#LCSM Transcript

Healthcare social media transcript of the #LCSM hashtag.
See #LCSM Influencers/Analytics.

Bob Steele @steele_bob
Will be writing my speech this weekend for IASLC 2020 North America Conference on Lung Cancer (NACLC 2020). #lcsm
Timothy Craig Allen, MD, JD, FCAP @TimAllenMDJD
Welcome to #LCSM Chat! Our topic for August 6th: Update on #COVID-19 and #LungCancer More info at https://t.co/aIkDLqAwLL
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @TimAllenMDJD: Welcome to #LCSM Chat! Our topic for August 6th: Welcome to #LCSM Chat! Our topic for August 6th: Update on #COVID-19 and #LungCancer More info at https://t.co/aIkDLqAwLL
Timothy Craig Allen, MD, JD, FCAP @TimAllenMDJD
I’m your moderator, Tim Allen (@timallenmdjd) Pulmonary pathologist. Professor and Chair of the Department of Pathology at the University of Mississippi Medical Center in Jackson, Mississippi #LCSM
Lisa Moran @plh4lisa
I'm here Hello from CO!#lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @TimAllenMDJD: I’m your moderator, Tim Allen (@timallenmdjd) Pulmonary pathologist. Professor and Chair of the Department of Pathology at the University of Mississippi Medical Center in Jackson, Mississippi #LCSM
Bob Steele @steele_bob
RT @TimAllenMDJD: Welcome to #LCSM Chat! Our topic for August 6th: Welcome to #LCSM Chat! Our topic for August 6th: Update on #COVID-19 and #LungCancer More info at https://t.co/aIkDLqAwLL
Timothy Craig Allen, MD, JD, FCAP @TimAllenMDJD
We'll get started in a few minutes -- please take a moment to introduce yourselves. #LCSM
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
Hi @TimAllenMDJD ! Thanks for moderating #lcsm chat tonight.
Timothy Craig Allen, MD, JD, FCAP @TimAllenMDJD
If you are new to Twitter chats and/or #LCSM Chat, you might find our primer on how to participate helpful https://t.co/shziI4bmml
Cancer Data etc @brunolarvol
RT @StephenVLiu: #OncoAlert Be sure to register (complimentary) for the @IASLC #WCLC20 Virtual Presidential Symposium THIS Saturday, August 8, 2020. Some practice-changing studies being presented. Come join in the discussions! #LCSM https://t.co/TtXJpiqzVB https://t.co/vWCEPRqwOA
Dianne Grunes @DrGrunes
#LCSM Thank you Dr. Allen, looking forward to the twitterchat on #COVID19 and #lungcancer I am a pathologist at UMMC focusing on lung, gastrointestinal pathology, and cytopathology.
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
Janet Freeman-Daily, lung cancer patient and research activist, near #Seattle on one of the few rainy days this summer. #lcsm
kristen kimball @KimballKristen
Hello, Kris Kimball sitting in from Boston #LCSM
Timothy Craig Allen, MD, JD, FCAP @TimAllenMDJD
It's my privilege and pleasure! #lcsm
Faces of Lung Cancer @LungCancerFaces
Deana Hendrickson @LungCancerFaces here! I’ll be tweeting from the @lcsmchat account during tonight’s #LCSM Chat. Please join us as we discuss #COVID__19 #COVID19
Timothy Craig Allen, MD, JD, FCAP @TimAllenMDJD
Please remember to use #LCSM in all your tweets so others participating in the chat can see them.
Eric Bernicker @EricBernicker
Medical oncologist from Houston here #LCSM
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
@DrGrunes Welcome Dianne! #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @TimAllenMDJD: We'll get started in a few minutes -- please take a moment to introduce yourselves. #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @TimAllenMDJD: If you are new to Twitter chats and/or #LCSM Chat, you might find our primer on how to participate helpful https://t.co/shziI4bmml
Timothy Craig Allen, MD, JD, FCAP @TimAllenMDJD
If you prefer just to listen, please tweet “#LCSM” so we know you’re in the audience (but I urge you ahead and join in! It’s a great #LCSM team!)
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
@plh4lisa Hi Lisa! Good to see you again on the chat. #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
@KimballKristen Hi Kris! #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @TimAllenMDJD: Please remember to use #LCSM in all your tweets so others participating in the chat can see them.
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
@EricBernicker Welcome Eric! #LCSM
Timothy Craig Allen, MD, JD, FCAP @TimAllenMDJD
Howdy, @EricBernicker #lcsm
Devika Das, MD, MSHQS @DevikaDasMD
@TimAllenMDJD @lcsmchat Devika here 👋 UAB / Birmingham VA thoracic oncologist, Quality and safety champion and educator from Alabama #lcsm 🙏🏽
Timothy Craig Allen, MD, JD, FCAP @TimAllenMDJD
Please do not promote products or services on the #LCSM feed or during the chat. Feel free to share vetted online resources.
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
@EricBernicker Welcome, Dr Bernicker. #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @TimAllenMDJD: If you prefer just to listen, please tweet “#LCSM” so we know you’re in the audience (but I urge you ahead and join in! It’s a great #LCSM team!)
Denise Cutlip @dennycee
Hi all. So happy to be here! Michigan in the house #lcsm
MECnewengland @glostaMAssachu
Hello. Betsy here from Cape Ann, MA #lcsm
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
@DevikaDasMD @TimAllenMDJD @lcsmchat Hi Devika! Nice to meet you. #LCSM
Timothy Craig Allen, MD, JD, FCAP @TimAllenMDJD
RT @LungCancerFaces: Deana Hendrickson @LungCancerFaces here! I’ll be tweeting from the @lcsmchat account during tonight’s #LCSM Chat. Please join us as we discuss #COVID__19 #COVID19
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
@DevikaDasMD @TimAllenMDJD Hi Devika! #lcsm
HT @hnp_thomas
RT @UMMC_Pathology: Join us today #lungcancer #Covid_19 #LCSM chat https://t.co/dCP0BKwWxX
Timothy Craig Allen, MD, JD, FCAP @TimAllenMDJD
RT @JFreemanDaily: Janet Freeman-Daily, lung cancer patient and research activist, near #Seattle on one of the few rainy days this summer. #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @TimAllenMDJD: Please do not promote products or services on the #LCSM feed or during the chat. Feel free to share vetted online resources.
Timothy Craig Allen, MD, JD, FCAP @TimAllenMDJD
RT @DrGrunes: #LCSM Thank you Dr. Allen, looking forward to the twitterchat on #COVID19 and #lungcancer I am a pathologist at UMMC focusing on lung, gastrointestinal pathology, and cytopathology.
HT @hnp_thomas
RT @TimAllenMDJD: If you are new to Twitter chats and/or #LCSM Chat, you might find our primer on how to participate helpful https://t.co/shziI4bmml
Timothy Craig Allen, MD, JD, FCAP @TimAllenMDJD
RT @plh4lisa: I'm here Hello from CO!#lcsm
Timothy Craig Allen, MD, JD, FCAP @TimAllenMDJD
If you change someone’s words when you retweet, please label it MT (modified tweet). #LCSM
Varsha Manucha, MD @VarshaManuchaMD
@TimAllenMDJD Varsha Manucha, Cytologist & Surgical Pathologist. Thank you for moderating todays session @TimAllenMDJD #LCSM
Sarika Jain @drjainsp
Hello #LCSM Hematopathologist and Molecular Pathologist, Department of Pathology at the University of Mississippi Medical Center in Jackson, Mississippi
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
@dennycee Denzie! #lcsm
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
@dennycee Welcome back, Denise! #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
@wildwestannie Hey Betsy! #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @TimAllenMDJD: If you change someone’s words when you retweet, please label it MT (modified tweet). #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
@VarshaManuchaMD @TimAllenMDJD Welcome! #lcsm
Laronica Conway @louisianagirl91
Hey #LCSM family! I’m checking in but about to drive through the streets of Birmingham. I’ll have check the transcript later. 🙁@lcsmchat
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
@wildwestannie Hey Betsy! Did Massachusetts dodge the hurricane-related storm? #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
@drjainsp Welcome! #lcsm
Lisa Moran @plh4lisa
@LungCancerFaces @DevikaDasMD @LGallitz @BarrySleckman @BCRFAlabama @BrickandTin @GO2Foundation @LUNGevity @notahedge @louisianagirl91 Idk. I think @LungCancerDude did this. #lcsm
Frank Ingram, MD @Chucktowndoc
I’m Frank. Community pathologist in Charlotte, NC #LCSM
Timothy Craig Allen, MD, JD, FCAP @TimAllenMDJD
It's a great #lcsm team!
Timothy Craig Allen, MD, JD, FCAP @TimAllenMDJD
Note: Twitter allows tweets up to 280 characters, but some tweetchat apps (like https://t.co/9aLQyRZrmn) will not display tweets longer than 140. #LCSM
Erika Hlavacek @ErikaHlavacek
Hi. Newbie here. Stage 4 lc survivor & advocate from Chicago. #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @LungCancerFaces: Deana Hendrickson @LungCancerFaces here! I’ll be tweeting from the @lcsmchat account during tonight’s #LCSM Chat. Please join us as we discuss #COVID__19 #COVID19
Devika Das, MD, MSHQS @DevikaDasMD
@plh4lisa @LungCancerFaces @LGallitz @BarrySleckman @BCRFAlabama @BrickandTin @GO2Foundation @LUNGevity @notahedge @louisianagirl91 @LungCancerDude We might need cliffs notes to make this happen in Alabama ! 🙏🏽#lcsm
Timothy Craig Allen, MD, JD, FCAP @TimAllenMDJD
Glad to see familiar Twitter handles as well as new participants tonight! #LCSM
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
@Chucktowndoc Welcome, Frank. #LCSM
Timothy Craig Allen, MD, JD, FCAP @TimAllenMDJD
I will announce FIVE topics (T1 T2 etc). Pls label your answers with T1, T2, etc to make transcript easier to follow. #LCSM
Bob Steele @steele_bob
Tonight's topic strikes close to home. Have come to realize I have acquired Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) from COVID-19 in Jan & Feb #lcsm
Timothy Craig Allen, MD, JD, FCAP @TimAllenMDJD
RT @louisianagirl91: Hey #LCSM family! I’m checking in but about to drive through the streets of Birmingham. I’ll have check the transcript later. 🙁@lcsmchat
Timothy Craig Allen, MD, JD, FCAP @TimAllenMDJD
We’ll start with Topic T1 in a minute … #LCSM
Timothy Craig Allen, MD, JD, FCAP @TimAllenMDJD
Chime! #lcsm
Lisa Moran @plh4lisa
@steele_bob I hope it's something therapy and/or time will help. #lcsm
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
@steele_bob That really sucks, Bob. I hope the mental fuzziness clears up soon. #LCSM
Timothy Craig Allen, MD, JD, FCAP @TimAllenMDJD
RT @steele_bob: Tonight's topic strikes close to home. Have come to realize I have acquired Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) from COVID-19 in Jan & Feb #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @TimAllenMDJD: Note: Note: Twitter allows tweets up to 280 characters, but some tweetchat apps (like https://t.co/9aLQyRZrmn) will not display tweets longer than 140. #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
@ErikaHlavacek Hi Erika! #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @TimAllenMDJD: Glad to see familiar Twitter handles as well as new participants tonight! #LCSM
Timothy Craig Allen, MD, JD, FCAP @TimAllenMDJD
T1:Are lung cancer patients at higher risk of getting COVID-19, or of having more severe symptoms? #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @TimAllenMDJD: I will announce FIVE topics (T1 T2 etc). Pls label your answers with T1, T2, etc to make transcript easier to follow. #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @steele_bob: Tonight's topic strikes close to home. Have come to realize I have acquired Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) from COVID-19 in Jan & Feb #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @TimAllenMDJD: We’ll start with Topic T1 in a minute … #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @TimAllenMDJD: T1:Are lung cancer patients at higher risk of getting COVID-19, or of having more severe symptoms? #LCSM
Bob Steele @steele_bob
RT @TimAllenMDJD: T1:Are lung cancer patients at higher risk of getting COVID-19, or of having more severe symptoms? #LCSM
Lisa Moran @plh4lisa
@TimAllenMDJD A1: I'm on iv chemo with a very compromised immune system. Some #lungcancer treatments don't lower immune system as much. #lcsm
Timothy Craig Allen, MD, JD, FCAP @TimAllenMDJD
RT @plh4lisa: @TimAllenMDJD A1: @TimAllenMDJD A1: I'm on iv chemo with a very compromised immune system. Some #lungcancer treatments don't lower immune system as much. #lcsm
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
@TimAllenMDJD T1: Data thus far from hospitals and registries suggests #lungcancer patients are not at a higher risk of contracting #COVID19, but are at greater risk of severe symptoms or death if they do get infected. Bummer. #LCSM
Sarika Jain @drjainsp
T1: Yes, lung cancer patients are at higher risk of having more severe disease #LCSM
Timothy Craig Allen, MD, JD, FCAP @TimAllenMDJD
RT @JFreemanDaily: @TimAllenMDJD T1: @TimAllenMDJD T1: Data thus far from hospitals and registries suggests #lungcancer patients are not at a higher risk of contracting #COVID19, but are at greater risk of severe symptoms or death if they do get infected. Bummer. #LCSM
Timothy Craig Allen, MD, JD, FCAP @TimAllenMDJD
RT @drjainsp: T1: T1: Yes, lung cancer patients are at higher risk of having more severe disease #LCSM
Varsha Manucha, MD @VarshaManuchaMD
@TimAllenMDJD T1 : Cancer patients undergoing treatment may have lower immune system and are at risk of more severe illness from COVID-19 #LCSM
Bob Steele @steele_bob
RT @drjainsp: T1: T1: Yes, lung cancer patients are at higher risk of having more severe disease #LCSM
Dianne Grunes @DrGrunes
#lcsm T1: I think that the short answer is yes - it is a co-morbidity. But the degree to which it will impact your chances of getting #COVID19 or a severe form will depend on your underlying lung function.
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @plh4lisa: @TimAllenMDJD A1: @TimAllenMDJD A1: I'm on iv chemo with a very compromised immune system. Some #lungcancer treatments don't lower immune system as much. #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @JFreemanDaily: @TimAllenMDJD T1: @TimAllenMDJD T1: Data thus far from hospitals and registries suggests #lungcancer patients are not at a higher risk of contracting #COVID19, but are at greater risk of severe symptoms or death if they do get infected. Bummer. #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @drjainsp: T1: T1: Yes, lung cancer patients are at higher risk of having more severe disease #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @VarshaManuchaMD: @TimAllenMDJD T1 : @TimAllenMDJD T1 : Cancer patients undergoing treatment may have lower immune system and are at risk of more severe illness from COVID-19 #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @DrGrunes: #lcsm T1: I think that the short answer is yes - it is a co-morbidity. But the degree to which it will impact your chances of getting #COVID19 or a severe form will depend on your underlying lung function.
Timothy Craig Allen, MD, JD, FCAP @TimAllenMDJD
#LungCancer patients have shown an increased risk of death among #COVID19 patients who require hospitalization. #lcsm
Bob Steele @steele_bob
RT @DrGrunes: #lcsm T1: I think that the short answer is yes - it is a co-morbidity. But the degree to which it will impact your chances of getting #COVID19 or a severe form will depend on your underlying lung function.
Timothy Craig Allen, MD, JD, FCAP @TimAllenMDJD
RT @DrGrunes: #lcsm T1: I think that the short answer is yes - it is a co-morbidity. But the degree to which it will impact your chances of getting #COVID19 or a severe form will depend on your underlying lung function.
Timothy Craig Allen, MD, JD, FCAP @TimAllenMDJD
RT @VarshaManuchaMD: @TimAllenMDJD T1 : @TimAllenMDJD T1 : Cancer patients undergoing treatment may have lower immune system and are at risk of more severe illness from COVID-19 #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @TimAllenMDJD: #LungCancer patients have shown an increased risk of death among #COVID19 patients who require hospitalization. #lcsm
Sarika Jain @drjainsp
T1: Factors that increase the risk of COVID-19 severity, include age, smoking history, COPD, and hypertension very similar to what we see in non-lung cancer patients. #LCSM
Charu Aggarwal, MD, MPH, FASCO @CharuAggarwalMD
@JFreemanDaily @TimAllenMDJD yes, that seems to be the trend, and the risk of worse outcomes tends to be higher in those receiving chemotherapy #LCSM
Cancer Data etc @brunolarvol
Cancer Data etc @brunolarvol
RT @JulienMazieres: Good news for ALK patients:
Eric Bernicker @EricBernicker
@JFreemanDaily @TimAllenMDJD T1: I agree, I don't think the rate of contracting the virus is higher but if caught, patients with lung cancer seem to have a higher mortality rate from Covid19 #LCSM
Timothy Craig Allen, MD, JD, FCAP @TimAllenMDJD
A key component to increased risk of serious illness or death from #COVID19 in #LungCancer patients is the presence of comorbildities - other chronic illnesses. #lcsm
Timothy Craig Allen, MD, JD, FCAP @TimAllenMDJD
RT @EricBernicker: @JFreemanDaily @TimAllenMDJD T1: @JFreemanDaily @TimAllenMDJD T1: I agree, I don't think the rate of contracting the virus is higher but if caught, patients with lung cancer seem to have a higher mortality rate from Covid19 #LCSM
Timothy Craig Allen, MD, JD, FCAP @TimAllenMDJD
RT @CharuAggarwalMD: @JFreemanDaily @TimAllenMDJD yes, that seems to be the trend, and the risk of worse outcomes tends to be higher in those receiving chemotherapy #LCSM
Timothy Craig Allen, MD, JD, FCAP @TimAllenMDJD
RT @drjainsp: T1: T1: Factors that increase the risk of COVID-19 severity, include age, smoking history, COPD, and hypertension very similar to what we see in non-lung cancer patients. #LCSM
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
@TimAllenMDJD T1: However, #lungcancer by itself isn't the risk factor for severe #COVID19. Risk appears to vary with type of cancer treatment, what damage LC has done in the body, and specific patient characteristics. We're still learning. #LCSM
Eric Bernicker @EricBernicker
@drjainsp And I would probably add vaping to smoking history, as in many patients' minds they are different #LCSM
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
RT @TimAllenMDJD: #LungCancer patients have shown an increased risk of death among #COVID19 patients who require hospitalization. #lcsm
#StayHome @viralvideovlogs
RT @TimAllenMDJD: #LungCancer patients have shown an increased risk of death among #COVID19 patients who require hospitalization. #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @drjainsp: T1: T1: Factors that increase the risk of COVID-19 severity, include age, smoking history, COPD, and hypertension very similar to what we see in non-lung cancer patients. #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @CharuAggarwalMD: @JFreemanDaily @TimAllenMDJD yes, that seems to be the trend, and the risk of worse outcomes tends to be higher in those receiving chemotherapy #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @EricBernicker: @JFreemanDaily @TimAllenMDJD T1: @JFreemanDaily @TimAllenMDJD T1: I agree, I don't think the rate of contracting the virus is higher but if caught, patients with lung cancer seem to have a higher mortality rate from Covid19 #LCSM
Charu Aggarwal, MD, MPH, FASCO @CharuAggarwalMD
It is imperative to take measures to reduce exposure, especially for patients with #LCSM
Bob Steele @steele_bob
RT @drjainsp: T1: T1: Factors that increase the risk of COVID-19 severity, include age, smoking history, COPD, and hypertension very similar to what we see in non-lung cancer patients. #LCSM
Bob Steele @steele_bob
RT @EricBernicker: @drjainsp And I would probably add vaping to smoking history, as in many patients' minds they are different #LCSM
Varsha Manucha, MD @VarshaManuchaMD
@TimAllenMDJD #LCSM Data from China thus far have shown that cancer patients infected with COVID-19 are at 3.5 times the risk of requiring mechanical ventilation or ICU admission, compared to the general population. DOI: 10.1007/s11912-020-00934-7
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @TimAllenMDJD: A key component to increased risk of serious illness or death from #COVID19 in #LungCancer patients is the presence of comorbildities - other chronic illnesses. #lcsm
Eric Bernicker @EricBernicker
@JFreemanDaily @TimAllenMDJD We would like to be learning a LOT less..sigh #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @JFreemanDaily: @TimAllenMDJD T1: @TimAllenMDJD T1: However, #lungcancer by itself isn't the risk factor for severe #COVID19. Risk appears to vary with type of cancer treatment, what damage LC has done in the body, and specific patient characteristics. We're still learning. #LCSM
Timothy Craig Allen, MD, JD, FCAP @TimAllenMDJD
Yep. We know a lot more than we did a few months ago, but there is still a lot more to learn about #COVID19 and #LungCancer! #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @EricBernicker: @drjainsp And I would probably add vaping to smoking history, as in many patients' minds they are different #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @CharuAggarwalMD: It is imperative to take measures to reduce exposure, especially for patients with #LCSM
Timothy Craig Allen, MD, JD, FCAP @TimAllenMDJD
RT @EricBernicker: @JFreemanDaily @TimAllenMDJD We would like to be learning a LOT less..sigh #LCSM
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
RT @CharuAggarwalMD: It is imperative to take measures to reduce exposure, especially for patients with #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
@lucybball Welcome! #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @VarshaManuchaMD: @TimAllenMDJD #LCSM Data from China thus far have shown that cancer patients infected with COVID-19 are at 3.5 times the risk of requiring mechanical ventilation or ICU admission, compared to the general population. DOI: 10.1007/s11912-020-00934-7
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @TimAllenMDJD: Yep. We know a lot more than we did a few months ago, but there is still a lot more to learn about #COVID19 and #LungCancer! #lcsm
Timothy Craig Allen, MD, JD, FCAP @TimAllenMDJD
Thanks for that info, @VarshaManuchaMD #lcsm
Eric Bernicker @EricBernicker
@CharuAggarwalMD Agreed! Which is why many oncologists are trying to space treatments out further to decrease trips to the infusion center #LCSM
Dianne Grunes @DrGrunes
RT @VarshaManuchaMD: @TimAllenMDJD #LCSM Data from China thus far have shown that cancer patients infected with COVID-19 are at 3.5 times the risk of requiring mechanical ventilation or ICU admission, compared to the general population. DOI: 10.1007/s11912-020-00934-7
Timothy Craig Allen, MD, JD, FCAP @TimAllenMDJD
Welcome, @lucybball! #lcsm
Timothy Craig Allen, MD, JD, FCAP @TimAllenMDJD
T2:Is fear of COVID-19 keeping you or your family member from seeking care for lung cancer or other health conditions? #LCSM
Timothy Craig Allen, MD, JD, FCAP @TimAllenMDJD
RT @CharuAggarwalMD: It is imperative to take measures to reduce exposure, especially for patients with #LCSM
Bob Steele @steele_bob
RT @VarshaManuchaMD: @TimAllenMDJD #LCSM Data from China thus far have shown that cancer patients infected with COVID-19 are at 3.5 times the risk of requiring mechanical ventilation or ICU admission, compared to the general population. DOI: 10.1007/s11912-020-00934-7
Timothy Craig Allen, MD, JD, FCAP @TimAllenMDJD
RT @EricBernicker: @CharuAggarwalMD Agreed! Which is why many oncologists are trying to space treatments out further to decrease trips to the infusion center #LCSM
Stephen V Liu, MD @StephenVLiu
@TimAllenMDJD T1: Registry data suggests worse outcomes in patients with lung cancer receiving chemotherapy. I think part of the risk is the more frequent visits to the hospital for IV therapy. Patients receiving oral TKI therapy have an easier time distancing during treatment. #LCSM @IASLC
Varsha Manucha, MD @VarshaManuchaMD
@CharuAggarwalMD #LCSM Yes all the precautions have to be followed more religiously - washing hands, wearing masks, avoiding crowded places and social distancing.
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
For instance, I have stage IV #lungcancer, with no evidence of disease on a targeted therapy. That might indicate my risk of severe #COVID19 is lower. But I also have radiation damage in my lungs from prior therapy--it's harder for me to clear infections out of the lungs. #lcsm
Timothy Craig Allen, MD, JD, FCAP @TimAllenMDJD
RT @VarshaManuchaMD: @CharuAggarwalMD #LCSM Yes all the precautions have to be followed more religiously - washing hands, wearing masks, avoiding crowded places and social distancing.
Timothy Craig Allen, MD, JD, FCAP @TimAllenMDJD
RT @StephenVLiu: @TimAllenMDJD T1: @TimAllenMDJD T1: Registry data suggests worse outcomes in patients with lung cancer receiving chemotherapy. I think part of the risk is the more frequent visits to the hospital for IV therapy. Patients receiving oral TKI therapy have an easier time distancing during treatment. #LCSM @IASLC
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @EricBernicker: @CharuAggarwalMD Agreed! Which is why many oncologists are trying to space treatments out further to decrease trips to the infusion center #LCSM
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
RT @VarshaManuchaMD: @TimAllenMDJD #LCSM Data from China thus far have shown that cancer patients infected with COVID-19 are at 3.5 times the risk of requiring mechanical ventilation or ICU admission, compared to the general population. DOI: 10.1007/s11912-020-00934-7
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @TimAllenMDJD: T2:Is fear of COVID-19 keeping you or your family member from seeking care for lung cancer or other health conditions? #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @StephenVLiu: @TimAllenMDJD T1: @TimAllenMDJD T1: Registry data suggests worse outcomes in patients with lung cancer receiving chemotherapy. I think part of the risk is the more frequent visits to the hospital for IV therapy. Patients receiving oral TKI therapy have an easier time distancing during treatment. #LCSM @IASLC
Bob Steele @steele_bob
RT @CharuAggarwalMD: It is imperative to take measures to reduce exposure, especially for patients with #LCSM
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
RT @VarshaManuchaMD: @CharuAggarwalMD #LCSM Yes all the precautions have to be followed more religiously - washing hands, wearing masks, avoiding crowded places and social distancing.
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @VarshaManuchaMD: @CharuAggarwalMD #LCSM Yes all the precautions have to be followed more religiously - washing hands, wearing masks, avoiding crowded places and social distancing.
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @JFreemanDaily: For instance, I have stage IV #lungcancer, with no evidence of disease on a targeted therapy. That might indicate my risk of severe #COVID19 is lower. But I also have radiation damage in my lungs from prior therapy--it's harder for me to clear infections out of the lungs. #lcsm
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
RT @StephenVLiu: @TimAllenMDJD T1: @TimAllenMDJD T1: Registry data suggests worse outcomes in patients with lung cancer receiving chemotherapy. I think part of the risk is the more frequent visits to the hospital for IV therapy. Patients receiving oral TKI therapy have an easier time distancing during treatment. #LCSM @IASLC
Charu Aggarwal, MD, MPH, FASCO @CharuAggarwalMD
We have been carefully managing our schedules to ensure that we bring in only those patients that MUST be seen in person. Telemedicine has been very helpful to reduce exposure #LCSM
Timothy Craig Allen, MD, JD, FCAP @TimAllenMDJD
Exactly. #lcsm
Varsha Manucha, MD @VarshaManuchaMD
@TimAllenMDJD T2: Do not miss your appointments or delay your follow up visits as that may be more harmful vis a vis cancer. #LCSM
Timothy Craig Allen, MD, JD, FCAP @TimAllenMDJD
RT @CharuAggarwalMD: We have been carefully managing our schedules to ensure that we bring in only those patients that MUST be seen in person. Telemedicine has been very helpful to reduce exposure #LCSM
Eric Bernicker @EricBernicker
@TimAllenMDJD T2. This is a very serious issue; recent study in JAMA Onc suggested new cancer diagnoses down 50%--from patients too scared to seek medical attention #LCSM
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
RT @CharuAggarwalMD: We have been carefully managing our schedules to ensure that we bring in only those patients that MUST be seen in person. Telemedicine has been very helpful to reduce exposure #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @CharuAggarwalMD: We have been carefully managing our schedules to ensure that we bring in only those patients that MUST be seen in person. Telemedicine has been very helpful to reduce exposure #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @VarshaManuchaMD: @TimAllenMDJD T2: @TimAllenMDJD T2: Do not miss your appointments or delay your follow up visits as that may be more harmful vis a vis cancer. #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @EricBernicker: @TimAllenMDJD T2. This is a very serious issue; recent study in JAMA Onc suggested new cancer diagnoses down 50%--from patients too scared to seek medical attention #LCSM
Bob Steele @steele_bob
RT @VarshaManuchaMD: @TimAllenMDJD T2: @TimAllenMDJD T2: Do not miss your appointments or delay your follow up visits as that may be more harmful vis a vis cancer. #LCSM
Timothy Craig Allen, MD, JD, FCAP @TimAllenMDJD
Very worrisome. #LungCancer patients cannot let fear keep them from receiving timely diagnosis and treatment! We have to keep them safe though! #lcsm
Denise Cutlip @dennycee
#lcsm been getting my wellness exams but one family member who won’t go to ED needs to. One on immunosuppressant won’t leave the house.
Timothy Craig Allen, MD, JD, FCAP @TimAllenMDJD
RT @VarshaManuchaMD: @TimAllenMDJD T2: @TimAllenMDJD T2: Do not miss your appointments or delay your follow up visits as that may be more harmful vis a vis cancer. #LCSM
Timothy Craig Allen, MD, JD, FCAP @TimAllenMDJD
RT @dennycee: #lcsm been getting my wellness exams but one family member who won’t go to ED needs to. One on immunosuppressant won’t leave the house.
Varsha Manucha, MD @VarshaManuchaMD
@TimAllenMDJD T2: Do not stop communicating with your health care providers. #LCSM
Stephen V Liu, MD @StephenVLiu
@TimAllenMDJD T2: Unfortunately, lung cancer is often diagnosed late. I feel that lately, in my clinic and in the hospital, I’m seeing more patients that I would have normally seen months earlier. #COVID19 leads to little (sometimes big) delays at every step. #LCSM @IASLC
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @TimAllenMDJD: Very worrisome. #LungCancer patients cannot let fear keep them from receiving timely diagnosis and treatment! We have to keep them safe though! #lcsm
Erika Hlavacek @ErikaHlavacek
T2: I feel with current hospital protocols, it is very safe, and I do my part to stay safe too. Telehealth when possible, but otherwise I go when I have to be seen. #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @dennycee: #lcsm been getting my wellness exams but one family member who won’t go to ED needs to. One on immunosuppressant won’t leave the house.
Denise Cutlip @dennycee
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @VarshaManuchaMD: @TimAllenMDJD T2: @TimAllenMDJD T2: Do not stop communicating with your health care providers. #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @StephenVLiu: @TimAllenMDJD T2: @TimAllenMDJD T2: Unfortunately, lung cancer is often diagnosed late. I feel that lately, in my clinic and in the hospital, I’m seeing more patients that I would have normally seen months earlier. #COVID19 leads to little (sometimes big) delays at every step. #LCSM @IASLC
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @ErikaHlavacek: T2: T2: I feel with current hospital protocols, it is very safe, and I do my part to stay safe too. Telehealth when possible, but otherwise I go when I have to be seen. #LCSM
Charu Aggarwal, MD, MPH, FASCO @CharuAggarwalMD
@TimAllenMDJD T2. I would like to emphasize that cancer centers, clinics, and hospitals are very prepared and following guidelines for social distancing and rigorous symptom screening. Patients MUST not fear going in for essential medical services. Screening IS one of them #LCSM
Bob Steele @steele_bob
@dennycee Sorry to hear that Denise. #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @CharuAggarwalMD: @TimAllenMDJD T2. I would like to emphasize that cancer centers, clinics, and hospitals are very prepared and following guidelines for social distancing and rigorous symptom screening. Patients MUST not fear going in for essential medical services. Screening IS one of them #LCSM
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
T2: I admit I've been avoiding going to the dentist because of #COVID19 concerns--I can't wear a mask, and don't know who before me has been in that room breathing with their mouth wide open. I should probably ask the DDS what they do to scrub the air. #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @JFreemanDaily: T2: T2: I admit I've been avoiding going to the dentist because of #COVID19 concerns--I can't wear a mask, and don't know who before me has been in that room breathing with their mouth wide open. I should probably ask the DDS what they do to scrub the air. #lcsm
Timothy Craig Allen, MD, JD, FCAP @TimAllenMDJD
#telemedicine #telehealth #patientsfirst #lcsm Attn: @AjitPaiFCC
Timothy Craig Allen, MD, JD, FCAP @TimAllenMDJD
RT @JFreemanDaily: T2: T2: I admit I've been avoiding going to the dentist because of #COVID19 concerns--I can't wear a mask, and don't know who before me has been in that room breathing with their mouth wide open. I should probably ask the DDS what they do to scrub the air. #lcsm
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
RT @TimAllenMDJD: Yep. We know a lot more than we did a few months ago, but there is still a lot more to learn about #COVID19 and #LungCancer! #lcsm
Timothy Craig Allen, MD, JD, FCAP @TimAllenMDJD
RT @CharuAggarwalMD: @TimAllenMDJD T2. I would like to emphasize that cancer centers, clinics, and hospitals are very prepared and following guidelines for social distancing and rigorous symptom screening. Patients MUST not fear going in for essential medical services. Screening IS one of them #LCSM
Timothy Craig Allen, MD, JD, FCAP @TimAllenMDJD
RT @StephenVLiu: @TimAllenMDJD T2: @TimAllenMDJD T2: Unfortunately, lung cancer is often diagnosed late. I feel that lately, in my clinic and in the hospital, I’m seeing more patients that I would have normally seen months earlier. #COVID19 leads to little (sometimes big) delays at every step. #LCSM @IASLC
Dianne Grunes @DrGrunes
#lcsm T2: @VarshaManuchaMD agree. Do not stop communicating with your health care team. #COVID19 makes care more cumbersome but NOT less necessary.
Timothy Craig Allen, MD, JD, FCAP @TimAllenMDJD
2d that, @VarshaManuchaMD #lcsm
Sarika Jain @drjainsp
Data from Memorial Sloan Ketttering shows 25% death in LC patients with Covid-19 https://t.co/ViYWn30vgB #LCSM https://t.co/TNXfAuZXKX
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
RT @drjainsp: Data from Memorial Sloan Ketttering shows 25% death in LC patients with Covid-19 https://t.co/ViYWn30vgB #LCSM https://t.co/TNXfAuZXKX
Lisa Moran @plh4lisa
Not a new patient but I did delay a scan in March to avoid possible exposure. #lcsm
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
RT @TimAllenMDJD: 2d that, @VarshaManuchaMD #lcsm
Timothy Craig Allen, MD, JD, FCAP @TimAllenMDJD
Well put, @DrGrunes #lcsm
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
RT @DrGrunes: #lcsm T2: @VarshaManuchaMD agree. Do not stop communicating with your health care team. #COVID19 makes care more cumbersome but NOT less necessary.
Deb Smith 🌻🧡🕊️🌊 🗽🌅💙🪷 @debsmithbeach
#LCSM. Deb in NH here. Sorry to be late.
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @DrGrunes: #lcsm T2: @VarshaManuchaMD agree. Do not stop communicating with your health care team. #COVID19 makes care more cumbersome but NOT less necessary.
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @drjainsp: Data from Memorial Sloan Ketttering shows 25% death in LC patients with Covid-19 https://t.co/ViYWn30vgB #LCSM https://t.co/TNXfAuZXKX
Timothy Craig Allen, MD, JD, FCAP @TimAllenMDJD
RT @plh4lisa: Not a new patient but I did delay a scan in March to avoid possible exposure. #lcsm
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
RT @TimAllenMDJD: #telemedicine #telehealth #patientsfirst #lcsm Attn: @AjitPaiFCC
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @plh4lisa: Not a new patient but I did delay a scan in March to avoid possible exposure. #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
@debsmithbeach Hi Deb! #lcsm
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
RT @CharuAggarwalMD: @TimAllenMDJD T2. I would like to emphasize that cancer centers, clinics, and hospitals are very prepared and following guidelines for social distancing and rigorous symptom screening. Patients MUST not fear going in for essential medical services. Screening IS one of them #LCSM
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
RT @ErikaHlavacek: T2: T2: I feel with current hospital protocols, it is very safe, and I do my part to stay safe too. Telehealth when possible, but otherwise I go when I have to be seen. #LCSM
Stephen V Liu, MD @StephenVLiu
@lucybball Hopefully, telehealth can improve access. With the current models, you could see almost any thoracic oncologist in the country! #LCSM
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
RT @StephenVLiu: @TimAllenMDJD T2: @TimAllenMDJD T2: Unfortunately, lung cancer is often diagnosed late. I feel that lately, in my clinic and in the hospital, I’m seeing more patients that I would have normally seen months earlier. #COVID19 leads to little (sometimes big) delays at every step. #LCSM @IASLC
#StayHome @viralvideovlogs
RT @StephenVLiu: @TimAllenMDJD T2: @TimAllenMDJD T2: Unfortunately, lung cancer is often diagnosed late. I feel that lately, in my clinic and in the hospital, I’m seeing more patients that I would have normally seen months earlier. #COVID19 leads to little (sometimes big) delays at every step. #LCSM @IASLC
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
RT @VarshaManuchaMD: @TimAllenMDJD T2: @TimAllenMDJD T2: Do not stop communicating with your health care providers. #LCSM
Lisa Moran @plh4lisa
@JFreemanDaily I was trying to avoid it. A bad wisdom tooth had other plans. I had emergency tooth extraction in March. #lcsm
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
RT @dennycee: #lcsm been getting my wellness exams but one family member who won’t go to ED needs to. One on immunosuppressant won’t leave the house.
Timothy Craig Allen, MD, JD, FCAP @TimAllenMDJD
In those who were hospitalized. Suggests those #LungCancer patients had comorbidities increasing their risk of serious #COVID19 illness. #lcsm
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
RT @TimAllenMDJD: Very worrisome. #LungCancer patients cannot let fear keep them from receiving timely diagnosis and treatment! We have to keep them safe though! #lcsm
Timothy Craig Allen, MD, JD, FCAP @TimAllenMDJD
We’ll shift to Topic T3 next … #LCSM
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
RT @EricBernicker: @TimAllenMDJD T2. This is a very serious issue; recent study in JAMA Onc suggested new cancer diagnoses down 50%--from patients too scared to seek medical attention #LCSM
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
RT @VarshaManuchaMD: @TimAllenMDJD T2: @TimAllenMDJD T2: Do not miss your appointments or delay your follow up visits as that may be more harmful vis a vis cancer. #LCSM
Varsha Manucha, MD @VarshaManuchaMD
@lucybball T2: Utilize telemedicine. Do not ignore symptoms, talk about them. #LCSM
Dianne Grunes @DrGrunes
RT @drjainsp: Data from Memorial Sloan Ketttering shows 25% death in LC patients with Covid-19 https://t.co/ViYWn30vgB #LCSM https://t.co/TNXfAuZXKX
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @StephenVLiu: @lucybball Hopefully, telehealth can improve access. With the current models, you could see almost any thoracic oncologist in the country! #LCSM
Timothy Craig Allen, MD, JD, FCAP @TimAllenMDJD
RT @StephenVLiu: @lucybball Hopefully, telehealth can improve access. With the current models, you could see almost any thoracic oncologist in the country! #LCSM
Timothy Craig Allen, MD, JD, FCAP @TimAllenMDJD
RT @plh4lisa: @JFreemanDaily I was trying to avoid it. A bad wisdom tooth had other plans. I had emergency tooth extraction in March. #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @TimAllenMDJD: In those who were hospitalized. Suggests those #LungCancer patients had comorbidities increasing their risk of serious #COVID19 illness. #lcsm
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
RT @TimAllenMDJD: Well put, @DrGrunes #lcsm
Timothy Craig Allen, MD, JD, FCAP @TimAllenMDJD
RT @VarshaManuchaMD: @lucybball T2: @lucybball T2: Utilize telemedicine. Do not ignore symptoms, talk about them. #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @VarshaManuchaMD: @lucybball T2: @lucybball T2: Utilize telemedicine. Do not ignore symptoms, talk about them. #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @TimAllenMDJD: We’ll shift to Topic T3 next … #LCSM
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
RT @StephenVLiu: @lucybball Hopefully, telehealth can improve access. With the current models, you could see almost any thoracic oncologist in the country! #LCSM
Timothy Craig Allen, MD, JD, FCAP @TimAllenMDJD
T3:Have you or your family member (or your patients) had problems getting lung cancer diagnosis, treatment or follow up because of COVID-19 concerns at your clinic? #LCSM
Sarika Jain @drjainsp
T2: Hospitals have developed strategies and protocols for safer visits, especially for vulnerable populations. Covid-19 should not stop you from scheduling your visits and follow-up #LCSM
Bob Steele @steele_bob
RT @VarshaManuchaMD: @lucybball T2: @lucybball T2: Utilize telemedicine. Do not ignore symptoms, talk about them. #LCSM
Timothy Craig Allen, MD, JD, FCAP @TimAllenMDJD
RT @drjainsp: T2: T2: Hospitals have developed strategies and protocols for safer visits, especially for vulnerable populations. Covid-19 should not stop you from scheduling your visits and follow-up #LCSM
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
@StephenVLiu @lucybball Although @CMSGov rule changes made telemedicine available across all state lines, not all providers are available to all patients via private insurance due to interstate licensure issues. #LCSM
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
RT @TimAllenMDJD: In those who were hospitalized. Suggests those #LungCancer patients had comorbidities increasing their risk of serious #COVID19 illness. #lcsm
Timothy Craig Allen, MD, JD, FCAP @TimAllenMDJD
RT @JFreemanDaily: @StephenVLiu @lucybball Although @CMSGov rule changes made telemedicine available across all state lines, not all providers are available to all patients via private insurance due to interstate licensure issues. #LCSM
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
RT @TimAllenMDJD: T3:Have you or your family member (or your patients) had problems getting lung cancer diagnosis, treatment or follow up because of COVID-19 concerns at your clinic? #LCSM
Varsha Manucha, MD @VarshaManuchaMD
@TimAllenMDJD T3: Outpatient visits, including ambulatory clinics and chemotherapy infusion visits, have been reduced. #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @TimAllenMDJD: T3:Have you or your family member (or your patients) had problems getting lung cancer diagnosis, treatment or follow up because of COVID-19 concerns at your clinic? #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @drjainsp: T2: T2: Hospitals have developed strategies and protocols for safer visits, especially for vulnerable populations. Covid-19 should not stop you from scheduling your visits and follow-up #LCSM
Dianne Grunes @DrGrunes
#lcsm T3: one new thing I've been seeing in charts is a covid test prior to all procedures. With test shortages, has this been a significant barrier to getting procedures done?
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @JFreemanDaily: @StephenVLiu @lucybball Although @CMSGov rule changes made telemedicine available across all state lines, not all providers are available to all patients via private insurance due to interstate licensure issues. #LCSM
Timothy Craig Allen, MD, JD, FCAP @TimAllenMDJD
RT @VarshaManuchaMD: @TimAllenMDJD T3: @TimAllenMDJD T3: Outpatient visits, including ambulatory clinics and chemotherapy infusion visits, have been reduced. #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @VarshaManuchaMD: @TimAllenMDJD T3: @TimAllenMDJD T3: Outpatient visits, including ambulatory clinics and chemotherapy infusion visits, have been reduced. #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @DrGrunes: #lcsm T3: one new thing I've been seeing in charts is a covid test prior to all procedures. With test shortages, has this been a significant barrier to getting procedures done?
Lisa Moran @plh4lisa
@TimAllenMDJD I haven't had any problems with cancer centers. Been able to telehealth everything that wasn't new patient visit, scan, biopsy or infusion. ACS Road to Recovery program is on hold. I need this service. #lcsm
Timothy Craig Allen, MD, JD, FCAP @TimAllenMDJD
RT @DrGrunes: #lcsm T3: one new thing I've been seeing in charts is a covid test prior to all procedures. With test shortages, has this been a significant barrier to getting procedures done?
Timothy Craig Allen, MD, JD, FCAP @TimAllenMDJD
RT @plh4lisa: @TimAllenMDJD I haven't had any problems with cancer centers. Been able to telehealth everything that wasn't new patient visit, scan, biopsy or infusion. ACS Road to Recovery program is on hold. I need this service. #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @plh4lisa: @TimAllenMDJD I haven't had any problems with cancer centers. Been able to telehealth everything that wasn't new patient visit, scan, biopsy or infusion. ACS Road to Recovery program is on hold. I need this service. #lcsm
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
@TimAllenMDJD T3: Early in the pandemic (March), I had a regularly schedule #lungcancer follow-up appointment canceled by the clinic because I had a dry cough. Testing was not widely availalbe then, so we had no way to know whether it was #COVID19 or something else. #LCSM
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
RT @drjainsp: T2: T2: Hospitals have developed strategies and protocols for safer visits, especially for vulnerable populations. Covid-19 should not stop you from scheduling your visits and follow-up #LCSM
Eric Bernicker @EricBernicker
@JFreemanDaily @StephenVLiu @lucybball @CMSGov Another issue: many of my older patients just have no clue how to log onto a Telehealth visit...#LCSM
Arpan Patel @ArpanAshokPatel
RT @TimAllenMDJD: In those who were hospitalized. Suggests those #LungCancer patients had comorbidities increasing their risk of serious #COVID19 illness. #lcsm
Devika Das, MD, MSHQS @DevikaDasMD
RT @plh4lisa: @TimAllenMDJD I haven't had any problems with cancer centers. Been able to telehealth everything that wasn't new patient visit, scan, biopsy or infusion. ACS Road to Recovery program is on hold. I need this service. #lcsm
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
RT @EricBernicker: @JFreemanDaily @StephenVLiu @lucybball @CMSGov Another issue: @JFreemanDaily @StephenVLiu @lucybball @CMSGov Another issue: many of my older patients just have no clue how to log onto a Telehealth visit...#LCSM
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
RT @VarshaManuchaMD: @TimAllenMDJD T3: @TimAllenMDJD T3: Outpatient visits, including ambulatory clinics and chemotherapy infusion visits, have been reduced. #LCSM
Sarika Jain @drjainsp
University of Mississippi Medical Center has developed testing strategies. We are making sure all our patients are taken care of in timely manner! #LCSM @UMMCnews
Jose F. Corona-Cruz MD @drcoronacruz
RT @drjainsp: T2: T2: Hospitals have developed strategies and protocols for safer visits, especially for vulnerable populations. Covid-19 should not stop you from scheduling your visits and follow-up #LCSM
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
RT @DrGrunes: #lcsm T3: one new thing I've been seeing in charts is a covid test prior to all procedures. With test shortages, has this been a significant barrier to getting procedures done?
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @JFreemanDaily: @TimAllenMDJD T3: @TimAllenMDJD T3: Early in the pandemic (March), I had a regularly schedule #lungcancer follow-up appointment canceled by the clinic because I had a dry cough. Testing was not widely availalbe then, so we had no way to know whether it was #COVID19 or something else. #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @EricBernicker: @JFreemanDaily @StephenVLiu @lucybball @CMSGov Another issue: @JFreemanDaily @StephenVLiu @lucybball @CMSGov Another issue: many of my older patients just have no clue how to log onto a Telehealth visit...#LCSM
Timothy Craig Allen, MD, JD, FCAP @TimAllenMDJD
Our understanding of #COVID19 testing has improved. #LungCancer patients need to see their doctors for all types of treatment and followup, not just treatments related to their cancers. #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @drjainsp: University of Mississippi Medical Center has developed testing strategies. We are making sure all our patients are taken care of in timely manner! #LCSM @UMMCnews
Dianne Grunes @DrGrunes
Proud to be a part of this team @UMMC_Pathology has brought in COVID testing to keep up with the demands of Mississippi
Angela Barry @CriswellAngela
RT @EricBernicker: @TimAllenMDJD T2. This is a very serious issue; recent study in JAMA Onc suggested new cancer diagnoses down 50%--from patients too scared to seek medical attention #LCSM
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
@DrGrunes A friend had a #COVID19 test prior to a procedure. After 3 weeks and no results, doctor went ahead with the procedure anyway. #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @TimAllenMDJD: Our understanding of #COVID19 testing has improved. #LungCancer patients need to see their doctors for all types of treatment and followup, not just treatments related to their cancers. #lcsm
Sarika Jain @drjainsp
@DrGrunes @lcsmchat #LCSM patients undergoing procedures are prioritized at our institution.
Varsha Manucha, MD @VarshaManuchaMD
@TimAllenMDJD T3: Social distancing, sanitizing hands and surfaces, face masks up all the time - all precautions are being taken to provide out patient care if indicated #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @JFreemanDaily: @DrGrunes A friend had a #COVID19 test prior to a procedure. After 3 weeks and no results, doctor went ahead with the procedure anyway. #LCSM
Timothy Craig Allen, MD, JD, FCAP @TimAllenMDJD
RT @drjainsp: University of Mississippi Medical Center has developed testing strategies. We are making sure all our patients are taken care of in timely manner! #LCSM @UMMCnews
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
RT @plh4lisa: @TimAllenMDJD I haven't had any problems with cancer centers. Been able to telehealth everything that wasn't new patient visit, scan, biopsy or infusion. ACS Road to Recovery program is on hold. I need this service. #lcsm
Sarika Jain @drjainsp
RT @VarshaManuchaMD: @TimAllenMDJD T3: @TimAllenMDJD T3: Social distancing, sanitizing hands and surfaces, face masks up all the time - all precautions are being taken to provide out patient care if indicated #LCSM
Timothy Craig Allen, MD, JD, FCAP @TimAllenMDJD
Gotta make it easier! #lcsm
Denise Cutlip @dennycee
@DrGrunes #lcsm no personally. Had mammogram, endo and 2 colonoscopies no problem
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
RT @drjainsp: University of Mississippi Medical Center has developed testing strategies. We are making sure all our patients are taken care of in timely manner! #LCSM @UMMCnews
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @drjainsp: @DrGrunes @lcsmchat #LCSM patients undergoing procedures are prioritized at our institution.
MECnewengland @glostaMAssachu
@EricBernicker @JFreemanDaily @StephenVLiu @lucybball @CMSGov And then there’s the issue of not having internet...#lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @VarshaManuchaMD: @TimAllenMDJD T3: @TimAllenMDJD T3: Social distancing, sanitizing hands and surfaces, face masks up all the time - all precautions are being taken to provide out patient care if indicated #LCSM
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
RT @drjainsp: @DrGrunes @lcsmchat #LCSM patients undergoing procedures are prioritized at our institution.
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
RT @VarshaManuchaMD: @TimAllenMDJD T3: @TimAllenMDJD T3: Social distancing, sanitizing hands and surfaces, face masks up all the time - all precautions are being taken to provide out patient care if indicated #LCSM
Timothy Craig Allen, MD, JD, FCAP @TimAllenMDJD
👍 #lcsm
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
RT @TimAllenMDJD: Gotta make it easier! #lcsm
Jose F. Corona-Cruz MD @drcoronacruz
RT @StephenVLiu: @TimAllenMDJD T2: @TimAllenMDJD T2: Unfortunately, lung cancer is often diagnosed late. I feel that lately, in my clinic and in the hospital, I’m seeing more patients that I would have normally seen months earlier. #COVID19 leads to little (sometimes big) delays at every step. #LCSM @IASLC
Timothy Craig Allen, MD, JD, FCAP @TimAllenMDJD
We all must not forget the #COVID19 basics! #lcsm
Timothy Craig Allen, MD, JD, FCAP @TimAllenMDJD
RT @drjainsp: @DrGrunes @lcsmchat #LCSM patients undergoing procedures are prioritized at our institution.
Lisa Moran @plh4lisa
@JFreemanDaily @DrGrunes In June COVID19 test was required for my biopsy. I had result within 24 hrs. #lcsm
Erika Hlavacek @ErikaHlavacek
@EricBernicker @JFreemanDaily @StephenVLiu @lucybball @CMSGov Many of my doctors just call my cell phone. If they need to see me, it's a FaceTime call. #LCSM
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
@dennycee @DrGrunes TWO colonscopies?! You had to prep TWICE in the past 4 months? My sympathies. #LCSM
Jose F. Corona-Cruz MD @drcoronacruz
RT @VarshaManuchaMD: @TimAllenMDJD T3: @TimAllenMDJD T3: Social distancing, sanitizing hands and surfaces, face masks up all the time - all precautions are being taken to provide out patient care if indicated #LCSM
Varsha Manucha, MD @VarshaManuchaMD
@drjainsp @UMMCnews T3: At UMMC cancer patients are still being operated after testing for COVID #LCSM
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
@CharuAggarwalMD @DrGrunes Yep. In NYC, no less. #LCSM
Timothy Craig Allen, MD, JD, FCAP @TimAllenMDJD
#COVID19 test turnaround times can vary dramatically. Testing equipment and supplies remain problematic in some areas. #lcsm
Timothy Craig Allen, MD, JD, FCAP @TimAllenMDJD
RT @wildwestannie: @EricBernicker @JFreemanDaily @StephenVLiu @lucybball @CMSGov And then there’s the issue of not having internet...#lcsm
Varsha Manucha, MD @VarshaManuchaMD
@TimAllenMDJD T3: Patients with in the middle or advanced stage of cancer can and should continue to receive radiotherapy and/or chemotherapy normally under protective measures. #LCSM
Timothy Craig Allen, MD, JD, FCAP @TimAllenMDJD
RT @plh4lisa: @JFreemanDaily @DrGrunes In June COVID19 test was required for my biopsy. I had result within 24 hrs. #lcsm
Timothy Craig Allen, MD, JD, FCAP @TimAllenMDJD
RT @ErikaHlavacek: @EricBernicker @JFreemanDaily @StephenVLiu @lucybball @CMSGov Many of my doctors just call my cell phone. If they need to see me, it's a FaceTime call. #LCSM
Timothy Craig Allen, MD, JD, FCAP @TimAllenMDJD
RT @JFreemanDaily: @dennycee @DrGrunes TWO colonscopies?! You had to prep TWICE in the past 4 months? My sympathies. #LCSM
Denise Cutlip @dennycee
@JFreemanDaily @DrGrunes #lcsm twice in the last 6 wks.
Timothy Craig Allen, MD, JD, FCAP @TimAllenMDJD
Topic T4 is coming up … #LCSM
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
Remember to include #LCSM in all your tweets so we can see them in the chat.
Timothy Craig Allen, MD, JD, FCAP @TimAllenMDJD
RT @VarshaManuchaMD: @TimAllenMDJD T3: @TimAllenMDJD T3: Patients with in the middle or advanced stage of cancer can and should continue to receive radiotherapy and/or chemotherapy normally under protective measures. #LCSM
Timothy Craig Allen, MD, JD, FCAP @TimAllenMDJD
RT @JFreemanDaily: @CharuAggarwalMD @DrGrunes Yep. In NYC, no less. #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @plh4lisa: @JFreemanDaily @DrGrunes In June COVID19 test was required for my biopsy. I had result within 24 hrs. #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @ErikaHlavacek: @EricBernicker @JFreemanDaily @StephenVLiu @lucybball @CMSGov Many of my doctors just call my cell phone. If they need to see me, it's a FaceTime call. #LCSM
Timothy Craig Allen, MD, JD, FCAP @TimAllenMDJD
RT @JFreemanDaily: Remember to include #LCSM in all your tweets so we can see them in the chat.
Timothy Craig Allen, MD, JD, FCAP @TimAllenMDJD
RT @dennycee: @JFreemanDaily @DrGrunes #lcsm twice in the last 6 wks.
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @VarshaManuchaMD: @drjainsp @UMMCnews T3: @drjainsp @UMMCnews T3: At UMMC cancer patients are still being operated after testing for COVID #LCSM
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
RT @TimAllenMDJD: #COVID19 test turnaround times can vary dramatically. Testing equipment and supplies remain problematic in some areas. #lcsm
Timothy Craig Allen, MD, JD, FCAP @TimAllenMDJD
T4:What are your greatest concerns about COVID-19 as a member of the lung cancer community? #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @TimAllenMDJD: #COVID19 test turnaround times can vary dramatically. Testing equipment and supplies remain problematic in some areas. #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @VarshaManuchaMD: @TimAllenMDJD T3: @TimAllenMDJD T3: Patients with in the middle or advanced stage of cancer can and should continue to receive radiotherapy and/or chemotherapy normally under protective measures. #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @TimAllenMDJD: Topic T4 is coming up … #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @JFreemanDaily: Remember to include #LCSM in all your tweets so we can see them in the chat.
Bob Steele @steele_bob
RT @TimAllenMDJD: T4:What are your greatest concerns about COVID-19 as a member of the lung cancer community? #LCSM
Deb Smith 🌻🧡🕊️🌊 🗽🌅💙🪷 @debsmithbeach
@TimAllenMDJD @JFreemanDaily T3. No. Since early April, I’ve had CT, then PET scans, phone follow ups, biopsy for met, Rad planning appt and 4 SBRT sessions, and this week PET with phone follow up. Meeting w Onc Mon to discuss biopsy results. All felt safe. @DanaFarber #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @TimAllenMDJD: T4:What are your greatest concerns about COVID-19 as a member of the lung cancer community? #LCSM
Jose F. Corona-Cruz MD @drcoronacruz
RT @TimAllenMDJD: T4:What are your greatest concerns about COVID-19 as a member of the lung cancer community? #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @debsmithbeach: @TimAllenMDJD @JFreemanDaily T3. No. Since early April, I’ve had CT, then PET scans, phone follow ups, biopsy for met, Rad planning appt and 4 SBRT sessions, and this week PET with phone follow up. Meeting w Onc Mon to discuss biopsy results. All felt safe. @DanaFarber #LCSM
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
RT @TimAllenMDJD: We all must not forget the #COVID19 basics! #lcsm
Denise Cutlip @dennycee
#lcsm survivability
Devika Das, MD, MSHQS @DevikaDasMD
@lucybball Yes ! #lcsm
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
RT @VarshaManuchaMD: @drjainsp @UMMCnews T3: @drjainsp @UMMCnews T3: At UMMC cancer patients are still being operated after testing for COVID #LCSM
Varsha Manucha, MD @VarshaManuchaMD
@JFreemanDaily @TimAllenMDJD T3: Janet, I hope you contacted your health care provider later and communicated your symptom #LCSM
Timothy Craig Allen, MD, JD, FCAP @TimAllenMDJD
For me, as a pathologist, ensuring adequate and timely testing as the #COVID19 pandemic continues on, and as the need for testing is expected to grow. #lcsm
Sarika Jain @drjainsp
@JFreemanDaily @DrGrunes That is some serious delay. We turn out the results within 24-48 hours! #LCSM
Timothy Craig Allen, MD, JD, FCAP @TimAllenMDJD
RT @debsmithbeach: @TimAllenMDJD @JFreemanDaily T3. No. Since early April, I’ve had CT, then PET scans, phone follow ups, biopsy for met, Rad planning appt and 4 SBRT sessions, and this week PET with phone follow up. Meeting w Onc Mon to discuss biopsy results. All felt safe. @DanaFarber #LCSM
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
RT @VarshaManuchaMD: @TimAllenMDJD T3: @TimAllenMDJD T3: Patients with in the middle or advanced stage of cancer can and should continue to receive radiotherapy and/or chemotherapy normally under protective measures. #LCSM
Timothy Craig Allen, MD, JD, FCAP @TimAllenMDJD
RT @dennycee: #lcsm survivability
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
RT @TimAllenMDJD: Topic T4 is coming up … #LCSM
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
RT @debsmithbeach: @TimAllenMDJD @JFreemanDaily T3. No. Since early April, I’ve had CT, then PET scans, phone follow ups, biopsy for met, Rad planning appt and 4 SBRT sessions, and this week PET with phone follow up. Meeting w Onc Mon to discuss biopsy results. All felt safe. @DanaFarber #LCSM
Timothy Craig Allen, MD, JD, FCAP @TimAllenMDJD
RT @drjainsp: @JFreemanDaily @DrGrunes That is some serious delay. We turn out the results within 24-48 hours! #LCSM
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
RT @dennycee: #lcsm survivability
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @dennycee: #lcsm survivability
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @TimAllenMDJD: For me, as a pathologist, ensuring adequate and timely testing as the #COVID19 pandemic continues on, and as the need for testing is expected to grow. #lcsm
Lisa Moran @plh4lisa
I worry that I won't feel comfortable going out in public until there's a vaccine. And b then I'll still be concerned. #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @drjainsp: @JFreemanDaily @DrGrunes That is some serious delay. We turn out the results within 24-48 hours! #LCSM
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
@VarshaManuchaMD @TimAllenMDJD Yes, we communicated via telephone (Telemedicine wasn't set up yet). #lcsm
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
RT @TimAllenMDJD: For me, as a pathologist, ensuring adequate and timely testing as the #COVID19 pandemic continues on, and as the need for testing is expected to grow. #lcsm
#StayHome @viralvideovlogs
RT @TimAllenMDJD: For me, as a pathologist, ensuring adequate and timely testing as the #COVID19 pandemic continues on, and as the need for testing is expected to grow. #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @plh4lisa: I worry that I won't feel comfortable going out in public until there's a vaccine. And b then I'll still be concerned. #lcsm
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
RT @plh4lisa: I worry that I won't feel comfortable going out in public until there's a vaccine. And b then I'll still be concerned. #lcsm
Stephen V Liu, MD @StephenVLiu
@TimAllenMDJD T4: I am concerned about the impact on preclinical science and research fueling the next generation of therapeutics. Most labs are shut down or running at a reduced capacity. We won’t see the full impact of #COVID19 on wet lab research for years. #LCSM @IASLC
Stephen V Liu, MD @StephenVLiu
RT @TimAllenMDJD: T4:What are your greatest concerns about COVID-19 as a member of the lung cancer community? #LCSM
MECnewengland @glostaMAssachu
@drjainsp @JFreemanDaily @DrGrunes Early March was like a different century. Things have changed. #lcsm
Timothy Craig Allen, MD, JD, FCAP @TimAllenMDJD
Agree, @plh4lisa We cannot be paralyzed by fear, but must stay aware of #COVID19 safety basics such as social distancing to minimize risk. #lcsm
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
RT @StephenVLiu: @TimAllenMDJD T4: @TimAllenMDJD T4: I am concerned about the impact on preclinical science and research fueling the next generation of therapeutics. Most labs are shut down or running at a reduced capacity. We won’t see the full impact of #COVID19 on wet lab research for years. #LCSM @IASLC
Timothy Craig Allen, MD, JD, FCAP @TimAllenMDJD
RT @wildwestannie: @drjainsp @JFreemanDaily @DrGrunes Early March was like a different century. Things have changed. #lcsm
Varsha Manucha, MD @VarshaManuchaMD
@TimAllenMDJD T4: In early stage cancers, delaying surgery does not worsen oncological outcomes. Also using neoadjuvant chemotherapy is an option. #LCSM
Denise Cutlip @dennycee
#lcsm T4: missing the PE I got with office visits.
Timothy Craig Allen, MD, JD, FCAP @TimAllenMDJD
Thank you for mentioning the #COVID19 impact on research, @StephenVLiu I share your concerns completely. #lcsm
Varsha Manucha, MD @VarshaManuchaMD
@TimAllenMDJD T3: there are options out there so please seek medical care. #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @StephenVLiu: @TimAllenMDJD T4: @TimAllenMDJD T4: I am concerned about the impact on preclinical science and research fueling the next generation of therapeutics. Most labs are shut down or running at a reduced capacity. We won’t see the full impact of #COVID19 on wet lab research for years. #LCSM @IASLC
Timothy Craig Allen, MD, JD, FCAP @TimAllenMDJD
RT @VarshaManuchaMD: @TimAllenMDJD T4: @TimAllenMDJD T4: In early stage cancers, delaying surgery does not worsen oncological outcomes. Also using neoadjuvant chemotherapy is an option. #LCSM
Timothy Craig Allen, MD, JD, FCAP @TimAllenMDJD
RT @dennycee: #lcsm T4: #lcsm T4: missing the PE I got with office visits.
Timothy Craig Allen, MD, JD, FCAP @TimAllenMDJD
RT @VarshaManuchaMD: @TimAllenMDJD T3: @TimAllenMDJD T3: there are options out there so please seek medical care. #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @TimAllenMDJD: Agree, @plh4lisa We cannot be paralyzed by fear, but must stay aware of #COVID19 safety basics such as social distancing to minimize risk. #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @VarshaManuchaMD: @TimAllenMDJD T4: @TimAllenMDJD T4: In early stage cancers, delaying surgery does not worsen oncological outcomes. Also using neoadjuvant chemotherapy is an option. #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @TimAllenMDJD: Thank you for mentioning the #COVID19 impact on research, @StephenVLiu I share your concerns completely. #lcsm
Deb Smith 🌻🧡🕊️🌊 🗽🌅💙🪷 @debsmithbeach
T4. Avoiding getting it. I’ve survived 9 yrs w stage 4 LC, happy to stay alive! #LCSM
Bob Steele @steele_bob
RT @TimAllenMDJD: Thank you for mentioning the #COVID19 impact on research, @StephenVLiu I share your concerns completely. #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @dennycee: #lcsm T4: #lcsm T4: missing the PE I got with office visits.
Timothy Craig Allen, MD, JD, FCAP @TimAllenMDJD
Last topic T5 is on the way … #LCSM
Timothy Craig Allen, MD, JD, FCAP @TimAllenMDJD
RT @debsmithbeach: T4. Avoiding getting it. I’ve survived 9 yrs w stage 4 LC, happy to stay alive! #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @debsmithbeach: T4. Avoiding getting it. I’ve survived 9 yrs w stage 4 LC, happy to stay alive! #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @TimAllenMDJD: Last topic T5 is on the way … #LCSM
Devika Das, MD, MSHQS @DevikaDasMD
RT @StephenVLiu: @TimAllenMDJD T4: @TimAllenMDJD T4: I am concerned about the impact on preclinical science and research fueling the next generation of therapeutics. Most labs are shut down or running at a reduced capacity. We won’t see the full impact of #COVID19 on wet lab research for years. #LCSM @IASLC
Jose F. Corona-Cruz MD @drcoronacruz
@TimAllenMDJD We should assume this pandemic has no deadline yet. It is not good to hear that patients and doctors still delaying diagnostic procedures and treatments until "this is over" #LCSM
Timothy Craig Allen, MD, JD, FCAP @TimAllenMDJD
T5:As the COVID-19 pandemic extends for many more months, how will this affect your outlook for lung cancer patients, and how can negative impacts be minimized? #LCSM
Timothy Craig Allen, MD, JD, FCAP @TimAllenMDJD
RT @drcoronacruz: @TimAllenMDJD We should assume this pandemic has no deadline yet. It is not good to hear that patients and doctors still delaying diagnostic procedures and treatments until "this is over" #LCSM
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
One big concern is that even if an effective vaccine becomes available, not enough people will get it to make the world safe for #lungcancer patients to return to a "normal" life. #lcsm
Timothy Craig Allen, MD, JD, FCAP @TimAllenMDJD
RT @JFreemanDaily: One big concern is that even if an effective vaccine becomes available, not enough people will get it to make the world safe for #lungcancer patients to return to a "normal" life. #lcsm
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
RT @TimAllenMDJD: Agree, @plh4lisa We cannot be paralyzed by fear, but must stay aware of #COVID19 safety basics such as social distancing to minimize risk. #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @drcoronacruz: @TimAllenMDJD We should assume this pandemic has no deadline yet. It is not good to hear that patients and doctors still delaying diagnostic procedures and treatments until "this is over" #LCSM
Erika Hlavacek @ErikaHlavacek
T4: clinical trials not happening or the slowing of them. Research slowing. I feel like my life depends on both of these things. #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @TimAllenMDJD: T5:As the COVID-19 pandemic extends for many more months, how will this affect your outlook for lung cancer patients, and how can negative impacts be minimized? #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @JFreemanDaily: One big concern is that even if an effective vaccine becomes available, not enough people will get it to make the world safe for #lungcancer patients to return to a "normal" life. #lcsm
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
RT @VarshaManuchaMD: @TimAllenMDJD T4: @TimAllenMDJD T4: In early stage cancers, delaying surgery does not worsen oncological outcomes. Also using neoadjuvant chemotherapy is an option. #LCSM
Timothy Craig Allen, MD, JD, FCAP @TimAllenMDJD
RT @ErikaHlavacek: T4: T4: clinical trials not happening or the slowing of them. Research slowing. I feel like my life depends on both of these things. #LCSM
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
RT @TimAllenMDJD: Thank you for mentioning the #COVID19 impact on research, @StephenVLiu I share your concerns completely. #lcsm
Bob Steele @steele_bob
RT @ErikaHlavacek: T4: T4: clinical trials not happening or the slowing of them. Research slowing. I feel like my life depends on both of these things. #LCSM
Denise Cutlip @dennycee
RT @ErikaHlavacek: T4: T4: clinical trials not happening or the slowing of them. Research slowing. I feel like my life depends on both of these things. #LCSM
Jose F. Corona-Cruz MD @drcoronacruz
@VarshaManuchaMD @TimAllenMDJD Surgery can be potentially curative for early stage lung cancer! We should not delay this cases #LCSM
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
RT @dennycee: #lcsm T4: #lcsm T4: missing the PE I got with office visits.
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
RT @drcoronacruz: @TimAllenMDJD We should assume this pandemic has no deadline yet. It is not good to hear that patients and doctors still delaying diagnostic procedures and treatments until "this is over" #LCSM
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
RT @TimAllenMDJD: T5:As the COVID-19 pandemic extends for many more months, how will this affect your outlook for lung cancer patients, and how can negative impacts be minimized? #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @ErikaHlavacek: T4: T4: clinical trials not happening or the slowing of them. Research slowing. I feel like my life depends on both of these things. #LCSM
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
RT @ErikaHlavacek: T4: T4: clinical trials not happening or the slowing of them. Research slowing. I feel like my life depends on both of these things. #LCSM
Bob Steele @steele_bob
RT @drcoronacruz: @VarshaManuchaMD @TimAllenMDJD Surgery can be potentially curative for early stage lung cancer! We should not delay this cases #LCSM
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
RT @drcoronacruz: @VarshaManuchaMD @TimAllenMDJD Surgery can be potentially curative for early stage lung cancer! We should not delay this cases #LCSM
Sarika Jain @drjainsp
Accurate and timely results are the key in dealing with this pandemic. #LCSM
Timothy Craig Allen, MD, JD, FCAP @TimAllenMDJD
I look to the increased and improved use of #telemedicine to help minimize the impact of the #COVID19 pandemic on #LungCancer patients and their families. #lcsm
Timothy Craig Allen, MD, JD, FCAP @TimAllenMDJD
RT @drcoronacruz: @VarshaManuchaMD @TimAllenMDJD Surgery can be potentially curative for early stage lung cancer! We should not delay this cases #LCSM
Timothy Craig Allen, MD, JD, FCAP @TimAllenMDJD
RT @drjainsp: Accurate and timely results are the key in dealing with this pandemic. #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @drjainsp: Accurate and timely results are the key in dealing with this pandemic. #LCSM
Lisa Moran @plh4lisa
I agree. My next line of treatment will more than likely be a clinical trial. I'm wondering if trials will be available to me when I need them. #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @TimAllenMDJD: I look to the increased and improved use of #telemedicine to help minimize the impact of the #COVID19 pandemic on #LungCancer patients and their families. #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @plh4lisa: I agree. My next line of treatment will more than likely be a clinical trial. I'm wondering if trials will be available to me when I need them. #lcsm
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
RT @drjainsp: Accurate and timely results are the key in dealing with this pandemic. #LCSM
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
RT @TimAllenMDJD: I look to the increased and improved use of #telemedicine to help minimize the impact of the #COVID19 pandemic on #LungCancer patients and their families. #lcsm
Timothy Craig Allen, MD, JD, FCAP @TimAllenMDJD
RT @plh4lisa: I agree. My next line of treatment will more than likely be a clinical trial. I'm wondering if trials will be available to me when I need them. #lcsm
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
RT @plh4lisa: I agree. My next line of treatment will more than likely be a clinical trial. I'm wondering if trials will be available to me when I need them. #lcsm
𝖉𝖆𝖛𝖊 𝖋𝖚𝖑𝖑𝖊𝖗 @cd_fuller@med-mastodon.com @cd_fuller
RT @ErikaHlavacek: T4: T4: clinical trials not happening or the slowing of them. Research slowing. I feel like my life depends on both of these things. #LCSM
Dianne Grunes @DrGrunes
#lcsm There has been a recent trend of patients reviewing their pathology with the pathologists. Would this be helpful with #lungcancer. Could be done with #telepathology as part of the expansion of #telemedicine
Varsha Manucha, MD @VarshaManuchaMD
@TimAllenMDJD @lcsmchat T5: Different specialists must join forces to deliver the best possible care to patients. #LCSM
Timothy Craig Allen, MD, JD, FCAP @TimAllenMDJD
We are social beings, and #LungCancer patients and their families need to socialize even more than most. We need to explore options that allow that without increasing risk of #COVID19 infection. #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @DrGrunes: #lcsm There has been a recent trend of patients reviewing their pathology with the pathologists. Would this be helpful with #lungcancer. Could be done with #telepathology as part of the expansion of #telemedicine
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
One "silver lining" for #lungcancer patients is that the #COVID19 pandemic has increased focus on the lungs, telemedicine, and remote participation in #clinicaltrials. We may get better tools from this. #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @VarshaManuchaMD: @TimAllenMDJD @lcsmchat T5: @TimAllenMDJD @lcsmchat T5: Different specialists must join forces to deliver the best possible care to patients. #LCSM
Timothy Craig Allen, MD, JD, FCAP @TimAllenMDJD
RT @VarshaManuchaMD: @TimAllenMDJD @lcsmchat T5: @TimAllenMDJD @lcsmchat T5: Different specialists must join forces to deliver the best possible care to patients. #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @TimAllenMDJD: We are social beings, and #LungCancer patients and their families need to socialize even more than most. We need to explore options that allow that without increasing risk of #COVID19 infection. #lcsm
Bob Steele @steele_bob
RT @DrGrunes: #lcsm There has been a recent trend of patients reviewing their pathology with the pathologists. Would this be helpful with #lungcancer. Could be done with #telepathology as part of the expansion of #telemedicine
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
Sarika Jain @drjainsp
RT @StephenVLiu: @TimAllenMDJD T4: @TimAllenMDJD T4: I am concerned about the impact on preclinical science and research fueling the next generation of therapeutics. Most labs are shut down or running at a reduced capacity. We won’t see the full impact of #COVID19 on wet lab research for years. #LCSM @IASLC
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
RT @TimAllenMDJD: We are social beings, and #LungCancer patients and their families need to socialize even more than most. We need to explore options that allow that without increasing risk of #COVID19 infection. #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @JFreemanDaily: One "silver lining" for #lungcancer patients is that the #COVID19 pandemic has increased focus on the lungs, telemedicine, and remote participation in #clinicaltrials. We may get better tools from this. #lcsm
Timothy Craig Allen, MD, JD, FCAP @TimAllenMDJD
https://t.co/YuhjQWhzz9 #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @JFreemanDaily: #LCSM
MECnewengland @glostaMAssachu
RT @JFreemanDaily: One "silver lining" for #lungcancer patients is that the #COVID19 pandemic has increased focus on the lungs, telemedicine, and remote participation in #clinicaltrials. We may get better tools from this. #lcsm
Timothy Craig Allen, MD, JD, FCAP @TimAllenMDJD
RT @JFreemanDaily: #LCSM
Timothy Craig Allen, MD, JD, FCAP @TimAllenMDJD
We must! Accept no less. #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @TimAllenMDJD: https://t.co/YuhjQWhzz9 #lcsm
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
RT @TimAllenMDJD: https://t.co/YuhjQWhzz9 #lcsm
Lisa Moran @plh4lisa
@DrGrunes I love this idea. It may intimidate and confuse some new patients. But this would be an added bonus to educated patients. #lcsm
Sarika Jain @drjainsp
@StephenVLiu @lcsmchat @TimAllenMDJD @IASLC Also research is diverted for Covid 19 which will make it worse. #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @plh4lisa: @DrGrunes I love this idea. It may intimidate and confuse some new patients. But this would be an added bonus to educated patients. #lcsm
Timothy Craig Allen, MD, JD, FCAP @TimAllenMDJD
RT @drjainsp: @StephenVLiu @lcsmchat @TimAllenMDJD @IASLC Also research is diverted for Covid 19 which will make it worse. #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @drjainsp: @StephenVLiu @lcsmchat @TimAllenMDJD @IASLC Also research is diverted for Covid 19 which will make it worse. #LCSM
Timothy Craig Allen, MD, JD, FCAP @TimAllenMDJD
RT @plh4lisa: @DrGrunes I love this idea. It may intimidate and confuse some new patients. But this would be an added bonus to educated patients. #lcsm
Timothy Craig Allen, MD, JD, FCAP @TimAllenMDJD
We’re in our final minutes - closing thoughts? #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @TimAllenMDJD: We’re in our final minutes - closing thoughts? #LCSM
Jose F. Corona-Cruz MD @drcoronacruz
@TimAllenMDJD We must change our practice to minimize the risk of inadverted COVID19 infection to our patients, and ourselves, whilst still providing the same quality of medical and surgical care #LCSM
Jose F. Corona-Cruz MD @drcoronacruz
RT @TimAllenMDJD: T5:As the COVID-19 pandemic extends for many more months, how will this affect your outlook for lung cancer patients, and how can negative impacts be minimized? #LCSM
Timothy Craig Allen, MD, JD, FCAP @TimAllenMDJD
RT @drcoronacruz: @TimAllenMDJD We must change our practice to minimize the risk of inadverted COVID19 infection to our patients, and ourselves, whilst still providing the same quality of medical and surgical care #LCSM
Cancer Data etc @brunolarvol
RT @BairdAM:
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @drcoronacruz: @TimAllenMDJD We must change our practice to minimize the risk of inadverted COVID19 infection to our patients, and ourselves, whilst still providing the same quality of medical and surgical care #LCSM
Cancer Data etc @brunolarvol
Dianne Grunes @DrGrunes
#lcsm We have learned a lot about #COVID19 but still have a lot to learn. Must do so while making sure we take care of our patients especially our lung cancer patients
Lisa Moran @plh4lisa
@TimAllenMDJD Almost 6 months into this and we still have so much more to learn about risk and complications for covid and lung cancer. Thank you for the chat. Interested to see the difference in another 6 months #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @DrGrunes: #lcsm We have learned a lot about #COVID19 but still have a lot to learn. Must do so while making sure we take care of our patients especially our lung cancer patients
Timothy Craig Allen, MD, JD, FCAP @TimAllenMDJD
RT @DrGrunes: #lcsm We have learned a lot about #COVID19 but still have a lot to learn. Must do so while making sure we take care of our patients especially our lung cancer patients
Sarika Jain @drjainsp
Excellent discussion! Thank you @TimAllenMDJD Take care and stay safe #LCSM
Sarika Jain @drjainsp
RT @DrGrunes: #lcsm We have learned a lot about #COVID19 but still have a lot to learn. Must do so while making sure we take care of our patients especially our lung cancer patients
Timothy Craig Allen, MD, JD, FCAP @TimAllenMDJD
RT @plh4lisa: @TimAllenMDJD Almost 6 months into this and we still have so much more to learn about risk and complications for covid and lung cancer. Thank you for the chat. Interested to see the difference in another 6 months #lcsm
Timothy Craig Allen, MD, JD, FCAP @TimAllenMDJD
It has been a privilege to participate, and a great honor to moderate this #LCSM session.
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
#COVID19 has upended our world and routines, but need for #lungcancer screening, diagnosis, treatment and monitoring remains. Follow public health recommendations, plan to keep your appointments, and talk with your HCP if you have concerns. We will adapt! #lcsm
Toms V Thomas,MD @Dr_TVThomasMD
@EricBernicker @TimAllenMDJD Unfortunate reality!! We are not seeing not as many early stage lung cancers now, I am afraid they will be presenting with locally advanced or metastatic disease in the near future!! #LCSM #COVID19
Timothy Craig Allen, MD, JD, FCAP @TimAllenMDJD
RT @Dr_TVThomasMD: @EricBernicker @TimAllenMDJD Unfortunate reality!! We are not seeing not as many early stage lung cancers now, I am afraid they will be presenting with locally advanced or metastatic disease in the near future!! #LCSM #COVID19
Timothy Craig Allen, MD, JD, FCAP @TimAllenMDJD
RT @JFreemanDaily: #COVID19 has upended our world and routines, but need for #lungcancer screening, diagnosis, treatment and monitoring remains. Follow public health recommendations, plan to keep your appointments, and talk with your HCP if you have concerns. We will adapt! #lcsm
Erika Hlavacek @ErikaHlavacek
Thanks for letting all be apart of this very informative discussion❤️#lcsm
Timothy Craig Allen, MD, JD, FCAP @TimAllenMDJD
A transcript for tonight’s #LCSM Chat “Update on #COVID-19 and #LungCancer” will be available soon.
Varsha Manucha, MD @VarshaManuchaMD
@TimAllenMDJD One thought @DrGrunes that patients may find looking at their pathology with pathologist is popular. We can put that to practice #LCSM #Telepathology ~ #Telemedicine
Timothy Craig Allen, MD, JD, FCAP @TimAllenMDJD
RT @ErikaHlavacek: Thanks for letting all be apart of this very informative discussion❤️#lcsm
Bob Steele @steele_bob
Great info exchange as usual - good job Tim et al #lcsm
Denise Cutlip @dennycee
#lcsm stay safe.
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @plh4lisa: @TimAllenMDJD Almost 6 months into this and we still have so much more to learn about risk and complications for covid and lung cancer. Thank you for the chat. Interested to see the difference in another 6 months #lcsm
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
RT @drjainsp: @StephenVLiu @lcsmchat @TimAllenMDJD @IASLC Also research is diverted for Covid 19 which will make it worse. #LCSM
Timothy Craig Allen, MD, JD, FCAP @TimAllenMDJD
RT @VarshaManuchaMD: @TimAllenMDJD One thought @DrGrunes that patients may find looking at their pathology with pathologist is popular. We can put that to practice #LCSM #Telepathology ~ #Telemedicine
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
RT @drcoronacruz: @TimAllenMDJD We must change our practice to minimize the risk of inadverted COVID19 infection to our patients, and ourselves, whilst still providing the same quality of medical and surgical care #LCSM
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @TimAllenMDJD: It has been a privilege to participate, and a great honor to moderate this #LCSM session.
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @JFreemanDaily: #COVID19 has upended our world and routines, but need for #lungcancer screening, diagnosis, treatment and monitoring remains. Follow public health recommendations, plan to keep your appointments, and talk with your HCP if you have concerns. We will adapt! #lcsm
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
RT @DrGrunes: #lcsm We have learned a lot about #COVID19 but still have a lot to learn. Must do so while making sure we take care of our patients especially our lung cancer patients
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @Dr_TVThomasMD: @EricBernicker @TimAllenMDJD Unfortunate reality!! We are not seeing not as many early stage lung cancers now, I am afraid they will be presenting with locally advanced or metastatic disease in the near future!! #LCSM #COVID19
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
RT @plh4lisa: @TimAllenMDJD Almost 6 months into this and we still have so much more to learn about risk and complications for covid and lung cancer. Thank you for the chat. Interested to see the difference in another 6 months #lcsm
Timothy Craig Allen, MD, JD, FCAP @TimAllenMDJD
RT @dennycee: #lcsm stay safe.
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @TimAllenMDJD: A transcript for tonight’s #LCSM Chat “Update on #COVID-19 and #LungCancer” will be available soon.
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @VarshaManuchaMD: @TimAllenMDJD One thought @DrGrunes that patients may find looking at their pathology with pathologist is popular. We can put that to practice #LCSM #Telepathology ~ #Telemedicine
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
RT @Dr_TVThomasMD: @EricBernicker @TimAllenMDJD Unfortunate reality!! We are not seeing not as many early stage lung cancers now, I am afraid they will be presenting with locally advanced or metastatic disease in the near future!! #LCSM #COVID19
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
RT @VarshaManuchaMD: @TimAllenMDJD One thought @DrGrunes that patients may find looking at their pathology with pathologist is popular. We can put that to practice #LCSM #Telepathology ~ #Telemedicine
Bob Steele @steele_bob
RT @JFreemanDaily: #COVID19 has upended our world and routines, but need for #lungcancer screening, diagnosis, treatment and monitoring remains. Follow public health recommendations, plan to keep your appointments, and talk with your HCP if you have concerns. We will adapt! #lcsm
Timothy Craig Allen, MD, JD, FCAP @TimAllenMDJD
Thanks, @steele_bob Credit goes entirely to @JFreemanDaily and @LungCancerFaces! #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
@TimAllenMDJD @steele_bob @JFreemanDaily @LungCancerFaces Very kind. Thank you for moderating tonight. -Deana #lcsm
Janet Freeman-Daily @JFreemanDaily
@TimAllenMDJD @steele_bob @LungCancerFaces Thanks for moderating, @TimAllenMDJD! I'm sure @lcsmchat will do this topic again. #LCSM
Vicki Kennedy @Vickikenn2
RT @Martha__Carlson: #Survivorship is especially poignant for those w/incurable #cancer--too often we're excluded from studies and discussion! @jcansurv has a call for #survonc papers on Living with Incurable Cancer: Addressing Gaps in Cancer Survivorship. Hoping to see work that will change lives👇
Ryan Gentzler, MD @ryangentzler
@hoosiercancer @gdurm @IUMedSchool @maryjofidlerMD @RushUniversity @MedicineUVA Thanks, @hoosiercancer! Honored to be working with @gdurm and @maryjofidlerMD in this wonderful thoracic clinical trial group! #lcsm
#LCSM Chat @lcsmchat
RT @JFreemanDaily: @TimAllenMDJD @steele_bob @LungCancerFaces Thanks for moderating, @TimAllenMDJD! I'm sure @lcsmchat will do this topic again. #LCSM
kristen kimball @KimballKristen
RT @StephenVLiu: @TimAllenMDJD T4: @TimAllenMDJD T4: I am concerned about the impact on preclinical science and research fueling the next generation of therapeutics. Most labs are shut down or running at a reduced capacity. We won’t see the full impact of #COVID19 on wet lab research for years. #LCSM @IASLC
Laura Book @LauraJBook
Yes clinical trials need to get back on track NOW #lcsm
Farina Arreguin @ArreguinFarina
RT @drcoronacruz: @TimAllenMDJD We must change our practice to minimize the risk of inadverted COVID19 infection to our patients, and ourselves, whilst still providing the same quality of medical and surgical care #LCSM
kristen kimball @KimballKristen
Thank you so much for this very informative discussion. #LCSM
Gina @EAustin1969
Thanks for the great chat , sorry I missed so much ❤️#LCSM
#LCSM content from Twitter.