#ResNetSLT Transcript

Healthcare social media transcript of the #ResNetSLT hashtag.
See #ResNetSLT Influencers/Analytics.

Nóirín @NoirinSheridan
To the SLT's, come join this chat, happening now! #ReSNetSLT
Sam Pywell @smileyfacehalo
RT @HazelRoddam1:
W Scharff Rethfeldt 🕊 @W_Scharff
@ReSNetSLT Good evening, following the #resnetslt TweetChat on #ASD tonight from Bremen, Germany
Autie - Artificial Autism Intelligence @grhluna24
RT @anna_westaway:
Nóirín @NoirinSheridan
Q3 I am in the process of considering areas of service development for my MSc. Although this will be a small scale study, it will have significant relevance to the area I work in. Hopefully elements can then be replicated by others! Small scale, but very relevant! #ReSNetSLT
W Scharff Rethfeldt 🕊 @W_Scharff
@ReSNetSLT Colleadues and networks like #resnetslt can be a great support to achive impact in clinical practice. Conference presentation can ignite interest and valuable responses, ask attendees later whether if they changed their practice following it
W Scharff Rethfeldt 🕊 @W_Scharff
@ReSNetSLT Colleagues and networks like #resnetslt can be a great support to achive impact in clinical practice. Conference presentation can ignite interest and valuable responses, ask attendees later whether if they changed their practice following it
#ResNetSLT content from Twitter.