#NephJC Transcript

Healthcare social media transcript of the #NephJC hashtag.
See #NephJC Influencers/Analytics.

Kevin J. Fowler Principal The Voice of the Patient @gratefull080504
I stand with @nwkidney + @DCI_Dialysis: I oppose the #Dialysis PATIENTS Demonstration Act Read why below #nephJC #esrd #nephrology https://t.co/aTKCBeJZu6
Nephrology Journal Club @NephJC
#NephJC chat tonight & tomorrow Summary https://t.co/oHuORfmKhO by @LangoteAmit Free full text via @JAMA_current https://t.co/OuyRcHdKNv
Swapnil Hiremath @hswapnil@bsky.social @hswapnil
RT @NephJC: #NephJC chat tonight & tomorrow Summary https://t.co/oHuORfmKhO by @LangoteAmit Free full text via @JAMA_current https://t.co/OuyRcHdKNv
Anna Burgner MD MEHP @anna_burgner
RT @NephJC: #NephJC chat tonight & tomorrow Summary https://t.co/oHuORfmKhO by @LangoteAmit Free full text via @JAMA_current https://t.co/OuyRcHdKNv
Kevin J. Fowler Principal The Voice of the Patient @gratefull080504
@AJKDonline @Maximal_Change : Your blog makes a compelling argument for protocol biopsies Thanks for sharing #nephJC #nephrology https://t.co/2iVl82Uihy
Rizwan Hamer @DrRHamer
RT @NephJC: #NephJC chat tonight & tomorrow Summary https://t.co/oHuORfmKhO by @LangoteAmit Free full text via @JAMA_current https://t.co/OuyRcHdKNv
Nephrology Journal Club @NephJC
#NephJC chat in under 2 hours Not too late to read the summary: https://t.co/oHuORfmKhO
Nathaniel Reisinger @nephrothaniel
RT @NephJC: #NephJC chat in under 2 hours Not too late to read the summary: https://t.co/oHuORfmKhO
Joel M. Topf, MD FACP @kidney_boy
Tonight on #NephJC we will be discussing this. See the summary at https://t.co/DSQSC5em9g https://t.co/j5MzQLC63B
Francisco Fernandez @PsyVIDAS201718
RT @kidney_boy: Tonight on #NephJC we will be discussing this. See the summary at https://t.co/DSQSC5em9g https://t.co/j5MzQLC63B
Nephrology Journal Club @NephJC
RT @kidney_boy: Tonight on #NephJC we will be discussing this. See the summary at https://t.co/DSQSC5em9g https://t.co/j5MzQLC63B
Matthew Sparks, MD @Nephro_Sparks
testing testing testing #nephjc
Matthew Sparks, MD @Nephro_Sparks
@tulunsokit 9pm EDT 30 min away #nephjc
NBLU: Renal Leaders @NBLUniv
RT @NephJC: #NephJC chat tonight & tomorrow Summary https://t.co/oHuORfmKhO by @LangoteAmit Free full text via @JAMA_current https://t.co/OuyRcHdKNv
Mohammed Hamdi @mhamdi1986
Hello #nephjc
Mohammed Hamdi @mhamdi1986
I'm a first year internal medicine resident, at St. John Hospital and Medical Center in Michigan. #nephjc
Penn Kidney @PennKidney
RT @kidney_boy: Tonight on #NephJC we will be discussing this. See the summary at https://t.co/DSQSC5em9g https://t.co/j5MzQLC63B
Mina @mina52926039
Hello everyone... My name is Mina, and I’m a transplant nephrology fellow at St. John hospital in Detroit. #nephjc
Matthew Sparks, MD @Nephro_Sparks
@Mina52926039 Hi Mina, thanks for joining #NephJC
Joe Nowatzke @jnowatzke11
Hello. I'm a third year medical student, currently on my nephrology elective at St. John Hospital in Detroit. #nephjc
Mina @mina52926039
even though I’m doing transplant now I still think IgA nephrology has the coolest pathology #nephjc
Matthew Sparks, MD @Nephro_Sparks
@mhamdi1986 Hi Mohammed #NephJC 🤜🤛
Matthew Sparks, MD @Nephro_Sparks
@jnowatzke11 Nice 👍🏼I feel a St John take over #NephJC welcome
Christina @xstina123
Hi! I'm Christina, a first year nephrology fellow at St. John Hospital in Detroit #nephjc
Matthew Sparks, MD @Nephro_Sparks
Detroit Represent #NephJC https://t.co/HHhupBoLPy
Mina @mina52926039
✊🏽 #nephjc
Matthew Sparks, MD @Nephro_Sparks
@xstina123 Is @kidney_boy setting up aliases?? Hi Christina #NephJC
Nephrology Journal Club @NephJC
Testing testing, is anyone here? 9 minutes to #NephJC
Joel M. Topf, MD FACP @kidney_boy
Running around like a chicken with his head cut off getting everyone set up #nephjc
Joel M. Topf, MD FACP @kidney_boy
@NephJC STOP-IGA STP-IGA we are here #nephjc
Matthew Sparks, MD @Nephro_Sparks
Nice job #NephJC https://t.co/HEBnOV255Z
Nephrology Journal Club @NephJC
Does look like the Detroit crowd is all here! Hi Mina, Christina, Joe, Mohamed! #nephjc
Matthew Sparks, MD @Nephro_Sparks
as usual @langoteamit has a nice summary over at https://t.co/Je0JyuktbH #nephjc
Joel M. Topf, MD FACP @kidney_boy
For #NephJC here is the #VisualAbstract for STOP-IgA https://t.co/PQPVKx8H84
Matthew Sparks, MD @Nephro_Sparks
lets see if I can gather the @DukeKidney crowd for #NephJC @DanEdmonston @SirDurhamite @JohnMusgrove
Nephrology Journal Club @NephJC
RT @kidney_boy: For #NephJC here is the #VisualAbstract for STOP-IgA https://t.co/PQPVKx8H84
Nathaniel Reisinger @nephrothaniel
RT @kidney_boy: For #NephJC here is the #VisualAbstract for STOP-IgA https://t.co/PQPVKx8H84
Matthew Sparks, MD @Nephro_Sparks
RT @kidney_boy: For #NephJC here is the #VisualAbstract for STOP-IgA https://t.co/PQPVKx8H84
Matthew Sparks, MD @Nephro_Sparks
@MohammadAlsawah @DukeKidney @DanEdmonston @SirDurhamite @JohnMusgrove Hey Mohammad,.. it was a great week. hope you are well #NephJC
Joel M. Topf, MD FACP @kidney_boy
That graphic was done by the michaelangelo of #VisualAbstract's... @KidneyBea_n #NephJC
Amr Youssef @amryou277
Hello, I am a nephro fellow at St. John hospital. #nephjc
Nephrology Journal Club @NephJC
It's 9 pm Welcome to the 3rd time we are discussing the second most common glomerular disease on a #NephJC chat
Eleanor Lederer @EleanorLederer
#NephJC Are we starting?
Joel M. Topf, MD FACP @kidney_boy
@AmrYou277 welcome to your first #nephjc
Nephrology Journal Club @NephJC
@EleanorLederer we are! welcome to #NephJC #POTASN!
Joel M. Topf, MD FACP @kidney_boy
Hail to the chief ! @EleanorLederer #nephjc
Nephrology Journal Club @NephJC
Please introduce yourself & declare any CoI (conflicts of interest) We especially want to hear from lurking students & patients #NephJC
Matthew Sparks, MD @Nephro_Sparks
Matt Sparks here. @DukeKidney APD @KIDNEYcon Edu Dir. @NephMadness co-creator #nephjc
Nephrology Journal Club @NephJC
Your host tonight is Swapnil Hiremath @hswapnil from @OttawaHospital #NephJC
Kevin J. Fowler Principal The Voice of the Patient @gratefull080504
@gratefull080504 is here on a Airplane flight tonight It nothing else, you can't call me dedicated to #nephJC
Swapnil Hiremath @hswapnil@bsky.social @hswapnil
Swapnil Hiremath, nephrologist from @OttawaRenal Will keep personal opinions here #NephJC https://t.co/IFUn41pmrZ
Bea Concepcion @KidneyBea_n
Hi everyone! Bea Concepcion @VUMCKidney #NSMC no COI. #nephjc
Matthew Sparks, MD @Nephro_Sparks
@gratefull080504 Kevin! how are you? always traveling. #nephjc
Matthew Sparks, MD @Nephro_Sparks
@KidneyBea_n @VUMCKidney Hi Bea #nephjc
Roger Rodby @NephRodby
Roger Rodby, Rush Chicago, no COI except never used steroids for IgA #NephJC
Nephrology Journal Club @NephJC
Thanks for joining - Kevin, Bea, Eleanor, Matt and Joel w/ the Detroit gang #nephjc
Kevin J. Fowler Principal The Voice of the Patient @gratefull080504
COI: Protalix, Horizon Pharma, @TapCloudHealth #nephJC
Edgar V. Lerma 🇵🇭 @edgarvlermamd
Edgar Lerma, Chicago-based Nephrologist #NephJC https://t.co/EqSRE4wP71
Matthew Sparks, MD @Nephro_Sparks
@edgarvlermamd Hi Edgar #nephjc
Nephrology Journal Club @NephJC
#NephJC recommends using @TweetChat or @tchatio to make sure you see all the convo eg go to https://t.co/4zRxyflhEJ
Matthew Sparks, MD @Nephro_Sparks
@hswapnil @OttawaRenal Swap has opinions.... never #nephjc
Roger Rodby @NephRodby
Hey Bea, Matt, Swap, Joel #NephJC
Kevin J. Fowler Principal The Voice of the Patient @gratefull080504
@Nephro_Sparks Hi @Nephro_Sparks Yes I am! The life of a consultant #nephJC
Nephrology Journal Club @NephJC
Hi Edgar, Roger & Tulun. A Global chat already... #nephjc
Matthew Sparks, MD @Nephro_Sparks
@tulunsokit Hi Tulun #nephjc
Joel M. Topf, MD FACP @kidney_boy
COI: I own a massive prednisone plant. So 'roids for everyone #nephjc
Matthew Sparks, MD @Nephro_Sparks
@NephRodby Hey Roger. How is Chi town and #RushRenalRules #nephjc
Hello everyone, Tejas Patel Faculty from Mount Sinai St. Luke's #nephjc
Matthew Sparks, MD @Nephro_Sparks
@GenNextMD Hi Tejas #nephjc
Gates Colbert, MD @DoctorGates
Dallas Nephrologist. ACEI / ARB are a Nephrologist's scalpel. #IgA #nephjc
Scherly Leon, MD @SLeonMD
Scherly Leon, nephrologist in NYC. #nephjc
Nephrology Journal Club @NephJC
@GenNextMD Hi Tejas, welcome back! #nephjc
Eleanor Lederer @EleanorLederer
#NephJC I for one would really like 4th to know what to do with IgAN. So many con chi lucting reports.
Kevin J. Fowler Principal The Voice of the Patient @gratefull080504
@EleanorLederer @Nephro_Sparks @EleanorLederer : When you are involved with #clinicaltrials, you see a lot of airports! I was in Louisville about a month ago #nephJC
Nephrology Journal Club @NephJC
Great to see you guys - Scerly and Gates (nice job on the newsletters Gates) #nephjc
Nephrology Journal Club @NephJC
We will be discussing the @JAMA_current RCT TESTING (Therapeutic Evaluation of Steroids in IgA Nephropathy Global) #NephJC
mohammad alsawah @mohammadalsawah
Hi Matt @Nephro_Sparks Good evening #nephJC https://t.co/DiF7TaQKzK
Scherly Leon, MD @SLeonMD
RT @kidney_boy: For #NephJC here is the #VisualAbstract for STOP-IgA https://t.co/PQPVKx8H84
Franklin Loachamin @FranLoachamin
#NephJC hey guys good night . Franklin Loachamin. Quito Ecuador. Ped neph. NO COI
Nephrology Journal Club @NephJC
Full text link (thanks! @JAMA_current) : https://t.co/OuyRcHdKNv #NephJC
Michelle Rheault @rheault_m
@NephJC Michelle Rheault, Ped Neph UMN. COI in bio. Just home from school supply shopping so mind a bit frazzled. #NephJC
Nathaniel Reisinger @nephrothaniel
Nathaniel Reisinger, NSMC Intern #NephJC
Scherly Leon, MD @SLeonMD
RT @kidney_boy: Tonight on #NephJC we will be discussing this. See the summary at https://t.co/DSQSC5em9g https://t.co/j5MzQLC63B
Michelle Rheault @rheault_m
RT @NephJC: We will be discussing the @JAMA_current RCT TESTING (Therapeutic Evaluation of Steroids in IgA Nephropathy Global) #NephJC
rob @renalpolitics
#nephjc howdy folks, Rob Rope, new nephrolist in OR, trying to follow along, no COI
Joel M. Topf, MD FACP @kidney_boy
@MohammadAlsawah Thanks for coming! #nephjc
Matthew Sparks, MD @Nephro_Sparks
@EleanorLederer Whoa a visit from the president... we all need to be on our best behaviour ... looking at Roger and Joel #nephjc
Kevin J. Fowler Principal The Voice of the Patient @gratefull080504
@kidney_boy Not for me Only on 5mg prednisone #nephJC
Matthew Sparks, MD @Nephro_Sparks
@renalpolitics Hey Rob #nephjc
Nephrology Journal Club @NephJC
Nathaniel, Michelle and Franklin! welcome - and nice to see Rob, hows the new job? #nephjc
Dr. Jordan Weinstein @drjjw
#NephJC Hi all
Matthew Sparks, MD @Nephro_Sparks
@nephrothaniel Nathaniel #nephjc
Matthew Sparks, MD @Nephro_Sparks
@drjjw Hey Jordan11 #nephjc
Kevin J. Fowler Principal The Voice of the Patient @gratefull080504
@rheault_m @NephJC Miss those days! #nephJC
Eleanor Lederer @EleanorLederer
#nephJC whoa that was supposed to be conflicting, not that bizarre string of letters
Nephrology Journal Club @NephJC
And an excellent summary for #NephJC from @LangoteAmit https://t.co/oHuORfmKhO
Nephrology Journal Club @NephJC
T0 How do you Rx IgA? If not crescentic, GFR > 30, proteinuria > 1 g/day - Supportive (?BP target, ?dual RAAS) - steroids - more? #NephJC
Kevin J. Fowler Principal The Voice of the Patient @gratefull080504
Looking forward to the discussion #nephJC https://t.co/u8iJX5Iyes
Matthew Sparks, MD @Nephro_Sparks
@FranLoachamin Hey Fran #nephjc
Joel M. Topf, MD FACP @kidney_boy
My plans to adrenally suppress the world have been foiled RT @Nephro_Sparks: @renalpolitics Hey Rob #nephjc
Nephrology Journal Club @NephJC
@drjjw Nice to see you Jordan! #nephjc
rob @renalpolitics
#nephjc -- new job is good, very slow in clinic, lots of good cases though, twiddling thumbs waiting for HD unit accredidation
Nephrology Journal Club @NephJC
RT @Nephro_Sparks: @EleanorLederer Whoa a visit from the president... we all need to be on our best behaviour ... looking at Roger and Joel #nephjc
J. Brian Byrd Lab @thebyrdlab
@Nephro_Sparks @NephRodby Hi Roger, Matt, Bea, Swap, Joel. Lurking this evening. #NephJC
Scherly Leon, MD @SLeonMD
@MohammadAlsawah Hi! It has been raining but good. #nephjc
Anna Burgner MD MEHP @anna_burgner
Late to the party, but I'm here! Clinical nephrologist @VUMCKidney, no coi #NephJC
Nephrology Journal Club @NephJC
@thebyrdlab @Nephro_Sparks @NephRodby always glad to have you Brian! Honorary Nephrologist #nephjc
Nephrology Journal Club @NephJC
@anna_burgner @VUMCKidney glad you could make it Anna! #nephjc
J. Brian Byrd Lab @thebyrdlab
Thanks! https://t.co/oxjwdJfMVG
Eleanor Lederer @EleanorLederer
#nephJC I am intrinsically a conservative MD. Maybe too conservative. The only time I use immunos is with RPGN complicating IgAN.
Joel M. Topf, MD FACP @kidney_boy
I have had good outcomes (resolution of proteinuria) with 1 mg/kg of prednisone. #nephjc
Swapnil Hiremath @hswapnil@bsky.social @hswapnil
RT @NephJC: T0 How do you Rx IgA? If not crescentic, GFR > 30, proteinuria > 1 g/day - Supportive (?BP target, ?dual RAAS) - steroids - more? #NephJC
Gates Colbert, MD @DoctorGates
@NephJC Always ACEI/ARB (but not dual!) as BP will tolerate. Steroids if >1g proteinuria, monitor sx. Always can go LOWER on steroids. #NephJC
Mina @mina52926039
Heard it was the only indication for dual RAAS but never had the opportunity to treat these guys #nephjc
Nephrology Journal Club @NephJC
RT @EleanorLederer: #nephJC I am intrinsically a conservative MD. Maybe too conservative. The only time I use immunos is with RPGN complicating IgAN.
RAAS +/- steroid...Not dual RAAS blockers #COOPERATIVE #nephJC https://t.co/B4M0QAbW8l
rob @renalpolitics
@NephJC #nephJC, this is timely, got to meet J Floege a few weeks ago as came for talk. very nice, brilliant
RT @EleanorLederer: #nephJC I am intrinsically a conservative MD. Maybe too conservative. The only time I use immunos is with RPGN complicating IgAN.
Nephrology Journal Club @NephJC
RT @GenNextMD: RAAS +/- steroid...Not dual RAAS blockers #COOPERATIVE #nephJC https://t.co/B4M0QAbW8l
Gates Colbert, MD @DoctorGates
Its are usually not pleased after you put them through a biopsy and then tell them "No treatment, just keep on Lisinopril forever" #nephjc
Nephrology Journal Club @NephJC
RT @DoctorGates: @NephJC Always ACEI/ARB (but not dual!) as BP will tolerate. Steroids if >1g proteinuria, monitor sx. Always can go LOWER on steroids. #NephJC
Roger Rodby @NephRodby
I have been so reluctant to use steroids, bc IgA is chronic dz and steroids finite #NephJC
Gates Colbert, MD @DoctorGates
Pts are usually not pleased after you put them through a biopsy and then tell them "No treatment, just keep on Lisinopril forever" #nephjc
Kevin J. Fowler Principal The Voice of the Patient @gratefull080504
Can you predict the 30% of the population who will progress to #ESRD ? #nephJC
Matthew Sparks, MD @Nephro_Sparks
sometimes see patients with relatively fast rising creat. biopsy with few crescents/none (sample error) give steroids in this case #nephjc
Nephrology Journal Club @NephJC
There seem to be lot of steroid users here, except Profs Rodby & Lederer? #nephjc
Nathaniel Reisinger @nephrothaniel
RT @NephRodby: I have been so reluctant to use steroids, bc IgA is chronic dz and steroids finite #NephJC
Nephrology Journal Club @NephJC
@Nephro_Sparks that makes sense, clinically RPGN #nephjc
Joel M. Topf, MD FACP @kidney_boy
RT @NephRodby: I have been so reluctant to use steroids, bc IgA is chronic dz and steroids finite #NephJC
Nephrology Journal Club @NephJC
RT @NephRodby: I have been so reluctant to use steroids, bc IgA is chronic dz and steroids finite #NephJC
Matthew Sparks, MD @Nephro_Sparks
if 1 g/proteinuria and stable creat... no steroids just RAASi #nephjc
Nephrology Journal Club @NephJC
@rafidah72 @tulunsokit Hi Rafidah! Welcome to #NephJC
Roger Rodby @NephRodby
If proliferative outside mesangium then OK, but only mesangial? hard to see how that helps #NephJC
Kevin J. Fowler Principal The Voice of the Patient @gratefull080504
How does biopsy guide treatment and intervention? #nephJC
rob @renalpolitics
#nephjc - favor aggressive supportive care - great BP control, RAASi, eat well, etc.
Franklin Loachamin @FranLoachamin
RT @EleanorLederer: #nephJC I am intrinsically a conservative MD. Maybe too conservative. The only time I use immunos is with RPGN complicating IgAN.
Nephrology Journal Club @NephJC
RT @NephRodby: If proliferative outside mesangium then OK, but only mesangial? hard to see how that helps #NephJC
Nephrology Journal Club @NephJC
RT @renalpolitics: #nephjc - favor aggressive supportive care - great BP control, RAASi, eat well, etc.
Kevin J. Fowler Principal The Voice of the Patient @gratefull080504
does that include exercise, lose weight, etc. ? #nephJC https://t.co/w2uLrIj4Yv
Edgar V. Lerma 🇵🇭 @edgarvlermamd
IgA Nephropathy from @CJASN #Nephpearls #NephJC 👉🏼 https://t.co/c9g9QUqr5u https://t.co/A1oUocPWkU
Nephrology Journal Club @NephJC
@gratefull080504 helps to determine chronicity (fibrosis); if crescents ++ more likely to treat aggressively #nephjc
Roger Rodby @NephRodby
I hate the side effects of steroids so I find reasons not to use them for IgA #NephJC
Matthew Sparks, MD @Nephro_Sparks
@gratefull080504 combo of clinical presentation and path. Can use either in isolation #nephjc
Nephrology Journal Club @NephJC
Background: mostly described in the Lv et al @JASN_News SR https://t.co/FAKfdIrYRe #nephJC Steroids likely work, but data not great https://t.co/W1lQgZDtja
Franklin Loachamin @FranLoachamin
Supportive #NephJc https://t.co/oH54xIz9I3
Joel M. Topf, MD FACP @kidney_boy
I just can't sit back with a rising creatinine and 2 grams of protein and just refill the lisinopril. #nephjc
Roger Rodby @NephRodby
But I think I am ignoring decent data and letting my bias control me #NephJC
Swapnil Hiremath @hswapnil@bsky.social @hswapnil
@NephRodby I am on #TeamRodby tonight Don't like steroids Only use if MCD + IgA or RPGN #NephJC
Kevin J. Fowler Principal The Voice of the Patient @gratefull080504
The patients in the JAMA look very healthy compared to US population I wonder if that contributed to results as much as treatment #nephJC
Matthew Sparks, MD @Nephro_Sparks
agree 👇 #NephJC https://t.co/LtJU9uAyaC
HTN, AKI with hematuria, low GFR, Proteinuria >1gm #nephJC? https://t.co/v2meMbGQXO
Franklin Loachamin @FranLoachamin
RT @Nephro_Sparks: sometimes see patients with relatively fast rising creat. biopsy with few crescents/none (sample error) give steroids in this case #nephjc
Bea Concepcion @KidneyBea_n
Patients dislike steroids too! RT @NephRodby: I hate the side effects of steroids so I find reasons not to use them for IgA #NephJC
Michelle Rheault @rheault_m
@NephJC We probably use more steroids in pediatric population. IgA seems to be more acute than the slow progressive dz in adults #NephJC
Eleanor Lederer @EleanorLederer
#nephjc It is hard just to sit and watch. So what are we doing with our classification systems?
Kevin J. Fowler Principal The Voice of the Patient @gratefull080504
If I was that patient, I could not accept that scenario without some intervention #nephJC https://t.co/nEDHGWeXY4
B. Wagner, M.D. 🇺🇸 @Wagner_Nephro
Corticosteroids may be associated with a 55% higher risk for adverse events, https://t.co/Lwsl4kItWS #nephjc
Franklin Loachamin @FranLoachamin
RT @renalpolitics: #nephjc - favor aggressive supportive care - great BP control, RAASi, eat well, etc.
Nephrology Journal Club @NephJC
Based on JASN SR, steroids may work, but single centre, not always on RAAS blockade, hence need for RCT #nephjc
Roger Rodby @NephRodby
@kidney_boy Agree, but for some reason I see benign stable IgA or crescentic in which I hit hard #NephJC
O come on @hswapnil - you read the JAMA paper already! #nepjJC https://t.co/PPZYBD8Qd4
Nephrology Journal Club @NephJC
RT @rheault_m: @NephJC We probably use more steroids in pediatric population. IgA seems to be more acute than the slow progressive dz in adults #NephJC
Franklin Loachamin @FranLoachamin
RT @edgarvlermamd: IgA Nephropathy from @CJASN #Nephpearls #NephJC 👉🏼 https://t.co/c9g9QUqr5u https://t.co/A1oUocPWkU
Gates Colbert, MD @DoctorGates
@gratefull080504 Those BMIs! If the US could achieve their BMI levels, half of CKD would be cured. Or more. #NephJC
Matthew Sparks, MD @Nephro_Sparks
The patients in both TESTING/STOP IgA I would not push steroids on. The crescentic and fast risers were not included in study #nephjc
Kevin J. Fowler Principal The Voice of the Patient @gratefull080504
If you used the prednisone doses in JAMA study in US population, the diabetes would skyrocket , right ? #nephJC
Edgar V. Lerma 🇵🇭 @edgarvlermamd
@CJASN MT @Marici18 @EvaRodriguezGa6 FLOEGE: IgA Nephropathy treatment algorithm ca. 2017 #ERAEDTA17 🇪🇸 #Nephpearls #NephJC https://t.co/FldbbFgO7S
Franklin Loachamin @FranLoachamin
RT @NephJC: Background: Background: mostly described in the Lv et al @JASN_News SR https://t.co/FAKfdIrYRe #nephJC Steroids likely work, but data not great https://t.co/W1lQgZDtja
Roger Rodby @NephRodby
I am very aggressive with RAASi, used dual until study retracted, but did not stop in those on both #NephJC
rob @renalpolitics
#nephjc -- one major lesson of Stop IgA - aggressive supportive may have better outcomes than steroids, 1/3 pts dropped out of trial with tx
Nephrology Journal Club @NephJC
@KidneyBea_n @NephRodby exactly. Saw that with our Avocapan chat: https://t.co/uhyu9REWRY #nephjc
Nephrology Journal Club @NephJC
T1: Let's review methods a. Patient selection GFR 20-120 Proteinuria > 1 g Excl: IgA w/ MCD; Crescentic #NephJC Anything sticks out? https://t.co/hETRmiNI2e
Eleanor Lederer @EleanorLederer
@Wagner_Nephro #nephjc Steroids. Cant live with them. Cant live without them.
Franklin Loachamin @FranLoachamin
RT @Nephro_Sparks: agree 👇 #NephJC https://t.co/LtJU9uAyaC
Nephrology Journal Club @NephJC
@Nephro_Sparks exactly. Pretty good data that immunosuppression works in RPGN like presentation #nephjc
great point @EleanorLederer #nephJC https://t.co/19jveASib8
Kevin J. Fowler Principal The Voice of the Patient @gratefull080504
It is worth repeating the study population looked very healthy especially BMI compared to US patients #nephJC
Nephrology Journal Club @NephJC
T1: All pts proteinuria > 1g despite maximal tolerated ACEI/ARB (no dual), no specific duration (unlike STOPiGAN 6 months) #NephJc
Kevin J. Fowler Principal The Voice of the Patient @gratefull080504
@DoctorGates Amen #nephJC
GeriMedJC @GeriMedJC
Are you a journal club nerd like us? Check out #NephJC on right now. Steroids and IgA Nephropathy RCT https://t.co/Vocof91kWY
Eleanor Lederer @EleanorLederer
@Nephro_Sparks #nephjc That is a very important point.
Matthew Sparks, MD @Nephro_Sparks
RT @EleanorLederer: @Nephro_Sparks #nephjc That is a very important point.
Franklin Loachamin @FranLoachamin
RT @rheault_m: @NephJC We probably use more steroids in pediatric population. IgA seems to be more acute than the slow progressive dz in adults #NephJC
Mohammed Hamdi @mhamdi1986
@EleanorLederer @Wagner_Nephro they are magic but poison at the same time #nephjc
Roger Rodby @NephRodby
@gratefull080504 The steroid dose not that high, we use that dose all time in MCD, FSGS, SLE etc #NephJC
Nephrology Journal Club @NephJC
RT @Wagner_Nephro: Corticosteroids may be associated with a 55% higher risk for adverse events, https://t.co/Lwsl4kItWS #nephjc
J. Brian Byrd Lab @thebyrdlab
#NephJC https://t.co/2ddZroNiCB
Franklin Loachamin @FranLoachamin
RT @Wagner_Nephro: Corticosteroids may be associated with a 55% higher risk for adverse events, https://t.co/Lwsl4kItWS #nephjc
Nephrology Journal Club @NephJC
T1: Intervention 0.6-0.8 mg/kg/d oral methylprednisolone (MP) up to max 48 mg for 2 months; tapered off by 8 mg/month in 6-8 months #NephJC
to broad GFR range....#nephJC https://t.co/GBlmm1rGRt
Franklin Loachamin @FranLoachamin
RT @edgarvlermamd: @CJASN MT @Marici18 @EvaRodriguezGa6 FLOEGE: @CJASN MT @Marici18 @EvaRodriguezGa6 FLOEGE: IgA Nephropathy treatment algorithm ca. 2017 #ERAEDTA17 🇪🇸 #Nephpearls #NephJC https://t.co/FldbbFgO7S
Edgar V. Lerma 🇵🇭 @edgarvlermamd
@CJASN Check out the @JAMA_current Editorial on TESTING Trial by @kidneybiz #Nephpearls #NephJC 👉🏼 https://t.co/Sf0VJpaLRI https://t.co/dbqvEW7Foi
Kevin J. Fowler Principal The Voice of the Patient @gratefull080504
@EleanorLederer : Agreed Sitting and watching is embracing nihilism! #nephJC https://t.co/dWehTtUYog
Michelle Rheault @rheault_m
@gratefull080504 Not so healthy. ~25% were smokers. Could contribute to the overall infection risk, esp. pulmonary infections. #NephJC
Nephrology Journal Club @NephJC
@GenNextMD 20 too low? What would you like? #nephjc
J. Brian Byrd Lab @thebyrdlab
To what extent is the albuminuria of IgA nephropathy due to increased sieving coefficient vs. impaired tubular reabsorption? Known? #NephJC
rob @renalpolitics
#nephJC - the shorter ACEiARB use is notable (sounding like broken record). what was avg eGFR and BP?
Roger Rodby @NephRodby
@gratefull080504 Nihilism or do no harm? #NephJC
Kevin J. Fowler Principal The Voice of the Patient @gratefull080504
@rheault_m: Correct and add that to US population and you still have a less healthy US population #nephJC https://t.co/P16QwLyWom
Joel M. Topf, MD FACP @kidney_boy
@thebyrdlab this is a glomerular disease would expect it to be sieving coefficient #nephjc
Nephrology Journal Club @NephJC
Also note, no biopsy/scoring criteria used for inclusion (except excl crescentic/minimal change) #nephjc
Nephrology Journal Club @NephJC
@renalpolitics indeed. BP pretty good, GFR ~ 60, will come to that #nephjc
Franklin Loachamin @FranLoachamin
RT @NephRodby: I am very aggressive with RAASi, used dual until study retracted, but did not stop in those on both #NephJC
Kevin J. Fowler Principal The Voice of the Patient @gratefull080504
@NephRodby : It may not be high to a nephrologist but I think a patient would disagree #nephJC https://t.co/UDcUf6rnHi
Nephrology Journal Club @NephJC
T1: outcome Composite of ESRD, death from ESRD or 50% decrease in GFR 50% changed to 40% on @nkf report: https://t.co/658PXj26YO #nephJC
Roger Rodby @NephRodby
Do we really know why a mesangial disease gets proteinuria and especially hematuria? #NephJC
Nephrology Journal Club @NephJC
@gratefull080504 @NephRodby that is true. and it was high enough to cause bad things...everything is relative? #nephjc
J. Brian Byrd Lab @thebyrdlab
@kidney_boy There's also tubular atrophy & interstitial fibrosis in some cases, I think? #NephJC
Nephrology Journal Club @NephJC
@gratefull080504 @EleanorLederer but also important to do the right thing! something may be worse than nothing? #nephjc
Nephrology Journal Club @NephJC
T1: Sample size based on 30% relative risk reduction (conservative estimate from @JASN_News SR) & ~ 12 % event rate: N was to 750 #NephJc
Edgar V. Lerma 🇵🇭 @edgarvlermamd
@CJASN IgA Nephropathy: Emerging tests and therapies ca. 2013 from @CJASN #Nephpearls #NephJC 👉🏼 https://t.co/Y1w2aDtuj4 https://t.co/Kkg7Vz9VAf
Michelle Rheault @rheault_m
We're getting deep tonight at #NephJC. Don't miss it. https://t.co/vtq8pFb90E
Allin @alinspring
RT @edgarvlermamd: @CJASN MT @Marici18 @EvaRodriguezGa6 FLOEGE: @CJASN MT @Marici18 @EvaRodriguezGa6 FLOEGE: IgA Nephropathy treatment algorithm ca. 2017 #ERAEDTA17 🇪🇸 #Nephpearls #NephJC https://t.co/FldbbFgO7S
Allin @alinspring
RT @edgarvlermamd: IgA Nephropathy from @CJASN #Nephpearls #NephJC 👉🏼 https://t.co/c9g9QUqr5u https://t.co/A1oUocPWkU
Kevin J. Fowler Principal The Voice of the Patient @gratefull080504
@NephJC : This is why PROMs are important #nephJC https://t.co/5nMSs8AGfT
Nephrology Journal Club @NephJC
RT @gratefull080504: @NephJC : @NephJC : This is why PROMs are important #nephJC https://t.co/5nMSs8AGfT
Nephrology Journal Club @NephJC
Study funded by Peking University + @nhmrc @CIHR_IRSC @pfizer supplied the drug (no other role) @george_clinical ran the trial #NephJC
Nephrology Journal Club @NephJC
T1: anything else pique your interest in methods? #nephJc
Joel M. Topf, MD FACP @kidney_boy
@renalpolitics avg GFR 60, avg BP 123/79 #nephjc
either go with low GFR (eGFR<45) + Albuminuria >1gm or only albuminuria >1gm with preserved GFR (eGFR>60). 45-60 eGFR grey area #nephJC https://t.co/KFY9V5DDDl
Timothy Yau @Maximal_Change
Hi @NephJC Tim yau from @WUNephrology. No COI, lurking tonight. #nephjc
Joel M. Topf, MD FACP @kidney_boy
hey tim #nephjc
Nephrology Journal Club @NephJC
@Maximal_Change @NephJC @WUNephrology hey Tim! thanks for saying HI! #nephjc
Lisa ™️ @Lisa30092
@rheault_m @NephJC steroids on kids is a whole lifetime of disrupted gut microbiome which is associated with so many health problems #NephJC
ChristosArgyropoulos MD, PhD PharmanukerInChief @ChristosArgyrop
@thebyrdlab @kidney_boy Albumin transport in the nephron is more complicated than our simplified model of glomerular/tubular/overflow suggest #nephjc
Kevin J. Fowler Principal The Voice of the Patient @gratefull080504
@NephRodby : Fair point but is that a groundswell of interest to find new treatments? I should hope so #nephJC https://t.co/fATA6IOI1c
Nephrology Journal Club @NephJC
@Lisa30092 @rheault_m @NephJC agreed, but ESRD is probably quite bad on the gut too? #nephjc
Nathaniel Reisinger @nephrothaniel
RT @ChristosArgyrop: @thebyrdlab @kidney_boy Albumin transport in the nephron is more complicated than our simplified model of glomerular/tubular/overflow suggest #nephjc
Nephrology Journal Club @NephJC
RT @NephRodby: @gratefull080504 Nihilism or do no harm? #NephJC
probably former group would require smaller sample size...#nephJC https://t.co/ExhcgFlDdr
Nephrology Journal Club @NephJC
Seems we are oK with methods - lets move on to T2: Results #nephjc
Kevin J. Fowler Principal The Voice of the Patient @gratefull080504
Thank you!! As a kidney transplant recipient 13 years of immunosuppressant treatment has played havoc with my GI system #nephJC https://t.co/l83Z27dD4Z
Nephrology Journal Club @NephJC
RT @GenNextMD: either go with low GFR (eGFR<45) + Albuminuria >1gm or only albuminuria >1gm with preserved GFR (eGFR>60). 45-60 eGFR grey area #nephJC https://t.co/KFY9V5DDDl
Nephrology Journal Club @NephJC
T2: Results RCT halted by DSMC (blame @lastwalsh!) Worried about SAEs with steroids #NephJC https://t.co/rQ7C4X9ZZz
Kevin J. Fowler Principal The Voice of the Patient @gratefull080504
@Lisa30092 @rheault_m @NephJC Thank you for contributing your excellent points ! #nephJC
Lisa ™️ @Lisa30092
@NephJC @rheault_m #NephJC probably so, either way something should be done with both diet and probiotics to ensure best outcomes
Matthew Sparks, MD @Nephro_Sparks
it is important to know answer to this question. in stable IgA with 1g proteinuria. lots of evidence now with STOPIgA and TESTING #nephjc
Eleanor Lederer @EleanorLederer
#nephjc another question is Is all IgAN the same? What if we could identify inciting factor?
Roger Rodby @NephRodby
Patients only from China and Australia, I believe that limited ethnicity often a cop out to explain results #NephJC
Nephrology Journal Club @NephJC
@lastwalsh Only 1/3rd patients enrolled by then, 1.5 years follow up #nephjc
Joel M. Topf, MD FACP @kidney_boy
I think they should've had a less careful DSMB so we could get some definitive answers for once. #nephjc
Timothy Yau @Maximal_Change
@kidney_boy Howdy friend #nephjc
Nephrology Journal Club @NephJC
T2: results Recruited 262/750 planned when trial stopped. Of 523 screened, only 74 seem to have declined? #China #NephJC https://t.co/nckB6NxwV8
Kevin J. Fowler Principal The Voice of the Patient @gratefull080504
For all my #nephJC friends I can tell you that 13 years of transplant meds leads to QOL life challenge that can lead to major health risk
Nephrology Journal Club @NephJC
@kidney_boy the editorialists say something similar @kidneybiz #nephjc
Joel M. Topf, MD FACP @kidney_boy
I bet there are a few diseases hiding in the path dx of IgA MT @EleanorLederer: #nephjc another question is "Is all IgAN the same?"
Edgar V. Lerma 🇵🇭 @edgarvlermamd
@CJASN IgA Nephropathy: Oxford Pathologic Classification (MEST) #Nephpearls #NephJC 👉🏼 https://t.co/jpOsnnlhLm https://t.co/HMbb8yglJw
Lisa ™️ @Lisa30092
@gratefull080504 @rheault_m @NephJC Interested in preventive care, is there anything you attribute to needing transplant? #NephJC
Nephrology Journal Club @NephJC
RT @gratefull080504: For all my #nephJC friends I can tell you that 13 years of transplant meds leads to QOL life challenge that can lead to major health risk
ChristosArgyropoulos MD, PhD PharmanukerInChief @ChristosArgyrop
@thebyrdlab @kidney_boy There is a very active transepithelial transport mechanism involving the podocyte involving the neonatal FcR & tubular reabsorption #nephjc
Nephrology Journal Club @NephJC
RT @kidney_boy: I bet there are a few diseases hiding in the path dx of IgA MT @EleanorLederer: I bet there are a few diseases hiding in the path dx of IgA MT @EleanorLederer: #nephjc another question is "Is all IgAN the same?"
Nephrology Journal Club @NephJC
T2: results Table 1 Young (38 years) 25% smokers BMI 25 ~ 2.5 g proteinuria GFR 60 Almost all Chinese #NephJC https://t.co/48mXuzCxLB
Roger Rodby @NephRodby
I was very surprised on the infection rate, back to my point, only steroids for 2 months then taper #NephJC
like a biomarker? circulating factor?? @EleanorLederer #nephJC https://t.co/k48PsCf8R6
J. Brian Byrd Lab @thebyrdlab
@ChristosArgyrop @kidney_boy #Megalin #NephJC
Matthew Sparks, MD @Nephro_Sparks
@gratefull080504 efforts to reduce this burden and my guess after 20 years these will reduce as well. #nephjc
Nephrology Journal Club @NephJC
RT @NephJC: T2: T2: results Table 1 Young (38 years) 25% smokers BMI 25 ~ 2.5 g proteinuria GFR 60 Almost all Chinese #NephJC https://t.co/48mXuzCxLB
B. Wagner, M.D. 🇺🇸 @Wagner_Nephro
There were a lot of S1 patients (71,72%)—that could have presented a big challenge for methylprednisolone to overcome. #nephjc
Nephrology Journal Club @NephJC
RT @ChristosArgyrop: @thebyrdlab @kidney_boy There is a very active transepithelial transport mechanism involving the podocyte involving the neonatal FcR & tubular reabsorption #nephjc
Roger Rodby @NephRodby
IgA pts should get less infections than nephrotic hypogammaglob, nephrotic patients that get same doses #NephJC
Gates Colbert, MD @DoctorGates
Why hasn't someone just treated with a slug of galactose to those galactose deficient IgA? (sarcasm) :) #palliativesugar #nephjc
Nephrology Journal Club @NephJC
RT @Wagner_Nephro: There were a lot of S1 patients (71,72%)—that could have presented a big challenge for methylprednisolone to overcome. #nephjc
Matthew Sparks, MD @Nephro_Sparks
@GenNextMD @EleanorLederer this is sort of the the hope with PLA2R in Membranous. not there yet but maybe... needed for other GN dz #nephjc
Mina @mina52926039
Lifelong disease.. with short term follow-up, hard to say that they won’t all progress regardless to steroids or deceased proteinuri #nephjc
Eleanor Lederer @EleanorLederer
@edgarvlermamd @CJASN #nephjc Thanks, Edgar. But we have to ask "do different pathologies really mean a different process?"
Nephrology Journal Club @NephJC
From Table 1: as Kevin has pointed out, young, GFR 60 and BMI 25. Almost all Chinese (very few Australain) #nephjc
Joel M. Topf, MD FACP @kidney_boy
RT @Mina52926039: Lifelong disease.. with short term follow-up, hard to say that they won’t all progress regardless to steroids or deceased proteinuri #nephjc
Timothy Yau @Maximal_Change
@NephJC Never noticed in this study that about half had crescents although they excluded rpgn #nephjc
Roger Rodby @NephRodby
Other IgA studies did not have this kind of infection rate correct? Something unlucky me thinks #NephJC
B. Wagner, M.D. 🇺🇸 @Wagner_Nephro
(And a lot of T1, T2... hard to get a good effect size when you are tackling such aggressive disease to start.) #nephjc
Nephrology Journal Club @NephJC
@Maximal_Change Indeed, only excluded if crescents > 50% #NephJC
Kevin J. Fowler Principal The Voice of the Patient @gratefull080504
This underscores the absence of risk-benefit conversation #Dialysis has lots of risks It is accepted without discussion #nephJC https://t.co/fZoWo7qUBo
quite thin population, GFR preserved relatively #nephJC https://t.co/AEeg888N22
Nephrology Journal Club @NephJC
T2: let's see efficacy before adverse events Steroids significantly better despite 1/3rd N, short FU! 8 vs 20 GFR slope way better #NephJC https://t.co/25qtrOjMRM
Edgar V. Lerma 🇵🇭 @edgarvlermamd
@CJASN The many faces of IgA Nephropathy from @ph_nachman @UNC #Nephpearls #NephJC 👉🏼 https://t.co/312tqBD71u https://t.co/d9Vje2nC5I
Nephrology Journal Club @NephJC
T2: let's see efficacy before adverse events Steroids significantly better despite 1/3rd N, short FU! 8 vs 20 GFR slope way better #NephJC
Matthew Sparks, MD @Nephro_Sparks
@Mina52926039 I think the point is that it would delay progression. #nephjc
Nephrology Journal Club @NephJC
T2: look at GFR in particular. Early rise in GFR with steroids? Can anyone explain that? #NephJC https://t.co/QN0OwTnoHo
Kevin J. Fowler Principal The Voice of the Patient @gratefull080504
Are there any IGa patients on this #nephJC chat ? Please speak up
Joel M. Topf, MD FACP @kidney_boy
or would it? RT @Nephro_Sparks: @Mina52926039 I think the point is that it would delay progression. #nephjc
Michelle Rheault @rheault_m
RT @NephJC: T2: T2: let's see efficacy before adverse events Steroids significantly better despite 1/3rd N, short FU! 8 vs 20 GFR slope way better #NephJC
Roger Rodby @NephRodby
Mean U protein 2.5 g/day, StopIgA was 1 gram. This is a big difference. TESTING better population to study #NephJC
Timothy Yau @Maximal_Change
For those of you worried about longer term steroids in IgAN would you use the following? #NephJC
Nephrology Journal Club @NephJC
RT @NephRodby: Mean U protein 2.5 g/day, StopIgA was 1 gram. This is a big difference. TESTING better population to study #NephJC
Michelle Rheault @rheault_m
RT @NephRodby: Mean U protein 2.5 g/day, StopIgA was 1 gram. This is a big difference. TESTING better population to study #NephJC
Joel M. Topf, MD FACP @kidney_boy
RT @gratefull080504: Are there any IGa patients on this #nephJC chat ? Please speak up
Nephrology Journal Club @NephJC
thats a twitter poll RT @Maximal_Change: For those of you worried about longer term steroids in IgAN would you use the following? #NephJC
Nephrology Journal Club @NephJC
RT @gratefull080504: Are there any IGa patients on this #nephJC chat ? Please speak up
Nephrology Journal Club @NephJC
T2: they looked at urinary creatinine (efigure 3) Seems to be lower with steroids - ? Sarcopenia #NephJc https://t.co/cXkr7chRgc
Kevin J. Fowler Principal The Voice of the Patient @gratefull080504
Tonight's discussion underscores importance of developing the #patientvoice in #kidneydisease Group think needs to be challenged #nephJC
Matthew Sparks, MD @Nephro_Sparks
RT @NephRodby: Mean U protein 2.5 g/day, StopIgA was 1 gram. This is a big difference. TESTING better population to study #NephJC
Roger Rodby @NephRodby
The prob with 90% of all IgA studies is that you are not studying the pts at risk of progression #NephJC
Nephrology Journal Club @NephJC
BP not much different in both groups #NephJC eFigure 1 https://t.co/5d9lLoABnh
Nephrology Journal Club @NephJC
And some subgroups on primary outcome No signal here? #NephJC https://t.co/FPbY2qL26B
Nephrology Journal Club @NephJC
@NephRodby coming up SAEs next for you Roger! #nephjc
Nephrology Journal Club @NephJC
RT @GenNextMD: quite thin population, GFR preserved relatively #nephJC https://t.co/AEeg888N22
Timothy Yau @Maximal_Change
RT @NephRodby: The prob with 90% of all IgA studies is that you are not studying the pts at risk of progression #NephJC
may be volume expansion and dilutional? #nephJC https://t.co/Z8As5sylru
Nephrology Journal Club @NephJC
@NephRodby Which patients would you choose? Proteinuria + add biopsy criteria? #nephjc
Alex Meraz @NephroGuy
RT @Nephro_Sparks: it is important to know answer to this question. in stable IgA with 1g proteinuria. lots of evidence now with STOPIgA and TESTING #nephjc
ChristosArgyropoulos MD, PhD PharmanukerInChief @ChristosArgyrop
@thebyrdlab @kidney_boy #Megalin may be a minor player. See section on FcNR https://t.co/7Ehj9MGIU7 https://t.co/Vp25AQfcgg https://t.co/7XeksUMzeQ #NephJC
Nephrology Journal Club @NephJC
T2: on to SAEs 28 vs 4, mostly driven by infections, incl 2 deaths #NephJC https://t.co/GNZGR0qM9H
Kevin J. Fowler Principal The Voice of the Patient @gratefull080504
How many #nephJC members have patients with this type of #bloodpressure ? https://t.co/pzajNqQUfh
agreed....@gratefull080504 #nephJC https://t.co/ba22hzPI2D
Nephrology Journal Club @NephJC
T2 subgroup analysis for SAEs Again no signal here? #NephJC https://t.co/Vj3PgUu1ET
DrJacquescoleyMusic @jacquescoley
RT @NephJC: T2 subgroup analysis for SAEs Again no signal here? #NephJC https://t.co/Vj3PgUu1ET
Timothy Yau @Maximal_Change
@NephRodby The recent @AJKDonline paper that @TWhittier_RUSH wrote on looked at MMF in crescent of IgAN. Only one I can think of #nephjc
Edgar V. Lerma 🇵🇭 @edgarvlermamd
@CJASN Role of COMPLEMENT in the parhogenesis of IgA Nephropathy from @JASN_News #Nephpearls #NephJC 👉🏼 https://t.co/r5kwTQm0Yd https://t.co/rQ5KQB2giH
Roger Rodby @NephRodby
262 pts of planned 650 enrolled and primary outcome still p 0.02! There is something here #NephJC
Matthew Sparks, MD @Nephro_Sparks
Kevin on point as always #NephJC https://t.co/umPOBNT0K3
Nephrology Journal Club @NephJC
@gratefull080504 with IgA, GFR 60, not unusual to achieve good BP with BP medicines #nephjc
Kevin J. Fowler Principal The Voice of the Patient @gratefull080504
Why is this ? #nephJC https://t.co/tbH8rQXbvK
Eleanor Lederer @EleanorLederer
#nephjc We are trapped by our language. We call it IgAN. But this is a pathologic "immunofluorescence" diagnosis.
Nephrology Journal Club @NephJC
yes, event rate higher than expected1 MT @NephRodby: 262/650 enrolled and primary outcome still p 0.02! There is something here #NephJC
Nefrología HGM @nefrologiaHGM
RT @edgarvlermamd: @CJASN IgA Nephropathy: @CJASN IgA Nephropathy: Emerging tests and therapies ca. 2013 from @CJASN #Nephpearls #NephJC 👉🏼 https://t.co/Y1w2aDtuj4 https://t.co/Kkg7Vz9VAf
Nephrology Journal Club @NephJC
RT @EleanorLederer: #nephjc We are trapped by our language. We call it IgAN. But this is a pathologic "immunofluorescence" diagnosis.
Nefrología HGM @nefrologiaHGM
RT @edgarvlermamd: IgA Nephropathy from @CJASN #Nephpearls #NephJC 👉🏼 https://t.co/c9g9QUqr5u https://t.co/A1oUocPWkU
Nephrology Journal Club @NephJC
T2: @NephRodby also note that slope of GFR (-7ml/min/per year) way higher than in STOPigA (-1.65) #NephJC
Roger Rodby @NephRodby
@NephJC biopsy plays major part in my decision #NephJC
Nefrología HGM @nefrologiaHGM
RT @edgarvlermamd: @CJASN MT @Marici18 @EvaRodriguezGa6 FLOEGE: @CJASN MT @Marici18 @EvaRodriguezGa6 FLOEGE: IgA Nephropathy treatment algorithm ca. 2017 #ERAEDTA17 🇪🇸 #Nephpearls #NephJC https://t.co/FldbbFgO7S
Nefrología HGM @nefrologiaHGM
Retweeted Edgar V. Lerma 🇵🇭 (@edgarvlermamd): IgA Nephropathy from @CJASN #Nephpearls #NephJC 👉🏼... https://t.co/hvjJmJq5Wl
Nefrología HGM @nefrologiaHGM
Retweeted Edgar V. Lerma 🇵🇭 (@edgarvlermamd): @CJASN MT @Marici18 @EvaRodriguezGa6 FLOEGE: IgA Nephropathy... https://t.co/8EcnNPq2La
Timothy Yau @Maximal_Change
@NephJC Small n but 7x adverse events is a big deal. Dialysis also a big deal. Just pointing out the obvious #nephjc
Kevin J. Fowler Principal The Voice of the Patient @gratefull080504
What is in the R+D pipeline for IGaN? #nephJC
Nephrology Journal Club @NephJC
RT @Maximal_Change: @NephJC Small n but 7x adverse events is a big deal. Dialysis also a big deal. Just pointing out the obvious #nephjc
Franklin Loachamin @FranLoachamin
RT @NephJC: T1: T1: Intervention 0.6-0.8 mg/kg/d oral methylprednisolone (MP) up to max 48 mg for 2 months; tapered off by 8 mg/month in 6-8 months #NephJC
Matthew Sparks, MD @Nephro_Sparks
team. I have to run. great chat and thanks to Swap for leading the discussion and Amit for the writeup. #nephjc
Nefrología HGM @nefrologiaHGM
RT @kidney_boy: For #NephJC here is the #VisualAbstract for STOP-IgA https://t.co/PQPVKx8H84
Nefrología HGM @nefrologiaHGM
Retweeted Joel Topf, MD FACP (@kidney_boy): For #NephJC here is the #VisualAbstract for STOP-IgA... https://t.co/KLaYHKhqVV
Roger Rodby @NephRodby
If adverse events had not occurred, study could have been stopped early for + results! Think about that #NephJC
likely population too sensitive to steroid..effect and side effect? also they chg reduction in GFR from 50% to 40% as an end point...#nephJC https://t.co/Q05dduQCld
Timothy Yau @Maximal_Change
@Nephro_Sparks See ya matt #nephjc
ChristosArgyropoulos MD, PhD PharmanukerInChief @ChristosArgyrop
@thebyrdlab @kidney_boy You are making me break radio silence on a #NephJC I didn't want to participate #BallardieRoberts4IgA https://t.co/Uh2mfJblQd Signing off :)
Kevin J. Fowler Principal The Voice of the Patient @gratefull080504
@Nephro_Sparks See you @Nephro_Sparks I am leaving soon too #nephJC
Timothy Yau @Maximal_Change
RT @NephRodby: If adverse events had not occurred, study could have been stopped early for + results! Think about that #NephJC
Nephrology Journal Club @NephJC
@gratefull080504 lots. Budesonide (see NEFIGAN RCT), Blisibimod (https://t.co/p1OD1ZaeXx) etc #nephjc
J. Brian Byrd Lab @thebyrdlab
@ChristosArgyrop @kidney_boy thanks, @ChristosArgyrop! #nephjc
Nephrology Journal Club @NephJC
@NephRodby likely not - stopping rules for efficacy are more stringent...#partpooper #nephjc
Roger Rodby @NephRodby
Ironically, this study will move me to finally use steroids for proteinuria IgA , not just histology #NephJC
Franklin Loachamin @FranLoachamin
RT @NephJC: T1: T1: outcome Composite of ESRD, death from ESRD or 50% decrease in GFR 50% changed to 40% on @nkf report: https://t.co/658PXj26YO #nephJC
Joel M. Topf, MD FACP @kidney_boy
RT @NephRodby: If adverse events had not occurred, study could have been stopped early for + results! Think about that #NephJC
Nephrology Journal Club @NephJC
T3: so what now? - SAEs not surprising at all, right? Seen in other steroid trials, STOPIgA eg from @JASN_News SR same group #nephJC https://t.co/3QY2E6pLwv
Timothy Yau @Maximal_Change
@NephRodby 2 months then taper? Proteinuria gets better but then bounces up again. Would you rechallenge or use steroid sparing agent? #nephjc
Roger Rodby @NephRodby
@NephJC You are right but studies do get stopped early if results too positive, unethical to deprive #NephJC
Nephrology Journal Club @NephJC
Anything else you want to see from Results? Lets move on to T3: what happens next #nephjc
Nephrology Journal Club @NephJC
T3: what's your take home? Does this add anything? Will this change your practice? #NephJC
Joel M. Topf, MD FACP @kidney_boy
Was 2015 a bad year for swine flu? Could this be an influenza epidemic issue. Not a good time to use 'roids. #nephjc
Nephrology Journal Club @NephJC
@NephRodby hmm you are not perplexed by GFR rise with steroids?? maybe benefit too good? #nephjc
Gates Colbert, MD @DoctorGates
@NephRodby Do you see value in Pred 20 mg? (i.e. 0.3 mg/kg) The skim milk version. #Nephjc
Franklin Loachamin @FranLoachamin
RT @EleanorLederer: #nephjc We are trapped by our language. We call it IgAN. But this is a pathologic "immunofluorescence" diagnosis.
Nephrology Journal Club @NephJC
Good Q RT @kidney_boy: Was 2015 a bad year for swine flu? Could this be an influenza epidemic issue. Not a good time to use 'roids. #nephjc
Roger Rodby @NephRodby
@Maximal_Change 2 months was protocol, but see Figure 3, must be some memory effect #NephJC
Nephrology Journal Club @NephJC
@ChristosArgyrop @thebyrdlab @kidney_boy heh! You are a steroid believer in this setting, yes? #nephjc
#flushot - double dose...@kidney_boy #nephJC https://t.co/LtJ9yFUfXj
Timothy Yau @Maximal_Change
@DoctorGates @NephRodby The AIN version of IgAN. #nephjc
Roger Rodby @NephRodby
@DoctorGates 2o mg pred, I don't know I think it is s__t or get off the pot #NephJC
Eleanor Lederer @EleanorLederer
@NephRodby #nephjc For all of my questioning, this was a well done study. I am still on the fence about steroids. And thanks for the great summary.
Kevin J. Fowler Principal The Voice of the Patient @gratefull080504
My final thoughts as I leave: Were the IGaN patient advocacy groups present at #nephJC tonight? If not missed opp. I did invite them
Nephrology Journal Club @NephJC
RT @EleanorLederer: @NephRodby #nephjc For all of my questioning, this was a well done study. I am still on the fence about steroids. And thanks for the great summary.
rob @renalpolitics
#nephjc id still want to be pushed into immunosppression for rarer rpgn presentations and hold off on most patients...if it was me though...
Matthew Sparks, MD @Nephro_Sparks
RT @gratefull080504: My final thoughts as I leave: My final thoughts as I leave: Were the IGaN patient advocacy groups present at #nephJC tonight? If not missed opp. I did invite them
Nephrology Journal Club @NephJC
The GFR decline was very fast 7ml/min/year....way faster. Chinese patients, more proteinuria, less duration RAAS, or chance? #nephjc
Roger Rodby @NephRodby
@NephJC GFR rise with steroids? hemodynamic, not surprised, don't think a few months is bad #NephJC
Franklin Loachamin @FranLoachamin
RT @kidney_boy: Was 2015 a bad year for swine flu? Could this be an influenza epidemic issue. Not a good time to use 'roids. #nephjc
Nephrology Journal Club @NephJC
@NephRodby @NephJC if this drove results, wouldnt you want to see ESKD benefit to be sure? #nephjc
Roger Rodby @NephRodby
@NephJC I may be on fence too but leaning a lot more after this paper! #NephJC
Timothy Yau @Maximal_Change
Does anyone know if there are onoing IgAN studies in progress that may give us answers? #NephJC
Nephrology Journal Club @NephJC
T3: now TESTING moving on to a lower dose RCT (0.4-0.6 mg/kg/day up to 32mg) https://t.co/IqMxhx0nn7? #NephJC
Eleanor Lederer @EleanorLederer
@NephRodby Could this be an effect on AA metabolism? #nephjc
Nephrology Journal Club @NephJC
@EleanorLederer @NephRodby they speculate maybe sarcopenia (urine creatinine decreased in steroid group FWIW) #nephjc
george miguelito @georgemiguelito
RT @edgarvlermamd: @CJASN MT @Marici18 @EvaRodriguezGa6 FLOEGE: @CJASN MT @Marici18 @EvaRodriguezGa6 FLOEGE: IgA Nephropathy treatment algorithm ca. 2017 #ERAEDTA17 🇪🇸 #Nephpearls #NephJC https://t.co/FldbbFgO7S
Franklin Loachamin @FranLoachamin
RT @NephJC: The GFR decline was very fast 7ml/min/year....way faster. Chinese patients, more proteinuria, less duration RAAS, or chance? #nephjc
Joel M. Topf, MD FACP @kidney_boy
If you had a woman 25 with IgAN and 1.5 grams of protein, nl GFR. Wants to get pregnant, would that push you to treat b4 pregnancy? #nephjc
Franklin Loachamin @FranLoachamin
RT @renalpolitics: #nephjc id still want to be pushed into immunosppression for rarer rpgn presentations and hold off on most patients...if it was me though...
Timothy Yau @Maximal_Change
@NephJC @NephRodby Yes. But can't do 10 year studies anymore. :( #nephjc
Michelle Rheault @rheault_m
RT @NephJC: T3: T3: now TESTING moving on to a lower dose RCT (0.4-0.6 mg/kg/day up to 32mg) https://t.co/IqMxhx0nn7? #NephJC
Edgar V. Lerma 🇵🇭 @edgarvlermamd
@CJASN MT @CharlieTomson @drjamesburton FELLSTROM: NEFIGAN Targeted-release budesonide in IgA nephropathy #ERAEDTA17 🇪🇸 #Nephpearls #NephJC https://t.co/tqOajVUqb8
Roger Rodby @NephRodby
GFR loss may be high, but these are more proteinuric pts than usual, and that is despite RAASi, Progression = study #NephJC
Nephrology Journal Club @NephJC
@tulunsokit @NephJC thats the claim....not sure enough data to support #nephjc
Timothy Yau @Maximal_Change
RT @NephJC: T3: T3: now TESTING moving on to a lower dose RCT (0.4-0.6 mg/kg/day up to 32mg) https://t.co/IqMxhx0nn7? #NephJC
Nephrology Journal Club @NephJC
RT @kidney_boy: If you had a woman 25 with IgAN and 1.5 grams of protein, nl GFR. Wants to get pregnant, would that push you to treat b4 pregnancy? #nephjc
Joel M. Topf, MD FACP @kidney_boy
@tulunsokit @NephJC could they be more susceptible to steroids? Other side f the same coin #nephjc
https://t.co/QICF6x8WPC @Maximal_Change #nephJC https://t.co/6kuXQqoC0s
Nephrology Journal Club @NephJC
@Maximal_Change the low dose TESTING is one (0.4-0.6 mg/kg/d) and other non-steroid RCTs I am sure #nephjc
Kevin J. Fowler Principal The Voice of the Patient @gratefull080504
@EleanorLederer Thank you @EleanorLederer I learn a lot from #nephJC
Roger Rodby @NephRodby
@kidney_boy man that is tough call, pregnancy, treat first, prob not #NephJC
Timothy Yau @Maximal_Change
@ChristosArgyrop @NephRodby How much CyC? Low dose po? #nephjc
Roger Rodby @NephRodby
TESTING now lower dose, watch them lose the effect, no SAEs, no effect. #NephJC
Nephrology Journal Club @NephJC
@tulunsokit @NephJC this study says Asians do worse: https://t.co/5WF0wSF03K (KI, gated) #nephjc
Roger Rodby @NephRodby
There is no free lunch in treating any GN #NephJC
Nephrology Journal Club @NephJC
Bold Prediction! @NephRodby: TESTING now lower dose, watch them lose the effect, no SAEs, no effect. #NephJC
ChristosArgyropoulos MD, PhD PharmanukerInChief @ChristosArgyrop
@NephJC @thebyrdlab @kidney_boy Not at these mega doses, not as monotherapy and in patients with aggressive clinical disease (eGFR decline/incr in proteinuria etc) #NephJC
Good night and Thank you everyone. I enjoyed the discussion #nephjc
Nephrology Journal Club @NephJC
QFT, sad but probably true @NephRodby: There is no free lunch in treating any GN #NephJC
Nephrology Journal Club @NephJC
@GenNextMD g'night, thanks for coming Tejas #nephjc
Eleanor Lederer @EleanorLederer
@kidney_boy #nephjc No. I would encourage her to get pregnant while she can.
Nephrology Journal Club @NephJC
RT @NephRodby: GFR loss may be high, but these are more proteinuric pts than usual, and that is despite RAASi, Progression = study #NephJC
Timothy Yau @Maximal_Change
Lots on the horizon still #nephjc #nephforward https://t.co/fYf5W4Ypjt
Roger Rodby @NephRodby
So if Asians do worse, those are the ones you WANT to study. IgA trials fraught with low risk patients #NephJC
ChristosArgyropoulos MD, PhD PharmanukerInChief @ChristosArgyrop
@Maximal_Change @NephRodby Pred 40 mg/d (reduced to 10 mg/d by 2 yr) & CyC1.5 mg/kg (adjusted down to the nearest 50 mg) x 3 mo, then azathioprine x 2 yr #NephJC
Nephrology Journal Club @NephJC
@NephJC @tulunsokit though @geddescc did not find much true geographical variation https://t.co/hj0vSEAzyv (no Asians though) #nephjc
Joel M. Topf, MD FACP @kidney_boy
I'm gonna use ACTH, 'ause no side effects! (At least that's what the Italians found) #nephjc
Nephrology Journal Club @NephJC
Agreed RT @EleanorLederer: @kidney_boy #nephjc No. I would encourage her to get pregnant while she can.
Timothy Yau @Maximal_Change
@ChristosArgyrop @NephRodby Excellent, thx for the detailed protocol. #nephjc
Nephrology Journal Club @NephJC
ACTHAR FTW. Not! RT @kidney_boy: I'm gonna use ACTH, 'ause no side effects! (At least that's what the Italians found) #nephjc
Franklin Loachamin @FranLoachamin
RT @NephRodby: So if Asians do worse, those are the ones you WANT to study. IgA trials fraught with low risk patients #NephJC
Michelle Rheault @rheault_m
@NephRodby CureGN longitudinal cohort study (https://t.co/S7EFWNJVcA) may help to identify IgA pts at high risk of progression. #NephJC
Roger Rodby @NephRodby
DSMC had to stop it but I bet they're not happy given preliminary results #NephJC
Franklin Loachamin @FranLoachamin
RT @kidney_boy: I'm gonna use ACTH, 'ause no side effects! (At least that's what the Italians found) #nephjc
Nephrology Journal Club @NephJC
RT @ChristosArgyrop: @thebyrdlab @kidney_boy You are making me break radio silence on a #NephJC I didn't want to participate #BallardieRoberts4IgA https://t.co/Uh2mfJblQd Signing off :)
ChristosArgyropoulos MD, PhD PharmanukerInChief @ChristosArgyrop
@Maximal_Change @NephRodby Ie the #BallardieRoberts. Downplayed in GL because of the inconsistent use of ACEi, but note pts had rapidly deteriorating renal fx #NephJC
Nephrology Journal Club @NephJC
RT @rheault_m: @NephRodby CureGN longitudinal cohort study (https://t.co/S7EFWNJVcA) may help to identify IgA pts at high risk of progression. #NephJC
Edgar V. Lerma 🇵🇭 @edgarvlermamd
@CJASN MT @renalpages What's up and coming for treatment of IgA Nephropathy 2016 #ERAEDTA16 #Nephpearls #NephJC https://t.co/6GN8xQVnB2
Gates Colbert, MD @DoctorGates
@NephRodby - Great discussion on steroids NOW @ASN https://t.co/UNxRPgzHR9 #nephjc
Michelle Rheault @rheault_m
@kidney_boy The only side effect of ACTH is the crushing of your soul as you prescribe it. #NephJC
Franklin Loachamin @FranLoachamin
RT @rheault_m: @NephRodby CureGN longitudinal cohort study (https://t.co/S7EFWNJVcA) may help to identify IgA pts at high risk of progression. #NephJC
Roger Rodby @NephRodby
@kidney_boy I'm gonna use ACTH when it costs less that the GNP of Liechtenstein #NephJC
Nephrology Journal Club @NephJC
Are you happy @lastwalsh? RT @NephRodby: DSMC had to stop it but I bet they're not happy given preliminary results #NephJC
Eleanor Lederer @EleanorLederer
#nephjc Thanks so much, guys. Great discussion.
Franklin Loachamin @FranLoachamin
RT @edgarvlermamd: @CJASN MT @renalpages What's up and coming for treatment of IgA Nephropathy 2016 #ERAEDTA16 #Nephpearls #NephJC https://t.co/6GN8xQVnB2
Timothy Yau @Maximal_Change
RT @rheault_m: @kidney_boy The only side effect of ACTH is the crushing of your soul as you prescribe it. #NephJC
Joel M. Topf, MD FACP @kidney_boy
RT @rheault_m: @kidney_boy The only side effect of ACTH is the crushing of your soul as you prescribe it. #NephJC
ChristosArgyropoulos MD, PhD PharmanukerInChief @ChristosArgyrop
@Maximal_Change @NephRodby Primary reference for the protocol https://t.co/eL182Jtt8H Pay attention to the criteria for entry (impaired, declining renal fx #NephJC
Swapnil Hiremath @hswapnil@bsky.social @hswapnil
@kidney_boy Could Chinese patients be like Italians too? 🤔#NephJC
Matthew Sparks, MD @Nephro_Sparks
RT @ChristosArgyrop: @Maximal_Change @NephRodby Primary reference for the protocol https://t.co/eL182Jtt8H Pay attention to the criteria for entry (impaired, declining renal fx #NephJC
Nephrology Journal Club @NephJC
@ChristosArgyrop @Maximal_Change @NephRodby Those patients would get excluded from current IgA Trials, though? #NephJC
rob @renalpolitics
#nephjc unfortunate contrast bw this trial and @hswapnil RT re new secondary prev cards trials. Underfunded Kidneys :(
Roger Rodby @NephRodby
IgA is just too heterogeneous a GN to study. may be the most heterogeneous. #NephJC
Edgar V. Lerma 🇵🇭 @edgarvlermamd
@CJASN Eculizumab for treatment of crescentic IgA Nephropathy #Nephpearls #NephJC 👉🏼 https://t.co/3BaXDlG961 https://t.co/4mzEmeB7LM
Nephrology Journal Club @NephJC
thanks everyone! great discussion. Any final questions/thoughts? #nephjc
Nephrology Journal Club @NephJC
RT @renalpolitics: #nephjc unfortunate contrast bw this trial and @hswapnil RT re new secondary prev cards trials. Underfunded Kidneys :(
Nephrology Journal Club @NephJC
RT @NephRodby: IgA is just too heterogeneous a GN to study. may be the most heterogeneous. #NephJC
Franklin Loachamin @FranLoachamin
RT @edgarvlermamd: @CJASN Eculizumab for treatment of crescentic IgA Nephropathy #Nephpearls #NephJC 👉🏼 https://t.co/3BaXDlG961 https://t.co/4mzEmeB7LM
Nephrology Journal Club @NephJC
Check out our once a week newsletter (curated by Joel/Swapnil + new @DoctorGates !) https://t.co/5aumn8ImwF #NephJC
Arvind Canchi (Conjeevaram)🇮🇳 @arvindcanchi
@NephRodby #Nephjc Some data #IgA in India. https://t.co/lq5O8Ct7w6
Franklin Loachamin @FranLoachamin
#nephjc thanks everyone. Good discussion
Roger Rodby @NephRodby
So sad rituximab does not seem to work for IgA :( #NephJC
Edgar V. Lerma 🇵🇭 @edgarvlermamd
@CJASN FALK's Treatment of IgA Nephropathy ca. 2014 #Nephpearls #NephJC https://t.co/fLBzSzEs2S
Nephrology Journal Club @NephJC
#Troll RT @NephRodby: So sad rituximab does not seem to work for IgA :( #NephJC
ChristosArgyropoulos MD, PhD PharmanukerInChief @ChristosArgyrop
@NephJC @Maximal_Change @NephRodby Correct - but these are the patients who progress. Tthe present study also included many pts w impaired renal fx, or rapid decline #NephJC
Roger Rodby @NephRodby
Thanks for hosting Swap, nice job. Didn't diss RAASi once! "Keep hope alive" #NephJC
Joel M. Topf, MD FACP @kidney_boy
#NephJC live with fellows, residents, and med students https://t.co/CMWYBNGAgB
Nephrology Journal Club @NephJC
This is @hswapnil signing off. If you are hungry for more, come back at 8 pm BST tomorrow #nephjc
Nephrology Journal Club @NephJC
Nicely done! hope you all come back! RT @kidney_boy: #NephJC live with fellows, residents, and med students https://t.co/SWZmYBrvOS
Roger Rodby @NephRodby
RT @kidney_boy: #NephJC live with fellows, residents, and med students https://t.co/CMWYBNGAgB
Arvind Canchi (Conjeevaram)🇮🇳 @arvindcanchi
@NephRodby #nephjc https://t.co/z1FwllHheX
ChristosArgyropoulos MD, PhD PharmanukerInChief @ChristosArgyrop
@NephJC @Maximal_Change @NephRodby This is also my problem with the recent IgA studies. The Risk-Benefit ratio of immunosuppression is unfavorable for most pts #NephJC
B. Wagner, M.D. 🇺🇸 @Wagner_Nephro
RT @rheault_m: @kidney_boy The only side effect of ACTH is the crushing of your soul as you prescribe it. #NephJC
Roger Rodby @NephRodby
@kidney_boy 7 people and only one Stella open? #NephJC
Edgar V. Lerma 🇵🇭 @edgarvlermamd
@NephRodby The many faces of IgA Nephropathy from @ph_nachman @UNC #Nephpearls #NephJC https://t.co/boYNR0l9gL
Joel M. Topf, MD FACP @kidney_boy
Great chat. #nephjc
Michelle Rheault @rheault_m
@NephRodby CureGN IgA cohort is relatively low risk. (Guess who's on their patient newsletter committee?) #NephJC https://t.co/xpufm6NmE6 https://t.co/O0TxEjpYBR
Nephrology Journal Club @NephJC
RT @rheault_m: @NephRodby CureGN IgA cohort is relatively low risk. (Guess who's on their patient newsletter committee?) #NephJC https://t.co/xpufm6NmE6 https://t.co/O0TxEjpYBR
ChristosArgyropoulos MD, PhD PharmanukerInChief @ChristosArgyrop
@NephJC @Maximal_Change @NephRodby but if you use clinical criteria to select the rapid progressors (similar to what we do for membranous) then we should go for it #NephJC
Lisa ™️ @Lisa30092
@edgarvlermamd @CJASN Very interesting. In light of Asian pre-disposition note their normal diet is lots & lots & lots of FISH #NephJC
Mohammed Hamdi @mhamdi1986
Thank u everyone for the great discussion #nephjc
Swapnil Hiremath @hswapnil@bsky.social @hswapnil
RT @rheault_m: @kidney_boy The only side effect of ACTH is the crushing of your soul as you prescribe it. #NephJC
Edgar V. Lerma 🇵🇭 @edgarvlermamd
@CJASN IgA Nephropathy: Risk Factors for Progression #Nephpearls #NephJC https://t.co/wwuiVDphpo
B. Wagner, M.D. 🇺🇸 @Wagner_Nephro
Great discussion. Very witty, @rhealult_m. Interesting take, @NephRodby. #nephjc
B. Wagner, M.D. 🇺🇸 @Wagner_Nephro
Thanks, @NephJC, @kidney_boy, @hswapnil, @EleanorLederer, et al #nephjc
Lisa ™️ @Lisa30092
It seems like people would get less diseases if people weren't ashamed to be race-realists because race & genes do discriminate... #NephJC
Edgar V. Lerma 🇵🇭 @edgarvlermamd
@CJASN Rituximab failed to ⬇️ levels of specific antibodies w/ pathogenetic roles in IgA nephropathy #Nephpearls #NephJC 👉🏼 https://t.co/58ZAerhPMF https://t.co/P2Jb2YCUFH
Matt Sampson @kidneyomicsamps
RT @rheault_m: @NephRodby CureGN longitudinal cohort study (https://t.co/S7EFWNJVcA) may help to identify IgA pts at high risk of progression. #NephJC
Mo Alzubaidi @NephrosisMo
RT @NephRodby: There is no free lunch in treating any GN #NephJC
S Francisco de Quito @SFQuito
RT @FranLoachamin: #NephJC hey guys good night . Franklin Loachamin. Quito Ecuador. Ped neph. NO COI
Franklin Loachamin @FranLoachamin
RT @ChristosArgyrop: @NephJC @Maximal_Change @NephRodby This is also my problem with the recent IgA studies. The Risk-Benefit ratio of immunosuppression is unfavorable for most pts #NephJC
Franklin Loachamin @FranLoachamin
Maybe a dehydration https://t.co/eujaAlEuRA
Franklin Loachamin @FranLoachamin
RT @edgarvlermamd: @NephRodby The many faces of IgA Nephropathy from @ph_nachman @UNC #Nephpearls #NephJC https://t.co/boYNR0l9gL
Franklin Loachamin @FranLoachamin
RT @rheault_m: @NephRodby CureGN IgA cohort is relatively low risk. (Guess who's on their patient newsletter committee?) #NephJC https://t.co/xpufm6NmE6 https://t.co/O0TxEjpYBR
Franklin Loachamin @FranLoachamin
RT @edgarvlermamd: @CJASN IgA Nephropathy: @CJASN IgA Nephropathy: Risk Factors for Progression #Nephpearls #NephJC https://t.co/wwuiVDphpo
Franklin Loachamin @FranLoachamin
RT @Lisa30092: It seems like people would get less diseases if people weren't ashamed to be race-realists because race & genes do discriminate... #NephJC
محذوف @milardport
RT @NephJC: Agreed RT @EleanorLederer: Agreed RT @EleanorLederer: @kidney_boy #nephjc No. I would encourage her to get pregnant while she can.
محذوف @milardport
RT @NephJC: T1: Sample size based on 30% relative risk reduction (conservative estimate from @JASN_News SR) & ~ 12 % event rate: N was to 750 #NephJc
محذوف @milardport
RT @NephJC: T2: T2: Results RCT halted by DSMC (blame @lastwalsh!) Worried about SAEs with steroids #NephJC https://t.co/rQ7C4X9ZZz
محذوف @milardport
RT @NephJC: And an excellent summary for #NephJC from @LangoteAmit https://t.co/oHuORfmKhO
محذوف @milardport
RT @NephJC: #Troll RT @NephRodby: #Troll RT @NephRodby: So sad rituximab does not seem to work for IgA :( #NephJC
محذوف @milardport
RT @NephJC: Based on JASN SR, steroids may work, but single centre, not always on RAAS blockade, hence need for RCT #nephjc
محذوف @milardport
RT @NephJC: @tulunsokit @NephJC this study says Asians do worse: @tulunsokit @NephJC this study says Asians do worse: https://t.co/5WF0wSF03K (KI, gated) #nephjc
محذوف @milardport
RT @NephJC: T3: T3: so what now? - SAEs not surprising at all, right? Seen in other steroid trials, STOPIgA eg from @JASN_News SR same group #nephJC https://t.co/3QY2E6pLwv
محذوف @milardport
RT @NephJC: We will be discussing the @JAMA_current RCT TESTING (Therapeutic Evaluation of Steroids in IgA Nephropathy Global) #NephJC
محذوف @milardport
RT @NephJC: And some subgroups on primary outcome No signal here? #NephJC https://t.co/FPbY2qL26B
محذوف @milardport
RT @NephJC: T2: T2: look at GFR in particular. Early rise in GFR with steroids? Can anyone explain that? #NephJC https://t.co/QN0OwTnoHo
محذوف @milardport
RT @NephJC: T2: T2: they looked at urinary creatinine (efigure 3) Seems to be lower with steroids - ? Sarcopenia #NephJc https://t.co/cXkr7chRgc
gub70725 @gub70725
RT @edgarvlermamd: @CJASN Rituximab failed to ⬇️ levels of specific antibodies w/ pathogenetic roles in IgA nephropathy #Nephpearls #NephJC 👉🏼 https://t.co/58ZAerhPMF https://t.co/P2Jb2YCUFH
gub70725 @gub70725
RT @rheault_m: @NephRodby CureGN IgA cohort is relatively low risk. (Guess who's on their patient newsletter committee?) #NephJC https://t.co/xpufm6NmE6 https://t.co/O0TxEjpYBR
Mo Alzubaidi @NephrosisMo
RT @edgarvlermamd: @CJASN IgA Nephropathy: @CJASN IgA Nephropathy: Risk Factors for Progression #Nephpearls #NephJC https://t.co/wwuiVDphpo
#NephJC content from Twitter.