#WeScNs Transcript

Healthcare social media transcript of the #WeScNs hashtag.
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See #WeScNs Influencers/Analytics.

Heidi Ferrier-Hixon @HeidiFerrier
https://t.co/yxoj4B9wGR #WeScNs
Heidi Ferrier-Hixon @HeidiFerrier
Hi ! #WeScNs
Maggie Clarke RN (child), SCPHN, QNπŸ’™ @maggieclarkeC4H
πŸ‘‹good evening all #WeScNs https://t.co/RBG47X8SNI
Annie O'Neill @AnnieRONeill
RT @maggieclarkeC4H: πŸ‘‹good evening all #WeScNs https://t.co/RBG47X8SNI
Annie O'Neill @AnnieRONeill
πŸ‘‹πŸ‘‹ https://t.co/o9KW7Nhgq6
Heidi Ferrier-Hixon @HeidiFerrier
@WeSchoolNurses Educating and empowering CYP to promote within their own school communities and families #WeScNs
Maggie Clarke RN (child), SCPHN, QNπŸ’™ @maggieclarkeC4H
RT @HeidiFerrier: @WeSchoolNurses Educating and empowering CYP to promote within their own school communities and families #WeScNs
Maggie Clarke RN (child), SCPHN, QNπŸ’™ @maggieclarkeC4H
Promoting a whole school approach @Compass_BUZZ #WeScNs https://t.co/cz8u8EXABG
Maggie Clarke RN (child), SCPHN, QNπŸ’™ @maggieclarkeC4H
RT @ThomsonKatie13: #WeScNs The SN team should maximise the use of social media to engage C&YP and empower them to feel passsionate about their health
Maggie Clarke RN (child), SCPHN, QNπŸ’™ @maggieclarkeC4H
Completely agree #WeScNs https://t.co/vz84gpgVO5
Heidi Ferrier-Hixon @HeidiFerrier
supporting schools and LA to recognize the important role and impact of SN intervention on CYP EHWB #WeScNs @elaine_costigan LA support is key
Heidi Ferrier-Hixon @HeidiFerrier
RT @juliedunn01:
Karen Alred πŸ’™ @KarenAlred
@WeSchoolNurses Sorry I am late...Working together, training together #WeScNs
Heidi Ferrier-Hixon @HeidiFerrier
@LisaCordery agree totally CYP being empowered to have a voice is key #WeScNs
Heidi Ferrier-Hixon @HeidiFerrier
@chatgirl44 @juliedunn01 so true Sarah is there something about LA's understanding the role of the SN and the impact we can have if given the right focus #WeScNs
Heidi Ferrier-Hixon @HeidiFerrier
RT @juliedunn01:
Karen Alred πŸ’™ @KarenAlred
RT @juliedunn01:
Maggie Clarke RN (child), SCPHN, QNπŸ’™ @maggieclarkeC4H
#WeScNs https://t.co/Nm2qalciP1
Heidi Ferrier-Hixon @HeidiFerrier
RT @juliedunn01:
Karen Alred πŸ’™ @KarenAlred
@juliedunn01 @WeSchoolNurses Parents have to be included but hard 2 balance confidentiality if YP does not want it #WeScNs
Heidi Ferrier-Hixon @HeidiFerrier
@WeSchoolNurses Our Ed. Psychs have written a local prog. for schools (with CYP) encouraging schools to sign up and gain a charter mark its a fabulous programe and appears to be well received. #WeScNs
Maggie Clarke RN (child), SCPHN, QNπŸ’™ @maggieclarkeC4H
RT @chatgirl44:
Maggie Clarke RN (child), SCPHN, QNπŸ’™ @maggieclarkeC4H
RT @juliedunn01:
Karen Alred πŸ’™ @KarenAlred
RT @HeidiFerrier: @WeSchoolNurses Our Ed. Psychs have written a local prog. for schools (with CYP) encouraging schools to sign up and gain a charter mark its a fabulous programe and appears to be well received. #WeScNs
Heidi Ferrier-Hixon @HeidiFerrier
@Louise90999815 @juliedunn01 @WeSchoolNurses increase in DV def impact I often think support offered is not therapeutic enough #WeScNs
Heidi Ferrier-Hixon @HeidiFerrier
RT @chatgirl44:
Karen Alred πŸ’™ @KarenAlred
@WeSchoolNurses Pressures we all come under in modern society, Internet, lack of family support networks, materialistic society, #WeScNs
Maggie Clarke RN (child), SCPHN, QNπŸ’™ @maggieclarkeC4H
Sounds great Heidi is this something that could be rolled out elsewhere ? #WeScns https://t.co/QwZqicBKSq
Karen Alred πŸ’™ @KarenAlred
Schools often complain, we are here just to teach, we are not equipped to manage these needs #WeScNs
Heidi Ferrier-Hixon @HeidiFerrier
@maggieclarkeC4H Def could they have done an amazing job #WeScNs
Heidi Ferrier-Hixon @HeidiFerrier
@WeSchoolNurses Has the gradual loss of additional funding in some areas impacted on the support available in earlier years. building resilience in 4 - 5 year olds before issues develop can prevent issues later on #WeScNs
Maggie Clarke RN (child), SCPHN, QNπŸ’™ @maggieclarkeC4H
RT @chatgirl44:
Heidi Ferrier-Hixon @HeidiFerrier
@SchoolNurseG @WeSchoolNurses do we? #WeScNs
Karen Alred πŸ’™ @KarenAlred
important 2support emotional well-being early on, prevention better than cure but not enough SN so has historically been neglected #WeScNs https://t.co/qdw6YRnEBO
Shawinder @shawinder26
RT @WeSchoolNurses:
Karen Alred πŸ’™ @KarenAlred
Hardly surprising CYP have emotional health issues with basic need not met #Maslowshierarchyofneeds #WeScNs https://t.co/0ZdnNrUHV4
Karen Alred πŸ’™ @KarenAlred
RT @lukabaduka:
Maggie Clarke RN (child), SCPHN, QNπŸ’™ @maggieclarkeC4H
Sounds interesting Lisa where can we find out more #WeScNs https://t.co/WFnI4OFeaB
Karen Alred πŸ’™ @KarenAlred
@lukabaduka But who has capacity? #WeScNs
Maggie Clarke RN (child), SCPHN, QNπŸ’™ @maggieclarkeC4H
#WeScNs https://t.co/2GuGaVT1wV
Shawinder @shawinder26
RT @SchoolNurseG:
Shawinder @shawinder26
RT @WeSchoolNurses:
Maggie Clarke RN (child), SCPHN, QNπŸ’™ @maggieclarkeC4H
@Compass_BUZZ don't forget to use #wescns https://t.co/2GuGaVT1wV
Karen Alred πŸ’™ @KarenAlred
RT @SchoolNurseG:
Heidi Ferrier-Hixon @HeidiFerrier
@chatgirl44 @WeSchoolNurses So true they cant it not possible! We run a Sch readiness project annually from April - Sep never received a referral from HV service as the children are not seen after 2 year rev. and are deemed fine. #WeScNs
Shawinder @shawinder26
RT @HeidiFerrier: @chatgirl44 @WeSchoolNurses So true they cant it not possible! We run a Sch readiness project annually from April - Sep never received a referral from HV service as the children are not seen after 2 year rev. and are deemed fine. #WeScNs
Maggie Clarke RN (child), SCPHN, QNπŸ’™ @maggieclarkeC4H
RT @SchoolNurseG:
Karen Alred πŸ’™ @KarenAlred
@HeidiFerrier @WeSchoolNurses But is there research happening to demonstrate outcomes of interventions? If we do not show these then commissioners will not buy in #WeScNs
Shawinder @shawinder26
RT @chatgirl44:
Maggie Clarke RN (child), SCPHN, QNπŸ’™ @maggieclarkeC4H
We’re working with EYS on a ready for school project going very well so far #WEScNs https://t.co/rDkYpdKAzx
Shawinder @shawinder26
RT @juliedunn01:
Karen Alred πŸ’™ @KarenAlred
Absolutely essential if we want to keep profile of the service high and be able to support these needs #WeScNs https://t.co/BaVGry4TBc
Maggie Clarke RN (child), SCPHN, QNπŸ’™ @maggieclarkeC4H
Great work by the team and really well received #WeScNs https://t.co/msJVWAnAEl
Heidi Ferrier-Hixon @HeidiFerrier
@WeSchoolNurses we totally should and do, my question was do we perceive we do? Do our commissioners value or understand the time spent listening is as important as the number of case conferences attended? #WeScNs
Maggie Clarke RN (child), SCPHN, QNπŸ’™ @maggieclarkeC4H
RT @WeSchoolNurses:
Heidi Ferrier-Hixon @HeidiFerrier
@WeSchoolNurses how are we measured on the positive outcome of a brief intervention around emotional health? #WeScNs
Heidi Ferrier-Hixon @HeidiFerrier
RT @SchoolNurseG:
Shawinder @shawinder26
RT @HeidiFerrier: supporting schools and LA to recognize the important role and impact of SN intervention on CYP EHWB #WeScNs @elaine_costigan LA support is key
Maggie Clarke RN (child), SCPHN, QNπŸ’™ @maggieclarkeC4H
Some do but times are hard and moneys in short supply #WEScNs https://t.co/QjdcPslNGn
Heidi Ferrier-Hixon @HeidiFerrier
@SchoolNurseG @WeSchoolNurses Do we need a shift in how services are commissioned in terms of how we report (KPI's)? and do LA understand the potential of having a SN service that can create a positive shift in support and behavior #WeScNs
Heidi Ferrier-Hixon @HeidiFerrier
RT @lukabaduka:
Heidi Ferrier-Hixon @HeidiFerrier
RT @chatgirl44:
Maggie Clarke RN (child), SCPHN, QNπŸ’™ @maggieclarkeC4H
Definitely interested Sarah thank you #WeScNs https://t.co/3cwdyZ5Fvq
Heidi Ferrier-Hixon @HeidiFerrier
@WeSchoolNurses Patient questionaire / satisfaction surveys - Case study's shared with commissioner - encouraging CYP to share their journey with decision makers #WeScNs
Heidi Ferrier-Hixon @HeidiFerrier
@WeSchoolNurses #SNAP our SN ambassador programme supports CYP to become drives around public health agenda in their school last week a group of YP met with a local cllr to share there thoughts #WeScNs
Maggie Clarke RN (child), SCPHN, QNπŸ’™ @maggieclarkeC4H
RT @juliedunn01:
Heidi Ferrier-Hixon @HeidiFerrier
RT @chatgirl44:
Maggie Clarke RN (child), SCPHN, QNπŸ’™ @maggieclarkeC4H
RT @WeSchoolNurses:
Annie O'Neill @AnnieRONeill
Turning it on its head! #WeScNs https://t.co/j8fI5D9ajy
Heidi Ferrier-Hixon @HeidiFerrier
@heidi_fewings @WeSchoolNurses Def! hence we need more School Nurses!!!!! #WeScNs
Karen Alred πŸ’™ @KarenAlred
RT @juliedunn01:
Karen Alred πŸ’™ @KarenAlred
RT @HeidiFerrier: supporting schools and LA to recognize the important role and impact of SN intervention on CYP EHWB #WeScNs @elaine_costigan LA support is key
Karen Alred πŸ’™ @KarenAlred
RT @AnnieRONeill: Turning it on its head! #WeScNs https://t.co/j8fI5D9ajy
Heidi Ferrier-Hixon @HeidiFerrier
@WeSchoolNurses I think we need to work with LA to understand our role and how we can impact on emotional health if given the right resource and opportunity #WeScNs
Maggie Clarke RN (child), SCPHN, QNπŸ’™ @maggieclarkeC4H
RT @HeidiFerrier: @WeSchoolNurses I think we need to work with LA to understand our role and how we can impact on emotional health if given the right resource and opportunity #WeScNs
Karen Alred πŸ’™ @KarenAlred
@chatgirl44 @HeidiFerrier @WeSchoolNurses Is that enough though? What happens if they need more than 6? Do they think we have magic fairy dust in our bags?! #WeScNs
Heidi Ferrier-Hixon @HeidiFerrier
RT @juliedunn01:
Karen Alred πŸ’™ @KarenAlred
Should have put the laptop on and opened Tweetdeck, missed too many bits tonight, out of Practice #WeScNs
Heidi Ferrier-Hixon @HeidiFerrier
RT @SouthendSN:
Karen Alred πŸ’™ @KarenAlred
RT @SouthendSN:
Heidi Ferrier-Hixon @HeidiFerrier
@SouthendSN @WeSchoolNurses couldn't agree more! #WeScNs
Karen Alred πŸ’™ @KarenAlred
Sad really https://t.co/mSWCItTGBk
Karen Alred πŸ’™ @KarenAlred
RT @HeidiFerrier: @WeSchoolNurses I think we need to work with LA to understand our role and how we can impact on emotional health if given the right resource and opportunity #WeScNs
Karen Alred πŸ’™ @KarenAlred
@WeSchoolNurses Sad #WeScNs
#WeScNs content from Twitter.