#OTalk Transcript

Healthcare social media transcript of the #OTalk hashtag.
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See #OTalk Influencers/Analytics.

#OTalk @OTalk_
#OTalk ***House Rules*** If in doubt ask yourself Do I want my professional body to see this? Would I mind my grandmother reading this? https://t.co/pUAdxgzTpB
Bill Wong, OTD, OTR/L @BillWongOT
Hello peeps! #otalk
#OTalk @OTalk_
Don't forget the #OTalk ! https://t.co/awTe0gqKPd
Amie Jayne๐Ÿ’š(she/her)๐Ÿณ๏ธโ€๐ŸŒˆ @Amie_OT
@OTalk_ got my fish finger sandwich ready and waiting for #otalk
Janet Thomas @JanetThomas47
Lurking a little with interest! #OTalk
#OTalk @OTalk_
Hello one and all, have we had a good day and have you read the blog post? #OTalk https://t.co/hxDyjmjcak
sian burgess @mrsmcinburtott
I'm here - just cooking tea but following with interest #Otalk
#OTalk @OTalk_
Any lurkers who feel the urge just jump in. #OTalk
#OTalk @OTalk_
Do not do like me and forget the #OTalk ! Was just testing you.... lol. https://t.co/uD9vNSdtc4
Bill Wong, OTD, OTR/L @BillWongOT
@OTalk_ I think that is a pretty unique idea! I wish more OT conferences will have that! #otalk
๐Ÿ’™CรฏsCleanAirBrigade๐ŸŸง๐ŸŸฅ @CrnchyMama
@SensationalOT YES! And if OK *now,* revisit when they're older; they change their minds when they hit their teens. BTDT. :-) #OTalk
Janet Thomas @JanetThomas47
I loved the idea and that blogging promoted. Not read I'm afraid but I'm not an OT! #otalk
Sam Pywell @smileyfacehalo
@OTalk_ #otalk great idea to blog conference, makes it accessible e.g. If on mat leave, can't afford it, unwell, unable to be released from work etc
Amie Jayne๐Ÿ’š(she/her)๐Ÿณ๏ธโ€๐ŸŒˆ @Amie_OT
#OTalk having an undergrad in creative writing I used to blog a lot but after starting my MSC stopped as I felt the topic was too personal
Dr Lynne Goodacre ๐Ÿ’™ @LynneGoodacre
When I pitched the idea I wasn't sure of response but you guys at #OTalk & conf team were fab at saying let's give it a go
Sam Pywell @smileyfacehalo
@OTalk_ #otalk slightly jealous other sessions got blogged and mine didn't.... makes me want to work harder to get chosen to be blogged!
Samantha Tavender @SamOTantha
I couldn't attend #COT2017 so the blog squad was a great way to feel part of the action #OTalk
sian burgess @mrsmcinburtott
@OTalk_ I follow the conference tweets and always feel I can pull useful info #OTalk
Bill Wong, OTD, OTR/L @BillWongOT
Yes- an alternative means for people who have not caught on the Twitter for CPD bandwagon. #otalk https://t.co/RcjZN7bJn9
#OTalk @OTalk_
If you missed them they can be found here, #OTalk #COT2017 Blog Squad https://t.co/E6zwCAkVvq
Bill Wong, OTD, OTR/L @BillWongOT
RT @Amie_OT: #OTalk having an undergrad in creative writing I used to blog a lot but after starting my MSC stopped as I felt the topic was too personal
Samantha Tavender @SamOTantha
RT @OTalk_: If you missed them they can be found here, #OTalk #COT2017 Blog Squad https://t.co/E6zwCAkVvq
Dr Lynne Goodacre ๐Ÿ’™ @LynneGoodacre
Also need to give shout out to @kevwyke who taught me all about blog squads and shared ideas of how it might work #OTalk
Amie Jayne๐Ÿ’š(she/her)๐Ÿณ๏ธโ€๐ŸŒˆ @Amie_OT
@dianecox61 @OTalk_ I loved the blog squad, I missed sessions as rooms were full but felt like I didn't miss out with the blogs #otalk
Amie Jayne๐Ÿ’š(she/her)๐Ÿณ๏ธโ€๐ŸŒˆ @Amie_OT
RT @OTalk_: If you missed them they can be found here, #OTalk #COT2017 Blog Squad https://t.co/E6zwCAkVvq
Bill Wong, OTD, OTR/L @BillWongOT
@smileyfacehalo @OTalk_ But I think this also has to do with topics of interest for the bloggers. #otalk
#OTalk @OTalk_
#OTalk Q2. Do you regularly follow individual bloggers? https://t.co/40wRTZ9hVT
Janet Thomas @JanetThomas47
Just had a quick look at the blogs - fantastic! #otalk
Bill Wong, OTD, OTR/L @BillWongOT
@SamOTantha And this year you got 2 for price of 1 last week with #caot2017 #otalk
Bill Wong, OTD, OTR/L @BillWongOT
@OTalk_ Definitely follow my ex classmate, @mamaotblog #otalk
Amie Jayne๐Ÿ’š(she/her)๐Ÿณ๏ธโ€๐ŸŒˆ @Amie_OT
@dianecox61 I've been considering blogging again but haven't sat down to commit to it yet, feel i need to #otalk
sian burgess @mrsmcinburtott
@OT_rach I wonder what percentage were from people there or following the conference hashtag #OTalk
Bill Wong, OTD, OTR/L @BillWongOT
@dianecox61 @OTalk_ I think another OT one from the states is @otpotential #otalk
Bill Wong, OTD, OTR/L @BillWongOT
@Amie_OT @dianecox61 I use my personal Facebook page as a means to. That is why I am not using that as frequent. #otalk
Dr Lynne Goodacre ๐Ÿ’™ @LynneGoodacre
Forgot #OTAlk !!! https://t.co/lG3Hsen3ZV
Elle Russell, MS, OTR/L @elleOT2019
RT @OTalk_: If you missed them they can be found here, #OTalk #COT2017 Blog Squad https://t.co/E6zwCAkVvq
Samantha Tavender @SamOTantha
@OTalk_ I follow @LynneGoodacre personal development blog as it directly aligns with my personal views and @EndTheStigma_ie for mental health #OTalk
Bill Wong, OTD, OTR/L @BillWongOT
RT @LynneGoodacre: Forgot #OTAlk !!! https://t.co/lG3Hsen3ZV
#OTalk @OTalk_
#OTalk https://t.co/w71b9gxTV6
Sam Pywell @smileyfacehalo
RT @LynneGoodacre: Forgot #OTAlk !!! https://t.co/lG3Hsen3ZV
#OTalk @OTalk_
@elleOT2019 Just 1 T in #OTalk
Bill Wong, OTD, OTR/L @BillWongOT
RT @AylaOT:
sian burgess @mrsmcinburtott
@SensationalOT Yes I'm the same - have t found anyone in particular. But open to suggestions #OTalk
Sam Pywell @smileyfacehalo
@LynneGoodacre #otalk the experience made me want to blog at conference as I felt the more people who did it the more sessions we could share as a cop
Amie Jayne๐Ÿ’š(she/her)๐Ÿณ๏ธโ€๐ŸŒˆ @Amie_OT
@GillyGorry My blog started in reaction to others about experiences of being in a relationship with someone with ASD #otalk
#OTalk @OTalk_
#OTalk Q3. What type of blogs do you follow? Occupational Therapy specific? Wider related topics? Creative activities? Otherโ€ฆ.. https://t.co/RAXWlOT0Zc
Bill Wong, OTD, OTR/L @BillWongOT
RT @smileyfacehalo: @LynneGoodacre #otalk the experience made me want to blog at conference as I felt the more people who did it the more sessions we could share as a cop
#OTalk @OTalk_
#OTalk https://t.co/cutovZOBIr
Amie Jayne๐Ÿ’š(she/her)๐Ÿณ๏ธโ€๐ŸŒˆ @Amie_OT
@OTalk_ I follow other students mainly #otalk
sian burgess @mrsmcinburtott
@OT_rach That's interesting. A lot of OTs I talk to don't know about following conference # - such a shame. Do you know the % spit #OTalk
Dr Lynne Goodacre ๐Ÿ’™ @LynneGoodacre
I follow Berene Brown and Tara MOhr for personal dev. and some great research related blogs #OTAlk
Bill Wong, OTD, OTR/L @BillWongOT
@OTalk_ OT specific... but for a time in my clinical doctorate... I did for autistic SU's and their caregivers. #otalk
Sam Pywell @smileyfacehalo
@LynneGoodacre #otalk Brene brown? She's amazing.....
Dr Lynne Goodacre ๐Ÿ’™ @LynneGoodacre
I think you need to be clear about what you want to read otherwise it is over whelming. Check a few out at a time #OTAlk
Samantha Tavender @SamOTantha
@OTalk_ I follow ones OT and mental health blogs #OTalk
Samantha Tavender @SamOTantha
RT @LynneGoodacre: I follow Berene Brown and Tara MOhr for personal dev. and some great research related blogs #OTAlk
#OTalk @OTalk_
#OTalk TOP TIP! https://t.co/endrEr4KnS
Amie Jayne๐Ÿ’š(she/her)๐Ÿณ๏ธโ€๐ŸŒˆ @Amie_OT
@AylaOT @OTalk_ Interesting I get most of my art and craft ideas from Pinterest #otalk
Dr Lynne Goodacre ๐Ÿ’™ @LynneGoodacre
Another tip if you find a blog you like see who they recommend and follow #OTAlk
Bill Wong, OTD, OTR/L @BillWongOT
RT @OTalk_: #OTalk TOP TIP! https://t.co/endrEr4KnS
Amie Jayne๐Ÿ’š(she/her)๐Ÿณ๏ธโ€๐ŸŒˆ @Amie_OT
@OT_rach That's brilliant #otalk
sian burgess @mrsmcinburtott
@OT_rach Thanks. That's interesting - still quite low numbers for national conference :( we need to increase confidence in OTs #OTalk
Elle Russell, MS, OTR/L @elleOT2019
@OTalk_ OT Specific; Sewing & Crafting. Combining both to address SPD. Weighted blankets are my current focus. #OTalk
Bill Wong, OTD, OTR/L @BillWongOT
@LynneGoodacre Definitely- learned that from my clinical doctorate experience. Have to know what to look for. #otalk
Bill Wong, OTD, OTR/L @BillWongOT
RT @LynneGoodacre: Another tip if you find a blog you like see who they recommend and follow #OTAlk
Dr Lynne Goodacre ๐Ÿ’™ @LynneGoodacre
Ayla me to! This is my regular 'me time' I have booked marked my favs and love them. #OTalk https://t.co/Tkst7r50kX
Bill Wong, OTD, OTR/L @BillWongOT
@mrsmcinburtott @OT_rach I think this is a global problem that will take a good while... can't be done overnight. #otalk
Ailsa Mulligan @ailsa_claire
Bit late to #OTalk but am here!
Bill Wong, OTD, OTR/L @BillWongOT
@mrsmcinburtott @OT_rach And we also need to increase buy-in from OT's in utilizing such formats to promote our profession. #otalk
Orla @orlatheot
@OTalk_ Yes, I've found some OT blogs through twitter and loads of travel blogs through instagram #OTalk
Amie Jayne๐Ÿ’š(she/her)๐Ÿณ๏ธโ€๐ŸŒˆ @Amie_OT
@Keirwales @OTalk_ It's great to hear from the SU perspective #otalk
Bill Wong, OTD, OTR/L @BillWongOT
I used to do that sometimes for people. I think that experience is fun! #otalk https://t.co/cyFVif1tGT
Bill Wong, OTD, OTR/L @BillWongOT
RT @orlatheot: @OTalk_ Yes, I've found some OT blogs through twitter and loads of travel blogs through instagram #OTalk
Dr Lynne Goodacre ๐Ÿ’™ @LynneGoodacre
Those weren't from the conference they were just from last Thursday I think @OT_rach said #OTAlk https://t.co/DAxBXSFLwA
sian burgess @mrsmcinburtott
@Keirwales @OTalk_ I'm hoping to find some good SU blogs to recommend to our students - will you let me know if you think of any appropriate ones #OTalk
Ailsa Mulligan @ailsa_claire
I follow general OT blog, SU blogs and browse occupational therapy tags in tumblr! #OTalk
Sam Pywell @smileyfacehalo
@SensationalOT @LynneGoodacre #otalk something about draw strength from the chaos, resonates with the pragmatic voice within!
sian burgess @mrsmcinburtott
@OT_rach Better stats :) #OTalk
#OTalk @OTalk_
@mrsmcinburtott @Keirwales Leaving some time at the end to share recommendations. #OTalk
Bill Wong, OTD, OTR/L @BillWongOT
@mrsmcinburtott @Keirwales @OTalk_ I think I read a good few a few years ago on #autism... but now I forgot how updated they are now. #otalk
Dr Lynne Goodacre ๐Ÿ’™ @LynneGoodacre
Be clear about what you want to achieve #OTAlk it takes a lot of time and effort https://t.co/SiIzyFRtSk
Amie Jayne๐Ÿ’š(she/her)๐Ÿณ๏ธโ€๐ŸŒˆ @Amie_OT
@AylaOT @OTalk_ I've never thought of using it to look at blogs before #otalk
Bill Wong, OTD, OTR/L @BillWongOT
Same goes with our social media uses too! #otalk https://t.co/7gC9RAYdRq
#OTalk @OTalk_
#OTalk Q5. Have you previously engaged in blogging? Why did you stop? https://t.co/1qA0oxeKvS
#OTalk @OTalk_
@MillennialOT @AylaOT we are leaving some time at the end to share blogs.... #OTalk
Ailsa Mulligan @ailsa_claire
@SleddingFreya @OTalk_ @Airedaleahps I'm BDCT and mention #OTalk and blogging quite a bit. Hoping to feedback my experience blogging at #COT2017 in team meeting!
Dr Lynne Goodacre ๐Ÿ’™ @LynneGoodacre
Now this is where I get stretched @Ailsa_Claire tags on tumblr #OTalk ????? https://t.co/XpRFnv9Wt5
Amie Jayne๐Ÿ’š(she/her)๐Ÿณ๏ธโ€๐ŸŒˆ @Amie_OT
@OTalk_ Yes I used to about personal experiences after reading blogs about people say they would never find love being ASD #otalk
Sam Pywell @smileyfacehalo
@OTalk_ Q5 #otalk never blogged, need a basic tutorial on how to do it being honest!
Ailsa Mulligan @ailsa_claire
@OTalk_ I use to but stopped as not sure of direction I was going! Might start again once settled in my new post as it might help me focus! #OTalk
sian burgess @mrsmcinburtott
@LynneGoodacre @Ailsa_Claire Tags on tumblr - beyond my digital capabilities but might look into it ! #OTalk
Bill Wong, OTD, OTR/L @BillWongOT
I do similar things except from my perspective. #otalk https://t.co/9AtsHnBy45
Ailsa Mulligan @ailsa_claire
@LynneGoodacre Tumblr is another site that is good for blogging and allows you to reblog others - it's very good for SU perspective and humour! #OTalk
#OTalk @OTalk_
#OTalk (oops missed this one) Q4. Are you currently blogging? Please share why you blog. Tip tips for blogging. https://t.co/ezOI1Hm6fU
Amie Jayne๐Ÿ’š(she/her)๐Ÿณ๏ธโ€๐ŸŒˆ @Amie_OT
@AylaOT @Ailsa_Claire tumblr is a whole new ball game! may try to venture there if I'm brave enough #OTalk
Ailsa Mulligan @ailsa_claire
@AylaOT I think tumblr is a good intro to blogging as you can reblog articles as well as posting your own. And provides me with memes! #OTalk
#OTalk @OTalk_
#OTalk https://t.co/VAII48AJZZ
Amie Jayne๐Ÿ’š(she/her)๐Ÿณ๏ธโ€๐ŸŒˆ @Amie_OT
@BillWongOT My other half has ASD and after reading lots of negative blogs I decided to shed some positive light about the good experiences #OTalk
sian burgess @mrsmcinburtott
@Amie_OT @AylaOT @Ailsa_Claire Just asked my teenager - she says I'm not ready for tumblr ๐Ÿ˜ฑ #OTalk
Bill Wong, OTD, OTR/L @BillWongOT
@OTalk_ I think finding a good frequency is key. Now I have found once every week or other week is about right for me. #otalk
#OTalk @OTalk_
#OTalk https://t.co/2zl0ck6UzX
Bill Wong, OTD, OTR/L @BillWongOT
@Amie_OT I think that is so important. I like a blend of being real and positive. #otalk
Amie Jayne๐Ÿ’š(she/her)๐Ÿณ๏ธโ€๐ŸŒˆ @Amie_OT
@SensationalOT @SleddingFreya @LynneGoodacre 100% I've gone back and deleted blogs I had as an undergrad due to them not being something I want to go back to now #OTalk
Dr Lynne Goodacre ๐Ÿ’™ @LynneGoodacre
Q4 yes blog in a regular basis at https://t.co/J4Vfatcnlu #OTAlk main focus coaching approach to personal dev. and all things research
Amie Jayne๐Ÿ’š(she/her)๐Ÿณ๏ธโ€๐ŸŒˆ @Amie_OT
@mrsmcinburtott @AylaOT @Ailsa_Claire I don't have a teenager to ask but I'm pretty sure I'm not ready either! #OTalk
sian burgess @mrsmcinburtott
@smileyfacehalo @OTalk_ Yes any pointers for basic instructions would be useful. Trying to promote to students but need to feel comfortable myself first #OTalk
Orla @orlatheot
@OTalk_ #Otalk I used to blog but I didn't know who my audience was. Aim it for OTs to read or for the general public to promote the profession?
Amie Jayne๐Ÿ’š(she/her)๐Ÿณ๏ธโ€๐ŸŒˆ @Amie_OT
@BillWongOT Yes and I felt like I was giving hope to those who blogged so negatively about relationships #OTalk
Bill Wong, OTD, OTR/L @BillWongOT
@AylaOT @OTalk_ I know- sounds quite opposite to my Twitter and regular Facebook strategies... haha! #otalk
Ailsa Mulligan @ailsa_claire
@mrsmcinburtott @Amie_OT @AylaOT I think if you can stay on the tags/searches you're safe! it's if you wander off! Also if in work make use the safe search option!๐Ÿ˜ฒ #OTalk
sian burgess @mrsmcinburtott
@lottie01 Hoping to encourage students to engage in blogs for reflection #OTalk
Bill Wong, OTD, OTR/L @BillWongOT
@Amie_OT Hope is important in SU world, IMHO. #otalk
Amie Jayne๐Ÿ’š(she/her)๐Ÿณ๏ธโ€๐ŸŒˆ @Amie_OT
@Ailsa_Claire @mrsmcinburtott @AylaOT I'll have to add it to my list of things to look at, I need to sit down for a day or schedule it in somehow! #OTalk
Dr Lynne Goodacre ๐Ÿ’™ @LynneGoodacre
Some are def. but many aren't, there are many brilliant learning resources being blogged about #OTAlk https://t.co/5eAOsqHF3o
Orla @orlatheot
@OTalk_ #Otalk I have my first post in the pipeline #watchthisspace
Bill Wong, OTD, OTR/L @BillWongOT
@mrsmcinburtott @lottie01 I think carryover from initial semester/trimester of introduction is key. #otalk
Amie Jayne๐Ÿ’š(she/her)๐Ÿณ๏ธโ€๐ŸŒˆ @Amie_OT
@lottie01 @KarenCollinsAHP When I have the time I find myself sat watching cat videos on youtube and not sitting down and blogging like planned #OTalk
Bill Wong, OTD, OTR/L @BillWongOT
@mrsmcinburtott @lottie01 In terms of Twitter for CPD, the results are mixed and some programs tend to show poor follow up. #otalk
Bill Wong, OTD, OTR/L @BillWongOT
RT @Amie_OT: @Ailsa_Claire @mrsmcinburtott @AylaOT I'll have to add it to my list of things to look at, I need to sit down for a day or schedule it in somehow! #OTalk
Dr Lynne Goodacre ๐Ÿ’™ @LynneGoodacre
Really important point @orlatheot who am I writing for #OTAlk and what do they want to know https://t.co/BYrRzze11Z
sian burgess @mrsmcinburtott
@BillWongOT @lottie01 We have a strategy in the programme but always looking to increase students digital literacy capabilities #OTalk
Kelly S (She/Her) @KellyOT
RT @OTalk_: #OTalk (oops missed this one) Q4. Are you currently blogging? Please share why you blog. Tip tips for blogging. https://t.co/ezOI1Hm6fU
Amie Jayne๐Ÿ’š(she/her)๐Ÿณ๏ธโ€๐ŸŒˆ @Amie_OT
@Helen_OTUK @lottie01 @KarenCollinsAHP Exactly! That's pretty much the reason why i do it! #OTalk
#OTalk @OTalk_
#OTalk https://t.co/ZkZba7oWFR
Bill Wong, OTD, OTR/L @BillWongOT
@mrsmcinburtott @lottie01 I think creative incentives for practitioners to engage with students will be good. #otalk
Ailsa Mulligan @ailsa_claire
@mrsmcinburtott @lottie01 We were often encouraged to look at blogs/get SU's perspective! It really helped in a classroom setting when you don't have a SU #OTalk
sian burgess @mrsmcinburtott
Sorry everyone got to go. Thanks for sharing your thoughts #OTalk
Hiral Khatri (Modiโ€™s Fam) @DrHiralKhatri
Yes I do. For my clinic's blog page. Because I love OT and writing. *stay precise * stick to the topic. & audience * proof read #otalk https://t.co/qEWkoUWn4e
Amie Jayne๐Ÿ’š(she/her)๐Ÿณ๏ธโ€๐ŸŒˆ @Amie_OT
@Helen_OTUK @mrsmcinburtott @lottie01 @GillyGorry @GeekyOT @OTontheTracks @BevG_studentOT and all the other students were brilliant, very informative and interesting writing! #OTalk
Bill Wong, OTD, OTR/L @BillWongOT
RT @Ailsa_Claire: @mrsmcinburtott @lottie01 We were often encouraged to look at blogs/get SU's perspective! It really helped in a classroom setting when you don't have a SU #OTalk
Sam Pywell @smileyfacehalo
@mrsmcinburtott @BillWongOT @lottie01 #otalk professional communication and social media are now current and essential skills .....
Sam Pywell @smileyfacehalo
RT @mrsmcinburtott: @BillWongOT @lottie01 We have a strategy in the programme but always looking to increase students digital literacy capabilities #OTalk
#OTalk @OTalk_
#OTalk Q6. Have you been inspired by the Blog Squad or this evening chat to return to or start blogging? https://t.co/3KB4q7AoVh
Bill Wong, OTD, OTR/L @BillWongOT
@Ailsa_Claire @mrsmcinburtott @lottie01 And hopefully more programs see that I am one of the go-to sources on #autism. #otalk
Amie Jayne๐Ÿ’š(she/her)๐Ÿณ๏ธโ€๐ŸŒˆ @Amie_OT
@lottie01 @KarenCollinsAHP I know that feeling, I have had a plan for blogging and other CPD activities since starting my MSc and haven't achieved all of them #OTalk
Ailsa Mulligan @ailsa_claire
I think twitter is helping me to stay involved in social media whilst trying to figure out exactly what I will blog about! #OTalk https://t.co/U2YpEM0Puf
#OTalk @OTalk_
Q2. #OTalk https://t.co/Jmr7CGpzuj
Bill Wong, OTD, OTR/L @BillWongOT
@smileyfacehalo @mrsmcinburtott @lottie01 But not for those who have caught on that bandwagon yet. We still have some late adopters. #otalk
Amie Jayne๐Ÿ’š(she/her)๐Ÿณ๏ธโ€๐ŸŒˆ @Amie_OT
@MillennialOT @lottie01 @KarenCollinsAHP I've never thought of drafting that isn't on the blog site, that will stop me from having to go back to redo typos #OTalk
Bill Wong, OTD, OTR/L @BillWongOT
@smileyfacehalo @mrsmcinburtott @lottie01 And tweeting during conference is still novel concept to many. #otalk
#OTalk @OTalk_
#OTalk https://t.co/NDdwUOJD63
Bill Wong, OTD, OTR/L @BillWongOT
That I agree! #otalk https://t.co/Jv9nkdDux6
Samantha Tavender @SamOTantha
@OTalk_ #OTalk I have been thinking about this for some time, I have even downloaded Wordpress but just need the time.
Amie Jayne๐Ÿ’š(she/her)๐Ÿณ๏ธโ€๐ŸŒˆ @Amie_OT
@BillWongOT @smileyfacehalo @mrsmcinburtott @lottie01 to be fair, other than conference I regularly forget that I have a twitter account #OTalk
Bill Wong, OTD, OTR/L @BillWongOT
@OTalk_ I think my ideas will come when there is something I want to blog spontaneously. #otalk
Orla @orlatheot
RT @LynneGoodacre: Really important point @orlatheot who am I writing for #OTAlk and what do they want to know https://t.co/BYrRzze11Z
Ailsa Mulligan @ailsa_claire
@OTalk_ I was inspired to set up my own blog by taking part in blog squad (just the hardest part left - what to name it!) #OTalk
Bill Wong, OTD, OTR/L @BillWongOT
@smileyfacehalo @mrsmcinburtott @lottie01 Yes- and can be really hard for many to fit within 140 characters! #otalk
Sam Pywell @smileyfacehalo
@SensationalOT #otalk q6 would consider blogging at next conference
Amie Jayne๐Ÿ’š(she/her)๐Ÿณ๏ธโ€๐ŸŒˆ @Amie_OT
@OTalk_ Yes blog squad has reminded me to blog again and just shown me that i need to get back into it #OTalk
Elle Russell, MS, OTR/L @elleOT2019
@OTalk_ Yes. As a student & to raise awareness about diversity, Im launching https://t.co/STvxCbkZUo on 8/19. #OTalk
Bill Wong, OTD, OTR/L @BillWongOT
@SensationalOT If it's from my experiences with blogging, I will say it's important to not share too much too fast! #otalk
Amie Jayne๐Ÿ’š(she/her)๐Ÿณ๏ธโ€๐ŸŒˆ @Amie_OT
@MillennialOT @Helen_OTUK @mrsmcinburtott @lottie01 @GillyGorry @GeekyOT @OTontheTracks @BevG_studentOT That's interesting, I wonder why that is! Maybe an area of research? What attracts OTs to twitter and social media? #OTalk
Dr Lynne Goodacre ๐Ÿ’™ @LynneGoodacre
There will never be enough time @SamOTantha if it is calling you strongly enough you need to do it #OTAlk waiting for time it won't happen https://t.co/HDTyyNpsej
Bill Wong, OTD, OTR/L @BillWongOT
@Ruthia_M @OTalk_ I think you have to find subjects you are passionate about. That can help a lot! #otalk
Bill Wong, OTD, OTR/L @BillWongOT
RT @AylaOT:
Bill Wong, OTD, OTR/L @BillWongOT
@Amie_OT @MillennialOT @Helen_OTUK @mrsmcinburtott @lottie01 @GillyGorry @GeekyOT @OTontheTracks @BevG_studentOT Haha! I want in if someone is starting it! #otalk
Amie Jayne๐Ÿ’š(she/her)๐Ÿณ๏ธโ€๐ŸŒˆ @Amie_OT
@lottie01 @MillennialOT @Helen_OTUK @mrsmcinburtott @GillyGorry @GeekyOT @OTontheTracks @BevG_studentOT Or just that they prefer social media? Or teams are traditionally smaller in MH so people are more likely to reach out online? #OTalk
Bill Wong, OTD, OTR/L @BillWongOT
@LynneGoodacre @SamOTantha And definitely so if you have to juggle so many OT and non OT roles! #otalk
Dr Lynne Goodacre ๐Ÿ’™ @LynneGoodacre
If you're interested here's my blog #OTalk post conf. Nurturing the seeds of conference. - LG Personal Development https://t.co/gjkWsyL4um
Amie Jayne๐Ÿ’š(she/her)๐Ÿณ๏ธโ€๐ŸŒˆ @Amie_OT
@LynneGoodacre @SamOTantha I think I will be joining the blogging too, maybe we need to make a blogging pact/blogging group? #OTalk
Hiral Khatri (Modiโ€™s Fam) @DrHiralKhatri
RT @LynneGoodacre: If you're interested here's my blog #OTalk post conf. Nurturing the seeds of conference. - LG Personal Development https://t.co/gjkWsyL4um
Hiral Khatri (Modiโ€™s Fam) @DrHiralKhatri
RT @elleOT2019: @OTalk_ Yes. As a student & to raise awareness about diversity, Im launching https://t.co/STvxCbkZUo on 8/19. #OTalk
Hiral Khatri (Modiโ€™s Fam) @DrHiralKhatri
RT @Helen_OTUK:
#OTalk @OTalk_
#OTalk https://t.co/8wInr9AXTK
Amie Jayne๐Ÿ’š(she/her)๐Ÿณ๏ธโ€๐ŸŒˆ @Amie_OT
@BillWongOT @MillennialOT @Helen_OTUK @mrsmcinburtott @lottie01 @GillyGorry @GeekyOT @OTontheTracks @BevG_studentOT I'm not sure anyone else is more qualified than you to look at social media #OTalk
Hiral Khatri (Modiโ€™s Fam) @DrHiralKhatri
Blogging for OT is helpful in promoting #otalk
Bill Wong, OTD, OTR/L @BillWongOT
@Amie_OT @MillennialOT @Helen_OTUK @mrsmcinburtott @lottie01 @GillyGorry @GeekyOT @OTontheTracks @BevG_studentOT Hahahaha! But what I can do is limited without institution support. #otalk
Amie Jayne๐Ÿ’š(she/her)๐Ÿณ๏ธโ€๐ŸŒˆ @Amie_OT
@AylaOT @MillennialOT @Helen_OTUK @mrsmcinburtott @lottie01 @GillyGorry @GeekyOT @OTontheTracks @BevG_studentOT Me too... my brain cogs are going crazy here... too late for my dissertation now though, darn it! #OTalk
Bill Wong, OTD, OTR/L @BillWongOT
@SamScully86 @OTalk_ Don't we all? #otalk
Dr Lynne Goodacre ๐Ÿ’™ @LynneGoodacre
OHHH @Amie_OT just had a vision @RCOT specialist section social media #OTAlk https://t.co/G7CzfvTOZA
Amie Jayne๐Ÿ’š(she/her)๐Ÿณ๏ธโ€๐ŸŒˆ @Amie_OT
@lottie01 @MillennialOT @Helen_OTUK @mrsmcinburtott @GillyGorry @GeekyOT @OTontheTracks @BevG_studentOT True, I feel like we've stumbled across a very interested potential research area here! #OTalk
Bill Wong, OTD, OTR/L @BillWongOT
@SamScully86 @OTalk_ I think there are some of us can use 300 hours in a week instead of 168! #otalk
Samantha Tavender @SamOTantha
@BillWongOT @LynneGoodacre I'm studying for @NBCOT all my brain power is on that, but agreed. My ST goal is to make notes of my ideas that I can formulate later #OTalk
Ailsa Mulligan @ailsa_claire
@orlatheot @MillennialOT @OTalk_ I think I'm going to stick with tumblr for now as it allows flexibility but might move it to wordpress when I know what I'm doing! #OTalk
Amie Jayne๐Ÿ’š(she/her)๐Ÿณ๏ธโ€๐ŸŒˆ @Amie_OT
@LynneGoodacre @rcot Yes!!! That's a brilliant idea, so many of us are using social media, @theRCOT could recognise it fully? #OTalk
Samantha Tavender @SamOTantha
@Amie_OT @LynneGoodacre Sounds like a good opportunity to set some SMART goals always in OT mode #OTalk
Amie Jayne๐Ÿ’š(she/her)๐Ÿณ๏ธโ€๐ŸŒˆ @Amie_OT
@SamOTantha @LynneGoodacre I was just thinking the same #OTalk
Bill Wong, OTD, OTR/L @BillWongOT
@Amie_OT @LynneGoodacre @rcot @theRCOT I know @thewfot now has a social media advisory group. #otalk
Amie Jayne๐Ÿ’š(she/her)๐Ÿณ๏ธโ€๐ŸŒˆ @Amie_OT
@GillyGorry @lottie01 @MillennialOT @Helen_OTUK @mrsmcinburtott @GeekyOT @OTontheTracks @BevG_studentOT Peer support is a great part of social media, I've learnt so much from others online and find it a great resource #OTalk
Amie Jayne๐Ÿ’š(she/her)๐Ÿณ๏ธโ€๐ŸŒˆ @Amie_OT
@BillWongOT @LynneGoodacre @rcot @theRCOT @thewfot I'll have to look that up #OTalk
Ailsa Mulligan @ailsa_claire
@BillWongOT @Amie_OT @MillennialOT @Helen_OTUK @mrsmcinburtott @lottie01 @GillyGorry @GeekyOT @OTontheTracks @BevG_studentOT For me my SM is very separate to my work role which can be interesting trying to link them at times #OTalk
Bill Wong, OTD, OTR/L @BillWongOT
RT @Amie_OT: @GillyGorry @lottie01 @MillennialOT @Helen_OTUK @mrsmcinburtott @GeekyOT @OTontheTracks @BevG_studentOT Peer support is a great part of social media, I've learnt so much from others online and find it a great resource #OTalk
Amie Jayne๐Ÿ’š(she/her)๐Ÿณ๏ธโ€๐ŸŒˆ @Amie_OT
@AylaOT @GillyGorry @lottie01 @MillennialOT @Helen_OTUK @mrsmcinburtott @GeekyOT @OTontheTracks @BevG_studentOT That sounds really interesting, I feel like I'm going to end up with an enormous list of blogs to follow by the end of #OTalk
#OTalk @OTalk_
#OTalk https://t.co/FC2jMzUuBY
Bill Wong, OTD, OTR/L @BillWongOT
@Ailsa_Claire @Amie_OT @MillennialOT @Helen_OTUK @mrsmcinburtott @lottie01 @GillyGorry @GeekyOT @OTontheTracks @BevG_studentOT I combine- but that's because I am lazy. ๐Ÿ˜œ #otalk
Amie Jayne๐Ÿ’š(she/her)๐Ÿณ๏ธโ€๐ŸŒˆ @Amie_OT
@Ailsa_Claire @BillWongOT @MillennialOT @Helen_OTUK @mrsmcinburtott @lottie01 @GillyGorry @GeekyOT @OTontheTracks @BevG_studentOT I use my twitter for 'work' still to link with other OTs but try to keep my Facebook personal to keep a balance #OTalk
Bill Wong, OTD, OTR/L @BillWongOT
RT @lottie01:
Amie Jayne๐Ÿ’š(she/her)๐Ÿณ๏ธโ€๐ŸŒˆ @Amie_OT
@SensationalOT @LynneGoodacre @rcot @theRCOT I feel like we've started something here that needs following up #OTalk
Bill Wong, OTD, OTR/L @BillWongOT
@lottie01 @Amie_OT @Ailsa_Claire @MillennialOT @Helen_OTUK @mrsmcinburtott @GillyGorry @GeekyOT @OTontheTracks @BevG_studentOT Yup- at the end of the day, Twitter is risky sometimes. #otalk
Amie Jayne๐Ÿ’š(she/her)๐Ÿณ๏ธโ€๐ŸŒˆ @Amie_OT
@lottie01 @Ailsa_Claire @BillWongOT @MillennialOT @Helen_OTUK @mrsmcinburtott @GillyGorry @GeekyOT @OTontheTracks @BevG_studentOT true and mainly because my family and friends predominantly use Facebook so I like to keep it personal #OTalk
Elle Russell, MS, OTR/L @elleOT2019
RT @Helen_OTUK:
Ailsa Mulligan @ailsa_claire
I think that's something I am aiming to do now that I'm going into Neuro so will get more chance for both #OTalk https://t.co/VSQIa4FDsN
Bill Wong, OTD, OTR/L @BillWongOT
@Amie_OT @lottie01 @Ailsa_Claire @MillennialOT @Helen_OTUK @mrsmcinburtott @GillyGorry @GeekyOT @OTontheTracks @BevG_studentOT I use both to cater OT audiences across the world. #otalk
Amie Jayne๐Ÿ’š(she/her)๐Ÿณ๏ธโ€๐ŸŒˆ @Amie_OT
@AylaOT @lottie01 @GillyGorry @MillennialOT @Helen_OTUK @mrsmcinburtott @GeekyOT @OTontheTracks @BevG_studentOT I don't think it's something we always think about, if working well holistically it happens naturally #OTalk
Bill Wong, OTD, OTR/L @BillWongOT
Later folks! #otalk
#OTalk @OTalk_
Thank you all for such a great chat! As always a pleasure. Do feel free to keep chatting we will grab the transcript after 24hrs. #OTalk.
Ailsa Mulligan @ailsa_claire
@BillWongOT @Amie_OT @lottie01 @MillennialOT @Helen_OTUK @mrsmcinburtott @GillyGorry @GeekyOT @OTontheTracks @BevG_studentOT I share OT stuff in FB but twitter is more aimed at a general audience! Though I have access to neither at work :P #OTalk
#OTalk @OTalk_
Please keep sharing your own or others blogs so we can all learn together. #OTalk
Amie Jayne๐Ÿ’š(she/her)๐Ÿณ๏ธโ€๐ŸŒˆ @Amie_OT
@OTalk_ thank you #OTalk for a great talk and a fascinating topic tonight! Its got my thinking of next steps and setting myself blog goals! #OTalk
Amie Jayne๐Ÿ’š(she/her)๐Ÿณ๏ธโ€๐ŸŒˆ @Amie_OT
@lottie01 @AylaOT @GillyGorry @MillennialOT @Helen_OTUK @mrsmcinburtott @GeekyOT @OTontheTracks @BevG_studentOT 100% agree with you there @lottie01 #OTalk
Dr Lynne Goodacre ๐Ÿ’™ @LynneGoodacre
Thanks @Helen_OTUKfor tonight, lots to look back on in this chat and maybe people can keep sharing their fav. blogs #OTalk
Amie Jayne๐Ÿ’š(she/her)๐Ÿณ๏ธโ€๐ŸŒˆ @Amie_OT
@AylaOT @lottie01 @GillyGorry @MillennialOT @Helen_OTUK @mrsmcinburtott @GeekyOT @OTontheTracks @BevG_studentOT I did a service improvement presentation on my last placement about using sm and twitter to promote services, SU contact & signpost #OTalk
Dr Lynne Goodacre ๐Ÿ’™ @LynneGoodacre
Just when I think I've caught up you introduce more @kevwyke #OTalk https://t.co/uX48fbqTZJ
#OTalk @OTalk_
#OTalk @Helen_OTUK signing off the account now. Need a glass of squash!
#OTalk @OTalk_
#OTalk https://t.co/4eXpAi8hd8
#OTalk @OTalk_
#OTalk (I am signing off now, so no more adding of #) https://t.co/ziksGpEchX
#OTalk @OTalk_
@OTJme don't forget to add #OTalk to your tweets, we will miss them! Don#t want to do that.
Jamie Cardell @OTJme
@OTalk_ Definitely considering writing a blog to share with others my student journey. #OTalk
Amie Jayne๐Ÿ’š(she/her)๐Ÿณ๏ธโ€๐ŸŒˆ @Amie_OT
@lottie01 @GillyGorry @AylaOT @MillennialOT @Helen_OTUK @mrsmcinburtott @GeekyOT @OTontheTracks @BevG_studentOT It's not just OTs, my nana had a recent hospital stay and none of the community services are linked or communicate with each other #otalk
Amie Jayne๐Ÿ’š(she/her)๐Ÿณ๏ธโ€๐ŸŒˆ @Amie_OT
@AylaOT @GillyGorry @lottie01 @MillennialOT @Helen_OTUK @mrsmcinburtott @GeekyOT @OTontheTracks @BevG_studentOT Blogging could help highlight and signpost areas for other professionals and service users alike #otalk
#OTalk content from Twitter.