#ResNetSLT Transcript

Healthcare social media transcript of the #ResNetSLT hashtag.
See #ResNetSLT Influencers/Analytics.

Dr Alison Cowley @Alison_Cowley
Dr Alison Cowley @Alison_Cowley
@drjackiem @ReSNetSLT Unfortunately I don't think you are alone. Carving out new careers takes courage, risk and ability to embrace uncertainty #ReSNetSLT
Dr Alison Cowley @Alison_Cowley
@HazelRoddam1 @ReSNetSLT @Katie_Chadd @drjoanne_cooper I'm here! Great to join you all #ReSNetSLT
Julie Rider (nee Commins) @julierider2
@ReSNetSLT I'm so rubbish at twitter, but just finishing my first bit of research with the fantastic Nikki Botting. Learnt loads doing this MSC, definitely worth it. Much more 'research aware' than I was.#resnetslt
Dr Alison Cowley @Alison_Cowley
@KathBroomfield @SChalmersSLT Plus a mentor. I found having mentors outside my organisation, plus outside my profession a real help #ReSNetSLT
Dr Alison Cowley @Alison_Cowley
@EllieJSLT @MariaMarquesDN @ReSNetSLT @drjackiem I know how you feel. Imposter syndrome is a hard one to master but I found so many academics who were really kind and keen to support #kindness #ReSNetSLT
Dr Margaret Coffey @mmcoffeystamp
RT @drjackiem:
Dr Alison Cowley @Alison_Cowley
@gemmaclunie @drjackiem @profpleslie @ReSNetSLT Totally relate to this. The swing between enjoying having multiple roles and masters and the 'never quite feeling like you fit in' #ReSNetSLT
Dr Alison Cowley @Alison_Cowley
@HazelRoddam1 The next step is to understand CAC roles from the perspective of clinical managers (and commissioners) who are critical to the long term sustainability of these roles. Mentorship featured strongly in all data sets #ReSNetSLT
Dr Alison Cowley @Alison_Cowley
@KathBroomfield @gemmaclunie @drjackiem @profpleslie @ReSNetSLT The next step is to understand CAC roles from the perspective of clinical managers (and commissioners) who are critical to the long term sustainability of these roles. Mentorship featured strongly in all data sets #ReSNetSLT
Dr Alison Cowley @Alison_Cowley
@drjackiem @KathBroomfield @gemmaclunie @profpleslie @ReSNetSLT Totally agree Jackie and early engagement with managers is crucial. #ResNetSLT
Dr Alison Cowley @Alison_Cowley
@drjackiem @KathBroomfield @gemmaclunie @profpleslie @ReSNetSLT Developing skills in stakeholder management is totally under-rated. we need to get better at understanding 'what's in it for them' when developing study protocols and new roles (the old WIFM and WAMI approach) #ResNetSLT
Lee Hughes @leehughes40
@EllieJSLT @ReSNetSLT @drjackiem @Alison_Cowley @researchphysio @arc_nwc @ELHT_AHPs @ELHT_NHS #resnetslt absolutely Ellie 🌟 And Louise’s role linked to @NeurorehabE & Stroke Team ensures implementation into practice will happen!
Dr Alison Cowley @Alison_Cowley
@leehughes40 @EllieJSLT @ReSNetSLT @drjackiem @researchphysio @arc_nwc @ELHT_AHPs @ELHT_NHS @NeurorehabE Louise is great. I know her from her Nottingham days. Another important part of CAC - networking #ResNetSLT
Louise Connell @researchphysio
@leehughes40 @drjackiem @Alison_Cowley @ReSNetSLT @arc_nwc @ELHT_AHPs And you’re doing brilliantly! #clinicalacademicsAHPs #ReSNetSLT
Dr Alison Cowley @Alison_Cowley
@sarahkedney @drjackiem @KathBroomfield @gemmaclunie @profpleslie @ReSNetSLT #ResNetSLT We don't talk about failing enough. That's why I always refer to Johannes Haushofer's CV of failures @jhaushofer https://t.co/dxJu3GB9d8
Louise Connell @researchphysio
RT @leehughes40: @EllieJSLT @ReSNetSLT @drjackiem @Alison_Cowley @researchphysio @arc_nwc @ELHT_AHPs @ELHT_NHS #resnetslt absolutely Ellie 🌟 And Louise’s role linked to @NeurorehabE & Stroke Team ensures implementation into practice will happen!
Dr Alison Cowley @Alison_Cowley
@HazelRoddam1 @ReSNetSLT @drjoanne_cooper @BeverleyHarden 100% all NMAHP undergrad training should include QI and PPI training #ResNetSLT
Dr Alison Cowley @Alison_Cowley
RT @HazelRoddam1:
Dr Alison Cowley @Alison_Cowley
@sarahhayward25 @ReSNetSLT @drjackiem @HazelRoddam1 @KathBroomfield good place to start. Demonstrating impact needs to concentrate on individuals, teams, culture but most importantly our service users #ResNetSLT
Lee Hughes @leehughes40
@researchphysio @drjackiem @Alison_Cowley @ReSNetSLT @arc_nwc @ELHT_AHPs Thank you! & your role, support from my manager & @arc_nwc #NIHR funding has made it possible #resnetslt #clinicalacademicAHPs
Dr Alison Cowley @Alison_Cowley
@SChalmersSLT @sarahkedney WIIM and WAMI. Find out What's In It For Me and What's Against My Interests (stakeholder management speak) #ResNetSLT
Dr Alison Cowley @Alison_Cowley
@EllieJSLT @SChalmersSLT @sarahkedney We are spearheading a massive cultural change. No wonder its hard and no wonder others struggle to see the value in the role #ResNetSLT
Dr Alison Cowley @Alison_Cowley
@drjackiem @SChalmersSLT @sarahkedney I find it hard to say no! Especially as an early post-doc. Can others relate to that? #ResNetSLT
@LancsAHPR @lancsahpr
@HazelRoddam1 @ClinAcSLT @OfficialCAHPR @RCSLTResearch @ReSNetSLT @researchphysio @iaslt_ressig @ArleneMcCurtin Just started implementing MSc findings: 2xweekly nutrition round means parents meet SLT early in neonatal journey in a way that is directly related to baby's immediate needs. 'Future focused' therapists are too much when you're not yet sure your baby will make it #ReSNetSLT
@LancsAHPR @lancsahpr
RT @HazelRoddam1:
Dr Alison Cowley @Alison_Cowley
@drjackiem @HazelRoddam1 Love this #ResNetSLT
Lee Hughes @leehughes40
@HazelRoddam1 I can vouch for @drjackiem’s superb mentorship & applaud my AHP & nursing mentors. Networking via Twitter & forums like #resnetslt @ClinAcSLT has been extremely helpful.
Dr Alison Cowley @Alison_Cowley
@HazelRoddam1 Pleasure. Great to be involved with AHP colleagues and spread the CAC love #ResNetSLT
#ResNetSLT content from Twitter.