#MacroSW Transcript

Healthcare social media transcript of the #MacroSW hashtag.
See #MacroSW Influencers/Analytics.

Jonathan Singer 🎙️ @socworkpodcast
Episode 121: The Special Commission on Macro Practice: Interview with Dr. Darlyne Bailey and Dr. Terry Mizrahi https://t.co/oQLjxHyIYB #macrosw #socialwork
Jelani Tendai MSW @SocialWorkinCat
How ability to gain generational wealth with stunted generations ago. the federal government was complicit and that's why I believe they should be I'm giving reparations in some form to some degree #macrosw #Reparations #socialwork
Jonathan Singer 🎙️ @socworkpodcast
The 2018 NASW Code of Ethics has 19 changes, most related to #SWTech. Allan Barsky and I talk about 7 of them. Listen to PART 1: https://t.co/UtpyEzk0TF PART 2: https://t.co/xsP5Um0TAR #socialwork Part 3: https://t.co/OE7SL6HumP #MacroSW
#MacroSW content from Twitter.