#SPSM Transcript

Healthcare social media transcript of the #SPSM hashtag.
See #SPSM Influencers/Analytics.

Suicide Prevention Social Media #SPSM @SPSMChat
That's a wrap for #SPSM Chat this week. You can read the blog at https://t.co/9EJvBPJIEv. We're also on YouTube, Facebook, and Mixer where you can watch past live-streams. Join us next Sunday 6pm PT when our guest will be @Victoria_BPP. Remember to wash your hands!
Crisis Residential Association @CrisisResAssoc
Have any state's governors given Executive Orders related to behavioral health services during COVID-19? If so, which governors and what were the parameters? #SPSM #COVID_19BehavioralHealth #MentalHealthCrisis
Travis Atkinson @TravisJAtkinson
RT @CrisisResAssoc: Have any state's governors given Executive Orders related to behavioral health services during COVID-19? If so, which governors and what were the parameters? #SPSM #COVID_19BehavioralHealth #MentalHealthCrisis
Stigma-Free Mental Health @StigmaFreeMH
RT @SPSMChat: And we're LIVE - Let's talk about #WorldBipolarDay (and #COVID19 because that's still a thing) w/ @gabehoward22, @bipolar_babe, and @calculatingmind - #SPSM 3/29/20 https://t.co/bThBAeUHXM
Andrea Paquette @Bipolar__Babe
RT @SPSMChat: And we're LIVE - Let's talk about #WorldBipolarDay (and #COVID19 because that's still a thing) w/ @gabehoward22, @bipolar_babe, and @calculatingmind - #SPSM 3/29/20 https://t.co/bThBAeUHXM
Dr. William Schmitz @DrBillSchmitz
Michelle R. Fortunado-Kewin, LCSW, PPSC is now following me on Twitter & I'm psyched! Very happy to have https://t.co/PyV5FglmlJ helping us reduce suicide. Check out #SPSM Sunday evenings!
🏳️‍⚧️G Collerone (he-him) 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️⚾⚾️ @midnightdemon__
RT @SPSMChat: (2/2) If you would like formal crisis support, you can call @800273TALK, @TransLifeline, or @TrevorProject, and @CrisisTextLine. If you’d like to talk to a peer, https://t.co/ddkbW9dn6K and @IASPinfo contain links to warmlines in the United States and around the globe. #spsm https://t.co/8wsjjxucWb
#SPSM content from Twitter.