#ResNetSLT Transcript

Healthcare social media transcript of the #ResNetSLT hashtag.
See #ResNetSLT Influencers/Analytics.

WeSpeechies @wespeechies
Hello #WeSpeechies and #ResNetSLT tweeters! Today's chat will use the #ResNetSLT tag, so remember to use that one. Who is here with us?
#Lurk (v): To read postings in an Internet forum (in this instance, the #ResNetSLT/#WeSpeechies Twitter chat) without actively contributing. https://t.co/OaG4LpBcTh
Suze Leitao @Suze_Freogirl
@wespeechies I'm here in fremantle WA, with blurry vision #wespeechies #ReSNetSLT do we use both tags?
Dr Liss (Melissa Brunner) @LissBEE@mastodon.au @LissBEE_CPSP
@wespeechies I'm here #WeSpeechies but will be popping in & out a bit! Still getting dinner sorted & kids in bed etc #ResNetSLT
Dr Liss (Melissa Brunner) @LissBEE@mastodon.au @LissBEE_CPSP
RT @WeLurkers: #Lurk (v): #Lurk (v): To read postings in an Internet forum (in this instance, the #ResNetSLT/#WeSpeechies Twitter chat) without actively contributing. https://t.co/OaG4LpBcTh
WeSpeechies @wespeechies
Hi Jo, thanks for joining in I am sure you will be able to help build the #ResNetSLT signal along the way! https://t.co/UnINQ2eKc6
sp1ngirl @sp1ngirl
RT @wespeechies: Ready for the 10am BST chat involving the #WeSpeechies and #ResNetSLT chat communities? @BronwynHemsley and @HazelRoddam1 powering-up now!
Caroline Bowen, Speech-Language Pathologist 🇦🇺🌻 @speechwoman
@Suze_Freogirl @wespeechies Prioritise #ResNetSLT and put #WeSpeechies if it fits without sacrificing meaning 😄😄
WeSpeechies @wespeechies
Great to be sitting here beside @vjoffe and @HazelRoddam1 at @CityLCS meeting room! #ResNetSLT https://t.co/0P4gi7Dpvs
Suze Leitao @Suze_Freogirl
@speechwoman @wespeechies Okeydoke, even created a #ResNetSLT column now in tweetdeck! #wespeechies
Dr Joanne Fillingham she/her/hers @jkfillingham
Hello 👏🏼 really excited about this joint #ReSNetSLT & #wespeechies chat. Great to be involved. @wespeechies @ReSNetSLT
W Scharff Rethfeldt 🕊 @W_Scharff
Great to join #ResNetSLT today - thanks to @wespeechies and @HazelRoddam1 Following from Bremen Germany @HSB_logo_ATW https://t.co/Hs4F1iqJfR
WeSpeechies @wespeechies
Wonderful wonderful Wunderbar!! #ResNetSLT (we have ideas about #LogoP2B tag for students too!!) https://t.co/JPwq2S3NBI
Dr Liss (Melissa Brunner) @LissBEE@mastodon.au @LissBEE_CPSP
@Suze_Freogirl @speechwoman @wespeechies oh me too ;) #ResNetSLT #WeSpeechies
Dr Liss (Melissa Brunner) @LissBEE@mastodon.au @LissBEE_CPSP
WeSpeechies @wespeechies
@Suze_Freogirl @speechwoman Hello Suze! lovely to see you here in the chat #ResNetSLT such a generous curator of @WeSpeechies too!!
Dr Joanne Fillingham she/her/hers @jkfillingham
@wespeechies @vjoffe @HazelRoddam1 @CityLCS Wish I could have been there but I'm giving you all a big virtual wave 👋🏽 #ReSNetSLT #wespeechies https://t.co/d5VP4auAgT
WeSpeechies @wespeechies
Q1 Tweeting at work is tough, and tweeting at home can be hard. How do YOU balance your work-life-tweeting? #ResNetSLT (Remember that tag!)
Suze Leitao @Suze_Freogirl
@wespeechies @speechwoman Its good to be back on deck after a bit of a break #WeSpeechies #ResNetSLT
WeSpeechies @wespeechies
@Katie_Chadd Hi Katie! hope you enjoy the #ResNetSLT chat community and today's hour !!
Dr Liss (Melissa Brunner) @LissBEE@mastodon.au @LissBEE_CPSP
RT @wespeechies: Q1 Tweeting at work is tough, and tweeting at home can be hard. How do YOU balance your work-life-tweeting? #ResNetSLT (Remember that tag!)
Suze Leitao @Suze_Freogirl
@wespeechies I do the same as per emails - set aside scheduled times & don't interrupt productive times with immediate responding #wespeechies #ReSNetSLT
Dr Joanne Fillingham she/her/hers @jkfillingham
@ReSNetSLT I am! (quickly trying to find grasshopper emoji and realising I don't think there is one 😞) #ReSNetSLT #WeSpeechies https://t.co/PfiRHk3ZPa
WeSpeechies @wespeechies
Very sensible approach to managing/protecting the workload/time/role of tweeting, Suze! #ResNetSLT https://t.co/zK2kAiEZfa
Dr Liss (Melissa Brunner) @LissBEE@mastodon.au @LissBEE_CPSP
@Suze_Freogirl @wespeechies I tend to set timers for productive times, i.e. writing, then shorter timers for when I'm Twittering #ReSNetSLT
WeSpeechies @wespeechies
Hello there @RCSLTresearch looking forward to connecting with you more through #ResNetSLT and #WeSpeechies networks! https://t.co/KMjEwlzyvg
W Scharff Rethfeldt 🕊 @W_Scharff
@wespeechies Answer to Q1 #ResNetSLT tweet chat @HazelRoddam1 @SLT2B @HSB_logo_ATW https://t.co/zcJWP3OFAg
Suze Leitao @Suze_Freogirl
Please explain #ResNetSLT #wespeechies https://t.co/ZcS1DQyqT2
WeSpeechies @wespeechies
WHOA a new handle tweeting in the #ResNetSLT chat is ..... @ResNetSLT #FF You MUST follow this handle!! https://t.co/SLk1ciL8vO
Dr Liss (Melissa Brunner) @LissBEE@mastodon.au @LissBEE_CPSP
Yes tweet chats are a great dedicated Twitter time for me too (if you can make it, but often I respond after the real time chat!) #ResNetSLT https://t.co/xdeiuXhsOr
Dr Liss (Melissa Brunner) @LissBEE@mastodon.au @LissBEE_CPSP
Great strategy! #ReSNetSLT https://t.co/NlF7iuxemN
Caroline Bowen, Speech-Language Pathologist 🇦🇺🌻 @speechwoman
@swaphasia @wespeechies #ResNetSLT and #WeSpeechies LOVE newbies. If you need a hand, just ask. #friendlymob
Dr Liss (Melissa Brunner) @LissBEE@mastodon.au @LissBEE_CPSP
RT @wespeechies: WHOA a new handle tweeting in the #ResNetSLT chat is ..... @ResNetSLT #FF You MUST follow this handle!! https://t.co/SLk1ciL8vO
Dr Joanne Fillingham she/her/hers @jkfillingham
I'm a bit more random. I join when I like & put it down when I like. Other than key tasks with #ReSNetSLT or @WeAHPs https://t.co/3g2uo9gKWk
Suze Leitao @Suze_Freogirl
@wespeechies My other strategy is not to panic if I get too far behind and feelI have to read it all, that one thx 2 @PamelaSnow2 #ResNetSLT #wespeechies
Dr Liss (Melissa Brunner) @LissBEE@mastodon.au @LissBEE_CPSP
RT @W_Scharff: @wespeechies Answer to Q1 #ResNetSLT tweet chat @HazelRoddam1 @SLT2B @HSB_logo_ATW https://t.co/zcJWP3OFAg
WeSpeechies @wespeechies
Allocating a time limit is good, and work around it to find the period that you need to properly benefit from the time spent. #ResNetSLT https://t.co/Qd0NcZ5ED4
WeSpeechies @wespeechies
RT @WeLurkers: #Lurk (v): #Lurk (v): To read postings in an Internet forum (in this instance, the #ResNetSLT/#WeSpeechies Twitter chat) without actively contributing. https://t.co/OaG4LpBcTh
Dr Joanne Fillingham she/her/hers @jkfillingham
@swaphasia @wespeechies I love to see new tweeters join. Lovely to see u. #ReSNetSLT #WeSpeechies https://t.co/FEBTZO0z4B
Sameh El Saghir @SamehElSaghir
I get the chance at the break time during work. And I dedicate a time for following the tweets while I am at home. #ResNetSLT
Suze Leitao @Suze_Freogirl
@Katie_Chadd @wespeechies Yes,its a good use of 'reading time' #ResNetSLT #WeSpeechies
WeSpeechies @wespeechies
Hello in the Blue Mountains, @speechwoman ! #ResNetSLT very quiet here in the room everyone is concentrating so hard!!! https://t.co/SIwGay7eIy
Amit Kulkarni @AmitSaLT
Hi all. Do other find twitter often fits in the spaces between other things? And is this a good idea? #ResNetSLT
WeSpeechies @wespeechies
RT @KathBroomfield:
Suze Leitao @Suze_Freogirl
@SLTLaurenL Oh I do that too, then have an email folder of "tweets to follow up' but its getting full :) #ResNetSLT #WeSpeechies
Caroline Bowen, Speech-Language Pathologist 🇦🇺🌻 @speechwoman
A1 I only participate in Twitter if (1) I have time (2) I am procrastinating (3) Twitter is more interesting than other options. #ReSNetSLT
Dr Liss (Melissa Brunner) @LissBEE@mastodon.au @LissBEE_CPSP
That said, my #SLPhD is in Twitter so really, being active in Twitter is all work, work, work for me ;) #ReSNetSLT https://t.co/xbUPoQrmN5
Suze Leitao @Suze_Freogirl
@ReSNetSLT The other strategy is to prune who you follow every now and then, reduces tweet flow and keeps focus #ResNetSLT #WeSpeechies
Sonally Kaur Nyotta @NyottaSonally
So true hehe 😊 #ResNetSLT https://t.co/mdDW9e0q6t
WeSpeechies @wespeechies
Yes, knowing how to find information quickly in Twitter is useful, and who to follow, and which hashtags to search for helps. #ResNetSlt https://t.co/GzTQVkkOeV
Sonally Kaur Nyotta @NyottaSonally
RT @speechwoman: A1 I only participate in Twitter if (1) I have time (2) I am procrastinating (3) Twitter is more interesting than other options. #ReSNetSLT
Caroline Bowen, Speech-Language Pathologist 🇦🇺🌻 @speechwoman
@wespeechies @Vjoffe is QUIET?? I'd like to see that, #WeSpeechies, #ResNetSLT
WeSpeechies @wespeechies
She's intent on that mobile phone at the moment doing expert tweeting! it's pretty wild with all these tweets #ResNetSLT https://t.co/eRDyfH9iIX
Suze Leitao @Suze_Freogirl
@KathBroomfield No, I haven't got my head around them? are they useful? how??? #ResNetSLT #WeSpeechies
Dr Liss (Melissa Brunner) @LissBEE@mastodon.au @LissBEE_CPSP
@KathBroomfield I tried to! But now usually rely more on hashtags to filter content #ResNetSLT
WeSpeechies @wespeechies
RT @AmitSaLT: Hi all. Do other find twitter often fits in the spaces between other things? And is this a good idea? #ResNetSLT
WeSpeechies @wespeechies
How do clinicians fit their tweeting in to a working day? #ResNetSLT https://t.co/Suxske5DXH
WeSpeechies @wespeechies
RT @LissBEE_CPSP: @KathBroomfield I tried to! But now usually rely more on hashtags to filter content #ResNetSLT
Dr Liss (Melissa Brunner) @LissBEE@mastodon.au @LissBEE_CPSP
RT @vjoffe:
Suze Leitao @Suze_Freogirl
@ReSNetSLT Still learning to do that... what i hate is when the timeline bounces up and down so I lose the thread! #ResNetSLT
Dr Liss (Melissa Brunner) @LissBEE@mastodon.au @LissBEE_CPSP
RT @wespeechies: How do clinicians fit their tweeting in to a working day? #ResNetSLT https://t.co/Suxske5DXH
WeSpeechies @wespeechies
RT @RCSLTResearch:
Suze Leitao @Suze_Freogirl
RT @RCSLTResearch:
Suze Leitao @Suze_Freogirl
RT @KathBroomfield:
WeSpeechies @wespeechies
@KathBroomfield @Suze_Freogirl In my humble opinion, not useful. Too rapid in change/people come and go (and get added to lists inappropriately) #ResNetSLT
Dr Liss (Melissa Brunner) @LissBEE@mastodon.au @LissBEE_CPSP
@KathBroomfield @Suze_Freogirl yep, managing lists just takes up too much time, whereas #tags are quick and easy! #ReSNetSLT
WeSpeechies @wespeechies
Q2 Does the info you find in Twitter stick? What makes you notice it? How can we better promote ‘gems’ of critical information? #ResNetSLT
Dr Liss (Melissa Brunner) @LissBEE@mastodon.au @LissBEE_CPSP
Yes, that too! #ReSNetSLT https://t.co/7IDoZmC2nU
Haley Tancredi @HaleyTanc
@wespeechies Hi #wespeechies Haley here from Brisbane... between mumma duties #ResNetSLT
Suze Leitao @Suze_Freogirl
@wespeechies @KathBroomfield ah, wellI will stick to hashtags and following fabulous people and handles then,worked so far :) #ResNetSLT #WeSpeechies
WeSpeechies @wespeechies
@HaleyTanc Hello Haley! great you could pop in, join in whenever you like over the next 24 hours, juggling! #ResNetSLT
Haley Tancredi @HaleyTanc
Dr Liss (Melissa Brunner) @LissBEE@mastodon.au @LissBEE_CPSP
RT @wespeechies: Q2 Does the info you find in Twitter stick? What makes you notice it? How can we better promote ‘gems’ of critical information? #ResNetSLT
Sonally Kaur Nyotta @NyottaSonally
@ReSNetSLT Be efficient on twitter - prune your followers/ search up a relevant hashtag to keep up w/ an area of interest #ReSNetSLT
A1 Difficult to believe, we know, but lurking can be INCREDIBLY time-consuming, so we make rules for ourselves. #ResNetSLT #WeSpeechies 😏
WeSpeechies @wespeechies
Yes the COLUMNS on tweetdeck are great! using them now #ResNetSLT https://t.co/NprP96YRTs
Suze Leitao @Suze_Freogirl
@SLTLaurenL I feel it depends how it is used, if for clinical/research links then it IS work. Cat videos/memes maybe less so :) #ResNetSLT #WeSpeechies
Dr Liss (Melissa Brunner) @LissBEE@mastodon.au @LissBEE_CPSP
@KathBroomfield @wespeechies @Suze_Freogirl me too... #ReSNetSLT
WeSpeechies @wespeechies
Sonally Kaur Nyotta @NyottaSonally
RT @Suze_Freogirl: @wespeechies @KathBroomfield ah, wellI will stick to hashtags and following fabulous people and handles then,worked so far :) #ResNetSLT #WeSpeechies
Claire Hartley @CHartleySLT
#ResNetSLT Late to the party but hello from me in Birmingham! Great to join such a vibrant community today.
WeSpeechies @wespeechies
RT @WeLurkers: A1 Difficult to believe, we know, but lurking can be INCREDIBLY time-consuming, so we make rules for ourselves. #ResNetSLT #WeSpeechies 😏
Suze Leitao @Suze_Freogirl
@cahprc_m @ReSNetSLT I LOVE tweetdeck and have columns for fav hashtags and create them to follow conferences (which is very useful) #ResNetSLT #WeSpeechies
Amit Kulkarni @AmitSaLT
Q2. I need time to process info. Hence, twitter good to source info, but then need select what to look at in more detail #ResNetSLT SLT
WeSpeechies @wespeechies
Lovely to have you join us Claire! what a wonderful tweeting community going on #ResNetSLT https://t.co/EYj1XIGBeh
Dr Liss (Melissa Brunner) @LissBEE@mastodon.au @LissBEE_CPSP
Took the words out of my mouth ;) Discussion with others & linking in with new people interested in similar topics key for me #ReSNetSLT https://t.co/l9o3bHM3X4
Suze Leitao @Suze_Freogirl
@vjoffe @swaphasia two replies about cat videos,we must be feeling guilty :) #ResNetSLT
WeSpeechies @wespeechies
Curating and sharing info on WHO is in Twitter and their interest areas is a good idea - ping @RCSLTResearch #ResNetSLT https://t.co/HwXcv93Lel
Dr Liss (Melissa Brunner) @LissBEE@mastodon.au @LissBEE_CPSP
RT @wespeechies: Yes the COLUMNS on tweetdeck are great! using them now #ResNetSLT https://t.co/NprP96YRTs
Suze Leitao @Suze_Freogirl
RT @KathBroomfield:
Haley Tancredi @HaleyTanc
@wespeechies I tend to tweet with my morning coffee, a quick tweet before I study in the evenings... #ResNetSLT #wespeechies
Sonally Kaur Nyotta @NyottaSonally
RT @wespeechies: Yes the COLUMNS on tweetdeck are great! using them now #ResNetSLT https://t.co/NprP96YRTs
Dr Liss (Melissa Brunner) @LissBEE@mastodon.au @LissBEE_CPSP
RT @wespeechies: Curating and sharing info on WHO is in Twitter and their interest areas is a good idea - ping @RCSLTResearch #ResNetSLT https://t.co/HwXcv93Lel
Suze Leitao @Suze_Freogirl
@AmitSaLT Its sort of like curating a collection, you have to work at who you follow to get max effect of twitter I find #ResNetSLT #WeSpeechies
Dr Liss (Melissa Brunner) @LissBEE@mastodon.au @LissBEE_CPSP
Couldn't agree more! #ReSNetSLT https://t.co/S2yT4NGTV8
WeSpeechies @wespeechies
Yes, followers appreciate high CONTENT in tweets, and the mix of person can be ok. See the hashtag #AcademicsWithCats, @vjoffe? #ResNetSLT https://t.co/nETGvsBs2w
@ReSNetSLT @wespeechies @RCSLTResearch A2 We notice short, informative tweets with no abbreviation that include relevant hashtags #ResNetSLT #WeSpeechies, images, and NO GIFs 🤢
Sonally Kaur Nyotta @NyottaSonally
Learning new things everything 😊 #ResNetSLT https://t.co/0UVBSsxrzn
Dr Liss (Melissa Brunner) @LissBEE@mastodon.au @LissBEE_CPSP
RT @KathBroomfield:
WeSpeechies @wespeechies
Yes, tweets that give a key result not only saying 'here's a paper published by X' - give clinical bottom line or action #ResNetSLT https://t.co/ZnMZes3RNw
Suze Leitao @Suze_Freogirl
@vjoffe @ReSNetSLT @wespeechies @RCSLTResearch I set up a twitter hashtag for every unit I teach- gets a few of them on board - & stream the feed though blackboard for the rest #ResNetSLT
Haley Tancredi @HaleyTanc
@wespeechies A2 love a meme, catchy diagram or good image to help catch and remember quality content #ResNetSLT #WeSpeechies
W Scharff Rethfeldt 🕊 @W_Scharff
@wespeechies Answer to Q2 #ResNetSLT tweet chat @HazelRoddam1 @SLT2B @HSB_logo_ATW https://t.co/mjpXA80dgP
Suze Leitao @Suze_Freogirl
RT @KathBroomfield:
Claire Hartley @CHartleySLT
@LissBEE_CPSP Me too! Helps you identify the "aha" moment or key take home message for you. #ResNetSLT
Dr Joanne Fillingham she/her/hers @jkfillingham
@wespeechies Blogshots, images, GIFs help to make information stand out. #resnetslt #wespeechies https://t.co/8KWkmSddnK
Suze Leitao @Suze_Freogirl
@RCSLTResearch Indeed, that is how I take notes and pose questions at conferences! #ResNetSLT #WeSpeechies
WeSpeechies @wespeechies
Yes, too many GIFs may appear as not being 'serious' information (if that is what people are looking for, think of your audience) #ResNetSLT https://t.co/uPl1k2HqpH
Dr Liss (Melissa Brunner) @LissBEE@mastodon.au @LissBEE_CPSP
@KathBroomfield agreed! I study off-campus, so I find Twitter helps me to feel more connected - #SLPhD-wise & with others #ReSNetSLT
International Journal of Speech-Language Pathology @IJSLP
We find twitter a good way to let #wespeechies know about early on-line articles #ResNetSLT
Dr Liss (Melissa Brunner) @LissBEE@mastodon.au @LissBEE_CPSP
Yes!!!!! Especially good for those who don't have access to the article to get summary & to be able to discuss it #ReSNetSLT https://t.co/NZKKDcU4yq
Dr Liss (Melissa Brunner) @LissBEE@mastodon.au @LissBEE_CPSP
RT @wespeechies: Yes, tweets that give a key result not only saying 'here's a paper published by X' - give clinical bottom line or action #ResNetSLT https://t.co/ZnMZes3RNw
Dr Liss (Melissa Brunner) @LissBEE@mastodon.au @LissBEE_CPSP
RT @SLTLaurenL:
WeSpeechies @wespeechies
I recommend not using shorteners as Twitter shortens link, good to be able to see the URL to decide whether or not to click on it #ResNetSLT https://t.co/cCJ6ruD3G7
Dr Anastasia Mihailidou FAHA FCSANZ FESC @AnastasiaSMihai
RT @LissBEE_CPSP: Yes!!!!! Especially good for those who don't have access to the article to get summary & to be able to discuss it #ReSNetSLT https://t.co/NZKKDcU4yq
Caroline Bowen, Speech-Language Pathologist 🇦🇺🌻 @speechwoman
RT @IJSLP: We find twitter a good way to let #wespeechies know about early on-line articles #ResNetSLT
WeSpeechies @wespeechies
We love journals that use Twitter to engage with their readership and authors as well! #ResNetSLT https://t.co/ZW6jJzV8EP
Dr Liss (Melissa Brunner) @LissBEE@mastodon.au @LissBEE_CPSP
I think it's clear that I'm in agreeance! My feed is always full of graphics ;) #ReSNetSLT https://t.co/thSuY57QQI
Suze Leitao @Suze_Freogirl
@KathBroomfield @LissBEE_CPSP International collaboration is great too - feels like one big SLP/SLT community at times #ResNetSLT
Haley Tancredi @HaleyTanc
A2 I love reading tweet threads where #WeSpeechies & others tweet as they read 👌 papers with pic of abstract & link to full text #ResNetSLT
Dr Liss (Melissa Brunner) @LissBEE@mastodon.au @LissBEE_CPSP
me too, no longer write notes any other way at conferences now ;) #ReSNetSLT https://t.co/AMnl82Kx03
Claire Hartley @CHartleySLT
@wespeechies I still feel like I miss some great gems so sometimes doing the scroll of doom through my feed is default. How do u avoid that?#ResNetSLT
WeSpeechies @wespeechies
Q3 What kind of things do you discover in Twitter – and from whom – that ultimately change your practice? #ResNetSLT
Suze Leitao @Suze_Freogirl
@SLTLaurenL Yes! have made so many friends that way - arrive in town or at a conference and feel like we have already met! #ResNetSLT
WeSpeechies @wespeechies
Dr Liss (Melissa Brunner) @LissBEE@mastodon.au @LissBEE_CPSP
RT @Suze_Freogirl: @KathBroomfield @LissBEE_CPSP International collaboration is great too - feels like one big SLP/SLT community at times #ResNetSLT
Claire Hartley @CHartleySLT
@wespeechies A2 #ResNetSLT I do find hashtags the most helpful way to keep up on specific topics or events tho.
WeSpeechies @wespeechies
I don't manage it, I just keep reading until interrupted sometimes! #ResNetSLT https://t.co/kp0LOSQqKw
Dr Liss (Melissa Brunner) @LissBEE@mastodon.au @LissBEE_CPSP
RT @Suze_Freogirl: @SLTLaurenL Yes! have made so many friends that way - arrive in town or at a conference and feel like we have already met! #ResNetSLT
Sonally Kaur Nyotta @NyottaSonally
RT @LissBEE_CPSP: Yes!!!!! Especially good for those who don't have access to the article to get summary & to be able to discuss it #ReSNetSLT https://t.co/NZKKDcU4yq
Suze Leitao @Suze_Freogirl
@vjoffe Glad to have sparked the idea but I think i got it first from the faboluoso @BronwynHemsley #ResNetSLT
Haley Tancredi @HaleyTanc
A2 I share what I find with colleagues (& continue to encourage Twitter engagement!) as often info hot off the press #ResNetSLT #WeSpeechies
Caroline Bowen, Speech-Language Pathologist 🇦🇺🌻 @speechwoman
@vjoffe @NicolaBotting 🐱#CatTweetAlert! Do you hear that, @BronwynHemsley's Caspa? #ResNetSLT #WeSpeechies
WeSpeechies @wespeechies
RT @HaleyTanc: @wespeechies A2 love a meme, catchy diagram or good image to help catch and remember quality content #ResNetSLT #WeSpeechies
WeSpeechies @wespeechies
RT @Katie_Chadd:
Dr Liss (Melissa Brunner) @LissBEE@mastodon.au @LissBEE_CPSP
@Suze_Freogirl @SLTLaurenL absolutely! Have walked up & hugged some that I haven't met before IRL but feel like I've known well for for a long time #ReSNetSLT
Dr Liss (Melissa Brunner) @LissBEE@mastodon.au @LissBEE_CPSP
RT @KathBroomfield:
Dr Liss (Melissa Brunner) @LissBEE@mastodon.au @LissBEE_CPSP
RT @Katie_Chadd:
Sonally Kaur Nyotta @NyottaSonally
@KathBroomfield @LissBEE_CPSP Definitely-I’m at international student so always want to know what’s happening with SLT in an international context in LMCs #ResnetSLT
Sonally Kaur Nyotta @NyottaSonally
RT @Suze_Freogirl: @KathBroomfield @LissBEE_CPSP International collaboration is great too - feels like one big SLP/SLT community at times #ResNetSLT
Haley Tancredi @HaleyTanc
@CHartleySLT @wespeechies I often go to the timelines of those I know have a reputation of posting great content to see what I've missed 😉 #WeSpeechies #ResNetSLT
Dr Liss (Melissa Brunner) @LissBEE@mastodon.au @LissBEE_CPSP
RT @HaleyTanc: @CHartleySLT @wespeechies I often go to the timelines of those I know have a reputation of posting great content to see what I've missed 😉 #WeSpeechies #ResNetSLT
International Journal of Speech-Language Pathology @IJSLP
We find the best tweets have the early online link, a key point about the paper and a screen shot of the abstract #ResNetSLT #wespeechies
Claire Hartley @CHartleySLT
@Suze_Freogirl @vjoffe @BronwynHemsley #ResNetSLT I also attach module name hashtag to gems of info that you find as you go.Not sure if students search 4 it?@BCUSALTSOC #SLTatBCU
Dr Liss (Melissa Brunner) @LissBEE@mastodon.au @LissBEE_CPSP
RT @Katie_Chadd:
W Scharff Rethfeldt 🕊 @W_Scharff
@wespeechies Answer to Q3 #ResNetSLT tweet chat @HazelRoddam1 @SLT2B @HSB_logo_ATW https://t.co/vVttGWsXE4
Haley Tancredi @HaleyTanc
@LissBEE_CPSP @Suze_Freogirl @SLTLaurenL 😂 it's true ... I have SPA photo booth pics to prove it , Liss 😂 #WeSpeechies #ResNetSLT
Suze Leitao @Suze_Freogirl
@CHartleySLT @wespeechies with difficulty and therapy :) #ResNetSLT but I am getting there !!
Caroline Bowen, Speech-Language Pathologist 🇦🇺🌻 @speechwoman
@CumbriaLancsAHP Link shorteners (Tiny URL etc) inadvisable, they don't make links shorter than (transparent) Twitter system ones do. #ResNetSLT #WeSpeechies
Claire Hartley @CHartleySLT
@HaleyTanc @wespeechies Yes that's a good one too! #ResNetSLT
WeSpeechies @wespeechies
100% agree. Find a credible source, and critically appraise their information as well. Lovely pic answer, Wiebke! #ResNetSLT https://t.co/zi3MsoWtwy
Suze Leitao @Suze_Freogirl
@wespeechies So many articles, especially early online, & recently fab photos of posters from conferences -great leads to follow #ResNetSLT #WeSpeechies
Dr Liss (Melissa Brunner) @LissBEE@mastodon.au @LissBEE_CPSP
Yes, that is true also... #PhotoEvidence Perhaps I need to warn people in advance @HaleyTanc?!!! #ReSNetSLT https://t.co/kPfMAJqVzc
Dr Liss (Melissa Brunner) @LissBEE@mastodon.au @LissBEE_CPSP
RT @wespeechies: 100% agree. Find a credible source, and critically appraise their information as well. Lovely pic answer, Wiebke! #ResNetSLT https://t.co/zi3MsoWtwy
WeSpeechies @wespeechies
Hi Michelle, this chat hour is using #ResNetSLT so remember to add that tag - so glad you could join in! https://t.co/UgDwhls7Dc
Dr Joanne Fillingham she/her/hers @jkfillingham
@LissBEE_CPSP Me too. I'm such a visual person #ReSNetSLT #wespeechies https://t.co/8KWkmSddnK
WeSpeechies @wespeechies
For transparency, simply copy paste the link into Tweet and the reader can decide if they are familiar with that site already etc #ResNetSLT https://t.co/Llg8o6V5Oc
Suze Leitao @Suze_Freogirl
@CHartleySLT @vjoffe @BronwynHemsley @BCUSALTSOC I find I am still persuading many #SLP2b #SLT2b of the value of twitter - but I try!! #ResNetSLT #WeSpeechies
Dr Liss (Melissa Brunner) @LissBEE@mastodon.au @LissBEE_CPSP
Agreed! Also love it when people tag me as an alert to articles/info that might be of interest #ReSNetSLT https://t.co/PAUwWc7xA0
WeSpeechies @wespeechies
This has to be one of the most powerful and under-utilised aspects of Twitter in the @WeSpeechies community - interdisciplinarity #ResNetSLT https://t.co/1aei2hRS44
Claire Hartley @CHartleySLT
@swaphasia @Katie_Chadd @wespeechies #ResNetSLT Twitter has certainly helped me get through more research info and work out what to focus on so increasing efficiency.
Suze Leitao @Suze_Freogirl
RT @wespeechies: 100% agree. Find a credible source, and critically appraise their information as well. Lovely pic answer, Wiebke! #ResNetSLT https://t.co/zi3MsoWtwy
Caroline Bowen, Speech-Language Pathologist 🇦🇺🌻 @speechwoman
@Suze_Freogirl @ReSNetSLT Provided we're not all singing to the choir, #ResNetSLT, #WeSpeechies. Good to sample differing viewpoints, even if uncomfortable, I think.
Suze Leitao @Suze_Freogirl
RT @vjoffe:
Dr Liss (Melissa Brunner) @LissBEE@mastodon.au @LissBEE_CPSP
@jkfillingham absolutely! Visuals act as a memory strategy for me #ReSNetSLT
WeSpeechies @wespeechies
Yes it is fantastic as a tool for boosting collaboration and finding relevant information quickly - ask Twitter! #ResNetSLT https://t.co/It949i39xb
Claire Hartley @CHartleySLT
Sonally Kaur Nyotta @NyottaSonally
@wespeechies The SLT twitter community empowers #slt2bs everyday with current information in a range of SLT areas #ReSNetSLT
Dr Liss (Melissa Brunner) @LissBEE@mastodon.au @LissBEE_CPSP
Fighting the good fight by spreading the word about how Twitter can be so valuable #WeSpeechies #ReSNetSLT https://t.co/ulDv3d37T4
Dr Liss (Melissa Brunner) @LissBEE@mastodon.au @LissBEE_CPSP
RT @wespeechies: This has to be one of the most powerful and under-utilised aspects of Twitter in the @WeSpeechies community - interdisciplinarity #ResNetSLT https://t.co/1aei2hRS44
Dr Joanne Fillingham she/her/hers @jkfillingham
@ReSNetSLT Twitter allows me to join in discussion in a non hierarchical forum to be able to influence & be influenced. https://t.co/Yl2nbIB04L
Dr Liss (Melissa Brunner) @LissBEE@mastodon.au @LissBEE_CPSP
RT @CHartleySLT: @swaphasia @Katie_Chadd @wespeechies #ResNetSLT Twitter has certainly helped me get through more research info and work out what to focus on so increasing efficiency.
WeSpeechies @wespeechies
Can be helpful to add the abstract link and the Author twitter handle so readers can ask the author for a copy! #ResNetSLT #MakeABridge https://t.co/Bog75adiiO
Dr Liss (Melissa Brunner) @LissBEE@mastodon.au @LissBEE_CPSP
RT @speechwoman: @Suze_Freogirl @ReSNetSLT Provided we're not all singing to the choir, #ResNetSLT, #WeSpeechies. Good to sample differing viewpoints, even if uncomfortable, I think.
Suze Leitao @Suze_Freogirl
@LissBEE_CPSP I do that to HDR students :) #ResNetSLT @SamuelDCalder @EmilyMayJackson @TinaKilpatrick1 @RobertPWells @IAMSAMKJ @LauraGlisson @Natalie_KP3
Dr Joanne Fillingham she/her/hers @jkfillingham
@ReSNetSLT Twitter allows me to join in discussion in a non hierarchical forum to be able to influence & be influenced. #ReSNetSLT #WeSpeechies
W Scharff Rethfeldt 🕊 @W_Scharff
@wespeechies Answer to Q4 #ResNetSLT tweet chat @HazelRoddam1 @SLT2B @HSB_logo_ATW https://t.co/3iClZwIrCp
Suze Leitao @Suze_Freogirl
RT @wespeechies: This has to be one of the most powerful and under-utilised aspects of Twitter in the @WeSpeechies community - interdisciplinarity #ResNetSLT https://t.co/1aei2hRS44
WeSpeechies @wespeechies
Shaun Ziegenfusz (he/him) @shaunziegenfusz
🤗 yep this is me 🤗 #ResNetSLT #wespeechies https://t.co/GXnbhUaL3L
Suze Leitao @Suze_Freogirl
Dr Joanne Fillingham she/her/hers @jkfillingham
@ReSNetSLT Q3 Twitter also gives me instant access to information & knowledge #ResnetSLT #WeSpeechies
Sonally Kaur Nyotta @NyottaSonally
@wespeechies This includes releasing current research online (free papers - YES); online discussions w/ professionals w/ a range of expertise #ReSNetSLT
WeSpeechies @wespeechies
Me too! Big on hugs!!!! #ResNetSLT https://t.co/XV8mmELK89
Claire Hartley @CHartleySLT
@wespeechies A3 #ResNetSLT hot off the press stuff is so exciting & sometimes perfectly timed to a teaching slot. students can immed apply new knowledge
Suze Leitao @Suze_Freogirl
@speechwoman @ReSNetSLT Yes,and there has been some good courteous debate about papers,findings etc always stimulating #ResNetSLT
WeSpeechies @wespeechies
Q4 How do you help yourself (or others) to advance in Twitter skills, get more confident, and use Twitter to make a difference? #ResNetSLT
Suze Leitao @Suze_Freogirl
RT @vjoffe:
Sonally Kaur Nyotta @NyottaSonally
Claire Hartley @CHartleySLT
@wespeechies They can take that with them to practice sharing with wider community of #slpeeps #ResNetSLT
Judy Lockhart @JudyLockhart_SP
RT @wespeechies: 100% agree. Find a credible source, and critically appraise their information as well. Lovely pic answer, Wiebke! #ResNetSLT https://t.co/zi3MsoWtwy
Scholars @scholarsio
RT @NyottaSonally: @wespeechies This includes releasing current research online (free papers - YES); online discussions w/ professionals w/ a range of expertise #ReSNetSLT
Dr Joanne Fillingham she/her/hers @jkfillingham
@speechwoman @Suze_Freogirl @ReSNetSLT I agree, most powerful tweet chats (for me personally to reflect & learn) #WeMDT tweetchats on suicide prevention https://t.co/9xdErfCyMS
Sonally Kaur Nyotta @NyottaSonally
RT @LissBEE_CPSP: Fighting the good fight by spreading the word about how Twitter can be so valuable #WeSpeechies #ReSNetSLT https://t.co/ulDv3d37T4
Dr Liss (Melissa Brunner) @LissBEE@mastodon.au @LissBEE_CPSP
@avrilnicoll I usually send another more specific reply or thread if I feel meaning not clear #ReSNetSLT
Suze Leitao @Suze_Freogirl
@avrilnicoll @vjoffe @wespeechies If we identify the authors, people can DM for copy of the papers though? or go to research gate? #ResNetSLT #WeSpeechies
WeSpeechies @wespeechies
That's a great idea, but I tend to 'like' replies as a 'read receipt' type indicator!! #ResNetSLT https://t.co/AzuwwPkjMR
Dr Liss (Melissa Brunner) @LissBEE@mastodon.au @LissBEE_CPSP
@Suze_Freogirl @SamuelDCalder @EmilyMayJackson @TinaKilpatrick1 @RobertPWells @IAMSAMKJ @LauraGlisson @Natalie_KP3 glad to hear it, pretty sure they'd love it ;) #ReSNetSLT
Sonally Kaur Nyotta @NyottaSonally
RT @wespeechies: Yes it is fantastic as a tool for boosting collaboration and finding relevant information quickly - ask Twitter! #ResNetSLT https://t.co/It949i39xb
Dr Liss (Melissa Brunner) @LissBEE@mastodon.au @LissBEE_CPSP
Dr Liss (Melissa Brunner) @LissBEE@mastodon.au @LissBEE_CPSP
RT @jkfillingham: @ReSNetSLT Twitter allows me to join in discussion in a non hierarchical forum to be able to influence & be influenced. #ReSNetSLT #WeSpeechies
Suze Leitao @Suze_Freogirl
RT @W_Scharff: @wespeechies Answer to Q4 #ResNetSLT tweet chat @HazelRoddam1 @SLT2B @HSB_logo_ATW https://t.co/3iClZwIrCp
Dr Liss (Melissa Brunner) @LissBEE@mastodon.au @LissBEE_CPSP
RT @vjoffe:
Sonally Kaur Nyotta @NyottaSonally
RT @wespeechies: This has to be one of the most powerful and under-utilised aspects of Twitter in the @WeSpeechies community - interdisciplinarity #ResNetSLT https://t.co/1aei2hRS44
Suze Leitao @Suze_Freogirl
RT @vjoffe:
Shaun Ziegenfusz (he/him) @shaunziegenfusz
A1 knowing that it's ok to ebb and flow over time as you're busy. Good to check fav #'s semiregularly #ResNetSLT https://t.co/B49U32So0Q
Shaun Ziegenfusz (he/him) @shaunziegenfusz
RT @Suze_Freogirl: @wespeechies I do the same as per emails - set aside scheduled times & don't interrupt productive times with immediate responding #wespeechies #ReSNetSLT
Dr Anastasia Mihailidou FAHA FCSANZ FESC @AnastasiaSMihai
RT @wespeechies: This has to be one of the most powerful and under-utilised aspects of Twitter in the @WeSpeechies community - interdisciplinarity #ResNetSLT https://t.co/1aei2hRS44
Dr Liss (Melissa Brunner) @LissBEE@mastodon.au @LissBEE_CPSP
@shaunziegenfusz yep, pretty sure there's photo booth evidence of this too ;) #ReSNetSLT
Dr Liss (Melissa Brunner) @LissBEE@mastodon.au @LissBEE_CPSP
RT @wespeechies: Me too! Big on hugs!!!! #ResNetSLT https://t.co/XV8mmELK89
Dr Joanne Fillingham she/her/hers @jkfillingham
@wespeechies Find a twitter buddy. Learning from others most powerful. More than being lectured about it. #resnetslt #wespeechies https://t.co/LisUEBkq48
Caroline Bowen, Speech-Language Pathologist 🇦🇺🌻 @speechwoman
I say: #ReSNetSLT is well established, but @ResNetSLT is 🐣🌟🆕 🌟🐣! Welcome to Twitter 🎀@ResNetSLT. Will you follow, #WeSpeechies?
Dr Liss (Melissa Brunner) @LissBEE@mastodon.au @LissBEE_CPSP
RT @CHartleySLT: @wespeechies A3 #ResNetSLT hot off the press stuff is so exciting & sometimes perfectly timed to a teaching slot. students can immed apply new knowledge
WeSpeechies @wespeechies
#ResNetSLT https://t.co/LFXaZDjsMx
Claire Hartley @CHartleySLT
@NyottaSonally @wespeechies And making the research community more accessible to #SLT2B #ResNetSLT. Students can ask the expert much more easily.
Suze Leitao @Suze_Freogirl
@wespeechies at the #SPAconf we had 'ask me I'm a tweeter' badges which got loads of newbies on board #ResNetSLT #WeSpeechies
Dr Liss (Melissa Brunner) @LissBEE@mastodon.au @LissBEE_CPSP
RT @SLTLaurenL:
Dr Liss (Melissa Brunner) @LissBEE@mastodon.au @LissBEE_CPSP
RT @wespeechies: Q4 How do you help yourself (or others) to advance in Twitter skills, get more confident, and use Twitter to make a difference? #ResNetSLT
WeSpeechies @wespeechies
RT @speechwoman: I say: I say: #ReSNetSLT is well established, but @ResNetSLT is 🐣🌟🆕 🌟🐣! Welcome to Twitter 🎀@ResNetSLT. Will you follow, #WeSpeechies?
Shaun Ziegenfusz (he/him) @shaunziegenfusz
Yes I find emailing tweets to myself very useful. Then share with colleagues #ResNetSLT https://t.co/Ppol0fAdvK
Sonally Kaur Nyotta @NyottaSonally
RT @CHartleySLT: @NyottaSonally @wespeechies And making the research community more accessible to #SLT2B #ResNetSLT. Students can ask the expert much more easily.
Dr Liss (Melissa Brunner) @LissBEE@mastodon.au @LissBEE_CPSP
RT @W_Scharff: @wespeechies Answer to Q4 #ResNetSLT tweet chat @HazelRoddam1 @SLT2B @HSB_logo_ATW https://t.co/3iClZwIrCp
Shaun Ziegenfusz (he/him) @shaunziegenfusz
A2 links and images grasp my attention. Also when twitter tells me multiple followers 'like' something #ResNetSLT https://t.co/RzezGERZBM
WeSpeechies @wespeechies
RT @heelan_phd:
Amit Kulkarni @AmitSaLT
@jkfillingham @wespeechies Q4. Yes - learnt lots from those using twitter around me #ResNetSLT
Claire Hartley @CHartleySLT
@wespeechies I can recommend curating a Twitter chat as a fast way to learn #WeSpeechies 😉 #ResNetSLT
Caroline Bowen, Speech-Language Pathologist 🇦🇺🌻 @speechwoman
@ReSNetSLT totes lolz #ResNetSLT #WeSpeechies🤣
Dr Liss (Melissa Brunner) @LissBEE@mastodon.au @LissBEE_CPSP
Sorry I want her back ;) #ReSNetSLT https://t.co/r4v3s423j9
Haley Tancredi @HaleyTanc
Ask for a twitter tutorial (& offer to give them!). Practice. Tweet most days. follow people, add new content, interact w/ others #ResNetSLT https://t.co/ix48tRTl6f
Dr Liss (Melissa Brunner) @LissBEE@mastodon.au @LissBEE_CPSP
RT @vjoffe:
Dr Liss (Melissa Brunner) @LissBEE@mastodon.au @LissBEE_CPSP
RT @shaunziegenfusz: A1 knowing that it's ok to ebb and flow over time as you're busy. Good to check fav #'s semiregularly #ResNetSLT https://t.co/B49U32So0Q
WeSpeechies @wespeechies
Ooh yes, @WeSpeechies needs curators for sure - put your hand up, tweeters! #ResNetSLT (trial by fire really!!!) https://t.co/zY2TijEvSA
Dr Michelle Cimoli @MichelleCimoli
@wespeechies A3 I discover which other health professionals are engaged on topics of interest e.g. Oral health, medications and #dysphagia #ResNetSLT
Shaun Ziegenfusz (he/him) @shaunziegenfusz
A2 I've filtered the people I follow to those that share content that helps me professionally #ReSNetSLT https://t.co/RzezGERZBM
Sonally Kaur Nyotta @NyottaSonally
RT @speechwoman: @Suze_Freogirl @ReSNetSLT Provided we're not all singing to the choir, #ResNetSLT, #WeSpeechies. Good to sample differing viewpoints, even if uncomfortable, I think.
Claire Hartley @CHartleySLT
@Suze_Freogirl @wespeechies Great idea! #ResNetSLT
Dr Liss (Melissa Brunner) @LissBEE@mastodon.au @LissBEE_CPSP
RT @Katie_Chadd:
Dr Liss (Melissa Brunner) @LissBEE@mastodon.au @LissBEE_CPSP
@Katie_Chadd @avrilnicoll yep, great advice! #ReSNetSLT
Dr Joanne Fillingham she/her/hers @jkfillingham
Anyone come across the concept 'Working out Loud' @johnstepper I was talking about it yesterday to #improvefalls collaborative #ReSNetSLT https://t.co/kbqi7cD2v2
Shaun Ziegenfusz (he/him) @shaunziegenfusz
I can thank @Suze_Freogirl for getting me started with Tweetdeck. Very handy #ResnetSLT https://t.co/XKVYTce6W0
Dr Liss (Melissa Brunner) @LissBEE@mastodon.au @LissBEE_CPSP
@avrilnicoll @Suze_Freogirl @SLTLaurenL ROFL! Yeah that happens too! #ReSNetSLT
Suze Leitao @Suze_Freogirl
@CHartleySLT @wespeechies Indeed & the 2nd time you do it you realise how much you have learned!! basically, best way to learn about twitter? get tweeting! #ResNetSLT
Dr Liss (Melissa Brunner) @LissBEE@mastodon.au @LissBEE_CPSP
RT @jkfillingham: @wespeechies Find a twitter buddy. Learning from others most powerful. More than being lectured about it. #resnetslt #wespeechies https://t.co/LisUEBkq48
Suze Leitao @Suze_Freogirl
RT @HaleyTanc: Ask for a twitter tutorial (& offer to give them!). Practice. Tweet most days. follow people, add new content, interact w/ others #ResNetSLT https://t.co/ix48tRTl6f
Shaun Ziegenfusz (he/him) @shaunziegenfusz
Lurking is a good starting point! I recommend having a look but always aim to dip your toe in #ResNetSLT https://t.co/WeQxoASv8D
Dr Joanne Fillingham she/her/hers @jkfillingham
@avrilnicoll @LissBEE_CPSP @Suze_Freogirl @SLTLaurenL 🤣🤣 glad it's not only me thought I was being overfriendly ! #ResnetSLT #wespeechies
Dr Liss (Melissa Brunner) @LissBEE@mastodon.au @LissBEE_CPSP
RT @Suze_Freogirl: @wespeechies at the #SPAconf we had 'ask me I'm a tweeter' badges which got loads of newbies on board #ResNetSLT #WeSpeechies
WeSpeechies @wespeechies
Twitter is a great 'levelling' tool, talking and listening goes in multiple directions (including the bystander silent audiences) #ResNetSLT https://t.co/z7z9p7aNY6
Sonally Kaur Nyotta @NyottaSonally
@vjoffe @wespeechies @CityLCS @CityLCS lecturers normally give out their tweet handle and useful hashtags in the area to get #slt2bs involved #ResNetSlt
WeSpeechies @wespeechies
This is great to see, more academics using Twitter need to use it within their teaching methods #ResNetSLT A lot of research on this!! https://t.co/TWGREgLv4B
Shaun Ziegenfusz (he/him) @shaunziegenfusz
A3 access to amazing researchers whose names I had only previously seen before at the top or articles #ResNetSLT https://t.co/pWeazJvlIN
Sonally Kaur Nyotta @NyottaSonally
RT @jkfillingham: @wespeechies Find a twitter buddy. Learning from others most powerful. More than being lectured about it. #resnetslt #wespeechies https://t.co/LisUEBkq48
Suze Leitao @Suze_Freogirl
I have sat at home trying to work out how to score a test or if there is evidence for a Tx or an Ax & tweeted. Get so much input! #ResNetSLT
Dr Liss (Melissa Brunner) @LissBEE@mastodon.au @LissBEE_CPSP
@jkfillingham @avrilnicoll @Suze_Freogirl @SLTLaurenL nope! But I like when people have a photo for their profile, have been caught more than once when picture was an object! Ooops #ReSNetSLT
Sonally Kaur Nyotta @NyottaSonally
RT @vjoffe:
Dr Liss (Melissa Brunner) @LissBEE@mastodon.au @LissBEE_CPSP
@vjoffe LOL. Happy to share. Sometimes ;) #ReSNetSLT
Sonally Kaur Nyotta @NyottaSonally
RT @Katie_Chadd:
Dr Liss (Melissa Brunner) @LissBEE@mastodon.au @LissBEE_CPSP
Oh indeed ;) #ReSNetSLT https://t.co/csPkqKlnEn
Suze Leitao @Suze_Freogirl
@SLT_Kimu76 @wespeechies @HCS_Sheffield we had a fantatsic week on report writing topic a few weeks ago, so many good ideas and resources #wespeechies #ResNetSLT
Dr Liss (Melissa Brunner) @LissBEE@mastodon.au @LissBEE_CPSP
RT @AmitSaLT: @jkfillingham @wespeechies Q4. Yes - learnt lots from those using twitter around me #ResNetSLT
Dr Liss (Melissa Brunner) @LissBEE@mastodon.au @LissBEE_CPSP
RT @HaleyTanc: Ask for a twitter tutorial (& offer to give them!). Practice. Tweet most days. follow people, add new content, interact w/ others #ResNetSLT https://t.co/ix48tRTl6f
Dr Joanne Fillingham she/her/hers @jkfillingham
@KathBroomfield @johnstepper It's about reciprocal learning & sharing whether on twitter or in everyday conversations -you get out what you give #ResnetSLT #WeSpeechies
Dr Liss (Melissa Brunner) @LissBEE@mastodon.au @LissBEE_CPSP
RT @wespeechies: Ooh yes, @WeSpeechies needs curators for sure - put your hand up, tweeters! #ResNetSLT (trial by fire really!!!) https://t.co/zY2TijEvSA
WeSpeechies @wespeechies
At one minute to go we have to say THANK YOU to everyone who tweeted today with #ResNetSLT
Shaun Ziegenfusz (he/him) @shaunziegenfusz
A4 Practice. Make mistakes. Try different things. Join chats. Be discerning #ResNetSLT https://t.co/XiURosNVIw
#ResNetSLT content from Twitter.