#SPSM Transcript

Healthcare social media transcript of the #SPSM hashtag.
See #SPSM Influencers/Analytics.

Suicide Prevention Social Media #SPSM @SPSMChat
That's a wrap for #SPSM Chat this week. You can also read the blog at https://t.co/9EJvBPJIEv. We're also on YouTube and Facebook and @WatchMixer where you can watch past live-streams. Join us next Sunday 6pm PST when our guest is author @SheilaWeller!
Alyse ✨ she/they @alyseruriani
Also, hi everyone! I’m sad I missed this. But I’m Alyse! I am in my final year of grad school for Art Therapy and Counseling (so close!!). #SPSM
Alyse ✨ she/they @alyseruriani
@ajcan36 That is art!! Fiber art has a big presence in art therapy! #SPSM
Alyse ✨ she/they @alyseruriani
@SPSMChat I don’t think there is a specific medium, because everyone is very different and everyone’s experiences with certain mediums are different! Our history with certain materials definitely comes into the room. Which can be positive, but can also cause distress! #SPSM
Alyse ✨ she/they @alyseruriani
@SPSMChat I’ve seen women really connect with fiber art and sort of reclaiming this “domestic” act, turning it into their own and even into activism. #SPSM
Alyse ✨ she/they @alyseruriani
@SPSMChat Different cultures have various associations with art, so it’s really important to have that cultural competence piece to really understand what art means in different contexts. #SPSM
Alyse ✨ she/they @alyseruriani
@SPSMChat I also think the cool thing about art therapy is how it shifts and changes depending on who it’s for. There is no “one way” to do art therapy, because we have to adapt to who is in front of us. #SPSM
Alyse ✨ she/they @alyseruriani
@SPSMChat I’ve had clients create what they would want their life to look like. If they could wake up tomorrow and everything was perfect in their life, what would that look like? What would have changed? Then we can talk about what we can do to take steps in that direction. #SPSM
Sheila Weller @SheilaWeller
RT @SPSMChat: That's a wrap for #SPSM Chat this week. You can also read the blog at https://t.co/9EJvBPJIEv. We're also on YouTube and Facebook and @WatchMixer where you can watch past live-streams. Join us next Sunday 6pm PST when our guest is author @SheilaWeller!
Alyse ✨ she/they @alyseruriani
@SPSMChat It can give people a way to channel energy—can we move some energy from the suicidal thoughts into the art making for even a few minutes? #SPSM
Alyse ✨ she/they @alyseruriani
@mentalstrategy @ajcan36 @SPSMChat I plan to release a sort of “template” soon, hopefully!! #SPSM
Alyse ✨ she/they @alyseruriani
@SPSMChat I also think art therapy gets people thinking creatively— and creative thinking can be really helpful in managing suicidality and building a life worth living. #SPSM
Alyse ✨ she/they @alyseruriani
@SPSMChat And to clarify: I am ALL FOR everyone utilizing art, whether on your own for self-help or as a clinician—art therapists do not own art! But it’s important that Art Therapy be respected as a field and as a distinct profession, because it is so much more than coloring. #SPSM
Alyse ✨ she/they @alyseruriani
I also think part of suicide prevention is advocating for marginalized communities and basic human rights, so Art Therapists should make sure to tell @ArtTherapyOrg how they feel about their work with Karen Pence. #SPSM
Rudy Caseres @RudyCaseres
Thanks for @stephmjs for being this week's guest on #SPSM Chat and talking about #ArtTherapy and #Suicide Prevention.
Suicide Prevention Social Media #SPSM @SPSMChat
RT @esylarur: I also think part of suicide prevention is advocating for marginalized communities and basic human rights, so Art Therapists should make sure to tell @ArtTherapyOrg how they feel about their work with Karen Pence. #SPSM
Suicide Prevention Social Media #SPSM @SPSMChat
@esylarur We are just as sad but so glad you can add to the discussion afterwards. #SPSM
Suicide Prevention Social Media #SPSM @SPSMChat
RT @esylarur: @SPSMChat I’ve had clients create what they would want their life to look like. If they could wake up tomorrow and everything was perfect in their life, what would that look like? What would have changed? Then we can talk about what we can do to take steps in that direction. #SPSM
Suicide Prevention Social Media #SPSM @SPSMChat
RT @esylarur: @SPSMChat I also think the cool thing about art therapy is how it shifts and changes depending on who it’s for. There is no “one way” to do art therapy, because we have to adapt to who is in front of us. #SPSM
Suicide Prevention Social Media #SPSM @SPSMChat
RT @esylarur: @SPSMChat Different cultures have various associations with art, so it’s really important to have that cultural competence piece to really understand what art means in different contexts. #SPSM
Suicide Prevention Social Media #SPSM @SPSMChat
@mfktherapy Always glad to see you for #SPSM Chat :)
Suicide Prevention Social Media #SPSM @SPSMChat
RT @esylarur: @SPSMChat I think it’s important that we clarify that art therapists are specifically trained and get a degree in art therapy. It’s a profession in and of itself! Other clinicians can use art, but should not call themselves art therapists. #SPSM
Suicide Prevention Social Media #SPSM @SPSMChat
RT @Grace_Durbin: The Effect of Clinical Art Therapy Programs for Adolescent Suicide Prevention https://t.co/TFtFp46VLH #spsm
Unforgiven Warrior I became Stewart Thompson I am. @gottogetoutof
RT @Grace_Durbin: The Effect of Clinical Art Therapy Programs for Adolescent Suicide Prevention https://t.co/TFtFp46VLH #spsm
Suicide Prevention Social Media #SPSM @SPSMChat
RT @SuicideIsDiff: @SPSMChat https://t.co/haw0fUVRjs -- great healing arts curriculum, may be a good resource for clinicians! #SPSM
Suicide Prevention Social Media #SPSM @SPSMChat
@Sept13_silje @danielleglick @RudyCaseres A+ execution 👌 #SPSM
Suicide Prevention Social Media #SPSM @SPSMChat
RT @esylarur: @SPSMChat And to clarify: @SPSMChat And to clarify: I am ALL FOR everyone utilizing art, whether on your own for self-help or as a clinician—art therapists do not own art! But it’s important that Art Therapy be respected as a field and as a distinct profession, because it is so much more than coloring. #SPSM
Becky❤️Beto❤️Roland @beckysvilla
RT @Grace_Durbin: The Effect of Clinical Art Therapy Programs for Adolescent Suicide Prevention https://t.co/TFtFp46VLH #spsm
Christina Marsh, LCSW (she/her) @MarshAlesia
RT @SPSMChat: And We're LIVE -#SPSM Chat - #ArtTherapy in #SuicidePrevention with @stephmjs - 11/10/2019 https://t.co/Hl5mh7Liad
#SPSM content from Twitter.