#LCSM Transcript

Healthcare social media transcript of the #LCSM hashtag.
See #LCSM Influencers/Analytics.

Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
Welcome to #LCSM Chat! Tonight we will be discussing “It’s Your Life: Be an Engaged Patient.” More info on our blog at https://t.co/4FXfIQmKxO
OncLive SOSS @OncLiveSOSS
Andreas Saltos, MD, of @MoffittNews, provides perspective on the use of targeted therapy across EGFR-, RET-, and MET-positive NSCLC #lcsm https://t.co/cMoNJo0SPg https://t.co/WBmGgfMufO
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @JFreemanDaily: Welcome to #LCSM Chat! Tonight we will be discussing “It’s Your Life: Welcome to #LCSM Chat! Tonight we will be discussing “It’s Your Life: Be an Engaged Patient.” More info on our blog at https://t.co/4FXfIQmKxO
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
We'll get started in a few minutes--please take a moment to introduce yourselves. If you are a patient/caregiver, please share how long you’ve been living with lung cancer. #LCSM
Triage Cancer @TriageCancer
RT @JFreemanDaily: Welcome to #LCSM Chat! Tonight we will be discussing “It’s Your Life: Welcome to #LCSM Chat! Tonight we will be discussing “It’s Your Life: Be an Engaged Patient.” More info on our blog at https://t.co/4FXfIQmKxO
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
I’m your moderator Janet Freeman-Daily: writer (https://t.co/OBCc87ZwkG), science geek, stage IV #lungcancer patient (10 year SURVIVOR!) and research advocate #LCSM
Dr. Amy C. Moore @acmoorephd
Happy Thursday! Amy Moore here from @LUNGevity #LCSM
Faces of Lung Cancer @LungCancerFaces
I’ll be tweeting from the @lcsmchat account during tonight’s #LCSM Chat. Join us!
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @LungCancerFaces: I’ll be tweeting from the @lcsmchat account during tonight’s #LCSM Chat. Join us!
Dr. Amy C. Moore @acmoorephd
Happening NOW. Join us! #LCSM
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
@acmoorephd @LUNGevity Welcome, Amy! #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @JFreemanDaily: We'll get started in a few minutes--please take a moment to introduce yourselves. If you are a patient/caregiver, please share how long you’ve been living with lung cancer. #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @JFreemanDaily: I’m your moderator Janet Freeman-Daily: I’m your moderator Janet Freeman-Daily: writer (https://t.co/OBCc87ZwkG), science geek, stage IV #lungcancer patient (10 year SURVIVOR!) and research advocate #LCSM
Richard Dent @RichDent
RT @JFreemanDaily: I’m your moderator Janet Freeman-Daily: I’m your moderator Janet Freeman-Daily: writer (https://t.co/OBCc87ZwkG), science geek, stage IV #lungcancer patient (10 year SURVIVOR!) and research advocate #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
@acmoorephd @LUNGevity Hi Amy! #lcsm
Dr. Amy C. Moore @acmoorephd
@JFreemanDaily @LUNGevity Fancy meeting you here, @JFreemanDaily #LCSM
Rami Manochakian MD, FASCO 🇺🇸🇸🇾CancerEducation @RManochakian
@JFreemanDaily Happy #LCSM chat Rami Manochakian. Thoracic oncologist. Mayo Clinic, FL
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
@LungCancerFaces @lcsmchat My partner in crime for every chat: @LungCancerFaces #LCSM
Angela Churie Kallhauge @AngelaAchurie
6 year Stage 3 NSCLC survivor and aiming for 50 more #LCSM
Triage Cancer @TriageCancer
Good evening! Honored to be here to learn and share. We are a national nonprofit organization providing free education on the legal and practical issues that can arise after a #cancer diagnosis. We are big believers in engaged patients! 😀 #LCSM #beyonddiagnosis #oncoalert
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
@RManochakian @JFreemanDaily Welcome, doctor. #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @JFreemanDaily: @LungCancerFaces @lcsmchat My partner in crime for every chat: @LungCancerFaces @lcsmchat My partner in crime for every chat: @LungCancerFaces #LCSM
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
If you are new to Twitter chats and/or #LCSM Chat, you might find our primer on how to participate helpful https://t.co/5g28sSQQLb #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @AngelaAchurie: 6 year Stage 3 NSCLC survivor and aiming for 50 more #LCSM
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
Please remember to use #lcsm in all your tweets so others participating in the chat can see them. #LCSM
kristen kimball @KimballKristen
Hi, it's Kristen Kimball (Kris) from Boston, former caregiver for my husband Dave. Still in the fold, happy to be here tonight. #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
@AngelaAchurie Welcome. Here’s to 50 more! #lcsm
Jill Feldman @jillfeldman4
Hello from the suburbs of Chicago! #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
@TriageCancer Hey there! #lcsm
Danielle Pardue @Actorielle
Stirring dinner w one hand and tweeting with the other! Hello friends! Danielle here. NC. Caregiver for 6+ years. Always a pleasure to tune in. Love to everyone affected by current crazy-scary weather. #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @JFreemanDaily: If you are new to Twitter chats and/or #LCSM Chat, you might find our primer on how to participate helpful https://t.co/5g28sSQQLb #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @JFreemanDaily: Please remember to use #lcsm in all your tweets so others participating in the chat can see them. #LCSM
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
If you prefer just to listen, please tweet “#LCSM” so we know you’re in the audience. (It also helps keep the moderator motivated) #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
@KimballKristen Hi Kris! #lcsm
Danielle Pardue @Actorielle
RT @JFreemanDaily: If you are new to Twitter chats and/or #LCSM Chat, you might find our primer on how to participate helpful https://t.co/5g28sSQQLb #LCSM
Denise Cutlip @dennycee
Ypsilanti Michigan in the house. Looking forward to this important topic #LCSM
Danielle Pardue @Actorielle
RT @TriageCancer: Good evening! Honored to be here to learn and share. We are a national nonprofit organization providing free education on the legal and practical issues that can arise after a #cancer diagnosis. We are big believers in engaged patients! 😀 #LCSM #beyonddiagnosis #oncoalert
Dr. Amy C. Moore @acmoorephd
@JFreemanDaily @lcsmchat For you, @JFreemanDaily #lcsm https://t.co/I6nClnjpOL
Danielle Pardue @Actorielle
RT @JFreemanDaily: Welcome to #LCSM Chat! Tonight we will be discussing “It’s Your Life: Welcome to #LCSM Chat! Tonight we will be discussing “It’s Your Life: Be an Engaged Patient.” More info on our blog at https://t.co/4FXfIQmKxO
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
@jillfeldman4 Hi Jill! How many years surviving lung cancer? #lcsm
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
@acmoorephd @LUNGevity Surprise! How did you know where to find me? #LCSM
kristen kimball @KimballKristen
@lcsmchat Hello, Deana! #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
@Actorielle Hello lady #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @JFreemanDaily: If you prefer just to listen, please tweet “#LCSM” so we know you’re in the audience. (It also helps keep the moderator motivated) #LCSM
Aliye Bricker @AliyeBricker
Hi everybody - nearly 6 year survivor with stage 4 RET positive NSCLC joining in from Cleveland! #LCSM
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
Note: Twitter allows tweets up to 280 characters, but some tweetchat apps (like https://t.co/A2M7gXQ66L) will not display tweets longer than 140. #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
@dennycee Yay! How many years surviving lung cancer now? #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @acmoorephd: @JFreemanDaily @lcsmchat For you, @JFreemanDaily #lcsm https://t.co/I6nClnjpOL
Bob Steele @steele_bob
Good evening folks! #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @AliyeBricker: Hi everybody - nearly 6 year survivor with stage 4 RET positive NSCLC joining in from Cleveland! #LCSM
Upstage Lung Cancer @UpstageLungCanc
Hello, friends! Happy to be here tonight. We’re a Boston-based org using performing arts to fundraise for #lungcancer #research. So good to “see” everyone. #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
@AliyeBricker That’s wonderful! Welcome #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @JFreemanDaily: Note: Note: Twitter allows tweets up to 280 characters, but some tweetchat apps (like https://t.co/A2M7gXQ66L) will not display tweets longer than 140. #LCSM
Dr. Amy C. Moore @acmoorephd
@AliyeBricker @lcsmchat Hello, friend! #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
@steele_bob Hi Bob! #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
@UpstageLungCanc Hello! #lcsm
Chrisarooski (She/her) @Career_Cupid
Caregiver. Husband diagnosed with stage 1 NSCLC June 2020, now stage IV as of Feb 2021. In Canada. #LCSM
Danielle Pardue @Actorielle
RT @UpstageLungCanc: Hello, friends! Happy to be here tonight. We’re a Boston-based org using performing arts to fundraise for #lungcancer #research. So good to “see” everyone. #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @Career_Cupid: Caregiver. Husband diagnosed with stage 1 NSCLC June 2020, now stage IV as of Feb 2021. In Canada. #LCSM
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
I will announce FOUR topics (T1 T2 etc). Pls label your answers with T1, T2, etc to make transcript easier to follow. #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
@Career_Cupid Hi Christine. Good to “see” you. #lcsm
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
Glad to see familiar Twitter handles as well as new participants tonight! #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @JFreemanDaily: I will announce FOUR topics (T1 T2 etc). Pls label your answers with T1, T2, etc to make transcript easier to follow. #LCSM
Bob Steele @steele_bob
RT @acmoorephd: Happening NOW. Join us! #LCSM
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
We’ll start with Topic T1 in a minute … #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @JFreemanDaily: Glad to see familiar Twitter handles as well as new participants tonight! #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @JFreemanDaily: We’ll start with Topic T1 in a minute … #LCSM
Dr. Amy C. Moore @acmoorephd
@dennycee @lcsmchat Hello, @dennycee! #lcsm
Denise Cutlip @dennycee
@acmoorephd @lcsmchat Hi, Amy! Always happy to see you #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
I saw @anguspratt a minute ago. Scanxiety, right? #LCSM
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
T1. What is an engaged patient? #LCSM
Deborah Levesque, RDMS @dtanz25
Debbie living 4 years! #LCSM
Laronica Conway @louisianagirl91
MY PEOPLE!! ❤️ Hey #lcsm friends! It’s Roni checking in from Birmingham, AL, 10+ year patient advocate and major Dallas Cowboys fan! 😆🙌🏾💙
Danielle Pardue @Actorielle
RT @JFreemanDaily: T1. What is an engaged patient? #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @dtanz25: Debbie living 4 years! #LCSM
Jill Feldman @jillfeldman4
@lcsmchat January will be 13!!!!!!! #LCSM
Upstage Lung Cancer @UpstageLungCanc
RT @JFreemanDaily: T1. What is an engaged patient? #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
@dtanz25 Go Debbie! Welcome. #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @JFreemanDaily: T1. What is an engaged patient? #LCSM
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
T1: Engaged patients are active partners in their own healthcare. Examples: --making decisions with healthcare providers --understanding risks, benefits and alternatives to care --being activated to self-manage chronic conditions #LCSM
Triage Cancer @TriageCancer
RT @JFreemanDaily: T1. What is an engaged patient? #LCSM
Bob Steele @steele_bob
RT @JFreemanDaily: T1: Engaged patients are active partners in their own healthcare. Examples: T1: Engaged patients are active partners in their own healthcare. Examples: --making decisions with healthcare providers --understanding risks, benefits and alternatives to care --being activated to self-manage chronic conditions #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
@louisianagirl91 Hey! We miss you, Roni. #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @louisianagirl91: MY PEOPLE!! ❤️ Hey #lcsm friends! It’s Roni checking in from Birmingham, AL, 10+ year patient advocate and major Dallas Cowboys fan! 😆🙌🏾💙
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
That’s years, not months! #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @JFreemanDaily: T1: Engaged patients are active partners in their own healthcare. Examples: T1: Engaged patients are active partners in their own healthcare. Examples: --making decisions with healthcare providers --understanding risks, benefits and alternatives to care --being activated to self-manage chronic conditions #LCSM
I’m not crazy. You’re crazy @Millerthym
RT @IASLC: Air pollution may play an important role in the development of #LungCancer in people who have never smoked, especially among East Asian women. This study compares cumulative ambient air pollution exposure between ever and never smokers. Read More: https://t.co/JQGqSNRoGY #LCSM https://t.co/w13BRBDW72
Laronica Conway @louisianagirl91
RT @JFreemanDaily: T1. What is an engaged patient? #LCSM
Denise Cutlip @dennycee
Engaged patients ask their doctors to speak in plain English #LCSM
Kristin Ito @KAdvocate_LCAM
A little late, but greetings from Denver! #lcsm
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
T1: “Engaged patient” is NOT the same as “patient engagement.” Engaged patient is a PATIENT initiative (patients decide to be engaged). “Patient engagement” is a healthcare system initiative (encouraging patients to be engaged). #LCSM
Laronica Conway @louisianagirl91
RT @JFreemanDaily: T1: T1: “Engaged patient” is NOT the same as “patient engagement.” Engaged patient is a PATIENT initiative (patients decide to be engaged). “Patient engagement” is a healthcare system initiative (encouraging patients to be engaged). #LCSM
Jill Feldman @jillfeldman4
T1 I have thought about this a lot because engaged patient or patient engagement means different things to different people. #LCSM
Danielle Pardue @Actorielle
T1. Someone not content to accept a formula that doesn’t account for their legitimate needs and preferences; someone with the support necessary to understand their dx and have meaningful conversations about it and about their options; someone who sets their own goals. #lcsm
Dr. Amy C. Moore @acmoorephd
@JFreemanDaily @lcsmchat T1. The room is full of them tonight, starting with you. Individuals who aren't afraid to ask lots of questions and expect lots of answers. #lcsm
kristen kimball @KimballKristen
@jillfeldman4 @lcsmchat Go, Jill, go! <3 #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
@KAdvocate_LCAM Hi Kristin #lcsm
Danielle Pardue @Actorielle
RT @JFreemanDaily: T1: T1: “Engaged patient” is NOT the same as “patient engagement.” Engaged patient is a PATIENT initiative (patients decide to be engaged). “Patient engagement” is a healthcare system initiative (encouraging patients to be engaged). #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @dennycee: Engaged patients ask their doctors to speak in plain English #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @JFreemanDaily: T1: T1: “Engaged patient” is NOT the same as “patient engagement.” Engaged patient is a PATIENT initiative (patients decide to be engaged). “Patient engagement” is a healthcare system initiative (encouraging patients to be engaged). #LCSM
Rami Manochakian MD, FASCO 🇺🇸🇸🇾CancerEducation @RManochakian
@JFreemanDaily T1 An engaged patient is a patient who is proactive about her/his health and actively participates in the journey of fighting disease/cancer. #LCSM
Danielle Pardue @Actorielle
RT @JFreemanDaily: T1: Engaged patients are active partners in their own healthcare. Examples: T1: Engaged patients are active partners in their own healthcare. Examples: --making decisions with healthcare providers --understanding risks, benefits and alternatives to care --being activated to self-manage chronic conditions #LCSM
Bob Steele @steele_bob
RT @Actorielle: T1. Someone not content to accept a formula that doesn’t account for their legitimate needs and preferences; someone with the support necessary to understand their dx and have meaningful conversations about it and about their options; someone who sets their own goals. #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @jillfeldman4: T1 I have thought about this a lot because engaged patient or patient engagement means different things to different people. #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @Actorielle: T1. Someone not content to accept a formula that doesn’t account for their legitimate needs and preferences; someone with the support necessary to understand their dx and have meaningful conversations about it and about their options; someone who sets their own goals. #lcsm
Danielle Pardue @Actorielle
RT @louisianagirl91: MY PEOPLE!! ❤️ Hey #lcsm friends! It’s Roni checking in from Birmingham, AL, 10+ year patient advocate and major Dallas Cowboys fan! 😆🙌🏾💙
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @acmoorephd: @JFreemanDaily @lcsmchat T1. The room is full of them tonight, starting with you. Individuals who aren't afraid to ask lots of questions and expect lots of answers. #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @RManochakian: @JFreemanDaily T1 An engaged patient is a patient who is proactive about her/his health and actively participates in the journey of fighting disease/cancer. #LCSM
Bob Steele @steele_bob
RT @RManochakian: @JFreemanDaily T1 An engaged patient is a patient who is proactive about her/his health and actively participates in the journey of fighting disease/cancer. #LCSM
Dr. Amy C. Moore @acmoorephd
RT @Actorielle: T1. Someone not content to accept a formula that doesn’t account for their legitimate needs and preferences; someone with the support necessary to understand their dx and have meaningful conversations about it and about their options; someone who sets their own goals. #lcsm
Denise Cutlip @dennycee
@lcsmchat October will mark 11 years with stage 4 #lcsm
Dr. Amy C. Moore @acmoorephd
RT @JFreemanDaily: T1: T1: “Engaged patient” is NOT the same as “patient engagement.” Engaged patient is a PATIENT initiative (patients decide to be engaged). “Patient engagement” is a healthcare system initiative (encouraging patients to be engaged). #LCSM
Bob Steele @steele_bob
RT @dennycee: @lcsmchat October will mark 11 years with stage 4 #lcsm
Danielle Pardue @Actorielle
T1 I also think it’s important to acknowledge that someone may not want to be “engaged” in the way it appears to an outside observer; the key is that the patient feels supported and has had the dignity of choice in HOW engaged they WANT to be. #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @dennycee: @lcsmchat October will mark 11 years with stage 4 #lcsm
Laronica Conway @louisianagirl91
@lcsmchat 🤗💕 I have missed y’all tons! SO much to catch up on! #lcsm
Angela Churie Kallhauge @AngelaAchurie
T1 - one who actively seeks information from professionals as well as peers and is not afraid to use their voice to advocate for themselves, asking questions as basic as they may be #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @Actorielle: T1 I also think it’s important to acknowledge that someone may not want to be “engaged” in the way it appears to an outside observer; the key is that the patient feels supported and has had the dignity of choice in HOW engaged they WANT to be. #LCSM
Jill Feldman @jillfeldman4
T1 To me...it's being a true partner in ones own health by understanding diagnosis, keeps track of own records, asks questions, confident enough to participate in decision making, knows their options, etc. #LCSM
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
T1: Engaged patients seek to learn about their condition from healthcare providers, from reliable online sources, and from others living with their conditions. #LCSM
Kristin Ito @KAdvocate_LCAM
T1. Doing collaborative research and asking questions #lcsm
Danielle Pardue @Actorielle
RT @JFreemanDaily: T1: T1: Engaged patients seek to learn about their condition from healthcare providers, from reliable online sources, and from others living with their conditions. #LCSM
Laronica Conway @louisianagirl91
RT @jillfeldman4: T1 To me...it's being a true partner in ones own health by understanding diagnosis, keeps track of own records, asks questions, confident enough to participate in decision making, knows their options, etc. #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @AngelaAchurie: T1 - one who actively seeks information from professionals as well as peers and is not afraid to use their voice to advocate for themselves, asking questions as basic as they may be #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @jillfeldman4: T1 To me...it's being a true partner in ones own health by understanding diagnosis, keeps track of own records, asks questions, confident enough to participate in decision making, knows their options, etc. #LCSM
Laronica Conway @louisianagirl91
RT @Actorielle: T1. Someone not content to accept a formula that doesn’t account for their legitimate needs and preferences; someone with the support necessary to understand their dx and have meaningful conversations about it and about their options; someone who sets their own goals. #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @JFreemanDaily: T1: T1: Engaged patients seek to learn about their condition from healthcare providers, from reliable online sources, and from others living with their conditions. #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @KAdvocate_LCAM: T1. Doing collaborative research and asking questions #lcsm
Laronica Conway @louisianagirl91
RT @Actorielle: T1 I also think it’s important to acknowledge that someone may not want to be “engaged” in the way it appears to an outside observer; the key is that the patient feels supported and has had the dignity of choice in HOW engaged they WANT to be. #LCSM
Laronica Conway @louisianagirl91
RT @RManochakian: @JFreemanDaily T1 An engaged patient is a patient who is proactive about her/his health and actively participates in the journey of fighting disease/cancer. #LCSM
Susan Warden @susan_warden
@lcsmchat #LCSM
Laronica Conway @louisianagirl91
RT @JFreemanDaily: T1: Engaged patients are active partners in their own healthcare. Examples: T1: Engaged patients are active partners in their own healthcare. Examples: --making decisions with healthcare providers --understanding risks, benefits and alternatives to care --being activated to self-manage chronic conditions #LCSM
Bob Steele @steele_bob
RT @Actorielle: T1 I also think it’s important to acknowledge that someone may not want to be “engaged” in the way it appears to an outside observer; the key is that the patient feels supported and has had the dignity of choice in HOW engaged they WANT to be. #LCSM
Jill Feldman @jillfeldman4
T1 I once heard someone say something like, "Your health is a doctor's concern, but it's your responsibility". Struck a chord with me because we are the CEOs of our health #LCSM
Danielle Pardue @Actorielle
T1 my mom has not wanted to be kept abreast of absolutely everything, but she made the informed executive decision to have me tell her things on a “need to know basis,” and has led every decision that way. That’s still very engaged, Bc it is all exactly how she wants it. #LCSM
Chrisarooski (She/her) @Career_Cupid
T1. Respectfully asking about rationale for decisions that affect care. #LCSM
Rami Manochakian MD, FASCO 🇺🇸🇸🇾CancerEducation @RManochakian
@jillfeldman4 I like the “being partner” part. Couldn’t have said it any better #lcsm
Dr. Amy C. Moore @acmoorephd
T1. And what are the ways patients without resources such as #LCSM Chat and digital channels can best be engaged?
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
@susan_warden Hi Susan! Welcome. #lcsm
Bob Steele @steele_bob
RT @AngelaAchurie: T1 - one who actively seeks information from professionals as well as peers and is not afraid to use their voice to advocate for themselves, asking questions as basic as they may be #lcsm
Danielle Pardue @Actorielle
RT @jillfeldman4: T1 I once heard someone say something like, "Your health is a doctor's concern, but it's your responsibility". Struck a chord with me because we are the CEOs of our health #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @jillfeldman4: T1 I once heard someone say something like, "Your health is a doctor's concern, but it's your responsibility". Struck a chord with me because we are the CEOs of our health #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @Actorielle: T1 my mom has not wanted to be kept abreast of absolutely everything, but she made the informed executive decision to have me tell her things on a “need to know basis,” and has led every decision that way. That’s still very engaged, Bc it is all exactly how she wants it. #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @Career_Cupid: T1. Respectfully asking about rationale for decisions that affect care. #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @RManochakian: @jillfeldman4 I like the “being partner” part. Couldn’t have said it any better #lcsm
Bob Steele @steele_bob
RT @JFreemanDaily: T1: T1: Engaged patients seek to learn about their condition from healthcare providers, from reliable online sources, and from others living with their conditions. #LCSM
Danielle Pardue @Actorielle
RT @acmoorephd: T1. And what are the ways patients without resources such as #LCSM Chat and digital channels can best be engaged?
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @acmoorephd: T1. And what are the ways patients without resources such as #LCSM Chat and digital channels can best be engaged?
Dr. Amy C. Moore @acmoorephd
RT @jillfeldman4: T1 To me...it's being a true partner in ones own health by understanding diagnosis, keeps track of own records, asks questions, confident enough to participate in decision making, knows their options, etc. #LCSM
Bob Steele @steele_bob
RT @jillfeldman4: T1 I once heard someone say something like, "Your health is a doctor's concern, but it's your responsibility". Struck a chord with me because we are the CEOs of our health #LCSM
Danielle Pardue @Actorielle
@acmoorephd Always the crucial question for sure. I have found anecdotally that these are largely the folks who don’t know they’re “allowed” to ask questions or bring concerns or set their own goals. #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
T1: As basic as it may seem, getting second and even third opinions. It can save your life. -Deana #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @Actorielle: @acmoorephd Always the crucial question for sure. I have found anecdotally that these are largely the folks who don’t know they’re “allowed” to ask questions or bring concerns or set their own goals. #lcsm
Rami Manochakian MD, FASCO 🇺🇸🇸🇾CancerEducation @RManochakian
@JFreemanDaily Engaged patient seeks more knowledge (right knowledge from right resources) and #KnowledgeConquersCancer #LCSM
Sevtap Savas, PhD @savaslab
RT @JFreemanDaily: T1: T1: Engaged patients seek to learn about their condition from healthcare providers, from reliable online sources, and from others living with their conditions. #LCSM
Jill Feldman @jillfeldman4
T1 But we must recognize that not everyone has the same access or opportunities to be fully involved in their care, #SDOH, but may still be engaged to their ability #LCSM #HealthEquity
Upstage Lung Cancer @UpstageLungCanc
RT @jillfeldman4: T1 But we must recognize that not everyone has the same access or opportunities to be fully involved in their care, #SDOH, but may still be engaged to their ability #LCSM #HealthEquity
Upstage Lung Cancer @UpstageLungCanc
RT @lcsmchat: T1: T1: As basic as it may seem, getting second and even third opinions. It can save your life. -Deana #LCSM
Aliye Bricker @AliyeBricker
@JFreemanDaily An engaged patient is an informed patient who knows the names of the meds they are on. Who goes to their doctors with questions and sees themselves as having some power over their own care rather than seeing themselves only as a victim submitting to somebody elses plan. #LCSM
Upstage Lung Cancer @UpstageLungCanc
RT @acmoorephd: T1. And what are the ways patients without resources such as #LCSM Chat and digital channels can best be engaged?
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
Hi @peggyddennis! Thanks for joining. #lcsm
Upstage Lung Cancer @UpstageLungCanc
RT @jillfeldman4: T1 I once heard someone say something like, "Your health is a doctor's concern, but it's your responsibility". Struck a chord with me because we are the CEOs of our health #LCSM
Bob Steele @steele_bob
RT @lcsmchat: T1: T1: As basic as it may seem, getting second and even third opinions. It can save your life. -Deana #LCSM
Denise Cutlip @dennycee
@jillfeldman4 I tell newly diagnosed docs have thousands of patients. You only have one you need to stay atop things for. #lcsm
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
Topic T2 is coming up … #LCSM
Dr. Amy C. Moore @acmoorephd
RT @jillfeldman4: T1 I once heard someone say something like, "Your health is a doctor's concern, but it's your responsibility". Struck a chord with me because we are the CEOs of our health #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @RManochakian: @JFreemanDaily Engaged patient seeks more knowledge (right knowledge from right resources) and #KnowledgeConquersCancer #LCSM
Upstage Lung Cancer @UpstageLungCanc
This reminds one of the need to advocate for #screening programs. Before we are ever patients, we can’t know what we don’t know. #LCSM
Bob Steele @steele_bob
RT @AliyeBricker: @JFreemanDaily An engaged patient is an informed patient who knows the names of the meds they are on. Who goes to their doctors with questions and sees themselves as having some power over their own care rather than seeing themselves only as a victim submitting to somebody elses plan. #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @jillfeldman4: T1 But we must recognize that not everyone has the same access or opportunities to be fully involved in their care, #SDOH, but may still be engaged to their ability #LCSM #HealthEquity
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @AliyeBricker: @JFreemanDaily An engaged patient is an informed patient who knows the names of the meds they are on. Who goes to their doctors with questions and sees themselves as having some power over their own care rather than seeing themselves only as a victim submitting to somebody elses plan. #LCSM
Laronica Conway @louisianagirl91
An ENGAGED patient feels EMPOWERED to dictate what they learn and how they learn it. That patient steers the information train in the direction they NEED it to go. #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @dennycee: @jillfeldman4 I tell newly diagnosed docs have thousands of patients. You only have one you need to stay atop things for. #lcsm
Danielle Pardue @Actorielle
RT @lcsmchat: T1: T1: As basic as it may seem, getting second and even third opinions. It can save your life. -Deana #LCSM
Danielle Pardue @Actorielle
RT @jillfeldman4: T1 But we must recognize that not everyone has the same access or opportunities to be fully involved in their care, #SDOH, but may still be engaged to their ability #LCSM #HealthEquity
Danielle Pardue @Actorielle
RT @UpstageLungCanc: This reminds one of the need to advocate for #screening programs. Before we are ever patients, we can’t know what we don’t know. #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @UpstageLungCanc: This reminds one of the need to advocate for #screening programs. Before we are ever patients, we can’t know what we don’t know. #LCSM
Dr. Amy C. Moore @acmoorephd
RT @AliyeBricker: @JFreemanDaily An engaged patient is an informed patient who knows the names of the meds they are on. Who goes to their doctors with questions and sees themselves as having some power over their own care rather than seeing themselves only as a victim submitting to somebody elses plan. #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @louisianagirl91: An ENGAGED patient feels EMPOWERED to dictate what they learn and how they learn it. That patient steers the information train in the direction they NEED it to go. #lcsm
Danielle Pardue @Actorielle
RT @AliyeBricker: @JFreemanDaily An engaged patient is an informed patient who knows the names of the meds they are on. Who goes to their doctors with questions and sees themselves as having some power over their own care rather than seeing themselves only as a victim submitting to somebody elses plan. #LCSM
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
T2. What’s so great about being an engaged patient? #LCSM
Dr. Amy C. Moore @acmoorephd
RT @jillfeldman4: T1 But we must recognize that not everyone has the same access or opportunities to be fully involved in their care, #SDOH, but may still be engaged to their ability #LCSM #HealthEquity
Bob Steele @steele_bob
RT @UpstageLungCanc: This reminds one of the need to advocate for #screening programs. Before we are ever patients, we can’t know what we don’t know. #LCSM
Sevtap Savas, PhD @savaslab
RT @jillfeldman4: T1 But we must recognize that not everyone has the same access or opportunities to be fully involved in their care, #SDOH, but may still be engaged to their ability #LCSM #HealthEquity
Andrea @BraveBosom
@JFreemanDaily @ekeeleymoore sums up it up pretty well. #LCSM https://t.co/7BKFVSgkTV
Laronica Conway @louisianagirl91
RT @AliyeBricker: @JFreemanDaily An engaged patient is an informed patient who knows the names of the meds they are on. Who goes to their doctors with questions and sees themselves as having some power over their own care rather than seeing themselves only as a victim submitting to somebody elses plan. #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @JFreemanDaily: T2. What’s so great about being an engaged patient? #LCSM
Danielle Pardue @Actorielle
RT @BraveBosom: @JFreemanDaily @ekeeleymoore sums up it up pretty well. #LCSM https://t.co/7BKFVSgkTV
Danielle Pardue @Actorielle
RT @JFreemanDaily: T2. What’s so great about being an engaged patient? #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @BraveBosom: @JFreemanDaily @ekeeleymoore sums up it up pretty well. #LCSM https://t.co/7BKFVSgkTV
Danielle Pardue @Actorielle
RT @louisianagirl91: An ENGAGED patient feels EMPOWERED to dictate what they learn and how they learn it. That patient steers the information train in the direction they NEED it to go. #lcsm
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
T2: Here's the kicker: Patients who are more engaged in their healthcare have better health outcomes (and help lower healthcare costs for everyone) https://t.co/iO1H3Hwtc4 #LCSM
Angela Churie Kallhauge @AngelaAchurie
@acmoorephd T1. by talking to fellow warriors, caregivers and survivors. nothing beats the lessons and hope inspired by real experiences... but important to also filter information. Best advice I got came from others who have walked this journey #LCSM
Laronica Conway @louisianagirl91
@jillfeldman4 SOOOOO true!! 😔 #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
Not at all in Canada? Under any circumstances? #lcsm
Bob Steele @steele_bob
RT @JFreemanDaily: T2: Here's the kicker: T2: Here's the kicker: Patients who are more engaged in their healthcare have better health outcomes (and help lower healthcare costs for everyone) https://t.co/iO1H3Hwtc4 #LCSM
Bob Steele @steele_bob
RT @AngelaAchurie: @acmoorephd T1. by talking to fellow warriors, caregivers and survivors. nothing beats the lessons and hope inspired by real experiences... but important to also filter information. Best advice I got came from others who have walked this journey #LCSM
Kristin Ito @KAdvocate_LCAM
T2. The ability to share your knowledge! #lcsm
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
@BraveBosom @ekeeleymoore Hey Andrea! Welcome to #LCSM Chat!
Sevtap Savas, PhD @savaslab
RT @louisianagirl91: An ENGAGED patient feels EMPOWERED to dictate what they learn and how they learn it. That patient steers the information train in the direction they NEED it to go. #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
Thanks for joining us @savaslab! #lcsm
Rami Manochakian MD, FASCO 🇺🇸🇸🇾CancerEducation @RManochakian
@JFreemanDaily T2 Every Patient has to play a major & important role in the decision making. Ultimately, it’s their body and their health that are being addressed. Being an engaged patient helps achieve that. #LCSM
kristen kimball @KimballKristen
For my husband Dave, "engaged" meant connecting with everyone involved in his care, not just his onc and nurses but also phlebotomist, pharmacist, med assistnts, clinical research coordinators, etc.; to support them in his care. Big team #LCSM
Jill Feldman @jillfeldman4
T2 Knowledge is power - Being an engaged patient is EMPOWERING and gives you some control over a situation that you don't have much control over #LCSM
Laronica Conway @louisianagirl91
RT @JFreemanDaily: T2. What’s so great about being an engaged patient? #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @JFreemanDaily: T2: Here's the kicker: T2: Here's the kicker: Patients who are more engaged in their healthcare have better health outcomes (and help lower healthcare costs for everyone) https://t.co/iO1H3Hwtc4 #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @AngelaAchurie: @acmoorephd T1. by talking to fellow warriors, caregivers and survivors. nothing beats the lessons and hope inspired by real experiences... but important to also filter information. Best advice I got came from others who have walked this journey #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @KAdvocate_LCAM: T2. The ability to share your knowledge! #lcsm
Sevtap Savas, PhD @savaslab
RT @JFreemanDaily: T2: Here's the kicker: T2: Here's the kicker: Patients who are more engaged in their healthcare have better health outcomes (and help lower healthcare costs for everyone) https://t.co/iO1H3Hwtc4 #LCSM
Bob Steele @steele_bob
RT @KimballKristen: For my husband Dave, "engaged" meant connecting with everyone involved in his care, not just his onc and nurses but also phlebotomist, pharmacist, med assistnts, clinical research coordinators, etc.; to support them in his care. Big team #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @RManochakian: @JFreemanDaily T2 Every Patient has to play a major & important role in the decision making. Ultimately, it’s their body and their health that are being addressed. Being an engaged patient helps achieve that. #LCSM
kristen kimball @KimballKristen
T1! sorry :)
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @KimballKristen: For my husband Dave, "engaged" meant connecting with everyone involved in his care, not just his onc and nurses but also phlebotomist, pharmacist, med assistnts, clinical research coordinators, etc.; to support them in his care. Big team #LCSM
Rami Manochakian MD, FASCO 🇺🇸🇸🇾CancerEducation @RManochakian
@JFreemanDaily Being an engaged patient gives u more knowledge. Knowledge is power. #KnowledgeConquersCancer #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @jillfeldman4: T2 Knowledge is power - Being an engaged patient is EMPOWERING and gives you some control over a situation that you don't have much control over #LCSM
Triage Cancer @TriageCancer
T1 often, an engaged patient is also someone who has had the support and help necessary to understand their health insurance options, finances, rights at work, etc, and to understand how to navigate or pursue such. #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @RManochakian: @JFreemanDaily Being an engaged patient gives u more knowledge. Knowledge is power. #KnowledgeConquersCancer #LCSM
Danielle Pardue @Actorielle
RT @TriageCancer: T1 often, an engaged patient is also someone who has had the support and help necessary to understand their health insurance options, finances, rights at work, etc, and to understand how to navigate or pursue such. #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @TriageCancer: T1 often, an engaged patient is also someone who has had the support and help necessary to understand their health insurance options, finances, rights at work, etc, and to understand how to navigate or pursue such. #lcsm
Danielle Pardue @Actorielle
RT @jillfeldman4: T2 Knowledge is power - Being an engaged patient is EMPOWERING and gives you some control over a situation that you don't have much control over #LCSM
Danielle Pardue @Actorielle
RT @KimballKristen: For my husband Dave, "engaged" meant connecting with everyone involved in his care, not just his onc and nurses but also phlebotomist, pharmacist, med assistnts, clinical research coordinators, etc.; to support them in his care. Big team #LCSM
Danielle Pardue @Actorielle
RT @JFreemanDaily: T2: Here's the kicker: T2: Here's the kicker: Patients who are more engaged in their healthcare have better health outcomes (and help lower healthcare costs for everyone) https://t.co/iO1H3Hwtc4 #LCSM
Denise Cutlip @dennycee
as an engaged patient, I have reviewed results on patient portal and research my questions and options before my appt #lcsm
Jon Trent, MD, PhD @JTrentMDPhD
RT @Latinamd: Thanks you for all you do @Pap_Corps survivorship mentors to provide peer patient support for our patients when they needed most @SylvesterCancer #cancersurvivors #patientadvocates #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @dennycee: as an engaged patient, I have reviewed results on patient portal and research my questions and options before my appt #lcsm
Sevtap Savas, PhD @savaslab
RT @dennycee: as an engaged patient, I have reviewed results on patient portal and research my questions and options before my appt #lcsm
Dr. Amy C. Moore @acmoorephd
T2: I learn so much from engaged patients about their experiences, hopes and fears. And that makes me a better #advocate on their behalf and on behalf of those who can't advocate for themselves. #LCSM
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
@jillfeldman4 What Jill said! Cancer strips away one's sense of control in life. Being an active partner on your care team restores some sense of control. Only YOU can say what's important to you when selecting your treatment and care plan. #LCSM
Jill Feldman @jillfeldman4
T2 Engaged patients have better quality of life, live longer and have better communication/good relationships with their health care team #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
Anyone else out there observing the chat? Let us know you’re with us by just tweeting #lcsm. We care. #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @acmoorephd: T2: T2: I learn so much from engaged patients about their experiences, hopes and fears. And that makes me a better #advocate on their behalf and on behalf of those who can't advocate for themselves. #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @JFreemanDaily: @jillfeldman4 What Jill said! Cancer strips away one's sense of control in life. Being an active partner on your care team restores some sense of control. Only YOU can say what's important to you when selecting your treatment and care plan. #LCSM
Triage Cancer @TriageCancer
@JFreemanDaily Yes, patients who have been given comprehensive information about their #healthinsurance options, whole financial picture, employment rights, etc, and now to understand and navigate it all, do have better outcomes. Crucial education. #lcsm #beyonddiagnosis #oncoalert #cancersm
Bob Steele @steele_bob
RT @JFreemanDaily: @jillfeldman4 What Jill said! Cancer strips away one's sense of control in life. Being an active partner on your care team restores some sense of control. Only YOU can say what's important to you when selecting your treatment and care plan. #LCSM
Danielle Pardue @Actorielle
RT @TriageCancer: @JFreemanDaily Yes, patients who have been given comprehensive information about their #healthinsurance options, whole financial picture, employment rights, etc, and now to understand and navigate it all, do have better outcomes. Crucial education. #lcsm #beyonddiagnosis #oncoalert #cancersm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @jillfeldman4: T2 Engaged patients have better quality of life, live longer and have better communication/good relationships with their health care team #LCSM
Danielle Pardue @Actorielle
RT @jillfeldman4: T2 Engaged patients have better quality of life, live longer and have better communication/good relationships with their health care team #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @TriageCancer: @JFreemanDaily Yes, patients who have been given comprehensive information about their #healthinsurance options, whole financial picture, employment rights, etc, and now to understand and navigate it all, do have better outcomes. Crucial education. #lcsm #beyonddiagnosis #oncoalert #cancersm
Dr. Amy C. Moore @acmoorephd
RT @JFreemanDaily: T2: Here's the kicker: T2: Here's the kicker: Patients who are more engaged in their healthcare have better health outcomes (and help lower healthcare costs for everyone) https://t.co/iO1H3Hwtc4 #LCSM
Danielle Pardue @Actorielle
RT @JFreemanDaily: @jillfeldman4 What Jill said! Cancer strips away one's sense of control in life. Being an active partner on your care team restores some sense of control. Only YOU can say what's important to you when selecting your treatment and care plan. #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
Hey @EdenLake I see you! xo #lcsm
Sevtap Savas, PhD @savaslab
Jill Feldman @jillfeldman4
T2 I always say being an engaged patient (personally and in advocacy) allows ME to choose the role that #lungcancer has in my life. It's like saying 🖕to lung cancer, LOL #LCSM
Danielle Pardue @Actorielle
RT @jillfeldman4: T2 I always say being an engaged patient (personally and in advocacy) allows ME to choose the role that #lungcancer has in my life. It's like saying 🖕to lung cancer, LOL #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @jillfeldman4: T2 I always say being an engaged patient (personally and in advocacy) allows ME to choose the role that #lungcancer has in my life. It's like saying 🖕to lung cancer, LOL #LCSM
Andrea @BraveBosom
@JFreemanDaily @ekeeleymoore Popping in to say hello!!! #LCSM https://t.co/OsAleqzcJB
Eden Lake @EdenLake
Really late friends but im here and catching up #lcsm
Jill Feldman @jillfeldman4
RT @JFreemanDaily: @jillfeldman4 What Jill said! Cancer strips away one's sense of control in life. Being an active partner on your care team restores some sense of control. Only YOU can say what's important to you when selecting your treatment and care plan. #LCSM
Bob Steele @steele_bob
RT @jillfeldman4: T2 I always say being an engaged patient (personally and in advocacy) allows ME to choose the role that #lungcancer has in my life. It's like saying 🖕to lung cancer, LOL #LCSM
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
@TriageCancer Engaged patients ask when they need more information, and know how to use the info, make the time to find out how to use it, or find someone to help them use it. #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @JFreemanDaily: @TriageCancer Engaged patients ask when they need more information, and know how to use the info, make the time to find out how to use it, or find someone to help them use it. #LCSM
Aliye Bricker @AliyeBricker
@jillfeldman4 Exactly this. Being engaged is being empowered! You are taking some ownership of what is going on with your health and your life. Gives you some semblance of control and assurance that you and your doc have made the best plan possible with what data is available. #LCSM
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
We’ll shift to Topic T3 next ... #LCSM
Preventive Medicine Bot @PreventiveBot
RT @JFreemanDaily: I’m your moderator Janet Freeman-Daily: I’m your moderator Janet Freeman-Daily: writer (https://t.co/OBCc87ZwkG), science geek, stage IV #lungcancer patient (10 year SURVIVOR!) and research advocate #LCSM
Upstage Lung Cancer @UpstageLungCanc
RT @jillfeldman4: T2 I always say being an engaged patient (personally and in advocacy) allows ME to choose the role that #lungcancer has in my life. It's like saying 🖕to lung cancer, LOL #LCSM
Jill Feldman @jillfeldman4
@ZieglerColleen I ask myself that all the time. But, we are already doing it (compared to 10 years ago) and just have to keep the momentum going #LCSM
Preventive Medicine Bot @PreventiveBot
RT @UpstageLungCanc: Hello, friends! Happy to be here tonight. We’re a Boston-based org using performing arts to fundraise for #lungcancer #research. So good to “see” everyone. #lcsm
Upstage Lung Cancer @UpstageLungCanc
RT @TriageCancer: @JFreemanDaily Yes, patients who have been given comprehensive information about their #healthinsurance options, whole financial picture, employment rights, etc, and now to understand and navigate it all, do have better outcomes. Crucial education. #lcsm #beyonddiagnosis #oncoalert #cancersm
Preventive Medicine Bot @PreventiveBot
RT @jillfeldman4: T2 I always say being an engaged patient (personally and in advocacy) allows ME to choose the role that #lungcancer has in my life. It's like saying 🖕to lung cancer, LOL #LCSM
Upstage Lung Cancer @UpstageLungCanc
RT @jillfeldman4: T2 Engaged patients have better quality of life, live longer and have better communication/good relationships with their health care team #LCSM
Upstage Lung Cancer @UpstageLungCanc
RT @JFreemanDaily: @jillfeldman4 What Jill said! Cancer strips away one's sense of control in life. Being an active partner on your care team restores some sense of control. Only YOU can say what's important to you when selecting your treatment and care plan. #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
Thanks for joining @EDWARDCUTLER2 ! #lcsm
Upstage Lung Cancer @UpstageLungCanc
RT @acmoorephd: T2: T2: I learn so much from engaged patients about their experiences, hopes and fears. And that makes me a better #advocate on their behalf and on behalf of those who can't advocate for themselves. #LCSM
Sevtap Savas, PhD @savaslab
RT @JFreemanDaily: @TriageCancer Engaged patients ask when they need more information, and know how to use the info, make the time to find out how to use it, or find someone to help them use it. #LCSM
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
T3. How does one become an engaged patient? Does someone sprinkle magic dust over you so you wake up and become engaged? #LCSM
Danielle Pardue @Actorielle
RT @JFreemanDaily: T3. How does one become an engaged patient? Does someone sprinkle magic dust over you so you wake up and become engaged? #LCSM
Jill Feldman @jillfeldman4
RT @jillfeldman4: T1 To me...it's being a true partner in ones own health by understanding diagnosis, keeps track of own records, asks questions, confident enough to participate in decision making, knows their options, etc. #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
I see you @PatrickCMa1! Thanks for popping in. #lcsm
Danielle Pardue @Actorielle
RT @jillfeldman4: @ZieglerColleen I ask myself that all the time. But, we are already doing it (compared to 10 years ago) and just have to keep the momentum going #LCSM
Danielle Pardue @Actorielle
RT @AliyeBricker: @jillfeldman4 Exactly this. Being engaged is being empowered! You are taking some ownership of what is going on with your health and your life. Gives you some semblance of control and assurance that you and your doc have made the best plan possible with what data is available. #LCSM
Lakshmi Grama @lgrama
T2: how do we help patients who may not have the resources- educational, financial, or otherwise- become engaged patients? #LCSM
Danielle Pardue @Actorielle
RT @lgrama: T2: T2: how do we help patients who may not have the resources- educational, financial, or otherwise- become engaged patients? #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @AliyeBricker: @jillfeldman4 Exactly this. Being engaged is being empowered! You are taking some ownership of what is going on with your health and your life. Gives you some semblance of control and assurance that you and your doc have made the best plan possible with what data is available. #LCSM
Sevtap Savas, PhD @savaslab
RT @lgrama: T2: T2: how do we help patients who may not have the resources- educational, financial, or otherwise- become engaged patients? #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
@ZieglerColleen @jillfeldman4 Thanks for joining @ZieglerColleen! #lcsm
Lauren Meehan Machos, MPH @LaurenMachos
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @lgrama: T2: T2: how do we help patients who may not have the resources- educational, financial, or otherwise- become engaged patients? #LCSM
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
Welcome, Colleen! #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
@LaurenMachos Welcome @LaurenMachos #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @JFreemanDaily: T3. How does one become an engaged patient? Does someone sprinkle magic dust over you so you wake up and become engaged? #LCSM
Dr. Amy C. Moore @acmoorephd
RT @JFreemanDaily: @jillfeldman4 What Jill said! Cancer strips away one's sense of control in life. Being an active partner on your care team restores some sense of control. Only YOU can say what's important to you when selecting your treatment and care plan. #LCSM
Danielle Pardue @Actorielle
T3 part of it is your natural personality. Sometimes we’re just the kind of folks who don’t take an easy answer, and want to learn more. Sometimes, we are inspired by some1 we meet (a provider, another pt or CG, etc). I’ve seen both, and both “types” make great advocates.💚 #lcsm
Rami Manochakian MD, FASCO 🇺🇸🇸🇾CancerEducation @RManochakian
@JFreemanDaily T3 Once a patient understands why it’s important to be engaged, can slowly and gradually become more & more engaged. Ask questions, seek more knowledge, research their disease and the science behind it #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @Actorielle: T3 part of it is your natural personality. Sometimes we’re just the kind of folks who don’t take an easy answer, and want to learn more. Sometimes, we are inspired by some1 we meet (a provider, another pt or CG, etc). I’ve seen both, and both “types” make great advocates.💚 #lcsm
Sevtap Savas, PhD @savaslab
RT @RManochakian: @JFreemanDaily T3 Once a patient understands why it’s important to be engaged, can slowly and gradually become more & more engaged. Ask questions, seek more knowledge, research their disease and the science behind it #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @RManochakian: @JFreemanDaily T3 Once a patient understands why it’s important to be engaged, can slowly and gradually become more & more engaged. Ask questions, seek more knowledge, research their disease and the science behind it #LCSM
Bob Steele @steele_bob
RT @Actorielle: T3 part of it is your natural personality. Sometimes we’re just the kind of folks who don’t take an easy answer, and want to learn more. Sometimes, we are inspired by some1 we meet (a provider, another pt or CG, etc). I’ve seen both, and both “types” make great advocates.💚 #lcsm
Danielle Pardue @Actorielle
RT @RManochakian: @JFreemanDaily T3 Once a patient understands why it’s important to be engaged, can slowly and gradually become more & more engaged. Ask questions, seek more knowledge, research their disease and the science behind it #LCSM
Jill Feldman @jillfeldman4
T3 This is hard because being dx with cancer is overwhelming and anxiety clouds our ability to think straight. Some are natural, some have loved ones who take over and others don't know where to begin. Having support & a care team that empowers you from the start is key #LCSM
Bob Steele @steele_bob
RT @jillfeldman4: T3 This is hard because being dx with cancer is overwhelming and anxiety clouds our ability to think straight. Some are natural, some have loved ones who take over and others don't know where to begin. Having support & a care team that empowers you from the start is key #LCSM
kristen kimball @KimballKristen
RT @RManochakian: @JFreemanDaily T3 Once a patient understands why it’s important to be engaged, can slowly and gradually become more & more engaged. Ask questions, seek more knowledge, research their disease and the science behind it #LCSM
Rami Manochakian MD, FASCO 🇺🇸🇸🇾CancerEducation @RManochakian
@JFreemanDaily Every patient & caregiver here on LCSM chat is a great example of great engaged patients #LCSM
Dr. Amy C. Moore @acmoorephd
T3: patients should avail themselves of all the wonderful online communities available: @ros1cancer, @EGFRResisters, @ALKLungCancer, @alk_fusion, @BrafBombers, @NTRKers, @RETpositive, @RetRenegades, and many more! Also @LUNGevity has many different support communities! #LCSM
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
T3: Being an engaged patient also includes choosing to talk to family and caregivers about what you do and DO NOT want from them. #LCSM
Chrisarooski (She/her) @Career_Cupid
T3. Understanding that you are the best expert on your own body and experience helps you become engaged so you can actively contribute your important perspective within the partnership with your health team. #lcsm
Devika Das, MD, MSHQS @DevikaDasMD
@lcsmchat Observing and learning! Throacic Lee Onc from Alabama #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
If you’re a lung cancer survivor, and haven’t done so already, please tweet how long it’s been since diagnosis. It helps all of us. #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @jillfeldman4: T3 This is hard because being dx with cancer is overwhelming and anxiety clouds our ability to think straight. Some are natural, some have loved ones who take over and others don't know where to begin. Having support & a care team that empowers you from the start is key #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @RManochakian: @JFreemanDaily Every patient & caregiver here on LCSM chat is a great example of great engaged patients #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @acmoorephd: T3: patients should avail themselves of all the wonderful online communities available: T3: patients should avail themselves of all the wonderful online communities available: @ros1cancer, @EGFRResisters, @ALKLungCancer, @alk_fusion, @BrafBombers, @NTRKers, @RETpositive, @RetRenegades, and many more! Also @LUNGevity has many different support communities! #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @JFreemanDaily: T3: T3: Being an engaged patient also includes choosing to talk to family and caregivers about what you do and DO NOT want from them. #LCSM
Sevtap Savas, PhD @savaslab
RT @lcsmchat: If you’re a lung cancer survivor, and haven’t done so already, please tweet how long it’s been since diagnosis. It helps all of us. #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @Career_Cupid: T3. Understanding that you are the best expert on your own body and experience helps you become engaged so you can actively contribute your important perspective within the partnership with your health team. #lcsm
Danielle Pardue @Actorielle
@JFreemanDaily @TriageCancer The catch is that many people don’t know what they don’t know, “until.” @triagecancer teaches folks the stuff we all *should* have learned in high school but didn’t, lol. (Crisis time is not the time to be learning about health insurance options for the first time, e.g.) #lcsm
Jill Feldman @jillfeldman4
T3 There is nothing better than helping a newly dx person navigate their way to being engaged & self advocacy. It's like watching a deflated balloon inflate. The hope is real and it is so meaningful ❤️ #LCSM
Danielle Pardue @Actorielle
RT @Career_Cupid: T3. Understanding that you are the best expert on your own body and experience helps you become engaged so you can actively contribute your important perspective within the partnership with your health team. #lcsm
Denise Cutlip @dennycee
T3: sign up for newletters from leading cancer hospitals,NCCN and ASCO' Visit patient to patient sites verify whst they say to learn which contributors you can trust #lcsm
Danielle Pardue @Actorielle
@Career_Cupid Hear, hear! My mom to HCPs: “you have hundreds of patients. I have one.” #lcsm
Aliye Bricker @AliyeBricker
T3: We become engaged when we are tired of just feeling lost and scared. When we decide to start learning about why we are being treated with this or that, or start thinking about what might come next in our treatment if the current line doesn't work. #LCSM
Danielle Pardue @Actorielle
RT @acmoorephd: T3: patients should avail themselves of all the wonderful online communities available: T3: patients should avail themselves of all the wonderful online communities available: @ros1cancer, @EGFRResisters, @ALKLungCancer, @alk_fusion, @BrafBombers, @NTRKers, @RETpositive, @RetRenegades, and many more! Also @LUNGevity has many different support communities! #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
@DevikaDasMD Welcome Doctor! #lcsm
Danielle Pardue @Actorielle
RT @jillfeldman4: T3 This is hard because being dx with cancer is overwhelming and anxiety clouds our ability to think straight. Some are natural, some have loved ones who take over and others don't know where to begin. Having support & a care team that empowers you from the start is key #LCSM
Rami Manochakian MD, FASCO 🇺🇸🇸🇾CancerEducation @RManochakian
@JFreemanDaily Seeks more knowledge. Ask about the great resources out there. #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @Actorielle: @JFreemanDaily @TriageCancer The catch is that many people don’t know what they don’t know, “until.” @triagecancer teaches folks the stuff we all *should* have learned in high school but didn’t, lol. (Crisis time is not the time to be learning about health insurance options for the first time, e.g.) #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @jillfeldman4: T3 There is nothing better than helping a newly dx person navigate their way to being engaged & self advocacy. It's like watching a deflated balloon inflate. The hope is real and it is so meaningful ❤️ #LCSM
Danielle Pardue @Actorielle
RT @AliyeBricker: T3: T3: We become engaged when we are tired of just feeling lost and scared. When we decide to start learning about why we are being treated with this or that, or start thinking about what might come next in our treatment if the current line doesn't work. #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @dennycee: T3: T3: sign up for newletters from leading cancer hospitals,NCCN and ASCO' Visit patient to patient sites verify whst they say to learn which contributors you can trust #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @Actorielle: @Career_Cupid Hear, hear! My mom to HCPs: @Career_Cupid Hear, hear! My mom to HCPs: “you have hundreds of patients. I have one.” #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @AliyeBricker: T3: T3: We become engaged when we are tired of just feeling lost and scared. When we decide to start learning about why we are being treated with this or that, or start thinking about what might come next in our treatment if the current line doesn't work. #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @RManochakian: @JFreemanDaily Seeks more knowledge. Ask about the great resources out there. #lcsm
Bob Steele @steele_bob
RT @AliyeBricker: T3: T3: We become engaged when we are tired of just feeling lost and scared. When we decide to start learning about why we are being treated with this or that, or start thinking about what might come next in our treatment if the current line doesn't work. #LCSM
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
It's really important for EVERY patient to know what's most important to THEM, and communicate that to ALL your care partners. Maybe you want to be able to make memories with your kids/grandkids. Maybe you want to be able to garden. What matters to you? Only you can say. #LCSM
Upstage Lung Cancer @UpstageLungCanc
RT @acmoorephd: T3: patients should avail themselves of all the wonderful online communities available: T3: patients should avail themselves of all the wonderful online communities available: @ros1cancer, @EGFRResisters, @ALKLungCancer, @alk_fusion, @BrafBombers, @NTRKers, @RETpositive, @RetRenegades, and many more! Also @LUNGevity has many different support communities! #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
We love this! Welcome. #lcsm
Denise Cutlip @dennycee
RT @acmoorephd: T3: patients should avail themselves of all the wonderful online communities available: T3: patients should avail themselves of all the wonderful online communities available: @ros1cancer, @EGFRResisters, @ALKLungCancer, @alk_fusion, @BrafBombers, @NTRKers, @RETpositive, @RetRenegades, and many more! Also @LUNGevity has many different support communities! #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @JFreemanDaily: It's really important for EVERY patient to know what's most important to THEM, and communicate that to ALL your care partners. Maybe you want to be able to make memories with your kids/grandkids. Maybe you want to be able to garden. What matters to you? Only you can say. #LCSM
Danielle Pardue @Actorielle
RT @JFreemanDaily: It's really important for EVERY patient to know what's most important to THEM, and communicate that to ALL your care partners. Maybe you want to be able to make memories with your kids/grandkids. Maybe you want to be able to garden. What matters to you? Only you can say. #LCSM
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
T3: When you share with your healthcare team what matters most to YOU, you are helping to shape your treatment options. ANY patient can do this. #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @JFreemanDaily: T3: T3: When you share with your healthcare team what matters most to YOU, you are helping to shape your treatment options. ANY patient can do this. #LCSM
Peggy Dennis @peggyddennis
@JFreemanDaily @lcsmchat T3 willingness to ask questions of your oncologists and fellow LC survivors. Then be available to share what you’ve learned. Most importantly, always be open to learning more. #LCSM
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
Absolutely, Tomma. #LCSM
Danielle Pardue @Actorielle
@JFreemanDaily Amen. Key is to help folks feel enfranchised to do so. If I had a nickel for every time someone feels bad or guilty about bringing up their own goals or asking “another” question… so many nickels! #lcsm
Denise Cutlip @dennycee
T3: participate in virtual education programs sponsored by reputable foundations #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
Question from an observer: What to do if your oncologist doesn’t want to deal with an engaged patient? @RedGia #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @peggyddennis: @JFreemanDaily @lcsmchat T3 willingness to ask questions of your oncologists and fellow LC survivors. Then be available to share what you’ve learned. Most importantly, always be open to learning more. #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @JFreemanDaily: Absolutely, Tomma. #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @Actorielle: @JFreemanDaily Amen. Key is to help folks feel enfranchised to do so. If I had a nickel for every time someone feels bad or guilty about bringing up their own goals or asking “another” question… so many nickels! #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @dennycee: T3: T3: participate in virtual education programs sponsored by reputable foundations #lcsm
kristen kimball @KimballKristen
@lcsmchat @RedGia New oncologist #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
Agree! #lcsm https://t.co/RSmYLY3gWD
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
T3: Learn how to search for vetted healthcare information online. Here are some tips from reliable sources: https://t.co/hgnHwCN9h6 #LCSM
Lillian Leigh GAICD @ProjectBreath
Hello #LCSM, sorry I'm late. Greetings from Sydney.
Danielle Pardue @Actorielle
Hopefully can be “handled” before it gets to that point. Try to make friendships ASAP w all HCPs. Connect as humans. Talk about hobbies, kids, etc. Then “launch” your engaged personality. Best way we’ve been able to manage. #lcsm
Suanna Bruinooge @SuannaBruinooge
Beautifully said, @JFreemanDaily! Patient empowerment and engagement in decisionmaking are crucial.
Danielle Pardue @Actorielle
RT @JFreemanDaily: T3: Learn how to search for vetted healthcare information online. Here are some tips from reliable sources: T3: Learn how to search for vetted healthcare information online. Here are some tips from reliable sources: https://t.co/hgnHwCN9h6 #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
@ProjectBreath Wow, Lillian! So happy you’ve joined us. #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @JFreemanDaily: T3: Learn how to search for vetted healthcare information online. Here are some tips from reliable sources: T3: Learn how to search for vetted healthcare information online. Here are some tips from reliable sources: https://t.co/hgnHwCN9h6 #LCSM
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
Thanks for sharing a great example. #LCSM
Rami Manochakian MD, FASCO 🇺🇸🇸🇾CancerEducation @RManochakian
@JFreemanDaily Very important to guide/direct patients and caregivers to the right resources #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @Actorielle: Hopefully can be “handled” before it gets to that point. Try to make friendships ASAP w all HCPs. Connect as humans. Talk about hobbies, kids, etc. Then “launch” your engaged personality. Best way we’ve been able to manage. #lcsm
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
Topic T4 is on the way #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @JFreemanDaily: Thanks for sharing a great example. #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @RManochakian: @JFreemanDaily Very important to guide/direct patients and caregivers to the right resources #lcsm
Suzy Spencer @spencerwriter
RT @acmoorephd: T3: patients should avail themselves of all the wonderful online communities available: T3: patients should avail themselves of all the wonderful online communities available: @ros1cancer, @EGFRResisters, @ALKLungCancer, @alk_fusion, @BrafBombers, @NTRKers, @RETpositive, @RetRenegades, and many more! Also @LUNGevity has many different support communities! #LCSM
Bob Steele @steele_bob
RT @JFreemanDaily: T3: Learn how to search for vetted healthcare information online. Here are some tips from reliable sources: T3: Learn how to search for vetted healthcare information online. Here are some tips from reliable sources: https://t.co/hgnHwCN9h6 #LCSM
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
Remember to include #LCSM in all your tweets so your tweets will show up in the chat.
Suzy Spencer @spencerwriter
RT @Career_Cupid: T3. Understanding that you are the best expert on your own body and experience helps you become engaged so you can actively contribute your important perspective within the partnership with your health team. #lcsm
Suzy Spencer @spencerwriter
RT @Actorielle: @Career_Cupid Hear, hear! My mom to HCPs: @Career_Cupid Hear, hear! My mom to HCPs: “you have hundreds of patients. I have one.” #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
@JFreemanDaily Remember to add the hashtag #lcsm to your tweets. No worries. We’re catching them so far. Thanks! @ADesaiMD
Bob Steele @steele_bob
RT @JFreemanDaily: Thanks for sharing a great example. #LCSM
Suzy Spencer @spencerwriter
RT @Actorielle: Hopefully can be “handled” before it gets to that point. Try to make friendships ASAP w all HCPs. Connect as humans. Talk about hobbies, kids, etc. Then “launch” your engaged personality. Best way we’ve been able to manage. #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @JFreemanDaily: Remember to include #LCSM in all your tweets so your tweets will show up in the chat.
Alicia C. Staley @stales
RT @JFreemanDaily: T1: T1: “Engaged patient” is NOT the same as “patient engagement.” Engaged patient is a PATIENT initiative (patients decide to be engaged). “Patient engagement” is a healthcare system initiative (encouraging patients to be engaged). #LCSM
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
More good info on finding reliable information resources online. #LCSM
Alicia C. Staley @stales
RT @JFreemanDaily: T2: Here's the kicker: T2: Here's the kicker: Patients who are more engaged in their healthcare have better health outcomes (and help lower healthcare costs for everyone) https://t.co/iO1H3Hwtc4 #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @JFreemanDaily: More good info on finding reliable information resources online. #LCSM
Alicia C. Staley @stales
RT @louisianagirl91: An ENGAGED patient feels EMPOWERED to dictate what they learn and how they learn it. That patient steers the information train in the direction they NEED it to go. #lcsm
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
T4. How can physicians and engaged patients work together effectively? #LCSM
Lillian Leigh GAICD @ProjectBreath
This is such a fabulous list of tips for patients and caregivers. They apply globally and to other cancers too. Thanks for sharing @JFreemanDaily #LCSM
Alicia C. Staley @stales
RT @JFreemanDaily: It's really important for EVERY patient to know what's most important to THEM, and communicate that to ALL your care partners. Maybe you want to be able to make memories with your kids/grandkids. Maybe you want to be able to garden. What matters to you? Only you can say. #LCSM
Alicia C. Staley @stales
RT @jillfeldman4: T1 But we must recognize that not everyone has the same access or opportunities to be fully involved in their care, #SDOH, but may still be engaged to their ability #LCSM #HealthEquity
Danielle Pardue @Actorielle
RT @JFreemanDaily: More good info on finding reliable information resources online. #LCSM
Danielle Pardue @Actorielle
RT @JFreemanDaily: T4. How can physicians and engaged patients work together effectively? #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
Yep. #lcsm
Jill Feldman @jillfeldman4
T3 It can be hard to be an engaged patient at times - prudent conversations about treatment or not wanting to disclose all side effects. That's why it is so important that your team knows your goals of treatment/care, what's impt to you, what tradeoffs willing to make, etc. #LCSM
Alicia C. Staley @stales
RT @JFreemanDaily: T1: T1: Engaged patients seek to learn about their condition from healthcare providers, from reliable online sources, and from others living with their conditions. #LCSM
Alicia C. Staley @stales
RT @JFreemanDaily: T3: T3: Being an engaged patient also includes choosing to talk to family and caregivers about what you do and DO NOT want from them. #LCSM
Alicia C. Staley @stales
RT @JFreemanDaily: @TriageCancer Engaged patients ask when they need more information, and know how to use the info, make the time to find out how to use it, or find someone to help them use it. #LCSM
Dr. Amy C. Moore @acmoorephd
T3: Not to be an advertisement for @LUNGevity, but we have some really great educational resources, including our #Lungcancer 101: https://t.co/8c19G4o0xD #LCSM
Alicia C. Staley @stales
RT @JFreemanDaily: T1: Engaged patients are active partners in their own healthcare. Examples: T1: Engaged patients are active partners in their own healthcare. Examples: --making decisions with healthcare providers --understanding risks, benefits and alternatives to care --being activated to self-manage chronic conditions #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @JFreemanDaily: T4. How can physicians and engaged patients work together effectively? #LCSM
Alicia C. Staley @stales
RT @JFreemanDaily: T3: Learn how to search for vetted healthcare information online. Here are some tips from reliable sources: T3: Learn how to search for vetted healthcare information online. Here are some tips from reliable sources: https://t.co/hgnHwCN9h6 #LCSM
Alicia C. Staley @stales
RT @JFreemanDaily: More good info on finding reliable information resources online. #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @ProjectBreath: This is such a fabulous list of tips for patients and caregivers. They apply globally and to other cancers too. Thanks for sharing @JFreemanDaily #LCSM
Aakash Desai, MD, MPH @ADesaiMD
RT @acmoorephd: T3: T3: Not to be an advertisement for @LUNGevity, but we have some really great educational resources, including our #Lungcancer 101: https://t.co/8c19G4o0xD #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @jillfeldman4: T3 It can be hard to be an engaged patient at times - prudent conversations about treatment or not wanting to disclose all side effects. That's why it is so important that your team knows your goals of treatment/care, what's impt to you, what tradeoffs willing to make, etc. #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @acmoorephd: T3: T3: Not to be an advertisement for @LUNGevity, but we have some really great educational resources, including our #Lungcancer 101: https://t.co/8c19G4o0xD #LCSM
Alicia C. Staley @stales
RT @JFreemanDaily: T4. How can physicians and engaged patients work together effectively? #LCSM
Danielle Pardue @Actorielle
T4 respect, respect, respect. HCP is the subject matter expert. Pt is the lived experience expert AND the expert in their own life, preferences, abilities, goals, logistical capabilities, etc etc etc. It is a team with different roles. There is no hierarchy. #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @Actorielle: T4 respect, respect, respect. HCP is the subject matter expert. Pt is the lived experience expert AND the expert in their own life, preferences, abilities, goals, logistical capabilities, etc etc etc. It is a team with different roles. There is no hierarchy. #lcsm
Danielle Pardue @Actorielle
RT @acmoorephd: T3: T3: Not to be an advertisement for @LUNGevity, but we have some really great educational resources, including our #Lungcancer 101: https://t.co/8c19G4o0xD #LCSM
Alicia C. Staley @stales
good evening - listening in and learning from all of you #LCSM
Rami Manochakian MD, FASCO 🇺🇸🇸🇾CancerEducation @RManochakian
@JFreemanDaily By setting clear expectations. By understanding the channels of communication. By being partners on this journey. As a physician,I need to fight for and with my patients. #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
@stales Thanks for joining! #lcsm
Bob Steele @steele_bob
RT @RManochakian: @JFreemanDaily By setting clear expectations. By understanding the channels of communication. By being partners on this journey. As a physician,I need to fight for and with my patients. #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @RManochakian: @JFreemanDaily By setting clear expectations. By understanding the channels of communication. By being partners on this journey. As a physician,I need to fight for and with my patients. #LCSM
Rami Manochakian MD, FASCO 🇺🇸🇸🇾CancerEducation @RManochakian
@JFreemanDaily As a physician I need to keep my patients engaged. I need to guide them and direct them to the right resources and equip them with the right knowledge. #LCSM
Laura Petrillo 🗽 @lpetrillz
Joining very late from MA & catching up on this excellent discussion! #lcsm
Bob Steele @steele_bob
RT @Actorielle: T4 respect, respect, respect. HCP is the subject matter expert. Pt is the lived experience expert AND the expert in their own life, preferences, abilities, goals, logistical capabilities, etc etc etc. It is a team with different roles. There is no hierarchy. #lcsm
Lillian Leigh GAICD @ProjectBreath
T4 With open-mindedness. Make no assumptions about each other. Create an environment where patients/caregivers are welcome to ask any question they like. Be receptive of responses as well. #LCSM
Denise Cutlip @dennycee
T4 the patients live in their body 24/7, dr should trust engaged patient who bring up new issues and not dismiss them #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
@lpetrillz Thank you for joining us! You can catch up with the transcript. #lcsm
Dr. Amy C. Moore @acmoorephd
RT @RManochakian: @JFreemanDaily By setting clear expectations. By understanding the channels of communication. By being partners on this journey. As a physician,I need to fight for and with my patients. #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @RManochakian: @JFreemanDaily As a physician I need to keep my patients engaged. I need to guide them and direct them to the right resources and equip them with the right knowledge. #LCSM
Aliye Bricker @AliyeBricker
@lcsmchat @RedGia This is a tough one. It can be helpful to find a support group to bounce some of your questions off of, rather than go to your onc w/everything - this can be too much for some docs. Finding trusted online resources is key. Saving only the important questions for your onc. #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @ProjectBreath: T4 With open-mindedness. Make no assumptions about each other. Create an environment where patients/caregivers are welcome to ask any question they like. Be receptive of responses as well. #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @dennycee: T4 the patients live in their body 24/7, dr should trust engaged patient who bring up new issues and not dismiss them #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @AliyeBricker: @lcsmchat @RedGia This is a tough one. It can be helpful to find a support group to bounce some of your questions off of, rather than go to your onc w/everything - this can be too much for some docs. Finding trusted online resources is key. Saving only the important questions for your onc. #LCSM
Eden Lake @EdenLake
RT @AliyeBricker: T3: T3: We become engaged when we are tired of just feeling lost and scared. When we decide to start learning about why we are being treated with this or that, or start thinking about what might come next in our treatment if the current line doesn't work. #LCSM
Jill Feldman @jillfeldman4
T4 The most important conversations are not the data driven ones. Talk about goals of care before treatment! #LCSM
Eden Lake @EdenLake
RT @JFreemanDaily: T3: Learn how to search for vetted healthcare information online. Here are some tips from reliable sources: T3: Learn how to search for vetted healthcare information online. Here are some tips from reliable sources: https://t.co/hgnHwCN9h6 #LCSM
Danielle Pardue @Actorielle
T4 also need to drop a bit of practical wisdom that has affected us v often: HCPs need to understand the practicality of how “stuff” actually happens when they order it. We’ve been promised accommodations by HCPs that weren’t possible w/in the structure of the institution. #LCSM
Dr. Amy C. Moore @acmoorephd
@Actorielle @lcsmchat @Actorielle #LCSM https://t.co/bzXWvm7Hp9
kristen kimball @KimballKristen
@acmoorephd @LUNGevity pls do advertise. Took us 2 yrs to find @LUNGevity and then only bc @LeciaSequist let us know about it! #LCSM
Bob Steele @steele_bob
RT @AliyeBricker: @lcsmchat @RedGia This is a tough one. It can be helpful to find a support group to bounce some of your questions off of, rather than go to your onc w/everything - this can be too much for some docs. Finding trusted online resources is key. Saving only the important questions for your onc. #LCSM
Danielle Pardue @Actorielle
RT @ProjectBreath: T4 With open-mindedness. Make no assumptions about each other. Create an environment where patients/caregivers are welcome to ask any question they like. Be receptive of responses as well. #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
We couldn’t agree more! #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @KimballKristen: @acmoorephd @LUNGevity pls do advertise. Took us 2 yrs to find @LUNGevity and then only bc @LeciaSequist let us know about it! #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @Actorielle: T4 also need to drop a bit of practical wisdom that has affected us v often: T4 also need to drop a bit of practical wisdom that has affected us v often: HCPs need to understand the practicality of how “stuff” actually happens when they order it. We’ve been promised accommodations by HCPs that weren’t possible w/in the structure of the institution. #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @jillfeldman4: T4 The most important conversations are not the data driven ones. Talk about goals of care before treatment! #LCSM
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
T4: Sometimes physicians need to make good use of silence--ask the patient what matters to them, and WAIT for the answer. It's not something that many people think about before they get sick. #LCSM
Gina @EAustin1969
RT @acmoorephd: T3: T3: Not to be an advertisement for @LUNGevity, but we have some really great educational resources, including our #Lungcancer 101: https://t.co/8c19G4o0xD #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @JFreemanDaily: T4: T4: Sometimes physicians need to make good use of silence--ask the patient what matters to them, and WAIT for the answer. It's not something that many people think about before they get sick. #LCSM
Gina @EAustin1969
I’m here but late ❤️ #LCSM
Danielle Pardue @Actorielle
RT @JFreemanDaily: T4: T4: Sometimes physicians need to make good use of silence--ask the patient what matters to them, and WAIT for the answer. It's not something that many people think about before they get sick. #LCSM
Jill Feldman @jillfeldman4
T4 The most underrated skill of a physician is the ability to communicate with patients & families. Words used/body language all shape how we experience a terrifying time in their life & their comfort level with asking questions/being engaged. No pressure :) #LCSM
Lillian Leigh GAICD @ProjectBreath
@dennycee Such a great point @dennycee! And the dr's trust empowers the patient to speak up without hesitation. #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
@EAustin1969 It’s so great to see you! Congrats, BTW. #LCSM
Danielle Pardue @Actorielle
RT @jillfeldman4: T4 The most underrated skill of a physician is the ability to communicate with patients & families. Words used/body language all shape how we experience a terrifying time in their life & their comfort level with asking questions/being engaged. No pressure :) #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @jillfeldman4: T4 The most underrated skill of a physician is the ability to communicate with patients & families. Words used/body language all shape how we experience a terrifying time in their life & their comfort level with asking questions/being engaged. No pressure :) #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @ProjectBreath: @dennycee Such a great point @dennycee! And the dr's trust empowers the patient to speak up without hesitation. #LCSM
Alicia C. Staley @stales
RT @AliyeBricker: T3: T3: We become engaged when we are tired of just feeling lost and scared. When we decide to start learning about why we are being treated with this or that, or start thinking about what might come next in our treatment if the current line doesn't work. #LCSM
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
Yup. This. #LCSM https://t.co/BB2KzWo0Nf
Alicia C. Staley @stales
@JFreemanDaily even a moment to process all the info would be welcomed. #lcsm
Upstage Lung Cancer @UpstageLungCanc
RT @jillfeldman4: T4 The most underrated skill of a physician is the ability to communicate with patients & families. Words used/body language all shape how we experience a terrifying time in their life & their comfort level with asking questions/being engaged. No pressure :) #LCSM
Upstage Lung Cancer @UpstageLungCanc
RT @JFreemanDaily: T4: T4: Sometimes physicians need to make good use of silence--ask the patient what matters to them, and WAIT for the answer. It's not something that many people think about before they get sick. #LCSM
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
We’re in our final minutes - closing thoughts? #LCSM
Eden Lake @EdenLake
@JFreemanDaily T4: open lines of communication. If you are someone that is better with written communication than phone/in person, recognize it, and seek out care teams that are understanding of it. My drs are great about this, despite being on 2 continents & cc me on everything. It helps #lcsm
Chrisarooski (She/her) @Career_Cupid
@JFreemanDaily I find this super interesting. We have not once been asked about our goals of care. I guess, as an engaged patient, that should be a conversation to initiate at the next appt! #lcsm
Aakash Desai, MD, MPH @ADesaiMD
T4: The best advice on having tough conversations with patient, I received from @DevikaDasMD, "Imagine you are in patients shoes, and communicate with them as you would like to be treated if you were a patient" #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
@KimballKristen @acmoorephd @LUNGevity @LeciaSequist We love @LeciaSequist! #lcsm
Jill Feldman @jillfeldman4
T4 The patient you care 'for' also want to know you care 'about' them. #LCSM
Lillian Leigh GAICD @ProjectBreath
RT @JFreemanDaily: T4: T4: Sometimes physicians need to make good use of silence--ask the patient what matters to them, and WAIT for the answer. It's not something that many people think about before they get sick. #LCSM
Eden Lake @EdenLake
RT @Actorielle: T4 respect, respect, respect. HCP is the subject matter expert. Pt is the lived experience expert AND the expert in their own life, preferences, abilities, goals, logistical capabilities, etc etc etc. It is a team with different roles. There is no hierarchy. #lcsm
Danielle Pardue @Actorielle
RT @ADesaiMD: T4: T4: The best advice on having tough conversations with patient, I received from @DevikaDasMD, "Imagine you are in patients shoes, and communicate with them as you would like to be treated if you were a patient" #LCSM
Danielle Pardue @Actorielle
@jillfeldman4 Yes, amen, as an individual and unique person. Not just a number or a prescription. #lcsm
Dr. Amy C. Moore @acmoorephd
T4: “The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place." - George Bernard Shaw #LCSM
Denise Cutlip @dennycee
Familiarize yourself with the best resources,read, research, communicate and trust #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
@EDWARDCUTLER2 We post a transcript. No worries. #lcsm
Danielle Pardue @Actorielle
@acmoorephd YES. Speaks profound tomes that this comes from a playwright. Holding up a mirror to the study of being human. 💚 #lcsm
Sevtap Savas, PhD @savaslab
@JFreemanDaily #LCSM https://t.co/f4ppHK4f6j
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @JFreemanDaily: We’re in our final minutes - closing thoughts? #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @EdenLake: @JFreemanDaily T4: @JFreemanDaily T4: open lines of communication. If you are someone that is better with written communication than phone/in person, recognize it, and seek out care teams that are understanding of it. My drs are great about this, despite being on 2 continents & cc me on everything. It helps #lcsm
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
CT: ALL patients can be engaged patients. Start where you are. Tell the doctor what matters to you, what info you do and don't want to know. Ask them to clarify when needed. Then build on that relationship. #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @Career_Cupid: @JFreemanDaily I find this super interesting. We have not once been asked about our goals of care. I guess, as an engaged patient, that should be a conversation to initiate at the next appt! #lcsm
Jill Feldman @jillfeldman4
T4 Patients definitely have some responsibility but there is a real power imbalance that I'm not sure is always realized. Listen, listen, listen... you can't help someone if you don't know what they need/want. And a large dose of compassion goes a long way ❤️ #LCSM
Danielle Pardue @Actorielle
Thank you so much @JFreemanDaily and @lcsmchat! You are such rockstars, as always! 💚 #LCSM
Bob Steele @steele_bob
A ton of sage advice on tonight's monthly Lung Cancer Social Media Chat session! #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @ADesaiMD: T4: T4: The best advice on having tough conversations with patient, I received from @DevikaDasMD, "Imagine you are in patients shoes, and communicate with them as you would like to be treated if you were a patient" #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @jillfeldman4: T4 The patient you care 'for' also want to know you care 'about' them. #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @Actorielle: @jillfeldman4 Yes, amen, as an individual and unique person. Not just a number or a prescription. #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @acmoorephd: T4: T4: “The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place." - George Bernard Shaw #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @dennycee: Familiarize yourself with the best resources,read, research, communicate and trust #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @Actorielle: @acmoorephd YES. Speaks profound tomes that this comes from a playwright. Holding up a mirror to the study of being human. 💚 #lcsm
Upstage Lung Cancer @UpstageLungCanc
The hour always flies by far too quickly. Thank you, #lcsm! @lcsmchat @JFreemanDaily 💜💜💜
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @JFreemanDaily: CT: CT: ALL patients can be engaged patients. Start where you are. Tell the doctor what matters to you, what info you do and don't want to know. Ask them to clarify when needed. Then build on that relationship. #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @jillfeldman4: T4 Patients definitely have some responsibility but there is a real power imbalance that I'm not sure is always realized. Listen, listen, listen... you can't help someone if you don't know what they need/want. And a large dose of compassion goes a long way ❤️ #LCSM
Laura Petrillo 🗽 @lpetrillz
Appreciate all of the comments re: respect, humility, listening, appreciating respective expertise (patient and clinician) and giving space in communication #lcsm
kristen kimball @KimballKristen
@lcsmchat @acmoorephd @LUNGevity @LeciaSequist with good reason! @LeciaSequist is a fantastic physician/scientist and phenomenal human being. #LCSM
Denise Cutlip @dennycee
Thank you @JFreemanDaily great job! #LCSM
Lillian Leigh GAICD @ProjectBreath
@JFreemanDaily Thanks as always @JFreemanDaily. So great to chat with everyone #LCSM
Preventive Medicine Bot @PreventiveBot
RT @acmoorephd: T3: T3: Not to be an advertisement for @LUNGevity, but we have some really great educational resources, including our #Lungcancer 101: https://t.co/8c19G4o0xD #LCSM
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
Thank you all for participating in tonight's #LCSM Chat. Link to transcript will be posted shortly. Stay safe, all!
Gina @EAustin1969
RT @JFreemanDaily: T3: Learn how to search for vetted healthcare information online. Here are some tips from reliable sources: T3: Learn how to search for vetted healthcare information online. Here are some tips from reliable sources: https://t.co/hgnHwCN9h6 #LCSM
Triage Cancer @TriageCancer
Thank you to @JFreemanDaily, @lcsmchat, and the whole #lcsm crew for another great conversation! 😃
Dr. Amy C. Moore @acmoorephd
Final thoughts: glad life brought me fearless engaged patients and #advocates like you! Thanks for moderating, @JFreemanDaily! Good to "see" so many friends here tonight! #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @JFreemanDaily: Thank you all for participating in tonight's #LCSM Chat. Link to transcript will be posted shortly. Stay safe, all!
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @acmoorephd: Final thoughts: Final thoughts: glad life brought me fearless engaged patients and #advocates like you! Thanks for moderating, @JFreemanDaily! Good to "see" so many friends here tonight! #LCSM
Bob Steele @steele_bob
It was great sitting in on the chat session. I look forward to next month's session. Good night all and stay well! #lcsm
Danielle Pardue @Actorielle
RT @jillfeldman4: T4 Patients definitely have some responsibility but there is a real power imbalance that I'm not sure is always realized. Listen, listen, listen... you can't help someone if you don't know what they need/want. And a large dose of compassion goes a long way ❤️ #LCSM
Danielle Pardue @Actorielle
RT @JFreemanDaily: CT: CT: ALL patients can be engaged patients. Start where you are. Tell the doctor what matters to you, what info you do and don't want to know. Ask them to clarify when needed. Then build on that relationship. #LCSM
Aliye Bricker @AliyeBricker
Engaged does not and should not mean 'Annoying' patient. It is possible to ask questions while still respecting your Onc's expertise in the subject matter. In the end our Onc's want us to be engaged, because patients who are invested in their care do better! #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
Thanks @JFreemanDaily for tonight, and for being an awesome friend. -Deana #LCSM
Angela Churie Kallhauge @AngelaAchurie
@JFreemanDaily Thank you #LCSM https://t.co/Hm7yD2lqWq
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
@lcsmchat Backatcha, Deana! #LCSM
Jill Feldman @jillfeldman4
Are we done, lol? As always THANK YOU @JFreemanDaily & @lcsmchat! And thank you to everyone else for all the thoughtful tips (I still have a lot to read over). I love the passion, compassion and care in this community ❤️ Can't wait to see y'all IRL #LCSM
Dr. Amy C. Moore @acmoorephd
RT @JFreemanDaily: CT: CT: ALL patients can be engaged patients. Start where you are. Tell the doctor what matters to you, what info you do and don't want to know. Ask them to clarify when needed. Then build on that relationship. #LCSM
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
@steele_bob Jump in and contribute your experiences next time, Bob! You've been doing the patient thing for a while now. #LCSM
kristen kimball @KimballKristen
Thank you @JFreemanDaily @LungCancerFaces @lcsmchat and everyone for another wonderful "chat." so glad they're back on the calendar #LCSM
Deb Smith 🌻🧡🕊️🌊 🗽🌅💙🪷 @debsmithbeach
@lcsmchat Sorry I missed this. I fell asleep… Deb from NH, just celebrated 10 years since diagnosis and another birthday I didn’t expect to see. Cheers! #LCSM
kristen kimball @KimballKristen
@debsmithbeach @lcsmchat If this chat had been a few hours earlier - that would've been me. Hi Deb, and congratulations on 10 years, wow! #LCSM
#LCSM content from Twitter.