#PTSDchat Transcript

Healthcare social media transcript of the #PTSDchat hashtag.
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The Doc as eR+T=L =Wombat @CosmicLifeOfMe
#ptsdchat I have a mini-topic: Are we asking the right questions? Do you ever ask someone you know is going through emotional illness whether or not they are thinking of committing suicide?
Sue Wood @TruthPathing
One of my fav topics is #Peace, which encompasses everything. Bringing it to ourselves, others, self calming, self care #ptsdchat
Sue Wood @TruthPathing
RT @cannonfyre12: #ptsdchat I have a mini-topic: #ptsdchat I have a mini-topic: Are we asking the right questions? Do you ever ask someone you know is going through emotional illness whether or not they are thinking of committing suicide?
Sue Wood @TruthPathing
@cannonfyre12 Yes. And if someone doesn't know me/know that I don't have suicidal tendencies, I appreciate their caring to ask me. #ptsdchat
The Doc as eR+T=L =Wombat @CosmicLifeOfMe
#ptsdchat Expectations can be some of the most insinuating of the pressures we face. Often they take us by surprise and make an appearance that seems to be vicious. It increases the issues that make my illness even more daunting.
Sue Wood @TruthPathing
@cannonfyre12 How do we each go about asking this? A how-to to help others feel more comfortable asking. #ptsdchat
Sue Wood @TruthPathing
@cannonfyre12 I just jump in and ask. I may say because of this, this and this, I'm asking, if I see things that could be signs. May ask anyway, 'cause signs in the moment can be missed/misinterpreted. #ptsdchat
The Doc as eR+T=L =Wombat @CosmicLifeOfMe
#ptsdchat Some people want to be comfortable, so they dismiss their issues, this makes it even worse because they continually hide and stress over dealing with the problems, and whether or not other people will become aware that they have them.
Tim Grutzius @holisticff
@TruthPathing Hi Sue and Chris, how are you guys tonight? Busy at the firehouse right now, so I may be in and out of this conversation. #ptsdchat
Sue Wood @TruthPathing
@cannonfyre12 I'd rather look stupid or chance that than have someone end up dead. And that doesn't mean we can stop it every time, but we can do our best. #ptsdchat
Sue Wood @TruthPathing
RT @holisticff: @TruthPathing Hi Sue and Chris, how are you guys tonight? Busy at the firehouse right now, so I may be in and out of this conversation. #ptsdchat
The Doc as eR+T=L =Wombat @CosmicLifeOfMe
#ptsdchat As a person who knows how chaotic emotional issues counteract everything that I thought was normal. I lost my ability to feel peace, and safety and even now, I make no lies about the fact that I feel this way, always.
Sue Wood @TruthPathing
Doing ok! Glad u signed in! Stay safe #ptsdchat
The Doc as eR+T=L =Wombat @CosmicLifeOfMe
#ptsdchat As personal as PTSI(D) can be, it is still a community issue. It has an effect that reaches into the lives of other people. It can't be overstated that all of us need to be aware of the signs.
Sue Wood @TruthPathing
We run so much on the surface and care about what looks or sounds good/right. Ditch that garbage and go ahead and say/do what it takes to help people/save lives! Feels so much better than the other, anyway! #ptsdchat
Sue Wood @TruthPathing
RT @cannonfyre12: #ptsdchat As a person who knows how chaotic emotional issues counteract everything that I thought was normal. I lost my ability to feel peace, and safety and even now, I make no lies about the fact that I feel this way, always.
Sue Wood @TruthPathing
This was supposed to go to you! @holisticff lol! #ptsdchat https://t.co/dkO0NSp0za
Sue Wood @TruthPathing
RT @cannonfyre12: #ptsdchat As personal as PTSI(D) can be, it is still a community issue. It has an effect that reaches into the lives of other people. It can't be overstated that all of us need to be aware of the signs.
Sue Wood @TruthPathing
@cannonfyre12 So true! #ptsdchat
The Doc as eR+T=L =Wombat @CosmicLifeOfMe
#ptsdchat I have to say this, and in this way. (18+) with the shitstorm that PTSD and other emotional issues are creating in this world, i can't imagine why there aren't more people here to add and to ask and to contribute to easing these issues. It seems, inconsistent2 me
Sue Wood @TruthPathing
We all need awareness and, as you said, Chris, need each other. Shared burdens are lighter, and more people building onto solutions and adding to discussions will finally get us answers. #ptsdchat
The Doc as eR+T=L =Wombat @CosmicLifeOfMe
#ptsdchat in the past three weeks, I have lost three (3) personal friends to suicide. The newspapers in their towns barely mentioned their service or their contributions to this country. I was pissed!
The Doc as eR+T=L =Wombat @CosmicLifeOfMe
#ptsdchat I'm willing to be there for anyone who says they need me. I don't have the capacity to ignore anyone who is n trouble. I love people. My life is dedicated to helping.
Sue Wood @TruthPathing
@cannonfyre12 Some get triggered. We can have different weeks have different levels of intensity or certain types of topics. One particular night dedicated to healing would be welcomed, I'm sure. Popular/important topic. #ptsdchat All, feel free to suggest/comment.
Sue Wood @TruthPathing
RT @cannonfyre12: #ptsdchat I have to say this, and in this way. (18+) with the shitstorm that PTSD and other emotional issues are creating in this world, i can't imagine why there aren't more people here to add and to ask and to contribute to easing these issues. It seems, inconsistent2 me
The Doc as eR+T=L =Wombat @CosmicLifeOfMe
#ptsdchat incompetency takes too many authoritative places over our lives. Bureaucratic bull gets in the way and muddies the waters that are already murky enough.
Sue Wood @TruthPathing
Who is in favor of the first night of the month being all about healing? Feel free to comment whenever you come across this post. #ptsdchat
Sue Wood @TruthPathing
RT @cannonfyre12: #ptsdchat in the past three weeks, I have lost three (3) personal friends to suicide. The newspapers in their towns barely mentioned their service or their contributions to this country. I was pissed!
Tim Grutzius @holisticff
@TruthPathing @cannonfyre12 Have we explored the possibility of changing the day and/or time of the chat to accommodate more participation? #ptsdchat
Sue Wood @TruthPathing
@cannonfyre12 Chris, I am sorry, too. #ptsdchat
The Doc as eR+T=L =Wombat @CosmicLifeOfMe
#ptsdchat I have found that peace has to be fought for, even on the inside of the emotional spectrum. I want to correct positive and peaceful ways to deal with my illnesses, but I'm seeing now that I may have to ruck-up and get a little mean about things.
Tim Grutzius @holisticff
@TruthPathing I like the idea of having a set theme for a certain week. Should we build up to this theme and have it on the last night of the month? Start with defining an issue(s), and discuss different angles for a few weeks, then talk healing? #ptsdchat
Sue Wood @TruthPathing
@Willow_B_Well Media cares more about sensationalism and sales than the news itself. Integrity is all but lost. #ptsdchat
Sue Wood @TruthPathing
@Willow_B_Well Good to see you! #ptsdchat
Tim Grutzius @holisticff
@cannonfyre12 @TruthPathing 🙏#ptsdchat
Sue Wood @TruthPathing
RT @cannonfyre12: #ptsdchat I'm willing to be there for anyone who says they need me. I don't have the capacity to ignore anyone who is n trouble. I love people. My life is dedicated to helping.
Sue Wood @TruthPathing
RT @holisticff: @TruthPathing @cannonfyre12 Have we explored the possibility of changing the day and/or time of the chat to accommodate more participation? #ptsdchat
Sue Wood @TruthPathing
RT @holisticff: @cannonfyre12 @TruthPathing 🙏#ptsdchat
Sue Wood @TruthPathing
@cannonfyre12 We haven't, and we need to survey about that, as you suggested. #ptsdchat
Shadyia Ascendant @ShadyiaAscendnt
RT @cannonfyre12: #ptsdchat I'm willing to be there for anyone who says they need me. I don't have the capacity to ignore anyone who is n trouble. I love people. My life is dedicated to helping.
Tim Grutzius @holisticff
@TruthPathing @Willow_B_Well Need to do more podcasts as well. A webinar conversation? #ptsdchat
Bren Comacchio @brencomacchio
@cannonfyre12 #PTSDChat so does the narrow minded belief that only "certain treatments" are valid which leaves individuals who don't have success with those treatments feeling like they are a lost cause and can't be helped.
Sue Wood @TruthPathing
RT @holisticff: @TruthPathing I like the idea of having a set theme for a certain week. Should we build up to this theme and have it on the last night of the month? Start with defining an issue(s), and discuss different angles for a few weeks, then talk healing? #ptsdchat
Tim Grutzius @holisticff
@TruthPathing @cannonfyre12 Yes we do Sue. #ptsdchat
The Doc as eR+T=L =Wombat @CosmicLifeOfMe
#ptsdchat PTSD is a cancer-like illness because we know it's there, but we don't always know how it will utilize its presence, or interfere in our lives. Groveling to politicians for better treatment for mental health issues is a no-go. They don't give a damn!
Sue Wood @TruthPathing
We could. Last Wed of each month would work well. First or last is easier to remember. #ptsdchat
Sue Wood @TruthPathing
True, but the "healing Chat week" would be free of triggers. #ptsdchat
Tim Grutzius @holisticff
@brencomacchio @cannonfyre12 Bren, when you say certain treatments, are you referring to traditional western medicine? There are many complimentary therapies that can, and should be explored as viable options. #ptsdchat
Sue Wood @TruthPathing
RT @cannonfyre12: #ptsdchat incompetency takes too many authoritative places over our lives. Bureaucratic bull gets in the way and muddies the waters that are already murky enough.
Sue Wood @TruthPathing
RT @cannonfyre12: #ptsdchat I have found that peace has to be fought for, even on the inside of the emotional spectrum. I want to correct positive and peaceful ways to deal with my illnesses, but I'm seeing now that I may have to ruck-up and get a little mean about things.
The Doc as eR+T=L =Wombat @CosmicLifeOfMe
#ptsdchat There is a wide-ranging spectrum of illness dynamics associated with any mental illnesses. So...I know that we MUST be available to a wide range of possible healing solutions.
Sue Wood @TruthPathing
RT @holisticff: @TruthPathing @Willow_B_Well Need to do more podcasts as well. A webinar conversation? #ptsdchat
Sue Wood @TruthPathing
@holisticff @Willow_B_Well Sounds interesting! #ptsdchat
Tim Grutzius @holisticff
@TruthPathing yes #ptsdchat
Sue Wood @TruthPathing
RT @brencomacchio: @cannonfyre12 #PTSDChat so does the narrow minded belief that only "certain treatments" are valid which leaves individuals who don't have success with those treatments feeling like they are a lost cause and can't be helped.
Sue Wood @TruthPathing
RT @holisticff: @brencomacchio @cannonfyre12 Bren, when you say certain treatments, are you referring to traditional western medicine? There are many complimentary therapies that can, and should be explored as viable options. #ptsdchat
The Doc as eR+T=L =Wombat @CosmicLifeOfMe
#ptsdchat Healing event #1 Be there.
Tim Grutzius @holisticff
@x_TaraS_x @TruthPathing @cannonfyre12 Tara, some how we can find common ground. Maybe even have the chat at different times during different weeks if that is all possible. #ptsdchat
Bren Comacchio @brencomacchio
@holisticff @cannonfyre12 Tim, I agree there are many complimentary therapies which should be explored especially when traditional therapy is not producing the results one is seeking. What I have found is resistance to them, not necessarily by the person seeking help but by those around them. #PTSDChat
Tim Grutzius @holisticff
@Willow_B_Well @cannonfyre12 @TruthPathing 🙏#ptsdchat
The Doc as eR+T=L =Wombat @CosmicLifeOfMe
#ptsdchat We can't seek only the generic, we have to be willing to step onto the edge of the exotic, and take chances. it's our only avenue to real changes that are acceptable.
Sue Wood @TruthPathing
@brencomacchio @cannonfyre12 We need to keep these alternative treatment conversations going. Everyone is an individual and there is no right or wrong. #ptsdchat If "dancing in the rain" works, do it! Self-soothing/healing stuff is very individual.
Tim Grutzius @holisticff
@brencomacchio @cannonfyre12 You are so correct my friend. #ptsdchat
Sue Wood @TruthPathing
RT @holisticff: @TruthPathing @cannonfyre12 Yes we do Sue. #ptsdchat
Sue Wood @TruthPathing
@holisticff @cannonfyre12 How do you deal w the triggers? Why is the benefit greater than the triggers? Glad it is! #ptsdchat
Sue Wood @TruthPathing
RT @cannonfyre12: #ptsdchat PTSD is a cancer-like illness because we know it's there, but we don't always know how it will utilize its presence, or interfere in our lives. Groveling to politicians for better treatment for mental health issues is a no-go. They don't give a damn!
Sue Wood @TruthPathing
@cannonfyre12 Great comparison! #ptsdchat
Sue Wood @TruthPathing
RT @x_TaraS_x:
Sue Wood @TruthPathing
RT @holisticff: @x_TaraS_x @TruthPathing @cannonfyre12 Tara, some how we can find common ground. Maybe even have the chat at different times during different weeks if that is all possible. #ptsdchat
Sue Wood @TruthPathing
RT @x_TaraS_x:
The Doc as eR+T=L =Wombat @CosmicLifeOfMe
#ptsdchat Should this chat be more about the anger we feel? The healing we desire? The lost lives we want to get back? Or peace in place of chaos?
Tim Grutzius @holisticff
@TruthPathing @cannonfyre12 By setting boundaries to know what is yours (belongs to you), and what is someone else's. I am speaking from an emotional standpoint. Learning to build and trust your intuition going into potentially triggering situations. #ptsdchat
Sue Wood @TruthPathing
@x_TaraS_x @holisticff @cannonfyre12 It's out there to be read and answered any time it works for u. I get replies/favs months later! What chat time range/days would work best for u? #ptsdchat
Sue Wood @TruthPathing
RT @cannonfyre12: #ptsdchat We can't seek only the generic, we have to be willing to step onto the edge of the exotic, and take chances. it's our only avenue to real changes that are acceptable.
Tim Grutzius @holisticff
@cannonfyre12 peace is equally as important as well. #ptsdchat
Sue Wood @TruthPathing
RT @brencomacchio: @holisticff @cannonfyre12 Tim, I agree there are many complimentary therapies which should be explored especially when traditional therapy is not producing the results one is seeking. What I have found is resistance to them, not necessarily by the person seeking help but by those around them. #PTSDChat
Sue Wood @TruthPathing
RT @holisticff: @brencomacchio @cannonfyre12 You are so correct my friend. #ptsdchat
Sue Wood @TruthPathing
RT @holisticff: @TruthPathing @cannonfyre12 By setting boundaries to know what is yours (belongs to you), and what is someone else's. I am speaking from an emotional standpoint. Learning to build and trust your intuition going into potentially triggering situations. #ptsdchat
Sue Wood @TruthPathing
RT @holisticff: @cannonfyre12 peace is equally as important as well. #ptsdchat
Sue Wood @TruthPathing
@brencomacchio @cannonfyre12 So true and well said! #ptsdchat
Tim Grutzius @holisticff
@Willow_B_Well @x_TaraS_x @TruthPathing @cannonfyre12 Like this idea #ptsdchat
The Doc as eR+T=L =Wombat @CosmicLifeOfMe
#ptsdchat Question for all: How important is #PTSDchat to you?
Sue Wood @TruthPathing
RT @holisticff: @Willow_B_Well @x_TaraS_x @TruthPathing @cannonfyre12 Like this idea #ptsdchat
Sue Wood @TruthPathing
We have covered a lot of ground tonight! Great ideas! Teamwork is everything in this! #ptsdchat
Sue Wood @TruthPathing
@Willow_B_Well @x_TaraS_x @holisticff @cannonfyre12 Same here. Gives a feeling of being connected, with someone there to help you or just to discuss something. #ptsdchat Our chat our way!
The Doc as eR+T=L =Wombat @CosmicLifeOfMe
#ptsdchat Remember this; You can add points all week, 24 hours a day to this chat. Someone is going to comment to you, even me. I'm on every day, but not all the time.
Tim Grutzius @holisticff
@cannonfyre12 The after hours crowd #ptsdchat
Tim Grutzius @holisticff
@Willow_B_Well @cannonfyre12 Amen to that #ptsdchat
Sue Wood @TruthPathing
RT @cannonfyre12: #ptsdchat Remember this; You can add points all week, 24 hours a day to this chat. Someone is going to comment to you, even me. I'm on every day, but not all the time.
Sue Wood @TruthPathing
RT @holisticff: @cannonfyre12 The after hours crowd #ptsdchat
Bren Comacchio @brencomacchio
@cannonfyre12 I know what you mean. I don't want to go back over It, I want to move past it. How do you go forward if you're always looking back? To me it's just embedding it deeper into your cellular memory. #PTSDChat
Sue Wood @TruthPathing
RT @holisticff: @Willow_B_Well @cannonfyre12 Amen to that #ptsdchat
The Doc as eR+T=L =Wombat @CosmicLifeOfMe
#ptsdchat I love the people here on the chat. I hope to retain and to gain more of this family that has made me feel like my life, even though encumbered, still has a reason for existing. Good people are here, and @TruthPathing @holisticff are 2 of the best!
Sue Wood @TruthPathing
@Willow_B_Well @cannonfyre12 Definitely! So much is intertwined. #ptsdchat
Sue Wood @TruthPathing
RT @brencomacchio: @cannonfyre12 I know what you mean. I don't want to go back over It, I want to move past it. How do you go forward if you're always looking back? To me it's just embedding it deeper into your cellular memory. #PTSDChat
Sue Wood @TruthPathing
RT @cannonfyre12: #ptsdchat I love the people here on the chat. I hope to retain and to gain more of this family that has made me feel like my life, even though encumbered, still has a reason for existing. Good people are here, and @TruthPathing @holisticff are 2 of the best!
Tim Grutzius @holisticff
@brencomacchio @cannonfyre12 "No matter how far we travel, the memories will follow in the baggage car." - August Strindberg #ptsdchat. The question is, how do we disconnect the baggage car?
The Doc as eR+T=L =Wombat @CosmicLifeOfMe
#ptsdchat I am asking for people to come here again and to bring some people with you. You don't know that your best friend is dealing with similar issues. Are you pressuring yourself into not accepting your condition?
Sue Wood @TruthPathing
@cannonfyre12 @holisticff Thank you! Right back atcha! We have great people here, and all of our info combined makes the difference. #ptsdchat caring people!
Tim Grutzius @holisticff
@cannonfyre12 @TruthPathing right back at you. #ptsdchat
Sue Wood @TruthPathing
RT @holisticff: @brencomacchio @cannonfyre12 "No matter how far we travel, the memories will follow in the baggage car." - August Strindberg #ptsdchat. The question is, how do we disconnect the baggage car?
Tim Grutzius @holisticff
@TruthPathing @cannonfyre12 Good night all, it is time to return back to duty #ptsdchat
Sue Wood @TruthPathing
@holisticff @brencomacchio @cannonfyre12 Good podcast topic for you! #ptsdchat
Sue Wood @TruthPathing
RT @cannonfyre12: #ptsdchat I am asking for people to come here again and to bring some people with you. You don't know that your best friend is dealing with similar issues. Are you pressuring yourself into not accepting your condition?
The Doc as eR+T=L =Wombat @CosmicLifeOfMe
#ptsdchat Too quickly has this hour ended, again. But we can keep in touch during the days between the chat. We are Strong, #PTSDCantTakeMyPowerfromMe Peace and love to everyone!
Sue Wood @TruthPathing
RT @holisticff: @TruthPathing @cannonfyre12 Good night all, it is time to return back to duty #ptsdchat
Tim Grutzius @holisticff
@TruthPathing @brencomacchio @cannonfyre12 roger that #ptsdchat
Sue Wood @TruthPathing
@holisticff @cannonfyre12 Have a good one! #ptsdchat
Sue Wood @TruthPathing
RT @holisticff: @cannonfyre12 @TruthPathing right back at you. #ptsdchat
Sue Wood @TruthPathing
RT @holisticff: @TruthPathing @brencomacchio @cannonfyre12 roger that #ptsdchat
Sue Wood @TruthPathing
RT @cannonfyre12: #ptsdchat Too quickly has this hour ended, again. But we can keep in touch during the days between the chat. We are Strong, #PTSDCantTakeMyPowerfromMe Peace and love to everyone!
Sue Wood @TruthPathing
Hope everyone has a #Peaceful week! #ptsdchat
The Doc as eR+T=L =Wombat @CosmicLifeOfMe
#ptsdchat #PTSDWarriorTeam1 one will stand for all, all will stand for one. We can't lose! https://t.co/ffYn3cXsmR
@cannonfyre12 #PTSDchat I live it every single day... I feel UR pain, too. All I can do is show empathy, understanding & try 2 make people happy... Life doesn't have 2 B sad... I♥U
Bren Comacchio @brencomacchio
#ptsdchat night all! Wishing you a wonderful evening and week. Glad I was able to be here with you.
Sue Wood @TruthPathing
RT @brencomacchio: #ptsdchat night all! Wishing you a wonderful evening and week. Glad I was able to be here with you.
Sue Wood @TruthPathing
@brencomacchio Glad you were, too! #ptsdchat Have a good one!
Sue Wood @TruthPathing
RT @PLAYTHROUGH43: @cannonfyre12 #PTSDchat I live it every single day... I feel UR pain, too. All I can do is show empathy, understanding & try 2 make people happy... Life doesn't have 2 B sad... I♥U
Sue Wood @TruthPathing
RT @cannonfyre12: #ptsdchat #PTSDWarriorTeam1 one will stand for all, all will stand for one. We can't lose! https://t.co/ffYn3cXsmR
Sue Wood @TruthPathing
RT @cannonfyre12: #ptsdchat There is a wide-ranging spectrum of illness dynamics associated with any mental illnesses. So...I know that we MUST be available to a wide range of possible healing solutions.
The Doc as eR+T=L =Wombat @CosmicLifeOfMe
#ptsdchat I'm signing off now! G'night! https://t.co/JKV5s50UY0
Sue Wood @TruthPathing
@Willow_B_Well Hope you have a great week! #ptsdchat
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