#autchat Transcript

Healthcare social media transcript of the #autchat hashtag.
See #autchat Influencers/Analytics.

#AutChat mod @autchatmod
Welcome to #autchat, a weekly chat for autistic & similar people Sundays 8pm UTC / 9pm BST / 4pm EDT! https://t.co/rRrhi8Ysri #autchat hosts chats on topics related to our experiences as neurodivergent people. See our past topics here: https://t.co/F56bZKXGAW
#AutChat mod @autchatmod
We post transcripts of the weekly chats to our website, https://t.co/QrdW2dQuN0. We link to them on the #autchat tag and on our Facebook page. Transcripts are created with Wakelet, and are visible there and on our site.
#AutChat mod @autchatmod
#autchat is a tag for autistic people & "autistic cousins" (people with similar experiences due to hydrocephalus, cerebral palsy, ADHD, etc). We welcome autistic/similar people whether formally diagnosed, self-dx'd, or questioning/wondering if they are autistic/similar.
#AutChat mod @autchatmod
For #autchat announcements and weekly questions, follow this account. Reply here to receive reminder tweets. How to participate in #autchat and other twitter chats: https://t.co/SkuXgvj1ZM
#AutChat mod @autchatmod
Other people can post, retweet, or share any of our posts or links. This includes our tweets, our Facebook posts, links to our website, and links to Wakelet. If you want your tweets excluded from future #autchat transcripts, reply here or (preferably) DM us.
#AutChat mod @autchatmod
Questions are prefaced Q0, Q1, Q2, etc. When you reply, preface tweets with A0, A1, etc & include "#autchat" so others see them! Quick reference for this week's #autchat questions (please wait till they're tweeted to answer): https://t.co/ghKdMuXEex
#AutChat mod @autchatmod
"Formal diagnosis" can refer to a diagnosis of autism or of another neurodivergence (e.g., ADHD). Some people with formal diagnoses may have known they were autistic or similar beforehand. Some people without formal diagnoses want one; others don't. #autchat
#AutChat mod @autchatmod
Q0: Introduce yourself! Say anything you like about yourself or your interest in #autchat or in today's topic: pros and cons of formal diagnosis.
#AutChat mod @autchatmod
We usually fave everyone's intro tweets to welcome you. Today both mods might be otherwise occupied during chat. (These tweets are pre-scheduled.) If you don't get an intro tweet fave, know that we're still glad you're here! #autchat
Solveig ⚧ - Autistic Acceptance Worldwide @autisticb4mmr
I am Solveig! I was formally diagnosed at age of seven. A0 #autchat https://t.co/UZp4fFj2lz
#AutChat mod @autchatmod
Q1: Do you have a formal diagnosis? If so, what led you to get one? (Or was it a surprise?) If you don't have a formal diagnosis, have you considered getting one? Why or why not? #autchat
#AutChat mod @autchatmod
Q2: If you have a formal diagnosis, has it helped you? How? If you don't have a formal diagnosis, are there pros for you of not having one? #autchat
Darla @basicnbizarre
@autchatmod A0 #autchat I’m Derek, and while I’ve technically been formally diagnosed twice, that was almost 30 years ago and the paperwork was lost so in 2 weeks I go to get formally diagnosed AGAIN!
Darla @basicnbizarre
@autchatmod A1 #autchat I was formally diagnosed twice as a child, so it was my mom getting it for me. First when I was 2 because I was nonverbal (and was till I was 3, maybe 3.5) and again at 6 to get me into special ed.
Darla @basicnbizarre
@autchatmod A2 #autchat As a kid, yes. I couldn’t get by in regular schooling and it took 3 years of special ed to get me to a point where I could even partially manage with supports in a mainstream classroom. (Cont.)
Darla @basicnbizarre
@autchatmod A2 #autchat (cont) but as neither my father or I was TOLD about the diagnosis, it failed to help me when I moved in with him as all support suddenly stopped. The NEW diagnosis will hopefully help me get the supports I need now.
Solveig ⚧ - Autistic Acceptance Worldwide @autisticb4mmr
I was formally diagnosed at seven — I was too young to know what led to my parents getting my diagnosis. I do remember that my childhood was full of appointments with various specialists. #autchat A1 https://t.co/AfhjnzARke
Solveig ⚧ - Autistic Acceptance Worldwide @autisticb4mmr
It’s been a mixed blessing. It meant getting an instructional aid for my whole stay in public school. But teachers would see my dx and work hard to keep me out of their classes, even before meeting me. #autchat A2 https://t.co/EZOUYOidUb
#AutChat mod @autchatmod
Q3: If you have a formal diagnosis, has it had any unexpected consequences? Are any negative? If you DON'T have a formal diagnosis, do you worry about any potential negative consequences? #autchat
Solveig ⚧ - Autistic Acceptance Worldwide @autisticb4mmr
Ultimately I could not have made it through public school without the formal diagnosis, but I did have to surrender all my accommodations at university. As an adult, I’m not see having the formal diagnosis means anything. I don’t get any help. #autchat A2
Solveig ⚧ - Autistic Acceptance Worldwide @autisticb4mmr
@goodcrumpet @autchatmod I got myself burned out and unemployed for... 15 months. Good times. Good times. 😭 #autchat A2
Solveig ⚧ - Autistic Acceptance Worldwide @autisticb4mmr
@goodcrumpet @autchatmod I wonder if I've permanently changed as a result of my burnout too... but I am not sure. Things have not been the same since then, though. #autchat A2
Steve Lieberman @stevemlieberman
@autchatmod A1: I got my formal diagnosis when I was 16. I went to Princeton for a day of never-ending tests and surveys. Then I went to summer camp and came back to an answer I’d always been seeking. #autchat
#AutChat mod @autchatmod
Q4: Are there any other pros or cons you've heard of to formal diagnoses? To not getting formal diagnoses? #autchat
Darla @basicnbizarre
@autchatmod A3 #autchat Not really, other than my mother decided I didn’t need to know about being autistic. KNOWING and having the formal label would have helped a LOT in school, as I went from having support and help to nothing between grades 6 and 7.
Steve Lieberman @stevemlieberman
@autchatmod A2: Being formally diagnosed was the most profound moment of clarity. I finally understood the “why” of so many things in my life. #autchat
#AutChat mod @autchatmod
Reminder: We create weekly transcripts of #autchat using Wakelet, and post them to our website. We also link to them from our Facebook and Twitter accounts. To be excluded from transcripts, reply here or (preferably) DM us.
#AutChat mod @autchatmod
The scheduled #autchat is wrapping up. It's fine to keep chatting, join in late, or use the tag at other times!
#AutChat mod @autchatmod
Next Sunday’s #autchat is on relationship to family of origin (tentative topic), Sun Jun 24, 8pm UTC / 9pm BST / 4pm EDT. If you know anyone who might be interested and is autistic or similarly neurodivergent, we encourage you to invite them!
Solveig ⚧ - Autistic Acceptance Worldwide @autisticb4mmr
@Laura_GraceFace @autchatmod I think this is my problem, too. I don't want to reveal too soon, because people jump to all the wrong conclusions about me. #autchat A3
thinkingautism.bsky.social @thinkingautism
RT @autchatmod: Q3: Q3: If you have a formal diagnosis, has it had any unexpected consequences? Are any negative? If you DON'T have a formal diagnosis, do you worry about any potential negative consequences? #autchat
#autchat content from Twitter.