#LCSM Transcript

Healthcare social media transcript of the #LCSM hashtag.
See #LCSM Influencers/Analytics.

Faces of Lung Cancer @LungCancerFaces
Welcome, friends. Tonight’s topic is “Lung Cancer advocacy: How we can help ourselves” #lcsm
NCI Cancer Stats @NCICancerStats
#LungCancer is the 2nd most common cancer in the US. Learn more here: https://t.co/ouXQRv1Bhe #LCSM https://t.co/VOwssRaguE
Faces of Lung Cancer @LungCancerFaces
You can read more about it here: https://t.co/2zq0FPsdgF #lcsm
Bob Steele @steele_bob
RT @NCICancerStats: #LungCancer is the 2nd most common cancer in the US. Learn more here: #LungCancer is the 2nd most common cancer in the US. Learn more here: https://t.co/ouXQRv1Bhe #LCSM https://t.co/VOwssRaguE
Faces of Lung Cancer @LungCancerFaces
I’m your moderator Deana Hendrickson. Tonight’s chat is Open Mic format, so I’ll ask ??? & let the chat take us where it will. #lcsm
Danielle Pardue @Actorielle
RT @LungCancerFaces: You can read more about it here: You can read more about it here: https://t.co/2zq0FPsdgF #lcsm
Faces of Lung Cancer @LungCancerFaces
I’ll go over some basic ground rules. In the meantime, please introduce yourselves while I blather on. #lcsm
Karen Loss @cancertrek
Hi everyone. I don't get here very often...but here I am tonight. :) #lcsm
Danielle Pardue @Actorielle
Danielle here! Live in NC, caregiver for stage 4 mama. Always honored to be here. <3 #lcsm
Joni Fowler, PharmD, BCPP @jfowlerpharmd
@LungCancerFaces Hello, all! #lcsm
Danielle Pardue @Actorielle
@LungCancerFaces you never blather! #lcsm
Faces of Lung Cancer @LungCancerFaces
If you’re new to tweet chats, take a look at this handy dandy primer: https://t.co/WrClVCqZVf #lcsm
colleen ziegler @ZieglerColleen
Faces of Lung Cancer @LungCancerFaces
@jfowlerpharmd Hi Joni #lcsm
Jill Feldman @jillfeldman4
Hi Everyone, don't know how long I can stay but always enjoy the chats #lcsm
colleen ziegler @ZieglerColleen
Hi all! Colleen from Rochester joining #lcsm
Faces of Lung Cancer @LungCancerFaces
I will announce four topic questions (T1 T2 etc). Pls label your answers with T1, T2, etc to make transcript easier to follow #lcsm
Victoria Brownworth @VABVOX
@LungCancerFaces Thank you. #lcsm
Denise Cutlip @dennycee
Good evening one and all. #lcsm
Faces of Lung Cancer @LungCancerFaces
@VABVOX Welcome Victoria #lcsm
Faces of Lung Cancer @LungCancerFaces
If anyone is just lurking tonight, please blank tweet the hashtag #LCSM so we know you're out there. We're a friendly bunch.
SunshineKK @SunshineKK68
Hi #lcsm
Geri Massa @GeriGerim13
Hey Y'all , Geri #LCSM https://t.co/SwDKI4TlrH
Faces of Lung Cancer @LungCancerFaces
I'm manning the chat by myself tonight. All the other moderators are busy, so please excuse me for not doing my usual greeting duties #lcsm
Lung Cancer Sux @LungCancerSux
Hi! Glorianne here. Hubby is a survivor. #LCSM
Laura Greco @lgreco_ny
Laura here from New York thruway #LCSM
Faces of Lung Cancer @LungCancerFaces
Great turn out tonight! Welcome everyone. #lcsm
Faces of Lung Cancer @LungCancerFaces
Consider this a pre- #LCAM17 (November Lung Cancer Awareness Month) chat. Yes, it’s that time of year again. #lcsm
Faces of Lung Cancer @LungCancerFaces
We'll get started in just a moment... #lcsm
Bob Steele @steele_bob
RT @LungCancerFaces: Consider this a pre- #LCAM17 (November Lung Cancer Awareness Month) chat. Yes, it’s that time of year again. #lcsm
Upstage Lung Cancer @UpstageLungCanc
Hello, friends! Boston-based LC awareness org, using performing arts. Always thrilled when we can join! #lcsm
Steve Holderness @dark_hawk_98
#lcsm whew.... made it.... greetings everyone
Lung Cancer Sux @LungCancerSux
RT @LungCancerFaces: Consider this a pre- #LCAM17 (November Lung Cancer Awareness Month) chat. Yes, it’s that time of year again. #lcsm
Faces of Lung Cancer @LungCancerFaces
OK, let's go! #lcsm
Tessa Sheldon @tessa_perrin
Tessa here. Fighting alongside my mom. #lcsm
Faces of Lung Cancer @LungCancerFaces
T1: Are there particular advocacy groups with whom you like to work? Which ones? Why? #lcsm
SHP @Medusaforever
RT @LungCancerFaces: You can read more about it here: You can read more about it here: https://t.co/2zq0FPsdgF #lcsm
Deena Cook @DeenaRoger
Faces of Lung Cancer @LungCancerFaces
T1: I've worked with many of the lung cancer groups. Each one is a little different. #lcsm
Faces of Lung Cancer @LungCancerFaces
@DeenaRoger Hi Deena! #lcsm
Danielle Pardue @Actorielle
@tessa_perrin Hey girl! #lcsm
Laura Greco @lgreco_ny
T1: I like to work with most of them. They each have their strengths and weaknesses. #lcsm
john @JohnLPender
lurking #lcsm
Faces of Lung Cancer @LungCancerFaces
T1: Which lung cancer group(s) do you favor? Why do you like them? #lcsm
Faces of Lung Cancer @LungCancerFaces
@JohnLPender Hi John! #lcsm
Bob Steele @steele_bob
T1: I've enjoyed working as a volunteer & event team member for 10 yrs with the Lung Cancer Initiative of NC. #lcsm
Liz Cramer @oncELLEogy
I’m late, as usual. Hi everyone. Liz from DC. Hoping to see folks at the rally in Nov. #LCSM
Jill Feldman @jillfeldman4
T1 Was original board member of LUNGevity in 2001 when NO other groups. Still work w/them & enjoy others-all are different #lcsm
Faces of Lung Cancer @LungCancerFaces
T1: Each seem to have their own cultures, too. You need to find the right fit. #lcsm
Denise Cutlip @dennycee
#lcsm @Lungevity @Free to Breath & @Lungcanceralliance generous with education materials
Lung Cancer Sux @LungCancerSux
T1 I've volunteered for Free to Breathe and Lungevity they are both great! #LCSM
Laura Greco @lgreco_ny
t1: I think going to our federal government is crucial. If we want more $$, we need to be the squeaky wheel. #lcsm
Liz Cramer @oncELLEogy
RT @LungCancerFaces: Consider this a pre- #LCAM17 (November Lung Cancer Awareness Month) chat. Yes, it’s that time of year again. #lcsm
Jill Feldman @jillfeldman4
T1 Each offers different opportunities & each advocate has different needs #lcsm
Liz Cramer @oncELLEogy
RT @LungCancerFaces: If anyone is just lurking tonight, please blank tweet the hashtag #LCSM so we know you're out there. We're a friendly bunch.
Faces of Lung Cancer @LungCancerFaces
T1: Agree with @lgreco_ny. Big money is with the feds. #lcsm
Liz Cramer @oncELLEogy
RT @LungCancerFaces: If you’re new to tweet chats, take a look at this handy dandy primer: If you’re new to tweet chats, take a look at this handy dandy primer: https://t.co/WrClVCqZVf #lcsm
Stacy W. Gray @stacywgray
RT @NCICancerStats: #LungCancer is the 2nd most common cancer in the US. Learn more here: #LungCancer is the 2nd most common cancer in the US. Learn more here: https://t.co/ouXQRv1Bhe #LCSM https://t.co/VOwssRaguE
Danielle Pardue @Actorielle
RT @lgreco_ny: t1: t1: I think going to our federal government is crucial. If we want more $$, we need to be the squeaky wheel. #lcsm
Faces of Lung Cancer @LungCancerFaces
T1: I enjoyed Lungevity's Hope Summit, and have done some media stuff with Lung Force. Good experience #lcsm
Karen Loss @cancertrek
T1: I've enjoyed working with different ones, but "personally" like the opportunities to speak and educate more than lobby. #lcsm
Bob Steele @steele_bob
T1: I've made contributions (wish they were larger) to 6 LC orgs besides LCI of NC. #lcsm
Jill Feldman @jillfeldman4
T1 Thomas Labreque once said, We may sing different verses, but our chorus is the same. #lcsm
colleen ziegler @ZieglerColleen
RT @LungCancerFaces: T1: T1: I enjoyed Lungevity's Hope Summit, and have done some media stuff with Lung Force. Good experience #lcsm
Faces of Lung Cancer @LungCancerFaces
T1: I'm not the best at elected official office visits, but I go when I'm called. #lcsm
Joni Fowler, PharmD, BCPP @jfowlerpharmd
@LungCancerFaces T1: American Lung Association! @LungAssociation 23-yr volunteer. Because I live in KY & it's an uphill climb to breathe on all fronts! #lcsm
Bob Steele @steele_bob
RT @jillfeldman4: T1 Thomas Labreque once said, We may sing different verses, but our chorus is the same. #lcsm
Faces of Lung Cancer @LungCancerFaces
So true RT @jillfeldman4: T1 Thomas Labreque once said, We may sing different verses, but our chorus is the same. #lcsm
Karen Loss @cancertrek
T1: It's nice to have different ops through different orgs. #lcsm
Faces of Lung Cancer @LungCancerFaces
@steele_bob I wish I could make more and larger monetary contributions, too. #lcsm
Faces of Lung Cancer @LungCancerFaces
They each have something to offer RT @cancertrek: T1: It's nice to have different ops through different orgs. #lcsm
Hossen Mahmud, MD @DrHMahmudMD
RT @lcsmchat: TODAY! #LCSM Chat 10/5 8pm ET "Lung Cancer advocacy: TODAY! #LCSM Chat 10/5 8pm ET "Lung Cancer advocacy: How we can help ourselves" https://t.co/StB7gNeCi9… Join us! @n8pennell #433aday https://t.co/HuTWS6JJmJ
Faces of Lung Cancer @LungCancerFaces
T2 coming up in a sec... #lcsm
Faces of Lung Cancer @LungCancerFaces
T2: Have you ever done advocacy on your own, in small or big ways? Why? How? #lcsm
Joni Fowler, PharmD, BCPP @jfowlerpharmd
@LungCancerFaces @LungAssociation T1: ALA is relatively new to lung ca as a focus, but has spent many yrs on tobacco control and asthma advocacy #lcsm
Jill Feldman @jillfeldman4
T1 Depends on strength of advocate as well. Again, same chorus so wherever one feels comfortable & empowered-important #lcsm
Karen Loss @cancertrek
T2: Published a book...done book chats. Talked to support groups. Threw baseball first pitch for Washington Nationals. #lcsm
Steve Holderness @dark_hawk_98
T2: short answer: Yes, just about every day. at the senior center where I use the gym with my friends from pulmonary rehab. #lcsm
Faces of Lung Cancer @LungCancerFaces
Let's talk after the chat. We can find you opportunities #lcsm https://t.co/KqVDuKr4ju
Tiffini Joseph @Smiles4Nana
T:2 when I educate the random stranger about LC, stigma, stats #lcsm https://t.co/JMzLyiitZT
Denise Cutlip @dennycee
I'm impressed by support BJALCF is supporting research into ROS1 after seed money raised by patients. #lcsm
Jill Feldman @jillfeldman4
T2 Yes, with support and speaking. Also with kids high school. #lcsm
Faces of Lung Cancer @LungCancerFaces
T2: The power of one-to-one communication/education is important. #lcsm
Upstage Lung Cancer @UpstageLungCanc
RT @LungCancerFaces: T2: T2: Have you ever done advocacy on your own, in small or big ways? Why? How? #lcsm
john @JohnLPender
t2 Does my blog count? #lcsm
Faces of Lung Cancer @LungCancerFaces
@dennycee Very impressive #lcsm
Dr. David Tom Cooke @DavidCookeMD
Won't be able to participate, tonight but have a great chat on an important topic! #LCSM #advocacy
Laura Greco @lgreco_ny
T2: I made a special trip to the district offices of one senator & congressperson to get them to sponsor a bill. It worked partially. #lcsm
Faces of Lung Cancer @LungCancerFaces
Yes, your blog definitely counts RT @JohnLPender: t2 Does my blog count? #lcsm #lcsm
Bob Steele @steele_bob
I talk about LC with just about everyone I meet or know. :) #lcsm
Liz Cramer @oncELLEogy
T2: #head2hill with @NBTStweets. Look forward to it every year. #LCSM https://t.co/MnGk2Lxshy
Jill Feldman @jillfeldman4
T2 Everyday situations when talking to people who need to be educated #lcsm
Karen Loss @cancertrek
T2: Agree with others...I talk to everyone about lung cancer, all the time. #lcsm
Tiffini Joseph @Smiles4Nana
@LungCancerFaces T1: I've done a lot w/@LCAorg. They were my 1st advocacy experience. #lcsm
Upstage Lung Cancer @UpstageLungCanc
RT @LungCancerFaces: T2: T2: The power of one-to-one communication/education is important. #lcsm
Faces of Lung Cancer @LungCancerFaces
T2: I think citizens/lung cancer advocates often don't realize that they can speak with their elected reps without orgs directing them #lcsm
Bob Steele @steele_bob
RT @LungCancerFaces: T2: T2: I think citizens/lung cancer advocates often don't realize that they can speak with their elected reps without orgs directing them #lcsm
Danielle Pardue @Actorielle
RT @LungCancerFaces: T2: T2: I think citizens/lung cancer advocates often don't realize that they can speak with their elected reps without orgs directing them #lcsm
Tiffini Joseph @Smiles4Nana
@jillfeldman4 Agreed. They all have their own special niche #LCsm
Sabin Motwani @sabinbmotwanimd
Advocated for CT lung cancer screening today in my tumor board! #lcsm
Danielle Pardue @Actorielle
RT @cancertrek: T2: T2: Agree with others...I talk to everyone about lung cancer, all the time. #lcsm
Karen Loss @cancertrek
T2: Contribute to https://t.co/xCpTzEHtm9 and post replies on various Facebook lung cancer pages. #lcsm
Denise Cutlip @dennycee
T2 My trunk carries all I need to set up educational table at events I come across. #lcsm
Danielle Pardue @Actorielle
RT @jillfeldman4: T2 Everyday situations when talking to people who need to be educated #lcsm
Tiffini Joseph @Smiles4Nana
RT @n8pennell: We're trying, fighting stigma that holds lung cancer back from broad public sympathy despite being biggest cancer killer won't give up #LCSM https://t.co/cCM3aSYsrc
Faces of Lung Cancer @LungCancerFaces
T2: Anyone can do something. I started tweeted while mom was sick. A handful of us started #LCSM. #lcsm
Danielle Pardue @Actorielle
RT @steele_bob: I talk about LC with just about everyone I meet or know. :) #lcsm
Dr. David Tom Cooke @DavidCookeMD
RT @sabinbmotwanimd: Advocated for CT lung cancer screening today in my tumor board! #lcsm
Faces of Lung Cancer @LungCancerFaces
Good for you! RT @sabinbmotwanimd: Advocated for CT lung cancer screening today in my tumor board! #lcsm
Dr. David Tom Cooke @DavidCookeMD
RT @LungCancerFaces: T2: T2: Anyone can do something. I started tweeted while mom was sick. A handful of us started #LCSM. #lcsm
Danielle Pardue @Actorielle
RT @sabinbmotwanimd: Advocated for CT lung cancer screening today in my tumor board! #lcsm
Faces of Lung Cancer @LungCancerFaces
Oh, you're good RT @dennycee: T2 My trunk carries all I need to set up educational table at events I come across. #lcsm
Karen Loss @cancertrek
T2: Run my own little lung cancer clearing house on Facebook: Trekking Through Cancerland page. #lcsm
Bob Steele @steele_bob
RT @sabinbmotwanimd: Advocated for CT lung cancer screening today in my tumor board! #lcsm
Karen Loss @cancertrek
T2: Tweet and retweet about lung cancer...like most of the rest of you. #lcsm
Danielle Pardue @Actorielle
T2 same as other folks are saying: when i meet or hear of a LC dx person, i reach out and see what they need/how they are/how to help #lcsm
Danielle Pardue @Actorielle
RT @cancertrek: T2: Run my own little lung cancer clearing house on Facebook: T2: Run my own little lung cancer clearing house on Facebook: Trekking Through Cancerland page. #lcsm
Faces of Lung Cancer @LungCancerFaces
T2: Hey, a group of about 7 of us are putting on a rally in DC: https://t.co/VUK08NDzR4 #lcsm
Liz Cramer @oncELLEogy
T2: why advocacy? Because it makes a difference & humanizes disease. Pts can speak to need for publicly funded research. #lcsm
Tiffini Joseph @Smiles4Nana
@lgreco_ny I really enjoyed advocating on the hill. The ? Is, does it make an impact? #LCSM
Lung Cancer Sux @LungCancerSux
T2: obtaining proclamations for #lcam to raise awareness #lcsm
Liz Cramer @oncELLEogy
RT @jillfeldman4: T1 Depends on strength of advocate as well. Again, same chorus so wherever one feels comfortable & empowered-important #lcsm
Bob Steele @steele_bob
RT @Actorielle: T2 same as other folks are saying: T2 same as other folks are saying: when i meet or hear of a LC dx person, i reach out and see what they need/how they are/how to help #lcsm
john @JohnLPender
t2 I like doing the Free to Breathe walks. #lcsm
Jill Feldman @jillfeldman4
T2 How Ivy & I got the opportunity to go 2 Japan - talking to stranger about lc who then insisted sending us #lcsm
Danielle Pardue @Actorielle
RT @LungCancerFaces: T2: Hey, a group of about 7 of us are putting on a rally in DC: T2: Hey, a group of about 7 of us are putting on a rally in DC: https://t.co/VUK08NDzR4 #lcsm
Danielle Pardue @Actorielle
RT @elisabethcramer: T2: T2: why advocacy? Because it makes a difference & humanizes disease. Pts can speak to need for publicly funded research. #lcsm
Bob Steele @steele_bob
RT @jillfeldman4: T2 How Ivy & I got the opportunity to go 2 Japan - talking to stranger about lc who then insisted sending us #lcsm
Liz Cramer @oncELLEogy
RT @LungCancerFaces: T2: T2: I think citizens/lung cancer advocates often don't realize that they can speak with their elected reps without orgs directing them #lcsm
Danielle Pardue @Actorielle
RT @jillfeldman4: T2 How Ivy & I got the opportunity to go 2 Japan - talking to stranger about lc who then insisted sending us #lcsm
Faces of Lung Cancer @LungCancerFaces
Love IASLC MT @jillfeldman4: T2 How Ivy & I got the opportunity to go 2 Japan -talking to stranger about lc who then insisted #lcsm
Liz Cramer @oncELLEogy
@LungCancerFaces Agreed. And it can be intimidating but it works. #LCSM
Tiffini Joseph @Smiles4Nana
Really wish I could attend. Will be there in spirit #LCSM https://t.co/AEU1eUFyWr
Karen Loss @cancertrek
RT @LungCancerFaces: T2: Hey, a group of about 7 of us are putting on a rally in DC: T2: Hey, a group of about 7 of us are putting on a rally in DC: https://t.co/VUK08NDzR4 #lcsm
Faces of Lung Cancer @LungCancerFaces
The squeaky wheel gets oil RT @elisabethcramer: @LungCancerFaces Agreed. And it can be intimidating but it works. #LCSM
Liz Cramer @oncELLEogy
RT @LungCancerFaces: The squeaky wheel gets oil RT @elisabethcramer: The squeaky wheel gets oil RT @elisabethcramer: @LungCancerFaces Agreed. And it can be intimidating but it works. #LCSM
Faces of Lung Cancer @LungCancerFaces
@Smiles4Nana Someday we will meet in real life... #lcsm
Tiffini Joseph @Smiles4Nana
@LungCancerFaces That would be awesome! #LCSM
colleen ziegler @ZieglerColleen
RT @LungCancerFaces: The squeaky wheel gets oil RT @elisabethcramer: The squeaky wheel gets oil RT @elisabethcramer: @LungCancerFaces Agreed. And it can be intimidating but it works. #LCSM
Karen Loss @cancertrek
T2: Do radio and TV interviews when opportunities arise. Sometimes in connection with fundraisers, sometimes out of the blue. #lcsm
Laura Greco @lgreco_ny
RT @LungCancerFaces: The squeaky wheel gets oil RT @elisabethcramer: The squeaky wheel gets oil RT @elisabethcramer: @LungCancerFaces Agreed. And it can be intimidating but it works. #LCSM
Faces of Lung Cancer @LungCancerFaces
T2: Advocacy work has another big advantage: connecting all of us, either IRL or online. So encouraging to be with like others #lcsm
Jill Feldman @jillfeldman4
T2 I will do just about anything, literally, to raise awareness for lung cancer and $$$ for lung cancer research #lcsm
Danielle Pardue @Actorielle
RT @LungCancerFaces: T2: Advocacy work has another big advantage: T2: Advocacy work has another big advantage: connecting all of us, either IRL or online. So encouraging to be with like others #lcsm
Danielle Pardue @Actorielle
RT @jillfeldman4: T2 I will do just about anything, literally, to raise awareness for lung cancer and $$$ for lung cancer research #lcsm
Danielle Pardue @Actorielle
RT @cancertrek: T2: T2: Do radio and TV interviews when opportunities arise. Sometimes in connection with fundraisers, sometimes out of the blue. #lcsm
Karen Loss @cancertrek
T2: I'll be throwing my 5-year Cancerversary party later this fall. Great op to spread more education and awareness. #lcsm
Laura Greco @lgreco_ny
t2: I think we need to have a sustained presence in media, in fed. government, to remind them that we are overlooked. #lcsm
Danielle Pardue @Actorielle
RT @lgreco_ny: t2: t2: I think we need to have a sustained presence in media, in fed. government, to remind them that we are overlooked. #lcsm
Liz Cramer @oncELLEogy
@Smiles4Nana @lgreco_ny I think so. When you have a specific ask e.g., co-sign this bill etc and you see that happen. #lcsm
LUNGevity Foundation @LUNGevity
RT @cancertrek: T2: T2: I'll be throwing my 5-year Cancerversary party later this fall. Great op to spread more education and awareness. #lcsm
Laura Greco @lgreco_ny
RT @jillfeldman4: T2 I will do just about anything, literally, to raise awareness for lung cancer and $$$ for lung cancer research #lcsm
Tiffini Joseph @Smiles4Nana
@lgreco_ny @LungCancerFaces Good idea! #LCSM
Faces of Lung Cancer @LungCancerFaces
T2: When I am called, I go. Even if I don't completely agree with the message. We need to continue to be out there the public. #lcsm
LUNGevity Foundation @LUNGevity
RT @jillfeldman4: T2 I will do just about anything, literally, to raise awareness for lung cancer and $$$ for lung cancer research #lcsm
LUNGevity Foundation @LUNGevity
RT @LungCancerFaces: T2: Advocacy work has another big advantage: T2: Advocacy work has another big advantage: connecting all of us, either IRL or online. So encouraging to be with like others #lcsm
Bob Steele @steele_bob
T2: I have signed petitions and email/call to US Senators & House members when important votes come up #lcsm
Danielle Pardue @Actorielle
RT @LungCancerFaces: T2: T2: When I am called, I go. Even if I don't completely agree with the message. We need to continue to be out there the public. #lcsm
Faces of Lung Cancer @LungCancerFaces
THIS RT @lgreco_ny: t2: I think we need to have a sustained presence in media, in fed. gov, to remind them that we are overlooked. #lcsm
LUNGevity Foundation @LUNGevity
RT @jillfeldman4: T2 How Ivy & I got the opportunity to go 2 Japan - talking to stranger about lc who then insisted sending us #lcsm
Karen Loss @cancertrek
Me too! RT @LungCancerFaces: T2: When I am called, I go. We need to continue to be out there the public. #lcsm
Liz Cramer @oncELLEogy
RT @LungCancerFaces: T2: Advocacy work has another big advantage: T2: Advocacy work has another big advantage: connecting all of us, either IRL or online. So encouraging to be with like others #lcsm
LUNGevity Foundation @LUNGevity
RT @LungCancerFaces: T2: Hey, a group of about 7 of us are putting on a rally in DC: T2: Hey, a group of about 7 of us are putting on a rally in DC: https://t.co/VUK08NDzR4 #lcsm
Bob Steele @steele_bob
RT @LungCancerFaces: T2: T2: When I am called, I go. Even if I don't completely agree with the message. We need to continue to be out there the public. #lcsm
Jill Feldman @jillfeldman4
T2 And being connected with all you doing the same is motivating,esp on days when feeling like we're two steps back #lcsm
Upstage Lung Cancer @UpstageLungCanc
RT @LungCancerFaces: T2: T2: When I am called, I go. Even if I don't completely agree with the message. We need to continue to be out there the public. #lcsm
Lung Cancer Sux @LungCancerSux
T2 and hubby even comes out to participate at @freetobreathe in Brooklyn! #lcsm
Faces of Lung Cancer @LungCancerFaces
Yay! RT @cancertrek: T2: I'll be throwing my 5-year Cancerversary party later this fall. Great op to spread more education & awareness #lcsm
LUNGevity Foundation @LUNGevity
RT @LungCancerFaces: T2: T2: Anyone can do something. I started tweeted while mom was sick. A handful of us started #LCSM. #lcsm
LUNGevity Foundation @LUNGevity
RT @dennycee: T2 My trunk carries all I need to set up educational table at events I come across. #lcsm
Upstage Lung Cancer @UpstageLungCanc
RT @jillfeldman4: T2 And being connected with all you doing the same is motivating,esp on days when feeling like we're two steps back #lcsm
Laura Greco @lgreco_ny
RT @steele_bob: T2: T2: I have signed petitions and email/call to US Senators & House members when important votes come up #lcsm
Danielle Pardue @Actorielle
RT @jillfeldman4: T2 And being connected with all you doing the same is motivating,esp on days when feeling like we're two steps back #lcsm
Bob Steele @steele_bob
RT @lgreco_ny: t2: t2: I think we need to have a sustained presence in media, in fed. government, to remind them that we are overlooked. #lcsm
Laura Greco @lgreco_ny
RT @LungCancerFaces: THIS RT @lgreco_ny: t2: THIS RT @lgreco_ny: t2: I think we need to have a sustained presence in media, in fed. gov, to remind them that we are overlooked. #lcsm
Tiffini Joseph @Smiles4Nana
@LungCancerFaces I love my online LC community. I had a chance to meet several in DC last week, great feeling #lcsm
Caregiver ✝️💞🙏🇵🇸 @stevecripe57
@LungCancerFaces T2: Would love to go but my wife will be starting radiation and chemo soon following partial lobectomy. Really new and scary for us. #lcsm
Faces of Lung Cancer @LungCancerFaces
Follow up question: How do we combat the apathy we sometimes deal with as far as patients not wanting to do advocacy work (if well) #lcsm
Katie Brown @brownbeansprout
At daughters choir concert but popping in to raise my fist in advocacy with you all ! #changelc @lungevity #lcsm
Danielle Pardue @Actorielle
Not sure we can combat all folks' apathy. I had a convo w a surv the other day who just didn't want to deal w cancer "stuff" when well #lcsm
Karen Loss @cancertrek
T2: Created ongoing large email list for lung cancer updates. Performed musically in churches & been introduced re lung cancer status. #lcsm
colleen ziegler @ZieglerColleen
focus and presence always present and loud #lcsm
Jill Feldman @jillfeldman4
@LungCancerFaces I've felt the up & down over the past 16 years. Taking a break to recharge b4 burning out is impt #lcsm
Faces of Lung Cancer @LungCancerFaces
@scripe57 And I owe you some info. #lcsm
Danielle Pardue @Actorielle
T2 if an advocate is forced, they aren't an advocate. Can't be volun"told" what to do. Need to be in emotionally safe place first. #lcsm
Bob Steele @steele_bob
RT @cancertrek: T2: T2: Created ongoing large email list for lung cancer updates. Performed musically in churches & been introduced re lung cancer status. #lcsm
Upstage Lung Cancer @UpstageLungCanc
RT @cancertrek: T2: T2: Created ongoing large email list for lung cancer updates. Performed musically in churches & been introduced re lung cancer status. #lcsm
Faces of Lung Cancer @LungCancerFaces
And then there's burnout... It' real. #lcsm
Karen Loss @cancertrek
T2: Agree with Jill, sometimes even those who are active need to back off and recharge for a time. #lcsm
Danielle Pardue @Actorielle
RT @jillfeldman4: @LungCancerFaces I've felt the up & down over the past 16 years. Taking a break to recharge b4 burning out is impt #lcsm
Danielle Pardue @Actorielle
RT @LungCancerFaces: And then there's burnout... It' real. #lcsm
Faces of Lung Cancer @LungCancerFaces
T3 coming up in a minute... #lcsm
lysa buonanno @lysabee
#lcsm late but I'm here
Faces of Lung Cancer @LungCancerFaces
@lysabee Hey girl! #lcsm
Jill Feldman @jillfeldman4
@LungCancerFaces Read your follow up wrong. Give that person space or encourage an area they are interested in. Can't force #lcsm
Bob Steele @steele_bob
RT @jillfeldman4: @LungCancerFaces I've felt the up & down over the past 16 years. Taking a break to recharge b4 burning out is impt #lcsm
Lung Cancer Sux @LungCancerSux
T2 bis not sure that's apathy. Patients advocate and fight in daily life #LCSM
Tiffini Joseph @Smiles4Nana
@Actorielle Agreed. 4 me, advocacy is a passion. I've taken breaks, but I always come back #lcsm
Faces of Lung Cancer @LungCancerFaces
@jillfeldman4 Agree, can't force. Frustrates me, though. #lcsm
colleen ziegler @ZieglerColleen
meet with pulmonary research team today at local cancer ct. - all about smoking#lcsm education
Faces of Lung Cancer @LungCancerFaces
@Smiles4Nana You have a big family to take care of. You do just fine. #lcsm
Bob Steele @steele_bob
RT @Smiles4Nana: @Actorielle Agreed. 4 me, advocacy is a passion. I've taken breaks, but I always come back #lcsm
Faces of Lung Cancer @LungCancerFaces
Huge issue. Tough disease. RT @LungCancerSux: T2 bis not sure that's apathy. Patients advocate and fight in daily life #LCSM
Faces of Lung Cancer @LungCancerFaces
T3: What do you see as barriers to patients doing advocacy work on their own behalf? Explain. #lcsm
Tiffini Joseph @Smiles4Nana
@LungCancerFaces Thank you #lcsm
Danielle Pardue @Actorielle
@LungCancerFaces @jillfeldman4 It is frustrating, but it's a luxury to be frustrated. My friend said "no more cancer stuff for me." #lcsm
Jill Feldman @jillfeldman4
@LungCancerFaces Me too, especially when people close to you figure 'others' are doing the work & they don't have to #lcsm
Danielle Pardue @Actorielle
RT @LungCancerFaces: T3: T3: What do you see as barriers to patients doing advocacy work on their own behalf? Explain. #lcsm
Steve Holderness @dark_hawk_98
T3: smoking stigma is a huge barrier at times. #lcsm
colleen ziegler @ZieglerColleen
so tough met w local research team today all about smoking?! #lcsm
Andrea Borondy Kitts @findlungcancer
T2 > bilateral hip surgery in PACU & ICU I talked to all re:lungcancer screening & handed out pamphlets I brought with me 2 hospital #lcsm https://t.co/dXLbYA9LOA
Faces of Lung Cancer @LungCancerFaces
@jillfeldman4 Right, like you're doing it. #lcsm
Jill Feldman @jillfeldman4
@Actorielle @LungCancerFaces I've learned not to take it personally, but some times can't help it #lcsm
Faces of Lung Cancer @LungCancerFaces
@ZieglerColleen What do you mean? That's all they talked about? #lcsm
Karen Loss @cancertrek
T3: Physical condition can be a barrier. Fear of going public is real for some. Feeling unsure of their knowledge level. #lcsm
colleen ziegler @ZieglerColleen
smoking perception is very strong #lcsm
Jill Feldman @jillfeldman4
T3 Smoking history unfortunately. Some even lie about dx. Say they have breast cancer to others #lcsm
Faces of Lung Cancer @LungCancerFaces
I think it's the biggest barrier. RT @dark_hawk_98: T3: smoking stigma is a huge barrier at times. #lcsm
Bob Steele @steele_bob
RT @cancertrek: T3: T3: Physical condition can be a barrier. Fear of going public is real for some. Feeling unsure of their knowledge level. #lcsm
Danielle Pardue @Actorielle
T3 Tx-related fatigue. That's the answer for my mom (my pt). She doesn't have the energy yet to participate. Encourages me to do so. #lcsm
Steve Holderness @dark_hawk_98
T3: what seems to work for me at times is that I am not a statistic, I am a human. that seems to open their minds a crack at least. #lcsm
Jill Feldman @jillfeldman4
T3 Health. If they aren't healthy enough or feel good enough to do anything emotional or physical #lcsm
Danielle Pardue @Actorielle
RT @jillfeldman4: T3 Smoking history unfortunately. Some even lie about dx. Say they have breast cancer to others #lcsm
Upstage Lung Cancer @UpstageLungCanc
RT @jillfeldman4: T3 Smoking history unfortunately. Some even lie about dx. Say they have breast cancer to others #lcsm
Denise Cutlip @dennycee
Agreed Steve https://t.co/zZvPHVRXnQ
Lung Cancer Sux @LungCancerSux
This is very big barrier to patients advocating for themselves and others #lcsm https://t.co/oAdLHjD96B
lysa buonanno @lysabee
Yes! We need more help please https://t.co/Fktgu6L5tC
Faces of Lung Cancer @LungCancerFaces
T3: Lung cancer tx can be pretty tough. Most are dx advanced stage. Puts our community at a disadvantage. #lcsm
Jill Feldman @jillfeldman4
T3 When their doctors tell them to go home and get their affairs in order. Huge barrier if they don't have Hope #lcsm
Danielle Pardue @Actorielle
RT @LungCancerFaces: T3: T3: Lung cancer tx can be pretty tough. Most are dx advanced stage. Puts our community at a disadvantage. #lcsm
Bob Steele @steele_bob
RT @jillfeldman4: T3 When their doctors tell them to go home and get their affairs in order. Huge barrier if they don't have Hope #lcsm
Steve Holderness @dark_hawk_98
T3 I use my personal history to break those barriers... yes I smoked, but I was fire fighter too, I ask them which smoke was it? #lcsm
Danielle Pardue @Actorielle
!!! RT @jillfeldman4: T3 When their doctors tell them to go home and get their affairs in order. Huge barrier if they don't have Hope #lcsm
Karen Loss @cancertrek
T3: Some are very concerned about letting people know their diagnosis. Work related? Family related? #lcsm
colleen ziegler @ZieglerColleen
late dx is what is part of what is taking lives #lcsm
Danielle Pardue @Actorielle
RT @dark_hawk_98: T3 I use my personal history to break those barriers... yes I smoked, but I was fire fighter too, I ask them which smoke was it? #lcsm
Danielle Pardue @Actorielle
RT @cancertrek: T3: T3: Some are very concerned about letting people know their diagnosis. Work related? Family related? #lcsm
Danielle Pardue @Actorielle
@jillfeldman4 I wish I could RT this a million times. #lcsm
Steve Holderness @dark_hawk_98
T3: I was born and raised in Los Angeles in the 50's and 60's. when smog regulations were in their infancy. #lcsm
Faces of Lung Cancer @LungCancerFaces
T3: What about the family of people who have LC? Why don't we have more working in advocacy, especially after a loved one passes? #lcsm
Faces of Lung Cancer @LungCancerFaces
@dark_hawk_98 Howdy, neighbor #lcsm
Jill Feldman @jillfeldman4
T3 Not having information on knowledge and feeling inferior. The disparity in resources, and care is REAL & a huge barrier #lcsm
Steve Holderness @dark_hawk_98
T3: I ask them to decide what caused my cancer, which smoke was it? #lcsm
Faces of Lung Cancer @LungCancerFaces
THIS RT @jillfeldman4: T3 When their doctors tell them to go home and get their affairs in order. Huge barrier if they don't have Hope #lcsm
Tiffini Joseph @Smiles4Nana
@jillfeldman4 My mom always said she didn't have an expiration date stamped on her foot. Sometimes a "prognosis" and "time left" takes away hope #lcsm
Upstage Lung Cancer @UpstageLungCanc
RT @jillfeldman4: T3 Not having information on knowledge and feeling inferior. The disparity in resources, and care is REAL & a huge barrier #lcsm
Laura Greco @lgreco_ny
RT @LungCancerFaces: THIS RT @jillfeldman4: THIS RT @jillfeldman4: T3 When their doctors tell them to go home and get their affairs in order. Huge barrier if they don't have Hope #lcsm
Upstage Lung Cancer @UpstageLungCanc
RT @Actorielle: !!! RT @jillfeldman4: !!! RT @jillfeldman4: T3 When their doctors tell them to go home and get their affairs in order. Huge barrier if they don't have Hope #lcsm
Tiffini Joseph @Smiles4Nana
RT @jillfeldman4: T3 When their doctors tell them to go home and get their affairs in order. Huge barrier if they don't have Hope #lcsm
Steve Holderness @dark_hawk_98
T3 Not that harshly usually, but there are times I have. like to an ER nurse once. #lcsm
Faces of Lung Cancer @LungCancerFaces
T3: I was shocked at the nihilism of some docs. Also, the resistance of general practitioners to lung cancer screening. smh #lcsm
Danielle Pardue @Actorielle
RT @LungCancerFaces: T3: T3: I was shocked at the nihilism of some docs. Also, the resistance of general practitioners to lung cancer screening. smh #lcsm
Dr. David Tom Cooke @DavidCookeMD
RT @LungCancerFaces: T3: T3: I was shocked at the nihilism of some docs. Also, the resistance of general practitioners to lung cancer screening. smh #lcsm
Karen Loss @cancertrek
T3: Anger. Some have not progressed beyond that and cannot find anything worthwhile to do relating to lung cancer. #lcsm
Denise Cutlip @dennycee
Families feel touch by the stigma. https://t.co/4cn74DwwDz
Bob Steele @steele_bob
RT @dark_hawk_98: T3: T3: I ask them to decide what caused my cancer, which smoke was it? #lcsm
lysa buonanno @lysabee
You can visit them in your home state also https://t.co/r9zvvlkspk
Danielle Pardue @Actorielle
@LungCancerFaces Actually, PA at my PCP scoffed, said "I know you see a lot of LC stuff, doesn't mean you'll get it, calm down." SMH! #lcsm
Faces of Lung Cancer @LungCancerFaces
@jillfeldman4 Right, and God help you if you live in a rural area #lcsm
Jill Feldman @jillfeldman4
T3 When I got involved in 2001 my fam asked how I could do it, befriend people, knowing I will lose more I loved 2 lc #lcsm
Danielle Pardue @Actorielle
RT @cancertrek: T3: T3: Anger. Some have not progressed beyond that and cannot find anything worthwhile to do relating to lung cancer. #lcsm
Danielle Pardue @Actorielle
RT @jillfeldman4: T3 When I got involved in 2001 my fam asked how I could do it, befriend people, knowing I will lose more I loved 2 lc #lcsm
Faces of Lung Cancer @LungCancerFaces
@jillfeldman4 That's a legit question. I've only been at this a few years. It's tough to lose friends. #lcsm
Joni Fowler, PharmD, BCPP @jfowlerpharmd
@jillfeldman4 T3 This makes me sad, but living in the South, it's still the major cause of LC. 🚭We must also raise awareness about LC in nonsmokers. #lcsm
Faces of Lung Cancer @LungCancerFaces
@Actorielle Oy vey #lcsm
Karen Loss @cancertrek
T3: Yes, for family getting involved, I think the fear of further loss is very difficult for people. #lcsm
Jill Feldman @jillfeldman4
T3 It was always bigger than losing people I love, I had to make sense of losses & find control & then I was dx. #lcsm
Faces of Lung Cancer @LungCancerFaces
T3: I find ways to compartmentalize the losses, but regret becoming numb to some of it. Does that make sense? #lcsm
Jill Feldman @jillfeldman4
@LungCancerFaces Yes! but it may not be numb. I think we prepare ourselves in a weird way with each person we meet #lcsm
Faces of Lung Cancer @LungCancerFaces
I do, too #lcsm https://t.co/bdfuVWxYkO
Faces of Lung Cancer @LungCancerFaces
#lcsm https://t.co/jq1vI20WOs
Faces of Lung Cancer @LungCancerFaces
#lcsm https://t.co/wO2RlmFBlR
Faces of Lung Cancer @LungCancerFaces
#lcsm https://t.co/jcUNxxWR5F
Danielle Pardue @Actorielle
RT @jillfeldman4: T3 It was always bigger than losing people I love, I had to make sense of losses & find control & then I was dx. #lcsm
Danielle Pardue @Actorielle
RT @LungCancerFaces: T3: T3: I find ways to compartmentalize the losses, but regret becoming numb to some of it. Does that make sense? #lcsm
Joni Fowler, PharmD, BCPP @jfowlerpharmd
@LungCancerFaces You guys rock social media, tho! Nothing like the #lcsm team! 👊🏼
Upstage Lung Cancer @UpstageLungCanc
RT @LungCancerFaces: T3: T3: I was shocked at the nihilism of some docs. Also, the resistance of general practitioners to lung cancer screening. smh #lcsm
Faces of Lung Cancer @LungCancerFaces
Remember to include #lcsm on your tweets...
Jill Feldman @jillfeldman4
T3 My mom used to say it takes 1 candle to light a room. Losses suck but changing one life can renew our soul #lcsm
Bob Steele @steele_bob
RT @jfowlerpharmd: @LungCancerFaces You guys rock social media, tho! Nothing like the #lcsm team! 👊🏼
Upstage Lung Cancer @UpstageLungCanc
RT @LungCancerFaces: T3: T3: I find ways to compartmentalize the losses, but regret becoming numb to some of it. Does that make sense? #lcsm
Upstage Lung Cancer @UpstageLungCanc
RT @jillfeldman4: T3 It was always bigger than losing people I love, I had to make sense of losses & find control & then I was dx. #lcsm
Faces of Lung Cancer @LungCancerFaces
@jillfeldman4 Your mom sounds like she was a wise woman #lcsm
Faces of Lung Cancer @LungCancerFaces
T4: What do you think about patients doing direct, grassroots advocacy on their own, as a complementary addition to the major orgs? #lcsm
Upstage Lung Cancer @UpstageLungCanc
RT @cancertrek: T3: T3: Yes, for family getting involved, I think the fear of further loss is very difficult for people. #lcsm
Caregiver ✝️💞🙏🇵🇸 @stevecripe57
@LungCancerFaces T3: Of course. Very common to separate yourself at times to be able to function and do what you personally do. #lcsm
Danielle Pardue @Actorielle
RT @jillfeldman4: T3 My mom used to say it takes 1 candle to light a room. Losses suck but changing one life can renew our soul #lcsm
Geri Massa @GeriGerim13
T3 it would be great to have it in your routine Dr visits. Like mammograms , #LCSM
Faces of Lung Cancer @LungCancerFaces
@scripe57 I know you speak from experience, my friend. #lcsm
Karen Loss @cancertrek
T4: Isn't that what we're talking about? I think we need to do advocacy, education, awareness in every way available to us. #lcsm
Bob Steele @steele_bob
RT @jillfeldman4: T3 My mom used to say it takes 1 candle to light a room. Losses suck but changing one life can renew our soul #lcsm
Jill Feldman @jillfeldman4
@LungCancerFaces Beyond. Wish I had more years of it! #lcsm
Faces of Lung Cancer @LungCancerFaces
T4: We're trying to do it on Nov 2. : https://t.co/VUK08NDzR4 Should be an interesting experience. A bunch of survivors and me. #lcsm
Denise Cutlip @dennycee
T4-survivors acting on their own can make a huge difference, look at World Lung Cancer Day. #lcsm
Steve Holderness @dark_hawk_98
T4: It is the only thing I know how to do. advocate from personal experiences, not just #lcsm either.
Drew Moghanaki 🐕 @DrewMoghanaki
RT @LungCancerFaces: Anyone with lungs can get #LungCancer. If LC doesn't qualify as a National Emergency, I don't know what does. 433 Americans die daily. #lcsm https://t.co/7zle2VaUz9
Faces of Lung Cancer @LungCancerFaces
@dennycee Kudos to Betsey Thompson on that one. #lcsm
Laura Greco @lgreco_ny
RT @LungCancerFaces: T4: We're trying to do it on Nov 2. : T4: We're trying to do it on Nov 2. : https://t.co/VUK08NDzR4 Should be an interesting experience. A bunch of survivors and me. #lcsm
Karen Loss @cancertrek
RT @dennycee: T4-survivors acting on their own can make a huge difference, look at World Lung Cancer Day. #lcsm
Bob Steele @steele_bob
RT @dennycee: T4-survivors acting on their own can make a huge difference, look at World Lung Cancer Day. #lcsm
Lisa Moran @plh4lisa
I'm sorry I'm late. Checking in from Colorado Springs, CO. #lcsm
Caregiver ✝️💞🙏🇵🇸 @stevecripe57
@LungCancerFaces It's a "clinical thing" you do to stay objective. #lcsm
Faces of Lung Cancer @LungCancerFaces
@teamplh4lisa Hi Lisa! You've had quite the dramatic last few days. #lcsm
Faces of Lung Cancer @LungCancerFaces
@scripe57 I guess we all have to take the clinical approach in the lung cancer advocacy worlkd #lcsm
Karen Loss @cancertrek
T4: Again, for everyone...https://t.co/7LH6E1TpCn #lcsm
Paula @paulalv
I'm late, sorry. #lcsm
Jill Feldman @jillfeldman4
T4 Yes and no. Doing individual things can help and be productive #lcsm
Faces of Lung Cancer @LungCancerFaces
@RedGia Weird, isn't it? My son's GF has the same name as my mom, Rita. mom is the reason I do this stuff. #lcsm
Lisa L Lind @ViajoGypsyNomad
@LungCancerFaces I think it is not only ok but totally necessary! With corruptness as well as overhead, so many $ are NOT spent on the patient! #lcsm
Faces of Lung Cancer @LungCancerFaces
@paulalv That's OK. Glad you're here. #lcsm
Caregiver ✝️💞🙏🇵🇸 @stevecripe57
@LungCancerFaces Understandable... #lcsm
Lisa Moran @plh4lisa
@LungCancerFaces @JFreemanDaily If I can't make DC, should I go to my state capitol? #lcsm
colleen ziegler @ZieglerColleen
RT @cancertrek: T4: T4: Again, for everyone...https://t.co/7LH6E1TpCn #lcsm
Jill Feldman @jillfeldman4
T4 The no is the scope of what need 2 b done is much greater than fighting for tiny pieces of the diminishing pie #lcsm
Faces of Lung Cancer @LungCancerFaces
Absolutely. RT @teamplh4lisa: @LungCancerFaces @JFreemanDaily If I can't make DC, should I go to my state capitol? #lcsm
Laura Greco @lgreco_ny
t4 history is full of grassroots efforts becoming huge. We can do things others can't. #lcsm
Denise Cutlip @dennycee
T4-there are times when a soft, lone voice commands more attention than a group. #lcsm
Faces of Lung Cancer @LungCancerFaces
THIS RT @lgreco_ny: t4 history is full of grassroots efforts becoming huge. We can do things others can't. #lcsm
Faces of Lung Cancer @LungCancerFaces
And This RT @dennycee: T4-there are times when a soft, lone voice commands more attention than a group. #lcsm
Bob Steele @steele_bob
RT @lgreco_ny: t4 history is full of grassroots efforts becoming huge. We can do things others can't. #lcsm
Jill Feldman @jillfeldman4
T4 Life and Breath Rally is an excellent example of YES!!!! #lcsm
Karen Loss @cancertrek
T4: And everyone here can make a short video promoting the DC event on Nov. 2. Send to @LungCancerFaces #lcsm
colleen ziegler @ZieglerColleen
Yes we can and we will #lcsm
Lung Cancer Halflung (K Latzka) @LungCancerHalfL
Just arrived for the last few minutes ❤️#LCSM
Bob Steele @steele_bob
RT @cancertrek: T4: T4: And everyone here can make a short video promoting the DC event on Nov. 2. Send to @LungCancerFaces #lcsm
Laura Greco @lgreco_ny
RT @cancertrek: T4: T4: And everyone here can make a short video promoting the DC event on Nov. 2. Send to @LungCancerFaces #lcsm
Faces of Lung Cancer @LungCancerFaces
I hope so! Preregister here: https://t.co/jHx7tDyyAv RT @jillfeldman4: T4 Life and Breath Rally is an excellent example of YES!!!! #lcsm
Denise Cutlip @dennycee
RT @jillfeldman4: T4 Life and Breath Rally is an excellent example of YES!!!! #lcsm
Faces of Lung Cancer @LungCancerFaces
Yes please RT @cancertrek: T4: And everyone here can make a short video promoting the DC event on Nov. 2. Send to @LungCancerFaces #lcsm
Danielle Pardue @Actorielle
RT @LungCancerFaces: T4: T4: What do you think about patients doing direct, grassroots advocacy on their own, as a complementary addition to the major orgs? #lcsm
Lung Cancer Halflung (K Latzka) @LungCancerHalfL
RT @LungCancerFaces: T4: We're trying to do it on Nov 2. : T4: We're trying to do it on Nov 2. : https://t.co/VUK08NDzR4 Should be an interesting experience. A bunch of survivors and me. #lcsm
Danielle Pardue @Actorielle
RT @cancertrek: T4: T4: Isn't that what we're talking about? I think we need to do advocacy, education, awareness in every way available to us. #lcsm
Faces of Lung Cancer @LungCancerFaces
Advocacy groups are important, but we need to remember that the individual patients/advocates make the wheels go round. Work together. #lcsm
Faces of Lung Cancer @LungCancerFaces
We #lcsm
Danielle Pardue @Actorielle
RT @cancertrek: T4: T4: Again, for everyone...https://t.co/7LH6E1TpCn #lcsm
Bob Steele @steele_bob
RT @LungCancerFaces: Advocacy groups are important, but we need to remember that the individual patients/advocates make the wheels go round. Work together. #lcsm
Jill Feldman @jillfeldman4
T4Margaret Mead-never doubt small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world, it's only thing that ever has #lcsm
Faces of Lung Cancer @LungCancerFaces
We're almost out of time. Any closing thoughts? #lcsm
Steve Holderness @dark_hawk_98
Exactly, WE./ #lcsm
colleen ziegler @ZieglerColleen
we can make a difference, lets unite our voices #lcsm
Danielle Pardue @Actorielle
@LungCancerFaces @paulalv ditto! <3 #lcsm
Laura Greco @lgreco_ny
RT @jillfeldman4: T4Margaret Mead-never doubt small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world, it's only thing that ever has #lcsm
Danielle Pardue @Actorielle
RT @jillfeldman4: T4 The no is the scope of what need 2 b done is much greater than fighting for tiny pieces of the diminishing pie #lcsm
Danielle Pardue @Actorielle
RT @LungCancerFaces: And This RT @dennycee: And This RT @dennycee: T4-there are times when a soft, lone voice commands more attention than a group. #lcsm
Kristy Rogers @LungLove4Mom
#lcsm I am super late but wanted to say hi!
Danielle Pardue @Actorielle
RT @cancertrek: T4: T4: And everyone here can make a short video promoting the DC event on Nov. 2. Send to @LungCancerFaces #lcsm
Danielle Pardue @Actorielle
RT @LungCancerFaces: Advocacy groups are important, but we need to remember that the individual patients/advocates make the wheels go round. Work together. #lcsm
Tom Varghese Jr. MD, MS, MBA, FACS, MAMSE 🇺🇸 @TomVargheseJr
RT @LungCancerFaces: T3: T3: I was shocked at the nihilism of some docs. Also, the resistance of general practitioners to lung cancer screening. smh #lcsm
Danielle Pardue @Actorielle
RT @ZieglerColleen: we can make a difference, lets unite our voices #lcsm
Lung Cancer Halflung (K Latzka) @LungCancerHalfL
@LungCancerFaces Happens often in Hawaii RT @LungCancerFaces .. the resistance of general practitioners to lung cancer screening. smh #lcsm
Upstage Lung Cancer @UpstageLungCanc
RT @ZieglerColleen: we can make a difference, lets unite our voices #lcsm
Bob Steele @steele_bob
RT @ZieglerColleen: we can make a difference, lets unite our voices #lcsm
Upstage Lung Cancer @UpstageLungCanc
RT @LungCancerFaces: Advocacy groups are important, but we need to remember that the individual patients/advocates make the wheels go round. Work together. #lcsm
Jill Feldman @jillfeldman4
Thank you @LungCancerFaces for tonight & ALL that you do. Bring on LCAM, we r ready! #lcsm
Faces of Lung Cancer @LungCancerFaces
My last plug: Lung Cancer patients are producing the Life & Breath Rally at the US Capitol in DC on 11/2: https://t.co/VUK08NDzR4 #lcsm
Bob Steele @steele_bob
RT @jillfeldman4: Thank you @LungCancerFaces for tonight & ALL that you do. Bring on LCAM, we r ready! #lcsm
Upstage Lung Cancer @UpstageLungCanc
RT @LungCancerFaces: T4: We're trying to do it on Nov 2. : T4: We're trying to do it on Nov 2. : https://t.co/VUK08NDzR4 Should be an interesting experience. A bunch of survivors and me. #lcsm
Faces of Lung Cancer @LungCancerFaces
#LCAM17 Stay tuned RT @jillfeldman4: Thank you @LungCancerFaces for tonight & ALL that you do. Bring on LCAM, we r ready! #lcsm
Danielle Pardue @Actorielle
RT @LungCancerFaces: My last plug: Lung Cancer patients are producing the Life & Breath Rally at the US Capitol in DC on 11/2: My last plug: Lung Cancer patients are producing the Life & Breath Rally at the US Capitol in DC on 11/2: https://t.co/VUK08NDzR4 #lcsm
Geri Massa @GeriGerim13
As many commercials I see about lung cancer I dont know f there is one about getting lung cancer, just need lungs #LCSM
Karen Loss @cancertrek
RT @LungCancerFaces: My last plug: Lung Cancer patients are producing the Life & Breath Rally at the US Capitol in DC on 11/2: My last plug: Lung Cancer patients are producing the Life & Breath Rally at the US Capitol in DC on 11/2: https://t.co/VUK08NDzR4 #lcsm
colleen ziegler @ZieglerColleen
November 2nd lets make our voices heard #lcsm
Caregiver ✝️💞🙏🇵🇸 @stevecripe57
@LungCancerFaces Thanks for having me for my first chat. Will try to make it a habit. Nice to hear from others. #lcsm
Faces of Lung Cancer @LungCancerFaces
Pre-registration online: https://t.co/jHx7tDyyAv Tell your friends & family! #lcsm
Danielle Pardue @Actorielle
Sending so much love to all of you. Love my tribe. Let's do this. #lcsm
Danielle Pardue @Actorielle
RT @LungCancerFaces: Pre-registration online: Pre-registration online: https://t.co/jHx7tDyyAv Tell your friends & family! #lcsm
Danielle Pardue @Actorielle
RT @GERI1365: As many commercials I see about lung cancer I dont know f there is one about getting lung cancer, just need lungs #LCSM
Faces of Lung Cancer @LungCancerFaces
@scripe57 You are not alone. We are a community. #lcsm
Upstage Lung Cancer @UpstageLungCanc
RT @LungCancerFaces: My last plug: Lung Cancer patients are producing the Life & Breath Rally at the US Capitol in DC on 11/2: My last plug: Lung Cancer patients are producing the Life & Breath Rally at the US Capitol in DC on 11/2: https://t.co/VUK08NDzR4 #lcsm
Jill Feldman @jillfeldman4
RT @LungCancerFaces: Pre-registration online: Pre-registration online: https://t.co/jHx7tDyyAv Tell your friends & family! #lcsm
Faces of Lung Cancer @LungCancerFaces
Signing off a couple of minutes early tonight. Even moderators have dinner plans. Love you all. Best damn community IMO! #lcsm
Karen Loss @cancertrek
Thanks @LungCancerFaces for moderating tonight...and all of your other MANY efforts on our behalf. #lcsm
Geri Massa @GeriGerim13
Great tweet 💭 chat Watching this hurricane, likely coming here. #LCSM
Bob Steele @steele_bob
Do we have a game plan for #LCAM17? What can I do to help? #lcsm
Danielle Pardue @Actorielle
RT @steele_bob: Do we have a game plan for #LCAM17? What can I do to help? #lcsm
Danielle Pardue @Actorielle
@steele_bob Let's all keep an evolving conversation going about our goals! #lcsm
Lung Cancer Halflung (K Latzka) @LungCancerHalfL
RT @LungCancerFaces: Pre-registration online: Pre-registration online: https://t.co/jHx7tDyyAv Tell your friends & family! #lcsm
Lakshman Swamy (laxswamy@bsky.social) @laxswamy
RT @LungCancerFaces: Registration now open for the Life & Breath Rally at the Capitol Building in Washington DC on 11/2: Registration now open for the Life & Breath Rally at the Capitol Building in Washington DC on 11/2: https://t.co/jHx7tDQ9s3 #lcsm #433aday
Danielle Pardue @Actorielle
@LungCancerFaces Goodnight! Thank you for everything! Enjoy your dinner! #lcsm
Faces of Lung Cancer @LungCancerFaces
Stay tuned. Great things from @iaslc coming RT @steele_bob: Do we have a game plan for #LCAM17? What can I do to help? #lcsm
Bob Steele @steele_bob
RT @LungCancerFaces: Stay tuned. Great things from @iaslc coming RT @steele_bob: Stay tuned. Great things from @iaslc coming RT @steele_bob: Do we have a game plan for #LCAM17? What can I do to help? #lcsm
Tiffini Joseph @Smiles4Nana
RT @LungCancerFaces: Signing off a couple of minutes early tonight. Even moderators have dinner plans. Love you all. Best damn community IMO! #lcsm
Tiffini Joseph @Smiles4Nana
@LungCancerFaces Goodnight! Enjoy #lcsm
Paula @paulalv
RT @LungCancerFaces: My last plug: Lung Cancer patients are producing the Life & Breath Rally at the US Capitol in DC on 11/2: My last plug: Lung Cancer patients are producing the Life & Breath Rally at the US Capitol in DC on 11/2: https://t.co/VUK08NDzR4 #lcsm
Bob Steele @steele_bob
Goodnight everyone. Look forward to seeing you in two weeks for the next Lung Cancer Social Media Chat session. #lcsm
Frank Ingram, MD @Chucktowndoc
Sorry, folks. I was helping munchkins with homework. Hope it was a good session. #LCSM
Gabriel dos Anjos @realdrgabriel
Discussing lung cancer EGFR+. What's new. #LCSM
#LCSM content from Twitter.