#PhysioTalk Transcript

Healthcare social media transcript of the #PhysioTalk hashtag.
See #PhysioTalk Influencers/Analytics.

Raquel @theraquelrose
RT @physiotalk:
PM First Steps @PMFirstSteps
@physiotalk @NaomiMcVey Physio Matters First Steps team joining from all across the country ☺️ #physiotalk
Chloe Dooley @chloedooley99
RT @PMFirstSteps: @physiotalk @NaomiMcVey Physio Matters First Steps team joining from all across the country ☺️ #physiotalk
Chloe Dooley @chloedooley99
@physiotalk @NaomiMcVey Remembered for @PMFirstSteps and not for my own 😂 #physiotalk
PM First Steps @PMFirstSteps
RT @AlexMacKenzie11:
PM First Steps @PMFirstSteps
What do you think a ‘virtual’ placement is?? #physiotalk
gwyn owen @gwyn_owen
@physiotalk A1: virtual placement implies something that's not really real... which creates a tension for digitally enhanced practices that are growing/expanding as a result of COVID-19? Is label helpful or will it reinforce distinctiveness =>barrier to adopting as 'new normal'? #physiotalk
Tayø @zauber_tayo
RT @physiotalk:
Chloe Dooley @chloedooley99
@physiotalk To replace our f2f placement in March we had a case study that involved an essay and presentation on different aspects of the care pathway - perhaps this could fall under a virtual placement although not with real patients or the same hours?? #physiotalk @PMFirstSteps
Chloe Dooley @chloedooley99
@bell_bentley @physiotalk @PMFirstSteps Definitely think the future is in not being so set on what counts as a ‘placement’ - more important to look at transferable skills and knowledge that is learned #physiotalk @PMFirstSteps
gwyn owen @gwyn_owen
@physiotalk that label makes sense, but wld it open up potentially unhelpful qu's about what % of a placement has to be enabled by technology for it to 'count' as TECS? There's potential 4 all placements 2 have tech-enabled element, so maybe we need to promote visibility of that? #physiotalk
gwyn owen @gwyn_owen
RT @AlexMacKenzie11:
Physiotherapy Association of Saint Lucia Inc. @pasl_pt
Hi Everyone. @physiotalk . So late but lurking. Hope everyone is doing well. #physiotalk
Chloe Dooley @chloedooley99
@clairegranato @physiotalk I wonder if inpatient could be supported by virtual case study discussion, previous students sharing learning experiences online or patient stories? Not a supplement for a whole placement but certainly a way for students to gain some exposure #physiotalk @PMFirstSteps
PM First Steps @PMFirstSteps
Have you had a virtual placement experience?? If yes let us know how you found it 👍 #physiotalk
Victoria Park @toriapark
@physiotalk @NaomiMcVey Apologies. Joining #physiotalk late from a rainy/sunny Stonehaven. Interesting chat.
gwyn owen @gwyn_owen
@KWestPhysio @RoryTwogood @physiotalk agree that access to tech is a very real issue 4 patients, staff & our students. Need to consider ethics of opening up digitally enhanced placements so we make sure support is in place & that avoid inadvertently reproduce socio-economic inequity+widen digital divides? #physiotalk
Amy Parkes @AmyParkes16
RT @clairegranato:
Chloe Dooley @chloedooley99
@physiotalk Digital technology and virtual healthcare (where possible) could be the future of healthcare, and virtual placements will be key in providing students exposure and confidence in this skill set, also an alternative learning opportunity some may prefer #physiotalk @PMFirstSteps
PM First Steps @PMFirstSteps
RT @chloedooley99: @physiotalk Digital technology and virtual healthcare (where possible) could be the future of healthcare, and virtual placements will be key in providing students exposure and confidence in this skill set, also an alternative learning opportunity some may prefer #physiotalk @PMFirstSteps
Victoria Park @toriapark
@physiotalk Not all services would currently see themselves as technologically enabled. Interestingly enough, a lot of the remote and Rural placements in the highlands and islands of Scotland are potentially really well set up for this. #Physiotalk
PM First Steps @PMFirstSteps
RT @bell_bentley:
gwyn owen @gwyn_owen
RT @kellsaun:
PM First Steps @PMFirstSteps
RT @chloedooley99: @clairegranato @physiotalk I wonder if inpatient could be supported by virtual case study discussion, previous students sharing learning experiences online or patient stories? Not a supplement for a whole placement but certainly a way for students to gain some exposure #physiotalk @PMFirstSteps
Victoria Park @toriapark
@JonRoom @physiotalk I suspect we may need to look at a blended approach in order to reduce some of the barriers. A combination of virtual and face-to-face? Students remain concerned that they won’t get their hands on experience. #Physiotalk
Amy Parkes @AmyParkes16
@chloedooley99 @clairegranato @physiotalk @PMFirstSteps Sorry... forgot #physiotalk!
Chloe Dooley @chloedooley99
@physiotalk Regardless of the placement style/delivery having easy access to both university resources and a clinical educator - it’s important that students always feel they can reach out for support, guidance and learning #physiotalk @PMFirstSteps
Amy Parkes @AmyParkes16
@cathedwards_1 @clairegranato @physiotalk Essential skills for the future workforce #physiotalk
Chloe Dooley @chloedooley99
@charlottecoleg5 @physiotalk Seems to be the case with a lot of placements now, virtual or not! The mark schemes are designed more around an outpatient or ward inpatient setting - so any placement varying from this can feel a bit like you’re jumping through hoops #physiotalk
Victoria Park @toriapark
@chloedooley99 @physiotalk @PMFirstSteps Absolutely! We need to see this more as an opportunity rather than a negative. Students will come out of this with a whole new skill mix. #physiotalk
Chloe Dooley @chloedooley99
@toriapark @physiotalk @PMFirstSteps I agree, think it’s a great opportunity to really grow the next generation! As a new graduate, I hope I get some virtual experience in my rotations as I’d certainly have embraced it as a student #physiotalk
gwyn owen @gwyn_owen
@physiotalk A4: existing quality measures wld apply? e.g. need 2 ensure that tech-enabled learning/practice opps meet learning outcomes set, that appropriate supervision/support in place & that H&S addressed Guidance on digital health/wellbeing+issues of ownership wld be helpful? #physiotalk
Amy Parkes @AmyParkes16
@physiotalk Patient choice... digi health will not suit all or be wanted by all but important to have workforce with skills to offer effective healthcare to those that choose this route and can benefit from all the flexibility/accessibility it can offer #physiotalk
Victoria Park @toriapark
@PureSports01 Plenty of experience recently! Great to have some new resources available from @EMAHPInfo #CSP #PhysioTalk.
PM First Steps @PMFirstSteps
RT @physiotalk:
PM First Steps @PMFirstSteps
RT @physiotalk: OK, moving on from defintions:
PM First Steps @PMFirstSteps
RT @physiotalk: Ok, next question:
PM First Steps @PMFirstSteps
RT @physiotalk:
Victoria Park @toriapark
@charlottecoleg5 @physiotalk Or better? #physiotalk
PM First Steps @PMFirstSteps
RT @_lewadam:
Victoria Park @toriapark
@charlottecoleg5 @physiotalk I agree. Lots of opportunities for virtual rehabilitation and physical activity interventions. #PhysioTalk
Amy Parkes @AmyParkes16
@physiotalk Hard to define as so new to so many already in practice, let alone students. However COVID-19 has been the catalyst for so much collaboration both within physio and across professions, this will be easily achieved if we share good practice #physiotalk
Chloe Dooley @chloedooley99
@jillfromrhyl @charlottecoleg5 @physiotalk Hard to say, I think I benefitted from higher placement marks than on essays/exams but I’ve had some placements where I felt the educator was so fixated on mark schemes I couldn’t just learn how I wanted too and so perhaps would have got more out of it on a pass/fail #physiotalk
gwyn owen @gwyn_owen
@physiotalk does source depend on what digital enhancement of practice is there to do? for e.g. if tech is there 2 handle remoteness then Scotland & Australia wld have some solutions If tech is about 24/7 & easy access, then independent/voluntary sectors wld have plenty to share #physiotalk
Amy Parkes @AmyParkes16
@clairegranato @physiotalk Absolutely and it’s been the steepest learning curve yet, but many successes and confidence growing. Partnership with HEI will allow clinical educator and students to develop skills in a safe space and gain accreditation for skills #physiotalk
Chloe Dooley @chloedooley99
@bell_bentley @physiotalk @PMFirstSteps Pre-lockdown @thecspstudents SRG were discussing collecting data on new and virtual placement opportunities so definitely agree this would be important to allow them to grow and develop #physiotalk
Victoria Park @toriapark
@RoryTwogood @physjo @physiotalk Thanks for sharing. #physiotalk
PM First Steps @PMFirstSteps
@physiotalk Would it be helpful to have content available from students/new grads who have experienced virtual placements to help others with expectations, advice etc. #physiotalk
Victoria Park @toriapark
@bell_bentley @physiotalk In addition there are incredible opportunities for the development of clinical reasoning. #physiotalk
Amy Parkes @AmyParkes16
@physiotalk 1) there is huge commitment amongst the profession to make this a reality and support development at every level 2) continue to work hard with clinical colleagues to stay abreast of change and ensure students get an accurate representation of what’s achievable 🙌🏻🙌🏽🙌🏾#physiotalk
Victoria Park @toriapark
@physiotalk Great to see that students are genuinely having positive experiences from this. Now just need to get this message out to our educators. #DigitalPhysio #PhysioTalk
gwyn owen @gwyn_owen
@physiotalk A5: think that there's a rich learning opp here about how physiotherapists (& students) learn 2 use/reason through their haptic senses? Convos with students/clinicians using 'virtual' consultation speak of having 2 relearn ax/reasoning because haptics aren't available #physiotalk
PM First Steps @PMFirstSteps
RT @PMFirstSteps: @physiotalk Would it be helpful to have content available from students/new grads who have experienced virtual placements to help others with expectations, advice etc. #physiotalk
Victoria Park @toriapark
@ProfLesleyHaig @physiotalk Agree! Probably the most important bit. #physiotalk
PM First Steps @PMFirstSteps
Covid-19 and virtual placements: what does good look like? read the tweet chat here with @physiotalk 🧐 Certainly got us thinking!
PM First Steps @PMFirstSteps
RT @physiotalk:
PM First Steps @PMFirstSteps
RT @physiotalk: Ok, next question:
PM First Steps @PMFirstSteps
RT @physiotalk:
#PhysioTalk content from Twitter.