#PhysioTalk Transcript

Healthcare social media transcript of the #PhysioTalk hashtag.
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Janet Thomas @JanetThomas47
I'm joining in from Edinburgh tonight on the [REDACTED USER] account #physiotalk
#hellomynameis Diarmuid @diarmuiddenneny
Hi. Diarmuid here in sunny Kent UK. I'm new to tweetchat so will probably be observing more than tweeting but really excited, as [REDACTED USER] chair, to be part of this during #PainAwarenessMonth #physiotalk
Paula Manning Physio She/Her @Manning2Paula
Paula working in mental health and piblic helath, lurking in the back ground. #Physiotalk Nottingham
Paula Manning Physio She/Her @Manning2Paula
Forgot to say i also have a LTC with nerve and MSK pain..autoimmune disease #physiotalk
#hellomynameis Diarmuid @diarmuiddenneny
Hping our Danish ([REDACTED USER]), Canadian ([REDACTED USER]) and Irish (@niallhalliday) counterparts can join in too....or their members 😁#physiotalk
Paula Manning Physio She/Her @Manning2Paula
[REDACTED USER] I think we should be. Pain is persistent and can be long term. Lots of psychosocail factors involved. Listening is a vital skill. Physical activity makes such a difference and we're getting better at that as a profession. #physiotalk
#hellomynameis Diarmuid @diarmuiddenneny
[REDACTED USER] Agree all physios have skills to support people with long term pain but also I think it is possible to develop specialist skills with experience, mentoring and training #physiotalk
#hellomynameis Diarmuid @diarmuiddenneny
[REDACTED USER] Definitely #communicationskills All the knowledge and up to date science knowledge means little if we are unable to communicate to those we serve. Sadly these skills often called "soft". To quote [REDACTED USER] these should be called core skills. #physiotalk
[REDACTED USER] [REDACTED USER] I wonder if its something that is adequately addressed in a CGA? Do we address long term pain issues effectively with older adults? #physiotalk
Janet Thomas @JanetThomas47
[REDACTED USER] I'm not really sure, but I do know that my attitude to pain shapes how I deal with pain myself, so I'm sure it must impact even subtly in my practice? #physiotalk
[REDACTED USER] [REDACTED USER] [REDACTED USER] So really important to get the message out using things like #WorldPTDay and their toolkit #physiotalk
#hellomynameis Diarmuid @diarmuiddenneny
[REDACTED USER] Great Q and one I've struggled to identify a consensus view on in the literature #physiotalk. Very interested in what answers i see here!
#hellomynameis Diarmuid @diarmuiddenneny
[REDACTED USER] [REDACTED USER] For me it's about utilising psychological approaches like CBT, ACT, MI etc, having awareness of the underpinning psychological theory helps, as well as self awareness, and understanding of behaviour change theory and therapeutic alliance...so many things and more! #physiotalk
#hellomynameis Diarmuid @diarmuiddenneny
[REDACTED USER] Absolutely how often do we consider what we're bringing to the table....#physiotalk
#hellomynameis Diarmuid @diarmuiddenneny
[REDACTED USER] Definitely working with people with LTCs other than pain is helpful. As well as courses and qualifications, mentoring/supervision is key. And if possible I'd highly recommend talking to people with these conditions in a capacity other than being their PT. #physiotalk
Paula Manning Physio She/Her @Manning2Paula
[REDACTED USER] Thanks, that list was very helpful #physiotalk
#PhysioTalk content from Twitter.