCSM https://t.co/Wc0vcqwUfn
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
@snamendys ... choice of biopsy procedure also needs to consider whether it has good chance of collecting enough tissue for molecular testing #LCSM
Frank Ingram, MD @Chucktowndoc
T5: The College of American Pathologists requires accredited labs to keep archived tissue samples for at least 10 years. @Pathologists https://t.co/ZI9DKZw82D
Liz Cramer @oncELLEogy
👏🏻👇🏻Molecular testing can provide a road map with alternative routes so everyone is prepared. #lcsm https://t.co/pDdX3SqCaI
Liz Cramer @oncELLEogy
RT @SarojMD: T5: factors affecting lung biopsy decision: T5: factors affecting lung biopsy decision: expertise, availability , patient condition, potential yield #lcsm
Neil Freedman, M.D. @neil_freedman
@JFreemanDaily If fluid is observed around the lung, draining the fluid may be the simplest method to diagnose and stage the cancer #LCSM #lungcancer
UW Health | Carbone Cancer Center @UWCarbone
Great #LCSM chat! If you have any additional questions for Dr. Maloney, tweet us & we'll get them answered over the next few days.
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
We’re in our final minutes - closing thoughts? #lcsm
Osman Ahmed @TheRealDoctorOs
RT @elisabethcramer: And should include or give heads up interventional radiologist! Often times they don't know molecular test is being ordered. #lcsm https://t.co/A687lfgq5A
Liz Cramer @oncELLEogy
Also important issue is handled properly and how it is fixed... alcohol vs formalin can affect DNA results.#lcsm https://t.co/tfqnPDRTB6
H. Charles Malpass @hcm4k
T5: Optimum biopsy involves the patient and you thinking together two steps ahead to meet their individualized goals #lcsm
Isabel Palacios-Ortega MD @Isapalaciosmd
@JFreemanDaily #lcsm how we can get the pathologist use this tiny biopsies for all the studies that the patient needs?
Liz Cramer @oncELLEogy
RT @DavidCookeMD: It is also critical for pathologists to be active members of tumor board, and be part of decision making. #OnSamePage #LCSM https://t.co/ochZsUBDAK
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
@71Bobbi Absolutely. (If you want your tweet seen in #LCSM chat, be sure to include #LCSM in the tweet)
Dr. David Tom Cooke @DavidCookeMD
CT If you have higher stage #lungcancer, i.e. Stage IIB, III, IV, ask that your tumor undergo molecular testing. #LCSM https://t.co/Khzogfvrze
CHEST @accpchest
RT @JFreemanDaily: We’re in our final minutes - closing thoughts? #lcsm
Liz Cramer @oncELLEogy
RT @accpchest: (2/2) T5: (2/2) T5: but the ultimate choice of technique depends on the health of the patient and the location of the cancer. #lcsm
Jess Keim-Malpass, PhD, APRN @jesskeimmalpass
RT @hcm4k: T5: T5: Optimum biopsy involves the patient and you thinking together two steps ahead to meet their individualized goals #lcsm
Faces of Lung Cancer @LungCancerFaces
Many thanks to @JFreemanDaily @kristibruno @FlavorPR @accpchest & my #LCSM family for putting this chat together. #lcsm
CHEST @accpchest
Closing thoughts: The #CHESTFoundation Navigating Lung Cancer patient guide is a great resource for patients. https://t.co/RW1cZ2frik #lcsm
Dr. David Tom Cooke @DavidCookeMD
RT @LungCancerFaces: Many thanks to @JFreemanDaily @kristibruno @FlavorPR @accpchest & my #LCSM family for putting this chat together. #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @accpchest: Closing thoughts: Closing thoughts: The #CHESTFoundation Navigating Lung Cancer patient guide is a great resource for patients. https://t.co/RW1cZ2frik #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @LungCancerFaces: Many thanks to @JFreemanDaily @kristibruno @FlavorPR @accpchest & my #LCSM family for putting this chat together. #lcsm
Neil Freedman, M.D. @neil_freedman
@JFreemanDaily Great discussion! #lcsm #lungcancer @accpchest
Frank Ingram, MD @Chucktowndoc
T5: The College of American Pathologists requires accredited labs to keep archived tissue samples for at least 10 yrs. @Pathologists #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @hcm4k: T5: T5: Optimum biopsy involves the patient and you thinking together two steps ahead to meet their individualized goals #lcsm
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
Thanks to @ACCPchest and #CHESTFoundation for co-hosting tonight's chat about #lungcancer biopsies! Glad to have you! #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @elisabethcramer: Also important issue is handled properly and how it is fixed... alcohol vs formalin can affect DNA results.#lcsm https://t.co/tfqnPDRTB6
Liz Cramer @oncELLEogy
RT @UWCarbone: Great #LCSM chat! If you have any additional questions for Dr. Maloney, tweet us & we'll get them answered over the next few days.
Dr. David Tom Cooke @DavidCookeMD
RT @JFreemanDaily: Thanks to @ACCPchest and #CHESTFoundation for co-hosting tonight's chat about #lungcancer biopsies! Glad to have you! #lcsm
Silvio A. Ñamendys-Silva @snamendys
@JFreemanDaily Lung cancer screening saves lives by finding cancer earlier, when it may be treated more successfully #LCSM
Geri Massa @GeriGerim13
TY for ton chat - info overload on my end I have my last chemo tomorrow 👍😊 Have a Great evening all #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @snamendys: @JFreemanDaily Lung cancer screening saves lives by finding cancer earlier, when it may be treated more successfully #LCSM
Dr. David Tom Cooke @DavidCookeMD
RT @snamendys: @JFreemanDaily Lung cancer screening saves lives by finding cancer earlier, when it may be treated more successfully #LCSM
Liz Cramer @oncELLEogy
RT @Isapalaciosmd: @JFreemanDaily #lcsm how we can get the pathologist use this tiny biopsies for all the studies that the patient needs?
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
RT @DavidCookeMD: Come again in two weeks! B there or B square! #LCSM https://t.co/Wc0vcqwUfn
Neil Freedman, M.D. @neil_freedman
RT @accpchest: Closing thoughts: Closing thoughts: The #CHESTFoundation Navigating Lung Cancer patient guide is a great resource for patients. https://t.co/RW1cZ2frik #lcsm
CHEST @accpchest
RT @JFreemanDaily: Thanks to @ACCPchest and #CHESTFoundation for co-hosting tonight's chat about #lungcancer biopsies! Glad to have you! #lcsm
Bobbi Johnson Filipiak @71Bobbi
@JFreemanDaily #lcsm thanks for sharing everyone! My first time at this twitter-chat stuff lol!
Liz Cramer @oncELLEogy
RT @hcm4k: T5: T5: Optimum biopsy involves the patient and you thinking together two steps ahead to meet their individualized goals #lcsm
CHEST @accpchest
We're flattered! Thank you for allowing us to be a part of this discussion #lcsm https://t.co/7sXLoD5TSC
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
RT @neil_freedman: @JFreemanDaily If fluid is observed around the lung, draining the fluid may be the simplest method to diagnose and stage the cancer #LCSM #lungcancer
Silvio A. Ñamendys-Silva @snamendys
RT @JFreemanDaily: Thanks to @ACCPchest and #CHESTFoundation for co-hosting tonight's chat about #lungcancer biopsies! Glad to have you! #lcsm
Liz Cramer @oncELLEogy
@hcm4k Such a great point. How do patients initiate that conversation? #lcsm
CHEST @accpchest
RT @snamendys: @JFreemanDaily Lung cancer screening saves lives by finding cancer earlier, when it may be treated more successfully #LCSM
Liz Cramer @oncELLEogy
RT @DavidCookeMD: CT If you have higher stage #lungcancer, i.e. Stage IIB, III, IV, ask that your tumor undergo molecular testing. #LCSM https://t.co/Khzogfvrze
Isabel Palacios-Ortega MD @Isapalaciosmd
@JFreemanDaily #LCSM how can we optimize this tiny samples?
Liz Cramer @oncELLEogy
RT @Chucktowndoc: T5: T5: The College of American Pathologists requires accredited labs to keep archived tissue samples for at least 10 yrs. @Pathologists #lcsm
Tiara @uguunlggas
RT @JFreemanDaily: T5: T5: Before having biopsy, cancer patient & doc should discuss how much tissue is needed for molecular testing, and best way to get it. #lcsm
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
Transcript of tonight's #LCSM Chat will be posted shortly
Neil Freedman, M.D. @neil_freedman
RT @JFreemanDaily: Thanks to @ACCPchest and #CHESTFoundation for co-hosting tonight's chat about #lungcancer biopsies! Glad to have you! #lcsm
CHEST @accpchest
We're so happy you could join! #lcsm https://t.co/tNy7heUoRd
Neil Freedman, M.D. @neil_freedman
RT @JFreemanDaily: Transcript of tonight's #LCSM Chat will be posted shortly
Silvio A. Ñamendys-Silva @snamendys
@JFreemanDaily TKY everyone! #LCSM
CHEST @accpchest
RT @JFreemanDaily: Transcript of tonight's #LCSM Chat will be posted shortly
Kristi Bruno @kristibruno
@JFreemanDaily Thanks for allowing us to crash your amazing #lcsm party. Love all of the work you do.
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
@Isapalaciosmd That's the challenge, and why type of biopsy needs to be discussed with patient--a more invasive biopsy might be better in long run #LCSM
Silvio A. Ñamendys-Silva @snamendys
RT @kristibruno: @JFreemanDaily Thanks for allowing us to crash your amazing #lcsm party. Love all of the work you do.
Neil Freedman, M.D. @neil_freedman
RT @kristibruno: @JFreemanDaily Thanks for allowing us to crash your amazing #lcsm party. Love all of the work you do.
Liz Cramer @oncELLEogy
@Isapalaciosmd @JFreemanDaily I think multi-disciplinary approach has to be taken. All parties, 1 goal. maximize tissue: get right tx to right pt at right time. #lcsm
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
@71Bobbi You did great! Join us again in two weeks! #LCSM
Liz Cramer @oncELLEogy
RT @MartinRivers:
Neil Freedman, M.D. @neil_freedman
RT @JFreemanDaily: @71Bobbi You did great! Join us again in two weeks! #LCSM
Anti-Cancer Club @anticancerclub
#CancerBookClub When Breath Becomes Air by Paul Kalanithi, MD: https://t.co/bLWeU4DE22 #LCSM #LCAM https://t.co/xBDViaQdJB
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
Tonight’s #LCSM Chat transcript on "Ins and Outs of Lung Cancer Biopsies" is at https://t.co/zSO7ZwxQYD #lcsm
Neil Freedman, M.D. @neil_freedman
RT @JFreemanDaily: Tonight’s #LCSM Chat transcript on "Ins and Outs of Lung Cancer Biopsies" is at https://t.co/zSO7ZwxQYD #lcsm
Jennifer Wheatley @JenniferWheatle
RT @LCAorg: Our blog has been named one of the Best #LungCancer Blogs of 2017 by @Healthline ! Check it out! #LCSM >>https://t.co/U5lihAsWI6 https://t.co/xazY5Sebjf
CHEST @accpchest
RT @JFreemanDaily: Tonight’s #LCSM Chat transcript on "Ins and Outs of Lung Cancer Biopsies" is at https://t.co/zSO7ZwxQYD #lcsm
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
@kristibruno Glad to have you and all the CHEST tweeps in tonight's #LCSM Chat. Hope you become regulars!
H. Charles Malpass @hcm4k
@elisabethcramer Early identification of a team taking care of the patient via tumor boards fosters a global effort hitting the ground running #LCSM
Liz Cramer @oncELLEogy
RT @hcm4k: @elisabethcramer Early identification of a team taking care of the patient via tumor boards fosters a global effort hitting the ground running #LCSM
Karen Loss @cancertrek
RT @n8pennell: T2: T2: If u wonder why some get CT guided biopsy and some bronch/EBUS, institutional experience and expertise matters a lot. #LCSM
Isabel Palacios-Ortega MD @Isapalaciosmd
RT @JFreemanDaily: Tonight’s #LCSM Chat transcript on "Ins and Outs of Lung Cancer Biopsies" is at https://t.co/zSO7ZwxQYD #lcsm
Karen Loss @cancertrek
RT @LUNGevity: T3: T3: Liquid biopsies can be useful in detecting specific mutations in blood of pts who have progressed on targeted therapy #lcsm #ChangeLC
Deb Smith 🌻🧡🕊️🌊 🗽🌅💙🪷 @debsmithbeach
RT @LungCancerFaces: Many thanks to @JFreemanDaily @kristibruno @FlavorPR @accpchest & my #LCSM family for putting this chat together. #lcsm
#LCSM content from Twitter.