#PhysioTalk Transcript

Healthcare social media transcript of the #PhysioTalk hashtag.
See #PhysioTalk Influencers/Analytics.

Pain Science Division CPA @PainPhysiosCan
RT @physiotalk:
Pavlos Bobos @pavlosbob
RT @physiotalk:
Janet Thomas @JanetThomas47
I'm joining in from Edinburgh tonight on the @physiotalk account #physiotalk
Pavlos Bobos @pavlosbob
RT @PhysioPainAssoc:
#hellomynameis Diarmuid @diarmuiddenneny
Hi. Diarmuid here in sunny Kent UK. I'm new to tweetchat so will probably be observing more than tweeting but really excited, as @PhysioPainAssoc chair, to be part of this during #PainAwarenessMonth #physiotalk
Paula Manning Physio She/Her @Manning2Paula
Paula working in mental health and piblic helath, lurking in the back ground. #Physiotalk Nottingham
Paula Manning Physio She/Her @Manning2Paula
Forgot to say i also have a LTC with nerve and MSK pain..autoimmune disease #physiotalk
#hellomynameis Diarmuid @diarmuiddenneny
Hping our Danish (@MH_DK), Canadian (@innerchildca) and Irish (@niallhalliday) counterparts can join in too....or their members 😁#physiotalk
Paula Manning Physio She/Her @Manning2Paula
RT @physiotalk:
Paula Manning Physio She/Her @Manning2Paula
RT @physiotalk:
Emmanuel J Ng'wiza @ENgwiza
@physiotalk Hello PT's! I'm a physio working at Muhimbili Orthopaedic Institute, following the talk all the way from Tanzania. #physiotalk
D'Mark🧠 @ThedopePhysio
@physiotalk #physiotalk
Paula Manning Physio She/Her @Manning2Paula
@physiotalk I think we should be. Pain is persistent and can be long term. Lots of psychosocail factors involved. Listening is a vital skill. Physical activity makes such a difference and we're getting better at that as a profession. #physiotalk
Paula Manning Physio She/Her @Manning2Paula
RT @mariand84:
Sophie McAuliffe @SophieMcPhysio
@physiotalk Sophie here joining from Edinburgh #physiotalk
Pamela Kipps Hansford @PamKHphysio
@physiotalk #physiotalk Pam Hansford #WeAHPsActive ClimbingStairs @MarinersWharf1 yesterday after celebrating @DrNgoziOnyia GBM award for #BestPatientCentered Hospital in Nigeria Named #PALEONHospital in honour of her daughter Patricia, who passed away 16 years ago @ school here in #CapeTown https://t.co/kkh2k5sq7z
Paula Manning Physio She/Her @Manning2Paula
RT @paintoolkit2:
#hellomynameis Diarmuid @diarmuiddenneny
@physiotalk Agree all physios have skills to support people with long term pain but also I think it is possible to develop specialist skills with experience, mentoring and training #physiotalk
Sophie McAuliffe @SophieMcPhysio
@physiotalk Although our role as Physio’s is to help treat and manage pain. I think it is fair to suggest that some therapists are more specialised than others in this area as a result of experience and additional training #physiotalk
Paula Manning Physio She/Her @Manning2Paula
RT @physiotalk:
Paula Manning Physio She/Her @Manning2Paula
RT @sillyeena:
Pamela Kipps Hansford @PamKHphysio
RT @heelas_leila:
Sophie McAuliffe @SophieMcPhysio
@physiotalk It is crucial to be understanding and compassionate to support people with long term pain. We must ensure they feel as though they are being heard and understood, making them feel comfortable and confident to engage in treatment #physiotalk
JOSPT Community @JOSPT
RT @physiotalk:
Emmanuel J Ng'wiza @ENgwiza
@DerekGriffin86 @physiotalk @PhysioPainAssoc Part of our undergraduate program we were exposed on different lessons about pain management. I still think putting more emphasis at early stage is crucial. #physiotalk
Sophie McAuliffe @SophieMcPhysio
@PhysioCorinne @physiotalk I agree with all of the above especially CBT skills. My experience of CBT in practice (although minimal due to being a student!) to be of huge benefit in treating and managing long term pain #physiotalk
D'Mark🧠 @ThedopePhysio
@physiotalk #physiotalk Listening skill, patience, good communication skills and a proper knowledge and understanding
#hellomynameis Diarmuid @diarmuiddenneny
@physiotalk Definitely #communicationskills All the knowledge and up to date science knowledge means little if we are unable to communicate to those we serve. Sadly these skills often called "soft". To quote @JohnLauner these should be called core skills. #physiotalk
@DerekGriffin86 @MarkWoolvine I wonder if its something that is adequately addressed in a CGA? Do we address long term pain issues effectively with older adults? #physiotalk
Paula Manning Physio She/Her @Manning2Paula
RT @physiotalk:
Sophie McAuliffe @SophieMcPhysio
@PhysioPainAssoc @theLDphysio @physiotalk Very good point! It might be worth considering why there appears to be more emphasis on psychological treatment of long term pain in comparison to other presentations and conditions. #physiotalk
D'Mark🧠 @ThedopePhysio
RT @physiotalk:
Janet Thomas @JanetThomas47
@physiotalk I'm not really sure, but I do know that my attitude to pain shapes how I deal with pain myself, so I'm sure it must impact even subtly in my practice? #physiotalk
Chloe Dooley @chloedooley99
@DerekGriffin86 @physiotalk @PhysioPainAssoc We had a really useful session with @CardiffUPhysio and @GraemeGpt on motivational interviewing and communicating with patients suffering with persistent pain that focused on the basic skills that can be so beneficial for this patient group #physiotalk
Sophie McAuliffe @SophieMcPhysio
@physiotalk I often find it difficult to fully empathise with people as I have never personally experienced long term pain #physiotalk
RT @PhysioPainAssoc:
RT @laurarathbone:
RT @physiotalk:
Pain Science Division CPA @PainPhysiosCan
#physiotalk officially kicked off
Sophie McAuliffe @SophieMcPhysio
@DerekGriffin86 @physiotalk I agree with this Derek. Especially for us students or new grad Physio’s, fear is a barrier to treating people with long term pain #physiotalk
Pain Science Division CPA @PainPhysiosCan
RT @DerekGriffin86:
Pavlos Bobos @pavlosbob
RT @DerekGriffin86:
@PhysioPainAssoc @DerekGriffin86 @MarkWoolvine So really important to get the message out using things like #WorldPTDay and their toolkit #physiotalk
Pavlos Bobos @pavlosbob
RT @PainPhysiosCan: #physiotalk officially kicked off
Sophie McAuliffe @SophieMcPhysio
@physiotalk Similar to what I said in reply to a previous question. Listen to the person and understand them. Ask open ended questions while being sure to stay on subject! #physiotalk
Pain Science Division CPA @PainPhysiosCan
RT @10mdb:
Pain Science Division CPA @PainPhysiosCan
RT @stickmancrips:
Pain Science Division CPA @PainPhysiosCan
RT @LivingWellPain:
Pain Science Division CPA @PainPhysiosCan
RT @iptopwcpt: @PhysioPainAssoc @DerekGriffin86 @MarkWoolvine So really important to get the message out using things like #WorldPTDay and their toolkit #physiotalk
Pavlos Bobos @pavlosbob
D'Mark🧠 @ThedopePhysio
@physiotalk #physiotalk By being attentive to them, ascertaining the social integration of the individual, social disruption, work environment and also social support
د.فارس العضيبي | Faris Alodaibi @farispt
سؤال مهم: ما المهارات المتطلبة من أخصائي #العلاج_الطبيعي التي تساعد وتدعم الأشخاص الذين يعانون من #الألم المستمر؟ شاركونا آرائكم #الألم_المزمن #فهم_الألم #شهر_التوعية_بالألم #الألم
Pain Science Division CPA @PainPhysiosCan
RT @physiotalk:
Pavlos Bobos @pavlosbob
Next question is coming!!! Get ready #GlobalPT #physiotalk
Pavlos Bobos @pavlosbob
RT @physiotalk:
Pain Science Division CPA @PainPhysiosCan
RT @physiotalk:
Pain Science Division CPA @PainPhysiosCan
RT @physiotalk:
Pamela Kipps Hansford @PamKHphysio
RT @laurarathbone:
Max Tranquilo @MrTranquilo
RT @laurarathbone:
#hellomynameis Diarmuid @diarmuiddenneny
@physiotalk Great Q and one I've struggled to identify a consensus view on in the literature #physiotalk. Very interested in what answers i see here!
Pain Science Division CPA @PainPhysiosCan
RT @heelas_leila:
Kyle Vader @vader_kyle
@physiotalk Great question! When assessing psychosocial factors in practice I use my own clinical judgement + outcome measures (eg PCS, PHQ-9, PSEQ). I work alongside fantastic Psych, OT & SW colleagues who also provide guidance as needed #physiotalk
Chloe Dooley @chloedooley99
@MehmetGemPT @physiotalk Something I’m definitely learning as a student - listening is one of the most important skills in our toolbox if we use it well #physiotalk
Pain Science Division CPA @PainPhysiosCan
RT @vader_kyle: @physiotalk Great question! When assessing psychosocial factors in practice I use my own clinical judgement + outcome measures (eg PCS, PHQ-9, PSEQ). I work alongside fantastic Psych, OT & SW colleagues who also provide guidance as needed #physiotalk
Pavlos Bobos @pavlosbob
RT @vader_kyle: @physiotalk Great question! When assessing psychosocial factors in practice I use my own clinical judgement + outcome measures (eg PCS, PHQ-9, PSEQ). I work alongside fantastic Psych, OT & SW colleagues who also provide guidance as needed #physiotalk
D'Mark🧠 @ThedopePhysio
@physiotalk #physiotalk I think it means managing patient conditions in a way designed to take the psychological and emotional needs /issues into account
RT @vader_kyle: @physiotalk Great question! When assessing psychosocial factors in practice I use my own clinical judgement + outcome measures (eg PCS, PHQ-9, PSEQ). I work alongside fantastic Psych, OT & SW colleagues who also provide guidance as needed #physiotalk
Pavlos Bobos @pavlosbob
RT @PhysioPainAssoc:
Kyle Vader @vader_kyle
@physiotalk To me, psych informed PT is using a BPS approach where you tailor your approach based on psych factors (eg fear of movement, negative thoughts about pain, etc). I often think that psych informed PT is focused on a contemporary approach vs ‘traditional’ PT (MT focus) #physiotalk
D'Mark🧠 @ThedopePhysio
RT @heelas_leila:
#hellomynameis Diarmuid @diarmuiddenneny
@theLDphysio @physiotalk For me it's about utilising psychological approaches like CBT, ACT, MI etc, having awareness of the underpinning psychological theory helps, as well as self awareness, and understanding of behaviour change theory and therapeutic alliance...so many things and more! #physiotalk
Sophie McAuliffe @SophieMcPhysio
@physiotalk True. This also highlights the importance of listening #physiotalk
PainResearchEducation @SanDiegoSummit
RT @paintoolkit2:
#hellomynameis Diarmuid @diarmuiddenneny
@PhysioPainAssoc Absolutely how often do we consider what we're bringing to the table....#physiotalk
Pain Science Division CPA @PainPhysiosCan
RT @physiotalk:
Kyle Vader @vader_kyle
@physiotalk The way that I conceptualize pain & disability has a tremendous impact on my approach when proving care to people living w chronic pain. This is why it’s critical we educate trainees on evidence informed models of pain. As this guides the provision of effective care #physiotalk
Pain Science Division CPA @PainPhysiosCan
Join the discussion #physiotalk. Great questions & answers from #GlobalPT
Pain Science Division CPA @PainPhysiosCan
RT @vader_kyle: @physiotalk The way that I conceptualize pain & disability has a tremendous impact on my approach when proving care to people living w chronic pain. This is why it’s critical we educate trainees on evidence informed models of pain. As this guides the provision of effective care #physiotalk
Pavlos Bobos @pavlosbob
RT @physiotalk:
Pavlos Bobos @pavlosbob
RT @physiotalk:
Living Well Physiotherapy @WellPhysioSheff
@physiotalk Alot of it for me has been experiential learning. Reflecting on discussions and asking a colleagues advice. I have done post grad course on motivational interviewing. Also read a couple of books on the topic. #physiotalk.
Pavlos Bobos @pavlosbob
RT @10mdb:
Kyle Vader @vader_kyle
@physiotalk Skills that I’ve anecdotally found to be important for my work as a PT in an interprofessional chronic pain clinic: 1) skilled communicator, 2) knowledge of pain science, 3) BPS approach to care, 4) team-player & 5) willingness to keep learning #physiotalk
#hellomynameis Diarmuid @diarmuiddenneny
@physiotalk Definitely working with people with LTCs other than pain is helpful. As well as courses and qualifications, mentoring/supervision is key. And if possible I'd highly recommend talking to people with these conditions in a capacity other than being their PT. #physiotalk
Maria Larcombe @marial_nz
@physiotalk Learn about pain neuroscience, appropriate language, goal setting and some psychological strategies. Also be confident with a comprehensive MSK Ax. Overall keep learning, and try to work in a good team! #physiotalk
Kyle Vader @vader_kyle
@physiotalk In short, no - not every PT has the baseline skills to provide high quality care for people w persistent pain. Requires knowledge, patience, interest in the population, +++. This said, I think many PTs have the potential to should they commit to this type of care #physiotalk
Sophie McAuliffe @SophieMcPhysio
@mariand84 @physiotalk I agree that experience of dealing with long term conditions will improve clinical judgement and decision making. Although each person with long term pain can present differently and might be new to any therapist irrespective of level of experience #physiotalk
D'Mark🧠 @ThedopePhysio
RT @physiotalk:
Pavlos Bobos @pavlosbob
RT @diarmuiddenneny: @physiotalk Definitely working with people with LTCs other than pain is helpful. As well as courses and qualifications, mentoring/supervision is key. And if possible I'd highly recommend talking to people with these conditions in a capacity other than being their PT. #physiotalk
Maria Larcombe @marial_nz
@physiotalk @physiotalk has a great discussion on chronic pain today - really good learning if you are a physio or patient interested in this area, and particularly appropriate for World Physio Day coming up on chronic pain. Check out #physiotalk hashtag or start below 👇#physio
#hellomynameis Diarmuid @diarmuiddenneny
RT @PhysioPainAssoc:
Kyle Vader @vader_kyle
@physiotalk For me, I’ve found mentors in PT field, mentors outside of PT (Psych, MD, RN, SW, OT, ++), stay engaged w research, attend interprofessional conferences (@IASPpain/@CanadianPain), listen closely to patient voices (@BogdenJo, ++) & reflect on my strengths/weaknesses #physiotalk
#hellomynameis Diarmuid @diarmuiddenneny
RT @PhysioPainAssoc:
Maria Larcombe @marial_nz
RT @marial_nz: @physiotalk @physiotalk has a great discussion on chronic pain today - really good learning if you are a physio or patient interested in this area, and particularly appropriate for World Physio Day coming up on chronic pain. Check out #physiotalk hashtag or start below 👇#physio
Paula Manning Physio She/Her @Manning2Paula
@MarkWoolvine Thanks, that list was very helpful #physiotalk
Paula Manning Physio She/Her @Manning2Paula
RT @DerekGriffin86:
Pavlos Bobos @pavlosbob
RT @chrisseenan:
Pain Science Division CPA @PainPhysiosCan
RT @chrisseenan:
Pain Science Division CPA @PainPhysiosCan
RT @PhysioPainAssoc:
Pavlos Bobos @pavlosbob
RT @PhysioPainAssoc:
#PhysioTalk content from Twitter.