#PhysioTalk Transcript

Healthcare social media transcript of the #PhysioTalk hashtag.
See #PhysioTalk Influencers/Analytics.

Janet Thomas @JanetThomas47
I'm in central Edinburgh tonight with fingers crossed on fee wifi! #physiotalk
Janet Thomas @JanetThomas47
My fingers are so crossed I can't spell free! #physiotalk
Joe Middleton @_JoeMiddleton
@physiotalk Good evening! Looking forward to this one! #physiotalk
Joe Middleton @_JoeMiddleton
When discussing presenting and public speaking, I must draw everyone's attention to @ffolliet and his site https://t.co/PwKFrXiXEh A brilliant source of advice and guidance. #physiotalk
Joe Middleton @_JoeMiddleton
RT @physiotalk:
ɹǝʇlnoԀ pıʌɐᗡ 🚴🏻 🇺🇸 🇦🇺 🇬🇧 @Retlouping
@physiotalk Lurking in Minnesota USA, #physiotalk , ability to engage the audience.
Joe Middleton @_JoeMiddleton
Also check out this: https://t.co/g4v4EzHJqK for a simple guide to how to sound intelligent in your presentation ;) #TalkLikeTED #physiotalk
Joe Middleton @_JoeMiddleton
@physiotalk Someone who has done their preparation and homework #physiotalk
Joe Middleton @_JoeMiddleton
@physiotalk Know how to use silence and the rhythm of speech #physiotalk
Joe Middleton @_JoeMiddleton
@physiotalk For the most part. A good presented/speaker will be able to enthral the audience with the most mundane of topics. Question time might be a bit tougher though! #physiotalk
Anthony Gilbert @awgilbert11
@physiotalk Hello! I’m lurking in Hertfordshire #physiotalk
ɹǝʇlnoԀ pıʌɐᗡ 🚴🏻 🇺🇸 🇦🇺 🇬🇧 @Retlouping
@physiotalk #physiotalk Good rule of thumb: A presentation should be like a Scotsman's kilt, short enough to stimulate interest, but long enough to cover the subject. https://t.co/rLEfmRnxCg
Anthony Gilbert @awgilbert11
RT @_JoeMiddleton: When discussing presenting and public speaking, I must draw everyone's attention to @ffolliet and his site https://t.co/PwKFrXiXEh A brilliant source of advice and guidance. #physiotalk
Anthony Gilbert @awgilbert11
RT @_JoeMiddleton: Also check out this: Also check out this: https://t.co/g4v4EzHJqK for a simple guide to how to sound intelligent in your presentation ;) #TalkLikeTED #physiotalk
Joe Middleton @_JoeMiddleton
@physiotalk Being comfortable without a powerpoint slide to hide behind #itsnotascript #physiotalk
Joe Middleton @_JoeMiddleton
@MelroseStewart1 This is a great bit of advice. Know your crowd and what they are expecting #physiotalk
Joe Middleton @_JoeMiddleton
@physiotalk Power of 3! #physiotalk
ɹǝʇlnoԀ pıʌɐᗡ 🚴🏻 🇺🇸 🇦🇺 🇬🇧 @Retlouping
@physiotalk Five Ps proper preparation prevents poor performance 😂 #physiotalk
Joe Middleton @_JoeMiddleton
@physiotalk Don't even get me started on Prezi!!! #physiotalk
Lucy Knott @LucyKPhysio
@Vee_Spandoni @physiotalk agree stories are a really powerful part of any presentation #physiotalk
Lucy Knott @LucyKPhysio
Joe Middleton @_JoeMiddleton
Like actually practice it. Don't just read over it. Deliver it to your partner, kids, pets, friends, anyone! If they don't now the subject matter, but are still engaged, then winner winner chicken dinner! #physiotalk https://t.co/z2oRxgBf6G
Janet Thomas @JanetThomas47
@Prof_IeuanEllis I learnt a lot from being vidoed as part of a teaching qual Hated watching myself but good learning from it! #physiotalk #stillwavemyhandsaround
Joe Middleton @_JoeMiddleton
@physiotalk I don't feel the need to compensate for my own shortcomings with any fancy gimmicks :) #physiotalk
ɹǝʇlnoԀ pıʌɐᗡ 🚴🏻 🇺🇸 🇦🇺 🇬🇧 @Retlouping
@physiotalk Join an organisation like Toast Masters. #physiotalk
Lucy Knott @LucyKPhysio
@Vee_Spandoni @physiotalk really useful advice if not a little daunting!! #physiotalk
ɹǝʇlnoԀ pıʌɐᗡ 🚴🏻 🇺🇸 🇦🇺 🇬🇧 @Retlouping
@AdamMeakins @physiotalk Piss poor preparation produces pathetic presentation performance. I had the 7 for another reason 😂 #physiotalk
Lucy Knott @LucyKPhysio
@Prof_IeuanEllis having a coach?? #physiotalk
Laura Williams @laurawphysio
RT @physiotalk:
Joe Middleton @_JoeMiddleton
How long you got? #physiotalk https://t.co/vgZkEFmKjl
Huw Thomas @huwthomas3
Practice talking on a random subject written on a card for 2 minutes without any notice. Thinking on your feet. Excellent practice and a lot more natural #physiotalk
Jessica Metcalfe @JLMPhysio
@physiotalk Having plenty of presentations during my degree has definitely helped. I’m coming towards the end of 2nd year now and have presented in front of practicing physios and MDT, as well as coursemates and lecturers. Really good practice, especially receiving feedback #physiotalk
Jessica Metcalfe @JLMPhysio
@physiotalk Reading straight from the slides! Makes you lose interest and focus immediately. Also presenters who aren’t entirely clued up on their subject, so can’t quite explain it fully and struggle with answering questions #physiotalk
Joe Middleton @_JoeMiddleton
@physiotalk 1. Prezi 2. Having 'busy slides' 3. Apologising for having 'busy slides' 4. Having slides that can't be read 5. Saying 'you probably can't see this at the back' 6. Reading your slides like a script ... #physiotalk
ɹǝʇlnoԀ pıʌɐᗡ 🚴🏻 🇺🇸 🇦🇺 🇬🇧 @Retlouping
@physiotalk Monotone voice. Your voice is your presentation instrument. “Anyone, Anyone , Bueller, Bueller?” Plus speed of talking, too fast is a sin. #physiotalk. https://t.co/4q8VueuXkd
KB @KBNeuroinfo
#physiotalk https://t.co/wqygNapx10
Lucy Knott @LucyKPhysio
@physiotalk being read the slides by the presenter with no interaction! really disengaging before they've even started #physiotalk
Huw Thomas @huwthomas3
Powerpoint presentations are so old school. Good training courses never use these now #physiotalk
Joe Middleton @_JoeMiddleton
@physiotalk 7. Reading your slides like a script, whilst pointing at the words with a laser 8. Talking too fast 9. Talking too quietly 10. Shouting 11. Mumbling 12. Monotonous speech #physiotalk
Joe Middleton @_JoeMiddleton
Oh, and; 13. 'I'll just skim over these slides' 14. Running over time 15. Finishing before time #physiotalk
Joe Middleton @_JoeMiddleton
@Daleyfurter @physiotalk *Is* most conferences #physiotalk
Luke Tobin (he/him) @LukeTPhysio
Late joiner over here! Key to a good presentation for me is to engage your audience, just don’t make it too forced/uncomfortable for them... #physiotalk
Anthony Gilbert @awgilbert11
@_JoeMiddleton Have been known to record on voice notes and listen back over an evening stroll with a coffee, also rehearse last thing before going to bed / first thing in the morning (if it’s an extra special presentation 😀) #physiotalk
Huw Thomas @huwthomas3
@physiotalk A short and snappy ! Max 10mins #physiotalk
KB @KBNeuroinfo
@physiotalk Patient story, pictures or info graphic that tells a thousand words and holds your audience #physiotalk
ɹǝʇlnoԀ pıʌɐᗡ 🚴🏻 🇺🇸 🇦🇺 🇬🇧 @Retlouping
@physiotalk Busy slides Reading slides word for word Too many slides. Another rule of thumb: tell them what you are going to tell them( intro) , tell them (contents) ,tell them what you told them ( summary) sit down. #physiotalk https://t.co/zYpLrTpzk6
Joe Middleton @_JoeMiddleton
@tomgoom @physiotalk PowerPoint is a dangerous thing in the wrong hands. Used correctly, it definitely has a place. #physiotalk
Anthony Gilbert @awgilbert11
@sonophysio @Vee_Spandoni @physiotalk Amazing how many do this in conferences 🤔 #physiotalk q
Janet Thomas @JanetThomas47
@_JoeMiddleton @tomgoom @physiotalk Just thinking about PP and room size! Looks fine in classroom of 30 doesn't translate to huge conference venue! #physiotalk
Joe Middleton @_JoeMiddleton
If I can get all I need from reading your slides whilst sitting on the toilet, then you are using PowerPoint wrong. If you are asked to e-mail your slides to an audience member, then you are using PowerPoint wrong. #physiotalk
Anthony Gilbert @awgilbert11
RT @MelroseStewart1:
Joe Middleton @_JoeMiddleton
@MelroseStewart1 I've done them all. Still do some of them. Presenting is a skill that takes practice, and practice, and practice. Oh and lots of bad presentations! It's all about learning and improving. #physiotalk
Joe Middleton @_JoeMiddleton
RT @physiotalk:
Joe Middleton @_JoeMiddleton
I do like a good joke or bit a fun every know and then. You know, to help me remember the stuff that comes next. #physiotalk
Joe Middleton @_JoeMiddleton
RT @Ade_Medz:
Anthony Gilbert @awgilbert11
@Em_Garratt @sonophysio @Vee_Spandoni @physiotalk It gives me anxiety!!!! 😬 selfish, to put an audience through that! #physiotalk
Joe Middleton @_JoeMiddleton
RT @Em_Garratt:
Luke Tobin (he/him) @LukeTPhysio
If the audience are anything like me, I need something to think about/do to keep with the speaker, especially on longer presentations. Online quizzes can be useful, e.g. @GetKahoot is good, @Mentimeter.... #physiotalk
Luke Tobin (he/him) @LukeTPhysio
@GetKahoot @Mentimeter Can also give a good point for discussion if you're up for a bit of ad-lib #physiotalk
ɹǝʇlnoԀ pıʌɐᗡ 🚴🏻 🇺🇸 🇦🇺 🇬🇧 @Retlouping
@physiotalk Practice, practice, practice did I mention practice? Your presentation should be just as good without your slides. The slides should add value not subtract value. #physiotalk involve the room, be thought provoking, above all be REMARKABLE. Be a purple cow #sethgodin https://t.co/jVwWf1D5iJ
Joe Middleton @_JoeMiddleton
@physiotalk - Humour - Stories - Humour - Analogies - Humour - Interpretative Dance #physiotalk
Anthony Gilbert @awgilbert11
@IanTyrrell5 @physiotalk Very important the content is relevant. The ‘so what’ for EVERY slide / sentence - need a good critical friend to guide that though! @AnjuJaggi 😉#physiotalk
Joe Middleton @_JoeMiddleton
RT @Em_Garratt:
Luke Tobin (he/him) @LukeTPhysio
Think we've all experienced that one at some point! How best to bring them back though? Crack a funny? Throw something out there that catches them off guard, totally off topic? Both have worked for me in the past with varying levels of success! #physiotalk https://t.co/juL3f10hLM
ɹǝʇlnoԀ pıʌɐᗡ 🚴🏻 🇺🇸 🇦🇺 🇬🇧 @Retlouping
@physiotalk Magic tricks 😂 #physiotalk
Anthony Gilbert @awgilbert11
@tomgoom @physiotalk The definition of resilience! 🐔🐔🐔#physiotalk
Luke Tobin (he/him) @LukeTPhysio
@_JoeMiddleton @physiotalk Can we see a video example of the latter, Joe? #physiotalk
Anthony Gilbert @awgilbert11
RT @Prof_IeuanEllis:
Jessica Metcalfe @JLMPhysio
@physiotalk Pictures, different design layouts, hand gestures, movement across the stage if possible. Anything to keep the viewer on their toes. And a few bad Physio jokes of course! #physiotalk
Luke Tobin (he/him) @LukeTPhysio
Mentioned in another tweet but online quizzes can be great e.g. @GetKahoot @Mentimeter #physiotalk https://t.co/SqlOF91J4w
ɹǝʇlnoԀ pıʌɐᗡ 🚴🏻 🇺🇸 🇦🇺 🇬🇧 @Retlouping
@physiotalk I teach my two day courses without tech, no PP , do use music and occasional video, but only adjuncts, not essential. People make a presentation. #physiotalk #participantcentered
Physiotherapy Association of Saint Lucia Inc. @pasl_pt
@MelroseStewart1 If using downloaded video clips, there is always the option of download to play without internet just in case #physiotalk
Joe Middleton @_JoeMiddleton
RT @Ade_Medz:
Lucy Knott @LucyKPhysio
@physiotalk for me if a presenter had a complete technical failure but was able to carry on without a fuss that would be engaging before they've even started! #physiotalk
Luke Tobin (he/him) @LukeTPhysio
Or even better, chuck in some Welsh! Bendigedig! #physiotalk https://t.co/nr1T7eiPdZ
ɹǝʇlnoԀ pıʌɐᗡ 🚴🏻 🇺🇸 🇦🇺 🇬🇧 @Retlouping
@tomgoom @physiotalk I will Trump ( bad word choice) you and will juggle whilst telling a dad joke 😂 #physiotalk
ɹǝʇlnoԀ pıʌɐᗡ 🚴🏻 🇺🇸 🇦🇺 🇬🇧 @Retlouping
@physiotalk @_JoeMiddleton #physiotalk 😂 https://t.co/cw3L38MMtc
Joe Middleton @_JoeMiddleton
RT @Ade_Medz:
Joe Middleton @_JoeMiddleton
@Ade_Medz @physiotalk Harsh. But fair. #physiotalk
ɹǝʇlnoԀ pıʌɐᗡ 🚴🏻 🇺🇸 🇦🇺 🇬🇧 @Retlouping
@tomgoom @physiotalk 😂 mine would be granddad jokes #physiotalk
Luke Tobin (he/him) @LukeTPhysio
RT @Em_Garratt: @physiotalk My mum, with 40 yrs of teaching under her belt, always says there are 3 components to a good presentation:
Anthony Gilbert @awgilbert11
@LucyKPhysio @physiotalk Had a terrible experience at Physio UK last year. Completely froze, couldn’t get going at all, cracked a rubbish joke and got a couple of laughs which settled my nerves. Was fine after that although felt worse watching back on video 🙈 #physiotalk
ɹǝʇlnoԀ pıʌɐᗡ 🚴🏻 🇺🇸 🇦🇺 🇬🇧 @Retlouping
@tomgoom @physiotalk Selfie 😂 #physiotalk https://t.co/3ANCNdMT1B
Joe Middleton @_JoeMiddleton
@tomgoom @physiotalk #physiotalk https://t.co/1SLRMmv2Aa
Joe Middleton @_JoeMiddleton
RT @sonophysio:
Joe Middleton @_JoeMiddleton
RT @physiotalk:
Joe Middleton @_JoeMiddleton
@physiotalk What does that even mean? #physiotalk
Luke Tobin (he/him) @LukeTPhysio
Have used @prezi a couple of times, audience usually enjoy as something a bit different but don't get too carried away with the animations! #physiotalk #seasick https://t.co/v5sWwyCxD9
Joe Middleton @_JoeMiddleton
@IanTyrrell5 @physiotalk How do you know they aren't taking a picture of you? #physiotalk
Joe Middleton @_JoeMiddleton
RT @Prof_IeuanEllis:
Mphatso @it_is_mpha
#northeasthour Gotham City and Middle Earth #AntandDecSongs God of War #destroyallthebands #physiotalk https://t.co/zeqVdlMJsk
Joe Middleton @_JoeMiddleton
RT @Ade_Medz:
ɹǝʇlnoԀ pıʌɐᗡ 🚴🏻 🇺🇸 🇦🇺 🇬🇧 @Retlouping
@physiotalk Live tweeting during presentation. I get most of my CEU education from watching tweets live from conferences around the world 🌎 #physiotalk
Lucy Knott @LucyKPhysio
@physiotalk this is something I definitely need to explore! #physiotalk
Luke Tobin (he/him) @LukeTPhysio
Periscope and Facebook Live have HUGE potential! Cheap and easy way to involve more people in what you're presenting #physiotalk https://t.co/hVOPW9yK6k
Lucy Knott @LucyKPhysio
@IanTyrrell5 @physiotalk it's difficult now when we're constantly told to tweet away during presentations!! remember the # !!!! #physiotalk
Anthony Gilbert @awgilbert11
@tolanPT @LucyKPhysio @physiotalk I used to feel physically sick before a presentation of any size... still wouldn’t say it’s a pleasant experience but forcing myself to say ‘yes’ to opportunities to present has been the best thing to build confidence, it’s gets easier thankfully 😀 #physiotalk
ɹǝʇlnoԀ pıʌɐᗡ 🚴🏻 🇺🇸 🇦🇺 🇬🇧 @Retlouping
RT @_JoeMiddleton: @physiotalk - Humour - Stories - Humour - Analogies - Humour - Interpretative Dance #physiotalk
Luke Tobin (he/him) @LukeTPhysio
@Daleyfurter @physiotalk Twitter walls are great - get a big TV or a screen and get tweetdeck up, makes twitter engagement easy for everyone and can just get involved when you see an interesting tweet rather than being stuck to your phone the whole time #physiotalk
Luke Tobin (he/him) @LukeTPhysio
Plus hashtags make #physiotalk transcripts possible! https://t.co/otSucqFUzG
Joe Middleton @_JoeMiddleton
@physiotalk @IanTyrrell5 I've 'live-tweeted' many a conference. Photos of the slides do help, but then it comes back to whether that makes for a good presentation in person. If you can get the same experience from twitter as you can from attending in person, then what are you paying for? #physiotalk
Physiotherapy Association of Saint Lucia Inc. @pasl_pt
@physiotalk Go into the presentation that you know more than your audience :) #physiotalk
Janet Thomas @JanetThomas47
@southernscampi @tolanPT @physiotalk @IanTyrrell5 My tweets from a conference ARE my notes... #physiotalk
Janet Thomas @JanetThomas47
That's an hour up - but keep tweeting! #physiotalk
Joe Middleton @_JoeMiddleton
RT @LukeTPhysio: Periscope and Facebook Live have HUGE potential! Cheap and easy way to involve more people in what you're presenting #physiotalk https://t.co/hVOPW9yK6k
Joe Middleton @_JoeMiddleton
RT @physiotalk:
Joe Middleton @_JoeMiddleton
@physiotalk Turn up. #physiotalk
Luke Tobin (he/him) @LukeTPhysio
@physiotalk Enjoy it! If you're not enjoying it, the audience won't. They're like animals... They smell fear! #physiotalk
Joe Middleton @_JoeMiddleton
@physiotalk Prepare. That covers everything ;) #physiotalk
RUH-AlliedHealthProfessionals💙 @PTOTSLTDietAHPs
RT @_JoeMiddleton: When discussing presenting and public speaking, I must draw everyone's attention to @ffolliet and his site https://t.co/PwKFrXiXEh A brilliant source of advice and guidance. #physiotalk
Anthony Gilbert @awgilbert11
@tolanPT @LucyKPhysio @physiotalk Wholeheartedly agree. First ‘proper’ presentation there in 2015, was a great experience, a safe supportive environment. Great having a friendly chair of session in @suehaywardgiles to ease me in gently! #physiotalk
Joe Middleton @_JoeMiddleton
RT @JanetThomas47: @southernscampi @tolanPT @physiotalk @IanTyrrell5 My tweets from a conference ARE my notes... #physiotalk
Joe Middleton @_JoeMiddleton
RT @Ade_Medz:
ɹǝʇlnoԀ pıʌɐᗡ 🚴🏻 🇺🇸 🇦🇺 🇬🇧 @Retlouping
@physiotalk 💩 forgot #physiotalk Make an impact on the audience. Not just another presenter in the long line of presenters. https://t.co/rptVPZ28a1
Lucy Knott @LucyKPhysio
@IanTyrrell5 @_JoeMiddleton @physiotalk good point about distraction. balance to be had agree. #physiotalk
Joe Middleton @_JoeMiddleton
RT @Ade_Medz:
Luke Tobin (he/him) @LukeTPhysio
@tolanPT @LucyKPhysio @awgilbert11 @physiotalk Definitely definitely agree Steve - had a blast doing my first conference presentation at #physio17 and am looking forward to attending #physio18! Very receptive (and forgiving) audiences at physio UK #physiotalk
Anthony Gilbert @awgilbert11
@tolanPT @JanetThomas47 @southernscampi @physiotalk @IanTyrrell5 #DigitalFilingCabinet #physiotalk
Joe Middleton @_JoeMiddleton
@physiotalk @jdwtweet Aww, you should have said which one you are in, and your table number. We could have kept you well hydrated and fed!!!! #physiotalk
Karen White 💙 @kwhite394
@physiotalk First ever tweet chat. Thank you #physiotalk
Luke Tobin (he/him) @LukeTPhysio
@Em_Garratt Live video broadcasting via twitter - people can send in comments live during the vid so can have audience participation, free to use. More info @PeriscopeCo #physiotalk
Karen White 💙 @kwhite394
@MelroseStewart1 I did thank you. Will get the kids into bed earlier on a Monday! #physiotalk
Lucy Knott @LucyKPhysio
Catch up on #physiotalk summary. some great tips for us all😉 @KevSargeant @RPSStevenson @CarolineReece2 @rpopey @MatSouthall9 @EmilyRossPhysio @hannahrooneyy @ConnectOxford #bebrave #resilience #CSPLDP https://t.co/EI7uiIAHZp
#PhysioTalk content from Twitter.