#autchat Transcript

Healthcare social media transcript of the #autchat hashtag.
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#AutChat mod @autchatmod
Welcome to #AutChat, a weekly chat for autistic & similar people Sundays 1pm Pacific / 4pm Eastern / 8pm UTC / 9pm BST! https://t.co/rRrhi8Ysri #AutChat hosts chats on topics related to our experiences as neurodivergent people. See our past topics here: https://t.co/F56bZKXGAW
#AutChat mod @autchatmod
#AutChat is a tag for autistic people & "autistic cousins" (people with similar experiences due to hydrocephalus, cerebral palsy, ADHD, etc). We welcome autistic/similar people whether formally diagnosed, self-dx'd, or questioning/wondering if they are autistic/similar.
#AutChat mod @autchatmod
We post transcripts of the weekly chats to our website, https://t.co/QrdW2e85Ey. We link to them on the #AutChat tag and on our Facebook page. Transcripts are created with Wakelet, and are visible there and on our site.
#AutChat mod @autchatmod
Other people can post, retweet, or share any of our posts or links. This includes our tweets, our Facebook posts, links to our website, and links to Wakelet. If you want your tweets excluded from future #AutChat transcripts, DM us.
#AutChat mod @autchatmod
For #AutChat announcements and weekly questions, follow this account. DM us to request reminder tweets (we get a lot of notifications during AutChat and sometimes don’t see replies). How to participate in #AutChat and other twitter chats: https://t.co/SkuXgvACRk
#AutChat mod @autchatmod
Questions are prefaced Q0, Q1, Q2, etc. When you reply, preface tweets with A0, A1, etc & include "#AutChat" so others see them! Please capitalize it as #AutChat to make it more accessible to screenreaders.
#AutChat mod @autchatmod
Q0: Introduce yourself! Say anything you like about yourself or your interest in #AutChat or in today's topic, mood dysregulation. Quick reference for this week's #AutChat questions (please wait till they're tweeted to answer): https://t.co/M6LnqYru59
#AutChat mod @autchatmod
Today’s #AutChat is on mood dysregulation: Intense emotional responses to situations, and difficulty managing those responses.
#AutChat mod @autchatmod
Autistic and similarly neurodivergent people can have difficulty with mood regulation. This can also be due to co-occurring mood or personality disorders. You can answer about those during this chat too. #AutChat
Helen Rottier @helenrottier
A0: Helen, 23, she/her, autistic grad student in Chicago I’m currently dealing with burnout/emotional dysregulation/mental health stuff- might just be following along this week. #AutChat #AutBurnout
Emma Brumage-Kilcourse @ebkwriter
A0: Hi! I'm Emma and I'm a college student and (hopefully) future activist. I'm interested in today's topic because of how it intersects with stereotypes about people like me, how we feel too little or too much. #AutChat
Solveig ⚧ - Autistic Acceptance Worldwide @autisticb4mmr
Hello, I am Solveig, and I am here for #AutChat with my #AutCat! 😸 #AutChat A0
Zoë 🦇 @ExogeologyRocks
@autchatmod A0: Hi, I'm Zoe. I'm an autistic college student. Emotions are hard. I've been slowly figuring them out my whole life, and I'm still not great at it, though I have gotten better at it. #AutChat
#AutChat mod @autchatmod
Q1: Do you ever have difficulty with mood dysregulation—intense emotional responses and/or difficulty managing them? If so, in what kinds of situations? #AutChat
Bill Wong, OTD, OTR/L @BillWongOT
A0. Hello folks! Today's topic is definitely fascinating. #autchat
Solveig ⚧ - Autistic Acceptance Worldwide @autisticb4mmr
Yes. Last night when I was trying to make my web browser update working, and it wouldn't work, I had some pretty intense emotional reactions. (Not asking for advice...) I think it's in stressful situations where I'm 99% sure others won't quite get it. #AutChat A1
Bill Wong, OTD, OTR/L @BillWongOT
@autchatmod A1. I wear my emotions on my sleeve when I play golf. I probably will have a dozen or two F-bombs throughout the round. #autchat
Helen Rottier @helenrottier
A1: I’m currently cycling through feeling okay, panicking, feeling depressed, and then spurts of mania where I get my work done. Huge emotional dysregulation. 🙃😭😡 #AutChat #AutBurnout
Clayton M. Davis (he/they) 🏳️‍🌈✊🏾✍🏾🎶🛸 @ClaytonMDavis
RT @autisticb4mmr: Yes. Last night when I was trying to make my web browser update working, and it wouldn't work, I had some pretty intense emotional reactions. (Not asking for advice...) I think it's in stressful situations where I'm 99% sure others won't quite get it. #AutChat A1
CarrieHall1001.bsky.social @CarrieHall1001
Q1:Yes, it’s twofold. Perception by others vs actually over or under-reacting. Often I’m perceived as being angry, based on time of voice when in fact I’m not. #AutChat
Emma Brumage-Kilcourse @ebkwriter
A1: I often find that everyone around me thinks I should have emotions I seem to lack, like I should be angrier at people who hurt me or less accepting of a loss. #AutChat
Helen Rottier @helenrottier
Part of #AutBurnout means my brain stops regulating everything, especially emotions. #AutChat
Zoë 🦇 @ExogeologyRocks
@autchatmod A1: Not all my emotions are intense and/or uncontrollable, but it's not unusual for me, either. All sorts of situations can spark intense emotions. If you've seen Data in Star Trek: Generations, you've seen what it can be like. #AutChat
CarrieHall1001.bsky.social @CarrieHall1001
Emma Brumage-Kilcourse @ebkwriter
A1:I also find that when I'm in full masking mode I'm fair-to-good at hiding it when I do overreact to something. #AutChat
#AutChat mod @autchatmod
Q2: Do other people ever think your emotional reaction is too intense when you think it’s an appropriate response? #AutChat
Bill Wong, OTD, OTR/L @BillWongOT
@autchatmod A2. Luckily, because people get frustrated often, so people just see that as a passionate person about the game. #autchat
Bogi Takács PERSON🌻 @bogiperson@wandering.shop @bogiperson
RT @autchatmod: #AutChat for #ActuallyAutistic and similar in 1 hour, 1pm Pacific / 4pm Eastern / 8pm UTC / 9pm BST. Topic: #AutChat for #ActuallyAutistic and similar in 1 hour, 1pm Pacific / 4pm Eastern / 8pm UTC / 9pm BST. Topic: mood dysregulation. If you want to read the questions ahead of time: https://t.co/M6LnqYru59
Zoë 🦇 @ExogeologyRocks
@autchatmod A2: Too often to fully describe. #AutChat
Helen Rottier @helenrottier
RT @ExogeologyRocks: @autchatmod A2: @autchatmod A2: Too often to fully describe. #AutChat
Cass is not exactly functional lately @JustGrist
A0: I'm Zack. I'm 34 & live in Chicago. I'm autistic & blind, & also have ADHD, chronic depression, & social anxiety. I'm pretty brain foggy today so not sure I'll be able to get at exactly what I mean to say, but going to try anyway.
Solveig ⚧ - Autistic Acceptance Worldwide @autisticb4mmr
Reminder that if you forget to use the #AutChat hashtag, just quote tweet and say #AutChat there -- then we'll get to see the tweet itself in our timeline. Thanks!
Nicole ‎|•'-'•)و✧ 🍂🍁💐🌼🌻🍄🍀💮 @hazelnutfondant
RT @autchatmod: Q1: Q1: Do you ever have difficulty with mood dysregulation—intense emotional responses and/or difficulty managing them? If so, in what kinds of situations? #AutChat
#AutChat mod @autchatmod
Yes, this. Thank you! #AutChat
Cass is not exactly functional lately @JustGrist
Zoë 🦇 @ExogeologyRocks
@autchatmod A2 part 2: A lot of times are when I'm expected to move past something instead of working through it fully so I can understand. How am I supposed to do better in the future if I don't know what went wrong or what would have made it better? #AutChat
Helen Rottier @helenrottier
cw: institutionalization . . . A2: I’m often looking ahead in a crisis, so when I think I need more intensive care/inpatient, my healthcare providers and family think I’m actually okay. #AutChat
Oswin Latimer @OG_Latimer
@autchatmod #AutChat Q0: I'm Oswin. I'm an autistic parent, activist and educator. It's been 12 years since I was diagnosed. I also have CPTSD which affects my mood dysregulation and things I do to keep it in check. So keep that in mind as "your mileage may vary."
Oswin Latimer @OG_Latimer
@autchatmod #AutChat Q1: I would say they're at least once a day I just emotionally cannot deal.
Cass is not exactly functional lately @JustGrist
A1: Yes. In basically any situation I get frustrated by: tech troubleshooting, cooking, overwhelming sensory environments, & especially when I'm trying to communicate something that I have an intuitive understanding of but can't word things how I want. #AutChat
Helen Rottier @helenrottier
RT @asparenting: @autchatmod #AutChat Q1: I would say they're at least once a day I just emotionally cannot deal.
Solveig ⚧ - Autistic Acceptance Worldwide @autisticb4mmr
Generally not, but that's because I learned how to bottle up my feelings until I can self isolate, and THEN I let my emotions out. So I could carry a lot of emotional tension for days, then get home and release it all where nobody can see. #AutChat A2
Zoë 🦇 @ExogeologyRocks
@RebeccaELong Yes to all of this! For me, the intense joy is why I'm sometimes willing to accept the other intense emotions--it's just how I feel things. (Of course, there are also times when it's hard to accept emotions at all, but hey.) #AutChat
Oswin Latimer @OG_Latimer
@autchatmod #Autchat Q2: I'm lucky to be around a lot of people who are very understanding and accepting that I'm Autistic. In the past, there were a lot of people who told me my reactions were over the top.
Myk - 🇺🇦🌻🇵🇸🍉 - Here To Help @mykola
RT @JustGrist: A1: Yes. In basically any situation I get frustrated by: A1: Yes. In basically any situation I get frustrated by: tech troubleshooting, cooking, overwhelming sensory environments, & especially when I'm trying to communicate something that I have an intuitive understanding of but can't word things how I want. #AutChat
Myk - 🇺🇦🌻🇵🇸🍉 - Here To Help @mykola
This was my entire childhood and happens to this day when I am under stress.
#AutChat mod @autchatmod
Q3: Do you ever have difficulty telling whether a strong emotional response is reasonable (or helpful) for the current situation? If so, how do you try to figure it out? #AutChat
Helen Rottier @helenrottier
RT @ExogeologyRocks: @RebeccaELong Yes to all of this! For me, the intense joy is why I'm sometimes willing to accept the other intense emotions--it's just how I feel things. (Of course, there are also times when it's hard to accept emotions at all, but hey.) #AutChat
🧚‍♀️ @AutisticAndCute
Always and I don't
Oswin Latimer @OG_Latimer
@autchatmod #AutChat Q3: I don't even try to think if it's reasonable or helpful. That's too much pressure and makes things go even longer. I'd rather just be in that moment. Letting go of others perception of what my emotions are supposed to look like is very freeing.
Emma Brumage-Kilcourse @ebkwriter
A2: I talked about the reverse, but this happens as well. Generally I get accused of taking (what I think are rather serious!) things too seriously, as if I should lighten up and care less about things. #AutChat
Emma Brumage-Kilcourse @ebkwriter
A3: I've learned to put aside my actual emotional response and use my logical brain to figure out what the response is supposed to be. They're totally separate. #AutChat
Nicole ‎|•'-'•)و✧ 🍂🍁💐🌼🌻🍄🍀💮 @hazelnutfondant
RT @autchatmod: Q3: Q3: Do you ever have difficulty telling whether a strong emotional response is reasonable (or helpful) for the current situation? If so, how do you try to figure it out? #AutChat
Zoë 🦇 @ExogeologyRocks
@autchatmod A3: I generally come to a conclusion about whether an intense emotion is reasonable pretty easily, but that doesn't mean the people around me agree. #AutChat
Solveig ⚧ - Autistic Acceptance Worldwide @autisticb4mmr
Yes, I have difficulty. The problem that I have is not knowing whether or not bio needs are messing with emotions. I get headaches when it rains, but I don't realize that I have a headache. I'm just upset. #AutChat A3 <1/2>
Solveig ⚧ - Autistic Acceptance Worldwide @autisticb4mmr
So I'll be upset about something and then I'll realize it's raining, then I'll take something for a headache I don't realize I've got, and then I'll wait a few minutes, and things will get somewhat better. I always get my feelings confused. #AutChat A3 <2/2>
KassieMac @TheKassieMac
@autchatmod If they’d been through anything close to our usual daily experiences they’d understand that our reactions *are* perfectly rational & appropriate. Taking reactions out of context is a tactic used to justify shame&blame, preserving their comfy delusions. #AutChat #ActuallyAutistic
Zoë 🦇 @ExogeologyRocks
@autchatmod A3 part 2: Not only do people think I'm too intense (which I've come to think of as a normal reaction to me), but sometimes *I'm* certain I'm feeling more strongly than is appropriate, and other people disagree with *that*. What in the world? #AutChat
Cass is not exactly functional lately @JustGrist
A1: Sudden loud noises also trigger a lot of fear, even panic if I'm in a busy sensory environment. Sudden pain makes me instantly intensely angry, though I think I've made progress some w that. #AutChat
Cass is not exactly functional lately @JustGrist
A1: Being interrupted also makes me angrier than I think it should, especially if I'm in hyperfocus mode. That's probably crossover b/t autism & ADHD. #AutChat
Cass is not exactly functional lately @JustGrist
A2: Of course. This has been people's reaction to me many times, so much so that I've deeply internalized that most of my emotional reactions are too intense. #AutChat
Ramona @QuartzDisc
RT @autchatmod: Autistic and similarly neurodivergent people can have difficulty with mood regulation. This can also be due to co-occurring mood or personality disorders. You can answer about those during this chat too. #AutChat
Cass is not exactly functional lately @JustGrist
This is really interesting to me, bc it speaks to which expressions of anger are seen as appropriate & which ones aren't. #AutChat
Ramona @QuartzDisc
@autchatmod A1: I’ve always felt things so intensely. I figured it was the highly sensitive person personality. Sometimes I wish i could hide it more. #AutChat
Ramona @QuartzDisc
@autchatmod A2: absolutely. #AutChat
#AutChat mod @autchatmod
Q4: What helps you regulate strong negative emotional reactions (prevent them, calm down after having them, etc)? Do you ever need to regulate positive emotional responses? #AutChat
Solveig ⚧ - Autistic Acceptance Worldwide @autisticb4mmr
@endeverstar This makes a lot of sense, really. Like... certain kinds of physical touch ALWAYS causes flashbacks for me, and is ALWAYS extremely upsetting. So except for rare conditions, people are never allowed to touch my hands. #AutChat
Ramona @QuartzDisc
@autchatmod A3: I watch those around me and hide or modify to match. Except I’m always a little late so it’s... a little obvious. #AutChat
Zoë 🦇 @ExogeologyRocks
@ebkwriter Ooh, that "should care less" thing. That's the worst. #AutChat
Michael Cohn @AMichaelCohn
@autchatmod A3: Yes. Sometimes I get furiously annoyed / contemptuous at someone and I need to stop and ask: 1. Are they pushing one of my known buttons? 2. Am I comparing myself to them and feeling ashamed / inferior? ... #AutChat
Michael Cohn @AMichaelCohn
@autchatmod 3. Have I started looking for reasons to be annoyed with them instead of reacting to what they're actually doing? I catch myself doing this a lot. #AutChat
Ramona @QuartzDisc
@autchatmod A4: Haven’t figured out how to prevent them except to avoid triggers. After the fact... I sometimes have a delayed reaction bc of trauma so it can take a bit to catch up. I try to give myself room to disappear into a game or book or movie if i need it. #AutChat
Michael Cohn @AMichaelCohn
@autchatmod But to be fair, I think NT people might do the same thing a lot and just be less aware about it / less willing to question themselves. #AutChat
Cass is not exactly functional lately @JustGrist
RT @ExogeologyRocks: @autchatmod A2 part 2: @autchatmod A2 part 2: A lot of times are when I'm expected to move past something instead of working through it fully so I can understand. How am I supposed to do better in the future if I don't know what went wrong or what would have made it better? #AutChat
ninjabob @therealninjabob
RT @autchatmod: Q4: Q4: What helps you regulate strong negative emotional reactions (prevent them, calm down after having them, etc)? Do you ever need to regulate positive emotional responses? #AutChat
Oswin Latimer @OG_Latimer
@autchatmod #AutChat Q4: Prevention: I do everything to keep my day to day stress extremely low. Work from home, on my schedule. Don't do more than one appointment per day. Have at least one day you recover when I have a full day. Automate as much as I can. Nap if I need to. 1/
Michael Cohn @AMichaelCohn
@JustGrist Ohhh yes, I know that one. It's like there was a tremendous amount of energy tied up in the bonds between me and the object of my concentration, and suddenly someone snaps them and it's like, BOOM #AutChat
Zoë 🦇 @ExogeologyRocks
@autchatmod A4 part 1: Time alone helps with everything. I can't entirely prevent strong negative emotions, but some helpful things for me include avoiding sensory overload, getting enough sleep, and getting some sun and exercise (taking a walk is always a good idea for me). #AutChat
Solveig ⚧ - Autistic Acceptance Worldwide @autisticb4mmr
[cn:food] I have a bio needs checklist to make sure that I'm not ignoring something important! Sometimes, I realize I haven't eaten in a whole day! @A_Silent_Child I had breakfast today, just letting you know! But sometimes I forget, and then get confused. #AutChat A4 <1/3>
Solveig ⚧ - Autistic Acceptance Worldwide @autisticb4mmr
Sometimes, I have designated friends remind me to do stuff, too... and that's really nice. In case you're wondering why I tagged @A_Silent_Child hehehehe #AutChat A4 <3/3>
Solveig ⚧ - Autistic Acceptance Worldwide @autisticb4mmr
I'll often times need to physically remove myself from sources of stimulus so I can properly think. Sometimes it'll be listening to loud music, other times it's sneaking off to the bathroom. #AutChat A4 <2/3>
Cass is not exactly functional lately @JustGrist
A3: I can do this sometimes, but not always. Sometimes I'm in the thick of the emotion already & then all I can do is get through it, examine it later, & try to do it differently in the future if necessary. #AutChat
Cass is not exactly functional lately @JustGrist
A3: I think that the times when I'm not able to examine in the moment are times when I'm in a bad sensory environment, or have had a lot of frustration built up already, or some combination of both. #AutChat
Zoë 🦇 @ExogeologyRocks
@autchatmod A4 part 2: Hormones make a lot of difference, too. A lot of the time when I'm upset at everything and even *I* think it's a bit much, it's hormones. #AutChat
Michael Cohn @AMichaelCohn
@autchatmod A1: Comparatively minor, but sometimes when I'm stuck on a task and can't make progress I'll abruptly feel like I'm suffocating. Trapped. Want to scream or break things or cry. But mostly it really feels like I can't breathe. #AutChat
Michael Cohn @AMichaelCohn
@autchatmod Luckily it doesn't last that long, but the suddenness and physicality of it are remarkable. #AutChat
Cass is not exactly functional lately @JustGrist
Yes. These are the kind of questions I sometimes end up asking myself, usually after the fact, so that I can identify when it's happening in the future. It's not helpful that some people's idea of humor is intentionally pushing other people's buttons. #AutChat
#AutChat mod @autchatmod
The scheduled #AutChat is wrapping up. It's fine to keep chatting, join in late, or use the tag at other times!
#AutChat mod @autchatmod
Next Sunday’s #AutChat is on memory. Sun Sep 22, 1pm Pacific / 4pm Eastern / 8pm UTC / 9pm BST. https://t.co/CSZSzQfxKI If you know anyone who might be interested and is autistic or similarly neurodivergent, we encourage you to invite them.
#AutChat mod @autchatmod
Reminder: We create weekly transcripts of #AutChat using Wakelet, and post them to our website. We also link to them from our Facebook and Twitter accounts. To be excluded from transcripts, DM us.
#AutChat mod @autchatmod
Feel free to suggest ideas for #AutChat topics (or offer to help write questions)! For scheduled topics, see https://t.co/QrdW2e85Ey Every topic we've ever run: https://t.co/F56bZKXGAW We're happy to rerun past chats we haven't revisited in a while.
Helen Rottier @helenrottier
RT @AMichaelCohn: @autchatmod A3: @autchatmod A3: Yes. Sometimes I get furiously annoyed / contemptuous at someone and I need to stop and ask: 1. Are they pushing one of my known buttons? 2. Am I comparing myself to them and feeling ashamed / inferior? ... #AutChat
Zoë 🦇 @ExogeologyRocks
@autchatmod A4 part 3: I don't generally bother trying to tone down my positive emotional reactions, which (1) contributes to people thinking I'm intense and (2) makes for some embarrassing poses in birthday photos. That's not too bad. I can live with those repercussions! #AutChat
Solveig ⚧ - Autistic Acceptance Worldwide @autisticb4mmr
@slooterman My problem is that in a lot of cases, I'll determine that it IS worth getting visibly upset over something. But I know it won't do any good because nobody will understand why I'm upset. So then I just keep it to myself. #AutChat A4
Cass is not exactly functional lately @JustGrist
A4: Time, solitude, as much quiet as I can manage, stims. Sometimes if sensory overload isn't part of why I'm having the reaction to begin w, music can be helpful. Medication has helped in the past. #AutChat
Cass is not exactly functional lately @JustGrist
A4: Unfortunately, intense positive emotional responses are much less common for me bc of depression. For that reason, I almost never find myself having to regulate them. #AutChat
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