#MedEd Transcript

Healthcare social media transcript of the #MedEd hashtag.
See #MedEd Influencers/Analytics.

BIDMC Academy @BIDMC_Academy
Hello everyone! I am @DanielRicottaMD hosting this monthly #BIDChat with @SocietyHospMed #JHMChat exploring the Impact of #COVID19 on #MedEd as part of their special series #SHMCOVID19 - Please introduce yourself while we wait for other to join - Q1 upcoming in 5 minutes! https://t.co/BiKSlMyilo
MedEd Chat (hosted by ACE) @MedEdChat
Welcome to the #mededchat (US) I am your moderator for the next hour @alliance4clined Thanks @MvdRidder for tonight's topic! #meded
Panorama Scan @Panorama_Scan
Normal Fetal Neurosonography https://t.co/M6QtHLVs9s #meded #foamed #obgyn #ultrasound #radiology #iloveultrasounda
Teresa Chan | 陳敏怡 @TChanMD
Hey everyone, we're hoping to get some feedback on yesterday's #ALiEMconnect event. Can you help us out? It should take about 5 minutes.... so says @EMinMiami ... https://t.co/K6aInI5uw9 Your feedback will be helpful for improving our future events.
911nyc @dunstonalmeida
RT @drallysonocean: Last month I celebrated him for completing 6 months of chemotherapy for a curable #coloncancer. Today I called his wife to give my condolences after a 2-day battle with #COVID19. 😰🦠😰#MyCovidStory #coronavirus #StayHome #CoronavirusPandemic #GetUsPPE #medtwitter #MedEd #SoMe
MedEd Chat (hosted by ACE) @MedEdChat
The #mededchat topic & questions will be announced in a moment…for now, please introduce yourselves #meded
Society of Hospital Medicine @SocietyHospMed
We'd love to learn who's out there tonight! 🙌 Let's take a moment or two to introduce ourselves. I'm Caitlin, a member of the SHM team based in Philadelphia, PA. I'm thrilled to be here and can't wait to learn from you all! #JHMChat #SHMCOVID19 #MedEd #BIDChat
Sisisi Damgaj @vinnyshowdown
RT @drallysonocean: Last month I celebrated him for completing 6 months of chemotherapy for a curable #coloncancer. Today I called his wife to give my condolences after a 2-day battle with #COVID19. 😰🦠😰#MyCovidStory #coronavirus #StayHome #CoronavirusPandemic #GetUsPPE #medtwitter #MedEd #SoMe
Freshwater fELA @not_Klaatu
RT @adambluedryden: It’s time for @cpso_ca and @Royal_College to lead. Tell us how we are going to get graduating resident doctors working. They are well qualified, highly trained and deserve a chance to serve in this crisis. We need them #COVIDCanada #meded
Society of Hospital Medicine @SocietyHospMed
RT @BIDMC_Academy: Hello everyone! I am @DanielRicottaMD hosting this monthly #BIDChat with @SocietyHospMed #JHMChat exploring the Impact of #COVID19 on #MedEd as part of their special series #SHMCOVID19 - Please introduce yourself while we wait for other to join - Q1 upcoming in 5 minutes! https://t.co/BiKSlMyilo
Dan Skinner @danielrskinner
@MedEdChat Dan Skinner at Ohio University COM, Columbus Ohio. Good evening. #mededchat #MedEd
Rashmi Mullur, MD @rashmi2008
Wow...that was just a month ago. #COVID19 #MedEd #medtwitter
David Martinez @Dav86522574
RT @ManualOMedicine: Multiple Myeloma - Pathogenesis and Clinical Findings . #meded #foamed #usmle #medtwitter https://t.co/Z6PJENsFwA
MedEd Chat (hosted by ACE) @MedEdChat
We will assume that all of your tweets during #mededchat are your own during this hour unless otherwise stated #meded
Timothy Craig Allen, MD, JD, FCAP @TimAllenMDJD
RT @lcsmchat: Worried about the #COVID19 #Pandemic? You’re not alone. Join @BrendonStilesMD, a physician in #CovidNYC, next Thursday for #LCSM Chat 8pm Eastern/5pm Pacific. Our topic: “COVID-19 and Lung Cancer.” If you’re new to tweetchats, read this first: https://t.co/CPRCw8YoQ3 #MedEd https://t.co/WfpJQAu5zU
Hallie J. Quiroz, MD @halliequirozmd
RT @MDaniyalHashmi1: I created these "Cheat sheets" for Non-ICU clinicians who may find themselves taking care of critically ill patients soon. I kept them fairly basic and covered only topics pertinent to the current need. Inspired by @nickmmark #medtwitter #COVID19 #CriticalCare #MedEd https://t.co/sa2OT5AFwR
JTolens @CIDHeroinSnow
RT @MDaniyalHashmi1: I created these "Cheat sheets" for Non-ICU clinicians who may find themselves taking care of critically ill patients soon. I kept them fairly basic and covered only topics pertinent to the current need. Inspired by @nickmmark #medtwitter #COVID19 #CriticalCare #MedEd https://t.co/sa2OT5AFwR
MedEd Chat (hosted by ACE) @MedEdChat
T1 about to come up in a few moments #meded #mededchat
Sanjay Menghani, PhD @SVMenghani
Glad to see this and proud to say I played a little part in this!
BIDMC Academy @BIDMC_Academy
Alright here we go folks! let's get started with Q1 of tonight's #BIDChat #JHMChat #SHMCOVID19 #MedEd https://t.co/GpLanRpiJj
MedEd Chat (hosted by ACE) @MedEdChat
Topic 1: What equipment (hardware, software) do you need? Workspace? #MedEdChat #meded #socialdistancing
Society of Hospital Medicine @SocietyHospMed
And we're off! Question 1 for tonight's #JHMchat with @DanielRicottaMD: #SHMCOVID19, #BIDChat, #MedEd @BIDMC_Academy @JHospMedicine https://t.co/t3ghKGSYV4
Jorge Cabrera @JoviCM095
RT @MDaniyalHashmi1: I created these "Cheat sheets" for Non-ICU clinicians who may find themselves taking care of critically ill patients soon. I kept them fairly basic and covered only topics pertinent to the current need. Inspired by @nickmmark #medtwitter #COVID19 #CriticalCare #MedEd https://t.co/sa2OT5AFwR
Shreya P. Trivedi MD, MHPE @ShreyaTrivediMD
@jenreadlynn @BIDMC_Academy @DanielRicottaMD @SocietyHospMed Hi! Shreya, a hospitalist and maybe hiding from my piling MHPE assignments so excited to think about #MedEd during these really uncertain times #BIDchat #JHMchat
Charles D. Payet, DDS FAGD @SmilesbyPayet
RT @drallysonocean: Last month I celebrated him for completing 6 months of chemotherapy for a curable #coloncancer. Today I called his wife to give my condolences after a 2-day battle with #COVID19. 😰🦠😰#MyCovidStory #coronavirus #StayHome #CoronavirusPandemic #GetUsPPE #medtwitter #MedEd #SoMe
cacaskata @cacaskata
RT @lcsmchat: Worried about the #COVID19 #Pandemic? You’re not alone. Join @BrendonStilesMD, a physician in #CovidNYC, next Thursday for #LCSM Chat 8pm Eastern/5pm Pacific. Our topic: “COVID-19 and Lung Cancer.” If you’re new to tweetchats, read this first: https://t.co/CPRCw8YoQ3 #MedEd https://t.co/WfpJQAu5zU
Shelby #Persist #Resist #Yankees #USWNT @SoaringAurora1
RT @drallysonocean: Last month I celebrated him for completing 6 months of chemotherapy for a curable #coloncancer. Today I called his wife to give my condolences after a 2-day battle with #COVID19. 😰🦠😰#MyCovidStory #coronavirus #StayHome #CoronavirusPandemic #GetUsPPE #medtwitter #MedEd #SoMe
Monika Sanghavi MD, FACC @MonSangh
RT @UiMaximus:
Alexander Hart @drgraf86
Monnie 🐶🍁☕️ @SqueeMonster
RT @drallysonocean: Last month I celebrated him for completing 6 months of chemotherapy for a curable #coloncancer. Today I called his wife to give my condolences after a 2-day battle with #COVID19. 😰🦠😰#MyCovidStory #coronavirus #StayHome #CoronavirusPandemic #GetUsPPE #medtwitter #MedEd #SoMe
Vinny Arora MD MAPP @FutureDocs
RT @BIDMC_Academy: Alright here we go folks! let's get started with Q1 of tonight's #BIDChat #JHMChat #SHMCOVID19 #MedEd https://t.co/GpLanRpiJj
Mike Tchou @TchouMd
RT @SocietyHospMed: We'd love to learn who's out there tonight! 🙌 Let's take a moment or two to introduce ourselves. I'm Caitlin, a member of the SHM team based in Philadelphia, PA. I'm thrilled to be here and can't wait to learn from you all! #JHMChat #SHMCOVID19 #MedEd #BIDChat
TEE Fan @TEE_Fan
RT @painfreeED: A heartfelt message ( with permission) to all from my amazing EM colleague while in the ICU battling #COVID2019. Stay home, protect health care workers! #FOAMed #MedEd https://t.co/EuOCXCcWkg
83.3 Million Reasons to Vote Blue @with_darlene
RT @drallysonocean: Last month I celebrated him for completing 6 months of chemotherapy for a curable #coloncancer. Today I called his wife to give my condolences after a 2-day battle with #COVID19. 😰🦠😰#MyCovidStory #coronavirus #StayHome #CoronavirusPandemic #GetUsPPE #medtwitter #MedEd #SoMe
Rebecca Jaffe, MD @RJmdphilly
@DanielRicottaMD We have a pyramid for that ;) #jhmchat https://t.co/REtuSjOKYy
UAH_TraumaACS @UTraumaacs
RT @BradleyNori: Thanks to @mjkimmd for the invite to online mass casualty/disaster planning academic half day! So timely. Was a privilege to discuss with you, the awesome @UAlberta_ICU fellows and our fearless trauma leader/intensivist @the_dpg #MedEd @ZoneTrauma @UTraumaacs
PirdanaMintiri @PirdanaM
RT @drnuruly: #COVID19: #COVID19: Should I test myself for Covid19 or not ? Fill in this questionnaire & find out ! @MedTweetMYHQ #pulmcc #MedEd #medtwitter https://t.co/7Lg2NkISaC
Abdulaziz Almehlisi @AlmehlisiMD
RT @painfreeED: A heartfelt message ( with permission) to all from my amazing EM colleague while in the ICU battling #COVID2019. Stay home, protect health care workers! #FOAMed #MedEd https://t.co/EuOCXCcWkg
Andrex @taliesin12345
RT @MDaniyalHashmi1: I created these "Cheat sheets" for Non-ICU clinicians who may find themselves taking care of critically ill patients soon. I kept them fairly basic and covered only topics pertinent to the current need. Inspired by @nickmmark #medtwitter #COVID19 #CriticalCare #MedEd https://t.co/sa2OT5AFwR
siren. @tinkerthinkr
RT @MDaniyalHashmi1: I created these "Cheat sheets" for Non-ICU clinicians who may find themselves taking care of critically ill patients soon. I kept them fairly basic and covered only topics pertinent to the current need. Inspired by @nickmmark #medtwitter #COVID19 #CriticalCare #MedEd https://t.co/sa2OT5AFwR
RT @UiMaximus:
JC Phaneuf, MD @jcpha9
@stevenbollipo I was scheduled to participate in @Springbank1828’s Whisky School in April 2020. I’m looking forward to learn everything about whisky making next year.... I still keep my 🤞for AMEE 2020 (#MedEd) in Glasgow next September, but I’m not too optimistic.
Will Ackley @ackley_will
RT @MDaniyalHashmi1: I created these "Cheat sheets" for Non-ICU clinicians who may find themselves taking care of critically ill patients soon. I kept them fairly basic and covered only topics pertinent to the current need. Inspired by @nickmmark #medtwitter #COVID19 #CriticalCare #MedEd https://t.co/sa2OT5AFwR
USMLEForums @usmleforums4u
NBME® Self-Assessments will be made available for FREE on April 3. Great Job NBME, Please make them available free for few months! Thank you on behalf of the medical education community! #MedEd #Medschool #Medschool #USMLE
Society of Hospital Medicine @SocietyHospMed
RT @RJmdphilly: @DanielRicottaMD We have a pyramid for that ;) #jhmchat https://t.co/REtuSjOKYy
Daniel Ricotta, MD, SFHM @DanielRicottaMD
@TAnstettHospMed Interesting point. Many in #MedEd build curricula which then inform assessment methods. Learning objectives written in a way that informs both teaching strategy and assessment method. Do you have an ex or two about asynchronous teaching modules that get to higher level learning?
Terri P 🇨🇦 @PettisT82
RT @drallysonocean: Last month I celebrated him for completing 6 months of chemotherapy for a curable #coloncancer. Today I called his wife to give my condolences after a 2-day battle with #COVID19. 😰🦠😰#MyCovidStory #coronavirus #StayHome #CoronavirusPandemic #GetUsPPE #medtwitter #MedEd #SoMe
MedEdBot @MedEdBot
RT @MedEdChat: We will assume that all of your tweets during #mededchat are your own during this hour unless otherwise stated #meded
MedEdBot @MedEdBot
RT @MedEdChat: T1 about to come up in a few moments #meded #mededchat
MedEdBot @MedEdBot
RT @MedEdChat: Topic 1: Topic 1: What equipment (hardware, software) do you need? Workspace? #MedEdChat #meded #socialdistancing
MedEdBot @MedEdBot
RT @BIDMC_Academy: Alright here we go folks! let's get started with Q1 of tonight's #BIDChat #JHMChat #SHMCOVID19 #MedEd https://t.co/GpLanRpiJj
MedEdBot @MedEdBot
RT @SocietyHospMed: And we're off! Question 1 for tonight's #JHMchat with @DanielRicottaMD: And we're off! Question 1 for tonight's #JHMchat with @DanielRicottaMD: #SHMCOVID19, #BIDChat, #MedEd @BIDMC_Academy @JHospMedicine https://t.co/t3ghKGSYV4
MedEdBot @MedEdBot
RT @usmleforums4u: NBME® Self-Assessments will be made available for FREE on April 3. Great Job NBME, Please make them available free for few months! Thank you on behalf of the medical education community! #MedEd #Medschool #Medschool #USMLE
Sejal Patel-Francis, PharmD, BCPS, BCCCP @SagetheEDRPh
These are awesome!
Donna Gaffney, DNSc, PMHCNS-BC, FAAN @donnaagaffney
RT @drallysonocean: Last month I celebrated him for completing 6 months of chemotherapy for a curable #coloncancer. Today I called his wife to give my condolences after a 2-day battle with #COVID19. 😰🦠😰#MyCovidStory #coronavirus #StayHome #CoronavirusPandemic #GetUsPPE #medtwitter #MedEd #SoMe
Rick MD @yms1994
RT @MDaniyalHashmi1: I created these "Cheat sheets" for Non-ICU clinicians who may find themselves taking care of critically ill patients soon. I kept them fairly basic and covered only topics pertinent to the current need. Inspired by @nickmmark #medtwitter #COVID19 #CriticalCare #MedEd https://t.co/sa2OT5AFwR
MarthaC @MarthaLCaicedo
RT @usmleforums4u: NBME® Self-Assessments will be made available for FREE on April 3. Great Job NBME, Please make them available free for few months! Thank you on behalf of the medical education community! #MedEd #Medschool #Medschool #USMLE
JKandala @Jagkandala
Jamee Walters, MD @jamee_walters
@SocietyHospMed @DanielRicottaMD @BIDMC_Academy @JHospMedicine A1: twie/week prep questions for morn report. morn report over Microsoft teams on our hospital computers. Noon lectures on Microsoft teams and recorded for residents not there. I think this is going to lead to a great change in #meded and diversify the way we teach. #JHMchat
aLt3reDoC @___alt3rEd0c__
RT @MDaniyalHashmi1: I created these "Cheat sheets" for Non-ICU clinicians who may find themselves taking care of critically ill patients soon. I kept them fairly basic and covered only topics pertinent to the current need. Inspired by @nickmmark #medtwitter #COVID19 #CriticalCare #MedEd https://t.co/sa2OT5AFwR
A @Bridginne
RT @drallysonocean: Last month I celebrated him for completing 6 months of chemotherapy for a curable #coloncancer. Today I called his wife to give my condolences after a 2-day battle with #COVID19. 😰🦠😰#MyCovidStory #coronavirus #StayHome #CoronavirusPandemic #GetUsPPE #medtwitter #MedEd #SoMe
Society of Hospital Medicine @SocietyHospMed
What an awesome start to the #JHMChat! Question 2 is coming up shortly... #BIDChat #SHMCOVID19 #MedEd
Tyrese Hinkins-Jones, Ed.S, M.Ed @TyresejSPACE
T1 I am using my dining room table and sofa with the windows open to get some sun in! #MedEdChat #MedEd #SocialDistanacing
Mohammed Mar'ae Asiri @Asiritrauma1
RT @HippoEducation: Do you know the safest and most thorough way to approach #PPE donning and doffing? Cover all your bases every time with these steps: https://t.co/WBdAmh4UkC Get more #COVID19 info for frontline clinicians at https://t.co/cXiexsfZzX #MedEd #EmergencyMedicine https://t.co/Xn99c0M14E
Daniel Ricotta, MD, SFHM @DanielRicottaMD
RT @SocietyHospMed: What an awesome start to the #JHMChat! Question 2 is coming up shortly... #BIDChat #SHMCOVID19 #MedEd
Dr Jasmine Grewal MD @DrJasmineGrewal
RT @JonathanWindram: All those wishing to review #ACHA 's excellent webinar on COVID-19 for the CHD patient can now also access it @heartuni_org. Many thanks to ACHA and Dr Jamil Aboulhosn @UCLA. @JustinTretterMD @FredWuMD @sasha_opo @AliZaidiMD #ACHD #MedEd @CachNetwork https://t.co/ueEgtMwc6O
Enrique Garcia-Sayan, MD, FACC, FASE @EGarciaSayan
RT @MDaniyalHashmi1: I created these "Cheat sheets" for Non-ICU clinicians who may find themselves taking care of critically ill patients soon. I kept them fairly basic and covered only topics pertinent to the current need. Inspired by @nickmmark #medtwitter #COVID19 #CriticalCare #MedEd https://t.co/sa2OT5AFwR
MedEd Chat (hosted by ACE) @MedEdChat
Topic 2: What are your strategies to continue working with colleagues? #MedEdChat #meded #socialdistancing
Society of Hospital Medicine @SocietyHospMed
Question 2 for tonight's #JHMChat with @DanielRicottaMD: #SHMCOVID19, #BIDChat, #MedEd @BIDMC_Academy @JHospMedicine https://t.co/xO7IT3P1Dj
@AMEEFacDev @ameefacdev
RT @AcadMedJournal: Check out our 1-pager: "Telehealth in Academic Medicine: Roles, Opportunities, and Risks": Check out our 1-pager: "Telehealth in Academic Medicine: Roles, Opportunities, and Risks": https://t.co/QX8UiRegPl. #Telehealth #MedEd #TBT (June 2019)
Kristina Dzara, PhD, MMSc @KristinaDzara
Kristina here checking in for #mededchat! How is everyone doing? @hur2buzy @myheroistrane @GLBDallaghan @MvdRidder @DrSinhaEsq #MedEd
Daniel Ricotta, MD, SFHM @DanielRicottaMD
A2: More and more learners are engaging in self-directed learning. For ex. podcasts: @BedsideRounds @AdamRodmanMD @ShreyaTrivediMD @COREIMpodcast @thecurbsiders @ETSshow - As impt as this is, there is a social aspect of #MedEd that I find important #BIDChat #JHMChat #SHMCOVID19
Megan (Meegan) R. Gerber, MD, MPH, FACP @meggerber
@Creativemeddose @kanagalshamanna @drmaypole @smlungpathguy @somedocs @uniqorndoc @oreoimc @JillGrimesMD @DrJuanOvalles @AmeetRKini @DrLizaMD @Wilkinsonjonny @padmapathology1 @Katita1981 @mloxton @DrHowardLiu @wishydocs @wisit661 Super insightful: #COVID19 changing #socialnorms as did #HIV with the wonderful illustrations of @Creativemeddose that we’ve come to know & ❤️#MedEd #anthrotwitter
ᗪEᗷOᖇᗩᕼ 😷💉💉💉🇨🇦 #ProtectTheVulnerable @deborahannes
RT @drallysonocean: Last month I celebrated him for completing 6 months of chemotherapy for a curable #coloncancer. Today I called his wife to give my condolences after a 2-day battle with #COVID19. 😰🦠😰#MyCovidStory #coronavirus #StayHome #CoronavirusPandemic #GetUsPPE #medtwitter #MedEd #SoMe
Nadeen N. Faza, M.D. @NadeenFaza
😷#VisualAbstract 👉#ARDS Clinical Cheat Sheet by @visualmedpage ✅Overview: criteria, causes & severity scale. ✅📸 Assessment: CXR & CT. ✅Management 🏥: Mechanical vent & weaning. #Cardiotwitter #ACCFIT #HMHFellow #COVID19 #MedEd #FOAMEd #coronavirus #pulmcc #covidheroes https://t.co/g7TtgR5OVm
Nicole R Little @nicwiplit_r
RT @drallysonocean: Last month I celebrated him for completing 6 months of chemotherapy for a curable #coloncancer. Today I called his wife to give my condolences after a 2-day battle with #COVID19. 😰🦠😰#MyCovidStory #coronavirus #StayHome #CoronavirusPandemic #GetUsPPE #medtwitter #MedEd #SoMe
Matt Simms, MSc MD FRCPC @mattgsimms
RT @StephenPaulWoo4: A little tape re-engineers the mask to prevent you from touching your face. #COVID2019 #COVID19 #EmergencyMedicine #MedEd https://t.co/Rw0RcpDhBs
David Martinez @Dav86522574
RT @NadeenFaza: 😷#VisualAbstract 👉#ARDS Clinical Cheat Sheet by @visualmedpage ✅Overview: criteria, causes & severity scale. ✅📸 Assessment: CXR & CT. ✅Management 🏥: Mechanical vent & weaning. #Cardiotwitter #ACCFIT #HMHFellow #COVID19 #MedEd #FOAMEd #coronavirus #pulmcc #covidheroes https://t.co/g7TtgR5OVm
Becky Miller, MD @rva_IntMedPD
RT @MuktaPandaMD: For today mine is “The heart is like a garden: For today mine is “The heart is like a garden: it can grow compassion or fear, resentment or love. What seeds will you plant there?” —Jack Kornfield https://t.co/l2pIiEnfHN #MedEd #REVAMP_CoV2
Daniel Ricotta, MD, SFHM @DanielRicottaMD
A2: The social aspect of #MedEd builds resilience and may be protective against #burnout - not sure how best to manage this in the era of distance learning but platforms like synchronous #medtwitter google hangouts @zoom_us are opportunities #BIDChat #JHMChat #SHMCOVID19
Daniel Ricotta, MD, SFHM @DanielRicottaMD
RT @SocietyHospMed: Question 2 for tonight's #JHMChat with @DanielRicottaMD: Question 2 for tonight's #JHMChat with @DanielRicottaMD: #SHMCOVID19, #BIDChat, #MedEd @BIDMC_Academy @JHospMedicine https://t.co/xO7IT3P1Dj
Colin Huguenel @chuge11
RT @StephenPaulWoo4: A little tape re-engineers the mask to prevent you from touching your face. #COVID2019 #COVID19 #EmergencyMedicine #MedEd https://t.co/Rw0RcpDhBs
Megan Kilpatrick, MSN, RN @thatMeganRN
RT @equijada: Me: Me: What day is it? #covid19 #QuarantineLife I formally submit we should remove "what day is it" from any type of mental status evaluation for patients #meded
Vinny Arora MD MAPP @FutureDocs
RT @DanielRicottaMD: A2: A2: The social aspect of #MedEd builds resilience and may be protective against #burnout - not sure how best to manage this in the era of distance learning but platforms like synchronous #medtwitter google hangouts @zoom_us are opportunities #BIDChat #JHMChat #SHMCOVID19
Anum Ajazi, Paediatric RN👩🏽‍⚕️ @numz_21
RT @MDaniyalHashmi1: I created these "Cheat sheets" for Non-ICU clinicians who may find themselves taking care of critically ill patients soon. I kept them fairly basic and covered only topics pertinent to the current need. Inspired by @nickmmark #medtwitter #COVID19 #CriticalCare #MedEd https://t.co/sa2OT5AFwR
Tyrese Hinkins-Jones, Ed.S, M.Ed @TyresejSPACE
T2 My team is using Skype for Business to chat throughout the day and using @zoom_us for our morning and afternoon team check-ins. Skype for business doesn't work well for more than 2 people for video. Zoom is much better for team meetings.
Vinny Arora MD MAPP @FutureDocs
RT @SocietyHospMed: Question 2 for tonight's #JHMChat with @DanielRicottaMD: Question 2 for tonight's #JHMChat with @DanielRicottaMD: #SHMCOVID19, #BIDChat, #MedEd @BIDMC_Academy @JHospMedicine https://t.co/xO7IT3P1Dj
𝗥𝗲𝘀𝘂𝘀𝗠𝗲𝗱 @ResusMed
Great sets of pocket cards of critical care wisdom! Thanks
Rhonda St Croix @rhondastcroix
RT @Royal_College: Canadian resources on #COVID19 - thanks @MKChan_RCPSC for sharing. https://t.co/CmHuhoNCik #MedEd
David @SavidDtarkman
RT @drallysonocean: Last month I celebrated him for completing 6 months of chemotherapy for a curable #coloncancer. Today I called his wife to give my condolences after a 2-day battle with #COVID19. 😰🦠😰#MyCovidStory #coronavirus #StayHome #CoronavirusPandemic #GetUsPPE #medtwitter #MedEd #SoMe
Lauren 💎 @laurenmozz
RT @MDaniyalHashmi1: I created these "Cheat sheets" for Non-ICU clinicians who may find themselves taking care of critically ill patients soon. I kept them fairly basic and covered only topics pertinent to the current need. Inspired by @nickmmark #medtwitter #COVID19 #CriticalCare #MedEd https://t.co/sa2OT5AFwR
Aneesha Thobani, MD @aneeshathobani
RT @MDaniyalHashmi1: I created these "Cheat sheets" for Non-ICU clinicians who may find themselves taking care of critically ill patients soon. I kept them fairly basic and covered only topics pertinent to the current need. Inspired by @nickmmark #medtwitter #COVID19 #CriticalCare #MedEd https://t.co/sa2OT5AFwR
Mersiha Hadziahmetovic @MHadziMD
RT @marklewismd: Step 1: Step 1: which mechanism of action is most likely to effectively block SARS-CoV-2 from binding to ACE2 receptors? a) antibodies to RBD protein b) cross-neutralization of DPP4 c) antisera with soluble hACE2 d) luciferase de-dimerization Step 2 CS: did you wash your hands? #meded
Jen Goldberg, RM, MPH, PhD Candidate @jen_goldberg
5 jobs/5 tags Mom PhD student @UofT_dlsph Research team member @LGBTQ_Research Midwife @TOBirthCentre Metaphor belabourer & dogged silver lining seeker Now your turn: @cjblenn @sharpe_bri @Niineese @JasminTecson @7thgenMW
Dr. Roger Wong @RogerWong10
I look forward to joining CBC Vancouver's multiple social media channels on Friday at 5 pm PT to share information and answer questions from the audience on how to protect #seniors in #COVID19. #MedEd #health #UBC @ubcnews @UBCmedicine @ubcprez https://t.co/O4na0NjQgc
CanucknotinOz 🇨🇦 🇦🇺 @CanuckinO
RT @drallysonocean: Last month I celebrated him for completing 6 months of chemotherapy for a curable #coloncancer. Today I called his wife to give my condolences after a 2-day battle with #COVID19. 😰🦠😰#MyCovidStory #coronavirus #StayHome #CoronavirusPandemic #GetUsPPE #medtwitter #MedEd #SoMe
Abdulelah S.A., MBBS @dr_Abdul84
RT @MDaniyalHashmi1: I created these "Cheat sheets" for Non-ICU clinicians who may find themselves taking care of critically ill patients soon. I kept them fairly basic and covered only topics pertinent to the current need. Inspired by @nickmmark #medtwitter #COVID19 #CriticalCare #MedEd https://t.co/sa2OT5AFwR
Ezman Shariff @ezmanshariff
RT @NadeenFaza: 😷#VisualAbstract 👉#ARDS Clinical Cheat Sheet by @visualmedpage ✅Overview: criteria, causes & severity scale. ✅📸 Assessment: CXR & CT. ✅Management 🏥: Mechanical vent & weaning. #Cardiotwitter #ACCFIT #HMHFellow #COVID19 #MedEd #FOAMEd #coronavirus #pulmcc #covidheroes https://t.co/g7TtgR5OVm
Dr. Carly Goldstein @sciCarly
RT @allison_rants: Researchers @UCalgaryMed are recruiting #medstudents and #residents around the world🌍 to complete a voluntary, anonymous survey about the impact of the #COVID19 pandemic on medical learners. Visit https://t.co/9rjOIcrdKs to learn more and participate! #MedEd #MedTwitter https://t.co/IKqCQYQ5DK
MedEd Chat (hosted by ACE) @MedEdChat
Topic 3: How do you manage distractions like family, friends, or pets? #MedEdChat #meded #socialdistancing
RR BaligaMD, Professor & Cardiologist @RRBaligaMD
#coronavirus Primer for #Physicians|Dr RR Baliga's MUST KNOW FACTS PODCASTS for Physicians |https://t.co/yQSzwaeBpy #CardioOnc #internalmedicine #Medtwitter #Cardiotwitter #CardioEd #MedEd #IMBoardPrep #FOAMed @penn @SocietyGIM @doximity @kevinmd @acpinternist @SocietyHospMed
Sharon Mulvagh MD FRCPC FASE FACC @HeartDocSharon
RT @MDaniyalHashmi1: I created these "Cheat sheets" for Non-ICU clinicians who may find themselves taking care of critically ill patients soon. I kept them fairly basic and covered only topics pertinent to the current need. Inspired by @nickmmark #medtwitter #COVID19 #CriticalCare #MedEd https://t.co/sa2OT5AFwR
Toni Choueiri, MD @DrChoueiri
RT @nickmmark: These are awesome
Cardioonc Bot @Cardioonc_bot
RT @RRBaligaMD: #coronavirus Primer for #Physicians|Dr RR Baliga's MUST KNOW FACTS PODCASTS for Physicians |https://t.co/yQSzwaeBpy #CardioOnc #internalmedicine #Medtwitter #Cardiotwitter #CardioEd #MedEd #IMBoardPrep #FOAMed @penn @SocietyGIM @doximity @kevinmd @acpinternist @SocietyHospMed
JAMA Internal Medicine @JAMAInternalMed
https://t.co/f0bbBvzyH6 #meded #medtwitter
Danielle @_DanielleElise_
RT @drallysonocean: Last month I celebrated him for completing 6 months of chemotherapy for a curable #coloncancer. Today I called his wife to give my condolences after a 2-day battle with #COVID19. 😰🦠😰#MyCovidStory #coronavirus #StayHome #CoronavirusPandemic #GetUsPPE #medtwitter #MedEd #SoMe
JAMA Network @JAMANetwork
RT @JAMAInternalMed: https://t.co/f0bbBvzyH6 #meded #medtwitter
Elsa Rumata @DrElsaRumata
RT @TheASNR: ASNR COTW #40 Hx: Young man with seizures. Case c/o Drs. Anoop Chacko, Mengmeng Zheng, and Miral Jhaveri at Rush. No SPOILERS. ONLY GIVE HINTS in form of GIF or answer in attached poll. Answer posted in 24 hrs. #radres #radiology #neurorad #FOAMrad #meded #ASNRCOTW https://t.co/tRrx6HMrNB
theunretired @theunretired
RT @RogerWong10: I look forward to joining CBC Vancouver's multiple social media channels on Friday at 5 pm PT to share information and answer questions from the audience on how to protect #seniors in #COVID19. #MedEd #health #UBC @ubcnews @UBCmedicine @ubcprez https://t.co/O4na0NjQgc
Tracy McAteer @tracy_mcateer
RT @drallysonocean: Last month I celebrated him for completing 6 months of chemotherapy for a curable #coloncancer. Today I called his wife to give my condolences after a 2-day battle with #COVID19. 😰🦠😰#MyCovidStory #coronavirus #StayHome #CoronavirusPandemic #GetUsPPE #medtwitter #MedEd #SoMe
Paul Haidet @myheroistrane
Can’t wait to hear folks ideas about THIS one! #mededchat
Maral Ouzounian @OuzounianMD
RT @MDaniyalHashmi1: I created these "Cheat sheets" for Non-ICU clinicians who may find themselves taking care of critically ill patients soon. I kept them fairly basic and covered only topics pertinent to the current need. Inspired by @nickmmark #medtwitter #COVID19 #CriticalCare #MedEd https://t.co/sa2OT5AFwR
Society of Hospital Medicine @SocietyHospMed
Question 3 for tonight's #JHMChat with @DanielRicottaMD: #SHMCOVID, #BIDChat, #MedEd @BIDMC_Academy @JHospMedicine https://t.co/PQkdv7QrQL
GD Kitty @godammitkitty
RT @MDaniyalHashmi1: I created these "Cheat sheets" for Non-ICU clinicians who may find themselves taking care of critically ill patients soon. I kept them fairly basic and covered only topics pertinent to the current need. Inspired by @nickmmark #medtwitter #COVID19 #CriticalCare #MedEd https://t.co/sa2OT5AFwR
Jarna Shah, MD @JarnaShahMD
RT @BIDMC_Academy: Alright here we go folks! let's get started with Q1 of tonight's #BIDChat #JHMChat #SHMCOVID19 #MedEd https://t.co/GpLanRpiJj
Alex @Alex59217489
RT @MDaniyalHashmi1: I created these "Cheat sheets" for Non-ICU clinicians who may find themselves taking care of critically ill patients soon. I kept them fairly basic and covered only topics pertinent to the current need. Inspired by @nickmmark #medtwitter #COVID19 #CriticalCare #MedEd https://t.co/sa2OT5AFwR
Tyrese Hinkins-Jones, Ed.S, M.Ed @TyresejSPACE
@MedEdChat T2 Weekly meetings with our leadership team have been gems. We check in to see how each unit is coping with the change and share ideas, tips, and resources to keep our teams engaged. #MedEdChat #MedEd #SocialDistancing
vancomycin @vancomycin12
RT @dremilym: Seriously! I’m so distracted from #COVID19 it is hardly a time to do intense scholarly writing. How does everyone else feel? #meded #AcademicTwitter #medtwitter
gilberto lopes @GlopesMd
RT @lcsmchat: Worried about the #COVID19 #Pandemic? You’re not alone. Join @BrendonStilesMD, a physician in #CovidNYC, next Thursday for #LCSM Chat 8pm Eastern/5pm Pacific. Our topic: “COVID-19 and Lung Cancer.” If you’re new to tweetchats, read this first: https://t.co/CPRCw8YoQ3 #MedEd https://t.co/WfpJQAu5zU
Lauren @laurengreeneMD
#JHMChat A2 I think 1 good thing is that because of the need to do #SocialDistancing #SoMe has come together in unique ways to ensure that we can continue to learn alongside diverse group of people (even though we may be on opposite sides of the country) #meded
Nell Eisenberg @nellbell_e
You said it! Amanda: we are right behind you. Fighting for our vulnerable patients. Thanks for leading us. #meded #coronavirus @ARamsdell3
silver scott @silverscott8
RT @MRogersRN: Dear #AcademicTwitter, particularly #MedTwitter, #EpiTwitter, #PublicHealthTwitter, and #NursesWhoTweet: We have a problem: Folks in your discipline who work in #practice vs #academia often lack access to scientific journals. In turn, #EBP suffers. #NoJournalsNoEBP Thread https://t.co/gE7kHg8wsT
Carlos E. Nolasco M., MD, FACP, AHSCP-CHS @CarlosNolascoMD
RT @MDaniyalHashmi1: I created these "Cheat sheets" for Non-ICU clinicians who may find themselves taking care of critically ill patients soon. I kept them fairly basic and covered only topics pertinent to the current need. Inspired by @nickmmark #medtwitter #COVID19 #CriticalCare #MedEd https://t.co/sa2OT5AFwR
Michael Sinha @DrSinhaEsq
@kristinadzara @myheroistrane Beau is quite helpful when we work from home! #MedEd #MedEdChat https://t.co/LDE2Ux0FVi
Kristina B. Newport @kbnewport
RT @equijada: Me: Me: What day is it? #covid19 #QuarantineLife I formally submit we should remove "what day is it" from any type of mental status evaluation for patients #meded
EM Board bombs @EMBoardBombs
RT @MDaniyalHashmi1: I created these "Cheat sheets" for Non-ICU clinicians who may find themselves taking care of critically ill patients soon. I kept them fairly basic and covered only topics pertinent to the current need. Inspired by @nickmmark #medtwitter #COVID19 #CriticalCare #MedEd https://t.co/sa2OT5AFwR
Beth Little @BethLit00495618
RT @drallysonocean: Last month I celebrated him for completing 6 months of chemotherapy for a curable #coloncancer. Today I called his wife to give my condolences after a 2-day battle with #COVID19. 😰🦠😰#MyCovidStory #coronavirus #StayHome #CoronavirusPandemic #GetUsPPE #medtwitter #MedEd #SoMe
MedEd Chat (hosted by ACE) @MedEdChat
Topic 4: How do you keep yourself accountable? Or keep motivated to stimulate productivity? #MedEdChat #meded #socialdistancing
Sara U, MD RN @sararish
I’m studying for step 1 and parenting my kids, yet a big part of my heart wants to go work in the ED.💔 But what would EM PD’s think 18 months from now when they see a low step 1? They wouldn’t even read my app... . #ThankYouHealthCareWorkers Sending ❤️ . #MedEd #RNtoMD
Dave Rublin 🎉 @DaveBngDave
RT @StephenPaulWoo4: A little tape re-engineers the mask to prevent you from touching your face. #COVID2019 #COVID19 #EmergencyMedicine #MedEd https://t.co/Rw0RcpDhBs
Dr. Trina Fyfe (PhD) @trinafyfe
RT @SaraMHejri: "Medical Education Adaptations" a new series in @MedEd_Journal calls for submissions addressing educational issues during #COVIDー19 pandemic. An opportunity for knowledge sharing while standard educational practices are disrupted by #SocialDistancing. @IHSE_McGill #MedEd
Eccentric & Enigmatic @ladyofpoodles
RT @drallysonocean: Last month I celebrated him for completing 6 months of chemotherapy for a curable #coloncancer. Today I called his wife to give my condolences after a 2-day battle with #COVID19. 😰🦠😰#MyCovidStory #coronavirus #StayHome #CoronavirusPandemic #GetUsPPE #medtwitter #MedEd #SoMe
Coda Change @codachange
RT @inquisitiveGyn: #SMACC Sydney 1 year ago today .... so many feelings I don’t have the words to explain 💜@GongGasGirl @hypoxicchicken where our zany #MedEd #stuffnnonsense podcast & @MedEdStuffnN family was born 💜 https://t.co/QGXb48HGUo
Kristina Dzara, PhD, MMSc @KristinaDzara
RT @MedEdChat: Topic 4: Topic 4: How do you keep yourself accountable? Or keep motivated to stimulate productivity? #MedEdChat #meded #socialdistancing
Kristina Dzara, PhD, MMSc @KristinaDzara
RT @DrSinhaEsq: @kristinadzara @myheroistrane Beau is quite helpful when we work from home! #MedEd #MedEdChat https://t.co/LDE2Ux0FVi
Lou Edje, MD, MHPE, FAAFP (she/her) @ledje
Kimberly Rex @Kimberly_Rex
RT @MDaniyalHashmi1: I created these "Cheat sheets" for Non-ICU clinicians who may find themselves taking care of critically ill patients soon. I kept them fairly basic and covered only topics pertinent to the current need. Inspired by @nickmmark #medtwitter #COVID19 #CriticalCare #MedEd https://t.co/sa2OT5AFwR
SPR Neuroradiology @SPRneuro
RT @The_ASPNR: ASPNR case of the week: ASPNR case of the week: 3 y/o with mass behind the left tympanic membrane https://t.co/ZD3Aa5ZA1G #PediNeuroRad #MedEd #FOAMrad #Pedsrad #RadRes #NeuroRad #FOAMmed @TheASNR @ASNRographics @theASFNR @The_ASSR @ASHNRSociety @SPRneuro Please no GIFs https://t.co/wGmdhPDOUs
Marniy Jones- The first of her name @MarniyJ
RT @drallysonocean: Last month I celebrated him for completing 6 months of chemotherapy for a curable #coloncancer. Today I called his wife to give my condolences after a 2-day battle with #COVID19. 😰🦠😰#MyCovidStory #coronavirus #StayHome #CoronavirusPandemic #GetUsPPE #medtwitter #MedEd #SoMe
Corina Iorgoveanu @Corina_iorgo
RT @NadeenFaza: 😷#VisualAbstract 👉#ARDS Clinical Cheat Sheet by @visualmedpage ✅Overview: criteria, causes & severity scale. ✅📸 Assessment: CXR & CT. ✅Management 🏥: Mechanical vent & weaning. #Cardiotwitter #ACCFIT #HMHFellow #COVID19 #MedEd #FOAMEd #coronavirus #pulmcc #covidheroes https://t.co/g7TtgR5OVm
Chris Root @ChrisRootMD
RT @painfreeED: A heartfelt message ( with permission) to all from my amazing EM colleague while in the ICU battling #COVID2019. Stay home, protect health care workers! #FOAMed #MedEd https://t.co/EuOCXCcWkg
Fatma @itsChiftchi
RT @MDaniyalHashmi1: I created these "Cheat sheets" for Non-ICU clinicians who may find themselves taking care of critically ill patients soon. I kept them fairly basic and covered only topics pertinent to the current need. Inspired by @nickmmark #medtwitter #COVID19 #CriticalCare #MedEd https://t.co/sa2OT5AFwR
Society of Hospital Medicine @SocietyHospMed
Our final Question (4) of the #JHMchat with @DanielRicottaMD: #SHMCOVID19, #BIDChat, #MedEd @BIDMC_Academy  @JHospMedicine https://t.co/rYftIrRwso
Matt McCormack @mackasmatt
RT @MDaniyalHashmi1: I created these "Cheat sheets" for Non-ICU clinicians who may find themselves taking care of critically ill patients soon. I kept them fairly basic and covered only topics pertinent to the current need. Inspired by @nickmmark #medtwitter #COVID19 #CriticalCare #MedEd https://t.co/sa2OT5AFwR
Robert White, MD MS @RobertWhiteMD
RT @dremilym: Seriously! I’m so distracted from #COVID19 it is hardly a time to do intense scholarly writing. How does everyone else feel? #meded #AcademicTwitter #medtwitter
GomerBlog @GomerBlog
RT Heaven & Hell in Lockdown After Both Test Positive for COVID-19 - https://t.co/UdPx9w4y4S #meded #FOAMed #hcsm
Jessica Ann Jorge, MD @Jess_tification
RT @MDaniyalHashmi1: I created these "Cheat sheets" for Non-ICU clinicians who may find themselves taking care of critically ill patients soon. I kept them fairly basic and covered only topics pertinent to the current need. Inspired by @nickmmark #medtwitter #COVID19 #CriticalCare #MedEd https://t.co/sa2OT5AFwR
Gary Beck Dallaghan 🏳️‍🌈 @GLBDallaghan
@myheroistrane There is most definitely that opportunity. I'm curious to see what long lasting changes occur with #meded delivery as a result of this #mededchat
ccpstone 💚🌊🌻🌎🌻🌊💚 @rockfarmer444
RT @tmprowell: Tweet #9: Tweet #9: I have to get back to trying to help my family, but this was some #MedEd to thank you all. We are truly touched. If you're bored in #QuarantineLife or feeling like you want to help somehow w/ #COVID19, pls make an appt & donate blood products: https://t.co/ZTsKpTL598.🙏
Fer @fercorcol
Esto está muy chingón.
Medicina Crítica #UsaTapabocas #LavaTusManos @MedCritica_
RT @MDaniyalHashmi1: I created these "Cheat sheets" for Non-ICU clinicians who may find themselves taking care of critically ill patients soon. I kept them fairly basic and covered only topics pertinent to the current need. Inspired by @nickmmark #medtwitter #COVID19 #CriticalCare #MedEd https://t.co/sa2OT5AFwR
Eduardo Mejia, MD @emej914
Going to read this on my next day off!
Athletic Training Education Journal @ATEJ_NATA
RT @AcadMedJournal: Check out our 1-pager: "Telehealth in Academic Medicine: Roles, Opportunities, and Risks": Check out our 1-pager: "Telehealth in Academic Medicine: Roles, Opportunities, and Risks": https://t.co/QX8UiRegPl. #Telehealth #MedEd #TBT (June 2019)
john Veall @docveall
RT @MDaniyalHashmi1: I created these "Cheat sheets" for Non-ICU clinicians who may find themselves taking care of critically ill patients soon. I kept them fairly basic and covered only topics pertinent to the current need. Inspired by @nickmmark #medtwitter #COVID19 #CriticalCare #MedEd https://t.co/sa2OT5AFwR
najlaa_ alfuqai @dr_najlaa_FM
RT @MDaniyalHashmi1: I created these "Cheat sheets" for Non-ICU clinicians who may find themselves taking care of critically ill patients soon. I kept them fairly basic and covered only topics pertinent to the current need. Inspired by @nickmmark #medtwitter #COVID19 #CriticalCare #MedEd https://t.co/sa2OT5AFwR
Juan Lessing @drlessing
RT @AcadMedJournal: Check out our 1-pager: "Telehealth in Academic Medicine: Roles, Opportunities, and Risks": Check out our 1-pager: "Telehealth in Academic Medicine: Roles, Opportunities, and Risks": https://t.co/QX8UiRegPl. #Telehealth #MedEd #TBT (June 2019)
Galilee Thompson @galileethompson
RT @rahimkachra: Calling all #medstudents and #residents around the world! Researchers at @UCalgaryMed are studying the impact of the current #COVID19 pandemic on you as medical learners. To learn more & complete the survey, visit https://t.co/eokb9Lzpxs #MedEd #MedTwitter https://t.co/3XTxPywJoE
Tyrese Hinkins-Jones, Ed.S, M.Ed @TyresejSPACE
@MedEdChat T4 I created a weekly template that outlines all the work that I am doing for the week. It allows me to check things off and then keep track of things I did not complete to move to the next week. Been very helpful! Happy to share! #MedEdChat #MedEd #SocialDistanacing https://t.co/xzQAXlYRML
La niña de la anestesia 🪐 🩺👩🏻‍⚕ @_itsLu
RT @MDaniyalHashmi1: I created these "Cheat sheets" for Non-ICU clinicians who may find themselves taking care of critically ill patients soon. I kept them fairly basic and covered only topics pertinent to the current need. Inspired by @nickmmark #medtwitter #COVID19 #CriticalCare #MedEd https://t.co/sa2OT5AFwR
MedEd Chat (hosted by ACE) @MedEdChat
RT @TyresejSPACE: @MedEdChat T4 I created a weekly template that outlines all the work that I am doing for the week. It allows me to check things off and then keep track of things I did not complete to move to the next week. Been very helpful! Happy to share! #MedEdChat #MedEd #SocialDistanacing https://t.co/xzQAXlYRML
CRE-PF @crepulmfibrosis
RT @TempleLung: LIVE Webinar from China - #COVID19 Crisis Mgmt and Clinical Experience. Featuring Dr. Gerard Criner and colleagues sharing their experiences from around the globe. Today March 26th at 8:30 PM (EST). PDF agenda and link to watch at https://t.co/D0gFhlGUvJ #Coronavirus #MedEd
Orlando Garner Ordóñez 🌎🔥🌺 @orlando_garner
RT @DocWoc71: Our amazing #IDFellows #BCM_ID are keeping us inform what is happening in #Texas & microcapsules on possible treatments @BradCutrellMD @AryaCampaigns @Drjulietmd @DrBarbaraTaylor @YunHeather @MarionHemmersb1 #IDTwitter #MedEd https://t.co/tticnfwlN9
aLe @senorsebastian
RT @MDaniyalHashmi1: I created these "Cheat sheets" for Non-ICU clinicians who may find themselves taking care of critically ill patients soon. I kept them fairly basic and covered only topics pertinent to the current need. Inspired by @nickmmark #medtwitter #COVID19 #CriticalCare #MedEd https://t.co/sa2OT5AFwR
therealSZ🇵🇸🇵🇸 @sanusizulkifli
RT @NadeenFaza: 😷#VisualAbstract 👉#ARDS Clinical Cheat Sheet by @visualmedpage ✅Overview: criteria, causes & severity scale. ✅📸 Assessment: CXR & CT. ✅Management 🏥: Mechanical vent & weaning. #Cardiotwitter #ACCFIT #HMHFellow #COVID19 #MedEd #FOAMEd #coronavirus #pulmcc #covidheroes https://t.co/g7TtgR5OVm
Los Chávez @Los2Chvez1
Enfermedad de #Kawasaki una vasculitis sistémica que afecta más comúnmente a niños menores de 5 años causa más #común de #CardiopatíasAdquiridas #MedEd #medtwitter #FOAMed #Pediatrics #pediatria
Matthew A Facktor MD @mafacktor
RT @MDaniyalHashmi1: I created these "Cheat sheets" for Non-ICU clinicians who may find themselves taking care of critically ill patients soon. I kept them fairly basic and covered only topics pertinent to the current need. Inspired by @nickmmark #medtwitter #COVID19 #CriticalCare #MedEd https://t.co/sa2OT5AFwR
Antonio Lewis, MD @AntonioLewisMD
Levy BC, Clere-Jehl R, Legras A, et al. Epinephrine versus norepinephrine in cardiogenic shock after acute myocardial infarction. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2018;72:173–82 #FOAMed #Meded #MedTwitter #internalmedicine #cardiotwitter #mededbot #medschool #pulmonology #pulmcc https://t.co/PteO1y8IIb
Women Neurologists Group @WNGtweets
RT @MDaniyalHashmi1: I created these "Cheat sheets" for Non-ICU clinicians who may find themselves taking care of critically ill patients soon. I kept them fairly basic and covered only topics pertinent to the current need. Inspired by @nickmmark #medtwitter #COVID19 #CriticalCare #MedEd https://t.co/sa2OT5AFwR
Sharon Jiang @SharonJiang26
RT @MDaniyalHashmi1: I created these "Cheat sheets" for Non-ICU clinicians who may find themselves taking care of critically ill patients soon. I kept them fairly basic and covered only topics pertinent to the current need. Inspired by @nickmmark #medtwitter #COVID19 #CriticalCare #MedEd https://t.co/sa2OT5AFwR
MedEd Chat (hosted by ACE) @MedEdChat
We have about 5 more minutes left in our discussion. Please feel free to give some final thoughts #meded #mededchat
Amy Moore @AmyACNP_IP
RT @MDaniyalHashmi1: I created these "Cheat sheets" for Non-ICU clinicians who may find themselves taking care of critically ill patients soon. I kept them fairly basic and covered only topics pertinent to the current need. Inspired by @nickmmark #medtwitter #COVID19 #CriticalCare #MedEd https://t.co/sa2OT5AFwR
ZenProf @1ZenProf
RT @drallysonocean: Last month I celebrated him for completing 6 months of chemotherapy for a curable #coloncancer. Today I called his wife to give my condolences after a 2-day battle with #COVID19. 😰🦠😰#MyCovidStory #coronavirus #StayHome #CoronavirusPandemic #GetUsPPE #medtwitter #MedEd #SoMe
Thais Magill @ThaisMagill
RT @equijada: Me: Me: What day is it? #covid19 #QuarantineLife I formally submit we should remove "what day is it" from any type of mental status evaluation for patients #meded
Tito 🦇🔊 @edwinLC
RT @MDaniyalHashmi1: I created these "Cheat sheets" for Non-ICU clinicians who may find themselves taking care of critically ill patients soon. I kept them fairly basic and covered only topics pertinent to the current need. Inspired by @nickmmark #medtwitter #COVID19 #CriticalCare #MedEd https://t.co/sa2OT5AFwR
Kerrie L. Quirk @KLQuirk
@MedEdChat I’m tired. I’m stressed. I’m worried about my colleagues. And I’ve never been more proud to be a member of the #MedEd community. #MedEdChat
Dr Jason Frank @drjfrank
How cool is that!!? @NHL players giving pep talks to docs on the front line of #COVID19! #meded @emergmedottawa
PennBot @PennBot1740
RT @RRBaligaMD: #coronavirus Primer for #Physicians|Dr RR Baliga's MUST KNOW FACTS PODCASTS for Physicians |https://t.co/yQSzwaeBpy #CardioOnc #internalmedicine #Medtwitter #Cardiotwitter #CardioEd #MedEd #IMBoardPrep #FOAMed @penn @SocietyGIM @doximity @kevinmd @acpinternist @SocietyHospMed
Paola Rogue 🧠 @RogueGlia
RT @MDaniyalHashmi1: I created these "Cheat sheets" for Non-ICU clinicians who may find themselves taking care of critically ill patients soon. I kept them fairly basic and covered only topics pertinent to the current need. Inspired by @nickmmark #medtwitter #COVID19 #CriticalCare #MedEd https://t.co/sa2OT5AFwR
Larry Velásquez. @LarryVG1703
RT @Antoniolewisc_: Levy BC, Clere-Jehl R, Legras A, et al. Epinephrine versus norepinephrine in cardiogenic shock after acute myocardial infarction. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2018;72:173–82 #FOAMed #Meded #MedTwitter #internalmedicine #cardiotwitter #mededbot #medschool #pulmonology #pulmcc https://t.co/PteO1y8IIb
𝙅𝙚𝙨𝙪𝙨 𝘼𝙣𝙖𝙢𝙥𝙖 𝙈.𝘿, 𝙈.𝙎🧬🔬 @jesusanampa
🗣📣 ATTENTION all non-ICU clinicians, these are great "cheat sheets" for those of you who might be asked to cover critally ill patients due to #covid19
Tyrese Hinkins-Jones, Ed.S, M.Ed @TyresejSPACE
My final thoughts....BALANCE! I am finding that I am working many more hours than if I were in the office because of the fact that home is my "office" now. Separating the two is a MUST if we are going to stay sane during these times! SHUT OFF from work!
Society of Hospital Medicine @SocietyHospMed
And that's a wrap for tonight's #JHMchat! Thank you to everyone who joined us for tonight's discussion. We hope that these chats are just the start of ongoing conversations, knowledge-sharing and support during this uncertain time. #MedEd #BIDChat #SHMCOVID19
MedEd Chat (hosted by ACE) @MedEdChat
RT @KLQuirk: @MedEdChat I’m tired. I’m stressed. I’m worried about my colleagues. And I’ve never been more proud to be a member of the #MedEd community. #MedEdChat
Los Chávez @Los2Chvez1
#HenochSholeinPurpura #FOAMed #MedEd @ReneArathRojasM
PositiveRealist @positiverealist
RT @MDaniyalHashmi1: I created these "Cheat sheets" for Non-ICU clinicians who may find themselves taking care of critically ill patients soon. I kept them fairly basic and covered only topics pertinent to the current need. Inspired by @nickmmark #medtwitter #COVID19 #CriticalCare #MedEd https://t.co/sa2OT5AFwR
Juan Lessing @drlessing
RT @thecurbsiders: What Clinicians Can Expect when #COVID19 Hits Home? w/@fnalvarez @KMaciag @david_furfaro @nickmmark https://t.co/4RxYM59Tf5 https://t.co/uy6D403TYa #COVID #meded #foamed #COVIDfoam @justinberk @PaulNWilliamz https://t.co/N6CzWGCO1b
MedEd Chat (hosted by ACE) @MedEdChat
Thanks again to @MvdRidder for tonight's topic! Join us again next week at 9 pm Thursday. Don't forget to suggest topics by DM or email #meded #mededchat
MedEd Chat (hosted by ACE) @MedEdChat
That's a wrap...I will post the #mededchat transcript tomorrow morning on https://t.co/mJivoKroXx on the Resources page. Thanks everyone for participating! #meded
Rakhee K. Bhayani, MD @RakheeBhayaniMD
🌟Proud of our @WUSTLmed students🌟 Designing prototypes, working w/ local businesses & determining how to mass produce face shields #PPE #MedEd #MedTwitter #MedStudentTwitter #Covid19 @MDdreamchaser @AagaardEva @CalineMattar @hrenoID @tanyawildes @anuja_java @WUDeptMedicine
Kristina Dzara, PhD, MMSc @KristinaDzara
RT @BIDMC_Academy: Hello everyone! I am @DanielRicottaMD hosting this monthly #BIDChat with @SocietyHospMed #JHMChat exploring the Impact of #COVID19 on #MedEd as part of their special series #SHMCOVID19 - Please introduce yourself while we wait for other to join - Q1 upcoming in 5 minutes! https://t.co/BiKSlMyilo
Etienne V.C.R. @etienne_vcr
Vinny Arora MD MAPP @FutureDocs
RT @SocietyHospMed: And that's a wrap for tonight's #JHMchat! Thank you to everyone who joined us for tonight's discussion. We hope that these chats are just the start of ongoing conversations, knowledge-sharing and support during this uncertain time. #MedEd #BIDChat #SHMCOVID19
AK @akiddvb
RT @drallysonocean: Last month I celebrated him for completing 6 months of chemotherapy for a curable #coloncancer. Today I called his wife to give my condolences after a 2-day battle with #COVID19. 😰🦠😰#MyCovidStory #coronavirus #StayHome #CoronavirusPandemic #GetUsPPE #medtwitter #MedEd #SoMe
Kristina Dzara, PhD, MMSc @KristinaDzara
RT @AcadMedJournal: Check out our 1-pager: "Telehealth in Academic Medicine: Roles, Opportunities, and Risks": Check out our 1-pager: "Telehealth in Academic Medicine: Roles, Opportunities, and Risks": https://t.co/QX8UiRegPl. #Telehealth #MedEd #TBT (June 2019)
MamaV @mamavalz
RT @drallysonocean: Last month I celebrated him for completing 6 months of chemotherapy for a curable #coloncancer. Today I called his wife to give my condolences after a 2-day battle with #COVID19. 😰🦠😰#MyCovidStory #coronavirus #StayHome #CoronavirusPandemic #GetUsPPE #medtwitter #MedEd #SoMe
Lost Covid @BumbleWander
RT @drallysonocean: Last month I celebrated him for completing 6 months of chemotherapy for a curable #coloncancer. Today I called his wife to give my condolences after a 2-day battle with #COVID19. 😰🦠😰#MyCovidStory #coronavirus #StayHome #CoronavirusPandemic #GetUsPPE #medtwitter #MedEd #SoMe
ดร KL🌞🪬 @krncbn
RT @MDaniyalHashmi1: I created these "Cheat sheets" for Non-ICU clinicians who may find themselves taking care of critically ill patients soon. I kept them fairly basic and covered only topics pertinent to the current need. Inspired by @nickmmark #medtwitter #COVID19 #CriticalCare #MedEd https://t.co/sa2OT5AFwR
Mahmoud Alsomali @mahmoud_427
RT @AcadMedJournal: Check out our 1-pager: "Telehealth in Academic Medicine: Roles, Opportunities, and Risks": Check out our 1-pager: "Telehealth in Academic Medicine: Roles, Opportunities, and Risks": https://t.co/QX8UiRegPl. #Telehealth #MedEd #TBT (June 2019)
Dr Simone Gibson @simonegibson4
A program of #assessment is more meaningful @MonashNutrition Competent does not equal number of placement days @ClairePalermo @EvelynVolders & great accreditation can be flexible @DAA_feed
Rebecca Jaffe, MD @RJmdphilly
@DanielRicottaMD @ShreyaTrivediMD @BIDMC_Academy My honest experience right now is that I’ve dropped everything to get our clinical services ready. So much creativity on this chat I feel like I’m not pulling my #meded weight #jhmchat
☤ Amir Eslami, DO @DrAmirEslami
RT @MDaniyalHashmi1: I created these "Cheat sheets" for Non-ICU clinicians who may find themselves taking care of critically ill patients soon. I kept them fairly basic and covered only topics pertinent to the current need. Inspired by @nickmmark #medtwitter #COVID19 #CriticalCare #MedEd https://t.co/sa2OT5AFwR
Forum for Women in Medicine at WashU (FWIM) @WashUFWIM
RT @RakheeBhayaniMD: 🌟Proud of our @WUSTLmed students🌟 Designing prototypes, working w/ local businesses & determining how to mass produce face shields #PPE #MedEd #MedTwitter #MedStudentTwitter #Covid19 @MDdreamchaser @AagaardEva @CalineMattar @hrenoID @tanyawildes @anuja_java @WUDeptMedicine
lisa @BenzoNightmare
RT @OnlyEnnui: DO NOT SUDDENLY STOP PATIENT’S BENZOS , Z DRUGS OR ANTI DEPRESSANTS! You could kill them! #MedEd #MedTwitter #TeamGP #HCSM #FOAMed @gpconsortia @pulsetoday @lancet @BMJ_Open
Angie @Angeelaa_97
RT @chuletadeosler:
drayefted a p a r t @JaDinedelions
RT @MDaniyalHashmi1: I created these "Cheat sheets" for Non-ICU clinicians who may find themselves taking care of critically ill patients soon. I kept them fairly basic and covered only topics pertinent to the current need. Inspired by @nickmmark #medtwitter #COVID19 #CriticalCare #MedEd https://t.co/sa2OT5AFwR
Margaret “Meg” Chisolm, MD @whole_patients
RT @CLOSLER: "Top tip to curb anxiety: "Top tip to curb anxiety: Practice gratitude or look for a silver lining. List a few of these in the morning or before bed.-Dr. Neda Gould @HopkinsMedicine #covid19 #pandemic #MedEd #medtwitter https://t.co/8yegCvaMlN
M R @mplusr26
RT @allison_rants: Researchers @UCalgaryMed are recruiting #medstudents and #residents around the world🌍 to complete a voluntary, anonymous survey about the impact of the #COVID19 pandemic on medical learners. Visit https://t.co/9rjOIcrdKs to learn more and participate! #MedEd #MedTwitter https://t.co/IKqCQYQ5DK
Kate @Eyemk8
RT @HearingJournal: Don’t miss this case challenge! A 75-yo man complains of #hearingloss that’s worse in his right ear & a right tympanic membrane that is retracted and has a blue hue. What’s the diagnosis? https://t.co/2MbOm4tmYj #MedEd #TBT https://t.co/7Yz64hytwg
Minerva @minervamaga
RT @drallysonocean: Last month I celebrated him for completing 6 months of chemotherapy for a curable #coloncancer. Today I called his wife to give my condolences after a 2-day battle with #COVID19. 😰🦠😰#MyCovidStory #coronavirus #StayHome #CoronavirusPandemic #GetUsPPE #medtwitter #MedEd #SoMe
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