#ResNetSLT Transcript

Healthcare social media transcript of the #ResNetSLT hashtag.
See #ResNetSLT Influencers/Analytics.

Chiara Vivaldi @VivaldiC
Say hi if you're here for our eight #ResNetSLT tweetchat. Doesn't matter if you plan to lurk or take part :)
Chiara Vivaldi @VivaldiC
@HoldsworthMoore Great to have you with us Rose. #ReSNetSLT
Chiara Vivaldi @VivaldiC
@SLTLaurenL @ReSNetSLT That interesting Lauren. Why do you find it easier. And do others have the same opinion? #ReSNetSLT
Chiara Vivaldi @VivaldiC
Qual research certainly provides insight you can't get from quantative. Any examples from anyone of trying to put what they've read into practice? #ResNetSLT
Pauline Ackermann @P_Ackermann
Pauline Ackermann @P_Ackermann
Pauline Ackermann @P_Ackermann
RT @AmySlt:
Chiara Vivaldi @VivaldiC
So exposure to qual research seems to be key - interesting as in my degree I'd say the focusu was more on quantative research #ResNetSLT https://t.co/F7y7sYyWe8
Chiara Vivaldi @VivaldiC
@sukhpreet_aujla Was this a checklist you developed overtime? #resnetslt
Chiara Vivaldi @VivaldiC
Seems to be a ringing endorsement for teh CASP then, as well as the trickier to quantify importance of exposure, practice and support from colleagues #resnetslt
Chiara Vivaldi @VivaldiC
@HoldsworthMoore Have you ever considered trying your hand at qual. research? #ReSNetSLT
Chiara Vivaldi @VivaldiC
@EllieJSLT @ReSNetSLT That's really good to know -we'll add it to the summary along with the link to CASP #resnetslt
Chiara Vivaldi @VivaldiC
For example: For my final year project I'm looking at what variables at baseline might be predictive of health related quality of life, but the data is all quantative - it occurs to me that this is an area that needs to be mixed methods. #ResNetSLT
Chiara Vivaldi @VivaldiC
Does anyone have a dream qual. research project they would like to do? #resnetslt
Chiara Vivaldi @VivaldiC
That's interesting. I wonder if other people feel that qualitative research is somehow more accessible? Perhaps because it deals more at the individiual level #resnetslt
Amit Kulkarni @AmitSaLT
Hi #ResNetSLT. Am late and am only popping in quickly (apologies) but very interested in qual research and everyone's experience of it
Chiara Vivaldi @VivaldiC
@lena_be That sounds reallly interesting. Anything in particular in the set up of the research that has stood out as a challenge? #resnetslt
Amit Kulkarni @AmitSaLT
I know @EmmaPagnamenta and @vjoffe had a real focus on qual research @RCSLTResearch champions day 2016 in response to requests from SLTs across UK #ResNetSLT
Chiara Vivaldi @VivaldiC
@SLTLoulou @ReSNetSLT Sounds like a good tip #resnetslt
Chiara Vivaldi @VivaldiC
@SLTLoulou has already mentioned staring small. Any other tips for newbies to qual. research? #resnetslt
Chiara Vivaldi @VivaldiC
@KitzingerCelia @ReSNetSLT That's a really useful list, thanks! #resnetslt
Amit Kulkarni @AmitSaLT
A5. Get question right, choose appropriate methodology, collaborate, keep reflective log, let themes emerge ... #ResNetSLT
Chiara Vivaldi @VivaldiC
We'll be sure to collate all these good tips for getting involved in qual. research in the summary - thanks all #resnetslt
Chiara Vivaldi @VivaldiC
As an #slt2b myself this discussion has been very interesting and helpful. So many thanks to everyone who joined in - and for any lurkers - hope you enjoyed it! #resnetslt
Chiara Vivaldi @VivaldiC
While we still have your attention - the next tweetchat is going to be on the 31st October and will be Treatment Intensity & impact on therapeutic outcomes #resnetslt
Amit Kulkarni @AmitSaLT
@ReSNetSLT Thanks both. Very interesting #ResNetSLT
Chiara Vivaldi @VivaldiC
A good message to end on #resnetslt
#ResNetSLT content from Twitter.