#MacroSW Transcript

Healthcare social media transcript of the #MacroSW hashtag.
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See #MacroSW Influencers/Analytics.

๐—ฆ๐˜๐—ฒ๐—ฝ๐—ต๐—ฒ๐—ป ๐—–๐˜‚๐—บ๐—บ๐—ถ๐—ป๐—ด๐˜€ @spcummings
It's #MacroSW chat time! So excited...please excuse the extra tweets! https://t.co/9ZG7xdIMBP
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
Hello and welcome to tonight's #MacroSW chat! I'm Pat Shelly for @UBSSW and your host tonight. Our topic: Financial Capability Building: Mobile Money as an Intervention Going to Scale https://t.co/AkdEdAcI2b #Up4theChallenge #FinancialCapability https://t.co/KjATti8n61
Lydia Weinstein @lydiaMSW
@UBSSW Hello, Iโ€™m Lydia from UB School of Social Work #macrosw
ALLY @allydean3
Haley here #MacroSW
Molly Ritter @ritter_molly
@UBSSW Hi Iโ€™m Molly from UB School of Social Work #macroSW
Alex Ridley @AlexRidSW
Here from Millersville! #MacroSW
๐—ฆ๐˜๐—ฒ๐—ฝ๐—ต๐—ฒ๐—ป ๐—–๐˜‚๐—บ๐—บ๐—ถ๐—ป๐—ด๐˜€ @spcummings
RT @UBSSW: Hello and welcome to tonight's #MacroSW chat! I'm Pat Shelly for @UBSSW and your host tonight. Our topic: Hello and welcome to tonight's #MacroSW chat! I'm Pat Shelly for @UBSSW and your host tonight. Our topic: Financial Capability Building: Mobile Money as an Intervention Going to Scale https://t.co/AkdEdAcI2b #Up4theChallenge #FinancialCapability https://t.co/KjATti8n61
#MacroSW Moderator @OfficialMacroSW
Welcome to #MacroSW! https://t.co/vvxwGgRD8x
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
The #MacroSW chat is a collaboration of 9 partners: @acosaorg @SunyaFolayan @spcummings @laurelhitchcock @VilissaThompson @karenzgoda @porndaughter @poliSW - and us here in #Buffalo NY @UBSSW https://t.co/EMMMh2YmQh
Jessica Brown @nariah
Hey #macrosw! Jessica Brown from University of Buffalo MSW program. My mind is definitely staining to grasp all this new info for tonight
michelle becker @michell85883920
@JoshNice4 i cannot get in the chat #MacroSW
Karen Zgoda, LMSW ๐Ÿซถ๐Ÿป๐Ÿฑ @karenzgoda
RT @UBSSW: Hello and welcome to tonight's #MacroSW chat! I'm Pat Shelly for @UBSSW and your host tonight. Our topic: Hello and welcome to tonight's #MacroSW chat! I'm Pat Shelly for @UBSSW and your host tonight. Our topic: Financial Capability Building: Mobile Money as an Intervention Going to Scale https://t.co/AkdEdAcI2b #Up4theChallenge #FinancialCapability https://t.co/KjATti8n61
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
Our guest expert tonight is Dr. Nadine (Shaanta) Murshid, @NadineShaanta an Assistant Professor at @UBSSW Her research is mainly focused on economic interventions, and tonight we'll talk about the use of #MobileMoney in #Bangladesh. Welcome, Shaanta! #MacroSW
Karen Zgoda, LMSW ๐Ÿซถ๐Ÿป๐Ÿฑ @karenzgoda
RT @spcummings: It's #MacroSW chat time! So excited...please excuse the extra tweets! https://t.co/9ZG7xdIMBP
Rebecca Light @rll004
Yโ€™all. Iโ€™m here #macroSw #millersvilleuniversity https://t.co/WpzKv1n4uB
Johanna Black @johannajblack1
hello from Millersville University! #macrosw
David McCollum @VilleBananas
Hi, I'm tweeting from Catalina's with Sam, Anne, Cierra, Steph, and Katie from our cohort last year. #MacroSW
Shand Kydd @Shand_Kydd
#MacroSW https://t.co/HB5FbqSexh
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
Tonight, @karenzgoda will be on our group's handle @OfficialMacroSW - She'll help keep track of the tweets and traffic tonight! Thanks, Karen! #MacroSW https://t.co/oeLqFdlNPt
Kmarie228 @kmarie228
Hi everyone! Kelly from Millersville here! #MSW #macrosw
Heather Mabry-Kourt @KourtMabry
Checking in from Millersville University. Hi all! #MacroSW
Vilissa Thompson @VilissaThompson
RT @UBSSW: The #MacroSW chat is a collaboration of 9 partners: The #MacroSW chat is a collaboration of 9 partners: @acosaorg @SunyaFolayan @spcummings @laurelhitchcock @VilissaThompson @karenzgoda @porndaughter @poliSW - and us here in #Buffalo NY @UBSSW https://t.co/EMMMh2YmQh
Karen Zgoda, LMSW ๐Ÿซถ๐Ÿป๐Ÿฑ @karenzgoda
Good evening #MacroSW! https://t.co/dLD9yvDBqJ
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
@spcummings Hi, Partner! #macroSW
Social Worker @ERL_SW
Hey everyone, Emily from Millersville here #macrosw
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
@lydiaMSW Hello, Lydia! #MacroSW
#MacroSW Moderator @OfficialMacroSW
RT @UBSSW: Tonight, @karenzgoda will be on our group's handle @OfficialMacroSW - She'll help keep track of the tweets and traffic tonight! Thanks, Karen! #MacroSW https://t.co/oeLqFdlNPt
#MacroSW Moderator @OfficialMacroSW
Also our gif game is already on point tonight. Thanks Pat! #MacroSW https://t.co/C3GkS8NVI2
Johanna Black @johannajblack1
@Emrapopo_SW @OfficialMacroSW me either! tweetchat isn't working! #macrosw
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
@ritter_molly Hello, Molly - glad you can chat with us tonight #MacroSW
michelle becker @michell85883920
my live chat is not working, and i cannot see any tweets #macrosw
#MacroSW Moderator @OfficialMacroSW
RT @UBSSW: The #MacroSW chat is a collaboration of 9 partners: The #MacroSW chat is a collaboration of 9 partners: @acosaorg @SunyaFolayan @spcummings @laurelhitchcock @VilissaThompson @karenzgoda @porndaughter @poliSW - and us here in #Buffalo NY @UBSSW https://t.co/EMMMh2YmQh
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
Please keep introducing yourselves! We'll continue with our "housekeeping" tweets while learning about who is here tonight. #MacroSW
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
If you are new to this Twitter chat, here are a few tips: 1. Use the #macrosw in all your tweets or others in the chat will not see them! 2. #MacroSW chats follow a Q & A format to make the conversation easier to follow. Use A1, A2, etc. when answering chat question Q1, Q2. 1/2
Alexsis Murray @MurrayAlexsis
Hi everyoneA Alexsis here from Millersville :) #macrosw
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
And here's a link to "How to participate in a Live Twitter Chat" by @laurelhitchcock https://t.co/5PTpyi4zH9 . . .and if you are new to Macro in general, these FAQs can help: https://t.co/N7zPRJ7uPB for answers to "What is macro social work?" #MacroSW 2/2
#MacroSW Moderator @OfficialMacroSW
@michell85883920 @JoshNice4 We see you every time you use: #MacroSW https://t.co/ILqahIWmtg
#MacroSW Moderator @OfficialMacroSW
RT @UBSSW: Our guest expert tonight is Dr. Nadine (Shaanta) Murshid, @NadineShaanta an Assistant Professor at @UBSSW Her research is mainly focused on economic interventions, and tonight we'll talk about the use of #MobileMoney in #Bangladesh. Welcome, Shaanta! #MacroSW
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
The archive of tonight's chat and upcoming chat schedule will be found at: https://t.co/MvZ2FHBm6D just an hour or so after we end. #MacroSW
๐—ฆ๐˜๐—ฒ๐—ฝ๐—ต๐—ฒ๐—ป ๐—–๐˜‚๐—บ๐—บ๐—ถ๐—ป๐—ด๐˜€ @spcummings
@UBSSW Howdy, partner! #MacroSW
Praxis Podcast @PraxisPod
#MacroSW Hi, I'm Zane, graduate student at Wichita State University
#MacroSW Moderator @OfficialMacroSW
@johannajblack1 @Emrapopo_SW We see you! #MacroSW
#MacroSW Moderator @OfficialMacroSW
๐—ฆ๐˜๐—ฒ๐—ฝ๐—ต๐—ฒ๐—ป ๐—–๐˜‚๐—บ๐—บ๐—ถ๐—ป๐—ด๐˜€ @spcummings
Good advice #MacroSW https://t.co/52fr4yBETX
Heather Mabry-Kourt @KourtMabry
@UBSSW @OfficialMacroSW @acosaorg @SunyaFolayan @spcummings @laurelhitchcock @VilissaThompson @karenzgoda @porndaughter @poliSW Thanks for hosting! #MacroSW
#MacroSW Moderator @OfficialMacroSW
For folks having issues, we recommend you try: https://t.co/s4SP7kDqw2 #MacroSW https://t.co/li5rAz1uuW
Abby Squicciarini @abby_dawn6
@lydiaMSW @UBSSW Hi, Iโ€™m Abby from the UB School of Social Work! #macrosw
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
OK, we'll get started! Q1 coming up! #MacroSW
Karen Zgoda, LMSW ๐Ÿซถ๐Ÿป๐Ÿฑ @karenzgoda
RT @spcummings: Good advice #MacroSW https://t.co/52fr4yBETX
Karen Zgoda, LMSW ๐Ÿซถ๐Ÿป๐Ÿฑ @karenzgoda
RT @UBSSW: Our guest expert tonight is Dr. Nadine (Shaanta) Murshid, @NadineShaanta an Assistant Professor at @UBSSW Her research is mainly focused on economic interventions, and tonight we'll talk about the use of #MobileMoney in #Bangladesh. Welcome, Shaanta! #MacroSW
critty @crittykins
@UBSSW @OfficialMacroSW @NadineShaanta Hello: looking forward to learning more about #mobile money! #macrosw
Nick @nick_molina
Hi Oh! I'm here! #MacroSW
#MacroSW Moderator @OfficialMacroSW
RT @UBSSW: Hello and welcome to tonight's #MacroSW chat! I'm Pat Shelly for @UBSSW and your host tonight. Our topic: Hello and welcome to tonight's #MacroSW chat! I'm Pat Shelly for @UBSSW and your host tonight. Our topic: Financial Capability Building: Mobile Money as an Intervention Going to Scale https://t.co/AkdEdAcI2b #Up4theChallenge #FinancialCapability https://t.co/KjATti8n61
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
Q1 What are the challenges with low financial literacy levels and financial systems knowledge? Do we have this problem in the US? #MacroSW https://t.co/VTS2v8kKX6
WorkerSocialRadical @joshdnice
@causeisaidSOph That was meant as an announcement, not an apology, right? We got this! #MacroSW
#MacroSW Moderator @OfficialMacroSW
RT @crittykins: @UBSSW @OfficialMacroSW @NadineShaanta Hello: @UBSSW @OfficialMacroSW @NadineShaanta Hello: looking forward to learning more about #mobile money! #macrosw
#MacroSW Moderator @OfficialMacroSW
@KimMSW2018 We can see you if you use #MacroSW
#MacroSW Moderator @OfficialMacroSW
@Emrapopo_SW @johannajblack1 Try refreshing your page! #MacroSW
#MacroSW Moderator @OfficialMacroSW
Welcome back Erin! #MacroSW https://t.co/KLDsiEl05v
#MacroSW Moderator @OfficialMacroSW
RT @UBSSW: Please keep introducing yourselves! We'll continue with our "housekeeping" tweets while learning about who is here tonight. #MacroSW
#MacroSW Moderator @OfficialMacroSW
RT @UBSSW: If you are new to this Twitter chat, here are a few tips: 1. Use the #macrosw in all your tweets or others in the chat will not see them! 2. #MacroSW chats follow a Q & A format to make the conversation easier to follow. Use A1, A2, etc. when answering chat question Q1, Q2. 1/2
Courtney @courtneyann2018
@UBSSW Hello, I am back again. Thank you for having me! #MacroSW
#MacroSW Moderator @OfficialMacroSW
RT @UBSSW: And here's a link to "How to participate in a Live Twitter Chat" by @laurelhitchcock https://t.co/5PTpyi4zH9 . . .and if you are new to Macro in general, these FAQs can help: https://t.co/N7zPRJ7uPB for answers to "What is macro social work?" #MacroSW 2/2
Jaleen Leon @JaleenLeon
Greetings Jaleen from Millersville University #macrosw
#MacroSW Moderator @OfficialMacroSW
RT @UBSSW: The archive of tonight's chat and upcoming chat schedule will be found at: The archive of tonight's chat and upcoming chat schedule will be found at: https://t.co/MvZ2FHBm6D just an hour or so after we end. #MacroSW
#MacroSW Moderator @OfficialMacroSW
RT @UBSSW: Q1 What are the challenges with low financial literacy levels and financial systems knowledge? Do we have this problem in the US? #MacroSW https://t.co/VTS2v8kKX6
michelle becker @michell85883920
@JoshNice4 Iโ€™m on my computer but itโ€™s not working ughh #MacroSW
Danay Hershey @HersheyD47
A1: One challenge may be an individual may not know how to establish a savings or learn financial responsibility. Through no fault of their own, just because of lack of education or maybe having learned it through family structure #MacroSW
๐—ฆ๐˜๐—ฒ๐—ฝ๐—ต๐—ฒ๐—ป ๐—–๐˜‚๐—บ๐—บ๐—ถ๐—ป๐—ด๐˜€ @spcummings
Q1 is live!!!!! #MacroSW https://t.co/hLxav6DOnO
Shand Kydd @Shand_Kydd
A1. It certainly doesnโ€™t help the local or national economy if your citizens are utterly uneducated to economy and finance. It also keeps your classes in the same class for generations and generations. No mobility. #MacroSW
Karen Zgoda, LMSW ๐Ÿซถ๐Ÿป๐Ÿฑ @karenzgoda
RT @UBSSW: The archive of tonight's chat and upcoming chat schedule will be found at: The archive of tonight's chat and upcoming chat schedule will be found at: https://t.co/MvZ2FHBm6D just an hour or so after we end. #MacroSW
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
RT @spcummings: Q1 is live!!!!! #MacroSW https://t.co/hLxav6DOnO
Karen Zgoda, LMSW ๐Ÿซถ๐Ÿป๐Ÿฑ @karenzgoda
RT @UBSSW: And here's a link to "How to participate in a Live Twitter Chat" by @laurelhitchcock https://t.co/5PTpyi4zH9 . . .and if you are new to Macro in general, these FAQs can help: https://t.co/N7zPRJ7uPB for answers to "What is macro social work?" #MacroSW 2/2
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
RT @HersheyD47: A1: A1: One challenge may be an individual may not know how to establish a savings or learn financial responsibility. Through no fault of their own, just because of lack of education or maybe having learned it through family structure #MacroSW
Karen Zgoda, LMSW ๐Ÿซถ๐Ÿป๐Ÿฑ @karenzgoda
RT @UBSSW: If you are new to this Twitter chat, here are a few tips: 1. Use the #macrosw in all your tweets or others in the chat will not see them! 2. #MacroSW chats follow a Q & A format to make the conversation easier to follow. Use A1, A2, etc. when answering chat question Q1, Q2. 1/2
Karen Zgoda, LMSW ๐Ÿซถ๐Ÿป๐Ÿฑ @karenzgoda
RT @UBSSW: Please keep introducing yourselves! We'll continue with our "housekeeping" tweets while learning about who is here tonight. #MacroSW
Rebecca Light @rll004
#A1, Iโ€™ve never heard about mobile money until today so I am excited to learn more! #macroSW
Institute on Trauma and Trauma-Informed Care @UBittic
@UBSSW A1: Low literacy becomes a barrier to services, to money, interaction levels in commerce and to people within that culture. Yes, we do have this problem in the US. #macrosw https://t.co/WWib5WfBp9
Carrie Corrao @cacorrao
@UBSSW @OfficialMacroSW #MacroSW Hi Everyone! My name is Carrie and I go to Millersville University
Jessica Brown @nariah
A1: Yes! Once a friend of mine lived with only her tax return "bank card" after the hospital froze her out of her bank account for unpaid bills. Plenty of us are "unbanked". #MacroSW
Karen Zgoda, LMSW ๐Ÿซถ๐Ÿป๐Ÿฑ @karenzgoda
๐Ÿ‘‹๐Ÿป #MacroSW https://t.co/3iPczCeORA
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
RT @Shand_Kydd: A1. It certainly doesnโ€™t help the local or national economy if your citizens are utterly uneducated to economy and finance. It also keeps your classes in the same class for generations and generations. No mobility. #MacroSW
michelle becker @michell85883920
@NadineShaanta @UBSSW Great response, also not having a decent paying job will make it difficult to budget as well #macrosw
Karen Zgoda, LMSW ๐Ÿซถ๐Ÿป๐Ÿฑ @karenzgoda
RT @spcummings: Q1 is live!!!!! #MacroSW https://t.co/hLxav6DOnO
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
RT @rll004: #A1, Iโ€™ve never heard about mobile money until today so I am excited to learn more! #macroSW
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
RT @UBittic: @UBSSW A1: @UBSSW A1: Low literacy becomes a barrier to services, to money, interaction levels in commerce and to people within that culture. Yes, we do have this problem in the US. #macrosw https://t.co/WWib5WfBp9
๐Ÿ‘‘Adrienne Garr๐Ÿ‘‘ @adriennecgarr
RT @spcummings: Q1 is live!!!!! #MacroSW https://t.co/hLxav6DOnO
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
RT @nariah: A1: A1: Yes! Once a friend of mine lived with only her tax return "bank card" after the hospital froze her out of her bank account for unpaid bills. Plenty of us are "unbanked". #MacroSW
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
RT @michell85883920: @NadineShaanta @UBSSW Great response, also not having a decent paying job will make it difficult to budget as well #macrosw
Karen Zgoda, LMSW ๐Ÿซถ๐Ÿป๐Ÿฑ @karenzgoda
@KourtMabry @UBSSW @OfficialMacroSW @acosaorg @SunyaFolayan @spcummings @laurelhitchcock @VilissaThompson @porndaughter @poliSW #MacroSW https://t.co/0nibBM1emi
Alex Ridley @AlexRidSW
Q1: Not many people get a formal education on finances, itโ€™s more of a figure it out yourself and hopefully consult parents/family. This is clearly a huge problem. #macroSW
David McCollum @VilleBananas
A1: The United States definitely has a problem with financial literacy. This is indicative by check cashing agencies, especially in poverty-stricken areas. #MacroSW
jerryfarnett @jerryfarnett
@UBSSW Also, as a world leader, the United States society projects the image that we are beyond poverty....though this not true. #MacroSW
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
A 1 In order to achieve financial security, people must be financially capable and able to accumulate assets. https://t.co/fjPnEhNEw7 <Grand Challenge for #SocialWork #Up4TheChallenge #MacroSW
Praxis Podcast @PraxisPod
A1 Increases chance people will experience poverty and adds barriers to achieving and sustaining economic sufficiency #MacroSW
Rebecca Light @rll004
RT @nariah: A1: A1: Yes! Once a friend of mine lived with only her tax return "bank card" after the hospital froze her out of her bank account for unpaid bills. Plenty of us are "unbanked". #MacroSW
Carolyn Wolf @Carolyn65641191
@UBSSW We definitely have this problem in the US! It can be exhausting trying to figure out (or help a client figure out) the many levels of bureaucracy to get where they need to be! #macroSW
Cary Sanchez @CSanchezBSW
@UBSSW A1: A challenge for individuals with low financial literacy can include not having knowledge or skills, inability to utilize financial resources. This is also a problem in the United States. #MacroSW
michelle becker @michell85883920
A1: a problem may include not being able to save money. If one experiences many financial hardships within a short time, it oculd hurt the little savings one has #macrosw
Loren Waltz @loren_waltz
Q1) Those who are targeted for low financial literacy rates can often include populations with low education or income #MacroSW
Johanna Black @johannajblack1
A1: people might not know how to save money, causing them to be financialy unstable. #MacroSW
Shelby Frusetta @shelby_frusetta
A1 there are many issues not being able budget can lead to financial instability. Also, if people donโ€™t know how to navigate financial systems they will be less likely to utilize resources #MacroSW
patiocake @patiocakey
A1: Lots of limited financial literacy in the US. I worked as an institutional Rep Payee for people referred by landlords, caseworkers, family, and even the SSA for ppl needing assistance managing benefits. It took a village! #macroSW
Katelyn @Katelyn04791497
Continuing to the cycle of poverty bc lack of education around this topic #MacroSW
#MacroSW Moderator @OfficialMacroSW
If you are having technical difficulties please message: @OfficialMacroSW #MacroSW https://t.co/J5ya6F0JOQ
Social Worker @ERL_SW
@UBSSW Q1. A challenge is the fact that managing finances can be a difficult task and education on this is important. #macrosw
๐—ฆ๐˜๐—ฒ๐—ฝ๐—ต๐—ฒ๐—ป ๐—–๐˜‚๐—บ๐—บ๐—ถ๐—ป๐—ด๐˜€ @spcummings
A1: Financial literacy is a problem, however it feels this is because corporate special interests are working against the public interest (easy credit, payday loans, sanctioned gambling) #MacroSW
Kayla @klteeples7911
@UBSSW @OfficialMacroSW I believe we have this problem in the US. I think that we are not taught basic financial skills in school and are put out in society to learn. Our clients often lack the skills and did not have the people to assist them to learn about finances #MacroSW
jerryfarnett @jerryfarnett
@UBSSW Yes! We push credit and down play financial literacy and planning. #MacroSW
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
@Igbydrood In the US, there are payday loan operations that can charge over 700% interest on a short-term loans - https://t.co/eGhDEQWhe1 #MacroSW
H. ONeill @HONeill15
A1:When an individual has low financial literacy itโ€™s difficult to make good financial decisions or to even have the ability to do so. When in lower classes living pay check to pay check thereโ€™s no much left to save or invest. Not to mention itโ€™s a self taught practice. #macrosw
Kenedi Young @kenedi_young19
@michell85883920 @NadineShaanta @UBSSW This is why many families who are living in the lower class don't even get jobs, the pay isn't even enough to pay for childcare most times. Thus making it impossible to budget #macrosw
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
RT @karenzgoda: @KourtMabry @UBSSW @OfficialMacroSW @acosaorg @SunyaFolayan @spcummings @laurelhitchcock @VilissaThompson @porndaughter @poliSW #MacroSW https://t.co/0nibBM1emi
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
RT @VilleBananas: A1: A1: The United States definitely has a problem with financial literacy. This is indicative by check cashing agencies, especially in poverty-stricken areas. #MacroSW
Karen Zgoda, LMSW ๐Ÿซถ๐Ÿป๐Ÿฑ @karenzgoda
Karen Zgoda, #MacroSW #swtech @publicpolicyumb PhD student @McCormackGrad @UMassBoston https://t.co/aqj14ZfN6K
Kmarie228 @kmarie228
A1: The need for financial literacy will continue to increase as our financial systems become more complex. We have greater variety in how we choose retirement plans, savings accounts and lines of credit. It is imperative to understand the increasing number of options #MacroSW
Shelby Frusetta @shelby_frusetta
@amharlacher Yeah overall it can work to reduce quality of life. #MacroSW
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
RT @jerryfarnett: @UBSSW Also, as a world leader, the United States society projects the image that we are beyond poverty....though this not true. #MacroSW
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
RT @PraxisPod: A1 Increases chance people will experience poverty and adds barriers to achieving and sustaining economic sufficiency #MacroSW
Johanna Black @johannajblack1
@klteeples7911 @UBSSW @OfficialMacroSW so true! this is why some cities/town have started "adult classes", bc people are not taught these things in school. #MacroSW
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
RT @Carolyn65641191: @UBSSW We definitely have this problem in the US! It can be exhausting trying to figure out (or help a client figure out) the many levels of bureaucracy to get where they need to be! #macroSW
michelle becker @michell85883920
@nariah @UBSSW Wow that is drastic. Everyone is one small medical problem away from becoming in debt #macrosw
๐Ÿ‘‘Adrienne Garr๐Ÿ‘‘ @adriennecgarr
@VilleBananas A1: Payday loan companies also prey on those living in poverty #MacroSW
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
RT @michell85883920: A1: A1: a problem may include not being able to save money. If one experiences many financial hardships within a short time, it oculd hurt the little savings one has #macrosw
Loren Waltz @loren_waltz
Q1) Those who are targeted and often taken adavantge of for low financial literacy rates can often include populations with low education or income #MacroSW
#MacroSW Moderator @OfficialMacroSW
RT @klteeples7911: @UBSSW @OfficialMacroSW I believe we have this problem in the US. I think that we are not taught basic financial skills in school and are put out in society to learn. Our clients often lack the skills and did not have the people to assist them to learn about finances #MacroSW
Heather Mabry-Kourt @KourtMabry
@amharlacher I agree. It needs to start with basic financial literacy (mobile or traditional). #MacroSW
Rebecca Light @rll004
RT @Katelyn04791497: Continuing to the cycle of poverty bc lack of education around this topic #MacroSW
Social Worker @ERL_SW
@AlexRidSW Alex I totally agree with this. I know a number of people who really struggle how to navigate through their finances and often need to rely on others. #macrosw
jerryfarnett @jerryfarnett
@UBSSW Agreed. Low financial literacy negatively impacts society. #MacroSW
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
RT @agingrights: A1: A1: Lots of limited financial literacy in the US. I worked as an institutional Rep Payee for people referred by landlords, caseworkers, family, and even the SSA for ppl needing assistance managing benefits. It took a village! #macroSW
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
RT @shelby_frusetta: A1 there are many issues not being able budget can lead to financial instability. Also, if people donโ€™t know how to navigate financial systems they will be less likely to utilize resources #MacroSW
WorkerSocialRadical @joshdnice
A1: working w/refugees, immigrants. Agency incorporates financial literacy in cultural orientation, workshops on basics, budgeting. Challenges like translation, travel,collaborating w/banks and orgs for info critical to survival, predatory lending, โ€˜benefit cliffsโ€™ etc #macrosw
patiocake @patiocakey
@spcummings Hate to say it, but even TV commercials target people with stress and the lure of relief of money probs with one easy phone call #macroSW
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
RT @OfficialMacroSW: If you are having technical difficulties please message: If you are having technical difficulties please message: @OfficialMacroSW #MacroSW https://t.co/J5ya6F0JOQ
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
RT @Katelyn04791497: Continuing to the cycle of poverty bc lack of education around this topic #MacroSW
Rebecca Light @rll004
RT @CSanchezBSW: @UBSSW A1: @UBSSW A1: A challenge for individuals with low financial literacy can include not having knowledge or skills, inability to utilize financial resources. This is also a problem in the United States. #MacroSW
Institute on Trauma and Trauma-Informed Care @UBittic
@amharlacher I agree that it is a problem everywhere, finacial literacy impacts ones self of security. #macrosw
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
RT @ERL_SW: @UBSSW Q1. A challenge is the fact that managing finances can be a difficult task and education on this is important. #macrosw
Katelyn @Katelyn04791497
Itโ€™s better to start saving now even if it is very minimal and we can teach others the importance of saving #MacroSW
holly graybill @graybill_holly
@UBSSW A1 Some challenges of low financial literacy is the barrier it creates to manage finances. It's hard to pick the right insurance for yourself/family. It's hard to budget and know how to save. It's hard to gain credit and apply for loans. #macrosw
Kayla @klteeples7911
@NadineShaanta @OfficialMacroSW Agreed. I donโ€™t think we are taught this and it becomes a barrier to those who do not have help to learn it #MacroSW
#MacroSW Moderator @OfficialMacroSW
Special welcome to all our hardworking students, professors, adjuncts, and practitioners tonight! #MacroSW https://t.co/6tCazn0vKk
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
RT @spcummings: A1: A1: Financial literacy is a problem, however it feels this is because corporate special interests are working against the public interest (easy credit, payday loans, sanctioned gambling) #MacroSW
Lydia Weinstein @lydiaMSW
@UBSSW #macrosw
Alex Ridley @AlexRidSW
@amharlacher A1: I agree that this is a problem everywhere and I wonder if it would be as bad of a problem if it was some how, at least on a small scale, incorporated into high school education. #macrosw
Vilissa Thompson @VilissaThompson
A1: Definitely a problem here in the US. If we donโ€™t learn at home or school about money, who teaches us? Balancing a checkbook, opening a bank account, filing taxes, budgeting-all are key skills that many struggle with due to financial illiteracy. #MacroSW https://t.co/Fyd4Q1eNz0
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
RT @OfficialMacroSW: Special welcome to all our hardworking students, professors, adjuncts, and practitioners tonight! #MacroSW https://t.co/6tCazn0vKk
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
RT @jerryfarnett: @UBSSW Yes! We push credit and down play financial literacy and planning. #MacroSW
#MacroSW Moderator @OfficialMacroSW
RT @VilleBananas: A1: A1: The United States definitely has a problem with financial literacy. This is indicative by check cashing agencies, especially in poverty-stricken areas. #MacroSW
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
RT @HONeill15: A1:When an individual has low financial literacy itโ€™s difficult to make good financial decisions or to even have the ability to do so. When in lower classes living pay check to pay check thereโ€™s no much left to save or invest. Not to mention itโ€™s a self taught practice. #macrosw
#MacroSW Moderator @OfficialMacroSW
RT @spcummings: A1: A1: Financial literacy is a problem, however it feels this is because corporate special interests are working against the public interest (easy credit, payday loans, sanctioned gambling) #MacroSW
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
RT @kenedi_young19: @michell85883920 @NadineShaanta @UBSSW This is why many families who are living in the lower class don't even get jobs, the pay isn't even enough to pay for childcare most times. Thus making it impossible to budget #macrosw
michelle becker @michell85883920
@klteeples7911 @OfficialMacroSW @UBSSW i completely agree. There should be more education regadin this issue even in highschool. Teach students how t budget, apply for loans etc #macrosw
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
RT @karenzgoda: Karen Zgoda, #MacroSW #swtech @publicpolicyumb PhD student @McCormackGrad @UMassBoston https://t.co/aqj14ZfN6K
Sihab Mahmud @SihabBD
RT @UBSSW: Our guest expert tonight is Dr. Nadine (Shaanta) Murshid, @NadineShaanta an Assistant Professor at @UBSSW Her research is mainly focused on economic interventions, and tonight we'll talk about the use of #MobileMoney in #Bangladesh. Welcome, Shaanta! #MacroSW
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
RT @kmarie228: A1: A1: The need for financial literacy will continue to increase as our financial systems become more complex. We have greater variety in how we choose retirement plans, savings accounts and lines of credit. It is imperative to understand the increasing number of options #MacroSW
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
RT @shelby_frusetta: @amharlacher Yeah overall it can work to reduce quality of life. #MacroSW
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
RT @johannajblack1: @klteeples7911 @UBSSW @OfficialMacroSW so true! this is why some cities/town have started "adult classes", bc people are not taught these things in school. #MacroSW
Molly Ritter @ritter_molly
@NadineShaanta I agree that this speaks directly to income inequality. Unfortunately it speaks to the cycle of poverty in our country. #macrosw
Lucienne @luciennejanelle
@UBSSW @OfficialMacroSW I do think we have this issue in the US. There are families all over the US who are low income and some may not have money for services, One being health insurance. #MacroSW
Kenedi Young @kenedi_young19
@causeisaidSOph @UBSSW I like you brought up this idea of not being able to afford financial advice, that was something I haven't considered #macrosw
Molly Ritter @ritter_molly
@UBSSW #macrosw
Lydia Weinstein @lydiaMSW
@shelby_frusetta @UBSSW Thatโ€™s why I feel like it should be worked into schools systems to teach kids at a younger age! #macrosw
Karen Zgoda, LMSW ๐Ÿซถ๐Ÿป๐Ÿฑ @karenzgoda
RT @VilissaThompson: A1: A1: Definitely a problem here in the US. If we donโ€™t learn at home or school about money, who teaches us? Balancing a checkbook, opening a bank account, filing taxes, budgeting-all are key skills that many struggle with due to financial illiteracy. #MacroSW https://t.co/Fyd4Q1eNz0
jerryfarnett @jerryfarnett
@OfficialMacroSW @UBSSW I believe we hesitate to discuss poverty and promote financial literacy because we believe it makes us look weak and less powerful to the rest of the world. As social workers we know this is a fallacy. #MacroSW
Loren Waltz @loren_waltz
@johannajblack1 @klteeples7911 @UBSSW @OfficialMacroSW @johannajblack1 these seem to be vary helpful! As far as Lancaster goes, I believe Tabor provides those classes and they are open to the public #macrosw
Karen Zgoda, LMSW ๐Ÿซถ๐Ÿป๐Ÿฑ @karenzgoda
RT @OfficialMacroSW: Special welcome to all our hardworking students, professors, adjuncts, and practitioners tonight! #MacroSW https://t.co/6tCazn0vKk
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
Q2 is on its way in a minute! #MacroSW
Carrie Corrao @cacorrao
@UBSSW @OfficialMacroSW Q1. #MacroSW Yes I think we do have a problem. Many people are not prepared for surprise expenses, and banking skills transfer into future generations, perpetuating issues related to poverty and other areas.
Karen Zgoda, LMSW ๐Ÿซถ๐Ÿป๐Ÿฑ @karenzgoda
RT @mizzpicklezz: @VilleBananas A1: @VilleBananas A1: Payday loan companies also prey on those living in poverty #MacroSW
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
RT @michell85883920: @nariah @UBSSW Wow that is drastic. Everyone is one small medical problem away from becoming in debt #macrosw
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
RT @mizzpicklezz: @VilleBananas A1: @VilleBananas A1: Payday loan companies also prey on those living in poverty #MacroSW
Heather Mabry-Kourt @KourtMabry
@klteeples7911 @UBSSW @OfficialMacroSW These taught skills have definetly gone to the wayside! #MacroSW
Alexsis Murray @MurrayAlexsis
To be able to budget, families need to have money that they can budget. There are times families do not have the chance get ahead, let alone learn the skills to get ahead #macrosw
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
RT @ERL_SW: @AlexRidSW Alex I totally agree with this. I know a number of people who really struggle how to navigate through their finances and often need to rely on others. #macrosw
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
RT @jerryfarnett: @UBSSW Agreed. Low financial literacy negatively impacts society. #MacroSW
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
RT @agingrights: @spcummings Hate to say it, but even TV commercials target people with stress and the lure of relief of money probs with one easy phone call #macroSW
Courtney @courtneyann2018
@UBSSW Yes, education of finances is not taught, unless our parents are teaching us this. Most of our clients do not have the support from others to be taught these essential skills. This becomes a problem for our society as a whole. #MacroSW
holly graybill @graybill_holly
@UBSSW A1 It also doesn't help that financial literacy isn't something education focuses on. I'm about to have a masters degree and still feel financially illiterate. It will create issues for myself as well as my clients if they need financial help #macrosw
H. ONeill @HONeill15
@AlexRidSW @amharlacher Even learning to do taxes or balance finances would be a benefit to young kids. Though there are free tax services for low income families, sometimes theyโ€™re not known. Paying someone to do taxes is pretty expensive otherwise! #MacroSW
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
RT @JoshNice4: A1: A1: working w/refugees, immigrants. Agency incorporates financial literacy in cultural orientation, workshops on basics, budgeting. Challenges like translation, travel,collaborating w/banks and orgs for info critical to survival, predatory lending, โ€˜benefit cliffsโ€™ etc #macrosw
Jessica Brown @nariah
@kenedi_young19 I resist the idea that the answer to poverty under capitalism is education. Education can be a powerful tool but it can also be a victim blaming call-out, yk? Start with living wage jobs, then we have something to budget with. #MacroSW
Karen Zgoda, LMSW ๐Ÿซถ๐Ÿป๐Ÿฑ @karenzgoda
A1: Debtor's prisons are STILL a problem: https://t.co/BbLJT9IeTP via @aclu #MacroSW
jerryfarnett @jerryfarnett
@mizzpicklezz @UBSSW @VilleBananas Excellent point! #MacroSW
Rebecca Light @rll004
@causeisaidSOph @UBSSW The cycle will continue and keep a vulnerable group on poverty at all times unless we do something to change it! #macroSW #completelyagree
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
Q2 What is mobile money? #MacroSW https://t.co/H2XIL8rYxD
Molly Ritter @ritter_molly
@Jwat1207 @klteeples7911 @OfficialMacroSW @UBSSW My students say that to me all of the time. None of my students have a clue about taxes and budgeting, and they all express a desire to learn. #macrosw
Shand Kydd @Shand_Kydd
Financial Literacy Education in the U.S. in schools is a lot like our Sex Education in schools...the little education you are taught on these subjects is a joke and often taboo. People fear looking at their bank statements more than walking down a dark alley! #MacroSW
Abby Squicciarini @abby_dawn6
@ritter_molly @NadineShaanta I agree with you pertaining to the cycle of poverty in the US. Students were given basic knowledge on finances to decrease risk factors later in life. #macrosw
Lucienne @luciennejanelle
@NadineShaanta @OfficialMacroSW You make a great point. If one with low income not be able to manage the finances are budget or even save money it will lead to instability. #MacroSW
๐Ÿ‘‘Adrienne Garr๐Ÿ‘‘ @adriennecgarr
@SamanthaWeiric2 Agreed. Many parents don't feel it's necessary to teach children how to manage finances. #MacroSW
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
RT @UBittic: @amharlacher I agree that it is a problem everywhere, finacial literacy impacts ones self of security. #macrosw
Kenedi Young @kenedi_young19
A1: My high school offered business classes but had very strict guidelines to get into and you had to be pursuing a business major after you graduated. #MacroSW
Karen Zgoda, LMSW ๐Ÿซถ๐Ÿป๐Ÿฑ @karenzgoda
RT @JoshNice4: A1: A1: working w/refugees, immigrants. Agency incorporates financial literacy in cultural orientation, workshops on basics, budgeting. Challenges like translation, travel,collaborating w/banks and orgs for info critical to survival, predatory lending, โ€˜benefit cliffsโ€™ etc #macrosw
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
RT @Katelyn04791497: Itโ€™s better to start saving now even if it is very minimal and we can teach others the importance of saving #MacroSW
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
RT @graybill_holly: @UBSSW A1 Some challenges of low financial literacy is the barrier it creates to manage finances. It's hard to pick the right insurance for yourself/family. It's hard to budget and know how to save. It's hard to gain credit and apply for loans. #macrosw
Loren Waltz @loren_waltz
@AlexRidSW @amharlacher Agree. I think high school is definitely the time to learn because many people do not attend college and often begin the need to manage their finaces right away #macrosw
Danay Hershey @HersheyD47
A2: One advantage would be individuals are able to learn about money and it empowers them to have control over their finances. #MacroSW
WorkerSocialRadical @joshdnice
@kelmiller22 We could add that the majority of Americans make 30k or less each year and cannot afford a $1k emergency to begin with. Conversations regarding Financial Inequality, radical redistribution of wealth, should be priority as well. Thanks for sharing! #MacroSW
Karen Zgoda, LMSW ๐Ÿซถ๐Ÿป๐Ÿฑ @karenzgoda
So inclined to say all the ๐Ÿ’ธ๐Ÿ’ธ๐Ÿ’ธ leaving my account... #MacroSW https://t.co/oC0OjpniNK
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
RT @AlexRidSW: @amharlacher A1: @amharlacher A1: I agree that this is a problem everywhere and I wonder if it would be as bad of a problem if it was some how, at least on a small scale, incorporated into high school education. #macrosw
jerryfarnett @jerryfarnett
@UBSSW Please tell! Details!!! #MacroSW
michelle becker @michell85883920
A2: I utilize mobile money to pay bills, when friends and i split the cost, i transfer it to them through the app. its convient #macrosw
๐—ฆ๐˜๐—ฒ๐—ฝ๐—ต๐—ฒ๐—ป ๐—–๐˜‚๐—บ๐—บ๐—ถ๐—ป๐—ด๐˜€ @spcummings
Q2 is live!!!!!! #MacroSW https://t.co/A96FYEvNxH
Caleigh Ames @caleigh_ames
@UBSSW A1: When students are not taught these skills while going through middle and high school... they are set back when they actually need to utilize the skills. We definitely have this problem in the US. #MacroSW
Alex Ridley @AlexRidSW
Q2: Mobile money is actually a new term for me so i am excited to read the tweets about it! #MacroSW
#MacroSW Moderator @OfficialMacroSW
RT @UBSSW: Q2 What is mobile money? #MacroSW https://t.co/H2XIL8rYxD
Carrie Corrao @cacorrao
@VilleBananas @OfficialMacroSW #macrosw In my one class we talked about the lack of banks in cities, and what a barrier it places for people to get to a bank to deposit money and access money in an appropriate time frame to pay bills. A lot of our banks are on one road outside the city area.
Rebecca Light @rll004
#A1: itโ€™s frustrating when clients canโ€™t access financial help because they donโ€™t meet 1-2 of the million criteria, or were unaware for years that this aid existed, and now that bit of help wonโ€™t be able to pull them out of the hole that theyโ€™re now in #macroSW
ALLY @allydean3
A 1: Yes, we have this problem! There are a lot of students in college who don't know how to do FASA and understand loans. This can cause them to have higher interest rates. We also don't teach kids in school about financial responsibilities. #MacroSW
Heather Mabry-Kourt @KourtMabry
@UBSSW Mobile money is essencially an electronic wallet. It is an alternative to bank accounts and can be accessed through smartphones. #MacroSW
Loren Waltz @loren_waltz
@kenedi_young19 Kenedi, that sounds like a definite barrier to those who could have benefited from the class but were not business majors... #macrosw
Abby Squicciarini @abby_dawn6
@AlexRidSW Mobile money is also new to be so Iโ€™m interested to read everyoneโ€™s thoughts! #macrosw
Praxis Podcast @PraxisPod
A2 Seems to be a currency that is exchanged electronically via text #macrosw
๐Ÿ‘‘Adrienne Garr๐Ÿ‘‘ @adriennecgarr
@causeisaidSOph In some cases it may not be worth engaging in a traditional banking system. For some individuals it may not make sense to open a savings account with a low rate of return or to open a checking account with a bank that charges fees #MacroSW
#MacroSW Moderator @OfficialMacroSW
Be sure to use #MacroSW in your tweets so we can see you and your prof can grade you! https://t.co/zpMuaxoSAn
Alexsis Murray @MurrayAlexsis
@kmarie228 I love how you mentioned retirement plans. Very few people are prepared for their futures or have knowledge about the finances of the expenses at retirement age! #MacroSW
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
@AlexRidSW @amharlacher Yes - I had an economics course as a junior in high school - this was back in the 70's! #MacroSW https://t.co/M70FbHe3tQ
Kayla @klteeples7911
@UBSSW @OfficialMacroSW I have not heard this term before, so I am interested to know! #MacroSW
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
RT @VilissaThompson: A1: A1: Definitely a problem here in the US. If we donโ€™t learn at home or school about money, who teaches us? Balancing a checkbook, opening a bank account, filing taxes, budgeting-all are key skills that many struggle with due to financial illiteracy. #MacroSW https://t.co/Fyd4Q1eNz0
Molly Ritter @ritter_molly
@AlexRidSW Me too! I donโ€™t know what it means and canโ€™t wait to learn more about it! #macrosw
Shelby Frusetta @shelby_frusetta
Electric commerce, using electronics (phones and computers) to monitor finances and pay for things. #MacroSW
Johanna Black @johannajblack1
A2 #MacroSW mobile money is essentially money transferred via an app, like PayPal, Venmo, etc. you can pay bills, or pay someone back if you need to. it's very easy & convenient.
Shand Kydd @Shand_Kydd
A2. No idea other than my professor told us they have been using this concept of mobile money in her native Kenya since 2007! I am a self-professed luddite and do not indulge in moderne technology unless forced! #MacroSW
Katelyn @Katelyn04791497
2-I use mobile often when it comes to eating out with friends, we tend to split cost that way and itโ€™s easy to transfer money to people #MacroSW
michelle becker @michell85883920
@UBSSW to me mobile money is the money you can trasnfer through the internet without actually/physically hading the money to someone #macrosw
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
@VilissaThompson Hey, another #MacroSW partner! Hi, Vilissa!
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
RT @michell85883920: @klteeples7911 @OfficialMacroSW @UBSSW i completely agree. There should be more education regadin this issue even in highschool. Teach students how t budget, apply for loans etc #macrosw
Lucienne @luciennejanelle
@UBSSW @OfficialMacroSW When I think of mobile money I think about online apps that control your Bank accounts and youโ€™re able to move money through to either your bills or being able to transfer your money to someone elseโ€™s account. Canโ€™t wait to learn more about it #MacroSW
Lydia Weinstein @lydiaMSW
@AlexRidSW Iโ€™m excited to learn more about mobile money too! #macrosw
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
RT @ritter_molly: @NadineShaanta I agree that this speaks directly to income inequality. Unfortunately it speaks to the cycle of poverty in our country. #macrosw
Social Worker @ERL_SW
@UBSSW Q2. Being able to store money, withdraw and transfer at any time from any place, with anyone. #macrosw
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
RT @kenedi_young19: @causeisaidSOph @UBSSW I like you brought up this idea of not being able to afford financial advice, that was something I haven't considered #macrosw
Kayla @klteeples7911
@KourtMabry @UBSSW This makes sense now that you put it in these terms! I donโ€™t think Iโ€™ve heard it called mobile money before. #MacroSW
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
RT @luciennejanelle: @UBSSW @OfficialMacroSW I do think we have this issue in the US. There are families all over the US who are low income and some may not have money for services, One being health insurance. #MacroSW
Vilissa Thompson @VilissaThompson
Weโ€™ve had similar experiences. Learning at school + home shaped my relationship with money. #MacroSW https://t.co/sv3x1U348f
holly graybill @graybill_holly
@UBSSW A2 Mobile money (I believe) is an electronic form of payment that is quick and convenient because it is done right from your phone. I definitely feel behind my time because I have yet to use it. #macrosw
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
RT @lydiaMSW: @shelby_frusetta @UBSSW Thatโ€™s why I feel like it should be worked into schools systems to teach kids at a younger age! #macrosw
Cary Sanchez @CSanchezBSW
@UBSSW A2: When I think of mobile money I think of having the ability to withdraw and transfer money through the convenience of a cellular device #MacroSW
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
RT @jerryfarnett: @OfficialMacroSW @UBSSW I believe we hesitate to discuss poverty and promote financial literacy because we believe it makes us look weak and less powerful to the rest of the world. As social workers we know this is a fallacy. #MacroSW
Shelby Frusetta @shelby_frusetta
@NadineShaanta I agree, the problem is getting people the accessibility and capability to utilize it. #MacroSW
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
RT @loren_waltz: @johannajblack1 @klteeples7911 @UBSSW @OfficialMacroSW @johannajblack1 these seem to be vary helpful! As far as Lancaster goes, I believe Tabor provides those classes and they are open to the public #macrosw
Alex Ridley @AlexRidSW
@johannajblack1 A2: Well that makes sense, I guess I knew what it was..without knowing what it was. #macrosw
Johanna Black @johannajblack1
@NadineShaanta @OfficialMacroSW very true. if you have never used mobile money, then you don't know how it works. #MacroSW
Carrie Corrao @cacorrao
@UBSSW @OfficialMacroSW Q2. I think of those loaded debit cards you see on TV commercials. Money that transferred electronically where going to a bank physically is not necessary. It is a way for someone to access their own money easily. #macrosw
Caleigh Ames @caleigh_ames
@UBSSW We have seen โ€œmobile moneyโ€ through various new, popular apps. Employers can now pay their employees through the app Venmo. Individuals can download Applepay and use there phone like a credit card. Essentially, your phone now holds as much power as your wallet #MacroSW
Vilissa Thompson @VilissaThompson
@UBSSW Hey Pat! #MacroSW
Ashley Kissinger @ashley_kiss10
A1: students are not typically learning the skills necessary to be financially wise/stable when in middle and high school. If they do not receive a positive influence from their parents in this area, patterns of poverty are likely to continue. #macroSW
Rebecca Light @rll004
@MurrayAlexsis @kmarie228 Absolutely! It seems like one of those โ€œif youโ€™re lucky and figure it out good for you, but otherwise itโ€™s your problem, good luckโ€ type of situations #macroSW
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
A2 Here is one of the ways #MobileMoney works in the US (not endorsing this app but liked the lemonade stand entrepreneurs!) https://t.co/DXhTH5XucR #MacroSW https://t.co/msSDd4Yvam
Social Worker @ERL_SW
@luciennejanelle @UBSSW @OfficialMacroSW I agree Luci that is what I think about as well. It is crazy how quickly money can be sent to someone through a cell phone! #macrosw
Kmarie228 @kmarie228
A2: Mobile money uses smartphones so people can do their banking online. It can also refer to online commerce such as using a smartphone to purchase things online. Many people have their bank accounts connected to various other apps such as Amazon, Venmo, Apple Pay...#MacroSW
๐Ÿ‘‘Adrienne Garr๐Ÿ‘‘ @adriennecgarr
@UBSSW Mobile money is paypal, zell, making a payment through an Uber app.. paying through banking apps #MacroSW
Courtney @courtneyann2018
@KESollenberger @UBSSW I agree, it is a challenge to budget and prepare for the future. Our clients struggle even more because they have so many more barriers than we do. How can we expect everyone to understand budgeting when we are not taught this basic skill in school. #MacroSW
Institute on Trauma and Trauma-Informed Care @UBittic
@UBSSW A2: Financial transactions that take place utilizing a cell phone. #macrosw https://t.co/WWib5WfBp9
Vilissa Thompson @VilissaThompson
RT @UBSSW: A2 Here is one of the ways #MobileMoney works in the US (not endorsing this app but liked the lemonade stand entrepreneurs!) https://t.co/DXhTH5XucR #MacroSW https://t.co/msSDd4Yvam
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
RT @cacorrao: @UBSSW @OfficialMacroSW Q1. #MacroSW Yes I think we do have a problem. Many people are not prepared for surprise expenses, and banking skills transfer into future generations, perpetuating issues related to poverty and other areas.
Kenedi Young @kenedi_young19
@loren_waltz I agree, you would think they would want to educate those who wouldn't be taking similar classes in the future, but this is one of the many reasons why people lack the knowledge! #MacroSW
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
RT @KourtMabry: @klteeples7911 @UBSSW @OfficialMacroSW These taught skills have definetly gone to the wayside! #MacroSW
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
RT @MurrayAlexsis: To be able to budget, families need to have money that they can budget. There are times families do not have the chance get ahead, let alone learn the skills to get ahead #macrosw
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
RT @courtneyann2018: @UBSSW Yes, education of finances is not taught, unless our parents are teaching us this. Most of our clients do not have the support from others to be taught these essential skills. This becomes a problem for our society as a whole. #MacroSW
Ivonne J. Maldonado @ivytona
โ€œFinancial capability is the comb of attitude, knowledge, skills, & self-efficacy needed to make & exercise money management decisions that best fit the circumstances of oneโ€™s life...โ€ https://t.co/eVutA2YYkx #MacroSW
๐Ÿ‘‘Adrienne Garr๐Ÿ‘‘ @adriennecgarr
@Igbydrood Equity is all about access and opportunities #MacroSW
Rebecca Light @rll004
#A2: the only type of โ€œmobile moneyโ€ I use is my bank website when I check my account. I am excited to learn news ways and possibly be able to take some information back to clients! #macroSW
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
RT @graybill_holly: @UBSSW A1 It also doesn't help that financial literacy isn't something education focuses on. I'm about to have a masters degree and still feel financially illiterate. It will create issues for myself as well as my clients if they need financial help #macrosw
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
RT @HONeill15: @AlexRidSW @amharlacher Even learning to do taxes or balance finances would be a benefit to young kids. Though there are free tax services for low income families, sometimes theyโ€™re not known. Paying someone to do taxes is pretty expensive otherwise! #MacroSW
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
RT @nariah: @kenedi_young19 I resist the idea that the answer to poverty under capitalism is education. Education can be a powerful tool but it can also be a victim blaming call-out, yk? Start with living wage jobs, then we have something to budget with. #MacroSW
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
RT @karenzgoda: A1: Debtor's prisons are STILL a problem: A1: Debtor's prisons are STILL a problem: https://t.co/BbLJT9IeTP via @aclu #MacroSW
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
RT @jerryfarnett: @mizzpicklezz @UBSSW @VilleBananas Excellent point! #MacroSW
๐Ÿ‘‘Adrienne Garr๐Ÿ‘‘ @adriennecgarr
RT @UBSSW: Tonight, @karenzgoda will be on our group's handle @OfficialMacroSW - She'll help keep track of the tweets and traffic tonight! Thanks, Karen! #MacroSW https://t.co/oeLqFdlNPt
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
Please include #MacroSW hashtag in your tweets so everyone can follow the conversation. We want to see what you have to say!
holly graybill @graybill_holly
@causeisaidSOph @UBSSW Yeah! I'm extremely privileged that I haven't had to worry too much about about finances because I'm fortunate enough to have a family that is willing/able to help, but I know that's obviously not the case for everyone. #macrosw
Rebecca Light @rll004
@luciennejanelle @UBSSW @OfficialMacroSW Me too! I am so lost when it comes to new technology so Iโ€™m excited to see how we can implement some of this! #macroSW
Jaleen Leon @JaleenLeon
Mobile money is easy acess to manage your money on your smartphone or computers #macrosw
Molly Ritter @ritter_molly
A2: mobile money is great for clients with accessiblity needs. It helps clients deposit checks, transfer money, and even pay bills from their own home or wherever they may be. It also helps clients with limited transportation manage their funds. #macrosw
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
RT @Shand_Kydd: Financial Literacy Education in the U.S. in schools is a lot like our Sex Education in schools...the little education you are taught on these subjects is a joke and often taboo. People fear looking at their bank statements more than walking down a dark alley! #MacroSW
David McCollum @VilleBananas
A2: Prior to this chat, the only thing I knew about mobile money was the services of Venmo and Snapcash. Does Paypal count? I think bitcoin and cryptocurreny seem more appealing than mobile money though. #MacroSW
critty @crittykins
@UBSSW It makes it difficult for a person to be self-sufficient and know how to best manage their money (i.e. save, invest, financial planning, etc.) #macrosw #financialcapability
Karen Zgoda, LMSW ๐Ÿซถ๐Ÿป๐Ÿฑ @karenzgoda
RT @UBSSW: Please include #MacroSW hashtag in your tweets so everyone can follow the conversation. We want to see what you have to say!
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
RT @luciennejanelle: @NadineShaanta @OfficialMacroSW You make a great point. If one with low income not be able to manage the finances are budget or even save money it will lead to instability. #MacroSW
jerryfarnett @jerryfarnett
@UBSSW Thank you. This also raises the common sense point of why would one build a bank in an area where people have need of housing and basic resources. Brick and mortar banking requires a certain level of financial stability that many people have not yet acquired. #MacroSW
Ivonne J. Maldonado @ivytona
"Attitude and self-efficacy are concepts that refer to a personโ€™s positive or negative evaluation of the value of managing money proactively (attitude) and to their belief or confidence in their ability to actually do so (self-efficacy).โ€ https://t.co/eVutA2YYkx #MacroSW
๐—ฆ๐˜๐—ฒ๐—ฝ๐—ต๐—ฒ๐—ป ๐—–๐˜‚๐—บ๐—บ๐—ถ๐—ป๐—ด๐˜€ @spcummings
RT @UBSSW: Please include #MacroSW hashtag in your tweets so everyone can follow the conversation. We want to see what you have to say!
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
RT @mizzpicklezz: @SamanthaWeiric2 Agreed. Many parents don't feel it's necessary to teach children how to manage finances. #MacroSW
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
RT @kenedi_young19: A1: A1: My high school offered business classes but had very strict guidelines to get into and you had to be pursuing a business major after you graduated. #MacroSW
Cary Sanchez @CSanchezBSW
@graybill_holly @UBSSW You talk about insurance which is VERY important and necessary but when I thought of finance my mind went straight to food, housing, transportation. All of which are part of Maslowโ€™s hierarchy of basic needs #MacroSW
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
RT @HersheyD47: A2: A2: One advantage would be individuals are able to learn about money and it empowers them to have control over their finances. #MacroSW
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
RT @ERL_SW: @UBSSW Q2. Being able to store money, withdraw and transfer at any time from any place, with anyone. #macrosw
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
RT @luciennejanelle: @UBSSW @OfficialMacroSW When I think of mobile money I think about online apps that control your Bank accounts and youโ€™re able to move money through to either your bills or being able to transfer your money to someone elseโ€™s account. Canโ€™t wait to learn more about it #MacroSW
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
RT @michell85883920: @UBSSW to me mobile money is the money you can trasnfer through the internet without actually/physically hading the money to someone #macrosw
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
RT @Katelyn04791497: 2-I use mobile often when it comes to eating out with friends, we tend to split cost that way and itโ€™s easy to transfer money to people #MacroSW
Shelby Frusetta @shelby_frusetta
@rll004 @luciennejanelle @UBSSW @OfficialMacroSW So lost when it comes to technology #MacroSW
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
RT @Shand_Kydd: A2. No idea other than my professor told us they have been using this concept of mobile money in her native Kenya since 2007! I am a self-professed luddite and do not indulge in moderne technology unless forced! #MacroSW
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
RT @johannajblack1: A2 #MacroSW mobile money is essentially money transferred via an app, like PayPal, Venmo, etc. you can pay bills, or pay someone back if you need to. it's very easy & convenient.
Abby Squicciarini @abby_dawn6
@caleigh_ames @UBSSW Mobile money sounds like a great idea. Like you said your phone has as much power as your wallet but itโ€™s also scary thinking about how easy someone could hack your information! #macrosw https://t.co/KQurzhd2Bt
Carolyn Wolf @Carolyn65641191
@graybill_holly @UBSSW I totally, totally agree! Masters degree and I still feel clueless. I can't imagine how I'd feel if I were from another country or didn't speak english. #macroSW
michelle becker @michell85883920
@ERL_SW @UBSSW Great way to describe it. Like paypal, apple ipay, good thought #macrosw
WorkerSocialRadical @joshdnice
A2: Mobile $ advertised as virtual road, more inclusive economic participation n development. Gives access to global community, receive assistance from anywhere. Convenient for consumers, small businesses, bc likely wonโ€™t require much infrastructure or tech setup.#macrosw
Alexsis Murray @MurrayAlexsis
Prior to today I had never heard this term before. However, I have been using mobile money for years. It is financial transactions connected to phones and other sources of technology. #macrosw
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
RT @KourtMabry: @UBSSW Mobile money is essencially an electronic wallet. It is an alternative to bank accounts and can be accessed through smartphones. #MacroSW
#MacroSW Moderator @OfficialMacroSW
@shelby_frusetta @rll004 @luciennejanelle @UBSSW You are both doing great! #MacroSW https://t.co/mdraJOyEAP
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
RT @spcummings: Q2 is live!!!!!! #MacroSW https://t.co/A96FYEvNxH
Adrienne @wirthadrienne
A2) My professor just discussed this last night. In Kenya it is called M-Pesa. It's difficult for me to imagine although many countries have been using mobile money for years. Due to technology there are some ways I already use it. Venmo/Paypal may be an example. #macrosw
jerryfarnett @jerryfarnett
@UBSSW This seems to hold some promise. It also requires a level of access to technology. #MacroSW
Institute on Trauma and Trauma-Informed Care @UBittic
@NadineShaanta Challenges such as literacy levels further complicates and can alienate certain users/populations. #macrosw
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
RT @karenzgoda: So inclined to say all the ๐Ÿ’ธ๐Ÿ’ธ๐Ÿ’ธ leaving my account... #MacroSW https://t.co/oC0OjpniNK
Ashley Kissinger @ashley_kiss10
A2: I'm not very familiar with mobile banking in Bangledesh, but find it very beneficial in the US. I studied abroad in Ecuador and there was such a challenge to use cash. It was available, but mainly in $20's and not small bills. #macroSW
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
RT @jerryfarnett: @UBSSW Please tell! Details!!! #MacroSW
patiocake @patiocakey
@mizzpicklezz @UBSSW You put mobile $ in a light I didn't think of- we use it already! It's not some foreign thing to be nervous or curious about! #macroSW
Lydia Weinstein @lydiaMSW
@AlexRidSW @johannajblack1 Same! I use my online banking all the time I did not realize that was referred to as mobile money. Online banking helps clients to see what they are spending as they spend, instead of getting a large bill they canโ€™t pay. #macrosw
WorkerSocialRadical @joshdnice
@filipeduarte81 Fresh air, @filipeduarte81 ! #MacroSW
critty @crittykins
@NadineShaanta I agree and am astounded at your data that 9 million households in the U.S. are unbanked. Does this apply mostly to our immigrant population and/or are average Americans included? #macrosw #financialcapability
jerryfarnett @jerryfarnett
@spcummings @UBSSW It definitely deserves further study as it exhibits out of the box thinking that is much in line with social work values. #MacroSW
Lucienne @luciennejanelle
@CSanchezBSW @UBSSW That is what I was thinking too. I use my online bank to pay bills and transfer money to my savings account. I also use the Venmo app because it allows you to send a bill to someone who owes you money and it is connected to your bank account. #MacroSW
Courtney @courtneyann2018
@UBSSW Mobile money is downloading an app that you can use your money anywhere. You do not have to have a debit card or carry a wallet. #MacroSW
Caleigh Ames @caleigh_ames
@abby_dawn6 @UBSSW Oh absolutely! I used applepay for about a month before turning it off. You never know what can go wrong through technology #MacroSW
Shand Kydd @Shand_Kydd
@abby_dawn6 @caleigh_ames @UBSSW I was thinking that too. About hacking and what if you lose your phone or it gets stolen? #MacroSW
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
@jerryfarnett The teacher had us pick stocks and follow them for the school year. Budding Capitalists all. Learned about the role of the Federal Reserve and monetary policy - visited the branch located in Buffalo. Very macro! #MacroSW
Karen Zgoda, LMSW ๐Ÿซถ๐Ÿป๐Ÿฑ @karenzgoda
@filipeduarte81 We're the cool mom of #socialwork chats. #MacroSW https://t.co/BwQHVpAOTU https://t.co/aCsE8sLHnj
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
RT @michell85883920: A2: A2: I utilize mobile money to pay bills, when friends and i split the cost, i transfer it to them through the app. its convient #macrosw
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
RT @AlexRidSW: Q2: Q2: Mobile money is actually a new term for me so i am excited to read the tweets about it! #MacroSW
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
RT @cacorrao: @VilleBananas @OfficialMacroSW #macrosw In my one class we talked about the lack of banks in cities, and what a barrier it places for people to get to a bank to deposit money and access money in an appropriate time frame to pay bills. A lot of our banks are on one road outside the city area.
Courtney @courtneyann2018
@Manarkustiro @UBSSW It is my understanding that you do not need a smart phone to use mobile money. You just need to have a cell phone. #MacroSW
jerryfarnett @jerryfarnett
@NadineShaanta @UBSSW It would seem easy to supply people with phones. However, in many countries this would require the establishment of a cell tower infrastructure. It might be a worth-while investment. #MacroSW
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
RT @loren_waltz: @kenedi_young19 Kenedi, that sounds like a definite barrier to those who could have benefited from the class but were not business majors... #macrosw
๐—ฆ๐˜๐—ฒ๐—ฝ๐—ต๐—ฒ๐—ป ๐—–๐˜‚๐—บ๐—บ๐—ถ๐—ป๐—ด๐˜€ @spcummings
A2: Like the Cash App. I'm not using the other apps anymore. #MacroSW
Shaneea @Shaneea3
A1: Without financial literacy, it is nearly impossible to make financially sound decisions. Educating individuals on how to use ATMS or online banking can make a difference. #MacroSW
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
RT @PraxisPod: A2 Seems to be a currency that is exchanged electronically via text #macrosw
#MacroSW Moderator @OfficialMacroSW
RT @karenzgoda: @filipeduarte81 We're the cool mom of #socialwork chats. #MacroSW https://t.co/BwQHVpAOTU https://t.co/aCsE8sLHnj
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
RT @rll004: #A2: #A2: the only type of โ€œmobile moneyโ€ I use is my bank website when I check my account. I am excited to learn news ways and possibly be able to take some information back to clients! #macroSW
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
RT @mizzpicklezz: @Igbydrood Equity is all about access and opportunities #MacroSW
Molly Ritter @ritter_molly
@mhennigan17 I agree! Mobile money creates many more options for clients where public transportation is not a viable option, or for clients who can not take public transportation for health reasons. #macrosw
#MacroSW Moderator @OfficialMacroSW
RT @UBittic: @NadineShaanta Challenges such as literacy levels further complicates and can alienate certain users/populations. #macrosw
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
RT @ivytona: โ€œFinancial capability is the comb of attitude, knowledge, skills, & self-efficacy needed to make & exercise money management decisions that best fit the circumstances of oneโ€™s life...โ€ https://t.co/eVutA2YYkx #MacroSW
Jessica Brown @nariah
@mizzpicklezz In my case finances were pretty simple: when my parents worked they paid bills when they could, bought groceries and occasionally treats. Often pay was in cash. They taught me about allowance (inconsistently) but nothing like credit, investment, interest. #macrosw
#MacroSW Moderator @OfficialMacroSW
RT @wirthadrienne: A2) My professor just discussed this last night. In Kenya it is called M-Pesa. It's difficult for me to imagine although many countries have been using mobile money for years. Due to technology there are some ways I already use it. Venmo/Paypal may be an example. #macrosw
Sunya Folayan @SunyaFolayan
RT @caleigh_ames: @UBSSW We have seen โ€œmobile moneyโ€ through various new, popular apps. Employers can now pay their employees through the app Venmo. Individuals can download Applepay and use there phone like a credit card. Essentially, your phone now holds as much power as your wallet #MacroSW
critty @crittykins
@NadineShaanta How is it that that US citizens have inequality in terms of access to financial services? Please send me resources to learn about this, thanks. #macrosw #financialcapability
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
Ready for Q3? #MacroSW https://t.co/z6ENoRCQm0
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
RT @kenedi_young19: @loren_waltz I agree, you would think they would want to educate those who wouldn't be taking similar classes in the future, but this is one of the many reasons why people lack the knowledge! #MacroSW
Shaneea @Shaneea3
A2: Mobile money acts as a tool that rapidly assist individuals not receiving their money on time when in need. #MacroSW
Manar Kustiro @manarkustiro
RT @courtneyann2018: @UBSSW Yes, education of finances is not taught, unless our parents are teaching us this. Most of our clients do not have the support from others to be taught these essential skills. This becomes a problem for our society as a whole. #MacroSW
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
RT @rll004: @luciennejanelle @UBSSW @OfficialMacroSW Me too! I am so lost when it comes to new technology so Iโ€™m excited to see how we can implement some of this! #macroSW
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
RT @graybill_holly: @causeisaidSOph @UBSSW Yeah! I'm extremely privileged that I haven't had to worry too much about about finances because I'm fortunate enough to have a family that is willing/able to help, but I know that's obviously not the case for everyone. #macrosw
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
RT @JaleenLeon: Mobile money is easy acess to manage your money on your smartphone or computers #macrosw
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
RT @ritter_molly: A2: A2: mobile money is great for clients with accessiblity needs. It helps clients deposit checks, transfer money, and even pay bills from their own home or wherever they may be. It also helps clients with limited transportation manage their funds. #macrosw
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
RT @VilleBananas: A2: A2: Prior to this chat, the only thing I knew about mobile money was the services of Venmo and Snapcash. Does Paypal count? I think bitcoin and cryptocurreny seem more appealing than mobile money though. #MacroSW
Adrienne White @ladywhite60
@OfficialMacroSW One of the challenges with low financial literacy and financial systems knowledge is generational poverty. These basic literacy skills are not taught in secondary education and often families are not equipped to provide basic financial literacy skills to their children. #MacroSW
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
RT @jerryfarnett: @UBSSW Thank you. This also raises the common sense point of why would one build a bank in an area where people have need of housing and basic resources. Brick and mortar banking requires a certain level of financial stability that many people have not yet acquired. #MacroSW
Aesha @Aesha94278980
A1: Yes, there is a financial literacy in this country. Understanding money and how it works is a struggle. #MacroSW
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
RT @ivytona: "Attitude and self-efficacy are concepts that refer to a personโ€™s positive or negative evaluation of the value of managing money proactively (attitude) and to their belief or confidence in their ability to actually do so (self-efficacy).โ€ https://t.co/eVutA2YYkx #MacroSW
Karen Zgoda, LMSW ๐Ÿซถ๐Ÿป๐Ÿฑ @karenzgoda
RT @UBSSW: Ready for Q3? #MacroSW https://t.co/z6ENoRCQm0
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
RT @CSanchezBSW: @graybill_holly @UBSSW You talk about insurance which is VERY important and necessary but when I thought of finance my mind went straight to food, housing, transportation. All of which are part of Maslowโ€™s hierarchy of basic needs #MacroSW
Alexsis Murray @MurrayAlexsis
@courtneyann2018 @Manarkustiro @UBSSW This is a great point! While smart phones are popular, a lot of individuals in the lower class can not afford them and it is not easily accessible for them to use this technology! #MacroSW
#MacroSW Moderator @OfficialMacroSW
RT @UBSSW: Ready for Q3? #MacroSW https://t.co/z6ENoRCQm0
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
RT @shelby_frusetta: @rll004 @luciennejanelle @UBSSW @OfficialMacroSW So lost when it comes to technology #MacroSW
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
RT @abby_dawn6: @caleigh_ames @UBSSW Mobile money sounds like a great idea. Like you said your phone has as much power as your wallet but itโ€™s also scary thinking about how easy someone could hack your information! #macrosw https://t.co/KQurzhd2Bt
Shand Kydd @Shand_Kydd
@Igbydrood @abby_dawn6 @caleigh_ames @UBSSW true. just another thing to obsess over! LOL! #MacroSW
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
Q3 What are the pluses and minuses of having agents, as in Bangladesh? #MacroSW https://t.co/IFd50nXbix
Lucienne @luciennejanelle
@JaleenLeon @CSanchezBSW @UBSSW its amazing I love it. I just used it the other day haha #MacroSW
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
RT @michell85883920: @ERL_SW @UBSSW Great way to describe it. Like paypal, apple ipay, good thought #macrosw
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
RT @Carolyn65641191: @graybill_holly @UBSSW I totally, totally agree! Masters degree and I still feel clueless. I can't imagine how I'd feel if I were from another country or didn't speak english. #macroSW
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
RT @JoshNice4: A2: A2: Mobile $ advertised as virtual road, more inclusive economic participation n development. Gives access to global community, receive assistance from anywhere. Convenient for consumers, small businesses, bc likely wonโ€™t require much infrastructure or tech setup.#macrosw
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
RT @MurrayAlexsis: Prior to today I had never heard this term before. However, I have been using mobile money for years. It is financial transactions connected to phones and other sources of technology. #macrosw
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
RT @OfficialMacroSW: @shelby_frusetta @rll004 @luciennejanelle @UBSSW You are both doing great! #MacroSW https://t.co/mdraJOyEAP
Kenedi Young @kenedi_young19
@Manarkustiro @causeisaidSOph @UBSSW Where and when is the workshop? #macrosw
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
RT @wirthadrienne: A2) My professor just discussed this last night. In Kenya it is called M-Pesa. It's difficult for me to imagine although many countries have been using mobile money for years. Due to technology there are some ways I already use it. Venmo/Paypal may be an example. #macrosw
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
RT @jerryfarnett: @UBSSW This seems to hold some promise. It also requires a level of access to technology. #MacroSW
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
RT @UBittic: @NadineShaanta Challenges such as literacy levels further complicates and can alienate certain users/populations. #macrosw
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
RT @ashley_kiss10: A2: A2: I'm not very familiar with mobile banking in Bangledesh, but find it very beneficial in the US. I studied abroad in Ecuador and there was such a challenge to use cash. It was available, but mainly in $20's and not small bills. #macroSW
Jessica Brown @nariah
A3: One challenge is regulatory differences by institution. #MacroSW
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
RT @agingrights: @mizzpicklezz @UBSSW You put mobile $ in a light I didn't think of- we use it already! It's not some foreign thing to be nervous or curious about! #macroSW
Cary Sanchez @CSanchezBSW
@johannajblack1 @UBSSW Iโ€™m glad you mentioned transfer apps such as Venmo I didnโ€™t think of that being a resource for mobile money. Iโ€™ve used the app as a resource and itโ€™s been very convenient #MacroSW
Lydia Weinstein @lydiaMSW
@NadineShaanta I completely agree with you. If you understand what to do but donโ€™t have the resources to do it, you are just as vulnerable as if you didnโ€™t understand. #macrosw
๐Ÿ‘‘Adrienne Garr๐Ÿ‘‘ @adriennecgarr
@Ladywhite60 @OfficialMacroSW It's definitely a challenge to see financial literacy as important, if one is struggling to meet their basic needs on a day to day basis. #MacroSW
Ivonne J. Maldonado @ivytona
"Financial literacy is understanding how a checking account works, what using a credit card really means, & how to avoid debt. Financial literacy impacts the daily isues an average family makes." Why isn't money management being taught in schools? https://t.co/Io1fuySDMK #MacroSW
#MacroSW Moderator @OfficialMacroSW
@crittykins @NadineShaanta Building financial capability is a huge issue in the US and many other places: https://t.co/noS3SEhBhH #MacroSW
๐—ฆ๐˜๐—ฒ๐—ฝ๐—ต๐—ฒ๐—ป ๐—–๐˜‚๐—บ๐—บ๐—ถ๐—ป๐—ด๐˜€ @spcummings
Q3 is live!!! #MacroSW https://t.co/Zi9L2gLT8J
Jessica Brown @nariah
A3: According to this article, 99% of agents are men. https://t.co/9OLAyX8C8e #MacroSW
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
@filipeduarte81 ??? more please. #MacroSW
๐Ÿ‘‘Adrienne Garr๐Ÿ‘‘ @adriennecgarr
RT @Ladywhite60: @OfficialMacroSW One of the challenges with low financial literacy and financial systems knowledge is generational poverty. These basic literacy skills are not taught in secondary education and often families are not equipped to provide basic financial literacy skills to their children. #MacroSW
critty @crittykins
@NadineShaanta I would think that a personal financial class is required and/or offered as an elective in most public schools. Am I wrong about this? I know that it was required during me and my children's K-12 experience. #macrosw #financialcapability
Rebecca Light @rll004
#A2: today I used mobile money to donate for @RelayForLife and @UDance !!!!!! #macroSW
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
RT @lydiaMSW: @AlexRidSW @johannajblack1 Same! I use my online banking all the time I did not realize that was referred to as mobile money. Online banking helps clients to see what they are spending as they spend, instead of getting a large bill they canโ€™t pay. #macrosw
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
RT @JoshNice4: @filipeduarte81 Fresh air, @filipeduarte81 ! #MacroSW
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
RT @crittykins: @NadineShaanta I agree and am astounded at your data that 9 million households in the U.S. are unbanked. Does this apply mostly to our immigrant population and/or are average Americans included? #macrosw #financialcapability
Sarah Vidzicki @svidzicki
A3 I am not too familiar, but my guess would be that it benefits a person by being an advocate and acting on the behalf of others. The minuses would be the risk that someone could take your money. #macrosw
Shand Kydd @Shand_Kydd
A2. Convenience for the individual, thatโ€™s for sure; but it also keeps them blissfully ignorant as to the process of finances. Opioid of the Masses? #MacroSW
Social Worker @ERL_SW
@UBSSW Q3. There are still the barriers of language and understanding what exactly the mobile money system does. For someone that does not understand this process it can take getting used to. #macrosw
Rebecca Light @rll004
RT @Shand_Kydd: Financial Literacy Education in the U.S. in schools is a lot like our Sex Education in schools...the little education you are taught on these subjects is a joke and often taboo. People fear looking at their bank statements more than walking down a dark alley! #MacroSW
#MacroSW Moderator @OfficialMacroSW
RT @UBSSW: Q3 What are the pluses and minuses of having agents, as in Bangladesh? #MacroSW https://t.co/IFd50nXbix
michelle becker @michell85883920
A3: Personally i am not familiar with Bengladash. but i would imagine having someone abroad would be beneficial for language purposes. #macrosw
Shaneea @Shaneea3
@rll004 I agree, providing clients with knowledge about financial literacy allows them to make informed decisions for themselves and combats vulnerabilty to scamming. #MacroSW
Kmarie228 @kmarie228
A3: A positive is that the banking agents can provide access to smooth and secure financial transactions in areas where people may not have access to more traditional forms of banking. These agents can help create more financial inclusion for underserved areas. #MacroSW
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
A2 I learned that accessing mobile money is only possible when there is a phone with a SIM card: https://t.co/vwua4prADO <Grand Challenge for #SocialWork: Harness #Technology for Social Good #Up4TheChallenge #macroSW
Margaret Murry @14MurryM
@NadineShaanta I agree but financial literacy paves the way for access to services #macrosw
Shand Kydd @Shand_Kydd
That should read A3 not A2 #MacroSW
Karen Zgoda, LMSW ๐Ÿซถ๐Ÿป๐Ÿฑ @karenzgoda
@causeisaidSOph @UBSSW What would help you understand it better? #MacroSW
patiocake @patiocakey
A3: Maybe mobile $ can be hard if one loses their phone, or gets hacked, or robbed? Losing data is something we all know of, but in terms of complete financial compromise, I don't know how this system works. #macroSW
๐Ÿ‘‘Adrienne Garr๐Ÿ‘‘ @adriennecgarr
@crittykins @NadineShaanta They don't teach financial literacy, at least not when I was in high school. #MacroSW
Johanna Black @johannajblack1
A3: i don't know anything about agents, but i'm assuming a + would be someone helping you manage your money. #MacroSW
Karen Zgoda, LMSW ๐Ÿซถ๐Ÿป๐Ÿฑ @karenzgoda
RT @spcummings: Q3 is live!!! #MacroSW https://t.co/Zi9L2gLT8J
critty @crittykins
Yes, agreed, however, I am astounded that there are so Americans who are not financial capable. Where is this learned if not in families? At school? #macrosw #financialcapability https://t.co/n8ihHcBij3
๐Ÿ‘‘Adrienne Garr๐Ÿ‘‘ @adriennecgarr
@Manarkustiro @kenedi_young19 @causeisaidSOph @UBSSW #MacroSW https://t.co/HnV7R3nj4N
Aesha @Aesha94278980
A2: I just learned about mobile money yesterday and still trying to understand it. But what I gathered is that mobile money used in place of cash money for any type of purchase #MacroSW
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
A3 In the US, there are payday loan operations that can charge over 700% interest on a short-term loans - but his is not the same as the agents in #Bangladesh. @NadineShaanta are the agents there exploitative? https://t.co/5SRKIbw3bB #MacroSW
Molly Ritter @ritter_molly
@lydiaMSW @NadineShaanta #macrosw
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
RT @jerryfarnett: @spcummings @UBSSW It definitely deserves further study as it exhibits out of the box thinking that is much in line with social work values. #MacroSW
Abby Squicciarini @abby_dawn6
@kmarie228 I completely agree with you! These agents can be beneficially but there are also regulatory differences that impact the relationship #macrosw
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
RT @luciennejanelle: @CSanchezBSW @UBSSW That is what I was thinking too. I use my online bank to pay bills and transfer money to my savings account. I also use the Venmo app because it allows you to send a bill to someone who owes you money and it is connected to your bank account. #MacroSW
Savannah Figueroa @Sfiguero7
#MacroSW Moderator @OfficialMacroSW
RT @UBSSW: A2 I learned that accessing mobile money is only possible when there is a phone with a SIM card: A2 I learned that accessing mobile money is only possible when there is a phone with a SIM card: https://t.co/vwua4prADO <Grand Challenge for #SocialWork: Harness #Technology for Social Good #Up4TheChallenge #macroSW
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
RT @caleigh_ames: @abby_dawn6 @UBSSW Oh absolutely! I used applepay for about a month before turning it off. You never know what can go wrong through technology #MacroSW
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
RT @Shand_Kydd: @abby_dawn6 @caleigh_ames @UBSSW I was thinking that too. About hacking and what if you lose your phone or it gets stolen? #MacroSW
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
RT @karenzgoda: @filipeduarte81 We're the cool mom of #socialwork chats. #MacroSW https://t.co/BwQHVpAOTU https://t.co/aCsE8sLHnj
Praxis Podcast @PraxisPod
A3 Agents can be community based and engage frequently with members. There are opportunities and threats here. Social workers can play a role in ensuring agents are beneficial. #MacroSW
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
RT @courtneyann2018: @Manarkustiro @UBSSW It is my understanding that you do not need a smart phone to use mobile money. You just need to have a cell phone. #MacroSW
#MacroSW Moderator @OfficialMacroSW
RT @mizzpicklezz: @Manarkustiro @kenedi_young19 @causeisaidSOph @UBSSW #MacroSW https://t.co/HnV7R3nj4N
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
RT @jerryfarnett: @NadineShaanta @UBSSW It would seem easy to supply people with phones. However, in many countries this would require the establishment of a cell tower infrastructure. It might be a worth-while investment. #MacroSW
Alex Ridley @AlexRidSW
Q3: Iโ€™m not sure what agents would be referring to..iโ€™ll be reading tweets to learn once again #MacroSW
#MacroSW Moderator @OfficialMacroSW
RT @Aesha94278980: A2: A2: I just learned about mobile money yesterday and still trying to understand it. But what I gathered is that mobile money used in place of cash money for any type of purchase #MacroSW
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
RT @mizzpicklezz: @Manarkustiro @kenedi_young19 @causeisaidSOph @UBSSW #MacroSW https://t.co/HnV7R3nj4N
#MacroSW Moderator @OfficialMacroSW
RT @UBSSW: A3 In the US, there are payday loan operations that can charge over 700% interest on a short-term loans - but his is not the same as the agents in #Bangladesh. @NadineShaanta are the agents there exploitative? https://t.co/5SRKIbw3bB #MacroSW
Jessica Brown @nariah
@NadineShaanta so if I'm understanding these are people in the community that can be a conduit to financial institutions. Like, your neighbor is a bank? #MacroSW
๐Ÿ‘‘Adrienne Garr๐Ÿ‘‘ @adriennecgarr
@NadineShaanta I can see how the agents would unintentionally become an additional barrier๐Ÿ˜ง. #MacroSW
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
RT @Ladywhite60: @OfficialMacroSW One of the challenges with low financial literacy and financial systems knowledge is generational poverty. These basic literacy skills are not taught in secondary education and often families are not equipped to provide basic financial literacy skills to their children. #MacroSW
jerryfarnett @jerryfarnett
@UBSSW This is very interesting and it seems Bangladesh is working a program that is helping its citizens. #MacroSW
Kayla @klteeples7911
@UBSSW @OfficialMacroSW A3. There are still barriers in place and lack of understanding. It makes it difficult for some individuals #MacroSW
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
RT @klteeples7911: @UBSSW @OfficialMacroSW A3. There are still barriers in place and lack of understanding. It makes it difficult for some individuals #MacroSW
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
RT @nariah: A3: A3: One challenge is regulatory differences by institution. #MacroSW
Shaneea @Shaneea3
@CSanchezBSW @UBSSW We should address the issue of financial literacy here in the United States. #MacroSW
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
RT @ivytona: "Financial literacy is understanding how a checking account works, what using a credit card really means, & how to avoid debt. Financial literacy impacts the daily isues an average family makes." Why isn't money management being taught in schools? https://t.co/Io1fuySDMK #MacroSW
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
RT @OfficialMacroSW: @crittykins @NadineShaanta Building financial capability is a huge issue in the US and many other places: @crittykins @NadineShaanta Building financial capability is a huge issue in the US and many other places: https://t.co/noS3SEhBhH #MacroSW
Karen Zgoda, LMSW ๐Ÿซถ๐Ÿป๐Ÿฑ @karenzgoda
๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿป #MacroSW https://t.co/xssNyYYfPq
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
RT @spcummings: Q3 is live!!! #MacroSW https://t.co/Zi9L2gLT8J
H. ONeill @HONeill15
A3: having an individual help to explain finances and put people in the best possible financial place is a big plus. But it has to be about educating the clients to make wise financial decisions. #macrosw
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
RT @nariah: A3: A3: According to this article, 99% of agents are men. https://t.co/9OLAyX8C8e #MacroSW
Karen Zgoda, LMSW ๐Ÿซถ๐Ÿป๐Ÿฑ @karenzgoda
RT @OfficialMacroSW: @crittykins @NadineShaanta Building financial capability is a huge issue in the US and many other places: @crittykins @NadineShaanta Building financial capability is a huge issue in the US and many other places: https://t.co/noS3SEhBhH #MacroSW
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
RT @crittykins: @NadineShaanta I would think that a personal financial class is required and/or offered as an elective in most public schools. Am I wrong about this? I know that it was required during me and my children's K-12 experience. #macrosw #financialcapability
David McCollum @VilleBananas
Is an agent like a CPA? #MacroSW
Karen Zgoda, LMSW ๐Ÿซถ๐Ÿป๐Ÿฑ @karenzgoda
RT @ivytona: "Financial literacy is understanding how a checking account works, what using a credit card really means, & how to avoid debt. Financial literacy impacts the daily isues an average family makes." Why isn't money management being taught in schools? https://t.co/Io1fuySDMK #MacroSW
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
RT @rll004: #A2: #A2: today I used mobile money to donate for @RelayForLife and @UDance !!!!!! #macroSW
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
RT @SVidzicki: A3 I am not too familiar, but my guess would be that it benefits a person by being an advocate and acting on the behalf of others. The minuses would be the risk that someone could take your money. #macrosw
Rebecca Light @rll004
RT @nariah: A3: A3: According to this article, 99% of agents are men. https://t.co/9OLAyX8C8e #MacroSW
holly graybill @graybill_holly
@causeisaidSOph @UBSSW A3 Wait. @causeisaidSOph I'm the same way. I don't even know what this question means. Looking forward to learning from others' insights! #sos #macrosw
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
RT @Shand_Kydd: A2. Convenience for the individual, thatโ€™s for sure; but it also keeps them blissfully ignorant as to the process of finances. Opioid of the Masses? #MacroSW
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
RT @ERL_SW: @UBSSW Q3. There are still the barriers of language and understanding what exactly the mobile money system does. For someone that does not understand this process it can take getting used to. #macrosw
michelle becker @michell85883920
@nariah @UBSSW That's very interesting, i would have not guessed this #macrosw
Alex Ridley @AlexRidSW
@PraxisPod A3 so are agents something separate from mobile money? #MacroSW
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
RT @michell85883920: A3: A3: Personally i am not familiar with Bengladash. but i would imagine having someone abroad would be beneficial for language purposes. #macrosw
Lucienne @luciennejanelle
@mhennigan17 @OfficialMacroSW Great thought! It makes sense and those who have more money will most likely have more access and knowledge for support and will even be able to have mobile money and apps on their phone. Having money definitely gives them an advantage. #MacroSW
Carrie Corrao @cacorrao
@UBSSW Q3 #MacroSW making sure women can use a phone for banking can be a rough start, but the plus is that then they will have more independence in general. The benefits is that the women will be able to manage their own money and have a sense of empowerment. Classes would help.
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
RT @kmarie228: A3: A3: A positive is that the banking agents can provide access to smooth and secure financial transactions in areas where people may not have access to more traditional forms of banking. These agents can help create more financial inclusion for underserved areas. #MacroSW
Praxis Podcast @PraxisPod
A3 Agents are embedded in a system that perpetuates inequality. Agents will discriminate and behave in other ways that maintains the system, that's why social workers need to be aware of the agents and the larger system #MacroSW
Shaneea @Shaneea3
A3: Using technology pertaining to personal finances is a risk that people take daily, however in underdeveloped countries it is imperative that consumer protection and regulations are put in place to protect identity and income. #MacroSW
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
RT @Shand_Kydd: That should read A3 not A2 #MacroSW
Alexsis Murray @MurrayAlexsis
A3: Some of the positive things include how it is cost effective and reaches a wider variety of people, including people in rural areas that banks may not reach. #macrosw
Shelby Frusetta @shelby_frusetta
A3: having access to help from and agent who can troubleshoot if something goes awry, lack of trust with technology and agents #MacroSW
Savannah Figueroa @Sfiguero7
@UBSSW A2: Mobile Money is money that can be moved around. This involves online apps that are made by bank accounts. But can mobile money be included with Bitcoin? #MacroSW
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
RT @karenzgoda: @causeisaidSOph @UBSSW What would help you understand it better? #MacroSW
Kayla @klteeples7911
@tess_vicik @UBSSW I think that it is positive in regards to the families that lack transportation, as this takes away that barrier. I think that is a huge positive #MacroSW
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
RT @agingrights: A3: A3: Maybe mobile $ can be hard if one loses their phone, or gets hacked, or robbed? Losing data is something we all know of, but in terms of complete financial compromise, I don't know how this system works. #macroSW
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
RT @johannajblack1: A3: A3: i don't know anything about agents, but i'm assuming a + would be someone helping you manage your money. #MacroSW
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
RT @Aesha94278980: A2: A2: I just learned about mobile money yesterday and still trying to understand it. But what I gathered is that mobile money used in place of cash money for any type of purchase #MacroSW
Wanja @Wanjaonly
@OfficialMacroSW I haven't witnessed barriers with M-Pesa in Kenya, It's made banking pretty accessible for everyone. It's been in place since 2007 #MacroSW
Shand Kydd @Shand_Kydd
@kelmiller22 good question! #MacroSW
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
And next in line: Q4 ! #MacroSW https://t.co/57H2XFDHij
WorkerSocialRadical @joshdnice
@mizzpicklezz @Ladywhite60 @OfficialMacroSW I can related to that type of sentiment though. Been poor almost whole adult life, student or not. Hard to believe it is bc I do not know how to manage $25 I in my account more than it is being overworked in a position without living wage like most working Americans. #MacroSW
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
Q4 What are some unintended consequences of using mobile money systems? #MacroSW https://t.co/Y2COr8I6ow
critty @crittykins
@mizzpicklezz @NadineShaanta I learned personal finance in school and was fortunate to learn about it from my parents. So if its not taught in the home, where can it be acquired? CareerLink offers free workshops on how to obtain employment, I would think they would teach how to manage money. #macrosw
Institute on Trauma and Trauma-Informed Care @UBittic
@UBSSW A3: Through "Know your Customer" methods/collaboration, agents can work to help break down barriers and enable access to more hard to reach clients and/or clients with skill deficits. #macrosw https://t.co/4K0PWJysqX
Carrie Corrao @cacorrao
@mhennigan17 @OfficialMacroSW #Macrosw I think this will be the biggest barrier- teaching how to use a cell phone in general. Do we start with the phone part or the banking part? How can we make the process easy and desirable. Lots of questions for this part.
jerryfarnett @jerryfarnett
@UBSSW @NadineShaanta However, as social workers this is where we would advocate, educate and organize. #MacroSW
Karen Zgoda, LMSW ๐Ÿซถ๐Ÿป๐Ÿฑ @karenzgoda
@filipeduarte81 @SenSanders You speak to my socialist โค #MacroSW https://t.co/OPgBgp65bt
Heather Mabry-Kourt @KourtMabry
@kelmiller22 That is a really great question! I am curious as well now. #MacroSW
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
RT @abby_dawn6: @kmarie228 I completely agree with you! These agents can be beneficially but there are also regulatory differences that impact the relationship #macrosw
Jessica Brown @nariah
A4: Fraud. https://t.co/iKZuEzEiwt #MacroSW
๐Ÿ‘‘Adrienne Garr๐Ÿ‘‘ @adriennecgarr
RT @Wanjaonly: @OfficialMacroSW I haven't witnessed barriers with M-Pesa in Kenya, It's made banking pretty accessible for everyone. It's been in place since 2007 #MacroSW
๐—ฆ๐˜๐—ฒ๐—ฝ๐—ต๐—ฒ๐—ป ๐—–๐˜‚๐—บ๐—บ๐—ถ๐—ป๐—ด๐˜€ @spcummings
Q4 is live!!! #MacroSW https://t.co/PwIi8okRRP
holly graybill @graybill_holly
@kmarie228 This helps my understand agents a lot more...thanks for the response! To your knowledge, has there been abuse of power here? #macrosw
Danay Hershey @HersheyD47
A3: The first thing that comes to mind with this is because it is technology there will be issues. There's no question about it. There may be glitches in systems or problems with the phone itself. Additionally, there may be people who hack in making it challenging #MacroSW
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
RT @AlexRidSW: Q3: Q3: Iโ€™m not sure what agents would be referring to..iโ€™ll be reading tweets to learn once again #MacroSW
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
RT @jerryfarnett: @UBSSW This is very interesting and it seems Bangladesh is working a program that is helping its citizens. #MacroSW
michelle becker @michell85883920
A4: some intended consuences could be fraud, or scams. The money could potentially not send, or accidentally send to the wrong perosn. And the money could always bounce as well #macrosw
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
RT @Shaneea3: @CSanchezBSW @UBSSW We should address the issue of financial literacy here in the United States. #MacroSW
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
RT @karenzgoda: ๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿป #MacroSW https://t.co/xssNyYYfPq
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
RT @HONeill15: A3: A3: having an individual help to explain finances and put people in the best possible financial place is a big plus. But it has to be about educating the clients to make wise financial decisions. #macrosw
Shelby Frusetta @shelby_frusetta
Lack of human contact (maybe?) decreasing labor and therefore jobs #MacroSW
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
RT @VilleBananas: Is an agent like a CPA? #MacroSW
Shaneea @Shaneea3
@johannajblack1 I'm not familiar with agents myself, but it seems like having an agent assist clients with managing their money may be helpful. #MacroSW
Social Worker @ERL_SW
@UBSSW Having someone hack the mobile device is definitely a problem. Accidentally paying for things can also happen sometimes with a click of the button #macrosw
Wanja @Wanjaonly
@UBSSW @OfficialMacroSW @NadineShaanta I wonder whether this works differently in Bangladesh- my experience with MPesa in Kenya is that the phone company sets a low sending/withdrawal fee #UBSSW #MacroSW
Savannah Figueroa @Sfiguero7
@UBSSW A3: Having agents can help build your money and can expand your accounts. However, agents might be really expensive. #macrosw
Danay Hershey @HersheyD47
A4: The first thing that comes to mind is because it is technology there will be issues. There's no question about it. There may be glitches in systems or problems with the phone itself. Additionally, there will be people who try to hack in making it challenging. #MacroSW
Sarah Vidzicki @svidzicki
A4 Pressure to adapt to constantly changing technologies and misuse of funds (overspending) as you do not realize how much you spent. #MacroSW
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
RT @PraxisPod: A3 Agents are embedded in a system that perpetuates inequality. Agents will discriminate and behave in other ways that maintains the system, that's why social workers need to be aware of the agents and the larger system #MacroSW
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
RT @MurrayAlexsis: A3: A3: Some of the positive things include how it is cost effective and reaches a wider variety of people, including people in rural areas that banks may not reach. #macrosw
holly graybill @graybill_holly
@UBSSW A4 I feel like it may create divisions. Some people are unable to access mobile money systems and they may be perceived as "less than." #macrosw
Jaleen Leon @JaleenLeon
A3 Increase in criminal activity. Although most financial insititutions have saftey measures in place to prevent hacks this is something that happens frequently #macrosw
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
RT @Wanjaonly: @OfficialMacroSW I haven't witnessed barriers with M-Pesa in Kenya, It's made banking pretty accessible for everyone. It's been in place since 2007 #MacroSW
Shand Kydd @Shand_Kydd
A4: This is replete with potential pitfalls connected with online/phone money scams. This also reminds me of the check cashing places/scams aimed at lower-income individuals in the U.S.; sitting ducks for predators. #MacroSW
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
RT @karenzgoda: @filipeduarte81 @SenSanders You speak to my socialist โค #MacroSW https://t.co/OPgBgp65bt
Nick @nick_molina
@UBSSW #MacroSW a plus is, like in Bangladesh, is having government incentives to use DFS. The downside is the time it would take to get everyone on board with using mobile money. I mean, there are people who still use cash instead of using direct deposit. Hope I answered this correct.
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
RT @UBittic: @UBSSW A3: @UBSSW A3: Through "Know your Customer" methods/collaboration, agents can work to help break down barriers and enable access to more hard to reach clients and/or clients with skill deficits. #macrosw https://t.co/4K0PWJysqX
Karen Zgoda, LMSW ๐Ÿซถ๐Ÿป๐Ÿฑ @karenzgoda
Students with additional questions, be sure to check out @NadineShaanta's tweets! #MacroSW https://t.co/6LBw8dIrms
Ashley Kissinger @ashley_kiss10
A4: We are more wise in our spending when using/exchanging actual dollars. If everything is electronic, it's much easier to spend. I definitely see the benefits of an all electronic system, but also know I am better financially when only using cash. #macroSW
๐—ฆ๐˜๐—ฒ๐—ฝ๐—ต๐—ฒ๐—ป ๐—–๐˜‚๐—บ๐—บ๐—ถ๐—ป๐—ด๐˜€ @spcummings
A4: Using mobile money systems makes hacking into your account just a little bit easier, if security steps aren't taken routinely #MacroSW
Jessica Brown @nariah
@Sfiguero7 are they expensive? I've been wondering. #MacroSW
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
RT @nariah: A4: A4: Fraud. https://t.co/iKZuEzEiwt #MacroSW
Heather Mabry-Kourt @KourtMabry
@UBSSW A4: Mobile money might eliminate the need to carry cash or write a check; however, a person still needs to know basic financial skills/education. #MacroSW
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
RT @spcummings: Q4 is live!!! #MacroSW https://t.co/PwIi8okRRP
Kmarie228 @kmarie228
A4: Security is always an issue. Mobile banking is in some ways safer than computer-based banking. However, mobile banking still has risk with scams like when users receive fake banking text messages prompting the user to provide account info.... #MacroSW
Karen Zgoda, LMSW ๐Ÿซถ๐Ÿป๐Ÿฑ @karenzgoda
RT @spcummings: Q4 is live!!! #MacroSW https://t.co/PwIi8okRRP
Katelyn @Katelyn04791497
4-Scams, fraud, and lack of trust because the majority of us do not physically carry money on us #MacroSW
WorkerSocialRadical @joshdnice
A4:Phone doesn't mean piggy bank comes w/it. One can't start building capital and credit suddenly. Also likely to be gaps between rich and poor access and use, esp when certain cultures phones are not financial but social tools. Can reduce human interaction drastically. #macrosw
#MacroSW Moderator @OfficialMacroSW
RT @karenzgoda: Students with additional questions, be sure to check out @NadineShaanta's tweets! #MacroSW https://t.co/6LBw8dIrms
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
RT @michell85883920: A4: A4: some intended consuences could be fraud, or scams. The money could potentially not send, or accidentally send to the wrong perosn. And the money could always bounce as well #macrosw
#MacroSW Moderator @OfficialMacroSW
RT @spcummings: Q4 is live!!! #MacroSW https://t.co/PwIi8okRRP
Carolyn Wolf @Carolyn65641191
@UBSSW As someone working in gerontology, it leaves a lot more chance and risk for financial abuse and exploitation of seniors #macroSW
Praxis Podcast @PraxisPod
Absolutely, and people who use mobile money might not be able to access some places or systems that are cash only #macroSW https://t.co/OSfHcM4Hgm
Cary Sanchez @CSanchezBSW
@UBSSW A4: Diminish of value, for some it can be a lack of accountability if one has physical it can be tangible #MacroSW
michelle becker @michell85883920
@Manarkustiro @UBSSW That's a really good question, i am sure there are plenty of barriers especially with communiation #macrosw
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
RT @shelby_frusetta: Lack of human contact (maybe?) decreasing labor and therefore jobs #MacroSW
Rebecca Light @rll004
@MurrayAlexsis Very strengths based!! I like it!! #macroSW
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
RT @Wanjaonly: @UBSSW @OfficialMacroSW @NadineShaanta I wonder whether this works differently in Bangladesh- my experience with MPesa in Kenya is that the phone company sets a low sending/withdrawal fee #UBSSW #MacroSW
Alexsis Murray @MurrayAlexsis
@SVidzicki you make a great point! if we change to everyone using these systems, the technology to support it would need to reach everyone. #macroSW
#MacroSW Moderator @OfficialMacroSW
๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿ‘‡ #MacroSW https://t.co/orodxx3zP5
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
RT @HersheyD47: A4: A4: The first thing that comes to mind is because it is technology there will be issues. There's no question about it. There may be glitches in systems or problems with the phone itself. Additionally, there will be people who try to hack in making it challenging. #MacroSW
critty @crittykins
@OfficialMacroSW @NadineShaanta Thank you for that, "almost half Americans are financially insecure," wow, that amazes me. I learned about personal finances/credit in school, at home, and in my church youth group. I'm curious to know how mobile money counterbalances. #macrosw #financialcapability
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
RT @SVidzicki: A4 Pressure to adapt to constantly changing technologies and misuse of funds (overspending) as you do not realize how much you spent. #MacroSW
#MacroSW Moderator @OfficialMacroSW
RT @Wanjaonly: @UBSSW @OfficialMacroSW @NadineShaanta I wonder whether this works differently in Bangladesh- my experience with MPesa in Kenya is that the phone company sets a low sending/withdrawal fee #UBSSW #MacroSW
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
RT @Shand_Kydd: A4: A4: This is replete with potential pitfalls connected with online/phone money scams. This also reminds me of the check cashing places/scams aimed at lower-income individuals in the U.S.; sitting ducks for predators. #MacroSW
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
RT @nick_molina: @UBSSW #MacroSW a plus is, like in Bangladesh, is having government incentives to use DFS. The downside is the time it would take to get everyone on board with using mobile money. I mean, there are people who still use cash instead of using direct deposit. Hope I answered this correct.
Kmarie228 @kmarie228
A4: For some people, mobile banking may be costly as certain financial institutions require a fee to utilize their online banking apps. The users must also pay for the data and text message charges depending on the type of phone plan they have. #MacroSW
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
RT @karenzgoda: Students with additional questions, be sure to check out @NadineShaanta's tweets! #MacroSW https://t.co/6LBw8dIrms
#MacroSW Moderator @OfficialMacroSW
RT @JoshNice4: @mizzpicklezz @Ladywhite60 @OfficialMacroSW I can related to that type of sentiment though. Been poor almost whole adult life, student or not. Hard to believe it is bc I do not know how to manage $25 I in my account more than it is being overworked in a position without living wage like most working Americans. #MacroSW
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
RT @spcummings: A4: A4: Using mobile money systems makes hacking into your account just a little bit easier, if security steps aren't taken routinely #MacroSW
Cary Sanchez @CSanchezBSW
@michell85883920 @UBSSW Fraud! Yes weโ€™ve seen that a lot. Although, now I have seen apps have Touch ID and passcodes for security purposes #MacroSW
Heather Mabry-Kourt @KourtMabry
@UBSSW A4: Mobile money may be convenient; however, it might lead to less financial proficiency. #MacroSW
#MacroSW Moderator @OfficialMacroSW
RT @crittykins: @OfficialMacroSW @NadineShaanta Thank you for that, "almost half Americans are financially insecure," wow, that amazes me. I learned about personal finances/credit in school, at home, and in my church youth group. I'm curious to know how mobile money counterbalances. #macrosw #financialcapability
Lydia Weinstein @lydiaMSW
@UBSSW I feel like vulnerable clients can get their identity stolen. #macrosw
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
RT @JoshNice4: A4:Phone doesn't mean piggy bank comes w/it. One can't start building capital and credit suddenly. Also likely to be gaps between rich and poor access and use, esp when certain cultures phones are not financial but social tools. Can reduce human interaction drastically. #macrosw
Adrienne White @ladywhite60
A3: The benefits are financial inclusion, safety (no cash on hand), accessibility. The minuses are digital financial literacy, understanding that funds are safe and fees associated with the service. #MacroSW
Eric Vanderburg @evanderburg
RT @spcummings: A4: A4: Using mobile money systems makes hacking into your account just a little bit easier, if security steps aren't taken routinely #MacroSW
jerryfarnett @jerryfarnett
@UBSSW On the plus side is the education in technology which would carry over to other forms of technology---at least it might make technology seem less intimidating. On the other side is the issue of hacking. #MacroSW
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
RT @PraxisPod: Absolutely, and people who use mobile money might not be able to access some places or systems that are cash only #macroSW https://t.co/OSfHcM4Hgm
Caleigh Ames @caleigh_ames
@UBSSW A4: As many have mentioned, you are putting your trust into a system you donโ€™t have complete control over. As technology grows, so does the amount of people trying to manipulate it. Mobile money is convenient, yes... but convenient doesnโ€™t alway mean safe. #MacroSW
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
RT @OfficialMacroSW: ๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿ‘‡ #MacroSW https://t.co/orodxx3zP5
Institute on Trauma and Trauma-Informed Care @UBittic
A4: Not all are able to use mobile money, as not all have access to cell phones and/or the literacy to engage with MM, therefore alienating groups of people. #macrosw https://t.co/3qPPd6UUgc
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
RT @kmarie228: A4: A4: For some people, mobile banking may be costly as certain financial institutions require a fee to utilize their online banking apps. The users must also pay for the data and text message charges depending on the type of phone plan they have. #MacroSW
Lucienne @luciennejanelle
@UBSSW I am always afraid of fraud and someone hacking into my account. #MacroSW
Kayla @klteeples7911
@UBSSW A4. I think the biggest possible consequence is someone hacking into your account, and in turn, you lose all of your money. It also lends for financial abuse of elderly #MacroSW
#MacroSW Moderator @OfficialMacroSW
RT @kmarie228: A4: A4: For some people, mobile banking may be costly as certain financial institutions require a fee to utilize their online banking apps. The users must also pay for the data and text message charges depending on the type of phone plan they have. #MacroSW
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
RT @Ladywhite60: A3: A3: The benefits are financial inclusion, safety (no cash on hand), accessibility. The minuses are digital financial literacy, understanding that funds are safe and fees associated with the service. #MacroSW
#MacroSW Moderator @OfficialMacroSW
RT @PraxisPod: Absolutely, and people who use mobile money might not be able to access some places or systems that are cash only #macroSW https://t.co/OSfHcM4Hgm
Alex Ridley @AlexRidSW
Q4: Besides potential security problems, another big issue is the fact that it is mobile and all technology based. Systems always crash, get hacked, plus a lot of other problems because of technology #MacroSW
holly graybill @graybill_holly
@Shand_Kydd I agree; mobile money is getting to be very popular and scammers are going to adapt and find a way to intercept/steal money. #macrosw
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
RT @caleigh_ames: @UBSSW A4: @UBSSW A4: As many have mentioned, you are putting your trust into a system you donโ€™t have complete control over. As technology grows, so does the amount of people trying to manipulate it. Mobile money is convenient, yes... but convenient doesnโ€™t alway mean safe. #MacroSW
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
RT @UBittic: A4: A4: Not all are able to use mobile money, as not all have access to cell phones and/or the literacy to engage with MM, therefore alienating groups of people. #macrosw https://t.co/3qPPd6UUgc
Lucienne @luciennejanelle
@KourtMabry @UBSSW That is a great point. People now and days do not even know how to do checks and balances. #MacroSW
Jonathan Singer ๐ŸŽ™๏ธ @socworkpodcast
RT @UBSSW: Q1 What are the challenges with low financial literacy levels and financial systems knowledge? Do we have this problem in the US? #MacroSW https://t.co/VTS2v8kKX6
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
RT @AlexRidSW: Q4: Q4: Besides potential security problems, another big issue is the fact that it is mobile and all technology based. Systems always crash, get hacked, plus a lot of other problems because of technology #MacroSW
jerryfarnett @jerryfarnett
@spcummings @UBSSW There are positives and negatives to any idea. This holds great promise and the kinks can be worked out along the way. #MacroSW
David McCollum @VilleBananas
I don't know the logistics of how mobile money works? Does it work like blockchain and have some type of ledger? If not, I would imagine there are some security issues. #MacroSW
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
RT @VilleBananas: I don't know the logistics of how mobile money works? Does it work like blockchain and have some type of ledger? If not, I would imagine there are some security issues. #MacroSW
patiocake @patiocakey
A4 You know, using a cell or mobile money may not be as much of a hardship as some are saying. It took some of us one week to master this whole #macroSW thing! Don't downgrade capabilities!
Vilissa Thompson @VilissaThompson
Not that familiar with this area, but learning so much from the discussion. #MacroSW https://t.co/YfLQ2pZZU9
Wanja @Wanjaonly
@OfficialMacroSW Q4 sometimes countries may place limits on the amount of money one can have/hold in their mobile account. #MacroSW
Shand Kydd @Shand_Kydd
@caleigh_ames @UBSSW exceptional point about putting your trust in a system you don't have complete control over. can i add we also don't have a full understanding of the system itself. #MacroSW
WorkerSocialRadical @joshdnice
Since 2008, WellsFargo: mortgage-backed securities scams, $laundering, rigging municipal bonds, manipulating subprime mortgage loans b4 housing boom n foreclosure abuses after, violating Americans w Disabilities Act, patterns of discrimination against POC...(TBC) #MacroSW
WorkerSocialRadical @joshdnice
(Continued WellsFargo) defrauding veterans, overcharging hundreds of thousands of homeowners and, most recently creating 3.5M bogus accounts to increase stocks and cheat customer. Disappointed to see Wells link on pre-chat links. Part of the problem. #MacroSW
Social Worker @ERL_SW
@caleigh_ames @UBSSW You are absolutely right. It can be a great and convenient thing sometimes, but there are definitely flaws to it as well #macrosw
Kmarie228 @kmarie228
I can't even count how many times my relatives have called or messaged me asking why they got a text message from 'the bank' asking them to confirm their account info.... #MacroSW
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
Q5 will arrive shortly. Only 10 minutes left! Plesae note we will answer questions (many are around the agents in Bangladesh) after the chat - tomorrow, responding to you directly. #MacroSW https://t.co/pWtvmzBFxa
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
Q5 What are ways that social workers can help increase financial capability here in the US? In developing countries? #MacroSW https://t.co/pTwTcmhYcr
jerryfarnett @jerryfarnett
@UBSSW This is an effort to eradicate poverty. This is something that must be tried and assessed. All efforts must be attempted and evaluated. There is so much poverty and inequity in the world.We must be bold. #MacroSW
Shand Kydd @Shand_Kydd
@SamanthaWeiric2 good point mentioning the transfer fee! #MacroSW
critty @crittykins
@Jwat1207 Yes, I am astounded at the number of those who did not learn financial capability in the US. It seems as if it would be a basic life skill, but I have encountered folks who not have learned basic life skills. #macrosw #financialcapability
Courtney @courtneyann2018
@UBSSW People spending more money and not paying attention to their finances, causing financial problems. #MacroSW
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
RT @UBSSW: Q4 What are some unintended consequences of using mobile money systems? #MacroSW https://t.co/Y2COr8I6ow
Alex Ridley @AlexRidSW
@kmarie228 Q4: I think this is a really interesting point. There could be those great hidden fees involved #MacroSW
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
RT @graybill_holly: @kmarie228 This helps my understand agents a lot more...thanks for the response! To your knowledge, has there been abuse of power here? #macrosw
Social Worker @ERL_SW
@UBSSW Q5. Pointing individuals in the direction of Financial Capability and Asset Building programs to help them to better understand and manage their finances. #macrosw
Jessica Brown @nariah
A5: In Ithaca, NY we have @AlternativesFCU with a mission of building wealth with the unbanked. Free credit union accounts in schools, IDAs, financial literacy classes, etc to reach every person regardless of wealth. https://t.co/6xc4Z9uqbn #MacroSW
holly graybill @graybill_holly
@UBSSW A5 Advocate for policy change to have financial literacy taught in school! Make it a requirement in high school as well as a gen ed in college. #macrosw
#MacroSW Moderator @OfficialMacroSW
We have less than 10 minutes to go! #MacroSW https://t.co/S36RqegYOK
jerryfarnett @jerryfarnett
@UBSSW We can educate on this process. May people live lives of blissful denial. We must help wake the world up. #MacroSW
Smita๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ณ @DikshitSmita
RT @spcummings: A4: A4: Using mobile money systems makes hacking into your account just a little bit easier, if security steps aren't taken routinely #MacroSW
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
RT @OfficialMacroSW: We have less than 10 minutes to go! #MacroSW https://t.co/S36RqegYOK
Caleigh Ames @caleigh_ames
@UBSSW A5: I think our first step is becoming finically literate ourselves. Then we can better educate our clients and help them make informed decisions. #MacroSW
Sunya Folayan @SunyaFolayan
RT @caleigh_ames: @UBSSW A4: @UBSSW A4: As many have mentioned, you are putting your trust into a system you donโ€™t have complete control over. As technology grows, so does the amount of people trying to manipulate it. Mobile money is convenient, yes... but convenient doesnโ€™t alway mean safe. #MacroSW
jerryfarnett @jerryfarnett
@UBSSW Once we have society's attention we can advocate for this system and organize like minds around the cause. #MacroSW
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
RT @VilissaThompson: Not that familiar with this area, but learning so much from the discussion. #MacroSW https://t.co/YfLQ2pZZU9
Karen Zgoda, LMSW ๐Ÿซถ๐Ÿป๐Ÿฑ @karenzgoda
RT @OfficialMacroSW: We have less than 10 minutes to go! #MacroSW https://t.co/S36RqegYOK
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
RT @agingrights: A4 You know, using a cell or mobile money may not be as much of a hardship as some are saying. It took some of us one week to master this whole #macroSW thing! Don't downgrade capabilities!
Alex Ridley @AlexRidSW
Q5: EDUCATION & research. Education for ourselves first so we can competently educate our clients #MacroSW
Karen Zgoda, LMSW ๐Ÿซถ๐Ÿป๐Ÿฑ @karenzgoda
RT @UBSSW: Q5 What are ways that social workers can help increase financial capability here in the US? In developing countries? #MacroSW https://t.co/pTwTcmhYcr
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
RT @Wanjaonly: @OfficialMacroSW Q4 sometimes countries may place limits on the amount of money one can have/hold in their mobile account. #MacroSW
Institute on Trauma and Trauma-Informed Care @UBittic
@UBSSW A5: Social workers can help by developing programs and policies in financial/economic well being. #macrosw https://t.co/WWib5WfBp9
Courtney @courtneyann2018
@Carolyn65641191 @UBSSW I did not even think about this population. It would seem that if this was universal with mobile money that people could target this vulnerable population. #macrosw
Karen Zgoda, LMSW ๐Ÿซถ๐Ÿป๐Ÿฑ @karenzgoda
RT @UBSSW: Q5 will arrive shortly. Only 10 minutes left! Plesae note we will answer questions (many are around the agents in Bangladesh) after the chat - tomorrow, responding to you directly. #MacroSW https://t.co/pWtvmzBFxa
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
RT @JoshNice4: Since 2008, WellsFargo: Since 2008, WellsFargo: mortgage-backed securities scams, $laundering, rigging municipal bonds, manipulating subprime mortgage loans b4 housing boom n foreclosure abuses after, violating Americans w Disabilities Act, patterns of discrimination against POC...(TBC) #MacroSW
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
RT @JoshNice4: (Continued WellsFargo) defrauding veterans, overcharging hundreds of thousands of homeowners and, most recently creating 3.5M bogus accounts to increase stocks and cheat customer. Disappointed to see Wells link on pre-chat links. Part of the problem. #MacroSW
Shand Kydd @Shand_Kydd
A5: Personally, I can tell you I run an educational outreach program (mezzo-level) geared towards the aging population and we run a course on tax/financial knowledge for this particular population that is always being targeted for money scams. #MacroSW
Karen Zgoda, LMSW ๐Ÿซถ๐Ÿป๐Ÿฑ @karenzgoda
RT @caleigh_ames: @UBSSW A5: @UBSSW A5: I think our first step is becoming finically literate ourselves. Then we can better educate our clients and help them make informed decisions. #MacroSW
H. ONeill @HONeill15
A5: promoting financial literacy and understanding could help mobility amongst classes. It also would be beneficial in other countries for daily life and simplify some processes. #MacroSW
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
RT @jerryfarnett: @UBSSW This is an effort to eradicate poverty. This is something that must be tried and assessed. All efforts must be attempted and evaluated. There is so much poverty and inequity in the world.We must be bold. #MacroSW
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
RT @Shand_Kydd: @SamanthaWeiric2 good point mentioning the transfer fee! #MacroSW
#MacroSW Moderator @OfficialMacroSW
RT @Shand_Kydd: A5: A5: Personally, I can tell you I run an educational outreach program (mezzo-level) geared towards the aging population and we run a course on tax/financial knowledge for this particular population that is always being targeted for money scams. #MacroSW
#MacroSW Moderator @OfficialMacroSW
RT @UBittic: @UBSSW A5: @UBSSW A5: Social workers can help by developing programs and policies in financial/economic well being. #macrosw https://t.co/WWib5WfBp9
Praxis Podcast @PraxisPod
A5 Advocate for policies that eliminate predatory organizations #MacroSW
Heather Mabry-Kourt @KourtMabry
@UBSSW A5: Financial proficiency needs to start at the school age level. There used to be a time where this took place in school. We live in technology based times, but the we still need to teach basics. #MacroSW
Kmarie228 @kmarie228
A5: I'm surprised there are not more financial social work courses in our education. Financial literacy is imperative to navigating our society. Including financial social work in our academic programs can give us the knowledge we need to empower clients with finances! #MacroSW
Nick @nick_molina
@UBSSW Like Bit Coin, it would be almost impossible to regulate. That being said, digial anything, is vulnerable to Russian hackers...jk but to hackers in general. #MacroSW
jerryfarnett @jerryfarnett
@UBSSW We can help normalize conversations around poverty and lifestyle in the United States. Expose the myths and work to uplift. #MacroSW
๐Ÿ‘‘Adrienne Garr๐Ÿ‘‘ @adriennecgarr
@Ladywhite60 @OfficialMacroSW It's a common sentiment. And to participate and get the full benefit of financial literacy one has to have enough resources and energy to do so.#MacroSW
Heather Mabry-Kourt @KourtMabry
@UBSSW A5: Offering free classes to the public would increase basic financial literecy and knowledge. #MacroSW
Rebecca Light @rll004
RT @kmarie228: A4: A4: Security is always an issue. Mobile banking is in some ways safer than computer-based banking. However, mobile banking still has risk with scams like when users receive fake banking text messages prompting the user to provide account info.... #MacroSW
Rebecca Light @rll004
#A4 also, in order to receive the money, there has to be some way to eventually charge the device. I see possible issues with the ability to connect to an electricity source, or even get a signal strong enough to receive this information/money #macroSW
Rebecca Light @rll004
#A4, I think that there are a lot of unintended consequences regarding mobile money. Itโ€™s almost impossible to know if the money is truly getting to its intended destination. There are a lot of scammers that could use this vulnerable population to scam this system #macroSW
Lucienne @luciennejanelle
@UBSSW I think we should definitely educate those who are having problems. Maybe also having classes where they can be taught by those who will dedicate their time. #MacroSW
#MacroSW Moderator @OfficialMacroSW
RT @mizzpicklezz: @Ladywhite60 @OfficialMacroSW It's a common sentiment. And to participate and get the full benefit of financial literacy one has to have enough resources and energy to do so.#MacroSW
Kayla @klteeples7911
@UBSSW A5. I think the first thing we need to do is educate ourselves before we are able to educate others. But education is key #MacroSW
#MacroSW Moderator @OfficialMacroSW
RT @jerryfarnett: @UBSSW This is an effort to eradicate poverty. This is something that must be tried and assessed. All efforts must be attempted and evaluated. There is so much poverty and inequity in the world.We must be bold. #MacroSW
#MacroSW Moderator @OfficialMacroSW
RT @VilissaThompson: Not that familiar with this area, but learning so much from the discussion. #MacroSW https://t.co/YfLQ2pZZU9
Rebecca Light @rll004
RT @AlexRidSW: Q5: Q5: EDUCATION & research. Education for ourselves first so we can competently educate our clients #MacroSW
Shand Kydd @Shand_Kydd
@NadineShaanta mistrust of technology must be recognized as a barrier. i know it is for me. #MacroSW
#MacroSW Moderator @OfficialMacroSW
#MacroSW https://t.co/LiB9mdzQwE
patiocake @patiocakey
A5 So many people were raised to not talk about money. Social workers see a lot of the limited money problems, but even just talking about it can be helpful for the more private folks that seem curious #macroSW
WorkerSocialRadical @joshdnice
A5: Literacy, capability are extremely important;prioritizing and framing just as much so. Education on that topic must be accompanied by edu and our active confrontation against conditions perpetuating poverty,hunger, etc so not to victim blame but empower at same time #macrosw
Sunya Folayan @SunyaFolayan
@UBSSW A. 4 All of these conveniences erode face to face interaction, and ultimately, employment opportunities previously held in customer service and in person banking environments. Users may be more vulnerable to hacks and some forms of identity theft. #Macrosw
#MacroSW Moderator @OfficialMacroSW
RT @Wanjaonly: @OfficialMacroSW Q4 sometimes countries may place limits on the amount of money one can have/hold in their mobile account. #MacroSW
David McCollum @VilleBananas
A5: Social workers need to help educate on financial literacy, especially using understandable language (i.e., layperson vernacular) to vulnerable populations in order to elucidate their financial opportunities and the deleterious effects of predatory financial systems. #MacroSW
#MacroSW Moderator @OfficialMacroSW
RT @SunyaFolayan: @UBSSW A. 4 All of these conveniences erode face to face interaction, and ultimately, employment opportunities previously held in customer service and in person banking environments. Users may be more vulnerable to hacks and some forms of identity theft. #Macrosw
Jessica Brown @nariah
A6: I wonder though if there arenโ€™t real, meaningful economic transactions between woman that are happening that just cannot be commodified? Mutual aid, community building, etc? #MacroSW
#MacroSW Moderator @OfficialMacroSW
RT @agingrights: A5 So many people were raised to not talk about money. Social workers see a lot of the limited money problems, but even just talking about it can be helpful for the more private folks that seem curious #macroSW
Alex Ridley @AlexRidSW
@amharlacher A5: Yes this seems like a great opportunity for patient education programs. All of the topics you discussed are definitely important but the social workers involved could also try to conduct needs assessment of the community to make sure their needs are covered #MacroSW
#MacroSW Moderator @OfficialMacroSW
RT @rll004: #A4, I think that there are a lot of unintended consequences regarding mobile money. Itโ€™s almost impossible to know if the money is truly getting to its intended destination. There are a lot of scammers that could use this vulnerable population to scam this system #macroSW
Vilissa Thompson @VilissaThompson
A5: Promote & provide education, resources, & tech to increase capability. #MacroSW https://t.co/r7l1J0awIS
Karen Zgoda, LMSW ๐Ÿซถ๐Ÿป๐Ÿฑ @karenzgoda
RT @SunyaFolayan: @UBSSW A. 4 All of these conveniences erode face to face interaction, and ultimately, employment opportunities previously held in customer service and in person banking environments. Users may be more vulnerable to hacks and some forms of identity theft. #Macrosw
Karen Zgoda, LMSW ๐Ÿซถ๐Ÿป๐Ÿฑ @karenzgoda
RT @VilleBananas: A5: A5: Social workers need to help educate on financial literacy, especially using understandable language (i.e., layperson vernacular) to vulnerable populations in order to elucidate their financial opportunities and the deleterious effects of predatory financial systems. #MacroSW
#MacroSW Moderator @OfficialMacroSW
RT @VilissaThompson: A5: A5: Promote & provide education, resources, & tech to increase capability. #MacroSW https://t.co/r7l1J0awIS
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
My choice is to drop Q 6 - but please consider it for your own edification. There were a number of themes tonight: a) need for Education (here's our work-in-progress #MacroSW syllabus and Add to it!) https://t.co/cWSVaQl4K3 b) uncertainty about how mobile money works #MacroSW 1/2 https://t.co/nGuV1VDkcI
jerryfarnett @jerryfarnett
@UBSSW We must educate. We must expose the myth of living beyond our means. We must normalize conversations on poverty. That will not be easy in our society but the truth must set society's stress free. #MacroSW
#MacroSW Moderator @OfficialMacroSW
RT @UBSSW: My choice is to drop Q 6 - but please consider it for your own edification. There were a number of themes tonight: My choice is to drop Q 6 - but please consider it for your own edification. There were a number of themes tonight: a) need for Education (here's our work-in-progress #MacroSW syllabus and Add to it!) https://t.co/cWSVaQl4K3 b) uncertainty about how mobile money works #MacroSW 1/2 https://t.co/nGuV1VDkcI
Karen Zgoda, LMSW ๐Ÿซถ๐Ÿป๐Ÿฑ @karenzgoda
RT @UBSSW: My choice is to drop Q 6 - but please consider it for your own edification. There were a number of themes tonight: My choice is to drop Q 6 - but please consider it for your own edification. There were a number of themes tonight: a) need for Education (here's our work-in-progress #MacroSW syllabus and Add to it!) https://t.co/cWSVaQl4K3 b) uncertainty about how mobile money works #MacroSW 1/2 https://t.co/nGuV1VDkcI
Karen Zgoda, LMSW ๐Ÿซถ๐Ÿป๐Ÿฑ @karenzgoda
RT @VilissaThompson: A5: A5: Promote & provide education, resources, & tech to increase capability. #MacroSW https://t.co/r7l1J0awIS
jerryfarnett @jerryfarnett
@UBSSW Yes! Excellent food for thought. #MacroSW
Jessica Brown @nariah
A6: In Bangladesh some women are uncomfortable interacting with the mobile banking agents who are almost exclusively men. #MacroSW
Institute on Trauma and Trauma-Informed Care @UBittic
Very interesting topic and discussion, have a good night! #macrosw
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
and need for social workers to gear up on this financial capability issue! Building financial capability: A grand challenge for social work. 2/2 #MacroSW https://t.co/HOLmlBcKcX
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
Many many thanks to @NadineShaanta for her expertise! We knew we'd learn a lot tonight! #MacroSW https://t.co/TwXAPZGclX
WorkerSocialRadical @joshdnice
@Wanjaonly @OfficialMacroSW Thank you Wanja. I am wondering if I missed this in my pre-chat reading. Can you share any links RE: mobile account limits by chance? #MacroSW
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
RT @ERL_SW: @UBSSW Q5. Pointing individuals in the direction of Financial Capability and Asset Building programs to help them to better understand and manage their finances. #macrosw
Wanja @Wanjaonly
@OfficialMacroSW Q4 I've loved MPesa for all the 11 years it's been in existence. I cant say enough good things about it. it's accessible to all (don't need a smart phone). No need to worry about getting robbed. no cash needed. There's nothing you cant pay for #MacroSW
Karen Zgoda, LMSW ๐Ÿซถ๐Ÿป๐Ÿฑ @karenzgoda
Great chat tonight! Special thank you to our guest @NadineShaanta for sharing with us! #MacroSW https://t.co/22XbQlEH1Q
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
RT @nariah: A5: A5: In Ithaca, NY we have @AlternativesFCU with a mission of building wealth with the unbanked. Free credit union accounts in schools, IDAs, financial literacy classes, etc to reach every person regardless of wealth. https://t.co/6xc4Z9uqbn #MacroSW
Alicia Colon @AliciaColon94
RT @DorlisaMinnick: .@maryum7 just gave shout out to her #socialwork roots in her lecture on legacy of her dad, Muhammad Ali for social justice and civil rights AND @SHIPUSOCIALWORK students in #MacroSW #SWK521 joined in shouting back to celebrate our profession!
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
RT @graybill_holly: @UBSSW A5 Advocate for policy change to have financial literacy taught in school! Make it a requirement in high school as well as a gen ed in college. #macrosw
jerryfarnett @jerryfarnett
@UBSSW Thank you, Everyone for a thoughtful and energizing conversation. #MacroSW
Shand Kydd @Shand_Kydd
A6. Gender and class, particularly in third world countries, plays a huge part in deficiencies like these. Women and lower-class women especially are kept uneducated, isolated and home-bound for the most-part. #MacroSW
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
RT @caleigh_ames: @UBSSW A5: @UBSSW A5: I think our first step is becoming finically literate ourselves. Then we can better educate our clients and help them make informed decisions. #MacroSW
Vilissa Thompson @VilissaThompson
A6: When women are financially literate & able to retain funding to create businesses, their families & societies are forever changed. Invest in women. #MacroSW https://t.co/s7hcszQJpn
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
RT @AlexRidSW: Q5: Q5: EDUCATION & research. Education for ourselves first so we can competently educate our clients #MacroSW
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
RT @courtneyann2018: @Carolyn65641191 @UBSSW I did not even think about this population. It would seem that if this was universal with mobile money that people could target this vulnerable population. #macrosw
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
RT @Shand_Kydd: A5: A5: Personally, I can tell you I run an educational outreach program (mezzo-level) geared towards the aging population and we run a course on tax/financial knowledge for this particular population that is always being targeted for money scams. #MacroSW
Lydia Weinstein @lydiaMSW
Thanks for a great discussion, I learned a lot! Goodnight everyone #MacroSW
jerryfarnett @jerryfarnett
@UBSSW @NadineShaanta Thank you!!!#MacroSW
#MacroSW Moderator @OfficialMacroSW
RT @VilissaThompson: A6: A6: When women are financially literate & able to retain funding to create businesses, their families & societies are forever changed. Invest in women. #MacroSW https://t.co/s7hcszQJpn
#MacroSW Moderator @OfficialMacroSW
RT @Shand_Kydd: A6. Gender and class, particularly in third world countries, plays a huge part in deficiencies like these. Women and lower-class women especially are kept uneducated, isolated and home-bound for the most-part. #MacroSW
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
RT @OfficialMacroSW: #MacroSW https://t.co/LiB9mdzQwE
#MacroSW Moderator @OfficialMacroSW
RT @jerryfarnett: @UBSSW Thank you, Everyone for a thoughtful and energizing conversation. #MacroSW
#MacroSW Moderator @OfficialMacroSW
RT @karenzgoda: Great chat tonight! Special thank you to our guest @NadineShaanta for sharing with us! #MacroSW https://t.co/22XbQlEH1Q
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
It's especially nice to have a @UBSSW colleague on the #macroSW chat! https://t.co/yWe4Eha2oN
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
We love having so many students take part in these chats - hope you all will keep coming back!! #MacroSW https://t.co/6znagli507
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
You'll find the chat transcript link in the blog post later tonight: https://t.co/sKZFuesmwY And of course we'll tweet it out under #MacroSW tomorrow!
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
Next week's chat is on Macro Social Work #Ethics with host @laurelhitchcock and guest expert @professormccabe ! Same time, same hashtag! #MacroSW
critty @crittykins
@amharlacher @mizzpicklezz @NadineShaanta Yes, you're right that terminology and scams are needed. The American Academy of Social Work recommends supporting a Strong Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) to Help Ensure the Transparency, Safety, Fairness regarding credit cards/scams, etc. #macrosw
Shand Kydd @Shand_Kydd
A6: Uneducated women is a population ripe for being taking advantage of when they finally DO make it into the workplace. #MacroSW
Rebecca Light @rll004
RT @caleigh_ames: @UBSSW A5: @UBSSW A5: I think our first step is becoming finically literate ourselves. Then we can better educate our clients and help them make informed decisions. #MacroSW
jerryfarnett @jerryfarnett
@UBSSW I will!!! #MacroSW
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
RT @agingrights: A5 So many people were raised to not talk about money. Social workers see a lot of the limited money problems, but even just talking about it can be helpful for the more private folks that seem curious #macroSW
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
RT @JoshNice4: A5: A5: Literacy, capability are extremely important;prioritizing and framing just as much so. Education on that topic must be accompanied by edu and our active confrontation against conditions perpetuating poverty,hunger, etc so not to victim blame but empower at same time #macrosw
Vanilla Ice-9 @cveidson
RT @VilissaThompson: A6: A6: When women are financially literate & able to retain funding to create businesses, their families & societies are forever changed. Invest in women. #MacroSW https://t.co/s7hcszQJpn
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
RT @SunyaFolayan: @UBSSW A. 4 All of these conveniences erode face to face interaction, and ultimately, employment opportunities previously held in customer service and in person banking environments. Users may be more vulnerable to hacks and some forms of identity theft. #Macrosw
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
RT @nariah: A6: A6: I wonder though if there arenโ€™t real, meaningful economic transactions between woman that are happening that just cannot be commodified? Mutual aid, community building, etc? #MacroSW
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
RT @VilissaThompson: A5: A5: Promote & provide education, resources, & tech to increase capability. #MacroSW https://t.co/r7l1J0awIS
Molly Ritter @ritter_molly
Thanks for a great twitter chat! My first #macrosw was a success and I learned a lot! I canโ€™t wait for the next one!
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
RT @nariah: A6: A6: In Bangladesh some women are uncomfortable interacting with the mobile banking agents who are almost exclusively men. #MacroSW
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
RT @JoshNice4: @Wanjaonly @OfficialMacroSW Thank you Wanja. I am wondering if I missed this in my pre-chat reading. Can you share any links RE: mobile account limits by chance? #MacroSW
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
RT @Wanjaonly: @OfficialMacroSW Q4 I've loved MPesa for all the 11 years it's been in existence. I cant say enough good things about it. it's accessible to all (don't need a smart phone). No need to worry about getting robbed. no cash needed. There's nothing you cant pay for #MacroSW
UBuffalo Social Work @UBSSW
RT @Shand_Kydd: A6. Gender and class, particularly in third world countries, plays a huge part in deficiencies like these. Women and lower-class women especially are kept uneducated, isolated and home-bound for the most-part. #MacroSW
#MacroSW Moderator @OfficialMacroSW
@JoshNice4 @Wanjaonly There is much country-specific literature, but this should give you some additional info: https://t.co/JTwdFrSrB3 #MacroSW
jerryfarnett @jerryfarnett
@UBSSW Thank you! #MacroSW
#MacroSW Moderator @OfficialMacroSW
RT @UBSSW: Many many thanks to @NadineShaanta for her expertise! We knew we'd learn a lot tonight! #MacroSW https://t.co/TwXAPZGclX
Aesha @Aesha94278980
A3: Having Agents would be helpful with understanding money. Agents can be expensive, I had an advisor in the past and it was hard for me to take financial advice and trust they knew what they were talking about....#MacroSW
Karen Zgoda, LMSW ๐Ÿซถ๐Ÿป๐Ÿฑ @karenzgoda
RT @ritter_molly: Thanks for a great twitter chat! My first #macrosw was a success and I learned a lot! I canโ€™t wait for the next one!
Karen Zgoda, LMSW ๐Ÿซถ๐Ÿป๐Ÿฑ @karenzgoda
RT @crittykins: @amharlacher @mizzpicklezz @NadineShaanta Yes, you're right that terminology and scams are needed. The American Academy of Social Work recommends supporting a Strong Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) to Help Ensure the Transparency, Safety, Fairness regarding credit cards/scams, etc. #macrosw
Karen Zgoda, LMSW ๐Ÿซถ๐Ÿป๐Ÿฑ @karenzgoda
RT @UBSSW: We love having so many students take part in these chats - hope you all will keep coming back!! #MacroSW https://t.co/6znagli507
Karen Zgoda, LMSW ๐Ÿซถ๐Ÿป๐Ÿฑ @karenzgoda
RT @UBSSW: It's especially nice to have a @UBSSW colleague on the #macroSW chat! https://t.co/yWe4Eha2oN
Karen Zgoda, LMSW ๐Ÿซถ๐Ÿป๐Ÿฑ @karenzgoda
RT @VilissaThompson: A6: A6: When women are financially literate & able to retain funding to create businesses, their families & societies are forever changed. Invest in women. #MacroSW https://t.co/s7hcszQJpn
Karen Zgoda, LMSW ๐Ÿซถ๐Ÿป๐Ÿฑ @karenzgoda
RT @UBSSW: You'll find the chat transcript link in the blog post later tonight: You'll find the chat transcript link in the blog post later tonight: https://t.co/sKZFuesmwY And of course we'll tweet it out under #MacroSW tomorrow!
Karen Zgoda, LMSW ๐Ÿซถ๐Ÿป๐Ÿฑ @karenzgoda
RT @UBSSW: Next week's chat is on Macro Social Work #Ethics with host @laurelhitchcock and guest expert @professormccabe ! Same time, same hashtag! #MacroSW
Rebecca Light @rll004
Something I learned during my SW Econ class: there is a website where you can invest money and someone in a developing country can use as a loan and will repay 110% of the monies after their project is compete. Not sure of the URL/name but something to look into! #macroSW
critty @crittykins
RT @kmarie228: A4: A4: For some people, mobile banking may be costly as certain financial institutions require a fee to utilize their online banking apps. The users must also pay for the data and text message charges depending on the type of phone plan they have. #MacroSW
Karen Zgoda, LMSW ๐Ÿซถ๐Ÿป๐Ÿฑ @karenzgoda
Goodnight all! #MacroSW https://t.co/hd3DekcESD
critty @crittykins
critty @crittykins
Thank you for bringing this to my attention! #macrosw https://t.co/RQPKC3JIJk
#MacroSW Moderator @OfficialMacroSW
@rll004 Maybe: https://t.co/eqhVfQ8iZy #MacroSW
#MacroSW Moderator @OfficialMacroSW
#MacroSW https://t.co/4lWjvaxTeX
Jonathan Singer ๐ŸŽ™๏ธ @socworkpodcast
RT @JimmySW: 5 years ago I, @laurelhitchcock, & @deonahooper organized 1 of the first chats that would later become #MacroSW. Topic= #GunControl Many changes for us since then. Institutions where we teach, new websites, publications, etc. What hasn't changed= Meaningful Reform. #NeverAgain
Jonathan Singer ๐ŸŽ™๏ธ @socworkpodcast
RT @laurelhitchcock: @JimmySW @deonahooper Has it been five years? We need to re-visit this issues for another chat! #MacroSW
Amber Keating, MSW ๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’™ @AmberSaysShine
We def have low $ literacy levels in U.S. Since it's not part of our education system, I was lucky to have a parent walk me through establishing basic credit, budgeting, etc. The un- & under-served don't even have that. Huge disadvantage. #MacroSW https://t.co/8mYKuteR70
Laura Cardinal @LauraCardinal13
RT @DrKristie: Hey 15-18 year olds... remember how powerful you are. NRA money doesnโ€™t matter if you actually vote. #GunReformNow @AMarch4OurLives #StudentsStandUp #ParklandStudents #MarchForOurLives #MacroSW @RowanBlanchard https://t.co/rFlZA7nf6V
critty @crittykins
I was thinking the same, having the middleman opens the door to mistrust and apprehension in using MM. #macrosw https://t.co/BscPN1x7dD
critty @crittykins
@karenzgoda I can relate! Zzzzzzz, good night! #macrosw
patiocake @patiocakey
RT @OfficialMacroSW: We have less than 10 minutes to go! #MacroSW https://t.co/S36RqegYOK
#MacroSW content from Twitter.