#LCSM Transcript

Healthcare social media transcript of the #LCSM hashtag.
See #LCSM Influencers/Analytics.

NCI Cancer Stats @NCICancerStats
Rates for new lung and bronchus #cancer cases have been falling ~2.1% each year over the last 10 years. Get more stats on this cancer here: https://t.co/r2KcvFYGBy #LCSM https://t.co/vojbJcnpC3
Bob Steele @steele_bob
RT @jillfeldman4: @BrendonStilesMD it is seriously entertaining to see the tweeting back and forth with you and rad oncs #lcsm
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
Welcome to #LCSM Chat! We’re back from summer hiatus with tonight’s topic “Highlights of #WCLC2018.” Read more here: https://t.co/holHceT8fU
Nathan A. Pennell MD, PhD, FASCO @n8pennell
Nate Pennell, med onc from Cleveland here! #lcsm
LungCancerFoundation @TheALCF
Come out on #Sunday #October 7 in beautiful #Mukilteo #Washington to Bust Your Lungs at the #Lungbuster #5k / #10k and help fund research for #ROS1 Positive #LungCancer treatments --> https://t.co/IxAMo0Tst8 #LCSM #beatlungcancer #lungcancerresearch #5k #hope https://t.co/gj5nPsCEWN
Brendon Stiles @BrendonStilesMD
@JFreemanDaily @merelhennink Can you believe it slipped away! Remembered it two days later and was looking for a time to post! #lcsm
Bonnie J. Addario @bonniejaddario
Come out on #Sunday #October 7 in beautiful #Mukilteo #Washington to Bust Your Lungs at the #Lungbuster #5k / #10k and help fund research for #ROS1 Positive #LungCancer treatments --> https://t.co/S5V4hlOrJJ #LCSM #beatlungcancer #lungcancerresearch #5k #hope https://t.co/DgDfoCLQUp
Faces of Lung Cancer @LungCancerFaces
@n8pennell Hey, Nate! #lcsm
Brendon Stiles @BrendonStilesMD
@n8pennell The legend. #lcsm
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
I’m your moderator Janet Freeman-Daily: writer (https://t.co/OBCc88h7Jg), science geek, stage IV #lungcancer patient/activist #lcsm
Bob Steele @steele_bob
RT @JFreemanDaily: I’m your moderator Janet Freeman-Daily: I’m your moderator Janet Freeman-Daily: writer (https://t.co/OBCc88h7Jg), science geek, stage IV #lungcancer patient/activist #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @JFreemanDaily: Welcome to #LCSM Chat! We’re back from summer hiatus with tonight’s topic “Highlights of #WCLC2018.” Read more here: Welcome to #LCSM Chat! We’re back from summer hiatus with tonight’s topic “Highlights of #WCLC2018.” Read more here: https://t.co/holHceT8fU
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
Our special guests tonight: the @IASLC Communications Team! Thanks for joining us. #lcsm
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
We'll get started in a few minutes -- please take a moment to introduce yourselves #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @JFreemanDaily: I’m your moderator Janet Freeman-Daily: I’m your moderator Janet Freeman-Daily: writer (https://t.co/OBCc88h7Jg), science geek, stage IV #lungcancer patient/activist #lcsm
Joni Fowler, PharmD, BCPP @jfowlerpharmd
Hi, everyone! 👋🏼 #lcsm
Jill Feldman @jillfeldman4
Brendon Stiles @BrendonStilesMD
@jillfeldman4 You feel kind of bad from them, right? I felt like I was way ahead of them tonight! Couldn't stop! #lcsm
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
If you are new to Twitter chats and/or #LCSM Chat, you might find our primer on how to participate helpful https://t.co/5g28sSzfTD
Bob Steele @steele_bob
RT @JFreemanDaily: Our special guests tonight: Our special guests tonight: the @IASLC Communications Team! Thanks for joining us. #lcsm
Nathan A. Pennell MD, PhD, FASCO @n8pennell
This discussion at tumor board makes it hard to get through the list. Get a room guys! #lcsm
David LeDuc @Duke_of_Urbana
RT @TheALCF: Come out on #Sunday #October 7 in beautiful #Mukilteo #Washington to Bust Your Lungs at the #Lungbuster #5k / #10k and help fund research for #ROS1 Positive #LungCancer treatments --> https://t.co/IxAMo0Tst8 #LCSM #beatlungcancer #lungcancerresearch #5k #hope https://t.co/gj5nPsCEWN
Hi this is Becky from the IASLC here. I’m filling in for our social media expert, Adam, so be patient with me here. So glad for tonight’s discussion. #LCSM #WCLC2018
Faces of Lung Cancer @LungCancerFaces
Deana Hendrickson in Los Angeles here. Excited to chat about #WCLC2018! #lcsm
Brendon Stiles @BrendonStilesMD
@jillfeldman4 In all seriousness though---the dialogue and back and forth is incredible and how we all learn from each other to help patients. #lcsm
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
#LCSM Chat welcomes Timothy Craig Allen @TimAllenMDJD to our team of moderators! Looking forward to working with you, Tim. #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @JFreemanDaily: Our special guests tonight: Our special guests tonight: the @IASLC Communications Team! Thanks for joining us. #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @JFreemanDaily: We'll get started in a few minutes -- please take a moment to introduce yourselves #lcsm
Faces of Lung Cancer @LungCancerFaces
@jfowlerpharmd Hi Joni! #lcsm
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
Please remember to use #lcsm in all your tweets so others participating in the chat can see them
Deb Smith 🌻🧡🕊️🌊 🗽🌅💙🪷 @debsmithbeach
@JackWestMD Yes, I'm very interested in that too! I've been on osi (1st 2 1/2 yrs on a trial @DanaFarber ) for 5 yrs this month. Glad there info coming on EGFR/T790 resistance. Gives me hope! #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @IASLC: Hi this is Becky from the IASLC here. I’m filling in for our social media expert, Adam, so be patient with me here. So glad for tonight’s discussion. #LCSM #WCLC2018
Brendon Stiles @BrendonStilesMD
@JFreemanDaily @TimAllenMDJD Everyone needs a world class pathologist. #lcsm
Jill Feldman @jillfeldman4
@BrendonStilesMD LOL, I would love for @DrewMoghanaki to join a #lcsm twitter chat one time!
Bob Steele @steele_bob
Bob here in lovely Greensboro, NC. Really glad to see the Lung Cancer Social Media bi-weekly Twitter #lcsm
MECnewengland @glostaMAssachu
Hello people! #LCSM
Jill Feldman @jillfeldman4
@jfowlerpharmd Hi Joni! #lcsm
Brendon Stiles @BrendonStilesMD
@n8pennell What is more exciting than Lung cancer oncology these days???? #lcsm
Denise Cutlip @dennycee
#lcsm MI in the house and 7 days away from my 8 yr st 4 cancerversary.
Faces of Lung Cancer @LungCancerFaces
@steele_bob Hi Bob! #lcsm
Faces of Lung Cancer @LungCancerFaces
@wildwestannie Hello Gorgeous #lcsm
Faces of Lung Cancer @LungCancerFaces
@dennycee Hey you #lcsm
Timothy Craig Allen, MD, JD, FCAP @TimAllenMDJD
RT @JFreemanDaily: #LCSM Chat welcomes Timothy Craig Allen @TimAllenMDJD to our team of moderators! Looking forward to working with you, Tim. #lcsm
Timothy Craig Allen, MD, JD, FCAP @TimAllenMDJD
RT @BrendonStilesMD: @JFreemanDaily @TimAllenMDJD Everyone needs a world class pathologist. #lcsm
Bob Steele @steele_bob
RT @dennycee: #lcsm MI in the house and 7 days away from my 8 yr st 4 cancerversary.
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
If you prefer just to listen, please tweet “#LCSM” so we know you’re in the audience #lcsm
Lecia Sequist, MD, MPH @LeciaSequist
@BrendonStilesMD @n8pennell Answer: nothing!!! #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @JFreemanDaily: #LCSM Chat welcomes Timothy Craig Allen @TimAllenMDJD to our team of moderators! Looking forward to working with you, Tim. #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @JFreemanDaily: Please remember to use #lcsm in all your tweets so others participating in the chat can see them
Timothy Craig Allen, MD, JD, FCAP @TimAllenMDJD
Tim here. #lcsm
Faces of Lung Cancer @LungCancerFaces
@LeciaSequist Whoa! You're here. Yay @BrendonStilesMD @n8pennell #lcsm
Bob Steele @steele_bob
RT @JFreemanDaily: #LCSM Chat welcomes Timothy Craig Allen @TimAllenMDJD to our team of moderators! Looking forward to working with you, Tim. #lcsm
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
.@TimAllenMDJD We've already welcomed you into the #LCSM Chat moderator team! See what happens when you're late? :)
Sara Whitlock @sjwhitlock
Sara here. Watching soccer so excuse typos! #LCSM
Faces of Lung Cancer @LungCancerFaces
@tilting Welcome! You're among friends here. #lcsm
Timothy Craig Allen, MD, JD, FCAP @TimAllenMDJD
Join in! Great folks here. #lcsm
Brendon Stiles @BrendonStilesMD
@LeciaSequist @n8pennell That is what I am talking about! Even opened a recent editorial stating that “oncologists are the stars of lung cancer treatment these days”. Really hurt me to admit. #lcsm
Faces of Lung Cancer @LungCancerFaces
@TimAllenMDJD Hi Tim! We're so glad you've agreed to join our core team. #lcsm
Brendon Stiles @BrendonStilesMD
@sjwhitlock Feel free to send more pics. #lcsm
LungCancer.net @LungCancer_HU
Margot here from https://t.co/4ebZcoIISH #LCSM
Timothy Craig Allen, MD, JD, FCAP @TimAllenMDJD
Lol. Happy to be here. #PatientsFirst #lcsm
Faces of Lung Cancer @LungCancerFaces
@sjwhitlock Welcome! #lcsm
Faces of Lung Cancer @LungCancerFaces
@LungCancer_HU Hey Margot #lcsm
Vamsi Velcheti, MD MBA FASCO @VamsiVelcheti
Vamsi Velcheti @nyuschoolofmed NYC here #LCSM
Brendon Stiles @BrendonStilesMD
@LungCancerFaces @LeciaSequist @n8pennell Another legend. They are stacking up. #lcsm
Deb Smith 🌻🧡🕊️🌊 🗽🌅💙🪷 @debsmithbeach
Deb here, from the lovely NH Seacoast. #lcsm
Brendon Stiles @BrendonStilesMD
@VamsiVelcheti @nyuschoolofmed Still hurts me seeing that NYU tag. Hope all is well. #lcsm
MECnewengland @glostaMAssachu
@LungCancerFaces I mean, aww, #lcsm 😊
john @JohnLPender
. #lcsm
Faces of Lung Cancer @LungCancerFaces
@debsmithbeach Hi Deb! Long time no chat #lcsm
Faces of Lung Cancer @LungCancerFaces
@JohnLPender Hey John #lcsm
Tim Kruser @TimothyKruserMD
@BrendonStilesMD @jillfeldman4 Rad Onc checking in. Don't feel bad for us ;) #lcsm
colleen ziegler @ZieglerColleen
Hello all, Colleen from Rochester joining in #lcsm
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
#WCLC2018 is the World Conference on Lung Cancer. This year it was in Toronto Sep 23-26 and covered wide range of #lungcancer topics. #lcsm
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
This #LCSM Chat will be different. Starting at about 5:10 PDT, we will share a new tweet on a top #WCLC2018 presentation approx every 5 min
Faces of Lung Cancer @LungCancerFaces
@TimothyKruserMD Welcome Doc! @BrendonStilesMD @jillfeldman4 #lcsm
Daniel Cadigan @LungRoadAhead
#lcsm Dan here. Good to join in
Timothy Craig Allen, MD, JD, FCAP @TimAllenMDJD
RT @JFreemanDaily: #WCLC2018 is the World Conference on Lung Cancer. This year it was in Toronto Sep 23-26 and covered wide range of #lungcancer topics. #lcsm
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
Feel free to share #WCLC2018 take-away slides or pics that convey the feel of the conference and/or important info #lcsm
Brendon Stiles @BrendonStilesMD
@TimothyKruserMD @jillfeldman4 In the house. Hoping to meet you soon Tim! #lcsm
Peggy Dennis @peggyddennis
#LCSM Peggy from Denver joining
Faces of Lung Cancer @LungCancerFaces
@ZieglerColleen Hey Colleen! #lcsm
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
We won’t have a lot of time for discussion, but we’ll try to answers all questions during or after the chat. #lcsm
Faces of Lung Cancer @LungCancerFaces
@LungRoadAhead Hi Dan! #lcsm
Timothy Craig Allen, MD, JD, FCAP @TimAllenMDJD
RT @JFreemanDaily: This #LCSM Chat will be different. Starting at about 5:10 PDT, we will share a new tweet on a top #WCLC2018 presentation approx every 5 min
Faces of Lung Cancer @LungCancerFaces
@peggyddennis Welcome Peggy! #lcsm
#LCSM Chat Tweet 1: At #WCLC2018, we were lucky to catch up with @rdoebele, who updated us on the research he presented at the conference. #AdvancedNSCLC https://t.co/yx4n1JKCSh
Lecia Sequist, MD, MPH @LeciaSequist
@bensolomon1 @chrisdraft @TommyJohn00 @Lungfoundation @teamdraft This is a great pic of 3 amazing lung cancer giants!! And all with the same hairdo too!! Love these guys!! #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @JFreemanDaily: This #LCSM Chat will be different. Starting at about 5:10 PDT, we will share a new tweet on a top #WCLC2018 presentation approx every 5 min
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
Glad to see familiar Twitter handles as well as new participants tonight! #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @JFreemanDaily: Feel free to share #WCLC2018 take-away slides or pics that convey the feel of the conference and/or important info #lcsm
Bob Steele @steele_bob
Looks like lots of great reading ahead from the IASLC conference! Awesome! #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @JFreemanDaily: We won’t have a lot of time for discussion, but we’ll try to answers all questions during or after the chat. #lcsm
Denise Cutlip @dennycee
@tilting welcome onthemark, I’m aka Denzie. Glad you’re here. #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @IASLC: #LCSM Chat Tweet 1: #LCSM Chat Tweet 1: At #WCLC2018, we were lucky to catch up with @rdoebele, who updated us on the research he presented at the conference. #AdvancedNSCLC https://t.co/yx4n1JKCSh
Anita Figueras @scifiknitter
Anita from northern NY & the EGFR Resisters joining the chat. #lcsm
Faces of Lung Cancer @LungCancerFaces
@scifiknitter Yay! Anita's here #lcsm
Brendon Stiles @BrendonStilesMD
For me best part of #wclc2018 is always the shared experience with colleagues and patients. Incredible dialogue. #lcsm https://t.co/RreCqHSXXK
Lung Cancer Sux @LungCancerSux
@BrendonStilesMD @sjwhitlock #lcsm dx 9/2010 https://t.co/talHlX75C8
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
Dr. Doebele had a LOT of presentations, including the data on entrectinib for ROS1+ NSCLC. Hopeful we'll have new tx for @ros1cancer. #lcsm
Charu Aggarwal, MD, MPH, FASCO @CharuAggarwalMD
RT @BrendonStilesMD: Get ready for the host with the most - ⁦@JFreemanDaily⁩ as we recap #WCLC2018 #lcsm https://t.co/Y8d3xBQ6Tw
Faces of Lung Cancer @LungCancerFaces
@tilting @dennycee This will be a very atypical chat, so don't judge by this one... #lcsm
Denise Cutlip @dennycee
Welcome Margot! Happy you’re here. RT @LungCancer_HU: Margot here from https://t.co/FpvuVTnzsa #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @BrendonStilesMD: For me best part of #wclc2018 is always the shared experience with colleagues and patients. Incredible dialogue. #lcsm https://t.co/RreCqHSXXK
Bob Steele @steele_bob
RT @IASLC: #LCSM Chat Tweet 1: #LCSM Chat Tweet 1: At #WCLC2018, we were lucky to catch up with @rdoebele, who updated us on the research he presented at the conference. #AdvancedNSCLC https://t.co/yx4n1JKCSh
Faces of Lung Cancer @LungCancerFaces
@LungCancerSux Love this @BrendonStilesMD @sjwhitlock #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @JFreemanDaily: Dr. Doebele had a LOT of presentations, including the data on entrectinib for ROS1+ NSCLC. Hopeful we'll have new tx for @ros1cancer. #lcsm
Brendon Stiles @BrendonStilesMD
The patient advocacy/focused mutation groups are doing incredible work. @EGFRResisters @ALKLungCancer @ros1cancer #lcsm
Jill Feldman @jillfeldman4
One of my favorite pics from the conference! #LCSM https://t.co/7FCvD5siMm
Bob Steele @steele_bob
RT @BrendonStilesMD: The patient advocacy/focused mutation groups are doing incredible work. @EGFRResisters @ALKLungCancer @ros1cancer #lcsm
Nathan A. Pennell MD, PhD, FASCO @n8pennell
RT @jillfeldman4: One of my favorite pics from the conference! #LCSM https://t.co/7FCvD5siMm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @BrendonStilesMD: The patient advocacy/focused mutation groups are doing incredible work. @EGFRResisters @ALKLungCancer @ros1cancer #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @jillfeldman4: One of my favorite pics from the conference! #LCSM https://t.co/7FCvD5siMm
Jill Feldman @jillfeldman4
RT @BrendonStilesMD: The patient advocacy/focused mutation groups are doing incredible work. @EGFRResisters @ALKLungCancer @ros1cancer #lcsm
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
.@BrendonStilesMD Thanks! Excited that our presentation on oncogene-driven patient groups was mentioned in @WCLC2018 closing plenary. #lcsm
Timothy Craig Allen, MD, JD, FCAP @TimAllenMDJD
RT @JFreemanDaily: Dr. Doebele had a LOT of presentations, including the data on entrectinib for ROS1+ NSCLC. Hopeful we'll have new tx for @ros1cancer. #lcsm
#LCSM Chat Tweet 2: “Developments in the last ten years have really galvanized the lung cancer community.” - Advocate @jillfeldman4 talks in the #WCLC2018 press conference about how recent advances are providing extraordinary new hope to patients and their families. #Advocacy https://t.co/b2UhGYV8ed
Brendon Stiles @BrendonStilesMD
Amazing thing about #wclc2018 was the progress on multiple fronts: screening, stage III, small cell, immunotherapy, targeted therapy. Incredible time to be involved in lung cancer. #lcsm
Timothy Craig Allen, MD, JD, FCAP @TimAllenMDJD
RT @BrendonStilesMD: For me best part of #wclc2018 is always the shared experience with colleagues and patients. Incredible dialogue. #lcsm https://t.co/RreCqHSXXK
Denise Cutlip @dennycee
@tilting @LungCancerFaces @dennycee onthemark is a sponge for accurate info. He’ll keep up. #lcsm
Bob Steele @steele_bob
RT @IASLC: #LCSM Chat Tweet 2: #LCSM Chat Tweet 2: “Developments in the last ten years have really galvanized the lung cancer community.” - Advocate @jillfeldman4 talks in the #WCLC2018 press conference about how recent advances are providing extraordinary new hope to patients and their families. #Advocacy https://t.co/b2UhGYV8ed
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @JFreemanDaily: .@BrendonStilesMD Thanks! Excited that our presentation on oncogene-driven patient groups was mentioned in @WCLC2018 closing plenary. #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @IASLC: #LCSM Chat Tweet 2: #LCSM Chat Tweet 2: “Developments in the last ten years have really galvanized the lung cancer community.” - Advocate @jillfeldman4 talks in the #WCLC2018 press conference about how recent advances are providing extraordinary new hope to patients and their families. #Advocacy https://t.co/b2UhGYV8ed
Vivek Subbiah, MD @VivekSubbiah
RT @jillfeldman4: One of my favorite pics from the conference! #LCSM https://t.co/7FCvD5siMm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @BrendonStilesMD: Amazing thing about #wclc2018 was the progress on multiple fronts: Amazing thing about #wclc2018 was the progress on multiple fronts: screening, stage III, small cell, immunotherapy, targeted therapy. Incredible time to be involved in lung cancer. #lcsm
Jill Feldman @jillfeldman4
RT @IASLC: #LCSM Chat Tweet 2: #LCSM Chat Tweet 2: “Developments in the last ten years have really galvanized the lung cancer community.” - Advocate @jillfeldman4 talks in the #WCLC2018 press conference about how recent advances are providing extraordinary new hope to patients and their families. #Advocacy https://t.co/b2UhGYV8ed
Timothy Craig Allen, MD, JD, FCAP @TimAllenMDJD
RT @JFreemanDaily: .@BrendonStilesMD Thanks! Excited that our presentation on oncogene-driven patient groups was mentioned in @WCLC2018 closing plenary. #lcsm
Timothy Craig Allen, MD, JD, FCAP @TimAllenMDJD
RT @IASLC: #LCSM Chat Tweet 2: #LCSM Chat Tweet 2: “Developments in the last ten years have really galvanized the lung cancer community.” - Advocate @jillfeldman4 talks in the #WCLC2018 press conference about how recent advances are providing extraordinary new hope to patients and their families. #Advocacy https://t.co/b2UhGYV8ed
Bob Steele @steele_bob
RT @jillfeldman4: One of my favorite pics from the conference! #LCSM https://t.co/7FCvD5siMm
Brendon Stiles @BrendonStilesMD
@IASLC @jillfeldman4 This is KEY, because galvanizing the community and providing hope lead to advocacy...which leads to research funding...which leads to cures. #lcsm #ResearchBeatsCancer
Daniel Cadigan @LungRoadAhead
#lcsm Looks like it was an incredible conference. So wonderful to see such stellar patient representation there
Vamsi Velcheti, MD MBA FASCO @VamsiVelcheti
@BrendonStilesMD the big story IMO was SCLC - haven’t had any “real” positive trial in 3 decades #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @BrendonStilesMD: @IASLC @jillfeldman4 This is KEY, because galvanizing the community and providing hope lead to advocacy...which leads to research funding...which leads to cures. #lcsm #ResearchBeatsCancer
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @LungRoadAhead: #lcsm Looks like it was an incredible conference. So wonderful to see such stellar patient representation there
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
We had a great Facebook Live event in the #WCLC2018 Patient Advocate Lounge on Sunday evening. #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @VamsiVelcheti: @BrendonStilesMD the big story IMO was SCLC - haven’t had any “real” positive trial in 3 decades #LCSM
Brendon Stiles @BrendonStilesMD
@VamsiVelcheti Would love to have seen more benefit, but this is great start. More trials with better selection criteria for IO benefit sure to follow. #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @JFreemanDaily: We had a great Facebook Live event in the #WCLC2018 Patient Advocate Lounge on Sunday evening. #lcsm
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
@tilting Lecia, can you please respond to this? @leciasequist #lcsm
Lecia Sequist, MD, MPH @LeciaSequist
@VamsiVelcheti @BrendonStilesMD The applause that broke out in the auditorium after @StephenVLiu presentation was a testament to how much this abstract meant to so many who have dedicated their lives to lung cancer research and patient care #LCSM
Charu Aggarwal, MD, MPH, FASCO @CharuAggarwalMD
@VamsiVelcheti @BrendonStilesMD I agree. Definitely practice changing #LCSM
Timothy Craig Allen, MD, JD, FCAP @TimAllenMDJD
RT @JFreemanDaily: We had a great Facebook Live event in the #WCLC2018 Patient Advocate Lounge on Sunday evening. #lcsm
Faces of Lung Cancer @LungCancerFaces
@VamsiVelcheti I can't like this enough! @BrendonStilesMD #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @BrendonStilesMD: @VamsiVelcheti Would love to have seen more benefit, but this is great start. More trials with better selection criteria for IO benefit sure to follow. #lcsm
Timothy Craig Allen, MD, JD, FCAP @TimAllenMDJD
Overdue! #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @LeciaSequist: @VamsiVelcheti @BrendonStilesMD The applause that broke out in the auditorium after @StephenVLiu presentation was a testament to how much this abstract meant to so many who have dedicated their lives to lung cancer research and patient care #LCSM
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
If you took pictures of the "take-away" slide of a particularly useful presentation, please share! #lcsm
Vamsi Velcheti, MD MBA FASCO @VamsiVelcheti
@BrendonStilesMD 2 months OS benefit is good but need to do a lot better.. need more SCLC patients going on trials #LCSM
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
"OS" is overall survival. S' #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @JFreemanDaily: If you took pictures of the "take-away" slide of a particularly useful presentation, please share! #lcsm
Brendon Stiles @BrendonStilesMD
@LeciaSequist @VamsiVelcheti @StephenVLiu Plus he is a good looking, well spoken guy! In all seriousness, this was incredibly important for community and will lead to more! #lcsm
Charu Aggarwal, MD, MPH, FASCO @CharuAggarwalMD
@VamsiVelcheti @BrendonStilesMD Hasn't been for lack of trying! How many negative trials have we seen? #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @VamsiVelcheti: @BrendonStilesMD 2 months OS benefit is good but need to do a lot better.. need more SCLC patients going on trials #LCSM
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
"SCLC" is small cell lung cancer. #lcsm
#LCSM Chat Tweet 3: IASLC CEO @fred_hirsch speaks about the growing role of #biomarkers at #WCLC2018. #Biology https://t.co/6rJosIWOdM
Timothy Craig Allen, MD, JD, FCAP @TimAllenMDJD
RT @BrendonStilesMD: @IASLC @jillfeldman4 This is KEY, because galvanizing the community and providing hope lead to advocacy...which leads to research funding...which leads to cures. #lcsm #ResearchBeatsCancer
Tim Kruser @TimothyKruserMD
@tilting We don't approve drugs or treatment based on unplanned post-hoc analyses. Bad science. Similarly shouldn't exclude such pts #lcsm
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
RT @MedscapeSurgery: Lung cancer patients who refuse surgery face reduced survival odds. https://t.co/esLcUPABWO #WCLC2018 #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @JFreemanDaily: "OS" is overall survival. S' #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @JFreemanDaily: "SCLC" is small cell lung cancer. #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @IASLC: #LCSM Chat Tweet 3: #LCSM Chat Tweet 3: IASLC CEO @fred_hirsch speaks about the growing role of #biomarkers at #WCLC2018. #Biology https://t.co/6rJosIWOdM
Dr. David Tom Cooke @DavidCookeMD
RT @MedscapeSurgery: Lung cancer patients who refuse surgery face reduced survival odds. https://t.co/esLcUPABWO #WCLC2018 #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @TimothyKruserMD: @tilting We don't approve drugs or treatment based on unplanned post-hoc analyses. Bad science. Similarly shouldn't exclude such pts #lcsm
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
RT @BrendonStilesMD: Amazing thing about #wclc2018 was the progress on multiple fronts: Amazing thing about #wclc2018 was the progress on multiple fronts: screening, stage III, small cell, immunotherapy, targeted therapy. Incredible time to be involved in lung cancer. #lcsm
Stephen V Liu, MD @StephenVLiu
Remember median is just one point in time. The HR of 0.70 is meaningful in my mind #LCSM
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
RT @BrendonStilesMD: @IASLC @jillfeldman4 This is KEY, because galvanizing the community and providing hope lead to advocacy...which leads to research funding...which leads to cures. #lcsm #ResearchBeatsCancer
Timothy Craig Allen, MD, JD, FCAP @TimAllenMDJD
#EvidenceBasedMedicine #lcsm
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
RT @LeciaSequist: @VamsiVelcheti @BrendonStilesMD The applause that broke out in the auditorium after @StephenVLiu presentation was a testament to how much this abstract meant to so many who have dedicated their lives to lung cancer research and patient care #LCSM
Charu Aggarwal, MD, MPH, FASCO @CharuAggarwalMD
@StephenVLiu definitely #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @StephenVLiu: Remember median is just one point in time. The HR of 0.70 is meaningful in my mind #LCSM
Bob Steele @steele_bob
RT @IASLC: #LCSM Chat Tweet 3: #LCSM Chat Tweet 3: IASLC CEO @fred_hirsch speaks about the growing role of #biomarkers at #WCLC2018. #Biology https://t.co/6rJosIWOdM
Brendon Stiles @BrendonStilesMD
Can I talk about NELSON ??? Incredible results which will hopefully help increase screening rates! #lcsm https://t.co/WoB3UmM4oW
Dr. David Tom Cooke @DavidCookeMD
RT @BrendonStilesMD: Can I talk about NELSON ??? Incredible results which will hopefully help increase screening rates! #lcsm https://t.co/WoB3UmM4oW
Shelly ET @shelly_et
RT @BrendonStilesMD: For me best part of #wclc2018 is always the shared experience with colleagues and patients. Incredible dialogue. #lcsm https://t.co/RreCqHSXXK
Brendon Stiles @BrendonStilesMD
@StephenVLiu Very true for patients. #lcsm
Bob Steele @steele_bob
RT @BrendonStilesMD: Can I talk about NELSON ??? Incredible results which will hopefully help increase screening rates! #lcsm https://t.co/WoB3UmM4oW
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
@BrendonStilesMD There's a tweet coming about NELSON, but feel free to talk about it now! #lcsm
Lecia Sequist, MD, MPH @LeciaSequist
@JFreemanDaily @tilting Great question! The EGFR subgroup was the only one not to have a survival benefit in PACIFIC, tho the sample size was small. I remain nervous about adj IO for stage 3 known EGFR. There was a recent string about this b/w me, @JackWestMD and a few others w/ more details #LCSM
Timothy Craig Allen, MD, JD, FCAP @TimAllenMDJD
Molecular therapy/immunotherapy desperately needed for these patients. #lcsm
Anita Figueras @scifiknitter
RT @LeciaSequist: @JFreemanDaily @tilting Great question! The EGFR subgroup was the only one not to have a survival benefit in PACIFIC, tho the sample size was small. I remain nervous about adj IO for stage 3 known EGFR. There was a recent string about this b/w me, @JackWestMD and a few others w/ more details #LCSM
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
#lungcancer is leading the charge on precision medicine based on biomarkers. Such a dynamic field! #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @LeciaSequist: @JFreemanDaily @tilting Great question! The EGFR subgroup was the only one not to have a survival benefit in PACIFIC, tho the sample size was small. I remain nervous about adj IO for stage 3 known EGFR. There was a recent string about this b/w me, @JackWestMD and a few others w/ more details #LCSM
Bob Steele @steele_bob
RT @TimAllenMDJD: Molecular therapy/immunotherapy desperately needed for these patients. #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @JFreemanDaily: @BrendonStilesMD There's a tweet coming about NELSON, but feel free to talk about it now! #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @BrendonStilesMD: Can I talk about NELSON ??? Incredible results which will hopefully help increase screening rates! #lcsm https://t.co/WoB3UmM4oW
Brendon Stiles @BrendonStilesMD
@BrendonStilesMD Currently, less than 10% of eligible patients are screened for lung cancer. Modeling suggests that we could save 10s of thousands of lives by getting screening rates comparable to other cancers. We have strong data to support screening. #lcsm
Bob Steele @steele_bob
RT @JFreemanDaily: #lungcancer is leading the charge on precision medicine based on biomarkers. Such a dynamic field! #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @TimAllenMDJD: Molecular therapy/immunotherapy desperately needed for these patients. #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @JFreemanDaily: #lungcancer is leading the charge on precision medicine based on biomarkers. Such a dynamic field! #lcsm
Tim Kruser @TimothyKruserMD
@BrendonStilesMD NELSON is great data. We need to get on a family practice or Int Med forum to have it make the biggest impact! #lcsm
Lung Cancer #1 cancer killer of women @VirginiaMByrne
Ginny Byrne here #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @BrendonStilesMD: @BrendonStilesMD Currently, less than 10% of eligible patients are screened for lung cancer. Modeling suggests that we could save 10s of thousands of lives by getting screening rates comparable to other cancers. We have strong data to support screening. #lcsm
Dr. David Tom Cooke @DavidCookeMD
RT @BrendonStilesMD: @BrendonStilesMD Currently, less than 10% of eligible patients are screened for lung cancer. Modeling suggests that we could save 10s of thousands of lives by getting screening rates comparable to other cancers. We have strong data to support screening. #lcsm
Lecia Sequist, MD, MPH @LeciaSequist
@BrendonStilesMD Agree! This was my favorite abstract of the meeting! screening uptake in the US has been dismal and this is (hopefully) going to convince some of the skeptics #LCSM
Dr. David Tom Cooke @DavidCookeMD
RT @TimothyKruserMD: @BrendonStilesMD NELSON is great data. We need to get on a family practice or Int Med forum to have it make the biggest impact! #lcsm
Faces of Lung Cancer @LungCancerFaces
@VirginiaMByrne Hi Ginny! #lcsm
Dr. David Tom Cooke @DavidCookeMD
RT @LeciaSequist: @BrendonStilesMD Agree! This was my favorite abstract of the meeting! screening uptake in the US has been dismal and this is (hopefully) going to convince some of the skeptics #LCSM
Jill Feldman @jillfeldman4
@BrendonStilesMD Nelson results exciting, but only small group of women in population study? Yet, women benefited more! #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @TimothyKruserMD: @BrendonStilesMD NELSON is great data. We need to get on a family practice or Int Med forum to have it make the biggest impact! #lcsm
Nathan A. Pennell MD, PhD, FASCO @n8pennell
RT @BrendonStilesMD: Can I talk about NELSON ??? Incredible results which will hopefully help increase screening rates! #lcsm https://t.co/WoB3UmM4oW
#LCSM Chat Tweet 4: Keith Kerr presented on IASLC Blueprint project phase 2B evaluating comparability of PD-L1 scores in fine needle aspirate, biopsy or large surgical resection from same tumor; 24 pathologists scored 31 triplet samples. #WCLC2018 #Immunooncology https://t.co/0r9JHkCQx7
Darrell Polk 1 @polksbc1
RT @bensolomon1: Thanks @chrisdraft for visiting Australia to share your energy and passion at the ALTG Symposium. Chris with @TommyJohn00 and me - only one of us played in the NFL but all of us doing our best to tackle lung cancer! And (trying) to look tough! #LCSM @Lungfoundation @teamdraft https://t.co/BwFKDPrRYp
Brendon Stiles @BrendonStilesMD
@JFreemanDaily Indeed. "Lung cancer" is actually many different cancers with individualized treatment needs. Never been more apparent. Our ability to find those differences is increasing. #lcsm
Flemming Rasmussen @fgrazz
Listening in from east coast 🇨🇦 #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @LeciaSequist: @BrendonStilesMD Agree! This was my favorite abstract of the meeting! screening uptake in the US has been dismal and this is (hopefully) going to convince some of the skeptics #LCSM
Bob Steele @steele_bob
RT @IASLC: #LCSM Chat Tweet 4: #LCSM Chat Tweet 4: Keith Kerr presented on IASLC Blueprint project phase 2B evaluating comparability of PD-L1 scores in fine needle aspirate, biopsy or large surgical resection from same tumor; 24 pathologists scored 31 triplet samples. #WCLC2018 #Immunooncology https://t.co/0r9JHkCQx7
Frank Ingram, MD @Chucktowndoc
Ingram here...a little tardy. Community pathologist in NC. #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @JackWestMD:
Timothy Craig Allen, MD, JD, FCAP @TimAllenMDJD
One huge takeaway, IMHO. #PatientsFirst #NoStigma #lcsm
Anita Figueras @scifiknitter
RT @BrendonStilesMD: @BrendonStilesMD Currently, less than 10% of eligible patients are screened for lung cancer. Modeling suggests that we could save 10s of thousands of lives by getting screening rates comparable to other cancers. We have strong data to support screening. #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @jillfeldman4: @BrendonStilesMD Nelson results exciting, but only small group of women in population study? Yet, women benefited more! #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @IASLC: #LCSM Chat Tweet 4: #LCSM Chat Tweet 4: Keith Kerr presented on IASLC Blueprint project phase 2B evaluating comparability of PD-L1 scores in fine needle aspirate, biopsy or large surgical resection from same tumor; 24 pathologists scored 31 triplet samples. #WCLC2018 #Immunooncology https://t.co/0r9JHkCQx7
Daniel Cadigan @LungRoadAhead
NELSON results were incredible but really need to get smaller hospitals screening to give more pts access. Too much resistance from radiologists still. Our local just refuses any attempts to put in place #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @BrendonStilesMD: @JFreemanDaily Indeed. "Lung cancer" is actually many different cancers with individualized treatment needs. Never been more apparent. Our ability to find those differences is increasing. #lcsm
Vamsi Velcheti, MD MBA FASCO @VamsiVelcheti
RT @JackWestMD:
MECnewengland @glostaMAssachu
RT @TimAllenMDJD: One huge takeaway, IMHO. #PatientsFirst #NoStigma #lcsm
Brendon Stiles @BrendonStilesMD
@jillfeldman4 Yes. Lots of discussion about this. Need more screening of at risk populations including women. #lcsm
Dr. David Tom Cooke @DavidCookeMD
RT @LungRoadAhead: NELSON results were incredible but really need to get smaller hospitals screening to give more pts access. Too much resistance from radiologists still. Our local just refuses any attempts to put in place #LCSM
Nathan A. Pennell MD, PhD, FASCO @n8pennell
@LeciaSequist @JFreemanDaily @tilting @JackWestMD Only about 40 pts combined, wouldn’t conclude much from this! #lcsm
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
If you're just watching tonight's chat, remember to tweet “#LCSM” so we know you’re in the audience. But we're a friendly bunch ... #lcsm
Bob Steele @steele_bob
@Chucktowndoc Glad to see another Tarheel on LCSM #lcsm
Daniel Cadigan @LungRoadAhead
Also, the strict requirements such as having an oncologist on review panel have limited smaller hospitals participating in screening. As a family practice doc, I am capable of interpreting a CT report and advising a patient and then making the referral if needed. #lcsm
Timothy Craig Allen, MD, JD, FCAP @TimAllenMDJD
RT @BrendonStilesMD: @jillfeldman4 Yes. Lots of discussion about this. Need more screening of at risk populations including women. #lcsm
Flemming Rasmussen @fgrazz
RT @LungCancerFaces: @tilting Welcome! You're among friends here. #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @LungRoadAhead: NELSON results were incredible but really need to get smaller hospitals screening to give more pts access. Too much resistance from radiologists still. Our local just refuses any attempts to put in place #LCSM
Katsuaki Maehara Ph.D. 🇯🇵 @KatsuakiMaehara
RT @StephenVLiu: Remember median is just one point in time. The HR of 0.70 is meaningful in my mind #LCSM
SunshineKK @SunshineKK68
Brendon Stiles @BrendonStilesMD
@IASLC This is soooooo important to understand how FNA reflects entire tumor for IO, but also for targeted therapies. Also need to know how PD-L1 changes in response to therapy. #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @JFreemanDaily: If you're just watching tonight's chat, remember to tweet “#LCSM” so we know you’re in the audience. But we're a friendly bunch ... #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @LungRoadAhead: Also, the strict requirements such as having an oncologist on review panel have limited smaller hospitals participating in screening. As a family practice doc, I am capable of interpreting a CT report and advising a patient and then making the referral if needed. #lcsm
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
We have a great group of #lungcancer professionals on here tonight. Would love to hear your takes of what caught your eye at #WCLC2018 #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @BrendonStilesMD: @IASLC This is soooooo important to understand how FNA reflects entire tumor for IO, but also for targeted therapies. Also need to know how PD-L1 changes in response to therapy. #lcsm
Anita Figueras @scifiknitter
RT @LeciaSequist: @BrendonStilesMD Agree! This was my favorite abstract of the meeting! screening uptake in the US has been dismal and this is (hopefully) going to convince some of the skeptics #LCSM
Bob Steele @steele_bob
RT @JFreemanDaily: We have a great group of #lungcancer professionals on here tonight. Would love to hear your takes of what caught your eye at #WCLC2018 #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @JFreemanDaily: We have a great group of #lungcancer professionals on here tonight. Would love to hear your takes of what caught your eye at #WCLC2018 #lcsm
Jose F. Corona-Cruz MD @drcoronacruz
RT @IASLC: #LCSM Chat Tweet 4: #LCSM Chat Tweet 4: Keith Kerr presented on IASLC Blueprint project phase 2B evaluating comparability of PD-L1 scores in fine needle aspirate, biopsy or large surgical resection from same tumor; 24 pathologists scored 31 triplet samples. #WCLC2018 #Immunooncology https://t.co/0r9JHkCQx7
Katsuaki Maehara Ph.D. 🇯🇵 @KatsuakiMaehara
RT @bensolomon1: Thanks @chrisdraft for visiting Australia to share your energy and passion at the ALTG Symposium. Chris with @TommyJohn00 and me - only one of us played in the NFL but all of us doing our best to tackle lung cancer! And (trying) to look tough! #LCSM @Lungfoundation @teamdraft https://t.co/BwFKDPrRYp
Timothy Craig Allen, MD, JD, FCAP @TimAllenMDJD
But tumor heterogeneity... Big challenge. #lcsm
Faces of Lung Cancer @LungCancerFaces
@SunshineKK68 Welcome! #lcsm
Charu Aggarwal, MD, MPH, FASCO @CharuAggarwalMD
The data on molecularly driven targeted therapy, especially in MET exon 14 mutant tumors was impressive #lcsm
Tim Kruser @TimothyKruserMD
@tilting I believe that is correct. I'd point out it was ~20% of pts, the Durvalumab has limited toxicity, & RT is known to increase PD-L1 expression. Bx was before RT. I'd want my patient to get the drug. #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @JackWestMD:
Daniel Cadigan @LungRoadAhead
Only one hospital of the three within a 30 mile radius of my practice offers screening at this point. And it’s the largest hospital #lcsm
Bob Steele @steele_bob
RT @CharuAggarwalMD: The data on molecularly driven targeted therapy, especially in MET exon 14 mutant tumors was impressive #lcsm
Dr. David Tom Cooke @DavidCookeMD
RT @BrendonStilesMD: @jillfeldman4 Yes. Lots of discussion about this. Need more screening of at risk populations including women. #lcsm
Timothy Craig Allen, MD, JD, FCAP @TimAllenMDJD
RT @JackWestMD:
RT @JFreemanDaily: We have a great group of #lungcancer professionals on here tonight. Would love to hear your takes of what caught your eye at #WCLC2018 #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @TimAllenMDJD: But tumor heterogeneity... Big challenge. #lcsm
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
RT @JackWestMD:
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @CharuAggarwalMD: The data on molecularly driven targeted therapy, especially in MET exon 14 mutant tumors was impressive #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @TimothyKruserMD: @tilting I believe that is correct. I'd point out it was ~20% of pts, the Durvalumab has limited toxicity, & RT is known to increase PD-L1 expression. Bx was before RT. I'd want my patient to get the drug. #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @LungRoadAhead: Only one hospital of the three within a 30 mile radius of my practice offers screening at this point. And it’s the largest hospital #lcsm
Bob Steele @steele_bob
RT @TimAllenMDJD: But tumor heterogeneity... Big challenge. #lcsm
Brendon Stiles @BrendonStilesMD
And I have to express my love for PACIFIC and for moving IO into earlier stage trials. Could be game changing and should cure more patients. Yes, cure. #lcsm https://t.co/4zAu6koOVX
Lecia Sequist, MD, MPH @LeciaSequist
@LungRoadAhead We are doing so poorly with lung cancer screening, there is plenty of blame to go around. Need improvements in systems, patient navigation, access, cost, PCP buy-in, patient buy-in, decrease shared decision-making barriers, and so much more #LCSM
Brendon Stiles @BrendonStilesMD
@TimAllenMDJD For sure. #lcsm
Katsuaki Maehara Ph.D. 🇯🇵 @KatsuakiMaehara
RT @LeciaSequist: @JFreemanDaily @tilting Great question! The EGFR subgroup was the only one not to have a survival benefit in PACIFIC, tho the sample size was small. I remain nervous about adj IO for stage 3 known EGFR. There was a recent string about this b/w me, @JackWestMD and a few others w/ more details #LCSM
#LCSM Chat Tweet 5: Our president, @giorgioscaglio3, delivers unfortunate phase III results from the LUME-Meso trial at the #WCLC2018 Presidential Symposium. Trial did not meet primary endpoint and other endpoints showed no difference between treatment groups. #Mesothelioma https://t.co/oPlFYolHqu
Bob Steele @steele_bob
RT @IASLC: #LCSM Chat Tweet 5: #LCSM Chat Tweet 5: Our president, @giorgioscaglio3, delivers unfortunate phase III results from the LUME-Meso trial at the #WCLC2018 Presidential Symposium. Trial did not meet primary endpoint and other endpoints showed no difference between treatment groups. #Mesothelioma https://t.co/oPlFYolHqu
Dr. David Tom Cooke @DavidCookeMD
RT @LeciaSequist: @LungRoadAhead We are doing so poorly with lung cancer screening, there is plenty of blame to go around. Need improvements in systems, patient navigation, access, cost, PCP buy-in, patient buy-in, decrease shared decision-making barriers, and so much more #LCSM
Charu Aggarwal, MD, MPH, FASCO @CharuAggarwalMD
@BrendonStilesMD @jillfeldman4 Not sure why the trial was designed that way, but women greatly benefit from screening. Major takeaway from the meeting #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @BrendonStilesMD: And I have to express my love for PACIFIC and for moving IO into earlier stage trials. Could be game changing and should cure more patients. Yes, cure. #lcsm https://t.co/4zAu6koOVX
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @LeciaSequist: @LungRoadAhead We are doing so poorly with lung cancer screening, there is plenty of blame to go around. Need improvements in systems, patient navigation, access, cost, PCP buy-in, patient buy-in, decrease shared decision-making barriers, and so much more #LCSM
Brendon Stiles @BrendonStilesMD
@IASLC @giorgioscaglio3 A sobering bummer to an otherwise incredible morning. We have to break through in mesothelioma. #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @IASLC: #LCSM Chat Tweet 5: #LCSM Chat Tweet 5: Our president, @giorgioscaglio3, delivers unfortunate phase III results from the LUME-Meso trial at the #WCLC2018 Presidential Symposium. Trial did not meet primary endpoint and other endpoints showed no difference between treatment groups. #Mesothelioma https://t.co/oPlFYolHqu
Timothy Craig Allen, MD, JD, FCAP @TimAllenMDJD
Meso remains tough. #lcsm
Yesenia Huerta-Collado @YeseniaOrifiel
RT @IASLC: #LCSM Chat Tweet 4: #LCSM Chat Tweet 4: Keith Kerr presented on IASLC Blueprint project phase 2B evaluating comparability of PD-L1 scores in fine needle aspirate, biopsy or large surgical resection from same tumor; 24 pathologists scored 31 triplet samples. #WCLC2018 #Immunooncology https://t.co/0r9JHkCQx7
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @CharuAggarwalMD: @BrendonStilesMD @jillfeldman4 Not sure why the trial was designed that way, but women greatly benefit from screening. Major takeaway from the meeting #LCSM
Bob Steele @steele_bob
RT @BrendonStilesMD: @IASLC @giorgioscaglio3 A sobering bummer to an otherwise incredible morning. We have to break through in mesothelioma. #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @BrendonStilesMD: @IASLC @giorgioscaglio3 A sobering bummer to an otherwise incredible morning. We have to break through in mesothelioma. #lcsm
RT @LungRoadAhead: Only one hospital of the three within a 30 mile radius of my practice offers screening at this point. And it’s the largest hospital #lcsm
Anita Figueras @scifiknitter
RT @LungRoadAhead: Also, the strict requirements such as having an oncologist on review panel have limited smaller hospitals participating in screening. As a family practice doc, I am capable of interpreting a CT report and advising a patient and then making the referral if needed. #lcsm
RT @LeciaSequist: @LungRoadAhead We are doing so poorly with lung cancer screening, there is plenty of blame to go around. Need improvements in systems, patient navigation, access, cost, PCP buy-in, patient buy-in, decrease shared decision-making barriers, and so much more #LCSM
Timothy Craig Allen, MD, JD, FCAP @TimAllenMDJD
I long for cure, but fear continued tumor acquired resistance will be tough to overcome. #lcsm
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
@IASLC @giorgioscaglio3 I was so hoping to hear mesothelioma had a new treatment option. :( #lcsm
Bob Steele @steele_bob
RT @TimAllenMDJD: I long for cure, but fear continued tumor acquired resistance will be tough to overcome. #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @TimAllenMDJD: I long for cure, but fear continued tumor acquired resistance will be tough to overcome. #lcsm
Brendon Stiles @BrendonStilesMD
Lots happening in the ALK world. One great drug after another. Biopsied a 47 yo never smoker with apparent stage IV disease today and HOPING she has an ALK rearrangement. Mucinous features. #lcsm https://t.co/NoN4wZsyQN
Timothy Craig Allen, MD, JD, FCAP @TimAllenMDJD
Keith Kerr FTW! Stellar pulmonary pathologist. #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @BrendonStilesMD: Lots happening in the ALK world. One great drug after another. Biopsied a 47 yo never smoker with apparent stage IV disease today and HOPING she has an ALK rearrangement. Mucinous features. #lcsm https://t.co/NoN4wZsyQN
Brendon Stiles @BrendonStilesMD
@TimAllenMDJD I think we can cure some stage III patients. #lcsm.
Vamsi Velcheti, MD MBA FASCO @VamsiVelcheti
@BrendonStilesMD impressive but lot of questions- 1) role of surgery in low volume stg 3A 2) PDL1 0%??? lack of benefit (post hoc analysis) 3) EGFR/ALK pts? #LCSM
Lung Cancer Sux @LungCancerSux
@LungRoadAhead « There’s an exception to every rule » #lcsm
#LCSM Chat Tweet 6: Jenny Mitchell of @OUHospitals outlines an innovative, nurse-led telephone clinic, designed to assist in long-term follow-up following thoracic cancer surgery. #WCLC2018 #Nursing https://t.co/BxgZFp1hk8
Charu Aggarwal, MD, MPH, FASCO @CharuAggarwalMD
I see you are focusing on the positives here @BrendonStilesMD @TimAllenMDJD :) #LCSM
Timothy Craig Allen, MD, JD, FCAP @TimAllenMDJD
RT @BrendonStilesMD: Lots happening in the ALK world. One great drug after another. Biopsied a 47 yo never smoker with apparent stage IV disease today and HOPING she has an ALK rearrangement. Mucinous features. #lcsm https://t.co/NoN4wZsyQN
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @VamsiVelcheti: @BrendonStilesMD impressive but lot of questions- 1) role of surgery in low volume stg 3A 2) PDL1 0%??? lack of benefit (post hoc analysis) 3) EGFR/ALK pts? #LCSM
Timothy Craig Allen, MD, JD, FCAP @TimAllenMDJD
#hope #lcsm
Daniel Cadigan @LungRoadAhead
Agree. But the biggest thing to getting numbers increased is simply asking patients to be screen. I have not had one patient that qualifies that I have suggested screening to refuse to be screened #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @IASLC: #LCSM Chat Tweet 6: #LCSM Chat Tweet 6: Jenny Mitchell of @OUHospitals outlines an innovative, nurse-led telephone clinic, designed to assist in long-term follow-up following thoracic cancer surgery. #WCLC2018 #Nursing https://t.co/BxgZFp1hk8
Brendon Stiles @BrendonStilesMD
@VamsiVelcheti Agree with all questions. Surgery should still have a role at this point. Anxious about drug in PDL1 0% and EGFR.ALK. #lcsm
Jill Feldman @jillfeldman4
There will always be concerns & challenges research, but #WCLC2018 was full of passion, dedication, new developments, collaboration & patient focus... which translates to the Hope that lc patients & our families have desperately needed! #LCSM
Stacy Grieve @CancerUncovered
@CharuAggarwalMD @BrendonStilesMD @jillfeldman4 Given the emphasis that sex and gender should now play in our research, appreciated that this was the only study at the meeting to discuss differences between men and women #lcsm
Bob Steele @steele_bob
Which topic/Tx reported the greatest progress? #lcsm
Brendon Stiles @BrendonStilesMD
@CharuAggarwalMD @TimAllenMDJD For sure. #lcsm
Timothy Craig Allen, MD, JD, FCAP @TimAllenMDJD
#hope #lcsm
Bob Steele @steele_bob
RT @IASLC: #LCSM Chat Tweet 6: #LCSM Chat Tweet 6: Jenny Mitchell of @OUHospitals outlines an innovative, nurse-led telephone clinic, designed to assist in long-term follow-up following thoracic cancer surgery. #WCLC2018 #Nursing https://t.co/BxgZFp1hk8
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @LungRoadAhead: Agree. But the biggest thing to getting numbers increased is simply asking patients to be screen. I have not had one patient that qualifies that I have suggested screening to refuse to be screened #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @BrendonStilesMD: @VamsiVelcheti Agree with all questions. Surgery should still have a role at this point. Anxious about drug in PDL1 0% and EGFR.ALK. #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @jillfeldman4: There will always be concerns & challenges research, but #WCLC2018 was full of passion, dedication, new developments, collaboration & patient focus... which translates to the Hope that lc patients & our families have desperately needed! #LCSM
Vamsi Velcheti, MD MBA FASCO @VamsiVelcheti
@BrendonStilesMD need a study for respectable stg 3A with post op adj IO #LCSM
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
@steele_bob I can't say any ONE tx had the most progress, but we had data on THREE ROS1+ NSCLC drugs--that's progress to me! #lcsm
Dr. David Tom Cooke @DavidCookeMD
RT @LungRoadAhead: Agree. But the biggest thing to getting numbers increased is simply asking patients to be screen. I have not had one patient that qualifies that I have suggested screening to refuse to be screened #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @CancerUncovered: @CharuAggarwalMD @BrendonStilesMD @jillfeldman4 Given the emphasis that sex and gender should now play in our research, appreciated that this was the only study at the meeting to discuss differences between men and women #lcsm
RT @jillfeldman4: There will always be concerns & challenges research, but #WCLC2018 was full of passion, dedication, new developments, collaboration & patient focus... which translates to the Hope that lc patients & our families have desperately needed! #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @steele_bob: Which topic/Tx reported the greatest progress? #lcsm
Bob Steele @steele_bob
RT @JFreemanDaily: @steele_bob I can't say any ONE tx had the most progress, but we had data on THREE ROS1+ NSCLC drugs--that's progress to me! #lcsm
Charu Aggarwal, MD, MPH, FASCO @CharuAggarwalMD
Anti angiogenesis has had a checkered history in #mesothelioma. Tough populaiton @IASLC @giorgioscaglio3 #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @JFreemanDaily: @steele_bob I can't say any ONE tx had the most progress, but we had data on THREE ROS1+ NSCLC drugs--that's progress to me! #lcsm
Anita Figueras @scifiknitter
RT @TimAllenMDJD: I long for cure, but fear continued tumor acquired resistance will be tough to overcome. #lcsm
Bob Steele @steele_bob
RT @VamsiVelcheti: @BrendonStilesMD need a study for respectable stg 3A with post op adj IO #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @CharuAggarwalMD: Anti angiogenesis has had a checkered history in #mesothelioma. Tough populaiton @IASLC @giorgioscaglio3 #LCSM
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
Also appreciated seeing @LCAorg presentation on needs of long-term stage 4 #lungcancer survivors--in Sunday press conference! #lcsm
Bob Steele @steele_bob
RT @CharuAggarwalMD: Anti angiogenesis has had a checkered history in #mesothelioma. Tough populaiton @IASLC @giorgioscaglio3 #LCSM
Brendon Stiles @BrendonStilesMD
@VamsiVelcheti Great niche with lots in the works. We have a durva study (neoadj + adj) that includes resectable IIIA. One arm gets non ablative RT. Had a IIIA patient with CPR just last week. #lcsm
Bob Steele @steele_bob
RT @JFreemanDaily: Also appreciated seeing @LCAorg presentation on needs of long-term stage 4 #lungcancer survivors--in Sunday press conference! #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @JFreemanDaily: Also appreciated seeing @LCAorg presentation on needs of long-term stage 4 #lungcancer survivors--in Sunday press conference! #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @BrendonStilesMD: @VamsiVelcheti Great niche with lots in the works. We have a durva study (neoadj + adj) that includes resectable IIIA. One arm gets non ablative RT. Had a IIIA patient with CPR just last week. #lcsm
Anita Figueras @scifiknitter
RT @IASLC: #LCSM Chat Tweet 6: #LCSM Chat Tweet 6: Jenny Mitchell of @OUHospitals outlines an innovative, nurse-led telephone clinic, designed to assist in long-term follow-up following thoracic cancer surgery. #WCLC2018 #Nursing https://t.co/BxgZFp1hk8
#LCSM Chat Tweet 7: Amazing presentation at the #WCLC2018 Presidential Symposium of NELSON mortality results. A wonderful result showing a substantial reduction in #lungcancer mortality in both genders. #EarlyDetection #Screening https://t.co/A8UjkOyTYu
Bob Steele @steele_bob
RT @IASLC: #LCSM Chat Tweet 7: #LCSM Chat Tweet 7: Amazing presentation at the #WCLC2018 Presidential Symposium of NELSON mortality results. A wonderful result showing a substantial reduction in #lungcancer mortality in both genders. #EarlyDetection #Screening https://t.co/A8UjkOyTYu
Timothy Craig Allen, MD, JD, FCAP @TimAllenMDJD
RT @JFreemanDaily: Also appreciated seeing @LCAorg presentation on needs of long-term stage 4 #lungcancer survivors--in Sunday press conference! #lcsm
Flemming Rasmussen @fgrazz
@BrendonStilesMD @IASLC @giorgioscaglio3 #Meso - Overdue to make some investments in completely different paths? #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @IASLC: #LCSM Chat Tweet 7: #LCSM Chat Tweet 7: Amazing presentation at the #WCLC2018 Presidential Symposium of NELSON mortality results. A wonderful result showing a substantial reduction in #lungcancer mortality in both genders. #EarlyDetection #Screening https://t.co/A8UjkOyTYu
Bob Steele @steele_bob
RT @fgrazz: @BrendonStilesMD @IASLC @giorgioscaglio3 #Meso - Overdue to make some investments in completely different paths? #lcsm
Charu Aggarwal, MD, MPH, FASCO @CharuAggarwalMD
@steele_bob Lung Cancer Screening. Prevention is MUCH better than cure. I think NELSON was the greatest progress #LCSM
Timothy Craig Allen, MD, JD, FCAP @TimAllenMDJD
RT @BrendonStilesMD: @VamsiVelcheti Great niche with lots in the works. We have a durva study (neoadj + adj) that includes resectable IIIA. One arm gets non ablative RT. Had a IIIA patient with CPR just last week. #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @fgrazz: @BrendonStilesMD @IASLC @giorgioscaglio3 #Meso - Overdue to make some investments in completely different paths? #lcsm
Dr. David Tom Cooke @DavidCookeMD
RT @IASLC: #LCSM Chat Tweet 7: #LCSM Chat Tweet 7: Amazing presentation at the #WCLC2018 Presidential Symposium of NELSON mortality results. A wonderful result showing a substantial reduction in #lungcancer mortality in both genders. #EarlyDetection #Screening https://t.co/A8UjkOyTYu
Peggy Dennis @peggyddennis
#LCSM wouldn't it be great if there were progress for those of us who are not EGFR, ALK, ROS1 and <1% PD1
Flemming Rasmussen @fgrazz
@BrendonStilesMD @IASLC @giorgioscaglio3 Even with extremely bright minds, progress seems so elusive #LCSM
Bob Steele @steele_bob
RT @CharuAggarwalMD: @steele_bob Lung Cancer Screening. Prevention is MUCH better than cure. I think NELSON was the greatest progress #LCSM
Anita Figueras @scifiknitter
RT @JFreemanDaily: Also appreciated seeing @LCAorg presentation on needs of long-term stage 4 #lungcancer survivors--in Sunday press conference! #lcsm
Timothy Craig Allen, MD, JD, FCAP @TimAllenMDJD
Moving in the right direction! #lcsm
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
Hey @BrendonStilesMD -- here's your NELSON tweet! #LCSM
Vamsi Velcheti, MD MBA FASCO @VamsiVelcheti
@BrendonStilesMD we are right across the street we should talk more 😀 #LCSM would love to collaborate on some perioperative trials
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @peggyddennis: #LCSM wouldn't it be great if there were progress for those of us who are not EGFR, ALK, ROS1 and <1% PD1
Brendon Stiles @BrendonStilesMD
#wclc2018 is also great meeting for cross disciplinary discussions and collaborations. These guys treat me tough on Twitter, but we all just melt when we see each other. #lcsm https://t.co/M46TuLjeh4
Daniel Cadigan @LungRoadAhead
As soon as I saw that data come up, I was texting the numbers to our hospitals COO asking why we let our radiologist run the show again? He did say that hopefully things will change regarding screening soon for us. #lcsm
Timothy Craig Allen, MD, JD, FCAP @TimAllenMDJD
#KeepCalmAndCarryOn #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
Yes, early detection is key. #lcsm
Brendon Stiles @BrendonStilesMD
@JFreemanDaily #lcsm👏👏👏 ❤️❤️❤️
Andrea Borondy Kitts @findlungcancer
Cancer-related pain management in clinical oncology https://t.co/udrhy03iRo #lcsm #bcsm
Brendon Stiles @BrendonStilesMD
@VamsiVelcheti Let’s do it. #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @BrendonStilesMD: #wclc2018 is also great meeting for cross disciplinary discussions and collaborations. These guys treat me tough on Twitter, but we all just melt when we see each other. #lcsm https://t.co/M46TuLjeh4
Bob Steele @steele_bob
I retweet a lot. Have lots of lung cancer Twitter friends/followers that don't join in. I/we need to fix that! #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @LungRoadAhead: As soon as I saw that data come up, I was texting the numbers to our hospitals COO asking why we let our radiologist run the show again? He did say that hopefully things will change regarding screening soon for us. #lcsm
Andrea Borondy Kitts @findlungcancer
Sleep disorders in patients with cancer https://t.co/02E4GQodwS #lcsm #bcsm
Brendon Stiles @BrendonStilesMD
Look at @DrewMoghanaki. He looks so happy and content. #lcsm
Bob Steele @steele_bob
RT @findlungcancer: Cancer-related pain management in clinical oncology https://t.co/udrhy03iRo #lcsm #bcsm
Jill Feldman @jillfeldman4
A non invasive, cost effective, universal tool for screening is still desperately needed! #lcsm
Bob Steele @steele_bob
RT @findlungcancer: Sleep disorders in patients with cancer https://t.co/02E4GQodwS #lcsm #bcsm
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
@findlungcancer Hey, Andrea--where are you? It's time for #LCSM Chat!
#LCSM Chat Tweet 8: Stephen V. Liu delivers a major presentation at the #WCLC2018 Presidential Symposium. It has been over 20 years, but IMpower 133 has now demonstrated clinically-meaningful improvement in OS over current standard-of-care for ES-SCLC. #SCLC https://t.co/QKIrPQLHRD
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @jillfeldman4: A non invasive, cost effective, universal tool for screening is still desperately needed! #lcsm
Andrea Borondy Kitts @findlungcancer
Adverse events from systemic treatment of cancer and patient-reported quality of life https://t.co/4iSCfCdp6z #lcsm #bcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @DrSanjayPopat:
Bob Steele @steele_bob
RT @IASLC: #LCSM Chat Tweet 8: #LCSM Chat Tweet 8: Stephen V. Liu delivers a major presentation at the #WCLC2018 Presidential Symposium. It has been over 20 years, but IMpower 133 has now demonstrated clinically-meaningful improvement in OS over current standard-of-care for ES-SCLC. #SCLC https://t.co/QKIrPQLHRD
Dr. David Tom Cooke @DavidCookeMD
RT @lcsmchat: Yes, early detection is key. #lcsm
Bob Steele @steele_bob
RT @findlungcancer: Adverse events from systemic treatment of cancer and patient-reported quality of life https://t.co/4iSCfCdp6z #lcsm #bcsm
Dr. David Tom Cooke @DavidCookeMD
RT @CharuAggarwalMD: @steele_bob Lung Cancer Screening. Prevention is MUCH better than cure. I think NELSON was the greatest progress #LCSM
Daniel Cadigan @LungRoadAhead
We need mobile CT units for screening travelling to rural areas and underserved metro areas offering LC screening just like the Mammovans do for breast #lcsm. Staff with a PA to do the counseling right at the moment #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @IASLC: #LCSM Chat Tweet 8: #LCSM Chat Tweet 8: Stephen V. Liu delivers a major presentation at the #WCLC2018 Presidential Symposium. It has been over 20 years, but IMpower 133 has now demonstrated clinically-meaningful improvement in OS over current standard-of-care for ES-SCLC. #SCLC https://t.co/QKIrPQLHRD
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @LungRoadAhead: We need mobile CT units for screening travelling to rural areas and underserved metro areas offering LC screening just like the Mammovans do for breast #lcsm. Staff with a PA to do the counseling right at the moment #lcsm
Brendon Stiles @BrendonStilesMD
And this was even after MISSILE.... (Sorry, couldn't help it.) #lcsm https://t.co/RVnwu5Id70
Brendon Stiles @BrendonStilesMD
@DrSanjayPopat @JFreemanDaily @TimAllenMDJD @PulmPathSoc Well said. #lcsm
Timothy Craig Allen, MD, JD, FCAP @TimAllenMDJD
Can't argue with @DrSanjayPopat ! #lcsm #WhyPathologistsMatter
Frank Ingram, MD @Chucktowndoc
🤜🤛🙏 #pathology #lcsm #pulmpath
Lecia Sequist, MD, MPH @LeciaSequist
@peggyddennis There has been great progress for such patients this year! KN189 in NEJM was a big one (carbo/pem/pembro). At WCLC there was info from IMpower132 for carbo/pem/atezo and PDL1 neg also did well there. #LCSM
Paula @paulalv
RT @LeciaSequist: @LungRoadAhead We are doing so poorly with lung cancer screening, there is plenty of blame to go around. Need improvements in systems, patient navigation, access, cost, PCP buy-in, patient buy-in, decrease shared decision-making barriers, and so much more #LCSM
Daniel Cadigan @LungRoadAhead
Nobody is allowed to have a pain med anymore. Illegal heroin/fentanyl issues harming access for legit ca pain pts. #lcsm
Vamsi Velcheti, MD MBA FASCO @VamsiVelcheti
Great presentation by @StephenVLiu landmark #Clinicaltrial #LCSM
Timothy Craig Allen, MD, JD, FCAP @TimAllenMDJD
Great concept! We can use #Telemedicine! #PatientsFirst #LCSM
Dr. David Tom Cooke @DavidCookeMD
In regards to mobile #LungCancerScreening CT units, What about the follow up of all the indeterminate nodules? #LCSM
MECnewengland @glostaMAssachu
STIGMA #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
@TimAllenMDJD @DrSanjayPopat We need to do a chat on pulmonary pathology, don't you think? #lcsm
Aparna Hegde, MD @notahedge
#LCSM joining late Phase I fellow, MDACC
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @LeciaSequist: @peggyddennis There has been great progress for such patients this year! KN189 in NEJM was a big one (carbo/pem/pembro). At WCLC there was info from IMpower132 for carbo/pem/atezo and PDL1 neg also did well there. #LCSM
Stephen V Liu, MD @StephenVLiu
@VamsiVelcheti @StephenVLiu Thanks! #lcsm
Charu Aggarwal, MD, MPH, FASCO @CharuAggarwalMD
@IASLC An oasis in the desert of SCLC negative trials @StephenVLiu #LCSM
Bob Steele @steele_bob
RT @DavidCookeMD: In regards to mobile #LungCancerScreening CT units, What about the follow up of all the indeterminate nodules? #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @LungRoadAhead: Nobody is allowed to have a pain med anymore. Illegal heroin/fentanyl issues harming access for legit ca pain pts. #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @VamsiVelcheti: Great presentation by @StephenVLiu landmark #Clinicaltrial #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @DavidCookeMD: In regards to mobile #LungCancerScreening CT units, What about the follow up of all the indeterminate nodules? #LCSM
Brendon Stiles @BrendonStilesMD
@lcsmchat @TimAllenMDJD @DrSanjayPopat Absolutely. It is a lot sexier topic than one might expect. #lcsm
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
RT @apassaroMD: A day to remember for #LCSM community @NEJM published today:
Paula @paulalv
RT @TimothyKruserMD: @BrendonStilesMD NELSON is great data. We need to get on a family practice or Int Med forum to have it make the biggest impact! #lcsm
MECnewengland @glostaMAssachu
RT @LungRoadAhead: Nobody is allowed to have a pain med anymore. Illegal heroin/fentanyl issues harming access for legit ca pain pts. #lcsm
Paula @paulalv
RT @BrendonStilesMD: @BrendonStilesMD Currently, less than 10% of eligible patients are screened for lung cancer. Modeling suggests that we could save 10s of thousands of lives by getting screening rates comparable to other cancers. We have strong data to support screening. #lcsm
Brendon Stiles @BrendonStilesMD
RT @apassaroMD: A day to remember for #LCSM community @NEJM published today: 1️⃣IMpower133:1L of Atezolizumab in SCLC.PFS+/OS+… https://t.co/gLo7Jg8upa
Vamsi Velcheti, MD MBA FASCO @VamsiVelcheti
@BrendonStilesMD @DrSanjayPopat @JFreemanDaily @TimAllenMDJD @PulmPathSoc yes too bad we don’t have our wonderful #LCSM thoracic pathologists @smlungpathguy join the discussion tonight
Jill Feldman @jillfeldman4
RT @apassaroMD: A day to remember for #LCSM community @NEJM published today:
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @BrendonStilesMD: RT @apassaroMD: A day to remember for #LCSM community @NEJM published today: RT @apassaroMD: A day to remember for #LCSM community @NEJM published today: 1️⃣IMpower133:1L of Atezolizumab in SCLC.PFS+/OS+… https://t.co/gLo7Jg8upa
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
RT @TimAllenMDJD: Can't argue with @DrSanjayPopat ! #lcsm #WhyPathologistsMatter
Timothy Craig Allen, MD, JD, FCAP @TimAllenMDJD
I think so! But #bias :-) #lcsm
Bob Steele @steele_bob
RT @apassaroMD: A day to remember for #LCSM community @NEJM published today:
Lung Cancer #1 cancer killer of women @VirginiaMByrne
RT @TimAllenMDJD: One huge takeaway, IMHO. #PatientsFirst #NoStigma #lcsm
#LCSM Chat Tweet 9: Dr. Boyer outlines the complexity and ongoing challenges of the new advances in targeted therapy: “New treatments will only work if patients have an opportunity to receive them.” #WCLC2018 #TargetedTherapies https://t.co/4U7zgw3gXk
Frank Ingram, MD @Chucktowndoc
RT @TimAllenMDJD: I think so! But #bias :-) #lcsm
Paula @paulalv
RT @BrendonStilesMD: The patient advocacy/focused mutation groups are doing incredible work. @EGFRResisters @ALKLungCancer @ros1cancer #lcsm
onthemark @tilting
@DrSanjayPopat @BrendonStilesMD @JFreemanDaily @TimAllenMDJD @PulmPathSoc Isn't that the point of TRACERx and the big prize that was given to the leader of that study at #WCLC2018? #lcsm
Paula @paulalv
RT @JFreemanDaily: Dr. Doebele had a LOT of presentations, including the data on entrectinib for ROS1+ NSCLC. Hopeful we'll have new tx for @ros1cancer. #lcsm
Bob Steele @steele_bob
RT @IASLC: #LCSM Chat Tweet 9: Dr. Boyer outlines the complexity and ongoing challenges of the new advances in targeted therapy: #LCSM Chat Tweet 9: Dr. Boyer outlines the complexity and ongoing challenges of the new advances in targeted therapy: “New treatments will only work if patients have an opportunity to receive them.” #WCLC2018 #TargetedTherapies https://t.co/4U7zgw3gXk
Brendon Stiles @BrendonStilesMD
Current tweeting situation. Never to young to start getting lung cancer info. #LCSM https://t.co/i9DaITYZk3
Timothy Craig Allen, MD, JD, FCAP @TimAllenMDJD
I prefer "educational and enlightening". #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @IASLC: #LCSM Chat Tweet 9: Dr. Boyer outlines the complexity and ongoing challenges of the new advances in targeted therapy: #LCSM Chat Tweet 9: Dr. Boyer outlines the complexity and ongoing challenges of the new advances in targeted therapy: “New treatments will only work if patients have an opportunity to receive them.” #WCLC2018 #TargetedTherapies https://t.co/4U7zgw3gXk
Anita Figueras @scifiknitter
RT @IASLC: #LCSM Chat Tweet 9: Dr. Boyer outlines the complexity and ongoing challenges of the new advances in targeted therapy: #LCSM Chat Tweet 9: Dr. Boyer outlines the complexity and ongoing challenges of the new advances in targeted therapy: “New treatments will only work if patients have an opportunity to receive them.” #WCLC2018 #TargetedTherapies https://t.co/4U7zgw3gXk
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @tilting: @DrSanjayPopat @BrendonStilesMD @JFreemanDaily @TimAllenMDJD @PulmPathSoc Isn't that the point of TRACERx and the big prize that was given to the leader of that study at #WCLC2018? #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @BrendonStilesMD: Current tweeting situation. Never to young to start getting lung cancer info. #LCSM https://t.co/i9DaITYZk3
Bob Steele @steele_bob
RT @BrendonStilesMD: Current tweeting situation. Never to young to start getting lung cancer info. #LCSM https://t.co/i9DaITYZk3
Sanjay Mukhopadhyay @smlungpathguy
RT @DrSanjayPopat:
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
@BrendonStilesMD Work/life balance is everything. #lcsm
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
Amen to this! NSCLC patients need access to genomic testing, but it does no good if we can't access the appropriate meds. #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @TimAllenMDJD: I prefer "educational and enlightening". #lcsm
Timothy Craig Allen, MD, JD, FCAP @TimAllenMDJD
RT @IASLC: #LCSM Chat Tweet 9: Dr. Boyer outlines the complexity and ongoing challenges of the new advances in targeted therapy: #LCSM Chat Tweet 9: Dr. Boyer outlines the complexity and ongoing challenges of the new advances in targeted therapy: “New treatments will only work if patients have an opportunity to receive them.” #WCLC2018 #TargetedTherapies https://t.co/4U7zgw3gXk
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @JFreemanDaily: Amen to this! NSCLC patients need access to genomic testing, but it does no good if we can't access the appropriate meds. #LCSM
Dr. David Tom Cooke @DavidCookeMD
RT @DrSanjayPopat:
Timothy Craig Allen, MD, JD, FCAP @TimAllenMDJD
Our challenge. Our responsibility. #lcsm
Brendon Stiles @BrendonStilesMD
Have to drop out! Thanks for all the great work from @IASLC at #wclc2018. It was an astounding meeting that inspired physicians and researchers and brought hope to patients. #lcsm
Jill Feldman @jillfeldman4
'Oncology is a Team Sport' - Another favorite slide from #WCLC2018 #LCSM https://t.co/TuzqQeVc29
RT @JFreemanDaily: Amen to this! NSCLC patients need access to genomic testing, but it does no good if we can't access the appropriate meds. #LCSM
Lecia Sequist, MD, MPH @LeciaSequist
@peggyddennis I know it can be frustrating. Progress comes one step at a time. Luckily in lung cancer these days the pace of the march has quickened immensely..... #LCSM
Anita Figueras @scifiknitter
RT @JFreemanDaily: Amen to this! NSCLC patients need access to genomic testing, but it does no good if we can't access the appropriate meds. #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @DrSanjayPopat:
RT @DrSanjayPopat:
Brendon Stiles @BrendonStilesMD
Great chat tonight. Thanks for all the participants, patients and medical professionals. Amazing group. And thanks @JFreemanDaily for moderating. Good night! #lcsm
Anita Figueras @scifiknitter
RT @jillfeldman4: 'Oncology is a Team Sport' - Another favorite slide from #WCLC2018 #LCSM https://t.co/TuzqQeVc29
Dr. David Tom Cooke @DavidCookeMD
Therein lies the rub with poor adoption by PCPs and family medicine. Medical liability for lost track of early potential tumors. #LCSM
Daniel Cadigan @LungRoadAhead
True issue. All travel screen concepts have a medical director/physician who is responsible for oversight.That persons staff can try to keep contact with the patient. Will always lose some to follow up but better to have screened & lost than never to have screened at all. #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @jillfeldman4: 'Oncology is a Team Sport' - Another favorite slide from #WCLC2018 #LCSM https://t.co/TuzqQeVc29
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @LeciaSequist: @peggyddennis I know it can be frustrating. Progress comes one step at a time. Luckily in lung cancer these days the pace of the march has quickened immensely..... #LCSM
@BrendonStilesMD And thanks for all you do @BrendonStilesMD and all in the #LCSM community!
Paula @paulalv
RT @LungRoadAhead: We need mobile CT units for screening travelling to rural areas and underserved metro areas offering LC screening just like the Mammovans do for breast #lcsm. Staff with a PA to do the counseling right at the moment #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @DavidCookeMD: Therein lies the rub with poor adoption by PCPs and family medicine. Medical liability for lost track of early potential tumors. #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @LungRoadAhead: True issue. All travel screen concepts have a medical director/physician who is responsible for oversight.That persons staff can try to keep contact with the patient. Will always lose some to follow up but better to have screened & lost than never to have screened at all. #lcsm
Frank Ingram, MD @Chucktowndoc
We’re all on the same team. #TeamPatient #lcsm
RT @jillfeldman4: 'Oncology is a Team Sport' - Another favorite slide from #WCLC2018 #LCSM https://t.co/TuzqQeVc29
#LCSM Chat Tweet 10: @rocketgirlmd delivers a complex and touching talk at #WCLC2018 on her late husband, Paul, their experience when he became afflicted w/ cancer and the resilience that comes when people cultivate meaning in their lives. #LCSM #Survivorship https://t.co/wvUJiWtDrZ
Dr. David Tom Cooke @DavidCookeMD
RT @IASLC: @BrendonStilesMD And thanks for all you do @BrendonStilesMD and all in the #LCSM community!
Timothy Craig Allen, MD, JD, FCAP @TimAllenMDJD
Maybe it's hard, but we need to so both deal with use issues and provide necessary pain relief. #lcsm
Paula @paulalv
RT @BrendonStilesMD: For me best part of #wclc2018 is always the shared experience with colleagues and patients. Incredible dialogue. #lcsm https://t.co/RreCqHSXXK
Daniel Cadigan @LungRoadAhead
But it’s done with mammograms all the time, patients can even self refer. I get results sent to me on patients I haven’t seen in years that &self referred for mammogram & had an abnormality and then I have to follow up on it. It’s already done for that.Not the ideal answer #lcsm
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
We're getting near the end of our hour. Time for pithy closing thoughts about #WCLC2018 ... #LCSM
Timothy Craig Allen, MD, JD, FCAP @TimAllenMDJD
It was a privilege to participate. Thanks, @JFreemanDaily #lcsm
Joni Fowler, PharmD, BCPP @jfowlerpharmd
@LungRoadAhead Don’t let the perfect be the enemy of the good. #lcsm 🚌
Bob Steele @steele_bob
My wife had recurrence of BC, bi-lateral mastectomy & port on 10/25 followed by 2 chemo/2 immuno combo tx. She is still LC advocate #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @Chucktowndoc: We’re all on the same team. #TeamPatient #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @IASLC: #LCSM Chat Tweet 10: #LCSM Chat Tweet 10: @rocketgirlmd delivers a complex and touching talk at #WCLC2018 on her late husband, Paul, their experience when he became afflicted w/ cancer and the resilience that comes when people cultivate meaning in their lives. #LCSM #Survivorship https://t.co/wvUJiWtDrZ
Daniel Cadigan @LungRoadAhead
Where there is a will there’s a way. We have to find that way. #lcsm
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
RT @IASLC: #LCSM Chat Tweet 10: #LCSM Chat Tweet 10: @rocketgirlmd delivers a complex and touching talk at #WCLC2018 on her late husband, Paul, their experience when he became afflicted w/ cancer and the resilience that comes when people cultivate meaning in their lives. #LCSM #Survivorship https://t.co/wvUJiWtDrZ
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @TimAllenMDJD: Maybe it's hard, but we need to so both deal with use issues and provide necessary pain relief. #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @LungRoadAhead: But it’s done with mammograms all the time, patients can even self refer. I get results sent to me on patients I haven’t seen in years that &self referred for mammogram & had an abnormality and then I have to follow up on it. It’s already done for that.Not the ideal answer #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @JFreemanDaily: We're getting near the end of our hour. Time for pithy closing thoughts about #WCLC2018 ... #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @jfowlerpharmd: @LungRoadAhead Don’t let the perfect be the enemy of the good. #lcsm 🚌
@JFreemanDaily This is an amazing group and we appreciate each one of you. Thanks for putting aside your time to teach, to learn, and to move progress in #lungcancer forward. #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @steele_bob: My wife had recurrence of BC, bi-lateral mastectomy & port on 10/25 followed by 2 chemo/2 immuno combo tx. She is still LC advocate #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @DrSanjayPopat:
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @LungRoadAhead: Where there is a will there’s a way. We have to find that way. #lcsm
Alicia C. Staley @stales
RT @JFreemanDaily: Amen to this! NSCLC patients need access to genomic testing, but it does no good if we can't access the appropriate meds. #LCSM
Dr. David Tom Cooke @DavidCookeMD
Again this is a discussion that needs to permeate with PCPs and family medicine docs. Need champions in primary care to spread the gospel. #LCSM
Dr. David Tom Cooke @DavidCookeMD
RT @IASLC: @JFreemanDaily This is an amazing group and we appreciate each one of you. Thanks for putting aside your time to teach, to learn, and to move progress in #lungcancer forward. #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @IASLC: @JFreemanDaily This is an amazing group and we appreciate each one of you. Thanks for putting aside your time to teach, to learn, and to move progress in #lungcancer forward. #lcsm
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
@tilting Truly, access to expensive new #cancer meds is an issue for national health systems especially. #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @DavidCookeMD: Again this is a discussion that needs to permeate with PCPs and family medicine docs. Need champions in primary care to spread the gospel. #LCSM
Bob Steele @steele_bob
RT @JFreemanDaily: @tilting Truly, access to expensive new #cancer meds is an issue for national health systems especially. #LCSM
Denise Cutlip @dennycee
More than ever an exciting time to be a pt and advocate #lcsm
@JFreemanDaily Should anyone have more questions about #WCLC2018, please contact the IASLC. Don’t forget about #WCLC19 (we’re changing the hashtag) next Sept in Barcelona. #lcsm
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
From your mouth to the Powers That Be ... hopeful ES-SCLC will have an effective treatment by the end of 2019. #LCSM
RT @DrSanjayPopat:
Jill Feldman @jillfeldman4
My thought on #WCLC2018 practice-changing developments - even with the most promising advancements there are challenges, but the important part is knowing the science and applying it in the context of everything else that is part of being human/in a patient's life #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
Thank you @JFreemanDaily for moderating this evening, and thanks to @IASLC for #WCLC2018! Wonderful to partner with you tonight. #LCSM
Dr. David Tom Cooke @DavidCookeMD
Or @DrOz #LCSM
Bob Steele @steele_bob
RT @JFreemanDaily: From your mouth to the Powers That Be ... hopeful ES-SCLC will have an effective treatment by the end of 2019. #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @JFreemanDaily: @tilting Truly, access to expensive new #cancer meds is an issue for national health systems especially. #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @dennycee: More than ever an exciting time to be a pt and advocate #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @IASLC: @JFreemanDaily Should anyone have more questions about #WCLC2018, please contact the IASLC. Don’t forget about #WCLC19 (we’re changing the hashtag) next Sept in Barcelona. #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @JFreemanDaily: From your mouth to the Powers That Be ... hopeful ES-SCLC will have an effective treatment by the end of 2019. #LCSM
Dr. David Tom Cooke @DavidCookeMD
RT @lcsmchat: Thank you @JFreemanDaily for moderating this evening, and thanks to @IASLC for #WCLC2018! Wonderful to partner with you tonight. #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @jillfeldman4: My thought on #WCLC2018 practice-changing developments - even with the most promising advancements there are challenges, but the important part is knowing the science and applying it in the context of everything else that is part of being human/in a patient's life #LCSM
Dr. David Tom Cooke @DavidCookeMD
RT @jillfeldman4: My thought on #WCLC2018 practice-changing developments - even with the most promising advancements there are challenges, but the important part is knowing the science and applying it in the context of everything else that is part of being human/in a patient's life #LCSM
#LCSM Chat Tweet 11: Scott Antonia kicks things off presenting on second primary endpoint of OS for PACIFIC trial. #WCLC2018 #LocoregionalDisease https://t.co/XGHbJvQtu2
Dr. David Tom Cooke @DavidCookeMD
RT @IASLC: @JFreemanDaily Should anyone have more questions about #WCLC2018, please contact the IASLC. Don’t forget about #WCLC19 (we’re changing the hashtag) next Sept in Barcelona. #lcsm
Grateful for the #lcsm community.
Bob Steele @steele_bob
Great group chat session! Look forward to seeing you in 2 weeks. #lcsm
Bob Steele @steele_bob
RT @IASLC: #LCSM Chat Tweet 11: #LCSM Chat Tweet 11: Scott Antonia kicks things off presenting on second primary endpoint of OS for PACIFIC trial. #WCLC2018 #LocoregionalDisease https://t.co/XGHbJvQtu2
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
Thanks everyone for joining our discussion of #WCLC2018 key presentations! Be sure to join our next #LCSM Chat in 2 weeks.
Dr. David Tom Cooke @DavidCookeMD
RT @jillfeldman4: 'Oncology is a Team Sport' - Another favorite slide from #WCLC2018 #LCSM https://t.co/TuzqQeVc29
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
RT @IASLC: #LCSM Chat Tweet 11: #LCSM Chat Tweet 11: Scott Antonia kicks things off presenting on second primary endpoint of OS for PACIFIC trial. #WCLC2018 #LocoregionalDisease https://t.co/XGHbJvQtu2
Bob Steele @steele_bob
RT @jillfeldman4: 'Oncology is a Team Sport' - Another favorite slide from #WCLC2018 #LCSM https://t.co/TuzqQeVc29
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
RT @jillfeldman4: My thought on #WCLC2018 practice-changing developments - even with the most promising advancements there are challenges, but the important part is knowing the science and applying it in the context of everything else that is part of being human/in a patient's life #LCSM
Bob Steele @steele_bob
RT @JFreemanDaily: Thanks everyone for joining our discussion of #WCLC2018 key presentations! Be sure to join our next #LCSM Chat in 2 weeks.
#LCSM Chat Tweet 12: @JackWestMD making a strong case for local therapy in oligometastatic NSCLC @IASLC. #WCLC2018 #EarlyStageDisease (Tweet credit: Nat Lester-Coll) https://t.co/hDBYLjWM8f
Bob Steele @steele_bob
RT @IASLC: #LCSM Chat Tweet 12: #LCSM Chat Tweet 12: @JackWestMD making a strong case for local therapy in oligometastatic NSCLC @IASLC. #WCLC2018 #EarlyStageDisease (Tweet credit: Nat Lester-Coll) https://t.co/hDBYLjWM8f
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
RT @IASLC: @JFreemanDaily Should anyone have more questions about #WCLC2018, please contact the IASLC. Don’t forget about #WCLC19 (we’re changing the hashtag) next Sept in Barcelona. #lcsm
Sanjay Mukhopadhyay @smlungpathguy
RT @VamsiVelcheti: @BrendonStilesMD the big story IMO was SCLC - haven’t had any “real” positive trial in 3 decades #LCSM
Sanjay Mukhopadhyay @smlungpathguy
RT @TimAllenMDJD: I think so! But #bias :-) #lcsm
Sanjay Mukhopadhyay @smlungpathguy
RT @BrendonStilesMD: Amazing thing about #wclc2018 was the progress on multiple fronts: Amazing thing about #wclc2018 was the progress on multiple fronts: screening, stage III, small cell, immunotherapy, targeted therapy. Incredible time to be involved in lung cancer. #lcsm
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
RT @IASLC: #LCSM Chat Tweet 12: #LCSM Chat Tweet 12: @JackWestMD making a strong case for local therapy in oligometastatic NSCLC @IASLC. #WCLC2018 #EarlyStageDisease (Tweet credit: Nat Lester-Coll) https://t.co/hDBYLjWM8f
Bob Steele @steele_bob
RT @VamsiVelcheti: @BrendonStilesMD the big story IMO was SCLC - haven’t had any “real” positive trial in 3 decades #LCSM
Sanjay Mukhopadhyay @smlungpathguy
RT @BrendonStilesMD: Lots happening in the ALK world. One great drug after another. Biopsied a 47 yo never smoker with apparent stage IV disease today and HOPING she has an ALK rearrangement. Mucinous features. #lcsm https://t.co/NoN4wZsyQN
Sanjay Mukhopadhyay @smlungpathguy
RT @JackWestMD:
Sanjay Mukhopadhyay @smlungpathguy
RT @BrendonStilesMD: And I have to express my love for PACIFIC and for moving IO into earlier stage trials. Could be game changing and should cure more patients. Yes, cure. #lcsm https://t.co/4zAu6koOVX
Sanjay Mukhopadhyay @smlungpathguy
RT @VamsiVelcheti: Great presentation by @StephenVLiu landmark #Clinicaltrial #LCSM
Tom Varghese Jr. MD, MS, MBA, FACS, MAMSE 🇺🇸 @TomVargheseJr
RT @BrendonStilesMD: Amazing thing about #wclc2018 was the progress on multiple fronts: Amazing thing about #wclc2018 was the progress on multiple fronts: screening, stage III, small cell, immunotherapy, targeted therapy. Incredible time to be involved in lung cancer. #lcsm
Sanjay Mukhopadhyay @smlungpathguy
RT @BrendonStilesMD: Can I talk about NELSON ??? Incredible results which will hopefully help increase screening rates! #lcsm https://t.co/WoB3UmM4oW
Sanjay Mukhopadhyay @smlungpathguy
RT @IASLC: #LCSM Chat Tweet 4: #LCSM Chat Tweet 4: Keith Kerr presented on IASLC Blueprint project phase 2B evaluating comparability of PD-L1 scores in fine needle aspirate, biopsy or large surgical resection from same tumor; 24 pathologists scored 31 triplet samples. #WCLC2018 #Immunooncology https://t.co/0r9JHkCQx7
#LCSM content from Twitter.