#OTalk Transcript

Healthcare social media transcript of the #OTalk hashtag.
See #OTalk Influencers/Analytics.

#OTalk @OTalk_
It’s #OTalk time! @GeekyOT on the @OTalk_ account tonight. Who’s here? Say hi even if lurking! https://t.co/iEiB63hW7p
#OTalk @OTalk_
Welcome to #OTalk. Quick refresh of The Rules: https://t.co/BW0SFUihJp
Bill Wong, OTD, OTR/L @BillWongOT
Hello! #otalk
#OTalk @OTalk_
The 2nd Rule is: remember the #OTalk hashtag (only 1 ‘T’) 3rd Rule: Adhere to professional guidelines & treat everyone with respect. @theHCPC & @theRCOT standards apply online too! (see https://t.co/bq8BX3pd89 & https://t.co/2MzY9mRe9K)
#OTalk @OTalk_
4th and Final Rule: if this is your first time at #OTalk, it’s okay to lurk, & feel free to jump in if you have something to add. Everyone’s views are welcome.
#OTalk @OTalk_
@SarahSharland19 @GeekyOT Hi Sarah! Glad you to have you in #OTalk tonight
#OTalk @OTalk_
@LeoKellerOT Welcome back! :) #OTalk
#OTalk @OTalk_
@BethjmOT Gosh impressive multitasking! What's the #WeMDT topic tonight? Shame the chats clash! #OTalk
Hiral Khatri (Modi’s Fam) @DrHiralKhatri
I am here! Planning to attend the whole chat-session today. #OTAlk
#OTalk @OTalk_
@sweet_hiral Brilliant, great to have you here tonight! #OTalk
#OTalk @OTalk_
@WeLearn_ @BethjmOT Hello everyone! Wishing everyone lots of meaningful #CPD tonight! #OTalk #WeMDT
#OTalk @OTalk_
Tonight’s #OTalk is hosted by Dee (@gedgravegirls), on the topic of ‘Occupational Ideals’. If you’ve not had a chance to read the blog post yet, check it out at: https://t.co/neHrveul2W
Bill Wong, OTD, OTR/L @BillWongOT
RT @BethjmOT:
#OTalk @OTalk_
RT @GedgraveGirls:
#OTalk @OTalk_
@colourful_ot @GeekyOT Welcome! #OTalk
#OTalk @OTalk_
RT @GedgraveGirls:
Bill Wong, OTD, OTR/L @BillWongOT
@BethjmOT @WeLearn_ @CovUniOT I use my own account. I do a mix of both personal and sharing professional resources. #otalk
#OTalk @OTalk_
@julieannelowe1 @LeoKellerOT And to you! Hope it's going well so far! #OTalk
Rachael S-P @RaiOT1114
I find the #4OT, #OTalk, and #AHP4PH very useful learning environments #weMDT
#OTalk @OTalk_
@GedgraveGirls 1. It's a challenging balance to find! For me it requires conscious effort to make sure important roles are not neglected when others become more demanding #OTalk
#OTalk @OTalk_
@SLThewlis @GeekyOT Welcome to #OTalk :) Glad to have you following along
Venthan Mailoo @VenthanMailoo
@GedgraveGirls As a #NHS #JuniorDoctor and #anaesthetics trainee I have to choose between optimal wellbeing or my career. If I choose #WorkLifeBalance I will fail my exams and be kicked out of training. @OTalk_ @AAGBI @NHS_HealthEdEng @RCoA_Training @Jeremy_Hunt #OTalk https://t.co/3VbgKIZL0U
#OTalk @OTalk_
#OTalk https://t.co/UqxsE8jvC4
Rachael S-P @RaiOT1114
@GedgraveGirls Being reflective, and highly self aware of my roles and meaningful ocupations #otalk
Bill Wong, OTD, OTR/L @BillWongOT
RT @DebbiiHarrison:
Bill Wong, OTD, OTR/L @BillWongOT
RT @julieannelowe1:
Bill Wong, OTD, OTR/L @BillWongOT
RT @OTalk_: @GedgraveGirls 1. It's a challenging balance to find! For me it requires conscious effort to make sure important roles are not neglected when others become more demanding #OTalk
Rachael S-P @RaiOT1114
@DebbiiHarrison I think remembering the self care element of this is so important, and can really change occupational balance and inner zen #OTalk
Bill Wong, OTD, OTR/L @BillWongOT
@OTalk_ @GedgraveGirls Definitely- you have your primary work duties, that also other meaningful occupational roles too- on an off the profession. Tough to spend consistent amount of time per day. #otalk
#OTalk @OTalk_
@VenthanMailoo @GedgraveGirls @AAGBI @NHS_HealthEdEng @RCoA_Training @Jeremy_Hunt Thanks for sharing - it's generally challenging to find occupational balance but #JuniorDoctors seem to have a particularly demanding time with training! #OTalk
Bill Wong, OTD, OTR/L @BillWongOT
@OTalk_ @GedgraveGirls And then also sometimes our roles in OT can also be a factor. In some roles, we must do what we do with extreme caution. #otalk
Hiral Khatri (Modi’s Fam) @DrHiralKhatri
@GedgraveGirls I believe it should be the time-management skills as an OT professional and also a wife/mom for me.Using technology- a lot to keep track of 'to-do' lists, and calendars to pop notifications. Setting goals for everyday would create optimal occupational balane. #Otalk
Bill Wong, OTD, OTR/L @BillWongOT
@BethjmOT @GedgraveGirls Yes- for me to pull of schedule for 5 conferences a year and then do what I do at AOTA level is tough sometimes... since I also like to prepare presentation abstracts for almost all conference I want to attend! #otalk
#OTalk @OTalk_
@DebbiiHarrison So hard! Currently trying to remember to have something to drink during the day - easy to get too caught up with work #Otalk
Bill Wong, OTD, OTR/L @BillWongOT
@kerri_schOT @OTalk_ @GedgraveGirls And then if you have ones within say RCOT or AOTA, you got to be on your A game always! #otalk
#OTalk @OTalk_
RT @GedgraveGirls:
Bill Wong, OTD, OTR/L @BillWongOT
RT @GedgraveGirls:
#OTalk @OTalk_
@GedgraveGirls Could you expand about what you mean by "spiritually optimize"? #OTalk
Hiral Khatri (Modi’s Fam) @DrHiralKhatri
RT @GedgraveGirls:
Hiral Khatri (Modi’s Fam) @DrHiralKhatri
RT @OTalk_: @sweet_hiral Brilliant, great to have you here tonight! #OTalk
Bill Wong, OTD, OTR/L @BillWongOT
@GedgraveGirls I think this will be harder on my end than others... since I go around to different places to do my job. So my objective is to do the best I can each day as it comes... and ask rehab staff for pointers if needed before treatments. #otalk
Venthan Mailoo @VenthanMailoo
@GedgraveGirls Perhaps 'medical optimization' is a job for medics rather than #OccupationalTherapists. @OTalk_ #OTalk https://t.co/nSXwnpYYID
Bill Wong, OTD, OTR/L @BillWongOT
@julieannelowe1 @GedgraveGirls I do that with my drives to or in between each work location. #otalk
Bill Wong, OTD, OTR/L @BillWongOT
RT @DebbiiHarrison:
Bill Wong, OTD, OTR/L @BillWongOT
RT @kerri_schOT:
Sophie Maynard @SophieMaynard8
@OTalk_ @GedgraveGirls That’s what I find difficult, I have to consciously pull myself away from things to focus on something else... and it’s usually when I’m not even enjoying something that I get absorbed #OTalk
Bill Wong, OTD, OTR/L @BillWongOT
@julieannelowe1 @GedgraveGirls I do that with spice girls music... haha! #otalk
#OTalk @OTalk_
@VenthanMailoo @GedgraveGirls Good point - #OccupationalTherapists best placed to assess & address occupational needs. Value input from #MDT colleagues to complete the picture #OTalk
Bill Wong, OTD, OTR/L @BillWongOT
@OTLaurenC @GedgraveGirls Recently I did that when I realized I felt extremely weak when I attempted to do patient transfers. I later found out when I got back home that I got a stomach flu. I ended up calling off the next day so that I didn’t affect patients. #otalk
Sophie Maynard @SophieMaynard8
@GedgraveGirls By helping them to take ownership in what is important to them and what makes them, them. Providing tools to stay engaged with those things too #OTalk
Bill Wong, OTD, OTR/L @BillWongOT
@OTLaurenC @GedgraveGirls And when I left my first job- I felt so much anxiety that I couldn’t take it any more. So I resigned that day instead of giving my employer 2 week notice that was supposed to be as courtesy. I felt that waiting 2 weeks more then wasn’t worth it. #otalk
Bill Wong, OTD, OTR/L @BillWongOT
RT @SophieMaynard8: @GedgraveGirls By helping them to take ownership in what is important to them and what makes them, them. Providing tools to stay engaged with those things too #OTalk
Bill Wong, OTD, OTR/L @BillWongOT
RT @LeoKellerOT:
Bill Wong, OTD, OTR/L @BillWongOT
RT @OTalk_: @VenthanMailoo @GedgraveGirls Good point - #OccupationalTherapists best placed to assess & address occupational needs. Value input from #MDT colleagues to complete the picture #OTalk
Bill Wong, OTD, OTR/L @BillWongOT
@DebbiiHarrison @GedgraveGirls I need that when I have a mountain of reports due... lol! #otalk
#OTalk @OTalk_
#OTalk https://t.co/sIqpOfSYaD
Bill Wong, OTD, OTR/L @BillWongOT
@OTLaurenC @GedgraveGirls @julieannelowe1 Me will be a weekly dose of golf. And I will curse out my frustrations through the 4-5 hours I am on it! #otalk 😂
#OTalk @OTalk_
@SensationalOT @DebbiiHarrison I love @PomodoroTech ... it taught me to take breaks, and that they make me more effective! Useful lesson that is easily forgotten when work gets busy #OTalk
Venthan Mailoo @VenthanMailoo
@SarahSharland19 @GedgraveGirls @OTalk_ Perhaps one can only 'spiritually optimize' oneself. Seeking outwards for direction can lead to #religion or even #cults. I am not sure one can direct another in this domain. @OTalk_ #OTalk #spirituality https://t.co/nSXwnpYYID
Venthan Mailoo @VenthanMailoo
@SarahSharland19 @GedgraveGirls @OTalk_ Perhaps one can only 'spiritually optimize' oneself. Seeking outwards for direction can lead to #religion or even #cults. I am not sure one can direct another in this domain. #OTalk #spirituality https://t.co/jnbVECoPCj
#OTalk @OTalk_
@kerri_schOT @SensationalOT hehe love it! :) Great idea #OTalk
Venthan Mailoo @VenthanMailoo
@SarahSharland19 @GedgraveGirls @OTalk_ Perhaps one can only 'spiritually optimize' oneself. Seeking outwards for direction can lead to #religion or even #cults. I am not sure one can direct another in this domain. #OTalk #spirituality https://t.co/nSXwnpYYID
#OTalk @OTalk_
@NabachwaOT @GeekyOT welcome :) glad to have you here #OTalk
Bill Wong, OTD, OTR/L @BillWongOT
@julieannelowe1 @GedgraveGirls @OTalk_ I see that on my end as a service user. I bet my former occupational therapists who worked with me have been amazed of my constant attempts to challenge myself. #otalk
Hiral Khatri (Modi’s Fam) @DrHiralKhatri
@GedgraveGirls it is hard to understand but, I would say, the client-therapist relationship would optimize every aspect by itself if both parties are honest and loyal to their roles. #OTalk
Bill Wong, OTD, OTR/L @BillWongOT
@SensationalOT @DebbiiHarrison @GedgraveGirls I need that after a day where I do 30+ reports at my job... lol! #otalk
Hiral Khatri (Modi’s Fam) @DrHiralKhatri
Sometimes it is hard to determine. and optimization varies depending upong client population. Different for age groups, or ability levels and other cultural and/or societal norms. #OTAlk
Bill Wong, OTD, OTR/L @BillWongOT
@kerri_schOT @SensationalOT I am just mindful of when I take lunches on Tuesdays. 😛 #otalk
Bill Wong, OTD, OTR/L @BillWongOT
@OTLaurenC @GedgraveGirls Yes- I think it’s a delicate balance. You definitely want to take care of yourself. But then you also don’t want to be letting your team down. Calling off the morning of is something I want to avoid. #otalk
Bill Wong, OTD, OTR/L @BillWongOT
@kerri_schOT @SensationalOT I know... timing can be off though when I have to be away doing OT things. I remembered engaging in #otalk when I was in Australia was a challenge last year!
Rachael S-P @RaiOT1114
@kerri_schOT @DebbiiHarrison but also having a way of offloading difficult visits/experiences to be able to do this #otalk
#OTalk @OTalk_
Lots of interesting discussions re difficulties with #occupationalbalance. Has anyone made resolutions/goals this year to improve aspects of their balance that they'd be willing to share? #Otalk
Bill Wong, OTD, OTR/L @BillWongOT
@SensationalOT @kerri_schOT Only 4-6 weeks a year where this will be a challenge, though. Remember the Halloween one... lol? #otalk
Bill Wong, OTD, OTR/L @BillWongOT
@GedgraveGirls @SensationalOT @DebbiiHarrison @OTalk_ Recently I did 3 evaluations and almost 40 reports! My head was spinning after doing all that! #otalk
Bill Wong, OTD, OTR/L @BillWongOT
RT @shelleyamybeth:
Bill Wong, OTD, OTR/L @BillWongOT
RT @BethjmOT:
Bill Wong, OTD, OTR/L @BillWongOT
@BethjmOT @WeLearn_ I just do it because of networking purposes... and of course professional development too. I want make sure you guys know who I am when I do make the trip across the pond... haha! #otalk
#OTalk @OTalk_
this year, I'm trying to leave work on time. So far, it's going reasonably well! And giving me more time for home life (when trains are running...) #OTalk
Bill Wong, OTD, OTR/L @BillWongOT
@DebbiiHarrison @GedgraveGirls @SensationalOT @OTalk_ It’s a “con” when you develop a reputation of being reliable and quick... haha! #otalk
Bill Wong, OTD, OTR/L @BillWongOT
RT @SarahSharland19:
#OTalk @OTalk_
@julieannelowe1 That sounds amazing! What a wonderful commitment. I feel rested just reading that tweet :) #OTalk
Bill Wong, OTD, OTR/L @BillWongOT
@SarahSharland19 @OTalk_ I think my ex-classmate @mamaotblog will be a good person to talk to. She has 2 little ones. #otalk
#OTalk @OTalk_
@SarahSharland19 That sounds challenging! And important. Have you had any ideas about how to go about it? #OTalk
deb_OT @dmay_ot
@DebbiiHarrison Even though I run for the same effect, it never occurred to me that a physical occupation may also be a spiritual one - thank you #OTalk
Bill Wong, OTD, OTR/L @BillWongOT
@OTalk_ I don’t have on time for me. I am just hoping for manageable amount of overtime per week, if that happens. #otalk
Bill Wong, OTD, OTR/L @BillWongOT
@OTalk_ Though speaking of this topic though... when is appropriate time for work is important. #otalk
Bill Wong, OTD, OTR/L @BillWongOT
RT @SadieBlueOT:
Bill Wong, OTD, OTR/L @BillWongOT
@SadieBlueOT @GedgraveGirls @OTalk_ I use music to help switch off. Of course, sometimes I got to switch back on after a holiday. #otalk
#OTalk @OTalk_
RT @GedgraveGirls:
Bill Wong, OTD, OTR/L @BillWongOT
@OTLaurenC @SarahSharland19 @OTalk_ @mamaotblog I have been telling her that she should make some international trips soon! I think she will be well received internationally. #otalk
Bill Wong, OTD, OTR/L @BillWongOT
RT @SarahSharland19:
Bill Wong, OTD, OTR/L @BillWongOT
RT @shelleyamybeth:
Bill Wong, OTD, OTR/L @BillWongOT
@shelleyamybeth @GedgraveGirls Absolutely! Sometimes there is limited window for us to engage certain things for CPD. We must be aware of such. Once we choose to pursue/let go, we have to accept our decisions. #otalk
#OTalk @OTalk_
We're down to the last few minutes of the chat. What will you be taking away from tonight's discussion? Don’t forget to log your participation & reflections as CPD: https://t.co/Dnl21vqZqu #OTalk
Bill Wong, OTD, OTR/L @BillWongOT
@shelleyamybeth @GedgraveGirls And like my career too... I did not decide to be who I am in OT in a day. I decided to do what I do after I realize my work has value and I bet it will reach a global audience. #otalk
Venthan Mailoo @VenthanMailoo
@GillyGorry @SarahSharland19 @GedgraveGirls @OTalk_ Perhaps a solid concept of what #spirituality is could help #OccupationalTherapists address this domain. What is "the essence of self, the place where determination and meaning are drawn"? #CanadianModelOfOccupationalPerformance #OTalk @JanetCraik https://t.co/goP2M1P7Nm https://t.co/ws24d1Zkwc
#OTalk @OTalk_
We're down to the last few minutes of tonight's chat. What will you be taking away from the discussion? Don’t forget to log your participation & reflections as CPD: https://t.co/Dnl21vqZqu #OTalk
Bill Wong, OTD, OTR/L @BillWongOT
RT @SensationalOT:
#OTalk @OTalk_
#OTalk https://t.co/0L5C4hbUtm
Bill Wong, OTD, OTR/L @BillWongOT
@SensationalOT @OTalk_ And speaking of which, that is the reason I chose my setting. Being able to start work at 10 am is awesome. Also, as long as I provide sufficient notice for my time off, I will get it! Ability to pull off 7 conferences like 2016... don’t think I can get it that often! #otalk
Bill Wong, OTD, OTR/L @BillWongOT
@OTLaurenC @SarahSharland19 @OTalk_ @mamaotblog Small world that she is my ex classmate then... lol! #otalk
Bill Wong, OTD, OTR/L @BillWongOT
RT @cathymc9781:
#OTalk @OTalk_
Thank you @GedgraveGirls for hosting tonight's chat at short notice. Have you got an idea for an #OTalk topic? Apply here to host: https://t.co/Kf8nFtq4Zi
Bill Wong, OTD, OTR/L @BillWongOT
@cathymc9781 I agree... I have many co workers were wowed that I get involved in AOTA despite working tons of hours when I can. #otalk
Bill Wong, OTD, OTR/L @BillWongOT
RT @shelleyamybeth:
Bill Wong, OTD, OTR/L @BillWongOT
RT @santerhill:
Bill Wong, OTD, OTR/L @BillWongOT
RT @SarahSharland19:
Bill Wong, OTD, OTR/L @BillWongOT
@SarahSharland19 @GillyGorry @OTalk_ That is something I have not learned to do consistently yet! 😂 #otalk
Hiral Khatri (Modi’s Fam) @DrHiralKhatri
Signing off. It was amazing to read everyone's tweets. It was a bit hard topic for me to participate but learned a lot. Thank you!! #otalk
Bill Wong, OTD, OTR/L @BillWongOT
RT @julieannelowe1:
deb_OT @dmay_ot
@DebbiiHarrison I'm retraining to be an OT with similar risks and benefits!!! #OTalk
Bill Wong, OTD, OTR/L @BillWongOT
@DebbiiHarrison This will Be my next step if I do pursue academia... but for now, not yet! #otalk
Bill Wong, OTD, OTR/L @BillWongOT
@SarahSharland19 @GillyGorry @OTalk_ Lol- at least I do say no sometimes to conferences. I can’t do AOTA, RCOT, CAOT, and OT Australia the same year! Making choices to say no to any international conference makes me cry sometimes. 😂 #otalk
#OTalk @OTalk_
Thank you to everyone who has joined in tonight! Although the official chat time is coming to an end, feel free to keep talking. We will be grabbing a transcript in the coming days. #OTalk https://t.co/oWalv9xa7j
#OTalk @OTalk_
I (@GeekyOT) will be signing off from the @OTalk_ account now to engage in some self-care. See you all around on Twitter! #OTalk
Bill Wong, OTD, OTR/L @BillWongOT
@SarahSharland19 @GillyGorry @OTalk_ Yes- learned from 2016. No way I am doing 7 conferences again. It’s way too much even for a conference junkie. Have set a cap at 5! #otalk
Rachael S-P @RaiOT1114
@OTalk_ @GedgraveGirls I work alongside a rapid response team, would anyone be interested in a talk about preventing hospital admissions/emergancy OT role? #OTalk
#OTalk @OTalk_
RT @RaiOT1114: @OTalk_ @GedgraveGirls I work alongside a rapid response team, would anyone be interested in a talk about preventing hospital admissions/emergancy OT role? #OTalk
Bill Wong, OTD, OTR/L @BillWongOT
@SarahSharland19 @GillyGorry @OTalk_ It’s hard when RCOT, CAOT, and OT Australia ALL wants you... lol! Each of you say, “Come to mommy.” 😂 #otalk
Bill Wong, OTD, OTR/L @BillWongOT
RT @SadieBlueOT:
Bill Wong, OTD, OTR/L @BillWongOT
RT @julieannelowe1:
Venthan Mailoo @VenthanMailoo
@GillyGorry @SarahSharland19 @GedgraveGirls @OTalk_ @JanetCraik What does #spirituality mean to individuals that are blind to their #spiritual-selves? e.g. What of people #radicalised to believe in #SuicideBombing, #ReligiousWar or #racism? #OTalk @NickGriffinBU https://t.co/o9mCs8eCYn
#OTalk content from Twitter.