#PhysioTalk Transcript

Healthcare social media transcript of the #PhysioTalk hashtag.
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Janet Thomas @JanetThomas47
I'm tweeting from the Physiotalk account tonight. I work with older people in Fife #physiotalk
Allied Health Professionals Suffolk CIC @AHPSuffolk
@physiotalk @Csp_Eoe Hi, a little late to the party. Mel from AHP Suffolk in Sudbury 👋 #physiotalk
Becca Knowles @Becca_Knowles_
@physiotalk Hi! Rotational Physio in Suffolk currently working in paediatrics, but still on-call with older patients and treat adults in private work #Physiotalk
Allied Health Professionals Suffolk CIC @AHPSuffolk
@physiotalk @Csp_Eoe And I’m in Women’s health and MSK outpatients over 16 yo #physiotalk
Becca Knowles @Becca_Knowles_
RT @physiotalk:
Rachel Jackson @Rachelej1971
Hi, Rachel, working in a community MSK service in Staffordshire.#physiotalk
Janet Thomas @JanetThomas47
@IanTyrrell5 @physiotalk Yes - with my older patients can be a real struggle as they are frail and often quite deconditioned and fatigued #physiotalk
Allied Health Professionals Suffolk CIC @AHPSuffolk
@IanTyrrell5 @physiotalk I agree it can be a battle. But with the majority of patients if you can connect with them and find an activity they enjoy it can snowball from there #physiotalk
Janet Thomas @JanetThomas47
@theLDphysio @physiotalk Inaccessibility a huge issue for my patient population as well. Lack of accessible or affordable transport often #physiotalk
Becca Knowles @Becca_Knowles_
@physiotalk Major barrier themes definitely the social isolation, transport issues and lack of confidence leaving the house independently #physiotalk
Rachel Jackson @Rachelej1971
I find patients’ barriers to exercise are pain, fatigue, thinking they will do damage, reconditioning, lack of motivation, lack of knowledge as to what is available.#physiotalk
Becca Knowles @Becca_Knowles_
@Csp_Eoe @ClaireC_PT @physiotalk This is spot on! 🙌🏼 #physiotalk
Janet Thomas @JanetThomas47
@physiotalk Often my patients can be more or less housebound - so its just getting them on their feet as much as possible during the day Sit to stands during the ad breaks is a start! #physiotalk
Allied Health Professionals Suffolk CIC @AHPSuffolk
@IanTyrrell5 @theLDphysio @physiotalk #whatmatterstoyou probably the most important hashtag, except #physiotalk which I keep forgetting!
Rachel Jackson @Rachelej1971
That should be deconditioning. #physiotalk
D'Mark🧠 @ThedopePhysio
@physiotalk Good evening, my name is Mark... I'm from Nigeria I work in the surgery unit of physio department of lagos University teaching hospital... #physiotalk
Philip Hulse @HulsePhilip
@IanTyrrell5 @JanetThomas47 @physiotalk I know it's becoming a bit clichéd but shared decision making really does empower patients and prevents the parent child relationship from taking hold. It can be a challenge though not to step in with well I think you should...That's where #socialprescribing is best. #physiotalk
Allied Health Professionals Suffolk CIC @AHPSuffolk
@theLDphysio @IanTyrrell5 @physiotalk And I realise having plenty of time doesn’t solve everything, as you say skill set is key too. #physiotalk
Becca Knowles @Becca_Knowles_
@physiotalk Working with well established community services (NHS, charities, leisure centres etc) which have long-term capacity and groups so individuals get physical activity and social interaction #physiotalk
Allied Health Professionals Suffolk CIC @AHPSuffolk
@physiotalk Goal setting is first on the list and identifying barriers to introducing activity. Sometimes it’s not pain but the worry that exercising will make them structurally worse or eventually negatively influence pain. Can’t assume everyone has the same concerns #physiotalk
Rachel Jackson @Rachelej1971
I try & inform patients of simple functional exercises & of local activities that maybe pertinent to them. #physiotalk
Spotsylvania Med Ctr @spotsylvaniamed
@physiotalk A: Challenges tend to stem from fear because patients aren't already exercising, as well as pain and a lack of knowledge about benefits and where to begin. #PhysioTalk
Philip Hulse @HulsePhilip
@physiotalk find something they like. The #escapepain model seems to have been a massive help in my #msk service @RJAH_NHS due to peer support. Running the groups out of the clinical setting in a community hall or leisure centre really helps people manage their own condition.#physiotalk
Pamela Kipps Hansford @PamKHphysio
Uh oh #LoveActivity #physiotalk
Becca Knowles @Becca_Knowles_
@physiotalk For some services capacity is definitely an issue, less so the self-funded groups but there are so many services/groups etc which are poorly advertised we/patients don’t know about and capitalise on - part of the battle is establishing those connections! #physiotalk #community
Janet Thomas @JanetThomas47
@J0Physio @Em_Garratt @theLDphysio @physiotalk Do you check the qualifications of the instructor? At least then you know the class is appropriate for your level of patient? #physiotalk
Spotsylvania Med Ctr @spotsylvaniamed
@physiotalk A: First ensure that those living with a long term condition know their limits. Then, finding an activity that sparks joy - such as taking a walk, or doing a quick chore, can easily be turned into a healthy activity. #PhysioTalk
Allied Health Professionals Suffolk CIC @AHPSuffolk
@Csp_Eoe @physiotalk Provide plenty of support and guidance so that these patients feel empowered by & confident in any activity they do take up or increase. #physiotalk
D'Mark🧠 @ThedopePhysio
RT @physiotalk:
Janet Thomas @JanetThomas47
@UnityPhysio @J0Physio @Em_Garratt @theLDphysio @physiotalk Yes - helpful to know See https://t.co/4Wf7t74Jwe for some idea of levels of qualifications #physiotalk
Allied Health Professionals Suffolk CIC @AHPSuffolk
@CChappellCSP @Csp_Eoe @physiotalk Got mine already, it’s a fantastic resource, I’d highly recommend it! #physiotalk
Becca Knowles @Becca_Knowles_
@physiotalk Sometimes it’s working through the denial and shock of diagnosis initially to build a rapport before even starting those conversations #physiotalk
Rachel Jackson @Rachelej1971
Try to understand their limitations of their LTC & advise accordingly. Also realise they can push themselves #physiotalk
Becca Knowles @Becca_Knowles_
@ClaireC_PT @physiotalk I feel your pain!! Our leisure centre doesn’t even advertise their over 65 exercise classes even though they have a great programme! #physiotalk
Philip Hulse @HulsePhilip
@physiotalk it's not the LTC it's the impact of the LTC on the person's life - two people with the same diagnosis will have totally different needs. It's patient centred goals that drive this question not the label. #physiotalk
Pamela Kipps Hansford @PamKHphysio
#LoveActivity #Physiotalk for #PD Add #Music to #freeuptheMovement a a #group (with tea) to #enhanceSocialisation in a #DancingforPD #Context 4 #Motivation & #ConfidenceBuilding What a treat to look forward to each week. Inclusive too, they welcomed me a quad into the group
Spotsylvania Med Ctr @spotsylvaniamed
@physiotalk A: By monitoring symptoms and, in turn, modifying activities. When helping patients with an LTC, use their progress as a way to set goals on a day-to-day basis. #PhysioTalk
Allied Health Professionals Suffolk CIC @AHPSuffolk
RT @CChappellCSP:
Rachel Jackson @Rachelej1971
I get reward from helping patients with persistent LBP gain confidence in their backs & reduce their fear of moving their backs. Some patients gain a new lease of life as they realise they don’t have to protect their back. #physiotalk
Becca Knowles @Becca_Knowles_
Not long left to get these free resources delivered to your door.. and even more online! #LoveActivity #physiotalk
Becca Knowles @Becca_Knowles_
@ClaireC_PT @physiotalk Definitely another challenge we could do without!! #physiotalk
Allied Health Professionals Suffolk CIC @AHPSuffolk
RT @joester1806:
Janet Thomas @JanetThomas47
A patient who had fallen and lost all confidence to go on public transport. Previously had always gone on trips #FreeBusPass with her friend - who sadly had just died #physiotalk
Janet Thomas @JanetThomas47
Work to improve strength, balance, confidence and finally she decided she was going to try getting on the local bus #physiotalk
Janet Thomas @JanetThomas47
Previously she and her friend has done something they called #BusLottery Turning up at bus station and getting on the first bus going out and seeing there it took them #physiotalk #NeverTooOldToTakeAChance
Janet Thomas @JanetThomas47
Came back in next week and I asked her if she had managed on the bus? #physiotalk
Janet Thomas @JanetThomas47
Not only had she managed to walk to bus stop, get on bus and get to bus station, she had decided to try #BusLottery and got all the way to Glasgow (and back!) #NoStoppingHerNow #physiotalk
Philip Hulse @HulsePhilip
@physiotalk mine was a guy who had been left with bowel and bladder weakness I referred him on to a continence specialist colleague and after several years of being housebound he was able to venture out and take up his hobbies again with some Strength & Conditioning in the gym #physiotalk
Janet Thomas @JanetThomas47
@Csp_Eoe Who knows.... The advantage of #BusLottery though is that its free! #physiotalk
Allied Health Professionals Suffolk CIC @AHPSuffolk
@physiotalk Way back to a placement, a lovely gentleman in his 50s with a progressive neuro disorder who was struggling with activity,found out he used to love ballroom dancing. Waltzed through the hydro pool with him & he was so happy, only time I’ve cried in front of a patient! #physiotalk
Janet Thomas @JanetThomas47
@physiotalk Personal approach / good conversation Small staged steps if needed But always make it fun! #physiotalk
Becca Knowles @Becca_Knowles_
@physiotalk Definitely resources available at https://t.co/15y5WlUhad to start having those conversations, making it less scary and less medical/clinical #physiotalk #LoveActivity
Philip Hulse @HulsePhilip
@physiotalk What's changed for me now is that in the past 6/12 I'm now a manager of 130 therapy staff with less direct patient contact personally. This means that I can promote and steer training & development of my team to manage their patients with #LoveActivity which they do! #physiotalk
Allied Health Professionals Suffolk CIC @AHPSuffolk
RT @JanetThomas47: @physiotalk Personal approach / good conversation Small staged steps if needed But always make it fun! #physiotalk
Philip Hulse @HulsePhilip
RT @SarahBFraser:
Pamela Kipps Hansford @PamKHphysio
#physiotalk #loveActivity Great how to arrive @ #SharedGoals? #Establish #CollaborativeContext: #MutualTrust+#RESPECT Q1 What are your #strengths/#dreams/brings you #Joy=> #PINS #PersonsIdentifiedNeeds Q2 Outline what we can offer #POINTS Q3 Link above to #PINPOINTsolutions
Spotsylvania Med Ctr @spotsylvaniamed
@physiotalk A: There was a patient in her late 70s who arrived in a walker. Once we were able to convince her that she would be safe & gave her the tools to succeed, she was able to start walking without her walker. Now she loves to exercise and going for walks in her community! #PhysioTalk
Brighton Paradza @BParadza
RT @physiotalk:
Becca Knowles @Becca_Knowles_
@physiotalk @thecsp Yes! 🙌🏼 #physiotalk
Becca Knowles @Becca_Knowles_
RT @physiotalk:
Spotsylvania Med Ctr @spotsylvaniamed
@physiotalk A: Ensuring that physical therapy patients leave with a plan to help them thrive and continue activity in the future. #PhysioTalk
Philip Hulse @HulsePhilip
@physiotalk we invited our local authority public health behavioural change trainers to put on 2 county wide sessions for #nhs staff from my trust & the community trust on this topic. Contact yours and ask. @ShropCouncil #publichealth were great &more than happy to partner us #physiotalk
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