#PNDHour Transcript

Healthcare social media transcript of the #PNDHour hashtag.
See #PNDHour Influencers/Analytics.

Katy C @itsmekatyc
Katy here, recovered from Postpartum Psychosis, I’m so pleased to see it highlighted so much in the media #PNDHour
Katy C @itsmekatyc
@ohnomummysmad I’ll be reading this later, I’m always so interested to read other people’s stories x #pndhour
Katy C @itsmekatyc
Mine started with a traumatic birth followed by sleep deprivation, I felt euphoric at the start then descended into confusion, hallucinations and delusions, I went to an MBU twice within the first 3 months #pndhour
Katy C @itsmekatyc
@ohnomummysmad You are definitely not alone and have absolutely nothing to be ashamed of! We are warrior mums! #pndhour
Katy C @itsmekatyc
I also experienced severe paranoia, crippling anxiety and I truly believed that I had failed as a mother and didn’t deserve to keep my baby #PNDHour
Katy C @itsmekatyc
@Sarahdearden1 @PNDandMe I thought that everything on the TV and radio was about me or aimed at me and everything anybody said was about me and negative #pndhour
Katy C @itsmekatyc
@manicmumday @PNDandMe I was similar, was first given sleeping tablets and anti-anxiety but they did nothing, then I was given antidepressants and things escalated, after that I went to the MBU where I got my diagnosis and the right treatment #pndhour
Katy C @itsmekatyc
@Sarahdearden1 @PNDandMe I thought the staff were trying to hurt me as well, I refused to take the meds as I didn’t trust them and my first shower, I thought they were controlling the water to blow hot and cold as a kind of torture #pndhour
Katy C @itsmekatyc
@Rachel4Change @amylspruce @ellie_ware @PNDandMe I was constantly asking about every car that went past, every voice I heard, every noise I heard #pndhour
Katy C @itsmekatyc
@Sarahdearden1 @manicmumday @PNDandMe I didn’t know at first at all, I thought childbirth had changed me in a positive way, turned me into supermum, made me enjoy food I previously hated, meant I didn’t need any sleep #pndhour
FireBird @firebirdblog
RT @Rachel4Change:
Katy C @itsmekatyc
@ldnewbie1974 @manicmumday @PNDandMe Same, I had a great team at the MBU who got me back on track. What’s frustrating is in my case my midwife picked up I was ill on day 4 and even identified PP but the other professionals didn’t believe her #pndhour
Katy C @itsmekatyc
Treatment at the MBU, medication with 24/7 care, support and understanding, therapy sessions, coffee shop trips, baby massage, I don’t know what would have happened if I hadn’t gone to the MBU, I am eternally grateful to them #pndhour
Katy C @itsmekatyc
Also, my husband was my absolute rock, he stood by me every step of the way and kept the faith I would get better, we had amazing support from both our families too #PNDHour
Katy C @itsmekatyc
RT @ohnomummysmad:
Katy C @itsmekatyc
Yes! I had my hair straightened too, and my nails done and foot massages, the nurses and nursery nurses were all so caring #pndhour
Katy C @itsmekatyc
RT @Sarahdearden1:
Katy C @itsmekatyc
I’ve shared much more in my blog https://t.co/vYi2do1zn0 it’s such a big topic to talk about #pndhour
Postpartum Depression PPDKenya @PPDKenya
Tweetchat on #postpartumpsychosis hosted by @PNDandMe #PNDHour
Postpartum Depression PPDKenya @PPDKenya
RT @PNDandMe:
Postpartum Depression PPDKenya @PPDKenya
Thanks for sharing the symptoms you experienced when you had Postpartum Psychosis so moms can learn. #PNDHour
𝒀𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒏𝒆𝒔𝒔 👸🏽 @miss_nyaruai
RT @PNDandMe:
Postpartum Depression PPDKenya @PPDKenya
RT @ohnomummysmad:
Postpartum Depression PPDKenya @PPDKenya
RT @ohnomummysmad:
Postpartum Depression PPDKenya @PPDKenya
RT @Siani2808:
Postpartum Depression PPDKenya @PPDKenya
RT @katgrant30:
Postpartum Depression PPDKenya @PPDKenya
Follow #PNDHour to learn about #postpartumpsychosis from moms who've lived through it. Thanks Katy for sharing. Realizing many moms felt that they were 'bad' moms for struggling with PP
Postpartum Depression PPDKenya @PPDKenya
RT @manicmumday:
Postpartum Depression PPDKenya @PPDKenya
RT @AutisticMumLife:
Postpartum Depression PPDKenya @PPDKenya
RT @Sarahdearden1:
Samoina Codes @Samoina
RT @PPDKenya: Follow #PNDHour to learn about #postpartumpsychosis from moms who've lived through it. Thanks Katy for sharing. Realizing many moms felt that they were 'bad' moms for struggling with PP
#PNDHour content from Twitter.