#SpoonieChat Transcript

Healthcare social media transcript of the #SpoonieChat hashtag.
See #SpoonieChat Influencers/Analytics.

TheDisabilityEnthusiast @twitchyspoonie
RT @joannaspaghetti: @Tinu A7 #SpoonieChat, and MOST IMPORTANTLY!! If you're able to (and if there's good counselors), TAKE ADVANTAGE OF FREE COUNSELING/THERAPY!! god i miss being able to cross the street and go to therapy for free in my pjs.
Petty Letty, MHA @Shopah0lliQ
RT @TiffanyAndLupus: A5. As always, I look forward to my returning fall anime favorites. It’s my favorite thing to look forward to as the seasons change. Mostly excited about My Hero Academia to return. #SpoonieChat https://t.co/tU7djfeyrJ
Michelle @wordsbymj
@kateandcrps @TitoTitoq85 Same. #SpoonieChat
Arven's little buddy 🍆 @2DMansWh0re
RT @chromesthesia: @Tinu Money. I just need to have my GoFundMe and cash app signal boosted. it's my birthday month. Also not having a random inspection tomorrow would help too but I am trying to get a home help aid. #SpoonieChat
👸🏽💓Mother Strawberry Sativa Pharmaceutica🍓🏥 @Mae_DayJ
A5. My memory is in such shambles that I've lost track of shows I am watching now... So I'm not really sure... #SpoonieChat https://t.co/HXxPjSDRol
👸🏽💓Mother Strawberry Sativa Pharmaceutica🍓🏥 @Mae_DayJ
RT @Tinu: @jewstein3000 @Mae_DayJ My pleasure. I hate them too sometimes.... hope you're okay. #SpoonieChat
TheDisabilityEnthusiast @twitchyspoonie
RT @Tinu: Q9b. @DawnMGibson is a light on my life. I would be entirely lost without #SpoonieChat. I've admired her advocacy work for EVER:
👸🏽💓Mother Strawberry Sativa Pharmaceutica🍓🏥 @Mae_DayJ
RT @Tinu: @Mae_DayJ HEY! It's the founder of #DisablednDatinChat - another Queen on deck! #SpoonieChat
👸🏽💓Mother Strawberry Sativa Pharmaceutica🍓🏥 @Mae_DayJ
RT @wordsbymj: @Mae_DayJ I hear you. These days I’m just focusing on taking one thing or moment at a time. #SpoonieChat
Hexx 🏹 @ChemicalHexx
RT @Nice_White_Lady: Dawn is one of the kindest, most generous people I’ve ever met. Please financially support our beloved #SpoonieChat founder during her time of grief. https://t.co/cTJv4tjV9q
Tiffany ⁷ @TiffanyAndLupus
RT @joannaspaghetti: @Tinu A8 #SpoonieChat, it means community, connection with people who understand how devastating and destructive chronic pain can be. It means I'm not alone.
Tiffany ⁷ @TiffanyAndLupus
RT @BalloonRaptor: A8: A8: I'm new! #SpoonieChat is already helping me feel less isolated.
Tiffany ⁷ @TiffanyAndLupus
RT @BalloonRaptor: A6: A6: I have so many supportive people in my life. As the weather changes and there are more outaide stressors, it's important to remember my mobility and brain fog are all over the place. I just need patience and consideration. #SpoonieChat
👸🏽💓Mother Strawberry Sativa Pharmaceutica🍓🏥 @Mae_DayJ
@TitoTitoq85 @DawnMGibson @coffeespoonie @Tinu Thanks so much luv. You know you're always one of my favs too! 💚 #SpoonieChat
Tiffany ⁷ @TiffanyAndLupus
RT @twitchyspoonie: A9b. Butterflies! She shares her amazing butterflies and they bring so much joy to me whenever I see them. She's also just a great, kind, loving person and I sincerely look up to her for that. #SpoonieChat
Tinu, Empress of Twerk, Thirst of My Line @Tinu
RT @Mae_DayJ: A4. I didn't get to swim at all this summer so that's always a bummer for me. I hate getting closer to winter cause it's absolute HELL for my health but until I can afford to migrate it's unavoidable I suppose. #SpoonieChat
Tiffany ⁷ @TiffanyAndLupus
RT @joannaspaghetti: @Tinu A7 #SpoonieChat, and MOST IMPORTANTLY!! If you're able to (and if there's good counselors), TAKE ADVANTAGE OF FREE COUNSELING/THERAPY!! god i miss being able to cross the street and go to therapy for free in my pjs.
Lisa Frank 🌈 @bluepoet21
A0) I’m Lisa #SpoonieChat
Tiffany ⁷ @TiffanyAndLupus
RT @joannaspaghetti: @Tinu A7 #SpoonieChat. Your mental and physical health is more important than your grades. Remember to take care of yourself and be kind and gentle with yourself. If you have professors who seem open/compassionate, communicate with them.
Tinu, Empress of Twerk, Thirst of My Line @Tinu
@TiffanyAndLupus That's a good signal and good advice. I don't take note of that sign enough. #SpoonieChat
Tinu, Empress of Twerk, Thirst of My Line @Tinu
RT @TiffanyAndLupus: A3. Losing interest in things I usually enjoy — for me, is usually a signal that depression is waxing high. I try to give myself grace during these moments and let my loved ones know how I’m feeling. #SpoonieChat
Lisa Frank 🌈 @bluepoet21
A1) I want to have a better Fall season than I did last year #SpoonieChat
TheDisabilityEnthusiast @twitchyspoonie
RT @joannaspaghetti: @Tinu A8 #SpoonieChat, it means community, connection with people who understand how devastating and destructive chronic pain can be. It means I'm not alone.
Tinu, Empress of Twerk, Thirst of My Line @Tinu
@joannaspaghetti Therapy can be so under-rated. I used to be scared I'd be in it forever. But my first experience was 6 weeks of weekly sessions that helped Immensely. #SpoonieChat
Tiffany ⁷ @TiffanyAndLupus
A9b. @DawnMGibson is such a bright light in the chronic illness community. She continuously lifts up others and checks on those who are having hard times. She is joy personified and I feel blessed to call her a friend. #SpoonieChat
Tiffany ⁷ @TiffanyAndLupus
RT @Tinu: @TiffanyAndLupus That's a good signal and good advice. I don't take note of that sign enough. #SpoonieChat
Mary Morken 🌻⛰️🔥💨💦🌻 @marikunin
RT @Mae_DayJ: A4. I didn't get to swim at all this summer so that's always a bummer for me. I hate getting closer to winter cause it's absolute HELL for my health but until I can afford to migrate it's unavoidable I suppose. #SpoonieChat
Tinu, Empress of Twerk, Thirst of My Line @Tinu
RT @twitchyspoonie: A9b. Butterflies! She shares her amazing butterflies and they bring so much joy to me whenever I see them. She's also just a great, kind, loving person and I sincerely look up to her for that. #SpoonieChat
Lisa Frank 🌈 @bluepoet21
A2) doctors that listen and no insurance hassles #SpoonieChat
Joanna Spaghetti @joannaspaghetti
@Tinu A9 #SpoonieChat, @DawnMGibson has brought together a wonderful community with grace and compassion. When I first participated, she encouraged me to keep pushing doctors and provided me with some resources on ankylosing spondylitis, which I was looking into at the time.
Tinu, Empress of Twerk, Thirst of My Line @Tinu
@marastories @twitchyspoonie I agree! - @DawnMGibson's butterflies are a WHOLE MOOD. I forget when it's coming every year so it feels like a lovely surprise each time. #SpoonieChat
Tinu, Empress of Twerk, Thirst of My Line @Tinu
RT @joannaspaghetti: @Tinu A9 #SpoonieChat, @DawnMGibson has brought together a wonderful community with grace and compassion. When I first participated, she encouraged me to keep pushing doctors and provided me with some resources on ankylosing spondylitis, which I was looking into at the time.
Tiffany ⁷ @TiffanyAndLupus
@Tinu I’m trying to be more present about how my mind and body are doing at the beginning of each day. So if I’m not having a good mental health day — I remind myself to be gentle and treat myself with kindness. #SpoonieChat
Tinu, Empress of Twerk, Thirst of My Line @Tinu
@gorgophone It's really important. I don't know if we need PSAs on TV or just more media representation or a combination of the two things but something has to change there. #SpoonieChat
Tinu, Empress of Twerk, Thirst of My Line @Tinu
RT @TiffanyAndLupus: A9b. @DawnMGibson is such a bright light in the chronic illness community. She continuously lifts up others and checks on those who are having hard times. She is joy personified and I feel blessed to call her a friend. #SpoonieChat
Sharon the Crohnie @FragrantGrace
@Tinu A7 Online school is saving my graduate work! My pace, my schedule around doctor appointments #spooniechat
Michelle @wordsbymj
@Mae_DayJ Me too! But I know they’re coming! #SpoonieChat
Tinu, Empress of Twerk, Thirst of My Line @Tinu
@TiffanyAndLupus @DawnMGibson What a perfect way to phrase is. Joy personified is the perfect way to describe her. #SpoonieChat
Tinu, Empress of Twerk, Thirst of My Line @Tinu
@mattbc Thanks Matt. I agree she is a treasure. #SpoonieChat
Rebecca Cokley @RebeccaCokley
we ❤️ @DawnMGibson . She’s made #SpoonieChat a sanctuary for folks with disabilities and chronic illness on here. Send her some love. :)
Tinu, Empress of Twerk, Thirst of My Line @Tinu
@HiHo2go I'm a big sweater too. They said it's the fibro for me too, during the day. I HATE IT. lol but I also hurt from cold weather. I love Spring and Fall. #SpoonieChat
Tinu, Empress of Twerk, Thirst of My Line @Tinu
@lov3jonez That was so beautiful. #SpoonieChat
Sharon the Crohnie @FragrantGrace
@Tinu A9 It is hard to place a value on identity, growth, & perspective I am grateful to Dawn and everyone here at #SpoonieChat
Dawn M Gibson @DawnMGibson
RT @Malka_G: .@DawnMGibson has given so much to so many people. She built the wonderful #SpoonieChat community and devoted herself to caring for uncle for the past 3 years. Now it's our turn to help her -- please contribute if you can!
Dawn M Gibson @DawnMGibson
RT @Tinu: If you're not familiar... #SpoonieChat is a community for people living with chronic illness and disability, founded in 2013 by @DawnMGibson. It’s also Dawn’s primary public advocacy platform.
Michelle @wordsbymj
@gorgophone @Tinu God, THIS #SpoonieChat
💜⚽🇭🇹♊ Xtel Bond @Xtel007
Love you, @DawnMGibson!
Tinu, Empress of Twerk, Thirst of My Line @Tinu
@wordsbymj @gorgophone Did that not strike a huge chord? I've been thinking about that since I read it. #SpoonieChat
Tinu, Empress of Twerk, Thirst of My Line @Tinu
RT @FragrantGrace: @Tinu A9 It is hard to place a value on identity, growth, & perspective I am grateful to Dawn and everyone here at #SpoonieChat
Tinu, Empress of Twerk, Thirst of My Line @Tinu
RT @RebeccaCokley: we ❤️ @DawnMGibson . She’s made #SpoonieChat a sanctuary for folks with disabilities and chronic illness on here. Send her some love. :)
Tinu, Empress of Twerk, Thirst of My Line @Tinu
@TonyaWithAPen YES. Man I hate bugs with the passion of a billion white hot suns. #SpoonieChat
👸🏽💓Mother Strawberry Sativa Pharmaceutica🍓🏥 @Mae_DayJ
A9. So I got Hot scrambled eggs for brains But I'll never forget meeting my WebAuntie-because at the time I wondered why that was her Tumblr name lol. But it's 💯 who she is! @DawnMGibson became my true gateway to the kindest sides of the Spoonie/nerd/blerd Twitter #SpoonieChat
Tinu, Empress of Twerk, Thirst of My Line @Tinu
@FragrantGrace I'm so scared to do that. I don't know what's wrong with me lol. My sister did it. I'm petrified. #SpoonieChat
Tinu, Empress of Twerk, Thirst of My Line @Tinu
@TiffanyAndLupus You're so wise. I'm going to start doing this. It can replaced the ritual I used to have of internally yelling at myself for getting up late. #SpoonieChat
Tinu, Empress of Twerk, Thirst of My Line @Tinu
RT @TiffanyAndLupus: @Tinu I’m trying to be more present about how my mind and body are doing at the beginning of each day. So if I’m not having a good mental health day — I remind myself to be gentle and treat myself with kindness. #SpoonieChat
Michelle @wordsbymj
@Tinu @gorgophone YES. It’s hard to feel loved when people dismiss your needs. It’s hard to reconcile the people you love being good people who can treat you so badly. #SpoonieChat
Tinu, Empress of Twerk, Thirst of My Line @Tinu
RT @Mae_DayJ: A9. So I got Hot scrambled eggs for brains But I'll never forget meeting my WebAuntie-because at the time I wondered why that was her Tumblr name lol. But it's 💯 who she is! @DawnMGibson became my true gateway to the kindest sides of the Spoonie/nerd/blerd Twitter #SpoonieChat
Dawn M Gibson @DawnMGibson
Thanks for all the love! It always feels great to know that I've made a difference. I got sick in 2001. Founded #SpoonieChat in 2012. Became The Dude's #Alz caregiver in 2016. And now I'm starting over again. It's game on, after some more rest... #Disability
Tinu, Empress of Twerk, Thirst of My Line @Tinu
@Mae_DayJ Do you know that I just put that together? lol How is your brain always beating me? Lovely words. Thanks for being here and sharing those thoughts. #SpoonieChat
Tinu, Empress of Twerk, Thirst of My Line @Tinu
RT @wordsbymj: @Tinu A9. Thank you so much for making such a nice place for us here, Dawn. Hugs to you during this hard time. #SpoonieChat
TheDisabilityEnthusiast @twitchyspoonie
RT @RebeccaCokley: we ❤️ @DawnMGibson . She’s made #SpoonieChat a sanctuary for folks with disabilities and chronic illness on here. Send her some love. :)
CreakyJoints.org @CreakyJoints
RT @Tinu: If you're not familiar... #SpoonieChat is a community for people living with chronic illness and disability, founded in 2013 by @DawnMGibson. It’s also Dawn’s primary public advocacy platform.
Tinu, Empress of Twerk, Thirst of My Line @Tinu
@FragrantGrace @wordsbymj LOL misread that earlier and didn't realize you were talking to @DawnMGibson. I agree. I don't know what I would do without this place. It's truly my pleasure Sharon. #SpoonieChat
Joanna Spaghetti @joannaspaghetti
RT @TiffanyAndLupus: A3. Losing interest in things I usually enjoy — for me, is usually a signal that depression is waxing high. I try to give myself grace during these moments and let my loved ones know how I’m feeling. #SpoonieChat
👸🏽💓Mother Strawberry Sativa Pharmaceutica🍓🏥 @Mae_DayJ
All the truest, fairest, and realest people I've met were met thru her for Facts! #SpoonieChat https://t.co/hDPMFT7qXM
Kathy Flaherty @ConnConnection
@Tinu Sending 💜 to @DawnMGibson who has shown so much love and support to the #SpoonieChat community.
Tinu, Empress of Twerk, Thirst of My Line @Tinu
RT @joannaspaghetti: @Tinu A8 #SpoonieChat, it means community, connection with people who understand how devastating and destructive chronic pain can be. It means I'm not alone.
Tinu, Empress of Twerk, Thirst of My Line @Tinu
RT @BalloonRaptor: A8: A8: I'm new! #SpoonieChat is already helping me feel less isolated.
Tinu, Empress of Twerk, Thirst of My Line @Tinu
RT @ConnConnection: @Tinu Sending 💜 to @DawnMGibson who has shown so much love and support to the #SpoonieChat community.
👸🏽💓Mother Strawberry Sativa Pharmaceutica🍓🏥 @Mae_DayJ
@Tinu Very happy to! She is amazing and so worth our time and support! #SpoonieChat
Anne Johansen @AnneJohansen16
RT @RebeccaCokley: we ❤️ @DawnMGibson . She’s made #SpoonieChat a sanctuary for folks with disabilities and chronic illness on here. Send her some love. :)
Body Autonomy Advocacy Acct. @DisDatinChat
RT @Mae_DayJ: A9. So I got Hot scrambled eggs for brains But I'll never forget meeting my WebAuntie-because at the time I wondered why that was her Tumblr name lol. But it's 💯 who she is! @DawnMGibson became my true gateway to the kindest sides of the Spoonie/nerd/blerd Twitter #SpoonieChat
🏰💚House of Pharmaceutica📺⚕️ @ChronicLoaf_
RT @Mae_DayJ: A9. So I got Hot scrambled eggs for brains But I'll never forget meeting my WebAuntie-because at the time I wondered why that was her Tumblr name lol. But it's 💯 who she is! @DawnMGibson became my true gateway to the kindest sides of the Spoonie/nerd/blerd Twitter #SpoonieChat
Body Autonomy Advocacy Acct. @DisDatinChat
RT @Tinu: Q9. As you may know, our #SpoonieChat founder & community leader is going through a hard time at the moment. If you would please, spare a thought or a nice word for her, to show her how much we appreciate all she does.
🏰💚House of Pharmaceutica📺⚕️ @ChronicLoaf_
RT @Tinu: Q9. As you may know, our #SpoonieChat founder & community leader is going through a hard time at the moment. If you would please, spare a thought or a nice word for her, to show her how much we appreciate all she does.
👸🏽💓Mother Strawberry Sativa Pharmaceutica🍓🏥 @Mae_DayJ
RT @Tinu: Q9. As you may know, our #SpoonieChat founder & community leader is going through a hard time at the moment. If you would please, spare a thought or a nice word for her, to show her how much we appreciate all she does.
Tinu, Empress of Twerk, Thirst of My Line @Tinu
@TonyaWithAPen I HATE IT when people say I'm too sensitive. Especially people who enjoy the fruit of that sensitivity. They love when I comfort them or write them something. Or when I get a cold and they don't because I'm a walking early warning system. Grrr. #SpoonieChat
👸🏽💓Mother Strawberry Sativa Pharmaceutica🍓🏥 @Mae_DayJ
RT @ConnConnection: @Tinu Sending 💜 to @DawnMGibson who has shown so much love and support to the #SpoonieChat community.
Tinu, Empress of Twerk, Thirst of My Line @Tinu
RT @wordsbymj: @Tinu @gorgophone YES. It’s hard to feel loved when people dismiss your needs. It’s hard to reconcile the people you love being good people who can treat you so badly. #SpoonieChat
Tinu, Empress of Twerk, Thirst of My Line @Tinu
RT @Mae_DayJ: All the truest, fairest, and realest people I've met were met thru her for Facts! #SpoonieChat https://t.co/hDPMFT7qXM
its still a Pandemic, folks! @HTTOrganizers
RT @Tinu: Q9. As you may know, our #SpoonieChat founder & community leader is going through a hard time at the moment. If you would please, spare a thought or a nice word for her, to show her how much we appreciate all she does.
Michelle @wordsbymj
@Tinu @gorgophone I know. It’s hard for me to understand the apathy because I’m a serious empath. I wouldn’t need even half the explanations I’ve given to others, but I’d certainly be appreciative and respectful if someone was patient and kind enough to share them. #SpoonieChat
Tinu, Empress of Twerk, Thirst of My Line @Tinu
@Mae_DayJ I had to write mine down. There's no other way. I put what night they're on, whether I DVR'd so I don't end up with four different copies of the same show LOL. I'm a mess too. #SpoonieChat
sherry kennedy hickman @sherry5997
RT @Malka_G: .@DawnMGibson has given so much to so many people. She built the wonderful #SpoonieChat community and devoted herself to caring for uncle for the past 3 years. Now it's our turn to help her -- please contribute if you can!
👸🏽💓Mother Strawberry Sativa Pharmaceutica🍓🏥 @Mae_DayJ
@TonyaWithAPen If you are not seeing a therapist. Seeing one can really help you make progress... You get stuck in cycles and your behavior will become part of it too Because when they hurt you you will react or recoil... It gets hard to make progress during conflict #SpoonieChat
Michelle @wordsbymj
@Tinu @TonyaWithAPen Me too. And what a great observation: “Especially people who enjoy the fruit of that sensitivity. They love when I comfort them or write them something.” So true. Where do they think it comes from? #SpoonieChat
Body Autonomy Advocacy Acct. @DisDatinChat
RT @Tinu: Q8. What does #SpoonieChat mean to you? Or if you’re new, how are you enjoying the experience?
🏰💚House of Pharmaceutica📺⚕️ @ChronicLoaf_
RT @Tinu: Q8. What does #SpoonieChat mean to you? Or if you’re new, how are you enjoying the experience?
Tinu, Empress of Twerk, Thirst of My Line @Tinu
RT @Malka_G: .@DawnMGibson has given so much to so many people. She built the wonderful #SpoonieChat community and devoted herself to caring for uncle for the past 3 years. Now it's our turn to help her -- please contribute if you can!
GF Greybeard @ITSilverback
RT @RebeccaCokley: we ❤️ @DawnMGibson . She’s made #SpoonieChat a sanctuary for folks with disabilities and chronic illness on here. Send her some love. :)
Auncle di Luvian @illuviel
RT @Malka_G: .@DawnMGibson has given so much to so many people. She built the wonderful #SpoonieChat community and devoted herself to caring for uncle for the past 3 years. Now it's our turn to help her -- please contribute if you can!
Supremely Feminine Scourge™ @ArtistAstrid
RT @Tinu: Q2. Sometimes having a chronic illness can also be boring or tedious. Are there things you wish *would* change? Like what? #SpoonieChat
Michelle @wordsbymj
@Tinu I hear you. The relentless bad policy announcements alone have been getting unbearable. #SpoonieChat
Tinu, Empress of Twerk, Thirst of My Line @Tinu
@estarianne @Mae_DayJ I get too bored. I think if I was in less pain or had my own kids or was driving again, it wouldnt matter as much. #SpoonieChat
Michelle @wordsbymj
Okay, my blood sugar has bottomed out. I started crashing awhile ago but didn’t want to miss the conversation. Looking forward to revisiting chat questions after I eat 😊 #SpoonieChat
Dawn M Gibson @DawnMGibson
I'm not a #dementia caregiver any more. The Dude has died, we've cleaned out his room, & left #MemoryCare behind. Description: A view between two buildings from the parking lot, where The Dude used to live. <thread> #Disability #SpoonieChat #Alz https://t.co/dld5B7KYbl
Dawn M Gibson @DawnMGibson
Dementia patients are hard on their possessions. We had to throw out almost everything in his room. We left the therapy dog, outerwear, & a few books. #Disability #SpoonieChat #Alz https://t.co/bYcWgGhLin
Dawn M Gibson @DawnMGibson
The gifts we left for The Dude's team. Description: Two Bath & Body Works shopping bags, crochet topped hand towels, pack of Thank You cards, & two bottles of soap. #Disability #SpoonieChat #Alz https://t.co/1S3CX86IrC
Dawn M Gibson @DawnMGibson
We weren't permitted to give the staff gifts while The Dude was there, but they don't work for us any more. So we left them a few nice soaps, towels, & other useful items. #Disability #SpoonieChat #Alz
Dawn M Gibson @DawnMGibson
I wish I could give them each 1 million dollars. That's what they deserve. I wish I had the words to tell them what they've done for us. #Disability #SpoonieChat #Alz
Dawn M Gibson @DawnMGibson
Description: A wall decal meant to look like a Monarch Butterfly, on The Dude's wall. We put some up for him to have something to see if he woke up. #Disability #SpoonieChat #Alz https://t.co/VXlIHf6aVn
Dawn M Gibson @DawnMGibson
Description: Buddy, The Dude's stuffed therapy dog sits on his dresser, with his thick framed glasses, & other personal items. #Disability #SpoonieChat #Alz https://t.co/LlF9IttSnY
Dawn M Gibson @DawnMGibson
Description: Buddy, the tricolor stuffed "Beagle" puppy on the couch at the #MemoryCare. That's where I left him. #Disability #SpoonieChat #Alz https://t.co/vE9I8tpIXz
Bear ♿🥄 @BearAndBradley
@gh0ulpvnk @Tinu Urban Studies. I want to do local activism and government stuff. Helping people. We will see how it goes! #SpoonieChat
Supremely Feminine Scourge™ @ArtistAstrid
@Tinu A2. I felt this question hard. I wish I could have caffeine. I wish I could stay outside in the rain or snow for an hour. I wish pushing myself for 1 day didn't mean I'll be exhausted for 4. #SpoonieChat
Dawn M Gibson @DawnMGibson
We're meeting the Funeral Director tomorrow, to get our paperwork, etc. #Disability #SpoonieChat #Alz
Tinu, Empress of Twerk, Thirst of My Line @Tinu
RT @AngryAstrid: @Tinu A2. I felt this question hard. I wish I could have caffeine. I wish I could stay outside in the rain or snow for an hour. I wish pushing myself for 1 day didn't mean I'll be exhausted for 4. #SpoonieChat
IZO thee Dynamic Observer📷🌌🖤👁⚡🌑🔮 @IzzyG1217
RT @Tinu: Q9. As you may know, our #SpoonieChat founder & community leader is going through a hard time at the moment. If you would please, spare a thought or a nice word for her, to show her how much we appreciate all she does.
🏰💚House of Pharmaceutica📺⚕️ @ChronicLoaf_
RT @joannaspaghetti: @Tinu A8 #SpoonieChat, it means community, connection with people who understand how devastating and destructive chronic pain can be. It means I'm not alone.
👸🏽💓Mother Strawberry Sativa Pharmaceutica🍓🏥 @Mae_DayJ
RT @joannaspaghetti: @Tinu A8 #SpoonieChat, it means community, connection with people who understand how devastating and destructive chronic pain can be. It means I'm not alone.
👸🏽💓Mother Strawberry Sativa Pharmaceutica🍓🏥 @Mae_DayJ
RT @Tinu: Q8. What does #SpoonieChat mean to you? Or if you’re new, how are you enjoying the experience?
ɱairéad • semi-hiatus 🍉 @TheWriterMAB
RT @RebeccaCokley: we ❤️ @DawnMGibson . She’s made #SpoonieChat a sanctuary for folks with disabilities and chronic illness on here. Send her some love. :)
💖💄 Aoife ♿💜 @Aoiferocksitout
RT @Malka_G: .@DawnMGibson has given so much to so many people. She built the wonderful #SpoonieChat community and devoted herself to caring for uncle for the past 3 years. Now it's our turn to help her -- please contribute if you can!
💖💄 Aoife ♿💜 @Aoiferocksitout
@marastories @Tinu Oooooh, yes! Enjoy having no upstairs neighbors! #SpoonieChat
💖💄 Aoife ♿💜 @Aoiferocksitout
@Tinu A1 I'm hoping some things begin to improve. Summer really hurts, winter hurts now, so spring and fall are what's up these days! September is still really hot here, especially in the last few years, so we'll all see. #SpoonieChat
Tinu, Empress of Twerk, Thirst of My Line @Tinu
RT @Aoiferocksitout: @Tinu A1 I'm hoping some things begin to improve. Summer really hurts, winter hurts now, so spring and fall are what's up these days! September is still really hot here, especially in the last few years, so we'll all see. #SpoonieChat
Tinu, Empress of Twerk, Thirst of My Line @Tinu
@Aoiferocksitout ugh. Remember when September was fall-ish? I loved Septembers in Maryland until like 2010. #SpoonieChat
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